Unsupervised Fraud Detection in Medicare Australia
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Proceedings of the 9-th Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM'11), Ballarat, Australia Unsupervised Fraud Detection in Medicare Australia MingJian Tang*, B. Sumudu.U. Mendis, D. Wayne Murray, Yingsong Hu and Alison Sutinen Strategic Data Mining Section Department of Human Services 134 Reed Street, Tuggeranong 2900, ACT * ming.jian.tang@humanservices.gov.au Abstract faces new challenges with respect to efficiently and accurately detecting non-compliant patients. Patients are Fraud detection is a fundamental data mining task with a considered as consumers in MA since they consume wide range of practical applications. Finding rare and certain medical resources. evolving fraudulent claimant behaviour in millions of electronic Medicare records poses unique challenges due As part of MA’s integrity program, the Prescription to the unsupervised nature of the problem. In this paper, Shopping Program aims at protecting the integrity of the we investigate the problem of efficiently and effectively PBS by identifying and reducing the number of patients identifying potential non-compliant Medicare claimants in obtaining medicine subsidised under the scheme in excess Australia. We propose an unsupervised and data-driven of medical need (Medicare Australia, 2011). Automating fraud detection system called UNISIM. It integrates the process of detecting possible prescription shoppers is various techniques, such as feature selection, clustering, very challenging in nature, due to: pattern recognition and outlier detection. By utilising the Large amount of real-life medical data coupled beneficial properties of these techniques, we are able to with complex and implicit correlations. automate the detection process. Additionally, useful Noise is prevalent in real-life data hampering the temporal patterns are extracted from the existing data for direct application of many state-of-art data future analysis. Through extensive empirical studies, mining techniques (garbage in and garbage out). UNISIM is shown to effectively identify suspects with highly irregular patterns. Additionally, it is capable of Absence of holistic and standardised domain detecting groups of outliers. . knowledge (from data miners’ point of view). Keywords: unsupervised fraud detection; health data; Prescription behaviours are constantly evolving Hidden Markov Models; temporal pattern recognition. (existing predictive models or past knowledge can become obsolete). 1 Introduction Minimising the number of false positive (i.e. As a major service delivery program of the Department of identifying consumers as prescription shoppers Human Services, Medicare Australia (MA) looks after the when they have legitimate medical reason for health of Australians through efficient services and their PBS load) payments, such as the Medicare Benefit Schedule (MBS), Two analytical systems have been developed in MA the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), the for facilitating efficient detection of prescription shoppers Australian Childhood Immunisation Register and the by utilising the PBS data. The work in (Ng et al. 2010) Australian Organ Donor Register. According to MA’s focuses on capturing the temporal (explicit) and spatial annual report (Medicare Australia, 2011), the PBS (postcode-based) aspects of consumers’ prescription subsidies the cost of listed prescription medicine and the behaviours, whereas the paper (Mendis et al. 2011) Repatriation PBS (RPBS) provides eligible veterans and examines sequential prescription patterns from either a war widows and widowers some additional medicines global or a localised view. Due to the complex nature of and dressings at concession rates. In 2009-2010, MA human behaviours coupled with their implicit health processed approximately 198 million services or $8.3 conditions, there can be many different fraudulent cases billion in benefits under the PBS and RPBS indicating an with peculiar behavioural patterns. With some global increase of 7.8% over the previous year. As part of the knowledge (e.g. ranks about consumers prescription Human Services portfolio, MA bears the responsibility history either cost-wise or quantity-wise), some cases can for ensuring that public funds are used appropriately by be easily detected yet most of them are disguised deeply maintaining the integrity of the programs it administers. amongst genuine consumers. Considering the In 2009-2010 alone, MA recovered more than $10.2 labour-intensive manual approach and the complex nature million from compliance activities. With the