User & Recipe Guide - imgix

Page created by Christian Gill
User & Recipe Guide - imgix
User & Recipe Guide
User & Recipe Guide - imgix
Important Safeguards                                                           pressure inside of the sealed
                                                                                   cup. If your cup is warm to
                                                                                                                              contents immediately, seal
                                                                                                                              your cup with the Magic
                                                                                   the touch, stop the machine                Bullet® stay-fresh resealable
    Warning! To avoid the risk of serious injury, carefully read all               immediately and allow                      lid. Periodically unscrew
    instructions before operating your Magic Bullet®. When using any               cup to cool completely. To                 the lid to release internal
    electrical appliance, basic safety precautions should always be                open, point the cup away                   pressure if storing longer
    observed, including the following important information.                       from your body and slowly                  than a few hours.
                                                                                   untwist the lid.
       Save These Instructions!                                                  • After blending ingredients,
                                                                                                                     CROSS BLADE SAFETY
                                                                                                                     Cross blades are sharp!
       FOR HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY                                                      allow the contents to settle
                                                                                                                     Handle carefully.
                                                                                   and release any pressure
                                                                                   that may have built up                     Use care while handling the

    GENERAL SAFETY                               damage. Start with room           during the extraction process              cross blades. Do not touch
    INFORMATION                                  temperature or cooler             by slowly unscrewing the cup               the cross blade edges to
                                                 ingredients (21°C/70°F or         from the blade assembly.                   avoid injury.
    • Close supervision is
                                                 cooler).                          Point the cup away from you
      necessary when an                                                                                                       AVOID CONTACT WITH
      appliance is used by or near      • To prevent overheating and               as you open it, in case there
                                                                                                                              MOVING PARTS! To reduce
      children. Keep cord out of          pressure build up, never                 is any built-up pressure.
                                                                                                                              the risk of severe personal
      reach of children.                  allow the Magic Bullet® to             • If the motor stops working,                injury, keep hands and
                                          run more than one minute                 unplug the motor base                      utensils out of and away
                                          at a time. Ingredients can               and let it cool down for at                from the cross blade while
                                          overheat, building pressure              least 15 minutes before                    blending food. To reduce
                                          inside the cup that may                  attempting to use it again.                risk of personal injury or
    • Do not use your Magic               cause the cup to burst,                  Your Magic Bullet® has an                  property damage, make sure
      Bullet® for anything other          which may result in possible             internal thermal breaker                   the cross blade is securely
      than its intended use.              personal injury or property              that shuts off the unit when               hand-tightened onto the
                                          damage.                                  it overheats. Letting the                  cup before placing it on the
    HEAT & PRESSURE                     • Never blend carbonated                   thermal breaker cool down                  motor base and operating
    SAFETY                                liquids or effervescing                  should allow the motor base                the Magic Bullet®.
                                          ingredients (e.g., baking                to reset.
    Do not blend hot or                   soda, baking powder, yeast,
    carbonated ingredients!               cake batter, etc.). Built-up
                                                                                 • Do not allow blended              Never store the cross blade
                                                                                   mixtures to sit in a sealed
    • Never put hot or carbonated         pressure from released gases                                               in the motor base without a
                                                                                   cup for long periods of
      ingredients in any of the           can cause the cup to burst               time! Sugar in fruits and         cup attached. The exposed
      cups before or while                resulting in possible personal           vegetables can ferment,           blades can present a very
      blending. Heated ingredients        injury or property damage.               causing pressure to build         dangerous hazard.
      can cause pressure to build                                                  up and expand in the cup.
      up in the sealed cup, causing              If the machine is left to run

                                                                                   This can cause ingredients        • To prevent leakage and/or
      possible expulsion of hot                  for longer than a minute,
                                                                                   to burst and spray out when         property damage, always
      ingredients which may cause                friction from the rotating
                                                                                   moved or opened. If you             make sure your cross blade
      personal injury or property                extractor blades can heat
                                                                                   do not plan to consume the          is undamaged and the
                                                 ingredients and build

