UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021 18 - 26 January 2021

Page created by Maurice Daniel
UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021 18 - 26 January 2021
UK Education Solutions
& Technology 2021
18 – 26 January 2021
UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021 18 - 26 January 2021
UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021       1


Foreword ................................................................................ 2-3

About the Department for International Trade 	�������������� 5

British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) 	��������� 6

UK Capability ....................................................................... 7-8

Where technology meets education ................................... 9

DIT Education Sector Team ............................................ 10-11

BESA: Meet the Team ............................................................ 12

DIT Overseas Education officials ................................. 13-38
2                     UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021                                                                              UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021   3

    Welcome to UK Education Solutions & Technology! We are delighted that you            Whilst the main theme of UKEST is EdTech, we also encourage
    are reading our online brochure, which, in conjunction with the exciting range       UK providers in other areas of education to join us, particularly
    of activities listed on the wider UKEST website, includes contact details for a      the 1-2-1 sessions with our overseas colleagues.
    large selection of the Department for International Trade’s global education
    network and the British Educational Suppliers Association.                           We urge you to explore the activities on offer, and please use the
                                                                                         contact details within this brochure to continue your discussions
    Whilst we have hosted many virtual activities since last spring, this is our first
                                                                                         with DIT Education colleagues and BESA after UKEST.
    online offer on a global scale, and we are hugely excited by the prospect.

    The UK has long been regarded as being at the forefront of EdTech, and as
    a result of this sustained global interest, we’re offering a series of virtual
    activities over two weeks, aimed at UK EdTech providers, the wider education
    scene and overseas stakeholders, whether you are new to export or looking to
    expand your international presence. A reminder here of the key sessions:

    • ( 18-20 January) - online sessions and Q&A with our overseas-based
       colleagues on global trends, EdTech opportunities and the wider
       education environment in a selection of international regions.

    • ( 18-19 January) - am and pm EdTech knowledge sharing sessions
       for overseas stakeholders, to enable a clearer understanding
                                                                                         Geoff Gladding                 Caroline Wright
       of how the UK’s innovative EdTech solutions, including online
       teaching, can be adapted to suit teaching, learning and assessment                Sector Lead,                   Director General,
       internationally, in the current COVID-era, and for the future.                    Education Team,                British
                                                                                         Department for                 Educational
    • ( 25-26 January) - the opportunity for prearranged                                International                  Suppliers
       1-2-1s with DIT’s international colleagues.                                       Trade                          Association

    Within the UKEST website you will also find a resources page,
    which includes links to HMG websites offering advice following the
    UK’s departure from the EU, UK Export Finance, and those of our
    key stakeholders across all parts of the education sector.
4   UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021                                                                                UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021                      5

                                                                                                                                                                       STEM Learning
                                                                                                                                                                          Science Class

                                                                                 About the Department for
                                                                                 International Trade
                                                                                 The Department for International                 We are an international economic
                                                                                 Trade (DIT) helps businesses                     department, responsible for:

                                                                                 export, drives inward and                        • s upporting and encouraging UK
                                                                                 outward investment, negotiates                      businesses to drive sustainable
                                                                                 market access and trade deals,                      international growth
                                                                                 and champions free trade.
                                                                                                                                  • e
                                                                                                                                     nsuring the UK remains a leading

                                               Where will you                                                                       destination for international
                                                                                                                                    investment and maintains its number
                                               find Education                    The range of expert services is tailored
                                                                                 to the needs of individual businesses to
                                                                                                                                    one position for international
                                                                                                                                    investment stock in Europe
                                               Technology                        maximise their international success.
                                                                                 Companies are given advice and
                                               that’s out of                     practical support, and staff can assist
                                                                                                                                  • o
                                                                                                                                     pening markets, building a trade
                                                                                                                                    framework with new and existing
                                               this world?                       at all stages of the business planning
                                                                                 cycle, from inception to completion.
                                                                                                                                    partners which is free and fair

                                               The UK is home to 1 in 4 of                                                        • u
                                                                                                                                     sing trade and investment to underpin
                                               Europe’s EdTech companies.        DIT offers expertise and contacts                  the government’s agenda for a Global
                                               Our innovators in the UK are      through a network of international
                                               using AI, gamification and                                                           Britain and its ambitions for prosperity,
                                               immersive technology to create    specialists throughout the UK, and                 stability and security worldwide
                                               educational experiences that      in British Embassies and other
                                               are best in class.                diplomatic posts around the world.               For more information, please visit:
                                               We’re the UK and we’re ready to                                          
                                               trade with you at
6                  UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021                                                                                                     UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021            7