of these cases, it is highly unlikely that all cases can be unprecedented growth of services and payments, MA enumerated. Therefore, an automated and adaptive detection system is urged for complementing the existing systems. Copyright © 2011, Commonwealth of Australia. This paper appeared at the 9th Australasian Data Mining Conference 1.1 Contributions and Paper Organisation (AusDM 2011), Ballarrat, Australia. Conferences in Research In this paper, we investigate an important real-life fraud and Practice in Information Technology (CRPIT), Vol. 121. detection problem in the domain of health care data. Due Peter Vamplew, Andrew Stranieri, Kok-Leong Ong, Peter to the complex nature of the underlying data, we divide Christen and Paul Kennedy, Eds. Reproduction for academic, the problem into a set of sub-problems and conquer them not-for-profit purposes permitted provided this text is included. 103
CRPIT Volume 121 - Data Mining and Analytics 2011 accordingly. We propose an unsupervised fraud detection prescribing doctor or prescriber. The set of PBS items system called UNISIM targeting in particular prescription charged along with their respective costs to Medicare is shoppers. UNISIM is comprised of a number of encapsulated in {(Item, Cost)}. Dos and Dop are two time functional components namely feature extractor, cluster stamps recording the date of supply and the date of builder, model constructor and outlier detector. Each prescribing. Additional consumer information is available component is responsible for performing data mining from the consumer directory including consumer ID, tasks including feature selection, clustering, pattern name, age, gender and address. recognition and outlier detection, into an cohesive system. Completing such an unsupervised system is not only 2.2 Problem Statement technically more challenging but also more desirable in In Ng et al. (2010), three classes of drugs were identified the practical data mining applications. We conduct as being susceptible to abuse by prescription shoppers extensive experiments using real-life medical claim data. namely: opioids, benzodiazepines and psychostimulants. The system can efficiently extract the hidden consumer A list of drug names and their respective classes are given patterns with respect to their temporal prescription in table 1. behaviours. We also demonstrate its effectiveness on identifying potential prescription shoppers. Name Class The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows. In Alprazolam Benzodiazepine section 2, we describe the available data and formally Clonazepam Benzodiazepine define the problem. Section 3 presents the design of Diazepam Benzodiazepine UNISIM. Technical details of UNISIM are provided in Nitrazepam Benzodiazepine section 4. UNISIM is extensively evaluated by using Olanzapine Benzodiazepine real-life datasets in section 5, and section 6 concludes the Oxazepam Benzodiazepine paper. Quetiapine Benzodiazepine Temazepam Benzodiazepine 2 Preliminaries Buprenorphine Opioids 2.1 Available Data Codeine Opioids Fentanyl Opioids All Australian permanent residents and certain categories Hydromorphone Opioids of overseas visitors have access to the Medicare Program. Methadone Opioids MA pays benefits to any eligible person to cover a set Morphine Opioids proportion of their incurred medical expenses. A Oxycodone Opioids consumer needs to lodge his/her medical bills in terms of Tramadol Opioids claims through MA in order to get the relevant benefits. MA stores these claims in transactional databases. Each Dexamphenidate Psychostimulant transaction record holds rich information including Methylphenidate Psychostimulant consumer details and medical provider details (e.g. name, Table 1: target drugs the date and type of service provided). Additionally, there are reference databases which contain information about Besides the above highly specialised knowledge, some various MA services. Since we are mainly interested in fragmental and intuitive indicators about typical identifying prescription shopping consumers (i.e. prescription shopping can be: fraudulently gaining access PBS medications in excess of Contradicting drug prescription (e.g. sleeping legitimate medical need), we focus ourselves on data tablets versus stimulative tablets). pertaining to consumers and their respective PBS drug Visiting a diversity of doctors for similar types prescription details. of drugs. In general, MA stores consumer data in three different databases namely consumer directory for general Excessive drug quantities over a set period. information, MBS claims for medical services and Sudden changes in prescription