Page created by Robert Holt
UK FinTech Companies
(DIT, India)

UK FinTech Companies   1
Table of Contents                                             Table of Contents
Foreword by The Lord Mayor of the City of London      04      Novastone           27

Foreword by Co-Head of FinTech and Innovation, DIT   06      Onfido              28

Company profiles                                     08-44   Oomero              29

Agvesto                                               10      PiP iT Global       30

AssetVault                                            11      Prodigy Finance     31

Bibimoney                                             12      Protectbox          32

Boseman                                               13      Revolut             33

Contis                                                14      SalaryFits          34

CreditEnable                                          15      Sokin               35

Crowd2fund                                            16      Studio Graphene     36

Cygnetise                                             17      Tide                37

Doreming                                              18      Voicekey            38                                              19      Voxta               39

Findexable                                            20      WealthObjects       40

FXGuard                                               21      Winvesta            41

Glint Pay                                             22      Wise                42

ICC Solutions                                         23      Wiserfunfing        43

Katana Lab                                            24      Yobota              44

Leading Point                                         25      DIT Contacts        45

Mclear                                                26      Disclaimer          46
                                  India and the UK are both leaders in           By 2030, forecasts estimate that FinTech
                                  FinTech.                                       will contribute £14billion to the UK
                                  Our experiences of the pandemic have           economy.                                    Fintech has been a central
                                  shown just how important and resilient this    The Review makes a number of                theme of the recent
                                  sector is.                                     suggestions to ensure we achieve this. It
                                                                                 combines recommendations to support
                                                                                                                             UK-India Economic &
                                  FinTech has been an invaluable support to
                                  people.                                        fintech startups and scaleups access        Financial Dialogue, with
                                                                                 the capital, skills and regional and
                                  From contactless cards to online and           international expansion opportunities
                                                                                                                             commitments to working
                                  mobile payments, Blockchain to Open            they need to succeed, with important        even closer in future.
                                  Banking – all these developments have          measures to ensure the industry will
                                  given people more power to manage their        remain underpinned by world-leading         The companies listed in this brochure are
                                  personal finances.                             policy and regulation.                      part of that story, and I hope you will be
                                  This has allowed them to react quickly to      In the City of London Corporation,          able to make new connections with them
                                  the rapidly changing financial picture.        we are passionate about supporting          and find the services you need.
                                  We have also experienced faster                dedication in this sector. Indeed, we       I look forward to speaking at this year’s
                                  digitisation, with adoption estimated to       have already seen great success with our    Global Fintech Fest, and hearing from
                                  have happened 18 months quicker due to         digital sandbox pilot, which is a space     others about how Fintech is Empowering a
                                  the pandemic.                                  for innovative companies to test out        Global Economy.
                                                                                 their ideas in flexible and safe space.
                                  So as our economy recovers, FinTech will                                                   I wish you all a successful festival.
                                                                                 We got a great response from the pilot
                                  be one of our most valuable tools.
                                                                                 and, because of that, we’re working
                                  Investment in UK fintech hit a new record      with the Financial Conduct Authority to
                                  this year, with almost £18billion worth of     provide greater access to the sandbox for
                                  deals in the first half of 2021.               international companies.
                                  This puts the UK second in the world           Global connections are crucial to the
                                  behind the US.                                 fintech story.
                                  The sector is moving                           There are many links between the UK and
    The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor
                                  quickly, highly mobile and always              India’s booming FinTech sector.
    of the City of London
    Alderman William Russell                                                     In recent years, the City of London
                                  Which is why the City of London                has worked closely with the Indian
                                  Corporation and Innovate Finance worked        High Commission on the Access India
                                  to support the recent Kalifa Review of         Programme, helping British firms,
                                  UK FinTech, which sets out a strategy          including Fintechs, access the Indian
                                  and delivery model for us to make sure         market.
                                  we continue to have the best possible
                                  ecosystem for Fintech.

4                                                                     Foreword                                                                                            5
                                         The UK FinTech sector contributes              test innovative and novel products in         Venture capital investment in
                                         significantly to both the UK and global        the market with real customers; the
                                         economy. The sector generated £11bn of                                                       the UK sector doubled to $6.2bn
                                                                                        success and popularity of this has led to
                                         revenue in 2019 and represents 10% of          the establishment of a Global Sandbox         compared to the previous
                                         the global market share. Whilst London         (GFIN). The Kalifa Review, published in       6-months, and secured total
                                         has proved a dominant force with more          February 2021, proposed several initiatives   investments of $24.5bn, more
                                         FinTechs than any other city globally, hubs    to further enhance the UKs Fintech
                                         across the UK continue to drive growth                                                       than the rest of Europe combined
                                                                                        proposition, and cements the UK as the
                                         within the sector. Investment into Scottish    perfect confluence of ambitious policy,
                                         FinTech firms has grown nearly 8 times         progressive regulation and a thriving         The impressive growth of the sector
                                         in the past 5 years, whilst Manchester         UK-wide ecosystem.                            in India, the high level of Government
                                         is rated in the top 5 most attractive                                                        support, and the clear appetite for
                                         European cities for FinTech firms.                                                           investment in the sector makes India one
                                         Additionally, the sector is at the forefront   India is one of the fastest                   the most promising and exciting prospects
                                         of the economic recovery following the                                                       in the global FinTech market, and a
                                         pandemic-related challenges of 2020,
                                                                                        growing FinTech markets                       natural partner for the UK.
                                         providing solutions to help customers          in the world, with more                       I am therefore thrilled to announce the
                                         and businesses adapt and thrive in a new
                                         environment, and presenting an enticing
                                                                                        than 67% of companies                         association between the Department for
                                                                                                                                      International Trade (DIT) and the Global
                                         prospect for investment.                       founded in the past 5 years.                  FinTech Festival. In the UK we are proud of
                                         The UK continues to offer the ingredients      It is estimated that 1/3 of                   what the UK FinTech sector has achieved,
                                         critical for FinTech companies to thrive,                                                    and eager to continue working with
                                         combining a highly skilled workforce,          unicorns in India are FinTech                 like-minded countries around the world to
                                         a digitally native population and a            companies, and the $2bn                       build on these achievements and nurture
                                         progressive regulatory and policy                                                            new opportunities. This festival follows a
                                         environment. 76,500 people work in             of investment in the first                    challenging time for the industry globally
                                         FinTech within the UK, and there is a          half of 2021 almost matches                   and is thus the perfect opportunity to
                                         vast pool of talent available to stimulate                                                   strengthen existing friendships, forge
                                         further growth; London alone is home           the $2.7bn in the entirety of                 new business relationships, and spark
    Jack Jones
    Co-Head of FinTech and Innovation
                                         to 350,000 software developers, more           2020.                                         new collaborations. I encourage all
                                         than any other European city. As well as                                                     participants in this festival to reach out to
    (International),                     a digital adoption rate of 71%, above                                                        my team whenever you consider the UK
    Department for International Trade   the global average, the ecosystem is                                                         and FinTech; we look forward to discussing
                                         bolstered by over 50 accelerators and                                                        how we can help you succeed and grow in
                                         innovation hubs across the entire country,                                                   the years ahead.
                                         driving collaboration and competition
                                         within the sector.
                                         Underpinning the UK’s credentials as
                                         a global FinTech leader are supportive
                                         regulators, particularly the Financial
                                         Conduct Authority and their Regulatory
                                         Sandbox. The sandbox allows firms to
6                                                                            Foreword                                                                                                 7
8          Company   UK FinTech Companies   9
Agvesto                                                                                                      AssetVault
         Contact                                                                                                    Contact
         Srini Sundaram                                        United Kingdom                                       Vishnu Chundi                                         United Kingdom
         CEO                                                   India                                                CEO                                                   India

