UWA Albany Course Guide 2023

Page created by Melvin Marshall
UWA Albany Course Guide 2023
UWA Albany
  Course Guide 2023

UWA Albany Course Guide 2023
2   UWA Albany Course Guide 2023 | uwa.edu.au/albany

    Welcome to
     UWA Albany
    Welcome to The University of Western Australia (UWA), where
    you’ll join others committed to recognising new opportunities to
    improve the lives of present and future generations.

    At UWA Albany you’ll equip yourself with the skills to successfully
    identify and solve the challenges in our ever-changing world.
    You’ll have the best of both city and regional campus learning
    experiences, because this is about you building your knowledge
    and expertise to drive change and create innovative solutions.

    We look forward to you joining our community and to supporting
    your education journey.
UWA Albany Course Guide 2023
Study at UWA’s regional campus
UWA Albany Campus                        4
Student life                             5
Study at Albany                          6
Gnalla Moorditj Bullargar –              7
We are strong together
Learning and teaching at UWA             8
Research and volunteer opportunities     9
Get career-ready with a UWA degree       10
Explore your options                     12

Our courses                                             Your UWA community
Agricultural, Environmental and          14             Entry pathways                     32
Biological Sciences                                     Honours and postgraduate courses   34
Bachelor of Science                      15             UWA Smart Start                    35
Business and Commerce                    18             Support services                   36
Bachelor of Commerce                     19
Health and Biomedical Sciences           22             Join UWA
Bachelor of Biomedical Science           23             How to apply                       37
Humanities and Social Sciences           24             Fees                               38
Bachelor of Arts                         25             Scholarships and prizes            39
Education                                29
Pathways to becoming a teacher           30

     The University of Western Australia acknowledges that its campuses
     are situated on Noongar land and that Noongar people remain
     the spiritual and cultural custodians of their land and continue to
     practise their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge.

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                                 UWA Albany
                                     Situated in a biodiversity hotspot, UWA Albany
                                     enjoys some of the most spectacular beaches and
                                     scenery in Australia.

                                     You’ll learn in a high-tech environment right in the heart of Albany.
                                     You can experience all that regional Western Australia has to offer,
                                     while studying at university.

                                     •   Gain valuable skills by choosing one of our practical project units
                                     •   Take advantage of small, supportive classes
                                     •   Enjoy a relaxed lifestyle and close-knit community
                                     •   Experience heritage, history and culture
                                     •   Indulge in great food and coffee at Albany’s many cafés
                                     •   Live in affordable and modern purpose-built accommodation walking
                                         distance to UWA Albany
UWA Albany Course Guide 2023
Student life
UWA Albany is more than a university –               Activities
it’s your support network. Our close-knit            Enjoy a variety of family-friendly, fun social events
                                                     organised by the UWA Albany Student Guild.
community is here to support you every
step of the way.                                     Library Services
                                                     UWA Albany students have access to a dedicated UWA
                                                     collection located in the Albany Public Library. You
Living in Albany’s dedicated student accommodation
                                                     can also access resources from all of UWA’s collection
means you can easily walk to uni, cafés and shops
                                                     located in Perth.
                                                     Spirituality and faith
                                                     UWA is a multi-faith university that supports and
                                                     welcomes students with diverse cultural and spiritual

                                                     Student clubs
                                                     Albany’s own student committee, the Albany Student
                                                     Association (Guild), meets regularly over coffee and
                                                     organises a range of student activities. The UWA Albany
                                                     Student Guild coordinates a variety of special-interest
                                                     clubs that help you connect with like-minded students.

                                                     There are opportunities to get involved on or off campus
                                                     to support a cause, organisation, charity or group.

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    Study at Albany
    At UWA Albany you'll equip yourself with the skills to identify and solve the
    challenges in our ever-changing world. Surrounded by a friendly, welcoming
    community, you'll build your knowledge and expertise to drive change and create
    innovative solutions.

    Studying at UWA’s Albany campus provides you with a close-knit, caring university community that
    supports you every step of the way. Whether you’re studying at university for the first time or looking to
    build your knowledge at postgraduate level, you’ll learn from internationally recognised experts and enjoy
    unique experiences as part of your course. Our multidisciplinary approach will develop your critical thinking
    to be an adaptable changemaker in your chosen career.

    For the most up to date information about courses and programs offered at UWA Albany, check out

       “I love that the Albany campus has a real UWA
       community feeling. The students and tutors are
       more than just faces, they’re authentic people. The
       small tutorial groups promote inclusivity and the
       opportunity for passionate discussion and debate.
       I really appreciate the encouraging yet rigorous
       learning environment.”


                                                            “At UWA Albany I am able to access the latest
                                                            resources and receive support from expert
                                                            teachers in the field. Small class sizes mean you
                                                            feel part of a small, close group of students.”

                                                            UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT
UWA Albany Course Guide 2023
Gnalla Moorditj Bullargar
– We are strong together
UWA leads the region in a higher education curriculum   Great Southern region, we want to welcome you to our
connected to Indigenous languages, culture and          UWA Albany community and invite you to be a part of the
knowledge; embedding Indigenous knowledge as            story of Indigenous education and success. And if you’re
one of the pillars of UWA student life; increasing      looking to boost your confidence or equip yourself with
access and success for Indigenous students; and         the skills to succeed at uni, check out UWA Smart Start,
empowering research growth and capacity in Indigenous   our university preparation course (more info on page 35).
communities. If you’re an Indigenous person in the

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    Learning and teaching
    		at UWA
    The UWA study environment is built around experience-
    rich learning. You’ll take your studies beyond the books,                                RANKED IN THE
    out into the field, into the real world, and develop the                                 WORLD'S TOP 100
    practical skills and experiences you need to not only
    succeed, but thrive. By working alongside industry
    partners on real challenges, and taking on networking                                    4,500 GLOBAL
    opportunities, work placements and internships, you’ll
    gain the skills, knowledge and connections to kick start
    your dream career.
                                                                                             UNIVERSITY FOR

    See a full list of our rankings at                                                  #1   GRADUATE
    uwa.edu.au/rankings-reputation                                                           IN WA **

                                                                                             TEACHERS ***

                                                                                             TEACHING QUALITY,
                                                                                             STUDENT DEMAND
                                                                                             AND STUDENT TEACHER
    * QS rankings 2023 **QS Graduate Employability Ranking 2022
                                                                                             RATIO †
    *** Australian Awards for University Teaching 2020 † Good Universities Guide 2021

