Using neural networks to improve simulations in the gray zone

Using neural networks to improve simulations in the gray zone
Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 29, 171–181, 2022
© Author(s) 2022. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Using neural networks to improve simulations in the gray zone
Raphael Kriegmair1 , Yvonne Ruckstuhl1 , Stephan Rasp2 , and George Craig1
1 Meteorological    Institute Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany
2 ClimateAi,   Inc., San Francisco, USA

Correspondence: Yvonne Ruckstuhl (

Received: 7 May 2021 – Discussion started: 17 May 2021
Revised: 6 September 2021 – Accepted: 27 February 2022 – Published: 2 May 2022

Abstract. Machine learning represents a potential method to       is evidence that key structural uncertainties remain (Randall
cope with the gray zone problem of representing motions in        et al., 2003; Randall, 2013; Jones and Randall, 2011).
dynamical systems on scales comparable to the model reso-            A particularly difficult problem in the representation of un-
lution. Here we explore the possibility of using a neural net-    resolved processes is the so-called gray zone (Chow et al.,
work to directly learn the error caused by unresolved scales.     2019; Honnert et al., 2020), where a certain physical phe-
We use a modified shallow water model which includes              nomenon such as a cumulus cloud is similar in size to the
highly nonlinear processes mimicking atmospheric convec-          model resolution and, hence, partially resolved. In the de-
tion. To create the training dataset, we run the model in a       velopment of many classical parameterizations, features are
high- and a low-resolution setup and compare the difference       assumed to be small in comparison to the model resolution.
after one low-resolution time step, starting from the same ini-   This scale separation provides a conceptual basis for speci-
tial conditions, thereby obtaining an exact target. The neu-      fying the average effects of the unresolved flow features on
ral network is able to learn a large portion of the difference    the resolved flow. In contrast, there is no theoretical basis for
when evaluated on single time step predictions on a valida-       determining such a relationship in the gray zone. Instead, the
tion dataset. When coupled to the low-resolution model, we        truncation error of the numerical model is a significant factor.
find large forecast improvements up to 1 d on average. Af-        While we might still expect there to be some relationship be-
ter this, the accumulated error due to the mass conservation      tween the resolved and unresolved parts of the flow, we have
violation of the neural network starts to dominate and de-        no way to define it.
teriorates the forecast. This deterioration can effectively be       Viewing the atmosphere as a turbulent flow, with up-
delayed by adding a penalty term to the loss function used to     and downscale cascades, phenomena like synoptic cyclones
train the ANN to conserve mass in a weak sense. This study        and cumulus clouds emerge where geometric or physical
reinforces the need to include physical constraints in neural     constraints impose length scales on the flow (Lovejoy and
network parameterizations.                                        Schertzer, 2010; Marino et al., 2013; Faranda et al., 2018). If
                                                                  a numerical model is truncated near one of these scales, the
                                                                  corresponding phenomenon will be only partially resolved,
                                                                  and the simulation will be inaccurate. In particular, the prop-
1   Introduction                                                  erties of the phenomenon may be determined by the trunca-
                                                                  tion length rather than by the physical scale. A thorough re-
Current limitations on computational power force weather          view of the gray zone problem from a turbulence perspective
and climate prediction to use relatively low-resolution sim-      is provided by Honnert et al. (2020).
ulations. Subgrid-scale processes, i.e., processes that are not      An important example of the gray zone in practice is
resolved by the model grid, are typically represented using       the simulation of deep convective clouds in kilometer-scale
physical parameterizations (Stensrud, 2009). Inaccuracies in      models used operationally for regional weather prediction.
these parameterizations are known to cause errors in weather      The models typically have a horizontal resolution of 2–4 km,
forecasts and biases in climate projections. While parame-        which is not sufficient to fully resolve the cumulus clouds
terizations are becoming more sophisticated over time, there

