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TAJ MAHAL IN AGRA, UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH A RAINBOW LAND For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org March 2018
Table of Content Executive Summary .…………….….…….3 Advantage State ……..……………………4 Vision ……………….……………………....5 Uttar Pradesh – An Introduction ……..…..6 Budget Highlights ……………..………….14 Infrastructure Status ...............................15 Business Opportunities ……..………......40 Doing Business in Uttar Pradesh ……….59 State Acts & Policies …….………...........65
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The number of foreign tourist arrivals in the state is expected to have crossed 2.8 million by 2017. Leading tourist An amount of US$ 124.17 million has been allocated in the State Budget 2017-18 for development of tourism destination infrastructure in Ayodhya, Varanasi and Mathura under ‘PRASAD’ Scheme. Uttar Pradesh is the largest producer of food grains in India and accounted for about 17.83% share in the country’s total food grain output in 2016-17. Food grain production in the state in 2016-17 stood at 49,144.6 Strong Horticulture thousand tonnes. Base Major food grains produced in the state include rice, wheat, maize, millet, gram, pea & lentils. With overall vegetable production of 26.40 million tonnes in 2016-17, the state of Uttar Pradesh was the largest producer of vegetables in India. Growth in state In 2017-18, state budget of Uttar Pradesh grew by 10.9%, as compared with the state budget in 2016-17. In budget 2017-18, the state government proposed an allocation of US$ 59.7 billion for various sectors of the state. Source: Uttar Pradesh Tourism, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, India Sugar Mills Association, National Dairy Development Board, Milk Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh, India 3 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
ADVANTAGE: UTTAR PRADESH GSDP Hub of IT/ITeS services and semiconductor Developed infrastructure and good connectivity NSDP industry GSDP of the NSDP of the state has The state has a well-developed social, physical and state has increased Uttar Pradesh has emerged as a key hub for IT & ITeS industrial infrastructure. It also has good connectivity increased industries, including software, captive business through 48 national highways, 6 airports & rail links to from US$ from US$ process outsourcing (BPO) & electronics. all major cities. The state has witnessed strong 58.2 billion infrastructure growth in the recent past. There has 58.6 billion The state has become a hub for the semiconductor to US$ been a considerable rise in the number of industrial to US$ industry with several major players having their offices 206.90 clusters/hubs & PPPs in the infrastructure domain. 183.18 and R&D centres in Noida. billion during billion during 2005-06 to 2005-06 to 2017-18 Advantage 2017-18 Uttar Pradesh Rich labour pool Policy and fiscal incentives With a population of 199.81 million, Uttar Pradesh is The state offers a wide range of subsidies, policy and the most populous state in India. fiscal incentives as well as assistance for businesses under the Industrial and Service Sector Investment Uttar Pradesh has a large base of skilled labour, Policy, 2004 and Infrastructure & Industrial Investment making it an ideal destination for knowledge-based Policy, 2012. sectors. The state has well-drafted, sector-specific policies for The state also has a large pool of semi-skilled and IT and biotech. unskilled labour Source: Department of Infrastructure and Industrial Development, Directorate of Economics & Statistics of Uttar Pradesh, Central Statistics Office, Census 2011 4 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
UTTAR PRADESH VISION To invite private players to invest in the energy sector and ensure To integrate efforts of various skill development departments of uninterrupted power supply. central and state governments and To promote generation and use of provide employment oriented clean and green power in the state training in vocational skills. by harnessing solar energy. To establish Uttar Pradesh as the To use IT as a vehicle for most preferred destination for Energy Skill development economic development. investments by accelerating industrial To position Uttar Pradesh as the development and creating a preferred destination for IT/ITeS Investment conducive business environment. Information investment. promotion technology Vision To provide basic amenities to To develop religious tourism at Tourism Social welfare economically and socially various sites with potential. backward sections. To develop areas of tourist interest To provide housing to the urban and provide better wayside facilities. Agriculture Infrastructure poor and carry out slum redevelopment programs. To increase farm productivity & farmer profitability. To disseminate technology to To construct Metro Rail in Lucknow. farmers through development of To develop, manage and maintain training network, demonstration, highways at par with world standards. and reference materials, among To provide connectivity to rural areas others. by developing roads. Source: Government of Uttar Pradesh 5 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
UTTAR PRADESH FACT FILE Wheat, rice, pulses, oil seeds and potatoes are the major agricultural products. Sugarcane is the most important cash crop throughout the state. Parameters Uttar Pradesh Capital Lucknow Geographical area (lakh sq. km) 240,928 Administrative districts (No) 71 Source: Maps of India Population density (persons per sq. km) 828 Uttar Pradesh shares its borders with Nepal on the north; the Indian states of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh towards the northwest; Total population (million) 199.81 Haryana, Delhi and Rajasthan on the west; Madhya Pradesh on the south, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand to the southeast and Bihar in the Male population (million) 104.48 east. The most commonly spoken language in the state is Hindi. English Female population (million) 95.33 and Urdu are the other languages used. Lucknow, Noida, Agra, Ghaziabad, Allahabad, Varanasi, Kanpur, Sex ratio (females per 1,000 males) 912 Meerut and Saharanpur are some of the key cities in the state. Literacy rate (%) 67.68 The state has three major seasons: hot weather (March to June), rainy season (July to September) and cold weather (October to February). Source: State Horticulture Mission Uttar Pradesh , Census 2011, Central Statistics Office 6 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
