USTRA-LINK The monthly journal of Al-Anon Family Groups in Australia - HOPE FOR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF ALCOHOLICS

Page created by Lloyd Franklin
USTRA-LINK The monthly journal of Al-Anon Family Groups in Australia - HOPE FOR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF ALCOHOLICS
January 2021

The monthly journal of Al-Anon Family Groups in Australia


ISSN 0726-0726-4607 Price $2.00            ISSN 2207-7642 (Online-free download)
USTRA-LINK The monthly journal of Al-Anon Family Groups in Australia - HOPE FOR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF ALCOHOLICS
The purpose of Al-Anon is to help families and friends of alcoholics by offering
hope and friendship, better understanding of the effects on themselves of someone
else’s drinking, and an opportunity for spiritual awakening through the shared
experience described in the Twelve Steps.
  Austra-Link is the monthly publication of Australian Al-Anon Family Groups. In
the pages of this magazine, Al-Anon and Alateen members share their experience,
strength and hope as they do in their meetings. Through this “voice of the
fellowship” individual members and Groups can be heard by many. Such sharing
is vital in helping readers find growth and serenity through the Al-Anon program.
   Al-Anon and Alateen members are invited to contribute articles, sharing their
recovery. Articles present members’ personal views and experiences, and opinions
expressed are not to be attributed to Al-Anon as a whole. Austra-Link does not
print prayers or poetry. Full name and address (home or group) is required before
any item can be accepted. Please indicate how you would like your article signed:
first name only, first name and Area, initials only, or “Anon”.
   Mail your article to Austra-Link Editor - Al-Anon Family Group, GPO Box 1002,
Melbourne Vic. 3001 or email to
All notices of forthcoming events must reach The Editor two months prior
to publication.

                      God grant me the Serenity
            to accept the things I cannot change,
              Courage to change the things I can,
              and Wisdom to know the difference

        Recovery                          Unity                        Service
    Through The Steps            Through The Traditions         Through The Concepts
  The threefold guides of Al-Anon point the way to a normal, useful life for the individual.
 They are also a framework within which the groups can carry on their affairs in harmony.
USTRA-LINK The monthly journal of Al-Anon Family Groups in Australia - HOPE FOR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF ALCOHOLICS
The National Journal of
                         Al-Anon Family Groups Australia

                                                      Issue No. 477, January 2021

Alfred the Great has left the                no longer to-the-second times of injecting
                                             and feeding. This morning I sat outside
building...                                  with my readers and contemplated
2020 was a terrific and torrid year for      good things and sad things as the 7am
Alfred and me. We had a lot of time          ‘witching hour’ ticked over. In my sorrow
together due to COVID-19 (which I just       there are still things to be grateful for and
loved and I suspect Alfred may have just     this helps.
tolerated). I lost my father and just as I      …grant me the Serenity to accept the
was coming up for air, Alfred, my most          things I cannot change…
precious outside issue, died.                    In recent months there have been
   The cheeky, stoic, sometimes fractious,   times when I have been so buffeted by
always cute and adorable, wonder-dog         my feelings that it was difficult to think
faced a sudden health crisis and so with     clearly. Sometimes I simply had to sit
very little warning we had to let him go.    still, reciting the Serenity Prayer or
   Alfred was a very healthy diabetes        repeating a slogan over and over before
success story. I had taken him to an         I could determine whether I needed to
emergency vet with another concern and       just do the accepting bit, or summon the
it emerged that he had a tumor and was       courage to change the things I could. I
about to suffer very distressing symptoms    often felt helpless and frustrated wanting
with no other possible outcome but death.    to be able to change the unchangeable.
   They telephoned informing us of the           I’ve had trouble accessing my sorrow
gravity of things and we rushed back         about Dad’s death. I tried to give myself
so we could say goodbye. Alfred was          time and space to reflect and come to
cheerful and affectionate—although           terms with it, but it has been losing
struggling a little to breathe—licking our   Alfred that has opened the flood gates.
faces with enthusiasm. We held him as he     He was the best dog ever, ever, even once,
was assisted peacefully and mercifully to    and gave me the
his end. At the time of writing it is four   chance to love
days ago. We are grateful it happened        unconditionally
without a drawn out doubt-filled watch       and with un-
and wait ‘am I playing God?’ vigil, but oh   mitigated joy.
my goodness...I am utterly bereft.               Vale Alfred
   Today though, I have found a teensy       the Great.
positive. There is relief in no longer                Wendy E.
worrying about his insulin jab, weight,                           Flowers from my kind sister
diet, or water intake. 7am and 7pm are                             after she heard the news.

