Values: The New World Currency - AICB

Page created by Julia Graham
Values: The New World Currency - AICB
Exclusive Interview with Chartered Banker, Rizleen Mokhtar, former Executive Vice President of Credit Risk at AmBank Group
                                                   Unfazed by the Future

            IDEAS FOR LEADERS | JUNE 2021                                                 PP 17327/05/2013(032407)

                                        Values: The
                                        New World
                                             Finally, some bite-in-bark for
                                                 sustainable finance.

                                                                                                            ‘No Banking on
                                                                                                            a Dead Planet’
                                                                                                            MANY MARKETS,
                                                                                                            ONE COMMON

                                                                                                                 Ways of
                                                                                                                Thinking in
Values: The New World Currency - AICB
Contents                                                            June 2021

Cover Story                                                                                                               Exclusive

                                                                                 Values: The                                                                        Unfazed by
                                                                                 New World                                                                          the Future
                                                                                 Currency                                                                           A Chartered Banker’s
                                                                                 Finally, some bite-in-                                                             personal take on risk,
                                                                                                                                                                    leadership, and life.
                                                                                 bark for sustainable
                                                                                 finance. [pg12]

Prospects                               06 Insights

Governance                              16 Rising Temperatures,                  20 Money is Memory, Take 24 A New Opportunity for                                       industry build on the rise
                                           Melting Ice Caps, and                    Two                        Banks?                                                    in approval to make lasting
                                           the Banking Sector                       With digital currencies on With social, emotional,                                   changes for the better?
                                           Stronger ESG adoption                    the rise, an old economic  and professional fatigue
                                           is driven by financial,                  theory takes on new        now setting in across
                                           economic and regulatory                  dimensions.                the country, how can the

Security                                                          ‘No Banking on a Dead                                                              Pre-empt a Green Swan
                                                                  Planet’                                                                            Focus on material sustainability
                                                                  Ça va bien? Hold your                                                              issues to mitigate sustainability
                                                                  horses. [pg28]                                                                     risks and achieve alpha. [pg32]

                                        36 	Data Ethics: Time to                 40 	Digital Transformation                    Financial Industry
                                            Get Your House In                        Poses Potential Risks                     Reining in the risk of
                                            Order                                    for Stability and the                     regulatory arbitrage.

Thought                                 44 Eye-openers from          48 The Ethical Advantage: 52 The Customer Journey                                              58 Novel Ways of Thinking
Leadership                                 GameStop’s Wild, Wild        The Economic and            and Its Ethical                                                    in Finance
                                           Ride                         Social Benefits of          Implications                                                       Critical and Lateral
                                           Consequences to the          Ethics to Australia      54 Islamic Finance                                                    Thinking, the winning
                                           Internet-dubbed “greatest    Numbers show that           Leadership: Lessons                                                combination.
                                           real short burn of the       choosing what’s right is    from the Past and
                                           century”.                    really the best.            Strategies for the

Technical                                                         Influencing                                            Food Financing:                                         Many Markets,
                                                                  Financial                                              Why Credit in                                           One Common
                                                                  Behaviour                                              the Hands of                                            Language
                                                                  Tipping the scales                                     Farmers Uplifts                                         Getting to a
                                                                  for values-based                                       Us All                                                  harmonised
                                                                  banking takes more                                     Banking’s role                                          taxonomy in
                                                                  than just a plan.                                      in bridging the                                         sustainable finance.
                                                                  [pg62]                                                 food-insecurity gap.                                    [pg70]

 The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of AICB or its Council. Contributions including letters to the Editor and comments on articles appearing in the magazine are welcome
and should be sent to the Editor. All materials without prejudice appearing in Banking Insight are copyright and cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from AICB. Note: All
                                                                  information provided in this publication is correct at the time of printing.
Values: The New World Currency - AICB

