Verification of new Populus nigra L. clone improvement based on their performance over three rotations
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iForest Research Article doi: 10.3832/ifor3171-013 vol. 13, pp. 185-193 Biogeosciences and Forestry Verification of new Populus nigra L. clone improvement based on their performance over three rotations Kateřina Novotná, Populus nigra is an important autochthonous woody plant that can be grown as a renewable energy source. The possibility of its improvement through in- Petra Štochlová, traspecific hybridization was tested. Differences in biomass production, Vojtěch Benetka growth parameters, Melampsora larici-populina rust resistance and drought tolerance were evaluated among 19 intraspecific hybrids from controlled crosses, 2 clones selected from natural populations and the “MAX 4” clone (P. nigra × P. maximowiczii). These P. nigra clones from controlled crosses were chosen from more than 2000 hybrid individuals whose parents were selected from natural populations in the Czech Republic. A field trial was set up in Průhonice, Czech Republic (320 m a.s.l., 591 mm rainfall annually, mean an- nual temperature of 9.5 °C). The planting density was 6061 plants ha -1, and the plants were coppiced three times at 3-year intervals. The trial was irri- gated only during its establishment. Among the clones, significant differences were found in all the evaluated traits over three rotations. An average dry matter yield of the best clone “MAX 4” was 12.8 t ha -1 yr-1 over three harvests. The best black poplar clone reached up to 9.4 t ha-1 yr-1 in three harvests. Rust resistance was constant over 9 years and high for the three P. nigra clones (two from controlled crosses and one from natural populations). Moreover, the best P. nigra clones from controlled crosses showed higher drought tolerance than the “MAX 4” clone. Breeding progress was confirmed, and most of the P. nigra clones from controlled crosses performed better than the clones se- lected from natural populations. The trial validated the suitability of natural populations for use as gene sources for intraspecific hybridization and as sources of clones with traits comparable with those of interspecific clones. These new P. nigra clones can replace allochthonous clones in areas where au- tochthonous P. nigra populations are threatened by introgression. Keywords: Plant Breeding, Black Poplar, Intraspecific Hybridization, Short Ro- tation Coppice Culture, Melampsora larici-populina, Biomass Production, Tree Regeneration Introduction within the last 8 years and is now at 2862 these clones are Populus deltoides Marsh. × In recent years, the importance of fast- ha (Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Re- P. nigra L. (= P. ×canadensis Moench), P. tri- growing trees cultivation intensively man- public 2018). chocarpa Torr. & A. Gray × P. deltoides, P. ni- aged as coppices with 2- to 5-year rotation Similar to those in other European coun- gra × P. maximowiczii Henry and P. maxi- cycles and potential lifetimes of 30 years tries (Herve & Ceulemans 1996, Verwijst mowiczii × P. trichocarpa (FAO 2016); how- (DEFRA 2004), the so-called short-rotation 2001, Langeveld et al. 2012), Czech SRC cul- ever, in central Europe, the trend in recent coppice (SRC) cultures, has increased with tures are usually based on poplar or willow years has been to grow the “MAX 4” hy- the increasing demand for woody biomass species, and the most commonly grown brid clone of P. nigra × P. maximowiczii as a renewable energy source (Bentsen & poplars in Europe are primarily the result of (Štícha et al. 2016). The popularity of F1 in- Felby 2012). This trend is apparent in the interspecific crosses. In countries with the terspecific hybridization is due to the pre- Czech Republic, where the total SRC area highest SRC area (France, Italy and Spain), dominance of heterosis and the ease with has increased by more than eight times the most popular parental combinations of which it can be economically exploited through vegetative propagation (Stanton et al. 2010). Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening, Publ. Res. P. nigra is an autochthonous woody plant Inst., Květnové náměstí 391, CZ-252 43 Průhonice (Czech Republic) that covers a large area of Europe (Vanden Broeck 2003), and its populations can be @ Kateřina Novotná ( threatened by introgression from the aforementioned interspecific hybrid clones Received: Jun 19, 2019 - Accepted: Mar 14, 2020 and other clones of allochthonous poplar species (Smulders et al. 2008). The relevant Citation: Novotná K, Štochlová P, Benetka V (2020). Verification of new Populus nigra L. causes are cultivated poplar trees grown to clone improvement based on their performance over three rotations. iForest 13: 185-193. – the adult stage, which is the case not only doi: 10.3832/ifor3171-013 [online 2020-05-12] for clones coming from P. deltoides and P. trichocarpa but also for interspecific hy- Communicated by: Gianfranco Minotta brids of P. ×canadensis-type that can spon- taneously interbreed with P. nigra (Benetka © SISEF 185 iForest 13: 185-193
