Unlocking opportunity in a disrupted world - Insurance growth report - Clyde & Co

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Unlocking opportunity in a disrupted world - Insurance growth report - Clyde & Co
opportunity in a
disrupted world
Insurance growth report
Unlocking opportunity in a disrupted world - Insurance growth report - Clyde & Co

02                     06                 16
Executive summary –    Multiple drivers   The insurance
Insurance businesses   set to encourage   M&A landscape
map out routes         M&A activity       in numbers
to growth              in 2018

18                     26                 32
Markets and            Insurtech –        Contributors
Models – Who’s         a major driver
expanding where,       for growth
how and why?
Unlocking opportunity in a disrupted world - Insurance growth report - Clyde & Co
Welcome                                   This may be an industry that is
                                          ripe for disruption, but this report
In the seven years that we have
                                          demonstrates that insurance leaders
been conducting our annual research,
                                          are up for the challenge and that the
re/insurers have rarely experienced
                                          industry is making great strides in
tougher market conditions or been
                                          disrupting itself.
under greater pressure to deliver
growth. But despite the difficult         I do hope the report serves as a
backdrop, this year’s report identifies   useful insight into re/insurers’
many positive future indicators.          growth strategies in 2017 and
After a lacklustre couple of years,       provides a continuing reference
M&A activity picked up in the second      point for you through 2018.
half, indicating a renewed level of
                                          If you would like to discuss any
confidence in deal-making as a tried
                                          of the information or ideas presented
and tested route to growth. Our M&A
                                          here, please get in touch with me or
team are predicting that 2018 will be
                                          with your usual partner contact at
the year when M&A returns to form
                                          Clyde & Co.
and the way the year has started,
with a number of high profile deals
announced already, suggests that
will be the case.

Companies have continued to explore
opportunities in emerging markets
and exploit innovative models, but
most importantly, it has been exciting
to see players around the world
embrace opportunities presented           –– Andrew Holderness
by insurtech, an area where we are           Global Head of Corporate
seeing considerable growth.                  Insurance Group
Unlocking opportunity in a disrupted world - Insurance growth report - Clyde & Co
summary –
map out
to growth
Unlocking opportunity in a disrupted world - Insurance growth report - Clyde & Co

The pressure on re/insurers      Transactions at a turning point           The US has regained its position as
                                                                           the most active region for transaction
to deliver growth for            A merger or acquisition remains
                                                                           activity and will continue to lead
                                 a popular route to building scale,
shareholders is unrelenting.     accessing new markets and customers
                                                                           the way, with dealmakers displaying
                                                                           greater confidence one year into
Yet so too are the               and generating efficiencies. After a
                                                                           the Trump administration. Recent
                                 two-year slide, the volume of completed
challenges. Despite record                                                 tax cuts could generate a spate of
                                 mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the
stock-market gains around                                                  deals involving both US targets and
                                 global insurance industry increased in
                                                                           acquirers, with Bermudian assets ripe
the world in the last 12         the second half of 2017. A number of
                                                                           for acquisition.
                                 positive indicators suggest more deals
months, investment income        to come in the coming months.
remains unimpressive in
what is still a relatively low
interest rate environment.
Over-capacity in the market
persists, with the impact
of the 2017 hurricanes
having little effect on
pricing, making higher
margins on underwriting
difficult to achieve.
Against this backdrop, re/
insurers around the world
are looking at a range of
strategies to deliver growth.
Unlocking opportunity in a disrupted world - Insurance growth report - Clyde & Co
globally, 2009 - 2017
                                         Volume of deals completed


2009   H1   291

       H2   282

2010   H1   272

       H2   250

2011   H1   289

       H2   266

2012   H1   244

       H2   200

2013   H1   162

       H2   157

2014   H1   192

       H2   192

2015   H1   225

       H2   219

2016   H1   201

       H2   186

2017   H1   170

       H2   180
Unlocking opportunity in a disrupted world - Insurance growth report - Clyde & Co

Asia in focus                             Expanding into new markets                  At the opposite end of the value
                                                                                      chain, technology is also the key
While the volume of completed deals       Where growth via M&A remains
                                                                                      to unlocking new customers in new
in Asia dipped in the last 12 months,     a challenge, we continue to see
                                                                                      markets via new distribution channels.
primarily due to foreign currency         re/insurers look to enter into new
                                                                                      Others are looking to acquire dynamic
restrictions and regulatory uncertainty   markets by either setting up a
                                                                                      and innovative start-ups that can
in China, M&A activity in the region      branch or subsidiary or entering into
                                                                                      deliver proven solutions; or take
is set to rebound. Japanese acquirers     a joint venture or some other kind
                                                                                      stakes in these types of businesses
will continue their quest for overseas    of tie up with a local partner. India
                                                                                      via corporate venture-style funding.
targets while 2018 could be the year      remains one of the most attractive
                                                                                      Some are investing in-house, creating
that their Korean counterparts finally    emerging markets for those looking
                                                                                      so-called ‘digital garages’ to support
begin to follow suit. On the flipside,    at planting a flag in a new territory or
                                                                                      the development of proprietary
Southeast Asia is on the radar of         strengthening an existing position. A
                                                                                      solutions. Of course, many are
foreign investors seeking opportunities   number of global reinsurers arrived
                                                                                      trialling a number of these routes
in growing and well-populated             in the country in 2017, following the
                                                                                      to growth simultaneously.
emerging markets with low levels          removal of restrictions on establishing
of insurance penetration. Meanwhile,      local offices. Further legislative
                                                                                      2018 a watershed year?
regulatory changes introduced with        changes expected in April 2018 should
the aim of creating stronger, better      accelerate the arrival of international     While 2018 may not be the year that
capitalised insurers in this part of      players into the country.                   technology takes over, it will likely
the world could lead to a wave of                                                     mark the point where disruption
                                          Elsewhere, China’s Belt and Road
consolidation among domestic players.                                                 becomes a reality. New market
                                          initiative is expected to lead to
                                                                                      entrants such as Amazon and Google
                                          USD 4 trillion in infrastructure
The Brexit effect                                                                     will threaten established models and
                                          investment across 65 countries,
                                                                                      heap further pressure on traditional
Uncertainty around the UK’s               bringing with it significant
                                                                                      insurers. As they seek to compete,
withdrawal from the EU has acted          opportunities for those involved
                                                                                      traditional players will need to evolve
as a brake on European M&A while          in the risk transfer business.
                                                                                      their business models and leave no
re/insurers plan their post-Brexit
                                                                                      stone unturned in the quest to protect
strategies. Although the final details    Technology tops the bill
                                                                                      market share and drive growth.
of Brexit remain unclear, those who
                                          Interest in technology as a growth          However, there is one caveat: insurance
needed to respond to the possible
                                          driver has further accelerated. With re/    has been widely tipped for a while as
loss of passporting rights have by and
                                          insurers unable to control investment       an industry ripe for disruption but has
large restructured their operations in
                                          returns and pricing driven by market        resisted change more forcefully than
preparation for life after March 2019.
                                          forces, direct costs is the one line item   many others. It will be fascinating
As such, we expect transactions to
                                          on the profit and loss statement where      to see where we are when we review
move further back up the management
                                          they can exert some control. As they        developments again.
agenda and, with some of the
                                          look to generate internal efficiencies,
uncertainty removed around the
                                          they are investigating how technology
structure of possible European targets,
                                          including blockchain and artificial
an increase in deals is likely.
                                          intelligence can be deployed to deliver
                                          smarter ways of doing business.
Unlocking opportunity in a disrupted world - Insurance growth report - Clyde & Co
Multiple drivers
set to encourage
M&A activity
in 2018

