US EDITION 2021 - Professor Puzzle

Page created by Sylvia Erickson
US EDITION 2021 - Professor Puzzle
US EDITION 2021 - Professor Puzzle
                                                LI B                                                                                                                             LE T TE R
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             TR A S

                                                                                                                                                                 R STR E E T D

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            M I N DS
                                                                                                                                                          B AK E               ET
Welcome                                                                                                                                         TH
                                                                                                                                                        E                                      TI


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            E AT
                                                                                    K HOL MES

As we look forward to 2021, we’d like to

                                                                       L                                    p3

thank each and every one of you for your

amazing support throughout this testing year.


                                                                                                                                                                                                             p 36
No doubt you will join us in hoping that the
new year brings busy and successful times for
us all!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           MIN

Andrew, Molly, Jodi, Kevin and Adam                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I



                                                                    TH              F               TH E
                                                                             CASE O

                    A   N D GA M E S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 M I N I P UZ Z                                                                                                          Contents
                ERL                                                                                             X                                                                                                                                                                   L
                                        p2                                                                  G BO p13                                                                                                                                                                    E
           ND                                                                                            IN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2     Games
                                          6                                                         ST

       O                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     13    Boredom Busting Boxes

   W                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         14    Escape Room Games

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 IN S
                                                                                  R BOR E DOM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             17    Murder Mystery

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  TE I N p 40
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             18    Mini Games Club
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             19    Games Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             20    Trivia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             23    Buzzer Battle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             24    Wooden Games Workshop

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             26    Wonderland Games

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             29    Totally Tropical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A L A N C E p1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MES                                                                         30    Impulse
                                                                                                                                           M A ZE S - p


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       M                                                                                     32    Puzzles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            O                                                                                                34    Sherlock Holmes

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             36    The Baker Street Detective Club

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             38    Great Minds

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             E SC

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             42    Jigsaw Library

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             44    Letterjig

Find us on

                                                                      I V E p50

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             46    Matchbox Puzzles
social media                                                                                                                                                             REF
                                                                                                                                                                             L                                                                                                                                                                                                               48    Puzzle & Perplex
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             49    Puzzleman
                                                                 E ST

     @ProfessorPuzzleLtd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     50    Festive

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             52    Sales Representatives
     Check out our YouTube channel for gameplay
     demos wherever you see this icon!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles      1
US EDITION 2021 - Professor Puzzle

2             Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles   3
US EDITION 2021 - Professor Puzzle

                                                                                                                                                   Lifestyle Shot                                                         Lifestyle Shot

                                                                                                                                Shape Shift                                                  Puzzle A Day
                2020                                                                                                            The competitive shape-building                               Daily challenge cards filled with
               SELLER                                                                                                           game that tests your reflexes and                            brainteasers, puzzles, and riddles
                                                                                                                                mental agility with some fast-                               guaranteed to get your brain in
             Reflect -                                                                                                          paced fun!                                                   gear quicker than your morning
                                                                                                                                                                                             cup of coffee!
             Mirror Mazes
                                                                                                                                Each card shows a shape
             Can your brain quickly send the right messages to your hands, or will you                                          challenge, ranging from a four-
             need to pause for reflection as you race to complete these brain-flipping                                          block puzzle up to the trickier eight-
             challenges?                                                                                                        block and mystery challenges.
                                                                                                                                Players race to see who will be first
             Each player has a notepad of challenges. The double-sided mirror is                                                to build the shape shown on the
             placed between the two players, and their hands are hidden from sight                                              card using their wooden blocks.
             by the hand guards. Relying only on the mirror image, they race each
             other to draw the correct route through the maze. Sounds simple … but                                              Get ready for some fast and furious
             remember, when following a mirror image, nothing is as it seems!                          Scan to check out some   brain training!
                                                                                                          Reflect gameplay!
             BT5201                                                                                                             BT0665US                                                     BT3876
             PACK : 6                                                                                                           PACK : 6                                                     PACK : 6
                                                                                           AGES 8+                                                                         AGES 8+                                                                              AGES 6+
             PRICE : $10.0 0                                                                                                    PRICE : $10.0 0                                              PRICE : $5.0 0
                                                                                         1-2 PLAYERS                                                                     2-4 PLAYERS                                                                          1+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2 PLAYERS
             MSRP : $19.99                                                                                                      MSRP : $19.99                                                MSRP : $9.99

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US EDITION 2021 - Professor Puzzle

                                                                                                                        Lifestyle Shot                                                                 Lifestyle Shot

                                                                                                I Moustache You a
                                                                                                Question                                                                       #SocialBingo
                                                                                                Prepare for an awesome facial hair                                             Are you a slave to your phone
                                                                                                face-off with this crazy trivia game!                                          screen? Then grab your friends for
                                                                                                                                                                               a hilarious game of #socialbingo!
                                                                                                Pop on a pair of ‘stache specs
                                                                                                and answer trivia questions to win                                             The aim is to cover your icons as
                                                                                                extra pieces as you race against                                               in ordinary bingo. But to do it you
                              Pecking Order                                                     each other to grow the longest                                                 have to provide phone evidence
                                                                                                moustache. With 300 questions for                                              that you’ve done the thing on the
                              The game of rapid reactions and color confusion!
                                                                                                adults and 300 for children, this is                                           card – anything from “Your last text
                                                                                                the ultimate in family entertainment!                                          contained an emoji” to “You have
                              In this fun, fast-paced game, players play cards simultaneously
                                                                                                                                                                               over fifty matches on a dating app”!
                              and then race to grab the totem pole with the highest scoring
                              color combination before anyone else can get to it!

                              It’s everyone for themselves!

                              PACK : 6                                                                                                           stache!
                                                                                 AGES 8+        LG4256                                  Furry mou                              LG4259
                              PRICE : $10.0 0
                                                                               3-5 PLAYERS      PACK : 6                                                                       PACK : 6
                              MSRP : $19.99                                                                                                                  AGES 8+                                                                               AGES 17+
                                                                                                PRICE : $12.50                                                                 PRICE : $7.50
                                                                                                                                                           4-6 PLAYERS                                                                           2-10 PLAYERS
                                                                                                MSRP : $24.99                                                                  MSRP : $14.99

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US EDITION 2021 - Professor Puzzle

    Sketch Off                                             Bought Red Handed
    It’s a race against time in this quick-                Forget window shopping, it’s time to
    thinking,   quick-drawing     guessing                 splash the cash and hit “checkout” in
    game!                                                  this hilarious mash-up of shopping and
    Players pick three topic cards – a                                                                                                                                                       BEST
    “who”, a “what”, and a “where” –                       Players battle it out to put together the                                                                                        SELLER
    then race to draw the hilarious scenes                 funniest combination of items – anything
                                                                                                                    Trash Talk
                                                                                                                    Leave your moral compass at the door and find out what your
    for their teammates to guess. Can you                  from duct tape to 1,500 live maggots                     friends think of you in this outrageous game that’ll get you
    sketch a bodybuilder frying an egg in                  or glow-in-the-dark underwear – for                      naming and shaming!
    the desert? Or a mermaid eating cake                   the purchasing scenario listed on the
    at the zoo?                                            situation cards. Once they’ve selected                   Players take turns to read out a card with a “Most likely to” or
                                                           their items, they must be ready to weave                 “Least likely to” scenario, then vote on which player they think
                                                           a funny story to explain their choices                   best fits that description. Who will prove to be the trashiest of you
                                                           and win the round!                                       all? Perfect for hours of fun with good friends!

