Understanding plastic packaging and the language we use to describe it - WRAP

Page created by Annie Mccoy
Understanding plastic packaging and the language we use to describe it - WRAP
plastic packaging and
the language we use
to describe it
Understanding plastic packaging and the language we use to describe it - WRAP
Behaviour          Suitability      Treatment and     Environmental
Introduction       Material type                                                                                 Carbon footprint         Glossary          References
                                          and features       for recycling     disposal routes       impact

The way a plastic is designed                                                          This document sets out
                                                                                       to clarify the differences             Contents
to behave alongside what                                                               between the materials used             Material type                        3

material it’s made from,                                                               to make plastic packaging,
                                                                                       the way plastics can behave
                                                                                                                              Behaviour and features               4

affects what it can be used                                                            and, the terminology used              Suitability for recycling            5
                                                                                       to describe plastics.                                                        6
for as well as how it can be
                                                                                                                              Treatment and disposal route
                                                                                                                              Environmental impact                 7
recycled and disposed of at                                                                                                   Carbon footprint over life cycle     8
the end of its life.                                                                                                          Glossary                             9
                                                                                                                              References                          10

With plastics top of the sustainability      compostable – and the effect these
agenda many companies are looking            factors have on how it’s collected
at alternatives to conventional              and disposed of.
plastic typically used for packaging
applications.                                Understanding the terms that we
                                             use to describe plastics is essential
However, there is potential for the          to ensure that the right materials
language that we use to describe             are used in the right applications,
plastics to be confusing: with the           and so that all plastics are recycled
different material types of plastic –        in the right way and pollution of
fossil-based or bio-based; how               the environment is prevented.
plastic is described and referred to
– conventional plastics or bioplastics;      This document is aimed at anyone
and, how plastic behaves – non-              who is interested in understanding
biodegradable, biodegradable or              the complexities around different
                                             types of plastic.

WRAP | Understanding plastic packaging                                                                                                                        1
Understanding plastic packaging and the language we use to describe it - WRAP
Behaviour            Suitability      Treatment and                   Environmental
Introduction        Material type                                                                                                   Carbon footprint        Glossary        References
                                           and features         for recycling     disposal routes                     impact

Plastic can be made from fossil-based         This diagram demonstrates the
or bio-based materials. Both can be           complexity of the term bioplastics;
used to make highly durable, non-             which refers to a diverse family of
biodegradable plastics, or plastics           materials with differing properties –                                                       Bio-based
which either biodegrade or compost.           there are three main groups:

The nature of the material used                1   	Bio-based or partially bio-based
to make a plastic or the term used                   non-biodegradable plastics such
to describe it does not necessarily                  as bio-based PE or PP                                                    1                                2
dictate the way it will behave at the
end of its life e.g. a bio-based plastic
                                               2   	Plastics that are both bio-based                                    Bioplastics                       Bioplastics
or bioplastic does not automatically                 and biodegradable, such as                                          eg. PE, PET,                  eg. PLA, PHA, PBS,
mean it will biodegrade.                             biodegradable PLA and PHA                                             PA, PTT                       Starch blends
                                                     or PBS

                                                                                              Non biodegradable

                                               3   	Plastics that are fossil-based and
                                                     biodegradable, such as PBAT

                                              See glossary for acronyms.


                                                                                                                                                         eg. PBAT, PCL
                                                                                                                       eg. PE, PP, PET

                                                                                                                                         Fossil based

WRAP | Understanding plastic packaging                                                                                                                                        2
Understanding plastic packaging and the language we use to describe it - WRAP
Behaviour         Suitability     Treatment and     Environmental
Introduction       Material type                                                                              Carbon footprint       Glossary   References
                                         and features      for recycling    disposal routes       impact

Material type

Fossil-based plastic                        Bio-based plastic
Made from a wide range of polymers          Made using polymers derived from
derived from petrochemicals. Fossil-        plant based sources e.g. starch,
based plastic packaging is generally        cellulose, oils, lignin etc.
long lived, durable and non-
biodegradable; this is what’s referred      Bio-based plastic is the term used
to as conventional plastics. However,       for any plastic made from bio-based
fossil-based plastic can also be            polymers, and refers to the source
                                            from which the plastic is made, not
designed to biodegrade and this
type is considered a bioplastic.            how the material will function.
                                            Bio-based polymers can be used to
                                            make plastic packaging that behaves
                                            like conventional plastic and is long
                                            lived, durable and non-biodegradable.
                                            It can also be used to make
                                            biodegradable and compostable
                                            plastics. Both types are referred
                                            to as bioplastics (see diagram on
                                            page 2).

