Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm Program - A VOICE FOR HEALTHY FORESTS

Page created by Veronica Robertson
Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm Program - A VOICE FOR HEALTHY FORESTS
Vermont Woodlands
Association and Vermont
   Tree Farm Program
Vol. 15, No. 1                                                    March 2019

                                  Proud Sponsor of the American
                                   Tree Farm System in Vermont

Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm Program - A VOICE FOR HEALTHY FORESTS

                                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                                   Lessons from a Hemlock ....3                     American Ash ........................ 10
                                                                   The Lombard Log Hauler ...4                      Role of Tree Farmers .......... 14
    Vermont Woodlands Association                                  Welcome .....................................5   Inspector’s Log ..................... 17
    2019 Officers and Directors                                    Sugaring Snapshot ...............6               SFI Update............................... 19
                                                                   New in Current Use ...............6              Wood: Fuel ............................. 21
                                                                   Native Plants ............................7      365 Days .................................. 23
    Putnam W. Blodgett, President, Hanover, NH
    John Buck, Co-Vice President, Waterbury Center, VT             More than Words ....................9            Annual Meeting Agenda.... 26
    Allan Thompson, Co-Vice President, Waterbury, VT
    Trevor Evans, Treasurer, Newport, VT                                                           Front cover photos:
    Marli Rabinowitz, Secretary, Guilford, VT                                                 Spring Beauty by Kathy Beland
    Alan M. Robertson, Secretary, Sheffield, VT                                              Timber harvest by Frank Hudson
                                                                                                 Bobcat by Tom Thomson
    DIRECTORS                                                                              Back cover photo: Kathleen Wanner
    John Buck, Waterbury Center, VT
    Jamey Fidel, Montpelier, VT
    Chris Fife, Fairfield, ME
    Steve Handfield, Poultney, VT                                                     2019 Advertising Rates:
    Luke Hardt, Hardwick, VT                                                              (per year): member/non-member
    Dan Kilborn, Island Pond, VT                                                    Business Card: $150/$180 • 3.625” wide x 2” tall
    Leo Laferriere, Waitsfield, VT                                                   1/4 Page: $225/$325 • 3.625” wide x 4.4” tall
    John McClain, Randolph, VT                                                        1/2 Page: $390/$530 • 7.5” wide x 4.4” tall
    David Paganelli, So. Strafford, VT
    William Sayre, Bristol, VT                                                Additional charges for graphic design and printing, if needed.
    Allan Thompson, Waterbury, VT                                               Membership Newsletter is published four times a year.
    David Wilcox, Berlin, VT
    Stephen Webster, Randolph, VT                                                  Send camera-ready ads and payment to VWA,
    Keith Thompson, Advisor, VT Forests, Parks & Rec                                     PO Box 6004, Rutland, VT 05702
                                                                                   802-747-7900 •

                                                                   Mission Statements:

    Vermont Tree Farm                                              Vermont Woodlands Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation
                                                                   whose mission is to advocate for the management, sustainability,
    Committee Members                                              perpetuation, and enjoyment of forests through the practice of
    Richard Bizzozero, Co-Chair, Tree Farmer, Brookline            excellent forestry that employs highly integrated management practices
    Kathy Beland, Co-Chair, Forester, Clarendon, VT                that protect and enhance both the tangible and intangible values of
    Allen Yale, Secretary, Tree Farmer, Derby, VT                  forests - including clean air and water, forest products, wildlife habitat,
    Jayson Benoit, Forester, South Royalton, VT                    biodiversity, recreation, scenic beauty, and other resources - for this and
    Robert Cowles, Landowner, Derby, VT                            future generations. VWA objectives are to communicate the benefits
                                                                   of working forests, recognize exemplary actions of woodland owners
    Jock Irons, Tree Farmer, Woodford, VT
                                                                   and managers, provide educational opportunities, and represent its
    Ryan Kilborn, Forester, W. Topsham, VT                         membership before governmental bodies.
    Ian Martin, Forester, Newfane, VT
    Kyle Mason, Bennington County Forester                         The American Tree Farm System, first organized in 1941, is the Nation's
    David Paganelli, Orange County Forester                        oldest certifier of privately owned forestland. Tree Farm members
    Alan Robertson, Tree Farmer, Sheffield, VT                     share a unique commitment to protecting watersheds and wildlife
    Mary Sisock, Burlington, VT                                    habitat, conserving soil, and providing recreation; and at the same
    Dave Stoner, Tree Farmer, Craftsbury Common                    time producing wood products on a sustainable basis. The Vermont
                                                                   Woodlands Association strives to educate, train, and support private
                                                                   forest landowners in sound management practices concerning wildlife,
    Program Administrator                                          water, wood, and recreation. We do this by managing and enhancing the
    Kathleen Wanner, Rutland, VT                                   American Tree Farm System® Program in Vermont.

2 | Membership Newsletter: Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm
Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm Program - A VOICE FOR HEALTHY FORESTS

                       NEWS FROM VWA

Lessons from a Hemlock
by Kathleen Wanner, Executive Director

It intrigues me how common things           harvested in Randolph on a job that
can often present opportunities for         Paul Harwood managed. At about 3’
learning that were right under my nose      in diameter, it was 317 years old when
for years. For nearly two decades, I’ve     harvested. We know this because Put
been “schlepping stuff ” around the state   took it to an engineering school where
and the region to set up exhibits for VT    they counted the inner rings with a         to finally give the then centenarian its
Woodlands. And you’ve probably heard        high-powered electron microscope            opportunity to reach the sun.
me say that this is my favorite thing       and discovered that in 100 years it
to do… to schmooze with the public          grew only 2 inches. It’s a wonderful        This year, I was chatting with Bill, a
and regale them with all the wonderful      story that truly amazes most people.        landowner from New Hampshire who
stories from such a vibrant and active      You can see from the photo how we’ve        reminded me of my younger 1960s self.
organization. Quite often, though, I’m      used it to record events in history and     He suddenly said, “Boy, if only people
also gifted with learning from those        particularly, the tree farm program.        could be as patient and tolerant as
who stop to visit. That was the case at                                                 that Hemlock.” Oh my! Why hadn’t I
this year’s Farm Show. And it was quite     At some point, I learned that hemlock       thought of that before? And how would
peculiar the way it happened.               is quite tolerant of shade and thus can     I craft my new tree cookie narrative
                                            patiently wait its turn. In conversation    to include this revelation? So I started
Our Hemlock tree cookie has been            with visitors, we enjoy speculating on      to try it out with a few unsuspecting
a staple of the VWA exhibit. It was         what might have happened in the forest      friends from the Working Lands Board.