UTTAR PRADESH IN FIGURES … (1/2) Parameter Uttar Pradesh All states Source Economy 2016-17 2016-17 Directorate of Economics & Statistics of Uttar GSDP as a percentage of all states’ GSDP 8.57 100.0 Pradesh, Central Statistics Office Directorate of Economics & Statistics of Uttar GSDP growth rate (%) 14.30 11.52 Pradesh, Central Statistics Office Directorate of Economics & Statistics of Uttar Per capita GSDP (US$) 933 1,799 Pradesh, Central Statistics Office Physical Infrastructure Installed power capacity (MW) 24,431.26 334,146.91 Central Electricity Authority, as of December 2017 Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, as of Wireless subscribers (No) 163,099,654 1,167,435,645 November 2017 Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, as of Internet subscribers (No) 49,940,000 429,230,000 September 2017 NHAI & Roads and Building Department, as of June National highway length (km) 8,711 115,435 2017 Airports (No) 6 125 Airports Authority of India 7 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
UTTAR PRADESH IN FIGURES … (2/2) Parameter Uttar Pradesh All states Source Social Indicators Literacy rate (%) 67.68 73.0 Census, 2011 Birth rate (per 1,000 population) 26.2 20.4 SRS Bulletin Investment 1 Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, April Cumulative FDI equity inflows (US$ billion)1 0.652 357.345 2000 to September 2017 Industrial Infrastructure DEA , Ministry of Finance, Government of India, Operational PPP projects (No) 25 1,246 November 2017 Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Exporting SEZs (No) 12 222 Commerce, December 2017 Note: PPP: Public-Private Partnership, SEZ: Special Economic Zone, SRS: Sample Registration System,(1)Including Uttarakhand 8 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
ECONOMIC SNAPSHOT – GSDP GSDP of Uttar Pradesh current prices (in US$ billion) GSDP per capita of Uttar Pradesh at current prices (in US$) 250 CAGR 4.99% 1000 CAGR 3.41% 900 936.88 200 800 844.66 206.90 798.58 795.51 700 766.14 750.67 183.72 739.82 171.08 167.85 150 600 156.00 154.45 151.43 500 100 400 300 50 200 100 0 0 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2015-16 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2016-17 2017-18 At current prices, the GSDP* of Uttar Pradesh was US$ 206.90 The state’s per capita GSDP^ in 2017-18 was US$ 936.88 billion in 2017-18. compared with US$ 766.14 in 2011-12. The GSDP grew at a CAGR of 4.99% from 2011-12 to 2017-18. Per capita GSDP increased at a CAGR of 3.41% between 2011-12 and 2017-18. Source: Directorate of Economics & Statistics of Uttar Pradesh, Central Statistics Office, GSDP* - Directorate of Economics & Statistics of Uttar Pradesh, Per Capita GSDP^ - calculated using GSDP million US$ / Population in million 9 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
ECONOMIC SNAPSHOT – NSDP NSDP of Uttar Pradesh current prices (in US$ billion) NSDP per capita of Uttar Pradesh at current prices (in US$) 200.00 8.2 CAGR 2.22% CAGR 4.88% 180.00 8 183.18 8.00 160.00 7.8 162.76 140.00 151.37 147.94 7.6 7.67 7.67 138 7.64 137.61 134.97 120.00 7.4 100.00 7.39 7.2 80.00 60.00 7 7.01 7.01 40.00 6.8 20.00 6.6 0.00 6.4 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 The NSDP of Uttar Pradesh was US$ 183.94 billion in 2017-18. The state’s per capita NSDP# in 2017-18 was US$ 832.94 compared with US$ 496.71 in 2011-12. The NSDP grew at a CAGR of 10.68% between 2011-12 and 2017-18. Per capita NSDP increased at a CAGR of 9.01% between 2011-12 and 2017-18. Source: Directorate of Economics & Statistics of Uttar Pradesh, Central Statistics Office, NSDP& - Directorate of Economics & Statistics of Uttar Pradesh, Per Capita NSDP# - Directorate of Economics & Statistics of Uttar Pradesh 10 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
ECONOMIC SNAPSHOT – PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF GSVA In 2016-17, the tertiary sector contributed 47.23% to Uttar Pradesh’s Percentage distribution of GSVA GSVA at current prices, followed by the primary sector (27.44%) and secondary sector (25.34%). 100% There has been a shift in the sectoral contribution from secondary to 45.51% CAGR 50.47% the primary and tertiary sector. The overall performance of the 90% economy of the state during 2016-17 was encouraging. 80% 12.35% The tertiary sector grew the fastest among the three sectors from 2011-12 to 2017-18 (12.35% CAGR). The growth was driven by 70% trade, hotels, real estate, finance, insurance, transport, 60% communications and other services. 50% 26.66% The primary sector expanded at a CAGR of 9.69% between 2011-12 22.79% and 2017-18 The growth was driven by agriculture and forestry. 40% The secondary sector expanded at a CAGR of 7.58% between 2011- 7.58% 30% 12 and 2017-18. This was driven by manufacturing, construction, 27.83% 26.73% and electricity, gas & water supply. 20% 10% 9.69% 0% 2011-12 2017-18 Primary Sector Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector Source: Directorate of Economics & Statistics of Uttar Pradesh, Central Statistics Office 11 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
ECONOMIC SNAPSHOT – AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Uttar Pradesh is the largest producer of food grains in India & The state government has made a record wheat purchase of 23.20 accounted for about 17.83% share in the country’s total food grain thousand metric tonnes in just 53 days. With this purchase, the state output in 2016-17. Food grain production in the state in 2016-17 government has benefitted and encouraged the farmers by crediting stood at 49,144.6 thousand tonnes. Major food grains produced in US$ 520.6 million directly to their accounts. Moreover, the state the state include rice, wheat, maize, millet, gram, pea & lentils. With government has already started 5,000 wheat purchase centres overall vegetable production of 26.4 million tonnes in 2016-17, the across Uttar Pradesh from April 1, 2017. state of Uttar Pradesh was the largest producer of vegetables in India. Crop Annual production in 2016-17 (‘000 tonnes) Uttar Pradesh is the largest producer of wheat in India with a share Wheat 30057.9 of about 30.55% in the country’s overall wheat production. Wheat Rice 12954.7 production in the state reached 30,057.9 thousand tonnes during 2016-17. Fruit 10353.5 Vegetables 26,407.34 Production of pulses in the state was recorded at 2,186.1 thousand tonnes during 2016-17. Flowers 118.29 In April 2017, the state government announced a farm loan waiver Aromatic 13.53 scheme in Uttar Pradesh. The scheme was said to cover small and Spices 227.5 marginal farmers with debts up to US$1,487, and was expected to Honey 15.15 cost the government US$5.40 billion. Of this, US$ 1.1 billion have been waived off, as a part of Phase-I. Onion 419.74 Potato 13,870.73 Tomato 823.77 Pulse 2,186.1 Cereals 3,946.0 Source: Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Government of India, National Horticulture Board, Aromatic Crops include Rosemary, Vetiver, Lemongrass, Citronella, Geranium, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Mint, (1) 2014-15, 12 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