         Introduction                                         Customers & key partners                               Introduction                                        Customers
     Agvesto is an insurance and capital markets           US: 3 Major Insurers, 2 Surplus lines broker           AssetVault Limited: UK HQ with an Indian            Retail customers at various life stages. eg. Live-in
     business that offers agricultural insurance and       UK/Europe: MGA, Lloyds brokers                         subsidiary                                          partners, Married couples, New Parents, Home
     debt products to the farmers and the agricultural     India: A major General Insurer and Reinsurance                                                             Buyers, NRIs, Retirement Planners and Same sex
                                                                                                                  Offers Consumer Wills, Guardianships, Trusts and
     businesses across the value chain.                    partners                                                                                                   partners. Urban and semi-urban audience
                                                                                                                  Power of Attorney in India via AasaanWill brand
     The insurance products are designed to protect        Bonds: Water bond issuers at the inter state level,
                                                                                                                                                                         Key partners
     against climate related natural hazards               Insurance: Rural focussed Banks, NBFC/MFIs,            Launched in India in 2021 after a successful UK
                                                           FPOs, Agri businesses, Private sector Insurers.        run                                                 We partner with Financial advisors, CAs,
     (Heatwave, Drought, Flood, Excess rainfall, Hail,
     Wildfire, Cyclone) along with Logistics risk and                                                                                                                 Insurance agents, HR professionals and FIs to help
                                                              Capabilities & USP                                  100% legally valid Wills from the comfort of your
     Health risks.                                                                                                home at a fraction of a lawyer’s cost within 30     their clients, employees and customers
                                                           Insurance:                                             minutes
     The debt products are designed to provide access                                                                                                                    Capabilities & USP
     to capital to the companies and also the bond         Deliver coverages to the agriculture and energy        Globally, AssetVault has cataloged over £1.5 B      100% legally valid, crafted by expert lawyers
     issuers such as corporations, municipalities and      sectors.                                               worth of assets
     governments. We are a FCA regulated insurance                                                                                                                    Online: from the comfort of your home in just 10
                                                           Provide risk transfer/insurance programs to            B2C product; AasaanWill is digitizing Estate
     broking business in the UK.                                                                                                                                      mins
                                                           Agricultural Crop, Logistics, Health across arable,    Planning
         India market focus                                livestock, fisheries and aquaculture segments                                                              Five times cheaper than a lawyer
                                                           (direct and via partners).                             Third wave is coming. Taking care of your loved
     Our subsidiary companies Agvesto India Private                                                               ones is a huge part of financial wellbeing          Notarization and Registration included
     Limited and Agvesto India IMF Private Limited         Debt/Bonds:
                                                                                                                     India market focus                               Lawyer access for any queries
     are addressing the insurance and capital markets      Assist in debt solutions to the value chain
     needs.                                                companies in agriculture and sustainability            Indians work hard to build up assets but fail to    Multi-Factor authentication: extreme focus on
                                                           focussed projects.                                     create an estate plan. Over 95% do not have a       data protection
     Objective for India market
                                                                                                                  Will                                                Customer support on phone: 9am to 9pm, 7 days
     •    Introduce insurance programs to the value        Assist issuers of Green/Sustainable bonds in
                                                           issuance and post issuance.                            Without a Will, it costs ~INR 75,000 and 8 months   a week
                                                                                                                  in court to get control of Estate                   100% money back guarantee if not happy with
     •    Seeking B2B partnerships with businesses and     First of its kind bespoke insurance platform that is
                                                           complimentary to existing government programs.         Guardianship of minor children in jeopardy          final document
          financial institutions who are servicing rural
          segments.                                        Agri businesses, Off-takers, Farmers Producer          Current Will writing process is expensive,          AasaanWill Varsity: educates India on Succession
                                                           organisation can get bespoke coverage against          confusing, time consuming and offline               Planning
     Experience in the Indian market:
                                                           natural hazards.                                                                                              Quality standards/Accreditations
     Currently delivering insurance programs across                                                               Total market size over $4B p.a and nearly 140M
     value chain.                                             Quality standards/Accreditations                    people                                              Fintech Rising Star Award by IFTA 2020
                                                           EU EIT Climate KIC grant award, UKRI Grant                                                                 Backed by TechStars London
                                                                                                                                                                      SXSW Fintech finalist, Accenture Fintech Lab
                                                           Her Majesty’s Treasury (HMT) Fintech award for                                                             London
                                                                                                                                                                      Special Jury Award winner, Vizag Fintech Festival
                                                           Platform (Security audit competed in 2021 for
                                                           Indian market)

10                                                                                                    Agvesto     AssetVault                                                                                                 11
Bibimoney                                                                                                   Boseman
       Contact                                                                                                     Contact
       Shiraz Jessa | Martin Hine                              United Kingdom                                      Pritam Basu                                          United Kingdom
       CEO | Partnerships                                      India                                               Founder                                              India

        Introduction                                          Capabilities & USP                                    Introduction                                       Customers & key partners
     Founders, the Jessa family, originally from Gujrat    Allows partners to offer any financial service        Boseman believes that managing money digitally,    Technology Companies embedding Fintech
     and settled in Tanzania and the UK.                   digitally and on mobile, but to ALL phones (Smart     in the future, will be radically different from
                                                           & non-smart) on ALL mobile networks.                  todays Neobanks, Robo-Advisors and Credit          Fintech companies
     Bibimoney is bespoke patented, omnichannel
                                                                                                                 Apps. They work with global partners, across the   Financial Institutions
     digital banking solution that can reach 100%          Products include - P2P/P2M, Bill pay, Airtime top-
                                                                                                                 US, Europe, LatAm and Japan, to custom build
     of mobile phones a market and cross border            up, bulk cash distribution and collection, Cash-in,                                                         Key partners
                                                                                                                 the next generation of money management tools.
     – a truly interoperable mobile money solution.        Cash-out, savings, pensions, nano-loans, micro &
                                                                                                                 In the credit, investment and consumer banking     Account Aggregators (E.g. Plaid)
     Channels include online app and non-smart             nano insurance.
                                                                                                                 space with an exceptional team who besides
     phones with our patented SIM-Skin.                                                                                                                             Infrastructure Providers
                                                           Bibimoney is the only solution offering access        building one of the Valley’s first
     Highly scalable and sustainable financial             to 100% of mobile phone users on any network          Robo-Advisors, FutureAdvisor (acquired             Payments Networks
     inclusion for the un- and under-banked, down to       – rural and urban areas as well as cross border       by Blackrock, 2015) have also built and scaled
     the last mile.                                        (based on local regulations).                         products at Skype, Facebook and Unicorn
     Bibimoney is established in other markets and                                                               Startups like Palantir and Intercom.                  Quality standards/Accreditations
                                                           Digitize and reduce cost of financial service
     ready to launch in India.                                                                                                                                      Multiple awards across London/Silicon Valley
       India market focus                                                                                                                                           from Singularity University, Innovate Finance and
                                                           No need for Data connectivity or USSD as it             India market focus                               selected by Governments multiple times amongst
     Focus on creating sustainable financial inclusion     communicates using our patented SIM-Skin                                                                 still competition.
                                                                                                                 Working with Technology and Telecom
     right to the last mile - enabling our customers and   technology and encrypted SMS.
                                                                                                                 companies, Fintech Scaleups and Financial
     partners to digitise their process and reduce costs
                                                              Quality standards/Accreditations                   Institutions looking to build fundamentally
     of financial service to all.
                                                                                                                 innovative Embedded or Standalone Fintech
                                                           Digital Leader Impact Awards 2021: Finaical
     Looking for Investors to supporting growth in                                                               products in the Credit, Investment, Payments or
                                                           Inclusion Winner
     India and prospective customers and partners to                                                             Consumer Money Management space.
     grow the ecosystem and distribution network.          W&F Fintech Awards 2019::Most Innovative Mobile
                                                           Payments Solution Provider’
        Customers & key partners
                                                           IT Europa 2019 – ‘Mobility Application Solution of
     Banks, financial service providers, remittance
                                                           the Year’,
     companies, SOE’s
     Every mobile phone user                               Global Business Insight Awards ‘Sustained
     Government, corporates, NGOs and SME’s                Excellence in Mobile Banking Services – 2019, UK
       Key partners
     Financial product providers wanting to digitize
     their supply chain
     Distribution networks – formal and informal retail
     outlets & agents

