UCL Careers Guide 2020/21 - UCL CAREERS

Page created by Carol Schwartz
UCL Careers Guide 2020/21 - UCL CAREERS

UCL Careers Guide 2020/21 - UCL CAREERS
UCL Careers
                             This publication can be
4th Floor Student Central    provided in alternative
Malet Street                 formats upon request to
London                       UCL Careers. Please email
WC1E 7HY                     careers@ucl.ac.uk
                             or telephone
                             020 3549 5900.
Tel 020 3549 5900
Website ucl.ac.uk/careers   Disclaimer: Please note that
Email careers@ucl.ac.uk     photographs and videos may be
                            taken at all UCL Careers events for
Twitter @UCLCareers
                            use in future publicity. Please speak
Instagram UCLCareers        to a member of UCL Careers staff if
Facebook /UCLCareers        you have any questions or concerns.
UCL Careers Guide 2020/21 - UCL CAREERS


How we can help you       2

Welcome to UCL Careers    3

Connect with us           4

Careers Extra             5

Explore your options      7

Find opportunities       10

Internships and jobs     14

Events                   19

Prepare to apply         25

Specialist support       30

Researchers              35

Graduates                37
UCL Careers Guide 2020/21 - UCL CAREERS

    How we can help you

    Our team of experienced career          and to undertake work experience
    professionals is dedicated to helping   or internships. We also help you
    you find the right path to ensure       consider your options through our
    success in your future career. We       events, workshops and one-to-one
    have regular contact with employers     guidance services. We are here to
    and gather labour market information    help you find your future and we
    so that we can give you the best and    look forward to meeting you either
    most up to date advice, no matter       on-line or in person.
    what your starting point or ambition.
    We are here, not just to help you
    find graduate jobs or further study
    positions, but to advise you on
    the opportunities you have now —
    during your time at UCL. We will help
    you to develop employability skills
UCL Careers Guide 2020/21 - UCL CAREERS

Welcome to UCL Careers

Online resources — The UCL
Careers website will direct you to
a wide range of curated resources
related to your career planning,
helping you quickly identify key
starting points for the areas you’re
Employer connections —                             Play video:
We are connected to almost 8,000                   youtu.be/M3XZVIOBBG4
employers in the UK and around the
world. Recruiters and employers
engage with us, throughout the year
to participate in a range of careers
events and activities.

                                           average starting
Connect with us — Contact us and
                                            salary for UCL
talk to a careers professional about       undergraduates
your options. We can help you with
the application process and guide
you on how to build a portfolio of
experience, so that you’re in a better                   £28,000
position to access opportunities in                        average starting
                                                         salary for UCL taught
your chosen field.                                          postgraduates

                                         average starting salary
                                            for UCL doctoral
UCL Careers Guide 2020/21 - UCL CAREERS

    Connect with us

    myUCLCareers is the online portal
    where you can:
     ww Book an appointment
     ww View our events calendar
                                                      number of countries
     ww Access our vacancy board                    students come from to
                                                     study at UCL 2018/19
     ww Sign up to our Careers
     ww Set your personal preferences for
        news and communications
    Careers newsletter — Sign-up
    to receive our newsletter and
                                                      overall ranking in
    stay informed of our upcoming                    QS World University
                                                       Rankings 2021
    opportunities, events and features
    from employers and staff.
    Follow us on social media:
                                                      employer reputation
                                                    ranking award to UCL in
    Careers YouTube — Subscribe to                    QS World University
    our YouTube channel for engaging                    Rankings 2021
    videos on all things careers!

                                            Play video:
UCL Careers Guide 2020/21 - UCL CAREERS

Careers Extra

UCL Careers Extra is a programme      Students signed up to UCL Careers
of additional activities and support for
                                      Extra are automatically added to a
UK undergraduate students (home fee   circulation list for targeted employer
status) from the following groups:    events and programmes. They can
                                      also apply for bursaries to help cover
 ww neither parent went to university
                                      the cost of undertaking internships,
    and you went to a UK state school
                                      work experience or volunteering, and
 ww care experienced
                                      can access preferential booking for
 ww carer
                                      some UCL Careers events, longer
 ww disabled
                                      careers appointments (with easier
 ww household income below
                                      booking) and extra careers events
    £25,000 (as declared to Student
                                      that are exclusive to UCL Careers
    Finance England)
                                      Extra students.
 ww black african, black caribbean
    or mixed black african/white or   ucl.ac.uk/careers/extra
    black caribbean/white
 ww received an Access UCL offer
UCL Careers Guide 2020/21 - UCL CAREERS

    Fareeha Masood, UK                     experience early on. It’ll help you
                                           understand your likes and dislikes
    BA History, 2020                       better, and the skills you gain are
    1. What useful things have you         generally transferrable so will be
    done to find work-experience or        useful in securing future jobs and
    work in your chosen field?             opportunities.
    As I’m not yet certain what field I
    want to work in, I’ve found applying   3. Why did you take part in an
    to spring weeks in my first year of    internship?
    university really helpful. Word-of-    I took part in an internship to get
    mouth is crucial in finding these      a taste of what it would be like
    opportunities, so ask around           to work in a certain sector, and
    your peers and careers advisors        decide if this is the field for me
    to point you towards companies         before pursuing it as a career.
    and organisations that offer such      4. What’s the most useful skill
    schemes.                               you’ve got from work experience
    2. What advice would you give to       or volunteering?
    fellow students on starting their      I’ve learnt how to present and
    search for work?                       share my ideas better. A good idea
    Even if you’re unsure of what you      can only make a difference if you’re
    want to do, try and get some           able to get others on board, so this
                                           has been a great skill to practice.
                                           5. Have you taken part in any
                                           UCL Careers events such a fair
                                           or skills session? If so, what did
                  I’ve found               you gain from them?
      the panel discussions                I’ve found the panel discussions
      organised by UCL                     organised by UCL Careers to be
      Careers to be helpful in             helpful in understanding the day-
      understanding the day-               to-day nature of specific job roles
      to-day nature of specific            within a sector, as well as gaining
      job roles within a sector,           a long-term view of typical career
      as well as gaining a                 progression in the sector being
      long-term view of typical            discussed.
      career progression in the
      sector being discussed.”
UCL Careers Guide 2020/21 - UCL CAREERS