1                                                                                                                                                             2
User & Recipe Guide - imgix
gasket is completely seated                 Magic Bullet® requires              the and will therefore void     • Do not allow cord to touch
      in the cross blade before                   room to operate effectively.        the warranty.                     hot surfaces, including
      each use. Leakage may                       Exceeding the MAX line                                                the stove.
                                                                                    • The use of attachments,
      cause residue buildup and                   can result in leakage and           including canning jars, is      POLARIZED PLUG
      damage the motor base.                      may create a dangerous              not recommended and may         INFORMATION:
      Contact Customer Service                    pressurization which can            cause fire, electric shock,
      1 (800) 523-5993 for                        cause the vessel and blade                                          • This appliance has a
                                                                                      personal injury, or product       polarized plug (one prong
      assistance if any component                 assembly to separate.               damage and will void the
      is damaged or loose, or if                                                                                        is wider than the other) to
                                         • Periodically inspect your                  warranty.                         reduce the risk of electric
      you have any questions.              Magic Bullet® components                 • To avoid risk of electric         shock. This plug will correctly
    • Once you have finished using         for damage or wear that                    shock, never immerse              fit in a polarized outlet only
      your Magic Bullet®, wait to          may impair proper function.                the cord, plug, or motor base     one way. If the plug does not
      remove the cup/cross blade           Discontinue use and                        in water or other liquids         fit fully in the outlet, reverse
      assembly from the motor              replace components if you                  which can conduct                 the plug. If it still does not
      base until the motor comes           detect cracking, crazing or                an electrical current.            fit, contact a qualified
      to a complete stop and the           cloudiness, or other damage                                                  electrician. Do not modify
      unit powers down completely.         to the plastic cups, tabs                • Always POWER OFF and
                                                                                      UNPLUG the Magic Bullet®          the plug in any way, as doing
      Taking the cup off the unit          (on the side of the cup), or                                                 so will void the warranty.
      prior to complete power              the motor base. You may                    when it is not in use, and
      down can cause damage to             purchase new cups and cross                BEFORE assembling,              • The plug of your Magic
      the cross blade coupling and/        blades at               disassembling, changing           Bullet® features important
      or motor gear.                       or by contacting Customer                  accessories, or cleaning.         markings that render it
                                           Service. We recommend                    • Periodically inspect the          unsuitable for replacement.
    Never run the Magic                    replacing your cross blade                 cord, plug, and machine for       If damaged, please contact
    Bullet® without food or                and cups every 6 months                    damage. Do not operate            Customer Service for
    liquid ingredients in any of           or as needed for optimal                   the Magic Bullet® if its          assistance in obtaining a
                                           performance.                               cord or plug is damaged.          replacement motor base.
    the cups.
                                                                                      Cease operation of the
    • Your Magic Bullet® is not          ELECTRICAL SAFETY                            Magic Bullet® if it has been    VENTILATION SAFETY
      intended to be an ice crusher.                                                  dropped or damaged, or if it    • The motor base features
                                                  Do not use this product

      Attempting to crush ice may                                                     malfunctions in any manner        ventilated openings on the
      cause permanent damage                      in locations with different
                                                  electrical specifications, or       (including making a louder-       bottom to ensure reliable
      to the cross blades or cause                                                    than-normal or abnormal           motor operation and prevent
      the unit to malfunction,                    plug types or with any type
                                                  of plug adapter or voltage          sound when blending).             over-heating. To prevent
      resulting in personal injury                                                                                      a fire hazard, make sure
      or property damage.                         converter device. Doing so
                                                  may result in fire, electric      • Do not use the Magic Bullet®      that these openings remain
                                                  shock, personal injury or           outdoors or in inclement          unobstructed by dust, lint,
    CUP SAFETY                                                                        weather.                          or other materials. Never
                                                  product damage. Use of
    • To avoid leakage, do not                    adapters and converters or        • Do not allow the cord to          place your Magic Bullet® on
      overfill the cup! Make sure                 use in locations with different     hang over the edge of the         top of flammable items such
      your ingredients and liquid                 electrical specifications or        table or counter.                 as newspapers, tablecloths,
      do not exceed the MAX line.                 plug types is considered an                                           napkins, dishtowels, place
      The Cyclonic Action® of your                                                  • Do not pull, twist, or damage
                                                  unauthorized modification of
                                                                                      the power cord.
3                                                                                                                                                          4
User & Recipe Guide - imgix
mats or other similar                pits, plum pits, peach pits,    • NEVER submerge the motor            • We recommend replacing
      materials.                           and apricot pits.                 base in water or put in               your Magic Bullet® cross blade
    • CAUTION! Always operate                                                the dishwasher.                       every 6 months or as needed
                                        CLEANING &                                                                 for optimal performance.
      the Magic Bullet® on a                                               • Do not remove the rubber
                                        MAINTENANCE                                                                To order replacement cross
      level surface, leaving                                                 or plastic liners inside the
      unobstructed space beneath
                                        INSTRUCTIONS                         motor base.                           blades, simply visit:
      and around the motor              • Cleaning the Magic Bullet® is                                  
                                                                           • Use a sponge or dish cloth
      base to permit proper air           easy. Simply place any of the                                          BLENDING CUPS
                                                                             dampened with warm soapy
      circulation.                        parts (except for the motor                                            (CUPS, LIDS AND LIP RINGS):
                                                                             water to wipe down the
                                          base and cross blade) on the
                                                                             inside and outside of the           • These items are all TOP
    IMPORTANT MICROWAVE                   top rack of the dishwasher or
                                                                             motor base until clean.               RACK dishwasher safe. We
                                          hand wash with warm, soapy
    SAFEGUARDS                                                             • Pay particular attention to           recommend rinsing them and
                                          water and rinse.
    • Do not place any of the                                                the actuator tabs on the              giving them a quick brush with
      Magic Bullet® parts in a          HERE’S HOW TO CLEAN THE              inside of the motor base to           a dish brush to remove any
      microwave, oven or stove-         MAGIC BULLET®                        loosen any stuck or sticky            dried debris before washing
      top pot or immerse in boiling     • STEP 1: ALWAYS POWER               debris from drips and spills.         them in the dishwasher.
      water as this may result            OFF and UNPLUG the motor           If necessary you may use a            NEVER use the sanitize cycle
      in damage.                          base from the outlet when          small brush to scrub the area         to wash the blending cups as
                                          it is left unattended, before      to ensure it is kept clean.           this may warp the plastic.
    MEDICAL SAFETY                        assembling, disassembling,       CROSS BLADES:                         • Regularly check the tabs (3)
                                          changing accessories or                                                  on the sides of the cups for
    • The information contained in
      this User Guide is not meant
                                          approaching parts that           Do not remove the gasket                damage (cracking, crazing,
                                          move in use or when              as this may permanently                 breakage or rounding).
      to replace the advice of your
                                          cleaning. Do not attempt                                                 If the tabs are damaged,
      physician. Always consult your
                                          to handle the appliance          damage the cross blade                  discontinue use and replace
      physician regarding health                                           and cause leakage.
                                          until all parts have stopped                                             immediately to prevent
      and nutrition concerns.
                                          moving!                          • If after washing as indicated         possible personal injury.
    MEDICATION INTERACTIONS:            • STEP 2: Make sure the              additional disinfecting is
    • If you are taking any               blending cup/cross blade           desired, you may rinse with a
                                                                             10% vinegar/water solution. If,
                                                                                                                 Save These
      medication, especially              is not attached to the
      cholesterol medication, blood       motor base.                        over time, the gasket becomes
      thinners, blood pressure                                               loose or damaged, you may
                                        • STEP 3: Clean the individual
      drugs, tranquilizers, or                                               order a new cross blade
                                          components (motor base,
      antidepressants, please check                                          at or
                                          cross blades, Magic Bullet®
      with your physician before                                             contact Customer Service for
                                          blending cups).
      trying any of the recipes.                                             a replacement cross blade.
                                        MOTOR BASE:                        • Dry the cross blades
    • Avoid blending the following
      seeds and pits, as they contain   • To avoid risk of injury, NEVER     completely. It is helpful to turn
      a chemical known to release         use your hands or utensils         the blade on its side in your
      cyanide into the body when          to clean the White Actuator        dish drainer to ensure BOTH
      ingested: apple seeds, cherry       Tabs while the Magic Bullet®       SIDES of the cross blade are
                                          is plugged in.                     completely dried.
5                                                                                                                                                   6
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What’s Included