12                                                                                                 Bibimoney     Boseman                                                                                                13
Contis                                                                                                          CreditEnable
       Contact                                                                                                         Contact
       Hiba Chamas                                               London,                                               Kami Suvanprakorn                                        United Kingdom
       Business Development Director                             United Kingdom                                        Project Manager – CEO’s Office

        Introduction                                             Customers                                              Introduction                                          Key partners
     Contis is a financial technology company and a          Aviva, Paysera, Bitpanda, Swipe, BP, Binance,           CreditEnable is a multi-award-winning credit           Lenders: banks, NBFCs and financial institutions
     European leader in Banking-as-a-Service . We            Token                                                   insights and technology company that applies           who lend to SMEs
     provide end-to-end payment processing, card             UK Credit Unions                                        proprietary data analytics and AI technology to
                                                                                                                                                                            Digital SME provider platforms (tax, compli-
     issuing and embedded finance solutions – ena-                                                                   enable intelligent and efficient lending to SMEs.
                                                                Key partners                                                                                                ance, B2B commerce).
     bling over 200 clients to deliver next generation                                                               Our senior team has over 100 years of experience
     multi-currency accounts, cards and apps to their        Card networks - Principal Member to both Visa           in tech, credit risk and SME equity investing across   Corporate partners with network of SMEs
     customers.                                              and Mastercard                                          major developed and emerging markets.
                                                                                                                     Our technology platform provides decision                 Capabilities & USP
     We serve a diverse client base across banking,          Tech suppliers - W2, Ordopay, PIN4, Token
                                                                                                                     optimizing solutions to help SME lenders grow          We use machine learning to process and cat-
     fintech, financial inclusion, insurance – and we’re        Capabilities & USP                                   efficiently, while supporting SMEs to prepare for      egorise the personal and financial data our
     Europe’s leading provider of card solutions for
                                                             Fully integrated, hosted solutions made available       and access affordable credit from formal finan-        customers provide us, and our proprietary credit
     crypto businesses. Our unique crypto payments
                                                             to clients via API on a highly reliable private cloud   cial institutions. The firm also provides embedded     assessment and lender matching algorithms are
     solution won Best Industry Innovation at the Card
                                                             infrastructure capable of operating globally            financing solutions to e-commerce platforms and        lender validated with lenders’ specific criteria.
     & Payments Awards 2021.
                                                             Delivering payments services such as personal           other platforms to help SMEs in those ecosystems       This allows us to accurately match borrowers
     Contis has seen record growth, and recently             accounts and cards (physical and digital) along         access affordable finance.                             to lenders so that borrowers get the best loan
     announced we are joining forces with Germany’s          with connectivity to major banking payments rails       Stage of development – Operational in India            suited to their business needs and lenders get the
     latest fintech unicorn: Solarisbank.                    across UK and Europe (Faster Payments, BACS,            Target market: India and emerging markets              borrowers that best fit their credit criteria.
                                                             CHAPS and SEPA).                                        B2B2C                                                  We have 41 employees, 38 of which are based in
     Our ambitious growth plans include geographic
                                                                                                                        India market focus                                  India.
     expansion across Europe, APAC and EMEA. This            Specialist in B2B and B2B2C delivery, including
     year alone, the 140 strong Contis team is expand-       value-added services – eg: customer services,           Continue expanding our presence in the India           For borrowers: We ensure our borrowers get the
     ing to 200+.                                            rewards, anti-fraud, open banking connectivity                                                                 best loan product suited to their credit profile
                                                                                                                     market, expand network of lender partners and
                                                             (etc).                                                  strategic partners.                                    and secure that loan directly for them. We also
     Contis has an e-money license and is authorized
                                                                                                                                                                            don’t charge any fees for our services. Borrowers
     to provide regulated payment services in the UK         Delivery offices in UK (Skipton & London) and           Highlight any experience in the Indian market:         experience a stress-free process and benefit from
     and EEA.                                                Lithuania with development teams in Ahmedabad                                                                  reduced interest rates at better terms.
                                                                                                                     CreditEnable works with 25+ lender partners with
        India market focus                                   We are uniquely positioned to provide holistic                                                                 For lenders: Access to quality, creditworthy SME
                                                                                                                     a combined AUM of $260B and a suite of over
                                                             end-to-end card issuing, processing and pay-                                                                   borrowers, reduced underwriting costs, reduced
      As part of Contis’ expansion into APAC, we would                                                               100 SME loan products. We also have a strategic
                                                             ments solutions entirely built and managed in                                                                  TAT on loan disbursals.
     like to work with Indian financial institutions, fin-                                                           partnership with Flipkart, one of India’s leading
     techs, start-ups, scale-ups, insurance companies,       house – delivering the highest platform reliability     e-commerce players with 300,000 sellers and               Quality standards/Accreditations
     investment houses, major retailers / businesses         in the industry (99.99% uptime) while continuously      over 300 million registered users.
                                                             developing innovative capabilities (consistently                                                               IFC: Silver Winner, Responsible Digital Innovator
     who require a solid but dynamic processing
                                                             recognized as Best Industry Innovator).                    Customers                                           of the Year 2020
     technology provider.
                                                                Quality standards/Accreditations                     SMEs that require assistance to secure business        The Central Bank of the UAE - Named one of the
     Introduction to regulators and government
                                                                                                                     loans                                                  Fintech100 by The Central Bank of the UAE (2020)
     entities essential for our growth                       Winner: Best Industry Innovation, Card &
     Contis has an established Indian regional pres-         Payments Award ‘21 | Fintech Power 50                   Banks, NBFCs and financial institutions who lend       Winner of Inclusive FinTech50 (2019)
     ence through its Ahmedabad offices, including           2018, 2019, 2020 | FT 1000 Europe’s                     to SMEs
     our CTO                                                                                                                                                                The Fintech Power 50: Winner of 50s Ones to
                                                             fastest-growing companies                                                                                      Watch

14                                                                                                         Contis    CreditEnable                                                                                                15
Crowd2Fund                                                                                               Cygnetise
       Contact                                                                                                  Contact
       Chris Hancock                                          London,                                           Steve Pomfret                                          London,
       CEO                                                    United Kingdom                                    CEO                                                    United Kingdom

        Introduction                                        Capabilities & USP                                   Introduction                                         Capabilities & USP
     Chris Hancock founded Crowd2Fund in 2014.            A bespoke P2P lending platform built to the         Cygnetise is a London based blockchain start-        Permissioned Blockchain (with nearly 500 entities
     We are an investment platform for entrepreneurs      highest standards                                   up founded in 2016. Cygnetise offers firms an        as at Aug 2021).
     and so far our investor community of 12k investors                                                       application to manage and distribute Authorised
                                                          Blockchain enabled payment system                                                                        Replacing manual & inefficient processes, the
     have funded 500 businesses via the platform with                                                         Signatory Lists. This includes bank mandate
                                                                                                                                                                   Cygnetise application reduces the time spent
     £40m of investment capital.                          The platform brings together both investors and     management, delegated authorities, and
                                                                                                                                                                   maintaining authorised signatory registers &
                                                          businesses in a single marketplace                  authorised trader lists.
     We target small and medium sized businesses                                                                                                                   provides a full record of changes made.
     seeking loan based expansion capital.                We are currently supported and run from the UK      The product is live with nearly 50 enterprise
                                                                                                                                                                   Integration into existing platform infrastructures
                                                          but plan to have a local presence in India.         paying customers across 21 jurisdictions.
     We are a B2C platform                                                                                                                                         (such as e-signatures).
                                                                                                              Corporate service providers, fund administration,
                                                          Only platform for SMEs that allows investors to
       India market focus                                                                                     private banking, asset management, trade             Digitisation of this process removes paper
                                                          choose the different businesses they want to back
                                                                                                              finance & corporate banking. Although the            whilst users gain better risk oversight, corporate
     We would like to bring the platform technology       and allows them to build a diversified investment
                                                                                                              product is horizontal covering all corporations      governance and control.
     to India and extend the platform capability to       portfolio.
                                                                                                              in any industry. Offers a revenue generation
     include payment and banking services to help                                                                                                                  Decentralised database that each user can
                                                          Businesses borrow from Crowd2Fund because it        opportunity.
     people access not only investment capital but                                                                                                                 offer trusted signatory data (and notarised
                                                          enables them not only to access capital but build
     also give people access to a bank account and                                                            Complements e-signature products.                    documentation) to their peers, without the need
                                                          a network of sophisticated investors who can
     debit card via their smart-phone.                                                                                                                             for a 3rd party to administer.
                                                          support them over the longer term.                  B2B Product.
     We have multiple Indian partners ready to go who                                                                                                              Records all changes made with a timestamp.
                                                            Quality standards/Accreditations                    India market focus
     have extensive local knowledge and will help us
                                                                                                                                                                      Quality standards/Accreditations
     deploy the technology.                               MoneyNet 20201 Most innovative P2P platform         We are looking at prospective investors,
                                                                                                              customers and distribution / channel partners in     CityAM – Enterprise Blockchain Application of the
       Customers                                          Directly FCA regulated
                                                                                                              this market.                                         year 2020
     UK based SME businesses
                                                                                                              We are aware that the problem we solve is
     Sophisticated and high net worth investors.                                                              widespread in India, but currently have no clients
                                                                                                              nor partners there.
     Other FinTech start-up companies
       Key partners
                                                                                                              Banks and other financial services.
     Family office
                                                                                                              Corporate service providers
                                                                                                              All medium to large organisations
                                                                                                                Key partners
                                                                                                              Distribution / Resellers: Temenos, PWC, TrustQuay

