University of Luxembourg - Entrepreneurship Programme Incubator Academic year 2020-2021 - Summer semester

Page created by Annie Park
University of Luxembourg - Entrepreneurship Programme Incubator Academic year 2020-2021 - Summer semester
                             of Luxembourg

Entrepreneurship Programme

Academic year 2020-2021 – Summer semester
University of Luxembourg - Entrepreneurship Programme Incubator Academic year 2020-2021 - Summer semester
Our motto

    Entrepreneurship is a
    skill that can be
    taught and learned!

University of Luxembourg - Entrepreneurship Programme Incubator Academic year 2020-2021 - Summer semester
pages 4 to 13
  Who we are
  Our services
  Who can participate
  Educational objectives
  Learning outcomes
  Teaching methods
  Mentors and speakers
  Entry requirements                                Programmes
  Certificate                                       pages 14 to 31
                                                      Ideation camp
                                                      Disciplined e’ship
                                                      Lecture series / webinar
                                                      Intro to e’ship

                                                      Summer school
                                                      Venture Mentoring Service
                                                      Falling Walls Lab
                                                      Build your own internship

                                                      Startup internship


            Stay tuned!
            page 32
                 Visit us in person

University of Luxembourg - Entrepreneurship Programme Incubator Academic year 2020-2021 - Summer semester
Who we are
    The Entrepreneurship Programme and Incubator were founded at
    the University of Luxembourg. Its main purpose to teach
    entrepreneurial skills to the university students, researchers and
    staff in an extreme hands-on environment. Our mission is to build a
    bridge between the University and the professional world while
    opening new career perspectives and opportunities. With a design
    for non-business students, through this approach, the
    Entrepreneurship Programme and Incubator strive to create
    learning a learning and living environment. We encourage and
    support all our participants to become well-rounded individuals
    where they can develop into successful leaders in both business
    and the community.

    The Entrepreneurship Programme’s mission is to offer relevant
    courses and workshops to develop entrepreneurship skills beyond
    the core education.

    University of Luxembourg Incubator is a place where you can come
    to create your own enterprise and run it with mentoring, admin and
    further support from the Incubator, until you are ready to start your
    own journey in the business world.

    The combined support and services offer ONE-stop solution for all
    entrepreneurial activities at the University of Luxembourg.

University of Luxembourg - Entrepreneurship Programme Incubator Academic year 2020-2021 - Summer semester
Our services
Our services offered to the University community are divided into
three main pillars for different awareness and competence levels:

    Creating curiosity     Providing a portfolio     Contributing to the
         towards           of learning-by-doing    success and growth of
 entrepreneurship and           trainings and           the University
  familiarizing yourself       workshops to            entrepreneurial
  with what it takes to           facilitate        projects and bringing
 be an entrepreneur or        entrepreneurial       tremendous value to
    intrapreneur and       skillset development        the startups by
 stepping outside your        and promoting        providing a structured
      comfort zone.          venture creation.           stage-gated
                                                   framework support for
                                                    startup projects in all
                                                        stages of their

University of Luxembourg - Entrepreneurship Programme Incubator Academic year 2020-2021 - Summer semester
Who can participate
    Anyone who is interested in discovering innovation and
    entrepreneurship from Master’s and Bachelor’s students, doctoral
    candidates (PhD), researchers across the three Faculties and the
    three Research Centres at the University of Luxembourg. As the
    Entrepreneurship Programme is interdisciplinary by nature,
    students, researchers and staff from all disciplines are encouraged
    to apply for our programmes and initiatives.

University of Luxembourg - Entrepreneurship Programme Incubator Academic year 2020-2021 - Summer semester
Educational objectives
Many of you will make a switch to the modern labour market at
some point in your career. Knowledge of business aspects such as
innovation, marketing, leadership, team building, intellectual
property rights, finance and business models is essential to
succeed. However, in the academic arena in which students learn
their core educational skills and researchers finetune their scientific
skills, these subjects are not often elaborated upon.

The Entrepreneurship Programme offers several immersive and
interactive courses and workshops, designed to test your
entrepreneurial appetite and jumpstart your entrepreneurial
adventure. Whether you want to ignite your entrepreneurial spirit
or get just enough flavour of entrepreneurship to flourish as
entrepreneurs within any organization, you will learn the basic
building blocks to excel. Looking at the world with an opportunity-
oriented mindset, we put you in the entrepreneurial roles to work
on your chosen ideas and concepts.