    British Educational Suppliers
    Association (BESA)                                                                                        UK Capability
                    Yasmin Barnett                                                                            Education has the power to transform lives.          small and large-scale education projects.
                    Head of Events                                                                            It’s one of the most important investments a         We always adapt our offering and approach
                    +44 (0)20 7537 4997                                                                       country can make for its people and its future.      to meet each partner’s individual needs,
                                                                                  Where great schools, great universities, great       ensuring the right solution whatever
                                                                                     teachers and great education providers exist         the requirements or challenges.
                    @besatweet                                                                                and work together, you’ll find a powerful
                                                                                                              framework for learning and success.                  In the current COVID-era, The DIT Education
                                                                                                              The UK is seen as an exemplar in the field of        Sector Team, along with our international
                                                                                                              education, and many overseas governments             colleagues and BESA, have continued
    BESA, the British Educational Suppliers                   that they are working with the UK’s most                                                             to showcase and share the UK’s EdTech
                                                                                                              and institutions look to the UK to facilitate
    Association, is the UK’s trade association                trusted, quality educational suppliers.                                                              capabilities and experience across the
                                                                                                              collaboration and to support the development
    for education resource and service                        BESA provides support and advice to industry                                                         globe with ministries and schools, including
                                                                                                              of excellence in their own systems.
    companies. Representing more than                         and to schools looking for the best resources                                                        advising overseas ministries on national
    400 companies covering all aspects of                     and services. BESA founded the BETT show,       Today, 3% of the overall spend on education          EdTech policies, as we see a growing appetite
    education supplies, including EdTech, BESA                the world’s leading education technology        is spent on digital resources. This has              to recognise qualifications taught online.
    carries out financial and due diligence                   event series and is proud to work with BETT’s   seen a modest increase over the last 5               We’re also pleased to see that there was a
    checks on all its members as well as                      owners, Hyve, to showcase the world-            years. However, most industry experts                large international take-up of free online and
    requiring them to adhere to a rigorous                    leading educational products and services       believe that the COVID pandemic has                  blended education packages as offered by a
    Code of Practice. Our vetting processes                   provided by British educational suppliers.      rapidly increased digital adoption across            selection of UK providers across all streams
    mean that educationalists can be confident                                                                the sector and positioned providers for              of education, from early years to schools
                                                                                                              significant growth. Education technology             to vocational training to higher education.
                                                                                                              has moved from `nice to have’ to a `must             One such example was in Mexico, where as
                                                                                                              have’. Schools, districts, local and national        part of the effort to provide online learning
                                                                                                              governments find themselves having to                tools for children and teenagers to continue
                                                                                                              quickly bring themselves up to speed on              their studies during the COVID-19 crisis, 3
                                                                                                              EdTech policies and preparedness. The UK             UK companies were selected amongst over
                                                                                                              has also long been regarded as being at the          50 international EdTech companies to be
                                                                                                              forefront of EdTech, and this is evidenced           part of the Mexican Ministry of Education’s
                                                                                                              by the fact that we are amongst the top              digital and TV platform. The UK companies
                                                                                                              5 countries globally for the number of               donated content in Science, English Language
                                                                                                              EdTech start-ups; the 4 other countries              Training and Maths, and the Mexican Ministry
                                                                                                              are those with large domestic markets                of Education was thrilled with the results
                                                                                                              such as the US, Brazil, China and India.             of the platform onto which 11 million local
                                                                                                                                                                   students had enrolled by the summer.
                                                                                                              The DIT education network has been
                                                                                                              specifically established to work with
                                                                                                              international governments and institutions.
                                                                                                              We make it as simple as possible to realise
                                                                                                              the benefits of our education offer in both
8            UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021                                                                                          UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021            9

    UK capabilities                                                                          Where technology meets education

    5 reasons to choose the UK                                                               Increased use of educational technology,
                                                                                             including ICT infrastructure, digital
                                                                                                                                                  To potential investors into the UK EdTech
                                                                                                                                                  industry, there is room for growth. EdTech
                                                                                             resources and learning platforms, can enable         is one of the UK’s fastest growing sectors
    education sector                                                                         organisations to reach much larger audiences
                                                                                             from a wider range of geographical locations,
                                                                                                                                                  with over 1,000 companies accounting for
                                                                                                                                                  4% of all digital companies. The UK offers
                                                                                             reduce overcrowding in classrooms and                strong and sustained demand for those who
                                                                                             give students more flexibility to learn when         are willing to build content relationships.
        Education that fits around you                  A recognised reputation              and where they want, at their own pace.              The UK EdTech market is expected to reach
                                                                                                                                                  £2.6bn by this year. We also rank as No1 in
                                                                                             The UK is a thriving hub for EdTech, with            EdTech venture capital and angel funding
        We’re passionate about delivering               The high standing of a UK
                                                                                             over a thousand British companies helping            in Europe, and, since the beginning of the
        world-class education and will tailor           education helps attract
                                                                                             teachers and students, both within the UK and        pandemic, and the restrictions on face-to-face
        our offer and services to meet your             students based on academic
                                                                                             across the world, to learn smarter through           teaching, we have seen a massive increase in
        unique requirements.                            quality and enriched prospects.
                                                                                             innovation. 60% of the top 20 European               international investment into UK innovative
                                                                                             EdTech companies are from the UK and,                solutions. DIT can assist potential investors
        Extraordinary expertise                         Commercial help and support
                                                                                             with a history of competitive innovation,            in exploring the UK market, skillsets and
                                                                                             our businesses are well placed to help               location options. Once you have set up, DIT
        The home of many of the world’s                 Global support, advice and a
                                                                                             overseas organisations develop their EdTech          can help with your export efforts to new
        greatest academic institutions and              range of focused schemes and
                                                                                             capabilities to support effective teaching           international markets from your UK base.
        most innovative research projects.              initiatives make it easy to access
                                                                                             and learning. As the technology sector
                                                        the UK’s education services.
                                                                                             continues to evolve (and different teaching          Further details on the UK’s cutting-edge
        Global influence
                                                                                             and learning opportunities are adopted at            capability in EdTech, and other key streams
                                                                                             scale), the UK is increasingly influential as a      of education, are included in the separate
        Benefit from strong intercontinental
                                                                                             global hub for emerging EdTech, and this has         brochure on the UKEST website, and you
        ties, a deep understanding of national
                                                                                             been particularly evident since the outbreak         can find contact points within the DIT &
        and regional education systems and
                                                                                             of COVID which restricted standard methods           BESA global network within this brochure.
        guaranteed partnership security.
                                                                                             of teaching, learning and assessment.

                                                                                             In the UK, you will find a range of UK EdTech
                                                                                             providers who can offer adaptable and
                                                                                             sustainable long-term solutions, from early
                                                                                             years to online teaching for students,from
                                                                                             STEM to English Language Training.