Explore your options

  Where to start                        that exist in different sectors and
Some people know exactly what           industries. By looking at yourself and
they want to do from an early age.      researching your options, you will
Others haven’t got a clue!              be in a better position to find your
Whether you know what sort of
career you’re looking for, or don’t     Finally, you will need to learn more
know where to start, you may find       about the job application process,
it useful to think more deeply about    and how to succeed when applying
the sort of person you are, and what    for opportunities. Don’t forget, UCL
sort of work would suit you best.       Careers is here to help you at each
                                        stage along the way.
The next step is to look at the
options that are available to you, by   ucl.ac.uk/careers/options
exploring the jobs and career paths
UCL Careers Guide 2020/21 - UCL CAREERS

                                          ww connect with people in the jobs
                                             and sectors that interest you, so
                                             that you can find out what their
                                             work is really like — to assist
                                             you with this, you might find
                                             it useful to attend one of our
                                             LinkedIn workshops or you could
                                             utilise the UCL alumni mentoring
      Self-awareness                         service (ucl.ac.uk/careers/
    You can get a better idea of your        options/mentoring)
    strengths and weaknesses from our     ww be open to ideas and suggestions
    personality profiling workshops.         and you will have more
    Understanding your personality           opportunities to choose from
    — and how you relate to other         ww work out what you don’t want to
    people — will give you an insight        do and think about the reasons
    into the types of work, and working      why — this can help you refine
    environments, that suit you best.        your choices
                                          ww think about the skills and
    At UCL Careers, we use the
                                             qualifications you need to be
    Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
                                             successful in a particular role
    profiling tool.
                                             or sector, and consider what
    Find out more at: ucl.ac.uk/             you need to do to ensure you
    careers/self-awareness                   have the right experience and
                                             employability skills to improve
      Explore options                        your chances of success
    Most people find that connecting with
    people in various roles and exploring ucl.ac.uk/careers/explore
    the range of career options available ucl.ac.uk/careers/occupations
    to be a key step towards finding the
    best fit for their skills, preferences,
    values and personality. To give you
    some ideas of how to start exploring
                          your options,
                               UCL Careers

                                suggests you
                                 consider the
      number of individual       following
       appointments with         top tips:
      career professionals
           in 2018/19

Kam Hussain, UK                       won’t readily find on
                                      other job platforms.
BA Geography, 2019                    There are super-hot
Business Development                  London startups
Executive, RedOptima                  exclusively targeting
                                      UCL students
1. How did you get to where you
are now in your career?
                                      the Santander
I currently work in sales and
                                      scheme so make use of it!
marketing at an AI startup after
impressing at an Edtech startup       I also made use of the CV check-
which was based in the same co-       in service with a UCL Careers
working space. I also interned at     Consultant.
a FoodTech startup. These initial
opportunities were provided by
UCL Careers (via the Summer
Internship Scheme).
2. What skills are involved in your
                                                   I used
current role?                           myUCLCareers to
 I need to be accountable and           successfully apply
detail oriented – I need to deal        to two tech startups.
with multiple people from various
organisations – so I have to be on
                                        I can’t advocate
top of remembering names and            for this platform
understanding contact history           enough. There are
(through record keeping and             unique opportunities
                                        advertised by large
3. Were you able to make use of         companies as well as
our careers service at UCL? If
so, how did it help you?
                                        local opportunities
I used myUCLCareers to                  at startups that you
successfully apply to two tech          won’t readily find on
startups. I can’t advocate for          other job platforms.”
this platform enough. There are
unique opportunities advertised by
large companies as well as local
opportunities at startups that you

     Find opportunities

     Once you have a better idea of           ww you can search from thousands
     the direction you’d like to go              of vacancies in the UK and
     in, you should start exploring              abroad and apply for them online
     opportunities — internships, part-       ww the ‘Vacancies’ tab displays
     time opportunities, full-time jobs and      opportunities where you can
     volunteering — that might help you          apply directly to employers, while
     on your way.                                the ‘UCL Managed Opportunities’
                                                 tab will show you roles you can
      Looking for work with                      apply for through UCL Careers.
     myUCLCareers                             ww you can also find any role
     myUCLCareers is regularly updated           (Vacancy or Managed
     with amazing opportunities from             Opportunity) by using the filters
     different sectors and employers —           on the left-hand side when
     including some who are specifically         viewing vacancies
     looking for UCL candidates.

