Page created by Leon Payne


                                            30 May – 2 June 2022
                         4 half-day training, 5 hours per session
                                                  (total 20 hours)


     If you want to go into a deep dive into                    The lesson is interesting and provides
     Utility and Community Scale Energy                         plenty of information on energy storage
     Storage, then this is the seminar to take.                 system. The lesson was well controlled in
     RE and Energy Storage is the way to go.                    terms of time and depth of content.

                                  Legal Counsel,                                        Senior Engineer,
                      AC Energy, Philippines, Inc.                          CLP Power Hong Kong Limited.

     Chris is highly experienced in WIS field!                  Excellent training, very experienced and
                                                                enthusiastic trainer

                                                                                          Senior Manager,
                     Manager (Corporate strategy) ,
                                                                                   Tenaga Nasional Berhad.
                           N.U.R Power SDN BHD.

         The ESS course I attended is one of the
         best short courses I have ever attended.
         The course is well mixed with theory,                  Very useful course. Excellent trainers
         practice and future outlook. The                       with experience in their respective areas.
         instructors came from the other side of
         the world, who brought us fresh
         perspectives, culture and market

                   Senior Manager – Maintenance,                                     Senior Financial Analyst,
                         Sembcorp Cogen Pte Ltd.                                     Energy Market Authority.


T: +65 6741 9927                             W: www.petroedgeasia.net                      E: info@poweredgeasia.com

The VILT will be delivered online in 4 half-day sessions comprising 5 hours per day, with 2 x 10 minutes
break per day, including time for lectures, discussion, quizzes and short classroom exercises.

Additionally, some self-study will be requested. Participants are invited but not obliged to bring a short
presentation (10 mins max) on a practical problem they encountered in their work. This will then be
explained and discussed during the VILT. A short test or quiz will be held at the end the course.


This course will provide a detailed analysis of Utility and Community Scale Energy Storage (U&CES)
Systems. Beginning with an overview of the current available technologies, the course will present the
elements of U&CES with a focus on the benefits to utilities, as well as the advantages of energy storage for
commercial and industrial energy users.

Issues to be covered includes: storage system design, battery applications, component specification and
installation, integration of storage with renewable energy (RE) systems, multiple presentations of specific
manufacturers of storage systems, O&M issues, available industry resources for ongoing education, and
the development of individual projects.

 T: +65 6741 9927                              W: www.petroedgeasia.net                       E: info@poweredgeasia.com

 The course will allow participants to gain practical and theoretical knowledge about U&CES systems, with
 a focus on real-world applications and current working examples of the various technologies. Participants
 in this course will upon completion of this course, be able to:

    Define and explain how Utility and Community Scale Energy Storage (U&CES) System operates, and
    the benefits of these systems
    Describe and identify components and specifications of a U&CES system
    Identify the best application and limitations of each system type
    Calculate U&CES system costs
    Describe financial benefits of U&CES systems
    Correctly size a U&CES system
    Recommend a U&CES system to meet a utility administrator's of business owner's goals
    Identify and describe different U&CES system types, their storage capabilities and the systems
    Explain data analysis, connection scheme, control algorithm and power system study for U&CES
    Explain and describe safety issues with U&CES
    Define commissioning, operation and maintenance procedures for U&CES systems
    Demonstrate proper safety procedures when installing a U&CES systems
    Explain various policy, methodologies and utility-sided business model for implementation of U&CES


    Project developers and administrators
    Project managers
    Government policy makers

T: +65 6741 9927                             W: www.petroedgeasia.net                     E: info@poweredgeasia.com

         Soft copy course materials & Certification of Completion will be provided to registered participants.