WRAP | Understanding plastic packaging                                                                                                            3
Understanding plastic packaging and the language we use to describe it - WRAP
Behaviour             Suitability      Treatment and      Environmental
Introduction     Material type                                                                                   Carbon footprint        Glossary           References
                                   and features          for recycling     disposal routes        impact

Behaviour and features

All plastics, regardless of
whether they are fossil-based            Non-biodegradable                         Biodegradable                              Compostable
or bio-based, can be designed            Is durable and lasts for years.           Breaks down in a defined period            Can meet EN13432 or a comparable
to behave in three ways:                                                           of time.                                   standard for compostable packaging
                                         It has high strength and can be used                                                 so that the material decomposes/
                                         in low weight applications.               It can now be made with similar            biodegrades in industrial composting
                                                                                   strength, plasticity and elasticity        conditions. Materials that meet
                                                                                   properties of non-biodegradable            an appropriate home composting
                                                                                   plastics, and made into products           standard can be composted in
                                                                                   using the same technologies                home composting systems.
                                                                                   (e.g. film processing or moulding).
                                                                                                                              It can have similar strength, plasticity
                                                                                   The fact that a plastic is described as    and elasticity properties to non-
                                                                                   biodegradable does not mean that           biodegradable plastics and can be
                                                                                   it should be freely released into          made into products using the same
                                                                                   the environment in an uncontrolled         technologies (e.g. film processing
                                                                                   manner. The speed, method and              or moulding).
                                                                                   nature of biodegradation differs
                                                                                   between materials and users
                                                                                   should question the behaviour
                                                                                   of biodegradable materials before
                                                                                   using them in any application.

                                                                                   Importantly, not all biodegradable plastic is compostable, but all compostable
                                                                                   plastic is biodegradable.

WRAP | Understanding plastic packaging                                                                                                                        4
Understanding plastic packaging and the language we use to describe it - WRAP
Behaviour             Suitability       Treatment and      Environmental
Introduction     Material type                                                                                     Carbon footprint       Glossary          References
                                   and features          for recycling      disposal routes        impact

Suitability for recycling

The way a plastic is
designed to behave dictates              Non-biodegradable                          Biodegradable                               Compostable
its suitability for recycling –          Non-biodegradable packaging                Currently biodegradable plastics            Compostable plastics can be
not whether it is fossil-based           plastics can be recycled, if collected     cannot be recycled in the same way          composted at industrial scale
                                         and sorted into separate material          as non-biodegradable plastic.               composting facilities or, in some
or bio-based.
                                         reprocessing streams.                                                                  cases, may be suitable for home
                                                                                    It must be separated from non-              composting. It is vital that only
                                         The route for recycling or disposal        biodegradable plastic streams and           compostable plastics are sent to
                                         must not compromise other recycling        dealt with separately. If not, it causes    these routes as non-compostable
                                         routes. Non-biodegradable plastics         problems during the recycling               plastics can contaminate the final
                                         entering the composting processes          process.                                    compost produced.
                                         can contaminate the final product.
                                                                                    Biodegradable packaging needs to be         Compostable plastic packaging
                                                                                    clearly labelled and easy for citizens      needs to be clearly labelled and easy
                                                                                    to identify, separate and correctly         for citizens to identify, separate and
                                                                                    dispose of. The route for treatment         correctly dispose of in an appropriate
                                                                                    and disposal must not compromise            collection and recycling scheme for
                                                                                    other existing recycling routes.            compostable plastics. The route
                                                                                    Biodegradable packaging can only            for recycling compostable packaging
                                                                                    be composted when it meets the              must not compromise non-
                                                                                    appropriate composting standard.            biodegradable recycling routes.

WRAP | Understanding plastic packaging                                                                                                                        5
Behaviour             Suitability       Treatment and        Environmental
Introduction     Material type                                                                                      Carbon footprint         Glossary          References
                                   and features          for recycling      disposal routes          impact

UK treatment and disposal routes

                                         Non-biodegradable                           Biodegradable                               Compostable


Energy from waste


AD                                          *                                            *                                             *++

Composting                                                                               **

                                         * Any non-biodegradable, biodegradable or compostable packaging sent to wet AD systems that do not include a composting
                                         step for the treatment of digestate in the UK will be removed during pre-treatment of the feedstock material and sent to landfill
                                         or energy from waste.
                                         ** Plastic packaging can only go to industrial composting if it complies with the EN13432 compostable standard or a
                                         recognised home composting specification. It can only be composted at home if it complies with a recognised home composting
                                         ++ Compostable packaging can be accepted at dry AD systems that can process the material fully or at wet AD sites where the
                                         process includes a composting step for the treatment of the separated digestate fibre.

WRAP | Understanding plastic packaging                                                                                                                           6
Behaviour          Suitability       Treatment and     Environmental
Introduction       Material type                                                                                  Carbon footprint   Glossary   References
                                          and features       for recycling      disposal routes       impact

Environmental impact
Any plastic that evades appropriate
collection and treatment that escapes into
the environment has the potential to have
a long-lasting impact on the environment.

