Unit 123 3560 Laval, Lac-Mégantic - Hugo Mathieu - PMML

Page created by Ryan Allen
Unit 123 3560 Laval, Lac-Mégantic - Hugo Mathieu - PMML

                                                                    Unit 123

                                       Retail business
                                                    3560 Laval, Lac-Mégantic        FOR RENT

                                                                                     Hugo Mathieu

                                                                                       CELL PHONE

                                                                                         EMAIL

                                                                                         
Descriptive sheet generated on : 2021-10-31 15:34
Unit 123 3560 Laval, Lac-Mégantic - Hugo Mathieu - PMML

                                                           R E N TA L S PA C E

                              Local available for rent having 573 square feet, for businesses
                                          and services inside the Carrefour Lac-Mégantic.

                                                        S T R AT E G I C A R E A F O R
                                           Commerce de details et entreprise de service.

                                    SERV ICES OFFERED IN THE BU IL DING

                                                           AVAILABLE AREA SQ. Ft.

                                                          573 SQ. Ft.

Descriptive sheet generated on : 2021-10-31 15:34

                                            CO M M E RCIA L RE A L E STATE A G E N CY A N D M O RTG A G E BRO KE RA G E F IRM     
Unit 123 3560 Laval, Lac-Mégantic - Hugo Mathieu - PMML

                                                                                                                                                                 AVA I L A B I L I T Y


 C O N T I G U O U S S PAC E                                                                    C O N T I G U O U S AVA I L A B L E A R E A

                       N/A                                                                                                               N/A

           Tra n s i t S c o r e                                                                                                                                       B i ke S c o r e

                       N/A                                                                                                                                                        50

                                                                                          Wa l k S c o r e


           The remarks, descriptions, features and financial projections contained in the present document are for information only and should not be considered as being official or accurate without due
          diligence verification. The information herein disclosed comes from sources that we consider to be reliable, but for which we cannot guarantee the accuracy. It is upon the buyer’s responsibility to
                                    verify all the information and to declare himself satisfied or not of his due diligence verification performed after an accepted promise to purchase.
Descriptive sheet generated on : 2021-10-31 15:34

                                                           CO M M E RCIA L RE A L E STATE A G E N CY A N D M O RTG A G E BRO KE RA G E F IRM                                             
Unit 123 3560 Laval, Lac-Mégantic - Hugo Mathieu - PMML
3560 L aval, L ac -Még an tic

            MAI N
      AT T R AC T I O NS
      O F T H E AR E A

       Benefits from the
       shopping centers traffic.

Descriptive sheet generated on : 2021-10-31 15:34

                                            CO M M E RCIA L RE A L E STATE A G E N CY A N D M O RTG A G E BRO KE RA G E F IRM     
Unit 123 3560 Laval, Lac-Mégantic - Hugo Mathieu - PMML

                YEAR OF RENOVATION                                              CURRENT DEVELOPMENT                                              FREE HEIGHT
                [object Object]                                                 Retail trade                                                     16

                RECEPTION AREA                                                  INTERNET AND TELECOM                                             SECURITY
                No                                                              To be verified                                                    Alarm system | Central

                MEETING ROOM                                                    HEATING                                                          MANAGER'S OFFICE
                To be verified                                                   Electrical units on the roof                                     To be verified

                KITCHENETTE                                                     AIR CONDITIONING                                                 DAILY CLEANING
                To be verifiedr                                                  Electrical units on the roof                                     To be verified

                WASHROOMS                                                       ELECTRICITY                                                      ELEVATOR
                Yes                                                             Yes                                                              None

                OTHER INFORMATION

                      RENT CONDITIONS
                      TERMS OF LEASE
                                       #                                                                                      #
                            5 YEARS

                                                                                                                   10 YEARS

                                       123                                                                                    123
                                       FLOORS                                                                                 FLOORS
                                       Ground Floor                                                                           Ground Floor
                                       AVAILABLE AREA                                                                         AVAILABLE AREA
                                       573 SQ. FT.                                                                            573 SQ. FT.
                                       BASE RENT                                                                              BASE RENT
                                       15,00 $ / SQ. FT. +GST/+PST                                                            15,00 $ / SQ. FT. +GST/+PST
                                       ESTIMATED ADDITIONAL RENT                                                              ESTIMATED ADDITIONAL RENT
                                       10.73$ / SQ. FT.                                                                       10.73$ / SQ. FT.
                                       ALLOCATION                                                                             ALLOCATION
                                       AVAILABILITY                                                                           AVAILABILITY
                                       Now                                                                                    Now

        The remarks, descriptions, features and financial projections contained in the present document are for information only and should not be considered as being official or accurate without due
       diligence verification. The information herein disclosed comes from sources that we consider to be reliable, but for which we cannot guarantee the accuracy. It is upon the buyer’s responsibility to
                                 verify all the information and to declare himself satisfied or not of his due diligence verification performed after an accepted promise to purchase.

Descriptive sheet generated on : 2021-10-31 15:34

                                                        CO M M E RCIA L RE A L E STATE A G E N CY A N D M O RTG A G E BRO KE RA G E F IRM                                             
Unit 123 3560 Laval, Lac-Mégantic - Hugo Mathieu - PMML


                                                Laval Street, via route 263, Ranges 10 and 11

                                                                 PUBLIC TRANSPORTS

                                                                       BIKE STORAGE
                                                                         To be verified

                           INTERIOR PARKING                                                    PRICE RESERVED PARKING SPACE
                                      None                                                                               N/A

                           OUTDOOR PARKING                                               PRICE NON-RESERVED PARKING SPACE
                    554 spaces | Shopping Center                                                                       N/A

                                                                       ZO N IN G

                                                      See with the city's urban planning.

                                                               SIGNAGE OPPORTUNITY
                         Yes, possibility on pylon and/or facade of the building (cost to be verified)

Descriptive sheet generated on : 2021-10-31 15:34

                                            CO M M E RCIA L RE A L E STATE A G E N CY A N D M O RTG A G E BRO KE RA G E F IRM     
Unit 123 3560 Laval, Lac-Mégantic - Hugo Mathieu - PMML

Descriptive sheet generated on : 2021-10-31 15:34                   3560 Laval Lac-Mégantic

                                            CO M M E RCIA L RE A L E STATE A G E N CY A N D M O RTG A G E BRO KE RA G E F IRM     
Unit 123 3560 Laval, Lac-Mégantic - Hugo Mathieu - PMML Unit 123 3560 Laval, Lac-Mégantic - Hugo Mathieu - PMML
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