UFO, OntoUML and its associated Tools - Giancarlo Guizzardi
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Acknowledgements • João Paulo Almeida • Fernanda Baião • Mattia Fumagalli • Nicola Guarino • Claudenir Moraes • Daniele Porello • Tiago Sales
Foundational Theories ↝ Types and Taxonomic Structures, Dependence, Events, (Part-Whole) Relations, Relations, Causality, Multi-Level Modeling, Dependence, etc…
Foundational Theories ↝ Types and Taxonomic Structures, Dependence, Events, (Part-Whole) Relations, Relations, Causality, Multi-Level Modeling, Dependence, etc…
Foundational ↝ Engineering Theories Tools Modeling Languages, Methodologies, Computational Tools, Patterns, Anti-Patterns, Code Generators, Simulators, Complexity Management Tools, Learners
Foundational ↝ Engineering Theories Tools Modeling Languages, Methodologies, Computational Tools, Patterns, Anti-Patterns, Code Generators, Simulators, Complexity Management Tools, Learners
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Foundational ↝ Engineering Theories Tools Modeling Languages, Methodologies, Computational Tools, Patterns, Anti-Patterns, Code Generators, Simulators, Complexity Management Tools, Learners
Foundational ↝ Engineering Theories Tools Modeling Languages, Methodologies, Computational Tools, Patterns, Anti-Patterns, Code Generators, Simulators, Complexity Management Tools, Learners
g; α = e ×(some mediation relations a, and of ε= a × g.constraints are illustrated in Figure 3) [10]. these Figure 8-10 Material ´mediationª ´relatorª ´mediationª Relations and their c..d R e..f founding relators (the η..λ cardinality constraints of the derived relation and axg bxh the derivation relation a..b ε..φ g..h itself can be calculated from the corresponding Everything else F in the model is aG representation of a type that these ki ´materialª mediation relations α..β /H γ..δ involving the founding can instantiate contingently. fxb dxh relators) Two alternative versions of a concrete example of this situation are depicted in figures Fig. 3. Relator 8.11.a Relations and Material and 8.11.bPattern. below. However, due to the lack of expressivity of the traditional UML association notation, these two models seem to Since the formal convey modeling primitives(from the same information of this the language perspectivecan only of the appear material following these relation patterns, these patterns end supervised-by), up beingthey although the actual modeling describe primitivesdifferent completely of the language. As a consequence, modelingAsindiscussed conceptualizations. OntoUML is done in section by the 6.3.3, the benefits chainedofapplication explicitly of these ontologicalrepresenting patterns [19]. relator Thisuniversals instead of inmerely idea is illustrated Figurerepresenting 4. We startmaterial by modeling the relations, becomes even more evident in n-ary relations with n > type Customer. We first identify that a Customer is a RoleMixin: instances of Custom-2. Figure 8-11 er can be different kinds (people and organizations); ´mediationª 1..* ´relatorª Customer is an anti-rigid type (no ´mediationª ´mediationª ´relatorª ´mediationª Customer Examplification of how is necessity1..* a Customer); Assignment 1..* in order1..*for someone 1..* to be a 1..* Assignment Customer, she has to relators can purchase disambiguate two something from a Supplier. In applying the RoleMixin pattern of Figure 2.c, 1..* 1 we identify conceptualizations that the´roleª presence 1..* of two phases ´materialª 1..* ´roleª (Living Person 1 ´roleª and Active ´materialª Organization), 1 ´kindª a role in the standard UML (Supplier, notation would have the which is assumed GraduateStudent /supervised-by 1..* to1..*be played by entities of1..*the Supervisor GraduateStudent unique /supervised-by 1..* kind Organization) Supervisor (b) and a relation (purchases from). same interpretation (a) We then expand this model by applying to phases and roles the patterns of Figure 2.a and 2.b, respectively. Finally, we apply the pattern of Once more we should highlight that the relator individual is the actual Figure 3 to instantiation the materialofrelation purchases from. the corresponding relational property (the objectified This strategy of relation). building models Material relations standby the successive merely instantiation for the of facts of these derived from the patterns Fig 1. has been implemented Representing in the relator individual andnew the possibility version entities. its mediating of the OntoUML change editor. Therefore, we for claim This Endurants approach can that the representation bring several benefits toofconceptual the relators modeling. of material relations must have Firstly, since theseprimacy overare the rep- patterns the of representation resentationThis ontological of the material theories, relations themselves. the construction In otherbywords, of models the instantiating these modeling languag model representation of figure of ´materialª 1 relations is represented in a conceptual patterns preserves ontological consistency by can be omittedThis construction. but can whenever a also facilitate the process oftoUML [9]. This model building, language especially has