                      Session 1                                                                                                                 Continuation of Day 1

 The Utility System and Large-Scale Energy Storage
                                                                                                                                                Section V
Introduction                                                                                                                                      Specific uses and operations Utility Scale Energy Storage
   Background and history of Utility and Community Scale                                                                                          Systems (UESS)
   Energy Storage (U&CES) Systems                                                                                                                    Transmission System
                                                                                                                                                     Peaker replacement
Section I                                                                                                                                            Frequency Regulation
   Understanding the usefulness of Utility Scale Energy                                                                                              Distribution Substation
Storage                                                                                                                                              Distribution Feeder
Section II                                                                                                                                           Island Grid
  Background and Basics of the Utility System and Large-                                                                                             Commercial Industrial
Scale Energy Storage - Reviewing the basic concepts
  Utility System and Energy Storage - Underlying concepts:                                                                                      Discussion
     Balancing and Regulation                                                                                                                   We round out this portion of the webinar with an interactive
     Frequency regulation                                                                                                                       discussion of the issues that you find critical in your region's
     Spinning and non-spinning reserves                                                                                                         application of storage for Utilities in the energy mix of today.
     Load following / energy arbitrage
     Voltage support
  The time dimensions in which grid operators operate:                                                                                                             Session 2
     Short term ancillary services                                                                                                              Energy Storage - Applications, Costs, Values, Value
     Through long term energy supply                                                                                                                                Stacking
     Generation and Load patterns
     Solutions to manage wind and solar variability                                                                                             Review of Sections I - V with Q&A

Break - 30 mins                                                                                                                                 Section VI
                                                                                                                                                  Examining the best applications and limitations of each
Section III                                                                                                                                       system type
  Types of storage systems that are now in use                                                                                                       Energy time shift
     Defining storage types and costs:                                                                                                               Load following
        Hydro                                                                                                                                        Frequency regulation
        Flywheel                                                                                                                                     Renewable capacity continuity
        Compressed Air                                                                                                                               Transmission congestions relief
  Batteries                                                                                                                                          Energy tariff cost management
     Lithium-Ion                                                                                                                                Section VII
     Flow batteries - Vanadium Redox vs Zink Bromide                                                                                              Reviewing Energy costs and ESS costs:
     Capacitors                                                                                                                                      Current values of power
     Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES)                                                                                                  Pricing of Storage
                                                                                                                                                     Negative Pricing and Utilities - complex issues
Section IV                                                                                                                                           Curtailment and solutions
  Describe and identify components and specifications of a
  Battery based U&CES system:
     Transformers / Phase converters
     Points of interconnection -


                                                          W: www.petroedgeasia.net

Continuation of Day 2                                                                                                                        Continuation of Day 3

Section VIII                                                                                                                                 Section XI
  Financial benefits of U&CES systems                                                                                                          Monitoring the systems - Data collection and analysis
     Optimizing and Stacking system values
  Grid / Utility values include                                                                                                              Break - 30 mins
     Transmission System
     Peaker Replacement                                                                                                                      Section XII
     Frequency Regulation                                                                                                                      Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
     Distribution                                                                                                                              interfacing
                                                                                                                                                  Controlling and managing U&CES systems
Break - 30 mins                                                                                                                                Guest - Application Engineers at Sunverge Energy, Inc

  Commercial Values include                                                                                                                  Section XIII
    Microgrid                                                                                                                                  Maintaining systems with Data analysis
    Demand Charge Reduction
    Peak Demand Shaving                                                                                                                      Section XVI
  Guest discussing:                                                                                                                            Security of U&CES's ans SCADA systems
    Current ESS projects
    The value streams that they utilize to create strong ROI's                                                                               Discussion
    How these market monetized value streams relate to the                                                                                   Today we round out this portion of the webinar with an
    non-monetized value streams available to Utilities                                                                                       interactive discussion of System Design and Operational
                                                                                                                                             issues for UESS's and Security
Section IX
  ESS Aggregation and the roll of 3rd party Aggregators
  A review of experiences in the field, successes and                                                                                                             Session 4
  challenges                                                                                                                                   Security and SCADA, Micro-grid, Case Examples,
                                                                                                                                                         policy and Business Models
We round out this portion of the webinar with an interactive                                                                                 Review of Sections X - XVI with Q&A
discussion of approaches to Value Stacking and Aggregation
                                                                                                                                             Section XIV
                                                                                                                                               Continuation of Security of U&CES's and SCADA systems
                    Session 3                                                                                                                  Guest - Steven Tessler, Solutions Architect - Forcepoint
  Analyzing the Technologies, Monitoring systems,
         SCADA, Maintenance and Security                                                                                                     Section XV
                                                                                                                                               Case Examples of Storage Successes
Review of Sections VI - IX with Q&A                                                                                                               Aliso Canyon Storage Project
                                                                                                                                                  Hawaiian island of Kauai - Tesla
Section X                                                                                                                                         Hawaii's KIUC
  Analyzing the technologies                                                                                                                      Puente Power Porject Natural Gas Plant Proposal
     Systems for optimizing various Value Steams
        Optimization of RE Resources                                                                                                         Break - 30 mins
        Utility ancillary services
        Demand Charge Reduction                                                                                                                Guest - Micro grids - scale/ application / challenges /
        Resiliency                                                                                                                           benefits
        Transmission and Distribution