16                                                                                             Crowd2Fund     Cygnetise                                                                                                 17
       Contact                                                                                                    Contact                                                  London,
       Masahiro Takasaki                                      London,                                             Shiv Aggarwal                                            United Kingdom
       CEO                                                    United Kingdom                                      CEO                                            

        Introduction                                         Capabilities & USP                                    Introduction                                           Customers
      All-in-One HR-Attendance-Payroll platform,          Streamline outdated and fragmented HR pro-            Company: EarthId is a UK based company                 Enterprises across BFSI, Healthcare, Travel and
     integrated into regional banking & payment           cesses from time and attendance, payroll, into        founded by Shiv Aggarwal, a global thought             Hospitality | Public Sector | Innovative SMEs
     system, which enables workers to timely access       “just-one-click”.                                     leader in Identity and Blockchain space. EarthId
     their wages as they earned                                                                                 is transforming how people interact with the             Key partners
                                                          Provide your employees an immediate access to
                                                                                                                financial services, access healthcare, apply for       Fujitsu, Tech Mahindra, Hedera Hashgraph,
     An award-winning HR-financial technology             their earned wages.
                                                                                                                employment and travel seamlessly. EarthId’s            Government Blockchain Association, BlockApps,
     company with over two decades of experience in
                                                          Automatically calculate and collect taxes.            solution is going to be the cornerstone of the         Fulcrum Biometrics, Tech 5
     banking integration, human resource, and payroll
                                                                                                                future economies.
     system development                                   Offer alternative means of assessing credit based                                                              Capabilities & USP
                                                                                                                Product: EarthId’s SSI platform allows secure and
                                                          on concrete work and pay histories as well as
       India market focus                                                                                       frictionless exchange and verification of identity     Universal ID with Selective Data Disclosure
                                                          financial participation records.
                                                                                                                information. EarthId helps organisations reduce        Multi-Channel and Multi-Tenant Digital ID wallets
     Focus is to realize a transaction tax, integrated                                                          identity frauds, and save time and costs associ-
                                                          Enable the government to track and compensate                                                                Passwordless Authentication using multi-modal
     with digital payment infrastructure among em-                                                              ated with customer onboarding processes, while
                                                          for decreases in income due to external shocks                                                               biometrics
     ployers, employees and Department of Revenue.                                                              ensuring privacy and regulatory compliance.
                                                          such as COVID-19 and enable workers to apply                                                                 Identity Provisioning and Proofing
     Transaction tax is like a consumption tax that is                                                          Product Stage: Live solution
                                                          for, manage, and repay emergency loans by                                                                    Identity Verification Across 200 Countries
     automatically collected at the time of payment.                                                            Market: Cybersecurity, IAM, Fintech, Regtech,
                                                          linking the loan agreements to their national ID.                                                            Compliant with W3C DID and VC standards
     This would help the Department of Revenue to                                                               Deep Tech                                              Benchmarking SSI using 3rd generation DLT
                                                          System that handles, automates, and secures
     collect tax effortlessly in real time and help the                                                         B2B product                                            Fighting frauds using multi-modal biometrics
                                                          to process all the complexities efficiently and
     government to gain the ability to step up creating                                                                                                                Multi-channel multi-tenant wallets for both low-
                                                          accurately with over two decades of experience in
     jobs for future emergency events by allocating                                                                India market focus                                  tech and high-tech environments
                                                          ensuring customers stay compliant
     the revenue to invest in infrastructure projects.                                                                                                                 Championing keyless and passwordless access
                                                                                                                Objective for the Indian market – Drive adoption
                                                             Quality standards/Accreditations                                                                          management
       Customers                                                                                                of self-sovereign identity in compliance with PDPB
                                                          Fintech 100 Emerging Star                             and other cybersecurity and data protection            Identity Management supported across 200+
     Temporary staffing service providers,                                                                      guidelines                                             countries
     Logistics, Call centers, Restaurant franchises,      Member of Level 39 & Innovate Finance in the UK                                                              Ingenious thought leadership and industry
                                                                                                                Experience in India Market – EarthId has opera-
     Manufacturing centers, Apparels, Medical equip-                                                            tions in India and plays an industry leadership role   expertise
                                                          Grand prize of the Minister of Internal Affairs and
     ment provides, Hotel chains, and Hospitals                                                                 in the Blockchain and Identity space.                  Unparalleled enterprise grade platform
       Key partners                                                                                                                                                      Quality standards/Accreditations
                                                          Grand prize of the NTT Data Open Innovation           EarthId’s team, including Shiv Aggarwal and
     Banks, Mobile Payment & POS providers, Tax           Business Contest                                      Debajani Mohanty are well renowned experts in          “Best use of Blockchain in Financial services”
     Authorities, Government Agencies, and Payroll                                                              the Indian ecosystem.                                  award at India FinTech Awards (IFTA) 2019
                                                          Grand prize of the Mirai by Mitsui Sumitomo
     Outsourcing companies                                                                                                                                             Finalist at India FinTech Awards (IFTA) 2020 for
                                                          Financial Group
                                                                                                                                                                       “Best Innovation in RegTech” and “Fintech Startup
                                                                                                                                                                       of The Year”

18                                                                                                 Doreming                                                                                                   19
Findexable                                                                                                    FXGuard
       Contact                                                                                                       Contact                                                 London,
       Denise Gee                                                London,                                             JP Agrawal                                              United Kingdom
       Co-founder and MD                                         United Kingdom                                      Founder