                                Deals continue despite uncertainty                         The operating environment for many
                                                                                           insurers continues to be challenging.
                                There were 350 completed M&A in the
                                                                                           Competition is rife, there is ample
                                insurance industry in 2017, down from
                                                                                           capacity in the market, pricing is
                                387 the previous year. Activity in Asia
                                                                                           soft and investment returns remain
                                was the hardest hit predominantly
                                                                                           unimpressive due to the on-going low
                                due to Chinese Government foreign
                                                                                           interest rate environment. Hurricanes
                                exchange controls and regulatory
                                                                                           Harvey, Irma, Maria et al resulted in
                                uncertainty. Europe also saw fewer
                                                                                           a slight uptick in pricing at renewals in
                                deals with Brexit preparations taking
                                                                                           January but nothing in the same league
                                management time and focus, pushing
                                                                                           as we saw following Hurricane Katrina
                                transactions further down the agenda,
                                                                                           in 2005 and these rises may not hold.
                                at least in the first half of the year. In
                                contrast, the Americas – and the US                        As a consequence, many insurers
                                in particular– saw a slight increase in                    remain under pressure due
                                M&A activity. The US uptick coincides                      to catastrophe losses, reserve
                                with growing economic strength and                         strengthening and write-downs.
                                corporate optimism in the aftermath of
                                election uncertainty in 2016.

Percentage of deals by region   60

                                50                                                                                                              50





























                                         Americas          Europe           APAC               MEA
Insurers can’t control their    That brings insurers back to the
                                question of how they can generate
                                                                            Buying scale and scope

investment returns and          profit on their existing platforms and
                                                                            Establishing a bigger book of business
                                                                            and accessing new customers in new
pricing is at the mercy of      this means looking at where they can
                                                                            markets remains a common driver
                                generate internal efficiencies. M&A
market forces so direct                                                     behind M&A in the insurance industry
                                remains a sound strategy to deliver
costs is the one area of the    this. Joining forces with another
                                                                            across all markets. For example,
                                                                            Japanese insurers continued their
business they can effectively   business effectively increases premium
                                                                            search for overseas targets, albeit
                                income while at the same time leading
get their arms around. In                                                   at a slightly slower pace than in 2016.
                                to cost synergies which should have a
                                                                            Most recently, Mitsui completed its
this context M&A is an          positive impact on the bottom line.
                                                                            acquisition of Singapore’s First Capital
appealing strategy to deliver   As the tide turns back in favour of         for USD 1.6 billion in December. In
growth if synergies can         deal-making, the second half of 2017        Europe, NN Group of the Netherlands
                                saw the global M&A total rise for the       acquired compatriot Delta Lloyd
be achieved. The rise in
                                first time for two years, suggesting that   for USD 2.7 billion while a spate of
transaction activity for the    appetite for transactions as a route to     deals in the US included CF Corp
first time in two years in      growth is increasing. As we look ahead,     acquiring Fidelity & Guarantee Life
                                a number of factors such as tax cuts in     for USD 2.2 billion.
the second half of 2017 is a    the US and greater clarity over Brexit
significant development.        look set to support increased deal-
                                making in the coming year.
–– Ivor Edwards, London

Spotlight on cross border deals

Overall all there were
105 completed cross-border deals
in 2017, out of a global total of 350

60 of the 105 cross border deals
were intra-region

Percentage of outband M&A deals
by region



                  NORTH                                                                       APAC



US tax changes have             US tax changes and market pressures
                                will fuel further M&A in Bermuda
                                                                         Brexit preparations act
                                                                         as a brake on M&A
diminished a key advantage
                                Bermuda saw continued transaction        In Europe, businesses have been
for Bermudan re/insurers.
                                activity in 2017. Two of the year’s      focused on Brexit preparations so
At the same time, market        five biggest deals worldwide involved    transactions have slipped a little down
conditions remain very          Bermudan targets: the USD 6.3 billion    the agenda. The main solution has
                                acquisition of Endurance by Sompo,       been to set up a subsidiary or branch
competitive with insufficient   which completed in March, and the        to ensure businesses can continue
pricing relief for those        USD 2.9 billion Liberty paid             to operate across Europe following
re/insurers, which will         for Ironshore.                           the UK’s exit from the EU. Very few
                                                                         have opted for an acquisition. JLT’s
lead to greater deal activity   This trend is set to continue. Many
                                                                         acquisition of specialty Belgian broker
                                Bermuda-based companies facing
involving Bermudian             low growth, deteriorating margins
                                                                         Belgibo from Exmar Group for an
                                                                         undisclosed sum was a rare exception.
re/insurers in 2018.”           and cost pressures remain targets for
                                deals and/or will have to diversify in   As Brexit preparations are completed,
–– Vikram Sidhu, New York       order to grow and compete. In January    we expect see to an increase in deals,
                                2018, American International Group       however, all insurance businesses will
                                (AIG) announced it had entered into an   be looking closely at the terms of the
                                agreement to take over Bermuda-based     withdrawal from the EU. If these are
                                Validus Holdings for USD 5.6 billion.    considered ‘hard’, we may see some
                                The recent announcement of tax           businesses restructuring, rather than
                                cuts in the US has delivered a further   necessarily getting involved in M&A.
                                competitive pressure that is likely
                                to act as a driver for M&A.              For insurers outside Europe looking
                                                                         at potential acquisition targets, they
                                                                         will likely be hesitant at making
                                                                         significant moves in the EU pre-Brexit,
                                                                         preferring to wait until the situation
                                                                         becomes clearer. This may have a
                                                                         positive impact on M&A activity
                                                                         elsewhere in the world such as in Asia,
                                                                         where there is not the same degree of
                                                                         market uncertainty and deals may be
                                                                         perceived as easier to get over the line.

