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76 A. MURINELLO ET AL GE Vol. 15 Caso Clínico / Clinical Case TYPHOID FEVER – CLINICAL AND ENDOSCOPIC ASPECTS* A. MURINELLO, A. MORBEY, J. FIGUEIRA COELHO, P. MENDONÇA, A. C. PIRES, V. MAGALHÃES RAMALHO, N. CARRILHO RIBEIRO, A. LÁZARO, H. PERES, J. NETTA Resumo Summary A febre tifóide é uma infecção intestinal causada pela Sal- Typhoid fever is an enteric disease due to Salmonella typhi, monella typhi, manifestada por quadro septicémico, ocor- presenting as a septicaemic illness, affecting an elevated num- rendo incidência elevada de casos em regiões com deficien- ber of people living in regions with poor sanitary conditions, tes condições sanitárias, através do consumo de água e ali- acquired through the ingestion of water and food contami- mentos contaminados por fezes de indivíduos doentes ou nated by feces of acutely ill patients or chronic carriers of the portadores assintomáticos. Em países desenvolvidos os ca- microorganism. In developed countries the disease is usual- sos verificados são geralmente “importados”. A observação ly “imported”. Colonoscopic demonstration of ulcerations of endoscópica das ulcerações da ileocolite tífica tem sido rara- typhoid ileocolitis is scarcely referred in medical literature, mente descrita, não havendo referências prévias em Por- and there are no previous references to endoscopic aspects of tugal da documentação colonoscópica das ulcerações tíficas. typhoid ileocolitis in Portugal. Based on this, the authors Baseados num caso clínico, os autores fazem uma revisão review typhoid fever as far as are pathogeny, pathology, cli- sobre febre tifóide, no que concerne à patogenia, histopato- nical picture and colonoscopic aspects are concerned as well logia, quadro clínico, aspectos endoscópicos das ulcerações, as therapy recommended for susceptible and resistant e terapêutica antibiótica aconselhada nos casos de estirpes strains of Salmonella typhi. de Salmonella typhi sensíveis ou resistentes a vários grupos de antibióticos. GE - J Port Gastrenterol 2008; 15: 76-82 INTRODUCTION ill or chronic carriers of the microorganism (2). Raw fruit and vegetables are important vehicles in countries where Typhoid fever, known previously as “typhus abdomina- human feces are used as fertilizer or where contaminated lis” (from the Greek, meaning smoke, fume, stupor) is an water is used to make fruit look attractive in the market. enteric fever manifested as a septicaemic illness, caused Shellfish harvested in coastal water polluted by raw se- by Salmonella enterica serovar typhi (S. typhi) (Eberth’s wage may cause outbreaks. Flies carrying bacilli on their bacillus), a Gram-negative bacillus able to survive in feet and proboscises may act as transferring intermedia- hostile environments and to proliferate in dairy products, tes (3). processed meats and shellfish. Worldwide, 15 to 30 mil- The pathogenic mechanisms of typhoid fever begin with lion cases of typhoid occur each year, with a half million bacilli ingestion. The infecting dose of S. typhi needs to deaths. High rates of transmission are seen in the Indian be large to produce illness in healthy individuals, varying subcontinent, Central Asia, Vietnam and Indonesia, sub- between 1000 and 1 million microorganisms (3). Microor- Saharian Africa and Latin America, where there are crow- ganisms possessing the Vi antigen have increased infec- ding, poor sanitary conditions, deficient areas of sewage tivity (4). Gastric hypoacidity favors greater number of mi- disposal and untreated water supplies. In these countries, croorganisms to enter the small bowel and, recently it there are a growing number of resistant strains of Salmo- was referred the possibility of the association between nella typhi to several antibiotics, complicating the effec- chronic Helicobacter pylori infection and increased risk tive treatment of patients (1). of typhoid fever due to hypochlorhydria caused by atro- Human beings are the only known reservoir of Salmo- phic gastritis (5). Once in small intestine, the microorga- nella typhi and transmission occurs through ingestion of nisms multiply in the lumen for a short period and stools polluted water or food articles contaminated by acutely can be culture positive during the first four days of the * Apresentado em forma de Poster no XIII International Congress for Infectious Diseases, Junho 2008 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Units of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Radiology, Clinical Recebido para publicação: 23/08/2007 Pathology, Histopathology, Hospital Curry Cabral, Lisbon, Portugal. Aceite para publicação: 31/03/2008
Março/Abril 2008 TYPHOID FEVER – CLINICAL AND ENDOSCOPIC ASPECTS 77 incubation period (6). Then they penetrate rapidly through living in a community of around 3.000 residents. Among the intestinal mucosa. The M epithelial cells which over- them there were some people with tuberculosis. She was lie the Peyer’s patches are the potential sites where S. ty- vegetarian and ingested occasionally raw vegetables, and phi is internalized and transported to the underlying in- a great amount of rice. Water was filtered, but sometimes testinal lymphoid tissue, where, after a brief period of she brushed her teeth with non-drinking water. She also multiplication, the microorganisms enter the blood consumed potentially unpasteurized milk and yougurt stream via the thoracic duct (primary bacteraemia), being drinks. On the area there were many flies. She referred to rapidly filtered out by the reticuloendothelial cells of the have been bitten several times by mosquitoes. It was fair- liver, spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes (7). Within the ly common to see rats in the area. She denied to have do- mononuclear phagocytic cells a multiplication of the ba- ne malaria prophylaxis and she had no vaccination before cillus occurs followed by invasion (secondary bacterae- this