Understanding Anti-Vaccination Attitudes in Social Media - Microsoft

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Understanding Anti-Vaccination Attitudes in Social Media - Microsoft
Proceedings of the Tenth International AAAI Conference on
                                                        Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2016)

               Understanding Anti-Vaccination Attitudes in Social Media
            Tanushree Mitra1,2                                   Scott Counts2                            James W. Pennebaker2,3
        1                                                        2                                         3
         Georgia Institute of Technology                          Microsoft Research                        University of Texas at Austin
               tmitra3@gatech.edu                                counts@microsoft.com                      pennebaker@mail.utexas.edu

                              Abstract                                           persistent vaccine criticism movement has spread rapidly
   The anti-vaccination movement threatens public health by                      through social media, a channel often used to disseminate
   reducing the likelihood of disease eradication. With social                   medical information without verification by the expert
   media’s purported role in disseminating anti-vaccine infor-                   medical co mmunity (Keelan et al. 2010).
   mation, it is imperative to understand the drivers of attitudes
                                                                                    Given the increasing reliance on online media for accu-
   among participants involved in the vaccination debate on a
   communication channel critical to the movement: Twitter.                      rate health information and the general growth of social
   Using four years of longitudinal data capturing vaccine dis-                  media sites, the attitudes of anti-vaccination advocates risk
   cussions on Twitter, we identify users who persistently hold                  becoming a global phenomenon that could impact immun-
   pro and anti attitudes, and those who newly adopt anti atti-                  ization behavior at significant scale (Kata 2010). In fact a
   tudes towards vaccination. After gathering each user’s entire
                                                                                 controlled study showed that parents opting to exempt
   Twitter timeline, totaling to over 3 million tweets, we ex-
   plore differences in the individual narratives across the user                children from vaccination are more likely to have received
   cohorts. We find that those with long-term anti-vaccination                   the information online compared to those vaccinating their
   attitudes manifest conspiratorial thinking, mistrust in gov-                  kids (Salmon et al. 2005). These parents benefit from “herd
   ernment, and are resolute and in-group focused in language.                   immunity” in which eradication is achieved by immunizing
   New adoptees appear to be predisposed to form anti-
                                                                                 a critical proportion of the population. However, as inter-
   vaccination attitudes via similar government distrust and
   general paranoia, but are more social and less certain than                   net-fueled misbeliefs drive people to opt out of vaccina-
   their long-term counterparts. We discuss how this apparent                    tion, herd immunity is weakened, increasing the chances of
   predisposition can interact with social media-fueled events                   a disease outbreak. Thus it is important to understand the
   to bring newcomers into the anti-vaccination movement.                        underlying characteristics of individuals with anti-
   Given the strong base of conspiratorial thinking underlying
                                                                                 vaccination attitudes. What drives people to develop and
   anti-vaccination attitudes, we conclude by highlighting the
   need for alternatives to traditional methods of using authori-                perpetuate the anti-vaccination movement?
   tative sources such as the government when correcting mis-                       In this paper we explore this question by examining in-
   leading vaccination claims.                                                   dividuals’ overt expressions towards vaccination in a social
                                                                                 media platform extensively used for vaccine discussions:
                                                                                 Twitter. By using four years of longitudinal data capturing
                          Introduction                                           vaccination discussions on Twitter, we identify three sets
Measles, a highly contagious respiratory disease responsi-                       of key individuals: users who are persistently pro vaccine,
ble for an estimated 122,000 deaths worldwide each year,                         those who are persistently anti vaccine and users who new-
was officially eradicated from the United States in 2000.                        ly join the anti-vaccination cohort following an event sym-
Yet the disease appears to be rebounding. According to the                       bolic to the vaccine controversy. Long-term anti-
CDC, in 2014 the number of measles cases had reached a                           vaccination advocates play an important role in preventing
20-year high1(CDC 2015). Sadly, many of these cases                              eradication because they sustain weakness in herd immuni-
could have been prevented, as 90% of measles cases in                            ty, and thus it is crucial to understand them and their moti-
2014 were in people who were not vaccinated or whose                             vations. Examining new anti-vaccination proponents al-
vaccination status was unknown. One reason for this re-                          lows us to understand the type of person that would adopt
bound is that concerns about vaccine side effects have tak-                      such a stance despite strong recommendations to the con-
en precedence over the dangers of potentially deadly vac-                        trary from authoritative organizations like the CDC. After
cine-preventable diseases and a vaccination culture pro-                         fetching each cohort’s entire timeline of tweets, totaling to
moting anti-vaccination has emerged (Kata 2010). This                            more than 3 million tweets, we compare and contrast their
                                                                                 linguistic styles, topics of interest, social characteristics
Copyright © 2016, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelli-         and underlying cognitive dimensions, all with an eye to
gence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.