                                                                tall cup                    stainless steel
    new short cup                     OLD SHORT CUP                   Tall cup

                    motor base
                                                              with lip ring                  cross blade

                      new short cup                   OLD SHORT CUP              Tall cup

                    short cup                                stay-fresh
                                                           resealable lid

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Table of Contents
9                             24
W H AT ' S I N C LU D E D     PA R T Y D I P S
                              & A PPE TI Z E R S
                              25 Magic Bullet® Salsa
12                            26 Homemade Hummus
                              27 Magic Bullet® Guacamole

13   Icons
                              DINNER DISHES
                              29 Presto, It’s Pesto!
                              30 Sauce Bolognese
                              33 Stuffed Bell Peppers
15 Storing Leftovers In The
   Magic Bullet® Cups
                              35 Chocolate Chia
                                 Seed Pudding
17 Veggie Omelet              35 Banana Nice Cream
18 Banana Coffee Frappe
19 Creamy Coconut Coffee
                              I C E CO LD
                              CO C K TA I L S
                              37 Frozen Margarita
21   Berry Protein            38 Ice-cold Martini
21   Mango Coconut            39 Strawberry Daiquiri
22   Tropical Green
23   Strawberry Banana
User & Recipe Guide - imgix
Intro                                 Icons
     READY TO WIN IN THE KITCHEN?          The Magic Bullet® is a great tool for those who like to know exactly
     Let the Magic Bullet® be your         what goes into their food. To accommodate mindful eaters, we’ve
     partner in crime. Fast, versatile,    created a series of icons that identify vegan, vegetarian and/or
     and easy to use, this one-of-a-       gluten-free recipes that appear in this book.
     kind appliance makes an endless
     array of tasty creations for just
                                             Vegan                      Gluten-free
     about any occasion.
                                                        GLUTEN-FREE: Recipes free of ingredients that
     Whip up chunky salsas, creamy                      contain gluten like wheat, wheat flour, barley, or rye.
     party dips, refreshing smoothies,
                            Vegan         Gluten-free
     and festive cocktails in seconds                   VEGETARIAN: Recipes free of meat. May contain
     for entertaining and solo                          dairy, eggs, or honey.
     snacking alike.
                                                        VEGAN: Recipes free of meat, dairy, eggs, or other
     Another bonus? Its compact size.
                                                        animal products.
     The Magic Bullet® takes up way
     less counter space than bulky           Vegan                     Gluten-free
     blenders or food processors -
     though it has the chops to tackle     THE RECIPES IN THIS COOKBOOK provide
     both of their jobs. Its handy         tasty meals, snacks, and treats to get you started on your
     design makes food prep a joy          Magic Bullet® journey. Stick to the book word for word, add
     and cleanup a snap, and most          or omit ingredients from its recipes, or concoct totally original
     components are dishwasher-            creations to suit your individual tastes. Whatever you decide,
     safe.                                 the Magic Bullet® will be right by your side for all of your kitchen
     It's the easiest way to create a
     world of treats. Chop, blend and
     mix your way to tasty fun with the
     your personal kitchen assistant.