Novotná K et al. - iForest 13: 185-193 et al. 2002b). The contamination of P. nigra resistance genes, plant breeders now focus production value comparable to that of iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry gene pools has led to restrictions on inter- their efforts on quantitative resistance commercial hybrid poplar clones when specific hybrid cultivation in certain loca- genes, for which selection is slower but the parental clones originate from contrasting tions (Ministry of the Environment of the risk of a sudden loss of resistance is re- conditions (Benetka et al. 2012). Czech Republic 1992). duced (McDonald 2010). The aim of the present study was: (i) to The original autochthonous species P. ni- Another goal in poplar breeding has verify whether black poplar clones originat- gra is not commonly grown in its pure arisen with the projected dryer summer cli- ing from intraspecific hybridization (con- form, and few cultivars are available. Fur- mate in Central-Western Europe (Schär et trolled crossings) of parental trees from lo- thermore, these clones are usually selected al. 2004, Seneviratne et al. 2006, Kreuzwie- cal populations were improved in yield and from natural populations (IPC 2000). Ac- ser & Gessler 2010). Poplars are especially growth traits and leave rust resistance in cording to previously published studies sensitive to water deficiency and could be comparison with selected clones from nat- (Nielsen et al. 2014, Verlinden et al. 2015), threatened by these climatic extremes. The ural populations; (ii) to verify whether their P. nigra clones are the least productive, al- growth of their leaves and shoots is af- performance was comparable with that of though certain clones derived from geneti- fected by water shortage (Monclus et al. commercial interspecific hybrid clones; and cally pure P. nigra produce yields compara- 2009), affecting the total biomass, leaf (iii) to choose black poplar clones that are ble to or exceeding those of interspecific area, shoot height and diameter (Monclus convenient for growing in SRC systems un- hybrid clones (Benetka et al. 2002a, Al Afas et al. 2006). Therefore, these traits are der suboptimal conditions. et al. 2008, Dillen et al. 2013). Additionally, used as indicators of drought, and their pure P. nigra clones are not commonly evaluation can be used to select genotypes Materials and methods grown because of their generally reported with higher drought tolerance. susceptibility to leaf rust caused by Mel- A prerequisite for successful breeding for Materials ampsora larici-populina Kleb., which is the resistance to drought is variability in the Twenty-one clones of P. nigra L. ssp. nigra case in Western Europe (Steenackers 1972). traits observed in the genus Populus L.; from the black poplar breeding program- M. larici-populina leaf rust is one of the namely, in P. nigra, variability was observed me of Silva Tarouca Research Institute for main diseases of cultivated poplars and can between populations originating from con- Landscape and Ornamental Gardening, cause severe damage and economic losses trasting climatic conditions within Europe Publ. Res. Inst. (Czech Republic), including (Frey et al. 2005). This disease negatively (Viger et al. 2016). There are consistent 19 clones originating from 9 intraspecific affects biomass production (Gastine et al. genotypic differences in the water-use effi- hybrid combinations (Benetka et al. 2012), 2003, Benetka et al. 2012, Štochlová et al. ciency (WUE) of poplar species and hy- were used in a field trial. These clones were 2015), resulting in yield losses of up to 66% brids, along with a lack of correlation be- chosen among 2227 individuals for their in P. nigra clones (Štochlová et al. 2015). tween the WUE and productivity of poplar good yield potential and high level of resis- The resistance of P. nigra to M. larici-pop- clones (Marron et al. 2005, Monclus et al. tance to M. larici-populina leaf rust ulina shows a quantitative inheritance 2005, 2006, Navarro et al. 2018). This indi- (Benetka et al. 2012). An additional, leaf (Dowkiw et al. 2012), as demonstrated by a cates that there is the potential for the se- rust-susceptible intraspecific clone (98/37) genetic analysis of this trait (Benetka et al. lection of poplar clones that combine high was only used to confirm rust infection and 2005). This type of resistance does not en- WUE and high productivity, which would represented an additional rust source. The sure complete resistance but produces be an advantage for the growth of poplar parental trees used in our crossings were more durability than qualitative resistance. trees in moderately drought-prone areas plus trees selected from natural popula- In contrast, the qualitative resistance that (Braatne et al. 1992, Jones et al. 2016). tions, and crosses