Katie Robinson, UK                     from the other side
                                       on their impressive
MA Cultural Heritage                   sustainability
Studies, 2019                          initiatives!
Sustainability                         2. What advice
Engagement                             would you give to
Kick-starter,                          current students on
Sustainable UCL                        getting into your sector?
                                       Be open-minded towards change.
1. Were you able to make use of
                                       The climate crisis is evolving
our careers service at UCL? If
                                       continuously and climate scientists
so, how did it help you?
                                       are learning as we go. Being
UCL Careers was integral in finding comfortable in this changing
and then securing my current role. climate will suit you well in this
I signed up for the Careers weekly sector.
vacancy updates, filtered for terms
like ‘culture’, ‘art’, ‘heritage’, but
most importantly ‘sustainability’
and ‘environment’.
Once I found this internship, I
                                                     I wouldn’t
booked an ‘Applications Advice
Appointment’ with the Careers            have found the
team who helped me finesse my            vacancy without UCL
Cover Letter and ensure I was             Careers and might
showcasing the most relevant
information. I then booked another
                                         never have secured
‘Short Guidance Appointment’ for         it without the teams’
interview advice. Confessing that        help. I now work
I am not particularly confident or       with them from
eloquent in such situations, the
careers consultant was incredibly
                                         the other side on
helpful, offering me tailored advice     their impressive
on how best to approach it.              sustainability
I wouldn’t have found the vacancy        initiatives!”
without UCL Careers and might
never have secured it without the
teams’ help. I now work with them

     When you set up a myUCLCareers
     account, you can set your
     preferences to include the sectors
     you’re interested in. Your own
     personal dashboard will highlight
     the vacancies that match your
     You can also sign up for daily or
     weekly careers emails. These
     will alert you to all the latest
     opportunities that might interest you.

Emily Niner, UK                       3. Were you able to
                                      make use of our
BA French & Russian,
                                      careers service at
2016                                  UCL? If so, how did
Participation Manager,                it help you?
Ambitious about Autism                I did the Santander
1. How did you get to where you       Summer Internship
are now in your career?               Scheme for 12 weeks. As this
                                      scheme was paid, it meant that
During my time at UCL I did three
                                      I was able to stay in London and
internships during the summer
                                      do interviews for a full-time post,
breaks, my final one through the
                                      which I achieved in July 2016.
UCL Summer Internship Scheme.
By working at three different       4. What advice would you give to
charities, I was able to work out   current students on getting into
what type of role I wanted in the   your sector?
charity sector and developed skills Volunteer experience is key. By
that allowed me to gain my first    gaining volunteer experience you
full-time role.                     can work out which area you want
                                    to work in; my internships showed
2. What skills are involved in your me that I didn’t want to work in a
current role?                       fundraising team and that I much
My role is very varied; in a single preferred frontline work.
week I could be running panels
and projects for young autistic
people, speaking at a conference
on autism or writing reports and
creating practical resources. To
succeed in this role, you need to                     I did the
be open to consistently learning       Santander Summer
more about autism and special          Internship Scheme
educational needs. You also need       for 12 weeks. As this
to be passionate about improving       scheme was paid, it
things for the group of people you     meant that I was able to
work with and resilient in the face    stay in London and do
of challenges. Working in a small
                                       interviews for a full-time
charity also means that you have
to help out in other areas such as
                                       post, which I achieved in
running events or writing bids for     July 2016.”
project work.

         number of job
      vacancies advertised
        between August
        2019 & July 2020

     Internships and jobs

       UCL Careers Summer                Internship Scheme is supported by
                                         Santander Universities, which means
     Internship Scheme*
                                         your work can be paid at the London
     If you are a finalist or a recent
                                         Living Wage.
     graduate you could spend your 2021
     summer break getting paid to work  Further details about the scheme will
     as an intern for an SME in London  be released in the new year.
     via our UCL Careers Summer
                                        Don’t forget to set your
     Internship Scheme.
                                        myUCLCareers preferences to
     From March 2021, you’ll be able    receive updates if you’d like to be
     to browse exclusive opportunities  among the first to hear about these
     for UCL students and graduates     opportunities.
     across a range of sectors, using
     the Managed Opportunities tab on
     myUCLCareers. The Summer
                                         *2020/21 schemes to be confirmed with Santander

Sophia Karski, UK                      an oversees
                                       organisation, which
BA German & Spanish,                   helped a lot and is
2020                                   also a great addition
1. Why did you take part in an         to my CV and HEAR
internship? What did you do            Report!
during your internship?
                                       4. Have you taken
As a language student, I was
                                       part in any UCL Careers events
always keen on gaining experience
                                       such as fair or skills session?
abroad. Since English is in such
                                       If so, what did you gain from
high demand across the world, I
was able to teach English in Japan
                                       I was a participant of the UCL
and gain experience as a Technical
                                       Global Citizenship Employability
Translator in Germany.
                                       Programme at the end of my 2nd
2. What’s the most useful skill        year, which helped boost my CV
you developed during your              and cover letter writing skills. I also
internship? What did you find          attended CV writing workshops
most challenging, and most             which were very insightful.
Through my internships abroad, I
was able to build an international
network of professional contacts
whilst also gaining experience                       Through
within the education and translation     my internships abroad,
industries from the perspective          I was able to build an
of another country. The most             international network
challenging thing was balancing          of professional contacts
work whilst exploring a new city.        whilst also gaining
The most rewarding was definitely
                                         experience within
a boost in self-confidence!
                                         the education and
3. Have you been able to make            translation industries
use of UCL Careers, if so how            from the perspective
did it help?                             of another country.”
Through the UCL Global Internship
Programme, I was also granted
bursaries during two summers
for sourcing an internship at