        Introduction                                            Key partners                                          Introduction                                          Capabilities & USP
     findexable is a data analytics company which            Technology and data partners | Fintech associ-        FXGuard is a UK based fintech start-up company        A full-service technology driven web-portal where
     has built the world’s first real-time Global Fintech    ations (the Global Fintech Network) | Regional        with a vision to forever change the way corpora-      both SME and large customers can manage the
     Index.                                                  Ambassadors                                           tions and institutions, both big and small, manage    FX risk in their businesses. They can do it by ana-
                                                                                                                   foreign exchange (FX) risk in their businesses.       lysing their FX exposure (FX Exposure Calculator,
     The Index is a digital discovery channel giving            Capabilities & USP                                                                                       Risk Impact, etc.), dealing in FX products (in our
                                                                                                                   Protecting bottom-line by active, and effective
     buyers of fintech innovation a 360º view of the                                                                                                                     Trading module), and using our analytics (Risk
                                                             A discovery platform with a map to track and          FX risk management is even more important for
     fintech landscape, new innovations and technol-                                                                                                                     Horizons, Risk Alert, Hedge Accounting, etc.),
                                                             benchmark fintech activity, fintech companies,        businesses during uncertain, and challenging
     ogies. It enables every single fintech company in                                                                                                                   while reducing the cost of effectively managing
                                                             accelators and fintech associations in +285 cities    times. FXGuard is well placed for strong client
     every corner of the world to register and showcase                                                                                                                  the FX risks through our unique industry first
                                                             worldwide.                                            traction, and growth in the current, and post
     themselves, identify suitable growth programmes,                                                                                                                    subscription-based model (similar to SaaS).
                                                             Using real-time technology to make it easier to       Covid19 environment due to its unique FX risk
     new markets and gauge competitive trends.                                                                                                                           Depending on the size of customers, and their
                                                             invest and to ensure more money flows to innova-      focus, and digital offering.
     The Index launched in July 2020 and the second          tive firms often overlooked.                                                                                existing FX risk management approach (if any), we
                                                                                                                      India market focus                                 believe that our solution can bring in the average
     Global Fintech Rankings Report launched in              A Global Partnership Network including
     June 2021 – achieving 1,000+ downloads across           StartupBlink, Crunchbase, SEMrush and more            Senior level client contacts of Founder, and          savings in excess of 0.5% of FX volumes dealt by
     111 countries in the first week. If you are a fintech   than 70 regional organisations provide a truly        Leadership Team would deliver initial customers       our customers, and further several percentages of
     company, accelerator or association involved in         global reach of 60 million and in-market knowl-       and traction. The word of mouth due to our            savings by protecting their gross margins from FX
     supporting fintech, put yourself on the map here.       edge and expertise.                                   unique subscription pricing making FX risk            movements. We have a demo ready product, and
                                                             Board with in-depth experience in fintech,            management utilitarian would also be the key to       plan to launch by Q4 2021.
        India market focus
                                                             finance, commercial, marketing and government         bring the customers to us. This will be followed up      Quality standards/Accreditations
     Objective for the Indian market-                        relations.                                            by digital marketing, partnerships with treasury/
     Looking for all companies and organisations             A truly global, objective, unmoderated and            accounting firms, macro-economic, and treasury        Most large banks and FX brokers are our compet-
     involved in fintech in India to get engaged with        real-time fintech discovery tool and ecosystem        events.                                               itors. Both have little focus on FX risk manage-
     the real-time Global Fintech Index to ensure the        benchmark.                                                                                                  ment, and this results into higher costs for their
     Indian fintech ecosystem is accurately reflected.       This is an open access database giving every                                                                customers over time. With focus on technology
     Strategy and growth consultancy, bespoke                fintech company the opportunity to be featured                                                              driven FX risk management, and utilitarian costs,
     research and analysis are available together with       free of charge.                                                                                             we would offer better FX risk management at
     commercial partnerships and promotion oppor-                                                                                                                        significantly reduced prices to our customers,
                                                                Quality standards/Accreditations                                                                         both big and small. FXGuard’s FX risk focused
     Footprint in the Indian market-                         Save the date: 1-4 November 2021 for the launch                                                             proposition for businesses only: “Platform-
     To reflect a full, up-to-date and consistently          of the Fintech Diversity Radar, the first dataset                                                           Pricing-People” will be the key differentiator from
     relevant picture of India’s fintech ecosystem we’re     and analysis of gender diversity in global fintech.                                                         its fragmented competitors who focus on both
     working closely with IAMI, DLAI and the India           The launch is hosted at Financial Inclusion Week                                                            individual and business customers. In a large and
     Blockchain Association.                                 2021.                                                                                                       fragmented FX market, there is substantial room
                                                                                                                                                                         for a player with nuanced, unique, and disruptive
        Customers                                                                                                                                                        value proposition such as ours.
     National/regional/local governments and growth
     agencies | Investors and buyers of fintech |
     Fintech companies | NGOs

20                                                                                                   Findexable    FXGuard                                                                                                     21
Glint Pay                                                                                                  ICC Solutions
         Contact                                              London,                                             Contact                                                   United Kingdom
         Andy Barlow                                          United Kingdom                                      Dave Maisey
         Creative and Brand Engagement                                                      CEO

         Introduction                                       Customers                                              Introduction                                             Customers & key partners
     Glint is the gold-based, global, multi-              Over 84,000 registered users in UK, USA and           ICC Solutions was incorporated in 1996 by Dave          Banks (merchant acquiring)
     currency Fintech, regulated by the FCA, with         Europe.                                               and Wendy Maisey, with the head office located
     teams in the US, UK and Japan, that has                                                                    in Warrington in the UK.                                Payment Brands
     enabled real, allocated gold to be used instantly    Small number of corporate clients testing the
                                                                                                                For over 20 years we have been the globally             Merchants / Retailers
     and securely, as everyday money in electronic        product.
                                                                                                                established vendor in the EMV Test Tool space,          Terminal & Card Vendors
     payments.                                               Key partners                                       supplying qualified test tools for all the major
     Buy, save, send and spend real gold and other                                                              payment brands including Visa, Mastercard,                 Key partners
                                                          Mastercard | Lloyds Bank | Sutton BankSprott
     currencies digitally using your mobile device        Asset Management | Tokyo Commodity Exchange           Discover and American Express.                          Distributors
     and Glint Mastercard. Glint’s clients own their
                                                             Capabilities & USP                                 Our test tools and services are purchased time          Resellers
     allocated gold and it is kept secure in a Brinks
                                                                                                                and time again by major banks, acquirers
     Vault in Switzerland, insured by Lloyds of London.   Proprietary, unique, multicurrency platform.                                                                     Capabilities & USP
                                                                                                                and merchants who love their ease of use and
     Currently B2C with early stages in B2B               Glint enables payments in real, digitized gold,       extremely high quality.                                 Our product portfolio offers the complete set of
         India market focus                               even at the checkout, anywhere Mastercard is             India market focus                                   qualified test tools for contact and contactless
                                                          accepted.                                                                                                     EMV terminal testing for both Level 2 and Level 3.
     Aim to launch Glint to consumers and businesses                                                            We are looking to the Indian market to provide
     in India.                                            Democratization of gold ownership. Minimum            prospective new customers and source                    We stand out from the crowd with our dedicated
                                                          $0.01.                                                distributors and resellers within different regions     team who are passionate about the products and
     Requirement to partner with a Mastercard issuing                                                                                                                   services we provide – from initial enquiry to after
                                                          P2P payments: Clients can now send and receive        of the country.
     bank.                                                                                                                                                              sales support.
                                                          digitized gold between Glint accounts both            We have sold our products in India previously, but
     Looking for:India focused investors: VC’s,           domestically and cross-border.                                                                                Exporting to over 100 countries has given us vast
                                                                                                                feel that, in the current financial climate, our test
     Corporates & Family Offices. Distribution &                                                                                                                        knowledge of the needs of our customers, no
                                                          Glint’s FX is up to 6 x cheaper than the banks and    tools and test cards are extremely relevant and
     API partners: Gold brokers, wealth managers,                                                                                                                       matter what their location or industry sector.
                                                          its transactions are super-fast, taking less than ¼   would be invaluable.
     banks, robo-advisors, ETF’s, Telco’s and payment
     platforms.                                           of a second.