                                                       W: www.petroedgeasia.net

Continuation of Day 4

Section XVI
  Explaining various policy, methodologies and a utility-sided business model for implementation of UES systems
     Governmental Policy issues
     Utility policy issues
        For utility owned systems
        For privately owned systems

Section XVII
  A Business model and an analysis option:
     Sharing Economy as a new business model for energy storage systems

Final Review, Q&A and Open discussion


  Our key expert is the CEO of Great Northern Solar, and is a NABCEP certified Photovoltaic Installation Professional.
  He has been an instructor with the Midwest Renewable Energy Institute since 1993 teaching advanced photovoltaic
  (PV) design and installation, and is an IREC Certified Master trainer (TM) in Photovoltaic Technologies. He was the
  primary curriculum developer for the MREI Photovoltaic courses at the institute's inception.

  A strong advocate for clean energy production, our key expert volunteers with the Midwest Renewable Energy
  Association, the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (board of directors member 2004-2014, Chair
  of the Nominations Committee - current), and with the Northern Futures Foundation.

  Our key expert has been designing, specifying, installing and operating battery based solar electric systems (PV) for
  over 30 years'. He has lived "off-grid" for over 26 years', where he runs his business Great Norther Solar.

  He has been training contractors, administrators and officials in the operation of PV systems including those
  employing storage for over 26 years'. In the last 5 years, he has been investigating and developing training's for the
  application of energy storage in commercial and other large applications. With the development of lithium-ion and
  other advanced battery technologies, he has begun to consult and present training's in battery design and
  deployment for the commercial market.

  In 2016, our key expert developed a hands-on seminar for retro-fitting a LiOn storage and energy arbitrage system for
  a commercial building in Duluth Minnesota. The Hartley Solar Storage Retrofit Seminar walked participants through
  the design and implementation of the advanced storage system to provide for building resiliency and peak demand
  load shaving as well, and potential ancillary services for the Hartley Nature Center and Minnesota Power - the site

  Most recently, our key expert has presented "Energy Storage into Renewable Energy Systems" for the North Central
  Electrical League in the Minneapolis/Saint Paul area of Minnesota.


                                                 W: www.petroedgeasia.net

 Organisations today require crucial skills to improve performance, as well as a clear returns on their training investment
 ROI. By aligning training interventions to focus on your specific business needs and objectives, powerEDGE is able to
               deliver results way and above what can be achieved via conventional training approaches.

 Our in-house training solutions offer a full spectrum of short courses and curricular that can be customized to your exact
                                        needs and be brought right to your doorstep!

  Our clients have come to rely on our robust integrated learning approach as a fundamental component of their talent
    development and performance improvement strategy. Our unique approach comprises of the following phases:

   Detailed assessment with business issue needs analysis through pre-course evaluations and other assessment tools
   In-depth consultation development and organizational alignment
   Programme and curriculum development refinement
   Strategic evaluation process to validate learnings' achieved with ROI
   Targeted and focused re-enforcement to ensure knowledge transfer

            Looking to train the whole team? Email us at info@poweredgeasia.com to know
                       more about our in-house training or request for a quotation.