    LG0671US                                               LG5273                                                   LG5274
    PACK : 6                                               PACK : 6                                                 PACK : 6
                                               AGES 8+                                                  AGES 16+                                                                     AGES 16+
    PRICE : $10.0 0                                        PRICE : $10.0 0                                          PRICE : $7.50
                                              4+ PLAYERS                                               3+ PLAYERS                                                                   3-6 PLAYERS
    MSRP : $19.99                                          MSRP : $19.99                                            MSRP : $14.99

8                                                                                                                                                                      Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles   9
US EDITION 2021 - Professor Puzzle

                              Lifestyle Shot                                         Lifestyle Shot


                                                                                                                                                                                Truffle Shuffle
     Drop the Beat                                          TYLE                                                    Burger Balance
                                                                                                                                                                                Who will be crowned the Ultimate Sweet
     Make your secret dreams of hip-                        Go head to head in this colorful                        Can you keep a steady hand in this
                                                                                                                                                                                Tooth in this fast-thinking, fast-moving
     hop superstardom a reality with                        strategy game.                                          mouth-watering game of balance?
                                                                                                                                                                                chocolate challenge?
     this original rap party game!
                                                            Players battle it out to move from                      Players take turns to roll the die and
                                                                                                                                                                                Roll all three dice and race to be the
     Players pick a topic card to rap                       one corner of the grid to the other                     see what burger ingredients they can
                                                                                                                                                                                player to spot the sugary treat that
     about – anything from bodybuilders                     by rotating, flipping and sliding                       balance on top of the ketchup bottle.
                                                                                                                                                                                matches the combination of colors, and
     to birthdays – then have 30 seconds                    Tyles to link up a path. They must                      Beware though, as the pile gets bigger
                                                                                                                                                                                then grab it first! There’ll only ever be
     to let the beat flow! But be careful,                  create their own route to victory,                      … and bigger … and bigger, one
                                                                                                                                                                                one exact match, so you’ll have to be
     the other players can buzz you                         while also trying to block their                        wrong move can turn your bacon
                                                                                                                                                                                super speedy to snatch up that sweet
     out for pausing too long, getting                      opponents’ paths!                                       double cheeseburger with extra pickles
                                                                                                                                                                                and claim victory!
     tongue-tied, or messing up your                                                                                into a plain old burger bun!

     LG4258                                                 LG0669US                                                FD5243                                                      FD5357
     PACK : 6                                               PACK : 6                                                PACK : 6                                                    PACK : 6
                                                AGES 12+                                                AGES 8+                                               AGES 6+                                                                              AGES 6+
     PRICE : $10.0 0                                        PRICE : $5.0 0                                          PRICE : $7.50                                               PRICE : $7.50
                                               4+ PLAYERS                                             1-4 PLAYERS                                            2+ PLAYERS                                                                           2+ PLAYERS
     MSRP : $19.99                                          MSRP : $9.99                                            MSRP : $14.99                                               MSRP : $14.99

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US EDITION 2021 - Professor Puzzle

                                                                                                               FEATURING                                                          FEATURING
                                                                                                                OVER 250                                                           OVER 45
                                                                                                              CHALLENGES!                                                           GAMES!

                                                                                                                               2020                                                                                      2020
                                                                                                                               BEST                                                                                      BEST
                                                                                                                              SELLER                   AGES 6+                                                          SELLER                     AGES 8+
                                  2020                                                                                                                2+ PLAYERS                                                                                  2+ PLAYERS

                                                                                                                             Indoor Boredom                                                                           Outdoor Boredom Busting
                                                                                                                             Busting Box                                                                              Box
                               Puzzle Panic                                                                                  BRD4353                                                                                  BRD5196
                                                                                                                             PACK : 3                                                                                 PACK : 3
                               A whopping word whizz? Marvelous at math? Love your                                           PRICE : $17.50                                                                           PRICE : $17.50
                               letters? Ridiculously good at riddles? Then it’s your chance to                               MSRP : $34.99       5 056297 201090                                                      MSRP : $34.99          5 056297 205852
                               shine as you battle it out to find the speediest puzzler!

                                                                                                                            BOREDOM BUSTING
                               The rules are simple. Everyone races to solve each puzzle and
                               the first player to crack it and ding the bell wins the round!

                               Will you be super quick or will you panic under the pressure?

                                                                                                                             At a loose end? In need of distraction? These boredom busting boxes are bursting with
                               BT5197                                                                                        enough fun and games to keep you entertained for days! Jam-packed with games, puzzles
                               PACK : 6
                               PRICE : $7.50
                                                                                                  AGES 12+                          and traditional favorites, just decide if you want to play indoors or outdoors!
                                                                                                 2+ PLAYERS
                               MSRP : $14.99

12                                                                                                                                                                                          Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles       13
US EDITION 2021 - Professor Puzzle

                                             ESC A P E
                                             RO O M
                                             GA M ES
                               Gather your friends for some fun and intrigue with our collection of immersive
                               escape room games. Including quick-fire 45-minute games, as well as 90-minute
                               experiences, all the options are brilliantly-themed and have a common goal … work
                               together to solve the puzzles, uncover the mystery and escape before time runs out!

                                                      Escape from
                                                      Dead Town
                               The Outbreak is quickly spreading, one bite at a time, and your group of
                               survivors need to make it to the evacuation pick-up point and escape before
                               you’re all turned into drooling, mindless zombies!

                               PACK : 6
                                                                                       AGES 12+
                               PRICE : $6.50                                 45
                               MSRP : $12.99                                 MINS     1-4 PLAYERS


                                                      Escape from
                                                      the Mall
                               Getting locked in the mall may sound like every teenager’s dream, but with
                               the lights out and no one else around, things can turn a little creepy! With four
                               different challenges to complete, will you be able to make it out?

                               PACK : 6                                                AGES 12+
                               PRICE : $6.50                                 45
                                                                             MINS     1-4 PLAYERS
                               MSRP : $12.99

                                                                                                                     Escape from the Museum
                                                                                                                     An ordinary trip to the museum turns into chaos when you find
                                                                                                                     yourself locked in and all alone, after hours! Will you be able to
                                                      Escape from the                                                solve the brain-busting puzzles, decode the alphabet on an ancient
                                                      Casino of Chaos                                                stone tablet, and find the key to your freedom before your time
                               It’s time to synchronize your watches because you’re planning the ultimate            runs out?
                               casino heist! Will you be able to complete all the puzzles and sneak out of
                               the casino with your haul still in hand?
                               ES5232                                                                                ES6816
                               PACK : 6                                                AGES 12+                      PACK : 1                                                       AGES 12+
                               PRICE : $6.50                                 45                                      PRICE : $32.0 0                                      45
                                                                             MINS     1-4 PLAYERS                                                                         MINS     1+ PLAYERS
                               MSRP : $12.99                                                                         MSRP : $7.99 (8 IN DISPL AY )

14                                                                                                                                                                              Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles   15
US EDITION 2021 - Professor Puzzle

        2020                                                                            2020
                                                                                                                                                                      M UR DE R MYSTERY
        BEST                                                                            BEST
                                                                                                                                                                        Make your next dinner party one to remember with our unique murder mystery game.
       SELLER                                                                          SELLER
                                                                                                                                                                        Immerse yourself in a world of secrets and scandal as you and your guests take on the
                                                                                                                                                                        roles of the eight different characters. From costume prompts to menu suggestions, this set
     Escape from the                                                                 Escape from the                                                                    has everything you need to really embrace your new roles! Use the enclosed script to see
     Starline Express                                                                Grand Hotel                                                                                            if you can uncover the killer before dessert is served!

