Page created by Richard Nichols


   United Nations Human Settlements Programme
   151 Macombe Makossa, Sommerrschield - Maputo, Mozambique
   Tel. +258 21492579  | email:unhabitat- moz@un.org
UN-Habitat Country Programme

Aerial view of Maputo City. Source: UN-Habitat / Fellix Vollmann

Post-disaster school reconstruction in Nampula using the methodology “Build Back Better”, 2019 (photo on
the right) : UN-Habitat / Juan Martinez

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The      process      of     urbanization   development when the necessary
historically has been associated            infrastructure is not developed or
with other important economic and           when policies are not implemented to
social transformations, which have
                                            ensure that the benefits of city life are
brought greater geographic mobility,
lower fertility, longer life expectancy     equitably shared. Today, despite the
and population ageing. Cities are           comparative advantage of cities, urban
important drivers of development            areas are more unequal than rural
and poverty reduction in both urban         areas and hundreds of millions of the
and rural areas, as they concentrate
                                            world’s urban poor live in sub-standard
much of the national economic
activity, government, commerce and          conditions. In some cities, unplanned or
transportation, and provide crucial         inadequately managed urban expansion
links with rural areas, between cities,     leads to rapid sprawl, pollution, and
and across international borders.           environmental degradation, together
Urban living is often associated with       with unsustainable production and
higher levels of literacy and education,
                                            consumption patterns. Urbanization is
better health, greater access to social
services, and enhanced opportunities        integrally connected to the three pillars
for cultural and political participation.   of sustainable development: economic
Nevertheless, rapid and unplanned           development, social development and
urban growth threatens sustainable          environmental protection.”

Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population
Division (2014)l.

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UN-Habitat Country Programme

                                      1. INTRODUCTION

1. UN-Habitat is the United Nations        Nampula and Quelimane on projects          growth of urban areas as a result of
programme working towards a better         concerning seven provinces. During         migration from rural to urban areas
urban future. Its mission is to promote    the past 15 years, amongst others,         - is inevitable. Urban development,
socially and environmentally sustainable   the following areas were supported:        however, is not sustainable without
human settlements development and          urban planning and infrastructure,         considering rural development, since
the achievement of adequate shelter        disaster risk reduction, rehabilitation    there is a strong relation between rural,
for all.                                   and advocacy for urban resilience,         peri-urban and urban areas.
                                           housing and informal settlements
2. UN-Habitat has been working in                                                     4. This UN-Habitat Country Programme
                                           upgrading, improving access to basic
Mozambique since 2002. Throughout                                                     Document (HCPD) is the framework
                                           facilities and various training, studies
the past years, UN-Habitat has built                                                  along which UN-Habitat in Mozambique
                                           and policy development support to the
a strong position in the country                                                      proposes to support the Government
                                           Government of Mozambique.
and has worked closely with the                                                       and the People of Mozambique to reach
Government of Mozambique and               3. Although development support in         their goals as stated in the five-year
its partners. Currently UN-Habitat is      Mozambique has a strong emphasis on        government strategy, provincial, district
working with teams based in Maputo,        rural areas, urbanisation - the physical   and municipal development plans.


5. The following key terms, that during    has many short links, numerous             The definition of ‘urban’ varies from
the preparation lead to discussion,        intersections, and minimal cul-de-         country to country, and, with periodic
are used in this country programme         sacs. As connectivity increases,           reclassification, can also vary within
document. The UN definition is being       travel distances decrease and route        one country over time, making
used. Accessibility                        options and travel modes increase,         direct comparisons difficult. An
                                           allowing more direct travel between        urban area can be defined by one or
A general term used to describe the
                                           destinations,   creating     a   more      more of the following: administrative
degree to which a product, device,
                                           accessible and resilient system.           criteria or political boundaries (e.g.,
service or environment is available
                                                                                      area within the jurisdiction of a
to as many people as possible. The         Density
                                                                                      municipality or town committee), a
physical access to a space or service
                                           Urban density can be explained as          threshold population size (where the
is one of its components and the one
                                           the number of people in a given area       minimum for an urban settlement
used in this document.
                                           or space. Measuring urban density          is typically in the region of 2,000
Connectivity                               consists of three components:              people, although this varies globally
                                           population, occupancy and residential      between 200 and 50,000), population
Street connectivity refers      to the
                                           density, which are interrelated and        density, economic function (e.g.,
density of connections in      a street
                                           mutually dependent.                        where a significant majority of the
network and the directness     of links.
                                                                                      population is not primarily engaged in
A well- connected street       network     Urban areas
                                                                                      agriculture, or where there is surplus

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employment) or the presence of             Is the capacity to adapt when exposed
urban characteristics (e.g., paved         to a hazard or systemic change in
streets, electric lighting, sewerage).     order to maintain an acceptable level
In Mozambique, all municipal areas         of functional organization.
are considered urban areas.
                                           Disaster risk reduction
Public Space
                                           The decrease of the threats caused
Public spaces are all places publicly      by the climatic events and natural
owned or of public use, accessible and     disasters.
enjoyable by all for free and without a
                                           Informal settlements and slums
profit motive
                                           The        terms      are    frequently
Urbanisation                                                                         built to specific standards but which,
                                           interchangeable. A slum is a
                                                                                     over time, have become physically
An increase in a population in cities      settlement made up of households
                                                                                     deteriorated,      overcrowded     and
and towns versus rural areas               that lack one or more of the following
                                                                                     inhabited by lowest income groups
                                           five conditions: access to potable
Adequate housing                                                                     only. There is no single definition of
                                           water, access to hygienic sanitation
                                                                                     the term “informal settlement”. It
For a home to be adequate, one must        facilities, sufficient living area per
                                                                                     generally refers to unplanned squatter
take into account many factors: Where      person (not more than three people
                                                                                     areas that lack street grids and basic
is it located, its affordability and the   sharing the same room), structural
                                                                                     infrastructure, with precarious shacks
availability of basic services such as     quality and durability of dwellings and
                                                                                     erected on unsanctioned subdivisions
water, sanitation and drainage.            security of tenure. The term “slum”
                                                                                     of land or without the consent of the
                                           originates from affordable housing
Urban resilience                                                                     landowner.
                                           schemes that were planned and