Pro vaccination Tweets                                       Anti Vaccination Tweets
 Measles Outbreak in U.K. Linked to Poor MMR Vaccine Uptake   Would rather have measles in my kid than lifetime seizures and autism,
 After Autism Scare [link]                                    VIT A for a week, big deal #CDCwhistleblower
 #Vaccines are not a scientific controversy. They work.       The vaccines have increased autism, peanut allergies & childhood cancers.
                         Table 1: Example tweets labeled as pro and anti-vaccination by three master Turkers.

uncovering the drivers of such extreme attitudes against a             this study, we use the evaluative definition of attitude from
social good.                                                           the seminal work of Eagly and Chaiken (1993) – “attitude
   We find that people holding persistent anti-vaccination             is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some
attitudes use more direct language and have higher expres-             degree of favor or disfavor”. By examining the social me-
sions of anger compared to their pro counterparts. They                dia posts from users we determine whether the expressed
also show general conspiracy thinking and mistrust in the              attitude towards vaccination is for or against it.
government, suggesting characteristics of paranoia.                       Despite a growing body of work on attitude, a major
Adopters of anti-vaccine attitudes show similar conspirato-            concern in its study has been the problem of accurate
rial ideation and suspicion toward government even before              measurement. Attitude studies based on questionnaires and
they start expressing anti-vaccine attitudes. This suggests            self-reports are highly context dependent and results can
that the new adoptees are already predisposed to form anti-            vary with changes in question wording, format or order
vaccine attitudes. Moreover, long-term anti-vaccine advo-              (Schuman and Presser 1981). Participants can also conform
cates exhibit higher sense of group solidarity. Individuals            to the demands of the questionnaire by creating superficial
in such close-knit groups typically end up adhering to their           expressions of attitude (Abelson 1988). Even newer meth-
extreme positions, often fueling beliefs in false conspira-            ods of implicit measures of attitude (Dovidio and Fazio
cies and are particularly resistant to correction (Sunstein            1992) have shown sensitivity towards context, raising
and Vermeule 2009). These findings suggest that health                 questions about its effectiveness over self-reported
officials attempting to simply correct conspiracy fuelled              measures. However, the rapid growth of text-based social
false claims might be counterproductive. Thus newer                    media has opened new opportunities to study attitudes un-
methods to counter the harmful consequences of anti-                   obtrusively, as they naturally unfold in large populations
vaccination beliefs are needed.                                        and over long time periods. For example, population atti-
   Broadly we hope this work contributes to two bodies of              tudes extracted from tweet sentiments has been shown to
research: computer mediated communication (CMC) re-                    correlate with traditional polling data (O’Connor et al.
search on contentious topics (Kata 2010; Keelan et al.                 2010). Machine learning techniques on textual data have
2010; Salmon et al. 2005), and psychology research on                  accurately predicted sentence level attitudes in online dis-
maintaining and adopting an attitude (Kristiansen and                  cussions (Hassan, Qazvinian, and Radev 2010). Drawing
Zanna 1988; Rokeach 1968; Savion 2012). With respect to                on the success of studying attitudes from online textual
CMC research, examining the naturally occurring self-                  data, we built a classifier to determine positive and nega-
expressions of these cohorts highlight the linguistic style,           tive attitudes towards vaccination.
social media characteristics, and topics of interest driving
people with health behavior beliefs that are antithetical to           Analyzing text to infer individual characteristics
the health of society as a whole. With regards to attitude             Attitudes and language are intimately related (Eiser 1975).
psychology, while there are numerous lab-based studies                 For decades social scientists have demonstrated that indi-
listing various factors driving resistant attitudes, our study         viduals often adopt language consistent with their attitudes
is one of the first to provide large-scale empirical evidence          (Eiser and Ross 1977). Hence a growing number of studies
of factors behind resistant attitudes towards vaccination.             have used content-analytic approaches to assess individual
                                                                       differences and personality characteristics. A popular ap-
                     Related Work                                      proach is simply to count and categorize the words that
                                                                       people speak. A validated tool for such an approach is
We provide a brief overview of two broad areas of research             LIWC, Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (Tausczik and
relevant to our study: attitude measurement and text analyt-           Pennebaker 2010). Researchers have used LIWC for a
ic approaches to study user traits.                                    number of psychological measurement tasks, such as deci-
                                                                       phering psychological states of presidential candidates
Measuring Attitude
                                                                       from their spontaneous speech samples (Slatcher et al.
The concept of attitude has long been central to social psy-           2007), identifying true and false stories by analyzing lin-
chology research. However, the definition of attitude has              guistic styles (Newman et al. 2003), examining differences
changed over the years resulting in no single universally              between depressed and non-depressed individuals (Rude,
accepted definition (Schwarz 2007). For the purposes of

PHASE 1                                                                    Stance Classifier
                       vaccine phrases                                                                                       Tweets with
                                                          Turker labeling   labeled     Compute       features
    Twitter Firehose                                                                                                        Pro/Anti labels                                    Tweets with pro or     49K tweets
                                                                             tweets      features                 SVM                           probability score > 0.9 Yes                             from
                       Filter vaccine tweets                                                         unlabeled                    +                                               anti stance
                                                         Random sample                                tweets               probability score                                                          32K users

                                                                                                                                                                    If pro tweet count > 70%        active-pro
                                                                                                                                                                        of all vaccine tweets       373 users
    PHASE 2                                    vaccine phrases          Check vaccination tweet time                    Get each user’s    Stance pro/anti
                                                                                                           653 users    vaccine tweets    Classifier prob > 0.9
                                                                                                                                                                    If anti tweet count > 70%       active-anti
    32K users                                                           If vaccine tweets in all 4 years
                Get twitter timelines      Filter vaccine tweets                                                                                                        of all vaccine tweets        70 users

                                                                        If vaccine tweets post Aug’14      978 users                                                          ....
                                                                                                                              ....             ....                                                 joining-anti
                                                                                                                                                                                                     223 users