were performed be- occurs in some P. deltoides clones ensures The black poplar clones used in studies by tween parents from different climatic and complete or near-complete resistance to Benetka et al. (2002a, 2014) and Dillen et al. geographic regions, with their genetic di- some M. larici-populina strains (Pinon 1992, (2013) were derived from natural popula- versity previously confirmed by microsatel- Dowkiw & Bastien 2004), although this re- tions and did not represent the products of lite DNA analysis (Benetka et al. 2012). sistance can be suddenly overcome any type of selective breeding. Newly re- Two other P. nigra clones (202 and 301) (Dowkiw et al. 2012). Due to the transitory leased clones arising from cross-pollination selected from a set of approximately 200 nature of resistance based on qualitative might be promising and have a potential plus trees originating from natural popula- tions (Benetka et al. 2007) were chosen as reference clones based on long-term yield trials (Benetka et al. 2014) to evaluate the improvement in P. nigra clones from con- trolled crosses. Furthermore, clone 202 is one of the parental trees of several tested P. nigra clones (00/234, 00/237, 00/239, and 00/274). In addition to these two clones, the “MAX 4” clone, an interspecific hybrid of P. nigra × P. maximowiczii, was used as a reference clone. Locality and experimental design The trial was established at the Silva Ta- rouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening in Průhonice, Czech Republic (Central Bohemia – 49° 59′ 26″ N, 14° 34′ 40″ E) in spring 2009 (Benetka et al. 2012). The plantation site is in a flat location at an altitude of 320 m a.s.l. facing slightly towards the south, and it consists of arable land that was grassed over before the establishment of the plan- Fig. 1 - Monthly cumulative precipitation (blue bars) and average temperatures (black tation. The soil type is modal brown earth points) during the experimental period (2009-2017). found on loess, and the ground water level 186 iForest 13: 185-193
Verification of P. nigra clones is approximately 2.1 m deep. The location is iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry Fig. 2 - Lang’s a suitable but rather dry area with frequent rain factor within drying winds. The trial was not fertilized the experimen- and was irrigated only before the establish- tal period (2009- ment of the plantation and at sapling plant- 2017) and the cli- ing, respectively. The monthly average mate type with temperatures and cumulative precipitation respect to during the 2009-2017 experimental periods Lang’s rain fac- are shown in Fig. 1, and Lang’s rain factor is tor in the Czech shown in Fig. 2. The mean annual tempera- Republic (Minář tures and mean annual cumulative precipi- 1948). tation were 9.0, 9.5 and 9.9 °C and 643.6, 601.4 and 528.8 mm in first (2009-2011), second (2012-2014) and third (2015-2017) ro- tations, respectively. One-year-old saplings, obtained by culti- vating 0.2 m-long hardwood cuttings, were cut at a height of 0.5 m and planted with a planting machine at a spacing of 3.0 × 0.55 were counted and their diameters were rust incidence was calculated based on an m (i.e., a plant density of 6061 plants per measured. The shoot with the highest di- annual rust evaluation over a nine-year pe- ha) in spring 2009. A randomized block de- ameter in each plant was considered the riod. sign with two to five (predominantly four) main shoot. Before the second and third blocks for each P. nigra clone and eight harvest, the combined total cross-sectional Statistical analysis blocks for the “MAX 4” reference clone area (TCA) of all measured shoots was cal- Statistical evaluations were carried out was used, and four or five plants of each culated and expressed as the sum of the using software R (R Core Team 2019) or clone were included in each block. Border per plant area in mm2. In the autumn be- Statistica® v. 11.0 (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, rows were planted around the experimen- fore harvesting, plant mortality was deter- USA). Clones (fixed factor) and blocks (ran- tal plot to prevent any border effect, and mined as the percentage of dead plants rel- dom factor) were used as the independent the plot was also fenced to prevent brows- ative to the total number of plants planted. variables, and the parameters of the num- ing by wild animals. The incidence of M. larici-populina leaf ber of shoots per plant, diameter of the rust was evaluated under field conditions, main shoots, TCA, DMIP and dry matter Measurements in a previous study (Štochlová et al. 2015) yield per unit area were used as the depen- Biomass was harvested three times, and virulences 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 were detected on dent variables in linear mixed-effects mod- these harvests were separated by a three- test clones. Evaluations were made using a el of ANOVA (Bates et al. 2015). The param- year interval. Plants were coppiced in