                           3. PROGRAMME RATIONALE

6. Mozambique has been one of              urbanisation rate (3.3% per year)         areas (80.6% vs 37.0%) and people
Africa’s fastest growing economies         will lead to a fast growth of urban       using improved sanitation is 42.4%
throughout the past years, driven by       areas, being a combination of natural     (urban) vs 10.1% (rural)6.
investments related to the exploration     growth and rural-urban migration4.
                                                                                     8. “Throughout the past 30 years,
of natural resources. Many of these        By 2040, it is expected that 50% of
                                                                                     investments in the major urban
(foreign) investments are located in       the Mozambican population will live in
                                                                                     areas were limited7 leading, in most
the so called ‘development corridors’.     cities (based upon the official Census
                                                                                     cases, to continuous degradation
While prospects for economic growth        2007, the actual growth seems to
                                                                                     of the built-up areas and sub- urban
remain positive, falling commodity         be a little higher than projected).
                                                                                     developments. However, in the
prices, delayed investment decisions,      This means that in the coming 25
                                                                                     last ten years, more real estate
and rising public debt have exposed        years urban areas in Mozambique
                                                                                     investments are seen in and around
the economic and financial fragility of    will continue growing rapidly and will
                                                                                     the formal centres. On the other hand,
the country1.                              have to accommodate 80 thousand
                                                                                     the suburbs never stopped growing,
                                           new households annually. Although a
7. Out of the estimated 28,751,0002                                                  in the purest informality, which in
                                           high number of the urban population
inhabitants, 32.2%3 live in urban                                                    most cases means a complete lack of
                                           is living in informal settlements
areas - in absolute numbers 9,3 million                                              formal registration and authorization
                                           (approximately 80%)5, access to
people. The rapid overall population                                                 of municipal authorities, a major
                                           improved drinking water in urban
growth (2.8% per year) and the                                                       disruption, poor sanitation, and
                                           areas is twice as high than in rural

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UN-Habitat Country Programme

