Vacunas COVID 19 Margarita del Val - 8 Febrero 2021 - Revisiones en Cáncer 2021

Page created by Allen Fitzgerald
Vacunas COVID 19 Margarita del Val - 8 Febrero 2021 - Revisiones en Cáncer 2021
8 Febrero 2021

                 Vacunas COVID‐19
                   Margarita del Val
Vacunas COVID 19 Margarita del Val - 8 Febrero 2021 - Revisiones en Cáncer 2021
The immune system: A different look at the virus
                       Infection of a
                       cell by a virus
                                         Non cytopathic: the virus replicates
                                             without damaging the cell

                                                    Release to extracellular medium

                                            Very cytopathic: virus
                                          replication and cell death

              Infected cells
Vacunas COVID 19 Margarita del Val - 8 Febrero 2021 - Revisiones en Cáncer 2021
The immune system: A different look at the virus
                            Infection of a
                            cell by a virus
                                              Non cytopathic: the virus replicates
                                                  without damaging the cell

                                                         Release to extracellular medium
     Immune response

                                                 Very cytopathic: virus
                                               replication and cell death

                   Infected cells    CELLULAR IMMUNITY
Vacunas COVID 19 Margarita del Val - 8 Febrero 2021 - Revisiones en Cáncer 2021
Adaptive immune response to a virus: humoral and celular immunity

                                                   Humoral immunity:
                                                  antibodies to soluble

                                                    Cellular immunity:
                                                        cytotoxic T
                                                  lymphocytes destroy
                                                   infected cells: virus
Vacunas COVID 19 Margarita del Val - 8 Febrero 2021 - Revisiones en Cáncer 2021
Cellular immune response to SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus
     Many epitopes recognized by each person

            Infection activates a fully new SARS‐CoV‐2‐specific repertoire of T lymphocytes
Vacunas COVID 19 Margarita del Val - 8 Febrero 2021 - Revisiones en Cáncer 2021
Moderbacher et al, Crotty, Cell, Sept 2020
Full Analysis of Immune response in Severe vs. Mild Disease
                       Effect of Age
Vacunas COVID 19 Margarita del Val - 8 Febrero 2021 - Revisiones en Cáncer 2021
Crotty, Science, Jan 2021
Vacunas COVID 19 Margarita del Val - 8 Febrero 2021 - Revisiones en Cáncer 2021
Moderna vaccine elicits neutralizing antibodies –

                                                       Still as protective as
                                                       natural infection?

The second
dose is needed
for ~50‐fold
Vacunas COVID 19 Margarita del Val - 8 Febrero 2021 - Revisiones en Cáncer 2021
95 % efficacy

95 % efficacy
Vacunas COVID 19 Margarita del Val - 8 Febrero 2021 - Revisiones en Cáncer 2021
62‐90 % effective, Lancet

                92 % effective, Lancet

         72 % effective
Little information
80 % effective

                     90 % effective
Vacunas en desarrollo, España
1. Vacunas de virus atenuado.
SARS-COV-2 atenuado y replicones como pseudopartículas virales, VLPs, Luis Enjuanes / Isabel Solá, CNB, CSIC,
2. Vacunas de virus recombinantes
2.1. Dos vectores MVA, combinado con DNA, M. Esteban / García Arriaza, CNB, CSIC, Madrid
                                                                                                  La más completa
2.2. Rafael Blasco, distinto vector MVA, INIA, Madrid
3. Vacunas de ácidos nucleicos
3.1. Vacunas DNA, Vicente Larraga, CIB, CSIC, Madrid      Estable t. amb.            Segura en VIH+
3.2. 1. Vacuna RNA asociada a vector peptídico, Javier Montenegro, CiQUS, Santiago
3.2.2. Vacunas RNA encapsulado. Epítopos encadenados. Proyecto multicéntrico de Felipe García (Clínic y otros centros
de Barcelona, Bruselas, Santiago, Madrid)
4. Vacunas con antígenos proteicos
Subunidades proteicas integradas en Nanovesículas (VLP, como partículas víricas), José Martínez Costas, CiQUS,
5. Estimulación respuesta innata entrenada
5.1. Vacuna experimental antituberculosa MTBVAC, Carlos Martín, Genética de Micobacterias de la Universidad de
Zaragoza, y la empresa Biofabri del grupo ZENDAL (Porriño)
5.2. Paramixovirus Sendai como inductor de respuesta innata,       Agrobiotecnología (CSIC/Gobierno de Navarra) y
Universidad San Pablo CEU (Farmacia, Microbiología)
Natural infection constitutes a ‘first dose’ to our immune system (but pose a risk of death).
Vaccines also do so, and train immune memory as effectively (or even better), with very low risk