ECONOMIC SNAPSHOT – FDI INFLOWS & INVESTMENTS According to the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP), Investment intentions in terms of IEMs filed, LOIs/DILs issued cumulative FDI inflows1 in Uttar Pradesh, during April 2000 to December 2017, amounted to US$ 652 million. 7500 7,250 The tertiary sector of Uttar Pradesh was a major contributor to the GSVA of the state, followed by the primary sector and the secondary 6000 sector. 4500 FDI equity inflows1 in Uttar Pradesh, 2009-10 to 2017-18* (US$ million) 3000 160 2,212 2,201 2,130 2,052 1500 1,911 1,897 140 161 136 140 165 134 158 108 121 70 15 120 0 2017⁽²⁾ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2018 112 100 110 80 82 80 60 Number of Investment Intentions 40 Proposed Investments (US$ million) 48 31 20 8 25 0 A 50-member delegation from US, representing 26 major 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18* companies has shown interest in investment opportunities in Uttar Pradesh, giving a boost to employment opportunities in the state. Source: Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion,1Including Uttaranchal, 2 Up to Source: Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, IEMs – Industrial December 2017, * - data from April-September 2017 Entrepreneur Memoranda, LOIs – Letters of Intent, DILs – Direct Industrial Licences 13 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
BUDGET 2017-18 The Government of Uttar Pradesh presented a US$ 59.7 billion budget for 2017-18. The main objectives of budget include: • To promote participatory development in improving infrastructural facilities & ensure that the benefits reach the farmers, labourers & the poor in the state. • To incorporate latest technology in carrying out various programmes and schemes. • To maintain efficiency and transparency in administration. Budget highlights - A total amount of about US$ 5.58 billion has been allocated for farm loan redemption. An amount of about US$ 44.7 million has been allocated for the construction of four metro rail projects. New solar power policy to be launched. US$ 616.51 million has been allocated for the upkeep of state roads. An amount of US$ 155.21 million has been allocated for ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’. Recruitment of 33,200 police officials will be done in the state. Source: State Budget 2017-18 14 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE – ROADS … (1/2) The state is well-connected to its 9 neighbouring states & other parts of India through 48 national highways. The length of national highways running through the state accounts for about 8.5% of the total National Highway (NH) length in India. Yamuna Expressway has 6 lanes & is 165-km long with controlled-access which connects Greater Noida with Agra. As of August 2017, a 96-kilometre long expressway between Delhi & Meerut is under construction. NHAI plans to use solid waste from Ghazipur landfill to curb pollution. Source: Maps of India Road type Road length (km) as of 2015-16 No. of projects and cost sanctioned for development of state roads under Central Road Fund (CRF) & Economic Importance National highways* 8,711 and Interstate Connectivity (EI & ISC) (2015-16) State highways 8,432 CRF EI & ISC No of Cost Cost No of Projects Other district roads 169,153 Projects (US$ million) (US$ million) Rural roads 86,827 38 193.12 3 38.87 Note: * - as on June 2017 Source: Maps of India, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, UPSRTC - Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation, NHAI, 15 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE – ROADS … (2/2) In the 2017-18 budget, the state government allocated US$ 70 million for connecting villages with roads. For the upkeep & widening of existing roads of the state, a provision of US$ 92.91 million has been made during 2017-18. Moreover, US$ 1.24 billion were allocated under Central Road Fund scheme for development of national highways, rural roads, state roads, etc. For construction of a road of 257 km length in 7 districts of the state, on the Indo-Nepal border, the state government also made a provision of US$ 39.06 million. The state government also allocated US$ 39.27 million for establishing and widening the “Core Road Network” of important roads in the state. In November 2016, Government of Uttar Pradesh inaugurated Asia's first cycle highway in Etawah. The highway was built between Etawah and Agra, stretching across a length of about 207 km. In June 2017, the central government approved road projects worth US$ 1.48 billion for the construction and upgradation of various roads across the state. The projects include upgradation of 73 state highways into national highways with a total length of 6,260 km, and many other proposals. In March 2018, National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) awarded a road project worth Rs 770.04 crore (US$ 11.95 billion) for upgradation of a national highway stretch from two-lane to four-lane in Uttar Pradesh. Source: State Budget 2016-17 16 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE – RAILWAYS Uttar Pradesh has the biggest railway network in the country with a railway density of 40 km which is double the rail density of the India (20 km) per 1,000 sq. km of area. Agriculture, cement, fertilisers, coal and manufacturing are the major sectors and industries served by the railways. Various parts of the state are catered to by five of the 17 railway zones in India. These are Northern Railways, North Eastern Railways, East Central Railways, North Central Railways and West Central Railways. As per state budget 2017-18, an allocation of US$ 44.7 million has been done for the development of 4 metro rail projects. Moreover, the state government was also planning to extend the metro line network from Noida City Sector-32 to Sector-62 and from Kalindikunj to Botanical Garden, during 2016-17. The latter section of the metro was inaugurated in December 2017. Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut Rapid Rail Transit Corridor project (RRTC) has been cleared by the Board of National Capital region, at an estimated cost of US$ 3.34 billion. The corridor would be built between Sarai Kale Khan in Delhi & Modipuram in Meerut, where the trains can run up to a maximum speed of 180 km per hour, thus bringing down the travel time from Delhi to Meerut by 60 minutes. As of February 2018, pre-construction work for this project has been initiated. Under Railway Modernisation Programme, two Uttar Pradesh stations i.e. Kanpur Central and Allahabad, are to be revamped. In February 2018, Railway Minister Piyush Goyal announced setting Source: Maps of India up of coach-refurbishment factory in Bundelkhand. Source: Ministry of Railways, State Budget 2016-17 17 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE – AIRPORTS … (1/2) The state has six domestic airports, located at Agra, Allahabad, Passenger and aircraft movement in Uttar Pradesh in 2017-18* Gorakhpur, Kanpur, Lucknow and Varanasi. International flights operate from Chaudhary Charan Singh Passenger traffic Aircraft movement International Airport, Lucknow, and Lal Bahadur Shastri Airport, Airport (nos.) (nos.) Varanasi. In April 2017-January 2018, Lucknow and Varanasi airports handled 5,476 million tonnes and 1,024 million tonnes of Agra 8,674 344 freight, respectively. Allahabad 38,424 632 Gorakhpur 86,589 1,292 Kanpur (Chakeri) 1,898 50 Lucknow 3,829,133 25,580 Varanasi 1,645,166 10,829 As of September 2017, the Airports Authority of India (AAI) is planning to undertake the construction of a integrated passenger terminal building at Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport, Lucknow, for an estimated cost of Rs 1,230 crore (US$ 191.32 million). International airport The AAI is also planning to develop a civil enclave for an estimated Domestic airport cost of Rs 125.76 crore (US$ 19.56 million), to meet the rising air travel demand in Allahabad. Source: Airports Authority of India Note: * - data from April-December 2017 18 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE – AIRPORTS … (2/2) Passenger traffic, Varanasi and Lucknow (million) Aircraft movement, Varanasi and Lucknow (nos.) 4.5 35,000 4 30,000 3.96 3.83 29,356 29,156 3.5 27,317 25,000 3.24 3 2.5 2.54 20,000 19,749 19,682 18,550 18,395 2.31 2 15,000 2.02 2.02 15,035 1.91 14,205 1.5 13,149 1.65 12,316 1.58 11,666 10,000 1.38 1 1.19 8,801 8,040 1.02 7,654 7,421 5,000 0.83 0.81 5,880 0.75 5,812 0.5 0.48 0.56 0 0 2013-14 2010-11 2014-15 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2009-10 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18* 2017-18* Varanasi Lucknow Varanasi Lucknow Note: * - data from April-December 2017 Source: Airports Authority of India 19 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE – POWER … (1/2) As of 2017 Sasan ultra mega power project with installed capacity of 3,960 MW is fully functional. Installed power capacity (MW) As per state budget 2017-18, the state government is targeting to supply power for 24 hours in urban areas & for 18 hours in rural 30,000.0 areas. Further, it aims to provide 24x7 electricity by October 2018. 25,000.0 24,434 Noida, Uttar Pradesh-based infrastructure & energy-based 23,662 20,000.0 conglomerate -- The Jaypee Group, has signed a Memorandum of 18,617 15,000.0 15,087 Understanding (MoU) with Kazakhstan’s national agency for 14,375 10,458 13,054 14,079 10,000.0 9,247 9,984 investment & export - KAZNEX INVEST, to collaborate in several 5,000.0 areas of mutual interest. - 1 2008-09 2011-12 2009-10 2010-11 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 In May 2017, Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd. (BHEL) commissioned 3 units of 1980-megawatt coal-based thermal power plants in Bara tehsil in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh within a span of 85 days. The project is owned by Prayagraj Power Generation Company Limited As of March 2017, the holy cities Gorakhpur, Mathura, Ayodhya & (PPGCL), a subsidiary company of Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd. Varanasi are slated to get 24 x 7 power supply, with a view to Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission has approved encourage tourism in the cities. With better administration & focus on transmission capital expenditure worth Rs 20,000 crore (US$ 3.11 development a file index system has been started, making it billion) between FY18-20, an increase of 107% over FY15-17. compulsory to rectify the problem. In June 2017, Adani Group announced the commissioning of a The center has given approval to the 1,320MW coal-based super 50MW solar photovoltaic plant in Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh under the critical Khujra power project at a cost of US$1.44 billion in National Solar Mission Scheme with investment of US$ 46.85 Bulandshahar district, Uttar Pradesh. million. As of January 2018, the state government has planned to set up In February 2018, the Rs 4,150 crore (US$ 641.03 million) worth of about 6,000 solar power plants over the coming five years in Uttar mega power transmission line for the Western Uttar Pradesh Power Pradesh in order to meet the government’s target of 10,700 MW of Transmission Company Ltd (WUPPTCL) has been commissioned by clean energy. the Megha Engineering & Infrastructure Ltd (MEIL). The project will transit 13,220 Mega Volt Amp (MVA) of power and will benefit 10 districts in the western Uttar Pradesh region. Note: 1As of December 2017 Source: Central Electricity Authority, State Budget 2016-17 20 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE – POWER … (2/2) State-owned power companies Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (UPRVUNL) Power generation (thermal) Uttar Pradesh Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited (UPJVNL) Power generation (hydro) Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) Power transmission Paschimanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (PVVNL) Power distribution Purvanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (PuVVNL) Power distribution Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (MVVNL) Power distribution Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (DVVNL) Power distribution Private sector power generating stations Prime Mover Developer Project name Installed capacity (MW) Steam Barkhera Thermal Power Station 90 Khamberkhera Thermal Power Steam 90 Station Bajaj Power Co Steam Kundarki Thermal Power Station 90 Steam Maqsoodpur Thermal Power Station 90 Steam Utraula Thermal Power Station 90 Steam Lanko Anpara Pow Ltd Anpara 'C'Thermal Power Station 1,200 Steam Rosa Power Supply Co Rosa Thermal Power Station 1,200 Total power generating capacity 2,850 Source: Ministry of Power, Government of India 21 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE – TELECOM The Uttar Pradesh circle has good telecom infrastructure, with all the Telecom Infrastructure (As of November 2017) major players providing services in the state. The state has a huge postal circle (17,662 post offices) divided into six regions: Allahabad, Wireless subscribers 163,099,654 Agra, Bareilly, Gorakhpur, Kanpur and Lucknow. In January 2017, LAVA invested US$ 8.92 million to setup a new Wireline subscribers 8,42,582 assembly plant in Noida, to bolster 4G portfolio. The company is also (1) planning two Electronic Manufacturing Clusters (EMC) for southern Internet subscribers 49,940,000 and northern markets. For northern market, the EMC will come up (2) along Yamuna expressway. Post Offices 17,662 Major telecom companies are being called in for providing Tele density (in %) 69.72 connectivity as part of the Government of India’s plan of setting up 5 million smart meters across Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. Performance Status of Bharat Net Project (As of July 