inadequate infrastructure for health”8.      The housing finance system is               the living place, work place and basic
Frequently these informal settlements        underdeveloped; there is a structural       facilities (school, hospital, etc.) makes
are located in low-lying areas subject       lack of long-term funding and very low      it difficult to exploit the full potential
to flood risk, mosquitoes and erosion.       level of public investment. Security of     offered by urban areas.
                                             land tenure in both urban and rural
9. Most urban areas are located                                                          13. At the municipal level, the number
                                             areas is poor – not many people hold a
either near the sea or rivers; urban                                                     of staff that is working in the field of
                                             DUAT (direito de uso e aproveitamento
settlements follow waterways and                                                         sustainable urban development and
                                             da terra), which in general would
infrastructure. It is estimated that                                                     housing is limited. Larger cities such as
                                             stimulate investments by individuals
around 60% of Mozambicans live along                                                     Maputo, Beira and Nampula have staff
                                             and enable local governments in
the Indian Ocean coastline or in river                                                   trained as urban planners/ developers
                                             strengthening their budgets. Apart
flood prone areas. This makes these                                                      or housing experts, however most of
                                             from the municipalities, DUATs in rural
areas vulnerable to flooding, seasonal                                                   the municipalities lack capacities. The
                                             areas are issued at the provincial level.
cyclones and chronic drought. The                                                        root cause of this is the difference in
                                             Recently, Mozambique’s President
latter affects agricultural yields in                                                    remuneration between the public and
                                             declared that, within the next 5 years,
rural areas, causing more migration                                                      the private sector.
                                             5 million new DUAT’s should be
towards cities, and with negative
                                             issued.                                     14. Most data currently used dates
impacts on the quality and quantity
                                                                                         from 2007 and does clearly distinguish
of available food. Furthermore, there        11.    “The     economically     active
                                                                                         rural from urban population. The
are serious solid waste management           population in urban areas is high at
                                                                                         census 2017 will give a new insight
problems in Mozambican cities and            84.9% while in the rural areas it is
                                                                                         in the current population and growth
towns. The combination of lack of            at 90.3%. The employment rate is
                                                                                         rates. In Mozambique there is no
solid waste management (blocking             increasing compared to previous data;
                                                                                         formal definition of ‘urban area’ other
the drainage systems, often causing          in 2015, the average in the country
                                                                                         than being a municipality. According
urban flooding) and the high likelihood      was 67.2% (68.2% for men and 66.4%
                                                                                         to the 2007 Territorial Planning Law,
of flooding cause waterborne diseases        for women) taking into account the
                                                                                         urban land (solo urbano) is defined as
that spread easily in densely occupied       INE (Insitituto Nacional de Estatística)
                                                                                         the entire area within the perimeter
urban areas. Due to the country’s            definition. Despite the fact that a
                                                                                         of municipalities, towns and villages
vastness and the low average                 large part of the economically active
                                                                                         (headquarters        of     administrative
population density (36.6 people/             population has some form of job,
                                                                                         posts      and      localities),   legally
km2)9 the connectivity between               only a minority of workers are fully
                                                                                         established13. Therefore, ‘urban’ and
urban areas, small and large, and the        employed, suggesting a serious deficit
                                                                                         ‘municipal’ development are used
rural areas is poor.                         of decent work, low productivity
                                                                                         interchangeably       in     Mozambique.
                                             and low quality”11. The latest family
10. The demand for housing in                                                            When        talking      about     ‘urban
                                             budget survey12 shows that total
Mozambique is growing, especially                                                        areas’, currently 53 municipalities
                                             employment is much higher in rural
in cities like Maputo, Nampula, Beira,                                                   (‘autarquias’) are recognized, of which
                                             areas, for both men and women, and
Nacala and Tete, where natural                                                           23 cities and 30 towns. At the time
                                             the gender gap in employment rates
resource extraction is driving the                                                       of the approval of the municipal laws
                                             is led mainly by gender differences in
population growth and economic                                                           (1997) there were 23 classified cities,
                                             urban areas (see table “Employment”
development. It is estimated that                                                        including Maputo, the 10 provincial
80% of the population has no access                                                      capitals, and twelve others. In addition,
to dignified housing. According to           12. Looking at the diversity and the        the government proposes that one
the United Nations Committee on              quality of jobs (remuneration), there       town (i.e. one district capital) in each
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,        is (far) more diversity in the urban        province becomes a municipality
the right to adequate housing should         areas. Amongst the main concerns            every 5 years. The number of
not be interpreted in a restrictive sense    of the urban population is the poor         municipalities in Mozambique then
such as merely having a roof over one’s                                                  grows gradually. After the next
head; it includes guaranteeing (a)                       EMPLOYMENT                      municipal elections (Q3 2019) there
legal security of tenure; (b) availability                                               will be 63 municipalities, then after
of services, materials, facilities and                  MEN       WOMEN      TOTAL       5 years 73, and so on. Municipalities
infrastructure; (c) affordability; (d)        URBAN     57,4%     48,7%      52,9%
                                                                                         are responsible for managing day-
habitability; (e) accessibility; (f)                                                     to-day local development and are,
                                              RURAL     74,3%     75,6%      75,0%
location; and (g) cultural adequacy10.                                                   amongst others, responsible for
An additional 1.2 million housing units       TOTAL     68,2%     66,4%      67,2%       spatial development, urban land
would be needed to accommodate                                                           management, construction, roads,
the population growth between 2016-                                                      schools, health, housing, basic
2026, much of which so far has been          connectivity between work and the           services and infrastructure, local
either self and informally provided or       living place. Since public transport is     economic and social development.
not provided at all, as the supply level     limited and expensive, travel costs         Each municipality has the obligation
in the formal market remains very            to reach the work place are generally       to have a Structure Plan (Plano de
low. Majority of the stock is informal,      high and in some cases represent up         Estrutura Urbana), partial plans – per
built incrementally on public land           to 40% of the household income.             neighbourhood / or (Planos Parciais
and drawing on household savings.            The lack of connectivity between            de Urbanizaçāo) and detailed plans
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(Planos de Pormernor).                        that the exploration of natural             the main fields of the Sustainable
                                              resources and production activities         Development Goals (SDG’s). Central
15. The Government of Mozambique
                                              minimize the negative impact on             to the UNDAF is the vision: ‘The
has defined five key priorities in its Five
                                              the environment and communities.            population of Mozambique, especially
Year Programme 2015-2019 (Programa
                                              Urban and territorial planning should       those living in the most vulnerable
Quinquenal de Governação - PQG): (i)
                                              strengthen      the    implementation       conditions, enjoys prosperity through
Consolidation of national unity, peace
                                              of government ambitions. Strong             equitable access to resources and
and sovereignty, (ii) Development
                                              emphasis is placed on reducing              quality services in a peaceful and
of Human and Social Capital,
                                              the impact of hazards and climate           sustainable environment.’ The PQG is
(iii) Stimulation of employment,
                                              change adaptation: communities,             a strategy for the period of 2015-2019,
productivity and competitiveness, (iv)
                                              the economy and infrastructure will         it was reviewed and recent/actual
Development of social and economic
                                              need to become less vulnerable,             topics or topics that receive more
infrastructure and (v) Sustainable and
                                              while national, sectorial and local         political attention, such as access
transparent management of natural
                                              capacity should increase to become          to affordable housing and climate
resources and the environment.
                                              more ‘resilient’. Therefore, a national     change adaptation are included.
Within these priorities, the following
                                              cadastre should be developed,
expected       achievements/activities                                                    18. UN-Habitat has a long experience
                                              land use management and control
planned by GoM touch the working                                                          in Mozambique and has gained trust
                                              and implement land tenure rights
field of UN-Habitat:                                                                      and credibility from the government
                                              ought to be strengthened, territorial
                                                                                          and different partners for its work in
• Under priority ii: a better                 planning will need to be implemented
                                                                                          the field of Disaster Risk Reduction
performance of basic social services,         and monitored, high risk zones need
                                                                                          (DRR), urban planning and resilience
access to education, health risks,            to be mapped, a knowledge centre
                                                                                          and housing. The work carried out
water, sanitation and housing require         for climate change and disaster risk
                                                                                          translates into technical advisory and
the development of fundamental                reduction should be operationalized
                                                                                          normative services, a broad array
human capacity to improve social              and communities, private sector and
                                                                                          of publications, pilot construction
and economic well-being. Therefore,           civil society organisations will need
                                                                                          projects (school, health posts, radio
the Government intends to increase            to gain a better understanding of
                                                                                          station and housing, mainly), slum
the provision and access to water,            climate change relate risks and natural
                                                                                          upgrading projects, plan and policy
sanitation, transport, communication          disasters.
                                                                                          development and training of local,
and shelter; improve public space
                                              16. Various ministries within the           provincial and national staff. UN-
in urban areas and promote self-
                                              government of Mozambique bare a             Habitat adopts a strong community
construction     of    housing   and
                                              responsibility in the urban domain: the     based and participatory approach in
improve the plan development and
                                              Ministry of State Administration and        all its activities. The country office is
implementation of infrastructure in
                                              Public Facilities (MAEFP) is the primary    working in close collaboration with
urban and rural areas.
                                              focal point of municipalities and is        UN- Habitat thematic branches,
• Under priority iii: the promotion of        responsible for municipal finance and       being: Urban Planning and Design,
sustainable and inclusive economic            local administration; the Ministry of       Urban Economy, Urban Basic Services,
growth supported by infrastructure            Public Works, Housing and Water             Housing and Slum Upgrading, Urban
that aims to increase productivity in         Resources, (MOPHRH) is responsible          Legislation Land and Governance,
sectors that are engines of growth,           for    housing      and   infrastructure    Research and Capacity Building, Risk
such as agriculture and fishery.              development; the Ministry of Land,          Reduction and Rehabilitation.
Furthermore, industrialization that           Agriculture and Rural development
aims to modernize the economy and             (MITADER) is responsible for urban
increase exports is being promoted.           and land use planning; the Ministry of
                                              Economy and Finance (MEF); and the
• Under priority iv: sustainable
                                              National Association of Mozambican
expansion and improvement of socio-
                                              Municipalities (ANAMM). Since Urban
economic infrastructures that support
                                              development is a transversal topic
private sector production activities
                                              rather than sectorial, the responsibility
and increase the capacity of the
                                              for ‘urban development’ lies with all of
public sector to provide basic social
                                              these stakeholders, among others.
services to the public. Therefore, the
Government intends to increase the            17. The United Nations work as
access to and quality of energy that is       One UN with the Government of
needed for socio-economic activities,         Mozambique. Based upon the PQG,
domestic use and export; the road             in late 2015 the United Nations
                                                                                          1. International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook, 2015
network should be expanded, the               Development Assistance Framework            2. and 3. United Nations Statistics Division 2016 and 2015
capacity of the water network should          (UNDAF) for Mozambique was drafted          4. In general in Sub-Saharan Africa the urban growth is 56% caused
                                                                                          by natural growth
be improved.                                  and endorsed by the Government              5. Programa de Desenvolvimento Municipal (PRODEM)
                                                                                          6. United Nations Statistics Division 2015
                                              of Mozambique. The UNDAF is                 7. and 8 Mozambique Habitat III report
• Under priority v: strengthen                                                            9. United Nations Statistics Division 2016 10. Human Rights Council,
                                              structured in four main pillars in          2013
territorial planning and adaptation                                                       11. Source: ILO, Igor Felice
                                              Mozambique: Prosperity, People,             12. IOF2014/15, done by INE
of new technologies to ensure                                                             13. Lei de Ordenamento do Território, 2007
                                              Peace and Planet – the same as
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UN-Habitat Country Programme


