Utilizzo di zebrafish come modello animale nella ricerca oncologica

Page created by Sean Woods

                          MAGGIO 2020

Utilizzo di zebrafish come modello animale
           nella ricerca oncologica

Paolo Macor
Dept. of Life Sciences
University of Trieste
Office: +39 040 5588683
Skype: zymosan2000
Zebrafish: può un pesce teloseo essere un valido
           modello di patologie umane?

Nonostante le ovvie differenze, come vertebraU, i pesci possiedono molte
       caraVerisUche anatomiche e fisiologiche dei mammiferi.
What is a zebrafish?
The Zebrafish is named for the five uniform,
pigmented, horizontal, blue stripes on the side of the
body, which are reminiscent of a Zebra's stripes, and
which extend to the end of the caudal fin.
It is laterally compressed with its mouth directed

The Zebrafish is naUve to the streams of the South- Eastern
Himalayan region. The species arose in the Ganges region in
eastern India and commonly inhabits streams, canals, ditches,
ponds and slow-moving or stagnant
Why use zebrafish?

- Small   size.
- Short
      generation time (3-4
- Produces    300-400 eggs every
 2 weeks.
General Features                                      Benefits
                                               Large number can be kept easily and cheaply in
-Dimension ~4 cm
-Salient disUnguishable features of male and
female                                         Good model for visualizaUon of cellular acUvity
-Oaen transparent adult bodies

-Fresh water fish                               Universally available
- Tropical fish
                                               Low cost of maintenance
-Female spawns every 2-3 days
                                               Large number of offspring- good for batch
-Breeds all year round                         variaUon studies
-Several hundreds of eggs produced in single
                                               Easy availability of eggs
-External ferUlizaUon
Why use zebrafish?

- Small   size.
- Short
      generation time (3-4
- Produces    300-400 eggs every
 2 weeks.
- All
    major organs present within
 5 days post fertilization.
- Translucent     embryos
Life cycle
• Total life span: 42-66 months
• Good model for developmental studies because of transparency at early stages
Why use zebrafish?

- Small   size.
- Short   generation time (3-4 months).
- Produces    300-400 eggs every
 2 weeks.
- All
    major organs present within
 5 days post fertilization.
- Translucent     embryos
- Lots
     of genome resources available
 (completely sequenced genome).
Genome Sequencing
The Wellcome Trust Sanger InsFtute, U.K. was the first to start the
Zebrafish Genome Sequencing Project.
In 2009, InsFtute of Genomics & IntegraFve
Biology, New Delhi reported sequenced genes in Zebrafish.
The paper “The zebrafish reference genome sequence and its
relaFonship to human genome” was published in Nature in 17th April,
Its genome (1.4 x 109 base pairs) has been sequenced revealing 26,606
protein-coding genes. The Zebrafish genome has been fully sequenced
to a very high quality. This has enabled scienUsts to create mutaUon in
more than 14,000 genes to study their funcUon.

1.70% of protein-coding human genes are related to genes
  found in the Zebrafish.

2.84% of genes known to be associated with human disease
  have a Zebrafish counterpart.

                         5505              12897           3909
Advantages of Zebrafish as a model organism
1. OpUcally translucent embryos
2. Rapid hatching of eggs
3. Maintenance cost is significantly lower than those for mammals.
4. Completely sequenced genome

5. Amenable for molecular and geneUc analysis.
6. As Zebrafish eggs are ferUlized and develop outside the mother’s body
it is an ideal model organism for studying early development.
Disadvantages of Zebrafish as a model organism


- Lack of cell markers/anUbodies
- Lack of hematopoieUc cell lines
- Lack of biochemical reagents, eg, purified cytokines
- Lack of in vitro differenUaUon system (hematopoieUc cell culture
- Lack of inbred strains
On 22nd July, 1976, the Space StaUon,
Salyut 5 was launched in which
Zebrafish was one of the crew members.
Replacement alternatives refers to methods which avoid or replace the use of animals in an area
where animals would otherwise have been used.
This includes both absolute replacements (i.e. replacing animals with inanimate systems, such
as computer programs) and relative replacements (i.e. replacing more sentient animals, such
as vertebrates, with animals that current scientific evidence indicates have a significantly
lower potential for pain perception, such as some invertebrates). Russell and Burch, 1959
Pesci: modelli di replacement relativo
Il presente decreto si applica ai seguenti animali:
a) animali vertebrati vivi non umani, comprese:
1) forme larvali capaci di alimentarsi autonomamente;
2) forme fetali di mammiferi a partire dall’ultimo terzo del loro normale
b) cefalopodi vivi.
Art. 4 - Anestesia