Non-biodegradable plastic                    Biodegradable and
packaging                                    compostable plastic
Conventional plastic debris has been
shown to accumulate in inland waters         There is a lack of clarity concerning
and marine environments. The impact          standards that define the
of this is now being widely discussed.       biodegradability of biodegradable
                                             or compostable plastics in any
There is very limited information
                                             environment. There is a particular
on the impact of conventional plastic
                                             lack of evidence on the behaviour of
in soil-based environments, though
                                             these materials in water, and there is
it is clear that plastic fragments will
                                             a need to understand biodegradation
persist for long periods of time.
                                             at lower temperatures. Therefore,
                                             it is very difficult to accurately assess
                                             environmental impact of
                                             biodegradable and compostable
                                             plastic packaging.

WRAP | Understanding plastic packaging                                                                                                            7
Behaviour          Suitability      Treatment and     Environmental
Introduction      Material type                                                                              Carbon footprint   Glossary   References
                                      and features       for recycling     disposal routes       impact

Carbon footprint
over life cycle
Life Cycle Assessment is a complex technique
to quantify the environmental impact of
a single product over its whole life cycle.

For greenhouse gas emissions from         The opposite is true for biodegradable
all types of plastic, studies show that   plastics, which has the potential to
raw material extraction, production,      give rise to methane under landfill
and waste disposal contribute most to     conditions, but in energy recovery
emissions. Bio-based plastics usually     are considered carbon neutral
have a lower carbon impact in their       (short cycle emissions).
extraction and production phase.
                                          Compostable plastics contribute
Where conventional plastics enter         to compost structure, but contain
energy from waste facilities, they        no nutrients (NPK).
emit greenhouse gases, which can
be higher than combusting coal or         For all plastics, recycling generates
natural gas to generate the same          the lowest emissions at end of life.
amount of energy. In landfill they
are considered inert.

WRAP | Understanding plastic packaging                                                                                                       8
Behaviour          Suitability      Treatment and      Environmental
Introduction      Material type                                                                                Carbon footprint        Glossary           References
                                     and features       for recycling     disposal routes        impact


Biodegradable                            Compostable                               PBAT and PBS                             PE
A product that can be broken down        Compostable materials are materials       Polybutylene adipate terephthalate       Polyethylene – a type of resin and
by microorganisms (bacteria or fungi)    that break down at composting             and Polybutylene succinate – two         a polyolefin and one of the world’s
into water, naturally occurring gases    conditions. Industrial composting         biodegradable polyesters (Muthuraj       most widely produced synthetic
like carbon dioxide (CO2) and            conditions require elevated               et al 2014).                             plastic. High density PE is used for
methane (CH4) and biomass.               temperature (55-60°C) combined                                                     milk bottles, bleach, cleaners and
Biodegradability depends strongly        with a high relative humidity and         Recycling                                most shampoo bottles. Low density
on the environmental conditions:         the presence of oxygen, and they are                                               PE is used for carrier bags, bin liners
                                                                                   Material recycling is defined in
temperature, presence of                 in fact the most optimal compared                                                  and packaging films (WRAP 2018).
                                                                                   European standard EN 13430 and
microorganisms, presence of oxygen       to other everyday biodegradation
                                                                                   EN 16848 (adapted from ISO 18604)
and water. The biodegradability and      conditions: in soil, surface water and                                             PHA
                                                                                   as the reprocessing of a used product
the degradation rate of a                marine water. Compliance with EN
                                                                                   material into a new product. Plastic     Polyhydroxyalkanoate – A naturally
biodegradable plastic product may        13432 is considered a good measure
                                                                                   which after use can be collected,        occurring family of biodegradable
be different in the soil, on the soil,   for industrial compostability of
                                                                                   sorted and reprocessed into new          polyesters (NNFCC 2018).
in humid or dry climate, in surface      packaging materials.
                                                                                   products is called mechanical
water, in marine water, or in human
                                                                                   recycling. Another option is chemical    PLA
made systems like home composting,       Home composting                           recycling where materials are broken
industrial composting or anaerobic                                                                                          Polylactic acid – A biodegradable
                                         Home composting creates conditions        down to monomers which can be used
digestion (www.ows.be).                                                                                                     polyester produced from lactic acid,
                                         with much lower and less stable           again for the production of polymer.
                                                                                                                            used in wide range of serviceware
                                         temperatures than industrial
                                                                                                                            products and as filament for 3D
                                         composting. There is no CEN standard
                                                                                                                            printing (NNFCC 2018).
                                         for plastics that are suitable for home
                                         composting but several countries                                                   Industry example: PG Tips is using
                                         have developed and applied national                                                PLA for their tea bags (NNFCC 2018).
                                         standards for testing and certifying
                                         of home compostable materials.

