TRAVEL IN SAFE HANDS - Extensive Cover & Outstanding Value Single & Annual Multi Trip Policy - Trailfinders

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TRAVEL IN SAFE HANDS - Extensive Cover & Outstanding Value Single & Annual Multi Trip Policy - Trailfinders
                                SAFE HANDS
© jakub krechowicz - alamy

                             Extensive Cover & Outstanding Value
                               Single & Annual Multi Trip Policy

                                       2 018   (2nd Edition)

                                    Trusted for over 47 years
INITIAL DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT                                                                                                             POLICY DOCUMENT
The Financial Conduct Authority                              Your Policy                                                 This Policy Document, Booking Invoice or Validation           worn, used or carried by the Insured Person during
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is an                  Should you mislay your policy a replacement will be         Certificate (as applicable) and any endorsements set          any insured trip.
independent watchdog that regulates financial                issued upon written request.                                out the terms of the one contract between the Insured
services. It requires us to give you this document.                                                                      Person(s) and the Insurer and which sections of cover         Close Relative
                                                             Governing Law and Language
Please use the information below to confirm that the                                                                     are operative.                                                Means mother, father, sister, brother, wife, husband,
                                                             The law of England and Wales allows the parties to
service we are offering is right for you.                                                                                                                                              partner (including common law and civil
                                                             choose the law applicable to the contract. You agree
                                                                                                                         Please read all of these documents to make sure they          partnerships),       son,     daughter       (including
Who regulates us?                                            that; 1. this Policy will be governed and interpreted
                                                                                                                         provide the cover required.                                   fostered/adopted), grandparent, grandchild, parent
Trailfinders Ltd, 194 High Street Kensington, London         in accordance with the law of England and Wales
                                                                                                                                                                                       in law, son in law, daughter in law, brother in law,
W8 7RG (registration No.413814) is an Appointed              and the English Courts will have exclusive jurisdiction     If they are not correct, or do not meet your Demands          sister in law, step parent, step child, step sister, step
Representative of Campbell Irvine Ltd (registration          in any dispute; and 2. communication of and in              and Needs, please immediately return them within              brother or legal guardian.
No.306242) who is authorised and regulated by the            connection with this Policy shall be in the English         the 21 day Cooling Off Period.
Financial Conduct Authority. You may check this on           language.                                                                                                                 Dependent Business Partner
the Financial Services register or by                                                                     You must take reasonable care not to make any                 Means a person in the same employ as you who’s
                                                             If AXA have to cancel your policy
contacting them on Tel: +44 (0) 800 111 6768.                                                                            misrepresentations and to provide complete and                absence from work necessitates your presence.
                                                             If Insurers no longer wish to offer this Policy and need
                                                                                                                         accurate answers to the questions we ask when you
Which service will we provide you with?                      to cancel, we will write to you at the current address
                                                                                                                         take out, make changes to, your Policy. If you fail to        Diagnostic Tests
We do not recommend products after assessing your            we have. The Policy will then be cancelled 30 days
                                                                                                                         do so, your Policy may be void, or it may be                  All laboratory and imaging (invasive and non-
needs for Travel Insurance. We will ask you questions        after the date of our letter. If the Policy is cancelled,
                                                                                                                         cancelled, or your claim may be rejected or not fully         invasive) tests ordered by the treating doctor to help
to determine that the product we are offering is             we will refund any premium you paid in respect of
                                                                                                                         paid.                                                         diagnose or rule out a suspected illness or condition
applicable to your circumstances. You can then               the cancelled period, provided you have not made a
                                                                                                                                                                                       including PET scans, CT scans, MRIs, EKGs, EMGs,
choose whether you wish to proceed with this                 claim under the Policy during that Period of                This insurance is underwritten by AXA Travel                  X-rays, echocardiograms, cardiac nuclear studies or
product.                                                     Insurance.                                                  Insurance who are an Appointed Representative of              cardiovascular procedures such as coronary
What will you have to pay us for our services?                                                                           Inter Partner Assistance S.A., an insurance company           angiograms plus blood, urine or histopathological
                                                             Other taxes or costs
We may charge an administration fee to cover any                                                                         incorporated in Belgium, whose registered office is           tests.
                                                             Other taxes or costs may exist which are not imposed
amendments to your travel insurance policy after it                                                                      at Avenue Louise, 166 –Bte 1 – 1050 Brussels,
                                                             or charged by us.
has been issued. Details will be provided to you at                                                                      regulated by the Belgium Financial Services and               Home Country
the time.                                                    What to do if you have a complaint                          Markets Authority and by the National Bank of                 Means the country that the Insured Person normally
                                                             Please see the complaints procedure detailed in the         Belgium under code number 0487. Inter Partner                 resides in.
Are you covered by Financial Services                        Policy Document.                                            Assistance S.A. is a member of the AXA Group.
Compensation Scheme (FSCS)?                                                                                                                                                            Insured Person
                                                                                                                         These details can be checked on the Financial
In the unlikely event of the Insurer being unable to                    DEMANDS & NEEDS                                                                                                Means any person named on the Booking Invoice or
                                                                                                                         Services Register by visiting: or
meet their liabilities, you may be entitled to                                                                                                                                         Validation Certificate (as applicable).
                                                                                                                         contacting the Financial Conduct Authority on 0800
compensation under the Financial Services                     This travel insurance policy will suit the demands         111 6768. FCA address: 25 The North Colonnade,                Mechanical Tampering:
Compensation Scheme. Their contact details are:               and needs of an individual, or group (where                London E14 5HS.                                               Means the manipulation of an ATM through
Financial Services Compensation Scheme Tel: 0800              applicable) who have no excluded Pre-existing
678 1100 or 020 7741 4100. 10th                                                                                                                                        mechanical means, insertion of mechanical devices
                                                              Medical Conditions, are travelling to countries                   DEFINITIONS OF WORDS
Floor, Beaufort House, 15 St Botolph Street, London,                                                                                                                                   or attachment of devices for the purpose of
                                                              included within the policy terms and who wish to
EC3A 7QU.                                                                                                                Any word or expression to which a specific meaning            diverting, capturing or otherwise obtaining account
                                                              insure themselves against the unforeseen
                                                                                                                         has been attached will bear the same meaning                  information or access to an Insured Person's
Settlement Terms                                              circumstances/events detailed in this policy
                                                                                                                         throughout this Policy Document. For ease of                  account.
We will be responsible for collecting payment for all         document. Subject to terms and conditions and
                                                              maximum sums insured.                                      reading the definitions are highlighted by the use of
premiums and any alterations as soon as practicable                                                                                                                                    Medical Condition
                                                                                                                         bold print and will start with a capital letter.
but prior to inception of your policy. All premiums                                                                                                                                    Means any disease, illness or injury.
paid to us will be held as Agent of the Insurer in our                                                                   ATM:
                                                              This policy will have been sold to you on a non-                                                                         Medical Practitioner
non Statutory Trust Bank Account. All premiums are                                                                       Means an automatic electronic device designed to
                                                              advised basis and it is therefore important for you                                                                      Means a registered practising member of the
protected under Risk Transfer agreement with the                                                                         permit the Insured Person to interface with a
                                                              to read this Policy Document (paying particular                                                                          medical profession who is not related to the Insured
Insurers. You will be responsible for paying promptly                                                                    financial institution without teller assistance using a
                                                              attention to the Terms and Conditions and                                                                                Person or any person with whom they are travelling.
all of our payment requests for premiums, to enable                                                                      cash card, credit card, debit card or device used for
                                                              Exclusions) and ensure that your chosen policy
us to make the necessary payments to Insurers. We                                                                        similar purpose.                                              Policy Excess
                                                              meets all of your requirements. If upon reading this
accept payment by cash, cheque, selected                                                                                                                                               Under some sections of the policy an excess will
                                                              Policy Document you find it does not meet all of           Baggage
credit/debit cards and bank transfer.                                                                                                                                                  apply to each claim, per section, for each separate
                                                              your requirements, please refer to the relevant            Means luggage, clothing, personal effects,
                                                              cooling off/policy cancellation section.                                                                                 incident payable per Insured Person. This means
                                                                                                                         Valuables and other articles (but excluding personal
                                                                                                                                                                                       that each Insured Person will be responsible for
                                                                                                                         money, tickets or documents of any kind) which
                                                                                                                                                                                       paying the first part of the claim for each incident
                                                                                                                         belong to the Insured Person (or for which the
                                                                                                                                                                                       giving rise to a separate claim.