Feb- 6-point scale ranging from 0 = no symp- eter mortality was not statistically evalu- ruary 2012 for the first time, in January 2015 toms of rust infection on the leaves to 5 = ated due to its minimal variability. The for the second time, and in February 2018 all leaves necrotized or shed (Štochlová et square root transformation (Anděl 1998) for the third time. Individual plants were al. 2015) at least once during a vegetation was applied to the number of shoots per cut by hand with a chainsaw at a height of period (April-September). The point values plant to obtain an approximately normally approximately 0.1 m above the ground at presented are the means of the point eval- distributed variable. When a significant dif- the first harvest and at ~0.05 m above the uations performed for each replication in ference was found, a post hoc comparison previous cut at the following harvests. Dur- mid-August, and the mean point value of was carried out using Tukey’s test. The ing the harvests, the fresh woody above- ground biomass produced by all plants of a given clone in each block was pooled and weighed. To simultaneously estimate the dry weight yield, a representative sample of the harvested material (equally from 1-, 2- and 3-year-old part), including the main and lateral shoots, was collected from each block and weighed separately. The size of these samples ranged from 300 to 1000 g depending on the diameter of the shoots. The samples were dried at 105 °C until their weights were constant, and the average dry matter weight of the individual plants (DMIP), expressed as kg yr-1, was calculated from the weight of the harvested fresh biomass from a given block, multiplied by the appropriate value of the percent dry matter, and divided by the number of plants in a given block and by the length of the rotation. The total dry matter yield per unit area (ha) and the percentage of living plants were then calculated. At the end of first rotation cycle before harvesting, the main shoot diameter was Fig. 3 - Mean value of the dry matter yield for the five best P. nigra clones from con- measured with a digital calliper at a height trolled crosses (02/455, 02/477, 02/456, 02/371, 02/286), P. nigra reference clones from of 0.5 m above the ground. In the follow- natural populations (202, 301) and the P. nigra × P. maximowiczii reference clone “MAX ing rotation cycles before harvesting, all 4” within the first (I.), second (II.) and third (III.) rotations. The bars represent the shoots thicker than 0.01 m at this height standard errors of the mean values. iForest 13: 185-193 187
Novotná K et al. - iForest 13: 185-193 contingency. All results are presented us- iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry Tab. 1 - P-values of the linear mixed-effects model of ANOVA (effects of the clone or ing a significance level of α < 0.05. block on dependent variables) in the first (I.), second (II.) and third (III.) rotations. (TCA): total cross-sectional area; (DMIP): dry matter weights of individual plants. Results Variable Rotation Block Clone Biomass production Diameter of strongest shoot I. > 0.5
Verification of P. nigra clones from that of the “MAX 4” clone in the third iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry harvest. Both black poplar reference clones exhibited lower mean values than most of the P. nigra clones from controlled crosses, although significant differences were not found in any of the harvests. De- scendants of clone 202 exhibited up to 22%, 34% and 11% higher DMIP values than did their parent during the first, second and third harvests, respectively (Tab. S1 in Sup- plementary material). The DMIPs were very strongly correlated with the TCA in both the second and third harvest (R = 0.877, p < 0.001 and R = 0.918, p < 0.001, re- spectively). Similar to the DMIP results, the “MAX 4” clone showed the highest dry matter yield per unit area in all harvests (Fig. 3, Tab. S1 in Supplementary material) because negli- gible mortality was observed during the trial (Tab. 2). The biomass yields of most black poplar clones were significantly low, only the 5 above mentioned P. nigra clones Fig. 4 - Percentage differences in the dry matter yield for the five best P. nigra clones did not differ from the interspecific refer- from controlled crosses (02/455, 02/477, 02/456, 02/371, 02/286), P. nigra reference ence clone in the third harvest. The highest clones from natural populations (202, 301) and the P. nigra × P. maximowiczii reference increment of dry matter yields per unit clone “MAX 4” between subsequent harvests. Different letters are related to the area between the first and second harvest results of multiple comparisons of the mean ranks through a post hoc test. The bars was observed in the “MAX 4” clone (i.e., represent the standard errors of the mean values. 