11                                                                                                                12
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Using the Magic Bullet®                                                                                    CAUTION:
                                                                                                                Before using the cross blade,
                                                                                                                check the gasket to make sure it is
                                                                                                                not damaged and it is completely
                                                                                                                seated in the cross blade unit before
                                                                                                                each use.

     Using the Magic Bullet® is as easy as 1, 2, 3:                                                             Never put your hands or utensils
                                                                                                                near the moving cross blades and
                                                                                                                never use your hands or utensils to
                                                                                                                press the activator buttons down
                                                                             “Lock-on” mode:
                                                                                                                while the motor base is plugged in.
                                                                             For hands-free operation,
                                                                             press down and gently turn         IF THE CROSS BLADE STOPS
                                                                             the cup clockwise until the        SPINNING WHILE IN LOCK ON
                                                                                                                MODE, IMMEDIATELY UNPLUG THE
                                                                             tabs lock under the lip of the     MAGIC BULLET®. Hard ingredients
                                                                             motor base. Once you are in        like carrots or celery can get stuck
                                                                             lock-on mode, the motor will       in the cross blade and stop it from

     1                                    2                                  run continually (do not run for    turning. If this happens, UNPLUG
                                                                             longer than a minute!). To stop    THE MAGIC BULLET® RIGHT AWAY.
                                                                                                                Remove the blade/cup assembly
     Load the ingredients into the cup    Twist on the cross blade           blending, simply twist the cup
                                                                                                                from the motor base, and give
     (do not exceed the MAX line)         until the blade and cup are        counter-clockwise to release       ingredients a good shake to unblock
                                          tightly sealed.                    pressure on the tabs.              the cross blade. If the cross blade
                                                                                                                still remains obstructed, twist the
                                                                                                                cross blade attachment off of the cup
                                                                                                                and carefully spin the metal blades
                                                                             Storing                            using a utensil (not your fingers) to
                                                                                                                release the blockage. Reattach the
                                                                             leftovers in the                   cross blade to the cup, plug in the
                                                                             Magic Bullet® cups                 Magic Bullet® and try again. It should
                                                                                                                spin normally.

                                                                             The Magic Bullet® includes Stay    NEVER RUN THE MAGIC BULLET
                                                                                                                FOR MORE THAN ONE MINUTE
                                                                             Fresh Resealable lids that twist
                                                                                                                AT A TIME, AS IT CAN CAUSE
                                          Here’s how it works:               directly onto your Magic Bullet®   PERMANENT DAMAGE TO THE
                                          The Magic Bullet® will blend for   cups, allowing you to prep food    MOTOR. If the motor stops working,
     Line up the tabs on the cup and      as long as you press the cup       ahead of time, keep leftovers      unplug the motor base and let it cool
     with the tabs on the motor base.                                                                           for a few hours before attempting
                                          down onto the motor base. To       fresh, or take your meal on the
                                                                                                                to use it again. Your Magic Bullet®
     Press the cup down onto the          stop blending, simply release      go without dirtying an extra       has an internal thermal breaker that
     base to turn on the machine.         pressure on the cup.               storage container.                 shuts the unit off when it overheats.
                                                                                                                Letting the thermal breaker cool
                                                                                                                down should allow it to reset.

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                                                Veggie Omelet
                        Whip up this hearty, healthy breakfast to start your day with veggies.

                         1/4 tbsp olive oil           1 Heat ½ tbsp olive oil or butter in a
                         or butter                         small pan over medium heat. Add
                         1/2 boiler onion                  onion and tomatoes to the short cup,
                         or 1/8 medium                     screw on the cross blade and pulse
                         white onion                       to coarsely chop. Transfer to the pan
                                                           and sauté until soft, about 3 minutes.
                         1/4 tomato or 1-2
                         cherry tomatoes                   Add spinach and cook until wilted and
                                                           warm, another two minutes. Reduce
                         1/4 cup spinach                   heat to low.
                         1-2 eggs
                                     Vegan            2 Rinse and dry the short cup. Add in

                         Salt & pepper to taste            eggs, salt, and pepper, twist on the
                                                           cross blade, and pulse on the motor
                                                           base 3-5 times until fully whipped.
                                                           Add to the pan, stirring quickly to
             Vegan      Gluten-free
                                   Vegatarian              distribute ingredients, then let rest to
                                                           form a flat omelet.