    Photo by Matt Galligan
UWA Albany Course Guide 2023
Research and
		volunteer opportunities
Students have the opportunity to gain                      Key research areas
experience and build new skills through                    Working in rich, biodiverse surroundings on the edge
volunteering in a range of research                        of a pristine marine environment helps UWA Albany
                                                           researchers investigate the complex challenges facing
activities. We have opportunities for you to
                                                           our planet.
assist with, for example:
• field-based sampling and collection of animals           Natural resource management
  (mammals, birds, bats, fish, invertebrates) and plants   Cutting-edge research at our Centre of Natural Resource
• laboratory experiments, and sample processing (e.g.      Management (CNRM) seeks to solve natural resource
  macroinvertebrate identification)                        management issues, not just study them.
• processing remote camera images of wildlife.
Our researchers are working with many different plants
                                                           Marine research
                                                           Researchers at our Marine Energy Research Australia are
and animals, in different landscapes and with different
                                                           discovering the best methods for harnessing renewable
people. By volunteering as research assistance, you will
                                                           energy from the oceans.
gain experiences and learn new skills that will benefit
both your studies and future career aspirations.

   “I came to UWA to study abroad as part of a Master of Science Biodiversity
   and Conservation from University College London. The proximity to wild
   spaces and close connections to academics and traditional custodians drew
   me to the Albany campus. I enrolled in two units that featured a week of
   intensive fieldwork in Albany. These units were so amazing, I decided to
   transfer to the Albany campus. What followed was a beautiful semester of
   field trips to the Fitzgerald National Park, making wonderful friends with
   fellow students and, most memorably, learning from Elders about this
   beautiful Menang Country.


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     Get career-ready
      with a UWA degree
              WA’s #1 uni for graduate employability* will help you
              successfully navigate your career journey.

              Getting a job at the end of your degree will likely be your top priority. At UWA, we’ve
              made it our top priority too, offering a wide range of degrees and programs to help
              you stand out in the job market and increase your employability. All our degrees
              include the option to take internships or Work Integrated Learning units, and, along
              with mentoring and volunteering opportunities, these can enhance your standing in
              your future employers’ eyes.

     Career and                                  UWA Innovation Academy                     Practicums and field trips
     Employability Award                         Work with real companies to tackle the     Practical units with workplace and
     Practical real-world experiences,           biggest challenges facing business,        fieldwork placements across WA,
     skills and knowledge to guide you on        governments and society today.             Australia and even overseas.
     an enriching career journey.

     McCusker Centre for                         Jobs board                                 Work Integrated Learning
     Citizenship                                 Job listings and alerts from a wide        (WIL)
     An award-winning internship                 range of employers for full-time and       Gain industry knowledge, develop
     program, making a difference in             part-time positions, internships,          career-ready skills, and network with
     our communities locally, nationally         scholarships, volunteering and more.       industry professionals as part of your
     and globally.                                                                          course or as a co-curricular activity.

     Volunteering                                World-class learning
     Make an impact and get involved,            Learn at the cutting-edge of
     developing skills and experience            knowledge from passionate and
     that stand out on your résumé and           inspirational academics with
     final transcript.                           real industry experience and

     *QS Graduate Employability Ranking 2022
                                              From the day you arrive at UWA to after you’ve
                                              graduated, we’re here to provide all the help
                                              and guidance you need. Our academic staff,
                                              career advisers and industry experts all pool their
                                              collective wisdom to help identify opportunities
                                              specific to you. With their resources – and your
                                              resolve – you can begin to create a robust plan to
                                              get set for your future career.

                                              REAL-WORLD EXPERIENCE
Career Mentor Link                            We’ll get you moving in the right direction, helping
Be matched with professionals and             you gain tangible and hands-on experience in
get insider industry knowledge from           your chosen area, and ensuring you hit the ground
people with real career experience.           running with future-based skills that will make you
                                              stand out from the competition.

                                              “It’s not just what you know, it’s who you know.”
                                              It may be an old saying, but it’s as relevant today as
                                              ever before. At UWA, we can facilitate access to a
                                              network of like-minded and professional contacts
Careers Centre                                from across the world. And by leveraging our
Understand and engage with your chosen        extensive industry connections, you’ll get more
industry, enhance your employability          than just a foot in the door.
skills, find work and internships, and nail
your résumé and interview.

                                                 To find out more about how we can
                                                 prepare you for your dream career, from
                                                 first job to long-term goals, visit

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     Explore your options

        Specialise in one area or create a degree that combines your interests.
        Whatever career you seek, you’ll find a degree that fits.

     UWA’s experience-rich curriculum and global network               Combined bachelor’s degrees
     prepare you for the ever-changing world outside your              Pursue your passions and maximise your career options
     degree. You’ll gain industry connections even before              with our combined bachelor’s degrees.
     you graduate, and kick-start a successful career. Our             You’ll complete two bachelor’s degrees – one
     dedicated team can help find the best option for you.             comprehensive (where you’ll choose a major from a wide
                                                                       range of options) and one specialised (where you’ll take a
     Undergraduate degree types                                        defined study plan).
     Seeking your first university degree? Our undergraduate
     courses allow you to start your journey to a fulfilling career.   Honours
                                                                       Improve your career prospects or take a path to further
     Comprehensive degrees                                             study with an honours course.
     Design your own course with our comprehensive
     bachelor’s degrees.                                               Honours is a one-year program you can apply for
                                                                       after completing your bachelor’s degree with strong
     Choose one or two majors from a wide range, then add              academic performance in your major. An honours year
     electives and/or a minor to suit your interests and career        includes advanced coursework and a major research
     goals. Explore your interests with the flexibility to change      or creative project.
     your mind – choose your major(s) when you enrol and if
     you’d like to change during your degree, you can.                 We also offer some integrated honours courses. These
                                                                       four-year courses include advanced coursework and a
     Specialised degrees                                               major research or creative project in your final year.
     Prepare for your dream career with a specialised
     bachelor‘s degree.

     You’ll take an extended major with a carefully designed
     study plan to give you in-depth knowledge of your
     chosen career or profession. You can complement this
     with a minor or electives from almost any study area.
What makes up my undergraduate
A bachelor’s degree is made up of several parts.