January 2021 • Issue No. 477   AUSTRA-LINK                                                 1
USTRA-LINK The monthly journal of Al-Anon Family Groups in Australia - HOPE FOR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF ALCOHOLICS
2020 was a challenging                          Excerpts from
year for many people.                            B-29 Opening our Hearts,
Much of our meeting                              Transforming our Losses
time was spent in our                             Questioning our recovery
own homes using Zoom                               After we’ve been recovering
and      similar   platforms                       for a while, there may come
to     connect.     Members                         a time when we question
relied on their own CAL                             whether the program is still
libraries for readings during                        working for us. We may find
meetings. We noticed that in                         ourselves wondering why
many meetings Opening our               we don’t feel happier. After all, we tried
Hearts, Transforming our Losses         so hard to accept our situation, worked
was the chosen text by members.         the Steps, and attended meetings. We
The sharings in these pages are         wonder if sadness is all there is to show
courageous, honest and full of          for our efforts.
hope. Quite a number of members            Such feelings may be frightening
who chose to use this book              and alarming. Our first impulse may
commented that there were places        be to dismiss them. However, many of
throughout the text where they had      us have discovered the importance of
felt moved to underline passages        honoring what our feelings are trying
which resonated with their own          to tell us. Questioning can actually
experiences.      Others     observed   be an important turning point in our
that this book had helped them          recovery. It can teach us about where we
                                        are headed, can signal us to slow down
enormously during particularly
                                        or can prompt us to take better care of
difficult times.
                                        ourselves. We may need to take mental
   From my own perspective, this
                                        and emotional breaks here and there
book was a balm and a support when      to allow ourselves to regroup or refocus
my mother died shortly after I joined   our energies.
Al-Anon and is again helping               Experience has taught many of us that
me through the grief associated         recovery is not a straight and narrow
with the death of my father late        path. Undoubtedly we will be asked to
last October.                           make unexpected, but necessary, turns
   Al-Anon is a gentle program and      along the way. As we strive to turn our
this book is a beautiful example        will and our lives over to the care of a
of that. We chose this to be the        Higher Power, we will be given many
featured CAL publication for 2021       opportunities to practice doing so. We
as we all navigate our way through      may not always know where we are
what promises to be another             headed in our recovery or grief, but we
interesting and challenging year        can learn to trust that we are being led to
one day at a time.       Ed.            a better place than where we started.
2                                       AUSTRA-LINK      Issue No. 477 • January 2021
USTRA-LINK The monthly journal of Al-Anon Family Groups in Australia - HOPE FOR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF ALCOHOLICS
Gifts from Al-Anon                                  My mother left my father when I was
My father was the alcoholic in my life—a         12 and he never remarried. Ten years
bender drinker. He could go for weeks,           ago, he took his own life. He was still
months or even years without a drink,            drinking, and he had no contact with
but when he took a drink he could not            his ex-wife or his children, and that was
stop, drinking himself to incapacitation.        his decision. At his funeral, his friends
He would be too drunk to get out of bed          talked about what a great guy he was
to go to the bathroom, but he would              and how much he had helped them.
continue to drink. When he did get out           The best I could say to them was “The
of bed, he would fall over hitting his head      man I knew was different to the person
on our concrete floors, knocking himself         you knew”.
unconscious and bleeding everywhere. It             Several years ago, I began working
was very scary.                                  the Steps of Al-Anon and my life started
   Equally scary was his unpredictable           to change. From the very first Step I
behaviour whether drunk or sober and I           started to see my father and myself in a
never knew which father I was interacting        different light. The first Step talks about
with. I could say something to him, and          being powerless over alcohol and all
he would listen to me, laugh, or think it        of a sudden, I got it. If I am powerless
was a great idea. A couple of minutes later      over alcohol perhaps my father was as
I could say something similar and I’d be         well. Perhaps he had no control over his
hit, ridiculed or ignored. If I touched him,     desire to drink. I mean no one would
I never knew whether I’d be hugged or hit        do to themselves voluntarily what my
and pushed away, so I grew up terrified of       father did to himself. Suddenly my anger
confrontation and physical contact.              started to wash away, and I could feel
   I took this into my adult life, and I         compassion for him. It wasn’t his fault
was very sick. I didn’t know how to have         he was an alcoholic. I started to see that
relationships because I couldn’t talk to         in my powerlessness over alcohol I didn’t
people without fear of what they would do        cause my father to be an alcoholic, and,
or say to me. I did not know how to show         if I hadn’t caused it, I could have some
someone I cared because my childhood             compassion for myself as well.
was so disjointed and unpredictable. I              Today I don’t hate my father and I
thought if people hurt me it showed they         don’t hate myself. The biggest miracle
cared, so that is what I practised. My           of all is I have photos of my father on
relationships failed.                            my fridge, and I have nothing but love,
   I grew up hating my father for being          respect and admiration in my heart
an alcoholic. I hated myself because I           for him today. I got these gifts from
thought I had caused his alcoholism. If I        Al-Anon, and they are gifts. I thought
had been different (prettier, smarter, taller,   by hanging on to all my anger I was
shorter, thinner, whatever—anything              hurting my father, but it turns out I was
other than who I was) he would not be            just hurting myself. Today I am free of
an alcoholic He would be alright then I          all that.
would be alright.                                               Sue H., South Queensland Area