Immersione in....(=inalazione nei vertebrati terrestri)
    Tricaine methanesulphonate (MS222; 200mg/L)
            etomidate 10 mg/L, pH 7.0-7.5
              Graduale raffreddamento
  (sedazione ed immobilizzazione in procedure non g
Art. 6 - Metodi di Soppressione
MS222 (Tricaina 900 mg/L), eugenolo (1500 μL/L), and shock ipotermico (acqua e ghiaccio ≤4°C)

              Cessazione batto cardiaco               Percentuale di ripresa
Zebrafish e benessere
FonF di stress:
avviene in buste di plasUca contenenU pillole di
ossigeno, con una densità di 10/2 litri

l’impiego di reUni durante il cambi di vascheVa, o nel
passaggio da una vascheVa all’altra.
Un’errata manipolazione causa stress, ma anche
possibili lesioni al muco di rivesUmento superficiale
esponendo l’animale a possibili infezioni
Zebrafish e benessere

FonF di stress:
- sovraffollamento (comporta un notevole
aumento di stress, con conseguente immunodepressione,
aumento di cataboliU nell’acqua, ridoVa ferUlità, esposizione
ad infezioni)

- malnutrizione (immunodepressione, scarsa o
assente ferUlità, esposizione ad infezioni e malate)

- modifiche dei parametri
dell’acqua (temperatura, ossigeno e salinità)
Zebrafish e benessere

Come riconoscere lo stress: osservare gli animali, il
loro comportamento e l’andamento della colonia ,
calo nell'ovodeposizione, ristagno di cibo causato da
ridoda assunzione.
Zebrafish e benessere
Segni clinici di malaea o di stress:
CambiamenF comportamentali

Perdita dell’appeUto
Tendenza all’isolamento
Animali tendono a nascondersi
Respirazione in superficie
Pinne bloccate
Alterazioni nell’equilibrio
Atvità natatoria alterata
Cambi della frequenza respiratoria
Zebrafish e benessere

Segni clinici di malaea o di stress:
CambiamenF dell’aspedo

Lesioni della cute (ulcere, macchie,
Modifiche del colore
Perdita di scaglie
Protrusione di scaglie

!    genetica dello sviluppo
!    neurobiologia
!    malattie neurodegenerative
!    cancerogenesi
!    tossicologia
!    medicina rigenerativa/rigenerazione tissutale
!    immunologia
!    malattie infettive
!    malattie metaboliche
Myocardial infarcFon
Mammals respond to a myocardial infarcUon by irreversible scar
formaUon. By contrast, the Zebrafish are able to resolve the scar and to
regenerate funcUonal cardiac muscle.
The reparaUve and regeneraUve process is achieved through Smad3-
dependent TGFβ signaling.
1. Zebrafish fins are complex appendages that quickly and reliably
regenerate aaer amputaUon, restoring both size and shape.
2. The key regeneraUve units are their many rays of dermal bone, which
are segmented and lined by osteoblasts.
3. An amputated fin ray is covered within the first several hours by
epidermis, and within one to two days, a regeneraUon blastema forms.
The blastema is a proliferaUve mass of morphologically similar cells,
formed through disorganizaUon and distal migraUon of fibroblasts and
4. Blastema formaUon is the only one step in zebrafish tail fin
5. Wnt signaling posiUvely regulate blastemal proliferaUon and

1. Zebrafish have been used to make several
transgenic models of cancer, including
melanoma, leukemia, pancreaUc cancer,
colon cancer.
2. Researchers have created a model of
cancer in Zebrafish that allows them to
capture live images of tumors forming and
ways. Although cancer is primarily a disease of adults, mutage-   lished data). Chemical screens using embryos would select for

nesis screens could be designed to examine cell-cycle pheno-      drugs active in a multicellular organism, an advantage over tra-

                                                                                          Figure 1. Histology of cholangiocarcinoma in
                                                                                          human and zebrafish
                                                                                          Cholangiocarcinoma is a malignant bile duct
                                                                                          neoplasm that occurs in both humans and
                                                                                          zebrafish. The histologic appearance, including
                                                                                          atypical nuclei, haphazard arrangement of
                                                                                          irregularly shaped glands, and increased mitot-
                                                                                          ic activity, is very similar in the two organisms.
                                                                                          Bar is 50 µm.