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union & the American Geophysical Union.
Using neural networks to improve simulations in the gray zone
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with sizes in the range from 1 to 10 km. In these models, the           Here, we use the modified rotating shallow water
simulated cumulus clouds collapse to a scale proportional            (modRSW) model to explore the use of a machine learning
to the model grid length, unrealistically becoming smaller           subgrid representation in a highly nonlinear dynamical sys-
and more intense as the resolution is increased (Bryan et al.,       tem. The modRSW is an idealized fluid model of convective-
2003; Wagner et al., 2018). In models with grid lengths over         scale numerical weather prediction in which convection is
10 km, the convective clouds are completely subgrid and              triggered by orography. As such, the model mimics the gray
should be parameterized, while models with resolution un-            zone problem of operational kilometer-scale models. Using
der 100 m will accurately reproduce the dynamics of cumulus          a simplified model allows us to focus on some key concep-
clouds, provided that the turbulent mixing processes are well        tual questions surrounding machine learning parameteriza-
represented. In the gray zone in between, the performance of         tions, such as how choices in the neural network training af-
the models depends sensitively on the resolution and details         fect long-term physical consistency. In particular, we include
of the parameterizations that are used (Jeworrek et al., 2019).      weak physical constraints in the training procedure.
   Using machine learning (ML) methods such as artificial               The contents of this work are outlined in the following.
neural networks (ANNs) for alleviating the problems de-              Section 2 introduces the experiment setup used to obtain and
scribed above has received increasing attention over the past        analyze results. The modRSW model is briefly explained in
few years. One approach is to avoid the need for parameter-          Sect. 2.1, followed by a description of the training data gener-
izations altogether by emulating the entire model using ob-          ation in Sect. 2.2. The architecture and training process of the
servations (Brunton et al., 2016; Pathak et al., 2018; Faranda       ANN used in this research are given in Sect. 2.3. Our verifica-
et al., 2021; Fablet et al., 2018; Scher, 2018; Dueben and           tion metrics are defined in Sect. 3. The results are presented
Bauer, 2018). In these studies, a dense and noise-free ob-           in Sect. 4, followed by concluding remarks in Sect. 5.
servation network is often assumed. Brajard et al. (2020)
and Bocquet et al. (2020) circumvent the requirement of this
assumption by using data assimilation to form targets for            2     Experiment setup
ANNs from sparse and noisy observations.
                                                                     2.1    The modRSW model
   Though studies have shown that surrogate models pro-
duced by machine learning can be accurate for small dynami-          The modRSW model (Kent et al., 2017) used in this re-
cal systems, replacing an entire numerical weather prediction        search represents an extended version of the 1D shallow wa-
model for operational use is not yet within our reach. There-        ter equations, i.e., 1D fluid flow over orography. Its prog-
fore, a more practical approach is to use ANNs as replace-           nostic variables are fluid height h, wind speed u, and a rain
ment for uncertain parameterizations. This has been done ei-         mass fraction r. Based on the model by Würsch and Craig
ther by learning from physics-based expensive parametriza-           (2014), it implements two threshold heights, Hc < Hr , which
tion schemes (O’Gorman and Dwyer, 2018; Rasp et al.,                 initiate convection and rain production, respectively. Con-
2018) or high-resolution simulations (Krasnopolsky et al.,           vection is stimulated by modifying the pressure term to re-
2013; Brenowitz and Bretherton, 2019; Bolton and Zanna,              main constant where h rises above Hc . In contrast to Würsch
2019; Rasp, 2020; Yuval and O’Gorman, 2020), which is the            and Craig (2014), the modRSW model does not apply dif-
approach we take here. Such data-driven techniques could             fusion or stochastic forcing. The model is mass conserving,
be a way to reduce the structural uncertainty of traditional         meaning that the domain mean of h is constant over time.
parameterizations, even at gray zone resolutions where the           In this study, a small but significant model-intrinsic drift in
physical basis of the parameterization is no longer valid. The       the domain mean of u is removed by adding a relaxation
first challenge is to create the training data, i.e., to separate    term. This term is defined by using a corresponding timescale
the resolved and unresolved scales from the high-resolution          trelax , as (u0 − ut ) · trelax , where the overbar denotes the do-
simulation. Brenowitz and Bretherton (2019) use a coarse-            main mean. Depending on the orography used, this model
graining approach based on subtracting the coarse-grained            yields a range of dynamical organization between regular and
advection term from the local tendencies. This approach can          chaotic behaviors. Orography is defined as a superposition of
be used for any model and resolution but is sensitive to the         cosines with the wavenumbers k = 1/L, . . ., kmax /L (L do-
choice of grid and time step. Furthermore, the resulting sub-        main length). Amplitudes are given as A(k) = 1/k, while
grid tendencies are only an approximation and may not repre-         phase shifts for each term are randomly chosen from [0, L].
sent the real difference between the low- and high-resolution        In this work, two realizations of the orography are selected
model. Yuval and O’Gorman (2020) use the same model ver-             to represent the regular and more chaotic dynamical behav-
sion for low- and high-resolution simulations and compute            iors. Figure 1 displays a 24 h segment of the simulation cor-
exact differences after a single low-resolution time step by         responding to each orography.
starting both model versions from the same initial conditions.
They manage to obtain stable long-term simulations, using
the low-resolution model with a machine learning correction,
that come close the high-resolution ground truth.