You’ll take at least one major – a sequence of units that
will give you depth of knowledge in a certain area. We
offer a wide range of majors (which typically make up
at least one-third of your course) and extended majors
(up to two-thirds of your course) within our bachelor’s
degrees. Depending on the course, you may be able to
take more than one major.

Minors                                                          Postgraduate pathways
You also have the option to choose a minor (or two,             Prepare to enter your ideal career with our packaged
depending on your course structure). Minors are shorter         undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. You’ll gain the
sequences of four units that allow you to gain knowledge        knowledge and networks you need for success.
in an area that may complement your major(s), suit your
career goals or simply be of personal interest.                 Assured Pathways
                                                                Our Assured Pathways, formerly known as Direct Pathways,
Other units                                                     give you a guaranteed place in one of our high-demand
The rest of your study plan will be filled by different kinds   postgraduate courses at the start of your studies. Your place
of units (depending on your chosen course and major[s]).        is guaranteed on the basis of your high school performance
• Foundational units: required units (in certain                or equivalent (subject to satisfactory performance in your
   courses) that give you broad grounding and key               bachelor’s degree).
   skills in your chosen degree area, irrespective of
   your choice of major(s).                                     This provides you with clear progression towards a
• Bridging units: if you don’t have the required ATAR           postgraduate qualification and, in some cases, the chance
   subject or equivalent for your chosen major, you             for faster completion of your postgraduate degree.
   can take these additional units in your first year as
   part of the major.                                           Combined bachelor’s and master’s degrees
• Elective units: elective units provide you with the           Take the express path to your postgraduate
   opportunity to explore a range of interests and new          qualification with our combined bachelor’s and
   disciplines. If you have space for elective units you        master’s degrees (CBM). You’ll start advanced
   can choose (almost!) anything you like to expand             postgraduate-level studies in the third year of your
   your knowledge in a new field, provided you                  bachelor’s degree and complete two degrees in just four
   meet the unit rules.                                         years so you can enter your dream career sooner.

                                                                If you don’t achieve the ATAR (or equivalent) required to
                                                                secure your place in one of our postgraduate pathways,
                                                                you can always apply for your chosen postgraduate
                                                                degree after you have completed your bachelor’s degree.

                                                                For more information, visit

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Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences   UWA Albany Course Guide 2023 | uwa.edu.au/albany

                                                      Agricultural, Environmental
                                                      and Biological Sciences
                                                      Increasing populations and greater demands on                 Top five reasons to study Agricultural,
                                                      resources are putting pressure on our environment, now        Environmental and Biological Sciences
                                                      more than ever. This means it is crucial we understand
                                                                                                                    at UWA
                                                      our planet to maintain its health.
                                                                                                                    • We have units offering practical work experience,
                                                                                                                        or gain hands-on, industry-relevant experience and
                                                      Our State’s diverse landscape is the perfect location
                                                                                                                        skills through placement opportunities.
                                                      in which to gain the knowledge and experience to
                                                                                                                    •   Our low student-to-staff ratio is one of the best in
                                                      maintain balance in our natural environment. Choose
                                                      from areas such as crop production, animal production
                                                                                                                    •   You'll learn from award-winning researchers and
                                                      and management, environmental impact assessment,
                                                                                                                        expert academics.
                                                      forestry resource management, or soil and water
                                                                                                                    •   UWA is ranked 1st in Australia for Agricultural
                                                      conservation. Or focus on aquatic or natural resource
                                                                                                                        Sciences and Environmental Science and
                                                      management, geographical sciences, botany, geology,
                                                                                                                        Engineering (ARWU 2021).
                                                      agricultural science or aquaculture.
                                                                                                                    •   We collaborate with industry, government agencies
                                                                                                                        and universities worldwide to offer diverse education
                                                      Your studies will involve not only theory, but also the
                                                                                                                        and forge meaningful partnerships.
                                                      crucial technical skills of your chosen field. Whether it's
                                                      through world-class laboratories, exciting field trips or
                                                      real-world industry placements, you’ll be immersed in
                                                      the hands-on side of science, and gain the ability to help
                                                      protect the world we live in.

Bachelor of Science

   Minimum ATAR 75 or equivalent
   STAT Written English and Verbal or Quantitative
   Intake months February and July
   Completion 3 years full time or part-time equivalent

Agricultural scientist, environmental consultant, marine
conservationist, zoologist, biochemist, software developer,
analyst, forensic scientist, sports coach, astronomer

Our Bachelor of Science gives you the skills and
knowledge to make a real contribution to the challenges
facing humanity. Scientists study the universe, its
properties, the life that exists within it and the laws that
govern it. Discipline areas range from cutting-edge              Majors that can be completed at
pure and applied science to new multidisciplinary fields.        UWA Albany
The importance of science in determining the wellbeing           • Conservation Biology

                                                                                                                  Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences
of our society is recognised by industry, business and           • Environmental Science
government.                                                      • Marine Biology

Why study this degree at UWA                                     Start these majors at UWA Albany
• You’ll be taught by the world’s leading teachers and           before transferring to UWA Perth
   researchers                                                   •   Agribusiness
• You’ll gain highly valued and sought-after skills that         •   Agricultural Technology
   will ensure you are well-prepared for many diverse            •   Agricultural Science
   and exciting careers                                          •   Anatomy and Human Biology
• You’ll have Work Integrated Learning (WIL)                     •   Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
   opportunities to gain practical industry experience           •   Botany
   and employability skills                                      •   Environmental Management
                                                                 •   Exercise and Health
You’ll learn to                                                  •   Genetics
• explore and investigate the big issues confronting our         •   Geology
   planet                                                        •   Marine and Coastal Processes
• develop skills in reasoning, logic, observation,               •   Microbiology and Immunology
   analysis, creativity and more                                 •   Neuroscience
• gain practical, hands-on, industry-relevant                    •   Physiology
   experience and skills                                         •   Psychological and Behavioural Sciences
• bridge the gap between theory and practice through             •   Sport Science
   work experience opportunities                                 •   Zoology
• think critically and push boundaries

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                                                       MAJORS IN AGRICULTURAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES

                                                      Conservation Biology                                         Environmental Science
                                                      CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                                         CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                      Conservation biologist, conservation planner, conservation   Environmental consultant, conservation officer, environmental
                                                      officer                                                      compliance officer

                                                      Bachelor’s degree: Science or Philosophy (Honours)           Bachelor’s degree: Science or Philosophy (Honours)

                                                      Conservation biologists work to prevent the extinction       Environmental Science assesses the impact of human
Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences

                                                      of the world’s plant and animal species. This is the ideal   activity on the global environment, and develops scientific,
                                                      major if you are interested in fieldwork and want to help    risk-based solutions to help secure a sustainable future.
                                                      mitigate the increasing pressure on the world’s ecosystems   By choosing to major in Environmental Science, you'll
                                                      by actively participating in the management and research     help to develop solutions to global environmental issues
                                                      of threatened species and communities, as well as            including climate change, carbon trading, greenhouse
                                                      understanding the principles and policies behind             gas emissions, water resource management, salinity,
                                                      their recovery.                                              deforestation and others.