January 2021 • Issue No. 477   AUSTRA-LINK                                                 3
USTRA-LINK The monthly journal of Al-Anon Family Groups in Australia - HOPE FOR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF ALCOHOLICS
We often mention the positive impact          “What does ODAT stand for?” (lol) as
doing service has on recovery. Here’s         I had always known it as One Day at
a very personal account and a heart           A Time.
warming farewell from a DR to her Area
                                                 If I had to list one thing I could
                                              have done better it would have been to
Assembly as her term finishes.      Ed.
                                              make more of an effort to attend all the
                                              meetings that the beautiful Sunshine
Outgoing words from                           Coast district offers. Prior to my term
your DR                                       as DR I have covered being a Group
I came into this role in November 2016        Literature person, Group Treasurer,
by being voted in, six votes to three, but    Group Representative, District Treasurer,
that was convincing enough for me. I          After-hours telephone roster member
had only been in the program a short          and District Representative whilst
time compared to some, but someone            working full-time, managing three kids
said to me doing a service position is the    and studying a university degree.
best way to grow.                                I absolutely could not have balanced
   Well, the amount of growing from           all of this without the help of the
both good experiences and some very           program and the members that I have
challenging ones—I feel like I’m 16 foot      met in my travels. My favourite slogan is
tall!                                         “How Important Is It?” and the other is
   I remember looking around the room         something that a treasured member says
and Lynne said “Ohh you’ll be right”          to me, “This too shall pass”, particularly
and chuckled (like she did), but it was       when on occasion I turned up to District
followed up by that solemn face saying        meetings looking like something the
“now remember you are not alone and           cat dragged in. She’d get me a coffee
you have lots of support around you.”         and check on the kids when they were
   I do sadly miss her. There have been       smaller so I could continue running
many opportunities to work my program         the meeting.
and one of the biggest tools I have learned      Some of my fondest experiences have
by being a trusted servant is to listen and   been at District level, watching people
to ask for help (which I am still working     come to the meetings and walk away
on to this day).                              with more knowledge and understanding
   I have never been afraid of asking         than previously and the sharings of more
questions if I don’t understand something     experienced members. You just can’t buy
and I hope that is something I have           that anywhere else.
contributed to our District meetings—            The assemblies that I have been
being comfortable to ask any question         lucky enough to attend were also a
no matter how silly it may sound. It is       highlight. I have grown to accept
a safe place because we all started at the    the sleep deprivation and overdose
beginning.                                    on Al-Anon meetings, late night
   I remember leaning over to Tracey          coffees in the dining room and meetings
when I came as an observer to my first        with people in their pyjamas. It all
District meeting and I had to ask her         brings a smile to my face.
4                                             AUSTRA-LINK      Issue No. 477 • January 2021
USTRA-LINK The monthly journal of Al-Anon Family Groups in Australia - HOPE FOR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF ALCOHOLICS
My kids have grown to learn that
Al-Anon is part of the house, and
sometimes they really hated it when I
went all ‘program’ on them. I wouldn’t
take sides or I’d tell my eldest son with
a smile “you might be right” although
inside I knew he wasn’t and this is one of
the reasons I just kept coming back. I am
very grateful for the opportunity to serve
as your DR and hope to see the next DR
enjoy it as much as I have.
   Yours in loving service.
                                                 Today’s Reminder
                                                 Regrets for hurtful things I have done
                Amy V., South Queensland Area
                                                 to others may be healed by making
                                                 amends as well as I can. Regrets for
                                                 missed opportunities will vanish as I
Fear                                             try to make wise choices today. Let
My fear is fear of the unknown.                  me fill this one day with thoughts and
    How do we deal with it—does                  actions I will have no need to regret.
anybody really know?
    My youngest is released from jail on         Let me undertake only as much a I
Monday and my eldest and his partner             can accomplish well, without haste
have fear issues. As for me, I’m petrified.      or tension.
    All I can do is keep coming to these           “Just for today I will live through
rooms to help find answers and pray to           this one day only and not tackle all
my Higher Power.                                 my problems at once. Those of the
    I think to cope with fear, for me,           past need not concern me today;
it’s one step at a time as I can’t predict       future ones can be faced as they
the future, but I can control what I do          arise.”
minute by minute—or if it has to be—
                                                                    Al-Anon: Just for Today
second by second, one day at a time.
    My fears may be strong, but it is                    B-6, One Day at a Time in Al-Anon
an issue only I can face as they are all
my own.
    I have to learn to stop worrying about
tomorrow as it may never come, and just
worry about this present moment.
    Without this program, I am one lost
soul. All I can do is stay strong, put
boundaries in place and practise these
one day at a time.
                 Nell, Western New South Wales