                    All Aboard
                    Building the Right Board to Respond            Projects at UBS Zurich, outlined the impact
                    to the Climate Challenge, a webinar            of current board trends at government                      A University of Cambridge
                    jointly hosted by the Asian Institute          and corporate levels, existing knowledge                        research, What Board
                    of Chartered Bankers and UK-based              on board characteristics and their degree              Characteristics Are Driving the
                    Chartered Institute for Securities &           of impact to positively influence climate                Climate Change Response of
                    Investment, addressed the discourse            response. The closing Q&A also addressed                Firms in the Financial Sector?
                    surrounding board commitments in the           global expectations as climate-related                                      revealed:
                    transition to net-zero.                        issues gain further traction.
                    During the 71-minute webinar this              In response to an audience question                 The importance of the chair in driving
                    January, panellists including Richard          on voluntary or mandatory disclosures                  the firm’s climate response. When
                    Burrett, Fellow at the University of           by boards, Burrett elaborated: “We are               the chair possesses a sustainability
                    Cambridge Institute for Sustainability         seeing an increasing regulatory burden                    mindset, this has an impact on
                    Leadership, and                                on institutions in general and financial               whether climate is included on the
                    Beate Van Loo-Born,                            institutions in particular around climate             board agenda and ultimately in the
                    Executive Director                             change. The TCFD (Task Force on Climate-                          firm’s climate response.
                    – Head of Strategic                            related Financial Disclosures) has had
                                                                   a major impact on the way that many                   Even a climate-literate chair with a
                                                                   institutions now think about climate change,        sustainability mindset needs to bring
                                                                   and the regulators are doing this because            other directors along on the journey.
                                                                   they see climate change as a material
                                                                   systemic risk and I think that’s an important
                                                                                                                       Separation of CEO and chair roles are
                                                                   addition to the shareholder versus
                                                                                                                        found to positively influence climate
                                                                   stakeholder debate.”
                                                                    “Even if you don’t care about your
                                                                     stakeholders, even as a shareholder, the
                                                                                                                       Board diversity, including gender, age,
                                                                       materiality of climate change as an
                                                                                                                        and expertise, positively contributes
                                                                              issue is evolving and people are
                                                                                                                      to a firm’s climate response, as does a
                                                                                   recognising that it does have
                                                                                                                                       sustainability mindset.
                                                                                      a material impact.” Q

                                                                                                                                  Watch the recording at
                                                                                                       Visit for
                                                                                                                       information on upcoming webinars.

                                                             Stronger performance in advanced and emerging
                                  IMF: Asia’s
                                                             economies in Asia – China, India, Malaysia,
                                  Recovery                   Thailand – led to an upgrade in the International
                               Lifts Global                  Monetary Fund’s (IMF) global growth estimate
                                    Growth                   for 2020 by 0.7 percentage points to a
                                   Estimate                  contraction of 1.5%.
                                                             Its January 2021 World Economic Outlook
                                                             Update reports that the pandemic-led collapse
                                                             last year has had acute adverse impacts
Banking Insight

                                                             on women, youth, the poor, the informally

Values: The New World Currency - AICB

Unfazed by
the Future
Reporting by the Banking Insight Editorial Team

A Chartered Banker’s personal take on risk,
leadership, and life.

   This issue, we switch gears with                                                  banking process flow.
Rizleen Mokhtar, CB, whose vigour and                                                   In those early days, I was fortunate
insights mark our most candid interview                                              to have been given the opportunity to
to date. From her views on ‘credit as an                                             tackle a wide range of customer profiles,
art’ to discussing Impostor Syndrome,                                                starting with both private- and public-
                                                                                     owned midsized firms to eventually the
the former Executive Vice President
                                                                                     larger top-tier corporate entities, covering
of Credit Risk at AmBank Group is
                                                                                     businesses in the manufacturing, trading,
seemingly unfazed by challenges or a                                                 construction, property development, and
forthright question. She exemplifies the                                             energy sectors.
fighting spirit that keeps the engine of                                                In between, I was also given the
finance going and banking reinventing                                                opportunity to handle financial institution
itself.                                                                              groups, which gave me a totally different
                                                                                     credit experience. One of the turning
    Rising from the frontlines of                                                    points in my career came sometime in 2000
banking to helming the Wholesale                  Now a risk manager, I came         when the CB division was restructured
Credit Risk division at AmBank,                   to have better understanding       into separate, dedicated functions – the
could you set the stage for us and                                                   ‘frontliners’ and the credit specialists. I was
                                                  of the intent of the
talk about some turning points in                                                    assigned to the latter (known at the time
                                                  recommendations under the
your career?                                                                         as credit risk management unit or CRMU)
   I joined AmBank in the late 1980s as
                                                  Basel Accords, in particular the   which initially was still under the purview
an executive trainee in the Corporate             relationship between               of the business line managing director.
Banking (CB) division, and in those days          credit and capital                 Eventually, CRMU was hived off and
there was no dedicated client relationship        adequacy in ensuring               became part of Group Risk Management
unit, credit evaluation unit, credit risk         sustainability of the              (GRM) under the purview of a chief risk
units, etc.                                       financial institution.             officer. This came on the heels of the
   Banking officers did everything                This gave me a different           Asian Financial Crisis, at a time when
practically end-to-end, from engaging             perspective when analysing         regulators, both global and domestic, were
customers to sniffing out potential deals         credit proposals. It was no        strengthening risk management practices in
or offering financial solutions; conducting                                          financial institutions.
                                                  longer just about short-term
credit evaluation and running sensitivity                                               Now a risk manager, I came to have
                                                  gratification, it had to also be
scenarios on cash flow models; preparing                                             better understanding of the intent of
submissions for credit approval; right
                                                  about long-term sustainable        the recommendations under the Basel
through to preparation of offer letters,          growth.                            Accords, in particular the relationship
reviewing facility documentation, and                                                between credit and capital adequacy in
ensuring conditions are in order for loan                                            ensuring sustainability of the financial
disbursement. This gave me a holistic                                                institution. This gave me a different
learning experience, and enabled me                                                  perspective when analysing credit
                                                                                                                                       Banking Insight