                                                      Why study this course at UWA Albany                          Why study this course at UWA Albany
                                                      • UWA is ranked 1st in Australia and in the world’s top 50   • UWA is 1st in Australia and 21st in the world for
                                                         for Biological Sciences (ARWU 2021)                          Environmental Science and Engineering (ARWU 2021)
                                                      • Study near the South West of Western Australia,            • Western Australia is home to a number of
                                                         one of the world’s 25 biodiversity hotspots                  large companies in the mining, agriculture and
                                                         (Conservation International)                                 environmental sector, leading to increasing demand
                                                      • Apply your knowledge in real-life situations on               for highly qualified graduates in Environmental Science
                                                         field trips                                               • It is expected there will be 14,000 job openings in the
                                                                                                                      next five years, with weekly wages being higher than
                                                      You’ll learn to                                                 the average (joboutlook.gov.au)
                                                      • understand global biodiversity and its distribution, and
                                                         the evolutionary history of biodiversity in Australia     You’ll learn to
                                                      • appreciate the relationship between species biology        • demonstrate the skills and knowledge to assess
                                                         and ecology and vulnerability to environmental change       environmental systems, using field, laboratory,
                                                      • discuss major threats to biodiversity, their causes, and     modelling and statistical methodologies
                                                         management, and research to mitigate them                 • integrate ecological, physical and chemical processes
                                                      • explain the role of different stakeholders in shaping        to guide decision making with respect to human
                                                         policy and decision making                                  intervention in the environment
                                                      • demonstrate the analytical and communication skills for    • demonstrate the knowledge to manage and
                                                         modern conservation research                                 rehabilitate disturbed systems such as natural and
                                                                                                                      agricultural catchments, post-mining landscapes,
                                                      Trending second majors: Genetics; Botany; Environmental         contaminated sites, urban environments, etc.
                                                      Science; Marine Biology
                                                      Prerequisites:                                               Trending second majors: Marine Biology; Marine and
                                                      • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR Mathematics                    Coastal Processes; Geology
                                                         Applications ATAR with a mathematics unit taken in the    Prerequisites:
                                                         first year                                                • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR Mathematics
                                                      • Students without ATAR Mathematics will take two first-        Applications ATAR with a mathematics unit taken in
                                                         year mathematics units                                       the first year
                                                      Recommended subject: Chemistry ATAR                          • Students without ATAR Mathematics will take two
                                                                                                                      first-year mathematics and statistics units
                                                                                                                   • Chemistry ATAR OR a chemistry unit taken in the
                                                                                                                      first year

Marine Biology
Marine environmental consultant, marine conservationist,     Trending second majors: Conservation Biology;
                                                             Environmental Science; Zoology

Bachelor’s degree: Science or Philosophy (Honours)           Prerequisites:
                                                             • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR Mathematics
Marine biology is the study of marine organisms, and           Applications ATAR with a mathematics unit taken in the
their behaviours and interactions with the environment.        first year
If you’re fascinated by our amazing marine life and          • Students without ATAR Mathematics will take two first-
the coastal environments in which they live, then this         year mathematics units

                                                                                                                        Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences
major is for you. With complex issues such as climate        • Chemistry ATAR OR a chemistry unit taken in the
change, growing populations, food production and               first year
depleting natural resources, the need for marine science
professionals continues to grow.                             uwa.edu.au/study/marine-biology

Why study this course at UWA Albany
• UWA is ranked 2nd in Australia in Earth and Marine
   Sciences (QS 2022)
• Access brand new facilities and resources unique to
   Australia that are used across our marine studies
• Learning is richly embedded with internationally
   recognised research, often led by UWA’s global

You’ll learn to
• use a range of contemporary techniques and
   instrumentation to collect data in the field and in the
• analyse, synthesise and interpret data that varies in
   space and time
• interpret patterns and integrate knowledge of
   physical and biological processes to address real-
   world problems

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                        		and Commerce
                        Develop your business acumen, grow expert                              Top five reasons to study Business
                        knowledge and manage business case                                     and Commerce at UWA
                        studies, internships and practical projects to                         • Dual accreditation The UWA Business School is one
Business and Commerce

                                                                                                    of the few institutions in Australia to be accredited
                        prepare you for a fulfilling career in business,
                                                                                                    by the European Quality Improvement System
                        government or not-for-profit sectors.                                       and Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of
                        By studying business and commerce, you’ll gain an
                        understanding of how businesses and organisations work
                                                                                               •    15+ Business School student clubs including
                                                                                                    the Student Managed Investment Fund,
                        from the inside out. You can expect to develop the critical
                                                                                                    Women in Business, Bloom Startup, Enactus,
                        decision-making skills needed in projects and build a
                                                                                                    UWA Consulting Society, ECOMS and the
                        career transferable to the workforce anywhere in the world.
                                                                                                    Graduate Management Association.
                                                                                               •    30+ active industry supporters including AGL
                                                                                                    Energy, CBH Group, Reserve Bank of Australia,
                                                                                                    Fortescue Metals, Chevron, Wesfarmers Limited
                        Perron Foundation Scholarship
                                                                                                    and Woodside.
                        in Business Leadership
                                                                                               •    UWA Business School is a signatory of the UN
                        The Perron Foundation has donated funds to
                                                                                                    PRME. An initiative of the United Nations Global
                        assist and encourage high-achieving students,
                        who demonstrate educational disadvantage or
                                                                                               •    An exceptional MBA program that ranks best in
                        financial hardship.
                                                                                                    Oceania for alumni outcomes. Its graduates are the
                        uwa.edu.au/study/perron-foundation-scholarship                              highest earners in Australia.