                                                                                                                 60% of the top
                                                                                                                 20 European EdTech
                                                                                                                 companies are British
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     DIT Education Sector Team

               Geoff Gladding                                         Simon Denning
               Team Leader                                            Business and
                                                                      Programme Manager

               Richard Leach                                          Mike Qureshi               Aisling Conboy
               Lead                                                   Programme and Delivery     Sector Specialist
               Asia Pacific and                                       Manager, Asia Pacific      HE/TNE & Teacher Training
               the Americas                                           and the Americas

               Simon Burke                                            Naeema Malik
               Lead                                                   Programme and              Vipul Bhargava
               MIddle East, Africa                                    Delivery Manager, Middle   Sector Specialist
               and Europe                                             East, Africa and Europe    Early Years,
                                                                                                 International Schools &
                                                                                                 Education Technology

               Denise Gonzales
               Team Leader
               Foreign Direct                                                                    Mark Henebury
               Investment                                                                        Sector Specialist
                                                                                                 English Language
                                                           FDI Team                              Training (ELT)

               Alex Robertson
               Senior Account
               Manager, Foreign
               Direct Investment
                                                                      Felix Lee                  Stephan John
                                                                      Fast Streamer              Sector Specialist
                                                                      Special Projects           ODF
               Sarah Chidgey                                                                     Secondary Benefits
               China & Central/
               South Asia                                             Amy Pritchard
                                                                      Programme and Delivery
                                                                      Manager, China &           Jonathan Ledger
                                                                      Central/South Asia         Sector Specialist
                                                                                                 Technical & Vocational
                                                                                                 Education & Training (TVET)

                                              Euan Scott
                                              Team and
                                              Programme Support                                                                                       If you are interested in
                                                                                                                                                      contacting us please email:
12        UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021                                                                                    UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021            13

     BESA: Meet the Team                                                              DIT Overseas Education officials
                                                                                                        Lisa Kelly                          Industries and Sport. Within the sector
                                                                                                        Project Support                     of education, she has seen an increase
                                            Caroline Wright                                                                                 in company enquiries for EdTech, as
                                                                                                        Officer, Performance &
                                            Director General
                                                                                                        Delivery Team                       Australia is a world leader in this field.
                                                                                                        DIT Australia

                                                                                      Lisa helps UK businesses who are looking
              Nina lles                                        Julia Garvey           to do business in Australia. Whether it is
              Head of EdTech                                   Operations Director    market advice, introduction to contacts
                                                                                      or advice on export regulations, she
                                                                                      strives to help these companies on their
                                                                                      market journey to Australia. She leads on
                                                                                      the sectors of Education, Retail,
                                                                                      Consumer Goods, E-Commerce, Creative
                                                               Ankita Patel
                                                               Financial Controller

                                                               Hayley Baptist
                                                               Membership                               Sherry-Ann Blackett                 education, training and more, to interested
                                                               Coordinator                              Trade and Investment                UK suppliers across Barbados & Eastern
                                                                                                        Manager (Education)                 Caribbean, Guyana & Suriname, Jamaica
                                                                                                        DIT Barbados                        and Trinidad & Tobago. For more info
                                                                                                        sherry-ann.blackett@                about the wide range of opportunities
                                                               Monica Thompson                                         in the English-Speaking Caribbean
                                                               Policy Analyst                                                               please feel free to contact her through
                                                                                                                                            email or reserve a 1-2-1 session.
                                                                                      Sherry-Ann is the UK Department for
                                                                                      International Trade Officer based in
                                                                                      Barbados with cover over the Eastern
              Lois Mills                                       Yasmin Barnett         Caribbean including Antigua, Dominica,
              Events Coordinator                               Head of Events
                                                                                      Grenada, St. Kitts, St. Lucia and St. Vincent
                                                                                      & Grenadines. She works as a part of
                                                                                      the wider LATAC Education Campaign
                                                                                      to promote upcoming opportunities in
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     DIT Overseas Education officials
                      Barbara Lotierzo                          providers to establish and improve their                     Maria Vitória Silva
                      Head of Education                         presence in Brazil. Her remit includes                       Intern
                      DIT Brazil                                promoting UK expertise in English                            DIT Brazil
                      barbara.lotierzo@fcdo.                    Language Training, Higher Education,               
                                                Education Technology and Technical
                                                                and Vocational Education Training.

                                                                Barbara also has experience in account
                                                                management, government relations,
     Barbara Lotierzo is the DIT Head for                       public and third sector and promoting       Maria represents the General British
     Education to Latin America and the                         engagement with higher education            Consulate Education and Training team,
     Caribbean. Her role includes leading the                   institutions internationally. Barbara       based in São Paulo (Brazil). Maria’s
     regional education efforts to increase                     holds a degree in International Relations   work consists in finding opportunities
     awareness of the UK offer, identify                        and specialisations in Marketing            of collaboration between UK and the
     demands and coordinate joint work and                      Strategy and Project Management.            LATAC region in the education sector.
     activities in LATAC. Barbara is based                                                                  She can assist you in providing market
     in Brazil, where she also leads the DIT                                                                information, contacts and promoting
     education team to identify opportunities                                                               your services along with governments,
     in the market and support UK Education                                                                 companies and educational institutions.

                      Larissa Vazquez                           Larissa holds a degree in International                      Anelia Todorova                     She is also interested in companies offering
                      DIT Brazil                                Relations and her past experience                            Specialist - Higher                 EdTech solutions, transnational education,
                      larissa.vazquez@fcdo.                     includes engagement with higher                              Education, TNE and                  TVET and others. View her LinkedIn profile.
                                                education institutions from Brazil                           Teacher Training
                                                                and abroad. She also has experience                          DIT Bulgaria
                                                                in project management, account                     
                                                                management and government relations.