Chinese M&A on hold                       Regulation intensifying focus
                                          on core business
                                                                                    While outbound M&A has
Deal activity in China has dried up                                                 pretty much dried up, we
in the last 12 months. This is partly     While at one end of the spectrum
                                                                                    continue to see interest from
due to regulatory intervention, with      some insurers are actively seeking out
proposed government plans to reduce       targets to deliver growth by achieving    insurers, especially in Asia,
investment limits for foreign insurers    scale and scope, at the other end there   attracted by the stability
from 51% to 33% remaining on hold.        are those choosing to dispose of less
This is generating uncertainty that       profitable assets to free up capital
                                                                                    of the Australian market
is acting as a brake on M&A.              and focus on core operations. In some
                                                                                    –– Avryl Lattin, Sydney
                                          instances, regulatory developments are
In addition, the foreign currency
                                          acting as a catalyst for this.
restrictions that were introduced
last year, supposedly as a temporary      For example, in Australia there have
measure, have now become more             been a number of deals in the life
stringent. Meanwhile, the regulator’s     market. Over the last couple of years
focus in the last six to nine months      there has been increased regulatory
has been the introduction of lots of      scrutiny especially around claims
detailed new regulations around a         handling and the role of brokers. This
raft of operational aspects including     has prompted a number of existing
independent directors, mis-selling and    players to exit the market with
misleading conduct.                       Commonwealth Bank selling its life
                                          business to Hong Kong insurer AIA for
The aim is to ensure much tighter
                                          USD 3.0 billion and ANZ bank entering
corporate governance, operating
                                          into an agreement to sell its to Zürich
practices and capital management.
                                          for USD 2.2 billion.
Once this is established, the regulator
will open the market to another round     Elsewhere, in Southeast Asia,
of consolidation via M&A but there        regulatory developments will play a big
is no sign at the moment that this is     part in M&A in the next 12 months. In
imminent and a realistic timeframe        Malaysia, in a bid to protect the local
is likely to be in the region of one to   market, the regulator is introducing
two years. Given the genuine pent-up      new rules from June 2018 requiring
demand for capital flows both in and      insurers to have a minimum 30% of
out of China, once the restrictions are   local ownership. As a result, foreign
lifted we should expect to see a flurry   owners may need to sell part of their
of deals.                                 stake in Malaysian businesses while
                                          incoming international players may be
                                          deterred from entering the market.
8 of 10
                             Indonesia also continues to implement       At the front end, insurers recognise
                             protectionist policies and measures         the growth potential of technology
                             aimed at bolstering local markets.          but the challenge remains how to
insurers planned to invest   With new insurance licences generally       unlock it. The first step is to acquire
in technology in 2017        unavailable in either of these countries,   or develop it and in 2017 we saw a
                             the only way for companies looking to       number of deals with the quest for a
                             operate in those insurance markets is       technological advantage a key driver.
                             via M&A, joint venture or some other        For example, in the US, when Markel
                             kind of tie up.                             bought State National for USD 922
                                                                         million, the acquirer’s Co-CEO said in
                             Meanwhile, in South Africa, the
                                                                         a statement: “State National will help

                             upcoming Insurance Bill is also being
                                                                         us to leverage our insured and digital
                             implemented with a clear view on
                                                                         distribution initiatives…”
                             protecting the local market. New
Technology is increasingly   capital requirements under Solvency         Also in the US, Travelers bought
going to be a driver of      II-style rules will put a lot of pressure   Simply Business, the UK’s largest
                             on insurers that will eventually lead       online business insurance broker,
M&A as re/insurers look      to consolidation as smaller players         for USD 490 million, describing the
to acquire dynamic start-    struggle to comply.                         target as “a profitable and growing
up companies that have                                                   technology company with impressive
                             We expect similar moves could
                                                                         strategic digital capabilities, leading
developed innovative         follow in countries around the world.
                                                                         digital commerce talent and proven
                             The impact of President Trump’s
solutions to unlock new      “America first” policy is yet to be seen
                                                                         small business insurance expertise.
                                                                         With technology and innovation
customers and new markets.   but it could generate a ripple effect
                                                                         driving customer preferences and
                             with other markets implementing
                                                                         expectations, advancing a digital
–– Ian Stewart, Singapore    protectionist measures.
                                                                         agenda to best serve our customers
                                                                         and the marketplace is a key
                             Technology remains a powerful
                                                                         strategic priority.”
                             deal driver
                                                                         2017 also saw the emergence of a new
                             As insurance businesses look to deliver
                                                                         generation of insurance businesses
                             improvements to the bottom line,
                                                                         emphasising a digital first strategy
                             technology is increasingly being seen
                                                                         that are starting to turn the tables
                             as the solution no one can ignore.
                                                                         by acquiring the assets of traditional
                             At the back end of the business,
                                                                         insurers. One example, Singapore Life
                             technologically driven solutions
                                                                         – which was only granted a licence
                             can generate efficiencies and cost
                                                                         in 2016 and is explicit that its model
                             savings. For example, many insurers
                                                                         is to explore new distribution with
                             are looking at how they can apply
                                                                         a focus on online – has been building
                             artificial intelligence and blockchain to
                                                                         its business and has now started
                             transform their businesses.
                                                                         to be a buyer in the M&A market,
                                                                         recently announcing its move to
                                                                         acquire the business portfolio
                                                                         of Zürich Life Singapore.

Run-off moving up the agenda               MGAs attracting greater interest
                                                                                      As the industry reaches
The run-off market has been busy           A key challenge for insurers looking       cruising speed on Solvency
with 19 large legacy transactions          for growth is access to new customers.
announced in the second half of 2017.      Setting up a Managing General Agent
                                                                                      II, the benefits in terms
Lloyd’s has seen an increase in RITC       (MGA) is quick, cheap and relatively       of capital requirements of
transactions, with the Enstar/Neon         light-touch in terms of regulation,        optimising the management
transaction announced in December          but acquiring an existing MGA is
2017 just one of a number of examples.     almost more appealing. MGAs have
                                                                                      of legacy business will be
The companies market is also seeing        typically been founded by high quality     thrown into sharper focus.
run-off activity. While historically we    individual underwriters or teams who       We expect a wave of run-off
have seen low quality businesses in the    are convinced they can do better in
run-off market, nowadays the offerings     control of their own destiny. As such      activity will follow
are much more attractive with insurers     they have underwriting experience,
like Novae putting their back-end out      product knowledge and marketing            –– Yannis Samothrakis, Paris
for sale as management teams look to       expertise, which make them very
shed backward-looking distractions so      attractive targets.
they can enhance capital efficiency and
                                           In one example, in June 2017, Neon
release funds for the future.
                                           announced the acquisition of leading
A wave of run-off activity is expected     Guernsey-based MGA Sapphire
in continental Europe where many           Underwriters. Commenting on the
re/insurers have a sizeable number         move, Martin Reith, Group CEO, said:
of contracts in run-off. Although this     “Sapphire’s disciplined approach to
has been in the pipeline for some          underwriting will provide us with
time, companies have so far had other      valuable local presence for the offshore
priorities but the signs are this is set   market. Neon continues to focus on
to change in 2018.                         profitable growth and this acquisition
                                           reflects that strategy.”
Taking on teams is an alternative           Two cases in 2017 highlighted some
to M&A                                      of the challenges. In the US, a court
                                            ruled that Florida-based broker
Targeting teams has been a consistent
                                            AssuredPartners pay USD 20 million
trend over the last ten years, although
                                            to national intermediary Brown & Brown
cases tend to go in spikes.
                                            to settle a poaching dispute. In another
It is quite common in the aftermath         case, Aon lost a lengthy legal battle for
of a merger for teams that are deemed       USD 54 million in compensation from
surplus to requirements to move on.         Alliant, which it claimed had raided
Indeed, the insurance industry is           its offices in California leading to the
generally quite incestuous with people      departures of 75 members of staff and
changing roles and companies relatively     a loss of over 1,000 pieces of business.
                                            In the last few years employers
However, while it can be a means to         have been drafting tighter contracts
side-step the complexities of acquiring     and have been more likely to start
a business, there are legal and financial   legal proceedings against those who
risks to be navigated, as well as the       break them.
potential for reputational damage.