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2.2   Training data generation                                      Table 1. Model setting parameters.

Conceptually, the ANN’s task is to correct a low-resolution               Model parameter                Symbol            Value
(LR) model forecast towards the model truth, which is a
                                                                          HR grid point number           NHR                 800
coarse-grained high-resolution (HR) model simulation. The                 LR grid point number           NLR                 200
coarse-graining factor in this study is set to 4, which is analo-         Time step                      dt               0.001
gous to the range of scales found in the gray zone where deep             Domain size (non-dim.)         L                   1.0
cumulus convection is partially resolved (e.g., 2.5–10 km).               CFL                            –                    0.5
Faranda et al. (2021) show that the choice of coarse-graining             Convection threshold           Hc                 1.02
factor can substantially affect the performance of ML meth-               Rain threshold                 Hr                 1.05
ods. In our case, however, choosing a larger factor would cor-            Initial total height           H0                   1.0
respond to a coarse model grid length that is larger than the             Rossby number                  Ro                   ∞
typical cloud size, changing the nature of the problem from               Froude number                  Fr                   1.1
learning to improve poorly resolved existing features in the              Effective gravity              g                 Fr−2
                                                                          Beta                           β                    0.2
coarse simulation to parameterizing features that might not
                                                                          Alpha                          α2                   10
be seen at all. The dynamical time step of the model is de-
                                                                          Rain conversion factor         c2        0.1 × g × Hr
termined at each iteration, based on the Courant–Friedrichs–
                                                                          Wind relaxation timescale      trelax                dt
Lewy (CFL) criterion. To achieve temporally equidistant out-
put states for both resolutions, the time step is truncated ac-           Orography generation
cordingly when necessary.                                                 Maximum wave number            kmax                100
   A training sample (input target pair) is defined by the                Maximum amplitude              Bmax                0.1
model truth at some time ti and the difference between the
model truth and the corresponding LR forecast at ti+1 =
ti + dt, respectively (see Fig. 2). To generate the model truth,    the ReLU activation function. The input layer uses ReLU as
HR data are obtained by integrating the modRSW model for-           well, while the output layer uses a linear activation function.
ward using the parameters shown in Table 1. All states and          All hidden layers have 32 filters. The input and output layer
the orography are subsequently coarse grained to LR, re-            shapes are defined by the input and target data. The kernel
sulting in model truth (LR1). Each LR1 state is integrated          size is set uniformly to three grid points.
forward for a single time step, using the modRSW model                 The loss is determined during training by comparing the
on LR with the coarse grained orography, resulting in a             ANN output to the corresponding target. A standard measure
single step prediction (LR2). The synchronized differences          for loss is the mean squared error (MSE). However, any loss
LR1(ti )−LR2(ti ) then define the training targets correspond-      function can be used to tailor the application. For example,
ing to the input LR1(ti−1 ), which includes the orography. A        additional terms can be added to impose weak constraints on
time series of T = 200 000 time steps, which is equivalent to       the training process as, for example, done in Ruckstuhl et al.
approximately 57 d in real time, is generated for both oro-         (2021). This possibility is exploited here to impose mass con-
graphies. The first day of the simulation is discarded as spin      servation in a weak sense. The constraint is implemented by
up, the subsequent 30 d are used for training, and the remain-      penalizing the deviation of the square of the domain mean
ing 26 d are used for validation purposes. The decorrelation        corrections of h from zero, resulting in the following loss
length scale of the model is roughly 4 h.                           function:
2.3   Convolutional ANN                                             MSE(y out , y target ) + wmass · y hout ,                   (1)