19. UN-Habitat aims to support              UN-Habitat believes urban areas in             24. With relation to access to
Mozambique to manage and develop            Mozambique offer many possibilities            affordable housing, it is believed
its urban and peri urban areas to           to bring prosperity, sustainable               that the relation between housing
increase their resilience to natural        development and reduction of                   and land, and those government
hazards and ability to accommodate          inequalities, if cities were better            entities that are working on both
urban growth by reducing inequalities.      managed, planned and developed.                topics, need to develop a common
This includes making housing more                                                          approach. Dignified housing does not
                                            22. UN-Habitat is convinced that
affordable and securing land tenure                                                        solely depend on creating access to
                                            people will continue living and moving
rights, especially for the urban poor,                                                     finance or improving materials, but
                                            towards those areas that potentially
with special consideration for women                                                       is a result of good urban planning,
                                            have the most and best opportunities
and youth.                                                                                 creating access to basic facilities and
                                            to make a living. In Mozambique, since
                                                                                           the availability of a well working land
20. The absolute number of urban            agricultural and fishing are still primarily
dwellers in Mozambique is growing           sources of income, often these areas
rapidly. The positive side of this is       are prone to natural hazards. Instead          25. This requires, among other
that for the majority of the future         of trying to encourage people to move          aspects: (i) a better understanding
urban population, the villages and          away from those zones, for example             of the current municipal set up and
cities still need to be developed (until    by moving infrastructures such as              stronger community involvement
2050 for 21 million) people. In other       schools and hospitals to higher lands,         in urban development processes;
words: if managed well and learning         UN-Habitat is promoting adaptation             (ii) the need to promote a national
from current mistakes and challenges,       to floods, cyclones and droughts, for          discourse and agenda for sustainable
the positive opportunities can be           example through programmes such as             urbanisation in Mozambique, in
concretised. UN-Habitat is therefore        ‘living with floods’.                          particular by strengthening urban-
placing emphasis not only on the                                                           rural linkages; (iii) an improved urban
                                            23. To foster the national debate on
already existing urban areas, but also                                                     governance capacity and coherence
                                            urban development, it is critical to
in those rural areas that are most likely                                                  throughout all concerned government
                                            get a common understanding on
to urbanize rapidly.                                                                       institutions, at the different levels;
                                            what is ‘urban’, what is not and what
                                                                                           and (iv) better plans, strategies and
21. The positive opportunities that         is ‘urbanisation’ to ensure that leaders
                                                                                           legal frameworks that include urban
urban areas have to offer are not           at all tiers of government approach
                                                                                           resilience and disaster risk reduction,
sufficiently considered – in fact,          current and future urban areas in
                                                                                           meant to accommodate future social,
debates on cities and urban areas tend      such a way it increases equity and
                                                                                           economic and population growth in
to focus mainly on the challenges.          resilience.
                                                                                           cities/urban areas.