behaviours. consultations, and PBS claims for drug prescriptions. Recurrent large temporal gaps after getting lots Linking both MBS and PBS databases would be of drugs. beneficial for substantiating the genuine drug needs of a The main objective of this paper is to propose a consumer. Unfortunately, we are only allowed to derive workable fraud detection system. It is required to identify data from one of them due to the existing privacy consumers with irregular prescription behaviours over a legislation. Therefore, the PBS data is chosen for the certain period of time (e.g. 1 to 4 years). Defining purpose of countering prescription shoppers. accurate notion of irregularity, to some extents, requires Each consumer, who obtains subsidised PBS drugs, is inputs from domain experts, which adds extra overheads. represented by at least one transaction in the PBS Instead, the system needs to autonomously derive and database. For an example, each transaction may take the identify such patterns. Since the eventual users of the following form: system are mainly non-technical and business-oriented, rendering interpretable results also plays a vital part. (PhID, PrID, {(Item, Cost)}, Dos, Dop) Overall, the resultant system needs be unsupervised and flexible due to the absence of labelled data and where PhID is the identifier of the pharmacy at which the practicality issues. drugs are supplied and PrID uniquely identifies the 104
Proceedings of the 9-th Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM'11), Ballarat, Australia Figure 1: A high-level view of UNISIM patterns), each record is rich in features in terms of 3 UNISIM - A Holistic View various types of attributes. Feature rich datasets have The proposed system consists of several components as benefits and disadvantages. On one hand, they are follows: beneficial for representing the underlying data with various characteristics and granularities. On the other Feature extractor. It harvests the PBS database hand, the curse of dimensionality can hamper the and the general consumer directory for performance of existing data mining techniques (e.g. constructing and preparing featured consumer clustering and outlier detection). It is mainly because the prescription data. projected data points become sparser with the increase of Cluster builder. It examines the constructed feature dimensionalities (database attributes). The earlier consumer data and labels them on certain criteria work (Ng et al. 2010 and Mendis et al. 2011) was (e.g. frequency of drug prescriptions or conducted mainly on grouped consumer prescription data similarity of temporal prescription sequences). based on postcodes. This grouping, to a limited extent, Model constructor. It learns hidden temporal captures the spatial correlation of consumers’ behaviours patterns from the identified clusters of with respect to their drug prescriptions. The benefit can consumers and builds respective Hidden Markov drown in the pool of noisy data introduced by people with Models (HMMs) (Rabiner 1989) for capturing different demographics. consumers’ implicit prescription patterns The overall aim of the feature extractor is to according to their cohorts. judiciously select a subset of feature attributes for representing the consumer prescription activities in a Outlier detector. It generates an n-dimensional score vector for each consumer then compares more compact way. These more compressed features can each consumer against his/her reachable peers to then facilitate more efficient data mining practices and derive a final outlier-ness score. lead to better results. Intuitively, consumers of similar Figure 1 depicts how these components logically fit ages may suffer similar types of illness resulting in into a common framework. Potentially we can utilise demands for similar drugs. Likewise, the clinical different methods or techniques for each component. functions of certain drugs may be specific to a particular Such a semi-open and modularised design maximises the gender. Therefore, both age and gender can serve as good flexibility of the system and changes to each component discriminative features. can easily be localised. The temporal nature of prescription data carries essential information. As mentioned earlier, the 4 Technical Design transactional PBS data is in the form of (PhID, PrID, (Item, Cost), Dos, Dop). Collectively, each consumer can In this section, the intriguing details about each have a sequence of drugs prescribed over a certain period component are covered and discussed. of time (e.g. quarterly or yearly) by simply appending them together chronologically. Though such a flat 4.1 Feature Extractor structure alleviates some workload for the later Feature extraction is a process attempting to filter out processing steps, it can consequently cause the loss of components of a data record which are irrelevant to the temporal information. Therefore, we decide to task at hand. Albeit the stored PBS data can be concatenate each consumer’s temporal drug prescriptions problematic (e.g. noise in terms of highly irregular 105