      Internships in                                   Funding may be available to
                                                       support students with going
     UCL Start ups*                                    overseas, so check our website for
     UCL Careers are working with
                                                       the most up to date information.
     Innovation & Enterprise to develop
     a scheme for internships with the                 ucl.ac.uk/careers/global-
     start-up companies within BaseKX.                 internships
     When available, more information
     will be at: ucl.ac.uk/careers/find-
                                                         UCL Unitemps
     opportunities/work-opportunities                  UCL Unitemps manages the
                                                       recruitment of student ambassadors
     *2020/21 schemes to be confirmed with Santander
                                                       and other roles on campus that are
      Global Internships                               often undertaken by UCL students.
     Programme                                         unitemps.com/UCL-candidates
     Undertaking an internship outside
     of the UK and in a country that is                 Students’ Union
     new to you offers numerous benefits               UCL Jobshop
     including:                                        If you’re looking for work to fit
                                                       around your studies, you might want
      ww developing your cultural
                                                       to find casual temporary, part-time
                                                       and seasonal vacancies from the
      ww building a global network                     Students’ Union UCL Jobshop.
      ww increasing your confidence
                                                       You will need to log in with your UCL
     To support you with making this                   ID and password.
     exciting step of working overseas,
     UCL Careers has developed a
     Global Internships Programme. The                   Jobs at UCL
     aim of the programme is to connect
                                                       You can browse current vacancies
     students with organisations who are
                                                       at UCL — both academic and
     looking to recruit summer interns
                                                       administrative — on the UCL Human
     from UCL, while also encouraging
                                                       Resources page. The search facility
     students to source their own
                                                       allows you to filter results according
                                                       to your interests, apply for roles
     Opportunities will be added to                    online and sign up for email alerts.
     myUCLCareers, and you can use          ucl.ac.uk/careers/jobsites
     resources such as our digital careers
     library and GoinGlobal to find out
     more about working in other countries.

                                        You can also search for internships
                                        and other global vacancies on
                                        myUCLCareers, by filtering your
                                        search by country or region. See
                                        more information on our website:

  Working abroad
We can help connect you to the
opportunities you want in the UK
or overseas.
If you’re thinking of working or
studying abroad – either during or
after your time at UCL – you can
take take advantage of our events         Volunteering
and online resources.
                                        Build new skills and meet new
Resources on our website offer          people with the Volunteering Service.
guides to different countries and
                                        Volunteering is a fantastic way to
information about studying abroad.
                                        develop your skills while connecting
You will find links to resources such   with other people from across
as our digital careers library — an     London. Whatever sector you’re
online careers library that you can     thinking of for your career, employers
search for more detailed information    really value volunteering experience
about working and studying in a         — it shows commitment, flexibility
specific country.                       and a spirit of adventure.
You can even use your UCL login and     As a UCL student, you’ve got access
password to access GoinGlobal, with     to a great range of volunteering
advice for more than 30 countries,      roles, with over 500 opportunities
covering everything from adapting       on offer. The Volunteering Service
your CV to cultural awareness.          — based in Students’ Union UCL —
                                        is one of the biggest departments
                                        of its kind in the UK, helping you find
                                        volunteering opportunities that are
                                        just right for you.

       Further study                          Competitions and
     Some people embark on further           business challenges
     or postgraduate study after their       Think you could beat other
     degree to help them progress in their   students from across the UK
     career. Others love their subject and
                                             and around the world to win
     want to study it in greater depth,
                                             great prizes, and even paid work
     to further their academic interest.
                                             experience with top companies?
     If you are considering further or
     postgraduate study the following        Get involved with one of the
     links and services will help you find   many competitions and business
     the right course.                       challenges running across industries
                                             such as Marketing, Journalism,
     Explore more:
                                             Financial Trading, Project
     explore-further-study                   Management and more!
     Find opportunities:
     For information and advice on
     funding, take a look at the UCL
     Financial Assistance page, which
     has links to information on doctoral
     fellowships, scholarships and prizes,
     as well as the Financial Assistance

    student footfall at
      Careers Fairs

                                         student footfall at
                                        UCL Careers events

Start exploring your ideas in
more depth at one of our many
employer events.
Meet employers and UCL alumni to
hear them talk about their careers
in a wide range of different sectors,
and the skills and attributes you
need to be successful.

                                        number of employer
                                           led events

                                                Management Consultancy Fair
                                                Tuesday 6 October 2020

                                                Life & Health Sciences Fair
                                                Monday 12–Friday 16 October 2020
       Careers fairs                            Various time slots available
     Would you like to talk, one to
     one, with employers who might
     be interested in hiring you?               Banking, Finance &
                                                Economics Fair
     We run sector specific Careers
     Fairs, to give you the opportunity         Tuesday 13 October 2020
     to meet employers and graduate             5–8pm
     recruiters who are looking to hire
     UCL graduates.
     By talking to representatives from         IT & Technology Fair
     a range of recruiting organisations        Wednesday 21 October 2020
     you will get a better idea of what         5–8pm
     it’s like to work in a particular sector
     or company, and whether it’s right
     for you.                             Engineering &
     As a UCL student or graduate, you’re Built Environment Fair
     welcome to attend all UCL Careers    Monday 26 October 2020
     Fairs, no matter which course you    5–8pm
     are studying.
     All of our Careers Fairs take place
     in the evening. Please refer to our        Law Fair
     website for booking arrangements           Monday 2 November 2020,
     and you can also sign up for the           5–8pm
     UCL Careers newsletter:
     All Fairs for 2020 will be
     held online.