                               5. PROGRAMME PRIORITIES

26. Based upon the needs defined            land management, access to basic               27. The three pillars are based
by the Government of Mozambique,            services and housing, and disaster             upon the government’s priorities
meetings         with       government      risk reduction, three programme                and are contextualised into global,
representatives at central and local        pillars are defined:                           regional and national development
level, UN- Habitat’s past and on-                                                          frameworks, including UN-Habitat’s
                                            1. Sustainable Urbanisation
going projects, programmes and                                                             seven focus areas, namely: (i) Urban
experiences, and an assessment              2. Disaster Risk Reduction and                 Legislation, Land and Governance, (ii)
carried out in 2015 that showed that        Climate Change Adaptation                      Urban Planning and Design, (iii) Urban
UN-Habitat’s added-value is the                                                            Economy, (iv) Urban Basic Services, (v)
                                            3. Security of Land Tenure and
highest in the fields of urban planning,                                                   Housing and Slum Upgrading, (vi) Risk
                                            Affordable Housing
                                                                                           Reduction and Rehabilitation and (vii)
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                                               1. Sustainable Urbanisation

                           PILLARS OF
                         THE UN-HABITAT
                                                 2. Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

                                                3. Security of Land Tenure and Affordable Housing

Research and Capacity Development.          growth and reduce risks are aspects         this situation can be improved
Globally, reference is made to the          that justify greater attention to           through better territorial planning and
Sustainable     Development      Goals      regional development and planning.          management. The latter would likely
(SDGs) and especially SDG 11: ‘Make                                                     lead to increased socioeconomic
                                            30. The process of urbanisation and
cities inclusive, safe, resilient and                                                   development, by improving access
                                            the migration from rural to urban areas
sustainable’.                                                                           to basic services, infrastructure and
                                            is difficult to predict and impossible
                                                                                        jobs, decreasing travel time and
28. At the national scale, there is         to steer. However, government can
                                                                                        transportation costs, and through
currently no common approach                create the conditions under which
                                                                                        stronger urban-rural linkages. In
for urban development. Various              urbanisation is better controlled.
                                                                                        terms of regional/territorial planning
ministries     have     designed      and   Currently, in Mozambique, the
                                                                                        and economic development, there is
developed different programmes              perception of what is “urban” is unclear.
                                                                                        a need to increase the focus on food
that improve some aspects related           Regardless of the exact definition,
                                                                                        security, especially in (peri-)urban
to urbanisation, with a specific focus      urban areas are growing; unlike other
                                                                                        areas. Promoting Local Economic
such as roads construction, electricity     countries, Mozambique has not yet
                                                                                        Development (LED) is also important.
and     water     supply,     sanitation,   been able to fully benefit socially and
                                                                                        The Government of Mozambique
municipal finances, etc. However, a         economically from this irreversible
                                                                                        acknowledges the importance of
coordinated and coherent approach,          trend. ‘Rural’ and ‘urban’ areas have
                                                                                        regional development and therefore
in which economic development and           not yet been clearly defined from a
                                                                                        designed programmes for establishing
resilience also play a key role, as well    functional perspective. Assessing the
                                                                                        development corridors. However,
as the definition of a territorial system   situation, creating an understanding
                                                                                        the need to build a stronger linkage
of cities with reinforced urban-rural       of the formal and informal relations
                                                                                        between rural and urban development
linkages, is still missing. Coherence       between cities, towns and villages,
                                                                                        has not yet been made explicit.
between urban planning and design,          agriculture and industry, where to
urban finance and economy, and              build and what to protect, and the          32. During the past years UN-
a legal framework to support                impact of rapid growth could serve          Habitat has been working in close
implementation and enforcement              as basis for elaborating a strategy         collaboration with the Government
should constitute the foundations           for territorial development, where          of Mozambique and municipalities to
of a sustainable urban development          people can benefit more equitably           improve urban development in cities
framework                                   from the locational potentialities.         throughout the country by supporting
                                            Improving the system of urban and           plan       development,       delivering
                                            rural will benefit both, however, a clear   training and promoting community
                                            understanding on the functioning of         participation processes. Getting a
                                            a regional spatial system is critical to    better understanding of the territorial
Sustainable Urbanisation                    know where and what to invest in.           context, the need to preserve the
                                                                                        quality of the environment, the need
                                            31. Urban population growth does
                                                                                        to mitigate the negative impact of
29. Making urban areas resilient and        not automatically lead to more equal
                                                                                        economic/ urban growth and to reduce
sustainable requires a comprehensive        opportunities, considering the high
                                                                                        risks, all justify a stronger focus on
understanding of national and local         unemployment rate in urban areas.
                                                                                        regional planning and development.
spatial realities, in order to adapt to     Nevertheless, the urban areas are
                                                                                        For example, UN-Habitat’s experience
the needs regarding socioeconomic           growing mainly because of people
                                                                                        showed that there is a need for a legal
development          the    prevention,     looking for a job, better income
                                                                                        framework that enables neighbouring
preparation and mitigation of risks.        opportunities, better services, and
                                                                                        municipalities and districts to prepare
Therefore, insight in the territorial       also to move away from remote/
                                                                                        joint development /land use plans.
context, the needs to preserve the          isolated areas where the living
                                                                                        UN-Habitat has therefore proposed
environment, the needs to mitigate          conditions are difficult due to political
                                                                                        the elaboration of an inter- district
negative impacts of economic / urban        crises, food insecurity, etc. However,
                                                                                        land use plan (Plano Interdistrital de