CRPIT Volume 121 - Data Mining and Analytics 2011 into a multi-set. Formally, let I = {in | n > 0} be a set of where d= max{d1, …, dk} is the largest distance amongst all the available prescription drug items. A subset of these Si ’s KNN and l = ||{Sj S | dist(Sj, Sj) < d}|| is the items can be organised into an itemset X = {jm | jm I, 0 number of reachable neighbours. The clustering m n}. The itemset symbolises a transaction of algorithm called Uniform kernel KNN clustering prescribed drugs. A consumer can accumulate a sequence consisting of three steps as follows (Kum et al. 2003): of transactions over a specified period, which is denoted Step 1. Initialise every sequence as a cluster. as S = 0>. Eventually, a sequence is constructed and attached to each consumer. Step 2. Merge nearest neighbours based on the The feature extraction and dimensionality reduction is density of sequences. an important research field. Our approach relies on Step 3. Merge based on the density of clusters. simple yet effective intuitive knowledge. There exist The logical output is a set of cohorts so that consumers various more sophisticated methods such as Principle having similar prescription patterns over the specified Component Analysis (Kirby and Sirovich 1990), Linear period are organised into the same cluster. Discriminant Analysis (Swets and Weng 1996) and eigenvalues based analysis (Nguten and Gopalkrishnan 4.3 Model Constructor 2010). Each of them has benefits and disadvantages. We The main idea behind the model constructor is to model are planning to investigate their applicability in the clustered prescription sequences by the stochastic process future. of an HMM (Rabiner 1989). The HMM is a double embedded stochastic process with a finite set of states 4.2 Cluster Builder governed by a set of transition probabilities. It is widely Clustering techniques can be used to efficiently explore used in various applications including bioinformatics, the data and reduce noise. Such an explorative approach speech recognition, and genomics (Smyth 1994 and can effectively group similar consumers based on their Srivastava et al. 2008). In contrast to typical classification sequential prescription activities. Mining on sequential methods, the HMM requires no labelled data and is prescription patterns is challenging, thus contributing to relatively robust in the presence of noisy data. the combinatorial nature of the problem. A density-based A typical HMM has the following characteristics clustering algorithm called ApproxMAP (Kum et al. (Rabiner 1989): 2003) is adopted for accomplishing the task. It favours N is the number of states in the model. A set of discovering approximate and long patterns over short and N states is denoted as H = {hj | i =1, 2, 3,… , N}. trivial ones. The hierarchical edit-distance is utilised for qt represents the state at time instant t. calculating the logical distances between prescription sequences of different consumers. An edit can be of type M represents the number of unique observation insertion, deletion or replacement. The cost is defined as symbols per state, which corresponds to the the minimum editing operations required to change one physical output of the system being modelled. sequence to the other. For example, changing (p, e, t) into The set of symbols is denoted as V = {vk | k =1, (p, e, t, e, r) incurs two-unit of cost (e.g. two insertion 2, 3, …, M}. operations). The cost associated with a replacement is The state transition probability matrix A = [aij], assumed to be less than or equal to the aggregated cost of where aij = P(qt+1 = hj | qt = hi ), 1 i, j N and t an insertion and a deletion. Formally, we denote IND() as > 0. For all i and j, we have aij > 0 indicating the cost for either an insertion or a deletion and REPL() that any state can be reached by any other state as a replacement cost. The eventual edit-distance D(S1, in a single step. S2), between two sequences S1 = 0> and S2 = < The observation symbol probability matrix B = Ym | m > 0>, can be computed by dynamic programming [bj(k)], where bj(k) = P(vk | hj), 1 j N, 1 k using a set of recurrence relations (Kum et al. 2003). We M and 1 k M bj(k) = 1, 1 j N. can then derive a normalised distance dist(S1, S2) by dividing