     Larissa Vazquez is the Education and                                                                   Anelia represents the Department for
     Training Analyst at DIT Brazil. Her role                                                               International Trade at British Embassy
     is to support UK education providers                                                                   Sofia, Bulgaria. She is interested
     entering and growing their presence in                                                                 in UK Educational providers with
     Brazil by providing market information and                                                             interest to expand their portfolio of
     identifying demands and opportunities                                                                  services and products in Bulgaria.
     from the Brazilian market. She covers                                                                  She can assist with introductions to
     all areas of education but focus her time                                                              relevant contacts and partners.
     in English Language Training, Higher
     Education, Education Technology
     and Vocation Education Training.
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     DIT Overseas Education officials
                      Kyaw Kyaw                                 appropriately to UK clients and exploring                    Jing Liu                          UK and Chinese education providers to
                      Myat Monn                                 partnership opportunities for UK &                           Head of Education                 set up partnerships and achieving the
                      Trade & Investment                        Myanmar businesses. Prior to this she                        and Skills                        best business result by contributing and
                      Manager                                   worked on managing and developing                            DIT China                         implementing UK government export
                      DIT Burma                                 partnerships and branding at MPT &                               and investment strategy in China.
                      kyawkyawmyat.monn@fcdo.                   CarsDB. Kyaw Kyaw gained a bachelor
                                                                degree from West Yangon University with                                                        For individual meetings, Su Si, Head
                                                                English Major Specialization in 2008.                                                          of Education Technology and Higher
                                                                                                            With BA Trade and Economics from Renmin            Education from DIT China will also join
     Kyaw Kyaw joined DIT in 2017 as a Trade &                                                              University of China and Msc. Management            to answer queries about China market.
     Investment Manager. Her role is to act as                                                              from London School of Economics, Jing
     lead on the UK education sector’s business                                                             worked in Ernst & Young China and the
     in Myanmar; including bilateral trade                                                                  Culture and Education Section of British
     enquiries on the education sector, resolving                                                           Embassy for 13 years before she joined
     market access barriers, identifying trade &                                                            Department for International Trade China
     investment opportunities in Myanmar and                                                                to lead the national Education and Skills
     promoting these business opportunities                                                                 Team. With a wide range of knowledge
                                                                                                            and strong networks in the international
                                                                                                            education market in both China and the UK,
                                                                                                            Jing has a strong track record in helping

                      Stewart Clayton                                                                                        Mohamed AboulSeoud
                      Country Director                                                                                       Education & Healthcare
                      DIT Cambodia                                                                                           Adviser
                                                                                        DIT Egypt

     Stewart Clayton is Country Director of                                                                 Mohamed has 20 years specialist
     the Department for International Trade,                                                                experience in International Education
     based at the British Embassy Phnom                                                                     and enrolment management; Student
     Penh. As part of his portfolio, Stewart                                                                development programs; policy with UK
     promotes UK education in Cambodia,                                                                     education to Egypt; and negotiating trade
     including education technology, K-12,                                                                  deals and establishing successful charts.
     higher education, transnational education
     and partnerships, and technical and
     vocational training. Stewart has directed
     ‘HMG’s Education is Great’ campaign
     in Cambodia for the past 3 years.
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     DIT Overseas Education officials
                      Elizabeth Nixey                                             Jane Annan
                      Trade and Investment                                        Trade Services Officer
                      Advisor - Retail/Creative                                   DIT Ghana
                      DIT France

     Born in the UK and living in France since                  Jane Annan is a Trade Services Officer
     the age of three, Elizabeth has a strong                   with the Department for International
     personal understanding of the French                       Trade, based in Ghana. She supports UK
     education system, having attended all                      businesses and Education organisations
     levels of primary, secondary and higher                    with market entry and business
     education in France’s public institutions.                 development advise through market
     Having worked in numerous consumer                         research, introduction to partners (both
     goods retail sectors, Elizabeth joined the                 government organisations and public
     DIT France team in 2018 to cover Consumer                  or private institutions), due diligence
     Goods, Creative and e-commerce.                            on local companies as well as setting up
                                                                networking receptions and webinars.

                      Hayley Waskett                                              Sherwyn Naughton                    Economic Partnership Agreement and
                      Head of Creative                                            Country Director for Trade          the World Trade Organization. He covers
                                                                                  and Investment British High         both Guyana and Suriname from the
                      Industries and Retail
                                                                                  Commission to Guyana and
                      DIT France                                                                                      British High Commission in Guyana.
                                                                                  DIT Guyana

     Hayley leads the Retail and Creative
                                                                Sherwyn Naughton is a former Foreign
     Industries team at the Department for
                                                                Service Officer with sixteen years’
     International Trade, France. Based at the
                                                                experience as a career diplomat with
     British Embassy in Paris, the team has a
                                                                specific emphasis on trade-related
     particular focus on EdTech and is happy
                                                                matters. He is a former trade negotiator
     to present opportunities in the French
                                                                and has been involved in several bilateral,
     market and support French companies
                                                                plurilateral and multilateral negotiations
     looking to establish themselves in the UK.
                                                                including CARICOM, CARIFORUM/EU
20                   UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021                                                                                            UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021   21

     DIT Overseas Education officials
                      Sophia Ip                                 organisations including, the British                           Piyush Awasthi
                      Head of Education                         Council, the International Affairs Office                      Trade Advisor
                      DIT Hong Kong                             of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University                        DIT India
                      sophia.ip@fcdowebmail.                    and as an education consultant for a                           piyush.awasthi@mobile.
                                           leading education agency in Hong Kong.               

     Sophia works in the trade team in Hong                                                                   Piyush represents the Department
     Kong. She is the lead for the education                                                                  for International Trade- UK in India -
     and training sector, her portfolio ranges                                                                Hyderabad. He has been managing
     from international school licenses,                                                                      the Education sector for close to a
     eLearning opportunities, education                                                                       year and has been actively pursuing
     infrastructure to transnational education                                                                opportunities of collaboration between
     opportunities. Prior to this she has                                                                     UK & India in the Education Sector.
     worked in a variety of different education                                                               In his role, Piyush assists UK companies
                                                                                                              in the Education and EdTech sector to
                                                                                                              help them access the Indian Market.

                      Andrea Hajdu                              agents/distributors to gauge business                          Shabrina Fadhila
                      Senior Trade Adviser                      interest, mapping of business opportunities                    Trade and Investment
                      DIT Hungary                               in the sector. Education, including EdTech,                    Manager (Education)
                      andrea.hajdu@fcdo.                        TVET, TNE and UK HE promotion is likely                        DIT Indonesia
                                                to receive enhanced focus from our next                        shabrina.fadhila@fcdo.
                                                                financial year, so she is looking forward            
                                                                to leads and best practice from the UK.