A characteristic property of convolutional ANNs is that they        where the second term represents a weighted mass conserva-
reflect spatial invariance and localization. These two proper-      tion constraint. In this expression, y out and y target are the out-
ties also apply to the dynamics of many physical systems,           put and corresponding target of the ANN, respectively, MSE
such as the one investigated here. They differ from, e.g.,          denotes the mean squared error, the tunable scalar wmass is
dense networks by the use of a so-called kernel. This vec-          the mass conservation constraint weighting, y hout is the ANN
tor is shifted across the domain grid, covering k grid points       output for h, and the overbar denotes the domain mean.
at each position. At each position, the dot product of the ker-        The Adam algorithm, with a learning rate of 10−3 , is
nel and current grid values is computed, determining (along         used to minimize the loss function over the ANN weights
with an activation function) the corresponding output value.        in batches of 256 samples. Since the loss function is typi-
For more details on convolutional ANNs, we refer to Good-           cally not convex, the ANN likely converges to a local rather
fellow et al. (2016).                                               than the global minimum. To sample this error, we repeat the
   The ANN structure used in this research is described in the      training of each ANN presented in this paper, with randomly
following. There are five hidden layers applied, each using         chosen initial weights, five times. For all ANNs, a total of                                         Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 29, 171–181, 2022
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Figure 1. A 24 h segment of the HR simulation for the three model variables h, u, and r (from top to bottom), corresponding to the regular
case (a) and the chaotic case (b).

                                                                       Figure 3. Loss function value for wmass = 0 (MSE) of the valida-
                                                                       tion data corresponding to the last five epochs of the training process
                                                                       (blue) for each trained ANN (x axis). For each ANN, the mean loss
                                                                       function value over the last five epochs is depicted in orange.