                                                                                                                         Insured Person is legally responsible) which are

                                                         1                                                                                                                         2
Pre-existing Medical Condition                                  producing) micro-organism(s) and/or biologically
Means:                                                          produced toxin(s) (including genetically modified                                 SCHEDULE OF COVER
a) Any respiratory condition (relating to the lungs or          organisms and chemically synthesised toxins), or
breathing), heart condition, stroke, Crohn’s disease,           any solid, liquid or gaseous chemical compound
epilepsy, allergy, or cancer for which you have ever            which, when suitably distributed; which is capable      Sums Insured Per Person                              up to                    Excess per person
received treatment (including surgery, tests or                 of causing incapacitating disablement or death
investigations     by     your     doctor      or    a          amongst people or animals.                              A          Emergency Medical Expenses                £10,000,000                    £75
consultant/specialist     or     prescribed      drugs
/medication).                                                   Valuables                                                          Diagnostic Tests                          £10,000                        £75
                                                                Means audio, visual, video, photographic,
b) Any psychiatric or psychological condition                   computer, laptops, iPad and/or android tablet or
(including anxiety, stress and depression); for which
                                                                                                                                   In Patient Benefit                        £300                           Nil
                                                                similar device, and portable navigation equipment,
you have suffered from or received medical advice               ipods, ipod touch and/or accessories, ebook                        Criminal Injuries                         £5,000                         Nil
or treatment for or been prescribed medication for in           readers, jewellery, furs, gold and silver items,
the last 5 (five) years.                                        watches, binoculars, musical instruments, electronic               Additional Mountain Rescue                £2,000                         £75
c) Any Medical Condition for which you have                     games and sports equipment.
received surgery, in-patient treatment or                                                                               B          Personal Liability                        £2,000,000                     £250
investigations in a hospital or clinic within the last 12       Volunteering
(twelve) months, or are prescribed drugs                        Means an Insured Person’s participation in              C          Personal Accident                         £25,000                        Nil
/medication.                                                    community or wildlife based conservation/project
                                                                work when arranged by a professional                    D          Cancellation or Curtailment               £5,000                         £75
Seat Bumping                                                    organisation. This includes caring and teaching;
Means an airline involuntarily denying boarding to              and      may       also     include       supervised    E          Delayed Departure or Arrival              £100                           Nil
a paid passenger ticket for the purpose of oversold             building/renovation projects if the activity does not
conditions, weight restrictions or a seat malfunction.                                                                             Cancellation due to
                                                                form part of the Insured Person’s usual occupation
Strike or Industrial Action                                     or involve the use of plant/trade/industrial                       Delayed Departure                         £2,000                         Nil
Means any form of industrial action taken by                    machinery, or non domestic powertools.
workers which is carried on with the intention of                                                                                  Hi-jack of Aircraft                       £3,000                         Nil
preventing, restricting or otherwise interfering with           Winter Sports Equipment
the production of goods or the provision of services.           Means Skis (including bindings), ski boots, ski poles              Interruption of Transport                 £300                           Nil
                                                                and snowboards.
Terrorism (including Cyber Terrorism)                                                                                              Seat Bumping                              £200                           Nil
Means an act, or acts, of any person, or group of
persons, committed for political, religious,                                                                            F          Personal Effects                          £2,000                         £75
ideological or similar purposes with the intention to
influence any government and/or to put the public,                                                                                 Money                                     £500
or any section of the public, in fear, including but not
be limited to, the actual use of force or violence                                                                                 Tickets                                   £1,500
and/or the threat of such use. Furthermore, the
perpetrators of a terrorist activity can either be
                                                                                                                                   Passport and Visas                        £250
acting alone, or on behalf of, or in connection with                                                                               Temporary Loss of Baggage                 £100                           Nil
any organisation or government.
Travelling Companion                                                                                                               Cyber & ATM Theft                         £300                           Nil
Means a person that the Insured Person has
                                                                                                                        G          Legal Expenses                            £50,000                        £250
arranged to undertake their journey with if it would
be unreasonable to expect the Insured Person to                                                                         H          Winter Sports Extension                   Optional                       £75
continue their journey without that person.
                                                                                                                        I          Cruise Extension                          Optional                       £75
Means when the Insured Person is not in full view of
and not in a position to prevent unauthorised                                                                           Please Note: this is only a summary of the sums insured and Policy Excess, full details are contained
interference with their property.                                                                                       within the benefits section of this Policy Document.
Utilisation of Nuclear, Chemical or Biological
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Means the use of any explosive nuclear weapon or
device; or the emission, discharge, dispersal,
release or escape of: fissile material emitting a level
of radioactivity, or any pathogenic (disease

                                                            3                                                                                                            4
              24 HR MEDICAL EMERGENCIES                                                               A note to all Insured Persons, doctors and hospitals.               MEDICAL CONDITIONS
                                                                                                      This is not a private medical insurance. If any
                                                                                                                                                                      The medical screening helpline is optional for those
               From within the USA & Canada:                                                          medical treatment is needed, you must tell us
                                                                                                      immediately or we may not guarantee medical                     persons wishing to establish if additional cover may
                                                                                                                                                                      be offered to include Pre-existing Medical
                 (Toll Free) 1-800-848-2350                                                           expenses. If you need any medical treatment, you
                                                                                                      must allow the Medical Emergency Assistance                     Conditions. You will be asked for your personal and
                                                                                                      Service to see all of your medical records and                  travel details. Please have your insurance policy
                                                                                                                                                                      number to hand if known.
                                                or                                                    information.
                                                                                                                                                                      You will be advised whether the Pre-existing
                                                                                                               HEALTH DECLARATION                                     Medical Condition may be covered, an optional
                    From the rest of the World:                                                                & HEALTH EXCLUSIONS                                    additional premium may be quoted and whether
                                                                                                                                                                      any amendments will be made to the policy terms
                                                                                                      Important Declaration                                           and conditions. If terms can be provided for the
                          +44 (0) 203 318 8486                                                        Anyone named under this Policy must have read this              condition and you elect to take up the offer of the
                                                                                                      Important Declaration and understood the terms,                 additional cover, you will be given a medical
                                                                                                      conditions and exclusions relating to the health of             screening reference number and a letter will be sent
The Medical Emergency Assistance Service will require the following information                       you and anyone else upon whom your trip depends.                to you upon receipt of payment. Any additional
                                                                                                                                                                      premiums must be paid directly to the medical
to assist in validating cover:                                                                        This Policy contains health restrictions that apply to          screening helpline and not the company you are
                                                                                                      your cover under certain sections of this Policy. This          arranging your travel insurance with.