                                                                                                                             | 09
UN-Habitat Country Programme

Uso de Terra – PIDUT) for the Special                      • Enhance local revenue collection        • A project on urban mobility with
Economic Zone of Nacala. Since local                       in order to increase investments in       greater Maputo area
capacity is limited and the focus is                       basic facilities and infrastructure at
often on short term interventions,                         municipal level.
                                                                                                     Disaster Risk Reduction and
the number of proposed actions in
                                                                                                     Climate Change Adaptation
                                                           • Support to improving public spaces,
territorial planning and development
                                                           focussing on safety of youth and
should be limited to a handful of key
                                                           women                                     34. In Mozambican urban areas,
transformative actions that are well
                                                                                                     approximately 80% of the urban
explained and communicated. In                             During the period of implementation
                                                                                                     population       live   in     informal
addition, UN-Habitat’s community                           of the HCPD, we foresee development
                                                                                                     settlements. The absence of effective
participation approach leads to                            of the following projects/ programmes
                                                                                                     land use management and planning
for a more sustainable process to                          (not limited):
                                                                                                     systems to meet the needs of the
develop and implement urban plans,
                                                           • Develop a National Urban Policy;        largely informal poor urban dwellers
as it increases the buy-in and the
                                                                                                     may ultimately hinder the capacity
understanding of the concerned                             • Scale up the preparation of city-wide
                                                                                                     to sustain crucial and ecosystem-
populations.                                               development strategies (such as the
                                                                                                     dependent industries, such as fishing
                                                           ones elaborated for Nampula, Nacala
33. During the coming five years UN-                                                                 and tourism. In Maputo alone, some
                                                           and Tete) to other municipalities, in
Habitat intends to build upon the                                                                    75% of the urban population lives in
                                                           collaboration with ANAMM;
good results of past experiences and                                                                 ‘bairros informais’ with limited or no
to initiate the following programmes:                      • Develop a guide supporting              services and poor housing conditions.
                                                           municipalities to improve urban           In    other    larger   municipalities,
• Foster the national debate for
                                                           planning (if possible in cooperation      unregulated informal settlements
strengthening    Local    Economic
                                                           with     other   Lusophone   African      make up roughly 90% of the municipal
Development in urban areas;
                                                           countries), in collaboration with         territory14.
• Strengthen advocacy and dialogue                         MITADER,       ANAMM    and   IMPFA
                                                                                                     35. Unplanned urbanization can create
for re-defining the urban agenda in                        (Instituto Medio de Planeamento
                                                                                                     or increase vulnerability to disasters.
Mozambique;                                                Fisico e Ambiente).;
                                                                                                     Fast-paced urban growth is often


