Urban Cleanse - 2021 Edition - Organilicious

Page created by Mathew Singh
Urban Cleanse - 2021 Edition - Organilicious
2021 Edition

The 30-Day

Urban Cleanse
Urban Cleanse - 2021 Edition - Organilicious
Table of Contents                        Click to get to page

Section 01                 Section 03                           Section 04
Program Information        Drinks
General Shopping List      Breads
My Favorite Products and
Discounts                  Breakfast                            Section 05
                           Spreads & Dips                       About Danna

Section 02                 Sides & Salads
Week #1 Menu Plan          Soups
Week #1 Shopping List      Vegetarian & Vegan
Week #2 Menu Plan          Fish Dishes
Week #2 Shopping List      Meat Dishes

                           Snacks & Desserts
Urban Cleanse - 2021 Edition - Organilicious
0           Program Information

              You’re about to jump right into a 30 day Urban Cleanse journey which             8. Weekly Calls - Joining our weekly calls is an important part of the
              will hopefully last a lifetime. Before you begin, please make sure to do         program. The calls are there to ensure all of your questions are being
              the following:                                                                   answered. I will also bring up di erent topics of discussion during each call
                                                                                               which will help you meet your goals
              1. Intro Video - Watch the intro video which holds important information         9. This program is not a magic pill - For some it will be very quick and
              regarding the Urban Cleanse                                                      easy to make the changes we’ll be working on. For others it will take
                                                                                               longer. Some will see the weight come o quickly, while for others it will
              2. Pre prep - Go over the menu plan and recipes, make sure you’re well           take longer. Each person is di erent, and each person might have
              prepared for each, swapping recipes or ingredients if needed.                    de ciencies or problems we’re not aware of. Unfortunately we will not be
                                                                                               able to quickly discover those in only 30 days. If you suspect (or know)
              3. Shopping - Do your shopping ahead of time, especially if you’re relying       that you have speci c issues, or would like to discover more about your
              on online shopping. Don’t worry, we don’t start following the plan until the     health, then let’s jump on another consultation and see if working on
              week AFTER our rst call, so you have plenty of time!                             together on a longer program would make more sense.

              4. Keep in mind - This menu plan is not set in stone! If you have winning
              recipes that t the lifestyle we’re working on (which I go into detail about in
              the intro video as well as during our weekly calls), feel free to use them to    Disclaimer:
              replace others.                                                                  No part of this booklet may be reproduced by any means, nor transmitted,
              5. Drink, drink, drink - Make sure you’re getting plenty of water during the     nor translated into a machine language without the written permission of
              day, from the moment you wake up in the morning.                                 the publisher. It is the sole right of Danna Levy Ho mann to be identi ed
                                                                                               as the author of this work. The techniques and advice described in this
              6. Keep it simple - If you can cut corners by doubling recipes, preparing        work represent the opinions of the author based on her experiences. The
              extras, and spending less time in the kitchen, please do so! Living a            expressed disclaims any responsibility for any liability, loss or risk,
              healthy lifestyle does NOT mean spending too much time in the kitchen.           personal or otherwise, which has incurred as a result of using any of the
                                                                                               recipes, advice or recommendations suggested herein. If in doubt, or
                                                                                               requiring any medical advice whatsoever, please contact a health
              7. Support Group - Don’t forget to be active on the WhatsApp group,
                                                                                               professional. This booklet is in no way acting as a substitute for medical
              share your struggles as well as your success, so that we can all get
              excited with you, or help you move past the hardship. We are here to
              support one another, so please keep your comments positive towards
              other members, just as you’d hope others would comment and support
Urban Cleanse - 2021 Edition - Organilicious
0                                                                         General Shopping List

                                               Stock up your kitchen
                                                               Extra virgin olive oi                                                                    Garlic
                                                               Extra virgin coconut oi                                                                  Onions
                                                               Grass-fed butte                                                                          Local honey
                                                               Ghe                                                                                      Maple syrup organic
                                                               Other fats (avocado oil, macadamia oil, walnut oil,
                                                               flaxseed oil, MCT oil                                                                  Spices:
                                                               Raw nut butters (almond, cashew, coconut, peanut,                                        Sea salt and/or Himalayan sal
                                                               tahini                                                                                   Peppe
                                                               Raw nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans,                                             Garlic powder
                                                               macadamia, hazelnuts etc                                                                 Turmeric
                                                               Seeds (hemp seeds and hearts, sesame, chia, flax,                                        Cinnamo
                                                               sunflower, pumpkin                                                                       Ground cumi
                                                               Organic full-fat coconut milk with no additive                                           Ground coriander
                                                               Plant based milk of choice (cashew, almond, oat                                          Smoked paprik
                                                               Apple cider vinegar (unpesturized, unfiltered                                            Chili flake
                                                               Tamari sauce (gluten free soy sauce                                                      Thyme
                                                               Olive                                                                                    Rosemary
                                                               capers                                                                                   Sage
                                                               Almond flour                                                                             Oregan
                                                               Bouillon (clean ingredients)                                                             Herb mix such as Provence
                                                               Dijon mustard
                                                               Frozen berries



















Urban Cleanse - 2021 Edition - Organilicious
0         My Favorite Products and Discounts

     Stock up your kitchen
     Here are a few great products that will totally fit a healthy lifestyle, and can be found                 • Kookie Cat Cookies delicious cookies that are actually not that terrible for you.
     either online or in shops in Switzerland. I recommend asking your local organic shop                        Made from gluten free oats, nuts, seeds and other delicious goodies, one cookie
     if you can order some things in case they don’t have them on stock.                                         will already be plenty. As we’re trying to keep to a low carb lifestyle, I would
                                                                                                                 recommend keeping these for a once a week or two goodie. Can be found in
     • My personal page on farmy.ch with some of my favourite products.                                          Alnatura shops and some organic shops.
     • Apple cider vinegar unfiltered and unpesturized (can be found in Alnatura too).                         • Mary’s Gone Crackers If you’re looking for clean ingredient crackers that will
     • New Roots cashew spreads delicious fermented “cheese” can be found in                                     support your healthy lifestyle, these are great. Again, not completely
       Farmy, Coop, and on their own website.                                                                    carb free but plenty of fibers to compensate, and delicious flavors. Make sure
     • Harvest Moon yogurt with clean ingredients, great flavor, comes in different                              to avoid the “real” crackers from the same company.
       flavors as well. Can be found on LolaVegan.ch and mrvegan.ch.                                           • Soyana Miso Soup Delicious Miso paste. Make sure not to use boiling water, as
     • Soyana Almond Cream a great replacement to cooking cream (I don’t recommend                               miso is a fermented product (boiling water kills the good bacteria).
       it as whipping cream, but it’s perfect for cooking).                                                    • Protein Shake Options:
     • Swiss Kombucha this is one of the best brands I’ve found so far. Delicious                                - If you’re ok with Stevia as a sweetener, Alpha Foods has great quality shakes.
       fermented drink perfect for hitting the sweet tooth and giving you some probiotics in                     - If like me you’re not a fan of stevia, I recommend the natural flavor protein
       the process.                                                                                                shake from Lee Sport. You can add flavors and sweeten to your liking.
     • Cashew Milk my personal favorite (though the Migros version is not too bad
       either). If you go for another plant based milk, make sure to read the ingredients                          Discount Codes:
       carefully to make sure there are no unnecessary ingredients. All you need is the                        •   Farmy (for your first order): MISO10
       nut/grain, water and salt                                                                               •   iHerb: DPK27
     • Zee Kitchen Broth is the best bone broth in Switzerland, as well as vegetarian and                      •   Swiss Kombucha: DANNAORGROCKS1
        vegan broth. See below for a discount code                                                             •   Zee Kitchen: ZEEK10DLH (first order)
     • Bouillon options - My favorite, my second favorite, my third favorite.                                                   ZEEK5DLH (ongoing discount)



Urban Cleanse - 2021 Edition - Organilicious
0             Week #1 Menu Plan - Pescatarian

                                       Monday                Tuesday             Wednesday              Thursday              Friday             Saturday              Sunday

                   Morning        Intermittent Fast     Intermittent Fast     Smoothie of choice   Intermittent Fast   Intermittent Fast    Frittata Mu ns        Overnight Coconut
                                                                              Or                                                            and Avocado           Chia Pudding
                                  Apple Cider           Apple Cider           Perfect Green        Apple Cider         Apple Cider
                                  Vinegar Drink         Vinegar Drink         Smoothie             Vinegar Drink       Vinegar Drink
                                  Bulletproof           Bulletproof           Protein Shake        Bulletproof         Bulletproof
                                  Co ee/Tea             Co ee/Tea                                  Co ee/Tea           Co ee/Tea