                                                                                        Not only was I able to make a case for
                                                                                        how much we all could learn about
                                                                                        patience and tolerance from this
                                                                                        magnificent Hemlock but I also had
                                                                                        another AHA! moment while talking.
                                                                                        Standing in the forest among its
                                                                                        neighbors, the full story of the Hemlock
                                                                                        was unknown. It had “look alike” kin
                                                                                        but the breadth and bounty of its life
                                                                                        was only revealed from the inside.
                                                                                        Another life lesson!

                                                                                        I had several more opportunities to
                                                                                        share my newly discovered story but
                                                                                        the real question is… can I take these
                                                                                        lessons from the Hemlock and learn
                                                                                        to incorporate them into my own life?
                                                                                        Perhaps as I walk through my own
                                                                                        stand of Hemlocks, I’ll be reminded of
                                                                                        these powerful yet subtle life lessons. I
                                                                                        sure hope so!

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Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm Program - A VOICE FOR HEALTHY FORESTS


The Lombard Log Hauler
and Joseph Peavey                                                                                                          Put Blodgett
by Put Blodgett, President

Alvin Lombard, a native Mainer, was          But the Lombards could haul up to            the means of travel for the bulldozers
working on pulp mill patents when he         eight sleds of logs long distances. For      that built the woods roads that allowed
was asked by a principal of Lawrence,        the long-distance hauling operation          trucks to access the log landings and
Page and Newhall, Maine lumbermen,           to be efficient it required three sets of    eliminated the need for the long-haul
to invent something to replace horses        sleds—one being loaded at the landing,       Lombards!
for hauling logs long distances. In two      one in transit and one being unloaded
days, he came up with the radical plan       at the terminal. Big tubs of water on        But we must never forget that the idea of
of a locomotive on caterpillar tracks.       sleds with sprinkler attached watered        the endless caterpillar tread that enables
The first log hauler was patented            the haul roads at night to freeze them       tanks and bulldozers the world over
on May 21, 1901 and built by the             in and make for easy sliding. But the        came out of the logging industry in the
Waterville Iron Works.                       haul roads had to be fairly gentle with      Maine woods!!
                                             no steep grades as the Lombards had
Around the same time two California          no brakes and with the weight of the         Another invention from the Maine
firms were pioneering similar ideas          Lombard and several loaded sleds it          woods, although not as earth shaking as
although one or both had to pay              made for a hairy ride downhill.              the endless track, but very important to
Lombard $60,000 for patent rights.                                                        loggers, was the peavey. Moving logs,
After lengthy legal battles, these two       A 1907 operation had a haul distance         especially on log drives, was done by
firms combined in 1925 into what             of 7.5 miles with an actual speed of 4.6     two-man crews. One had a long handle
is now known as the Caterpillar              miles per hour. Some operations had          with a spike in the end, the other a long
corporation today.                           even longer hauls of up to 14 miles.         handle with a ring around it near the
                                             The Lombard could haul 5 to 8 sleds at       bottom to which a hook was attached
The first Lombards were made of cast         a time, depending on road conditions,        that flipped and flopped and had to be
iron which made them extremely heavy         and each sled loaded with 5,000 to 6,000     set by hand. In 1858, a Stillwater, Maine
and subject to frequent breakage. The        feet of logs.                                blacksmith named Joseph Peavey was
front rested on sled runners similar to a                                                 watching a log drive from a covered
bob sled and was turned by one or two        Smaller, gas-powered Lombards                bridge. He had the eureka idea of
horses. It soon evolved to a man sitting     eventually came into use. They were          securing the hook between two ears
at the front and turning a geared wheel      not able to haul as many sleds as their      towards the bottom of the handle with
to steer the runners. But cinders from       heavier predecessors but were smaller        the spike at the end of the same tool.
the early wood burners rained down on        and more maneuverable and less likely        From that time until mechanization,
him and a shed-like structure became         to break down. I saw a couple of these       peaveys moved most of the logs that
standard to protect him.                     in a storage shed at Churchill Depot         had to be handled by men. Two crossed
                                             on my first trip down the Allagash in        peaveys mark his gravestone.
Horses were still used for skidding from     the late 1960s. Diesel powered tractors
where trees were felled to the landing.      started replacing gasoline in the 1930s.     While Joseph Peavey’s combination is
As late as 1930, the Great Northern                                                       generally properly given his name, it
Paper Company of Millinocket owned           It is ironical that the caterpillar, or as   is sometimes called a cant dog or cant
more than 1,000 horses.                      it was sometimes called ‘track laying’,      hook. Sometime in my youth I was told
                                             tread invented by Lombard became             that it was because the old swinging

4 | Membership Newsletter: Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm
Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm Program - A VOICE FOR HEALTHY FORESTS

hook “can’t” dog or hook without being         carriage. Before automation, a small,           could be squared immediately after the
placed by hand. More recently, I was           short-handled peavey-like tool with a lip       previous cut. This tool seems the more
reminded that a cant is a log that is          on the end rather than a spike, was used        logical to be known as a cant dog.
being or has been squared on a saw mill        by a man to flip the cant so anther side

                   Welcome New                                        Welcome New
                   VWA members                                        Tree Farmers
Many thanks to all who have decided to join VWA. Our Voice for        1723 & 1737       Town of Bennington
Healthy Forests is stronger because of you. No matter how you found   1735 		           Brian & Sandra Thomas, Shrewsbury
us, we appreciate that you did. Every member makes a difference.
Robert Gaiko, Bethel VT
John Thoren, St. Albans, VT
Donald Glendenning, Wallingford, VT                                                  Thanks to our Tree
Peter Lind, No. Clarendon, VT
Nancy Williams, Essex, VT                                                            Farm Inspectors
Eric Gauthier, Colchester, VT                                         The success of the Tree Farm program is totally dependent on a
Dawn Andrews, Cabot, VT                                               dedicated corps of inspectors who help us uphold the high standard
Coolidge & Ann Churchill, Hanover, NH                                 of excellence. We wish to thank our inspectors who enrolled new tree
Wright C. Preston, Richmond, VT
                                                                      farms or completed inspections for us in the last three months.
                                                                      Kathy Beland            Leonard Miraldi          Richard Root
                                                                      Markus Bradley          James Roberts            Sam Schneski

   Information and Guidance to
   a Successful Timber Harvest                                         When it comes time
                                                                       to sell your forest,

                                                                        Contact the land experts to
                                                                        help you achieve
                                                                        maximum value from a
                                                                        broad marketplace.
   Timber harvests come with a lot of questions–some answers
   you need to know, some you don't. To help you answer
   those important questions about your woods, the Vermont                            Michael Tragner
   Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation has created
   the Landowner Guides to a Successful Timber Harvest.
                                                                                 Vermont Broker and Forester
   They’re simple and concise guides that handle topics                                802-233-9040
   including: Overview of a timber harvest, Water, Wildlife,
   Economics, and Working with Foresters and Loggers.
   Download the series or just the booklets that pertain to you

                                       Trusted Professionals in Timberland Brokerage for Over 30 Years.