Through our courses and workshops, you will gain experience in
following an inter-disciplinary approach as well as the capability to
brainstorm, think outside the box, and to generate ideas with the
aim to improve your entrepreneurial skillset including:

Communication Teamwork
  Networking   Decision-making
Complex problem-solving Critical
        Creativity                            Negotiation
       Time management
  Marketing skills Leadership
Flexibility and adaptability
     Strategical and innovative thinking

University of Luxembourg - Entrepreneurship Programme Incubator Academic year 2020-2021 - Summer semester
Learning outcomes
    With a wide breadth of knowledge of entrepreneurship, creativity,
    innovation and business essentials, the skills learned are vital for
    the success of any business, in new ventures as well as in
    established companies. The goal of this set of programmes is to
    provide you guidance with an overarching framework:

           To be aware of entrepreneurship opportunities
           Debunk the top myths of entrepreneurship
           To be able to professionalize your startup or research
           To be aware of how to develop an entrepreneurial project:
                Identify an opportunity or a problem worth solving
                Evaluate an idea and engage with a wide range of
                Perform market research and choose your target
                Brainstorm and design a creative innovative solution
                Test your solution with potential customers
                Strategize your venture growth development
                Pinpoint and manage the critical risks
                Build a financial model and discover the key financial
                Learn to pitch effectively
           Interact effectively with your peers with diverse skills and
           Network with relevant stakeholders in the entrepreneurial,
           startup and business ecosystems in Luxembourg and




University of Luxembourg - Entrepreneurship Programme Incubator Academic year 2020-2021 - Summer semester
Through this approach, you will be able to:

               Explore, reflect, analyse, and communicate critically
               and effectively

                  Create, identify, assess, shape, and act on

                  Create a sustainable, innovation-based business

              Get the skills and knowledge to access local
              resources and networks in Luxembourg for starting a
    [Network] new venture or innovative project

               Get the analytical skills needed to solve quantitative
               and qualitative problems and effectively
    [Analysis] communicate their results

               Learn how to use your mind, your heart, your voice,
               and your ears in order to constructively engage and
               collaborate with others through active group
  [Teamwork] participation

University of Luxembourg - Entrepreneurship Programme Incubator Academic year 2020-2021 - Summer semester
Teaching methods
     The foundation of the Entrepreneurship Programme is the
     inductive learning method, a very interactive and highly engaging
     approach to learning. The inductive learning process is very
     powerful. It requires you to develop and refine your capabilities to
     think creatively and develop new approaches to problem-solving.
     By investing in learning using the inductive method, you will
     develop mental habits that will serve you well as you face new
     challenges in our rapidly changing world.

     The main goal is that you will acquire a transversal skillset helping
     you succeed in any leadership role be it as leading entrepreneurs or
     as successful intrapreneurs in the professional world. We aim to
     achieve this goal by exposing you to inspiring speakers, targeting
     skillset development via educational courses workshops and finally,
     by helping you learn via tackling unique challenges.

     Courses are taught in-presence, online, or in hybrid classes, which
     in turn consist of a mix of discussions, problem-solving in teams as
     well as self-study. Moreover, the Entrepreneurship Programme is
     completed with interactive and online workshops sessions, videos,
     lectures and readings in a few major topic areas.

     Group discussions and active collaboration (remotely) among
     participants are encouraged for all our activities and essential to

Mentors and Speakers
To discover the truth, you need to ask questions. You need to
interact and engage with your peers as well as the mentors and
guest speakers while sharing ideas and experiences. They will be
your greatest resources for exploring new ideas, considering tough
questions, and developing new principles.

Impression of the company affiliation of our speakers and mentors from the
entrepreneurial, startup and professional ecosystems.

Entry requirements
Unless otherwise mentioned, no previous business or
entrepreneurship experience is needed. Join us to embark on your
entrepreneurial or intrapreneurial journey!

You are, however, required to interact and communicate with your
peers as well as mentors, speakers and course coordinators.
Therefore, a working knowledge of English is required (B2).