2017) Major telecom operators in Uttar Pradesh Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) No. of GPs in Phase-I^ 22,514 Bharti Airtel Pipe laid (kms) 48,556 Idea Cellular Cable laid (kms)^ 51,283 Vodafone Essar Aircel Ltd GPs for which cable laid^ 25,985 Reliance Communications No. of GPs lit 2,785 Tata Teleservices Note: 1 - As of September 2017; 2As of March 2016, ^ - upto November 2017 Source: Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, India Post 22 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS: URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE Under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), 33 projects costing US$ 862.07 million were sanctioned for various cities in Uttar Pradesh, of which six were completed as of 31st March, 2015. Under Sabke Liye Awas Yojna, the Government of Uttar Pradesh completed the construction of 3,578 plots/buildings till December 2014. As of March 2015, construction work of 20,868 plots/ buildings was in progress. In budget 2017-18, the government allocated US$ 13.31 million for JNNURM. Most of these projects are approved for Kanpur, Lucknow, Varanasi, Allahabad and Agra. Some of the key areas of development are water supply, solid-waste management, sewerage and drainage/storm water. All the cities are fully covered by a piped water supply system. The state government has approved US$ 99.53 million for urban development in the state. In order to provide an alternative treatment option for the generated Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), the Kanpur Integrated Waste Processing Complex has been developed and includes processing waste to produce compost and refuse derived fuel (RDF). For Naya Savera Nagar Vikas Yojna, the state government proposed an investment of US$ 61.1 million during 2016-17. For the development of cremation grounds in urban areas, the Government of Uttar Pradesh announced plans to invest US$ 15.27 million, during 2016-17. The Government of Uttar Pradesh has proposed an investment of US$ 155.21 million for the Swachch Bharat Mission in State Budget 2017-18. For Agra Drinking Water Supply Project, the state government proposed an investment of US$ 45.82 million, during 2016-17. For Urban Drinking Water Programme, Urban Transport Development Fund as well as Adarsh Nagar Yojana, amounts of US$ 51.17 million, US$ 7.48 million and US$ 30.55 million, have been proposed by the state government, during 2016-17, respectively The state government has approved the allocation of around 450 acres of land to Patanjali Ayurveda, for setting up a food park worth US$ 305.53 million in Greater Noida, near Yamuna Expressway. The food park will consist of an agro-processing plant, which will serve both domestic as well as international markets. Source: JNNURM, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, State Budget 2016-17 23 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
KEY PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (PPP) PROJECTS … (1/2) Project cost Project name Sector Stage (US$ million) Upgradation of Kanpur-Kabrai section under NHDP-IV A Transport 58.09 Operation Roadways connects Delhi-Saharanpur-Yamunotri Transport 331.79 Construction International Cricket Stadium (Lucknow) Project Tourism 55.87 Construction Ghaziabad-Aligarh NH-91 Road Project Transport 243.69 Operation Gomti River Front Development Project Tourism 149.3 N.A. Gorakhpur Bypass NH-28 Road Project Transport 100.77 Operation Greater NOIDA Balia Expressway Transport 4,656.41 Construction Inner Ring Road Agra Transport 182.32 Construction Input Based Urban Franchise Moradabad Energy N.A. Construction Lucknow-Sitapur NH-24 Road Project Transport 69.91 Operation Meerut-Muzaffarnagar NH-58 Road Project Transport 35.70 Operation Modern slaughterhouse at Bareilly Infrastructure 398.37 Construction Modern slaughterhouse at Jhansi Infrastructure 423.58 Construction Road Upgradation (Jhansi-Lalitpur) Project (NS-1/BOT/UP-2) Transport 55.10 Construction Road Upgradation (Bareilly-Sitapur) Project Transport 162.66 Construction Road Upgradation (Etawah-Chakeri) Project Transport 303.44 Operation Road Upgradation (Jhansi-Lalitpur) Project (NS-1/BOT/UP-3) Transport 42.85 Operation Lucknow-Sitapur NH-24 Road Project Transport 69.91 Operation Source: DEA, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, N.A. – Not Available 24 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
KEY PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (PPP) PROJECTS … (2/2) Project cost Project name Sector Stage (US$ million) Design, Engineering, Construction, Development, Finance of Transport 80.88 Operation Orai-Bhognipur NH-25 Bhognipur-Barah NH-2, U.P. Bypass (Moradabad) Road Project Transport 16.10 Operation 2- laning with paved shoulder of a Agra-Aligarh section of NH-93 Transport 38.96 Operation Road upgradation (Lucknow-Raebareli) Project Transport 98.70 Operation Road upgradation (Moradabad-Bareilly) (NH-24) Project Transport 196.66 Operation Road upgradation (Orai-Bhognipur-Barah) Project Transport 80.71 Operation Road upgradation (Rae Bareilly-Jaunpur) Project Transport 88.38 Operation Road upgradation (Raebareilly-Allahabad) Project Transport 55.30 Construction Solid waste management (Allahabad) Water sanitation 4.72 Construction Solid waste management (Kanpur) Water sanitation 9.33 Operation Solid waste management (Lucknow) Water sanitation 6.66 Construction Solid waste management (Meerut) Water sanitation 3.51 Construction Solid waste management (Varanasi) Water sanitation 7.21 Construction Yamuna Expressway connecting Greater Noida to Agra Transport 1,511.63 Operation IT City (Lucknow) Project Infrastructure 232.82 Construction Transmission Line (Mainpuri-Hapur) Project Energy 730.51 Construction Transmission Line (Bara-Mainpuri) Project Energy 800.73 Construction Nirgajini Small Hydel Power Project Energy 16.83 Pre-construction Source: DEA, Ministry of Finance, Government of India 25 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS: SEZ … (1/3) Operational SEZs in Uttar Pradesh Name/Developer Area Primary industry Noida Special Economic Zone Noida Multi-product HCL IT City Lucknow Private Limited Lucknow IT/ITeS Moradabad Special Economic Zone Moradabad Handicrafts Moser Baer SEZ Greater Noida Non-conventional energy HCL Technologies Noida IT/ITeS Wipro Limited Greater Noida IT/ITeS NIIT Technologies Limited SEZ Greater Noida IT/ITeS Ansal IT City and Parks Limited Greater Noida IT/ITeS Seaview Developers Limited Noida IT/ITeS Artha Infratech Pvt. Ltd. Greater Noida IT/ITeS Aachvis Softech Pvt Ltd Noida IT/ITeS Arshiya Northern FTWZ Limited Khurja, Bulandshahr FTWZ Source: Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Commerce 26 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS: SEZ … (2/3) Some of the Notified SEZs in Uttar Pradesh Name/Developer Area Primary industry Hari Fertilizers Limited Chandauli, Multi-services with FTWZ Arshiya Northern FTWZ Limited Bulandshahar FTWZ Ansal IT City and Parks Greater Noida IT/ITeS OSE Infrastructure Limited Noida IT/ITeS NIIT Technologies Limited SEZ Greater Noida IT/ITeS Unitech Infracon Limited Greater Noida IT/ITeS Aachvis Softech Private Limited Noida IT/ITeS Perfect IT SEZ Private Limited Noida IT/ITeS Unitech Hi-Tech Projects Private Limited Noida IT/ITeS Gallant Infrastructure Private Limited Greater Noida IT/ITeS Jubilant Infracon Private Limited Noida IT/ITeS Golden Tower Infratech Private Limited Noida IT/ITeS Artha Infratech Private Limited Greater Noida Electronic hardware and IT/ITeS Source: Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Commerce 27 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS: SEZs … (3/3) As of June 2017, Uttar Pradesh had 56 SEZs; of which, twelve were Revenue from exports and employment generated from SEZs operational, nineteen were notified, twenty four were formally in Uttar Pradesh approved and one was approved in-principle. 