Uncommon lymphocutaneous cellulitis after insect bite: a case report of primary cutaneous nocardiosis and literature review

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Uncommon lymphocutaneous cellulitis after insect bite: a case report of primary cutaneous nocardiosis and literature review
Le Infezioni in Medicina, n. 2, 285-292, 2022
doi: 10.53854/liim-3002-15

    CASE REPORT                                                                                                                 285

Uncommon lymphocutaneous cellulitis
after insect bite: a case report
of primary cutaneous nocardiosis
and literature review
Antonio Lovecchio1, Giulia Bazzacco2, Stefano Di Bella3, Nicola Di Meo2 ,
Roberto Luzzati3
  Infectious Diseases Unit, Trieste University Hospital, Trieste, Italy;
  Dermatology and Venereology Department, Dermatology Clinic, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy;
  Clinical Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy

Article received 31 March 2022, accepted 3 May 2022

     Nocardia is a genus of aerobic actinomycetes that are         consensual groin lymphadenopathy after insect sting
     usually responsible for opportunistic infection in im-        (maybe a spider bite). Cultures on skin biopsy iden-
     munocompromised patients. Less frequently nocardi-            tified Nocardia brasiliensis. Infection was completely
     osis can interest immunocompetent population, caus-           healed after 5 months of targeted antibiotic therapy.
     ing especially primary cutaneous infections. Cutane-          In addition, we performed a literature review of all
     ous involvement by Nocardia spp. may occur mostly as          cutaneous nocardiosis cases in immunocompetent in-
     one of four clinical manifestations: superficial cellulitis   dividuals, finding that only in 22 cases the infection
     or abscess, mycetoma, lymphocutaneous (also defined           presented after insect bite; in most of these cases lym-
     “sporotrichoid”) infection and secondary cutaneous            phocutaneous manifestation was seen and N. brasilien-
     involvement from systemic disease. Infections usually         sis was the Nocardia species isolated. Our case, along
     present after minor local injury, especially in traumatic     with others in literature, reveals that the real burden of
     outdoor activities (e.g. gardeners, farmers, road acci-       soft-tissues nocardiosis seems low but probably many
     dents), with subsequent environmental contamination           cases might go undiagnosed because of difficulties in
     of the wound. In sporadic cases cutaneous infection           microbiology diagnosis. Primary cutaneous nocardi-
     follows an insect bite. Microbiological diagnosis is          osis should be included in the diagnostic pathway in
     often difficult to obtain and N. brasiliensis is the spe-     cases of cellulitis following insect bite or sting, espe-
     cies isolated in most cases (80%). We present the case        cially when localized to extremities.
     of a 45-year-old female with fever and a painful and
     necrotizing lesion on her right leg with secondary as-        Keywords: nocardia, cutaneous nocardiosis, actinomy-
     cending lesions occurred on the homolateral knee and          cetes, insect bite, immunocompetent.

n INTRODUCTION                                                     bacteria with hyphae-like branching on direct
                                                                   microscopy [1]. Nocardia is usually an opportunis-
N    ocardia is a genus of aerobic actinomycetes
     which turns out to be a weakly Gram-positive
and acid-fast bacterium. Unlike other Gram-posi-
                                                                   tic pathogen and most infections occur in immu-
                                                                   nocompromised patients. In particular, patients
                                                                   with depressed cell-mediated immunity (e.g.
tive bacteria, Nocardia spp. appear as filamentous
                                                                   HIV/AIDS, solid-organ transplanted patients,
                                                                   etc.) have a higher risk of nocardiosis. However,
                                                                   up to one-third of patients with nocardiosis are
Corresponding author                                               immunocompetent [1]. Clinical manifestations
Antonio Lovecchio                                                  of nocardiosis include pulmonary disease, cen-
E-mail: antonio.lovecchio@asugi.sanita.fvg.it                      tral nervous system (CNS) infections, systemic
Uncommon lymphocutaneous cellulitis after insect bite: a case report of primary cutaneous nocardiosis and literature review
286 A. Lovecchio, G. Bazzacco, S. Di Bella, et al.

     and primary cutaneous nocardiosis. Unlike oth-              with cutaneous erythema. This necrotizing lesion
     er forms of nocardiosis, primary cutaneous no-              showed in 48 hours a central ulcerative evolution
     cardiosis develops more commonly in immuno-                 and the erythematous halo expanded towards the
     competent patients. Cutaneous involvement by                periphery (Figure 1, b). Within the following 3
     Nocardia spp. may occur as several clinical man-            days, secondary ascending lesions occurred with
     ifestations: more frequently superficial cellulitis         swelling erythema of the homolateral knee and
     or abscess, mycetoma, lymphocutaneous (also                 groin lymphadenopathy (Figure 1, c). Laboratory
     defined “sporotrichoid”) infection and secondary            examinations showed increased values of C-re-
     cutaneous involvement from systemic disease are             active protein (25 mg/L, normal value
A case report of primary cutaneous nocardiosis 287

Samples for microbiological examination were            amoxicillin/clavulanate (1 g every 8 hours) and
collected by lesion biopsy. After 7 days of em-         linezolid (600 mg every 12 hours). Three weeks
pirical therapy, culture turned out positive for        later linezolid was interrupted for anemia, while
weakly Gram-positive and acid-fast actinomy-            amoxicillin/clavulanate was prolonged for a total
cetes, identified as Nocardia brasiliensis. Suscepti-   of 5 months. During the follow-up, cellulitis was
bility tests (CLSI breakpoints) showed resistance       completely healed with only a few dyschromic
to ciprofloxacin (MIC 4), clarithromycin (MIC           scars left (Figure 1, d).
>16) and tetracyclines (doxycycline MIC 4; min-
ocycline MIC 2), while susceptibility was main-
                                                        n LITERATURE REVIEW
tained toward trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
288 A. Lovecchio, G. Bazzacco, S. Di Bella, et al.