                                                      3 When the omelet sets, fold the egg
                                                           ‘pancake’ in half and serve.

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Banana Coffee Frappe                                                                     Creamy Coconut Coffee
        Don’t waste money on expensive, sugary frozen drinks. Instead, try                                   Infuse your coffee with this coconut and get buzzin’!
           this tasty twist, using a frozen banana in place of artificially
                                  sweetened mixes.

      ½ frozen banana, slightly           1 Blend the frozen banana, cooled                      1½ cups brewed coffee               1 Combine cooled coffee and coconut
      thawed                                   coffee, milk, and vanilla in the tall cup         (Allow brewed coffee to                  oil in the tall cup, blend until well
                                                                                                 cool to room temperature
      ¼ cup brewed coffee                      until smooth.                                     prior to blending.)
      (Allow brewed coffee to
      cool to room temperature                                                                   1½ tsp cold-pressed                 2 Transfer to a coffee mug and heat
      prior to blending.)                                                                        coconut oil    Vegan
                                                                                                                                              the microwave. Alternatively, you
                                                                                                                                          may heat on the stove in a small pot.
      ½ cup milk of choice (dairy,
      almond, soy, hazelnut,
                                                                                                                                          Ingredients will be hot. Use caution
      hemp, etc.)     Vegan                     Gluten-free
                                                                                                                                          when removing mug.
      1/8 tsp vanilla extract                                                        Vegan      Gluten-free Vegan

     Gluten-free Vegan                Gluten-free

                                                                                   Vegatarian           Vegatarian

17                                                                                                                                                                                18
MOOTHIE                           Berry Protein Smoothie
                               When you're looking for a healthy breakfast on-the-go,
                         this protein packed smoothie make a convenient, satisfying option.

                         ½ cup milk of choice
                                                              1 Add all ingredients to the tall cup and
                         ½ cup fresh                              twist on the cross blade.
                         or frozen blueberries

                         ½ cup ice cubes                      2 Blend until smooth.
                         ½ medium banana
                                              Vegan                Gluten-free
                         1 serving high quality
                         protein powder

             Vegan     Gluten-free Vegan                 Gluten-free

                             Mango Coconut Smoothie
                                    Get a taste of sunshine in this fun and fruity mix!

                        ½ cup mango
                                                              1 Add all ingredients to the tall cup and
                        1 banana                                   twist on the cross blade.
                        1 cup ice
                                              Vegan           2 Blend     until smooth.

                        ½ cup coconut water

            Vegan      Gluten-free Vegan Vegatarian      Gluten-free

          Vegatarian           Vegatarian

Tropical Green Smoothie                                                                     Strawberry Banana
                    Get a taste of sunshine in this fun and fruity mix.
                                                                                                        This deliciously satisfying, fruity drink is perfect
      1 cup spinach                                                                                                      any time of day.
                                          1 Add all ingredients to the tall cup and
      ½ cup pineapple chunks                  twist on the cross blade.                   ½ cup fresh or
                                                                                          frozen strawberries
                                                                                                                             1 Add all ingredients to the tall cup and
      ½ kiwi
                                          2 Blend until smooth.                                                                   twist on the cross blade.
      1 tbsp hemp seeds                                                                   1 banana

                                                                                          1 cup ice                          2 Blend until smooth.
      splash ofVegan
                lime juice
                       Vegan                    Gluten-free
                                                                                                               Vegan                Gluten-free
      1 cup of coconut water                                                              ½ cup orange juice

     Gluten-free Vegan                Gluten-free                                                            Vegatarian
21                                                                               Vegan   Gluten-free Vegan                Gluten-free                                    22
& APPETIZERS                            Magic Bullet® Salsa
                                Skip the jarred stuff and get the party started with fresh
                                     homemade salsa that brings zest to any fiesta!

                         1–2 boiler onions, or
                         ¼ medium white onion
                                                             1 Add all ingredients to the tall cup,
                                                                  screw on the cross blade and pulse
                         2–3 small slices of                      4-6 times until ingredients are mixed,
                         fresh jalapeño
                                                                  but still chunky.
                         ½ cup cherry tomatoes

                         1 tsp garlic powder                 2 Remove the cross blade and
                                                                  pour into a serving dish. Don’t
                         Juice of ½ lemon
                         or lime                                  worry if the salsa looks foamy; it will
                                                                  settle in a minute or two. This recipe
                         ¼ tsp sea salt
                                                                  makes a thin salsa, but feel free to
                         Pepper to taste                          strain off any liquid if you prefer a
                         Sprigs of cilantro to                    thicker    consistency.