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Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm Program - A VOICE FOR HEALTHY FORESTS

                  FORESTS, PARKS & RECREATION

Sugaring in Vermont: A Snapshot
by Keith Thompson

In 2018, an estimated 47% of the             Standards and Tapping Guidelines that      Activity Report (FMAR) was developed
country’s maple syrup crop came from         set requirements and guidelines for        by FPR that now requires reporting on
Vermont. Now the national leader             management and tapping of trees in         the total number of taps by parcel on
in maple syrup industry, Vermont             sugarbushes based, in part, on research    Current Use enrolled forestland. The
continues to increase the number of          out of Proctor Maple Research Center       change enables FPR to better monitor
taps, the acres of forestland sugared,       and the University of Vermont.             management activity on enrolled
and the total production. From 2004                                                     forestland and, over time, will vastly
to 2018, the number of taps reported         Data on sugarbush enrollment in the        improve the reliability of data on
by the National Agricultural Statistics      forestland category exists in hard copy    sugaring operations in Vermont and the
Service increased from 2,100,000 to          management plans, making program-          ability to track it over time. The article
5,670,000, and syrup production from         wide analysis difficult. However, in       New in Current Use: Reporting Taps on
500,000 gallons to 1,940,000 gallons.        Franklin County, where sugaring            the Forest Management Activity Report
The value rose from $14 million in           operations have grown significantly,       Form discusses this requirement in
2004 to $53.4 million in 2017. While         FPR’s Franklin County Forester             more depth in following article.
these numbers stem from the best             mapped parcels with sugarbushes
available data source, survey results        enrolled in Current Use. The findings
likely underrepresent the number of
taps, production volume, and value.
                                             of the analysis are summarized here: *     New in Current
Therefore, the contribution of sugaring       • Current Use Forestland: 130,000         Use: Reporting
to Vermont’s economy and to the
livelihoods of those in the industry is
                                                acres on nearly 1,100 parcels.
                                              • Sugarbushes in Current Use: 455         on Sugaring
even greater than we know.

The Current Use program plays a
                                                parcels, totaling 39,960 acres.
                                              • Forestland: 379 parcels enrolled,
                                                totaling 34,684 acres.
major role in supporting sugaring             • Agricultural land: 77 parcels           The Vermont Current Use program
and provides a method for analyzing             enrolled, totaling 5,276 acres.         helps to conserve the state’s working
this important management activity                                                      landscape and rural character
that affects our forests. Sugarbushes        *Equivalent data have not been             by keeping forestland ownership
can be enrolled in the forestland or         compiled for other counties; to do so      affordable, connecting landowners to
agricultural category of the program         would require individual evaluation        their land, and helping landowners
(by landowners’ choice) but, note            and mapping of 14,000 management           protect the health of their forests. It
that sugarbushes enrolled in the             plans and their associated stands. Based   also insures that parcels enrolled in
forestland category must be described        on experience, we believe that a higher    the forestland category contribute to
in a forest management plan and be           percentage of Franklin County is           the forest economy through active
managed according to the Minimum             managed for sap production than other      management. Since its inception
Management Standards established by          counties, and therefore the data for       nearly 40 years ago, the Current Use
the Commissioner of the Department           Franklin County is not representative      program has enrolled over 15,000
of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR).      of the rest of the state.                  forested parcels covering nearly 2
To complement these standards, FPR                                                      million acres of forestland. These
developed the Sugarbush Management           In 2018, a new Forest Management           forests all contribute valuable benefits

6 | Membership Newsletter: Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm
Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm Program - A VOICE FOR HEALTHY FORESTS

to Vermonters, including clean air and      FMAR form has recently changed to          management plans, maintain integrity
water, wildlife habitat, forest products,   require the reporting of taps. A couple    of the program, and better understand
maple syrup, fall foliage, tourism, and     details about the new requirement          the good work the program does for
outdoor recreation.                         include:                                   Vermont and Vermonters.

To help track the forest management         Tapping that occurs this year, 2019,       Questions about these requirements
occurring on enrolled forestland and        will need to be reported on a Forest       should be directed to your county
the program’s outcomes, landowners          Management Activity Report, due            forester. The forms are available on
report on their management activity         February 1, 2020.                          the Department of Forests, Parks
through the Forest Management                                                          and Recreation website at https://fpr.
Activity Report (FMAR) form. For            Once taps are reported, where tap
years, this form has included a section     counts are stable, annual reporting        value_appraisal
for reporting of harvested timber           of tapping activity is not always
volumes yet has never included a            required. Specifics are available on       For more information about sugaring
component to track tapping activity.        the instructions for the form on the       in Vermont, see previous article on
Without specific information on the         Forests, Parks and Recreation website at   Sugaring in Vermont.
tapping that is occurring on enrolled       the end of this article.
forestland (where, when and how
much), the Current Use program              Reporting through FMARs is an
suffers from a blind spot. To track this    essential component of the program
important management activity, the          which helps to ensure compliance with

Vermont Native Plants vs. Invasive
Plant Look-a-likes: Invasive
Honeysuckles vs. native honeysuckles
by Elizabeth Spinney, Invasive Plant Coordinator, Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation

Winter walks through the woods              Vermont, including Amur honeysuckle        decades before the full invasive nature
can reveal many things to us—the            (L. maackii), Morrow’s honeysuckle         of these plants was realized. Amur
tracks of our wildlife neighbors, the       (L. morrowii), Tatarian honeysuckle        honeysuckle is rare in Vermont, and
contours of the landscape, and with         (L. tatarica), and Bell honeysuckle—a      Morrow’s, Tatarian, and the hybrid Bell
a practiced eye, the overwintering          hybrid of Morrow’s and Tatarian—           honeysuckle are more common across
branches of woody understory plants         (Lonicera x bella).                        the state.
like honeysuckle. In New England,
there are present many members of the       These invasive honeysuckles were           During the growing season, these
honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae),        introduced from Europe and Asia in         perennial plants have green, oval shaped,
including native plants like American       the 1800s, primarily as ornamental         oppositely arranged leaves. These shrub
honeysuckle (Lonicera canadensis), and      plantings. In the 1960s, invasive          species can grow from 6-20’ in height.
bush honeysuckle (Diervilla lonicera).      honeysuckles were also utilized for
However, several species of the genus       erosion control and wildlife cover,
Lonicera are considered invasive in         and remained in use for several
                                                                                                   INVASIVES, continued next page

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Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm Program - A VOICE FOR HEALTHY FORESTS

INVASIVES, continued from pg. 7

                                                                                                                rippling effects-- reducing food sources
                                                                                                                for wildlife, replacing safe habitat for
                                                                                                                nesting birds, and some research is
                                                                                                                suggesting dense infestations can even
                                                                                                                be a haven for pests like ticks.