to understand the building blocks and                                                proposals. It was no longer just about
appreciate each facet of the corporate                                               short-term gratification, it had to also be

Values: The New World Currency - AICB
Values: The
New World
By Angela Yap Siew Peng

   Finally, some bite-in-bark for sustainable finance.

       nvestors are cranking up the heat on      business model, Buffett – the market’s           American non-profit for shareholder
       the world’s biggest companies.            most vocal opponent to ESG – has                 advocacy, on behalf of a small retail
         On 1 May, Berkshire Hathaway            repeatedly said “I don’t believe in imposing     investor.
       Inc, the massive Omaha-based              my political opinions on the activities of our      Unsurprisingly, both proposals were
investment holding company chaired by            businesses” and gives vast independence          rejected, given that the ‘Oracle of Omaha’,
billionaire Warren Buffett, clashed head-on      to its subsidiaries as long as they deliver on   as Buffett is known, controls almost
with shareholders at its annual meeting.         the numbers.                                     one-third of votes and continues to hold
   At the centre of this controversy are two         “We are not going to shy away from           enormous sway over retail investors.
landmark shareholder proposals, billed as        holding Berkshire accountable just because          What is surprising this round is that 25%
the “litmus test for ESG (environmental,         it’s run by Warren Buffett,” said Simiso         of shareholders’ votes went against Buffett
social, and governance) investors”.              Nzima, CalPERS’ Head of Corporate                and his management team, surpassing
   The first proposal came from a trifecta       Governance.                                      the usual 3% or less opposition. Media
of institutional investors – California Public       The second proposal was for Berkshire        outlets including Reuters comment that
Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS),          to report its diversity, equity, and inclusion   this is “greater discontent than Berkshire
Federated Hermes, and Caisse de Dépôt            (DEI) efforts across its 400,000 workforce.      shareholders historically demonstrate”,
et Placement du Québec (CDPQ) – who              This was mooted by As You Sow, an                leading to questions on whether the
demand that Berkshire declare physical,                                                           90-year-old Buffett could possibly be out of
transitional, and other financial risks in                                                        sync with the times.
efforts to address climate change and               At the centre of this
transition to a low-carbon economy. To              controversy are two landmark                  Turning the Bend
date, Berkshire is the only major US or             shareholder proposals, billed                    Whichever camp you’re in, it’s undeniable
European stock that does not disclose its           as the “litmus test for                       that shareholder activism is on the rise and
risk exposure to climate change and whose           ESG (environmental,                           investors are demanding that ESG targets
                                                                                                                                                 Banking Insight

board has repeatedly rejected these pleas.          social, and governance)                       be placed squarely on the shoulders of
   Stressing its “unusually decentralised”          investors”.                                   boards and top of the corporate agenda.

Values: The New World Currency - AICB

                          Melting Ice Caps,
                          and the Banking
                           By Nik Shahrizal Sulaiman
Banking Insight

Values: The New World Currency - AICB

                                                               Money is
                                                               Take Two                               By Angela Yap Siew Peng

                                                              With digital currencies on the rise, an
                                                                old economic theory takes on new