     Young crime reporter Betty Willson has been given the task of investigating     It’s the big re-opening of the Grand Hotel but nothing is quite what it seems.
     the shocking theft of the Black Widow diamond. With the notorious Rag-Tag       With trouble lurking around every corner, it’s up to you and your friends to
     Crew as the only suspects, she tracks them down to a sleeper train on its way   go from room to room solving the puzzles and uncovering the secrets of the
     to Paris. Can you solve the puzzles in each train compartment and find out      mysterious owners. Will you manage to escape before time runs out or will you
     what other mysteries await her on this long, lonely stretch of track?           be checking in for the long term?
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Secrets of
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Emerald Hill
                                                                                                                                                                                                     A shocking murder is uncovered in London’s most exclusive
                                                                                                                                                                                                     residential community and it’s up to you to find out who the killer
                                                                                                                                                                                                     is! Set in the ‘80s, when hair was big and shoulder pads were
       90                                                                               90                                                                                                           bigger, you and your guests will become both murder suspects
       MINS                                                                             MINS
                                                                                                                                                                                                     and detectives in this immersive, unforgettable dinner party game.
     ES5230                                                                          ES4346
     PACK : 6                                                                        PACK : 6
     PRICE : $12.50                                                                  PRICE : $12.50
     MSRP : $24.99                                                                   MSRP : $24.99
                                                                                                                                                                                                     PACK : 6
                                                                      AGES 12+                                                                         AGES 12+
                                                                                                                                                                                                     PRICE : $12.50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 120         AGES 14+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             8 PLAYERS
                                                                     2+ PLAYERS                                                                       2+ PLAYERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                     MSRP : $24.99

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles   17

                                                                                                                                      AC ADEMY
                                                                                                                                  Focusing on lively entertainment and friendly rivalry, this trio of great
                                                                                                                                  games is aimed at bringing friends and families together to enjoy
                                                                                                                                  lots of fun and laughter! They’re so quick and easy to learn, you’ll
                                                                                                                                          be ready to play within minutes of opening the boxes.

                                                                                                                           Scavenger Hunt
                                                                                                                           It’s a race against time to see who
                                                                                                                           can find their objects in this fast
                                                                                                                           and furious scavenger hunt!

                                                                                                                           Players spin the spinner, then draw
                                                                                                                           a card to see what household item
                                                                                                                           they must find in this hilarious
                                                                                                                           family game.

                                                                                                                           PACK : 6
                                                                                                                           PRICE : $5.0 0
                                                                                                                           MSRP : $9.99

                                                                                                                                                                                                      AGES 6+
                                                                                                                                                                                                     2+ PLAYERS

                                                                                                                           Word Whizz                                                                                   Quizoo Roulette
                                                                                                                           This lively game is all about using                                                          This game of musical mayhem sees

                                        M INI
                                2020                                                                                       the nine letters on the wheel to                                                             players spinning the spinner to
                               SELLER                                                                                      make as many words as possible                                                               decide their category, then humming
                                                                                                                           in the time allowed.                                                                         the song on the kazoo for their

                                    GA M E S CL U B
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        teammates to try to name it! With
                                                                                                                           Great as a single-player game,                                                               240 well-known hits, this musical
                                                                                                                           or for racing against friends and                                                            guessing game is guaranteed to get
                                                                                                                           family to discover who is the                                                                stuck in your head!
                                  Designed with our best-selling matchbox puzzles in mind, these pocket-sized games
                                                                                                                           ultimate word whizz!
                                  have been an instant hit! These fifteen different pick-up-and-play games include
                                  plenty of well-known classics such as fact or fiction, charades, and guessing the next
                                  song line, mixed up with some great new ideas. All are immediate-play items with         GS0340US
                                                                                                                           PACK : 6
                                  little or no instruction needed.                                                         PRICE : $5.0 0
                                                                                                                           MSRP : $9.99
                                  MG5278                                                                                                                                                                                GA4347
                                  PACK : 1                                                                                                                                                                              PACK : 6
                                                                                                                                                                                                      AGES 8+                                                                              AGES 10+
                                  PRICE : $112.50                                                                                                                                                                       PRICE : $5.0 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                     2+ PLAYERS                                                                           2+ PLAYERS
                                  MSRP : $2.99 E ACH (75 IN DISPL AY )                                                                                                                                                  MSRP : $9.99

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles       19

                                         Are you the fount of all knowledge, useless or otherwise? It’s time to find out
                                         with this collection of testing trivia! Whether you’re a specialist or an all-rounder,
                                         there’s a set of questions for you, so grab some friends, then step up to prove
                                                           how well you know your chosen subject (or not!).

                                                                                                                                                                       Lifestyle Shot                                               Lifestyle Shot

                                                                                             2020                                                 2020                                                          2020
                                                                                             BEST                                                 BEST                                                          BEST
                                                                                            SELLER                                               SELLER                                                        SELLER

     Music Trivia                                                                        Sports Trivia                                         The Big Movie Quiz                                          Video Game Trivia
     From Adele to ZZ Top, and                                                           This awesome collection of 300                        Including 300 questions on                                  Put down that controller and prove
     everyone in between, this music                                                     trivia questions is guaranteed to                     Oscar winners, action movies,                               you’re no newbie with this brilliant
     trivia set contains 300 questions                                                   have avid sports fans wanting to                      and comedy classics, it’s time to                           trivia pack on all things gaming.
     about timeless tunes, music                                                         compete to be first past the post!                    put your big screen knowledge to
     legends, and chart-toppers                                                                                                                the test with this ultimate movie                           Bursting with 300 questions, find
     from the past to the present                                                        Appoint a question master to run                      trivia pack.                                                out who the true Player One is – no
     day.                                                                                proceedings (and keep any unruly                                                                                  cheat codes allowed!
                                                                                         players in check), decide who you
     Don’t be a one-hit wonder –                                                         want in your corner, pick your
     hit the high notes of success                                                       captains, and you’re ready to
     instead with this ultimate music                                                    battle it out for the title.
     QZ5935                                                                              QZ5852                                                QZ3875                                                      QZ4348
     PACK : 6                                                                            PACK : 6                                              PACK : 6                                                    PACK : 6
                                                                AGES 12+                                                           AGES 12+                                              AGES 12+                                                                              AGES 12+
     PRICE : $5.0 0                                                                      PRICE : $5.0 0                                        PRICE : $5.0 0                                              PRICE : $5.0 0
                                                               2+ PLAYERS                                                         2+ PLAYERS                                            2+ PLAYERS                                                                            2+ PLAYERS
     MSRP : $9.99                                                                        MSRP : $9.99                                          MSRP : $9.99                                                MSRP : $9.99

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles       21

                                                 MINI TRIVIA                                                                                                                        B UZZ E R
                                                                                                                                                                                    B AT T L E
                                                 Covering a great range of topics, from food & drink to pets to amazing facts,
                                                 these fantastic little trivia sets suit a wide range of age groups. Brilliant quick-fire
                                                                              entertainment for any occasion.

                                                                                     AGES 8+ TO 12+
                                                                                      2+ PLAYERS

                                                                                                                                                                                    These fun, quick-fire games never fail to get people buzzing! From word games
                                                                                                                                                                                    to tricky tests of trivia and laugh-out-loud party games, you’ll need your fingers
                                                                                                                                                                                    at the ready as you compete against friends and family. Get prepared for some
                                                                                                                                                                                            epic battles where the main focus is always to hit that buzzer first!

