Unlock Northcote Northcote Town Centre Benchmark Masterplan - Land. People. Culture - Panuku ...
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Unlock Northcote Northcote Town Centre Benchmark Masterplan April 2019 Land. People. Culture. Isthmus.
Vision Ā te tau 2030 ka tupu a Awataha hei hapori hihiko me te pokapū manaaki e whakanui ana i ngā tikanga ā-iwi, e rahi ake ai ngā mahi pakihi, e ea ai hoki ngā tūmanako o te katoa. The Northcote of 2030 will be a growing community, with a lively and welcoming heart that celebrates culture, and where business thrives and everyone’s needs are met. The Northcote Framework Plan (November 2016) set out an ambitious vision for a regenerated Northcote anchored on community, culture and business. One of the Plans four key moves was the regeneration of the Town Centre. In 2017 following the acquisition of several buildings, the Board of Panuku Development Auckland resolved that all of the land and buildings in the Town Centre should be included in the urban renewal. This Benchmark Masterplan for the Town Centre presents an exciting vision for Northcote Town Centre. It is underpinned by urban design and Te Aranga design principles, delivering a lively and welcoming Northcote with community, culture and business at the heart. It promotes a comprehensive, staged development with new buildings that are fit for their 21st Century business purposes. It aims to build on the best of the key characteristics of the Centre that the community value - pedestrian areas, the elm tree on Pearn Place, the alignments of key streets, a public realm with flexibility to adapt to accommodate large community events and festivals and most importantly its human scale and activity. The new Northcote will have a greater mix of housing types delivering over 2000 new homes, with up to 750 of these within the Town Centre in apartment blocks up to eight stories tall. It will have a new multi-purpose community facility, which will include a library, connected to a new town square. There will be a network of pedestrian priority streets and lanes, framed by high quality buildings, with a vibrant mix of uses including community, retail, commercial and residential. This street network will provide excellent connection to the local community and its recreation spaces, including Greenslade Reserve, Cadness Reserve and the Greenway. The Benchmark Masterplan includes high quality public spaces for informal gathering, outdoor dining, markets, and larger festivals enabling the community of Northcote to live, linger, work and play in their Town Centre. Northcote Town Centre Benchmark Masterplan 04/2019 2
Key Moves Summary Summaryof ofkey keymoves moves Key move Key move move one: one: one: Key KeyKey move move move two: two: two: Key Keymov m Town Town TownCentre centre centre-– – Lake Lake Lake Road Road Road –- – creating creating creating AAblue-g blue creating creating aavibrant creating vibrantheart a vibrant heart heart a agreat a great great urban urban urban street street street a netwo a netw Retail Retail development Retail development development isisbrought isbrought brought Lake Lake Lake Road Road Road isis remodelled is remodelled remodelled as as as open opensps forward forward forwardonto onto onto Lake Lake LakeRoad, Road, Road, creating creating aa a creating aa pedestrian-friendly a pedestrian-friendly pedestrian-friendly street street street This This landm land gateway gateway with with aa new with new a new multi-purpose multi-purpose multi-purpose incorporating incorporating incorporating cycle cycle cycle lanes lanes lanes and andand network network w community community community building building building and andand providing providing providing wider wider wider footpaths. footpaths. footpaths. centre centreanda enhanced enhanced enhanced public public public spaces spaces spaces such such suchasas as aa a designed designed w newnewtown town townsquare. square. square. it becomes it becom cared caredforfob Summary Summary of key of key moves moves 52 52 Key move one:Key move one: Key move two: Key move two: Key move three: Key move movethree: three: Key Key move movefour: Key move four: four: Town centre Town – centre – Lake Road – Lake Road – creating creating greenway A blue-greenAway blue-green – - way – Housing Housing-–increasing Housing – increasing increasing creating creating a vibrant hearta vibranta heart great urbana street great urban street network of a network ofapublic network ofpublic public density, density,choicedensity, choice and choice and and Retail development is brought open Lake Road is remodelled as space open open space space tenure