                                                                                                                To learn more about all the
                                                                                                                honeysuckles found in Vermont, check
                                                                                                                out and these
                                                                                                                additional resources:
Fruit and leaves of an invasive honeysuckle. Photo- E. Spinney, VT FPR                                          species/lonicera/morrowii/
Flower color ranges by species, Morrow’s                          edge while the invasives’ have a smooth       species/lonicera/tatarica/
has white to yellow flowers, Tatarian has                         edge; American honeysuckle leaves have
pink, red or yellow flowers, and Amur                             a smooth texture and the growth form          species/lonicera/maackii/
has purple, white or yellow flowers. The                          is much smaller and less dense. Some
flowers turn to twinned fruits in the fall                        other plants that may be confused for         groups/public/documents/document/
that are orange to red.                                           invasive honeysuckles include common          dcnr_010229.pdf
                                                                  snowberry, border privet (also invasive),
Both of Vermont’s native honeysuckles                             and dogwoods (red-osier, silky, grey).
are widely distributed across the                                 These plants all have oppositely
state, and at a quick glance, offer                               arranged leaves and can be found in the
similar characteristics as the invasive                           understory of Vermont woods.
honeysuckles. Regardless of the
time of year, there is a consistent                               All four of the invasive honeysuckles
way to differentiate invasive shrub                               are listed on Vermont’s Noxious Weed
honeysuckles from Vermont’s native                                Quarantine, as Class B Noxious Weeds.
honeysuckles. Break off a branch                                  This ranking means that these plants are
of older growth (indicated by the                                 not native to the state, are present in the
shaggy, brown-grey bark) to observe                               state, and pose a serious threat to the
the center of the stem (pith). The                                state.
native honeysuckles have a solid white                            public-health-agricultural-resource-
pith, whereas all the invasive shrub                              management-division/plant-health-
honeysuckles have brown, hollow piths.                            and-pest-management/plant-2

Other distinguishing features to                                  The strongest negative impact from
differentiate native from invasive include                        these invasive shrubs are their tendency
looking at the leaves --- those of the                            to form dense stands that exclude
bush-honeysuckle have a serrated leaf                             native forest understory plants, with                    Hollow/brown pith of invasive honeysuckles.
                                                                                                                                          Photo- E. Spinney, VT FPR

8 | Membership Newsletter: Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm
Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm Program - A VOICE FOR HEALTHY FORESTS

                     NEWS FROM
                     AUDUBON VERMONT

More than Words: Taking Action to
Address Climate Change
by Steve Hagenbuch, Audubon Vermont
It seems everywhere we turn these days        ecosystem goods and services. In fact                  the management objectives which
we hear something about our changing          healthy forests are part of the climate                prescribed actions will be targeted
climate. Rightfully so as its impacts         solution due to their ability to store                 at achieving. Similar actions are
affect nearly every facet of our daily        massive amounts of carbon. It’s a mutual               being taken with landowners in the
lives and the daily lives of birds too.       benefit; we take care of the forests and               Cold Hollow to Canada Regional
According to a 2014 report published by       the forests will help take care of us.                 Conservation Partnership where
the National Audubon Society, climate                                                                Audubon Vermont is a partner
change is one of the greatest threats         Audubon Vermont is currently working                   providing bird habitat management
to birds and their habitat in the years       with the Vermont Department of                         recommendations. Each of these
ahead. Fortunately many Vermonters            Forests, Parks, and Recreation and                     scenarios provide excellent examples
are doing their part by taking voluntary      the Northern Institute of Applied                      of people not just talking about climate
actions to reduce their carbon footprint.     Climate Science on developing forest                   change, but taking action now to
There are also ongoing policy debates         management approaches and strategies                   address the inevitable uncertainties that
regarding the institution of regulations      for aligning climate resilience and                    lie ahead.
to help curb the emission of CO2              adaptation with bird habitat. The
into the atmosphere. Just this week           outcomes of this ongoing partnership                   To learn more about the actions
Audubon Vermont joined the Energy             are being integrated into planning                     Audubon Vermont and the Green
Independent Vermont Coalition to              at the Green Mountain Audubon                          Mountain Audubon Center are taking
strengthen the local economy and              Center in Huntington. This summer                      to help make forests adaptable and
reduce pollution. These are all steps in      Audubon Vermont will update the                        resilient please visit http://vt.audubon.
the right direction.                          forest management plan for the                         org/conservation/demonstrating-
                                              255 acre property. For the first time                  climate-adaption-strategies and https://
Despite these commendable efforts to          climate resiliency will be among             
cut back on carbon emissions there is a
reality that can’t be ignored. A changing
climate is already upon us and we have
an obligation to take action to address
it. Through our individual actions we
have the opportunity to help make our
landscape as resilient and adaptable as                        Serving Vermont Woodland Owners Since 1968
possible to the uncertainties ahead. Our                             Full Service Forestry Consulting & Surveying Firm
forests are one place where science can                                           Serving all 14 VT Counties
help inform management decisions.
                                                              Use Value, Timber Sales, Recreation & Wildlife Management
Promoting a healthy and resilient
                                                        VT Licensed Forestry Staff (4), Licensed Surveyor & Licensed Real Estate Sales
forested landscape will not only help                        FSC Group Certified Manager & Certified Tree Farm Inspectors
ensure that birds like Blackburnian                                          Timberland Transaction Services
Warbler and White-throated Sparrow
continue to find the habitat they need                  Newport, VT 802-334-8402 | Concord, NH 603-228-2020 |W. Stewartstown, NH 603-246-8800
to thrive, it also offers a myriad of other                               

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Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm Program - A VOICE FOR HEALTHY FORESTS

The American Ash Tree: What’s
Next??? (Or, Can a Few Vermonters
Save the World?)
by Alan Robertson