Lara Diskus, France                     job hunt, interview or
                                        entry-level position.
MA Modern European                      As a postgraduate
Studies, 2016                           student, I made sure
International Publishing                I attended events
                                        such as fairs or
and Licensing Executive,
                                        lectures, where I had
Dorling Kindersley                      the chance to meet
(Penguin Random House)                  people working in various fields.
1. How did you get to where you         Hearing their advice and first-hand
are now in your career?                 experience was extremely beneficial:
Throughout my studies, I used           it not only built my network, but also
every summer to gain work               gave me an accurate depiction of
experience. I did a 3-month             their working life, which ultimately
internship in a cruising company        guided my own choices.
in my hometown, which led me
                                        3. If you could give a current
to work part-time as Sales and
                                        student one piece of advice on
Operations Officer in their London
                                        something you wish you’d have
branch during my MA at UCL.
                                        known prior to starting your
Thanks to the transferrable skills I
                                        career what would it be?
developed during this experience,
                                        Rejection is part of the process of
I was able to secure a job in the
                                        starting out on the job market. It
industry I always had my eye on:
                                        isn’t necessarily a reflection of the
publishing. I started as Assistant in
                                        application’s quality, or a take on
Dorling Kindersley’s International
                                        the applicant’s suitability for the job.
Publishing and Licensing
department, and I was promoted to
an executive role within 2 years. My
career path to date shows that key
skills can be extracted from every
experience and greatly benefit one’s                   As a
professional development.                  postgraduate student,
                                           I made sure I attended
2. Were you able to make use               events such as fairs or
of UCL Careers? If so, how did
                                           lectures, where I had the
it help you?
                                           chance to meet people
UCL Careers offer many
                                           working in various fields.”
opportunities to prepare for a first

     Serena Bhandari, UK                     to witness it
                                             and get used
     MSc Science, Technology                 to the different
     & Society, 2019                         norms as
     1. What useful things have you          part of work
     done to find work-experience or         experience
     work in your chosen field?              was definitely
     I applied for advertised work           useful.
     experience schemes and sent out
                                             4. Did you attend any UCL
     speculative emails as well. My
                                             Careers events?
     boss from an internship during my
                                             I went to the Management
     undergraduate actually ended up
                                             Consultancy Fair at the start of
     offering me my first post-grad job.
                                             term 1 2019 and actually found
     2. What advice would you give to        most of the places I applied to
     fellow students on starting their       there – including the job I’ll be
     search for work?                        starting in September.
     It’s hard work, but keep trying.
     Speculative emails to smaller
     companies you’re interested in
     especially can pay off. Also, get
     other people to give you feedback
     on your cover letters and CV,
                                                             I went
     whether they’re your parents, friends
     or someone else. I had a couple of
                                                to the Management
     UCL careers appointments for this,         Consultancy Fair at the
     as well as talking to people at the        start of term 1 2019 and
     student newspaper I wrote for.             actually found most of
                                                the places I applied to
     3. What’s the most useful skill            there – including the
     you’ve got from work experience
                                                job I’ll be starting in
     or volunteering?
     Definitely learning to network and
     having conversations with senior
     colleagues has been useful. I feel
     like the power dynamic between
     students and lecturers/teachers is
     very different to that between junior
     and senior employees so being able

  Jobs Market 2021                   Government & Policy Week
Your last chance in the year to      26-30 October 2020
meet employers recruiting for roles  Museums, Arts & Cultural
starting soon. Keep up to date about Heritage Week
the Jobs Market held at the end of   16–20 November 2020
the Summer term:
                                     Media Week
                                     30 November–4 December 2020
                                     Charities & NGOs Week
                                     27–31 January 2021
                                     International Development Week
                                     3–7 February 2021
                                     Careers in Health Week
                                     10–14 February 2021
                                     Sustainability Fortnight
                                     24 February–6 March 2021
  Themed Weeks
During the Autumn and Spring         Life & Health Sciences Week
terms, we run a programme of         9–13 March 2021
Themed Weeks covering a variety of   Make sure to book your place
industry sectors which are popular   for each week’s events on
with UCL students.                   myUCLCareers. To find them, go to
With a mix of panel discussions,     the events section of myUCLCareers
presentations and networking         and filter by event type.
events, Themed Weeks are an             ucl.ac.uk/careers/themed-weeks
ideal opportunity for you to learn
more about a particular sector from
industry professionals, UCL alumni,
and careers professionals to give you
a better understanding of what you
need to succeed in a particular sector.          2,375
                                             attendance at Careers
Themed Week events will be                       Themed Weeks
online during the autumn term
and reviewed in the spring.

                                              attendees at
                                            Career Essentials
       Researchers programme                   workshops
     In collaboration with The Doctoral
     Skills Development Programme and
     UCL Organisational Development,
     UCL Careers provides an extensive
     programme of careers events
     for UCL’s researcher community,
     (Research Assistants, Research
     Students (MRes & PhD) and
                                               number of
     Postdoctoral Research Staff). Events   Career Essentials
     include forums, networking sessions,      workshops
     Q&A’s, workshops, practical skills
     sessions and career tasters, all led
     by employers specifically engaged
     with researchers. This programme is
     aimed at all researchers looking to
     explore their career options.