                                                                                                                                            Word It Out!                                                                          Doodle Buzz
                                                                                                                                            Can you describe Titanic in just                                                      Get ready to sketch, scribble and
                                                                                                                                            three words? Or pizza in just two?                                                    scrawl in this quick-thinking, quick-
                                                                                                                                            Less is more in this fun and frantic                                                  drawing guessing game! Can you
                                                                                                                                            game of articulation!                                                                 draw a picture of a scarecrow
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  riding a horse on the moon? Or a
                                                                                                                                            Each card lists a different item,                                                     cowboy picking flowers on a pirate
                                                                                                                                            anything from an action movie                                                         ship? Put your artistic skills to the
                                                  All packs of 12 come in a CDU                              Hanging tags included
                                                                                                                                            to a European city, and players                                                       test with this crazy drawing game!
                                                                                                                                            buzz in to bid on how many words                                                      Players battle it out to draw funny
                                                                                                                                            they’d need to describe it for their                                                  scenes based on the topic cards
                                                                                                                                            teammates to guess – the fewer,                                                       for their team to guess. Will you be
                                                                                                                                            the better! The player with the                                                       able to buzz in first with the right
                                                                                                                                            lowest bid gets the play, but don’t                                                   answer or will you be a doodle
                                                                                                                                            get cocky! If your teammates fail                                                     dropout?
                                                                                                                                            to guess correctly, your opponents
                                                                                                                                            take the points.
                                                                                                                                            BB5208                                                                                BB3445
                                                                                                                                            PACK : 6                                                      AGES 12+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PACK : 6                                                             AGES 12+
                                                                                                                                            PRICE : $7.50                                                3+ PLAYERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PRICE : $7.50                                                       3+ PLAYERS
                                                                                                                                            MSRP : $14.99                                                                         MSRP : $14.99

        QZ5823                  QZ5830             QZ5825                                       QZ5826
        PACK : 12               PACK : 12          PACK : 12                                    PACK : 12                                   The Big Buzz Off                                                                      Laugh Out Loud
        PRICE : $2.0 0          PRICE : $2.0 0     PRICE : $2.0 0                               PRICE : $2.0 0
        MSRP : $3.99            MSRP : $3.99       MSRP : $3.99                                 MSRP : $3.99                                Which team will prove to have                                                         Are you the master of the poker
                                                                                                                                            the biggest brains and the                                                            face or an uncontrollable giggler?
                                                                                                                                            fastest fingers?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Take turns doing impressions,
                                                                                                                                            This game has 480 challenging                                                         telling jokes, or performing dares
                                                                                                                                            trivia questions on the arts,                                                         … just be sure not to laugh! Who
                                                                                                                                            general knowledge, history, food,                                                     will get buzzed out for cracking up
                                                                                                                                            celebrities, and TV & film. The team                                                  first?
                                                                                                                                            that hits the buzzer first and gives
                                                                                                                                            the right answers will claim victory!

        QZ5827                 QZ5828             QZ5829                                        QZ5831                                      BB3446                                                                                BB3443
        PACK : 12              PACK : 12          PACK : 12                                     PACK : 12                                   PACK : 6                                                      AGES 12+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PACK : 6                                                             AGES 12+
        PRICE : $2.0 0         PRICE : $2.0 0     PRICE : $2.0 0                                PRICE : $2.0 0                              PRICE : $7.50                                                3+ PLAYERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PRICE : $7.50                                                       3+ PLAYERS
        MSRP : $3.99           MSRP : $3.99       MSRP : $3.99                                  MSRP : $3.99                                MSRP : $14.99                                                                         MSRP : $14.99

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles       23

                               G A ME S W O RKSHO P
                                               Beautifully crafted from wood and laced with a healthy dose of
                                               nostalgia, these old favorites appeal to families, collectors, and lovers
                                               of traditional games. With so many great options, the hardest decision
                                                                 is choosing which one to play first!

                                                                                                                                                                                                         AGES 6+                                                    AGES 6+                                                 AGES 6+

                                                                                                                                                                                 Solitaire               1 PLAYER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dominoes                      2-4 PLAYERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Six in One                  2-4 PLAYERS

                                                                                                                                                                                 WGW4350                                            WGW4349                                                   WGW1673
                                                                                                                                                                                 PACK : 6                                           PACK : 6                                                  PACK : 6
                                                                                                                                                                                 PRICE : $7.50                                      PRICE : $5.0 0                                            PRICE : $12.50
                                                                                                                                                                                 MSRP : $14.99                                      MSRP : $9.99                                              MSRP : $24.99


                                              AGES 6+                                                   AGES 6+        Chess, Checkers &                          AGES 6+

     Shut the Box                           1-2 PLAYERS
                                                             Sea Battle                                2 PLAYERS
                                                                                                                       Backgammon                                2 PLAYERS

     Luck meets strategy in this timeless test of tactics!   It’s a race to sink your opponent’s battleships in this   Whether you’re trying to outsmart your opponent in a
     Perfect for individual play or as a two-player          sea-faring, two-player game of stealth and strategy!      stimulating game of chess or backgammon, or hoping
     competition, see which tiles you can shut based         Try to outsmart your opponent as you take turns to        to king your pieces in a lively game of checkers, enjoy
     on the numbers you roll on the dice. Will the dice      call out coordinates and deduce the position of each      hours of strategic play with the three classic games in
     decide your fate, or will you find a winning strategy   other’s fleet. Will you be able to track down their       this handcrafted wooden set.
     and “shut the box” to claim that sought-after score     battleships or will they sink all yours first?                                                                      Four in          AGES 6+           Snakes &                AGES 6+                               AGES 6+           Stacking                AGES 6+
     of zero?                                                                                                                                                                    a Row           2 PLAYERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ladders               2-4 PLAYERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Pachisi           2-4 PLAYERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Tower                 2-4 PLAYERS

     WGW5303                                                 WGW5302                                                   WGW5300                                                   WGW1674                            WGW0334US                                 WGW0335US                             WGW1546
     PACK : 6                                                PACK : 6                                                  PACK : 6                                                  PACK : 6                           PACK : 6                                  PACK : 6                              PACK : 6
     PRICE : $6.50                                           PRICE : $10.0 0                                           PRICE : $10.0 0                                           PRICE : $7.50                      PRICE : $7.50                             PRICE : $7.50                         PRICE : $5.0 0
     MSRP : $12.99                                           MSRP : $19.99                                             MSRP : $19.99                                             MSRP : $14.99                      MSRP : $14.99                             MSRP : $14.99                         MSRP : $9.99

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles        25

                     WONDERL AND
                       GA MES
                                          Tumble down the rabbit hole and enter a world where anything is possible, and nothing is
                                          as it seems! Inspired by Lewis Carroll’s world of literary nonsense, where croquet games are
                                          played with flamingos, tea parties are never-ending, and a raven is very much like a writing
                                          desk, Wonderland Games has everything you need to bring this topsy-turvy, wacky-wonderful
                                          storybook to life. Centered on Carroll’s spirit of playful mischief, this collection will capture the
                                                                 imaginations of young and young-at-heart alike.