                        Sample study plan
                        Bachelor of Commerce with a degree-specific major in Management and a second major in Accounting

                                          Organisational            Microeconomics:                Introduction to Law        Financial Accounting
                               SEM 1
                                          Behaviour                 Prices & Markets

                                          Introduction to           Global Change,                 Reading Creatively/        Introduction to Finance
                               SEM 2
                                          Marketing                 Local Response                 Writing Creatively
                                          Economic &                International                  Company Law                Taxation
                               SEM 1

                                          Business Statistics       Management
                               SEM 2      Project Management        Consumer Behaviour             Corporate Accounting       Management Accounting
                                          Leadership and            Entrepreneurship               Economic & Business        Financial Accounting Theory
                               SEM 1
                                          Performance                                              Statistics                 and Practice

                                          Strategic                 Applied International          Auditing                   Financial Statement Analysis
                               SEM 2
                                          Management                Business Strategy

                        Key:     Management degree-specific major   Accounting second major   Elective units

 Bachelor of Commerce

    Minimum ATAR 801 or equivalent
    STAT Written English and Verbal or Quantitative
    Intake months February and July
    Completion 3 years full time or part-time equivalent

Entrepreneur, marketer, accountant, managing director                                      Majors that can be completed at
                                                                                           UWA Albany
Our Bachelor of Commerce develops your analytical,                                         • Accounting
communication and problem-solving skills, providing                                        • Business Analytics
you with a global perspective on business and preparing                                    • Management
you to pursue a career within the private, government or
not-for-profit sectors.                                                                    Start these majors at UWA Albany
                                                                                           before transferring to UWA Perth
Why study this degree at UWA                                                               •   Business Law
• You’ll learn from leading academics and develop                                          •   Economics
   high-level industry networks                                                            •   Finance

                                                                                                                                         Business and Commerce
• UWA has partnered with Harvard Business School                                           •   Human Resource Management
   (HBX) so you’ll have access to their online learning                                    •   Marketing
   platform, HBX CORe, to further enrich your study
• You’ll have access to our award-winning real-time
   Trading Room simulation
• There are many Business School student societies
   to join that will increase your base of industry
   connections and contacts

You’ll learn to
• apply discipline-specific knowledge to critically
   analyse applied business problems
• confidently apply your skills in real-world situations
   through industry placements, projects and Work
   Integrated Learning opportunities
• develop effective communication and team-based skills

1 Minimum ATAR 75 for Great Southern school leavers as part of the Broadway program

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                         MAJORS IN BUSINESS AND COMMERCE

                        Accounting                                                   Business Analytics
                        CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                                         CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                        Accountant, chief executive, managing director               Data analyst, economist, marketing analyst

                        Bachelor’s degree: Commerce or Philosophy (Honours)          Bachelor's degree: Commerce or Philosophy (Honours)

                        Accounting prepares you for a career across borders.         Combine knowledge in statistics and programming with
                        Acknowledged as ‘the language of business’, accounting       practical applications to inform real-world business and
                        is spoken by all organisations – big and small – including   economic decisions. You'll apply your knowledge in a
                        government agencies and departments, and all not-for-        Work Integrated Learning internship or practical
                        profit institutions around the globe.                        industry-based project.

                        Why study this course at UWA Albany                          Why study this course at UWA Albany
                        • You’ll build practical, industry-based experience          (online)
                           through units that involve workshops, team exercises      • You’ll be taught by world-class experts across a range
Business and Commerce

                           and group projects                                           of data-related fields
                        • This major is recognised by Australian and                 • You’ll develop technical analytical skills that are in
                           international professional bodies as a critical step         extremely high demand by employers
                           towards gaining professional accreditation. You can       • Through the experiential units, you’ll apply your learned
                           seek accreditation with Chartered Accountants                knowledge and skills to real-world situations
                           Australia and New Zealand, CPA Australia and the
                           Institute of Public Accountants. Some additional          You'll learn to
                           electives may be required                                 • develop your computer programming skills
                                                                                        (e.g., Python)
                        You’ll learn to                                              • develop skills in using data analytic statistical
                        • prepare financial accounting reports                          software (e.g., R)
                        • analyse accounting information to evaluate                 • evaluate and interpret data to communicate
                           business performance                                         to stakeholders
                        • use accounting information for optimal
                           resource allocation                                       Trending second majors: Finance; Data or Computer
                        • communicate the results of financial analysis              Science; Marketing
                        Trending second majors: Business Law; Finance;               • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR Mathematics
                        Marketing                                                       Applications ATAR AND a mathematics unit taken in
                        Prerequisites:                                                  the first year
                        • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR Mathematics                    • Students without ATAR Mathematics will take two
                           Applications ATAR AND a mathematics unit taken in            first-year mathematics and statistics units
                           the first year
                        • Students without ATAR Mathematics will take two
                           first-year mathematics and statistics units

Business administration manager, project manager,
management consultant

Bachelor’s degree: Commerce or Philosophy (Honours)

Management is the backbone of any organisation,
providing organisational, operational, staffing and
resourcing expertise that can be applied anywhere,
anytime. Gain a comprehensive understanding of
managing organisations effectively within different
economic, social, political and legal contexts.

Why study this course at UWA Albany
• Learn from a diverse range of academic staff who
   bring to their teaching a combination of both
   management theory and practical application
• Balance core units with relevant and varied electives
• Participate in a work-based learning experience

You’ll learn to
• evaluate and understand key concepts, theories
   and practices important to the management

                                                                                                             Business and Commerce
   of organisations
• diagnose situations and problems in organisations,
   and identify appropriate managerial actions
• understand the principles of ethical behaviour and
   social responsibility in management decision making
• research management-related issues, topics
   and problems

Trending second majors: Human Resource
Management; Marketing; Business Law; Work and
Employment Relations; Enterprise and Innovation


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                                 Health and
                                                                                                                             U WA H E A LT H C A M P U S
                                                                                                                                        AND QEIIMC
Health and Biomedical Sciences

                                 Biomedical Sciences
                                    Are you passionate about advancing the health and wellbeing of communities?
                                    Studying Health and Biomedical Sciences at UWA will develop your analytical, technical
                                    and problem-solving skills, and provide you with the knowledge and practical experience
                                    for careers as diverse as clinical practice, medical research or public health.