Prepare to apply

Whatever you apply for, there’s       Career Essentials
support available for the whole    Online
process; from writing applications Access careers know-how when
to completing aptitude tests,      you need it with our e-learning and
or preparing for interviews and    interactive guides.
assessment centres.
                                          Our six-module course is designed
                                          to help you learn how to market
                                          yourself in your CV, applications
                                          and interviews; to understand the
                                          graduate job market; and to explore
                                          your options and source jobs and
                                          work experience.
                                          Courses comprise of information,
                                          video tutorials, interactive quizzes
  Career Essentials                       and exercises, action sets and key
A series of Careers Consultant led        resources to help you move forward
lunchtime talks and workshops,            and take ownership of your future.
covering topics such as writing
your CV or cover letter, job hunting,
networking, career planning and
preparing for interviews and                        I found Career
assessment centres.                         Essentials Online very
                                            useful in my preparations
Career Essentials gives you the             for recent interviews and an
chance to engage with all aspects           assessment centre. Videos
of careers management, no matter            of typical answers were
where you are in your careers thinking.     especially helpful to come
                                            up with well structured
Career Essentials will be online            answers. I succeeded in
during the autumn term and                  my assessment centre
reviewed in the spring.                     and received an offer
                                            from JP Morgan.”
ucl.ac.uk/careers/career-                   UCL Postgraduate
essentials                                  student 2018

     Oris Shenyan, UK                         3. What
                                              advice would
     MSc Cognitive                            you give
     Neuroscience, 2019                       to current
     Associate, HEOR                          students on
                                              getting into
     and Access (Health
                                              your sector?
     Economist), FIECON                       Internships in any field are
     1. How did you get to where you          invaluable. Even if you don’t end
     are now in your career?                  up pursuing an internship in your
     Both my BSc and MSc                      desired field, they help you to
     dissertations involved a lot of          understand what you enjoy in a job.
     statistics and programming, which
     I ended up enjoying a lot. I knew        4. If you could give a current
     it was important for my career to        student one piece of advice on
     utilise those analytical skills, but I   something you wish you’d have
     also wanted a career where I could       known prior to starting your
     communicate my findings on a day         career what would it be?
     to day basis. Most importantly,          Don’t be scared to try lots of
     I wanted a job which would               different things. Putting yourself
     ultimately help people in some way.      out there might be scary at first,
     I think my interdisciplinary skills      but its almost always worth it. If
     and interests really paved the way       its not, then at least you learned
     to my role at FIECON.                    something from it.

     2. Were you able to make use of
     UCL Careers? If so, how did it
     help you?
     Yes, I had an appointment with
     UCL careers shortly after beginning
     my MSc. I feel like the trajectory                      It was
     for a lot of people pursuing               reassuring for me to
     postgraduate education especially          know that there were
     was a PhD, but I wasn’t sure that          lots of different sectors
     was something that I wanted. It            where I could use my
     was reassuring for me to know that         degree.”
     there were lots of different sectors
     where I could use my degree.

                                           Panel discussions
                                         Panel discussions
                                         are great for:
                                          ww insight into how different sectors
                                             view and look for skills
                                          ww expert advice on how to improve
                                             those skills
 Employer-led skills                      ww hearing from up to five employers
                                             from different sectors share their
                                             thoughts on what you can do to
Do you want support in developing
                                             stand out from the crowd
the skills, strengths, and qualities
employers are typically looking for?      ww showing you how to make the
                                             best of your application forms,
Our skills development programme             CVs and covering letters
helps you develop key skills,
providing employer-led panel              ww learning about success at
discussions, workshops and                   interviews
coaching. Working in consultation         ww each panel discussion also
with the Students’ Union UCL, these          offers you the chance to ask the
interactive sessions help to upskill         questions that matter to you.
and develop your knowledge in
areas such as teamwork, leadership,
application forms and interviews.
We work with a diverse range of
organisations, graduate recruiters and
career professionals on our events.
Employer-led skills sessions and
Panel discussions will be online
during the autumn term and
reviewed in the spring.
                                         Employability skills are crucial
                                         to success in any career — and
                                         you can learn them directly from
                                         employers at one of our interactive
                                         workshops. Topics include
                                         commercial awareness, negotiation
                                         skills, presenting and influencing,
                                         and more.

     David Wang, China                     5. If you could
                                           give a current
     BSc Medicinal                         student one
     Chemistry, 2014                       piece of
     Healthcare Consultant,                advice on
     ZS Associates
                                           you wish
     1. How did you get to where you       you’d have
     are now in your career?               known prior to starting your
     I had my first taste of consulting    career what would it be?
     in my second year at UCL when         Enjoy your time at UCL, make
     I took part in the UCL Summer         loads of international friends
     Internship Scheme at Evalucom.        and actively participate in extra-
     Although I chose to pursue a DPhil    curricular activities. Beyond your
     in Organic Chemistry at Oxford        tutorials and exams, it’s also
     University after graduating from      important to hone your soft skills
     UCL, I continued to spend my          and broaden your network.
     extra-curricular time organising
     student events and working on
     consultancy projects. Ultimately,
     after completing my PhD, I decided
     to return to healthcare consulting.
     2. What skills are involved in your
                                                        I had my first
     current role?
                                             taste of consulting in
      1.Structured and unstructured
                                             my second year at UCL
      2. Teamwork and collaboration
                                             when I took part in the
      3. Relationship building and           UCL Summer Internship
      management                             Scheme at Evalucom.”

     4. What advice would you give to
     current students on getting into
     your sector?
     Prepare for your application –
     refine your CV and practise case
     study interviews.