                                                     Figure 1: Steps to identify user cohorts. Ellipses (...) shown at the bottom
                                                     panel of phase 2 correspond to an equivalent module from the top panel.
Gortner, and Pennebaker 2004), and contrasting pro-                                                              spanning four calendar years – January 1, 2012 to June 30,
anorexic and pro-recovery people (De Choudhury 2015).                                                            2015, totaling to 315,240 tweets generated by 144,817
   Another popular text analytic technique among social                                                          unique users. Our next task was to build a classifier to
psychologists is the Meaning Extraction Method (MEM)                                                             identify pro and anti stance of the collected vaccine tweets.
(Chung and Pennebaker 2008). MEM can reliably infer the                                                          Classify Vaccination Stance – Stance Classifier
dimensions along which people think about themselves or                                                          Our classifier was based on a two-step labeling process: (1)
particular issues. Scientists have used MEM to capture                                                           gathering human annotations on a sample, and (2) leverage
psychological dimensions of self expressions in personal                                                         the labeled data to annotate the remaining collection of
narratives (Chung and Pennebaker 2008), measure peo-                                                             tweets. For the human annotation task, we randomly sam-
ple’s basic values underlying their attitude (Ryan L. Boyd                                                       pled a batch of 2000 posts from each year (a total of 8000
et al. 2015) and capture dimensions of self-expressions in                                                       posts) and recruited 3 independent Amazon Mechanical
social media posts, such as Facebook status updates                                                              Turk master workers residing in the United States to identi-
(Kramer and Chung 2011). Following in their footsteps,                                                           fy whether the post content is for or against vaccination.
our work uses MEM to capture differences in the dimen-                                                           Workers were presented with definitions of pro and anti
sions of thought across groups of individuals with differing                                                     vaccination content along with example tweets to train
attitudes towards vaccination. We complement this with                                                           them in the labeling task. We retained posts where all three
LIWC’s linguistic analysis to examine differences in ex-                                                         workers agreed on the post being either pro or anti. We
pression styles. We return to the details of MEM later.                                                          show a sample in Table 1.
                                                                                                                    Based on a qualitative examination of the frequently
                                                                                                                 occurring unigrams, bigrams, trigrams and hashtags, we
                                  Data Collection
                                                                                                                 found that trigrams and hashtags were prominent cues of a
Our data collection involves two main phases. Figure 1                                                           tweet’s stance towards vaccination. For example, phrases
outlines the main steps.                                                                                         like vaccines causing encephalitis, already #vaccinein-
                                                                                                                 jured like, #VaccineInducedAutism are indicative of the
Phase1: Collecting Pro & Anti-Vaccination Tweets                                                                 tweet being against vaccination, while shut-up #antivaxx-
To fetch vaccine specific posts, we first did a manual ex-                                                       ers #science, push mmr vaccine, still deny vaccinations
amination of 1000 Twitter posts and 50 news reports on                                                           signal pro-vaccination stance. Using trigrams and hashtags
vaccination to identify search terms and phrases relevant to                                                     as features, we built a supervised learning classifier by
the vaccination debate. Based on a snowball sampling ap-                                                         training a support vector machine (SVM) under 10-fold
proach, we used the initial set of search terms to extract a                                                     cross validation. We refer to this as our “stance classifier”.
tweet sample from the Twitter Firehose2 stream between                                                           We retained only tweets for which the classifier predicted
January 1 and 5, 2012. Two researchers then manually                                                             stance with high probability (greater than 0.9).The predic-
inspected the sample to identify any co-occurring terms                                                          tion accuracy of our classifier was 84.7%. The resulting
missed and to remove spurious terms that might be return-                                                        dataset had 49,354 tweets, classified with attitude stance
ing tweets too broad to classify on either side of the issue.                                                    and posted by 32,282 unique users. In the next phase, we
The final set had 5 phrases: ‘vaccination+autism’, ‘vac-                                                         examine this user set to identify our user cohorts.
cine+autism’, ‘mmr+vaccination’, ‘measles+autism’ and
‘mmr+vaccine’. Using these phrases we fetched tweets                                                             Phase2: Identifying User Cohorts
                                                                                                                 The goal of this phase is to segregate three principle actors
                                                                                                                 – long term advocates of pro and anti vaccination attitude
 The Twitter Firehose stream is a dataset of all public posts from Twitter
made available to us through an agreement with Twitter.
                                                                                                                 and users newly adopting anti-vaccination attitude. Our

users with each group contributing about 2.12M, 0.46M
                                                                       and 0.85M tweets respectively.