January 2021 • Issue No. 477   AUSTRA-LINK                                                    5
cooperation with their meeting venues,
                                            carefully observing the COVID-safe
                                            requirements put in place by those
                                            venues to comply with the regulations.
                                            Some groups have been able to meet
                                            face-to-face for some months already,
                                            while others are still making preparations
Face-to-Face, Zoom and                      to return to the rooms.
Hybrid meetings…How do                         So what of the lovely connections
                                            we’ve made via Zoom? Members from
we “Keep it Simple”?                        Florida, Gold Coast, Echuca, Melbourne,
When COVID-19 first made its presence       Sydney, Canada all together in the one
known members were quick to act and         virtual meeting—how exciting! So many
find ways to continue attending regular     more opportunities for people in isolated
Al-Anon meetings. We knew we wanted         places to join meetings too.
to stay in contact with our Al-Anon            Groups are putting a lot of thought
friends and we had no idea how long         into how the future will work. Can
until our normal activities could resume.   the virtual meetings continue either as
   Zoom/Skype meetings have been an         separate meetings or in combination
absolute boon. We have had access to        with face-to-face?
more meetings than usual without the           Let’s consider Tradition 4:
usual geographical limitations or travel      Each group should be autonomous,
time. We have made new friends through        except in matters affecting another
our meetings being able to include            group or Al‑Anon or AA as a whole.
members from other states and even             It is up to each group to decide how
countries—an unexpected benefit of the      they will proceed. If the choice is a
COVID-19 pandemic!                          ‘hybrid’ format combining face-to-face
   However, many feel nothing beats         meetings with a Zoom presence there
a hug (or elbow bump until further          are some things to consider, for example:
                                            s Does your venue have Wi-Fi you can
notice!) and a shared cuppa (strictly BYO
until further notice also!). For some of       access?
us, our meetings are the only guarantee     s Is there additional cost involved for

of healthy interactions and support,           your group?
particularly if we live alone or are sole   s Who will host the Zoom and organise

parents for instance. Also some members        the invitation/passcode access?
are uncomfortable with technology or        s Is it possible to arrange for face-to-

have no access to computers and so             face participants and Zoom attendees
have been without any sort of Al-Anon          to see each other?
meetings for several months.                s Will the sharing be audible enough

   Gradually     face-to-face    meetings      for everyone to hear shares clearly?
are resuming with groups working in                                  Continued on page 8…