Summary outlook for                        We expect deal-making in the
                                           insurance industry to continue to pick
insurance M&A in 2018                      up in the coming 12 months.

The Americas will continue                 While M&A activity in China will          Europe will return to form
to lead the way                            remain subdued, deals elsewhere
                                                                                     As Brexit preparations are
                                           in Asia will pick up
One year into the Trump                                                              completed, management attention at
administration, dealmakers are more        Japanese insurers will continue their     companies within the EU will return to
confident and the recent tax cuts          search for overseas targets and their     the growth agenda and transactional
could generate a spate of deals. Targets   Korean counterparts could also start      opportunities. Meanwhile, those
within the US will remain attractive       to look beyond their borders for growth   outside the region will have greater
while we expect continued acquisitions     opportunities. Investors will remain      clarity over the suitability of European
of Bermudian assets.                       focused on opportunities in Southeast     targets.
                                           Asia, encouraged by regulatory
Down year masks better second half


Completed deals in 2017 -
lowest since 2013.
Second half performance





an improvement on H2 2016

Percentage of deals by region        573








The insurance                               H2

M&A landscape                        2017

in numbers                                  H2

                                                     Americas     Europe          APAC            MEA

                                       Activity up in the Americas, down in
                                       Europe, APAC and MENA

                                                                          2017                  2016             % change
Activity up in the Americas,
2016 - 2017                             Global                             350                    387               -9.6%
                                        Americas                           176                    165              + 6.6%
                                        Europe                             118                    151              -21.9%
US buyers making bigger bets            APAC                                   42                  72              - 41.6%

                                        MENA                                   11                  13              -15.4%

45% of top 20 largest deals involved   ^ Brexit and Chinese forex restrictions were biggest brakes on M&A
US acquirers in 2017.

In 2016 60% of buyers in the top 20
were based in Asia.

H2 2017 saw increase in M&A            Deals picked up in final half of 2017
after four consecutive periods
of decline.                                                            H2 2017               H1 2017             % change

                                        Global                             180                    170              + 5.9%
                                        Americas                               90                  86              + 4.6%
                                        Europe                                 65                  53             + 22.6%
The biggest increase was in Europe.
                                        APAC                                   20                  22               -9.1%
                                        MENA                                     3                  8             - 62.5%

Fewer bigger deals                     Insurers continue to look                     3 key M&A drivers in 2018
                                       at overseas assets

16                                     30%                                           Technology
                                                                                     Tax cuts
                                       30% of all deals were cross border in
There were 16 transactions valued                                                    Territorial expansion
at USD 1 billion+ in 2017, in 2016     2017 (105 of 350 deals)
there were 24                          29% of deals (111 of 387 deals) in 2016
Markets and
Models – Who’s
expanding where,
how and why?

Global reinsurers arriving             For many insurance businesses,
                                       delivering growth via M&A may not
                                                                                  changes expected in April 2018
                                                                                  could further accelerate the arrival
in India are bringing with             be feasible or their preferred route.      of international players.
them a combination of                  Challenges exist including around the
                                                                                  In China, still viewed by many as
capacity, experience and               availability and suitability of targets,
                                                                                  emerging even though it is now the
                                       reaching agreement on price and
skills that will support               navigating regulatory hurdles. As a
                                                                                  second largest insurance market in
                                                                                  the world, things haven’t been quite so
the development of new                 result, some companies with growth
                                                                                  simple. With the regulator currently
insurance markets in                   ambitions are instead looking at
                                                                                  not issuing any new insurance licences
                                       utilising other tools at their disposal
the country.                           in order to build scale and enter into
                                                                                  and content to let the transactions lie
                                                                                  dormant for the time being, routes into
                                       new markets. These include building a
–– Sumeet Lall, Mumbai                                                            China are more complicated.
                                       presence in new territories via a start-
                                       up or joint venture, searching out new     However, there are examples of
                                       distribution arrangements or exploring     those with an existing presence in
                                       new products and lines of business.        the country looking to extend their
In South Africa, the                                                              footprint. In the second half of 2017,
                                       Setting up operations                      Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty
Insurance Bill is expected                                                        opened its Beijing branch, taking its
                                       The lure of emerging markets
to come into force in July                                                        number of offices in the country to
2018. Under the new rules              For those looking at planting a flag       three, as part of a strategy to service
                                       in a new territory or strengthening        multinational clients in both Europe
re/insurers will find it               an existing position, the emerging         and Asia. Joint ventures also featured
difficult to operate without           markets remain attractive. Often           in 2017 as we will discuss later.
establishing a physical                characterised by huge populations,
                                                                                  Elsewhere in Asia, new licences are
                                       growing levels of wealth and a low
presence. As a result,                 level of insurance penetration,
                                                                                  generally unavailable in Malaysia or
                                                                                  Indonesia, so the only entry point into
we have already seen an                they present significant growth
                                                                                  these markets is via acquisition, a joint
increase in interest in                opportunities and are clearly in
                                                                                  venture or some other kind of tie up.
                                       the sights of insurance businesses.
companies preparing to                                                            Meanwhile, in Thailand, a loosening
                                       In the last year, interest and activity    of ownership rules is expected which
apply for a licence to open            in India has increased following           could help open the door to new
a branch.                              changes in statute and regulation that     market entrants.
                                       has opened up the market to foreign
–– Ernie Van Der Vyver, Johannesburg                                              While Myanmar is still almost totally
                                       entrants. A number of global reinsurers
                                                                                  closed to international investors, it is
                                       entered the Indian marketplace in 2017
                                                                                  very gradually opening up. Last year
                                       after the country’s regulator removed
                                                                                  the regulator granted licences to some
                                       sanctions that enabled companies
                                                                                  Japanese insurers to operate in special
                                       to establish a local branch office to
                                                                                  economic areas and there is some
                                       conduct reinsurance business, with
                                                                                  expectation in the market, political
                                       XL Catlin the most recent company
                                                                                  unrest notwithstanding, that 2018
                                       to be granted regulatory approval.
                                                                                  may be the year that Myanmar
                                       In addition, Lloyd’s commenced
                                                                                  permits direct foreign investment
                                       operations in India in April and
                                                                                  for the first time.
                                       welcomed the MS Amlin and Markel
                                       syndicates. Additional legislative
While there has been                     The hub and spoke model                     The Brexit effect