D(S1, S2) by max(||S1||, ||S2||) (e.g. the length of The initial state probability distribution i = P(q1 the longer sequence). The calculation of REPL() is based = hj),1 i N. on Sørensen coefficient (Sørensen 1957) reflecting the A sequence of observations O = {ol | l = 1, 2, …, normalised set difference. R}, where each observation ol is one of the Given a database of sequences S, the density of each symbols from V. R is the number of observations sequence Si is calculated based on its k-nearest from sequence O. neighbours (KNN) as follows: A complete specification of an HMM model requires l two model parameters (N and M) and three probability density (Si) measures (A, B and ), which can be denoted as || S || d . 106
Proceedings of the 9-th Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM'11), Ballarat, Australia probability based on the given HMM. The number n is To build HMMs for capturing the common tuneable based on the results from the cluster builder. prescription behaviours from consumer cohorts, we incorporate the consumer-visiting-prescriber pattern into various states denoted as H = {h1, …, hN}, N > 0. Each sate indicates a consumer visit to a unique prescriber (e.g. the first time visit), otherwise the visit is not considered as unique and can be mapped accordingly based on the PrID and the respective state. Therefore, a temporal visiting pattern can be organised into a sequence of various states, for instance, (h1, h1, h2, h3, h4, h3). Considering the large number of registered prescribers, we decided to focus on the intra consumer and prescriber relations (visits) aspects of the problem. Each prescriber visit can incur certain drug prescriptions, and we can model them as physical outputs from the set V of all observable outputs (e.g. all PBS drugs stored in the PBS database). Modelling all PBS drugs can make the model cumbersome and even infeasible due to two factors. Firstly, it can increase the training time dramatically. Secondly, derived probabilities associated with rare drugs can be extremely small, thus hampering the performance Figure 2: An auxiliary HMM of HMM. Therefore, a compressed list of drugs (observations) is utilised, which covers all targeted drugs 4.4 Outlier Detector in table 1. Additionally, we establish a generic drug The model constructor provides a common ground for observation for capturing all non-targeted ones. Based on comparing prescription behaviors of different consumers. these two sets, a sample HMM is shown in figure 2. Medicare consumers, based on their temporal activities, The state h0 is a dummy state representing the start and are projected into an n-dimensional hyper-plane (e.g. n the end of a consumer’s temporal pattern. Likewise, the consumer cohorts and their respective HMMs), and each v0 is an artificial observation symbol for the sake of dimension implies a featured pattern encoded as an model integrity and consistency. The inference of HMMs HMM. The spatial distance between any two consumers also requires tunning parameters for three probability then can be computed. Various distance metrics (Cha distributions (e.g. A, B and ), which is essentially an 2007) are available for facilitating the task. Since each optimisation problem. Given an observation sequence O HMM score implicitly conveys the likelihood of a = {o1, o2, …, ot}, the objective is to estimate = ( ) consumer being a member of the respective cohort, we so that P( ) is maximised. We adopt the well-known adopt the City Block distance (Cha 2007) to augment the Baum-Welch algorithm (Rabiner 1989), which can be difference between two score vectors along all described as follows: dimensions. Based on these spatial distances, we can Input: O = {o1, o2, …, ot} and . adopt outlier detection techniques to automate the process Output: ( ) of identifying potential fraudulent consumers. The LOCI (Local Correlation Integral) (Papadimitrious et al. 2003) Step 1: Let initial model be 0. is adopted as the underlying outlier detector, which Step 2: Compute new model based on 0 and produces outlier-ness scores rather than binary YES or observation sequence O. NO answers. It is a density-based approach, which is Step 3: If log(P( )) - log(P(O| 0)) < go to effective on discovering micro-clusters (e.g. groups of Step 5. outliers). Additionally, it uses statistical reasoning (such as standard deviation) to determine the outlier-ness. Step 4: Else set 0 and go to Step 2. We briefly describe some terms used in the LOCI and Step 5: Stop. detailed algorithm description can be found in where we consider a uniform distribution model for (Papadimitrious et al. 2003). initializing 0. r-neighbourhood of an object