                         taste (optional)

               Vegan    Gluten-free Vegan                Gluten-free

           Vegatarian           Vegatarian
Homemade Hummus                                                                 Magic Bullet® Guacamole
                           An excellent appetizer at any gathering.                             Avocados have enjoyed a huge surge in popularity in the last
                                                                                              decade. One bite of this heavenly guac and you’ll understand why!

      1/3 cup vegetable broth
                                          1 Add all ingredients to the tall cup,
                                                                                              2 small avocados
      1 14-oz can of chickpeas,                twist on the cross blade, and blend                                                1 Add all ingredients to the tall cup,
      rinsed and drained                       until smooth.                                  Juice of 1 small lime                    twist on the cross blade, and blend
                                                                                              or ½ large lime                          until smooth.
      1 clove garlic
                                                                                              ¼ tsp salt
      2 tbsp lemon juice                                                                                                               *optional
                                                                                              1 boiler onion or ¼ medium
      3 tbsp tahini                                                                           white onion
      (sesame seed paste)
                                                                                              1-2 cloves garlic*
      ¼ tsp sea salt
                                                                                              1-2 sprigs fresh cilantro*
      Olive oil, to garnish
                           Vegan                Gluten-free
                                                                                              4 cherry tomatoes*
      Paprika, to garnish                                                                                          Vegan                Gluten-free

                                                                                              2 slices jalapeño pepper*

     Gluten-free Vegan                Gluten-free
                                                                                     Vegan   Gluten-free Vegan                Gluten-free
25                                                                                                                                                                           26
                                                   Presto, It’s Pesto!
                             Our homemade pesto comes together in a snap, combining fresh,
                              wholesome ingredients to make a delectable topping for pasta,
                                                   meat, and more.

                            1 cup fresh basil leaves      1 Add all ingredients in the order they
                            2 tbsp of pine nuts               appear into the tall cup. Screw on the
                                                              cross blade and pulse until the pesto
                            3 tbsp extra-virgin
                            olive oil
                                                              has the consistency of a slightly grainy
                                                              paste. Add an extra tbsp of filtered
                            ½ tsp coarse sea salt
                                                              water for a smoother consistency.

                            1-2 cloves of garlic          2 Transfer the sauce to a microwave-
                            1 small chunk                        safe bowl and cook on high for 2 to
                            Parmesan cheese                      3 minutes, or heat on the stove in a
                                        Vegan           Gluten-free
                                                                 saucepan until thoroughly heated.
                            1-2 tbsp filtered water
                                                                 Stir and serve over hot pasta.

                                                              Ingredients will be hot.
                                                              Use caution when removing sauce.
                Vegan      Gluten-free


Bolognese Sauce
          This recipe is a great option for leftover hamburger meat or
         ground turkey. Whip it up on a busy weeknight and you’ll even
         trick yourself into thinking you slaved over the stove for hours!

      SERVING SIZE: 2               1 Add all ingredients (except
                                      Parmesan) in the order they are
      ¼ cup chicken broth             listed to the tall cup. Twist on the
                                      cross blade and pulse. Press down
      10-12 cherry tomatoes or 1
      tomato (quartered)              on the cup and release the pressure
                                      immediately, pause and let the
      1 boiler onion or ¼ of a
      regular sized onion             ingredients settle. Then, quickly
                                      pulse again until you’ve reached
      2 tbsp red wine*
                                      your desired consistency.
      2 tbsp tomato paste

      2 cloves garlic
                                    2 Remove the cross blade and pour
                                      contents into a microwave-safe bowl
      2 sprigs fresh thyme
                                      and microwave to heat, or heat on
      or ½ tsp dried thyme
                                      the stove in a saucepan until warm.
      ¼ cup cooked ground meat        Serve over hot pasta.
      (hamburger, steak, chicken,
      pork, or turkey)
      (Allow cooked meats             *optional
      or poultry to cool to room
      temperature prior to
      blending.)                      Ingredients will be hot.
                                      Use caution when removing sauce.
      Pinch of Italian seasoning*

      Salt & pepper to taste

      Fresh Parmesan cheese to


29                                                                           30
Stuffed Bell Peppers
              Skip the takeout and whip up a batch of this tasty vegetarian dish
               next time you’re looking for a quick dinner. Don’t let the absence
              of meat fool you; these peppers are loaded with flavor and filling
                 ingredients to keep you satisfied until breakfast rolls around.

              SERVES: 2

              2 bell peppers, tops cut            1 Preheat oven to 400°F.
              off and seeds and veins
                                                  2 Add spinach, onions, garlic,
              1 cup baby spinach                       tomatoes, chili powder, cumin,
              2 boiler onions (or ½ small              paprika, olive oil, salt, and filtered
              onion, cubed)                            water to the tall cup. Blend until
              1 clove garlic                           ingredients are evenly mixed.