     Based at the British Embassy Budapest                                                                    Together with the team in DIT Indonesia,
     acting as a Senior Trade Adviser, Andrea                                                                 Shabrina supports UK education providers
     assists UK SMEs in their export journey.                                                                 and institutions to identify and promote
     Education is one of the sectors she covers.                                                              business and partnership opportunities
     Acting as a go-between for UK clients                                                                    with Indonesian stakeholders. This role
     we provide a range of services including                                                                 is aligned to her passion in supporting
     customised market research, facilitation                                                                 partnership and cooperation between
     of introductions to key local players and                                                                Indonesian-UK in education, which
     institutions, direct outreach to potential                                                               will contribute to the development
                                                                                                              of Indonesia’s human capital.
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     DIT Overseas Education officials
                      Rawand Askary                             and services to the Kurdistan Region.                        Dina Marto                          Jordan has an established regional and
                      Senior International                      Rawand previously worked in the UK in the                    Trade and                           international legacy of delivering high
                      Trade Adviser                             private sector working on infrastructure                     Investment Adviser                  quality educational services, which
                      DIT Iraq                                  projects before joining DIT in 2015.                         DIT Jordan                          has made the sector a key contributor
                      rawand.askary@fcdo.                                                                                         to its economic growth. Dina supports
                                                                                                                                                 engagement of British companies with
                                                                                                                                                                 local stakeholders in the private and
                                                                                                                                                                 public sector, as well as with donors via the
                                                                                                                                                                 Development team in FCDO. Opportunities
     Rawand Askary is the Department                                                                        Dina is a Trade and Investment Adviser,
                                                                                                                                                                 exist in EdTech, Higher Education,
     for International Trade’s (DIT) Senior                                                                 leading on the following sector clusters:
                                                                                                                                                                 English Language Training, and more.
     International Adviser for the Kurdistan                                                                Creative, Lifestyle and Learning (which
     Region of Iraq. Based at the British                                                                   includes Education & Skills), as well as
     Consulate General in Erbil, he provides                                                                Healthcare, Life Sciences and Bio-Economy.
     market advice and assistance to British                                                                Dina has been with DIT Jordan for the past
     businesses who are interested in                                                                       three years, with the Education sector
     potentially exporting their products                                                                   being her priority work.
                                                                                                            Day-to-day work involves supporting UK
                                                                                                            companies in exporting and investing in
                                                                                                            Jordan, promoting UK Export Finance
                                                                                                            and working on market access issues.

                      Akiko Yanagisawa                          Her recent main focus has been the                           Botagoz Seitbekova
                      Senior Trade Advisor / Head               generation of UK business for RWC2019/                       Trade Officer
                      of Sports Economy, Business               Tokyo2020 and education has been                             DIT Kazakhstan
                      Services and Education                    added to her portfolio recently.                             botagoz.seitbekova@
                      DIT Japan                                                                                    

     Akiko started her career as a Marketing                                                                Botagoz is a DIT Trade Officer based in
     Specialist in Arthur Andersen before                                                                   Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. She is responsible
     joining in the British Embassy Tokyo                                                                   for education sector cooperation
     as a Senior Commercial Officer for                                                                     development and support of UK companies
     consumer goods, automobile and                                                                         who are interested in Kazakhstani market.
     creative industries. She has delivered                                                                 Together with the London DIT team, they
     some hundreds of UK promotions/                                                                        hold missions and webinars to help British
     campaigns for food & drink, gardening,                                                                 providers to come to the market. They also
     music & films, crafts and modern UK                                                                    support initiatives on the government level,
     design etc and raised UK profile amongst                                                               and help connect with local key sector
     general public as well as business.                                                                    players to establish future partnerships.
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     DIT Overseas Education officials
                      Larissa Glukhova                          In light of the COVID pandemic EdTech                           Megan Taylor                      opportunities for UK businesses focusing
                      Trade Adviser                             solutions are gaining popularity and                            Trade and                         on Kuwait’s Vision 2035. Megan also
                      DIT Kazakhstan                            attracting interest from both the                               Investment Adviser                works closely with the Prosperity team
                      larissa.glukhova@fcdo.                    Government and businesses. Larissa is                           DIT Kuwait                        at Post to identify and work with the local
                                                interested to understand what companies                           authorities in trying to resolve some of
                                                                offer and discussing potential opportunities                    uk                                the Market Access Barriers with an aim to
                                                                of expanding your activities to Kazakhstan.                                                       attract more British businesses to Kuwait.

     Larissa is a Trade Adviser at the                                                                         Megan has worked with Kuwaiti businesses
     British Embassy based in Nur-Sultan,                                                                      and International companies across sectors
     Kazakhstan. The sectors of her                                                                            and has a good understanding of the
     responsibility are Financial Services,                                                                    unique culture of doing business in Kuwait
     Healthcare and Education. The priority                                                                    as well as an insight on how the market
     sectors for DIT in Kazakhstan are Oil &                                                                   operates. She joined the Department for
     Gas and Mining, however Education has                                                                     International Trade at the British Embassy
     always been considered as an absolute                                                                     in July 2012 and has had the opportunity
     importance and given considerable                                                                         to build relationships and engage with
     attention by the Government.                                                                              key stakeholders in the various Ministries
                                                                                                               and Government departments seeking

                      Naomi Kinyanjui                                                                                           Diala Michlawi                    last couple of years and it has grown
                      Education Advisor                                                                                         Trade and                         substantially, especially with COVID-19;
                      DIT Kenya                                                                                                 Investment Officer                the ministry of Education and Higher
                      naomi.kinyanjui@fco.                                                                                      DIT Lebanon                       Education together with the private
                                                                                                                diala.michlawi@fcdo.              sector in the market are looking into so
                                                                                                                                                  many EdTech solutions from the UK.