                           A vaccine                   SAFE and EFFICIENT
                                  is a medicine
                                  with components of a microorganism
                                  that estimulate the immune system  memory
                                  effectively combating infectious diseases
                                  work preventively, rarely as treatment
Las vacunas                                    Mas vale prevenir
son seguras                                       que curar

                                      Efectos adversos:
                                      primeras 6 semanas
                                      tras 2 dosis
                                      en cada vacunado
                                                           de seguridad
                                de seguridad

              Vacunas típicas
Las vacunas                de seguridad               Mas vale prevenir
                           Efectos adversos
son seguras                muy poco frecuentes,          que curar
                           por ej 1 en 100.000

                                          Esto sabemos POR AHORA de las
                                          vacunas de Pfizer y Moderna:
                                          ¡son seguras!
                                             y quizás sabremos más adelante
     de seguridad                             Efectos adversos:
                                              primeras 6 semanas
                                              tras 2 dosis
                                              en cada vacunado
 Vacunas                                                           Resultados
 pandemia                                                          de seguridad
                                       de seguridad

                    Vacunas típicas

 meses                  años…
Natural infection constitutes a ‘first dose’ to our immune system (but pose a risk of death).
Vaccines also do so, and train immune memory as effectively (or even better), with very low risk

                           A vaccine                   SAFE and EFFICIENT
                                  is a medicine
                                  with components of a microorganism
                                  that estimulate the immune system  memory
                                  effectively combating infectious diseases
                                  work preventively, rarely as treatment

                                          They prevent
                                          ‐ Asymptomatic infection
  Vaccines that control the pandemic:     ‐ Mild symptoms
                                                                 Vaccines anti covid‐19: protect
                                          ‐ Severe symptoms
  Prevent contagions and protect non      ‐ deaths               from disease
  vaccinated people                       ‐ transmission
                                               (herd immunity)
Natural infection constitutes a ‘first dose’ to our immune system (but pose a risk of death).
Vaccines also do so, and train immune memory as effectively (or even better), with very low risk

                              A vaccine                      SAFE and EFFICIENT
                                 is a medicine
                                 with components of a microorganism
                                 that estimulate the immune system  memory
                                 effectively combating infectious diseases
                                 work preventively, rarely as treatment
                                                                  So far, this is what we know from Pfizer
                                                                  and Moderna vaccines: which are SAFE!
                                            They prevent
                                                                      more to come soon…
                                            ‐ Asymptomatic infection
  Vaccines that control the pandemic:       ‐ Mild symptoms
                                                                   Vaccines anti covid‐19: protect
                                            ‐ Severe symptoms
  Prevent contagions and protect non        ‐ deaths               from disease
  vaccinated people                         ‐ transmission
                                                 (herd immunity)
Herd immunity: different levels for different pathogens
         dictated by their transmissibility

                                                   Can we have it for
8 Febrero 2021

    In the battle between SARS‐CoV‐2 and our immune system,
                     the balance is on our side!
What we still need to know after market authorization of ALL different vaccines
‐ Safety, safety, safety
‐ Duration of clinically‐relevant immunity: more boost doses?
‐ Prevention of virus transmission from (eventually infected) vaccinees
        to their non‐vaccinated contacts? (is herd immunity posible with any vaccine?)
‐ Humoral and cellular immunity correlates of protection:
        define thresholds for protection
‐ Safety and efficacy in different populations:
        ethnicities, pregnancy, immunocompromised,…

8 – 12 febrero
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