WRAP | Understanding plastic packaging                                                                                                                      9
Behaviour          Suitability      Treatment and      Environmental
Introduction      Material type                                                                                   Carbon footprint       Glossary           References
                                        and features       for recycling     disposal routes        impact


PP                                         PET                                       PA                                        Starch blends
Polypropylene – a recyclable               Polyethylene terephthalate is a type      Polyamides (Nylon) comprise the           The majority of bio-based plastics are
polyolefin that is commonly used for       of resin and a form of polyester;         largest family of engineering plastics    currently manufactured using starch
margarine tubs, microwaveable meal         it is commonly labelled with the code     with a very wide range of applications.   as a feedstock (c.a. 80% of current
trays, also produced as fibres and         on or near the bottom of bottles          Polyamides are one of the major           bio-based plastics). The current major
filaments for carpets, wall coverings      and other containers. PET has some        engineering and high performance          sources of this starch are maize,
and vehicle upholstery (WRAP 2018).        important characteristics such its        plastics because of their good balance    potatoes and cassava. Other
                                           strength, thermo-stability, gas barrier   of properties. Polyamides are very        potential sources include arrowroot,
PTT                                        properties and transparency. It is        resistant to wear and abrasion, have      barley, some varieties of liana, millet,
                                           also lightweight, shatter-resistant       good mechanical properties even at        oats, rice, sago, sorghum, sweet
Polytrimethylene terephthalate is
                                           and recyclable (WRAP 2018).               elevated temperatures, have low           potato, taro and wheat (BPF 2018).
a type of polyester that differs from
                                                                                     permeability to gases and have good
the common one polyethylene
                                                                                     chemical resistance, good dimensional     PLC
terephthalate (PET) as it contains one
                                                                                     stability, good toughness, high
more methylene group in the aliphatic                                                                                          Polycaprolactone is a biodegradable
                                                                                     strength, high impact resistance,
chain that links the terephthalic                                                                                              polymer that is suitable for
                                                                                     good flow.
moiety (European Commission Joint                                                                                              applications requiring years of
Research Centre 2013).                                                                                                         stability. In recent years it is
                                                                                                                               becoming of increased interest to
                                                                                                                               manufacturers of medical devices
                                                                                                                               and drug delivery particles
                                                                                                                               (polysciences.com 2018).

WRAP | Understanding plastic packaging                                                                                                                        10
Behaviour         Suitability      Treatment and      Environmental
Introduction       Material type                                                                              Carbon footprint   Glossary   References
                                       and features      for recycling     disposal routes        impact


Defra (2015) ‘Review of the standards for               WRAP (2010) Life cycle assessment of example
biodegradable plastic carrier bags’. Available at:      packaging systems for milk http://www.wrap.org.
https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/           uk/sites/files/wrap/Final%20Report%20Retail%20
uploads/attachment_data/file/485904/carrier-bag-        2010.pdf
biodegradable-report-2015.pdf (Downloaded on
the 26/01/2018).                                        Umweltbundesamt (German Federal Environment
                                                        Agency) (2013) Study of the Environmental Impacts
PAS600:2013 Bio-based products. Guide to                of Packagings Made of Biodegradable Plastics
standards and claims https://shop.bsigroup.com/         https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/default/
ProductDetail/?pid=000000000030262005                   files/medien/461/publikationen/4446.pdf

DEFRA (2011) study on plastic bags can be found         Piemonte, Vincenzo & Gironi, Fausto. (2012).
here and a figure illustrating the global warming       Bioplastics and GHGs saving: The land use change
potential of each type of bag included in that study    (LUC) emissions issue. Energy Sources, Part A:
is included at the end of this table. (Defra https://   Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects.
www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/                   34. 1995-2003. 10.1080/15567036.2010.497797.
biodegradable-report-2015.pdf                           Bioplastics diagram based on the European
                                                        Bioplastics version https://www.european-
WRAP (2010) Environmental Benefits of Recycling         bioplastics.org/bioplastics/materials/
2010 update http://www.wrap.org.uk/content/
environmental-benefits-recycling                        Wageningen Food & Biobased Research (2017):
                                                        Biobased and biodegradable plastics – Facts and
                                                        Figures – see link below https://www.wur.nl/upload_

WRAP | Understanding plastic packaging                                                                                                       11
WRAP’s vision is a world in which
resources are used sustainably.

Our mission is to accelerate the
move to a sustainable resource
efficient economy through
reinventing how we design,
produce and sell products;
re-thinking how we use and
consume products; and
re-defining what is possible
through re-use and recycling.

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WRAP | Understanding plastic packaging
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