You are also required to have your own laptop or tablet to be able
to download the workshop materials and to work during the team
working sessions using several IT tools such as Webex teams,
meetings and events; Microsoft Teams, MS Office (PowerPoint,
Excel, Word).

In specific cases, fees are applied to some of the proposed courses
or workshops (course materials, coffee breaks, lunches, dinners,
etc.). In that case, a limited number of reduced fees are available to
participants via scholarships. Please contact for
more information.

To prove the completion of the courses and workshops through the
Entrepreneurship Programme, you will receive a certificate for the
number of hours attended and ECTS credits (if applicable) after the
completion of the course or the workshop.

     Here is a short summary of some of our programmes, events and
     initiatives in which students, researches and staff can participate.

                                                        JANUARY                 FEBRUARY            MARCH                   APRIL

                          BACH.       JUMP START                                                                          3 ECTS
                INSPIRE   MAST.        (page 16)                                                         Workshops [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] o

                                    IDEATION CAMP          Preparation:             3                          Preparation:
                INSPIRE               (pages 18-19)     Workshops [2,3,4,5,6]      ECTS                     Workshops [2,3,4,5,6]

                                                                                                                  Extended progra
                                   BUILD YOUR OWN
                          BACH.                                                                      ECTS provided upon approval f
                DEVELOP   MAST.                                                                Prerequisite: mandatory to complete
                                     (pages 28-29)
                                                                                                                 prior to this progra

                          BACH.   STARTUP INTERNSHIP                                                          ECTS provided upon
                DEVELOP   MAST.        (page 30)                                                          Mandatory to attend Jump

                                    INTRO TO E’SHIP
                INSPIRE                (page 22)

                                   SUMMER SCHOOL
                DEVELOP              (pages 24-25)

                          BACH.    DISCIPLINED E’SHIP
                          MAST.      MASTERCLASS                                                          POSTPONED TO WINTER
                           PhD          (page 20)

                                    LECTURE SERIES
                          MAST.                                                            ORGANISED THROUGHOUT THE SEMESTE
                                       (page 21)

                                    FALLING WALLS
                          MAST.                                                                           POSTPONED TO WINTER
                VENTURE                (page 27)

                          BACH.   VENTURE MENTORING
                          MAST.         SERVICE                                                                  STARTUP MENTORI
                           PhD         (page 26)

MAY                   JUNE                    JULY             AUGUST

over 12 weeks


amme                                         Fast track programme
from Study Director                                  10 ECTS
 workshops [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]   Prerequisite: mandatory to complete workshops
 amme                              [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] prior to this programme

n approval from Study Director
p Start or Ideation Camp programme

                2 ECTS


R SEMESTER 2021-22 (due to COVID)


R SEMESTER 2021-22 (due to COVID)


               Many other workshops are available throughout the
               year so stay tuned and keep checking:

For Bachelor’s and Master’s students

                          Learn about innovation and creativity, build solid foundation for a
                          new business venture, learn how to be an intra-/entrepreneur with 8
                          self-paced workshops that can be taken over the semester or
                          academic year including short video clips interspersed with text,
                          questions, quiz and reflection which allow you to actively engage
                          within the workshop:

                                    Workshop 1: Welcome to entrepreneurship
                                    Workshop 2: Imagination, Creativity and Madness
                                    Workshop 3: Spot opportunities and assess your idea
                                    Workshop 4: Your customers
                                    Workshop 5: The business model canvas
                                    Workshop 6: How to pitch?
                                    Workshop 7: Build your financial model
                                    Workshop 8: Create your company in Luxembourg in 10

                          Prerequisite: none
                          Evaluation / assessment
                                 1 ECTS: workshops [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] assignments:
                                 Workshop #      1    2      3     4     5      6      7     8
                                 Weight        10%   10%    15%   15%   15%    15%    15%   5%

                                 1 ECTS: develop a holistic view of your business by building
                                 your own business model canvas (BMC), financial model and
                                 pitch deck
                                 Assignments         BMC           Financial        Pitch deck
                                 Weight              30%             30%              40%

                                 1 ECTS: self-reflection related to your field of studies (in
                                 collaboration with study directors with whom you are
                                 respectively enrolled). Criterion for assessing the self-
                                 reflection are based on the following rubrics: clarity,
                                 relevance, analysis, interconnections, self-criticism.