                                                                                                                                                                  The DIT team in Beirut are further
                                                                                                                                                                  working on improving education access
     Leading the Education sector in DIT                                                                       Diala leads on the Education sector at             and quality and focus on increasing
     Kenya and looking forward to speaking to                                                                  the Department for International Trade             activity in mainly four areas: I) special
     companies and organisations interested in                                                                 (DIT) British Embassy Beirut. As a Trade           needs education; ii) EdTech; iii)
     Kenya. The DIT Kenya Team supports all UK                                                                 & Investment Officer, her priority is to           universities and alumni; iv) qualifications
     companies looking to partner, collaborate                                                                 promote the UK’s global leadership in              and English language teaching.
     or set up in Kenya, and looks after your                                                                  education, and to grow UK Lebanese
     interests while you operate in the Market.                                                                education partnership through various
                                                                                                               services DIT provide. The EdTech
                                                                                                               sector has been our main focus for the
26                   UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021                                                                                                UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021            27

     DIT Overseas Education officials
                      Gurpreet Kaur                             the Malaysian government, and with                              Fiona Louis                        Malaysia is fast becoming an ‘Educational
                      Assistant Trade                           international educational institutions                          Education Trade Manager            Hub’ of the ASEAN region. In addition,
                      Manager Education                         for collaborative prospects within the                          DIT Malaysia                       Malaysia is part of the High Value
                      DIT Malaysia                              education sector. The Education team                              Opportunities market for the education
                      gurpreet.kaur@fcdo.                       at post receives the most requests                                                                 sector and is attracting foreign companies/
                                                from businesses all year round.                                                                    institutions, who are setting up branch/
                                                                                                                                                                   regional offices. There are a number of
                                                                                                                                                                   UK businesses operating successfully,
                                                                                                                                                                   with more planning to set up in the future,
     Gurpreet provides expert advice                                                                           Fiona is the Education Trade Manager in
                                                                                                                                                                   including university/college branch
     and support to British companies/                                                                         the Department for International Trade
                                                                                                                                                                   campuses and regional offices.
     institutions on opportunities and potential                                                               Section of the British High Commission
     collaborations within the Malaysian                                                                       Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She has been
     Education and Training Sector. Joining DIT                                                                in the role for over 5 years and provides
     with a background in Law, Gurpreet has                                                                    expert advice and support to British
     experience in working with the student                                                                    companies/institutions on the Malaysian
     education services during her stint at the                                                                Education Sector for making business
     University of Leeds. DIT Education Malaysia                                                               decisions on opportunities in the market.
     works very closely with the Malaysian                                                                     It is the busiest sector in this Post.
     Education Ministry on opportunities with

                      Husna Hashim                              successfully delivered many regional                            Deeptee Korlapu                    of Street Children in Mauritius; she also
                      Head of Education                         programmes nationwide including the                             Bungaree-                          has experience in communication and
                      Asia Pacific                              International Inspiration, the first ever                                                          business development in the private
                                                                international legacy initiative linked
                                                                                                                                Gooheeram                          sector, as well as an adviser to the
                      DIT Malaysia                                                                                              Country Director
                               to an Olympic and Paralympic Games                                                                 Minister of ICT at the Australian High
                                                                                                                                DIT Mauritius
                                                                in London 2012. Husna holds an MEd                                                                 Commission. With skills in corporate social
                                                                specialising in Curriculum and Instructions.                                                       responsibility, international relations and
                                                                                                                                                                   organisational development. Deeptee has
                                                                                                                                                                   an MA in Diplomacy and Trade from
     Husna leads the ASEAN Education HVC                                                                       Deeptee Gooheeram is the DIT Country
                                                                                                                                                                   Monash University, a Postgraduate
     work for Department for International                                                                     Director for Mauritius based out in
                                                                                                                                                                   degree in International relations from
     Trade which involves developing and                                                                       beautiful Mauritius for the past 4 years.
                                                                                                                                                                   Nottingham University and a BA Hons
     delivering campaigns to promote UK                                                                        Before joining DIT, Deeptee has held
                                                                                                                                                                   English from the University of Mauritius.
     business interests. Husna works with UK                                                                   various roles within Government and
     Education companies to help grow their                                                                    private sector. Deeptee’s career started as
     international revenue across Malaysia and                                                                 a lecturer in English Language and English
     the ASEAN region. Prior to this, Husna                                                                    Literature before moving to work on a
     was a Programmes and Partnerships                                                                         UNDP education project for integration
     Manager at the British Council and has
28                   UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021                                                                                                 UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021          29

     DIT Overseas Education officials
                      Abril Ramos                               She works very closely with the Prosperity                      Ghufran Abbas                       across the country in private and public
                      Trade Officer for                         Fund and Newton Fund, which are British                         Trade and                           sector (mostly in education), which is
                      Education                                 funds aiming to sponsor projects with social                    Investment Manager                  very crucial and helpful when assisting
                      DIT Mexico                                impact in subjects like education, health,                      DIT Pakistan                        UK companies/institutions looking to do
                                technology and innovation, among others.                        ghufran.abbas@fcdo.                 business in Pakistan. He has previously
                                                                                                                                                    worked with several British Companies
                                                                                                                                                                    whilst studying in the UK e.g. John Lewis
                                                                                                                                                                    Partnership, Tesco, Cancer Research UK.
     Abril has been working as Trade Officer                                                                   Ghufran works for the DIT Pakistan as a
     for the Education sector within DIT at                                                                    Trade Manager leading on the education
     the British Embassy in Mexico during the                                                                  sector across the country. He is based
     past four years. She collaborates in the                                                                  at the British High Commission, Karachi.
     process of engaging British companies                                                                     Whilst he leads on public sector stakeholder
     searching for business opportunities                                                                      relationships, Ghufran has also been
     in Mexico, as well as promoting the UK                                                                    involved in supporting a number of
     offer to Mexican companies to acquire                                                                     partnerships between UK and Pakistan
     innovative products and services.                                                                         on areas including Higher Education,
                                                                                                               EdTech, and Schools. He enjoys great
                                                                                                               access to a well-established network

                      Boma Beddie-                              within the Nigerian market to potential                         Paul Alba
                      Memberr                                   exporters. Prior to working with DIT, she                       Trade Officer
                      Tech, Education &                         worked for a few startups as a UI/UX                            DIT Panama
                      Creative Sector Lead                      Design, Web & Mobile Application Design               
                      DIT Nigeria                               and Innovation Consultant. Boma has a
                      boma.beddie-memberr@                      bachelors degree in Information from
                                            Bells University of Technology and a
                                                                masters degree in Spatial Planning
                                                                with Specialization in Urban Design.
     Boma Beddie-Memberr is an International                                                                   Paul Alba is part of the sub-regional
     Trade Adviser at the UK’s Department for                                                                  team of DIT, based in Panama and
     International Trade, Nigeria.                                                                             supporting Central America and the
     She has gained some valuable experience                                                                   Caribbean. He leads the Education, Life
     in the International Trade industry;                                                                      Sciences, and Financial Services portfolio.
     specifically in providing primary and                                                                     Panama is a dynamic market, and in the
     some technical assistance to improve the                                                                  past years the government has been
     export competitiveness of UK companies,                                                                   investing in international English and
     through formulation of trade strategies,                                                                  professional development programs.
     road maps and showcasing opportunities
30                    UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021                                                                                               UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021             31