Scheme reference: CIAXA18TRAU                                                                         Policy can only provide cover in respect of an                  Should you not contact the medical screening
                                                                                                      accident or illness which is sudden, unforeseen and             helpline or not wish to take advantage of the
. Booking Invoice or Validation Certificate number                                                    beyond your reasonable control.                                 optional terms quoted by the medical screening
. Dates of travel                                                                                     Cover is excluded for any defined Pre-existing                  helpline, or if you fail to declare any Medical
                                                                                                      Medical Condition. If in doubt please call the                  Conditions, you will not be covered for any claims
. Contact details of treating hospital                                                                                                                                arising from all Medical Conditions or linked
                                                                                                      medical screening helpline, in confidence on:
. Signed Medical Consent Form                                                                         01702 427 237                                                   conditions from a Pre-existing Medical Condition.
                                                                                                                                                                      There is no cancellation or curtailment cover for a
                                                                                                      Definition of a Pre-Existing Medical Condition:
IMMEDIATE CONTACT MUST BE MADE with the Medical Emergency Assistance                                  a) Any respiratory condition (relating to the lungs or
                                                                                                                                                                      Pre-existing Medical Condition of persons not
                                                                                                                                                                      necessarily travelling but upon whom travel
Service in the event of death, injury or illness necessitating hospitalisation,                       breathing), heart condition, stroke, Crohn’s disease,           depends, such as a Close Relative, unless you are
                                                                                                      epilepsy, allergy, or cancer for which you have ever
repatriation, alteration to travel plans or curtailment of travel.                                    received treatment (including surgery, tests or
                                                                                                                                                                      able to agree to the ‘NON-TRAVELLING RELATIVES’
                                                                                                                                                                      section of this policy.
                                                                                                      investigations     by     your     doctor      or    a
The Medical Emergency Assistance Service may require written consent to contact the                   consultant/specialist     or     prescribed      drugs          You should also refer to the General Exclusions of
Insured Person's usual Medical Practitioner to obtain details of any past medical                     /medication).                                                   this Policy Document.
history specifically relating to a claim under this insurance before confirming cover.                b) Any psychiatric or psychological condition                   If you fail to declare a Medical Condition and the
                                                                                                      (including anxiety, stress and depression); for which           policy would have still been issued to you but for an
                                                                                                      you have suffered from or received medical advice               additional premium the insurer may decide to make
NOTE: THE INSURED PERSON’S FAILURE TO CONTACT THE MEDICAL EMERGENCY                                   or treatment for or been prescribed medication for in           a proportionate settlement in line with the premium
                                                                                                      the last 5 (five) years.                                        you have paid.
ASSISTANCE SERVICE MAY RESULT IN A CLAIM BEING REDUCED OR DECLINED.                                   c) Any Medical Condition for which you have
                                                                                                      received surgery, in-patient treatment or
                                HOW TO MAKE A CLAIM                                                   investigations in a hospital or clinic within the last 12
                                                                                                      (twelve) months, or are prescribed drugs
                           NON EMERGENCY CLAIMS PROCEDURE                                             /medication.
   Notice must be given within 45 days of the date of occurrence of any claim under this Insurance.

             To submit a claim online please go to:

    Alternatively to notify a claim and download a claim form please contact the claims handlers:
            Claims Settlement Agencies 308-314 London Road, Hadleigh, Essex SS7 2DD
                          Tel: 01702 553 443      Email:

                                                  5                                                                                                               6
CHANGE OF HEALTH                                               GENERAL ENQUIRIES                                      PERIOD OF INSURANCE                                    will remain in force until completion but not
                                                                                                                                                                                         exceeding a further 31 days on a day by day basis,
If, after purchasing your Policy but before departing           If you have any general queries concerning this          The period that you are insured for as shown on your            without additional premium.
on your trip or booking another trip, there is a                Insurance, or if there is anything you do not            Booking Invoice or Validation Certificate (as                   In the event of an Insured Person being hijacked,
change in Medical Condition(s) or development of a              understand, please contact the Insurance Brokers         applicable).                                                    cover shall continue whilst the Insured Person is
new condition for you or anyone insured under this              who arrange the scheme:                                                                                                  subject to the control of the person(s) or their
Policy, you must contact the Medical Screening                  Campbell Irvine Limited, 52 Earls Court Road,            Single Trip
                                                                                                                         Cover under Section D – Cancellation starts from the            associates making the hijack during the Period of
helpline on 01702 427 237 as soon as possible.                  Kensington, London W8 6EJ                                                                                                Insurance for a period not exceeding twelve months
                                                                Tel: 0207 938 1734.                                      date stated on your Booking Invoice or Validation
We will assess the change in health and confirm if                                                                       Certificate (as applicable) and ends when the Insured           from the date of the hijack.
cover for the Medical Condition(s) can continue for                                                                      Person leaves their residence or place of business to           Please ensure you arrange cover for the entire
further trips. If we can continue to offer you cover                   COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE
                                                                                                                         commence travel. Cancellation cover shall only apply            duration of your travel.
there may be a further charge applied in order to               If you have a complaint in relation to your Policy       for a period of up to 24 months prior to the trip
cover this change or new condition. If we cannot                Document or to the handling of your claim, please        departure date stated on your Booking Invoice or                      IMPORTANT INFORMATION
continue to offer you cover, you can either submit a            contact:                                                 Validation Certificate (as applicable).
cancellation claim if you have booked and paid for                                                                                                                                       The Insured Person must comply with all the terms
                                                                Claims Settlement Agencies Limited                       Cover under all other sections of the policy starts
a trip that you have not yet made; or cancel your                                                                                                                                        and conditions stated in this Policy Document,
                                                                308-314 London Road, Hadleigh, Essex, SS7 2DD.           when the Insured Person leaves their normal
Policy and we will send you an appropriate refund                                                                                                                                        exercise reasonable care, and act as if uninsured
                                                                Tel: +44 (0) 1702 553 443                                residence or place of business to commence their trip
as long as you have not travelled or made a claim.                                                                                                                                       at all times to have the full protection of their policy.
                                                                Email:                                   or from the date shown on the Booking Invoice of
If you fail to declare a change in health, claims                                                                        Validation Certificate (as appropriate).                        If the Insured Person does not comply the Insurer
                                                                If you have a complaint in relation to how your
arising from all Medical Conditions or linked                                                                                                                                            may at their option cancel the policy or refuse to
                                                                Policy was sold please contact:                          All cover ends on the Insured Person’s return home,
conditions may not be paid.                                                                                                                                                              deal with the claim or reduce the amount of any
                                                                The General Manager, Campbell Irvine Ltd, 52 Earls       within 24 hours of their return to their Home Country,          claim payment.
     NON TRAVELLING RELATIVES                                   Court Road, Kensington, London W8 6EJ.                   or at the expiry of the Period of Insurance, whichever
                                                                Tel: +44 (0) 207 938 1734                                is first.                                                       General Conditions
You may have a Close Relative with a Medical                                                                             For One Way Travel, all cover ceases on arrival at              1. At the time of purchasing this insurance you will
                                                                The existence of this complaint procedure does not
Condition who is not travelling with you. In some                                                                        final destination.                                              have been asked questions to enable us to assess
                                                                reduce your statutory rights relating to this Policy.
cases, if their state of health deteriorates greatly, you                                                                                                                                your risk. These may include but are not limited to
                                                                For further information about your statutory rights
may want to cancel or curtail your trip. Subject to all                                                                  Annual Multi Trip
                                                                contact the Office of Fair Trading or Citizens Advice                                                                    questions about your state of health or that of an
the other terms and conditions, such claims are                                                                          Any one trip shall be limited to a maximum duration
                                                                Bureau.                                                                                                                  immediate relative or any planned sports or activities.
covered if the relative’s doctor is prepared to state                                                                    of 70 days. For any trip known to be exceeding the
                                                                If your complaint relates to insurance purchased                                                                         You must take reasonable care to answer these
that at the date you bought this policy, he/she would                                                                    maximum duration, the entire period of travel
                                                                from us via electronic means, you are also able to                                                                       questions completely and accurately. If the answers
have seen no substantial likelihood of his/her                                                                           including the first 70 days will not be insured.