          3 ECTS max
          From 01/03/2021
          To 28/05/2021

16               SELF-PACED
For all students (Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral

                                                   Ideation Camp
                              The Ideation Camp is an experiential and interactive challenge in
                              which you work in cross-disciplinary teams to tackle challenges,
                              come up with solutions, assess your ideas, launch your ventures,
                              and to pitch your work in front of investors at the end of the event.

                              In this context, the productivity of the different teams is highly
                              dependent on their level of leadership, and on their capability to
                              take decisions within a short period of time.

                              This methodological approach gives you the understanding of what
                              it means to work in a startup, a multidisciplinary team or an
                              innovative environment.
                              Prerequisite: none
                              Evaluation / assessment
                                     2 ECTS:
                                         JumpStart workshops [2,3,4,5,6] assignments (to be
                                           done before actual Ideation Camp)
                                         Full attendance and active participation to the
                                           programme + pitch deck + final presentation
                                        Assignment        Workshops       Attendance        Pitch deck +
                                                           2,3,4,5,6                        Presentation
                                        Weight               35%              35%               30%

                                     1 ECTS: self-reflection – this is an opportunity to write about
                                     your experience, thoughts and feelings. Criterion for
                                     assessing the self-reflection are based on the following
                                     rubrics: clarity, relevance, analysis, interconnections, self-

                              Check out our videos!

                                        IC3                         IC3                    IC5
                                       Teaser                  Testimonials         What the hell is it?

                                                       IC6                      IC6
                                                Meet the students        Meet the mentors

          3 ECTS max
          7th ed: 16 to 20 Feb.
          8th ed: 27 April to 01

     ONLINE         TEAMWORK
18                  SELF-PACED
“The Ideation Camp was a unique
                                                                                                            opportunity to dive into the world of
                                                                                                            entrepreneurship. Although it is
                                                                                                            constructed as a competition, winning
                                                                                                            is not necessarily the end goal.
                                                                                                            Meeting and working with skilled and
                                                                                                            highly motivated people as a team on
                                                                                                            a common project made this event a
                                                                                                            full success. Being able to talk to
                                                                                                            highly influential and experienced
                                                                                                            mentors was incredibly valuable and
    “Before participating to the Ideation Camp, I                                                           MIKE PEREIRA GONÇALVES (FSTM)
had no idea what entrepreneurship was about. I                                                              Participant Ideation Camp 1
was doing my Bachelor degree in Psychology at
the University. During the 3 days, a combination
of motivation and ambition developed, that was
 amazing and had a lasting effect on me. Today
 we are still working on our start up, developing
       a prototype, interviewing customers and
                                                                            “I really loved the Ideation Camp, one of the best
      meeting with mentors. I would never have
                                                                             experiences so far, I had at the University! Thank
   expected that this programme would change
                                                                                  you very much for this opportunity, keep on
               my life in such a meaningful way.”
                                                                               doing such great things for the students of the
                         MARA KROTH (FHSE)
                                                                                                   University of Luxembourg.”
                   Participant Ideation Camp 3
                                                                                                     YASEN BUHLEV (FDEF)
                                                                                                  Participant Ideation Camp 1

                                                                   “I participated 3 times and still don't feel like I had enough. A
                                                                   fantastic journey that you wish it never ends”
                                                                   MOHAMMED BAZIGHIFAN (FSTM)
                                                                   Participant Ideation Camps 4, 5 & 6