Introduction: This article started out       tree could again be found throughout
as an attempt to provide information         the United States? Yes, someday, and         Arborists: EAB
to affected Hemlock stand owners who         that is what this article is all about.      Treatments
were losing their trees to the Hemlock                                                    The companies below have asked to be
Woolly Adelgid (HWA). Unfortunately,         The US has seen several tree species         listed as resources.
or fortunately depending on your tree        severely compromised over the past
stand, the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)           century; the list includes, here in the
                                                                                          Jason Eaton, Cal Felicetti and Bill
was detected in Vermont, and, now, is        east, the butternut, the American            Murphy
firmly hunkered down in at least three       chestnut, the American elm, American         Woodstock, Concord, Lebanon,
geographical locations in the state.         beech, and some species native to            Meredith, New London
More unfortunately, that means that          the deep south. All are being lost due       (802) 457-5100
EAB will have more opportunities to          to invasive insects and diseases. The
quickly spread throughout the state.         nature of the attacks on these trees is a    VERMONT ARBORISTS
                                                                                          Michael Roche
And the Hemlock, realistically, isn’t        critical element in their loss. All trees
                                                                                          Stowe, VT 05762
going away anytime soon in Vermont           have the ability to adapt to changing        (802) 244-5100
because HWA is susceptible to cold           conditions through naturally occurring
temperatures and has experienced             genetic changes (mutations) or genetic       BRIAN BEATY
some severe winter mortality annually        variations occurring naturally within the    Registered Consulting Arborist #578
in the southern part of the state, so not    species. And when change comes slowly,       ISA Board Certified Master Arborist
a “doomsday” situation yet…                  like over thousands of years, most trees     Barnard, Vermont
With this in mind, we’ve reoriented          eventually adapt. But when that change
                                                                                          (603) 252-2225
the article to ash trees to help Vermont     comes quickly, like when a Chinese
forest landowners with some decisions        pallet infested with beetles, or a batch     BILL CONN
they didn’t even know they’d have or         of foreign-grown flowers infested with       Certified Arborist NE-0792AUT
could be involved in.                        insects or fungus lands at a dock in the     TRAQ Qualified
                                             US, the quick introduction of the pest       Certified Treecare Safety
First, is this the end of the ash tree       cannot be tolerated by the local plants,     Professional - #227
                                                                                          (802) 233-6651
species as we know it? The short             and they succumb.
answer is yes; over the next few years                                                    WHITNEY TREE SERVICE
the EAB will continue to spread and          But how can we address this too-rapid        Adam Whitney & Marilyn Ruseckas
probably won’t stop until it reaches         change model? By instituting our own         ISA-Certified Arborist NE-6326A
the northern limits of civilization in       methods of helping endangered tree           (802) 496-9975
Canada. EAB has already found its            species quickly change and adapt to
way south past North Carolina where          the invasive threat, or using similar
                                                                                          TREEWORKS LTD
the damage is compounded due to the          methods to make the life of the invasive     William (Bill) E. de Vos, ASCA
recent loss of all their Hemlock. But the    insect or fungus as miserable as             ASCA Registered Consulting
bottom line is that most ash in the US,      possible. And just as important, how         Arborist #359
like the American elm, and in the far        much effort do we need to spend in the       ISA Board Certified Master
past, the American chestnut, will die.       salvation of these tree species, and is it   Arborist #0187B
But is there hope for the future that this   worth the effort to do this?                 Vermont Certified Horticulturist

10 | Membership Newsletter: Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm

The answer to this last question is
critical to justifying both the immediate
effort and the vast time frame and
resources we are looking at to restore a
tree species which, first, will basically
disappear. Just how valuable are the
ash, elm, chestnut, and beech? Let us
count the ways:

 • Ecologically, all tree species
   have a niche in the forest. While
   biologists know a lot about trees,
   the incredible detail and minutia
   associated with each tree are still not
   entirely known or understood; we
   don’t know what we don’t know, and
   that makes the loss very scary.
 • Economically, these trees (well,                                                                                            Tap hole
   most of them) were incredibly
   valuable, could be made into a            this, but first, how do we bring them         enhanced resistance are also beginning
   broad variety of valuable products,       back if they are all gone? Again, this is     to be available. Hybrid breeding means
   and were worth a lot of money; so,        the crux of this article.                     crossing the tree under threat with a
   considerable economic loss…                                                             close relative that is resistant to the
 • Aesthetically, these trees represent      Generally, when looking at making the         disease or bug. The hybridization is
   some of the most beautiful trees          tree species less susceptible to the threat   accomplished over a few generations
   on the planet. All of them can get        we are talking about an enhancement           of crossing to bring out the resistance
   REALLY large, tall, and broad. So         of genetic resistance, so that a more         trait in the hybrid, and eventually end
   great were these trees that most,         impervious tree will pass that resistance     up with a resistant tree of the original
   especially the Elm, were planted on       to future generations. Improved or            species. The American Chestnut
   virtually every street in the country     enhanced genetic resistance may be            Foundation (TACF) is doing this
   east of the Mississippi. And finding      done through selectively breeding             right now with a back-cross breeding
   comparable replacements is getting        for resistance, hybrid breeding,              program involving the American
   a lot harder…                             or resistance introduced through              chestnut and the Chinese chestnut
 • Culturally, these trees had found         biotechnological means.                       with considerable success. Resistance
   their way into the very soul of                                                         introduced through biotechnological
   American society, and references          Quickly summarizing the science,              means includes a variety of new genetic
   may be found in stories, novels,          selective breeding means finding some         technologies, including “CRISPR”,
   poems, and histories.                     individual tree or trees which seem to        which has been highlighted in articles
                                             have a better resistance to the threat        in Time, National Geographic, and
So, the case has hopefully been made         than the rest. Efforts are then made          Smithsonian magazine. Biotechnological
for expending the effort it will take to     through additional tree breeding              means include transgenic methods
return these trees to our landscape.         generations to emphasize that trait.          (gene or genetic material that has been
And it should be noted that the science      With American beech we have found             transferred by any of a number of
behind all of the ways to bring these        a number of American beech that are           genetic engineering techniques from
trees back is rapidly becoming less          resistant to the beech scale, the insect      one organism to another that could
expensive as we learn more about tree        that initiates the beech bark disease, and    not otherwise be conventionally bred.
genetics. We’re talking about a few          was brought to the western hemisphere         The introduction of a transgene [called
million dollars, not billions….              on infected European beech many               “transgenesis”] has the potential to
                                             decades ago. So, eventually (hundreds
So, how do we bring these trees back?        of years) the American beech may
There are several strategies for doing       breed itself back to health. Elms with
                                                                                                      ASH TREE, continued on next page