                                                                       What can we learn about people with pro or anti attitudes
                                                                       towards vaccination from their digital footprints left in
                    Figure 2: User cohort statistics                   Twitter? Recall that people’s natural language expression
criterion for selecting long-term advocates is to identify             can convey personalities and cognitive processes (Cohn,
users who consistently post tweets expressing pro or anti              Mehl, and Pennebaker 2004). Hence we adopt a lexical
attitudes towards vaccination in all four years (2012 to               approach to compare and contrast our cohorts. Lexical ap-
2015). To find users who newly joined the anti-vaccination             proaches have been widely used by psychologists to cap-
cohort, we needed to fix on a time period before which                 ture personality traits (Allport and Odbert 1936), cognitive
users did not mention about vaccination but actively tweet-            processes (Slobin 1996) and more recently to analyze
ed anti-vaccination posts after that time. We selected Au-             open-ended self-descriptions (Chung and Pennebaker
gust 15, 2014 as our cutoff time. This time was marked by              2008). The basic premise of a lexical approach is that the
a symbolic event pertaining to the vaccine debate: A false             important ways in which individuals differ are represented
claim reported that a CDC whistleblower exposed CDC                    by words. Using lexical approaches we can understand
data linking autism among African-American boys follow-                how people talk while mentioning the vaccination issue
ing MMR vaccination3. The event was widely tweeted un-                 and what topics they talk about? To investigate the what
der the #CDCwhistleblower hashtag and was a topic of                   aspect we inductively extract meaningful themes from us-
active discussion among users interested in the vaccine                ers’ natural language expressions using the Meaning Ex-
debate.                                                                traction Method (Chung and Pennebaker 2008). To exam-
                                                                       ine the how aspect we use the LIWC program for compar-
Collecting Historical Posts from Users
                                                                       ing usage rates of function and content words in tweets
Recall that 32,282 unique users posted our filtered collec-
                                                                       from individuals. We complement our lexical quantifica-
tion of vaccination tweets. We collect their entire Twitter
                                                                       tions with social media specific features such as user’s
timeline tracing back from June 30, 2015 (time when our
                                                                       follower to following ratio and tweet volume.
data collection started). Using the same set of vaccine re-
lated search terms as in phase 1, we search each user’s
                                                                       Meaning Extraction Method (MEM)
Twitter timeline to find their history of vaccine posts.
Next, we pass their vaccine specific tweets through our                MEM is a topic modeling approach to extract dimensions
stance classifier, retaining only those for which the classi-          along which users express themselves. For example, an
fier is able to determine pro or anti stance with high proba-          individual with ‘vaccination’ as an important part of her
bility (>= 0.9). Finally we classify users as holding pro              cognitive self is likely to engage in thoughts related to vac-
(anti) attitude if more than 70% of their vaccination tweets           cination or even other related health topics (Cantor 1990;
are classified as pro (anti). Users who were consistently              Markus 1977). These cognitive dimensions will naturally
classified as pro or anti across all four years are the long-          be reflected in the words that she uses in her everyday so-
term advocates. Hereafter we refer to them as active-pro               cial media posts. MEM uses a factor analytic approach to
and active-anti. Users who were classified as holding an               form clusters of co-occurring words (Chung and Penne-
anti-vaccine attitude after August 15, 2014 are adoptees of            baker 2008). Specifically, it performs a principal compo-
the anti-vaccination attitude (the joining-anti cohort). We            nent analysis on the matrix of words used by social media
intentionally did not create a joining-pro cohort. While               post authors to find how they naturally co-occur. These
interesting, our focus is on understanding the anti-                   word co-occurrences identify linguistic dimensions that
vaccination users, for whom the active-pro cohort can pro-             represent psychologically meaningful themes. Contrary to
vide contrast as necessary.                                            other topic modeling approaches, the MEM extracted di-
   Our cohort selection process takes a very conservative              mensions can be examined at the level of an individual,
approach, resulting in considerable shrinkage of our cohort            allowing us to make meaningful inferences in the context
pool. We purposely opt for this strategy to maintain high              of a user. Being a word-count based approach, MEM is
precision and to have high confidence that the users are               highly interpretable. Further, MEM has been shown to
indeed holding these extreme attitudes. Our final cohort               capture psychological dimensions of self-expressions in
comprises 373 active-pro, 70 active-anti, 223 joining-anti             personal narratives (Chung and Pennebaker 2008) and in
                                                                       social media posts (Kramer and Chung 2011).