     Glint has had exploratory talks with:                Teams in London, UK; Bolder, US and Tokyo,                                                                       Quality standards/Accreditations
     HDFC & ICICI banks, Aditya Birla, Tata & an          Japan.
                                                                                                                                                                        Winner offour Queen’s Awards for Enterprise in
     Indian gold ETF.                                     Regulated framework across UK, Europe and                                                                     the International Trade Category (2012 & 2016)
     Inward remittance payments: $83bn mainly from        USA. Would require approval from RBI.                                                                         and Innovation Category (2012 & 2017).
     Middle East & USA.                                      Quality standards/Accreditations                                                                           Proud to be DIT Export Champions and Northern
     Most of the 554m 19-80yr old Indian population                                                                                                                     Powerhouse Export Champions.
                                                          Regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct
     own gold:                                            Authority
     •    $54bn annual Indian consumer gold demand        PayTech Award Winner
     •    $8bn annual Indian investment gold demand
     •    $6bn Indian gold ETF holdings

22                                                                                                  Glint Pay   ICC Solutions                                                                                                 23
Katana Lab                                                                                               Leading Point
       Contact                                                United Kingdom                                    Contact                                                 London,
       Katana Labs Ltd                                                                                          Rajen Madan                                             United Kingdom
                                                                                                                CEO & Founder                                 

        Introduction                                         Key partners                                        Introduction                                       FS, including the J.League and several cut-
                                                                                                                                                                    ting-edge start-ups.
     B2B SaaS spinout from ING Bank Credit Trading +      Bloomberg                                           Leading Point is revolutionising the way compa-
     AI Lab                                                                                                   nies manage their operating models. We solve             Capabilities & USP
                                                          Google Cloud
                                                                                                              industry pain points around legacy complexity,        Modellr: B2B SaaS product that combines exper-
     Available on Bloomberg since May 2021 (APPS
                                                          IHS Markit                                          spiraling costs and an ability to compete, leading    tise in operational processes, business rules and
     KTNA )
                                                                                                              to inefficient change.                                analytics to capture & measure operating model
     Streaming analysis of over 200 million bond pairs                                                                                                              performance. Uses smart analytics and AI to
                                                             Capabilities & USP                               Practitioner founded and led. A growing number
     to determine relative value of any bond against                                                                                                                provide insights into the data being viewed at any
                                                                                                              of financial institutions, fintech and innovators
     all others                                           Leading edge Machine Learning & Big Data                                                                  time.
                                                                                                              rely on Leading Point to provide mature proposi-
                                                          technology                                          tions in market entry & execution, enterprise data,
     Leading edge Machine Learning to highlight high-                                                                                                               Use cases: Third Party Data Management,
     profit trade opportunities with 80% accuracy         Highly scalable Google Cloud computing              ESG stewardship, risk and regulatory manage-          Regulatory Ops, ESG Impact, Alternate Data, New
                                                          platform                                            ment and operating model performance.                 Product and Service Studio
       India market focus
                                                          Experienced team of experts across disciplines         India market focus                                 USP & BENEFITS TO END USER
     Seeking value-adding strategic investors in scale-
     up funding round                                     Sole provider for fully comprehensive relative      Looking to assist India Fintech and Financial         Accelerated digital transformation, operating
                                                          value analysis                                      Institutions to save millions in recurring costs      model performance, clearer view on regulatory
     Interest to add Indian asset managers and banks                                                          through digital op models, create improved
     as Katana users                                      Significant cost and expertise barriers to create                                                         risk, ESG impact management, third party data
                                                                                                              funding outcomes and global partnerships.             management and alternate data solutions.
     Ideal partnership would be able to contribute to                                                         Leading Point are open to partner with Indian
     both of these                                        Machine Learning to estimate probability of trade                                                            Quality standards/Accreditations
                                                                                                              Fintech looking to expand in EMEA and North
                                                          profit                                              America using our domain expertise, solutions         2021 Listed as one of the most influential financial
                                                          Available via Bloomberg or web browser as SaaS      and relationships. They are keen to assist Banks,     technology companies of 2021 by Harrington Starr
     Asset Managers                                                                                           Insurers and Asset Managers significantly improve
                                                                                                                                                                    2020 Natwest Accelerator (Modellr and SMART_
     Banks                                                                                                    KPI’s. They were part of the Fintech Trade Mission
                                                                                                                                                                    Dash Products)
                                                                                                              to India in 2019-20 with the London Mayors Office.
     Other bond traders & credit managers                                                                                                                           2020 Investment Association Fintech Accelerator
                                                                                                              Their core team have extensive experience in
     Addressable market for fixed income research &                                                           business growth, innovation, VC, digital platforms    2019 A-Team Data Management Awards – S/L
     data estimated at $15bn globally                                                                         and a wealth of partnerships with blue-chips and      Best Proposition for AI, ML, Data Science,
                                                                                                              start-ups.                                            Best Analytics Solution Provider, Best in Data
                                                                                                                Customers & key partners
                                                                                                                                                                    BSI Accreditation ISO 27001 Global Delivery
                                                                                                              Clients and partners include Global Financial
                                                                                                              Institutions, Market Data Providers, Fintech, Tech    Industry Leading Data Kitchen Initiative
                                                                                                                                                                    Mayors High Growth Business Company
                                                                                                              Recent successes include Citi, Deutsche, Nomura,
                                                                                                              BAML, Wells Fargo, HSBC, UBS, Barclays, LSEG,
                                                                                                              Lloyds Market, iManage, Bloomberg, Clarivate,
                                                                                                              ARX. We are also working with companies outside

24                                                                                               Katana Lab   Leading Point                                                                                                25
McLEAR                                                                                                     Novastone
       Contact                                                                                                    Contact
       Daniel Blondell                                        London,                                             Douglas Orr                                              United Kingdom
       COO                                                    United Kingdom                                      CEO

        Introduction                                      Mobile phones and cards are easy to lose                 Introduction                                           Capabilities & USP
                                                          The world is moving to contactless technology
     McLEAR is are an OEM and the pioneer of              post pandemic                                         Novastone is a London-based, international             Deliver the best customer engagement with the
     wearable payment technology for consumers            The Solution: A passive wearable Ring capable         technology company that builds privately hosted        market’s most secure mobile chat
     and businesses. Our Smart Ring was invented &        of combining a transit card, payment card and         white label messaging solutions for high value
                                                                                                                                                                       Accelerate productivity integrating staff
     patented in 2013, made from a durable ceramic,       access control pass.                                  customer interactions in financial services,
                                                                                                                                                                       workflows into customers’ favourite chat channels
     designed and engineered to be water and shock        Your Ring is always to hand, easy to carry, hard to   healthcare, legal and other organizations with
     resistant, requiring no battery or charging ,        lose and hard to forget                               critical high value interactions.                      Easily connect internal and external contacts
     and is payment certified compliant from Visa,        Pair this to an existing mobile application for UI.                                                          without compromising security, privacy and your
                                                                                                                Novastone’s secure, mobile-centric instant
     Mastercard & Rupay.                                  McLEAR has agreed to expand it manufacturing                                                                 regulatory requirements
                                                                                                                messaging platform is designed for firms that
     McLEAR joined the MTG Japan family in 2017, as       to India with its existing global partner should it   deliver a high-touch, personalised customer               Customers
     part of a series A raise of $22.5m. McLEAR has 6     Transcorp partnership become successful after         experience through relationship teams and
                                                          launch.                                                                                                      Private & Commercial Banks
     board of directors with experience from Sony, BoA                                                          customer service centres.
     and Thales.                                             Customers                                                                                                 Wealth Management Advisory Businesses
                                                                                                                   India market focus
     The company currently operates in B2C markets in     Quantic Bank (U.S), Bankwest (AU), Transcorp                                                                 Asset Management Businesses
                                                                                                                Novastone is looking to work with regulated
     the UK and Japan, Kuwait will be our 3rd.            (India), Warba Bank (Kuwait), EVERING (Japan).        financial services businesses to adopt Novastone         Key partners
     Supported by a strong network of partnerships          Key partners                                        to solve the need for all client communications
                                                                                                                                                                       Cognizant & Other System Integrators
     such as Visa, Bankwest (Halo), Translink, Warba                                                            over instant messaging channels, such as
     Bank Kuwait, Quantic, NPCI, Transcorp and many       Visa, Thales, NPCI                                    WhatsApp, to be regulatory complaint,                  Infrastructure Providers
     more.                                                   Quality standards/Accreditations                   recorded and auditable and improve their client
                                                                                                                experience.                                            Channel Partners
       India market focus                                 Paytech Winners 2019, Innovate Finance Winners
                                                                                                                The Indian Financial Services Sector Regulations          Quality standards/Accreditations
     McLEAR have completed NPCI certification             2019, UK Fintech Award Winner 2021, UK Fintech
                                                          Award Runner up 2021,                                 are similar to the UK and require all advice and       PwC Scale Wealth Tech Programme
     to become the first Indian Smart Ring issuer
                                                                                                                communications with clients to be recorded,
     for Rupay contactless. McLEAR have forged a          Payment certifications with Visa, Mastercard &                                                               WealthBriefing Best Client Communications
                                                                                                                auditable and compliant.
     strategic partnership with Transcorp Int to lunch    NPCI (Rupay)                                                                                                 Award
     India’s first consumer Smart Ring program. The                                                             Novastone is also looking for Indian technology
     first 1,000 Indian consumers will start to receive   McLEAR have one goal, to make life more               partners to provide the local hosted AWS cloud
     their Smart Rings during the month of September      convenient by replacing the card as the dominant      environment and first line services for their Indian
     2021. NPCI are our payment network partners for      form factor for payment, access and transit.          financial services clients, who are wanting to
     this project.                                                                                              adopt Novastone’s secure messaging solution.
                                                          Your Ring is always to hand, no more looking
        Capabilities & USP                                for your wallet, authenticating to your watch         SECURE MESSAGING SOLUTION
                                                          or phone, no more charging… oh, and it’s
     Our Smart Ring uses RFID/NFC to communicate          waterproof.                                           Novastone’s mobile and web apps enable
     to readers using passive technology. This means                                                            ultra-secure instant messaging with clients and
     no charging or no batteries.                                                                               colleagues, and are integrated with WhatsApp
     The problem: Physical payments have a terrible                                                             and WeChat, for those conversations where
     user experience post pandemic                                                                              privacy and compliance are not optional.
     The card is to big to carry easily and electronic
     devices run out of battery.