                                             ack in 1998, leading American        tap into the memory of money, he warned
                                             monetary economist Narayana          that this could be exploited by parties other
                                             Kocherlakota posited that            than the central bank (the only authorised
                                             ‘Money is Memory’, a singular        issuers of money) and “the government’s
                               idea that continues to inspire economic            monopoly on seignorage might be in some
                               thinking.                                          jeopardy as information access and storage
                                  His paper of the same title, published          costs decline”.
                               in the Journal of Economic Theory, argues             For a long time, the theory that ‘money is
                               that money is a primitive form of memory           memory’ was seen more as a philosophical
                               and its circulation in the economy is akin         endeavour than practical reality. Today, that
                               to a “superledger” (as Agustín Carstens            has all changed with fintech, specifically
                               of the Bank of International Settlements           distributed ledger technology (DLT), the
                               puts it) that carries within it a history of all   foremost technology underlying the
                               transactions – from big kahuna deals of            creation of central bank digital coins
                               who bought which submarine to mundane              (CBDC).
                               affairs of who paid for that bag of lemons,
                               what you still owe the grocer, and if you’ve       Digital Cash
                               got enough pennies for a soda on the way              CBDC, the new electronic currency that
                               home.                                              most governments are experimenting
                                  This is the central idea behind                 with, is very much talked about but often
                               Kocherlakota’s theory. Money is more than          misunderstood. The most important
                               just a medium of exchange; it is intrinsically     misconception that needs to be cleared
Banking Insight

                               a source of “high quality information              is that although the idea of a CBDC was
                               storage and access”. If there were a way to        inspired by bitcoin, the former is not a

Values: The New World Currency - AICB

                        A New
                        for Banks?
                        By Chartered Banker Institute, UK

                        With social, emotional, and professional fatigue
                        now setting in across the country, how can the
                        industry build on the rise in approval to make
                        lasting changes for the better?

                              ince 2012, public confidence      general. But exactly what is the reason       packages have also played a part in
                              in the banking industry           behind the surge in trust, in particular      public perception of the sector. “At the
                              has been recovering from          during a time of such unprecedented           heart of the government’s response has
                              the aftermath of the 2008         uncertainty? For Christopher Box,             been the banks, which together have
                  financial crisis, from 27% approval in        Financial Services Consulting Leader,         authorised payment holidays and issued
                  2012 to 56% approval in 2020, according       PwC, it’s not entirely surprising. “I         various support packages worth over
                  to Gallup. As well as this, the 2020          think it’s partly a reflection of times of    GBP57 billion,” Richard Kibble, UK Head
                  Edelman Trust Barometer, which surveys        uncertainty, when there is usually a flight   of Banking, Deloitte, said at the end of
                  more than 13,000 respondents globally,        towards institutions,” Box suggests.          2020.
                  found that the public’s trust in the sector      “That says to me that people want            “This hasn’t gone unnoticed by
                  reached an all-time high of 65% amid          to trust during a period of uncertainty.      customers with more than three-fifths
                  the pandemic.                                 Organisations currently have an               of customers saying they were pleased
                                                                opportunity because lots of engagement        with their banks’ response to the crisis.
                  Fight or Flight                               scores were consistently high across          Moreover, customers are voting with
                     With financial organisations juggling      financial services, but now is the critical   their feet, with more than one-third of
                  a fast-shifting set of logistical, social,    time because we have reached the              those who switched or opened bank
                  and economic challenges, the display          point where fatigue is starting to set in.”   accounts as a result of the pandemic
Banking Insight

                  of public confidence is a good news           The authorisation of payment holidays         saying they were motivated by their new
                  story for the industry, and for society in    and facilitation of government support        bank’s societal impact.”

Values: The New World Currency - AICB

                                                 ‘No Banking
                                                 on a Dead
                                                 by Angela Yap Siew Peng

                                                 Ça va bien? Hold your horses.

                   Minh Cuong
                   Le Quan
                                                            rench agronomist and               Framework Convention on Climate
                                                            sustainability leader Minh Cuong   Change.
                                                            Le Quan has advocated for            As CEO of Staterre, a France-based
                                                            environmental justice in Asia,     accelerator for change, he advises
                                                 Africa, and Europe for close to 30 years.     companies on transition and climate
                                                    His award-winning projects are known       adaptation strategies. He also lectures
                                                 for putting people and their communities      on environmental stewardship at French
                                                 at the heart of market-based solutions.       business schools.
                                                 These pioneering ideas have garnered            We share excerpts from our interview
                                                 Minh and his team accolades, including        with the climate expert.
                                                 the prestigious Clinton Global Initiative
                                                 Award, the EU Energy Globe Awards,               Achieving net-zero by 2050
                                                 Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy,         under the Paris Agreement calls for
                                                 and recognition as best-in-class solutions    decarbonising our planet in the next
                                                 by bodies such as the US Environmental &      30 years – companies must do away
                                                                                               with fossil fuels and other sources
                                                 Protection Agency.
                                                                                               of emissions or match every tonne of
                     Minh founded the               Minh founded the Climate Change
                                                                                               carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emission with
                     Climate Change Unit at      Unit at international non-profit, Geres.      a ton removed from the atmosphere.
                     international non-profit,   He subsequently chaired a global              What challenges will industries,
                     Geres. He subsequently      carbon-finance cooperative, designing         including banking, face en route to
                     chaired a global carbon-    its unique financing mechanism for            sustainability?
                     finance cooperative,        improved financial inclusion of Asia in the     The financial sector must wake up to
                     designing its unique        carbon trading market. His perspective        the realisation that we are in the midst of
                     financing mechanism         that environmental stewardship is             a collapse.
                     for improved                inseparable from social justice goals has       Net-zero pledges have become the
                     financial inclusion         been presented to international panels,       norm, but for me, it’s not a sufficient
Banking Insight