a slowdown in the                        Building a regional hub from which          Unsurprisingly, one of the busiest
                                         to access emerging markets has been         regions in the last 12 months for
number of reinsurance
                                         a popular strategy for some time.           applications to open new branches or
vehicles starting up in                  Dubai has positioned itself as the          subsidiaries has been Europe. Post-
the Middle East, foreign                 gateway to the Middle East and saw a        Brexit access to markets within the
                                         rush of new entrants into the market        European Union is a challenge facing
investors continue to
                                         following the opening of its Lloyd’s        all UK domiciled insurers, and it led to
see opportunities in                     platform in 2015. However, last year        a spurt of movement in 2017.
the region with the                      saw a slow-down with Chaucer
                                                                                     The vast majority have chosen to
                                         the sole new arrival into the Dubai
intermediary market                                                                  open newly licensed entities in EU
                                         International Financial Centre in 2017,
seeing active growth.                                                                countries; or in some cases (as with
                                         while Beazley withdrew from the
                                                                                     Lockton and Beazley in Ireland),
                                         market. However, this seems likely to
–– Peter Hodgins, Dubai                                                              work with regulators to re-license
                                         be only a short-term pause, in reaction
                                                                                     existing businesses from, for example,
                                         to the growth seen in the previous two
                                                                                     reinsurance to direct status.
                                         years. Long-term, the region’s growth
                                         prospects remain strong, and                While the search for growth may not
Top three destinations for               it continues to extend its influence        have been a primary driver in these
post-Brexit EU hubs for UK insurers: 1   as a hub across North and East Africa.      developments, the need to protect
                                                                                     existing business and provide a safety
                                         Meanwhile, in Asia, Singapore itself
1.   Luxembourg                                                                      net in an uncertain environment is
                                         continues to position itself as a
                                                                                     causing headaches for some.
2.   Dublin                              gateway to the region. Demand for
                                         new licences is still healthy as the
                                                                                     Part VII becomes painful
3.   Brussels                            market continues to develop, bolstered
                                         by a supportive regulatory structure.       For a large part of the market, those
                                         In 2017 Chubb chose the city state as       providing pensions or long standing
                                         the location for its Asia Pacific hub for   commercial liability covers for
                                         SME business while in January 2018,         example, Brexit is more of a challenge
                                         reflecting the growing importance of        than opportunity. Question marks
                                         the Asian market, Swiss Re announced        over whether UK insurers will be able
                                         the launch of its regional headquarters     to continue to pay claims under EU
                                         in Singapore, and appointed a new           contracts post-Brexit are focusing
                                         regional board of directors.                attention on Part VII transfers, which
                                                                                     would enable such policies to be
                                                                                     transferred to a new (or existing) EU
                                                                                     subsidiary. However, transactions are
                                                                                     proving slow to close, following a trend
                                                                                     towards a much higher level of detailed
                                                                                     scrutiny by the PRA, which means
                                                                                     there is now the real prospect of some
                                                                                     current transfers not completing by the
                                                                                     Brexit deadline of March 2019.

Worse, after Brexit, the entire legal           Notably, there has been much JV
framework of Part VII in Europe will            activity as a result of the insurtech
come into question, and we anticipate           surge, with companies, mainly in the

                                                                                               4 trillion
that these two factors combined will            US and UK, looking for technology
cause some significant stalling of Part         partners to help them build out their
VII activity in the coming year.                direct distribution. In one example of
                                                many, US-based Spinnaker set up a JV
There is of course a flipside to Brexit.
                                                with homeowners’-focused insurtech             China’s One Belt, One Road initiative
The European regulator recently
                                                start-up Hippo. Announced in early             is expected to lead to USD 4 trillion
formally noted that insurers based
                                                January 2018, the deal is designed             in infrastructure investment
in the EU are much further behind
                                                to allow Spinnaker to use Hippo’s              in 65 countries.
on their post-Brexit planning than
                                                technology to expand into new states.
their UK counterparts, although
the UK’s PRA suggested at the end               The global expansion of Chinese
of the year that they would let EEA             insurers has also seen one or
carriers set up branches in the UK as           two interesting deals outside of
long as broad regulatory equivalence            China, including a JV on Guernsey,
was maintained. 2 We are therefore              between Alternative Risk Management
extremely likely to see some activity           Ltd and Chinese insurance services
on this front in 2018, as continental           company BACM. The JV will set up
insurers with significant UK operations         captives and offer captive management
start to consider how to maintain               services to international Chinese
access after March 2019.                        businesses expanding overseas, a sign
                                                of the increasing demand from Chinese
Joining forces                                  businesses internationally.

A perennially attractive alternative            One of the most significant JVs
to M&A or setting up operations                 of the year, however, was the
independently is to enter into a joint          agreement between Chubb and
venture (JV), a strategy that was               PICC, China’ s largest property and
deployed in markets around the                  casualty carrier, which will see the
world in 2017.                                  two companies creating a range of
                                                joint offerings to serve international
Allianz Group and Liverpool Victoria
                                                clients both inside and outside of
Friendly Society (LV=) agreed to
                                                China. Whilst PICC will gain access to
launch a JV and a longer-term strategic
                                                Chubb’s 54 offices outside China, and
partnership in the UK, creating a
                                                Chubb will jointly develop insurance
general insurance business with
                                                business with some of China’s largest
over six million customers and
                                                companies, the true opportunity in this
gross premiums written in excess
                                                deal lies in the joint ability to globally
of GBP 1.7 billion.
                                                service Chinese companies expanding
                                                overseas as part of the ‘Belt and Road’
                                                initiative, an opportunity that other
                                                global insurers, such as Allianz and
                                                AIG, are also positioning to exploit.

     1   https://www.postonline.co.uk/lloydslondon/3360316/analysis-the-new-brexit-landscape

     2   https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/2017/december/approach-to-authorisation-and-supervision-of-international-banks-
Managing General Agents (MGAs) are        Investing in distribution                  Bancassaurance goes digital
a fast-track to connecting customers
                                          MGAs generating interest                   Another area of distribution which
and capacity 3
                                                                                     is seeing an increasing focus on
                                          MGAs are a very popular growth
                                                                                     technology is bancassurance.
                                          strategy that is reflected both in terms

                                                                                     Tie-ups with lenders remain popular
                                          of M&A activity but also alternative
                                                                                     as insurers seek access to large, new
                                          routes to growth. In today’s market,
                                                                                     customer bases. In August, Aviva
                                          there is no shortage of capacity but

47 billion
                                                                                     announced a 10-year agreement
                                          the real jewel in the crown is finding
                                                                                     with HSBC, which it said was one
                                          customers. With organic growth a
                                                                                     of the largest deals of its kind signed
                                          challenge, there is an increasing focus
                                                                                     in the UK and is expected to generate
                                          on how to unlock new niches in the
Over 300 MGAs underwrote over 10%                                                    hundreds of millions of pounds
                                          market. This has led to a wave
of the UK’s GBP 47 billion general                                                   in premiums. However, banks are
                                          of MGA start-ups and expansions,
insurance market premiums in 2017.                                                   increasingly focused on what an
                                          with new launches in the US including
                                                                                     insurer can do digitally and whether
                                          Firestone Surety (backed by Fidelis),
                                                                                     the digital strategy is in line
                                          and Volante Global.
                                                                                     with theirs.