mix tenure mix tenuremix Retail development is brought Lake Road is remodelled as forward onto Lakeforward onto Lake Road, creating a Road, creating a a pedestrian-friendly a pedestrian-friendly street street landmark Thisopen This landmark public landmark spacepublicpublicopen openspace space The The Northcote redevelopment The Northcote redevelopment Northcote redevelopment gateway gateway with a new with a new multi-purpose multi-purpose incorporating incorporating cycle lanes and cycle lanes and will run through network networkthe network willtown will runthrough run throughthe thetown Town provides an opportunity provides an opportunity provides totoan deliver opportunity to deliv deliver community community building building andwider and providing providing footpaths. wider footpaths. Centreand centre centre and neighbourhood. and It neighbourhood. neighbourhood. will be It It will will bebe intensified housing intensified housing withnewnew intensified with homeswith new ho housing homes 55 enhanced enhanced public spaces suchpublic as a spaces such as a designed designed with thedesigned community with with community sothe input community that so so that offering morechoice offering more choice inintype, offering type, more tenure choice in type, ten tenure new town square.new town square. itthat it becomes something ittreasured becomesbecomes somethingsomething and treasured treasured and and price point. and price point. and price point. and cared cared cared for by everyone. for byfor by everyone. everyone. 52 52 Northcote Town Centre Benchmark Masterplan 04/2019 3
Overarching Principles & Criteria for Success These principles and criteria have been developed following extensive consultation including the Northcote Central Concept Plan (2005), the Northcote Town Centre Plan (2010) and the Northcote Framework Plan (2016). Principles Criteria for Success A. Identity The Masterplan establishes a recognisable ‘Northcote’ character, as a point-of- difference from other central Auckland 1. Outward facing & 2. A legible street 3. Green & sustainable 4. A sunny, sheltered 5. Multi-purpose town centres. Retains and celebrates the inviting network • Delivers the ability to live, work town square community hub building existing strong Asian influence, renowned and play in the local community. destination for Asian food. Celebrates Māori, • The Town Centre is integrated into • A legible network of public • High quality interface with • In excess of 1,500 sqm with • A multi-purpose community building the Northcote community. streets and spaces. flexibility to extend for larger events meeting community needs. Pacifica and European communities. Delivers • Stitched into wider context through • Clear hierarchy, accessibility, adjacent open spaces – Greenway, (i.e. temporary road closure). • Active ground floor uses. a strengthened sense of community, utilising street pattern and complementary connectivity, permeability Greenslade and Cadness Reserves. • Optimal co-location with other • In an accessible location. placemaking and public art and sculpture as land uses, reduced block sizes, and and walkability. • Public streets and square community assets (the hub building • In a visible location, to draw street facing development blocks. • A network of streets - ‘green’, retail designed as spaces for public and/or adjacent reserves). people into the Town Centre. components of building identity. life, rest and relaxation. • Draws the Town Centre to Lake and shared streets and lanes, • A balance of soft and hard • Located in relation to open Road and College Road (in contrast connecting between Lake Road, • Potential for effective management of landscape finishes for year- space (square, reserves, street) B. Cultural values to existing inward facing situation). College Road and Cadness Street. stormwater and stormwater quality. round and multi-purpose use. to enable spill out activities. • Delivers an active Lake Road • Optimises the potential for buildings • Proportions to suit market and Te Aranga values and design principles frontage. with active uses fronting Lake Road. community event space uses. • Optimises the potential of embedded within the Masterplan through the north facing interface design process and engagement. Mana with Cadness Reserve. Whenua presence, narratives and values are respected and made visible. C. Safety/CPTED The Masterplan prioritises safety. Designed to both Safety in Design and Crime 6. Facilitates multi- 7. Flexibility to provide 8. A food culture 9. An active retail & 10. Apartment-led Prevention Through Environmental Design modal transport car parking options