6                                           AUSTRA-LINK      Issue No. 477 • January 2021
A reminder about what Public                 No change to wording in the current
                                             books is suggested. An alternatively
Liability insurance is
                                             worded edition would be produced.
The Public Liability insurance policy is
                                               The World Service Office (WSO) has
primarily a cover which protects the
Al-Anon Fellowship and its office            indicated producing new editions in
bearers from legal action or financial       languages other than English, Spanish
liability if property or members of the      and French would not be on the Board’s
public are damaged/injured at any            Agenda in the foreseeable future. This
Al-Anon activity. It also covers             responsibility is given to the General
volunteers (at AGSO, Area Offices,           Service Offices (GSOs) of international
and office bearers in groups) for            structures. However, as WSO holds
accident or injury in carrying out           copyright for the books they would
their responsibilities, but it does          need to give permission for them
not offer injury cover for ordinary          to be translated. It is uncertain that
Al-Anon members participating in             permission would be granted.
an Al-Anon meeting or any related              It was suggested that Delegates ask
Al-Anon activity. Participants’ insurance
                                             for members in their Areas to participate
cover is a different type of insurance.
                                             in creating suggested new text. Those
There is no age limit on Public Liability
                                             invested in the project would need to
Insurance but volunteers over the age
of 75 are not covered by the Staff and       do the re-working of text.
Volunteers Accident Policy. Public             The question was asked ‘What is
Liability Insurance cover for all groups     best for Al-Anon as a whole?’
is renewed annually.                           The motion (8) was put and passed
                                             “That AGSO forms a subcommittee
Non-gender specific pronouns                 to investigate a translation of the two
This was an Agenda Item at the 2020          daily readers Courage to Change and
Australian Service Conference.               Hope for Today so that the assignation
  Alternative editions of Courage to         of the male pronoun is changed to
Change and Hope for Today with               gender neutral when referring to God
the assignation of the male pronoun          and report back to Conference 2021”.
changed to gender-neutral when                 Update: AGSO has formed the
referring to God were suggested. These       subcommittee and are awaiting
would not replace existing editions but      sample translated pages from those
add to the options available to the          interested in adapting the text. At this
fellowship in the CAL library.               point any progress with this issue is at
Following is a precis of the discussion:     an early stage.

January 2021 • Issue No. 477   AUSTRA-LINK                                          7
…Continued from page 6
                                                       2020 South Queensland
   Who will provide the computer?
                                                        Area Assembly talks

s Do Zoom participants know how to

   adjust their Zoom names to ensure                   Theme: Tradition Two
   their anonymity is preserved?
s Can we achieve this and keep it simple?

   Whatever your group decides, it is             For our group purpose there is but
important that you make it clear what             one authority—a loving God as He
members can expect if they come to your           may express Himself in our group
meeting. Perhaps a sign on the door to            conscience—our leaders are but
indicate if it is a Hybrid meeting—face-          trusted servants, they do not govern.
to-face/zoom combined would be helpful.           In an alcoholic home, where we
At this time of constant change it might          usually encounter at least one over-
help us feel safe in our meetings if we are       inflated ego, sometimes the alcoholic,
as prepared as we can be.                         sometimes the spouse or other family
   We can stay in touch with which groups         member, it can be a relief to arrive
are face-to-face or still on-line by visiting     in Al-Anon and find that no one person is on            in charge.
the website. Meetings which are facilitating         No-one will tell me, for example, the
the presence of members via Zoom as well          chairs HAVE to be arranged thus. I am
as in the rooms are marked with an ‘h’ for        told, ‘we usually arrange the chairs in a
hybrid on the website. Areas and AGSO             circle’. No one says, this banner ALWAYS
staff are constantly updating information
                                                  goes here or there. There is a flow to the
to keep us all informed.                          group arrangements dictated by the
                                                  group conscience. At a regular business
                                                  meeting these things are decided—the
                                                  format of the meeting, the setting up
                                                  of the chairs, group roles etc., any other
                                                  issues that may need attention, which are
                                                  decided by back and forth discussion and
                                                  majority decision.
                                                     For a trusted servant of the group, this
                                                  way of deciding things within the group
                                                  gives very clear direction. Our loving
                                                  God has expressed his will for us in the
                                                  group conscience. In this we will learn
                                                  the lessons we need to learn and grow as
                                                  we need to grow. Alcoholism stunts, and
                                                  stops, and makes life rigid—I love the
    Screen grab of the Al-Anon meetings webpage   flow that this Tradition brings, helping      to negate the effects of alcoholism.
8                                                 AUSTRA-LINK      Issue No. 477 • January 2021
As a trusted servant, humbly doing            Al-Anon has given me
what is best for the group is paramount.
The Traditions are a most useful tool            choices
for this job. Should there be discord            One morning, I was sitting in a donut
                                                 shop working at my computer. Suddenly,
within the group, we can return to the
                                                 a woman came in screaming about not
Traditions for guidance, particularly,
                                                 getting her hash brown at the drive-
Tradition Two.                                   through window. She even threatened the
   Speaking as one who didn’t arrive at          girl working the window. I was shocked
Al-Anon healthy and whole, one who               at first, my brain not wanting to accept
will never achieve perfection, (and often        the chaos. After the woman left, I picked
gets it wrong!), I don’t always respond          up my work and decided to leave.
with all of the Traditions in place in my           A week later, I stopped at a restaurant
mind. That is where there is beauty in           to eat lunch. I was quickly seated, but
the program. It gives us the ability to          then waited and waited for my server to
make amends, be humble enough to                 at least bring me a glass of water and a
change our minds, be open to another             menu. After about ten minutes, I started
point of view and, where necessary, be           to get really annoyed until I thought of
voted down in a meeting where the                the woman at the donut shop. Al-Anon
group conscience, or as I think of it,           reminds me that I have choices when it
God’s will for us, holds sway.                   comes to my thoughts and actions. So,
   In this way we guard against the              I quickly decided to behave differently.
rigidity, governance and control that are           I reminded myself that I was seated
symptoms of the disease of alcoholism.           comfortably and that I really wasn’t
                 Sue A., South Queensland Area
                                                 in much of a hurry. Pretty soon after
                                                 that, my waiter arrived and apologized
                                                 profusely. I was able to smile and
                                                 assure him that it was fine, that I was
   October 2021 Edition of                       fine and that we could just chalk it up
   Austra-Link celebrates                        to being a Monday. As I was leaving I
    70 years of Al-Anon.                         thought about the wonderful gift that
 Over the years there have been                  Al-Anon has given me. You see, before
 many changes to Al-Anon always                  the program, I was the hash browns
                                                 lady. The littlest thing could set me off
 working to help serve members
                                                 because of the constant hysteria I had
 as our fellowship has grown, all
                                                 allowed in my life.
 the while sharing the experience,                  Now I know that I have choices. By
 strength and hope we receive from               using the slogan “How Important Is It,”
 our wonderful spiritual program.                I can stop and respond in a way that is
   We would love to receive shares               kind to me and those around me.
 from members about their memories                                               Linda J., Iowa
 of the fellowship for the October                     Reprinted with permission of The Forum,
                                                       Al-Anon Family Group Headquarter., Inc.,
 2021 70th Anniversary issue.                                               Virginia Beach, VA