                                 The global demand for graduates with health and medical       Our pioneering research continues to have an impact
                                 expertise is growing. You may choose to become a health       on the health of people worldwide, be it in preventing
                                 practitioner, working directly with patients in hospital or   preterm birth, discovering the genetic basis of inherited
                                 community-based settings, but studies in this area also       and acquired disorders, or regenerative medicine.
                                 provide excellent preparation for careers in research,
                                 training, policy, planning and management.                    Our researchers all share the desire to make a difference
                                                                                               by translating their discoveries into clinical practice.
                                 We have WA’s most comprehensive range of accredited           Interdisciplinary collaboration is at the heart of our
                                 pathways to a professional career in health, including        research success.
                                 medicine, dentistry, optometry, pharmacy, podiatric
                                 medicine, psychology, social work and clinical pathology.     Top five reasons to study Health and
                                 You can also join the in-demand health industry through
                                                                                               Biomedical Sciences at UWA
                                 a postgraduate qualification in public health, infectious
                                                                                               • Real-world experience with lab-based learning,
                                                                                                   industry placements and research projects.
                                 diseases, nutrition, exercise and health, clinical exercise
                                 physiology or sport science.
                                                                                               • Classes at UWA Health Campus on the Queen
                                                                                                   Elizabeth II Medical Centre site, the largest medical
                                                                                                   centre in the Southern Hemisphere.
                                 We are tightly integrated with the Western Australian
                                 health system, public and private health providers,
                                                                                               •   Be taught by leading experts in their field, who have
                                                                                                   won national teaching awards.
                                 consumer advocacy groups and community health
                                 organisations. This close interaction ensures you'll be
                                                                                               •   We are ranked 3rd in Australia and 30th in the world
                                                                                                   for Clinical Medicine (ARWU 2021).
                                 equipped with the skills and knowledge to become a
                                 health leader of the future.
                                                                                               •   We are ranked 2nd in Australia and 38th in the world
                                                                                                   for Human Biological Sciences (ARWU 2021).


Bachelor of
   Biomedical Science

     Minimum ATAR 80** or equivalent
     STAT Written English and Verbal or Quantitative
     Intake months February and July
     Completion 3 years full time or part-time equivalent

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                                                           You’ll learn to
Medical researcher, policy adviser, health promotion officer,                  • bridge the gap between academic theory and
exercise physiologist, biochemist, laboratory manager,
                                                                                   real-world experience, ensuring you are ready to
pharmacist*, medical practitioner*, dentist*, podiatrist*
                                                                                   enter the global workforce
                                                                               • develop the essential knowledge and skills to impact
Our Bachelor of Biomedical Science encompasses the                                 the health of people and populations
biological basis of human structure and function, and the                      • gain a sound understanding of how the human body
application of this knowledge to disease, wellbeing and                            functions in healthy and diseased states, barriers to
society. It’s an exciting degree designed to meet growing                          healthcare and methods for treatment
global demand for health graduates. Some of your                               uwa.edu.au/study/b/biomedical-science
classes are held in cutting-edge labs at the UWA Health

                                                                                                                                           Health and Biomedical Sciences
Campus, located on the QEIIMC site in Nedlands. As the
largest medical centre in the southern hemisphere it’s
surrounded by major public hospitals and internationally
renowned organisations, including the Harry Perkins                            Start these majors at UWA Albany
Institute of Medical Research, PathWest and the Telethon                       before transferring to UWA Perth
Kids Institute.                                                                •   Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing
                                                                               •   Anatomy and Human Biology
Why study this degree at UWA                                                   •   Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
• You’ll be taught by world-class researchers in cutting-                      •   Genetics
    edge laboratories and tutorial rooms                                       •   Humanities in Health and Medicine
• You’ll learn from and network with some of the world’s                       •   Microbiology and Immunology
    brightest minds                                                            •   Neuroscience
• UWA is ranked 2nd in Australia for Human Biological                          •   Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
    Sciences (ARWU 2021)                                                       •   Pharmacology
• This degree may include laboratory-based learning,                           •   Physiology
    practical industry placements, or research projects,                       •   Public Health
    ensuring you are ready to enter the global workforce

* Postgraduate studies required
** Minimum ATAR 75 for Great Southern school leavers as part of the Broadway

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                                 Humanities and
                                 Social Sciences
Humanities and Social Sciences

                                   Humanities and Social Sciences equips you to ask and
                                   answer the big questions. Explore where we came from,
                                   who we are and where we’re going.

                                 By studying Humanities and Social Sciences, you’ll gain         The challenges of the 21st century are complex and
                                 a critical understanding of how society shapes, and is          systemic, and employers recognise that our graduates are
                                 shaped by, culture, politics, economics, media, history,        especially well-suited for work in this context.
                                 language, the environment and more. You'll develop the
                                 knowledge and skills to define complex problems, and
                                 identify and design solutions, while being supported in
                                 your passion to drive and implement change.                     Top five reasons to study Humanities
                                                                                                 and Social Sciences at UWA
                                 With our collaborations across industry, government             • Undergraduate Humanities and Social Sciences
                                 and community, you’ll apply knowledge and expertise to            reports a 83.6% satisfaction rate for skills development,
                                 respond to major societal opportunities, challenges and           and 87.9% for teaching quality (Good Universities
                                 injustices, such as achieving sustainable development,            Guide 2021).
                                 addressing climate change, eliminating poverty,                 • Postgraduate Communications students report 100%
                                 strengthening global communications and improving the             satisfaction for skills development, and 96.6% for
                                 mental health of communities.                                     teaching quality (Good Universities Guide 2021).
                                                                                                 • Ranked first in WA for Arts and Humanities, Social
                                 Within the humanities, through the study of culture,              Sciences and Management, Archaeology and
                                 language, literature, history and philosophy, you'll examine      Geography (QS 2022).
                                 the human experience and gain a deep understanding of           • Ranked in the top eight in Australia for Modern
                                 the connections that tie us all together.                         Languages (QS 2022) and the largest language hub in
                                 Within the social sciences, which bridge the social, physical   • You'll get practical training through internships,
                                 and environmental sciences, you will use a scientific              hands-on learning with industry and business
                                 approach to understanding the development and                     partners, and overseas study opportunities.
                                 operations of societies and their influence on the world.

   of Arts
    Minimum ATAR 75 or equivalent
    STAT Written English and Verbal or Quantitative
    Intake months February and July
    Completion 3 years full time or part-time equivalent