Figure 2. Schematic of the training data generation process. A HR      use both to sample the total ANN variability, resulting in
run is coarse grained to LR to generate the model truth. Each model
                                                                       5 × 5 = 25 samples for each ANN training setup that is pre-
truth state is integrated forward for one time step using LR dynam-
ics. The difference between the obtained states and corresponding
                                                                       sented in the remainder of this paper.
model truth defines the desired network output (red arrows), while       In the following, the main scores that are used to verify
the preceding model truth defines the network input.                   the efficacy of the ANNs are the root mean squared error
                                                                       (RMSE), spatial mean error (SME), and bias:
1000 epochs is performed. The ANN architecture and hyper-
                                                                                     u 1 X NLR              2
parameters were selected based on a loose tuning procedure             RMSE(y) = t              yj − yjtrue                    (2)
                                                                                       NLR j =1
where no strong sensitivities were detected. The training is
done using Python library Keras (Chollet, 2017).                                      1 XNLR
                                                                                              yj − yjtrue
                                                                       SME(y) =                                                           (3)
                                                                                     NLR j =1
3   Verification methods                                                               NLR
                                                                                    1 X
                                                                                            yj − yjtrue ,
                                                                       bias(y) =                                                          (4)
As the initial training weights of the ANNs and the exact                          NLR j =1
number of epochs performed are, to some extent, arbitrary,
it is desirable to measure the sensitivity of our results to the       where NLR = 200 is the number of grid points, and ytrue ∈
realization of these quantities. Figure 3 shows the MSE of             RNLR is a snapshot of the model truth. Multiple samples of
the validation dataset of the last five epochs (y axis) for five       these scores are obtained using both the 25 realizations of the
ANNs with different realizations of initial training weights           ANN and a sequence of initial conditions provided by the
(x axis) for both orographies. Since the MSE appears sen-              time dimension. The final verification metrics are then the
sitive to both the initial weights and the epoch number, we            mean and standard deviation (SD) of the respective scores

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Figure 4. Mean (bars) and standard deviations SDtotal , SDtime , and SDANN (error bars; from dark to light, respectively) of the RMSE (a, d,
g), SME (b, e, h), and bias (c, f, i) of ANN corrected (blue) and uncorrected (orange) single time step predictions of the validation data with
respect to the model truth for the regular and chaotic cases (y axis) and for the variables h, u, and r (from top to bottom).

X ∈ {RMSE, SME, bias}, as follows:                                              step prediction of the LR model, creating a LR predic-
                                                                                tion (LR). This LR prediction is subsequently corrected
                      LX   Tveri
                       ANN X
              1                                                                 by the ANN, creating the corresponding ANN-corrected
                                   X ylt
X(y) =                                                             (5)          prediction (LRANN ).
         LANN Tveri   l=1 t=0
                 u        1         LX   Tveri
                                     ANN X                    2              – The 48 h forecasts. The 48 h forecasts are generated
                                                 X ylt − X(y)
SDtotal (X(y)) = t                                                 (6)          from a set of 50 initial conditions (Tveri = 50) taken
                  LANN Tveri l=1 t=0
                                                                                from the validation dataset. To ensure independence, the
                                                                                initial conditions are set 4 h apart, which is roughly the
                 1 LX                Tveri
                         ANN u
                             t 1                          2
                                           X ylt − X(yl )                       decorrelation length scale of the model. After each low-
SDtime (X(y)) =                                               (7)
                LANN l=1       Tveri t=0                                        resolution single time step prediction, the ANN is ap-
                      Tveri u
                            u       LX
                                                                                plied to create initial conditions for the next LR single
                 1 X        t 1                            2                   time step prediction, creating a 48 h LR ANN-corrected
                                           X ylt − X(yt ) ,
SDANN (X(y)) =
                Tveri l=0 LANN l=1                                              forecast (LRANN ). As a reference, a LR simulation with-
                                                                   (8)          out ANN corrections (LR) is run in parallel.

where t and l index time and ANN realizations, respectively,              For the single time step predictions and the 48 h forecasts,
X(yt ) indicates the mean over time steps, and X(yl ) the mean            our verification metrics are applied to both LR and LRANN
over ANN realizations. Note that Eqs. (7) and (8) are meant               and compared in Sect. 4. Note that LANN = 1 for LR,
to isolate the variability inherited from initial conditions and          yielding X(LR) = SDANN (X(LR)) and SDtotal (X(LR)) =
ANN realizations, respectively. We apply these verification               SDtime (X(LR)).
metrics to both single time step predictions and 48 h fore-
                                                                          4    Results
  – Single time step predictions. For each time step corre-
    sponding to the validation dataset (Tveri = 92 863), the              We performed a series of experiments designed to investigate
    model truth is used as initial condition for a single time            the feasibility of using an ANN to correct for model error due                                                Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 29, 171–181, 2022
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Figure 5. The RMSE evolution of 48 h forecasts for model variables    Figure 6. Same as Fig. 5 but for the MSE.
h, u, and r (from top to bottom) of LR (black) and LRANN (blue).
The shaded region corresponds to SDtotal .