                                                                use the EC On-line Dispute Resolution (ODR)                                                                              given change after the Policy was purchased you
patient’s condition deteriorating to such a degree                                                                       Cover under Section D – Cancellation starts from                must notify us of this change. Upon any failure to
that this would become necessary. If the doctor will            platform at
                                                                                                                         either the date shown on your Booking Invoice or                answer the questions completely, accurately or
not confirm this, your claim is not covered.                    who will notify the Financial Ombudsman Service
                                                                                                                         Validation Certificate (as applicable), or the booking          honestly, or to inform us of any change, your Policy
                                                                on your behalf.
                                                                                                                         date of each individual trip to which this insurance            may be declared void, or be cancelled, or we may
                  PREGNANCY                                     BEYOND YOUR INSURER                                      relates, whichever is the latter.                               refuse to pay your claim in full or in part, or we may
Normal pregnancy, without any accompanying                      If we have given you our final response and you are      Cover under all other sections of the policy starts from        revise the premium due or we may change any Policy
bodily injury, illness, disease or complication is not          still dissatisfied you may refer your case to the        date shown on your Booking Invoice or Validation                Excess, or the extent of your cover under the Policy
covered under this Policy. This Policy is designed to           Financial Ombudsman Service (Ombudsman). The             Certificate (as applicable), or the time you leave your         may be affected.
provide cover for unforeseen events, accidents,                 FOS is an independent body that arbitrates on            normal residence or place of business to commence               2. This Insurance is available for holiday or business
illnesses and diseases and normal childbirth would              complaints about general insurance products. It will     your trip on the departure date of each individual trip         travel but excludes overseas residency, permanent
not constitute an unforeseen event. Cover can only              only consider complaints after we have provided          to which this insurance relates, whichever is the latter.       overseas employment, work of a predominantly
be considered where there is a complication of                  you with written confirmation that our internal          Cover for each trip ends on the Insured Person’s                manual nature (other than Volunteering) or any
pregnancy or if you were unaware of the pregnancy               complaints procedure has been exhausted.                 return home or within 24 hours of their return to their         hazardous activity not agreed on behalf of the
at the time of purchasing the insurance or booking              The Ombudsman can be contacted at:                       Home Country, whichever is first. All cover under the           Insurer.
a trip (whichever is later) and you are advised not to          Insurance Division, Financial Ombudsman Service,         Policy ends on the expiry of the Period of Insurance            3. This Insurance is not available to any person aged
travel by a Medical Practitioner.                               Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange Square,                 as shown on your Booking Invoice or Validation                  76 years or more at the date of payment of insurance
Airlines and ferry companies have their own                     London E14 9SR.                                          Certificate (as applicable).                                    premium.
restrictions due to health and safety requirements so           Tel: 0300 123 9123 (freephone number for mobile                                                                          4. That you contact the Medical Emergency
                                                                                                                         Automatic Trip Extension
please ensure that you check with them or with any              users) or 0800 023 4567 (freephone number for a                                                                          Assistance Service as soon as possible with full details
                                                                                                                         If the Insured Person is prevented from completing
other transport provider before you book the trip.              landline).                                                                                                               of anything which may result in a claim as a result of
                                                                                                                         their travel before the expiration of this Insurance as
Please also ensure that your Medical Practitioner                                                                        stated under the Period of Insurance on the Booking             a medical emergency.
and midwife are aware of your travel plans, that                                                                         Invoice or Validation Certificate (as applicable) for
                                                                Referral to the FOS will not affect your right to take                                                                   5. As the Insurer is based in England, they propose
there are no known complications and that you are                                                                        reasons which are beyond their control, including ill
                                                                legal action against us.                                                                                                 to apply the laws of England and Wales and having
not travelling against any medical advice.                                                                               health or failure of public transport, this Insurance
                                                                                                                                                 read and understood the terms and conditions of this

                                                            7                                                                                                                        8
policy, the Insured Person has agreed to this. English         communications. IPA carry out these activities within     Trailfinders Limited, 194 Kensington High Street,             Should you require medical care in Europe, a
Courts will have exclusive jurisdiction in any dispute.        the UK and EEA, and outside the EEA. The data             London W8 7RG.                                                European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) entitles the
Rights of Third Parties                                        protection laws and/or the agreements we have             If you cancel after the statutory 21 day Cooling Off          Insured Person to reduced cost, sometimes free,
The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or            entered into with the receiving parties in relation to    Period no premium refund will be made.                        medical treatment that becomes necessary whilst
any amendment thereto shall not apply to this Policy.          the processing of data outside the EEA provide a                                                                        travelling in a European Economic Area (EEA)
                                                               similar level of protection to the laws and/or            Non payment of premiums                                       country or Switzerland. The EEA consists of the
Only the Insured Persons and the Insurer can enforce                                                                     We reserve the right to cancel this policy immediately
any terms of this Policy which may be varied or                agreements we have entered into within the EEA.                                                                         European Union (EU) countries plus Iceland,
                                                                                                                         in the event of non payment of the premium.                   Liechtenstein and Norway. An EHIC can be obtained
cancelled without consent of any third party.                  By purchasing this policy and using their services,
                                                               you acknowledge that they may use your personal           Fraudulent Claims                                             by completing an application form available from
                                                               data, and consent to their use of sensitive               The Insured Person must not act in a fraudulent               your local Post Office or by following the online
             DATA PROTECTION                                                                                             manner. If the Insured Person or anyone acting for            information at
                                                               information, both as described above. If you provide
                                                               us with details of other individuals, you agree to        them:                                                         Telephone: 0300 330 1350
Details of you, your insurance cover under this policy
and claims will be held by Inter Partner Assistance            inform them of the use of their data as described here    • Make a claim under the policy knowing the claim             Please also note that if an Insured Person has a valid
SA (IPA) (acting as Data Controller) for underwriting,         and, in the IPA website, privacy notice (see below).      to be false or fraudulently exaggerated in any                claim for medical expenses which is reduced by their;
policy administration, claims handling, providing              IPA will separately seek your consent before using or     respect; or
                                                                                                                                                                                       ·using an EHIC; or
travel assistance, complaints handling, sanctions              disclosing your personal data to another party for the    • Make a statement in support of a claim knowing
checking and fraud prevention, subject to the                  purpose of contacting you about other products or         the statement to be false in any respect; or                  ·taking advantage of a reciprocal health agreement
provisions of applicable data protection law and in            services (direct marketing). You may withdraw your                                                                      with their Home Country; or
                                                                                                                         • Submit a document in support of a claim knowing
accordance with the assurances contained in the IPA            consent to marketing at any time, or opt-out of           the document to be forged or false in any respect; or         ·using their private medical insurance;
website privacy notice (see below).                            feedback requests, by contacting the Data Protection                                                                    at the point of treatment, then the Insurer will NOT
                                                                                                                         • Make a claim in respect of any loss or damage
IPA collect and process these details as necessary for         Officer (see contact details below).                                                                                    deduct the Policy Excess.