January 2021 • Issue No. 477   AUSTRA-LINK                                                   9
We suggested
                                                                           members open
                                                                           any of their
                                                                           Al-Anon books
                                                                           at a random
Survey Snippets                                                            read…
More of the ‘other’ comments from the
                                                    I picked up “...In All Our Affairs –
Members Survey                                      Making Crises Work for You” (B-15) and
s This program has saved my life I cannot
                                                    it fell open at the first page of Chapter
  express enough how amazing it is and              7: Taking Care of Ourselves in Part
  how I wish I knew about it sooner. I have         Three: Action.
  struggled with finding a sponsor due to               “When our circumstances lead us
  the lack of new young members which is            to ignore our spiritual, emotional,
  difficult as sponsoring is a cornerstone          or physical needs, we invite this
  of recovery. Would also be great if               progressive disease to take over. If we
  Al-Anon had better technology and                 act as if our needs are unimportant,
  online services.                                  we subtly teach ourselves that we are
s    Al-Anon has dramatically changed my            unimportant”. (p.143)
     life for the better. Thank you..                   That was me when I crawled
s    Concerned at the falling membership in all     through the doors of Al-Anon, as the
     areas—at group meetings and members            mother of six children and a loved one
     willing to do service (at all levels—group,    whose drinking was a problem to me.
     district and Area). Our group has had          These days, I am learning to keep my
     lots of newcomers, but many only stay          Higher Power close on a daily basis,
     a few weeks. They are usually after a          accept and express my feelings and
     quick fix for the drinker... don’t see the     look after my body with a daily walk
     need to change their own... or they leave      and an occasional massage. I read on…
     the problem drinker in their life and think        “We have to be flexible and realise
     they will now be fine and don’t need to        that we are not machines. Some
     continue with meetings ... :(                  of us find it helpful to define clear
s    Al-Anon helps me in all areas of my life and   expectations about the activities
     through some tough times. Thank you            we will undertake in any given day,
     Al-Anon!                                       making sure that when we have done
s    Al-Anon has been life changing for me,
                                                    those things, we will stop. We can let
     thank you for all that you do.                 enough be enough”. (p.144)
                                                        I am learning not only to put
s     I will forever be grateful for the program
     for the help and friendship that it has
                                                    boundaries around others but also
     provided. When I arrived at my first
                                                    around myself! I have heard it said at
     meeting I was a mess (and still am on          meetings that (usually) “something
     every second day) dealing with an ex-          urgent is not important and something
     partner alcoholic and a parent and two         important is not urgent”. That helps
     siblings. The program brings me great          me to gain some perspective. Easy
     peace and I am really very grateful for its    Does It and First Things First!
     existence. God bless Bill and Lois W.                    Maree C. Victorian Southern Area