                                                                      This is because the regular case exhibits a repeating pattern
to unresolved scales. In Sect. 4.1, we first explore the perfor-      of long-lived, high-amplitude convective events. In compari-
mance of the ANNs trained with the standard MSE as the                son, the chaotic case produces short-lived perturbations with
loss function (wmass = 0 in Eq. 1). Next, the weak constraint         very small amplitude, leading to smaller climatological vari-
is added to the loss function as in Eq. (1), and the benefits are     ability.
examined in Sect. 4.2.                                                   For both orographies, the ANN has a clear positive effect
                                                                      on the forecast until the error of LR saturates, after which
4.1   ANN with standard loss function                                 the error of LRANN continues to grow. For the chaotic case,
                                                                      this leads to a detrimental impact of the ANN after about
Figure 4 shows the results for the single time step predictions.      1 d. Also, the SDtotal of LRANN is rapidly exceeding that of
The improvements achieved by the ANN with respect to LR               LR. This is because, in contrast to LR, the shaded region for
in terms of RMSE are substantial for h, u, and r, amount-             LRANN includes the variability due to the ANN realizations
ing to 97 %, 89 %, and 90 % for the regular case and 96 %,            which significantly contributes to the total variability. This is
84 %, and 92 % for the chaotic case. Also, the negative biases        seen in Fig. 12 and discussed further in the next section.
present in u and r for LR virtually disappear when the ANN               It is not surprising that LRANN deteriorates as the forecast
is applied. However, as the ANN is not explicitly instructed          lead time increases, since the ANNs are not perfect (as op-
to conserve mass, a small SME is introduced in variable h. Its        posed to the data they were trained on) and the resulting er-
significance will become apparent when analyzing the 48 h             rors accumulate over time, leading to biases. This is clearly
forecasts. It is interesting to note that the ANN’s architecture      visible in Fig. 6, where it is seen that the SME of h and u di-
and learning process is unbiased (small bias), although sin-          verge, which is in contrast to LR. The SME of r for LR is the
gle ANN realizations may be biased (large SDANN ). Also, in           result of a negative bias in the amount of rain produced (see
contrast to the SME and bias, for the RMSE, the initial condi-        Fig. 4), which is caused by the coarse graining of the orog-
tions are the main source of variability (SDtime  SDANN ).           raphy. This bias is significantly reduced by the ANNs. The
This is better visible in Figs. 7 and 8, where the results for        divergence of the SME of h is the result of applying ANNs
wmass = 0 are plotted again.                                          that, in contrast to the model, do not conserve mass. This
   Next we examine the effect of the ANN on a 48 h fore-              leads to accumulated mass errors, causing biases in the wind
cast. Here we compare the LR simulation with (LRANN ) and             field due to momentum conservation and a change in prob-
without (LR) the use of the ANN. Both simulations start from          ability for the fluid to rise above Hc and Hr . We therefore
the same initial conditions as the model truth. The evolution         investigate if reducing the mass error, by adding a penalty
of RMSE is presented in Fig. 5. The RMSEs correspond-                 term to the loss function of the ANN, can increase the fore-
ing to the regular case are higher than for the chaotic case.         cast skill further.

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Figure 7. The RMSE (a, d, g), MSE (b, e, h), and bias (c, f, i) of the validation data for the different weightings (x axis) and the respective
model variables (rows) for the regular case. Error bars indicate (from dark to light) SDtotal , SDtime , and SDANN , and the red lines in the right
panel indicate the zero line.