  Coaching                            Mock Assessment
One-to-one coaching from an          Centres
employer will help you get your CV   A half day interactive workshop
up to scratch or provide valuable    designed to give you practical
feedback on an application. You      experience of typical assessment
can also practice your interview     centre exercises. Sessions will
techniques. Find out more about      be led by a variety of graduate
what we offer on our website.        recruiters who will assess your
                                     performance in each activity and
                                     provide feedback.

     Specialist support

       Alumni mentoring                     Enterprise helps students, staff
     Would it help to talk to someone       and alumni to be innovative in their
     who has been in your shoes?            chosen career and to start up new
                                            businesses and social enterprises.
     Students from all levels of study,
     connect and learn from volunteer
     alumni mentors worldwide through
     UCL’s exclusive Alumni Online
     Whether you are seeking
     professional advice to perfect
     your CV or want to explore a
     particular career path - build
     global connections, gain valuable      Entrepreneurial skills are vital if you
     employability skills, and learn        want to positively contribute to global
     from experienced UCL alumni            challenges and create a better society.
     professionals who are ready to         No matter what career you have
     support you.                           ahead of you, skills to innovate and to
                                            be entrepreneurial will be valuable.

                                              UCL Connect
                                            Tap into the professional expertise
                                            of the UCL alumni community
                                            through UCL Connect, our award-
                                            winning professional development
                                            programme of events, resources and
                                            networking opportunities. Aimed at
                                            students and new graduates, this is
      UCL Innovation &                      your chance to find out how to break
     Enterprise                             into an industry or sector and learn
     Make the most of your time at          from alumni experts across UCL’s
     UCL and beyond by developing           global community.
     entrepreneurial skills and thinking.

Theo Margolius, UK
BSc Economics, 2015
COO & Co-founder, Otta
1. What skills are involved in your
current role?
Being an early stage founder
                                       and make something of it in your
requires you to wear a lot of
                                       spare time, what’s the worst that
different hats! One hour you’ll
                                       can happen?
be meeting potential investors
to try and raise money, the next
                                       3. What is on the horizon within
you’ll be on a call with a customer
                                       your industry/company that
trying to get their feedback on the
                                       our students can learn and get
product, then you’ll be interviewing
                                       excited about?
a candidate and trying to convince
                                       In my view, startups are by far
them to work for you. If I had
                                       the most exciting places to work.
to pick one skill, I would say
                                       No two days are the same and
persistence. You need to believe
                                       the priorities of the business are
that your idea needs to exist even
                                       constantly changing, which means
when things are going wrong.
                                       you’re almost always learning
2. What advice would you give to       something new.
current students on getting into
your sector?
I’m really passionate about
encouraging people to work
for startups, which is why I
started Otta. If you want to work
                                                      If you have an
for startups or build your own
business in the future, it helps a
                                         idea, don’t be afraid to
lot to be entrepreneurial early on       try and make something
and try out different ideas. While       of it in your spare time,
at UCL, I tried to start a tutoring      what’s the worst that can
business. It didn’t work out, but        happen?”
that didn’t matter because I learnt
a lot of valuable skills that helped
me the next time around. If you
have an idea, don’t be afraid to try

                                             opportunities to really help you set
                                             yourself apart. Anyone can join,
                                             at any time of the year. Start your
                                             journey here studentsunionucl.org/

                                               International Students
                                             Whether you’re thinking about
                                             working in the UK or planning to
       Global Alumni Groups                  return home after your time at UCL,
     Connect with alumni around the          our talks and workshops will help
     word by joining one of our global       you find your future. See the events
     alumni groups. Groups regularly         calendar on myUCLCareers for
     host fun and inspiring activities so    more information and don’t forget
     wherever you are, you can build         to set your preferences to receive
     new relationships with alumni who       event updates.
     are willing to support you and your
     career journey.

      Develop skills through
     Students’ Union UCL
     Leading a club or society, or
     even just joining one and being
     an active member, will give you
     opportunities to develop skills that
     employers really look for. Skills
     like leading a group, managing a
     budget, fundraising and pitching,
     communication and events
     coordination are all part of everyday
     life for students in clubs and
     societies. On top of this, joining
     clubs and societies gives you
     access to training and development

Aliza Ayaz, Pakistan/UAE
Bsc Population Health
Science, 2020
1. What useful things have you
done to find work-experience or
work in your chosen field?
I worked with the Energy Social       3. Are you excited about your
Research Unit at Department of        future career? If so, why?
Business, Energy and Industrial       UCL Careers helped me make
Strategy with the UK Government.      connections and develop the skills
                                      needed to turn Climate Action
I conducted a Home Retrofit           Society (CAS) – a nonprofit student
Literature Review that drew           society – into a movement. I am
together the available evidence       excited to continue running CAS
on the home retrofit market. The      which educates, advocates and
literature review fed into policy     acts for climate-change resolution
development for the Buildings         across multiple campuses and
Mission ambition to halve the cost    cities, making climate action
of retrofit by 2050. This is one of   more engaging, applicable and
the Grand Challenges and a key        affordable. UCL has taught me how
area for the Energy Efficiency and    to create the change you want to
Local (EEL) policy team.              see while being your authentic self.
2. Why did you arrange/take part
in an internship or volunteering?
At the end of the day, no one wants
to see a robot – a mind numbing
workaholic (climate fanatic in my
case). They want to see a human                     UCL Careers
being.                                  helped me make
I just realised, I had to live the      connections and develop
product I wanted the world to           the skills needed to turn
be - Volunteering or interning felt     Climate Action Society
more authentic versus me being          (CAS) – a non-profit
someone I wasn’t, and I wasn’t          student society – into a
just a global health student at         movement.”