26                                                                                                   McLEAR     Novastone                                                                                                  27
Onfido                                                                                                     Oomero
       Contact                                                                                                    Contact
       Harvinder Singh | Nikhil Saigal                        United Kingdom                                      Sandeep Golechha | Varsha Golechha                    London | Mumbai | Chennai
       VP Sales & Ops (APAC) | Country Lead                   India                                               CEO | COO

        Introduction                                         Capabilities & USP                                    Introduction                                        Key partners
     Onfido believes that identity is more than           Onfido’s identity verification (IDV) platform is a    The team has built this product from a payment      Resellers | Channel Partners
     numbers. We digitally prove a user’s real identity   risk engine that combines various signals to assess   industry background to simplify the compliance
                                                          whether a user is in fact the person they claim to                                                           Capabilities & USP
     using AI. First, we verify their photo ID, then                                                            regime.
     match it against their facial biometrics. This       be. They cover over 4500 document types from                                                              Single API and standalone SaaS platform for all
                                                          over 195 countries and in comparison, with the        Single API or SaaS Platform which automates
     means businesses don’t have to compromise on                                                                                                                   compliance needs.
                                                          facial biometrics checks for impersonation fraud      all compliance functions and then manually
     experience, inclusion, privacy or security. That’s
                                                          or spoof attempts. All this happens in a matter of    intervene to mitigate any hits.                     Addresses all key metrics to support compliance
     how we give companies like Revolut, Zipcar and
     CoinDCX the assurance they need to onboard           a few seconds.                                                                                            teams.
                                                                                                                Product is ready for launch.
     customers remotely and securely.                     Control exposure to fraudulent applicants                                                                 We use best of breed suppliers to support our
                                                          Reduce customer drop off with better user             Great for Retailers, Jewellers, Auction Houses,
     Onfido is headquartered in London. It was                                                                                                                      clients.
                                                          experience                                            Real Estate as well as Financial markets such as
     founded in July 2012 by Husayn Kassai, Eamon         Get customer on-boarded faster with reduction in      Fintech, Share Dealers, Banks etc.                  Full local support in UK and India.
     Jubbawy and Ruhul Amin and has more than 450         acquisition costs
     employees in offices across San Francisco, New                                                             Working with clients to create complex products     Any other
                                                          Reduce internal manual overheads                      tackling fraud, account takeover attacks &
     York, Lisbon, Paris, New Delhi and Singapore         Empower compliance team with granular results                                                             We provide a unique hybrid model with a variety
                                                                                                                phishing fraud as well transaction monitoring and
        India market focus                                                                                      custom solutions development.                       of well defined suppliers.
                                                             Quality standards/Accreditations
     India is the third largest commercial market for                                                           This product is B2B and B2B2C.                      Reduced compliance cost with all information
                                                          Onfido Named to the 2020 CB Insights Fintech                                                              updated daily.
     Onfido outside of the US and UK. In India, Onfido    250 List of Fastest-Growing Fintech Start-ups
     serves some of the largest players in the areas of                                                           India market focus
                                                                                                                                                                    Our product and expertise deliver a complete
     financial services, SME lending, consumer finance    Onfido Wins “AI-Based Cybersecurity Solution of       Objective for the Indian Looking for investors as   compliance solution using a hybrid of electronic &
     and transportation.                                  the Year” in the 2020 Cybersecurity Breakthrough      well as clients. Discussing with Banks to supply    manual checks.
                                                          Awards                                                data from our suppliers.
       Customers                                                                                                                                                       Quality standards/Accreditations
                                                          Onfido Wins “Best Innovation in Algorithmic           Highlight any experience in the Indian market;
     Crypto                                               Bias Mitigation” & “Outstanding Leader in                                                                 Ability to provide / create own Transaction
                                                                                                                Already in deep discussions with several business
     Gaming & Gambling                                    Accessibility” at CogX 2020                           information suppliers to integrate our product      Monitoring platform

                                                          We’ve been shortlisted in the ‘Security Innovation    to give them better depth. Also reversing their     Understand core banking
                                                          of the Year’ category at the National Technology      product into our system to bring High quality
     Transportation                                                                                             Indian Corporate Data to our clients.               Understand cross border payments
                                                          Awards 2021
     Banking & Finance                                                                                             Customers
        Key partners                                                                                            UK / Global Retail Banks
                                                                                                                Other FinTechs / RegTechs
     Credit Bureau’s
                                                                                                                High Value dealers – Jewellers, Gold / Bullion,
     System Integrators in India                                                                                Watch Dealers, Auction Houses, Accountants,
                                                                                                                Lawyers, FX Companies

28                                                                                                   Onfido     Oomero                                                                                                   29
PiP iT Global                                                                                               Prodigy Finance
       Contact                                                                                                     Contact
       Ollie Walsh                                            Galway,                                              Mayank Sharma                                          United Kingdom
       CEO                                                    Ireland                                              Country Head                                           India