Politician, ambassador, author, journalist, anthropologist,     Majors that can be completed at
historian, policy adviser, teacher, entrepreneur
                                                                UWA Albany
                                                                •   English and Literary Studies
Studying UWA’s Bachelor of Arts lets you cultivate your         •   History
passions while developing transferable skills that are          •   Indigenous Knowledge, History and Heritage
essential in every industry and can never be automated          •   Korean Studies
– they’ll set you apart from the competition and prepare
you for a future-proof career.                                  Start these majors at UWA Albany
                                                                before transferring to UWA Perth
Why study this degree at UWA                                    •   Criminology ​
• Our Bachelor of Arts is one of the most diverse               •   Gender Studies

                                                                                                                 Humanities and Social Sciences
   degrees in Western Australia                                 •   Human Geography and Planning​
• You’ll be taught by renowned scholars and                     •   Italian Studies
   researchers who are international leaders and experts        •   Psychological and Behavioural Sciences
   in their fields
• You can get hands-on industry experience through
   our professional experience practicum
• We’re the largest language hub in the State
• Our arts graduates include the founder of Mecca
   Cosmetica, an Academy Award-winning artist, a film-
   maker, the CEO of Greenpeace APAC, and a former
   Federal Minister, to name a few.

You’ll learn to
• develop high levels of communication, research and
   technical expertise
• develop strong reasoning ability, and problem-
   solving, critical and creative-thinking skills
• employ skills in responsibility and leadership
• develop the communication skills you’ll need to stand
   out in a global workforce


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                                 English and Literary                                             History
                                 Studies                                                          CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                                  Archivist, teacher, conservation officer

                                 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                 Publisher, public service officer, educator                      Bachelor’s degree: Arts or Philosophy (Honours)

                                 Bachelor’s degree: Arts or Philosophy (Honours)                  Historians use evidence from the past to ask
                                                                                                  fundamental questions about humanity. Through
                                 In English and Literary Studies, we take the imagination         learning about the past, we illuminate the present.
                                 seriously. We address the creative texts societies               Studying history will immerse you in discovery, debate,
                                 produce and ask what they mean. From Shakespeare                 discussion, understanding, surprise and awe, and it will
                                 to Netflix, and from critical theory to creative writing,        require of you rigour, reason, questioning, imagination
                                 English and Literary Studies offers units that look at           and passion. You'll be part of the process by which
                                 the exciting ways in which literature works in a newly           humanity’s memory itself comes to be made.
                                 globalised world.
                                                                                                  Why study this course at UWA Albany
Humanities and Social Sciences

                                 Why study this course at UWA Albany                              • Learn about humanity's past
                                 • English and Literary Studies develops the valuable             • Discover, debate, discuss and understand the
                                     skills employers look for, such as analytical thinking,         world’s history
                                     creativity, problem solving and the advanced ability         • Gain skills in research, critical analysis and
                                     to communicate                                                  communication applicable to a wide range of careers
                                 • Expand your understanding of life, ethics, different
                                     cultures and our changing society                            You’ll learn to
                                 • Challenge yourself and open your mind to new ideas             • understand other times, societies and cultures
                                                                                                  • demonstrate an awareness of the world we live in,
                                 You’ll learn to                                                     through reference to humanity’s past experience
                                 •   be innovative and creative                                   • demonstrate a knowledge of major historical
                                 •   exercise critical reasoning and analysis                        developments in a range of times and places
                                 •   communicate clearly in written and oral forms                • identify main issues in complex historical material
                                 •   work effectively, both independently and in groups           • critically evaluate differences and issues in others’
                                 •   research, synthesise and present information                    interpretations of historical events
                                 •   interpret a wide range of texts in a variety of historical   • describe and interpret evidence of past human
                                     and cultural contexts                                           experience, proposing explanations with reference
                                                                                                     to concepts such as power, myth, representation,
                                 Trending second majors: Communication and Media                     culture, gender, race, colonialism and social structure
                                 Studies; History; Philosophy                                     • formulate logical arguments
                                                                                                  • conduct independent research, making use of
                                                                                                     historical resources
                                                                                                  • demonstrate a knowledge of the causes of historical
                                                                                                     change in a range of times and places

                                                                                                  Trending second majors: Classics and Ancient History;
                                                                                                  English and Literary Studies; Political Science and
                                                                                                  International Relations, Economics

Indigenous Knowledge,                                         Korean Studies
History and Heritage                                          CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                              Linguist, cultural interpreter, university lecturer
Curator, environmental consultant, parliamentarian            Bachelor’s degree: Arts or Philosophy (Honours)

Bachelor’s degree: Arts or Philosophy (Honours)               Learn to speak and write Korean while exploring Korean
                                                              societies, politics and culture, and developing an
Explore the world view and historical experiences of          understanding of the two Koreas’ place in the world.
Indigenous peoples in Australia, and critically analyse
disciplinary interpretations of Indigenous knowledges         Why study this course UWA Albany
and peoples, locally, nationally and globally. Taught in an   (online)
interactive manner, including field trips and excursions,     • South Korea is one of Australia’s most important
this major will engage you with the perspectives of              trading partners, a cultural juggernaut of popular
Indigenous people, Elders in the community and                   culture, and a world leader in innovation and research
prominent guest speakers.                                        in engineering, technology and medical sciences,
                                                                 so graduates with good Korean linguistic and socio-
Why study this course at UWA Albany                              cultural skills are highly sought-after in the local and
• Learn about Indigenous peoples and systems of                  global job market
   knowledge from multiple perspectives                       • Gain the linguistic skills to succeed in Korea-related
• The major is taught in a highly interactive manner             careers after graduation, and a solid understanding of
• The knowledge, understanding and skills gained                 Korean society, culture, history and politics
   complement many other majors                               • Have the option of studying at one of UWA’s partner
                                                                 institutions in South Korea
You’ll learn to