Figure 8. Same as Fig. 7 but for the chaotic case.                                                  Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 29, 171–181, 2022
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Figure 9. The RMSE evolution of 48 h forecasts for model variables    Figure 10. Same as Fig. 9 but for the MSE.
h, u, and r (from top to bottom) of LR (black) and LRANN for the
different weightings (blue colors).

4.2   ANN with mass conservation in a weak sense

Instead of including mass conservation in the training pro-
cess of the ANN, it is natural to first try to correct the
mass violation by post processing the ANN corrections. We
tested two approaches, i.e., homogeneously subtracting the
spatial mean of the h corrections and multiplying the vec-
tor of positive (negative) h corrections with the appropriate
scalar when the mass violation is positive (negative). Nei-
ther of these simple approaches led to improvements. We,
therefore, included mass conservation in a weak sense in              Figure 11. Correlation of the different weighting (blue colors) be-
the training process of the ANN, as described in Eq. (1).             tween the bias of h and the bias of u (a, b) and r (c, d) for the regular
We trained ANNs with mass conservation weightings of                  (a, c) and the chaotic (b, d) cases.
wmass = 1, 10, 100, 1000. These weightings result in a con-
tribution to the loss function of roughly 0.2 %, 0.7 %, 2 %,
and 5 % throughout the training process, respectively (not            more than 15 h in forecast quality is gained. For the regular
shown). Note that the ANNs presented in the previous sec-             case, the number is unclear since the RMSE is still lower than
tion correspond to wmass = 0.                                         LR and has not yet saturated after 48 h. However, we can say
   Figures 7 and 8 show the single time step predictions for          that it is at least 30 h. As hypothesized, Fig. 10 indicates that
the regular and chaotic cases, respectively. Clearly, the mass        the divergence of the domain mean error of the wind u is de-
conservation penalty term in the loss function has the desired        layed as the weighting wmass is increased. This, in turn, posi-
effect of reducing the mass error for both orographies. Also,         tively affects the domain mean of the rain r. To support these
the error bars of the mass bias go down. A clear, convincing          claims, we look at Fig. 11, which shows the correlation be-
correlation between the reduction in SME and bias for h and           tween the bias in h and the bias in wind u and rain r, respec-
any other field and/or metric is not detected, with the possi-        tively. In the single step predictions, these correlations were
ble exception of the SME for u in the chaotic case. A tradeoff        not conclusively detected. However, as the forecast evolves,
between increasing RMSE and decreasing MSE for increas-               the wind bias becomes almost completely anticorrelated to
ing wmass was expected but is not observed. The RMSE even             the mass bias. A strong correlation between the mass bias
tends to decrease a minimal amount for the chaotic case.              and the rain bias is also established after a few time steps,
   Figure 9 presents the mean RMSE of the 48 h forecasts for          likely when the change in the probability of crossing the rain
all weightings. The weak mass conservation constraint has             threshold resulting from the mass bias has taken effect. We
the desired effect on the forecast skill. For the chaotic case,       also note that the larger wmass , the weaker the correlations.

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                                                                       Figure 13. Snapshot of the state variables for the chaotic case
                                                                       of a 6 h forecast starting from initial conditions of the validation
Figure 12. Evolution of SDtotal , SDtime , and SDANN (solid, dotted,   dataset for the truth (red), LR (black), and LRANN corresponding
and dashed lines, respectively) for the different weightings (blue     to weightings wmass = 0 (light blue) and wmass = 100 (dark blue).
colors) for the regular (a, c, e) and the chaotic (b, d, f) cases.     The dotted red lines are the convection threshold Hc and rain thresh-
                                                                       old Hr , respectively.