120000 The state government sanctioned 20 SEZs in the state to accommodate various sectors such as IT/ITeS, textiles, handicrafts, and non-conventional energy. IT/ITeS accounted for the maximum 1,05,609 100000 share of approved SEZs in the state which accounted for 80% of the 96,591 20 SEZs, followed by electronic products contributing 18% to the overall share. 80000 83,970 Tier–II cities are attractive destinations for the IT/ITeS industry and 75,101 Uttar Pradesh can tap the potential of its cities such as Lucknow that 60000 63,637 are in proximity to Noida and NCR. During 2016-17*, the total exports from the operating SEZs in the state of Uttar Pradesh stood at US$ 1.64 billion. 40000 20000 3,073 2,262 2,701 1,764 1,664 2,089 0 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17* Exports (US$ Million) Employment (In persons) 1Note: * - upto September 2016 Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India 28 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE – EDUCATION … (1/3) As of June 2017 the state has 72 universities out of which 28 are Educational infrastructure – 2016-17 state universities, 9 are deemed universities, 6 central universities, and 29 private universities. Uttar Pradesh is one of the few states to Universities 72 have successfully implemented the “education for all” policy. 1 Colleges 4,345 Consequently, the state has made various investments towards 1 escalation of the standard of education across various levels. The Medical colleges 27 state has a good presence of private players in the education sector. 1 Polytechnics 168 In the budget for 2017-18, the state government allocated US$ 3.02 Primary schools 113,249 billion for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. Allocations of US$ 85.67 million and US$ 29.69 have been made for ‘Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Upper primary schools 45,590 Abhiyan’ and ‘Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan’. Source: University Grants Commission, Medical Council of India, State Budget 2016-17 The state of Uttar Pradesh is set to have about 5,000 state government-run English medium primary schools which are Funds released for primary education expected to start functioning from the next academic year. 800 700 774.22 746.30 600 622.89 500 400 300 123 105 200 219 200 242 174 100 0 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18* MDM Scheme SSA Programme 1Note: As of 2015-16 Source: Ministry of Human Resource Development 29 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE – EDUCATION … (2/3) According to the provisional data of Census 2011, Uttar Pradesh has a literacy rate of 69.7%; the male literacy rate is 77.28% and the Literacy Rate in Uttar Pradesh female literacy rate is 51.36%. Category Literacy rate (%) Major educational institutes in Uttar Pradesh are as follows: • Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. Total 67.68 • Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow. Male 77.28 • Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. • Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. Female 51.36 • Asian Academy of Film and Television, Noida. Source: Census 2011 • Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar. • Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. Fund Allocation for Educational Programme – US$ Million • National Institute of Technology (NIT), Allahabad. Education for all programmes 1,655.11 Upcoming national level institute projects include UP National Secondary Education Campaign 242.7 • National Automotive Testing and R&D Infrastructure Project Providing basic facilities in state universities 35.17 • National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research and government degree colleges. • Institute of Hotel Management • All India Institute of Medical Sciences 30 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE – EDUCATION … (3/3) Education Sector Budget 2017-18 Basic education Mid-Day-Meal US$ 318.92 million Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan US$ 3.02 billion Secondary education Rashtriya Madhyamik shiksha Abhiyan US$ 85.67 million For operation of Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay State Model Schools US$ 3.88 million Higher education Rashtriya Ucchtar Shiksha Abhiyan US$ 29.69 million Free Wi-Fi across all colleges and universities US$ 7.76 million Source: State Budget 2017-18 31 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE – HEALTH The state has a 3-tier public healthcare infrastructure, comprising A leading European research & consultancy company, Ecorys, primary health centres (PHCs), health units, community health signed a contract for a World Bank funded project for providing centres (CHCs) & sub-centres. technical assistance to the Uttar Pradesh Health Systems As on May 2015, the state had 149 mobile medical units (MMU) to Strengthening Project (UPHSSP). provide a range of preventive & curative healthcare services. As per As of February 2017, a professor from Canada has developed a the latest available data, the state has 1,992 AYUSH hospitals, technology for double fortified salt (DFS), which is planned to be including 210 Unani hospitals. distributed in the state of Uttar Pradesh, by March 2017. DFS would The state government allocated US$ 1.46 billion in 2017-18, for the help in countering the problem of anaemia in the state. National Health Mission. Further, work on establishment of dialysis centres across 18 divisional district hospitals of the state is under progress. Health indicators (2016) Health infrastructure (August 2017) Parameter Uttar Pradesh Active primary health centers 3,386 Government hospital beds per 100,000 population 30.9 Active sub-centres 20,789 1 Birth rate 26.2 Active community health centres 3,787 1 Death rate 6.9 Active district hospitals 189 2 Infant mortality rate 43 Active sub-district hospitals 6 Life expectancy at birth (year) Ayurveda hospitals 1,774 Male 62.5 Unani hospitals 210 Female 65.2 Homeopathy hospitals 8 Source: Press Information Bureau, Government of Uttar Pradesh, 1Per thousand persons, 2Per thousand live births, Uttar Pradesh Budget 2016-17, AYUSH – Ayurveda,Yoga & Source: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy 32 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE – HEALTH … (2/2) Medical & Health Sector Budget 2017-18 For establishment of Primary and Community Health Centre’s in distant villages US$ 20.91 million For cashless treatment of state government employees and pensioners US$ 23.28 million For availability of specific medical services in district hospitals US$ 19.4 million 712 more ‘108’ ambulances will be introduced in the state Source: State Budget 2016-17 33 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