                Breaking the      Vegetarian Broth,     Vegetarian Broth,              -           Vegetarian Broth,   Vegetarian Broth,              -                    -
                    Fast          Miso Soup, or         Miso Soup, or                              Miso Soup, or       Miso Soup, or
                                  Protein Shake         Protein Shake                              Protein Shake       Protein Shake

                         Lunch    Butternut Apple       Asian Cabbage         Baked Lemon Butter Chili Con Quinoa      Leftover Chili Con   Leftover Creamed      Wild Salmon and
                                  Salad                 Salad                 Tilapia                                  Quinoa               Fennel and            Kale
                                                                                                                                            Cauli ower Soup
                                                                              Creamed Vegetables

               Snack (optional) Raw Superfood           Fruit and Nuts of     Raw Superfood        Fruit and Nuts of   Raw Superfood        Fruit and Nuts of     Danna’s Guilt Free
                                  Energy Bars           choice                Energy Bars          choice              Energy Bars          choice                Chocolate Mousse

                         Dinner   Life Changing Bread   Life Changing Bread   Garam Masala Dal     Sweet Potato Hash   Creamed Fennel and Life Changing Bread     Almond Zucchini
                                                                                                   and Eggs            Cauli ower Soup                            Sauté
                                  Vegetarian Paté       Vegetarian Paté       With up to 1 cup                                            Smoked Wild
                                                                              Brown Rice                                                  Salmon
                                  A Choice of 3 Fresh   A Choice of 3 Fresh
                                  Vegetables            Vegetables                                                                          A Choice of 3 Fresh
Urban Cleanse - 2021 Edition - Organilicious
0                        Week #1 Shopping List
                Fruits and Vegetables:                                                     • Extra vegetables of choice for raw eating and cooked (Broccoli,   • Almonds
                                                                                             asparagus, green beans, carrots, cauli ower, kale, zucchini,
                • Check smoothie options to choose (buy accordingly)                         peppers, cucumber, etc)                                           • 400g Oats (organic, gluten free) OR Almond our* (for bread)

                • 1 ripe banana                                                                                                                                • Psyllium husk powder (Flohsamenschalen)

                • 2 lemons                                                                 Fats and Oils:                                                      • Natural peanut butter*

                • 4 limes                                                                  • Organic butter                                                    • Almond butter* (500g would last longer, 250g will also do)

                • 1 orange for juicing                                                     • Extra virgin olive oil
                • 2 apples                                                                 • Cold pressed avocado oil                                          Sweeteners:
                • 2 heads Garlic                                                           • 3-4 Virgin coconut oil jars                                       • Maple syrup 1-2 bottles
                • 10 large Onions                                                          • Ghee (optional)                                                   • Local honey 500g
                • 1 large butternut squash OR 1-2 sweet potatoes instead                   • Tru e oil (optional)
                • 1 bunch Swiss chard (or any mixed greens available)
                                                                                           Dry Herbs and Spices:                                               Fish, Eggs, Legumes:
                • 2 large bunches kale (or spinach, or any mixed greens available)
                                                                                           • Vanilla powder (ground vanilla pods, sugar free)                  • Smoked wild salmon
                • 2 small red cabbages (or 1 big one)
                                                                                           • Cardamom                                                          • 4 wild salmon llets
                • 1 cucumber
                                                                                           • Ground cloves (optional)                                          • 4 tilapia llets roughly 170g each
                • 4 green onions (scallion)
                                                                                           • Nutmeg (optional)                                                 • 13 free range organic eggs
                • 3 ripe avocados
                                                                                           • Smoked Paprika                                                    • 200g brown lentils
                • 2 sweet potatoes
                                                                                           • Red pepper akes                                                   • 1 jar kidney or adzuki beans (or any you can nd)*
                • 1 small Chinese cabbage
                                                                                           • Ground cumin                                                      • Quinoa (one color or mixed)
                • 450g cauli ower
                                                                                           • Ground cinnamon
                • 2 round fennel bulbs
                                                                                           • Garam Masala spice mix
                • 8 large carrots                                                                                                                              Other:
                • 3 zucchini                                                                                                                                   • Your favorite co ee or tea
                • 1 small eggplant                                                         Nuts, Seeds, Nut Butters (raw, unsalted):                           • 6x Vegetable broth (see my favorite products)*
                • 1 red pepper                                                             • 150g Walnuts                                                      • Apple cider vinegar (see my favorite products)*
                • 125g cherry tomatoes                                                     • Tahini a.k.a. tahin*                                              • 2x Dijon mustard
                • 2 celery sticks                                                          • Hemp seeds                                                        • Tamari sauce (gluten free soy sauce)
                • 100g fresh spinach                                                       • Pumpkin seeds                                                     • Rice vinegar
                • 250g frozen peas                                                         • Sun ower seeds                                                    • Brown Rice
                • 2 bunch fresh herbs of choice (parsley, cilantro, oregano, dill,         • Chia seeds                                                        • 4 cans coconut milk 400ml each
                  sage, thyme)
                                                                                           • Cacao nibs*                                                       • 1 bottle Cashew milk
                • Vegetable addition options for frittata: Garlic, leeks, spring onions,
                  fresh dill, fresh parsley, fresh chives, spinach, kale, asparagus,       • Goji Berries                                                      • Vegetable bouillon*
                  peas, bell peppers, zucchini, broccoli orets, cauli ower orets,          • Shredded coconut                                                  • Passata jar 690ml
                  button mushrooms, wild mushrooms or any other nutritions
                  vegetable you like.                                                      • Flax seeds                                                        • Tomato Paste
                                                                                           • Hazelnuts                                                         • Raw cacao powder

                * Can be found in organic shops, drug stores, and/or online in CH
Urban Cleanse - 2021 Edition - Organilicious
0            Week #2 Menu Plan - Pescatarian

                                 Monday              Tuesday              Wednesday             Thursday              Friday              Saturday            Sunday

              Morning       Intermittent Fast   Intermittent Fast     Smoothie of choice   Intermittent Fast   Intermittent Fast     Veggie Stu ed       Low Carb Granola
                                                                      Or                                                             Egg-Rollup
                            Apple Cider         Apple Cider           Perfect Green        Apple Cider         Apple Cider
                            Vinegar Drink       Vinegar Drink         Smoothie             Vinegar Drink       Vinegar Drink
                            Bulletproof         Bulletproof           Protein Shake        Bulletproof         Bulletproof
                            Co ee/Tea           Co ee/Tea                                  Co ee/Tea           Co ee/Tea

           Breaking the     Vegetarian Broth,   Vegetarian Broth,     -                    Vegetarian Broth,   Vegetarian Broth,     -                   -
               Fast         Miso Soup, or       Miso Soup, or                              Miso Soup, or       Miso Soup, or
                            Protein Shake       Protein Shake                              Protein Shake       Protein Shake

                   Lunch    Danna’s Special     Turmeric Chickpea     Roasted Tomato       Leftover Tomato     Lemon Sole and        Buddha Bowl         Velvety Zucchini
                            Salad               Cakes                 Soup                 Soup                Olive Sauce                               Basil Soup

                                                The Perfect Roasted

          Snack (optional) Danna’s Almond       Fruit and Nuts of     Danna’s Almond       Fruit and Nuts of   Danna’s Almond        Fruit and Nuts of   Best Apple Crisp
                            Butter Brownies     choice                Butter Brownies      choice              Butter Brownies       choice