                     of Asia in the carbon       including the carbon market fora and          target.
                     trading market.             technical bodies of the United Nations          Net-zero means that in 30 years, I’ll


                                                      a Green
                                                       Swan                     by Julia Chong

                                                       Focus on material sustainability
                                                    issues to mitigate sustainability risks
                                                              and achieve alpha.

                                      hilst alarmist reports      landmark new regulation issued by the        protection for end investors as firms must
                                      make for good               European Supervisory Authorities to          now disclose sustainability characteristics
                                      headlines, they are an      achieve the goal of a carbon-neutral Union   and risks at both entity and product level
                                      incomplete reflection of    by 2050. The Regulation is a legislative     in accordance with EU-issued technical
                  the work that has been done to forestall        tool designed to reorient capital towards    standards. Otherwise, firms must
                  a potential climate-related financial crisis.   sustainable businesses in order to           explicitly state that the product or entity
                  Reining in sustainability risks has been on     achieve global climate goals whilst          does not take into account sustainability
                  the agenda for some time, but garnered          ensuring financial institutions actively     risks. This is known as a ‘comply or
                  little attention from media stalwarts.          combat ‘greenwashing’ i.e. conveying         explain’ regime.
                      Take, for instance, non-profit Ceres’       a false impression or misleading                Most European banks have in place
                  announcement that lending linked to fossil      information to investors that the products   policies and/or established frameworks
                  fuels and energy transition could translate     are environmentally friendly.                to address this risk and actively inform
                  into more than USD100 billion in losses            An important aspect of the SFDR,          investors how controls are in place to
                  for US banks and systemic financial risk.       specifically Recital 10, is that it is now   take into account sustainability impacts.
                  What this soundbite – carried by major          mandatory for financial institutions         Rothschild & Co Merchant Banking, for
                  newswires throughout the world – fails to       to make pre-contractual and ongoing          instance, discloses to investors how
                  reflect is the other side of the story.         disclosures with regard to sustainability    sustainability risk may occur as part of its
                                                                  risk to end investors in accordance with     ESG investments:
                  Comply or Explain                               regulatory technical standards.                 “This policy therefore approaches
                    In every way, sustainability policies            The European Banking Authority            sustainability risk from the perspective
                  today are the result of years of behind-        (EBA) define sustainability risk as an       of the risk that ESG events might cause
                  the-scenes work by supervisory                  environmental, social, or governance         a material negative impact on the value
                  authorities.                                    (ESG) event or condition which could         of our products’ investments. To give an
                    The EU’s Sustainable Finance                  cause an actual or a potential material      example, if a Merchant Banking fund has
Banking Insight

                  Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), which             negative impact on the value of the          significant exposure to digital services
                  came into effect on 10 March 2021, is a         investment. This provides greater            businesses which collect and process


                      Data Ethics:
                      Time to Get
                      Your House
                      In Order
                      By Dr Amanda Salter

                      Landscaping what’s fair and responsible
                      use in emergent banking tech.