 P R I M E R

CANCER CELL : APRIL 2002 * VOL. 1 * COPYRIGHT © 2002 CELL PRESS                                                                        229
                                                                                Figure 2. Strengths of the zebrafish system
                                                                                The zebrafish is an ideal complement to existing
                                                                                genetic systems. Like flies and worms, the trans-
                                                                                parent embryos are produced in large numbers
                                                                                and are accessible for rapid screening and
                                                                                experimental manipulation. Like mice, zebrafish
                                                                                have vertebrate anatomy, physiology, and
                                                                                tumor biology.

                                                                                evaluate cellular processes related to
                                                                                cancer biology and determine if the path-
                                                                                ways found in mammals are present in
                                                                                the fish.
                                                                                    To facilitate the use of zebrafish as a
                                                                                forward genetic tool, the speed and effi-
                                                                                ciency of mutant screening and gene
                                                                                cloning needs to be improved. For exam-
                                                                                ple, while ethylnitrosourea (ENU) muta-
                                                                                       Amatruda, Cancer Cell, 2002
                                                                                genesis is relatively efficient, recovery of
                                                                                mutations is still time-consuming. The
                                                                                Sanger Center sequence of the
Cancer Research

                  • Shares most of their organs with mammalian
                  • Differently aged animals each offers disUnct
                  advantages for cancer-relevant phenotypes
Cancer Research
                                          Adult                                                                         Embryo

Cancer Research            Mutagenesis             Transplant                              Mutagenesis               Transgenesis         Transplant


                        Immunosuppressed        Immunosuppressed
                            zebrafish               zebrafish
                                                                                            Chemical   Genetic               Exogenous
                                                                                            treatment mutagenesis               DNA

                     Chemical                                   Tumor cells                                                                          Tumor cells


                                    Compound screening                   Compound testing                    Drug reprofiling
                     Allograft                       Chemical treatment                                                                Transplant

                                                                                                                Tumor cells


                                              Lung tumor                               Culture tumor cells

                                                                                                                    Liver transplant


                                                                                        Liver tumor cells
                                              Liver tumor

                                                                                                                                  © 2018 American Association for Cancer Research

                  Figure 1.
                  A, Methods of cancer generation in adult and embryo zebrafish. B, Transplant assays in zebrafish.
Cancer Research
 Feng H

                                                                                                    Cancer types



                                                         NUP98-HOXA9                                    MPN
                                                         Xmrk, kras, Myc

 most common locations for this spontaneous neoplasia to arise             Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats/CRISPR associated (CRISPR/
 include gut, thyroid, and liver. Lower levels of spontaneous neoplasia    Cas) technologies [12].
 occur in blood vessels, brains, and gills. In light of spontaneous
                                                                               In forward genetic screens, mutations are introduced to the adult
 tumor acquisition, detailed chemical approaches to induce cancer
                                                                           zebrafish’s genome through chemical, viral, or transposon-based
 have been developed [10]. To chemically induce cancer, zebrafish
                                                                                              Feng et al, 2015
 are soaked in water dissolved with carcinogens for varied periods of      mutagenesis. The progeny of these mutagenized adult zebrafish
 time. Advantageously, zebrafish can endure treatments at a variety        are screened for abnormal phenotypes. Genes that harbor genetic
 of chemical concentrations and durations. For instance, smaller           mutations are then identified through gene mapping, sequence
Table 1. Genetic models of cancer in the zebrafish.

Cancer               Cancer
             Peripheral nerve sheath
                  tumor (PNST)
                                                  brca2Q658X tp53M214K
                                                                                     Zebrafish Background
                                                                                        WT or tp53M214K
               PNST, angiosarcoma,                                                      CG1 syngeneic
                                                        tp53del/del                                              [40]