                   Dinner   Shakshuka           Quinoa Bread          Raw Walnut Tacos     Avocado Tuna Salad Quinoa Bread           Eggroll in a Bowl   Leftover Bake
                                                Cashew and Sun-                                                Cashew and Sun-
                                                Dried Tomato                                                   Dried Tomato
                                                Spread                                                         Spread
                                                A Choice of 3 Fresh                                            A Choice of 3 Fresh
                                                Vegetables                                                     Vegetables
Urban Cleanse - 2021 Edition - Organilicious
0                                            Week #2 Shopping List
                         Fruits and Vegetables:                                               Fats and Oils:                                          Fish, Eggs, Legumes:
                         • Check smoothie options to choose (buy accordingly)                 • Cold Pressed Avocado oil                              • 400g rm tofu
                         • 6 apples (you can add any other fruits you have around)            • Extra Virgin Olive oil                                • 150g can tuna packed in oil, drained (in glass when possible)
                         • 4 Lemons                                                           • Ghee or Virgin Coconut oil                            • 3-4 sole llets, skin o
                         • 1 Lime                                                             • Organic Butter                                        • 14-20 eggs
                         • 5 onions                                                                                                                   • 2x 350g canned chickpeas (preferably in glass jar)
                         • 300g spinach                                                                                                               • Chickpea our*
                         • 2 garlic heads                                                     Dry Herbs and Spices:
                                                                                              • Garlic powder
                         • 350g shredded cabbage (white, purple or mix)
                                                                                              • Red pepper akes
                         • 250g grated carrots                                                                                                        Other:
                                                                                              • Ground cumin
                         • Romaine Lettuce                                                                                                            • Your favorite co ee or tea
                                                                                              • Ground coriander
                         • 2 large carrots                                                                                                            • Vegetable broth (see my favorite products)*
                                                                                              • Ground turmeric
                         • Fresh ginger                                                                                                               • Apple cider vinegar (see my favorite products)*
                                                                                              • 1 tsp dried basil
                         • 4 green onions                                                                                                             • 1x Dijon mustard
                                                                                              • Herb De Provence
                         • 3 avocados                                                                                                                 • Tamari sauce (gluten free soy sauce)
                                                                                              • Ground ginger
                         • 1 cucumber                                                                                                                 • Gluten free oats
                                                                                              • Ground vanilla
                         • 2-3 celery sticks                                                                                                          • Black olives (stones in)
                                                                                              • Ground cinnamon
                         • 200g cherry tomatoes                                                                                                       • Baking powder
                         • 12 ripe tomatoes                                                                                                           • Baking soda (Natron)
                         • 2 leeks                                                                                                                    • 500g quinoa
                         • 1 fresh chili (optional)                                           Nuts, Seeds, Nut Butters (raw, unsalted):               • Sun dried tomatoes (preferably not in oil)
                         • 1 bunch fresh mint                                                 • Ground almonds                                        • Tomato paste
                         • 1 bunch fresh basil                                                • Ground axseeds                                        • Tapioca starch*
                         • 1 bunch rosemary                                                   • Tahin a.k.a. Tahini*                                  • 1 bottle Cashew milk (or your favourite plant based milk)
                         • 1 bunch thyme                                                      • 200g Cashews                                          • 2 Passata jars 690ml each
                         • 1 bunch parsley                                                    • 350g Walnuts                                          • 70% Chocolate
                         • 200g new potatoes                                                  • Almonds
                         • 10 large zucchini (any and all colors)                             • Hazelnuts
                         • 200g green beans                                                   • Pecans
                         • 1 medium sweet potato                                              • Pumpkin seeds
                         • 1 large head cauli ower                                            • Sun ower seeds
                         • mixed greens (di erent types of lettuce, spinach etc)              • 500g Almond butter*
                         • Vegetable addition options for left over bake: Garlic, leeks,
                           spring onions, fresh dill, fresh parsley, fresh chives, spinach,
                           kale, asparagus, peas, bell peppers, zucchini, broccoli orets,
                           cauli ower orets, button mushrooms, wild mushrooms or any          Sweeteners:
                           other nutritions vegetable you like.                               • Honey
                         • Extra vegetables of choice for raw eating and cooked (Broccoli,    • 2 Maple syrup bottles
                           asparagus, green beans, carrots, cauli ower, kale, zucchini,       • 10 Medjool dates (will not work with regular dates)
                           peppers, cucumber, etc)

                         * Can be found in organic shops, drug stores, and/or online in CH
Urban Cleanse - 2021 Edition - Organilicious
0        Drinks

         Bulletproof Coffee/Tea
         5 min work

     Ingredients:                                                 Instructions:
     • 2 cups piping-hot black coffee (or tea - black, rooibos,   1. Brew coffee or tea as you normally would. Add
         green, or herbal)                                           brewed coffee tea, butter, coconut/MCT oil and
     • 1-2 tbsp organic butter                                       chosen additions to your blender.
     • 1-2 tbsp virgin coconut oil                                2. Close and cover the blender lid. Blend until there’s a thick layer
     • 1 pinch Cinnamon                                              of foam on top like a latte.
     • 1 pinch Vanilla powder (ground vanilla pods, sugar free)
                                                                  * If you don’t have a blender, a hand blender (immersion blender),
     Optional Additions:
                                                                    or little milk frother works well but might not create as much foam.
     • Other spices such as ginger, cardamom, nutmeg, cloves
                                                                    Make sure to blend in a larger glass, or use half the amount of
     • Cacao powder
                                                                    water to blend, then add the rest of the water to top off, in order to
                                                                    avoid the drink from spilling over.
0        Drinks

         Apple Cider Vinegar Drink
         2 min work

     Ingredients:                                             Instructions:
     • 300ml cold tap water                                   1. Mix well together, and drink slowly on an empty
     • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar (unfiltered, unpesturized      stomach. Especially beneficial during intermittent
     • ½ tsp good quality salt (sea/Himalayan)                   fasting, but great either way!
     • juice of half a lime (optional

0          Drinks

         Healthy Nutella Smoothie                                               Tahini Date Smoothie
         5 min work                                                             5 min work

         Ingredients:                                                           Ingredients:
         • 1 cup coconut milk                                                   • 1 cup dairy free milk
         • ⅓ cup hazelnut butter                                                • 2 ripe bananas
         • 1 banana                                                             • ¼ cup unsalted tahini
         • 2 tbsp raw cacao powder                                              • 2-3 Medjool dates, pitted
         • Honey to taste                                                       • ½ tsp vanilla extract
                                                                                • Pinch cinnamon

         Epic Green Smoothie
         5 min work

         • ¾ cup lightly packed kale
         • ½ cup dairy free milk
         • 1 small pear
         • 1 banana (frozen or fresh)
         • 1 tbsp almond butter
         • ½ tsp vanilla extract

          1. Place all ingredients in a high powered blender, and blend until
             smooth. Drink slowly.
          Check out the my favorite products for more awesome ideas!
0                                                                                                          Drinks

                                                                   The Perfect Green Smoothie Formula
                                                                   5 min work

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SWEETENERS (OPTIONAL)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          GREAT ADDITIONS
                                                                                       3 CUPS                                                                                            2 CUPS                         1 CUP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Medjool dates Local hone
                                                                                                                                                                                    +                               +              Maple syrup
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Coconut palm sugar
                                                                                                      GREENS                                                                                  LIQUID                    FRUIT

                                        Spinach                                                                                                                                           Almond mil                     Banan
                                          Kal                                                                                                                                             Cashew mil                     Berrie    HEALTHY FATS                       PROTEIN
                                     Swiss char                                                                                                                                           Coconut mil                    Mang      Coconut, flax or hemp oi           Hemp protein powde
                                    Collard green                                                                                                                                          Hemp mil                     Pineappl   Coconut butte                      Hemp seed
                                                                                                                                                                                         Coconut wate                    Grape     Avocad                             Nuts and nut butte
                                   Romaine lettuc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Help seed                          Favorite protein powde
                                     Beet green                                                                                                                                            Fresh juic                      Kiw     Chia seed                          Grass-fed gelati
                                 Dandelion greens                                                                                                                                        Iced green te                   Papay     Nuts and seed
                                      Watercres                                                                                                                                              Water                        Citru    Nut and seed butter
                                        Broccol                                                                                                                                                                           Peac
                                         Celer                                                                                                                                                                             Pea
                                      Cucumbe                                                                                                                                                                             Appl
                               Herbs like: basil, cilantro,                                                                                                                                                                Aca     SUPERFOODS & FLAVOR BOOSTERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Figs    Chia seeds       Cacao or cacao nibs       Spirulin
                                     parsley, mint                                                                                                                                                                                 Fresh ginger     Maca Powder               Bee polle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ground flaxseeds Shredded coconut          Hemp seed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Lucuma powder    Cinnamon                  Acai powde
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Vanilla bean     Cacao powder


















































0          Breads

         Life-Changing Bread
         5 min of work - Overnight rest - Another 1 hour or so in oven