                           he technophiles among us are        This perception is patently untrue. All          (including responsible innovation,
                           well aware of the recent high-      algorithms and data carry the biases of          programming, hacking and professional
                           profile cases of algorithms and     the people and the cultures that collect,        codes), in order to formulate and support
                           artificial intelligence (AI) gone   process, analyse, and present that data.         morally good solutions (e.g. right
                  wrong.                                          A solid, long-term data ethics                conducts or right values).
                     Take the ignominious Apple credit         programme can forestall harmful and                 The nascent field of data ethics is
                  card. Launched in 2019 in the US and         costly impacts, mitigating risks so that         constantly evolving. There are many
                  backed by a leading global bank, the         banks won’t be caught with their pants           societal and technological drivers behind
                  offering was panned by consumers who         down.                                            the need for data ethics, from the rise of
                  noticed that, as a result of its credit-                                                      big data to the Internet of Things, and of
                  rating algorithm, women were offered         Evolution & Iteration                            course, AI itself.
                  significantly lower lines of credit than        Researchers Luciano Floridi and                  We could argue that right now, our
                  men who had similar income and assets.       Mariarosaria Taddeo, in a 2016 Royal             capabilities are only limited by our
                  The subsequent media storm sparked           Society Journal article, classify “data          ambition and our expectations. But to
                  an ongoing investigation by the state        ethics as a new branch of ethics that            misquote a phrase by Dr Ian Malcolm,
                  regulator, who stated that “any algorithm    studies and evaluates moral problems             the iconic scientist in the sci-fi classic
                  that intentionally or not [emphasis added]   related to data (including generation,           Jurassic Park, just because we can do
                  results in discriminatory treatment of       recording, curation, processing,                 something doesn’t mean we should –
                  women violates [the] law”.                   dissemination, sharing and use),                 ability doesn’t mean prerogative. In the
                     The fracas highlights the common          algorithms (including artificial intelligence,   emerging field of AI there is often no
Banking Insight

                  fallacy that technology, algorithms, and     artificial agents, machine learning and          clear-cut right or wrong answer, and the
                  data are clean, objective, and neutral.      robots) and corresponding practices              mere presence (or absence!) of data can


                             Poses Potential Risks
                             for Stability and the
                             Financial Industry
                             By Prof Hans Genberg

                             Reining in the risk of
                             regulatory arbitrage.

                                       igital transformation is changing
                                       how and by whom financial services
                                       are provided, bringing benefits to
                                       consumers in the form of expanded
                         and simplified access to financial services.
                         However, this transformation is also affecting the
                         financial services industry in ways that could lead
                         to greater risks to systemic financial stability.

                         The Arrival of Big Data and
                         Artificial Intelligence
                           Transformation of the financial sector and the
                         provision of financial services are driven by ‘big
                         data’ and the computer-aided ability of financial
                         institutions to analyse these data to provide
                         improved services to customers. By big data, we
                         mean very large structured and/or unstructured
                         data sets containing tens of thousands of
                         observations on bank customers, insurance
                         policyholders, and users of online payment
                         platforms etc., as well as textual data that can
                         be digitised and used for the computer-aided
                         analysis of newly issued financial regulations,
Banking Insight

Thought Leadership

                            Wild Ride                                      By Kannan Agarwal

                                       Consequences to the internet-dubbed
                                           “greatest real short burn of the

                                                          y now, every financier worth his
                                                          or her salt would have heard of
                                                          GameStop Corp, the stock which
                                                          – thanks to a subreddit called
                                            wallstreetbets – climbed a whopping 1,625%,
                                            resulting in multi-billion losses at hedge funds
                                            like Melvin Capital and other short-sell firms.
                                                For the uninitiated, a subreddit (denoted by
                                            the prefix “r/”) is a forum on the social platform   overlooking it.
                                            Reddit, where users post questions and engage          “If you saw a classic value investor
                                            with other Redditors. Hence, r/wallstreetbets        make the arguments that they were
                                            is a forum about…well…what wall street bets.         making for GameStop on wallstreetbets,
                                            It’s a mix of people from all walks of life – from   you wouldn’t flinch. You would look at it,
                                            teenagers seeking investing tips right up to         and you’d be like, “Oh, good idea.””
                                            divergent views from prominent analysts.
                                                In a recent radio interview on NPR, Brandon      Background
                                            Kochkodin recounts: “It started with someone            When GameStop Corp listed in 2002,
                                            laying out the case that was, you know,              it was a successful American video
                                            GameStop’s being treated in the market as            game retailer, opening thousands of
                                            if the company already went bankrupt. But            stores all over the world. However,
                                            if you look at the fundamentals, they have           its fortunes plunged as video gamers
                                            cash, they can pay their debt, they can service      switched to downloading games over the
Banking Insight

                                            their debt. This isn’t a bankrupt company yet,       Internet. GameStop stocks dwindled as it
                                            there’s something there still and people are         shuttered most of its stores.