We hypothesize that, as the mass bias weakens, other causes            clear that LRANN for wmass = 100 is closer to the truth for all
for introducing domain mean biases in the wind and rain field          variables than for wmass = 0.
become more significant. Such other causes may, for exam-
ple, depend on the orography or the state of u and r.
   Next we look at the variability in the forecast errors in           5   Conclusions
terms of SDtotal , SDtime , and SDANN in Fig. 12. For small
weightings, the variability caused by ANN realizations dom-            In this paper, we evaluated the feasibility of using an ANN
inates the total variability. However, as the weighting in-            to correct for model error in the gray zone, where impor-
creases, the variability due to the initial conditions takes over.     tant features occur on scales comparable to the model resolu-
This again confirms the benefits of adding the mass penalty            tion. The model that was used in our idealized setup mimics
term to the loss function, as it demonstrates a decrease in the        key aspects of convection, such as conditional instability trig-
sensitivity of the forecast to the training process of the ANN.        gered by orography, and resulting convective events, includ-
   A visual examination of the animations of the forecast evo-         ing rain. As such, this model is representative of fully com-
lution suggests that convective events produced in the LR run          plex convective-scale numerical weather prediction models
are wider and shallower than in the coarse-grained HR run.             and, in particular, the corresponding errors due to unresolved
This behavior mimics the collapse of convective clouds to-             scales in the gray zone. We considered two cases, each with a
wards the grid length that is typical of kilometer-scale numer-        different realization of the orography, leading to two different
ical weather prediction models, as noted in the introduction.          regimes. We considered one where the convective events are
This then leads to a lack of rain mass but also, via conserva-         large and long-lived and one where the convective events are
tion of momentum, a drift in the wind field. The convective            small and short-lived. We refer to the former case as regular
events in the LR simulations are therefore also increasingly           and the latter case as chaotic. We showed that the ANNs are
misplaced as the forecast lead time increases. The ANNs are            capable of accurately sharpening gradients where necessary
capable of sharpening the gradients of the convective events,          in both cases to prevent the missing and flattening of convec-
leading to highly accurate forecasts of convective events up           tive events that are caused by the low-resolution model’s in-
to 6–12 h. After this, spurious, missed, and misplaced events          ability to resolve fine scales. For the regular case, the RMSE
start to occur, although the forecast skill remains significant        is still significantly lower than the low-resolution simulation
a while longer, which is in contrast to the LR simulations             (LR) after 48 h. For the chaotic case, the RMSE surpasses LR
where the forecast skill dissolves after just a few hours. A           after about 1 d. Since the ANNs are not perfect, their errors
snapshot of the state for the chaotic case is presented in             accumulate over time, deteriorating the forecast skill. In par-
Fig. 13. The main rain event is misplaced for LR due to the            ticular, the accumulated mass error causes biases which are
bias in the wind field. Also, LR misses the small neighboring          not present in LR because the model conserves mass exactly.
events which the LRANN s do catch. Furthermore, it is also             We, therefore, investigated the effects of adding a term to the                                            Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 29, 171–181, 2022
180                                                                    R. Kriegmair et al.: NNs to improve gray zone simulations

loss function of the ANN’s training process to penalize mass            Disclaimer. Publisher’s note: Copernicus Publications remains
conservation violation. We found that reducing the mass er-             neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and
ror reduces the biases in the wind and rain field, leading to           institutional affiliations.
further forecasts improvements. For the chaotic case, an ad-
ditional 15 h in forecast lead time is gained before the RMSE
exceeds the LR control simulation and at least 30 h for regu-           Financial support. This research has been supported by the Ger-
lar case. Such a positive effect of mass conservation was also          man Research Foundation (DFG; subproject B6 of the Transre-
                                                                        gional Collaborative Research Project SFB/TRR 165, “Waves to
found in, for example, Zeng et al. (2017); Ruckstuhl and Jan-
                                                                        Weather” and grant no. JA 1077/4-1).
jić (2018); Ruckstuhl et al. (2021). Furthermore, we showed
that including the penalty term in the loss function reduces
the sensitivity of the model forecasts to the learning process          Review statement. This paper was edited by Stéphane Vannitsem
of the ANN, rendering the approach more robust.                         and reviewed by Julien Brajard and Davide Faranda.
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