Page created by Charles Mclaughlin

Here, Wim Vos, Principal Field Development Engineer, Dave Pellegrino, Principal
Field Development Engineer, and Rob Haley, Global Marketing Director for
Medical & Drug Delivery Devices, all of Celanese, discuss the myriad benefits of
Vectra® MT® LCP, Celanese’s medical-grade liquid crystal polymer, for wearable
injection devices, including improved patient comfort, greater design flexibility and
reduced processing costs.                                                                                Wim Vos
                                                                                                         Principal Field Development Engineer
Over the past several years, thinking in            of advantages, including significantly
the drug delivery industry has seen a shift         reducing the frequency of injections that a
away from traditional clinic-based practices        patient requires and enabling patients to
and towards a patient-centric model.                self-administer at home.
This shift in thinking manifests in a                   However, designing an injection device
multitude of ways, from an increasing focus         to be worn on a patient’s body poses its own
on human factors in device design to a push         unique design challenges. Wearable devices
towards introducing digital connectivity            must be evaluated for patient comfort
functionality, such as smartphone                   because, unlike any other drug delivery
companion apps, to the world of drug                device, a wearable injector is adhered to a          Dave Pellegrino
                                                                                                         Principal Field Development Engineer
delivery devices. A major result of this            patient’s body during use, often for extended
shift has been the rise of wearable on-body         periods of time. As such, these devices must
injection devices.                                  be made from material that is strong and
    With a goal of increased patient                lightweight to impose a minimum of burden
convenience, whilst also tackling the               on the patient, and preferably be as small
conundrum of delivering high-dose,                  and discrete as possible to minimise any
high-viscosity biologic drug formulations,          disruption of their daily lives. A solution
wearable injectors have proven capable              presents itself in the form of liquid crystal
of delivering high volumes of formulation           polymers (LCPs), a polymer material
over an extended period of time.                    perfect for the device miniaturisation
                                                                                                         Rob Haley
This method of injection offers a number            desirable for wearable injectors.                    Global Marketing Director for
                                                                                                         Medical & Drug Delivery Devices

      “These characteristics allow LCPs to be used to reliably
             and accurately produce highly complex designs.                                              222 West Las Colinas Boulevard
     Couple this with the ability to produce thin, lightweight,                                          Suite 900N
     high-stiffness components, and using LCPs for wearable                                              Texas 75039
                                                                                                         United States
         injectors becomes a sensible and attractive option.”

Copyright © 2021 Frederick Furness Publishing Ltd                                                          15

                                                                                                      excellent barrier properties to both oxygen
                                                                                                      and moisture; and operate with a long-
                                                                                                      term service temperature of -196 – +240°C
                                                                                                      (340°C in the short term). Furthermore,
                                                                                                      LCPs have excellent dimensional stability
                                                                                                      with low shrinkage.
                                                                                                         Celanese is able to bring these benefits
                                                                                                      to the drug delivery device industry with
                                                                                                      its Vectra® MT® LCP. With decades of
                                                                                                      experience in the industry, Celanese can
                                                                                                      provide expert advice on its Vectra MT
                                                                                                      portfolio to best match the LCP grade to a
                                                                                                      customer’s requirements, including varying
                                                                                                      viscosity and tribology, and offer a keen
                                                                                                      understanding of how using an LCP rather
                                                                                                      than a more traditional “default” polymer
                                                                                                      would best benefit a project.