                                          In Europe, MGAs including Castel,
                                                                                     In Asia, DBS Bank and Chubb signed
                                          Barbican and Acappella have been
                                                                                     a bancassurance agreement, effective
                                          acquiring teams in order to build out
                                                                                     from 1 January 2018, that will give the
                                          their offerings, while in May 2017
                                                                                     insurer access to six million customers
Delegated authority underwriting was      Australia-based MGA Ensurance
                                                                                     through a network of more than 200
projected to account for 47% of Lloyd’s   announced plans to open in the UK
                                                                                     branches as well as via the bank’s
premium income in 2017                    to focus on construction and
                                                                                     digital platforms. The agreement is
                                          engineering cover on a wholesale basis
                                                                                     valid for 15 years and covers Singapore,
                                          with insurance brokers both in the UK
                                                                                     China (including Hong Kong and
                                          and in the EU.
                                                                                     Taiwan) and Indonesia.
                                          The MGA market is set to grow further
                                                                                     In a statement, DBS commented that:
                                          as insurtech solutions continue to
                                                                                     “Chubb’s track record in delivering
                                          be developed. In December 2017,
                                                                                     digital innovation, collaborating with
                                          the app-based insurtech managing
                                                                                     partners and offering a suite of market
                                          general agent Wrisk – whose insurance
                                                                                     leading products across multiple
                                          partners include Munich Re, Hiscox
                                                                                     customer segments makes them
                                          and QIC – received full authorization
                                                                                     an ideal partner.”
                                          from the UK’s Financial Conduct
                                          Authority. Shortly afterwards,
                                          Jacqueline McNamee, the former UK
                                          managing director of AIG, announced
                                          the launch of a commercial lines
                                          insurtech MGA, expected to go live in
                                          the second half of 2018, that will use
                                          technology and data analytics to make
                                          doing business simpler for brokers.

The promise of new products                   Parametric triggers gaining attention

ILS market set for further growth             The value of parametric insurance
                                              solutions was once again
Despite the substantial losses

                                                                                         31 billion
                                              demonstrated in 2017. In the
incurred during the hurricane season,
                                              aftermath of Hurricane Irma, CCRIF
the catastrophe bond and insurance-
                                              SPC made payouts totalling USD 31.2
linked securities (ILS) market at
                                              million to six countries, within 14 days
the end of 2017 surpassed USD 31                                                         Size of the ILS market in 2017
                                              of a catastrophic event, underlining
billion for the first time, according
                                              the key benefits of parametrics: speed
to Artemis. Indeed, the ILS market
                                              and certainty of settlement.
has since experienced a wave of new

interest from institutional investors         While still relatively early days for
and 2018 is forecast to be another            this segment of the market, insurance
record year.                                  businesses are waking up to the
                                              growth opportunities it presents and       The global ILS market
New ILS centres are emerging to
                                              there have been a number of notable        is huge and growing –
challenge Bermuda, the established
                                              developments in the last 12 months.
leader in this area. In the UK new
                                              In the UK, the Financial Conduct           It accounts for 12% of
regulations to create an ILS framework
                                              Authority brought parametrics into its     reinsurance capital. Last
came into law in November. Neon
                                              testing ‘sandbox’ and put Floodflash,      year investors took a pretty
became the first market participant
                                              an event-based flood insurance, into
to make use of them, setting up a USD
                                              development. Elsewhere, in France,         big hit but have stayed in
60m sidecar the following month.
                                              AXA Global Parametrics was launched        the market, recognising that
More are set to follow.
                                              to accelerate the development of           ILS offer an attractive route
The Lloyd’s market also looks set             parametric products, while AXA and
for a surge of activity on the back of        Chubb both launched parametric             to growth.
these regulations, with Lloyd’s itself        flight delay products in just one
                                                                                         –– William Hogarth, London
announcing that it is exploring using         example of how these solutions can be
ILS protection to provide cover for the       deployed to cover risks beyond severe
Central Fund under the new London             weather events. Further information
market regulations, and major players         on developments in this part of the
Brit, Chaucer and Sompo Canopius              market is available in the Clyde & Co      While the cost of natural
are also at varying stages of planning        report Parametric insurance: closing the
their own deals.                              protection gap.4
                                                                                         disasters to Asia is high, it
                                                                                         is estimated that only 10%
Meanwhile, the Singapore Monetary
Authority has recently announced                                                         of these losses are insured.
that Singapore will develop its                                                          Parametric insurance
own regulatory framework for ILS
                                                                                         products offer one way to
transactions too (although no date
has been set for this).                                                                  bridge the protection gap.
                                                                                         –– Joyce Chan, Hong Kong

     3   https://www.mgaa.co.uk/MGAA_/MGAA/About_Us/MGAA_R/MGAA2/About_Us.aspx

     4   https://www.clydeco.com/resilience
Cyber set for more growth                  On-demand in demand

Cyber cover worldwide continued to         Another area of product development
see expanding sales and innovation in      enjoying significant interest is the
2017. Many organisations woke up to        advent of on-demand insurance,
the significant cost and disruption a      typically targeted at younger
security breach can bring in the wake      consumers and facilitated by social
of the impact of the WannaCry, Petya       media technology platforms. Initiatives
and NotPetya attacks on public and         by the likes of Trov - which raised a
private sector enterprises around the      further USD 45 million to fund global
world. Stand-alone cyber coverages         expansion - Sure, Covered and Slice
began to extend into wider D&O             expanded in 2017. We anticipate more
product offerings, as the product          players and covers will emerge in 2018.
became a more regular part of the
corporate insurance coverage. With the
arrival of the EU GDPR regulations in
May 2018, this part of the market is set
for further growth.

Key facts

Globally, re/insurers are focusing                   ILS set to take off in 2018              Innovation remains key
on emerging markets for growth

Countries and regions featuring                      USD 31 billion                           Two key areas to watch in 2018 will
regularly in re/insurers’ plans include:                                                      be parametricss and cyber
                                                     The catastrophe bond and insurance-
–– India                                             linked securities (ILS) market             USD 2.9 billion
–– Asia (Singapore)                                  surpassed USD 31 billion for the first
                                                                                              –– The parametric market was worth
                                                     time in 2017 5
–– South Africa                                                                                  USD 2.9 billion or 9.5% of the total ILS
                                                                                                 market in 2017 7
–– Middle East (Dubai)                               12%
                                                                                              –– The global cyber insurance market
–– China                                             ILS accounted for 12% of reinsurance        could grow to USD 5 billion in annual
                                                     capital in 20176                            premiums by 2018 and at least USD
                                                                                                 7.5 billion by the end of the decade 8

                                                                                              –– The European cyber market will
                                                                                                 experience an explosion in demand
                                                                                                 when GDPR claims highlight
                                                                                                 vulnerability post implementation
                                                                                                 in May 2018

Summary outlook for
alternative growth
strategies 2018

China’s Belt and Road initiative                     IPOs may become more prevalent           Insurers will continue to prioritise any
may throw up more opportunities                      while conditions are right               move which shortens the
                                                                                              value chain
Domestic insurers will look for                      Many private equity houses will be
external partners to support the                     looking for return on their insurance    Any distribution agreement, whether
involvement of international players in              investments while markets are strong     supported by new models, partners or
infrastructure development.                          and valuations are holding.              technology, will be embraced as a way
                                                                                              to grow market share by getting closer
                                                                                              to customers.