Factors            Words                                                                             Between Groups        Within Time
                   war, government, arrest, military, iran, terrorist,            Factors            Mean Diff   p-val     Mean Diff        p-val
1. Evil Govt.
                   romney, drone, terror, spy, cia, bomb                          Evil Government        A>P     Pre      A    P    0.042      Post > Pre      0.002
                   voter, republican, candidate, conservative,                    Family vs. Nuance      A>P    A    0.012                          ns
5. Organic         food, organic, product, farm, chemical, healthy,               Vaccine & Diseases                ns     Post > Pre      0.001
Food               pesticide, genetically, gmo, fat
6. Family vs.      family, interest*, baby, wrong*, kid, toddler,                  Table 3: Theme comparisons between active-pro (P) and ac-
                                                                                     tive-anti (A) groups. ! marks themes where A > P and
Nuance             mother, argument*, evidence*, belief*                           ! corresponds to P > A. Statistically significant differences
                   apple, space, nasa, galaxy, smartphone android,                 are based on an independent sample t-test. ‘ns’ denotes non-
7. Technology                                                                                           significant results.
                   tablet, iphone, rocket, google
8. Vaccine &       outbreak, measles, hepatitis, hiv, malaria, vac-
Diseases           cine, pandemic, infection, death, polio, tb                  as we would expect long-term advocates to be quite in-
                                                                                volved in discussions of vaccines and diseases. Having
  Table 2: Themes emerging from the tweets of active-pro and
 active-anti users. Representative words with the highest factor                derived the thematic factors, our next task is to examine
loadings are shown per theme. Words with negative factor load-                  the differences and similarities across these dimensions.
                      ings appear with ‘*’.                                     Following between and within subjects experimental de-
                                                                                sign approach, we perform two sets of comparisons: be-
                                                                                tween groups and within time (see Table 3).
                              Results                                              To start, we compare the two long-term active user co-
                                                                                horts across the 8 factors (Table 3, Between Group). We
Understanding Long-Term Advocates                                               find that the active-anti group uses more words referring to
We want to identify the characteristics of individuals hold-                    ‘Evil Government’, ‘Organic Food’ and ‘Family vs. Nu-
ing persistent attitudes towards vaccination, our active-pro                    ance. Given the loadings of the specific words on the
and active-anti user cohorts.                                                   ‘Family vs. Nuance’ factor, the active-anti cohort appears
What topics are relevant to them? To know what topics                           to be relatively focused on the family aspects of vaccina-
the two cohorts talk about, we passed their combined twit-                      tion but in absolute terms, without reflection on beliefs or
ter feeds (2.58M in total) through the Mean Extraction                          evidence. The active-pro cohort uses ‘Technology’ and
helper software (Boyd 2015) which automates the MEM                             ‘Chronic Health’ topics more, the latter implying a general
approach. We identified 8 factors that explain 63.4% of the                     interest in healthy living. The differences were not statisti-
variability in the user data (Table 2)4. Considering the gen-                   cally significant across the remaining factors – ‘Autism vs.
erative nature of language, 63.4% of variance is fairly high                    Affect’ and ‘Government Vote’.
(Chung and Pennebaker 2008). Key factors included the                              How do the themes differ before and after a user’s first
factor labeled ‘Evil Government’, with terms like war,                          reference to vaccination? This analysis helps us capture
government, arrest, military, iran, terrorist. The ‘Chronic                     any significant difference in a user’s behavior across these
Health’ factor comprised terms referring to persistent                          two important phases. To divide a user’s twitter timeline
health conditions and its associated risks and treatment.                       into the temporal phases, we locate the timestamp of her
For the ‘Autism vs. Affect’ factor, words describing emo-                       first vaccination tweet. Next, we group all tweet content
tion loaded negatively, while words referring to autism                         into two respective buckets – pre posts, comprising of
loaded positively, suggesting that this factor is referring to                  tweets mentioned before user’s first vaccine tweet and post
autism in an objective sense, devoid of much emotion. An-                       content groups tweets after this timestamp (refer Figure 2
other important factor that surfaced is ‘Vaccine & Dis-                         for count statistics). Recall that our MEM method had al-
ease’, with words referring to disease outbreaks (outbreak,                     ready identified the underlying themes in the entire tweet
measles, hepatitis, pandemic, hiv) and vaccination (vac-                        corpus of the two cohorts. By performing an independent
cine, immunization, trial). It is worth noting that the emer-                   sample t-test across the pre and post groups, we are able to
gence of this last factor helps validate the MEM approach,                      distinguish the themes across time (Table 3, Within Time).
                                                                                We find that users refer to ‘Vaccine & Diseases’, ‘Autism
                                                                                vs. Effect’ and ‘Organic Food’ more in their post time
  Similar to other topic modeling methods, researchers have some degree         tweets compared to pre tweet. This suggests a general
of flexibility to determine the number of themes. For MEM, theme inter-
pretability is the main determining factor.
                                                                                alertness towards healthy food consumption and the safety

Social & Identity                  Cog thinking & Tentative              Do their social media characteristics differ? Finally we
Ingroup               A > P*        Cause            P > A*              examined the following social media characteristics - 1).
Emotion                             Insight          P > A****           Attention status ratio, is the ratio of followers (those who
 Anxiety              P > A*        Tentative        P > A****           pay attention to the user) to following (those the user pays
 Anger                A > P****     Exclusions       P > A****           attention to) (Hutto, Yardi, and Gilbert 2013), (2). Message
Linguistic Style                    Interrogatives   P > A****           reach, the ratio of retweets and favorites to the total num-
 Assent               P > A****     Conjunction      P > A****           ber of tweets. (3). Amount of directed communication is the
 Non-fluencies        P > A*        Certainty        A > P*              ratio of tweets with “@” mentions to total tweet count. (4).
                                   Personal Concerns                     Informational content index is the ratio of tweets contain-
                                    Work             P > A*              ing a URL. As the distribution of social network based
Time Orientation                    Death            A > P****           measures deviates from normality, we compare these
 Present Focus        P > A**      Biological States                     measures across the cohorts using the Wilcoxon signed
Engagement                          Health           P > A****           rank test. We find that active-pro had greater attention-
 Vaccine tweet prop                 Sexual           P > A**             status ratio while active-anti users had more message
Social Media Characteristics                                             reach. The extent of directed communication and informa-
Attention Status      P > A*       Message Reach     A > P*              tional content index was not statistically different. Addi-
Directed Communication             Information content index
                                                                         tionally, to test for differences in the degree of engagement
 Table 4: Comparing the active-pro (P) and active-anti (A) co-           in the vaccine issue, we compute engagement as a propor-
horts. Statistically significant LIWC results based on independ-
 ent sample t-tests are listed. Social media characteristics are         tion of tweets related to vaccination in the entire user time-
  compared using Wilcoxon rank sum test. p-values are shown              line. We did not find any statistically significant difference,
after BH correction to control familywise error-rate: * p ≤ .05;         suggesting that both the long-term advocates were equally
            ** p ≤ 0.01; ***p ≤ .001; **** p ≤ .0001.
                                                                         vested in forwarding their opinions towards vaccination.

