Umicore FY 2019 performance - 7 February 2020
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Overview Highlights 2019 2020 outlook 2019 business review 2019 financial review Wrap up Q&A Umicore 2019 performance 2
Highlights 2019 Strong performance in challenging environment ENERGY & SURFACE CATALYSIS RECYCLING TECHNOLOGIES Market share gains in gasoline Growth in cathode materials for Favorable supply environment catalyst applications EVs in line with the market Optimized input mix offset Leading light-duty catalyst Higher cathode materials sales largely lower volumes provider in China, largest car in H2, sequentially and YoY market worldwide Higher metal prices Cobalt price halved vs 2018 Strong growth from fuel cell catalyst applications Higher D&A and upfront greenfield investment costs Significant strides made in the execution of our growth strategy Umicore 2019 performance 3
2020 outlook Umicore expects to grow revenues and earnings in 2020* ENERGY & SURFACE CATALYSIS RECYCLING TECHNOLOGIES No signs of imminent recovery in EV demand in China not expected Increased availability of Hoboken automotive market to materially recover in 2020 smelter Higher sales of cathode materials Sustained favorable supply Benefiting from strong market for EVs and positive impact from environment position in gasoline catalyst applications and higher recent acquisition in Kokkola Tailwinds from metal prices (partly penetration of cGPFs in Europe Higher R&D, D&A and start-up hedged in 2019) and China costs Fuel cell catalyst production ramp- up in Korea *Assuming that the recent coronavirus outbreak will not result in a protracted or material effect on the economy in 2020 Umicore 2019 performance 4
2019 business review
Catalysis 2019 market context Recession in global car market More stringent emission norms in key regions Global light-duty vehicle production down by Euro 6d TEMP for all new vehicles since 6.3% year on year: September 2019 China - 8.9% Europe - 5.0% Early implementation of China 6a in July 2019 North America - 4.4% in several major cities and provinces China down 2nd year in a row; steep contraction Increasing share of gasoline particulate filters in H1 19, while pace of decline eased in Europe and China somewhat in H2 19 Falling diesel production in Europe (-12%), share of 35% in European car market Umicore 2019 performance 6
Catalysis 2019 performance Revenues +7% and REBIT +10%; outperforming market reflecting market share gains in light-duty gasoline REVENUES 1500 1.360 1.460 1.253 1.094 1.163 Automotive Catalysts 1000 620 652 743 545 565 Market share gains in light-duty gasoline 500 Growing penetration of cGPFs in China and Europe 549 598 633 709 717 0 Leadership position in light-duty vehicles in China H1 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Higher volumes and revenues in heavy-duty diesel H2 REBIT 300 Precious Metals Chemistry Strong demand from pharmaceutical and chemical 250 13,2% 12,7% 12,3% 12,4% industries 200 10,6% 166 185 152 168 Significant increase in demand for fuel cell catalysts 150 124 99 75 85 82 100 63 50 86 87 61 78 81 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 million € Umicore 2019 performance 7
Catalysis – major milestones in 2019 Capacity expansions Sustained investments Opening of new plant to support growth of in product and for fuel cell catalysts Automotive Catalysts in process innovation in Korea China, Poland and India Umicore 2019 performance 8
E&ST 2019 market context Slowdown in global EV demand and low cobalt price Global EV market up 7.7% in 2019 compared to 62% in 2018, reflecting abrupt decline in EV sales in China in H2 due to subsidy cuts LCO in consumer electronics: supply chain reducing excess inventories ESS in Korea: subdued demand due to safety incidents Depressed cobalt price (-56% vs 2018) and inflow of cheaper unethically sourced artisanal cobalt Umicore 2019 performance 9
E&ST 2019 performance Revenues -5%; REBIT -29% reflecting slowdown in demand and low cobalt price REVENUES 1500 Rechargeable Battery Materials 1.289 1.225 Lower sales for portable electronics and ESS 894 1000 639 Higher sales for EVs, in line with global EV market 618 587 610 495 Recycling and refining activities hit by low cobalt price 500 322 289 650 607 Higher D&A, higher R&D and upfront costs for 298 288 398 greenfield expansions 0 H1 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 H2 REBIT Cobalt & Specialty Materials 19,8% Impacted by low cobalt price and inflow of cheaper 500 14,6% 14,5% unethically sourced artisanal cobalt 400 12,6% 13,2% Customers reducing excess inventories 300 257 200 183 140 136 81 Revenues for Electroplating slightly up; stable 100 70 82 79 30 45 121 102 61 revenues for Electro-Optic Materials 0 40 37 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 million € Umicore 2019 performance 10