CULTURAL INFRASTRUCTURE Cricket and hockey are one of the popular sports in Uttar Pradesh. The state has various sports stadiums and clubs in cities like Noida, Lucknow, Kanpur, Allahabad and Agra. Almost, every city has sports infrastructure, which includes stadiums, multi-purpose halls and swimming pools. The state has 56 stadiums, 49 multi-purpose halls and 26 swimming pools. Moreover, another 10 stadiums, 17 multi-purpose halls and six swimming pools are proposed in the coming years. The state has various promotion committees for escalating the existing sports infrastructure. Taj Mahal and Fatehpur Sikri in Agra, Bada Imambara in Lucknow, and Kumbh Mela in Allahabad are the major tourist attractions. Other places of interest include Varanasi, Mathura and Sarnath. Uttar Pradesh is known for its festivals. Some of the famous festivals of the state are Deepawali, Ram Navami, Kumbha Mela, Lath mar Holi, Taj Mahotsav, Buddha Purnima, Vijayadashami, Makar Sankranti, Vasant Panchami, Ayudha Puja, Ganga Mahotsava, Janmashtami, Sardhana Christian Fair, Maha Shivaratri, Mahavir Jayanti, Moharram, Bārah Wafāṭ, Eid, Bakreed, Chhath puja, Lucknow Mahotsav, Kabob and Hanuman Jayanti. As per State Budget 2016-17, an allocation of US$ 763.82 thousand has been made by the state government for the establishment of a sports college in Ballia. As of February 2018, the college is under construction. Source: Department of Sports, Government of Uttar Pradesh, State Budget, 2016-17 34 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
INDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE … (1/2) Uttar Pradesh, a state with an access to a robust industrial Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) infrastructure, has 15 industrial areas, 12 specialised parks, 4 growth Schemes in Uttar Pradesh (1) centres & Industrial Infrastructure Development Centres (IIDC). As of June 2017, the state had 19 notified special economic zones (SEZs). Margin Margin money Estimated money Number of Out of the notified SEZs, 15 are for the IT/ITeS sector. employment subsidy subsidy Year projects generated The state has proposed 40 IT/ITeS parks (apart from IT SEZs), 2 released – utilised – assisted (No. of biotech zones & a knowledge park. The development of integrated US$ US$ persons) agro/food processing zones has been proposed at Hapur, about 54 million million km from Delhi. Various Integrated logistics hubs (free-trade (1) 2014-15 21.96 28.1 4,891 48,604 warehousing zones) have been expected to be developed in collaboration amidst Mitsui (Japan), Mineral & Mining Trading (2) Corporation & IL&FS, . 2015-16 19.83 3.61 4,365 43,059 Under central government scheme, various integrated industrial 3 development centres have been developed so as to boost the 2016-17 29.03 22.15 4,074 21,611 development of micro small & medium industries at Etah, Banthar (Unnao), Kosi Kotwan (Mathura), Kursi Road (Barabanki) & various 2017-18 17.32 - 5,625 45,000 other places. The Greater Noida Phase-II has 19% land reserved for industrial use With a 57% share in the total length of 1,839 km, the state is the major beneficiary of the Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor project. The Infrastructure & Industrial Investment Policy was launched by the state government to boost industrial infrastructure in the state. In February 2018, Essel group announced MoUs worth Rs 180 bn (US$ 2.78 billion) to boost state infrastructure by manufacturing E- buses. Source: Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, (1) Including unutilised funds from previous years, (2)As of July 2015, (3) Upto October 2016 35 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
INDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE … (2/2) Industrial parks Infrastructure (type) Location Area (acres) Growth centres Bijoli, Jhansi 385 Growth centres Shajahanpur 311 Growth centres Dibiyapur 246 Growth centres Jainpur 331 Agro parks Barabanki 180 Agro parks Varanasi 261 Apparel parks Tronica City 146 Textile and hosiery parks Kanpur 173 Apparel Park, Tronica City Ghaziabad 146 Leather technology parks Banthar, Unnao 233 Export promotion industrial parks Greater Noida 200 Export promotion industrial parks Shastripuram, Agra 102 13,000 sq ft, of which 9,296 sq ft of area is being utilised by 15 units. The park is fully Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) operational. Source: UP State Industrial Development Corporation, ENVIS Centre: Uttar Pradesh 36 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
AMRUT AND SMART CITIES … (1/3) As of June 2017, 61 cities in the state are covered under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT). US$ 7.24 million was allocated to the state of Uttar Pradesh by the Ministry of Urban Development for administrative and office expenses (A&OE) in order to prepare the Service Level Improvement Plan (SLIP)/Capacity Building (CB). The Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India allocated US$ 652.2 million as to the state under AMRUT guidelines, out of which, US$ 57.7 million were released in 2017. Classification of AMRUT cities in Uttar Pradesh on the basis of population AMRUT cities with population less 53 than 1 million AMRUT cities with population 7 in the range of 1 – 10 million AMRUT cities with population 0 greater than 10 million Total number of AMRUT cities 60 Source: Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India 37 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
AMRUT AND SMART CITIES … (2/3) Cities/towns in Uttar Pradesh covered under AMRUT City/town City/town City/town City/town City/town Lucknow Firozabad Etawah Faizabad Mainpuri Kanpur Loni Mirzapur-cum-Vindhyacha Budaun Etah Ghaziabad Jhansi Bulandshahar Shamli Basti Agra Muzaffarnagar Sambhal Ballia Chandausi Meerut Mathura Amroha Banda Gonda Varanasi Shahjahanpur Fatehpur Lakhimpur Akbarpur Allahabad Sultanpur Rae Bareli Hathras Khurja Bareilly Shikohabad Orai Lalitpur Azamgarh Moradabad Rampur Bahraich Modinagar Ghazipur Aligarh Maunath Bhanjan Jaunpur Deoria Mughalsarai Saharanpur Farrukhabad-cum-Fatehgarh Unnao Pilibhit Baraut Gorakhpur Hapur Sitapur Hardoi Kasganj Source: Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India 38 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