     The White Rabbit’s Scavenger Hunt                                                            The Queen’s Guards Giant Playing Cards
     Team up, then race to solve the riddles and find the hidden metal keys in this               In the mischievous muddle of Wonderland, where cards can be clumsy gardeners
     topsy-turvy scavenger hunt! From spoons, socks, and soap to teacups, taps, and               or royal soldiers, why can’t they also be larger than life? Prepare for supersized
     tea towels, each of the forty cryptic rhyming clues leads you to an item in the              games of snap and gigantic games of go fish with this giant set of playing cards,
     home where the next key is hidden. Who will find all their keys first?                       which includes instructions for enjoying sixteen classic games.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Alice’s Party Games Mat                                                            Down the Rabbit Hole
                                                                                                                                                                                       This beautifully-illustrated reversible games mat is made from high-quality        Send the beanbags tumbling down the rabbit hole in this target game with a
                                                                                                                                                                                       splashproof fabric. One side features five classic board games, each with a        storybook twist! With colorful illustrations taken from the original book, the
                                                                                                                                                                                       whimsical Wonderland twist. Challenge family and friends to chess, pachisi,        foldable wooden board is easy to set up so you can be ready to throw your
                                                                                                                                                                                       checkers, and tic tac toe or have fun with a topsy-turvy game of caterpillars      beanbags quicker than you can say “How curious!”. Whose score will have them
                                                                                                                                                                                       and mushrooms. Then flip the mat over to feast your eyes on a collage of your      grinning wider than the Cheshire Cat?
                                                                                                                                                                                       favorite Wonderland characters and see who will be fastest to spot each one!

     AIW5194                                                                                      AIW5351                                                                              AIW5192                                                                            AIW5193
     PACK : 6                                                                                     PACK : 6                                                                             PACK : 4                                                                           PACK : 6
                                                                          AGES 6+                                                                                      AGES 8+                                                                          AGES 6+                                                                             AGES 6+
     PRICE : $7.50                                                                                PRICE : $7.50                                                                        PRICE : $15.0 0                                                                    PRICE : $10.0 0
                                                                         3+ PLAYERS                                                                                   1+ PLAYERS                                                                       2+ PLAYERS                                                                          2+ PLAYERS
     MSRP : $14.99                                                                                MSRP : $14.99                                                                        MSRP : $29.99                                                                      MSRP : $19.99

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles           27

        2020                                                                                                                                                      TOTALLY

     The Queen of Hearts’ Croquet Set
     Pick up a mallet and try not to lose your head with this utterly whimsical Queen of                                                                             Add a tropical twist to your outdoor entertainment this summer with our
     Hearts’ Croquet Set! Complete with flamingo mallets, wooden croquet balls, and hoops                                                                            Totally Tropical collection. Big, bold, and brightly colored, these games
     adorned with playing cards, this colorful set has easy-to-follow instructions and some                                                                             are perfect for parties and guaranteed to be great fun with friends!
     extra gameplay to give it a silly, strange, and slightly ridiculous twist. Just the thing to help
     transform any event into your own personal Wonderland!

                                                                                                                                                                 Bat & Ball
     PACK : 3
                                                                                       AGES 8+                                                                   All you need for some classic fun
     PRICE : $30.00
                                                                                     2-4 PLAYERS
     MSRP : $59.99                                                                                                                                               in the sun!

                                                                                                                                                                 Get ready for hours of action
                                                                                                                                                                 with this wooden bat and ball
                                                                                                                                                                 set. With a colorful tropical print
                                                                                                                                                                 and easy-to-grip foam handles,
                                                                                                                                                                 this set is perfect for some easy
                                                                                                                                                                 entertainment, anywhere from the
                                                                                                                                                                 beach to your own back yard.

                                                                                                                                                                 PACK : 6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     AGES 8+
                                                                                                                                                                 PRICE : $6.50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2 PLAYERS
                                                                                                                                                                 MSRP : $12.99

                                                                                                                                                                 Flamingo Ringo
                                                                                                         Giant Stacking Tower
                                                                                                                                                                 Make any afternoon in the sun
                                                                                                         Stack the blocks and try not to                         an instant party with this funky
                                                                                                         make them fall in this colorful                         flamingo ring toss game! Simply
                                                                                                         game of crashes!                                        stake the metal frames into the
                                                                                                                                                                 ground and pick up points each
                                                                                                         Play against friends and family as                      time you manage to get a ring over
                                                                                                         you take turns to remove a block                        a flamingo’s neck. Great family
                                                                                                         from the tower and place it on the                      fun, and easy to set up.
                                                                                                         top – it can reach over double its
                                                                                                         original height! Watch out though,
                                                                                                         one false move will bring the
                                                                                                         whole tower toppling down!

                                                                                                         TOT5295                                                 TOT5487
                                                                                                         PACK : 3                                                PACK : 4
                                                                                                                                               AGES 8+                                                                              AGES 8+
                                                                                                         PRICE : $25.0 0                                         PRICE : $12.50
                                                                                                                                              2+ PLAYERS                                                                           2+ PLAYERS
                                                                                                         MSRP : $49.99                                           MSRP : $24.99

28                                                                                                                                                                      Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles        29
                                            Pick-up perfection! Whether you fancy personalized jigsaws, mystifying
                                            matchbox puzzles, great little games, or themed brainteasers, these
                                            CDUs house a bunch of brilliant pick-up products. The eye-catching                                           Einstein Display                                    Great Minds Display                              Puzzle and Perplex Display
                                            packaging ensures maximum visibility in store, so your customers just
                                                                 won’t be able to resist them!                                                           EIN5227                                             GM5818                                           PX 2315
                                                                                                                                                         PACK : 1                                            PACK : 1                                         PACK : 1
                                                                                                                                                         PRICE : $40.0 0                                     PRICE : $84.0 0                                  PRICE : $81.0 0
                                                                                                                                                         MSRP : $4.99 PER BOX                                MSRP : $6.99 E ACH                               MSRP : $5.99 E ACH
                                                                                                                                                         (16 IN DISPL AY )                                   (24 IN DISPL AY )                                (27 IN DISPL AY )

                                    2020                                                                                                         2020
                                    BEST                                                                                                         BEST
                                   SELLER                                                                                                       SELLER

                                                                                                                                                         Mini Trivia Displays
     Mini Games Club Display                        Letterjig Display                                                Matchbox Puzzles Display
                                                                                                                                                         PACK : 12
                                                                                                                                                                           PACK : 12
                                                                                                                                                                                            PACK : 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PACK : 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PACK : 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PACK : 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PACK : 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            PACK : 12
                                                                                                                                                         PRICE : $2.0 0    PRICE : $2.0 0   PRICE : $2.0 0       PRICE : $2.0 0   PRICE : $2.0 0   PRICE : $2.0 0     PRICE : $2.0 0        PRICE : $2.0 0
     MG5278                                         L J5277                                                          MB1259                              MSRP : $3.99      MSRP : $3.99     MSRP : $3.99         MSRP : $3.99     MSRP : $3.99     MSRP : $3.99       MSRP : $3.99          MSRP : $3.99
     PACK : 1                                       PACK : 1                                                         PACK : 1
     PRICE : $112.50                                PRICE : $112.50                                                  PRICE : $112.50
     MSRP : $2.99 E ACH                             MSRP : $2.99 E ACH                                               MSRP : $2.99 E ACH
     (75 IN DISPL AY )                              (75 IN DISPL AY )                                                (75 IN DISPL AY )

30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles      31

32               Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles   33

                                                     Holmes            Ranging from the elementary to the decidedly
                                                                       devious, these stunning puzzles are designed
                                                                       not just to exercise your powers of deduction,
                                                                            but also as stylish display pieces and                                                                  The Case of the Smoking Pipe                             The Case of the Priceless Coin
                                                                                      collector’s items.                                                                            Can you solve the case by removing the tobacco           Navigate the coin through the rooms, hallways, and
                                                                                                                                                                                    from the pipe without moving the pipe or touching        hidden passages of 221B Baker Street to deliver it
                                                                                                                                                                                    the ash? Once you’ve cracked it, enjoy solving the 20    safely out through the rear window. There are three
                                                                                                                                                                                    matchstick challenges inside.                            difficulty levels – will you need help to find the right
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             path or will you solve it on the hardest level?