6.1 t ha-1 yr-1), for which the yield of the sec- ond harvest increased by approximately 54% relative to that of the first harvest (Fig. tions was 12.8 t ha-1 yr-1, while this value in Growth traits 4). In the P. nigra clones, the yield incre- the black poplar clones ranged between The growth traits were measured at the ment ranged between 0.3 and 3.8 t ha -1 yr-1, 5.8 and 9.4 t ha-1 yr-1. The black poplar refer- end of the vegetation period just before and the yield in the second harvest in- ence clones (202, 301) were among the each harvest, and significant differences creased by approximately 32% on average. clones with the lowest annual production were observed in all the evaluated traits In one P. nigra clone (02/378), the yield in- (Tab. S1 in Supplementary material). (Tab. 1, Tab. S2 in Supplementary material), creased by approximately 62%. However, the yield increment of the black poplar ref- erence clones was below average. The dif- Fig. 5 - Mean value ferences in the dry matter yields per unit of (a) the main area between the “MAX 4” clone and the shoot diameter, best P. nigra clones increased in the second (b) the number of harvest, with the highest-yielding P. nigra shoots and (c) the clones exhibiting dry matter yields per unit TCA (total cross- area that were approximately 71% (clone sectional area) for 00/274) and 66% (clone 02/455 – Tab. S1 in the five best P. Supplementary material) of those of the in- nigra clones from terspecific reference clone in the first and controlled crosses second harvests, respectively. The dry mat- (02/455, 02/477, ter yields per unit area decreased in the 02/456, 02/371, third harvest (Fig. 3, Tab. S1). The yields in 02/286), P. nigra the third harvest relative to that in the first reference clones harvest were equivalent in one clone and from natural pop- even lower in 13 clones. These clones in- ulations (202, 301) cluded both reference P. nigra clones and and the P. nigra × the “MAX 4” reference clone, although its P. maximowiczii yield remained 10% higher than the best reference clone black poplar clone (02/455). The yield de- “MAX 4” within crease between the second and third har- the first (I.), sec- vest was significant in 13 clones, with the ond (II.) and third highest decrease in the most productive (III.) rotations. “MAX 4” clone (Fig. 4), while the decrease The bars repre- in low-yielding black poplar clones was in- sent the standard significant (Tab. S1 in Supplementary mate- errors of the rial). The percentage of yield decrease be- mean values. tween the second and third harvest of the “MAX 4” reference clone was significantly higher than that of some high-yielding P. nigra clones (Fig. 4). The average annual production of the “MAX 4” reference clone over three rota- iForest 13: 185-193 189
Novotná K et al. - iForest 13: 185-193 with the independent variable of clone harvest and ranged between 2692 and Dowkiw et al. 2012). The first step was the iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry having the greatest effect. A significant 4738 mm2 with highest TCA observed in P. selection of natural P. nigra populations to block effect was observed only in TCA. nigra clone 02/455. Compared with the obtain plant material with high genetic di- The diameter of the main shoot was the parental clone, the descendants of clone versity, and extensive crossing of geo- highest in all clones before the first har- 202 showed up to 50% and 31% higher TCA graphically different genotypes generated vest, followed by that before the second values during the second and third harvest, intraspecific hybrid populations, from and third harvest (Fig. 5a, Tab. S2 in Supple- respectively, and the lowest values were which the selection was made (Benetka et mentary material). The “MAX 4” clone had observed in both black poplar reference al. 2012). The current study focused on the the greatest mean diameter of the main clones. selection of clones with favourable bio- shoot before all three harvests at 68.2, mass production, higher M. larici-populina 62.8 and 48.8 mm, respectively, and it dif- Health status resistance and drought tolerance. Com- fered significantly from all P. nigra clones in Plant mortality was negligible after the pared with the previous research of Bas- the second and third rotation. The best P. establishment of the trial (Tab. 2). Before tien et al. (2014), the selection was per- nigra clones had main shoot diameters of the first harvest, only one clone (02/103) formed based on field evaluations, without 68.1, 47.5 and 34.7 mm in the three rota- exhibited 5% mortality. Before the third the use of molecular markers and labora- tions, respectively, with clone 02/455 show- harvest, it exhibited 10% mortality, and two tory evaluations of rust resistance. ing the best results in the first two rota- additional clones (02/40, 02/102) exhibited tions and 02/264 showing the best results 5% mortality. Biomass production in the third rotation. Both P. nigra clones The occurrence of M. larici-populina leaf In this study, the P. nigra clones from con- selected from nature were among the rust was evaluated under field conditions