            leukemia, germ cell tumor                                                   zebrafish strain
                                                    rag2:KRASG12D                       WT; ↵-actin:GFP;
           Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS)                                                                               [43,44]
                                                      rag2:dsRed2                         tp53M214K
                                                  BRAFV600E tp53M214K                        tp53M214K            [45]
                                                  BRAFV600E tp53M214K                crestin:EGFP; tp53M214K      [50]
                                                   BRAFV600E mitfavc7                         mitfavc7            [54]
                                                 hsp70I:GFP-HRASG12V                            N.A.            [51,55]
                                                                                              N.A.              [52,55]
                                               kita:Gal4TA, UAS:mCherry
                                                 UAS:eGFP-HRASGV12                      WT or tp53M214K          [55]
                 Thyroid cancer             tg:BRAFV600E -pA;tg:TdTomato-pA                   WT                 [53]
                                                  ptf1a:eGFP-KRASG12V                         WT                 [56]
                Pancreatic cancer
                                           ubb:lox-Nuc-eCFP-stop-lox-GAL4-VP16                N.A.               [57]
                                                 fabp10a: RPIA; myl7:GFP                     N.A.                [58]
           Hepatocellular cancer (HCC)     fabp10:rtTA2s-M2;TRE2:eGFP-krasG12V            WT or lepr+/-          [60]
                                              fabp10:TA; TRE:Myc; krt4:GFP
                                                                                              WT                 [61]
                                             fabp10:TA; TRE:xmrk; krt4:GFP
                                           pDs-ifabp:LexPR-Lexop:eGFP-krasV12                 N.A.               [59]
                Intestinal tumors
                                                     fabp10a:mCherry                                      5
                                                                                        WT or cyp7a1             [62]
                                                  + various Gal4 lines
                Testicular tumor                       brca2Q658X                             WT                 [48]
                                                        rag2:GFP                              WT                [42,43]
              T-cell acute lymphoid
                leukemia (T-ALL)
                                           rag2:loxP-dsRED2-loxP-eGFP-mMyc                    WT                 [66]
                                                      spi1:tel-jak2a                          WT                 [72]
                                                    hsp70:AML1-ETO                            WT                [68,69]
            Acute lymphoid leukemia
                                               spi1:MYST3/NCOA2-eGFP                          N.A.                [70]
                                                pHsFLT3-ITD-T2a-eGFP                          WT                 [74]
           Chronic myeloid leukemia
                                                      spi1:tel-jak2a                          WT                [71,72]

                                                                                                                     Hason, Genes, 2019
           Myelodysplastic syndrome
                                                          tet2-/-                    cmyb:eGFP; cd41:eGFP        [75]
                                                WT: Wild type; N.A: Not Available.
in Table 4.

                                          Table 4. Human cancer xenograft transplantation models in zebrafish.

                             Transplanted Cancer Type                Developmental Stage                  Injection Site            Reference

Cancer                                Melanoma
                             Melanoma (uveal and cutaneous)
                              Melanoma and colorectal cancer
                                                                   48 h post-fertilization (hpf)
                                                                                                   Yolk sac; hindbrain ventricle;
                                      Uveal melanoma                          48 hpf                          Yolk sac                  [152]
                                         Melanoma                             48 hpf                          Yolk sac                  [146]

                                      Colorectal cancer                       48 hpf                          Yolk sac                  [139]
                                      Colorectal cancer                       48 hpf                          Yolk sac              [27,176,177]
                                      Pancreatic cancer                       48 hpf                          Yolk sac                  [140]
                             Melanoma, adenocarcinoma, triple
                                                                                                      Yolk sac, proximity of
                             negative breast cancer (TNBC) and                48 hpf                                                 [141,142]
                                                                                                     subintestinal veins (SIV)