                                                                                                                                                                                    SH3944                                                   SH3945
                                                                                                                                                                                    PACK : 6                                                 PACK : 6
                                                                                                                                                                                    PRICE : $7.50                                            PRICE : $7.50
                                                                                                                                                                                    MSRP : $14.99                                            MSRP : $14.99

     The Case of the Secret Society                                                             The Case of the Code Breaker
     The Society of Shadows is a clandestine brotherhood seeking to exploit their ancestor’s    Moriarty has challenged Holmes to the ultimate one-on-one battle of wits, and       The Case of the Treasury Safe                            The Challenge Trilogy
     connections and establish themselves as London’s criminal overlords. To infiltrate the     it will need all of Holmes’ infamous code-breaking skills for him to become the
                                                                                                                                                                                    Will you be able to uncover the mysteries of the safe,   Exercise your powers of deduction and reasoning
     society and gain evidence to put them behind bars, Holmes must retrieve a special          victor. Holmes must deduce the correct order of four colored pins hidden in the
     membership token hidden inside an intricate sliding map block puzzle. Can you                                                                                                  and open it to deposit the precious coin and keep it     with this compendium of three different games.
                                                                                                hooded section of a wooden box. But he has a mere twelve guesses to get it right.
     move the token into the correct position to release it?                                                                                                                        safe from Moriarty’s clutches?                           Featuring over 150 different puzzles, riddles and
                                                                                                Can you help him solve the case?

     SH5281                                                                                     SH5359                                                                              SH4351                                                   SH3947
     PACK : 6                                                                                   PACK : 6                                                                            PACK : 6                                                 PACK : 6
     PRICE : $7.50                                                                              PRICE : $10.0 0                                                                     PRICE : $7.50                                            PRICE : $6.50
     MSRP : $14.99                                                                              MSRP : $19.99                                                                       MSRP : $14.99                                            MSRP : $12.99

34                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles   35

                              The Baker Street
                               Detective Club
                                  Attention all wannabe detectives! Grab your magnifying glass and dust off your thinking cap because Sherlock
                                  Holmes needs your help. Looking for a fresh young mind to help him in his peculiar cases, Holmes has decided to
                                  search for a new apprentice. This hand-picked collection of tricky puzzles is aimed at getting children thinking and
                                                    cracking cases to work out who could be the next “world’s smartest detective”!

     Detective Toolkit
                                                                                                                                                                    Escape from the Tower of London
     Given to you by Sherlock Holmes, this kit has
     everything you need to crack cases, solve mysteries,                                                                                                           Moriarty plans to steal the crown jewels from the
     and become a great detective like him! Including                                                                                                               Tower of London and Sherlock Holmes needs your
     everything from Holmes’ trusty magnifying glass to                                                                                                             help to stop him! Using the wooden blocks and                      Sherlock Puzzleman
     his mysterious cipher wheel, it’s time to think like a                                                                                                         the forty different floor plan challenge cards, your               See if your problem-solving skills are up to scratch
     detective as you try to solve the ten different case                                                                                                           task is to use your problem-solving skills to build                with this unique wooden puzzle, complete with
     files. Once you’ve cracked the cases, have hours of                                                                                                            a continuous safe path to the exit, avoiding fire,                 the great detective’s deerstalker hat. Can you turn
     fun using the contents to solve mysteries of your own!                                                                                                         henchmen, and guard dogs, and collecting all the                   Sherlock Holmes into a cube by folding and twisting
                                                                                                                                                                    crown jewels along the way!                                        the pieces?
     PACK : 3
     PRICE : $12.50                                                                                                                                                 BSDC5285                                                           BSDC5286
     MSRP : $24.99                                                                                                                                                  PACK : 3                                                           PACK : 6
                                                                                                                                                         AGES 8+                                            AGES 8+                                                            AGES 6+
                                                                                                                                                                    PRICE : $7.50                                                      PRICE : $5.0 0
                                                                                                                                                         1 PLAYER                                           1 PLAYER                                                           1 PLAYER
     AVAIL ABLE FROM M AY                                                                                                                                           MSRP : $14.99                                                      MSRP : $9.99

36                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles           37

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Contents                                                                                                              Contents

                                   Great Minds
                                                                               … inspire great things!
                                                       Celebrating the brightest and best minds from history, this collection
                                                       of wooden and metal puzzles makes for a real test of brainpower.
                                                       Absorbing, inspirational and challenging, it’s easy to see why these                                                        SELLER
                                                                puzzles feature on our best sellers list year after year.                                                                                                                  Churchill’s Cigar & Whisky
                                                                                                                                                                                 Aristotle’s Number Puzzle                                 Bottle Puzzle                                              Houdini’s Lock Puzzle
                                                                                                                                                                                 Designed to appeal to the mathematicians among            Combining two of Churchill’s greatest vices – whisky       Inspired by one of the world’s most legendary
                                                                                                                                                                                 you, can you make every row of this tactile wooden        and cigars – the aim of this puzzle is simple. Remove      escapologists, will you be able to find the trick that
                                                                                                                                                                                 puzzle total 38?                                          the bullet from the bottle without breaking it!            cracks the puzzle and opens the lock?
                                                                                                                                                                                 GM5816                                                    GM5819                                                     GM5820
                                                                                                                                                                                 PACK : 6                                                  PACK : 6                                                   PACK : 6
                                                                                                                                                                                 PRICE : $6.50                                             PRICE : $7.50                                              PRICE : $8.50
                                                                                                                                                                                 MSRP : $12.99                                             MSRP : $14.99                                              MSRP : $16.99

     Shakespeare’s Sonnet Puzzle                               The Freudian Slip Puzzle                                 Washington’s Coin Challenges
     It’s time to channel a little of Shakespeare’s poetic     Can you discover how to open this clever little          General Washington helped win the American
     license! Each of these wooden blocks has lines            wooden trick box to release the pencil and the quote     Revolutionary War with his victorious crossing of        Set of Five                                                                              Mixed Display
     from four of the great writer’s famous sonnets.           hidden inside? Warning: writing with this pencil may     the Delaware River. Find out how you would have          Do you have what it takes to go up against Edison, Franklin and Kepler? Inspired         Filled with six different puzzles (four of each one), this display combines some of
     Can you arrange them in the correct order and             cause the odd Freudian slip!                             fared back in 1776 by seeing if you can find the right   by some of the most revolutionary names in science and engineering, this set of          the best wooden and metal brainteasers from our Great Minds collection.
     then recite them?                                                                                                  strategy for solving these 40 riddles!                   five puzzles is guaranteed to get your brain cells firing.
     GM5270                                                    GM5266                                                   GM5269                                                   GM5817                                                                                   GM5818
     PACK : 6                                                  PACK : 6                                                 PACK : 6                                                 PACK : 6                                                                                 PACK : 1
     PRICE : $6.50                                             PRICE : $6.50                                            PRICE : $10.0 0                                          PRICE : $7.50                                                                            PRICE : $84.0 0
     MSRP : $12.99                                             MSRP : $12.99                                            MSRP : $19.99                                            MSRP : $14.99                                                                            MSRP : $6.99 E ACH (24 IN DISPL AY )