of genetically modified food and pesticides following their              Understanding Anti-Vaccination Joiners
first online expression on vaccines. They also start talking
                                                                         To understand the characteristics of people who join the
about autism in a more objective manner, mostly sharing
                                                                         anti-vaccination movement, we compare recent adoptees
information about the absence or presence of link between
                                                                         (joining-anti) with those already perpetuating the move-
vaccine and autism.
                                                                         ment (active-anti).
How do they present themselves? To investigate this, we
                                                                         What topics are relevant to them? To start, we pass the
turn to our LIWC results in Table 4. Again, we list only
                                                                         entire Twitter timelines of active-anti and joining-anti us-
results with statistically significant differences across co-
                                                                         ers (1.32M posts in total) through the MEM analysis as
horts, and call out a few results of note in the text. For in-
                                                                         before. We found that 10 factors, explaining 45.4% of the
stance, the active-anti cohort uses significantly more in-
                                                                         variance emerged from our dataset (see Table 5). We label
group language, indicating their effort to invoke and main-
                                                                         Factor 1 ‘War News’ because of its reference to terror and
tain social connections and group solidarity. Emotional
                                                                         war (terrorist, rebel, Syria). The factor, ‘Secret Govern-
differences were noteworthy with the active-pro cohort
                                                                         ment’ contains terms referring to government’s attempt to
exhibiting greater anxiety and the active-anti cohort greater
                                                                         conceal information (secret, cia, underground, caught,
anger. They also exhibited extreme negative concerns
                                                                         alert). A parallel factor emerging from our analysis is
through their higher rates of death related words. On the
                                                                         ‘Government Conspiracy’ with terms alluding to covert
contrary, active-pro users focused more on the present, and
                                                                         schemes (bilderberg, imf, conspiracy, politics). Here the
had concerns about work and health (higher health and
                                                                         term Bilderberg refers to the Bilderberg group, which has
sexual category words). They also showed higher cognitive
                                                                         often been accused of conspiracies (see (“Bilderberg
processing through their greater usage of causal and in-
                                                                         Group” 2015)). Another similar theme is the ‘Vaccine
sight words, indicated an informal style by using more
                                                                         Fraud’ factor with terms referring to disbelief in vaccina-
assents and non-fluencies and displayed lower assuredness
                                                                         tion and government’s attempt to hide the adverse conse-
through increased use of tentative, exclusions, interroga-
                                                                         quences of vaccination (coverup, omit, data, cdcwhistle-
tives and conjunctions. In contrast, active-anti users were
                                                                         blower). In particular, cdcwhistleblower was a frequently
more certain (higher rates of certain words) and more di-
                                                                         used hashtag by people from the anti-vaccination camp to
rect in their language (fewer assents and non-fluencies).
                                                                         refer to the popular hoax story linking autism and vaccines
They also exhibited a drop in immediacy (less present fo-
                                                                         (“Snopes.com” 2015).
cus), suggesting possible emotional distancing, an often
                                                                            Comparing factors across the active-anti and joining-
used coping mechanism to deal with acutely upsetting
                                                                         anti user groups shows that joining-anti group refers more
events (Holman and Silver 1998).
                                                                         to ‘Vaccine Fraud’, whereas active-anti are more likely to

Factors           Words                                                                           Between Groups           Within Time
                  terror, war, terrorist, foreign, rebel, regime,              Factors            Mean Diff    p-val       Mean Diff    p-val
1. War News                                                                    War News
                  west, turkish, russian, syria, qaeda, humanitarian                                  A>J     J     J     A     Pre   J     Pre   0.002
                  tax, voter, romney, obama, president, medicare,
4. Govt. Vote                                                                  Organic Food                       ns                       ns
                  democrat, capital, republican, donor, gop, poll
                                                                               Govt. Conspiracy       A>J     0.005                        ns
5. Vaccine        cdcwhistleblower, vaccinate, mmr, fraud, data,
                                                                               War & Terror                       ns                       ns
Fraud             investigate, measles, thomspon, coverup, harm
                                                                               Religious Extremism                ns                       ns
6. Chronic        lung, obesity, detect, muscle, clinical, regulation,
                                                                                  Table 6: Theme comparisons between the active-anti (A) and
Health            diabetes, implant, hip, acid, brain, addiction                 joining-anti (J) groups. Statistically significant differences are
7. Organic        chemical, farmer, food, crop, gmo, usda, organic              based on an independent sample t-test. !marks themes where A
Food              environmental, genetically, pesticide, monsanto                           > J. !correspond to themes where J > A.
8. Government     imf, bilderberg, dictatorship, intimidate,eugenic,
Conspiracy        embassy, laden, conspiracy, politics, infowar                Do their social media characteristics differ? We find
                  dispute, catastrophe, osama, felony, nuke, crisis,           that active-anti had greater attention-status ratio compared
9. War & Terror
                  helicopter, missile, militia, enforcement, federal           to joining-anti. The extent of directed communication, in-
10. Religious     hamas, Nazis, german, muslim, union, evil, nige-             formational content and message reach was not statistically
Extremism         ria, accept, warn, refugee, christian, silence               different between the two user cohorts.
                                                                                  Taken together, these comparisons suggest that those
Table 5: Themes emerging from the social media posts of active-                joining the anti-vaccination cohort are more social and less
anti and joining-anti users. Representative words with the highest
               factor loadings are shown per theme.                            definitive – indicators of people who might join a cause or
                                                                               a group. Long-term anti-vaccination supporters who are
refer to ‘War News’, ‘Secretive Government’, ‘Govern-                          concrete and complex in thought had higher attention sta-
ment Vote’, ‘Chronic Health’ and ‘Government Conspira-                         tus ratio – indicators of people who could perpetuate a
cy’ (see Table 6). This provides additional evidence that                      cause. Those joining also posted relatively more content
those joining the anti-vaccination camp are specifically                       about vaccination (higher engagement), suggesting that for
concerned about vaccination and a potential vaccine fraud,                     them this was, at least initially, a specific issue of interest,
while the long-term anti-vaccination supporters have a                         while for long-term anti-vaccination advocates, vaccination
broader agenda of government distrust. Comparisons over                        appears to be one in a number of government conspiracy
time show that anti users refer more to ‘Vaccine Fraud’                        issues of interest. This general conspiracy thinking and
and ‘Chronic Health’ post their first vaccine tweet.                           cognitive mindset thus appears to provide the perfect net to
How do they present themselves? As before, to under-                           catch people specifically concerned with vaccination.
stand how these two groups participate in the vaccine dis-
cussion, we turn to comparisons across the LIWC
measures (Table 7), calling out a few results of note. The                                               Discussion
active-anti users demonstrated higher cognitive complexity                     Anti-vaccine advocates manifest conspiracy thinking
by using complex sentences (based on high preposition                          Themes emerging from the twitter history of anti-vaccine
usage) and exhibited concrete thinking through their in-                       advocates refer to government conspiracy, deliberate vac-
creased use of concrete nouns (articles). In contrast, join-                   cine frauds, accusations of cover-ups by regulatory bodies
ing-anti users signaled lack of definitiveness through high-                   (‘Secretive Government’) and concerns over terror wars
er usage of interrogation, discrepancy, negation, exclu-                       (‘War News’) (see Table 5). In fact they had significantly
sions and conjunctions words. Consistent with their cogni-                     higher mentions of vaccine fraud and chronic health con-
tive concreteness, active-anti users also showed emotional                     cerns after their first mention of vaccination. This suggests
distancing by their lower usage of positive emotion words                      an important characteristic of people holding unfavorable
compared to joining-anti. Also in line with their overly                       attitude towards vaccination: an inclination towards con-
concrete expressions, active-anti group had higher personal                    spiracy thinking – a way of interpreting the world where
concern for money and work. Joining-anti had higher rates                      conspiracy plays a dominant role (Zonis and Joseph 1994).
of leisure words, which is consistent with their higher posi-                  It is worth noting that these conspiracy related topics sur-
tive emotion word usage. They were also more present                           face as prominent themes amidst the millions of tweets
focused and exhibited increased social orientation (higher                     expressed over multiple years. This suggests that conspira-
social process and increased 2nd person pronoun usage).