pi: a set of objects For each of the consumer cluster, a profile HMM is within r distance of pi. inferred. These profiles then can be used to evaluate new consumer prescription patterns, namely given a model 1 n(pi ): the number of objects in the = (A1, B1 1) and a sequence of observations Onew, we –neighbourhood of pi. can compute the probability (Pr) that the sequence is ñ(pi ): the average number of objects over all produced by the model. For each new consumer, we can objects p in the r-neighbourhood of pi. examine his/her prescription patterns against each HMM, Multi-granularity deviation factor (MDEF) for pi from which an n-dimensional scoring vector (Pr1, Pr2, …, at radius r: Prn) can be derived. The forward and backward algorithm (Rabiner 1989) is adopted to efficiently compute each n ( pi , r ) MDEF ( pi , r, ) 1 ñ( p i , r, ) 107
CRPIT Volume 121 - Data Mining and Analytics 2011 Standard deviation of n(pi, ) over the experiments. Instead, we briefly discuss how suitable r-neighbours: values can be selected. There is a trade-off for choosing the number of p N ( pi , r ) (n( p, r ) ñ( pi , r, )) 2 clusters. On one hand, more clusters can reflect ñ ( pi , r, ) finer-granularity of the underlying cohorts and HMMs. n( pi , r) On the other hand, data is inevitably projected into Normalised deviation: higher-dimensional spaces, which can hamper the performance of the outlier detector. Additionally, ( pi , r, ) building more clusters incurs more overheads in terms of ñ MDEF ( p i , r , ) time taken to train HMMs, data projection and spatial ñ( p i , r, ) distance calculations. We find that a value between 3 and 5 is experimentally sufficient to produce promising The above terms essentially reflect the local integral results. The number of HMM states implies the number correlation with respect to each projected data point (e.g. of unique prescribers that a consumer visits over a year. each consumer). Given a distance within [rmin, rmax], we A value of 100 proves to be large enough, and it is almost can compute the value of MDEF(pi, r, ) with MDEF(pi, r, impossible for a consumer to visit that many doctors over ) and evaluate how far they deviate from each other. a year. It can be used as an upper bound for designing the Alternatively, both rmin and rmax can be replaced by the number of HMM states. Throughout various experiments, number of neighbours for comparison so that they can be a few consumers are identified as visiting a large number dynamically identified. of unique doctors (e.g. 45). Though these consumers The automated outlier detection process can efficiently represent an absolute minority, it is necessary to make the narrow down the number of potential prescription total number of allowable states large enough. As shoppers, which enables more effective and targeted mentioned before, we utilise a compressed list of manual investigation by medical experts. observation symbols (e.g. prescription drugs). All targeted drugs are uniquely denoted, whereas a generic Parameter Value Range observation symbol is defined to cover the rest of the No. of clusters 3 to 5 drugs covered by the PBS. The list can be easily extended No. of HMM states 50 to 100 to target more drugs. The number of LOCI neighbors for No. of HMM observation symbols 42 to 100 comparison can be set to a range of values between 10 No. of LOCI neighbours 10 to 20 and 20, which indicates coverage of 100 to 200 data Times of deviation 2 to 4 objects. Finally, the value for times of deviation represents the tolerance towards considering an outlying Table 2: parameter setting data object. It can be tuned accordingly to facilitate varying investigation scope. 5 Experimental Results We have conducted extensive experimental studies to 5.1 Detecting Known Outlying Consumers evaluate the performance of UNISIM. The system is Due to the unsupervised nature of UNISIM, we first implemented in C++ and OpenMP directives are inserted examine its validity through a mock-up dataset. The wherever possible to allow the parallelising of functional dataset contains a sample of 1938 MA consumers along computations. A standalone workstation hosts the system, with a year worth of their prescription activities. These which has 8 CPU cores @ 2.66GHz and 32 GB of main individuals are randomly picked from the studied memory. The underlying operating system is Ubuntu demographics. Through previous studies (Ng et al. 2010 version 10.04. A year worth of consumer data is extracted and Mendis et al. 2011), we obtain 20 identified outlying from the PBS and consumer directory databases for all consumers resembling similar temporal behavioural eligible Australian residents. For