            Cell lines
                                       ovarian cancer
                             Colorectal cancer, melanoma (both
                                                                              48 hpf                         Yolk sac                  [143]
                                       Prostate cancer                        48 hpf                         Yolk sac                [144,167]
                            Prostate cancer, androgen dependent
                                                                              48 hpf                         Yolk sac                  [168]
                                      and independent
                                                                                                    Subcutaneous, above yol
                                      Prostate cancer                         48 hpf                                                   [169]
                             Breast, prostate, colon, pancreatic
                                                                              48 hpf                         Yolk sac                  [153]
                                    cancer, fibrosarcoma
                                        Breast cancer                         48 hpf                         Yolk sac                   [25]
                             Breast, prostate, colorectal cancer              48 hpf                         Yolk sac                  [156]
                              Breast cancer, non-invasive and
                                                                              48 hpf                      Duct of Cuvier               [157]
                                        Breast cancer                         48 hpf                      Duct of Cuvier               [158]
                               Breast cancer                                 48 hpf                         Yolk sac                   [159]
                   Breast adenocarcinoma and TNBC                            48 hpf                       Duct of Cuvier               [161]
           Genes 2019, 10, 935 and prostate cancer                           48 hpf                       Duct of Cuvier               [162]18 of 30
                               Breast cancer                                 48 hpf                         Yolk sac                   [165]
                         Breast cancer and TNBC                              48 hpf                       Duct of Cuvier               [166]
                                  TNBC                                       48 hpf                       Duct of Cuvier               [165]
                                                                          Table 4. Cont.
                                AML, CML                                     48 hpf                         Yolk sac                   [147]
                              Transplanted Cancer Type                Developmental Stage                  Injection Site            Reference
                                                                                                      Posterior cardinal vein
                                        AML, T-ALL                             48 hpf                                                   [148]
                                         T-ALL                                 48 hpf                        Yolk sac                   [149]
                                Multiple myeloma (MM)                          48 hpf                        Yolk sac                   [150]
                                   MM, Waldenstrom’s
                                                                               48 hpf                       Pericardium                 [151]
                               macroglobulinemia, TNBC
                             CML, HCC, prostate cancer (sorted                 48 hpf                         Yolk sac
                                  for cancer stem cells)                       Adult                  Trunk near dorsal aorta
               Cell lines

                                                                                                              Yolk sac
                                                                               48 hpf
                                         AML, HCC                                                     Trunk near dorsal aorta;          [185]
                                      Retinoblastoma                           48 hpf                     Vitreous cavity               [170]
                                        Glioblastoma                           52 hpf                    Yolk sack; brain               [154]
                                        Glioblastoma                           36 hpf                       Hindbrain                   [171]
                                        Glioblastoma                           72 hpf                          Brain                    [172]
                               Glioblastoma and colon cancer                  Blastula                     Blastoderm                   [174]
                             Gastrointestinal tumors – pancreas,
                                                                               48 hpf                      Yolk sac; liver              [140]
                                       stomach, colon
                                       Gastric cancer                         48 hpf                          Yolk sac                [178,179]
                               Oral squamous cell carcinoma                   48 hpf                          Yolk sac                  [180]
                             Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)               48 hpf                          Yolk sac                  [181]
                                           NCSLC                              48 hpf                            N.A.                    [182]
                                                                              48 hpf                          Yolk sac
                                   Ewing sarcoma (EWS)                                                                                  [183]
                                                                         Juvenile (35 dpf)                   Eye vessels
                                                                                                       Intraperitoneal cavity
                               Various types of human cancer                   Adult                                                    [186]
                                                                                                         Peri-ocular muscle
                                       AML blast cells                         48 hpf                           PCV                     [148]
                                  T-ALL from bone marrow                       48 hpf                         Yolk sac                  [149]

                                                                                                                                                       Hason, Genes, 2019
                                    MM cells from plasma                       48 hpf                         Yolk sac                  [150]
                                MM cells from bone marrow                      48 hpf                       Pericardium                 [151]

                                        Glioblastoma                           36 hpf                          Brain                    [173]
                                        Glioblastoma                          blastula                      Blastoderm                  [174]
                                        Gastric cancer                         48 hpf                         Yolk sac                  [178]
                               Glioblastoma, melanoma, breast
                                                                               Adult                     Peri-ocular muscle             [186]
                                         cancer, RMS
Letrado et al.

Cancer Research     A                 1%
                                                                  Compound activity testing

                                                                  Compound screening

                                                                  Drug reprofiling

                    B                                                                                             Rhabdomyosarcoma, 3
                                                                                          Ewing sarcoma, 2                                                 Ovarian cancer, 3
                                                                                           Gastric cancer, 2                                               Myeloma, 3
                                                                                           Osteosarcoma, 2
                                                                                                                                                           Oral cancer, 4
                                                                                         Retinoblastoma, 2
                                                                                                                                                           Head and neck
                                             Anti-                                                                                                         squamous cell
                                        lymphagenic                                                                                                        carcinoma (HNSCC), 4
                    Anti-tumoral          activity 1%
                     activity 7%                                                                                                                           Colon cancer, 4
                                                                                                                                                           Pancreatic cancer, 5
                                                                                                                                                           Prostate cancer, 7
                                                                                         Many cancer types, 49
                                                                                                                                                              Other cancer
                                                                                                                                                              types, 10
                          angigogenic                                                                                                Hepatocarcinoma, 9
                          activity 26%
                                                                                    Breast cancer, 32
                                              Specific anti-tumoral                                                                                            Colorectal, 11
                                                 activity 66%