        Introduction                                         Capabilities & USP                                     Introduction                                         Capabilities & USP
     3 co-founders with 20+ experience in industry        Cloud based platform.                                  Prodigy Finance is revolutionising postgrad          Ours innovative borderless funding model is the
                                                                                                                 student loans, built on the idea that access to      first and only one of its kind in the world - no one
     International cash payments Platform for             Migrants are often unbanked in their new country
                                                                                                                 financing for international graduate education       else lends to students from as many countries, or
     migrants to support their families at home by        meaning they have to use expensive cash transfer
                                                                                                                 should be borderless, and based on future            supports as many global schools
     making cash payments where they live                 offices to get money home. With PiP iT they can
                                                                                                                 potential rather than current circumstance.
                                                          spend cash where they live to support family at                                                             Customer support team available via phone, chat
     We are cheaper and safer than cash transfer          home.                                                                                                       or email throughout process
                                                                                                                 Established product - to date we have loaned
     Launched and transacting in the UK with                                                                     over $1b to over 20,000 students
                                                          We are based in Ireland, and have an associate                                                              No collateral or cosigner required
     payments going to Africa                             office in Mumbai.                                      Market = international students from 130 countries
                                                                                                                                                                      Completely online process - get a quote in 20
     Banking, e-wallets, e-commerce, bill payments                                                               globally who want to study at top schools in US &
                                                          Consumer – cheaper, safer and retain control of                                                             minutes
     B2B2C product                                        funds, compared to remittance.
                                                                                                                                                                      Loan up to 100% cost of tuition and living
                                                                                                                 B2C primarily, although we do offer a return to
       India market focus                                 Merchants – access to a bigger market via cash,                                                             expenses
                                                          Financially Excluded can use PiP iT.
     Looking for merchants in India (banks,                                                                                                                           6 month grace period after graduation before
                                                                                                                   India market focus
     e-commerce, e-wallet, billers) who want to be able                                                                                                               repayment
     to accept cash payments from NRI’s                                                                          India is our leading market with c.50% of our
                                                             Quality standards/Accreditations                                                                            Quality standards/Accreditations
                                                                                                                 customer base, studying STEM and Business
     Also interested in working with Cash Collection      DIT 2020 FinTech Award Winner                          degrees. We continue to expand our focus on the      UK Enterprise Awards’ ‘Best Student Finance
     Partner in India – Major retailer, POS or ATM                                                               Indian market via direct customer outreach and       Company 2019’
     Network.                                             Ollie Walsh – Finalist in 2019 ‘Founder of the Year
                                                                                                                 via our partners.
                                                          Awards in Ireland’                                                                                          Finance Monthly Fintech Awards’ ‘Lending -
     Within the next quarter we will be accepting                                                                Our student loan product does not need a             Advisory Firm of the Year - UK’ (2019)
     payments in GCC – Key remittance region for                                                                 co-signer and a collateral, which makes it a huge
     India.                                                                                                                                                           Ranked 33rd in The Sunday Times Hiscox Tech
                                                                                                                 pull for Indian students. 89% of our customers
                                                                                                                                                                      Track 100 in 2018
       Customers                                                                                                 did not have any other funding option, if not for
                                                                                                                 Prodigy Finance.
     UK/Global ig retail banks
                                                                                                                    Customers & key partners
                                                                                                                 International students (80% of our customers
     Bill aggregators                                                                                            come from developing countries
     E-commerce                                                                                                    Key partners
     Other FinTechs                                                                                              We work with 800 top schools & universities in
       Key partners                                                                                              USA & Europe
     As above we are B2B2C                                                                                       We’re funded both by institutional investors
                                                                                                                 (Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank and Credit
                                                                                                                 Suisse) and by private individuals

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Protectbox                                                                                                              Revolut
       Contact                                                                                                                 Contact
        Kiran Bhagotra                                                 London,                                                 Saurabh Agarwal                                       United Kingdom
        CEO/Founder UK                                                 United Kingdom                                          Head of Operations India                              India

          Introduction                                                Key partners                                              Introduction                                        Capabilities & USP
     Founded in 2017 by CEO whilst she worked in UK               Sage & Oracle marketplaces offer our security
     government (Foreign Office) who saw gap for a                marketplace to their business customers. Data is           Launched in 2015 in UK, we are building the         Revolut is building the world’s first global financial
     marketplace that lets buyers find & buy all their            localised in Oracle’s systems                              world’s first truly global financial superapp for   superapp, to help people get more from their
     security for their home, office, customers, city & more      Global (incl India) insurance broker offer us as their     individuals and businesses                          money – from everyday spending to planning for
     in 1-place. Signup-to-solutions in clicks, whether they’re   post-policy purchase security service, for their                                                               the future.
     technical or not! See how sustainable what they’re           business/consumer customers
                                                                                                                             36 countries, 2400+ employees, 30+ currencies,      Spend abroad like a local and send money
     buying is & offset it through us too. ‘Give’ part of their   Developer of Agri, Health & Smart cities marketplaces      20+ products across retail and business segments    internationally with excellent exchange rates
     subscription to their chosen cause, as they buy. Take        for Indian government, are enhancing their services        Our growth story:                                   Gold standard security and fraud protection - we
     pain away for suppliers too.                                 using our AI. We’re also iterating our NetZero score/                                                          protect customers with award-winning security
     Our AI/TechForGood helps buyers demystify a complex          offset for them, to UN SDG reporting tool                  ○ 16M+ Retail signups, 5 lakhs+ Business sign ups   systems and trusted partners
     market by understanding their needs, then packaging          UK Agri data marketplace developing carbon offset
     solutions/suppliers to meet what our AI-driven system        mktplace with us                                           ○ 150M+ transactions                                Machine Learning, Cloud Technology, Data
     has learnt their need to be.                                                                                            ○ $~1B+ Cross border transaction/ month             Science/Analytics
     Value-add, plug-n-play for partners: extend existing             Capabilities & USP
                                                                  AI (responsible, unbiased) & lean plug-and-play                                                                Faster and more efficient operations, and deeper
     or create a new security marketplace. Adapt our AI for                                                                  Highest valued startup in UK at $33B after a        understanding of financial management -
     their own offerings.
                                                                  Lean, remote team picked for right skills & to reduce
                                                                                                                             Series E round of $800M in July, 2021               benefits for Revolut and the customer
     Selling globally, to all buyer, supplier & partner types.
     Agri, Health, Defense, carbon offset iterations in           operating costs. Desktop/mobile apps automated for         Our key products globally: Cross border             Strong customer support teams based out of
     development, funded by UK government grants                  low operating costs                                        payments, Savings, Card Payments, Wealth and        Europe and other regions
     (£200,000 secured to date)                                   Client servicing team/Support operation on ground in       Trading (Commodities, Stocks)
                                                                  India.                                                                                                             Territorial Reach and Recognition
         India market focus                                       Sales distribution partner enables sales into India        Revolut is led by CEO Nik Storonsky, supported by   Territories Served
     Looking for: direct leads & channel partners to              1st to market:                                             Co-Founder and CTO Vlad Yatsenko and board
     all buyers, suppliers, partners for our security             Unique: No one offering our full end-to-end process        team.                                               UK and Europe
     marketplace. Just like banks sell insurance as               that goes beyond ‘self-serve’ & used as plug-n-play        The board is led by Chairman Martin Gilbert.
     an add-on, we can be sold as add-on by banks,                extensions                                                                                                     United States
     insurers, investors, accountants, lawyers, telcos,           User-friendly process: 1st to package solutions using AI      India market focus                               APAC - Singapore, Japan, Australia and New
     OEMS, distributors/re-sellers, gov’ts, regulators,           Independent
     Trade Associations, Diaspora Councils, Chambers of           High barriers to entry: go-to-market requires              £25M committed to the expansion in India market     Zealand
     Commerce etc                                                 governmentt & corporate Partners prohibitively large       Expected to go live in 2022                         Recognition
     Pilots for non-security iterations (same profiles as for     Supplier ecosystem not easy to access
     above)                                                       Tech4Good:                                                 Revolut intends to support government’s effort      2020
     Investment from (&/or potential trade sale to) HNW/          Values of Trust, Transparency, Fairness, Inclusivity       on financial inclusion and literacy by leveraging
     family offices                                               unique non-security/NetZero iterations developed                                                               Tech Company of the Year at the UK Tech Awards
                                                                                                                             its strength in technology to increase digital
     CEO & Advisors have extensive policy, security &             with partners accurately with over two decades of          adoption and help democratise digital financial     Deloitte Technology Fast 500 (EMEA)
     infrastructure experience in India. CEO of Indian origin,    experience in ensuring customers stay compliant            services
     spent early years there.                                                                                                                                                    Sunday Times Tech Track 100 (UK)
                                                                     Quality standards/Accreditations                        Product roadmap curated to Indian regulations
        Customers                                                 10 Awards (50+ finalist) incl CogX 2020’s Best AI in       and consumer needs while leveraging our global      Telegraph Tech Hot 100 (UK)
     0,000s of users/partners including respected, global         Cybersecurity & Most Influential Women in Tech longlist    tech architecture and synergies
     names                                                        2021, 2020, 2019 & 2018                                                                                        British Bank Awards - Innovation of the Year (UK)
                                                                                                                             Revolut India is led by CEO Paroma Chatterjee
     ‘0,000s of suppliers, with ‘000,000s products sold           30+media incl Times, Telegraph, CityAM, Evening
     globally                                                     Standard, WiredTechZero taskforce & UK govt’s SME
                                                                  Climate Commitment members

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