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uncontrolled in sub-Saharan Africa,          the full leadership of municipalities      of Mozambique and UN-Habitat.
since the waves of newcomers (mostly         themselves. Furthermore, UN-Habitat        It is also a very complex topic that
poor) face important challenges to           has placed a lot of effort in developing   comprises many aspects, among
access land within cities. Many need         adequate and easy to understand            others: security of land tenure,
to resort to informal mechanisms             awareness-raising materials at the         financing, building materials and
to access land, settling in high-risk        different levels: at the community         basic infrastructure provision. Since
vulnerable areas. As a consequence,          level through games, movies and            the scale at which interventions are
urban vulnerabilities are exacerbated        public debates; at the technical level     needed to provide adequate housing
by the increased impact of disasters in      through tailored trainings and tools;      to all Mozambicans is tremendous,
cities/towns. Mainstreaming disaster         at the political/decision- making level    and current policy interventions
risk management practices within             through the elaboration of national/       target the individual, making a notable
urban planning is crucial to build urban     local strategies and regulations.          difference is complicated. UN-Habitat
resilience and reduce risks urban areas.                                                is therefore suggesting an approach
                                             38. In the coming five years UN-
Sustainable urban planning that takes                                                   that targets a more systematic change
                                             Habitat envisions to implement
into account the threats from natural                                                   in combination with pilots that give
                                             further activities urban resilience
disasters,    through     preparedness                                                  more (private) parties an insight in the
                                             and development (all development
and mainstreaming of disaster                                                           actual needs and possibilities.
                                             should be resilient!). This means that,
risk reduction and climate change
                                             besides the on-going programmes            40. Progress has been made with
adaptation, should be introduced into
                                             related to safer schools and housing       the support from UN-Habitat in
land use management instruments15.
                                             development, a stronger focus will         formulating a National Housing
36. To reduce the impact of natural          be on further developing and piloting      Policy, which was approved in 2010.
hazards such as flooding and cyclones        tools and delivering training on           However, little development has been
in urban areas, maintain access              urban resilience and the sustainable       seen in terms of operationalizing and
to arable lands and benefit from             development of urban areas in              implementing this policy. In part, this
economic opportunities that derive           Mozambique.                                is due to the poor coordination within
from proximity of facilities, housing                                                   and between responsible Ministries.
                                             During the coming years, the following
and jobs, the urban development                                                         In particular, this refers to the
                                             programmes are foreseen:
process should become resilient                                                         Department of Housing and Urban
at all levels and from different             • Further piloting and scaling up of the   Development (Direcção Nacional de
angles. For example, by developing           City Resilience Action Planning Tool;      Habitação e Urbanismo - DNHU) and
methodologies         to      reinforce                                                 the National Housing Fund (Fundo
                                             • Making resettlement programmes
critical buildings, such as school,                                                     de Fomento da Habitação- FFH),
                                             more human and sustainable, by
health posts and administrative                                                         which hold prerogatives respectively
                                             working in close collaboration with
facilities, by identifying needs for                                                    in the areas of policy/regulation,
                                             MITADER and the International
improvement (e.g. physical, legal                                                       and execution/finance of housing. In
                                             Organization for Migration (IOM).
and/or training needs) at the scale                                                     addition, the lack of technical capacity
of the municipalities or districts, or       During the period of implementation        and of a housing finance strategy also
by estimating future risks to better         of the HCPD, we foresee development        undermines the implementation of
plan mitigation measures. Urban              of the following projects/ programmes      the National Housing Policy.
resilience, however, is a much broader       (not limited):
                                                                                        41. Access to secure land tenure
concept than just improving buildings
                                             • Continuation of the Safer School         is a basic condition for developing
and urban planning. In particular, it is a
                                             programme and support to the               adequate housing and ending slums.
process that requires the buy-in from
                                             Ministry of Education and Human            International experience shows that
the communities and other key local
                                             Development;                               people that have access to secure
stakeholders, which should therefore
                                                                                        land rights are more likely to invest
be bottom-up and participatory in            • Development of a toolkit that
                                                                                        in their house and improve their
nature.                                      promotes urban resilience through
                                                                                        neighbourhood. When the land
                                             urban development and smart
37. During the past few years,                                                          tenure is clear, municipalities will also
                                             interventions at the city level;
UN-Habitat in Mozambique has                                                            be better equipped to collect local
been working extensively with the            • Implementation of actions to build       fees and taxes that can be used to
government and partners in the field         capacity and increase urban resilience     improve their city/town.
of urban resilience, especially through      in Chokwe through Adaptation Fund.
                                                                                        42. UN-Habitat is supporting the
key programmes such as Safer Schools
                                                                                        Government of Mozambique to
or the establishment of the sub-
                                                                                        improve its Housing Policy by
regional Technical Centre for Disaster
                                                                                        focussing on the identification of
Risk Management, Sustainability and
Urban Resilience (DiMSUR). With              Secure Land Tenure and                     proper housing finance mechanisms.
the latter, UN-Habitat has developed         Affordable Housing                         For the coming years the following
                                                                                        programmes are foreseen:
an enabling tool to quickly assess
risks and define concrete actions to         39. Access to adequate housing is          • Improve Government understanding
increase resilience, the City Resilience     a basic human right that is high on        and     recognition     of     citizens’
Action Planning (CityRAP) Tool, under        the agenda of both the Government          expectations in order to plan concrete

                                                                                                                             | 011
UN-Habitat Country Programme

measures for the housing sector;             and economic housing;                    During the period of implementation
                                                                                      of the HCPD, we foresee development
• Collaborate with MOPHRH to                 • Prepare a project related to land
                                                                                      of the following projects/ programmes
improvement the Housing Policy and           tenure security;
                                                                                      (not limited):
in the definition of a concrete and
                                             • Stimulate the use of local materials
viable implementation of the same                                                     • Elaborate a Housing Sector Profile.
                                             in housing construction;
                                             • Follow up to Participatory Slum
• Develop mechanisms for low-cost
                                             Upgrading Programme in Nampula.
housing development and a better
                                             Per    31/12/2016   the    current
financing mechanism for sustainable
                                             programme finished.                      14 and 15. UNDAF Mozambique preparation documents 2015,
                                                                                      prepared by UN Mozambique

             6. CROSSCUTTING
                  ISSUES                                                    7. ORGANIZATION

    43. Throughout the whole programme, UN-                       44. UN-Habitat Mozambique is part of the UN family
    Habitat will pay specific attention to the following          and works in close collaboration with other UN
    crosscutting issues: Gender Equality, Youth, Climate          Agencies in the country, such as UNICEF, UNDP, WFP,
    Change and Human Rights. It is not UN-Habitat’s               UNHCR FAO, UNESCO and IOM, among others. UN-
    intention to initiate specific programmes for these           Habitat contributes to development platforms, for
    crosscutting issues (although not ruled out at all),          example on resilience and early recovery. UN- Habitat,
    but rather more these issues will be considered               being a non-resident agency, is organised under the
    throughout everything UN-Habitat is doing. For each           Regional Office for Africa (ROAf) based in Nairobi,
    programme or project, is possible, aggregated data            Kenya. Throughout the passed years, UN- Habitat
    on participants will be collected; in pilot projects and      Mozambique has increased its cooperation with
    working with communities attention will be paid to            other Lusophone country offices, leading to more
    give a voice to all members of society..                      publication and planning tools available in Portuguese.