                                                                                                      BENEFITS OF LCPS FOR
                                                                                                      WEARABLE INJECTORS
Figure 1: LCP molecules form fibrils that align in the flow direction of the material.
                                                                                                      Strong, Lightweight Material
WHAT IS LCP?                                         LCPs also boast exceptional flowability          First and foremost, Vectra MT LCP enables
                                                  when compared with amorphous or semi-               wearable device designers to get the most
LCPs are a family of high-performance             crystalline polymers. This ultra-low viscosity      out of their design while prioritising
polymers formed of rigid, self-aligning           has numerous benefits for the production of         patient comfort. The tight tolerances and
molecules. LCP molecules are shaped like          polymer parts. Additionally, the low latent         ability to use thinner components without
a crankshaft and align with each other in         heat of fusion of LCPs provides three key           sacrificing stiffness means devices can be
concentrated bundles, resulting in fibrils that   benefits:                                           made smaller and lighter while maximising
orient themselves in the direction of flow                                                            the space available inside the device for the
while in a liquid state and present only a        • Fast processing                                   necessary injector components and primary
small change in structure when transitioning      • High accuracy                                     drug container. This provides the dual
between liquid and solid (Figure 1). This         • Very low tendency to flash.                       benefit of increased patient comfort and
leads LCPs to act as a self-reinforcing resin                                                         greater design freedom.
or “liquid wood”. LCPs retain this highly            These characteristics allow LCPs to be              Celanese has a broad portfolio of grades
crystalline structure until they reach their      used to reliably and accurately produce             of Vectra MT LCP to suit the particular
decomposition temperature.                        highly complex designs. Couple this with            needs of a project, varying the mechanical,
   This property of LCPs results in material      the ability to produce thin, lightweight,           dimensional, thermal and tribological
properties that make it ideal for use in          high-stiffness components, and using LCPs           properties of the material as necessary.
wearable injectors. Of key significance is        for wearable injectors becomes a sensible           This makes Vectra MT LCP the material
that the stiffness of an LCP component            and attractive option.                              of choice for wearable device designers
increases as the material is made thinner            Also of note is that LCPs are remarkably         looking to miniaturise their devices, making
(Figure 2). This means that components            stable. They are environmentally resistant          them more comfortable and discrete for the
can be made as thin as 0.3 mm without             to heat, chemicals, weather and radiation;          patient, without sacrificing the quality of
sacrificing stiffness; in fact, thinner walls     have low moisture absorption (0.03–0.1%);           the device or compromising the design.
result in stiffer parts.                          are inherently flame retardant; have
                                                                                                      Easy Integration of Electronics
                                                                                                      Integrating electronics and connectivity is
                                                                                                      a widespread trend in the drug delivery
                                                                                                      industry, and wearable devices are no
                                                                                                      exception. Many innovative wearable
                                                                                                      devices integrate connectivity, but even
                                                                                                      those that don’t frequently incorporate an
                                                                                                      electronic component to control various
                                                                                                      aspects of the injection. LCPs are already
                                                                                                      a widely used material in the consumer
                                                                                                      electronics industry, as they have humidity-
                                                                                                      stable dielectric properties, making them the
                                                                                                      material of choice for micro-connectors and
Figure 2: LCP is stiffest when the material is thinner than 1 mm.                                     precision optics.