been to novice users. designis to The hypothesis thatreflect in each the ontological dis step of theaxiomatization modeling activity, theput forth solution spacebythatthe UnifiedtheFoundational characterizes possible choices Ontology (UFO) [ of modeling primitives to be adopted is reduced. This strategy, in turn, reduces the cognitive ticular, load of thethis modelerlanguage has as modeling and, consequently, the complexityprimitives of model buildingthose that represent on using this tinctions language [19]. between Moreover,all thisthe aforementioned strategy sorts oftotypes also brings more uniformity the (e.g., kinds, pha models (which become described in terms of known patterns) and provides for a natu- mixins, relators). Figure 1 represents the possibility of change, i.e., how
2.b. Everything else in the model is a representation of a type t (b) can instantiate contingently. ase Partition Pattern (b) and the RoleMixin Pattern (c). y the variation of these ontological meta-properties can also be 1..* s. One example is the notion of a RoleMixin. A RoleMixin is a 1..* -rigid and relationally dependent. In other words, the RoleMix- and, hence, is subject to many of the same constraints of the r, unlike a role, a RoleMixin classify entities that instantiate obey different principles of identity). Once more, the ontolog- oleMixin cause it to manifest in OntoUML necessarily follow- depicted in Figure 2.c. Like Roles, RoleMixins must be con- ng relation with an opposite association having a minimum ual to one (symbolizing the Figrelational dependence 1. Representing condition). the possibility of change for Endurants ixins classify entities of different kinds, they must be parti- ecializing sortals (roles), each This of which model of classify figure 1entities of a is represented in a conceptual model toUML [9]. This language has been design to reflect the ont
(symbolizing the relational dependence condition). Likewise, the ontological axioms defining phases cause the manifestation of its construct in OntoUML to obey neces- sarily the pattern of fig. 2.b. Everything else in the model is a representation of a type that these kinds of th can instantiate contingently. (a) (b) Fig. 2. Role Pattern (a), Phase Partition Pattern (b) and the RoleMixin Pattern (c). Distinctions generated by the variation of these 1..* ontological meta-properties can also be found among non-sortals. One example is the 1..* notion of a RoleMixin. A RoleMixin is a non-sortal, which is anti-rigid and relationally dependent. In other words, the RoleMix- in category is similar to and, hence, is subject to many of the same constraints of the Role category. However, unlike a role, a RoleMixin classify entities that instantiate different kinds (and that obey different principles of identity). Once more, the ontolog- Fig 1. Representing ical axioms defining a RoleMixin cause it tothemanifest possibilityinofOntoUML change for Endurants necessarily follow- ing a particular pattern depicted in Figure 2.c. Like Roles, RoleMixins must be con- nected to a characterizingThis modelwith relation of figure 1 is represented an opposite in a conceptual association having a modeling minimumlanguage termed toUML [9]. This language has been design to reflect the ontological distinctions cardinality higher or equal to one (symbolizing the relational dependence condition). axiomatization put forth by the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) [9,13]. In However, since RoleMixins classify entities of different kinds, they must be parti- ticular, this language has as modeling primitives those that represent ontological tioned in a series of specializing tinctions sortals between(roles), each of whichsorts all the aforementioned classify entities of types (e.g., of a phase, roles, kinds, particular kind [10]. mixins, relators). Figure 1 represents the possibility of change, i.e., how things co Finally, in UFO, we have a fundamental possibly distinction be for the entities that are between assumed theto so-called formal exist in this domain (i.e., people and material relations. A ganizations, formal relation is acar cars and relation rentals).thatIn holds directly the this approach, between OntoUML its model of figu relata and that is reduciblecan to intrinsic properties be automatically of these translated to relata. Take,representation knowledge for instance,languages the such as O
Foundational ↝ Engineering Theories Tools Modeling Languages, Methodologies, Computational Tools, Patterns, Anti-Patterns, Code Generators, Simulators, Complexity Management Tools, Learners
Foundational ↝ Engineering Theories Tools Modeling Languages, Methodologies, Computational Tools, Patterns, Anti-Patterns, Code Generators, Simulators, Complexity Management Tools, Learners
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(Economic Agreement) (Economic Agreement)
Economi (Economic Agreement)
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ces of T1 are subject to different cardinality ubtypes SBTj. An example in the model of The Emerging Anti-Pattern: Relation l Investigation can have at least two Detec- Between Overlapping Types (RelOver) in. ating the (a) AC, (b) IA and (c) RWOR.