38                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles             39

                                                                                                                                       Letter Block Puzzle       Fish Puzzle                             Number Puzzle
                                                                                                                                       EIN0141US                 EIN2321                                 EIN2907
                                                                                                                                       PACK : 6                  PACK : 6                                PACK : 6
                                                                                                                                       PRICE : $12.50            PRICE : $6.50                           PRICE : $6.50
                                                                                                                                       MSRP : $24.99             MSRP : $12.99                           MSRP : $12.99

                                              In 1905, Einstein‘s extraordinary thinking and unique perspective changed the way
                                              we view space, time, and energy. Most people would know his name, recognize his
                                              image and associate him with superior intelligence. So, what better muse to inspire                                       2
                                              a collection of puzzles ... and what better way to test our own brainpower than to try
                                                                                  to solve them?                                                             =

                                                                                                                                       E=mc2 Metal Puzzle                            Six Square Challenges
                                                                                                                                                                                     PACK : 6
                                                                                                                                       PACK : 6
                                                                                                                                                                                     PRICE : $15.0 0
                                                                                                                                       PRICE : $5.0 0
                                                                                                                                                                                     MSRP : $29.99
                                                                                                                                       MSRP : $9.99

     Mixed Wood & Metal Puzzle Display
     The Fiddle, Equation, Infinity and Magic Squares puzzles form a stunning                                                                                                                                 BEST
     display inspired by Einstein’s fiddle, Lina, his influential E=mc2 equation, and                                                                                                                        SELLER
     his mathematical brilliance. Can you master this collection of wooden and metal
     puzzles, each one as enigmatic and complex as the great man himself?
                                                                                                                                       Atom Puzzle               House Riddle                            Lock Puzzle
     EIN5227                                                                                                                           EIN0318US                 EIN0138US                               EIN2908
     PACK : 1                                                                                                                          PACK : 6                  PACK : 6                                PACK : 6
     PRICE : $40.0 0                                                                                                                   PRICE : $7.50             PRICE : $12.50                          PRICE : $6.50
     MSRP : $4.99 PER BOX (16 IN DISPL AY )                                                                                            MSRP : $14.99             MSRP : $24.99                           MSRP : $12.99

40                                                                                                                                                                                      Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles   41

                 JIGSAW                               Jigsaw                                                                                       Coming soon!

                                                Bring the pages of your favorite storybooks to life with these stunning 252-piece
                                                jigsaw puzzles. Featuring a mix of classic literary titles, from The Jungle Book to
                                                Romeo and Juliet, each puzzle is double-sided. One side shows a passage from
                                                the book and the other a beautiful design mirroring the original illustrations.
                                                Perfect for book lovers of all ages, you’ll be able to build your own unique library,
                                                                                one puzzle at a time.


                                            Romeo and Juliet                            A Christmas Carol                           Pride and Prejudice         Frankenstein
                                            JL5214                                     JL5215                                       JL5210                      JL5211
                                            PACK : 6                                   PACK : 6                                     PACK : 6                    PACK : 6
                                            PRICE : $5.00                              PRICE : $5.00                                PRICE : $5.00               PRICE : $5.00
                                            MSRP : $9.99                               MSRP : $9.99                                 MSRP : $9.99                MSRP : $9.99

                                                                                          2020                                             2020
                                                                                                                                                                Kids Triple Pack
                                                                                                                                                                Titles include:
                                                                                                                                                                The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
                                                                                        Alice’s Adventures in                       The Wonderful Wizard        Alice in Wonderland
                                            The Jungle Book                             Wonderland                                  of Oz                       The Jungle Book
                                            JL5821                                      JL5209                                          JL5213                  JL5216
                                            PACK : 6                                    PACK : 6                                        PACK : 6                PACK : 6
                                            PRICE : $5.00                               PRICE : $5.00                                   PRICE : $5.00           PRICE : $12.50
                                            MSRP : $9.99                                MSRP : $9.99                                    MSRP : $9.99            MSRP : $24.99
                               Tex ture

42                                                                                                                                 Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles   43

                                                                                                 STEM is all around ... but what is it?
                                                                                                 It’s science, technology, engineering and
                                                                                                 math - subjects that play a part in every
                                                                                                               day of our lives.

                                                                                                                                                                              STEM Puzzle Set
                                                                                                                                                                              A fun set of wooden puzzles designed to challenge
              The perfect pick-up-and-play items, these 50-piece alphabet jigsaws are bright                                                                                  kids’ thinking across all four STEM subject areas.
                  and colorful, providing quick entertainment with a personalized touch.

                                                                                               Designed to build a love for exploring, discovering, learning, and creating,   ST4321
                                          26 different puzzles                                                                                                                PACK : 6
                                                                                               our STEM puzzles are a fun way to help develop young minds into the            PRICE : $10.0 0
                                          75 in every display
                                                                                                            thinkers, innovators, and inventors of tomorrow.                  MSRP : $19.99
                                     Higher ratios of popular letters

                               L J5277
                               PACK : 1
                               PRICE : $112.50
                               MSRP : $2.99 E ACH

44                                                                                                                                                                          Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles   45

                               Get those synapses firing with this scorching collection of sparky little puzzles and

                               challenges! There’s everything from pick-up puzzles to a set of matchstick and           Matchbox Puzzles Display                                   Magnificent Matchstick Challenges                     Puzzling Obscurities
                               lateral thinking challenges, or the Puzzling Obscurities set – a fiery box of ten        Containing fifteen different mini metal and wooden         See if you’ve met your match with this fiery puzzle   Put your problem-solving skills to the test with these
                               brainteasers. Whichever mix you choose, it’s time to prove how much of a bright          puzzles, this display has a tricky little brainteaser to   collection filled with 50 number, word, and letter    ten pocket-sized puzzles. From Rings of Fire to the
                                                              spark you really are!                                     suit everyone!                                             puzzles, as well as 50 matchstick challenges.         Cross, each matchbox has a different brainteaser to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         solve. Once you’ve mastered them, continue to baffle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         your brain with the 50 matchstick challenges.
                                                                                                                       MB1259                                                      MB4352                                                MB3216
                                                                                                                       PACK : 1                                                    PACK : 6                                              PACK : 6
                                                                                                                       PRICE : $112.50                                             PRICE : $6.50                                         PRICE : $12.50
                                                                                                                       MSRP : $2.99 E ACH (75 IN DISPL AY )                        MSRP : $12.99                                         MSRP : $24.99

46                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles             47

                                                 Puzzle & Perplex
                                                   Totally absorbing and hugely tactile, these tricky metal puzzles make great
                                                   treats for you or gifts for like-minded puzzlers! The eye-catching foiled
                                                   packaging and sleek metal puzzles ensure Puzzle & Perplex is a stand-out
                                                                             collection on any shelf.

     Metal Puzzle Display                                    Ultimate Metal Puzzle Collection                            Mixed Carton
     With 27 mini metal puzzles in one great display,        This set of ten solid steel puzzles is guaranteed to        These six perplexing metal brainteasers each provide
     these beautifully packaged brainteasers are perfect     get you flexing your cognitive muscles. Compete with        a great challenge to puzzle over. The aim for each
     as quick “pick-ups”.                                    friends and family as you test your brainpower, trying      one is to work out how to separate the two pieces.
                                                             to separate and reattach the parts of each puzzle.          Available in a mixed carton.