trolled crosses showed higher growth and clones that showed the lowest main shoot (Tab. 2). The particular dates of rust inci- yield parameter values than did the clones diameter in all three rotations. Compared dence evaluations were positively corre- selected from natural populations that had with the parental clone, the descendants lated with themselves (R = 0.382-0.741, p < previously been confirmed to be suitable of clone 202 exhibited greater shoot diam- 0.001). The results show that the rust inci- for SRC plantations (Benetka et al. 2014, eters during the first, second and third har- dence is strongly dependent on the clone; Štochlová et al. 2019). The best intraspe- vests of up to 16%, 29% and 4%, respectively the Pearson’s coefficient of contingency cific descendants of clone 202 displayed up (Tab. S2 in Supplementary material). Simi- was C = 0.692, p < 0.001. to 34% greater dry matter yield per unit lar to the main shoot diameter, higher av- Although the lowest rust incidence was area and up to 29% greater shoot diameter erage shoot diameters were found before observed in the “MAX 4” reference clone, for the main shoots compared with their the second harvest than the third harvest, some of the individual black poplar clones parent during the second harvest. In P. and the best diameters in these harvests showed an equally low incidence. The ×canadensis, Dillen et al. (2009) obtained were found in the “MAX 4” clone, at 30.5 mean point value of leaf rust incidence in an increase of 26.5% in the 2-year-old shoot and 24.6 mm, respectively. The average the “MAX 4” clone was 0.4 ± 0.1 over 9 diameter, and Marron & Ceulemans (2006) shoot diameter of the P. nigra clones years, and the mean point values in the reported an increase of 23.3%. These results ranged between 17.0 and 22.5 in the sec- black poplar clones showing minimal rust cannot be compared due to the different ond rotation and 16.2 and 19.0 mm in the incidence (00/234, 02/477 and 202) were study conditions involved, although the ob- third harvest (Tab. S2 in Supplementary between 0.7 ± 0.1 and 1.0 ± 0.1. In contrast, served increases are satisfactory from a material). The average shoot diameters of the clones showing the poorest results for breeding perspective. the P. nigra clones were 26% to 44% and 23% this parameter were 02/383, 02/371, and Higher growth parameter values of the to 34% smaller than that of the “MAX 4” 02/40, with mean point values 2.1 ± 0.1. The tested P. nigra clones in comparison with clone before the second and third harvest, susceptible clone 98/37 showed the high- clones used in Štochlová et al. (2015) were respectively. est values of rust incidence over all 9 years achieved under the same rust disease at- After the first harvest, the number of with a mean point value of 2.8 ± 0.1. tack, thereby excluding different effects of shoots per plant increased due to coppic- In the year with the highest rust inci- the pathogen and confirming that breed- ing and varied greatly. The number of dence (2011), the mean point values for ing progress has been achieved through in- shoots was greater in the black poplar most of the clones with the highest resis- traspecific hybridization. The lower values clones than in clone “MAX 4” (Fig. 5b, Tab. tance did not exceed 2 points, while the obtained for clones from natural popula- S2 in Supplementary material) and ranged clones that showed the highest rust inci- tions could be affected by the water between 5.9 and 14.2 shoots per plant. The dence had 3 or more points. The suscepti- regime at the locality, which is character- mean number of coppiced shoots in the P. ble clone 98/37 received 3.8 points. ized by lower ground water levels and pre- nigra clone with the greatest shoot num- cipitation, potentially revealing drought ber (02/476) was 2.4 times higher than that Discussion tolerance in the best P. nigra clones from of the interspecific reference clone “MAX The performance of 19 P. nigra clones controlled crosses. 4” just before the second harvest. In the originating from intraspecific crossings In this study, many black poplar clones third rotation, the number of shoots in all were compared to that of 2 clones from were evaluated, although the presented clones was higher than that in the second natural populations and the interspecific data were obtained in small plots at only rotation, and the lowest number of shoots clone “MAX 4” in SRC systems over three one locality. However, a similar trial with was observed in the “MAX 4” clone at 7.4, three-year rotations. The P. nigra clones the same clones has been established by while the highest number was found in used in the current study are the result of the Central Institute for Supervising and clone 02/476 at 16.1. more than 20 years of breeding, the goal of Testing in Agriculture at Stachy, Czech Re- Total cross-sectional area (TCA) accounts which was to obtain genotypes suitable for public (South Bohemia – 49° 06′ 06″ N, 13° for the