E&ST – major milestones in 2019 Capacity expansions • Commissioning greenfield Commissioning of Acquisition of cobalt refinery plant in China new Process and cathode precursor Competence Center activities in Kokkola, Finland • Start of construction greenfield plant in Poland (Olen, Belgium) Support for long-term Multi-year cathode growth materials supply Conclusion of long-term • Obtained support within agreements with leading EV supply partnerships for framework of IPCEI* for battery makers, LG Chem sustainable cobalt batteries and Samsung SDI • Global Battery Alliance initiative * Important Projects of Common European Interest Umicore 2019 performance 11
Recycling 2019 market context Supportive metal prices and favorable supply environment Supportive metal price environment Higher prices for certain precious and platinum group metals, particularly in the second half of 2019 Favorable supply environment with increased availability of complex end-of-life materials Growing proportion of more complex and higher metal loaded spent automotive catalysts Higher availability of printed circuit boards due to Green Fence in China Umicore 2019 performance 13
Recycling 2019 performance Revenues +9%; REBIT +40% reflecting favorable supply mix, higher metal prices and optimization of input mix REVENUES 1.000 Precious Metals Recycling 800 663 641 650 626 681 600 Higher availability of spent autocats and printed circuit 320 318 311 300 368 boards 400 Higher metal prices 200 343 323 339 326 313 Optimization of input mix allowed to offset most of the 0 H1 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 volume shortfall due to extended maintenance H2 REBIT shutdown and fire incident in July 300 27,6% Stable revenues for Jewelry & Industrial Metals; 250 21,3% 21,5% 19,5% 19,7% substantial earnings contribution from Precious 200 188 142 Metals Management 150 125 128 135 112 100 65 55 56 63 50 77 79 76 62 73 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 million € Umicore 2019 performance 14
Recycling – major milestones in 2019 Completion of multi- Investments to sustain Upgrade of key year expansion and improve the equipment during program at Hoboken environmental extended shutdown plant performance of the plant Umicore 2019 performance 15
2019 financial review
Key figures 2019 REVENUES REBIT Free Operating Cash Flow +3% to € 3.4 bn € 509 m, close to 2018 € -39 m (€ -406 m in FY 18) Strong growth in Catalysis (+7%) record level Net debt € 1,143m and Recycling (+9%) partly offset Balanced contribution from the Net debt / REBITDA 1.9x by decline in E&ST (-5%) three business groups Absorbs strong increase in D&A RECURRING NET REBITDA CAPEX € 553 m PROFIT (Group share) +5 % to € 753* m -5% to € 312 m Stable group REBITDA margin of ROCE 12.6% Recurring EPS of € 1.30 22.1%* reflecting intense growth investments Margin increase in Catalysis and Proposed gross annual dividend Recycling of € 0.75 Strong performance in a persistently difficult market context Umicore 2019 performance 17 * € 17 m impact from IFRS 16, excluding this, REBITDA is € 736 m and REBITDA margin is 21.6%
Robust performance in challenging market context REBIT & REBIT margin Recurring EBIT at € 509 m, close to 700 15,5% 14,8% record level of 2018 600 13,2% CAGR 12,2% 12,6% Double digit growth in Recycling and 500 514 509 2015-2019 400 299 320 398 252 + 11 % Catalysis offset by decrease in E&ST 269 300 140 165 203 Increase in D&A and costs related to 200 100 261 240 greenfield investments in battery 160 155 195 0 materials 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 REBITDA & REBITDA margin 19,3% 19,9% 20,0% 21,9% 22,1% CAGR Recurring EBITDA growth (+ 5%) to 800 2015-2019 587 720 753 + 10 % new high of € 753 m 600 465 496 356 396 299 Robust group margin despite headwinds 400 225 258 Adoption of IFRS 16 lease standard 200 364 357 240 238 288 effect of € 17 m 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Umicore 2019 performance 18 Group, excluding discontinued activities, million €
Strong sequential earnings growth in second half REBIT & REBIT margin Strong H2 19 performance after more 300 12,8% 12,8% 13,5% 13,0% 15,2% 15,9% 14,3% 15,3% challenging H1 19 250 11,6% 12,3% 269 Strong sequential and year-on-year growth in H2 261 252 240 200 203 195 150 Mostly driven by Recycling (higher metal prices in 165 160 155 140 100 H2 19 and reflecting impact of extended shutdown 50 0 in H1 19 and fire incident in H2 18) H1 2015 H2 2015 H1 2016 H2 2016 H1 2017 H2 2017 H1 2018 H2 2018 H1 2019 H2 2019 Also higher H2 19 performance in Catalysis, but lower in E&ST REBITDA & REBITDA margin 21,3% 22,4% 21,4% 22,7% 450 19,6% 19,1% 19,2% 20,5% 20,2% 19,8% FY 19 vs H2 19 vs H2 19 vs 400 350 FY18 H2 18 H1 19 396 364 357 356 300 Revenues +3% +9% +6% 299 250 288 258 200 240 238 225 150 100 Recurring EBIT -1% +7% + 12 % 50 0 Recurring EBITDA +5% + 11 % + 11 % H1 2015 H2 2015 H1 2016 H2 2016 H1 2017 H2 2017 H1 2018 H2 2018 H1 2019 H2 2019 Umicore 2019 performance 19 Group, excluding discontinued activities, million €