         Ingredients:                                                    Instructions:
         • 1 cup sunflower seeds                                         1. Combine all dry ingredients in the food processor and process until
         • ½ cup flax seeds                                                  fine and coming together. Some chunky parts are perfect. Add the
         • ½ cup hazelnuts or almonds                                        wet ingredients and pulse until everything is completely soaked and
         • 1 ½ cups rolled oats OR almond flour                              dough becomes very thick (if the dough is too thick to stir, add one or
         • 2 tbsp chia seeds                                                 two teaspoons of water until the dough is manageable).
         • 3 tbsp psyllium husk powder                                   2. Using some coconut oil, grease a loaf pan and pour the mixture in,
         • 1 tsp fine grain sea salt                                         pressing down to compress a bit. Let sit out on the counter overnight.
           *(add ½ tsp. if using coarse salt)                            3. Preheat oven to 180°c.
         • 1 tbsp maple syrup                                            4. Place loaf pan in the oven on the middle rack, and bake for 30
         • 3 tbsp melted coconut oil or ghee                                 minutes or slightly more, until it detaches from the sides. Remove
         • 1 ½ cups water                                                    bread from loaf pan, place it directly on the rack and bake for around
                                                                             30-45 minutes. Bread is done when it sounds hollow when tapped.
                                                                             Let cool completely before slicing (difficult, but important).
                                                                         5. Store bread in a tightly sealed container for up to five days. Freezes
                                                                             well too – slice before freezing for quick and easy toast!
0          Breads

         Quinoa Flat Bread
         1 hour soaking - 5 min of work - 35 min in oven

         Ingredients:                                      Instructions:
         • 1½ cups Quinoa                                  1. Soak the quinoa grain in warm water for an hour. If you’re short of time
         • ½ tsp Salt                                         15 minutes will do.
         • 1 pinch red pepper flakes                       2. Rinse and drain the quinoa and discard the soaking water.
         • 1 tsp Baking powder                             3. Put everything for the quinoa bread into a blender jug with all the
         • 1 cup Water                                        other flatbread ingredients (not including optional additions) and
                                                              blend until smooth.
         Optional Additions:                               4. Stop blending when you can hear that all the tough quinoa has
         • Olive slices                                       been broken down.
         • Sun dried tomato slices                         5. If using any optional additions, mix in now.
                                                           6. Line a pan with greaseproof paper and pour in the quinoa
                                                              batter, spreading evenly.
                                                           7. Bake for 25 mins on 230ºC, take the quinoa bread of the pan and
                                                              then bake for 10 more mins for the gluten free bread to firm up.
                                                           8. Let the quinoa flat bread cool and then cover with your favorite
                                                              toppings. We love having it with smashed avocado and tomatoes.
0         Breakfast

         Overnight Coconut Chia Pudding
         5min of work - Overnight in fridge

         Ingredients:                                Instructions:
         • 1 can coconut milk                        1. In a large bowl, whist the basic ingredients together.
         • 3 tbsp chia seeds                         2. Divide into 2-4 jars, adding your chosen mix of additions.
         • 1 pinch ground vanilla                    3. Cover jars and place in the refrigerator overnight
         • 1-2 tbsp local honey OR maple syrup

         Great combination additions:
         • peanut butter, banana, chopped walnuts
         • mango, shredded coconut, chopped pecans
         • tahini, cinnamon, medjool dates
         • Berries, cinnamon, lemon zest
         • Cacao powder, cinnamon, hazelnut butter
         • Cacao powder, raspberries, orange zest
0           Breakfast

         Frittata Muffins
         10min of work - 25-30min cooking & resting

         • 6 free range organic eggs
         • ½ cup cashew milk
         • Chopped onion
         • Salt and pepper to taste

         Vegetable addition options:
         • Garlic, leeks, spring onions, fresh dill, fresh parsley, fresh chives,
            spinach, kale, asparagus, peas, bell peppers, zucchini,
            broccoli florets, cauliflower florets, button mushrooms, wild
            mushrooms or any other nutritions vegetable you like.

         1. Preheat oven to 180°C
         2. Beat eggs, milk, and spices in a medium bowl or food
         3. Add vegetables of choice, and mix well.
         4. Spoon evenly into 12 greased muffin cups, about 1/4 cup
         5. Bake until just set, 20 to 22 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes.
0          Breakfast

         Veggie Stuffed Egg-Rollup
         10min of work - 5min cooking

         Ingredients per person:
         • 2-3 eggs                                               Instructions:
         • 1 tbsp cashew milk OR water                            1. Whisk well the eggs and milk/water. Salt and pepper to taste. I
         • 1 tbsp olive oil                                          used about 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. Set
         • small handful baby spinach                                aside.
         • avocado sliced                                         2. Heat oil over medium heat. Once the oil is hot but not smoking hot,
         • tomato sliced (and/or any other vegetables you love)      slowly pour in the egg mixture. Let sit about 30 seconds, then use a
         • salt and pepper to taste                                  spatula to slowly push the cooked egg and let the runny egg fill in.
                                                                     Cook another minute, or until you are able to flip it.
                                                                  3. Turn the heat off. Carefully flip the egg over with a spatula (or two).
                                                                     Add the spinach, tomato slices and avocado slices to the middle of
                                                                     the egg. Add more vegetables if desired. Flip the egg over on both
                                                                     sides (forming a burrito) and let sit for one minute.
                                                                  4. Enjoy while hot.
0          Breakfast

         Low Carb Granola
         10 min of work - 18 min in oven

         Ingredients:                                    Instructions:
         • 1 cup Almonds                                 1. Preheat the oven to 160°C. Line a large baking sheet, or two small
         • 1 cup Hazelnuts                                   ones, with parchment paper.
         • 1 cup Pecans                                  2. Pulse almonds and hazelnuts in a food processor intermittently, until
         • ⅓ cup Pumpkin seeds                               most of the nuts are in chopped into large pieces (about 1/4 to 1/2
         • ⅓ cup Sunflower seeds                             of the full size of the nuts).
         • 6 tbsp maple OR honey                         3. Add the pecans. Pulse again, stopping when the pecans are large
         • ½ cup ground flaxseed                             pieces.
         • ¼ cup Butter OR coconut oil, measured solid   4. Add the pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, honey/maple, and
         • ½ tsp ground Vanilla                              ground flaxseed. Pulse just until everything is mixed well. Don’t
                                                             over-process! You want to have plenty of nut pieces remaining, and
                                                             most of the seeds should be intact.
                                                         5. Whisk together the melted butter/oil and vanilla extract in a small
                                                             bowl, and evenly pour on top of nuts.
                                                         6. Pulse a couple times, mix a little from the bottom toward the top
                                                             with a spatula, then pulse a couple times again. Repeat as
                                                             needed until everything is coated evenly. Again, avoid over-
                                                             processing. At the end of this step, you’ll have a combination of
                                                             coarse meal and nut pieces, and every- thing should be a little
                                                             damp from the butter/oil and maple/honey.
                                                         7. Transfer the nut mixture to the prepared baking sheet in a uniform
                                                             layer, pressing together. Bake for 15-18 minutes, until lightly browned,
                                                             especially at the edges.
                                                         8. Cool completely before breaking apart into pieces. (The granola will
                                                            be soft when you remove it from the oven, but will crisp up as it
0          Spreads & Dips

         Avocado Cashew Dip
         2 hours of soaking, 5 min of work

         • 200g cashews                      Instructions:
         • 1 ripe avocado                    1. Soak the cashews for at least 2 hours in plenty of cold tap water. In a
         • 1 big clove garlic                   mixer or food processor, wiz up the garlic and cashews (discard the
         • Juice from one lemon                 soaking water and rinse). Add a little bit of tap water to help it out.
         • Sea salt                             Scoop out the flesh of the avocado and add to the mixer, and squeeze
         • Cold tap water                       in the lemon juice as well. Add about a teaspoon of sea salt and whiz
                                                up again. Taste to see if more lemon juice or salt is needed.
                                             2. Store in the fridge and enjoy :)
0          Spreads & Dips

         Cashew and Sun-Dried Tomato Spread
         2 hours of soaking, 5min of work

         • 2 cups cashews                                     Instructions:
         • 5-10 or more sun dried tomatoes                    1. Soak cashews for at least 2 hours.
         • lemon juice from one lemon                         2. Discard the soaking water and rinse.
         • olive oil (start with 2tbsp, add more as needed)   3. Place cashews in a food processor with about 5-6 sun dried tomatoes,
         • ½ tsp salt                                            juice from half a lemon, about 2 tbsp of olive oil, garlic powder, and
         • ¼ tsp garlic powder                                   half a spoon of salt. Process well, slowly adding water to help grind,
                                                                 and to get a nice silky consistency. Taste, and fix to your preference. I
                                                                 usually add more tomatoes and lemon.
0          Spreads & Dips