the purpose of this paper, patterns. They are deliberately injected into the sample we further select consumers with certain demographics dataset. Based on the HMM scores (e.g. the likelihoods of (e.g. male aged between 30 and 39), which has a each consumer belonging to respective HMMs), we can population of more than 300,000. We randomly choose treat each consumer as a data point in a 3-dimensional 1% of the sampled consumers for building cluster cohorts hyper-plane. We plot these points in figure 3. For the sake and training the HMMs. The training dataset size is not of presentation, each HMM score is multiplied by only manageable but also sufficient for building 100,000. As it can be seen, the majority of data points are consumer behavioural models. It is largely because we crammed together posing challenges for visual analysis. focus on extracting common prescription patterns. Furthermore, outlying consumers are generally good at Additionally, HMMs are intrinsically robust to noisy disguising themselves by emulating patterns of genuine data. Experimentally, the size of 1% is reasonably consumers. well-balanced between under-training and over-fitting the As it can be observed from table 3, all 20 outlying HMMs. The training dataset is excluded from the consumers are successfully detected by UNISIM. The proceeding testing. outlier-ness score is calculated as the difference between Table 2 presents the set of parameters along with their MDEF and 3 times of MDEF. The bigger the score, the value ranges required for UNISIM. Due to the more likely a data point can be classified as an outlier. A departmental policy, we are restrained on revealing exact value of 0.57414 is big enough to indicate further parameter values that have been used during our investigation is warranted. Experimentally, we have found that the score is monotonically increasing. It is 108
Proceedings of the 9-th Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM'11), Ballarat, Australia worth noting that UNISIM is also capable of identifying a compromised of temporal prescription data of 10,253 group of outliers. In this particular case, the group of random consumers selected from the studied known outlying consumers all have the same outlier-ness demographics sample. Considering the sheer quantity of score, which is a very appealing feature. As table 3 all involved transactions, manual investigation is deemed shows, all 20 pre-identified fraudulent consumers belong to be infeasible. to one group, which can be regarded as an outlier group. Before delving into individual results comparison In terms of HMM scores, all these consumers are against each consumer, we focus on the group results characterized with significantly small scores (e.g. close to generated by UNISIM so that we can observe some 0) implying that their behavioural patterns are highly attractive features of it. Overall, there are 5,489 irregular compared with common consumers (e.g. consumers identified by the system having a greater than captured patterns during the HMMs training). 0 outlier-ness score. Such a large number shows that the real-life data is indeed very complex (e.g. irregular patterns from genuine consumers). Interestingly, some groups of outliers are amongst them (e.g. same score with similar prescription patterns). Table 4 shows 5 such groups along with their respective outlier-ness scores and number of members. Together they represent a population of 3,579 consumers or around 65% of 5,489 consumers (outlier-ness score > 0). By closely analysing the patterns in group 1, we can observe that all its member consumers have one-off prescription over the chosen year. They can be easily filtered before further investigation. All four other groups have the similar properties. The capability of detecting micro-clusters of outliers allows us to quickly examine a group of consumers with similar temporal behaviours. Accordingly, we are able to effectively filter them out before further more costly investigation. For example, if we set the cut-off value to above 0.44901, there is an instant reduction of 87% leaving 693 potential suspects. It is very flexible to scope the investigation by the eventual business users. Figure 3: HMM score plot Group ID Outlier-ness Number of Score Consumers De-identified Consumer ID Outlier-ness Score 1 0.44901 1974 1 0.57414 2 0.449009 656 2 0.57414 3 0.159298 545 3 0.57414 4 0.335087 270 4 0.57414 5 0.155503 134 5 0.57414 6 0.57414 Table 4: representative outlier groups 7 0.57414 8 0.57414 De-identified Consumer ID Outlier-ness Score 9 0.57414 1 6.68674 10 0.57414 2 6.65758 11 0.57414 3 6.53518 12 0.57414 4 6.46845 13 0.57414 5 