      5    http://www.artemis.bm/dashboard

      6    William Hogarth, Legal Director, London

      7    http://www.artemis.bm/deal_directory/cat_bonds_ils_issued_outstanding.html

      8    Insurance 2020 & beyond: Reaping the dividends of cyber resilience, PwC
Insurtech –
a major driver
for growth

                                    Digital solutions for growth               –– Bought by Many, a service that
                                                                                  mines social data via artificial
                                    2017 was the year in which insurtech
                                                                                  intelligence (AI) tools to offer
                                    became a mainstream driver for
Insurtech funding volumes leapt                                                   “insight-driven” insurance.
                                    growth in the insurance sector.
by 36% to USD 2.3 billion in 2017                                              –– Betterview, a US tech partnership
                                    Traditional insurers and reinsurers
                                                                                  offering re/insurance clients drone
                                    are looking to digital solutions to help
                                                                                  imagery, analysis and reporting.
                                    them boost their top line, develop new

                                    products, enhance their distribution       In a similar move, Axis has partnered
                                    strategies, win new customers or build     with Silicon Valley insurtech start-
                                    customer loyalty and drive efficiencies.   up platform Plug and Play. Axis will
It was commonly thought                                                        provide mentoring and technical
that for now the real impact        Re/insurers deploy a variety               support, actuarial and underwriting
                                    of investment strategies                   expertise to help turn ideas into
of digitalisation would                                                        products and services. Liberty Mutual’s
                                    Re/insurers are deploying a number
be confined to volume                                                          global consumer group has set up
                                    of investment strategies in order to
sectors (personal lines and         deliver their growth ambitions. These
                                                                               a venture capital initiative, Liberty
                                                                               Mutual Strategic Ventures, while
the smaller end of SME).            include collaborative investment in
                                                                               MetLife has launched LumenLab
                                    transformative technology and the
But developments during                                                        in Singapore to develop disruptors
                                    so-called ‘digital garage’ model where
2017 including B3i, Cytora          supportive alliances are formed.
                                                                               in the areas of wellness, wealth
                                                                               and retirement.
and announcements by                Munich Re for example partnered with
                                                                               2017 also saw re/insurers innovating
major reinsurers like               several different insurtech providers
                                                                               under their own steam. ZhongAn
Munich Re show that larger          via its Digital Partners subsidiary
                                                                               raised USD 1.5 billion on the Hong Kong
                                    during 2017 (and the start of 2018) to
commercial lines will also          open up new markets, drive greater
                                                                               Stock Exchange in September, in the
                                                                               world’s first insurtech IPO. The keys to
be transformed in the               efficiency and improve service.
                                                                               ZhongAn’s success are its proprietary
near future.                        Outreach teams focus on identifying
                                                                               systems and three distinct areas of
                                    opportunities before a commercial
                                                                               technology. Online systems enable
–– Nigel Brook, London              team defines the parameters of any
                                                                               mobile payment transactions, policy
                                    potential partnership. The whole
                                                                               distribution and claims handling.
                                    process takes only one or two weeks
                                                                               Blockchain infrastructure is used
                                    followed by three to six months of
                                                                               to facilitate digital assets circulation,
                                    product development.
ZhongAn’s rise has been                                                        transaction clearing, data storage,
                                    Examples include partnerships with:        identity verification and anti-money
spectacular but as it deploys                                                  laundering. And finally, artificial
                                    –– Trov, an on-demand insurance
cutting edge technologies              business offering cover direct to
                                                                               intelligence-related applications
into other areas of the                                                        including image recognition help
                                       consumers via mobile. Based in the
                                                                               speed up authentication processes,
market we will likely see              US, Trov sees the partnership as
                                                                               machine learning is used for better
                                       an opportunity to: “streamline our
widespread disruption in               regulatory path and increase our go-
                                                                               understanding of user behaviour,
the insurance industry.                                                        and automated chatbots are
                                       to-market effectiveness in each new
                                                                               deployed to streamline traditional
                                       territory we pursue,” according to
–– Michael Cripps, Chongqing                                                   customer services.
                                       Scott Walcheck, CEO and Founder.
Growing through new products               For example, sensors in the
                                           manufacturing environment and in
The internet of things (IoT), wearable
                                           plant and equipment may transform
technologies and in time, the industrial
                                           industrial risk monitoring and

internet of things (IIoT) are set to
                                           management. This would allow
substantially expand the range of
                                           insurers (and others) not just to assess
risks that insurers can underwrite –
                                           risk on a snapshot basis, but to have
enhancing their topline through new
                                           eyes and ears in the factory or supply     time taken for Lemonade to
                                           chain, analysing the live data stream      review, approve & pay a claim
The use of telematics by motor             from equipment and premises 24/7.
insurers is already transforming the       FM Global, a mutual for industrial
motor market, enabling insurers to         companies, is already providing an
understand and price previously            enhanced risk management service
uninsurable risks more accurately.         using this kind of technology.             A year ago it announced that its bot,
Wearables are making similar                                                          AI Jim, had reviewed a claim, cross
transformations possible in medical        Widening distribution                      referenced to the policy, run 18 anti-
and life insurance. In the home,                                                      fraud algorithms, approved and paid
                                           Delegated authority underwriting
Italian insurer Generali partnered                                                    within three seconds.
                                           was projected to account for nearly
with Nest Labs, a subsidiary of Google
                                           half of Lloyd’s premium income in          2017 has also seen a proliferation
parent Alphabet, to develop a new
                                           2017. As the number of new MGAs            in the use of drones by re/insurers
insurance product in Europe. Through
                                           testifies, there is tremendous appetite    both in pre- and post-loss scenarios
the partnership, Generali offers home
                                           to grow this further, yet progress         to transform catastrophe management
insurance coupled with Nest’s smoke
                                           has been held back not just by the         and provide more efficient and
and carbon monoxide monitors. Aviva,
                                           regulatory and reporting hurdles           accurate claims handling for example
Hiscox and others have partnered
                                           which Lloyd’s is reviewing but also        after hurricanes Harvey, Irma and
with Neos in the UK with a similar
                                           the complex systems and manual             Maria. Loss adjuster Crawford,
connected home proposition.
                                           processes that tend to support it.         for example, acquired WeGoLook
In another example, London-based           Charles Taylor’s investment in the MGA     to pioneer in this area and is now
insurtech provider Concirrus launched      Otak platform in February 2017 is one      reportedly seeking to expand the use
Quest, an AI-powered marine                example of how insurtech is poised to      of drones in loss adjusting around
insurance analytics platform in            simplify and transform the experience      the world.
September 2017. The platform enables       for all parties.
                                                                                      Other service improvements are
the integration of insurers’ own
                                                                                      less eye-catching but equally
data with external sources on over         Winning and keeping customers
                                                                                      significant. Examples include
200,000 vessels worldwide, supporting
                                           Established players perhaps have           Prudential Hong Kong which is
improved risk selection and better
                                           something to learn from the                introducing a digital claims submission
                                           emergence of pure-play tech-enabled        system and AI platform that enables
However, many take the view that the       businesses, competing on their own         customers to submit hospital claims
real money in the future will be earned    terms with their own capacity, such        electronically and get instant claims
by companies that move out of a pure       as Lemonade. Allianz joined XL Catlin      updates. An AI-powered Chinese
insurance sector application and into      as a shareholder in the business in        language chat bot “Ask Prudence”
data insights and service provision.       April 2017. Lemonade deploys AI and        enables a 24-hour online enquiry
In time, technology-enhanced risk          behavioural economics to transform         service. Sam Lim, CTO at Prudential
management may reduce claims,              the provision of cover and the claims      commented: “The new additions seek
and in some fields even eliminate          experience, both of which are largely      to offer customers an end-to-end
them – certainly this is a goal for the    automated.                                 digitalised experience which sits
autonomous cars industry.                                                             at the core of the customer journey.”