     Sree Vinayak, India                     one-to-one
                                             sessions to
     MSc Construction                        validate my
     Economics &                             CV, agree on
     Management, 2016                        the tone of the
                                             covering letter
     Management                              and enable
     Consultant, Invennt Ltd.                me to make a
     1. How did you get to where you         compelling application for the jobs
     are now in your career?                 I wanted to apply for.
     I completed my undergraduate
                                             3. If you could give a current
     degree in Civil Engineering and
                                             student one piece of advice on
     had worked for about 5 years for
                                             something you wish you’d have
     one of India’s largest construction
                                             known prior to starting your
     businesses before I decided to
                                             career what would it be?
     undertake my MSc at UCL. The
     course at UCL was a unique              There is no point in sending the
     amalgamation of subjects which          same CV and cover letter to 100
     opened a lot of prospective             applications. Build a standard CV
     pathways in terms of a career.          and a cover letter and then tailor
                                             it to the specific application. Do
     I was particular about using            keep a track of all the applications
     my industry knowledge and               and do not forget to follow-up or
     experience in India but lacked          ask for feedback in case you are
     an understanding of the sector          unsuccessful. It is key to understand
     in the UK. I applied for internship     that you may not be successful in
     positions to businesses in the UK       all your job applications and that the
     before arriving in the UK for my        key to success is being determined.
     postgraduate studies. It was a
     difficult endeavour, but I eventually
     managed to land an internship
     within a Management Consultancy.
     2. Were you able to make use of                       The careers
     UCL Careers? If so, how did it            team at UCL ensured
     help you?                                 that I had clear visibility
     The careers team at UCL ensured           of the multiple pathways
     that I had clear visibility of the        I could take after
     multiple pathways I could take after      completing the course.”
     completing the course. I also had


Are you completing your                 What to expect from an application
research studentship or                 advice appointment:
research staff position?
UCL Careers is here for you at every
stage of finding your future. We
recognise that, as a researcher, you
need specialist advice about how to
use your qualification and expertise.
You may want to stay in academia,
or move to a new career. Perhaps
you need to learn more about your                 Play video:
options.                                          youtu.be/cKCVddXL34M

Whatever stage you’re at, UCL
Careers has a dedicated team to
support you.                              Events for researchers
                                        We organise skills workshops and
  One-to-one advice                     sector-specific careers events,
You can book a one-to-one               designed for researchers.
appointment with one of our
                                        Our specialist careers consultants
specialist careers consultants for
                                        deliver workshops on career
researchers throughout the year.
                                        planning, application and interview
Appointments last up to 30 minutes      skills and invited employer
and are an opportunity for you to       representatives deliver workshops
seek guidance on your career path       on work-place relevant skills.
and ask questions or get feedback
                                      Sector-specific events typically
on an application.
                                      involve question and answer
If you’re preparing for an interview, sessions with panels of guest
we can also help by offering you a    speakers with backgrounds in
practice interview session. We can    academic research. You’ll see the
support you whether you are looking ways they are applying their skills
to progress in academia or beyond. and expertise to exciting careers.

       Information & vacancy                   Online resources
     provision                            If you would still like some ideas
     We believe that an essential part of about finding your future, you may
     effective career management is to    find the resources on our website
     learn how others have managed their interesting and helpful.
     careers successfully.                Our resources give you the
     Researchers can learn about the         opportunity to watch interviews with
     career paths of people after a          research qualification holders in a
     research studentship through our        variety of occupations from across
     events programme and our online         the working world.
     collection of case studies, including   There are also seminars on aspects
     doctoral graduates from UCL and         of the application process from
     beyond.                                 a researcher’s perspective, such
     Research students also have             as writing an effective academic
     access to our myUCLCareers              CV, funding proposal or personal
     database of internships and fulltime    statement.
     job opportunities. This includes        ucl.ac.uk/careers/researchers
     opportunities where research skills
     or a research qualification may be
     essential or desirable.

               UCL Careers online
               careers information
                                                      number of student
            library links to websites                 and staff research
                and resources on                       specific events


About to finish your degree             ww advice and tips on how improve
course at UCL?                          ww time for you to ask questions and
                                           raise any concerns you may have
Your time at UCL may be nearly over
but we’re still here to help you find We offerremote appointments
your future for three years after you so that you can connect with us,
leave.                                wherever you are in the world.

                                       You are still welcome to join us
                                       at Careers Fairs and employer
                                       presentations, where you will have
                                       the opportunity to meet employers
                                       and graduate recruiters who are
                                       looking to hire.
  One-to-one advice                    ucl.ac.uk/careers/events-list
You’ll have continued access to one-
to-one support through a range of
different appointment types, just as
you did when you were a student.
We can help you explore options
for work or further study, help you
consider the best route for you and
assist with the application process.
If you’re preparing for an interview
(whether via video or in-person), we     Jobs
can help by offering you a practice    You will find UK-based and global
interview session that includes:       graduate job opportunities on
 ww a mock interview                   myUCLCareers. Find out more at:
 ww feedback on your performance       ucl.ac.uk/careers/myuclcareers
    covering your general interview
    technique as well as the quality
    of your answers
UCL Careers
4th Floor Student Central
Malet Street

Tel 020 3549 5900
Website ucl.ac.uk/careers
Email careers@ucl.ac.uk
Twitter @UCLCareers
Instagram UCLCareers
Facebook /UCLCareers
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