         Vegetarian Paté
         Mom’s recipe with a twist
         10 min of work - About 15min to cook

         • 4 large onions
         • 3 hard boiled eggs
         • 150g walnuts
         • 250g frozen peas
         • Salt and pepper
         • 2 tbsp Butter

     1. Since I found out that fresh farm eggs will peel a whole lot easier
         when steamed instead of cooked in water, I steam the eggs and the
         frozen peas together. If your eggs are not super fresh, you can
         always cook them and the peas in separate pots.
     2. While the eggs and peas are steaming away, cut the onions, and fry
         in a pan with the butter and a pinch of salt. You want the onion to be
         nice and golden, not burnt.
     3. When everything is cooked, peel the eggs, toss all the ingredients in
         a food processor, and grind into a fine paste. Check and add salt and
     4. Enjoy!
0          Spreads & Dips

         5 min of work

         Ingredients:                                                   Instructions:
         • 1 jar chickpeas OR 1 cup cooked chickpeas, liquid included   1. Separate liquid from chickpeas, reserving the liquid.
         • 1-2 garlic cloves                                            2. In food processor place garlic cloves, lemon juice, salt and
         • 1 tsp ground sea salt                                           chickpeas. Process for a few minutes, and slowly start drizzling the
         • 1-2 tbsp fresh lemon juice                                      reserved water (about 3/4 cup at most). Stop a few times to scrape
         • 50g tahini                                                      the sides of the bowl.
         • 2-4 tbsp olive oil                                           3. When all of the water has been added, slowly drizzle the tahini, and
                                                                           then the olive oil.
                                                                        4. Taste and add more salt/lemon juice/olive oil to your liking.
0          Sides & Salads

         Creamed Vegetables
         15 min of work - 15-30min cooking, depending on cooking method

         Ingredients:                                                                Instructions:
         • Vegetables of choice (Broccoli, asparagus, green beans, carrots,          1. Chop vegetables into bite sized pieces.
             cauliflower, kale, zucchini…)                                           2. Steam, roast or sauté the vegetables until just tender but still have a
         • 3-5 tbsp organic butter (depending on the amount of vegetables)               bit of crunch.
         • 2 tbsp coconut oil or Ghee (optional)                                     3. If roasting in the oven, make sure to preheat on 200°c. fan, or 220°c
         • 1 bunch fresh herbs of choice (parsley, cilantro, oregano, dill, sage,        convention, and drizzle with avocado oil, salt and pepper.
             thyme) optional but adds a lot.                                         4. Remove 1/3 of the vegetables while hot, and place in a blender. Add
         • Enough bone broth, veggie broth or milk to thin out the “sauce”               the rest of the ingredients (except for remaining veggies) and blend
         • Sea salt to taste                                                             until smooth.
                                                                                     5. Drizzle mixture over remaining vegetables.
         * I suggest using vegetables that are not too overpowering in flavor such   6. Optional - place the creamed vegetables in the oven until serving.
            as peppers, as they might steal the show                                 7. enjoy!
0          Sides & Salads

         Butternut & Apple Salad
         by Dr. Hyman
         15min of work - 35min in the oven
         Ingredients:                                                          Instructions:
         • 1 large butternut squash (or sweet potato)                          1. Preheat the oven to 200°c.
         • 2 tbsp melted coconut oil                                           2. Slice the butternut squash in half lengthwise and transfer to a rimmed
         • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste                           baking sheet. Remove and discard the seeds. Drizzle with the coconut
         • 2 cups finely chopped Swiss chard (or any available mixed greens)      oil, sea salt and pepper. Roast for 30 to 35 minutes or until the squash
         • 2 cups finely chopped flat kale (or any available mixed greens)        is fork tender. Remove the squash from the oven and set aside for 10
         • 1 cup chopped red cabbage                                              minutes, then peel the squash, discard the skin and cut the flesh into
         • 1 small apple, cored and diced                                         1-inch cubes. Place the cubes in a large bowl.
         • 1 small cucumber, diced                                             3. Add the Swiss chard, kale, cabbage, apple, cucumber, walnuts,
         • 3 tbsp raw walnuts, chopped (or pumpkin/sunflower seeds)               cilantro and scallion. In a small bowl, whisk the orange juice and tahini
         • 2 tsp finely chopped fresh cilantro                                    until it creates a creamy dressing consistency.
         • 1 large green onion, thinly sliced                                  4. Drizzle this dressing over the squash and kale mixture. Garnish with
         • Juice of 1 large orange                                                the hemp seeds and orange zest. Season with sea salt and pepper, as
         • 2 tbsp tahini                                                          needed and serve warm.
         • 1 tsp hemp seeds
         • 1 tsp freshly grated orange zest
0          Sides & Salads

         Asian Cabbage Salad
         10 min of work

         • ½ Chinese cabbage, thinly sliced (about 4 cups)
         • ¼ small red cabbage, thinly sliced (about 2 cups)
         • 2 medium carrots, grated (about 1 cup)
         • 1-2 green onions, thinly sliced
         • ¼ cup minced cilantro or parsley
         • 5 tbsp almonds, chopped and lightly toasted

         The dressing:
         • 1 lime, juiced
         • 3 tbsp natural peanut butter or almond butter
         • 2 tbsp tamari sauce (gluten free soy sauce)
         • 3 tsp honey or maple
         • 2 tsp rice vinegar
         • 1 small garlic clove, minced

          1. In a small glass bowl, combine the dressing ingredients and whisk
              until smooth.
          2. In a large bowl, combine the Napa cabbage, red cabbage, carrot,
             green onion, and fresh herbs. Toss with the dressing. Garnish with the
             toasted almonds.
0          Sides & Salads

         Danna’s Special Salad
         15min of work

         Ingredients:                                                               Instructions:
         • ¾ cup cold pressed olive oil                                             1. Put sauce ingredients together your salad bowl, and whisk well until
         • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar                                                    everything is well incorporated.
         • 1 heaped tsp mustard                                                     2. Wash and dry greens, and place on top of the sauce. Add fruit, nuts,
         • 1 tsp salt                                                                   seeds and goji berry, toss, and enjoy
         • 1 tbsp honey/maple
         • 1 small garlic clove minced
         • 1-2 tsp Herb De Provence herb mixture
         • mixed greens (different types of lettuce, spinach etc)
         • thinly sliced apple (or pear, nectarine, pomegranate or other fruit of
         • walnuts, goji berries, sunflower/pumpkin seeds or any seed, nut you
         • Great optional additions - Olives, chopped carrots, chopped fennel,
             cherry tomatoes, cucumber, peppers
0          Sides & Salads

         Brown Rice
         Soak overnight - 45min cooking

         Ingredients:                                                      Instructions:
         • 1 cup brown rice                                                1. Combine rice, water, and raw apple cider vinegar in a large glass
         • Tap water for soaking, plus additional 1½ - 1¾ water or broth       bowl.
         • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar (optional)                           2. Cover and leave on the counter for at least 8 hours (overnight).
         • Onion (optional but adds a lot)                                 3. Drain the rice and rinse well.
         • 2 tbsp coconut oil or avocado oil                               4. Optional - Sauté chopped onion in oil. If you do so, proceed by
         • 1 tsp sea salt                                                      adding the drained rice, and slightly sauté before adding fresh tap
                                                                               water or broth.
                                                                           5. If you choose to leave out the onion, simply place the rice, water/
                                                                               broth and oil to a saucepan with a tight-fitting lid.
                                                                           6. Bring the rice and water to a boil (uncovered), then reduce heat to a
                                                                               simmer (covered).
                                                                           7. Cook for 40 to 45 minutes, or until all the cooking liquid has been
                                                                           8. Remove from heat and let sit for 5 minutes.
                                                                           9. Fluff with a fork. Serve and enjoy!
0          Soups

         Creamed Fennel and Cauliflower
         by Foraged Dish
         15 min of work - About 30 min cooking (or 10 min in pressure cooker)
         Perfect for pressure cooker or stove top cooking