                                                                                                                         caused by the Insured Person’s wilful act or with your
performance of the contract of insurance with you or           You are entitled on request to a copy of the              connivance                                                    Duplicate Insurance
complying with their legal obligations, or otherwise           information IPA hold about you, and you have other                                                                      If at the time of loss, theft, damage, expense or
in their legitimate interests in managing their business       rights in relation to how IPA use your data (as set out                                                                 liability insured by Sections A, D, E, F, G, H and I
and providing their products and services.                     in the IPA website privacy notice – see below). Please    • The Insurer shall not pay the claim                         there is another insurance against such loss or any
These activities may include:                                  let IPA know if you think any information they hold       • The Insurer shall not pay any other claim which has         part thereof, the Insurer shall be liable under this
a. use of sensitive information about the health or            about you is inaccurate, so that it may be corrected.     been made or will be made under the policy.                   Insurance for their proportionate share only of such
vulnerability of you or others involved in your                If you want to know what information is held about        • The Insurer may at their option declare the policy          loss.
assistance guarantees, in order to provide the                 you by IPA, or have other requests or concerns            void.                                                         Subrogation
services described in this policy, By using their              relating to our use of your data, please write to them                                                                  The Insurer is entitled to take over any rights in the
                                                                                                                         • The Insurer shall be entitled to recover from the
services, you consent to them using such information           at:                                                                                                                     defence or settlement of any claim and to take
                                                                                                                         Insured Person the amount of any claim already paid
for these purposes,                                            Data Protection Officer                                                                                                 proceedings in the Insured Person’s name for the
                                                                                                                         under the policy.
b. disclosure of information about you and your                AXA Travel Insurance                                                                                                    Insurer’s benefit against any other party.
                                                               106-108 Station Road                                      • The Insurer shall not make any premium returns.
insurance cover to companies within the AXA group
of companies, to service providers and agents in               Redhill RH1 1PR                                           • The Insurer may inform the Police of the                               CLAIM CONDITIONS
order to administer and service your insurance cover,          Email:       circumstances.
to provide you with travel assistance, for fraud                                                                                                                                       Documentation:
                                                               The AXA full privacy notice is available at:                                                                            All certificates, information and evidence required by
prevention, to collect payments, and otherwise as                               RECIPROCAL HEALTH CARE
required or permitted by applicable law;                                                                                                                                               the Insurer shall be furnished at the expense of the
                                                               Alternatively, a hard copy is available from them on      This travel insurance policy is not a private medical         Insured Person or his legal personal representatives
c. monitoring and/or recording of your telephone               request..                                                                                                               and shall be in such form and of such nature as the
                                                                                                                         insurance and where possible every effort should be
calls in relation to cover for the purposes of record                                                                                                                                  Insurer may prescribe. The Insured Person shall as
                                                                                                                         made to utilise any reciprocal health care facility.
keeping, training and quality control;                                                                                                                                                 often as required submit to medical examination on
                                                                        COOLING OFF PERIOD                               Should you require medical treatment in
d. technical studies to analyse claims and premiums,                                                                                                                                   behalf of the Insurer at their own expense and in the
                                                               Statutory cancellation rights                             Australia you MUST enrol with MEDICARE
adapt pricing, support subscription process and                                                                                                                                        event of death of the Insured Person the Insurer shall
                                                                                                                It can be done after the
consolidate financial reporting (incl. regulatory);            You may cancel this policy within 21 days of receipt                                                                    be entitled to have a post-mortem examination at
                                                                                                                         first occasion on which you receive treatment. In
detailed analyses on claims/missions/calls to better           of the policy documents by writing to Trailfinders                                                                      their own expense.
                                                                                                                         Patient and out-patient treatment at a public hospital
monitor providers and operations; analyses of                  Limited, 194 Kensington High Street, London W8                                                                          Recognising Our Rights:
                                                                                                                         is then available free of charge. Should you be
customer satisfaction and construction of customer             7RG. Any premium already paid will be refunded to                                                                       You and each Insured Person must recognise the
                                                                                                                         admitted to hospital then immediate contact must be
segments to better adapt products to market needs;             you providing you have not travelled, no claim has                                                                      Insurer’s right to:
                                                                                                                         made with the Medical Emergency Assistance Service
e. obtaining and storing any relevant and                      been made or is intended to be made and no incident       and their authority obtained in respect of any                1. Pay, repair or replace
appropriate supporting evidence for your claim, for            likely to give rise to a claim has occurred.              treatment not available under MEDICARE before such
the purpose of providing services under this policy                                                                                                                                    choose either to pay the amount of a claim (less any
                                                               Cancellation outside the statutory 21 day Cooling         treatment is provided.
and validating your claim; and                                                                                                                                                         Policy Excess and up to any Sum Insured limit) or
                                                               Off Period                                                Note: Your failure to contact the Medical                     repair, replace or reinstate any item or property that
f. sending you feedback requests or surveys relating           You may cancel this policy at any time after the          Emergency Assistance Service may result in a claim            is damaged, lost or stolen;
to our services, and other customer care                       statutory 21 day Cooling Off Period by writing to         being reduced or declined.
                                                           9                                                                                                                      10
2. Inspect & dispose of items                                                GENERAL EXCLUSIONS                             received a terminal prognosis.                                quad bike or any mechanically assisted cycle on a
inspect and take possession of any item or property                                                                                                                                       public highway without the appropriate driving
                                                                                                                            iii) Any Medical Condition the Insured Person is              licence.
for which a claim is being made and handle any                     Policy Excesses – Applicable to most claims              aware of but which has not had a formal diagnosis.
salvage in a reasonable manner;                                    The Insurer shall not pay:                                                                                             (iv) Winter Sports, unless the appropriate premium
3. Handle a claim in your name                                                                                              iv) Any Medical Condition for which the Insured               has been paid and is shown on the Booking Invoice
                                                                   a) The first £75 of each and every claim, per            Person or any other person not necessarily travelling
take over and deal with the defence or settlement of               incident claimed for under each Section by each                                                                        or Validation Certificate (as applicable), but always
                                                                                                                            but upon whom travel depends such as a Close                  excluding ski racing, ski jumping, freestyle winter
any claim in your name and keep any amount                         Insured Person.                                          Relative is on a waiting list for or has knowledge of
recovered;                                                         b) The first £250 of each and every claim arising                                                                      sports, ice hockey or the use of bobsleighs or
                                                                                                                            the need for surgery in a hospital; or                        skeletons.
4. Pay in sterling                                                 from the same incident under Sections B rented
                                                                   accommodation (in respect of the use of rented           B) After the date this policy was purchased including         (b) Any activity where Insured Persons do not wear
settle all claims in pounds sterling;                              temporary accommodation only) and G Legal                prior to booking any individual journey in respect of         the recommended/recognised safety equipment, or
5. Be reimbursed promptly                                          Expenses.                                                an Annual Multi Trip Policy:                                  do not follow the safety procedures, rules or
be reimbursed within 30 days for any costs or                      No Policy Excess applies to Sections C - Personal        A change of health or where the cost of any claim is          regulations of the activity’s organisers/providers; or
expenses that are not insured under this Policy, which             Accident, D - Loss of deposit only, E - Travel Delay,    increased due to a change of health, if the procedure
the Insurer pays to you or on your behalf;                                                                                                                                                (c) Any activity in the air (other than as a passenger
                                                                   F5 - Temporary loss of Baggage, H - Piste Closure        detailed under the ‘HEALTH DECLARATION’ section               in a fully licensed passenger-carrying-aircraft,
6. Receive medical certificates                                    only and l1, l2 and l3 – Cruise Cover.                   has not been followed.                                        bungee jumping or parasailing); or
be supplied at your expense with appropriate                       FAMILY POLICY EXCESS                                     C) At any time:
original medical certificates where required before                                                                                                                                       (d) Wilful exposure to needless danger (other than in
                                                                   A discounted Policy Excess applies under family          i) Any Medical Condition the Insured Person has in            an attempt to save human life); or
paying a claim.                                                    policies for claims made under Sections D                respect of which a Medical Practitioner has advised
7. Carry out medical examinations                                  (Cancellation or Curtailment) and F1 (Baggage). In       them not to travel or would have done so had they             (e) Air travel within 24 hours of scuba diving.
request and carry out a medical examination and                    these circumstances the standard excess of £75 per       sought his/her advice.