Thought Leadership

                       THE ETHICAL
                       THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL
                       BENEFITS OF ETHICS TO
                       By The Ethics Centre
Banking Insight

Thought Leadership

                                         The Customer
                                          Journey and
                                           Its Ethical
                                          Implications                         By Bob Souster

                                                                 The challenges of change.

                              or many years, banking                                                            Bank Negara Malaysia’s document, Fair
                              organisations placed great         Banks owe obligations                          Treatment of Financial Consumers, which
                              importance on signing up new       to their stakeholders:                         sets down the outcomes that should be
                              customers. The conventional        those who are                                  pursued by providers of financial services.
                  wisdom in marketing suggested that once        affected by and can                            In short, customer interests should lie at
                  a person became a customer they would          affect the bank.                               the heart of everything that a bank does,
                  probably stay for life, and in doing so        These include customers,                       not just when the customer arrives but
                  influence others, such as their family and     shareholders, suppliers,                       throughout the relationship. Increasingly,
                  friends, to bank with the same institution.    the community and even                         doing the right thing is doing what is right
                  To a large extent this remains true:           the physical environment.                      for customers.
                  people do not instinctively shop around                                                          This is no easy task. It was once
                  for banking products and services in the                                                      accepted that customer needs could
                  same way as they might for fast-moving                                                        be predicted by extrapolating a typical
                  consumer goods and gadgets, nor are            customer base. This article argues that this   customer life cycle. Young customers
                  they as susceptible to fads and fashions.      is becoming a more difficult task and will     would need a current account and access
                  It takes some effort to persuade a person      become more difficult as time passes.          to modest levels of credit. Over time,
                  to switch their bank account from one             Banks owe obligations to their              they would then need personal loans,
                  provider to another.                           stakeholders: those who are affected by        mortgages and investment products.
                     Customer inertia breeds complacency.        and can affect the bank. These include         Going into their senior years, customers
                  Satisfied that many existing customers         customers, shareholders, suppliers,            might need to plan their lives around
                  are here to stay, it is too easy to assume     the community and even the physical            retirement and inheritance. It is no longer
                  that resources should be focused on            environment. Yet, to paraphrase the famous     straightforward, if indeed it ever was.
                  attracting new ones. This serves a             author George Orwell, “All are equal, but         Consider some trends.
                  purpose, as there is much benefit to           some are more equal than others”. Mindful
                  society in persuading those who do not         of the deficiencies exposed by the global      + The perception of the typical family
                  avail themselves of banking services to do     financial crisis, many regulators responded    has changed:
Banking Insight

                  so, yet it is important to accept that banks   by insisting that customers must be              Society has become more diverse.
                  owe ongoing obligations to their existing      prioritised. This is strongly reflected in     Marketers used to write of a typical

Islamic Finance
                  Lessons from
                  the Past and
                 Strategies for
                    the Future                           By

                         An interview with Tan Sri Abdul Wahid Omar
                         on structuring viable and sustainable projects.

              s Tan Sri Abdul Wahid Omar      crisis, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)
              had successfully directed       had ensured that the Malaysian banking
              Maybank through the 2008        sector was well capitalised with better
              global financial crisis, Daud   asset quality, such that sufficient capital
Vicary, Chairman of the Advisory Board of     buffers were maintained to absorb any, invited him to share      sudden shocks. Third, the government of
                                                                                            Tan Sri Abdul Wahid Omar

his experiences and whether the lessons       Malaysia did not solely focus on keeping
learned could be applied to navigate          the financial and banking sector afloat,
through the current global pandemic.          but also concentrated heavily on the
Omar admitted that whilst the previous        economy by ensuring that all businesses
global financial crisis was challenging, it   were able to survive the crisis, such
was manageable due to immediate action        that manufacturing capacities were
taken by the Malaysian authorities.           maintained, and jobs were protected.
   First, the Malaysian banking system           In contrast, the current global
was insulated from the knock-on impacts       pandemic is unprecedented and very
of events that were taking place in           different to previous crises, in that there
financial systems across the United           is an impact on the global economy,
States of America and Europe by way           with not just corporations, but also
of rigorous risk management strategies        economies, societies and families being
                                                                                                                       Banking Insight

put in place. Second, through the             negatively affected. Omar added that
learnings from the 1998 Asian financial       with lockdowns being imposed in many

Thought Leadership

                        Novel Ways
                        of Thinking
                         in Finance                                               By Derek Ariss

                                                 Critical and Lateral Thinking,
                                                     the winning combination.