6.35029 14 0.57414 6 5.97089 15 0.57414 7 5.97089 16 0.57414 8 5.71688 17 0.57414 9 5.32089 18 0.57414 10 5.27353 19 0.57414 Table 5: top 10 individual outlying consumers 20 0.57414 We further examine the top 10 individual consumers Table 3: known outlying consumers and their scores and their prescription patterns, which are included in table 5. On average, 4 different doctors have been visited 5.2 Detecting Unknown Outlying Consumers by these consumers. The transaction records reveal that In this section, we study the generalised performance of some extreme cases have multiple visits to different UNISIM over unlabelled data. The dataset is doctors on one day. By looking at their prescription 109
CRPIT Volume 121 - Data Mining and Analytics 2011 drugs, we can notice that the majority of them are Conference on Data Mining, San Francisco, California, targeted ones (i.e. listed in table 1 as suggested by subject USA, pp311-315. matter experts). With such a combination, we can Medicare Australia (2011): Medicare Australia Annual confidently classify the consumer as suspicious and pass Report 2009-2010. the information onto the compliance division for further http://www.humanservices.gov.au/spw/corporate/publi investigation. cations-and-resources/annual-report/medicare/index.ht ml. Accessed 29 July 2011. 6 Conclusion and Future Work Mendis, B.Sumudu.U., Murray, D.W., Sutinen, A., Tang, The main focus of the paper is unsupervised fraud M.J. and Hu, Y.S. (2011): Enhancing the Identification detection particularly targeting MA claimants with of Anomalous Events in Medicare Consumer Data potential prescription shopping behaviours. We propose a Through Classifier Combination. Proc. 6th data-driven system, called UNISIM, for tackling the International Workshop on Chance Discovery, problem. UNISIM is comprised of comprehensive data Barcelona, Spain, pp39-44, Springer Press. mining components including feature extractor, cluster builder, model constructor and outlier detector for Ng, K.S., Shan, Y., Murray, D.W., Sutinen, A., Schwarz, effective and efficient analysis of MA consumer data. B., Jeacocke, D. and Farrugia. J. (2010): Detecting Importantly, we provide effective HMM for encoding Non-compliant Consumers in Spatial-Temporal Health essential knowledge into UNISIM enabling it to automate Data: A Case Study from Medicare Australia. Proc. the fraud detection process. We have demonstrated the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining effectiveness of UNISIM on detecting potential Workshops, Sydney, Australia, pp613-622, IEEE Press. non-compliant consumers using real-life health care data. Nguyen, H.V. and Gopalkrishnan, V. (2010): Feature We need to emphasise that UNISIM itself serves as a Extraction for Outlier Detection in High-Dimensional complementary tool to assist with the subject matter Spaces. Proc. 4th Workshop on Feature Selection in experts. For consumers identified as obtaining large Data Mining, Hyderabad, India, pp64-73. quantities of PBS medications, we are still reliant on the Papadimitriou, S., Kitagawa, H., Gibbons, P.B. and subject matter experts to decide if they have behaved Faloutsos, C. (2003): LOCI: Fast Outlier Detection fraudulently. Using the Local Correlation Integral. Proc. 19th In the future, we are planning to experiment with International Conference on Data Engineering different techniques or algorithms other than the ones that (ICDE'03), California, USA, pp.315, 2003 have been implemented. Currently, complex real-life Rabiner, L.R. (1989): Investigating Hidden Markov interactions, either explicit or implicit, are not the focus Models Capabilities in Anomaly Detection. Proc. of UNISIM. Capturing these coupled and intriguing IEEE, vol. 77, no. 3, pp357-286, 1989. relations are technically challenging yet can be beneficial especially for identifying more professional and Smyth, P. (1994): Markov Monitoring with Unknown organised fraud. The HMM can be built differently (e.g. States. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in to introduce contradictions). We expect to design and Communications, vol. 12, no. 9, pp1600-1612, 1994. implement other stochastic models for evaluating Sørensen, T. (1957): A method of establishing groups of consumer patterns. equal amplitude in plant sociology based on similarity of species and its application to analyses of the 7 Acknowledgements vegetation on Danish commons. Biologiske The authors wish to thank Dr. David Jeacocke for his Skrifter/Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, helpful clinical insights. We would also like to thank vol. 5, no. 4, pp1-34, 1957. 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