                                                                   person is limited to the following maximum amounts                                                                     Note: Exclusions 1(a), (b) and (c) are not applicable
insist on a post-mortem examination, if the law allows                                                                                                                                    to cancellation claims under Section D.
them to ask for one, at their expense.                             per family:                                              ii) Any surgery, treatment or investigations for which
                                                                                                                            you intend to travel outside your Home Country to             Note: Please see Sporting and Hazardous Activities
Paying Claims:                                                     Family of 4: combined excess of £250                     receive (including any expenses incurred due to the           Section.
1. Death                                                                                                                    discovery of other Medical Conditions during and/or
                                                                   Family of 5: combined excess of £300                                                                                   2. Private medical treatment unless authorised by the
A. If the Insured Person is 18 years old or over,                                                                           complications arising from these procedures).
claims are paid to their estate and the receipt given              Family of 6: combined excess of £350                                                                                   Medical Emergency Assistance Service.
to the Insurer by their personal representatives shall                                                                      iii) Any Medical Condition for which the Insured
                                                                   Family of 7: combined excess of £400                     Person or any other person not necessarily travelling         3. Any wilfully self inflicted injury or illness, insanity,
be a full discharge of all liability by the Insurer in                                                                                                                                    suicide or attempted suicide, sexually transmitted
respect of the claim.                                                                                                       but upon whom travel depends such as a Close
                                                                   Family of 8: combined excess of £450                                                                                   diseases, solvent abuse, the use of drugs (other than
                                                                                                                            Relative is not taking the recommended treatment or
B. If the Insured Person is aged under 18 years, the                                                                        prescribed medication as directed by a Medical                medically prescribed) and the effects of alcohol.
                                                                   Please also note that if an Insured Person has a
Insurer shall pay any claim to their parent or legal               valid claim for medical expenses which is reduced        Practitioner.                                                 4. The Insured Person’s participation in any criminal
guardian. Their parent or legal guardian’s receipt                 by their;·using an EHIC; or ·taking advantage of a
                                                                                                                            iv) Pregnancy when you are expected to give birth             or illegal acts.
shall be a full discharge of all liability by the Insurer          reciprocal health agreement with their Home
in respect of the claim.                                                                                                    within two months of the return date of your trip;            5.(a) Unless the Insurer provides cover under this
                                                                   Country; or ·using their private medical insurance;
2. All other Claims:                                               at the point of treatment, then the Insurer will NOT     v) Participating in any activity where the Insured            insurance, any other loss, damage or additional
A. If the Insured Person is 18 years old or over, the              deduct the Policy Excess.                                Person has been advised against doing so by a                 expenses following on from the event for which the
Insurer shall pay the claim to that Insured Person and                                                                      Medical Practitioner.                                         Insured Person is claiming. Examples of such loss,
their receipt shall be a full discharge of all liability by        The Insured Person will not be covered under Section                                                                   damage, or additional expense would be the cost of
the Insurer in respect of the claim.                               A – Medical Expenses, Section C – Personal               The Insurer shall not pay (unless agreed in writing           replacing locks after losing keys, costs incurred of
                                                                   Accident, Section D – Cancellation or Curtailment or     by or on behalf of the Insurer) for any claim directly        preparing a claim, or loss of earnings following
B. If the Insured Person is aged under 18 years, the
                                                                   Section I1 and I2 for any claim directly or indirectly   or indirectly caused by, arising or resulting from, or        bodily injury or illness.
Insurer shall pay the appropriate benefit amount to
                                                                   caused by, arising or resulting from, or in connection   in connection with:                                           (b) Any costs for;
their parent or legal guardian for their benefit. Their
                                                                   with either;
parent or legal guardian’s receipt shall be a full                                                                          1.(a) (i) Mountaineering or climbing; pot-holing;             (i) telephone calls (other than the first call to the
discharge of all liability by the Insurer in respect of            A) At the time of taking out this policy:                sports tours; motorised competitions; racing;                 Medical Emergency Assistance Service to notify them
the claim.                                                                                                                  competing in or practicing for speed or time trials of        of a medical problem requiring hospitalisation); or
                                                                   i) Any Pre-existing Medical Condition unless you
Please refer to the Claims Checklist at the back of this           have contacted the medical screening helpline on         any kind; or                                                  (ii) taxi fares (unless a taxi is being used in place of
policy document for a list of documentation required               01702 427 237 and the Insurer has agreed to                                                                            an ambulance to take you to or from a hospital); or
                                                                                                                            (ii) Travelling by motorcycle, unless in respect of
by Claims Handlers to process a claim.                             provide cover and you have paid the additional           motorcycles hired or borrowed during the Period of            (iii) food and drink expenses (unless these form part
                                                                   premium required.                                        Insurance, and the Insured Persons are wearing                of your hospital costs if you are kept as an inpatient).
                                                                   ii) Any Medical Condition that the Insured Person or     crash helmets; or
                                                                                                                                                                                          6. Any exposure to the Utilisation of Nuclear,
                                                                   any other person not necessarily travelling but upon     (iii) Driving a motor vehicle or riding a motorcycle,         Chemical or Biological Weapons of Mass
                                                                   whom travel depends such as a Close Relative has                                                                       Destruction.
                                                              11                                                                                                                     12
7.(a) Ionising radiation or contamination by                            SECTION A: EMERGENCY                               complete day, up to £300, that the Insured Person
                                                                                                                                                                                      2. a Pre-existing Medical Condition unless the
radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any                           MEDICAL EXPENSES                                 is admitted to hospital outside their Home Country.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Insurer has agreed to provide cover and you have
nuclear waste resulting from the combustion of
                                                                                                                           4. Criminal Injuries. Up to £5,000                         paid the additional premium required.
nuclear fuel; or                                                        WHAT YOU ARE COVERED FOR
                                                                                                                           Should an Insured Person be admitted to hospital as        3. the cost of medical or surgical treatment of any
(b) The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other                  1. Emergency Medical, Repatriation and
                                                                                                                           an in-patient as a result of receiving Criminal            kind received by the Insured Person later than 52
hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear                   Associated Expenses. Up to £10,000,000
                                                                                                                           Injuries following a personal assault verified by a        weeks from the date of the accident or
assembly or nuclear component of such assembly.
                                                                Should an Insured Person suffer accidental bodily          written report that substantiates the injuries resulted    commencement of the illness.
8. Sonic or pressure waves from aircraft and other              injury or become ill (including compulsory                 from an unprovoked personal assault, the In Patient        4.medical expenses incurred in an Insured
airborne devices travelling at sonic or supersonic              quarantine on the orders of a treating Medical             Benefit payable under Section A3 above is                  Person’s Home Country.
speeds.                                                         Practitioner) the Insurer will pay:                        increased to £100 each complete day, up to
                                                                                                                                                                                      5. a claim that is not verified by a medical report
                                                                                                                           £5,000, that the Insured Person is admitted to
9. Any consequence of any act of war, invasion, act             i) normal and necessary receipted expenses of                                                                         whilst travelling.