destination commercial environment residential (CPTED) principles. • A Town Centre that facilitates • Delivers a balanced provision of on- • The Town Centre has the • Double-sided streets with fine grain • Optimises the potential multiple modes of transport street and precinct based car parking. potential to remain a destination retail at ground floor delivering for high quality residential - walking, cycling, private • Facilitates pop-in retail as well for Asian cuisine. active streets and building edges. apartment development. D. Flexibility/Future Proofing vehicle and public transport. as longer term stay parking. • Designed to facilitate the existing • Commercial / business at first • Location of residential apartments • A strong Lake Road • Utilises ground contour to takeaway food culture, while strongly floor, and to ground floor at in relation to community facilities, The Masterplan is flexible in layout now public transport interface, advantage – tucking parking encouraging people to linger. specific locations and edges. open space and street network. (as a masterplan) and into the future (as a conveniently located for use. under, retaining active ground • Provides outdoor dining space • Delivers the ability to live, work • Residential interface with Town • Clear transport routes and nodes, level uses at street edges. of variety of characters – street and play in the local community. Centre periphery residential land use. built environment). Staging of development linked to/into Town Centre. based kerbside dining typology; • New larger supermarket. • Potential for a range of is considered as fundamental to design • Permeability & legibility of laneway dining typology; and accommodation. delivery and outcomes. public transport interface courtyard dining typology. into Town Centre. Northcote Town Centre Benchmark Masterplan 04/2019 5
Benchmark Parcels with Aerial 1:1250 @ A3 Northcote Intermediate School Cadness Reserve Greenslade Reserve Future Development Potential la ce r nP a Er Pe ni eM Lake Road ay s St re et Town Square Pe arn St re et Kilham Aven ue o ad g eR l le Co Northcote Town Centre Client Benchmark Masterplan Scale 04/2019 Dra 6 Panuku. 1:625@A1 Existing Pa 1:1250@A3 & Build Architect Engineer Job No. Drawing Number
Benchmark Masterplan 1:1250 @ A3 HNZ Development Stage 5 Northcote Intermediate School Lake Road HNZ Development Stage 1 Iwa 4 9 5 Crescent Ernie Mays Street Greenslade 8 e l ac Laneway s sP d ne Ca Tekau mā tāhi 7 7 7 Laneway 6 10 Tāhi Rua Toru 10 la ce nP Er a r ni Pearn Stree Pe eM t Waru ay Tekau s St re 7 et et (e as re St t) 1 w Whā 2 Ne 7 Whitu Pe a rn St 7 re Rima et (e as t) 3 Ono o ad g eR lle Co 1 Community and Library Hub Building 2 Town Square 3 Supermarket 4 Greenway Cadness Reserve Ki 5 lh am 6 Greenslade Reserve Av 7 Mixed-use development site en Zoning: Mostly Town Centre (27m height) ue 8 Existing Library Building Indicative development land area: 2.9 hectares (approx.) 9 Existing Supermarket Indicative retail/commercial GFA (excl. community): 20,000 sqm 10 Residential Indicative residential apartments: 750 (approx.) Northcote Town Centre Benchmark Masterplan 04/2019 7
N U K OW (PAN Illustrative Masterplan. E T 2.3 IV I CAT IND Wider Northcote Masterplan KI LH AM N 0m 50m 100m Scale: 1:1000@A0 Job: 3589 Dw: GO Rv: BW Date: 18.01.19 AV (Oversize) E Disclaimer: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. Acknowledgement(s): Copyright ©. This copyright data is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand licence. Courtesy: Auckland Council | http://aucklandopendata.aucklandcouncil.opendata.arcgis.com/” Wider Northcote Regeneration HLC is leading the delivery of around 1,500 homes, with a target completion date of 2023. Of the 1,500 homes, around one-third will be for Housing New Zealand and the balance for the market (approximately half of those will be more affordable homes) with a mix of houses and apartments (including walk-ups). TO NA R The delivery of this new housing stock ST RE will enhance retail demand and reposition ET AD Northcote as a strong growth location. RO EW VI N FRASER AV EA E OC LAKE ROAD DE CRES T GREENSLA EE E R POTTER AV ST SS NE D CA KO STREET AD RO E GE LL CO KAKA STR N EET PLA T ER M AS E TR C EN U) N UK Illustrat TOW (PAN IVE I CAT IN D N KI LH AM Scale: 1:1000@A0 Jo AV (Oversize) E Disclaimer: This product is for informational purp It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and Acknowledgement(s): Copyright ©. This copyrig Auckland Council | http://aucklandopendata.auckla Northcote Town Centre Benchmark Masterplan 04/2019 8
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