                                                                        • |       11

ASH TREE, continued from pg. 11

change the phenotype of an organism.)         from the Emerald Ash Borer. The
and cisgenic methods(gene or genetic          second half of this article will explain
material that has been transferred by         the process for saving a few trees.
any of a number of genetic engineering
techniques between organisms that             Saving Some Trees
could otherwise be conventionally             In the first half of this article we
                                                                                              The injection port plug installed for injecting the chemical.
bred. Unlike in transgenesis, genes           explained why saving a few trees is
are only transferred between closely          critical to any future effort to resurrect    stringent federal review by at least
related organisms.). TACF is also using       the species, specifically ash. But there      three agencies ( USDA, EPA, and the
transgenic methods in bringing back           are a lot of factors and decisions in this    FDA), taking years before they might
the chestnut- a wheat gene has been           process to insure the right tree is treated   be allowed out in the real world. The
introduced into the American chestnut         the right way with the right chemicals at     ash, if those techniques are used, would
to counteract the acids the chestnut          the right time by the right people.           face the same or probably more scrutiny.
blight fungus produces when it attacks                                                      Keep in mind that the trees under threat
the chestnut.                                 Before we get into the decision process       face certain extinction, and that it’s too
                                              we need to be clear on some related           late to expect nature to step in and save
Getting back the question of how to           issues. First, we are not advocating          the species…
salvage the trees if they are all gone is     some major effort to save even a small
where we come into the picture. There is      percentage of the ash in Vermont.             Here is what you need to know if you
a need to keep a reservoir of native tree     The cost would be ridiculously high,          think you might have some candidate
germplasm far into the future for use in      the effort would not be practical,            trees:
propagating resistant trees. Like people,     and the amount of chemicals would              • We are talking about ash trees
every tree has a slightly different gene      be catastrophic to the environment.              commonly found in Vermont-
makeup, and trees of the same species in      This is a very small strategic effort            White ash, Green ash, and Black
different regions have slightly different     using a lot of science. Second, none             (or Brown) ash. You need to know
genetic makeups too. So trying to grow a      of this would have been necessary                what the trees look like and which is
southern chestnut in New York probably        had our country invested in stringent            which. You also need to know that
won’t work as well as working with New        importation controls and given APHIS             there are male and female trees for
York chestnuts in New York. Vermont           the tools needed to stop the problems            all three and Black ash also exhibit
ash trees are slightly different than those   from entering the country. You need to           both male and female traits on the
in Michigan. If we are ever to bring ash      know that politics have been a major             same tree. Seek some reference
back we should be working with trees          influence on the phytosanitary standards         works or advice from a forester
from, and adapted to Vermont.                 enacted by the government and APHIS              if you’re not sure what you have.
                                              has been hamstrung at several levels             In the deep forest you will need
And, finally, the more genetic variation      in their attempts to control the import          binoculars and good timing to tell
in the population of trees we try to          of wood products and plant material.             the sex of the trees.
bring back the better the chances that        It is still a problem despite the clear        • The tree should be very healthy.
those variations will help trees of that      destruction invasives have wrought in            Damaged trees (lightning damage,
species survive; we don’t need in-bred        the US. Finally, we are talking about            significant broken- off branches,
trees for doing this work.                    using chemicals and we have mentioned            wounds, missing bark, woodpecker
                                              that some of the salvation techniques            damage, water sprouts at the base
The answer to our question then, is we        involve GMO’s. These are controversial           of the tree, thin volume of leaves
need to maintain a healthy number of ash      things to say in Vermont. The efforts            or branches without many leaves)
trees scattered around Vermont (actually      we are discussing do try to minimize             should not be chosen. The EAB is
throughout its entire range) during the       both the use and methods of chemical             actually attracted to damaged trees
loss of the rest from the EAB. We do          application, and the GMO’s TACF has              because the insect uses chemical
this through treating a few trees with        developed for the American chestnut              signals given off by the tree as well
chemicals that will give them protection      still have to undergo some incredibly

12 | Membership Newsletter: Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm

   as visual (silhouette) and color cues      Cost is another issue. While it is          tree size and the insect-EAB warrants
   to find the tree.                          possible to treat your own trees,           higher dosages than many insects. The
 • The tree should be structurally            primarily the very small ones, don’t        treatment lasts two years. Care should
   balanced, sound, and for trees in          do it yourself! We highly recommend         be taken to use sterile equipment to
   the woods, impressively straight and       you seek a professional- an arborist- to    limit any tree infections from the
   clear. Size diameters (DBH) should         treat large specimens or if you have        treatment. Chemicals used include
   range 2” and up.                           a number of trees you are thinking          Emamectin benzoate (TREE-age), and
                                              of treating. The cost numbers we            Azadirachtin (Azasol and TreeAzin).
If the tree meets all of these standards it   have here are from a North Carolina         The work should be done in mid to late
should also meet these criteria:              institution that hired an expert to         spring after the trees have leafed out in
 • It should be located on a good site-       treat 15 trees (trunk injection- the        weather conditions similar to the other
    reasonably flat, good soils, not wet      most expensive and reliable method)         treatment methods to insure maximum
    or swampy                                 for a biennial (every two years!) cost      tree uptake. Because of the technical
 • The tree, if not in the forest, should     of $1600. The sum of the DBH of the         difficulty, the cost of the equipment,
    have value because of its landscape       trees was 225 inches making the cost        the strength of the insecticides, and the
    or aesthetic value                        roughly $3.50 per inch of tree per year.    need for experience in doing the work,
 • The tree property should be at least       Doing lesser numbers of trees will cost     only experts should attempt the work,
    5 (preferably ten) miles away from        significantly more per tree especially      specifically a trained arborist. The VWA
    the nearest EAB outbreak. While the       if an arborist has to travel a distance,    will have a listing on its website listing
    insect only moves 2 miles a year the      and if the tree is at a remote site. VWA    ISA certified arborists in Vermont
    outbreaks in and around Vermont           is currently canvassing arborists in        providing these treatment options.
    bring home our ignorance of exactly       Vermont to see who will offer ash
    where the insect may be. Treating         treatment services.                         (NOTE: Experts do recognize soil
    an infested tree can be a waste of                                                    drenches and injections around the
    money and effort; past a certain level    What are the treatment options?             tree trunk as an effective protective
    of infection the tree may not recover     There is only one method in Vermont         procedure, primarily around smaller
    if treated. Given the investment in       that is better than the rest and is         trees, but the chemicals these treatments
    time and energy to preserve the tree      recommended because it limits               use are exclusively neonicotinoids
    consider only very healthy trees- it      the chemicals used, doesn’t involve         which are linked to honey bee colony
    is better to start treatment before the   neonicotinoids (possibly harming            collapse disorder (CCD) and are not
    bug is detected than to wait until the    honey bees) and acts more directly on       recommended in the state of Vermont;
    bug is too close. See photos for levels   the tree and, eventually, the insect:       in any case only an International Society
    of infestation                                                                        of Arboriculture (ISA) certified expert
                                              Trunk Injections: Probably the most         arborist should be using these methods)
If you still have candidate trees after       reliable method and the only method
meeting the above standards, please           to be used on larger trees (over 8”         Lastly, how many years will the
consider how many trees you might be          DBH). First, the tree is literally tapped   treatments be necessary? No one knows,
willing to spend money on. The aspects        just like a sugar maple, but much           but at a minimum of 15 years. Like the
of this include how many and what size        lower, no higher than18” from the           Elm, once all the other trees are dead the
trees you have, the cost per tree, how        ground; the drill bit being about 3/8”,     insect will largely disappear and lighter
many trees you might be considering           the depth extending 5/8” to 2” into         treatments may be possible. By that time
for treatment, and how long would you         the sapwood. The number of injection        there should be further research into
expect to have to do this.                    sites (tap holes) depends on the tree       developing a resistant tree or finding
                                              diameter and averages every 4-8” of         biotechnological ways to control or
The first task is to complete an              tree circumference. The equipment           eliminate the insect. In any case without
inventory of what ash you have. You           includes injection port plugs (see          some saved healthy ash trees restoring
would not need to capture every tree          photo) which are left in the tree, the      the species will be much more difficult.
but for the decision process you do           injection equipment and tubing, and the
need to know the location, size, type of      reservoir of diluted chemical. Dosage       For further information see the VWA
ash, and condition.                           (amount of diluted insecticide) and         website; questions should be directed
                                              the number of ports depend on the           to