         Ingredients:                                                                Instructions:
         • 1-2 tbsp coconut oil                                                      1. Slice the onions, mince the garlic, and roughly chop the fennel. Cut
         • 1 white onion
         • 3 cloves garlic                                                              cauliflower into florets.
         • 1 extra large or 2 medium sized fennel bulbs, stalks and fronds removed   2. In the bottom of your pressure cooker or conventional pot, heat up the
         • 1 pound cauliflower florets                                                  coconut oil. Sauté the onions until translucent . Add the garlic, fennel,
         • 1 cup coconut milk                                                           and cauliflower. Sauté for 5-10 minutes, until the edges of the
         • 3 cups broth (bone broth or vegetable broth)                                 vegetables begin to turn golden.
         • 2 tsp salt                                                                3. Pour the broth and coconut milk into the pot. Add salt. Cook for about
         • *Optional: Truffle oil, for serving                                          20 minutes, or in the pressure cooker on soup setting for at 5 minutes.
                                                                                     4. Once done cooking, release the pressure and remove the lid if using
                                                                                        the pressure cooker. Use a standing blender or an immersion blender
                                                                                        to puree the soup to a smooth, creamy consistency.
                                                                                     5. Scoop into serving bowls and drizzle with truffle oil. Top with freshly
                                                                                        cracked pepper, and garnish with a leftover fennel frond. Serve hot.
0         Soups

         Roasted Tomato Soup
         15min of work, about 40min cooking

         Ingredients:                         Instructions:
         • 2 large onions quartered           1. Preheat the oven to 200°c.
         • 2 large carrots chopped
         • 9 ripe tomatoes quartered          2. Place onion, carrots, tomatoes and garlic in baking tray. Drizzle olive
         • 4 garlic cloves                       oil over veggies and place rosemary and thyme around them. Sprinkle
         • 2 tbsp olive oil                      dried basil on top. Roast 15-20min until soft.
         • 1 bunch rosemary and thyme         3. In a large pot fry leeks until soft. Add roasted veggies, discarding the
         • 1 tsp dried basil                     herbs, and stir. Add passata and two cups of water. Bring to a boil,
         • 2 leeks chopped                       reduce heat and cook for another 15-20min.
         • passata                            4. Blend until smooth.
         • salt and pepper to taste
0          Soups

         Velvety Zucchini Basil Soup
         15min of work, about 30min cooking

         • 5-6 zucchinis, diced
         • 1 large onion, diced
         • 4 cups vegetable broth
         • 8 cloves garlic , chopped/minced
         • 1 cup packed fresh basil leaves
         • 2 tbsp olive oil
         • freshly ground black pepper
         • salt

         1. In a large non-stick pot, heat 2 tbsp olive oil on medium heat.
         2. Add the minced garlic and diced white onion. Sauté, mixing
            frequently, until fragrant and the onions start to become
         3. Add all the chopped zucchini and sauté for 5 minutes.
         4. Add the vegetable broth and 1 tsp salt and combine.
         5. Bring the soup to a boil. Reduce heat to keep a gentle simmer, and
            cover. Let the soup simmer until the zucchini is tender and cooked.
         6. Blend all of the soup until completely pureed.
         7. While blending, add 1 cup packed fresh basil leaves and completely
            blend/puree into the soup.
         8. Place the soup back on the heat and bring to a gentle simmer,
            uncovered. Cook for an additional 5-10 minutes.
         9. The soup should already be at the desired consistency (on the thick
            side), but for some reason if it is too thin, simmer the soup until you
            reach the thickness you desire.
0          Vegetarian & Vegan

         Almond Zucchini Sauté
         20min of work - 10min cooking

         Ingredients:                                               Instructions:
         • 2 zucchini, whole                                        1. If you have a spiralizer, spiralize the zucchini. If you don’t, using a
         • 1 red pepper, thinly sliced lengthwise                       potato peeler or julienne peeler, hold your zucchini upright and make
         • 2 large carrot, thinly sliced lengthwise                     long strips pulling your peeler towards your counter. Rotate the
         • 1 green onion thinly sliced, white and green separated       zucchini with every strip so you can use as much of the zucchini as
         • 4 tbsp almond butter                                         possible, you should be able to get down to where the zucchini is
         • 2 tsp tamari                                                 about 1/2 inch thick. You can slice this part by hand or save for a
         • 2 tsp lime juice                                             salad.
         • water to thin                                            2. In a small mixing bowl, combine your almond butter, tamari, and lime
         • red pepper flakes to taste                                   juice and mix well. It will be kind of pasty which is why you are going
         • salt and pepper to taste                                     to add water in small amounts, no more than 1 Tsp to slightly thin it
         • coconut oil, for cooking                                     out. Once its nice and mixed, add in as many red pepper flakes as
                                                                        your little spicy or lack there of heart desires.
                                                                    3. Preheat your Wok or sauté pan over medium heat on your stove-top.
                                                                    4. Sauté pepper, carrot and onion whites in coconut oil. Add your
                                                                        zucchini and about half the amount of sauce, paying close attention
                                                                        and stirring well often. You don’t want it to burn.
                                                                    5. After you have cooked for about 3-4 minutes, add in leftover sauce in
                                                                        the bowl and stir well.
                                                                    6. Continue sautéing for about 2 minutes or until everything is coated
                                                                    7. Remove your pan from the heat, plate this amazingness, season with
                                                                        salt and pepper if you so choose and enjoy.
0          Vegetarian & Vegan

         Sweet Potato Hash & Egg
         10 min of work - 15 min cooking

         • Optional - 225g bacon, cut into small pieces
         • 1 medium onion diced
         • 1 large sweet potato, grated
         • 4 eggs
         • salt and pepper

         1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
         2. If using, cook bacon in a skillet over medium heat until crispy.
         3. Add the onion and cook until softened. Add the sweet potato, and
             cook until cooked through.
         4. Make 4 spaces in the mixture, and crack an egg in each. Cover and
             continue to cook, until desired doneness. It would take about 5-7
             minutes for eggs that are still runny.
         5. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the eggs and enjoy.
0          Vegetarian & Vegan

         Garam Masala Dal
         10 min of work - 25 min cooking

         Ingredients:                               Instructions:
         • 1 small eggplant, or half a bigger one   1. Grate all of the veggies while the oil is melting in a wide pot. Toss in
         • 1 zucchini                                  the vegetables, add salt to help them sweat, and add the garam
         • 2-3 carrots                                 masala as well.
         • 1 onion                                  2. Cook until the vegetables are softer and start giving juice. Meanwhile
         • 200g brown lentils                          wash the lentils, and add to the pot.
         • 1-2 cans coconut milk                    3. Stir and let the lentils soak up all the lovely juice the veggies lost. after
         • 1-1½ tsp garam masala spice mix             5-10min add the coconut milk, and a splash of water, enough to come
         • 1-2 garlic cloves, or 1tsp garlic           up to the level of the lentils.
         • powder 2 tbsp coconut oil                4. When everything starts boiling, turn down to medium heat, and cover.
                                                       Cook until the lentils are soft, and check if it needs more salt or garam
                                                       masala. Note that the garam masala is might be slightly spicy
                                                       depending on the brand.
                                                    5. If you can handle spicy feel free to add more. If you can’t, use with
                                                       caution :)
                                                    6. Serve with brown rice. If spicy serve with plant based yogurt as well.
0                      Vegetarian & Vegan

         Chili Con Quinoa
         20min of work - 45min cooking

         Ingredients:                                                      Instructions:
         • 1 cup quinoa                                                    1. Sauté onion, carrot and celery until soft. Add spices and minced meat
         • 1 onion chopped                                                    if using, and cook until meat is brown. Add pepper, tomato paste,
         • 1 large carrot chopped                                             tomato purée and beans. Pour over 2 cups water.
         • 2 celery sticks chopped                                         2. Simmer on low-medium heat for 30min until thick. Add halved cherry
         • 1 pepper roughly chopped                                           tomatoes. Rinse the quinoa well, and in the last 10-15 min of the
         • 2 tbsp Tomato paste                                                cooking time, add in the quinoa.
         • 400g Tomato Pasata (jarred tomato puree)                        3. Stir well and cover to let cook. Fold in spinach and coriander before
         • 125g cherry tomatoes halved                                        serving, Spoon in bowls with a spoon of avocado and a squeeze of
         • 100g spinach                                                       lime.
         • 1 jar red kidney or adzuki beans
         • 1 tsp Ground Cumin
         • 1 tsp Smoked paprika
         • 1 bunch coriander (optional
         • 1-2 avocados
         • 1 lime