              1 cup canned black beans,
              rinsed and drained
                                                  3 In a separate bowl, combine beans,
                                                       rice and blended mixture together
              ¾ cup cooked
                                                       until evenly combined.
              brown rice

              5 cherry tomatoes                   4 Portion mixture between the two
              1 tbsp chili powder                      peppers and bake in the oven for
                                                       20 minutes.
              1 tsp cumin

              1 tsp paprika

              1 tbsp olive oil

              ½ tsp salt
                                   Vegan                Gluten-free

              1 tbsp filtered water

     Vegan   Gluten-free Vegan                Gluten-free

31                                                                                              32
DESSERTS           Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding
                                 This recipe is full of omega-3s and antioxidants
                                          making it a nourishing dessert.

                    1½ cups almond milk                 1 Add all ingredients to the tall cup and
                    (or milk of choice)
                                                             blend until well combined.
                    1/3 cup chia seeds

                    5-7 pitted dates
                                                        2 Pour into serving cups and allow
                                                             to chill in the fridge for at least
                    3 tbsp cacao powder
                                                             30 minutes.
                    (may also use 6 tbsp
                    unsweetened cocoa

                    ½ tsp vanilla extract

                    ½ tsp cinnamon (optional)
                                         Vegan                Gluten-free

                    Pinch of salt

        Vegan      Gluten-free Vegan                Gluten-free

                                  Banana Nice Cream
                              All the frosty, creaminess of ice cream with the added
      Vegatarian           Vegatarian
                                           nutritional benefits of bananas!

                    1 frozen banana, peeled             1 Add frozen banana, almond milk and
                    and slightly thawed
                                                             optional ingredients into the tall cup.
                    2-3 tbsp almond milk                     Twist on the cross blade and blend
                    2 tsp raw cacao powder                   until it reaches the consistency of soft
                    (may also use 2/8 tsp                    serve ice cream.
                    vanilla extract or 1/4 cup
                                     Vegan                    Gluten-free
                    fresh or frozen berries)
                                                        2 Sprinkle with your favorite toppings.

         Vegan     Gluten-free Vegan
                                                    Gluten-free                                         34
                                                  Frozen Margarita
                                This refreshing classic gets a boost from fresh lime and agave
                                   nectar. Sip it on a hot afternoon with a side of chips and
                                       Magic Bullet® Guacamole (pg. 26) for a little sip
                                                       of la vida Mexicana.

                             1 ½ oz tequila                      1 Add liquid ingredients to the tall cup.
                             ½ oz triple sec
                             or cointreau                        2 Fill with ice, do not exceed the MAX
                                                                      line. Screw on the cross blade and
                             1 ½ oz fresh lime juice
                                                                      blend until smooth and slushy.
                             1 ½ tbsp agave nectar

                             1 cup ice                           3 If you like a salt rim on your
                                                  Vegan                Gluten-free
                                                                      margarita, rub a lime wedge around
                             Salt (optional)
                                                                      the perimeter of the comfort lip ring
                                                                      and dip in salt to coat.

                 Vegan      Gluten-free Vegan
                                                                 4 Gently screw the lip ring onto the

                                                                      tall cup containing your margarita
                                                                      and enjoy!

               Vegatarian           Vegatarian

Ice-Cold Martini                                                                  Strawberry Daiquiri
        Mix this classic in the Magic Bullet® with just one ice cube to get                      While the original daiquiri is associated with a super sweet frozen
                 an uber cold martini flecked with slivers of ice.                                mixture, this recipe uses a mix of fresh ingredients to create a
                                                                                                                       breezy beach favorite!
      3 oz gin or vodka                    1 Add all ingredients to the tall cup and
      1 ounce of dry                           pulse until the ice is nearly gone and           2 oz white rum                      1 Add all ingredients to the tall cup,
      vermouth                                 just a few small slivers remain.                 1½ cups frozen                           screw on the cross blade and blend
                                                                                                strawberries                             until smooth and slushy.
      ½ ounce olive brine
      (optional)                           2 Pour into a martini glass                          ¼ cup fresh lime juice
                           Vegan                Gluten-free
                                               and garnish with an olive or                                                         2 To   serve, screw on the comfort lip
      1 ice cube                                                                                2 tbsp honey
                                                                                                                     Vegan             Gluten-free
                                               cocktail onion.                                                                           ring or pour into a serving glass.
                                                                                                or agave nectar

     Gluten-free Vegan                Gluten-free
                                                                                    Vegan      Gluten-free Vegan                Gluten-free


37                                                                                Vegatarian           Vegatarian                                                             38
Magic Bullet One-Year              ®                                   to provide proof of the original
                                                                            purchase (receipt) containing
                                                                                                                 in a commercial or institutional