                                                                        • |     13

The role of Tree
Farmers in training
the next generation of
forest workers
by Allen Yale

If we are going to successfully manage         of the Orleans County Historical Society.
our woodlands, we will continue to rely        The students sawed these logs into
on a skilled and knowledgeable supply of       timbers, which were then turned over
loggers. Statistics show that sixty percent    to the Career Center’s Building Trades
of Vermont’s logging business owners are       students. They did the mortise-and–tenon
over fifty years of age, and twenty-three      work to turn these hemlock timbers into         wished to construct a post-and-beam
percent are over sixty. The sustainability     sills and joists for the barn deck. This        building to house their sawmill and
of the timber industry is dependent on         project culminated with a traditional           other lumber processing equipment.
the continual training of new loggers          barn-raising at the Old Stone House             Again I volunteered to let the program
to fill the void as older loggers retire.      Museum in Brownington, Vermont under            harvest the timber they needed from
Fortunately there is something we Tree         the supervision of the Timber Framers           my property, which is only four miles
Farmers can do to help.                        Guild in the summer of 2012. This project       from the Career Center classrooms. This
                                               won the Northeast Loggers Association’s         was an opportunity for these students
For the past several years I have served       2013 “best use of wood” award.                  to get some hands on experience in the
on the advisory committee of the                                                               woods. In September, Sam Nijensohn,
North Country Career Center’s Natural          This past year I learned that the Career        the Natural Resources instructor and I
Resources program. One of the aims of          Center’s Natural Resources program              walked my woodlot. We discussed which
this program is to train young people who
are considering a career in forestry. Some
of the students will go on to college in the
fields of natural resource management,              TIMBER SALES,
while others will become loggers straight
out of high school.
                                                    FOREST MANAGEMENT,
                                                    & CONSULTING...
 Over the years I have cooperated with
this program. We have allowed classes
to tour our woodlot as I explained my
management policies and practices. In               Using our skills and market knowledge
2010, I took on a cooperative education             to help you meet YOUR objectives.
intern. I involved her in various aspects of
my management, including assisting my
consulting forester in doing an inventory
                                                                                      JEFF LANGMAID
as part of the revision of my Current Use
                                                                                        Montpelier, VT
management plan. The following year,                                 
the entire natural resources class, under                                               802.223.8644
the supervision of their instructor, Fern
Fontaine, harvested hemlock on my
property for the construction of the deck
of a post-and-beam barn on the grounds                                        

14 | Membership Newsletter: Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm

trees I was willing to have cut, the amount
of wood they needed for the project,
access roads and yarding areas. The first
student activity in this project was to
build water bars on the access roads.
The first week of October, the real activity
began as Sam’s seniors participated in
Level 3 and 4 of the Game of Logging
at my place, under the tutelage of David
Birdsall of the Northeast Woodland
Training. (These students had taken
Levels 1 & 2 last year as juniors.) I had
never taken the Game of Logging, but
was familiar with its precision felling
techniques as covered in Level 1 and had
used it for several years. Observing Level
3, I learned how to deal with side and
back lean, as well as safely limbing and
bucking stems under stress.

In early October, the class had brought
their equipment to the site: a 4WD 60          to fell a tree. It was a testament to both     had an opportunity to tally the board
HP John Deere tractor with a bucket and        Dave’s excellent instruction and the sound     feet in individual logs, compensating to
Farmi winch, a larger 2wd Ford tractor         principles behind the Game of Logging,         sweep and other defects. They took turns
with forwarder, a 16 foot equipment            that the students each felled their tree       participating in each step, including using
trailer, and a one-ton dump truck. The         within a couple of feet of their target. One   the loader on their forwarder to load the
trees cut during Game of Logging were          student, who had never felled a tree before,   logs on the flat-bed equipment trailer
part of the sawmill project, so in the         dropped his tree right on the target stake.    used to move the logs to the site at the
following weeks Sam’s seniors began                                                           career center where they would be sawn
skidding and yarding those stems.              One of the benefits I got from watching        into timbers. In the end they harvest over
                                               these students go through the game of          seven thousand board feet of logs, hauling
The first week of November, Sam’s juniors      logging was that usually I am the one          the tops and defective logs to the landing
took Game of Logging, Levels 1 & 2. The        holding the chainsaw and doing the             for the landowner to use as firewood.
students had entered the program with          felling. This experience gave me the
varying degrees of experience, from those      opportunity to step back and watch the         This project didn’t just help the
who had worked in the woods to those           behavior of both the individual doing the      Natural Resources program; the Heavy
who had never run a chainsaw or felled         sawing and the tree as it responded to the     Equipment program unloaded the logs
a tree. Prior to each Game of Logging          actions of the chainsaw operator. I was        at the career center with their log loader.
session, the students had reviewed the         able, from a distance, to watch the top of     That class also prepared the site for the
Game of Logging booklet. Each day the          a back-leaning tree approach vertical and      future sawmill building. Once the Natural
class started in a temporary “classroom”       then begin to fall in the desired direction    Resources classes have sawn out the
in my barn where David Birdsall                as the student pounded on the wedge.           timbers, the Building Trades program will
demonstrated the material for the day.                                                        do the mortice-and-tenon joints as they
David had excellent rapport with the           I got my first chainsaw when I was about       learn timber-framing construction. Thus
students. He made it a point to know the       seventeen and I had been working in the        students from three trades with a link to
students’ names. He handled the class          woods, off and on, for about sixty years,      woodland management benefited.
with humor and patience, making certain        but I learned a lot about chainsaw safety,
that each student was absorbing the            maintenance, and sharpening while              Many of you have undoubtedly taken the
information. After about three hours of        observing these classes.                       Game of Logging course, and it is not my
instruction, the class then headed into the                                                   aim to recruit those of you who haven’t,
woods to practice what they had learned.       Over the next several weeks Sam’s
Dave would demonstrate each step of            students cut, skidded, and yarded the logs
process, always emphasizing safety, and        they needed for the project. They learned
then gave each student an opportunity          how to draft a logging contract. They also                LOGGERS, continued on next page