Foundational ↝ Engineering Theories Tools Modeling Languages, Methodologies, Computational Tools, Patterns, Anti-Patterns, Code Generators, Simulators, Complexity Management Tools, Learners
Foundational ↝ Engineering Theories Tools Modeling Languages, Methodologies, Computational Tools, Patterns, Anti-Patterns, Code Generators, Simulators, Complexity Management Tools, Learners
Conceptual Model Clustering: A Relator-Centric Approach 7
packages with the homonymous focal relator. As one can observe, the original model can be broken down into four contexts, namely: the Car Rental, the Marriage, the Car Ownership, and the Employment contexts. Each of these modules contains a view of the original model with all the information required to understand each of the contexts. Fig. 2 An RCC for the model of Figure 1 organized as (Onto)UML packages. The Car Rental RC shows the roles (and role mixin) directly mediated by the Car Rental relator (Responsible Employee, Rental Car, Customer). The kinds involved are made explicit: Person, Car and Organization (when playing the role of Corpo-
Foundational ↝ Engineering Theories Tools Modeling Languages, Methodologies, Computational Tools, Patterns, Anti-Patterns, Code Generators, Simulators, Complexity Management Tools, Learners
https://github.com/ OntoUML/ontouml-vp- plugin
Some References • Guizzardi, G., Wagner, G., Almeida, J.P.A., Guizzardi, R.S.S., Towards Ontological Foundation for Conceptual Modeling: The Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) Story, Applied Ontology, IOS Press, 2015. • Guizzardi, G., Ontological Patterns, Anti-Patterns and Pattern Languages for Next-Generation Conceptual Modeling, invited companion paper to the Keynote Speech delivered at the 33rd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2014), Atlanta, USA. • Guizzardi, G. ,Ontological Foundations for Structural Conceptual Models, Telematica Instituut Fundamental Research Series No. 15, ISBN 90-75176-81-3, 2005. • Ruy, F., Guizzardi, G., Falbo, R., Reginato, C.C., Santos, V.A., From Reference Ontologies to Ontology Patterns and Back, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier, 2017. • Sales. T.P., Guizzardi, G., Ontological Anti-Patterns: Empirically Uncovered Error-Prone Structures in Ontology-Driven Conceptual Models, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier, 2015. • Almeida, J.P.A., Guizzardi, G., Sales, T.P., Falbo, R.A., "gUFO: A Lightweight Implementation of the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO)", Technical Report, 2020. • Guizzardi, G., Fonseca, C., Almeida, J.P., Sales, T.P., Benevides, A.B., Porello, D., Types and Taxonomic Structures in Conceptual Modeling: A Novel Ontological Theory and Engineering Support, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier (accepted, forthcoming, 2021). • Guizzardi, G., Sales, T.P., Almeida, J.P., Poels, G., Relational Contexts and Conceptual Model Clustering, 13th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (PoEM 2020), Riga, 2020. • Guizzardi, G., Figueredo, G., Hedblom, M., Poels, G., Ontology-Based Model Abstraction, IEEE 13th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2019), Brussels, Belgium, 2019. • Guizzardi, G.; Wagner, G.; Guarino, N.; van Sinderen, M., An Ontologically Well-Founded Profile for UML Conceptual Models, 16th International Conference on Advances in Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE), Latvia, 2004.Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
gguizzardi@unibz.it g.guizzardi@utwente.nl
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