number of shoots and their diame- biomass production that could replace in- 39′ 60″ E) in 2010. The plantation site is lo- ters. In this trial, the TCA values ranged be- terspecific Populus hybrids threatening au- cated at an altitude of 742 m a.s.l. and tween 2867 and 5764 mm2 before the sec- tochthonous P. nigra species through gene slopes slightly towards the northeast, and ond harvest and showed high variability, introgression (Heinze 1997, Benetka et al. it was used as pasture land before the es- particularly among the tested clones (Fig. 2002b, Vanden Broeck et al. 2005, Smul- tablishment of the plantation. The soil is 5c, Tab. S2 in Supplementary material). The ders et al. 2008). The other goal was to ob- dystric Cambisol on paragneiss with a pH “MAX 4” clone exhibited the highest TCA tain clones resistant to existing virulences from 6.2-6.5. The average annual tempera- value in the second harvest. Before the of M. larici-populina in the Czech Republic, ture is 6.4 °C (in growing period 14.2 °C), third harvest, the TCA values were lower in in which the resistance would be stable, as and the average cumulative precipitation is most of the clones than before the second expected in P. nigra (Legionnet et al. 1999, 742 mm (growing period 378 mm). The 190 iForest 13: 185-193
Verification of P. nigra clones plantation was harvested for the first time which depends on the amount of nutrient was not dependent on the amount of pre- iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry in autumn 2015. A significant strong corre- storage, and the incidence of M. larici-pop- cipitation (Benetka et al. 2014). An increas- lation (R = 0.666, p = 0.001) was found be- ulina. The decrease in the growth rate of ing yield in the third or fourth rotation was tween rank of clones according to the plants with rust incidence from 1 to 2.25 also confirmed in other experiments in yields at Stachy and the average annual dry points (using the same point evaluation) some clones (Al Afas et al. 2008, Dillen et matter production in Průhonice. Among was not important, and the higher rust inci- al. 2013). the best-performing clones under marginal dence in plants from the end of August did As a result of the drought, the yield de- growing conditions were clones 02/456, not negatively affect the shoot thickness crease between second and third harvest 02/455 and 02/383 (Reininger et al. 2015); (amount of nutrient storage – Štochlová et was the highest and was significant in the therefore, two of the three best clones al. 2015). These findings indicate that the most productive “MAX 4” clone, while the from both trials are the same, thus con- incomplete rust resistance observed in cer- decrease in low-yielding black poplar firming their high adaptability. However, tain P. nigra clones is sufficient to defend clones was non-significant. The same re- clones with a distinct rank were observed against the decrease in biomass yield sponse was achieved even in poplar geno- in this study, including clones 02/383 and caused by rust. In the current trial, a lower types originating from P. deltoides and P. 301, which may be less sensitive to mar- rust incidence in comparison with that in trichocarpa (Monclus et al. 2009). In con- ginal growing conditions and lower tem- the study of Štochlová et al. (2015) was ob- trast, the yield decrease of some high-yield- peratures (at Stachy) and present much served in 2009 and 2010, although the trials ing black poplar clones was significantly better growth than that observed in the were situated very close to each other. In lower than that of the “MAX 4” clone, indi- current trial (at Průhonice). In contrast, 2011, the rust incidence in both trials was cating their higher drought tolerance com- clone 02/477 belonged to the clones with a comparable (resistant clones 97/152 and pared with “MAX 4” clone. It will be very low yield under marginal growing condi- 97/157 were evaluated as 2.25 points and interesting to observe the biomass yield tions; therefore, this clone likely requires susceptible clone as 4.33 points). This dif- tendency and differences among intraspe- better growing conditions. Nevertheless, ference could be explained mainly due to cific black poplar clones and reference further evaluations of the best clones must the use of different clones, with a low clones in a series of years with continuous be made via field tests using larger plots in number of susceptible clones in the cur- low Lang’s rain factors. more localities to determine the genotype rent study and a looser spacing. According × site interactions of the clones. to several years of field observations, the Prospects and utilization The interspecific clone “MAX 4” per- stability of the higher rust resistance was The current study indicates a high poten- formed better for most of the evaluated confirmed in the best clones. These clones tial for further intraspecific P. nigra breed- traits. The species combination giving rise were even better than