                                                                            • |      15

LOGGERS, continued from pg. 15

to take it. (Although I would.) My point
is to address the need for training the
next generation of forestry professionals
and the critical role of the state’s career
centers in preparing these future workers.
Further, I would suggest that Tree
Farmers have a place in this training.
My experience with the North Country
Career Center may serve as an example                       basis to review the program and make                          the local natural resources program in the
of some of the ways a Tree Farmer can                       suggestions on how it can be improved, or                     vocational secondary school in your area
participate in the training of future                       how they can help the program. Our local                      to see if your experience and land can
woodland professionals. My first activity                   committee also administers the George                         contribute to their program.
was to join the advisory committee for                      Buzzell Scholarship Fund, which awards a
the natural resources program at the local                  small scholarship to students going on to                     Allen Yale entered the Tree Farm program
high school. This committee consists                        further study in the natural resource field.                  in 1976. He is the 2012 Vermont Tree
of the county forester, sugar makers,                                                                                     Farmer of the Year, the 2013 U.S. Regional
Tree Farmers, farmers, natural resource                     If you want to help train the next                            Tree Farmer of the Year, and a member of
professionals, etc. The committee meets                     generation of woodlot workers or                              the Vermont Tree Farm Committee. His
with the program instructor on a regular                    managers, you can identify and contact                        tree farm is located in Derby, Vermont.

                                    Vermont Woodlands Consulting Foresters
                              Committed to promoting and strengthening the long-term conservation and management of Vermont’s natural resources.
                                      VWA Consulting Foresters are licensed by the State of Vermont and meet all continuing education requirements.

   Dan Adams                    Alan Calfee*                  Peter Everts*                Andrew Hutchison              Elisabeth “Tii” McLane*          Josef Peterson, TSP*
   Dan Adams Forestry Svc       Calfee Woodland Mgmt.         Everts Forest Mgmt.          Hutchison Forestry            S. Strafford, VT                 Timbercraft Forestry
   Brattleboro, VT              Dorset, VT                    Barnet, VT                   Leicester, VT                 802-765-4745                     N. Clarendon, VT
   802-254-3502                 802-231-2555                  802-592-3088                 802-247-3117                                                   802-773-0370
                                                                                                                         Len Miraldi*
   Patrick Bartlett, TSP*       Ben Campbell                  Charlie Hancock, TSP*        Addison Kasmarek*             Tamarack Forestry                Russell Reay*
   Bartlett Forestry &          E.B. Campbell                 North Woods Forestry         Greenleaf Forestry            Services                         Cuttingsville, VT
   Wildlife                     Forest Land Mgmt.             Montgomery Ctr, VT           Westford, VT                  Norwich, VT                      802-492-3323
   Woodstock, VT                Starksboro, VT                802-326-2093                 802-849-6629                  802-649-1564
   802-291-0179                 802-453-5591                                                                                                              Harris Roen*
                                                              Steve Handfield, TSP*        Ryan Kilborn, TSP*            Scott Moreau                     Long Meadow
   Kathy Beland*                Richard Carbonetti*           Poultney, VT                 Meadowsend Forestry Co        Greenleaf Forestry               Resource Mgt.
   Not Just Trees               LandVest Timberland           802-342-6751                 Washington, VT                Westford, VT                     Burlington, VT
   W. Rutland, VT               Newport, VT                                                802-323-3593                  802-849-6629                     802-658-2368
   802-438-5495                 802-334-8402                  Luke Hardt*
                                                              Hardt Forestry               Lynn Levine*                  Ross Morgan*                     Allan Thompson*
   Markus Bradley*              Beth Daut*                    Hardwick, VT                 Forest*Care                   Northern Forest                  Northern Stewards
   Redstart Forestry            M.D. Forestland               802-673-7769                 Dummerston, VT                Conservation Services            Waterbury, VT
   Bradford, VT                 Consulting                                                 802-254-4717                  Craftsbury Common, VT            802-244-8131
   802-439-5252                 Berlin, VT                    Zachary Hart                                               802-586-9697
                                802-272-5547                  LandVest Timberland          Ben Machin                                                     Tucker Westenfeld*
   Michael Brown                                              Newport, VT                  Redstart Forestry             Tyler Pelland*                   Bartlett Forestry &
   Bridseye Forestry            Edward Denham*                802-334-8402                 Bradford, VT                  LandVest Timberland              Wildlife LLC
   Moretown, VT                 NE Woodland Mgmt.                                          802-439-5252                  Newport, VT                      Woodstock, VT
   802-777-5240                 Stockbridge, MA               Frank Hudson, TSP*                                         802-334-8402                     802-291-0179
                                413-232-4000                  Not Just Trees               John McClain*
                                                              W. Rutland, VT               NE Forestry Consultants
  TSP: NRCS Technical Service Provider                        802-483-2397                 Randolph, VT
  * Tree Farm Inspector                                                                    802-728-3742

  HOW CAN A          Consulting foresters assist private landowners in identifying and achieving goals for their                  PO Box 6004, Rutland, VT 05702-6004 | 802.747.7900
  CONSULTING         woodlands, including managing for forest products, wildlife habitat, recreation, water resources,     Visit the website for complete forester contact information:
  FORESTER HELP YOU? and aesthetics. VWA Consulting Foresters can help you meet your management objectives.                         

16 | Membership Newsletter: Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Tree Farm
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