     PX 2315                                                 PX 2041                                                     PX0628US
     PACK : 1                                                PACK : 6                                                    PACK : 12
     PRICE : $81.0 0                                         PRICE : $12.50                                              PRICE : $60.0 0
     MSRP : $5.99 E ACH (27 IN DISPL AY )                    MSRP : $24.99                                               MSRP : $9.99 E ACH

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Since joining the team in 2002, Puzzleman has proven to be the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               king of reinvention, changing his appearance at the drop of his
                                                                                                                                                                                                               (bowler) hat. Currently he’s channeling an intergalactic look and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       masquerading as a couple of stylish English gents.

                                                                                                                                                                                Puzzle Gentleman                                                     Puzzle Planet
                                                                                                                                                                                Display                                                              Display
                                                                                                                                                                                EM0346US                                                             PP1610
                                                                                                                                                                                PACK : 1                                                             PACK : 1
                                                                                                                                                                                PRICE : $60.0 0                                                      PRICE : $120.0 0
                                                                                                                                                                                MSRP : $9.99 E ACH (12 IN DISPL AY )                                 MSRP : $9.99 E ACH (24 IN DISPL AY )

48                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles   49

                                                                                                          Snowflake Puzzle                                               Origami
                                                                                                          ‘Tis the season for logic and reason!                          Try your hand at creating festive
                                                                                                                                                                         origami characters and decorations
                                                                                                          Will you be able to take apart the                             with this engaging craft set.
                                                                                                          wooden pieces and then put them
                                                                                                          back together? Be warned – it’s                                Complete       with    colored   and
                                                                                                          harder than it looks!                                          holographic paper sheets and
                                                                                                                                                                         a booklet full of instructions for
                                                                                                                                                                         different creations, the whole family
                                                                                                                                                                         will be making festive masterpieces in
                                                                                                                                                                         no time at all!

                                                                                                          FES5235                                                        FES5234
                                                                                                          PACK : 6                                                       PACK : 6
                                                                                                          PRICE : $4.0 0                                                 PRICE : $5.0 0
                                                                                                          MSRP : $7.99                                                   MSRP : $9.99

                                                                                                          Santa Puzzleman                         Elf Puzzleman          Festive Fun & Games
                                                                                                                                                                         See who shines brighter than the
                                                                                                                                                                         star on top of the tree with this
                                                                                                                                                                         pack of seasonal silliness! Fantastic
                                                                                                                                                                         fun for the whole family, take
                                                                                                                                                                         turns acting out festive charades,
                                                                                                                                                                         answering questions on everything
                                                                                                                                                                         from Santa’s reindeer to festive
                                                                                                                                                                         traditions, and putting your
                                                                                                                                                                         knowledge of the best-loved festive
                                                                                                                                                                         songs to the test. Just the thing to
                                                                                                                                                                         get into the spirit of the season, with
                                                                                                                                                                         a touch of friendly competition!

                                                                                                          FES4397                                 FES4398                FES4396
                                                                                                          PACK : 6                                PACK : 6               PACK : 6
                                                                                                          PRICE : $5.0 0                          PRICE : $5.0 0         PRICE : $5.0 0
                                                                                                          MSRP : $9.99                            MSRP : $9.99           MSRP : $9.99

                                                                                                          12 Festive Brainteasers                                        Festive Bingo
                                                                                                          Keep everyone’s brains busy at                                 Get into the spirit of the season
                                                                                                          Christmas with this collection of                              with a lively game of bingo! Perfect

                               F ES T I V E
                                                                                                          fun festive challenges!                                        festive fun with family and friends,
                                                                                                                                                                         see who will be the first to get five in
                                                                                                          From tricky puzzles and teasers                                a row and shout “Baubles!”
                                                                                                          to word games and riddles, this
                                                                                                          seasonal set is a must-have for
                                                                                                          puzzlers of all ages. Simply open
                                                                                                          the little drawers to see what awaits
                                                                                                          you each day!
                                Whether you like tricky puzzles or seasonal twists on classic party
                                games, our collection of festive fun has something for everyone.
                                Perfect for Christmas party entertainment, family games or as great
                                    gifts, they’re just the thing to get you into the Christmas spirit!
                                                                                                          FES4402                                                        FES4395
                                                                                                          PACK : 6                                                       PACK : 6
                                                                                                          PRICE : $10.0 0                                                PRICE : $5.0 0
                                                                                                          MSRP : $19.99                                                  MSRP : $9.99

50                                                                                                                                                                                        Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles   51
Our Sales
                        Showrooms and
                                                                                                             How to order
                                                                                                             Phone: 1-888-211-9207 ext. 2

                       where to find them                                                                    USA Remit to Address
                                                                                                             Professor Puzzle
                                                                                                             PO Box 600
                                                                                                             Grantsville, MD 21536

                                                                                                             Sales Representatives
            Kinfetti                       Specialty Marketing Group                             Jesa Toys
                                                                                                             24/7 Sales Group                                      Kinfetti                                           Toyservice SW
                                                                                                             Noel Weintraub: Principal                             Lisa Graves: Principal                             Alison Stueve: Principal
                                                                                                             P. 917-880.9344                                       P: 888-543-5869                                    P. 214-742-8888
                                                                                                             F. 914-509-1399                                                               F. 214-698-9605
                                                                                                                                   States covered: Washington, Oregon, Idaho,
                                                                       Kelley and Crew                       States covered: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,   Montana, Alaska                                    States covered: Oklahoma, Arkansas,
                                                                                                             Delaware, Maryland, DC                                                                                   Louisiana, Texas

                                                                                    24/7 Sales
                                                                                                             Anne McGilvray & Company                              Simblist                                           Kelley and Crew
                                                                                                             Barb Moss: Regional Sales Manager                     Kim Leister: Vice President                        Amy Kelley: Principal
                                                                                                             P. 702-289-4832                                       P. 800-524-1621                                    688 N Milwaukee Ave
                                                                                                                                   F. 404-524-8901                                    Suite 207
                                                                                                             States covered: California, Nevada, Wyoming, Utah,                             Chicago, IL 60642
                                                                                                             Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas,      States covered: Tennessee, North Carolina, South   States covered: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky,
                                                                                                             Iowa, Missouri, Hawaii                                Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida   Michigan, Ohio

                                                                                                             Jesa Toys
                                                                                                             Sandra Russak: Principal
                                                                                                                                                                   Specialty Marketing Group
                                                                                                                                                                   Rick Reicher
                                                                                                             States covered: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont,
                                                                                                                                                                   States covered: North Dakota, South Dakota,
                                                                                                             Massachusetts, Connecticut
                                                                                                                                                                   Minnesota, Wisconsin

                                                                                                  Simblist   Anne McGilvray & Company                              Simblist
                                                                                                             455 S Grand Central Pkwy.                             40 John Portman Blvd NW
                                                                                                             Suite C-1090                                          Americas Mart Bldg. 2
                                                                                                             Las Vegas, NV 89106                                   Atlanta, GA 30303

                                                                                                             Kinfetti                                              Toyservice SW
                                                                                                             200 SW Michigan St. Suite 204                         2050 N Stemmons Frwy.
                                                        ToyService Southwest
                                                                                                             Seattle, WA 98106                                     Suite 8400

                Anne McGilvray & Company                                                 Showrooms

52                                                                                                                                                                                                     Professor Puzzle - Games & Puzzles   53
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