clones with higher ing. Obtaining clones that are relatively to the “MAX 4” clone appears to be very levels of rust resistance identified in a pre- highly resistant to M. larici-populina is high- efficient compared with other interspecific vious work (Štochlová et al. 2015). How- ly valuable and can disprove the notion of combinations (Zamora et al. 2013). Ob- ever, a high variability in leaf rust suscepti- the unsuitability of P. nigra in SRC cultures served differences in evaluated traits can bility was observed among the tested due to its susceptibility to this pathogen. be important for selection of right harvest- clones, which supports the notion of resis- In particular, pure P. nigra and P. tricho- ing method and rotation length (optimal tance based on several quantitative trait carpa clones appeared to be most suitable diameter of main shoots for mechanical loci (Legionnet et al. 1999, Benetka et al. for growth under suboptimal conditions harvesting), wood assortment and its uti- 2005, Štochlová et al. 2015). Intraspecific (i.e., planted on degraded land – Dillen et lization (chips, logs, pulp, etc. – Marron et clones with a high level of resistance were al. 2013), which meets the requirements for al. 2012). Also differences in growth and identified, which are important for follow- growing SRC cultures in areas that are not yield traits can affect wood properties as up resistance breeding programmes be- suitable for intensive agricultural produc- higher number of shoots in P. nigra clones cause rust-resistant clones could achieve tion. could lead to a higher proportion of bark higher biomass production (Dillen et al. and therefore differences in combustion 2013, Štochlová et al. 2015). Moreover, P. Conclusions heat (Geyer et al. 2000, Benetka et al. nigra is one of the parents of most of the In the present study, the significance of 2002a). most commonly grown poplar clones; natural populations (subpopulations) as a The biomass production of new P. nigra therefore, the best P. nigra clones could be source of genetic diversity for further P. ni- clones coming from controlled crosses was used for other interspecific crosses. gra breeding was confirmed. It was shown higher than production of clones from nat- that the first generation of controlled, in- ural population in the study by Benetka et Drought tolerance traspecific cross-pollination among se- al. (2014) with exception of the third har- Both low amounts of precipitation and lected clones of P. nigra was effective and vest of certain clones grown in optimal orhigh temperatures characterized by a low convenient for breeding with the goals of marginal conditions. This difference couldLang’s rain factor during the third rotation high biomass yields and resistance to M. be explained by different growing condi- (Fig. 2) enabled the evaluation of the larici-populina. It was shown that P. nigra tions, the lower amount of precipitation in drought resistance in the trialled clones, al- can be a genetic source of durable resis- the third rotation, and different spacing.though the trial was not established with tance to this pathogen. The intraspecific hybridization success is this goal. The biomass yield of the black Most P. nigra clones from controlled evident compared to the results of other poplar clones and “MAX 4” in the present crosses exhibited higher values of all evalu- studies in which black poplar clones were study decreased in the third harvest in ated traits than those of clones selected also used (Dillen et al. 2013, Benetka et al. comparison with that in the second har- from natural populations. Three high-yield- 2014, Nielsen et al. 2014, Verlinden et al. vest. This is in contrast to the results ob- ing clones (02/455, 02/477 and 02/456) that 2015). However, different growing condi- tained at the Rosice site (Benetka et al. were highly resistant to leaf rust and had tions, spacing and management were im- 2014), in which a similar spacing was used higher drought tolerance were selected plemented, and the best black poplar and the biomass yield was the same or and can be recommended for growth in clones showed mostly comparable or even higher in the third or fourth harvest than in SRC cultures mainly in specific areas. Fur- higher biomass yields. the second harvest. The observed decrease ther intraspecific breeding of P. nigra has in Průhonice in the present study was considerable potential, although the inter- Rust resistance caused by drought, whereas at the Rosice specific clone “MAX 4” performed better In a previous work by Štochlová et al. site, the soil was always sufficiently sup- than did most of the P. nigra clones. The P. (2015), a negative correlation was demon- plied with groundwater coming from a nigra clones presented herein will be used strated between the shoot thickness, nearby river, and therefore, plant growth in further intraspecific breeding cycles with iForest 13: 185-193 191
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