                “Ideation Camp helped me to be more confident,
                especially more confident to pitch. It takes you
                                                                                                “The Ideation Camp 6 was overall a great
                out of your comfort zone and challenges you. But
                                                                                                experience! It was so much more challenging than I
                after all the work, you will feel proud and
                                                                                                expected but at the same time I learned a lot more
                                                                                                than I thought. […] It is tough but combined with a
                CINDY MACHADO (FDEF)
                                                                                                lot of fun, I made connections to people I would
                Participant Ideation Camp 6
                                                                                                have never met without participating. It is
                                                                                                definitely one of the best programmes the
                                                                                                University if offering. The experiences I made will
                                                                                                follow me after my graduation into the real life and
                                                                                                I will look back to the Ideation Camp with a big
                                                                                                smile and grateful heart that the Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                Programme gave me the opportunity of
                                                                                                experiencing that.”
                                                                                                XENIA SAUER (FHSE)
     “After attending various Ideation Camps, I can say                                         Participant Ideation Camp 6
        that each time it is an unforgettable experience.
    Coming out as winners or not, the lessons you learn
         and the people you meet are fantastic. You are
    surrounded by amazing staff and professionals that
     are truly at their ultimate disposal to help you with
           anything and everything. Ideation Camp is an
      incredible time if you like entrepreneurship or not
     and gives you an idea of how the real professional
                                           world really is.”
                             MIKAEL DASILVA (FDEF)
                   Participant Ideation Camps 5 and 6

                                                                        "Guys, this event might be the most important one for
                                                                        you as a student, your first step in the entrepreneurial
                                                                        world. The networking you will get is just priceless... Feel
                                                                        free to join the movement. "
                                                                        ASTOU NDIAYE (FDEF)
                                                                        Participant Ideation Camp 5

TESTIMONIALS                                                                                                                                        19
For all students (Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral

                                Disciplined Entrepreneurship
                            Do you have an idea that gives wings to your mind? You want to
                            see this idea put into practice to bring new solutions to the world’s
                            problems and make our lives a little better? You feel ready to start
                            the adventure of becoming an entrepreneur and want to learn how
                            to do this right from the beginning?

                            This 2-day Disciplined Entrepreneurship Masterclass is animated by
                            the renowned entrepreneurship lecturer and best-seller Author
                            Prof. Bill Aulet and offers a deep dive into the MIT entrepreneurship
                            methodology: a systemic and rigorous 24 steps to build your own
                            innovation-based venture. This methodology is very practical while
                            also being easily accessible and fun.

                            Join for a sustainable learning experience with a host who calls
                            himself “a crazy entrepreneur” and remains very accessible and
                            supportive despite his fame. Learn the proven basics of
                            entrepreneurship from the best and take the chance to get
                            valuable feedback on your personal business case.

                            Prerequisite: none
                            Evaluation / assessment
                                   1 ECTS: Full attendance and active participation into the
                                   masterclass (50%) + self-reflection on your own learning
                                   experience (50%). Criterion for assessing the self-reflection
                                   are based on the following rubrics: clarity, relevance,
                                   analysis, interconnections, self-criticism.

      1 ECTS max
      1x per academic year
      (next session to be

Lecture series / workshops

                         This programme enables you to enhance your transversal,
                         entrepreneurial and soft skills, inviting innovators and entrepreneurs
                         across all organizations to share their know-how, valuable lessons
                         from their successes, failures and their thoughts on several topics:
                         sales & marketing, hiring and culture, building products, strategy etc.

                         Example of lecture series/workshops:

                                 Personal development:
                                     How to negotiate and convince?
                                     Managing a team
                                     Making right decisions
                                     Circular economy
                                     Tips for making effective presentations
                                     Inbound marketing
                         Join us and boost your employability!

                         Prerequisite: none

                                                  “Strangely enough, I enjoyed the first session of the
                                           workshop and thank you for encouraging me to do so, as
                                                 I think it is useful for me as well. To be honest, I was
                                              afraid that I wouldn’t understand anything because the
                                           marketing field is a whole new world to me, but I found a
                                          lot of common ground with psychology, so it made sense!
                                             Although we were a lot of people in the session, it went

                                           I loved Ruchi's [instructor] transmissibility, her eagerness
                                                to answer each of our questions and that she tried to
                                                                    make it as interactive as possible”
                                                                     MARIA KRITSOTAKI (FHSE)
                                                   Participant workshop series “Marketing Ready”

      Several events
      organized during
      academic year
      (check our social media
      and website regularly)

For Doctoral candidates and researchers

                               Introduction to Entrepreneurship

                               In collaboration with the Office of Doctoral Studies, we offer to all
                               PhD students across all Research Centres in Luxembourg (,
                               LIST, LISER, etc.) a 50 hours’ course to learn the foundation of
                               entrepreneurship and innovation and how to professionalize a
                               research project. The course consists of a mix of interactive
                               workshops, discussions, and problem-solving challenges tackled by