                                                Driving efficiencies
                                                                                            At the front end of the business too,
                                                In a marketplace where price
                                                                                            changes are underway. The Center
                                                competition is fierce and top-
of P&C insurers are considering                                                             for Business and Economic Research
                                                line growth hard to find, driving
robotics process automation 9                                                               ranked underwriting fourth in
                                                efficiencies through better and more
                                                                                            the top 10 list of occupations that
                                                intelligent technology is strategically
                                                                                            could be automated. And, according
                                                vital. Reducing claims handling costs
                                                                                            to Xceedance, robotics process
                                                and identifying potential fraud is one
                                                                                            automation can reduce time taken
                                                area where insurers are using AI to
                                                                                            to validate policy information by 90%;
                                                increasing effect.
                                                                                            policy issuance time by half; and errors
                                                Tractable, a London-based start-up,         in formatting to zero.
                                                is just one of several companies
                                                                                            Insurtech firm Cytora is another
                                                providing an application to assess
                                                                                            example of successful collaboration
                                                photographs of car damage, for
                                                                                            in the AI field. The firm uses AI and
                                                example. Tractable’s AI views images
                                                                                            open source data to improve the way
                                                of vehicle damage and makes an
                                                                                            insurers quantify, select and price risk.
                                                assessment within seconds, the
                                                                                            Cytora’s product captures the so-called
                                                company claims. Suspicious
                                                                                            ‘online footprint’ of potential risks by
                                                claims are flagged and estimates
                                                                                            scraping data from company websites,
                                                for repair can then be quickly
                                                                                            news, and government datasets then
                                                reviewed and authorised.
                                                                                            processing it alongside company
                                                Shift Technology, another 2017              internal data using algorithms to
                                                AI start-up, goes beyond assessing          assess potential risk profiles, to predict
                                                the probability of fraud. Its context-      claims and quantify risks. Investors
                                                sensitive model intelligently adjusts       include Starr Global and QBE Group
                                                the weighting of suspicious indicators,     and there are plans to deploy the risk
                                                providing a framework to detect             engine in 2018.
                                                fraudulent networks. Shift has
                                                                                            Distributed ledger technology
                                                analysed over 90 million P&C
                                                                                            is another key area of technology that
                                                claims and the associated alerts
                                                                                            promises to deliver significant efficiency
                                                raised by fraud handlers and as the
                                                                                            gains. According to a recent report by
                                                dataset grows so its ability to detect
                                                                                            PwC, blockchain could remove 15-25%
                                                fraud increases.
                                                                                            of industry expenses and deliver
                                                Fraud management is not the only            USD 5 - 10 billion in savings.
                                                AI benefit. Fukoku Life Mutual, a
                                                                                            2017 saw the B3i insurance initiative,
                                                Japanese-based insurer, invested in
                                                                                            which now includes no fewer than
                                                a system said to contain “cognitive
                                                                                            38 industry players from around the
                                                technology” to calculate claims
                                                                                            world, start to explore the potential
                                                payouts, alarming claims staff with
                                                                                            of distributed ledger technology to
                                                suggestions it might be able to reduce
                                                                                            create and manage P&C reinsurance
                                                headcount in the process.
                                                                                            contracts from set-up through to
                                                                                            automated claims calculation. The first
                                                                                            market test was launched at the Monte
                                                                                            Carlo RVS conference in September
                                                                                            2017 on the coordination platform.

     9   https://www.intelligentinsurer.com/news/robotics-ai-can-transform-business-13620
                                   At the event, Paul Meeusen, head              Online retail giant Amazon is also
                                   of finance and treasury services at           getting set to make its move on
                                   Swiss Re, is reported to have said:           insurance. Its new division in London
Blockchain can deliver 30%         “There is a real opportunity to improve       is aggressively hiring (and targeting
in cost savings & efficiencies10   reinsurance processes with the use            Lemonade amongst others).
                                   of blockchain technology, which can           It has already launched Amazon
                                   deliver cost savings and efficiency           Protect and is reportedly targeting
                                   gains of 30 percent by taking out             the UK, Germany, France and Spain –
                                   unnecessary reconciliation, repetitive        deploying the combination of technical
                                   duplication of work and waiting times.”       firepower, capital and customer
                                                                                 base that individual insurers or tech
                                   The beginning of 2018 is expected

                                                                                 businesses will struggle to match.
                                   to see B3i put in place a limited
                                                                                 Its recently announced employee
                                   liability structure, housing R&D and
                                                                                 healthcare alliance with Berkshire
                                   commercial operations, in order to
A huge digital ecosystem           better serve members and future
                                                                                 Hathaway and JP Morgan might herald
                                                                                 a wider push into that sector. And a
is being constructed that          platform users.
                                                                                 number of insurers already have apps
is allowing companies              2017 also saw Clyde & Co launch Clyde         that use its intelligent speaker, Alexa.
                                   Code – a fully integrated legal and
from Alibaba to Amazon to                                                        This is competition on a scale that
                                   technical offering designed to help re/
enter the insurance market                                                       may worry the industry. Insurtech
                                   insurers and brokers to realise the
                                                                                 players can be invested in for
and use their platforms as         growing potential of smart contracts.
                                                                                 monitoring and learning purposes,
powerful sales tools. This         Tech takes over?
                                                                                 or acquired if they start to look like a
                                                                                 threat. Amazon is in another league.
has the potential to turn          The next phase of development might           It has the experience potentially to
the traditional insurance          see tech companies in the ascendant           establish a lean, data-driven agile
                                   over insurers – building brand loyalty        global insurance business with no
industry upside down.
                                   direct and relegating the insurer to          legacy systems, processes or people.
                                   the status of ‘white label’ provider of
–– Kevin Martin, Hong Kong
                                   licensed capacity. Tesla for example,
                                   now offers owners the option of
                                   purchasing “Insure My Tesla” cover
                                   underwritten by local insurers
                                   (Direct Line in the UK, Liberty Mutual
                                   in the US). The risk to insurers is plain,
                                   as Elon Musk warned last year: “If
                                   we find that the insurance providers
                                   are not matching the insurance
                                   proportionate to the risk of the car,
                                   then if we need to we will in-source it”.11
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