Social & Identity                   Cog think & Tentative              conspiratorial thinking serves as a “cognitive shortcut” that
 2ndperson pronoun     J > A****                                       can be used to simplify and explain larger, more complex
 3rdperson pronoun     J > A**      Discrepancy      J > A*            effects. This sense making function can lead people to con-
 Imperson Pronoun      J > A****    Negation         J > A****         spiratorial beliefs despite little evidence to warrant such
 Social Process        J > A****    Exclusions       J > A**           beliefs (Shermer 2011). This explains the conviction of
Affect & Emotional Distance         Interrogation    J > A****
                                                                       active-anti cohort towards their anti attitudes over long
 Positive Emotion      J > A*       Conjunction      J > A*
                                                                       periods of time. A more concerning fact about conspirato-
 Articles              A > J****    Insight          J > A****
 Prepositions          A > J**
                                                                       rial beliefs is their “self-sealing quality” – attempts to re-
Time Orientation                    Personal Concerns                  ject the theory may backfire and those very attempts may
 Present Focus         J > A****    Leisure        J > A****           be characterized as further proof of conspiracy (Sunstein
Engagement                          Money          A > J*              and Vermeule 2009). Hence conspiratorial beliefs are very
 Vaccine tweet prop    J > A**      Work           A > J*              hard to correct. This suggests that dispelling vaccination
Social Media Characteristics                                           myths among long-term anti-vaccine supporters might be
Atten Status ratio     A > J**      Message Reach                      very difficult, despite the amount of scientific evidence and
Directed Communication              Information content index          rational arguments provided by government officials, sci-
  Table 7: Comparing the active-anti (A) and joining-anti (J)          entific journals or other regulatory bodies (Wolfe 2002).
              cohorts using LIWC measures.
                                                                          What about emotional appeals to dismiss vaccine
                                                                       myths? We find that complementing their cognitive con-
torial ideation is not only driving their anti-vaccination             creteness with decreased positive emotion expressions,
beliefs but that the very notion of conspiracy has a strong            long term anti vaccine advocates can be identified as cate-
hold on their way of reasoning about events in the world.              gorical thinkers – people whose writing is more focused on
   “Freedom of information request reveals major government            objects, things and categories, marked by higher use of
   vaccine conspiracy gaia health #autism #aspie”                      nouns, articles and prepositions (Pennebaker 2013). Such
   “Chemtrails/Death-Dumps! Secret      Govt    Operation   |          categorical thinkers tend to be emotionally distant. In con-
   USAHM Conspiracy News [link]”                                       trast, active-pro users characterized by higher cognitive
   “9/11 Blueprint for Truth – The Most Compelling Presenta-           processing and an informal expression style signal dynam-
   tion Proving the 9/11 Conspiracy … [link]”                          ic thinking (Pennebaker 2013). Thus, appealing to the emo-
The above example tweets from our anti users also align                tional side of the anti-vaccination movement also is not
with research showing people’s consistency with conspira-              likely to successfully change their attitudes.
torial ideas: someone who believes in one conspiracy theo-                Finally, long-term anti-vaccination advocates indicate a
ry, tends to believe others as well (Swami et al. 2011). This          sense of group solidarity. Social psychologists have shown
consistency is an artifact of people’s tendency to maintain            that higher ingroup language (like member, family) is in-
a coherent system of attitudes so as to strike internal and            dicative of group unanimity and a sense of shared identity
psychological consistency (Bem 1970). For individuals                  (Tausczik and Pennebaker 2010). Long-term anti-
with anti-vaccine attitudes, a paranoid world of conspiracy            vaccination attitude holders’ increased usage of ingroup
theories, secret, sinister organizations and manipulative              language, greater attention-status ratio and farther message
government bodies causing harm are all part of their co-               reach are indicative of higher group cohesion, particularly
herent system of beliefs.                                              in comparison to their pro-vaccination counterparts. En-
                                                                       hanced group cohesion and message reach are useful prop-
Resoluteness towards anti-vaccination stance                           erties for establishing their beliefs as a movement and to
Our results present evidence of the strength and persistence           recruiting new members into it.
of the underlying attitude conviction of long-term anti-                  In summary, long-term anti-vaccination supporters are
vaccine advocates. They showed relatively higher usage of              resolute in their conspiracy worldviews, are categorical
concrete nouns, an indication of definitive expression (Ta-            thinkers not likely to be appealed to by emotion, and ex-
ble 4). They even used more certainty terms compared to                hibit high group cohesion. In light of these results, we need
their pro counterparts. This aligns with research examining            new tactics to counter the damaging consequences of anti-
dimensions of attitude strength and resistance towards                 vaccination beliefs. Drawing from Sunstein’s work on con-
change (Pomerantz, Chaiken, and Tordesillas 1995): a                   spiracy theories, one possible strategy might be to intro-
primary dimension of attitude strength is the degree of ex-            duce diversity in the closely-knit anti-vaccination groups
pressed certainty. In contrast, active-pro advocates used              (Sunstein and Vermeule 2009). Recall that anti-vaccination
more indirect language.                                                proponents display high ingroup characteristics. Weaken-
   The emerging MEM themes of conspiratorial worldview                 ing the well-knit cognitive clusters of extreme theories by
also support active-anti cohort’s persistence towards anti-            introducing informational and social diversity might reduce
vaccine attitudes. Social psychologists have argued that               the pool of long-term anti-vaccination advocates.