                                      Workshop 0: Deconstructing your PhDs: comparative
                                      analysis between a researcher and an entrepreneur & Unlock
                                      your PhD project
                                      Workshop 1: Welcome to entrepreneurship
                                      Workshop 2: Imagination, Creativity and Madness
                                      Workshop 3: Spot opportunities and assess your idea
                                      Workshop 4: Your customers
                                      Workshop 5: Mapping your research project with the
                                      Business model canvas
                                      Workshop 6: How to pitch?
                                      Workshop 7: Build your financial model
                                      Workshop 8: Create your company in Luxembourg in 10
                               Although all doctoral candidates are very welcome to join, the focus
                               is on the 1st and 2nd year PhD students (3rd year PhD students and
                               researchers would find the Summer School more interesting!)

                               Prerequisite: none
                               Evaluation / assessment
                                      1 ECTS: workshops [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] assignments:
                                    Workshop #       0     1    2    3      4     5     6     7     8
                                    Weight          10%   5%   5%   15%    15%   15%   15%   15%   5%

                                      1 ECTS: develop a holistic view of your business by building
                                      your own business model canvas (BMC), financial model and
                                      pitch deck based on your research project.
                                      Assignments          BMC            Financial     Pitch deck
                                      Weight               30%              30%              40%

          2 ECTS max
          From 10/05/2021
          To 21/05/2021

For Doctoral candidates and Researchers

                               International Summer School in
                             entrepreneurship and innovation
                             It all starts with innovative technologies. However, they are worth nothing unless they
                             become enacted in the market and ideally lead to new business creations. The
                             Summer School is an advanced one-week programme on entrepreneurship and
                             innovation in which you experience the full innovation and entrepreneurship cycle
                             that provides knowledge, skills, tools and support to create their own startups.

                             In essence, you will answer 6 key questions:

                                      What is the value that you are trying to create using your research or know-
                                      how? [MEANING]
                                      How to design the business model of your venture? [MODEL]
                                      Do you have a good understanding of your customer and have you identified
                                      the beachhead? [MARKET]
                                      How much funding do you need and have you quantified the risk-reward?
                                      How to resource the execution? [MANAGEMENT]
                                      What are the key make-or-break instances of your venture journey?

                             Through this 6M model, you will become aware of how to create value in a
                             competitive landscape and how to create a new business based on original
                             technological ideas. You will also understand that using innovation to create a new
                             business is a realistic career choice for those who want to pursue it.

                             This methodology has been developed by Prof. Ted Zoller, managing director of the
                             Entrepreneurship Centre at the University of North Carolina, an entrepreneur and
                             expert in venturing and education. Ted is also the course coordinator of this summer
                             school and following this learning by doing approach, you will:

                                      acquire artistic and creative methodologies related to the discovery and
                                      development of any idea or business opportunity
                                      get the opportunity to transfer your findings into a successful business idea
                                      with a viable business concept and plan

                             Prerequisite: preferably one or both of the following programmes:
                                      Introduction to Entrepreneurship
                                      Ideation Camp

                             Evaluation / assessment
                                      2 ECTS: full attendance and active participation to the Summer School
                                      1 ECTS: develop a holistic view of your business by building your own
                                      business model canvas (BMC), financial model and pitch deck based on the
                                      6M model:
                                      Assignments              BMC           Financial model      Pitch deck
       3 ECTS max                     Weight                   30%                 30%               40%