     DIT Overseas Education officials
                       Angeli Mae Lirag                          Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP),                           Ewa Van                             Ewa studied English Language, History
                       Trade and                                 where she served as the Philippine                            Veenendaal-Rawicz                   and Literature and holds two MA degrees
                       Investment Adviser                        representative of Messe München, one                          Deputy Director                     from the University of Warsaw and the
                       DIT Philippines                           of the leading trade fair organisers in                       DIT Poland                          University of Buckingham. She also holds
                               the world. Prior to that, she also worked                     ewa.veenendaal-rawicz@              an MBA from Oxford Brookes University.
                                                                 for the Center for International Trade              
                                                                 Expositions and Missions (CITEM), the
                                                                 export promotions arm of the Philippine
                                                                 Department of Trade and Industry.
     Angeli joined the Department for                                                                         Ewa leads the Warsaw-based financial &
     International Trade in Manila as a Trade                                                                 technology team and a regional team of
     and Investment Manager working on                                                                        seven, focused on assisting UK businesses
     Education and Technology sectors.                                                                        in accessing high value opportunities
                                                                                                              in financial and professional services
     Angeli has extensive experience in                                                                       sectors in 7 markets in Central Europe
     organising events, trade initiatives, and                                                                (Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria,
     overseas fairs and missions as she has                                                                   Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and
     worked with the European Chamber of                                                                      Slovenia). Ewa leads a team of 3 focused
                                                                                                              on: FPS, education and healthcare.

                       Paulina Kanarek                           She holds a master’s degree from the                          Donja El Gendy                      she has established over 17 years within in
                       Trade Adviser                             University of Oxford and bachelor’s degree                    Senior Commercial                   the country. The role also requires her to
                       DIT Poland                                from SOAS, University of London.                              Attache                             link UK opportunities with possible partners
                       paulina.kanarek@fco.                                                                                    DIT Qatar                           or those seeking JV establishments
                                                                                                                   within the country; this requires a strong
                                                                                                                               uk                                  understanding of the Qatari business/
                                                                                                                                                                   investment approach especially when
                                                                                                                                                                   dealing with overseas parties - managing
                                                                                                                                                                   expectations and relationships. She
     Paulina is a Trade Advisor at DIT Poland                                                                 Donja is an experienced career-oriented
                                                                                                                                                                   has a detailed understanding of
     Trade Services Team. Her main sector                                                                     professional with around 22 years of
                                                                                                                                                                   the regions approach to trade and
     within the DIT is Education.                                                                             experience across a number of industries.
                                                                                                                                                                   investments within these 3 sectors.
     Before that, she worked in the Trade                                                                     She currently leads the DIT Healthcare, Life
     Section of the European Union’s Delegation                                                               Sciences & Education focus within the DIT
     to Chile. Paulina has gained valuable                                                                    team in Qatar, supporting UK companies
     professional experience by working with                                                                  seeking to establish links within Qatar,
     Polish exporters in China and setting                                                                    utilising in-depth knowledge of the local
     up her own educational consultancy.                                                                      market and the senior relationships that
32                   UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021                                                                                         UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021           33

     DIT Overseas Education officials
                      Asma Kamal                                                                                          Nicole Wharfe                     and Membership Teams, providing support
                      Trade and                                                                                           Business Services                 and consultancy for incoming organisations
                      Investment Officer                                                                                  Director                          looking to export to Singapore and
                      DIT Qatar                                                                                           British Chamber                   established businesses in Singapore
                                                                                           Singapore                         respectively. Nicole provides specialist
                                                                                                                            Trade advice and support for the Education
                                                                                                                                                            sector in Singapore on behalf of the UK
                                                                                                                                                            Department for International Trade.
     Asma has been working for the Department                                                            As an experienced Business Development,            Nicole was born in the UK but grew up
     of International Trade for a little over                                                            Marketing and Consultancy Professional,            overseas, predominantly in Swaziland;
     two years; she supports the lead on                                                                 Nicole has worked across multiple                  Also, Cóte D’Ivoire, Southern Sudan,
     Education, Healthcare & Lifesciences.                                                               sectors within the UK and Internationally.         Washington DC, St. Lucia and Botswana.
                                                                                                         Prior to relocating to Singapore 4 years
     Her responsibilities are mainly around                                                              ago, she completed an International
     supporting UK companies seeking to                                                                  MBA at Bournemouth University.
     establish links within Qatar and engaging
     with local stakeholders to find relevant                                                            Nicole leads the Business Services of
     opportunities for UK expertise.                                                                     the British Chamber of Commerce in
                                                                                                         Singapore which incorporates the Trade

                      Ibrahim Takriti                           Having worked with the British                            Phumla Mntambo
                      Trade &                                   Council, he has a strong background in                    Trade and
                      Investment Advisor                        education and many years experience                       Investment Advisor
                      DIT Saudi Arabia                          of working in the Kingdom                                 DIT South Africa
                      ibrahim.takriti@fcdo.                                                                               phumla.mntambo@fco.