0          Vegetarian & Vegan

         Peanut Butter Curry
         10min of work - 15min cooking

         Ingredients:                           Instructions:
         • 2 tbsp coconut/olive oil             1. Prepare the onion by roughly dicing.
         • 2 large garlic cloves, crushed       2. Heat a large pot with oil, 2 crushed garlic cloves and onion for a
         • 1 large onion, roughly diced             minute until softened.
         • 1 tsp paprika                        3. Add the 1 tsp paprika, ½ tsp cayenne pepper, ½ tsp ground
         • ½ tsp ground coriander                   coriander, pinch chilli flakes and mix.
         • ½ tsp cayenne pepper                 4. Toss in the carrots and sauté for 2-3 minutes.
         • pinch red pepper flakes              5. Now add the coconut milk, 4 tbsp peanut butter, 2 tbsp tomato
         • 400ml can of coconut milk                puree, 2 cans drained chickpeas, veg stock powder and juice of 1
         • 4 tbsp peanut butter                     lime and stir.
         • 2 tbsp tomato paste                  6. Cook on a high heat for 5-6 minutes until it starts to thicken.
         • 2x 350g tins of chickpeas, drained   7. Take off the heat and add in the spinach. Mix well, and serve
         • 1 tsp veg bouillon
         • 1 juice lime                         *Optional - Instead of adding the spinach in the meal, you can
         • 1 handful spinach (50g-100g)                     serve the curry on a bed of spinach instead.
         • 1 bag Grated carrots
0          Vegetarian & Vegan

         Turmeric Chickpea Cakes
         10min of work - about 25min cooking

         Ingredients:                                                Instructions:
         • 1 small onion                                             1.In a large pan, drizzle in a little coconut oil and fry the onion and garlic
         • 2 cloves of garlic                                          until slightly golden but not burned. Remove from heat and allow to
         • 1 glass jar rinsed and drained chickpeas                    cool.
         • small bunch of fresh parsley, roughly chopped (1/4 cup)   2.In a food processor, process the chickpeas until they turn to a slightly
         • 2 tbsp tapioca starch                                       textured paste, be sure to turn off the food processor and scrape
         • 1-2 tsp of sea salt freshly ground black pepper             down the sides to get all the chickpeas ground up.
         • 1 tsp turmeric powder                                     3.Add in onion and garlic, salt, pepper, turmeric and cayenne pepper
                                                                       and mix to fully combine. Turn the food processor off and stir in the
         Optional:                                                     chopped parsley.
         • ½ – 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper                             4.Scoop some of the mixture with onto your hands and shape into a ball,
         • 5 tbsp chickpea flour                                       the size of a golf ball, and then press gently to make a patty.
                                                                     5.Reheat that same large cast iron pan to medium heat. Drizzle in a little
                                                                       more oil and place the patties in to cook. Cook for about 2-3 minutes
                                                                       on each side until the bottom is nicely browned.
                                                                     6.OPTION #2: Preheat oven to 200°c. Place patties on a lightly greased
                                                                       baking paper lined baking trey. Place in the over for 20-25 min, flipping
                                                                       half way through.
0           Vegetarian & Vegan

         Buddha Bowl
         15min of work - about 30min cooking
         * This recipe works well with any vegetables, as well as any other nut butter!

         Ingredients:                                                                     Instructions:
         • 1½ cups red quinoa                                                               1. Add the sauce ingredients to a bowl, and gently whisk. The sauce
         • 2 cups green beans, trimmed and chopped into 1-1/2 inch pieces                       will thicken a bit, so start adding 1-2 tbsp tap water at a time, until
         • 1 medium sweet potato, diced                                                         you reach a desired thickness.
         • 1 large head cauliflower                                                         2. Preheat the oven to 220°c and line two large baking sheets with
         • 1 jar chickpeas, drained and rinsed                                                  parchment paper.
         • 1 tbsp olive oil                                                                 3. Spread the vegetables and chickpeas on the parchment paper, and
         • 1 tsp coriander                                                                      drizzle with olive oil, sea salt, and spices.
         • ½ tsp cumin                                                                      4. Roast all the veggies and chickpeas in the preheated oven for 20 to
         • ¼ tsp ground turmeric                                                                30 minutes, stirring once halfway through, or until veggies are
         • ¼ tsp sea salt, to taste                                                             golden-brown and have reached desired doneness.
                                                                                            5. While the vegetables are roasting, cook the quinoa according to
         Sauce:                                                                                 packet instructions.
         • 1 tbsp tahini                                                                    6. Serve vegetables over quinoa, with a drizzle of the sauce on top.
         • 1 tbsp tamari sauce
         • 1 tbsp lemon juice
         • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
         • ¼ tsp ground ginger
         • ¼ tsp garlic powder OR 1 small garlic clove crushed
         • ½ tsp red pepper flakes (optional)
         • salt and pepper, to taste
         • water for thinning
0          Vegetarian & Vegan

         Leftover Bake
         15min of work - about 30min cooking

         Ingredients:                                                   Instructions:
         Basically whatever you have left!                              1. Preheat the oven to 180°c.
         • Leftover cooked quinoa                                       2. Grease an oven proof glass form with avocado oil.
         • Leftover vegetables (cooked or raw)                          3. In a large bowl, mix the leftover vegetables with the leftover quinoa.
         • Leftover cooked protein (meat, lentils, chickpeas etc)           Pour mixture into pan and place in the oven for around 30min until
         • 6-8 free-range eggs (depending on the amount of leftovers)       eggs are set.
         • ¼ tsp garlic powder                                          4. Let rest for 3min before cutting. Serve with green salad.
         • Salt and pepper to taste
         • Avocado oil                                                     This trick can be used for practically any leftovers you may have!
0           Vegetarian & Vegan

         5min of work - about 25min cooking

         Ingredients:                                                             Instructions:
         • 1 onion                                                                1. Sauté the onion in a bit of avocado oil, add chopped tomatoes and
         • ½ jar Passata                                                               keep stirring until softer (about 2 minutes). Add the passata, tomato
         • Heaped tsp tomato paste                                                     paste, maple, salt and pepper, any any dry herbs (or half the
         • 2 Chopped ripe tomatoes or 2 handfuls cherry tomatoes                       amount of fresh herbs), and bring to a boil.
         • Fresh parley or other fresh/dry herbs (our favorite is Provence mix)   2. Taste to check flavor, then add the leftover parsley (you can reserve
         • Ground cumin                                                                a bit for serving too) and mix.
         • 1 tsp Maple syrup, to break the sourness                               3. When the sauce is bubbly and hot, take a big serving spoon, and try
         • Fresh farm eggs (1-2 per person)                                            to make a hole in the sauce, and break an egg in each hole. If the
         • Salt and pepper                                                             sauce is too thin, keep cooking another 5-10 min until the sauce
         • 3 tbsp avocado oil                                                          thickens a bit.
                                                                                  4. As soon as all the eggs are in, cover and let cook to your liking. We
                                                                                       love it when the eggs are pretty runny. If you like them rather
                                                                                       cooked through, you can have the sauce on medium heat rather
                                                                                       than high. Another way to go about it is to preheat the oven. Then
                                                                                       when all eggs are in the sauce, pop in the oven, on the top rack.
                                                                                  5. Serve with fresh vegetables and tahini sauce.
0          Vegetarian & Vegan

         Tofu Shakshuka
         15min of work - about 25min cooking

         Shakshuka Ingredients:                                                    Shakshuka Instructions:
         • 1 onion                                                                 1. Sauté the onion in a bit of avocado oil, add chopped tomatoes and
         • ½ jar Passata (350g)                                                       keep stirring until softer (about 2 minutes). Add the passata, tomato
         • heaped tsp tomato paste                                                    paste, maple, salt and pepper, any any dry herbs (or half the amount
         • 2 Chopped ripe tomatoes or 2 handfuls cherry tomatoes                      of fresh herbs),
         • Fresh parley or other fresh/dry herbs (our favorite - Provence herbs)      and bring to a boil.
         • ground cumin                                                            2. Taste to check flavor, then add the leftover parsley (you can reserve a
         • 1 tsp Maple syrup, to break the sourness                                   bit for serving too) and mix.
         • Tofu scramble (see below)                                               3. While the sauce cooks away, prepare the tofu scramble.
         • Salt and pepper                                                         4. When the sauce is bubbly and hot, take a big serving spoon, and try
         • 3 tbsp avocado oil                                                         to make holes in the sauce. Put serving spoon sized portions of tofu
                                                                                      scramble in the shakshuka holes.
                                                                                   5. Serve with fresh vegetables and tahini.