Improvement in free operating cash flows million €, continued operations only 1000 800 627 500 549 Cash flow from operations highest in 0 92 last five years at € 549 m -78 -500 Includes a € 78 m increase in working capital -708 -1000 requirements, mostly driven by impact of FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 Cashflow generated from operations after net working capital cash flow higher PGM prices in Catalysis Net working capital cash flows Cashflow from operations before net working capital cash flow million €, continued operations only 800 Improved free cash flow from operations, 600 400 549 close to break even (€ -39 m) despite 200 higher growth investments 92 0 -39 -200 -406 Capex of € 553 m, 2/3rd in E&ST -400 -600 -498 Complemented by higher capitalized development expenses of € 35 m -588 -800 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 Cashflow generated from operations after net working capital cash flow Capex + capitalized development expenses Free cashflow from operations Umicore 2019 performance 20 *Free cashflow from operations = cashflow generated from operations – capex & capitalized development expenses
Net cash flow bridge million € Free operating cashflow of € - 39 m (€ - 406 m in 2018) € 188 m cash out linked to the Kokkola acquisition Increased dividend payout to Umicore shareholders (€ 186 m vs € 175 m in 2018) Increase in net financial debt of € 582 m, including non-cash increase of € 46 m from IFRS 16 adoption Umicore 2019 performance 21
Maintaining a healthy capital structure 35,2% 31,1% 2000 24,4% 2,00 1800 1,92 1,80 15,3% 13,8% 1600 1,60 1,40 1443 Gearing 1400 1,40 ratio 1,19 1200 1,20 1000 840 1,00 861 800 0,80 Net debt 0,64 0,56 / recurring EBITDA 600 0,60 400 321 296 0,40 200 0,20 Consolidated net 0 0,00 financial debt, end of 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 period million € Net financial debt of € 1,443 m, Corresponds to : Funding headroom to execute including new € 390 m long term US private debt placement, drawn in growth strategy while 1.9x net debt to recurring September 2019 remaining within the EBITDA ratio investment grade territory Diversified funding base and balanced 35% net gearing ratio maturity profile Umicore 2019 performance 22
Further extension of funding base Issuance of € 390 m US private placement notes, Committed medium & long term complementing existing committed credit facilities: facilities Historically low, fixed interest rates Total of € 1,875 m Maturities of 7, 10 and 12 years 2000 1800 Total of committed medium and long term debt facilities 1600 Syndicated Bank Credit amounting to € 1,875 million. 1400 795 Facilities (undrawn) 1200 1000 Debt maturity profile 390 2019 US Private Placement 500 800 400 600 300 360 2017 US Private Placement 400 200 200 100 330 2017 Schuldschein 0 0 million € 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 million € Umicore 2019 performance 23
Non-recurring items FY 2019 Non-recurring EBIT : Million € Restructuring charges and provisions (26) Mostly linked to restructuring charges, optimizing the footprint in E&ST (outside of Other (4) the battery materials activities) Non-recurring EBIT (30) Most significant impact from the discontinuation of one of the US sites of Non-recurring tax result 6 business unit Cobalt & Specialty Materials Net non-recurring result (Group (24) Share) million € Umicore 2019 performance 24
Wrap-up Strong 2019 performance, close Consistent execution of long-term to 2018 record levels, despite growth strategy, while adapting to persistently weak market context short-term fluctuating market demand Major steps taken in 2019 to Umicore expects to grow strengthen leadership position in revenues and earnings in clean mobility materials and 2020 recycling Umicore 2019 performance 26
Financial calendar 30 April 2020 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 5 May 2020 Ex-dividend date 6 May 2020 Record date for the dividend 7 May 2020 Dividend payment date 31 July 2020 Half Year Results 2020 ` Umicore 2019 performance 28
Forward-looking statements This presentation contains forward- Should one or more of these risks, looking information that involves risks uncertainties or contingencies materialize, and uncertainties, including statements or should any underlying assumptions about Umicore’s plans, objectives, prove incorrect, actual results could vary expectations and intentions. materially from those anticipated, expected, estimated or projected. Readers are cautioned that forward- looking statements include known and As a result, neither Umicore nor unknown risks and are subject to any other person assumes any significant business, economic and responsibility for the accuracy of these competitive uncertainties and forward-looking statements. contingencies, many of which are beyond the control of Umicore. Umicore 2019 performance 29
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