     Ibrahim is a Trade and Investment                                                                   Phumla Mntambo is DIT South Africa’s
     advisor working for the Department for                                                              Education Lead, supporting bi-lateral
     International Trade in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.                                                        trade and investment transactions and
     He supports UK education companies                                                                  market access challenges between the UK
     to work successfully in Saudi Arabia in                                                             and South Africa. With a keen interest in
     all education sub-sectors from early                                                                Technology more broadly, Phumla looks
     years, university partnerships, technical                                                           forward to uncovering EdTech solutions
     training and education technology.                                                                  that are key to tackling the systemic
                                                                                                         challenges of post-COVID education.
34                    UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021                                                                                                UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021           35

     DIT Overseas Education officials
                       Belinda Coombes                           schools sector in Spain, and promoting the                     Steven Parker                       in Taiwan and has extensive experience
                       Director DIT Madrid                       UK Higher Education offer. Currently, in                       CEO                                 in global trade services. In 2015 Steve
                       DIT Spain                                 Spain the team is seeing significant                           British Chamber                     was invited to be the CEO of the British
                       belinda.coombes@fco.                      demand for innovative EdTech solutions.                        Taiwan                              Chamber of Commerce. As part of his
                                                                                                                steven.parker@                      innovative platform for the chamber
                                                                                                                                             he has developed a powerful Women
                                                                                                                                                                    in Business and Young Professional
                                                                                                                                                                    Development programmes, and in 2017 he
                                                                                                                                                                    implemented the BCCT Better Business
     Belinda is the Director of the DIT team in                                                               The British Chamber in Taipei works on
                                                                                                                                                                    Award. At the same time he has helped
     Madrid, Spain, a post she has held since                                                                 behalf of the Department for International
                                                                                                                                                                    the Chamber to double in size. Steve has
     2009. She specialises in the Financial                                                                   Trade (DIT) to promote Education, Food and
                                                                                                                                                                    lectured and mentored on Social
     Services and Education sectors.                                                                          Drink, Retail, and FMCG in Taiwan. Steve
                                                                                                                                                                    Enterprise, CSR, Business Development,
     Prior to joining DIT, Belinda worked in                                                                  was born in Australia to Scottish parents,
                                                                                                                                                                    and Marketing at several universities
     the Financial Services sector in London                                                                  but has made Taiwan his home. He has also
                                                                                                                                                                    around Taiwan, and is a special advisor to
     and Madrid, mainly in corporate banking                                                                  lived and worked in 6 countries. From 1997-
                                                                                                                                                                    industry and educational institutions.
     and relationship management. In the                                                                      2005 he worked for the University of
     education sector, Belinda has focused                                                                    Cambridge in several capacities and has
     inter alia on the British and international                                                              since been working with Internationally
                                                                                                              focused NGOs and in Trade Development

                       Paula Alonso de                                                                                          Jaja Chatraporn
                       la Sota                                                                                                  Trade Manager -
                       Trade and                                                                                                Education, Retail, Food &
                       Investment Adviser                                                                                       Drinks
                       DIT Spain                                                                                                DIT Thailand
                       paula.delasota@fco.                                                                                      nantamas.chatraporn@

     Paula helps UK companies do business and                                                                 DIT Thailand promotes UK education
     succeed in the Spanish market. She works                                                                 in school, higher education, Technical
     in the Financial Services and Education                                                                  and Vocational Education and Training
     sectors and is mainly specialised in EdTech,                                                             (TVET), English Language Training (ELT),
     Fintech, Insurtech and Legaltech. She is                                                                 EdTech, and special needs education.
     happy to meet companies interested in                                                                    DIT Thailand work with various UK
     discovering business opportunities in Spain.                                                             education providers; local schools,
                                                                                                              universities, colleges, and agencies of
                                                                                                              different sizes, as well as our DIT Education
                                                                                                              teams in the region and the UK.
36                   UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021                                                                                          UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021   37

     DIT Overseas Education officials
                      Imad Arafat                                                                                         Charos Kamlova
                      Trade Officer                                                                                       Commercial Advisor
                      DIT United Arab Emirates                                                                            DIT Uzbekistan

     Imad is a Trade Officer with the Department                                                         Charos works at the Commercial Section at
     for International Trade based at the British                                                        the British Embassy in Uzbekistan leading
     Embassy in Abu Dhabi, UAE. He offers                                                                Education sector and Financial Professional
     support to UK companies seeking business                                                            Services. Before joining the Embassy this
     opportunities in the Education,Training                                                             autumn, she worked in a private sector,
     and Educational resources sectors.                                                                  in a company which delivered foreign
     He also has an overlapping responsibility                                                           educational programs to the Uzbek market.
     supporting the Energy sector and can
     offer support in that sector as well.                                                               Prior to starting her working experience,
                                                                                                         Charos completed her degree in
                                                                                                         Economics with finance at the Westminster
                                                                                                         International University in Tashkent.

                      Sunita Mirchandani                        Sunita was involved in facilitating                       Phuong Ho
                      Trade &                                   agreements with key public and                            Trade Manager
                      Investment Adviser                        private stakeholders and setting up UK                    DIT Vietnam
                      DIT United Arab Emirates                  educational institutions in the UAE.            

     Sunita is the UAE Lead Adviser for the                                                              Phuong joined DIT (formerly known
     high priority Education and Training                                                                as UKTI) Vietnam in July 2006.
     sector, covering Dubai, Abu Dhabi,                                                                  Phuong looks after the Education and
     Sharjah, Fujairah, Umm Al Quwain, Ras al                                                            Training sector in Vietnam. She would
     Khaimah and Ajman. Sunita works with                                                                be delighted to have meetings with UK
     UK businesses to ensure their success in                                                            companies, who have an interest in, or
     international markets and encourages                                                                are looking to further explore Vietnam’s
     local organisations to look to the UK                                                               market. This will enable Phuong to
     as their global partner of choice.                                                                  gain an understanding of a company’s
                                                                                                         activities and introduce Vietnam’s market,
                                                                                                         potential business opportunities and
                                                                                                         how DIT Vietnam can offer its support.
38                  UK Education Solutions & Technology 2021

     DIT Overseas Education officials
                     Anh Bui
                     Trade Manager
                     DIT Vietnam

     Thuy Anh has worked with DIT Vietnam
     since March 2019. She has 7 years
     of experience working in Ministry
     of Industry and Trade Vietnam and
     expertise in services trade and trade
     negotiations as well as facilitation.

The UK’s Department for International Trade (DIT) helps businesses export, drives inward and
outward investment, negotiates market access and trade deals, and champions free trade.

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Published January 2021
by Department for International Trade

Front cover image credit: Raspberry Pi Foundation, Cambridge, UK
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