       05/07/2021 to
       09/07/2021                     Check out our video!
       Early bird: 200€(1)
       Regular: 450€ (1)
                                         Summer School 2                                                               (1)Fee includes: course materials,
                                                                                                                         coffee breaks, lunches, dinners,
                                                                                                                         excursions, social activities and
 MARIENTHAL       TEAMWORK                                                                                                  accommodation. Fees do not
24                SELF-PACED                                                                                               include individual travel costs
" It was a fantastic experience. I had a
                                                                     comprehensive learning about the different
                                                                     stages of business creation. I could see that
                                                                           many people came motivated for the
                                                                           course and left even more motivated.
                                                                                  GABRIEL LEAL (
                                                                                  Participant Summer School 1
        " The Summer School was a memorable
     experience. The content of the course was
  exactly what I needed in order to understand
     the foundation behind the entrepreneurial
  mindset, and it encouraged me to look at my
work and my professional career through a new
  perspective. I enjoyed the company of such a
          diverse group of people, and was very
     impressed and uplifted by the experience,
      knowledge and kindness that the team so
   generously gave away every day. Thanks for
       accepting my participation, it was a real                                  "It was a great summer school all around. Ted
                                      pleasure!"                                  was a great speaker, which made it possible
          BRENDA RAUD (                                           with the tight schedule to still follow the
               Participant Summer School 1
                                                                                  classes. I loved the interaction I had with
                                                                                  several people and the learning I could
                                                                                  Joao Afonso (
                                                                                  Participant Summer School 2

                  “The knowledge acquired during the summer
                  school is a source that we can go back to at any
                  time during our entrepreneurial journey”
                  GIRA SZAKMÁR (
                  Participant Summer School 1

                               “Summer school was great; the incubator has awesome
                               people and Ted [Zoller] is a fantastic teacher. I think it's
                                    a great opportunity to offer this program. I totally
                                                                         recommend it.”
                                 DR. PEDRO CARDOSO-LEITE (
                                                  Participant Summer School 2

                             "One week of intense immersion into the world of
                             hands-on Entrepreneurship in the middle of woods
                             with Canoeing, Mountain Biking, Tai-Chi and memories
                             to cherish for lifetime”
                             DR. ROY SOMESHWAR (
                             Participant Summer School 2

TESTIMONIALS                                                                                                                      25
For all students, researchers and staff dedicated to create
            their own venture (or having one already)

                                  Venture Mentoring Service

                           Turn your business ideas into reality
                           Venture Mentoring Service (VMS) of the University of Luxembourg
                           Incubator is a programme that helps you – the University’s
                           entrepreneurs (members of staff, students and, alumni) – to turn
                           your entrepreneurial ideas into a real business. Under the license of
                           MIT and as an affiliate sister programme, the VMS programme
                           provides tailored support and industry experts to suit every
                           venture’s needs regardless of their level of experience and stage.
                           The programme is proud to have 35 mentors in the VMS pool
                           which equals to almost 750 years of experience.

                           VMS programme has an educational focus and our goal is to
                           provide you as an entrepreneur with the tools, knowledge,
                           resources, and network to ensure that you have the greatest
                           chance at success, whether you are a serial entrepreneur working
                           on your next big thing or if you have no previous experience
                           starting a business. Our mission is to create the next generation of
                           entrepreneurs and we are here to guide you on your journey of
                           Prerequisite: mandatory to   attend one or several of the following

                                  Introduction to Entrepreneurship
                                  Ideation Camp
                                  Summer School
                                  Disciplined Entrepreneurship Masterclass

                           Check out our videos!

                                       General             Testimonials

       ECTS provided
       upon the approval of
       the Study Director

       during the full year

Falling Walls Lab

                              Falling Walls Lab to discover the innovators of tomorrow!
                              The Falling Walls Lab pitch competition aims at promoting
                              exceptional ideas and at connecting promising scientists and
                              entrepreneurs from all fields. Labs are organized at academic
                              institutions across the world each year to identify the region’s most
                              innovative minds.

                              The Falling Walls Lab Luxembourg is a platform for academics,
                              entrepreneurs and professionals from all disciplines, providing them
                              with an opportunity to present their “wall breaking” idea to a broad
                              audience and a distinguished jury from academia and business.

                              The event is part of the international Falling Walls Lab initiative with
                              the aim of providing a forum for the next generation of outstanding
                              innovators and creative thinkers. All over the world, participants get
                              the opportunity to present their research work, business model, or
                              initiative to peers, a high-caliber jury made up of experts from
                              academia and business, and the general public - in only 3 minutes

                              Prerequisite: none

      ECTS provided
      upon the approval
      of the Study Director

      1x per academic year

      Prizes: up to 2000€

Entrepreneurship internship for Bachelor’s and
             Master’s students

                                  Build your own internship
                           This programme is an immersive and interactive 2-months internship
                           in which you work in multidisciplinary teams to develop innovative
                           solutions for a problem, interact with potential customers to validate
                           your solution, create an effective slide deck, pitch your startup idea
                           and write an executive business plan.