                                                                                                                           hospital outside of their Home Country.
of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether declared or              emergency medical or surgical treatment incurred                                                                      6. elective or cosmetic surgery is excluded except
not), civil war, civil commotion, rebellion, revolution,        outside the Insured Person’s Home Country                  5. Additional Mountain Rescue. Up to £2,000                in the event of reconstruction following an
insurrection, military force, any act of Terrorism              including, emergency dental treatment to relieve           Should an Insured Person require Mountain Rescue           accident. Any procedures require advance
(including Cyber Terrorism) where you are actively              pain and suffering (limited to £250), specialists or       Services during the Period of Insurance deemed             approval from the Medical Emergency Assistance
engaged and/or where you have travelled and/or                  ophthalmic fees, hospital, nursing attendance              necessary by the local Rescue Authorities and              Service.
you remain contrary to Foreign & Commonwealth                   charges, physiotherapy, massage and manipulative           approved by the Insurer's Medical Emergency                7. dental treatment to provide, replace or repair
Office travel advice.                                           treatment, surgical and medical requisites,                Assistance Service, the Insurer will reimburse all         caps, crowns or bridges other than the relief of
                                                                decompression chambers, ambulance / necessary              receipted costs incurred to provide Mountain Rescue        pain and suffering.
10. Any Insured Person’s travel to a country, specific
                                                                transport charges (including helicopter/air                Services up to the Sum Insured in order to preserve
area or event to which the Travel Advice unit of the                                                                                                                                  8. any form of treatment or surgery which in the
                                                                ambulance charges if necessary on medical                  the life of an Insured Person in the event of a non
British Foreign and Commonwealth Office or the                                                                                                                                        opinion of the Medical Emergency Assistance
                                                                grounds and authorised by the Emergency Medical            medical emergency.
World Health Organisation has advised against                                                                                                                                         Service can be reasonably delayed until the
                                                                Assistance Service; or their Agents).
travel, unless agreed by or on behalf of the Insurer.                                                                      Specific Conditions applicable to A5. Additional           Insured Person’s return to their Home Country.
                                                                Note: The Insurer reserves the right to repatriate         Mountain Rescue.                                           9. any medical treatment and associated costs you
11. Any search or ship to shore rescue costs (cost
                                                                the Insured Person to their Home Country when in                                                                      have to pay following your refusal of curtailment,
charged to you by a Government, regulated authority                                                                        1. Contact must be made with the Medical
                                                                the opinion of the Medical Emergency Assistance                                                                       or your decision not to move hospital or return to
or private organisation concerned with finding and                                                                         Emergency Assistance Service on:
                                                                Service, the Insured Person is fit to travel.                                                                         your Home Country after the date when, in the
rescuing an individual). This exclusion does not
include medical evacuation costs by the most                                                                               +44 (0) 203 318 8486 as soon as possible;                  opinion of the Medical Emergency Assistance
                                                                ii) reasonable additional accommodation and
appropriate transport detailed in Section A1, or non            repatriation expenses incurred by an Insured               2. All reasonable local safety advice has been             Service, you should have done so.
medical Mountain Rescue Costs detailed in Section               Person and any one member of the family or party           obtained and followed;                                     10. accommodation and travel expenses where
A5.                                                             who has to remain or travel with the injured, ill or hi-                                                              the transport and/or accommodation used are of
                                                                jacked Insured Person, certified by a Medical              3. Expenses are only payable for the Insured               a standard superior to that of the trip unless
12. Any circumstances the Insured Person is aware                                                                          Person’s proportion of the Mountain Rescue
                                                                Practitioner to be strictly necessary on medical                                                                      agreed by the Medical Emergency Assistance
of that could reasonably be expected to give rise to                                                                       operation up to the Sum Insured.
                                                                grounds, and approved by the Medical Emergency                                                                        Service.
a claim on this policy unless the Insured Person has
                                                                Assistance Service.                                        4. Costs will only be covered up to the point when         11. medication an Insured Person is taking before
been given the Insurer’s written agreement.
                                                                iii) the travel and reasonable accommodation               the Insured Person is recovered by the Mountain            and which they will have to continue taking during
13. The financial failure of a tour operator, travel                                                                       Rescue Services or at the time when the authorities        their trip (except in the event of accidental loss or
                                                                expenses of one person to travel from their country
agent, transport provider, accommodation provider,                                                                         advise that continuing the rescue is no longer viable.     damage to that medication).
                                                                of residence if their presence is strictly necessary on
ticketing agent or excursion provider.
                                                                medical grounds.                                           5. A written statement from the appropriate local          12. a Policy Excess which will apply to this section,
14. Any other loss connected to the event you are                                                                          Rescue Authorities involved in the rescue must be          please refer to General Exclusions.
                                                                iv) the cost of transporting the remains of an Insured
claiming for unless the Insurer specifically provides                                                                      obtained and provided to the Insurer in the event of
                                                                Person to their former Home Country up to £7,500
cover under this policy.                                                                                                   a claim.
                                                                (the costs of burial or cremation is not included) or                                                                   SECTION B: PERSONAL LIABILITY
15. Any disinclination to travel.                               funeral expenses including burial or cremation
                                                                incurred abroad up to £1,000.                                 WHAT YOU ARE NOT COVERED FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                              WHAT YOU ARE COVERED FOR
16. Any benefit hereunder to the extent that the                                                                           EXCLUSIONS APPLICABLE TO SECTION A1, A2,
provision of such cover, payment of such claim or               2. Diagnostic Tests                                                                                                   The Insurer will pay up to £2,000,000 (inclusive of
                                                                                                                           A3, A4 and A5.
provision of such benefit would expose the Insurer to                                                                                                                                 legal costs and expenses) if the Insured Person
                                                                The Insurer will pay up to £10,000 for Diagnostic          The Insurer shall not pay for any claim directly or
any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United                                                                                                                                 becomes legally liable to pay damages in respect of:
                                                                Tests incurred outside the Insured Person’s Home           indirectly caused by, arising or resulting from, or
Nations resolutions or the trade or economic                    Country.                                                                                                              1. accidental bodily injury, including death, illness
                                                                                                                           in connection with:
sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union,                                                                                                                                 and disease to a person; and/or
United Kingdom or United States of America.                     3. In Patient Benefit. Up to £300                          1. travel against any health requirements
                                                                                                                                                                                      2. accidental loss of or damage to material property
                                                                In addition to the costs referred to above, the Insurer    stipulated by the carrier, their handling agents or
                                                                                                                                                                                      (property that is both material and tangible); arising
                                                                will also pay the sum of £20 compensation for each         any other public transport provider.
                                                                                                                                                                                      during the Period of Insurance, the Insurer will
                                                                                                                                                                                      indemnify the Insured Person for all such damages
                                                           13                                                                                                                    14
in respect of each occurrence or a series of                Provided that                                             Definitions                                                   • a Dependent Business Partner;
occurrences arising directly or indirectly from one         1. The Insured Person or their legal representatives      Loss of One or More Limbs: loss or severance at or            of the Insured Person or insured Travelling
source or original cause.                                   will give the Insurer written notice immediately if the   above the wrist or ankle or total permanent loss of           Companion which necessitates the presence of the
                                                            Insured Person has received notice of any                 use of an entire arm or leg.                                  person concerned.