16                                                                 Copyright © 2021 Frederick Furness Publishing Ltd

                                                    reliability of processing. The low flash is      number of cavities per mould mean that
                                                    also critical when producing small, complex      the production rate per tool is significantly
     “The material properties
                                                    components that are often key to wearable        higher with LCPs than with traditional
  of LCPs provide significant                       injector designs; low flash means fewer          thermoplastics. The lower temperatures
       advantages over other                        parts rejected for not meeting the precise       reduce the energy required for running the
                                                    dimensional requirements.                        process, which, in turn, reduces costs and
   traditional thermoplastics
                                                        Typically, LCPs solidify very fast,          makes production using hot runners more
           when it comes to                         meaning the injection moulding cycle is          feasible, which reduces waste, reduces cycle
    processing the material.”                       commonly 5–15 seconds for small part             time and provides greater design flexibility.
                                                    moulding, depending on the number of                These advantages mean that, despite
                                                    cavities in the mould. This leads to higher      the higher cost of the material itself,
    Vectra MT LCP combines Celanese’s MT            productivity, as rapid cycling means more        Vectra MT LCP can be the lower-cost
portfolio service package with a medical            parts can be produced in a single mould per      option overall, compared with commonly
grade version of the LCP that has been              unit of time, reducing the number of moulds      used polycarbonates (Figure 3) while
tried and tested in the consumer electronics        necessary for the same output. The high          also providing the myriad benefits
sector. Celanese discussed the value of             flowability of LCPs means that there can         to processability and product quality
LCPs for the integration of electronics into        be a greater number of cavities per mould,       already discussed.
connected medical devices in greater detail         further enhancing productivity.                     Naturally, many of these cost-savings
in ONdrugDelivery’s June 2021 issue on                  In contrast with other commonly used         translate into an improved sustainability
Connecting Drug Delivery, and that value            thermoplastics, LCPs render high mould           profile for parts made using Vectra MT
can be readily applied to wearable injectors.       temperatures unnecessary, since high shear       LCP. For example, the lower energy
                                                    is used to thin the resin and make it flow       cost per part directly reduces the carbon
Tight Tolerances for Micro-Moulding                 better. LCPs can be processed at mould           footprint of devices made using Vectra
As mentioned previously, miniaturisation            temperatures below 100°C and only require        MT LCP. The high flowability and lower
is a key consideration for wearable                 water-based cooling.                             number of moulds required also allows
injectors, so complex micro-moulded parts                                                            for smaller machines with lower material
can be critical to developing such devices.         Lower Production Costs and                       requirements, which can, coupled with the
Material choice makes all the difference for        Improved Sustainability Profile                  reduced material waste from the low flash
manufacturing small, complex parts, as the          The factors that make LCPs so much easier        tendency and ready use of hot runners,
material needs to be suitable for fine detail       to process naturally result in lower costs and   further reduce the environmental impact
and strong enough to be reliable in use.            improved sustainability. Rapid cycling of        of a device using Vectra MT LCP over
As such, the tight tolerances and high              the injection moulding process and higher        other thermoplastics.
stiffness at low thickness of Vectra MT
LCP make it ideal for use in these complex
micro-moulded parts.

High Processability
The material properties of LCPs provide
significant advantages over other traditional
thermoplastics when it comes to processing
the material. LCPs flow exceptionally well
under high shear without degrading their
mechanical properties. This high flowability
allows LCP to be moulded into very thin,
highly complex parts with relative ease;
depending on grade, Vectra MT LCP can
achieve a flow length of 65 mm at a wall
thickness of 0.2 mm.
    LCPs also have a low heat of fusion due
to their highly ordered molecular structure.
As discussed previously, the structure of an
LCP changes relatively little between the
liquid and solid phases. This means that
not only is LCP easy to process, it is fast
as well. By using an LCP, the cycle time
from melt injection to part ejection can be
significantly reduced.
    The rapid solidification of LCPs                Figure 3: While the material cost of Vectra MT LCP is higher than commonly used
allows for minimal part flashing, which             polycarbonates, the significant cost savings resulting from its superior processability
significantly increases the efficiency and          make it the lower-cost option overall.

Copyright © 2021 Frederick Furness Publishing Ltd                                                              17