                           “Build your own Internship” is structured into three distinctive tracks
                           that introduce the tools necessary to understand and apply
                           entrepreneurship and innovation in practice. Each track offers you
                           the possibility to engage with guest speakers from the
                           entrepreneurship ecosystem in Luxembourg:

                                      TRACK 1: MAKING INNOVATION HAPPEN (week 1)
                                      Reflective writing piece on ideas, pains and opportunities

                                      TRACK      2:  START    YOUR     ENTREPRENEURIAL
                                      JOURNEY (weeks 2 to 8)
                                      With confidence and guidance, you practice the
                                      entrepreneurial path and tools to overcome the initial
                                      challenge of building their own ventures with strong
                                      support from our mentors

                                      TRACK 3: THE ULTIMATE ENTREPRENEURIAL
                                      CHALLENGE (week 9)
                                      Build a solid slide deck and pitch your business to the
                                      next level of success

                           Prerequisite: mandatory to complete the workshops [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8].
                           Evaluation / assessment
                                  10 ECTS:
                                       30%: active participation to the programme including
                                        mentoring      sessions,  preparatory   work,   idea
                                        validation, etc.
                                       15%: reflective writing piece on ideas, pains and
                                       15%: self-reflection – an opportunity to write about
                                        your experience, thoughts and feelings
                                       20%: elevator pitch
                                       20%: executive business plan (2 pages max)

                           Check out our video!

       10 ECTS max
       31/05/2021 to
       (9 weeks)
                                                                                                      Variant: this programme
       Unpaid internship                                                                                can be organized from
                                                                                                     01/03 to 28/05/2021 with
                                                                                                       possibility of extension.
                                                                                                        ECTS can be provided
                                                                                                      upon the approval of the
28               TEAMWORK
                                                                                                                 Study Director
" “I’m very grateful for the opportunity to
        participate in the “Build your internship”
          programme. The intensive two months
        programme has prepared me for real life
 situations through providing a comprehensive
mix of theoretical and practical know-how. The
positive and supportive atmosphere has helped
        me to learn a lot and enhance my skills."
               DANIELA IGNATOVA (FHSE)
 Participant Build your own Internship 1st ed.

                                                                  " It was an incredible experience to start with,
                                                                  following multiple self-paced workshops and
                                                                  working as a team under the guidance of
                                                                  different experienced mentors from the
                                                                  NISHTHA SHARMA (FDEF)
                                                                  Participant Build your own Internship 1st ed.

                “I really appreciated this programme! At the
                beginning, I had poor knowledge in this field and I
                had no idea on how launching a venture. Now, I feel
                more confident with working on projects as I know
                the process and what I first have to focus on."
                THEO GAMBON (FHSE)
                Participant Build your own Internship 1st ed.

Entrepreneurship internship for Bachelor’s and
            Master’s students

                                                Startup Internship
                                This programme gives you the real experience of the working life at
                                a startup and provides recent UL Incubator startups with the
                                resource of a talented intern to help them develop their

                                During the internship, you will:

                                       gain an understanding of how an early-stage startup
                                       be assigned to projects based on your skill set and the
                                       startup’s business strategy
                                       experience true action learning by having an opportunity to
                                       immerse in the startup life
                                       work side-by-side with the founding team and collaborate
                                       with UL Incubator

                                Prerequisite: mandatory to    attend one or several of the following

                                       Ideation Camp

        ECTS provided
        upon the approval
        of the Study Director
        ECTS provided
        upon the approval
        of the Study Director
        Limited number of paid
        internships available

Stay tuned!
     Stay tuned via our website & social media platforms, or sign up for
     our newsletter, for regular updates & the latest events.

     Don't forget to tag us when you take pics!

     Subscribe to our newsletter here:

            (email subject: I want to register to your newsletter!)

     Visit us in person:

                                                  University of Luxembourg Incubator
                                                  Belval campus
                                                  6A, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
                                                  L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette

Entrepreneurship is a state of mind

Having the eye to see an opportunity,
having the skillset to act upon it,
having the perseverance to materialize it

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