                                            et’s face it. Where would we be if we didn’t have
                                            problems to solve? Throughout time, the ability of
                                            people to think has been crucial. We use thinking
                                            to communicate and create new opportunities,
                                to develop strategies, devise tactics, and….yes, to solve
                                problems. As we know, in banking, we solve a lot of
                                    In this article, I introduce you to two types of Deliberate
                                Thinking: Critical and Lateral Thinking. Both thought
                                processes have strengths and combined, they create an
                                essential toolkit in business.
                                    Critical Thinking is to apply reasoning to evaluate
                                information and identify the best answer. It’s about
                                separating truth from falsehood, assessing strengths and
                                weaknesses in order to find one best conclusion.
                                    Lateral Thinking is about identifying opportunities from
                                various sources and then using appropriate methods to
                                create unique and original solutions.
                                    Let’s first take a closer view at Critical Thinking.
                                    Critical Thinking is about the analysis of facts to form a
                                judgment, to get to the one decision point.
                                    We constantly apply this analytical process in business.
                                We look at data, information, context, evaluate it, and then
                                select the best decision to act upon. In banking, we use
Banking Insight

                                deductive and inductive reasoning methods. To do this well,
                                it is essential that the evaluation is factual and unbiased.


                        By Julia Chong

                        Tipping the scales for values-based
                        banking takes more than just a plan.
Banking Insight


                             Why Credit
                           in the Hands
                             of Farmers
                          Uplifts Us All                                                 By Dr Amanda Salter

                                                           Banking’s role in bridging the
                                                                    food-insecurity gap.

                                 unger is now officially a       malnutrition, that all people may achieve
                                 weapon of war, on par           food security by 2030. Currently, the world
                                 with money laundering and       is not on track to meet this, but this can
                                 terrorism financing.            change if financial institutions collectively
                     The World Food Programme, awarded           mobilise the capital at their disposal in
                  the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize for being           favour of food security.
                  “a driving force in efforts to prevent
                  the use of hunger as a weapon of war           Small is Beautiful
                  and conflict”, is fighting a dramatic rise       The British economist EF Schumacher
                  in hunger due to violent conflict and          espoused in his book, Small Is Beautiful: A
                  the Covid-19 pandemic. Food insecurity         Study of Economics as if People Mattered,
                  impacts society at every level. Vulnerable     that championing small, appropriate
                  households face malnutrition and loss of       technologies which directly empower
                  income. Businesses face supply chain           people, has a greater multiplier effect
                  issues. Countries face food price inflation,   than investments in “bigger is better”
                  reduction in economic output, and long-        conglomerates or what he calls ‘gigantism’.
                  term consequences of dealing with poor         This principle is also the foundation for
                  health.                                        modern economic strategies such as CK
Banking Insight

                     For this reason, the United Nations has     Pralahad’s Bottom of the Pyramid.
                  set a goal to end hunger and all forms of        The key to resolving food insecurity


                         Many Markets,
                          One Common
                           Language                                     By Julia Chong

                                                 Getting to a harmonised taxonomy
                                                       in sustainable finance.

                                         he sustainable finance landscape lit    institutions, companies, and issuers in order
                                         up in 2020.                             to delineate between green (compliant), light
                                           According to research house           green (transitioning), and brown (incompatible)
                                         Morningstar, assets under               activities.
                              management in economic, social, and
                              governance (ESG) funds leapt 29% to hit
                              a record of nearly USD1.7 trillion in 2020.          + Such taxonomies are a necessary
                                                                                   step to
                              Reuters also reports that throughout the
                              Covid-19 pandemic, ESG assets were a bright          Accelerate the flow of private capital
                              spot that bucked the capital flight trend into       toward climate-friendly investments;
                              passive products as investors sought resilient
                              investments that will perform better over time.      Reorient existing capital flows and
                                                                                   transition to a low-carbon economy;
                              Coupled with the global push to achieve the
                              Paris Agreement climate targets, the creation        Enhance investor confidence and
                              of a common taxonomy for sustainable                 awareness of the environmental impact
                              finance has gained renewed traction.                 of products or services;

                                                                                   Track and measure the flow of
                              More Than a Dictionary
                                                                                   sustainable finance;
                                A taxonomy for sustainable finance is a
                              comprehensive classification that defines            Inform future policies, such as inventive
                              whether or not an economic activity is               setting; and
                              environmentally sustainable. In the coming
Banking Insight

                                                                                   Eliminate greenwashing.
                              years, work in this sphere will be increasingly
                              crucial for global investors, financial

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