Predisposition among adoptees of anti-vaccine attitudes               transient nature of social media sites might surface new
Recall that new adoptees of anti-vaccine attitudes reveal             search terms not included in our analysis. Hence our results
themes indicating conspiracy thinking as well. Most im-               are not exhaustive. In this regard, we created a high preci-
portantly these themes are captured while tracking the us-            sion rather than an all-inclusive but potentially noisy vac-
er’s entire twitter history and not just the posts after they         cine post dataset. Third, our analysis is based on quantita-
start expressing anti-vaccine attitudes. This reveals a sali-         tive observations rather than experimentation. Thus we can
ent trait of joining-anti users: they see the world through           describe “what” we observe, but our “why” explanations
the same paranoid lens as the active-anti users. In other             are not causal. Future work, both qualitative and experi-
words, they are already predisposed to adopt anti-vaccine             mentation on why pro or anti vaccine advocates exhibit
sentiments. A predisposition is a state of an individual              certain attitudes would help deepen the understanding of
which when activated by a stimulus makes a person re-                 this phenomenon. Finally, our results exemplify vaccine
spond preferentially to the stimulus (Rokeach 1968).                  attitudes on just one social media platform: Twitter. We do
   The CDCwhistleblower controversy is an example of                  not know how this translates to other sites. We hope that
how a social media-driven event can trigger people’s                  future research can build up on our findings and investigate
preexisting disposition to conspiracy thinking and subse-             vaccine discussions or more general health information
quently provoke their attitudinal expressions that are coun-          debates on other social media sites and mainstream media.
terproductive to society. Our current analysis cannot draw
causal links from the event, but the timeline is highly sug-
gestive: (a) people with prior indications of conspiratorial                                  Conclusion
thinking start expressing anti-vaccine attitudes towards a            Through a case study of the vaccination debate, we demon-
topic after an event, where (b) the topic’s anti-attitude is          strate how analysis of the natural language expressions and
grounded in conspiracy theories and (c) the event itself is           social media activities can paint a multi-faceted picture of
an alleged conspiracy event. Together this signals the pow-           attitudes around a factious topic. Our study of principal
er that a single event can exert on attitude formation. In            actors in the vaccine debate in a key social media channel
this case the attitude is detrimental to society. Additional          revealed that long-term anti-vaccination supporters are
research to explore and generalize how events impact atti-            resolute in their beliefs and they tend toward categorical
tudes at population scale and how to control damaging                 thinking and conspiratorial worldviews. New anti-
attitude formation triggered by an event are fruitful areas           vaccination adoptees share similar conspiracy thinking and
for social media-based social science.                                hence are predisposed to develop attitudes aligned with the
   The linguistic analysis results show another characteris-          cohort of believers of vaccine myths. These new members
tic of new adoptees of anti-vaccine attitudes: their lack of          tend to be less assured and more social in nature, but with a
assuredness. Perhaps this lack of definitiveness nudges the           new and continued focus on health concerns. Our case
predisposed minds of joining-anti cohort to latch on to the           study suggests that even a single event, CDCWhistleBlow-
group of anti-vaccine advocates. We also find that they use           er in this case, may be a sufficient trigger for these people
more social expressions than their long-term counterparts,            to adopt an attitude and join a socially counterproductive
again a quality likely to make a person join a group                  movement. Given these findings, new interventions such as
(Gudykunst, Ting-Toomey, and Chua 1988).                              trying to weaken the long-term government conspiracy
                                                                      base of the movement are needed.
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