10                                                  AUSTRA-LINK     Issue No. 477 • January 2021
“…And one day, I realized
that I was looking at the
world with new eyes. Instead
of seeking only misery and
despair, I could see sunshine and
happiness. I was making reasoned,
conscious choices. Instread of
reacting to every feeling, I stopped and
examined my contribution to a particular
situation. I tried to put myself in another
person’s position. I said the Serenity Prayer more
often and learned to accept the fact that I did not have
control over many situations in my life. But I was responsible
for changing what I could.”
                                                                                                       As we understood… B-11, p. vi

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January 2021 • Issue No. 477                  AUSTRA-LINK                                                                                           11
Forthcoming Events
58th Annual New Zealand AA Convention with Al-Anon Family Group participation:
                             Virtual in 2021
                  Date: Saturday, 23rd January 2021 to Sunday, 24th January 2021
             Theme: Just for Today Bookings: Register at AA>ORG>NZ/AA-CONVENTION

                                 Point Walter Camp WA 2021
                    Date: Friday, 19th February 2021 to Sunday, 21st February 2021
     Venue: Point Walter Recreation and Conference Centre on the Swan River, 1 Stock Road, Bicton
                                   Bookings: Booking details to come
                            AA National Convention 2021
       AA National Convention in Adelaide with Al-Anon and Alateen participation
                       Date: Thursday, 1st April 2021 to Monday, 5th April 2021

 Have you renewed your
 subscription to Austra-Link?
 See the subscription form on page 11
 in this, and every copy of Austra-Link.
 Remember, a gift subscription to someone
 you sponsor or to a new member in your
 group, is a loving way to say, “We care about
 you, please keep coming back”.

Please Note: Many face-to-face Al-Anon and Alateen meetings are now open again
observing COVID-19 protocols, including restrictions to the number of people attending.
It is suggested that Groups check with their venue contact, to get permission to resume
meeting in the facility. Some meetings, closed due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, will
continue to operate as electronic meetings:

Next Issue: February, 2021
CAL: Opening our Hearts, Transforming our Losses (B-29)
Articles and Member sharings from around Australia
Summer Sharing Topic - It may be summer holidays but it’s business as usual
for me with my Al-Anon program.
The National Phone Number for Al-Anon information is:
1300 Al-Anon (1300 252 666)
To access Members’ page:
  your username is: member
  your password is: afg
12                                                    AUSTRA-LINK        Issue No. 477 • January 2021
THE TWELVE STEPS                                    THE TWELVE TRADITIONS
1. We admitted we were powerless over               1. Our common welfare should come first;
    alcohol—that our lives had become                   personal progress for the greatest number
    unmanageable.                                       depends upon unity.
2. Came to believe that a Power greater than        2. For our group purpose there is but one
    ourselves could restore us to sanity.               authority—a loving God as He may
3. Made a decision to turn our will and                 express Himself in our group conscience.
    our lives over to the care of God as we             Our leaders are but trusted servants—they
    understood Him.                                     do not govern.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral              3. The relatives of alcoholics, when
    inventory of ourselves.                             gathered together for mutual aid, may
                                                        call themselves an Al-Anon Family Group,
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to                provided that, as a group, they have no
    another human being the exact nature of             other affiliation. The only requirement for
    our wrongs.                                         membership is that there be a problem of
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove               alcoholism in a relative or friend.
    all these defects of character.                 4. Each group should be autonomous,
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our                       except in matters affecting another group
    shortcomings.                                       or Al-Anon or AA as a whole.
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed,        5. Each Al-Anon Family Group has but one
    and became willing to make amends to                purpose: to help families of alcoholics.
    them all.                                           We do this by practicing the Twelve Steps
9. Made direct amends to such people                    of A.A. ourselves, by encouraging and
    wherever possible, except when to do so             understanding our alcoholic relatives,
    would injure them or others.                        and by welcoming and giving comfort to
                                                        families of alcoholics.
10. Continued to take personal inventory and        6. Our Family Groups ought never endorse,
    when we were wrong promptly admitted it             finance or lend our name to any outside
11. Sought through prayer and meditation                enterprise, lest problems of money
    to improve our conscious contact with               property and prestige divert us from our
    God as we understood Him, praying only              primary spiritual aim. Although a separate
    for knowledge of His will for us and the            entity, we should always co-operate with
    power to carry that out.                            Alcoholics Anonymous.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the         7. Every group ought to be fully self-
    result of these steps, we tried to carry this       supporting, declining outside contributions.
    message to others, and to practice these        8. Al-Anon Twelfth Step work should remain
    principles in all our affairs.                      forever nonprofessional, but our service
                                                        centres may employ special workers.
                                                    9. Our groups, as such, ought never be
                                                        organized; but we may create service
                                                        boards or committees directly responsible
                                                        to those they serve.
                                                    10. The Al-Anon Family Groups have no
                                                        opinion on outside issues; hence our
                                                        name ought never be drawn into public
                                                    11. Our public relations policy is based on
Remember the 1300 252 666 number                        attraction rather than promotion; we need
is a national number which connects                     always maintain personal anonymity at
                                                        the level of press, radio, films, and TV.
you to the nearest Area Office. For                     We need guard with special care the
example, if you are in South Australia                  anonymity of all AA members.
and call the number, Adelaide                       12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all
members will respond to you.                            our Traditions, ever reminding us to place
                                                        principles above personalities.
Area Offices in Australia
NORTHERN NEW SOUTH WALES:                      SOUTHERN VICTORIA: (includes Tasmania)
Al-Anon Family Groups Northern NSW Area        Al-Anon Family Groups Victorian Southern Area
Room 9, 49 Annie St Wickham St.,               Level 7, 51 Queen St., MELBOURNE.
WICKHAM NSW 2293                               GPO Box 5458, MELBOURNE VIC 3001
Phone: (02) 4961 6662                          10:30am – 2:30pm, Monday to Thursday
Helpline: 1300 252 666                         Phone: (03) 9629 8900
                                               Helpline: 1300 252 666
(includes Australian Capital Territory)        Al-Anon Family Groups South Aust. Area
Al-Anon Family Groups Southern NSW Area        1st Floor, Harmer House
Suite 4, 2 Ormonde Parade                      5 Leigh Street, ADELAIDE
HURSTVILLE NSW 2220                            Mailing address: 1st Floor, 5 Leigh Street
Phone: (02) 9570 3400                          ADELAIDE SA 5000
Email:              10:00am – 2:30pm, Monday, Wednesday,
                                               Thursday and Friday
WESTERN NEW SOUTH WALES:                       Phone: (08) 8231 2959
Al-Anon Family Groups Western NSW Area         Email: office@saAl-Anon .org
Suite 108, First Floor
                                               WESTERN AUSTRALIA:
114-116 Henry Street, PENRITH NSW 2750         (includes Northern Territory)
Phone: (02) 4731 1442                          Al-Anon Family Groups Western Aust. Area
E-mail:         Room 9, Claisebrook Lotteries House
                                               33 Moore Street, EAST PERTH WA 6004
                                               10.30am - 2.30pm Monday - Thursday only.
Al-Anon Family Groups North Queensland Area
                                               The office does not have volunteers each day
P.O. Box 827, AITKENVALE QLD 4814
                                               therefore please ring prior to visiting. Thankyou!
Phone: 1300 252 666                            Phone (08) 9325 7528
Email:                  E-mail:
SOUTH QUEENSLAND:                              Al-Anon Family Groups (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
Al-Anon Family Groups South Queensland Area    7th Floor, 51 Queen Street, MELBOURNE
Unit 3, 1050 Manly Road. TINGALPA              GPO Box 1002, MELBOURNE, Vic., 3001
PO Box 2169, TINGALPA QLD 4173                 Phone (03) 9620 2166 Fax (03) 9620 2199
10:00am – 2:00pm, Monday to Friday             10:00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Thursday
Phone: (07) 3890 1244                          E-mail:
Helpline: 1300 252 666                         Website:
                                                               To contact
Al-Anon Family Groups Northern Victoria Area
                                                 Al-Anon anywhere in
O’Brien Hall, McLennan Street, MOOROOPNA        Australia for the cost
P.O. Box 81, MOOROOPNA VIC 3629                      of a local call:
Phone: (03) 5825 1160
                                               1300 Al-Anon (1300 252 666)
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