     Table 1 - Cases of primary cutaneous nocardiosis following insect bite.
                                                         Site        Occupation or risk          Nocardia       Type of cutaneous
       Year     Country           Authors
                                                     of infection    factor for infection         species          nocardiosis
      1987    USA            Leggiadro RJ [3]   Neck                Tick bite               N. brasiliensis   Lymphocutaneous
      1992    USA            O’Connor PT [4]    Leg                 Insect bite             N. brasiliensis   Lymphocutaneous
      1999    Switzerland    Paredes BE [5]     Leg                 Insect bite             N. brasiliensis   Lymphocutaneous
      2001    Germany        Slevogt H [6]      Leg                 Insect bite             N. brasiliensis   Lymphocutaneous
      2001    USA            Fergie J [7]       13 cases;           Insect bite             N. brasiliensis   Cutaneous and
                                                various sites                                                 lymphocutaneous
      2004    Australia      Isbister G [8]     Arm                 Spider bite             N. brasiliensis   Cutaneous
      2017    Brazil         Secchin P [9]      Leg                 Insect bite             N. brasiliensis   Lymphocutaneous
      2017    China          Chu L [10]         Arm                 Wasp sting              N. brasiliensis   Cutaneous
      2019    China          Mu YZ [11]         Hand                Insect bite             N. brasiliensis   Lymphocutaneous
      2021    Switzerland    Acevedo C [12]     Neck                Insect bite             N. brasiliensis   Cutaneous

     immunodeficiency, HIV infection, hematological                    n DISCUSSION
     diseases, solid tumor or other acquired immuno-
     deficiency) or patients using immunosuppressing                   Primary cutaneous nocardiosis affects more com-
     drugs (e.g. chemotherapy, long-term steroid ther-                 monly immunocompetent hosts and N. brasiliensis
     apy, biologic drugs or other immunosuppressor                     is the species isolated in most cases (80%) [2]. Pri-
     drugs) (Figure 2). As a result, most cases of cuta-               mary cutaneous infections include lymphocuta-
     neous nocardiosis in immunocompetent patients                     neous infection, superficial cellulitis, or localized
     resulted to involve the extremities (arm, hand,                   abscess, and usually involve the face in children
     or leg) and occurred following a minor trau-                      and the lower extremities in adults. In an immu-
     ma, especially during gardening or agriculture                    nocompetent individual, they occur 1 to 3 weeks
     work. No differences in severity were observed                    following minor local injury, especially in trau-
     in immunocompetent patients between infections                    matic outdoor activities (e.g. gardeners, farmers,
     caused by different Nocardia species, considering                 road accidents), with subsequent environmental
     that only sporadic cases were determined by spe-                  contamination of the wound [2]. Exceptionally,
     cies different from N. brasiliensis. In fact, N. bra-             the infection presents after an insect bite or sting.
     siliensis and N. asteroides were the most frequent                Clinical signs usually have a slow progression,
     Nocardia species isolated (respectively 60% and                   in weeks or months. Interestingly, in our case a
     10%), in most cases identified by 16s rRNA gene                   very fast and extensive progression of ascend-
     amplification and sequencing laboratory tests                     ing cellulitis was seen, with the appearance in 3
     (Supplementary Table). N. brasiliensis turned out                 days of secondary cutaneous lesions and region-
     to be more frequently responsible for lymphatic                   al lymph-nodes involvement. Indeed, in our case
     extension of the infection and infections caused                  the diagnosis of cutaneous nocardiosis was de-
     by this species were often complicated by abscess                 layed because it was clinically indistinguishable
     formation. More often a chronic presentation was                  from skin infections caused by other organisms,
     observed and only in few cases there was a rapid                  such as common pyogenic bacteria, fungi or atyp-
     progression of disease after primary lesion. Only                 ical mycobacteria, as reported in other series. The
     10 articles reported episodes of cutaneous or lym-                preferred diagnostic specimen for cutaneous no-
     phocutaneous nocardiosis as a consequence of an                   cardiosis is obtained by skin biopsy. The micro-
     insect bite: 1 from tick bite, 1 after wasp sting, 1 af-          biological diagnosis of these actinomycetes can
     ter spider bite and in the other 19 cases the insects             be challenging because of their slow growth that
     were not identified. In all these cases N. brasilien-             can take up to 14 days on solid media (laborato-
     sis was isolated from cutaneous samples (Table 1).                ry should be informed of the diagnostic suspect
A case report of primary cutaneous nocardiosis 289

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