                                                                                                                            Humanities and Social Sciences
• understand the experience, history and culture of           You’ll learn to
   Aboriginal peoples (particularly in Western Australia)     • demonstrate a good written and spoken linguistic
• study Indigenous systems of knowledge and the                  competence in the Korean language
   relevance of these systems across a broad range            • understand how culturally specific social structures
   of disciplines                                                affect interpersonal communication, and determine
• critically evaluate representations of Aboriginal              how to apply this knowledge to your own interactions
   peoples in historical and academic discourse                  in a culturally sensitive manner
• understand the major historical and cultural issues         • identify key ethical, philosophical and social
   that inform present-day Aboriginal disadvantage               characteristics of Korean culture, society and history
• gather knowledge of ethical paradigms in Aboriginal         • engage effectively in a professional manner in the key
   research and how to conduct independent research              debates on Korean history, society and culture, and
• clearly express ideas in discussion and writing                produce coherent and well-argued written work
                                                              • demonstrate transferable skills such as digital literacy,
Trending second majors: Aboriginal Health and                    information management, group working, research
Wellbeing; Fine Arts; Landscape Architecture; Law                skills and critical thinking
and Society
                                                              Trending second majors: Communication and Media
                                                              Studies; Economics; Linguistics

                                                                 You'll study this major online
                                                                 which means you'll have
                                                                 the flexibility to study from

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     Start one of the below degrees at
     UWA Albany before transferring
     to our Perth Campus
     Comprehensive bachelor's degree                      Combined bachelor's degrees
     • Bachelor of Biomedical Science                     • Bachelor of Agribusiness and Bachelor of Science
                                                          • Bachelor of Agricultural Science and
     Specialised bachelor's degrees                         Bachelor of Science
     •   Bachelor of Agribusiness                         • Bachelor of Agricultural Science and Bachelor of Arts
     •   Bachelor of Agricultural Science                 • Bachelor of Agricultural Science and
     •   Bachelor of Biological Science                     Bachelor of Commerce
     •   Bachelor of Economics                            • Bachelor of Environmental Science and
     •   Bachelor of Environmental Science                  Bachelor of Science
     •   Bachelor of Human Sciences                       • Bachelor of Environmental Science and
     •   Bachelor of Marine Science                         Bachelor of Arts
     •   Bachelor of Molecular Sciences                   • Bachelor of Environmental Science and
     •   Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics and Economics     Bachelor of Commerce
     •   Bachelor of Psychology
     •   Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science           Combined bachelor's and
                                                          master's degrees
                                                          • Bachelor of Economics and
                                                            Master of Economics
                                                          • Bachelor of Biological Science and
                                                            Master of Biological Science
                                                          • Bachelor of Environmental Science and
                                                            Master of Environmental Science

   Ignite your passion to teach and inspire a love of learning in others. Qualify for a highly
   rewarding career as an educator or explore the options for experienced teachers,
   policymakers and leaders who seek to deepen their knowledge, contribute to the
   profession and advance their careers.

Education is a vital field in which you'll facilitate learning,   Top five reasons to study teaching at UWA
transform lives and inspire futures. Develop your skills in       • Top university in WA for Education, and top 10 in
best-practice teaching and choose to educate people                 Australia (Times Higher Education World University
at all stages of life. As a teacher, you'll inspire minds and       Rankings by Subject 2021).
empower the next generation of thinkers and doers.                • 82.4 per cent of UWA teaching graduates are
A career in teaching is a fulfilling one in which you can           employed full time four months after completing their
change lives and create a lasting positive impact on society.       course (Good Universities Guide 2021).
                                                                  • Benefit from our strong industry connections
                                                                    through scholarships, volunteering programs,
                                                                    professional development workshops and more.
                                                                  • Study within a close-knit cohort and form lifelong
                                                                    personal and professional networks.
                                                                  • Gain a competitive edge in your career with a
                                                                    master’s degree in teaching in as little as 18 months.


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            Pathways to
                becoming a teacher
              We offer teaching courses informed by comprehensive and contemporary understandings
              of childhood development and learning. There will be opportunities for you to practise
              your teaching skills in authentic settings throughout the course and in professional
              practice placements.

            Our teaching courses                                          ASSURED PATHWAYS

            You can apply for a combined bachelor’s and master’s         Choosing a Master of Teaching Assured Pathway means
            degree, a bachelor’s degree and a Master of Teaching         you can secure your place in one of our highly regarded
            together via our Assured Pathways or complete a              postgraduate teaching courses. You'll complete your
            bachelor’s degree first and apply for the Master of           bachelor's and will then continue onto your master's
            Teaching when you’re ready. Studying teaching at             degree. There is also a wide range of bachelor’s
            UWA means that you’ll graduate with two qualifications       degrees you can take as part of a Master of Teaching
            making you stand out to potential employers and              Assured Pathway.
            expanding your career opportunities.
                                                                         Master of Teaching (Secondary)

             COMBINED BACHELOR’S AND MASTER’S DEGREE                     Gain an in-depth knowledge of the theory and the
                                                                         practical skills required to teach Years 7 to 12. Your
            Bachelor of Science and Master of
                                                                         subject-area expertise, coupled with this sought-after
            Teaching (Secondary)
                                                                         teaching qualification, will see you thrive in the global
            This combined undergraduate and postgraduate degree
                                                                         knowledge society.
            provides you with in-depth knowledge of the theory and
                                                                         Minimum ATAR via Assured Pathway 80* or
            practical skills required for secondary school teaching in
            STEM subjects.
                                                                         Intake month January
            Minimum ATAR 88 or equivalent
                                                                         Completion 3 years* (bachelor's) + 1.5 years (master's)
            Intake month February
                                                                         full time or part-time equivalent
            Completion 4 years full time
                                                                         Campus Perth only
            Campus Perth & Albany (Biology only)
                                                                         Delivery mode Face-to-face with units taught
            Delivery mode Face-to-face
                                                                         through hyflex

            • Mathematic methods ATAR
                                                                         • Refer to your chosen major/s for prerequisites
            • Depending on your chosen major/s there may be
              additional prerequisite subjects
                                                                         • At least six units in relevant disciplines (including two
            • Personal statement
                                                                           at Level 2 and two at Level 3) for a major teaching
                                                                           area, which will enable you to teach Years 7 to 12
                                                                         • You can also choose a minor teaching area (enabling
                                                                           you to teach Years 7 to 10) if you complete at least four
                                                                           units in relevant disciplines during your bachelor’s
                                                                           degree, including two at Level 2
                                                                         • Completion of a bachelor’s degree with a Weighted
                                                                           Average Mark (WAM) of 60 per cent
                                                                         • Personal statement
                                                                         • Before commencing professional practice
                                                                           placements, you’ll need to obtain a Working With
                                                                           Children Check

You can also read