                                                                                                                                                           Glioblastoma, 12
                                                                                              Leukemia, 27                       Melanoma, 21
                                                                                                                  cancer, 21

                                                                                                                                          © 2018 American Association for Cancer Research

                  Figure 2.
                  A, Classification of the 355 reported case studies in zebrafish, cancer drug discovery projects, according to the aim of the study. B, Left graph represents studies
                  reported in literature classified by the subject matter. Right graph shows cancer types studied in cases encompass in "Specific anti-tumoral activity." All details about
                  the 355 case studies are described in Supplementary Table S10.

                  phenotypically as developmental disruptions. Other case studies                      costs, work feasibility, and simplicity to obtain cancer pheno-
                  identified compounds using mutant or transgenic zebrafish to                           types, zebrafish has recently become a meaningful tool in science.
melanoma pathogenesis and inhibition. ZMEL was derived from melanomas of the mitfa-BRAF
                                                                                                                  tp53-/- transgenic fish [131]. ZMELs have been since used for transplantation studies to assess melanoma
                                                                                                                  pathology and metastatic behavior in zebrafish [132]. Hyenne et al. have recently published a paper
                                                                                                                  focusing on the fate of tumor extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from ZMELs. They show that EVs
                                                                                                                  can be tracked in vivo in zebrafish and that they activate macrophages and promote metastases [133].

Cancer Research                                                                                                   Zebrafish models of allogeneic transplantation are summarized in Table 3.

                                                                                                                                                Table 3. Cancer allograft transplantation models in zebrafish.

                                                                                                                        Transplanted Cancer Type            Developmental Stage           Injection Site           Reference

Genes 2019, 10, 935                                                                                           8 of 30                        T-ALL                  Adult             Intraperitoneal cavity     [42,66,124,127]
  Genes 2019, 10, 935                                                                                      8 of 31                            RMS                   Adult             Intraperitoneal cavity        [124,127]

                                                                                                                         Primary cells
                                                                                                                                           Melanoma                 Adult             Intraperitoneal cavity          [124]
                                                                                                                                          T-ALL, RMS,                                 Intraperitoneal cavity,
                                                                                                                                           melanoma,                Adult                  retro-orbital,          [129,130]
                                                                                                                                         neuroblastoma                                    intramuscular
                                                                                                                                           Melanoma                 Adult                      N.A.                  [131]
                                                                                                                                                                   Adult                   Subcutaneous
                                                                                                                                                            48 h post-fertilization     Circulation (duct of         [131]
                                                                                                                                          Melanoma                  (hpf)                     Cuvier)

                                                                                                                                                                    Adult              Intravenous (cardinal         [132]
                                                                                                                                                                    48 hpf                   Circulation             [133]

                                                                                                                  3.2. Zebrafish Xenotransplantation Model for the Evaluation of Cancer Progress and Metastasis
                                                                                                                       Zebrafish as a tool in human cancer xenotransplantation studies could overcome some of the
                                                                                                                  drawbacks of the murine model. The main benefits of zebrafish are most prominent when using
                                                                                                                  embryonal stages for xenotransplantation. With the small-sized transparent embryos lacking a
                                                                                                                  mature immune system, it is possible to transplant and track high numbers of animals. This fact is a
                                                                                                                  powerful reason for the utilization of zebrafish as a pre-clinical screening model which could lead to
                                                                                                                  patient-derived cancer cell xenotransplantation and to new options for personalized medicine [19].
                                                                                                                  Most of the recent transplantation studies in zebrafish use embryonal stages of 48 hours post fertilization
                                                                                                                  (hpf) as the stage for transplantation. However, some of the first zebrafish xenograft studies were
                                                                                                                  done in the blastula stage of the embryo. Transplanted melanoma cells survived, divided, stayed in
                                                                                                                  de-di↵erentiated stage but did not form tumors in zebrafish embryos. This was the first observation
                                                                                                                  of human melanoma cells in zebrafish [134]. In a study utilizing the same type of melanoma
                                                                                                                  xenotransplantation into zebrafish blastula, the authors compared di↵erent types of human cutaneous
                                                                                                                  and uveal melanoma cancer cell lines. They found out that aggressive melanoma cells secrete Nodal.
                                                                                                                  The expression of Nodal correlated with melanoma aggressiveness and progression, and caused
                                                                                                                  developmental defects of the zebrafish embryo [135]. Haldi et al. optimized the parameters for
                                                                                                                  zebrafish xenotransplantation where they propose the 48 hpf developmental stage as the best for
                                                                                                                  transplantation. At this stage, developmental cell migration is finished, therefore cancer cell migration
                                                                                                                  after injection is likely to be an active process. Human melanoma cells together with other types of
                                                                                                                  cancer cell lines, which they transplanted into zebrafish, were able to survive and formed tumors in the
                                                                                                                  embryo [136]. The site of transplantation might be variable but usually it is the yolk sac, cardinal vein,