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This table shows the (intended and not limited) programmes and projects in Mozambique for the coming 4 years and their
relation with UNDAF and UN-Habitat’s Focus Areas:
FA1: Urban Legislation, Land and Governance
FA2: Urban Planning and Design
FA3: Urban Economy
FA4: Urban Basic Services
FA5: Housing and Slum Upgrading
FA6: Risk Reduction and Rehabilitation
FA7: Research and Capacity Development

 UNDAF                         PROPOSED UN-HABITAT’S INTERVENTIONS (2016-2020)                              CORRESPONDING
                                                                                                            FOCUS AREAS OF
                                                                                                            THE UN-HABITAT
                                                                                                            STRATEGIC PLAN
 RESULT       OUTCOMES         PILLAR(S)                  INTENDED PROJECTS                                 2014-2019*
                                                          Development of City Wide Development              FA1, FA2, FA3
                                                          strategies for cities in Nacala corridor and a
                                                          possible upscale to other municipalities (with
                                                          the municipalities of Tete, Nacala, Nampula
                                                          and ANAMM)
                                                          Development of a National Urban Policy            All
                                                          Spatial-Economic integration of Maratane          FA2, FA3
                                                          refugee camp (Nampula) province into the
                                                          greater Nampula area, focussing amongst
                                                          others on the improvement of agricultural and
                                                          non-agricultural value chains (in cooperation
                                                          with WFP and UNHCR)

                               Sustainable Urbanisation   Fostering the national dialogue on urban          FA1, FA2, FA3, FA7
              Outcome 2:
              Poor people                                 development, by supporting the preparation
                               Disaster Risk Reduction    of National Urban Fora, the elaboration of the
                               and Climate Change         Maputo Declaration
 Prosperity   equitably from
              economic                                    Capacity development programme on urban           FA7
                               Secure Land Tenure and     management and development, targeting
                               affordable housing         both technical staff, city leaders, provincial
                                                          and central government staff. In close
                                                          collaboration with ANAMM

                                                          A project around Secure Land Tenure               FA1, FA2, FA3

                                                          City Prosperity Index (CPI) for 9 cities based    FA2, FA3, FA7
                                                          on the Central Government’s classification
                                                          (Big, Medium and Small Cities for North,
                                                          Centre and South Region of the country)
                                                          Spatial Economic development strategies for       FA2, FA3
                                                          rapid growing cities and the rural areas around
                                                          the city, for example Quelimane

                                                                                                                                 | 013
UN-Habitat Country Programme

 UNDAF                           PROPOSED UN-HABITAT’S INTERVENTIONS (2016-2020)                                CORRESPONDING
                                                                                                                FOCUS AREAS OF
                                                                                                                THE UN-HABITAT
                                                                                                                STRATEGIC PLAN
 RESULT         OUTCOMES         PILLAR(S)                  INTENDED PROJECTS                                   2014-2019*
                                                            Housing Policy and Housing Sector Profile:          FA5
                                                            support the ministry of Public Works,
                                                            Housing and Water Resources to improve
                                                            and elaborate Mozambique’s housing policy,
                                                            paying special attention to housing financing.
                Outcome                                     A joint project with the Housing and Slum
                6: People                                   Upgrading Branch.
                equitably                                   Follow up to Participatory Slum Upgrading           FA5
                access and                                  Programme in Nampula: by 31/12/2016
                use quality                                 the current programme finishes. A new
                health, water                               programme will need to be developed.
                and sanitation
                services         Sustainable Urbanisation   Training programme for urban management             FA7
                                                            and urban development with ANAMM, the
                                 Disaster Risk Reduction    association for municipalities.
                Outcome 7:       and Climate Change
                Adolescents      Adaptation
                and youth
                actively         Secure Land Tenure and
                engaged in       affordable housing
                                                            Fast Track Cities Initiative (FTCI): provide the    FA1, FA2
                decisions that
                                                            technical assistance to the consultants in
                affect their
                                                            developing the FTCI technical implementation
                lives, health,
                                                            strategy integrating the spatial analysis of HIV/
                well-being and
                                                            AIDS within urban areas (Matola, Maputo and
                                                            Public Spaces for Children: improving the           FA1, FA2
                                                            quality of public space for children’s use and
                                                            giving equal opportunity to girls and boys to
                                                            be heard about matters affecting their daily
                                                            lives and influencing decisions about their city
                                                            and strengthening children safety.

                                                            School Reconstruction and Safer Schools:            FA1, FA6
                                                            programmes in cooperation with MINEDH,
                                                            World Bank and UNICEF around the
                                                            development of school buildings that can
                                                            withstand common hazards. Programmes
                                                            include training of municipal staff,
                                                            constructors, piloting and mainstreaming of
                                                            rules and regulation into national legislation.
                                                            In the same line a programme around safer
                                                            hospitals could be developed with the
                                                            Canadian Embassy
                Outcome 10:
                Communities      Sustainable Urbanisation   Development of an urban resilience                  FA1, FA2, FA6
                are more                                    programme targeting capacity building and
 Planet         resilient to     Disaster Risk Reduction    pilot projects.
                the impact of    and Climate Change
                climate change   Adaptation                 Mainstreaming actions to improve resilience         FA1, FA2, FA6
                and disasters                               in urban areas through scale up of the
                                                            CityRAP Tool to other Mozambican cities and
                                                            through cooperation with other donors, such
                                                            as PRODEM and the Swedish Cooperation.

                                                            Urban Resilience toolkit: Promoting urban           FA2, FA6
                                                            resilience through urban development and
                                                            smart interventions (at city level, not at the
                                                            scale of individual buildings) in collaboration
                                                            with MITADER and ANAMM

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