                                     Battery Economics and Business Models

                   Cost and Financial Analysis for Energy Storage and Renewable Energy

                     Microgrids - Understanding and Developing Effective Deployments


                                                  W: www.petroedgeasia.net
                                   VIRTUAL INSTRUCTOR LED TRAINING (VILT)

                               Utility and Community Scale
                                 Energy Storage Systems
       *Early Bird Price* Full course (4 half-days) | 30 May – 2 June 2022 |SGD 3,499 or USD 2,599 per participant

         *Normal Price* Full course (4 half-days) | 30 May – 2 June 2022 | SGD 3,699 or USD 2,799 per participant

                                      *Prices above are not inclusive of any prevailing government taxes

                                                                     REGISTRATION FORM

Name: ____________________________ Job Title: ________________________ Department: ___________________
Telephone: _________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________
Preferred Course & Date: _____________________________________________________________________________

Name: ____________________________ Job Title: ________________________ Department: ___________________
Telephone: _________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________
Preferred Course & Date: _____________________________________________________________________________

Name: ____________________________ Job Title: ________________________ Department: ___________________
Telephone: _________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________
Preferred Course & Date: _____________________________________________________________________________

Name: ____________________________ Job Title: ________________________ Department: ___________________
Telephone: _________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________
Preferred Course & Date: _____________________________________________________________________________

                                                                     COMPANY DETAILS

Organization Name: __________________________________________________ Industry: ______________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Postcode: _____________________ Country: _______________________ Contact Number: _____________________

                                                                                      Payment is due in full at the time of registration. Full payment is mandatory for
                 PAYMENT METHODS & POLICY                                             event attendee. By submitting this registration form, you have agreed to Asia
                                                                                      Edge Pte Ltd's payment terms payment term mentioned.
By cheque / bank draft: Only local cheque will be acceptable and cheque payable
to Asia Edge Pte Ltd. Kindly ensure that your cheque is crossed 'Not Negotiable'
                                                                                      * GST - exclusive price is only applicable for overseas corporate customers,
and "Account Payee Only".
                                                                                      subject to qualifying conditions.

By PayNow (Available in Singapore only)
Account name: Asia Edge Pte. Ltd.                                                                     CANCELLATIONS & SUBSTITUTIONS
Company UEN: 200710561C
                                                                                     You may substitute delegates at any time before the event starts. Asia Edge
By telegraphic transfer: Please quote the invoice number on the remittance advice.   Pte Ltd does not provide refunds for last minute cancellations. For cancellations
Account name: Asia Edge Pte Ltd                                                      received in writing more than 7 days or less prior to an event (including day 7),
Bank code: 7339 Branch code: 508 Account no: 508-762903-001 (SGD)                    no credits will be issued.
Bank code: 7339 Branch code: 665 Account no: 665-000774-301 (USD)
Swift code: OCBCSGSG                                                                 In the event Asia Edge Pte Ltd cancels an event, delegate payments at the
Bank address: 65 Chulia Street OCBC Centre, Singapore 049513                         date of cancellation will be credited to a future Asia Edge Pte Ltd event. This
                                                                                     credit will be available for up to 1 year from the date of issuance.
All bank charges to be borne by payer. Please ensure that Asia Edge Pte Ltd
receives the full invoiced amount.                                                   In the event that Asia Edge Pte Ltd postpones an event, delegate payments at
                                                                                     the postponement date will be credited towards the rescheduled date. If the
By credit card: Only VISA / MASTERCARD is accepted. Payment through credit           delegate is unable to attend the rescheduled event, the delegate will receive a
card will incur a 3.5% admin fee payable by the payer. Payment through credit card   100% credit.
is only applicable in SGD currency.
 T: +65 6741 9927                                                   W: www.petroedgeasia.net                                          E: info@poweredgeasia.com
For more info, visit/contact us at

   PowerEdge - Training Energy Industry Professionals
   Energy Industry Training Courses

   +65 6741 9927
   88 Joo Chiat Road
   #02-01, Singapore 427382
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