         Tofu Scramble Ingredients:                                                Tofu Scramble Instructions:
         • 400g firm tofu                                                          1. Crumble the tofu with your hands or using a fork. Pieces can be
         • 3 tbsp olive oil                                                           medium sized, you can always keep breaking the tofu in the pan.
         • ¼ tsp turmeric powder                                                   2. Heat up the olive oil in a pan on medium-high heat.
         • 1 tsp nutritional yeast (optional but adds a lot)                       3. Add tofu, turmeric, black pepper and nutritional yeast, and sauté for
         • ⅓ cup tap water                                                            a couple of minutes.
         • ½ tsp black salt (Kala Namak - gives the egg flavor)                    4. Let the mixture sizzle for a minute or two, then add the water. Allow
         • Salt and pepper to taste                                                   to cook for 6-8min, stirring occasionally.
                                                                                   5. Once all the water evaporated and the tofu scramble has thickened,
                                                                                      turn off the heat, and add the black salt. Taste to see if it needs extra
                                                                                      salt and pepper.
0          Vegetarian & Vegan

         Eggroll In A Bowl
         10min of work, about 25min cooking

         Ingredients:                                       Instructions:
         • 400g firm tofu, cubed                            1. Sauté tofu, adding salt and pepper, letting it get nice and golden on
         • 7 cups shredded cabbage (white, purple or mix)       at least two sides.
         • 2 cups grated carrots                            2. Stir in cabbage, carrots, garlic, ginger, tamari, and red pepper flakes
         • 2 tbsp tamari sauce                                  if using, and stir. Let cook for a few minutes, stirring occasionally,
         • 1 tbsp grated ginger                                 until vegetables reach desired doneness.
         • 1 tsp garlic powder                              3. Top with green onions and chopped almonds and drizzle with more
         • 1-2 green onions chopped                             tamari sauce.
         • Chopped almonds
         • salt and pepper
         • 1 tbsp Red pepper flakes (Optional)
0          Vegetarian & Vegan

         Raw Walnut Tacos
         15min of work

         Ingredients:                                    Instructions:
         • 3 cups raw walnuts                            1. In a food processor, combine walnuts, tamari, garlic, oil and spices,
         • 2 tbsp tamari                                    and pulse until a crumbly texture is achieved.
         • 2 tsp olive oil                               2. Scoop mixture onto lettuce. Top off with grated vegetables and
         • 1 small garlic clove or ¼ tsp garlic powder      avocado.
         • 1½ tsp ground cumin
         • ¾ tsp ground coriander
         • ¼ tsp red pepper flakes
         • Romaine lettuce
         • Grated carrots
         • Grated cabbage
         • Avocado
0          Vegetarian & Vegan

         Eggplant Bake
         15min of work - 35min cooking

         • 2 eggplants, sliced
         • 1 large onion, diced
         • 3 garlic cloves, crushed
         • 2 tsp ground coriander
         • 1 tsp paprika
         • large pinch chilli flakes (or ½ fresh chilli)
         • 800g jarred/tinned lentils drained and rinsed
         • 800g jarred tomatoes

            1. Preheat your oven to 200°C.
            2. Heat up a large pot of water.
            3. To a large pot on medium heat add oil, 1 diced red onion, 3 garlic
               cloves crushed, 2 tsp coriander, 1 tsp paprika, large pinch of chilli
               flakes and fry for a couple minutes.
            4. Now add the drained lentil and tinned tomatoes along with a
               pinch of salt and pepper and stir.
            5. Meanwhile slice the aubergine into circles (shown in the pics above)
               and add to the pot of hot water and boil for 5 minutes. This helps
               to soften them in the bake.
            6. Now to a large baking dish add some of the aubergine circles
               topped with lentil mix and build this up.
            7. Place in the oven for 20 minutes.
0          Vegetarian & Vegan

         Vegan Beet Burger
         15min of work - 35min cooking

         Ingredients:                                 Instructions:
         • 110g drained chickpeas (roughly ½ a can)   1. Cut steamed beetroot into into small cubes.
         • 95g adzuki beans (roughly ½ a can)         2. Preheat the oven to 200°C with an oven tray inside.
         • 100-110g of steamed beetroot               3. Add the chickpeas, adzuki beans and beetroot into a mixing bowl
         • 1 tsp of smoked paprika                        and mash (I like to use the back of a fork)
         • 1 tsp of turmeric                          4. Once it is well mashed, add the smoked paprika, turmeric, garlic,
         • 1 garlic clove crushed                         maple syrup, chickpea/oat flour and season with a large pinch of
         • 1 tsp maple syrup                              salt & pepper.
         • 2 tbsp chickpea flour OR oat flour         5. Mash again thoroughly until its starting to stick together.
         • Salt & pepper                              6. Now form four balls in your hands and press into a burger making
                                                          sure its even and compact.
                                                      7. Heat a pan with a tablespoon of oil (I use coconut oil) until it’s hot.
                                                      8. Add each burger to the pan and fry for roughly 1 minute each side
                                                          until browning.
                                                      9. Now move from the pan into the pre heated oven tray and place in
                                                          the oven for 15 minutes.
                                                      10. Enjoy with your choice of roasted or steamed vegetables
0          Vegetarian & Vegan

         Stir Fried Veggies & Tofu
         15min of work - 25min cooking

         Ingredients                                   Instructions:
         Vegetables:                                   1. Prepare marinade in a large bowl. Cut tofu into cubes, and mix in the
         • 1 large onion                                   marinade. Put aside to marinade for about 10min while preparing the
         • 3 Carrots                                       vegetables.
         • 2 pepper of any color                       2. Cut the vegetables keeping them separate. Slice the onion, cut the
         • 1 broccoli                                      carrot into circles, slice the peppers, cut the broccoli into florets and
         • 100g mushrooms                                  quarter the mushrooms.
         • 2 tbsp coconut oil                          3. In a deep pan, heat up the coconut oil, and sauté the tofu, reserving
                                                           the marinade liquid (which will turn into our sauce).
         Tofu marinade + sauce:                        4. When the tofu is golden on at least 2 sides, take the tofu out and
         • 1 package tofu (firm)                           place in a bowl.
         • Juice of 1 lime                             5. In the same pan, start sautéing the vegetables. Start with the onion,
         • Minced garlic                                   when they start softening, add the carrots. Sauté for another 2-3
         • 3 tbsp tamari sauce                             minutes, then add the rest of the veggies. Sauté for another 5
         • 1 tbsp maple or honey                           minutes, stirring frequently. When the vegetables are about a minute
         • 1 tbsp tapioca starch                           away from reaching your desired softness, add in the tofu and
         • 1 tbsp sesame (optional)                        reserved sauce/marinade.
         • 1 tbsp Sesame oil drizzled before serving   6. Stir well, and let cook for about 1-2 min until sauce thickens a bit.
                                                       7. Drizzle roasted sesame oil and sesame seeds, and enjoy.
0         Vegetarian & Vegan

         Mushroom Stroganoff by Healthy Living James
         5min of work - 25min cooking

         Ingredients:                                  Instructions:
         • 1kg mushrooms roughly sliced                1. Prepare the vegetables.
         • 2 onions diced                              2. Heat a large pot/pan with oil adding in the garlic, onion and
         • 4 garlic cloves crushed                         mushrooms along with a decent pinch of salt and pepper. Cook
         • 2x 400ml cans coconut milk                      down for 5 minutes, making sure to stir often.
         • 2 tsp dijon mustard                         3. Once the mushrooms are soft add the coconut milk, mustard,
         • 2 tsp smoked paprika                            smoked paprika and lemon juice and stir well.
         • Juice of 1 lemon                            4. Cook on a high heat (this helps the sauce to thicken nicely) for 20-25
         • Large handful fresh parsley                     minutes or until desired consistency. Keep stirring every 5-10
         • 3 tbsp olive or coconut oil                     minutes.
         • Salt and pepper to taste                    5. Finally add freshly chopped parsley and stir it into the stroganoff,
                                                           leaving some to garnish for serving.
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