     Limited Warranty
                                                                            a description of the product(s),
                                                                            purchase date, and the               This limited warranty gives
                                                                            appropriate Magic Bullet® bar        you specific legal rights, and
                                                                            code(s). Before you send your        you may also have other rights
                                                                            product for limited warranty         which vary from state to state.
     LIMITED WARRANT Y                  equivalent to the original
                                                                            service please make sure to          Homeland Housewares, LLC is
                                        product, or (3) refund the
                                                                            keep a copy of all relevant          not liable for any damage to
     The Magic Bullet® limited          purchase price of the product.
                                                                            documents for your files (receipt,   products not covered by this
     warranty obligations are           A replacement product
                                                                            etc.). It is always recommended      warranty (e.g., cups, book, User
     confined to the terms set          assumes the remaining
                                                                            to purchase product insurance        Guide).
     forth below:                       warranty of the original
                                                                            and tracking services when
                                        product. A repaired product
                                                                            sending your product for             This limited warranty does not
     Homeland Housewares, LLC,          has a one-year warranty from
                                                                            service. Remember, shipping          apply: (a) to damage caused
     warrants the Magic Bullet®         the date of repair. When a
                                                                            and processing fees will be          by accident, abuse, misuse,
     against defects in materials       product or part is exchanged,
                                                                            incurred and are not covered by      or misapplication; (b) to
     and workmanship for a period       any replacement item becomes
                                                                            the one-year limited warranty.       damage caused by improper
     of one year from the date of       your property and the replaced
                                                                                                                 maintenance (including
     original retail purchase. This     item becomes Homeland               EXCLUSIONS & LIMITATIONS             unauthorized parts service); (c)
     limited warranty is valid only     Housewares, LLC’s property.
                                                                            This Magic Bullet® One-Year          to a product or a part that has
     in the country in which the        When a refund is given, your
                                                                            Limited Warranty applies only        been modified in any way; (d) if
     product is purchased and           product becomes Homeland
                                                                            to Magic Bullet® products            any Magic Bullet® bar code or
     comes with the product at no       Housewares, LLC’s property.
                                                                            distributed by or for Homeland       trademark has been removed
     additional charge, however
                                        OBTAINING                           Housewares, LLC that can be          or defaced; and or (e) if the
     shipping and processing fees       WARRANT Y SERVICE                   identified by the “Magic Bullet”     product has been used with an
     will be incurred for returns,
                                        For limited warranty service,       trademark, trade name, logo          adapter/converter.
     replacements and or refunds.
                                        simply call our customer service    affixed to it and bar code. Magic
                                        department at (800) 523-5993        Bullet®’s One-Year Limited           THIS LIMITED WARRANTY
     If a defect exists under this
                                        or contact us via email             Warranty does not apply to           AND THE REMEDIES SET
     limited warranty, at its option,
                                        from our website at                 any other products that may          FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE
     Homeland Housewares, LLC
                              , simply          appear to be authentic, but          AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER
     will (1) repair the product
                                        click the Customer Service link     were not distributed or sold by      WARRANTIES, REME­DIES
     at no charge, using new or
                                        and fill out the customer service                   AND CONDITIONS, WHETHER
     refurbished replacement parts,
     (2) exchange the product with      form, and we will be glad to                                             ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESS
                                                                            Normal wear and tear is not
     a product that is new or that      help you. When you contact our                                           OR IMPLIED. HOMELAND
                                                                            covered by this limited warranty.
     has been manufactured from         customer service department                                              HOUSEWARES, LLC
                                                                            This limited warranty applies
     new or serviceable used parts      you will be asked for your name,                                         SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY
                                                                            to consumer use only, and is
     and is at least functionally       address, telephone number and                                            AND ALL IM­PLIED WARRANTIES,
                                                                            void when the product is used

39                                                                                                                                                  40
                                               TO LOST PROFITS, DOWNTIME,
     LLC CANNOT LAWFULLY                       OR REPLACEMENT OF
     DISCLAIM IMPLIED                          EQUIPMENT AND PROPERTY.
     WARRANTIES UNDER                          HOMELAND HOUSEWARES,
     DURATION TO THE DURATION                  Some states and provinces
     OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.                 do not allow the exclusion
     No Magic Bullet® reseller,                or limitation of incidental or
     agent, or employee is                     consequential damages or
     authorized to make any                    exclusions or limitations on the
     modification to this warranty.            duration of implied warranties
                                               or conditions, so the above
     HOMELAND HOUSEWARES,                      limitations or exclusions may not
     LLC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR                apply to you. This warranty gives
     DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDEN­                 you specific legal rights, and you
     TAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL                      may also have other rights that
     DAMAGES RESULTING FROM                    vary by state or province.

     Capital Brands Distribution, LLC |
     All rights reserved. Magic Bullet logo is a trademark of CAPBRAN HOLDINGS, LLC
     registered in the U.S.A. and other countries.

MANY KITCHEN APPLIANCES promise to make your
life easier, but with their bulky size, difficult cleanup, and
lack of flexibility, they actually create more work for you!
Enter the Magic Bullet®. It’s small, versatile, and easy
to clean — completing tasks so quickly, it’s like having a
personal, counter-top magician!

MAGIC BULLET® is the registered trademarks of Capbran Holdings, LLC. |
Copyright © 2020, Capbran Holdings, LLC. Distributed by Capital Brands Distributions, LLC,
Los Angeles, CA 90025. All rights reserved. Made in China.
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