      Figure 1. Zebrafish models of cancer. Zebrafish develops cancer phenotypes similar to human cancer
         Figure 1. Zebrafish models of cancer. Zebrafish develops cancer phenotypes similar to human cancer
      in di↵erent tissues and organs. All of these cancer types and their zebrafish models are discussed in
         in different tissues and organs. All of these cancer types and their zebrafish models are discussed in
      Section   2. Genetic models of cancer. PNST—peripheral nerve sheath tumor; HCC—hepatocellular
         Section 2. Genetic models of cancer. PNST—peripheral nerve sheath tumor; HCC—hepatocellular
      carcinoma;   RMS—rhabdomyosarcoma;                    ⇡—female.
         carcinoma;  RMS—rhabdomyosarcoma;⇢—male;   —male; —female.
2.1. Zebrafish and New Methods for Cancer Modelling

                                                                                                                                                         Hason, Genes, 2019
   2.1. Zebrafish and New Methods for Cancer Modelling
      In this section, we will discuss in more detail the most popular and widely used gene manipulation
         In this section, we will discuss in more detail the most popular and widely used gene
techniques which were engaged in the majority of above-discussed zebrafish cancer-modeling
   manipulation techniques which were engaged in the majority of above-discussed zebrafish cancer-
studies   [80–86].
   modeling          In[80–86].
               studies   zebrafish   it is possible
                                 In zebrafish        to perform
                                              it is possible       forward
                                                             to perform      and and
                                                                         forward  reverse   genetic
                                                                                       reverse      screens
                                                                                               genetic        and
directly  assess assess
   and directly   the rolethe
                               various  genes genes
                                   of various in cancer  relatedrelated
                                                     in cancer    phenotypes   [87]. Currently,
                                                                        phenotypes              the most
                                                                                     [87]. Currently,      widely
                                                                                                      the most
326                                                                                        Julia Etchin et al.



           Fig. 6    Visualization of human tumor-induced angiogenesis. (A, B) Three-dimensional (3D) con-
           focal reconstructions of VEGF-secreting MDA-435 tumor cells in the body wall of fli1:EGFP
           zebrafish, 4 (A), and 5 (B) days post injection. (C, D) Single confocal optical sections (1 mm) of
           microtumor in (A) and (B). (E, F) 3D reconstructions of digitally isolated tumor cells in contact with
           host blood vessels from A and B. Dotted squares indicate insets showing magnified views of the
           interior vessel surface at sites of vessel openings and tumor cell membrane insertion. Modified with
           permission from (Stoletov et al., 2007). (See color plate.)

           in vasculature formation. vhl syndrome is characterized by an elevated predisposi-          Stoletov et al, 2002


1. wild type (AB)
2. Casper - homozygous for the pigment-affecUng mutaUons
   of roya9 and nacrew2 (AB)
3. Tg(fli1:EGFP)y1 (AB)

                                                          examination                         euthanasia

                dechorionation                       treatment administration                 examination

Fertilization        24hpf              48hpf                  24hpi               48hpi         72hpi

                                   tumor injection                              examination


            Biodistribution of liposomes in healthy zebrafish embryos:
            Injection of 9,2 nL/fish LIPOSOMES in the duct of Cuvier of Zebrafish embryo 72hours post-fertilization

                                                                Images: 2 hours of liposomes injection

                          Non injected                         Duct of Cuvier 9,2nL Lipo SLa                Duct of Cuvier 9,2nL Lipo SLb
Red-visible merge
 Red channel

                    20X TAIL images of Embryo SLb – Duct of Cuvier 9,2 nL :

                           Red channel                            Red-visible merge   Red-green merge
Non injected
Injected Lipo SLb

                  3-3.5 dpf
2.5 dpf

                   5.5 dpf
4 dpf

                               (Isogai et al. Dev. Biology, 2001)
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