AMRUT AND SMART CITIES … (3/3) Under the Smart Cities Mission launched by the central government in Uttar Pradesh, 13 cities were proposed to be developed as smart Saharanpur cities. In August 2015, 12 cities were shortlisted to be developed as smart cities, namely - Kanpur, Lucknow, Allahabad, Jhansi, Rampur Moradabad, Aligarh, Saharanpur, Bareilly, Varanasi, Ghaziabad Agra and Rampur. Out of these, 7 cities have been included by the Moradabad central government, until the third round of the mission. In the fourth Ghaziabad Bareilly round released in January 2018, 3 new cities have been chosen, Aligarh namely, Bareilly, Moradabad and Saharanpur. Agra Smart cities in Uttar Pradesh Lucknow Kanpur Cities Population Cities Population Jhansi Varanasi Allahabad Kanpur 2,765,348 Moradabad 887,871 Allahabad 1,112,544 Aligarh 874,408 Smart cities under DMIC Phase I Lucknow 2,817,105 Saharanpur 705,478 Project Name of the Area (sq. Jhansi 505,693 Bareilly 903,668 State master node km) planners Agra 1,585,704 Ghaziabad 1,648,643 Dadri-Noida- Halcrow, UK, Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 200 Synovate and Varanasi 1,198,491 Rampur 325,313 Investment Region Knight Frank Source: Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India 39 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
KEY INDUSTRIES Abundant resources, government initiatives, suitable infrastructure Key Industries in Uttar Pradesh and climate in the state provide boost to the investments in sectors IT Food processing such as IT, agro-based and food processing, light engineering goods, sports goods, textiles, leather-based, tourism and biotechnology. The Agro processing Leather-based industry Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation (UPSIDC) Tourism Sports goods and the Department of Infrastructure and Industrial Development are responsible for the development of industrial infrastructure in the Mineral based industries Biotechnology state. The state government has set up Udyog Bandhu to facilitate Textiles Handloom and handicrafts investment in industrial and service sectors. The organisation has a three-tier structure with presence at district, divisional and state Funds released under National Handloom Development levels. Programme (2016-17) – US$ ‘000 State government has been promoting the development of several special economic zones across the state, such as IT and ITeS, electronic hardware and software, handicrafts and agro-based Integrated Handloom Development Scheme (IHDS) 1414.54 industries. Twenty four investment regions were identified under the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) Project. Out of these Handloom Marketing Assistance (HMA) (2014-15) 253.82 projects, Dadri-Noida-Ghaziabad industrial area and Meerut – Muzaffarpur industrial areas are located in Uttar Pradesh. Under the Funds released under handicraft schemes (2016-17) – US$ DMIC Projects, the government is developing an integrated industrial million township in Greater Noida, which is expected to be set up by the end of 2019. Ambedkar Hastshilp Yojana (AHVY) 176 Design 724.06 Human Resource Development Scheme 261.06 Total 1,161.12 Source: UP State Industrial Development Corporation, Ministry of Textiles 40 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
KEY INDUSTRIES – MANUFACTURING … (1/2) The major factors driving the growth in the manufacturing sector is Status of MSMEs in Uttar Pradesh the availability of robust infrastructure, extensive road network, large pool of talent, and various investments and incentives offered by the state government. Margin Margin money Estimated money No. of Uttar Pradesh is leading among Indian states in terms of the employment subsidy subsidy availability of MSME enterprises. Year projects generated released – utilised – assisted (No. of US$ US$ persons) million million 2013-14 21.06 23.08 4,354 44,044 2014-15 20.23 25.87 4,891 48,604 2015-16 26.79 22.09 4,365 43,059 (1) 2016-17 19.83 9.63 1,904 18,796 Some of the key players Alstom T&D India Ltd Atlas Cycles Ltd Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd Eveready Industries India Ltd Note: MSME: Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, (1) Up to June 2016 Source: UP Government Annual Plan 2014-15, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, News Articles 41 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
KEY INDUSTRIES – MANUFACTURING … (2/2) GE T&D India Ltd With more than 100 years of presence in India, Alstom T&D India (formerly Areva T&D India Ltd) is a leading player in the power transmission business with a product portfolio ranging from medium voltage to extra high voltage (765 kV) categories for the utility, industry and infrastructure markets. The company employs more than 3,515 people and has eight manufacturing units. Alstom has a predominant presence in all stages of the power supply chain, with a wide range of products that include power transformers, circuit breakers, gas insulated switchgears, instrument transformers, protection relays and power system automation equipments. In 2016, the company changed its name to GE T&D India Ltd after its acquisition by GE. The company earned total revenue of US$ 139.69 million during Q2 FY18. Atlas Cycles Ltd Atlas Cycles, established in 1951, is one of the leading bicycle manufacturers in the country. The company manufactures bicycles of all types, from those for children to mountain bikes, suspension bikes, city bikes and sports bikes. Atlas Cycles exports bicycles to several countries in North America, Central and South America and Africa. The company earned total income of US$ 26.02 million during Q2 FY18. Atlas Cycles has a manufacturing unit in Sahibabad, which also houses a modern paint application unit. Bharat Heavy Incorporated in 1964, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) is a central government undertaking. It is the Electricals Ltd largest engineering and manufacturing enterprise in India in the power and industrial machinery segment. The company had total income of around US$ 1.05 billion in Q2 FY18. BHEL manufactures power transformers and insulators in its plants in Uttar Pradesh at Jagdishpur and Jhansi. Eveready Industries Eveready Industries India Ltd is one of the country’s leading producers of batteries (carbon zinc, alkaline and India Ltd rechargeable). The company also produces compact fluorescent lamps and packet tea. Eveready recorded total income of US$ 57.74 million during Q3 FY18. The company has manufacturing units in Lucknow and Noida in Uttar Pradesh. 42 UTTAR PRADESH For updated information, please visit www.ibef.org
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