                                                   brings together all these advantages, making       ranges of high-performance polymers
                                                   it the natural fit for any wearable device         and thermoplastics in the world. The
      “The factors that make
                                                   designer looking to miniaturise their device,      company is expanding design possibilities
     LCPs so much easier to                        improve patient comfort, increase design           as its customers find new ways to improve
   process naturally result in                     flexibility and reduce processing costs.           patient care with cutting-edge medical
                                                                                                      and pharmaceutical material solutions.
  lower costs and improved
                                                   ABOUT THE COMPANY                                  Celanese’s continuously expanding medical
sustainability. Rapid cycling                                                                         technology portfolio includes solutions and
   of the injection moulding                       Celanese Corporation is a global technology        technologies for multiple applications in
                                                   leader in the production of differentiated         the space of drug delivery, medical devices,
process and higher number
                                                   chemistry solutions and specialty materials        orthopaedics, advanced surgical instruments
of cavities per mould mean                         used in most major industries and consumer         and connected devices.
    that the production rate                       applications. The company’s businesses                 Celanese’s innovation platforms and
                                                   use the full breadth of Celanese’s global          customised solutions provide high-quality,
       per tool is significantly
                                                   chemistry, technology and commercial               advanced and biocompatible polymers to help
higher with LCPs than with                         expertise to create value for its customers,       its customers innovate healthcare technologies,
 traditional thermoplastics.”                      employees, shareholders and the corporation.       mitigate risk through regulatory compliance
                                                   Celanese partners with its customers to            and create eco-responsible materials.
                                                   address their most critical business needs,            From feasibility to development to
CONCLUSION                                         and strives to make a positive impact              commercialisation, Celanese’s scientists and
                                                   on communities and the world through               engineers are there to provide development
It is critical in drug delivery device design to   The Celanese Foundation. Based in Dallas           services, GMP material supply and regulatory
use the right plastic for the right product.       (TX, US), Celanese employs approximately           support. The company’s objective is to help
When it comes to the growing field of              7,700 employees worldwide and had 2020             its customers reduce time and risk in research
wearable injectors, an advanced LCP                net sales of US$5.7 billion (£4.1 billion).        and development, so their applications
polymer provides a host of benefits over              Celanese has supported key applications         achieve a higher chance of success.
the traditional thermoplastics that designers      and the demanding requirements of the
may default to simply because that is what         medical market for more than 40 years              MT® and Vectra® are registered trademarks
they have always worked with in the past.          and has developed one of the broadest              of Celanese Corporation.
As such, it’s important to consult with a
materials specialist to take advantage of
a more suitable polymer for your product
development process. The benefits that
                                                     ABOUT THE AUTHORS
using an LCP can provide include:                    Wim Vos is Principal Field Development Engineer within the Medical Group at Celanese,
                                                     specialising in injection devices and wearable/on-body pump systems. He has worked within
•	Excellent dimensional stability and               the plastic industry for over 35 years across quality assurance, R&D, technical services, Six
   tight tolerances                                  Sigma and application development, supporting large global OEMs to develop and launch
•	Fine detail frequently unachievable with          new products. Mr Vos joined Celanese in 2014 where he works closely with brand owners,
   other materials                                   designers and moulders, who, together, create new, life-saving products using Celanese’s
•	High stiffness at material thickness of           engineered polymer technologies and solutions with a focus on design and human factors.
   less than 1 mm
• High environmental resistances                     David Pellegrino is a Principal Field Development Engineer within the Americas Medical
•	Strong barrier properties to both oxygen          Group for Celanese specialising in drug delivery and medical devices. He has over 35 years of
   and moisture                                      experience in plastic injection moulding for the medical industry and has worked in all facets
• High processability                                of the industry, including computer-aided engineering, design for manufacture, finite element
• Low flash tendency                                 analysis, mould flow, mould making, mould design, material selection, process development,
•	Tried and tested value for integrated             business development, engineering and operations management. Mr Pellegrino joined Celanese
   electronics                                       in 2020 and works closely with product design firms, original equipment manufacturers and
• Significantly reduced processing costs             moulders to support troubleshooting of existing applications and the development of new
• Improved sustainability profile.                   designs using Celanese’s engineered materials to ensure successful product launch.

   Celanese is able to provide that expertise        Rob Haley is the Global Marketing Director for Medical and Drug Delivery Devices
and work with device designers to ensure that        at Celanese. In this role, he helps develop and lead the strategic vision of the Celanese
they’re using the optimal polymer for their          medical organisation to keep the team positioned with high-value products, clearly
device. The company’s MT portfolio service           defined value propositions and opportunities to realise a healthy growth plan. He has
package guarantees material compliance               been working in the medical device, pharmaceutical and drug delivery device space for
with US FDA and EU requirements,                     over 14 years, serving in a range of technical and commercial leadership roles. He holds
assurance of long-term supply without a              a BS in Business Management from Salem State University (MA, US) and is currently
change to material formulation and support           completing an MBA from the same institution.
with regulatory approval. Vectra MT LCP

18                                                                 Copyright © 2021 Frederick Furness Publishing Ltd
                  Over 150 million patients rely on medical devices manufactured with Celanese
                  materials to improve their quality of life every day.
                  Trust our 40 years of clinical history in medical devices and engage our team for:

                                   One-on-one guidance on material options during device design to
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                                   Tooling optimization and process validation assistance for
                                   high-volume manufacturing
                  *included in the Celanese Medical Technology service package

Discover how our team and our materials can enable your medical device development

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