    WHAT YOU ARE NOT COVERED FOR                            prosecution or inquest in connection with any             Loss of Sight: total and irrecoverable loss of sight
    EXCLUSIONS APPLICABLE TO SECTION B.                     circumstances which may give rise to liability under      which shall be considered as having occurred:                 3) Hijack.
1. The Insurer will not pay the Policy Excess as            this section.                                             a) in both eyes if your name is added to the Register         4) adverse weather conditions making it impossible
shown in the General Exclusions Section.                    2. No admission, offer, promise, payment or               of Blind Persons on the authority of a fully qualified        for an Insured Person to travel to initial point of
2. The Insurer will not pay for anything mentioned          indemnity shall be made by or on behalf of the            ophthalmic specialist.                                        departure at commencement of outward journey.
in the General Exclusions Section.                          Insured Person without the Insurer’s prior written        b) in one eye if the degree of sight remaining after          5) major damage or burglary at the Insured
                                                            consent.                                                  correction is 3/60 or less on the Snellen Scale.
3. The Insurer will not pay any liability for:                                                                                                                                      Person's home or place of business which at the
a) bodily injury, illness or disease of any person          3. Every claim notice, letter, writ or process or other   Permanent Total Disablement: A disability which               request of an emergency service requires their
who is an Insured Person’s Close Relative,                  document served on an Insured Person shall be             has lasted for at least 12 months from which the              presence.
Travelling Companion, or under a contract of                forwarded to the Insurer immediately upon receipt.        Insurer believes the Insured Person will never
                                                                                                                                                                                    The Insurer will pay either:
employment, service or apprenticeship with an               4. The Insurer shall be entitled to take over and         recover and which prevents them from carrying out
                                                                                                                                                                                    a) for Cancellation prior to departure; for the
Insured Person when the bodily injury, illness or           conduct in the Insured Person’s name the defence or       any gainful occupation for which they are
                                                                                                                                                                                    Insured Person's irrecoverable portion of costs; for
disease arises out of and in the course of their            settlement of any claim or to prosecute in the Insured    reasonably qualified by way of training, education
                                                                                                                                                                                    travel, accommodation, pre-booked excursions,
employment with an Insured Person;                          Person’s name for the Insurer’s own benefit any           or experience.
                                                                                                                                                                                    tours, courses and/or events up to the Sum Insured
b) loss or damage to property belonging to or held          claim for indemnity or damages against all other
                                                                                                                      Note: If an Insured Person was already disabled               for any of the above reasons, (including Winter
in trust by or in the custody or control of an              parties or persons.
                                                                                                                      before the bodily injury or already had a condition           Sports Equipment hire, ski school and lift passes for
Insured     Person     other    than  temporary             5. The Insurer may at any time pay the Insured            which is gradually getting worse, the Insurer may             Winter Sports trips where the appropriate premium
accommodation occupied by an Insured Person                 Person in connection with any claim or series of          reduce their payment. Any reduced payment will                has been paid and shown on your Booking Invoice
during the Period of Insurance;                             claims up to £2,000,000 (after deduction of any           be based on their medical assessment of the                   or Validation certificate) which have not been used
c) bodily injury or damage caused directly or               sums already paid as compensation) or any lesser          difference between:                                           and the Insured Person has paid or is contracted to
indirectly in connection with the ownership,                amount for which such claim(s) can be settled. Once                                                                     pay; or
                                                            this payment is made the Insurer shall relinquish the     A. the disability after the bodily injury; and
possession or use by an Insured Person or on
                                                            conduct and control and be under no further liability     B. the extent to which the disability is affected by          b) for Curtailment after initial departure; or from the
behalf of an Insured Person of: aircraft,
                                                            in connection with such claim(s) except for the           the disability or condition before the Accident.              date the Insured Person was hospitalised as an in-
hovercraft, watercraft (other than non-
                                                            payment of costs and expenses recoverable or                                                                            patient;
mechanically powered watercraft), mechanically
propelled vehicles (other than wheelchairs, electric        incurred prior to the date of such payment.                                                                             either, (i) a pro-rata proportion of non-refundable
                                                                                                                            SECTION D: CANCELLATION
wheelchairs and mobility scooters, golf buggies                                                                                                                                     unused inclusive tour costs,
                                                                                                                                 OR CURTAILMENT
used on golf courses and not on public roads),               SECTION C: PERSONAL ACCIDENT                                                                                           or, (ii) alternatively the original value of non-
firearms (other than sporting guns);                                                                                          WHAT YOU ARE COVERED FOR                              refundable unused air tickets up to the Sum Insured
d) bodily injury caused directly or indirectly in                  WHAT YOU ARE COVERED FOR                           Up to £5,000                                                  for any of the above reasons.
connection with: the ownership, possession or               Up to £25,000                                             Note: Unless the appropriate additional Top Up                Note: The proportionate value of costs will be
occupation of land or buildings, immobile                   In the event of the Insured Person sustaining bodily      Cancellation premium has been paid and is shown               calculated either from the date of return to the
property or caravans or trailers, any wilful or             injury arising wholly and exclusively from violent        on your Booking Invoice or Validation Certificate             Insured Person's Home Country, or from the date
malicious act, carrying on of any trade, business           accidental external and visible means which injury        (as applicable).                                              the Insured Person was hospitalised as an in-
or profession, any racing activity;                         shall solely and independently of any other cause                                                                       patient until the date they are discharged. The
e) fraudulent, dishonest or criminal acts of an             result in his/her death or disablement within twelve      Should an Insured Person necessarily have to cancel           claim will only be based on the number of full days
Insured Person or any person authorised by an               calendar months of the injury, the Insurer will pay       the projected journey before commencement or                  not used.
Insured Person;                                             the following Sums Insured:                               curtail it before completion as a result of:
                                                                                                                                                                                    Where return to an Insured Person’s Home
f) any claim resulting from venereal disease,               1. Death, or                               £5,000         1) the death, accidental bodily injury, illness,              Country is necessary in an emergency situation
sexually transmitted diseases, infection with the           2. Loss of Sight of One or Both eyes, or £25,000          compulsory quarantine on the orders of a treating             they should contact the Medical Emergency
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or Acquired                                                                        Medical Practitioner, redundancy that qualifies for           Assistance Service who may be able to assist in
                                                            3. Loss of One or More Limbs, or           £25,000        payment under current redundancy legislation,                 having existing air tickets amended.
Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS
Related Complex (ARC) howsoever this syndrome               4. Permanent Total Disablement             £25,000        cancellation of leave for British Forces, Police or
has been acquired or may be named;                          Provided that                                             government security staff, summoning to jury service              WHAT YOU ARE NOT COVERED FOR
g) any claim assumed by an Insured Person under                                                                       or witness attendance in a court of an Insured                    EXCLUSIONS APPLICABLE TO SECTION D.
                                                            A) the benefit payable under (1) above is reduced to
any contract or agreement unless such liability                                                                       Person or insured Travelling Companion.
                                                            £1,000 if the Insured Person is under 16 years of                                                                       The Insurer shall not pay for any claim directly or
would have attached in the absence of such                  age or 67 years of age or over at the time of death       2) the death, serious injury or illness of,                   indirectly caused by, arising or resulting from, or
contract or agreement;                                                                                                                                                              in connection with:
                                                            B) the total compensation in respect of any one           • a Close Relative, or
h) punitive or exemplary damages.                           Insured Person shall not exceed £25,000.                                                                                1. travel against any health requirements
                                                                                                                      • the person with whom the Insured Person intends
                                                                                                                      to reside at the holiday or journey destination, or           stipulated by the carrier, their handling agents or

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