sojourn. Five days after arriving in Portugal, the pa- mia), which initiates clinical illness. During this phase, tient began to feel unwell, tired and slightly febrile in the the microorganisms can invade any organ, mainly the li- afternoon (37.7º C at MAY 31). She came for the first ver, spleen, bone marrow, gallbladder, and Peyer´s pat- time to the Emergency Room of our Hospital on JUNE ches in the terminal ileum. From gallbladder the bacillus 01, with fever (38º C). Physical examination was other- follow to the intestine through bile, where they may rein- wise normal. LAB tests showed no anemia and no leuco- vade the intestinal wall or excreted in the stool. Pre-exis- penia or thrombocytopenia. Plasmodium was not detec- ting lithiasis of the gallbladder predisposes to chronic bil- ted; biochemistry was normal. She was discharged. On iary infection, leading to chronic fecal carriage (7). the afternoon of JUNE 03 her axillary temperature was Invasion of Peyer’s patches occurs either during the pri- 39º C, she was feeling more tired and anorectic, but de- mary intestinal infection or during the secondary bacte- nied any other symptoms, including constipation and raemia and further seeding occurs through infected bile. diarrhea. At admission, on the morning of JUNE 04 (5th Peyer’s patches become hyperaemic and hyperplastic, day of disease), axillary temperature was 38º C, she was due to infiltration by chronic inflammatory cells and to slightly dehydrated, with low blood pressure and increa- proliferation of endothelial and reticular cells. Milder ca- sed heart rate. There were no other abnormal signs on ses can revert, but more commonly the process continues, physical examination, except a slightly painful palpation and mucosal necrosis follows, resulting in ulcers of vary- of right iliac fossa, without peritoneal irritation. Blood ing extent and depth. The shape of the ulcers is usually tests revealed ESR 46 mm; PCR 6.80 mg/dL (N < 1); ovoid with the longest diameter parallel to the long axis AST 56 U/L (17-59); ALT 45 U/L (21-72); LDH 1164 of the gut, so that stricture formation does not occur after U/L (313-618). Several blood serologic tests were nega- healing. The edges are soft, swollen and irregular, but not tive (Entamoeba histolytica, Schistosoma, Brucella, Lep- undermined. The floor is usually smooth and is formed tospira, VDRL, Widal, HAV, HBV, HCV, HIV). Urine by the muscular coat. Near the ileocecal valve, where and stool cultures were negative, as well as parasitologi- perforation occurs more commonly, ulcers become deep- cal stool examination. Chest x-ray was normal. Mean- er than elsewhere (8). Large intestine is involved in only a while, the clinical picture evolved with sustained fever third of the cases, and rarely extensively (9). The lesions (38.5-39.6º C) and complaints of defective memory and tend to decrease in severity distally to the ileocecal valve. confusion. Abdominal US revealed several slightly en- When an ulcer erodes into a blood vessel, severe hemor- larged lymphatic nodes in the ileocecal region (Figure 1a). rhage results (10,11) and transmural perforation leads to pe- Abdominal CT scan showed discrete but diffuse thicke- ritonitis (12). ning of the wall of the right colon, exuberant parietal right The authors report for the first time in Portugal the co- colon vascularization, besides multiple small lymphade- lonoscopic aspect of typhoid ulcers in a case of typhoid nopathies at the ileocecal region (Figures 1b and 1c), ileocolitis on a white woman who acquired typhoid fever along the root of the mesentery (12 mm) and proximal after a sojourn in India. aortocava area (12 mm). Slight hepatomegaly and a small volume of ascitic fluid in the pelvis were noted. These as- pects were in favor of an exuberant acute colitis with CASE REPORT loco-regional component of lymphatic gland hypertro- phy. Colonoscopic examination was performed in order A 36-year-old unmarried white woman was admitted to to exclude other entities like Crohn’s disease, tuberculo- our Unit in 2007 JUNE 04, after a sojourn in South of In- sis ileocolitis, and lymphoma. Multiple ulcers were seen dia (state of Kerala) from 2007 APRIL 23 to 2007 MAY on the proximal third of the descending colon, transverse 24, in a monastery, where she did several domestic acti- colon, ascending colon and caecum, some of them with vities and was in contact with a great number of people furry aspects, parallel to the long axis of the intestine,
78 A. MURINELLO ET AL GE Vol. 15 a b c Figura 1a - Abdominal US: multiple lymphadenopathy in the ileocecal region. Figura 1b - Abdominal CT scan: multiple lymphadenopathy in the ileocecal region. Figura 1c - Abdominal CT scan: hypervascularization and inflammatory thickening of the wall of the caecum. with hyperemia of the underlying mucosa. Some of the ulcers (Figure 2f). Biopsies of ileal and colonic ulcers re- ulcers showed a punched-out aspect (Figures 2a, 2b, 2c, vealed aspects of necrotizing ulcers with fibrin and heavy 2d and 2e). The terminal ileum also had several similar mixed inflammatory infiltrate. Besides that, on the ileon there was villi atrophy (Figure 3a) and on the colon crypt atrophy and active areas of cryptitis and crypt abscesses. (Figures 3b and 3c). Treatment for presumed typhoid fe- ver was given (1 g of e.v. ceftriaxone two times daily) immediately after colonoscopy, on the afternoon of JU- NE 08. The diagnosis was confirmed by positive blood culture for Salmonella typhi on JUNE 09. After 6 doses of ceftriaxone, fever began to decrease slowly and the pa- a b tient started to feel better. At that time patient asked to be discharged from the hospital, and therapy was changed to oral ciprofloxacin. Temperature continued to decrease gra- dually, and she became apyretic 15 days after the initia- tion of therapy. Stool cultures were negative 45 days after the end of therapy. Already in Portugal and after knowing the diagnosis, she realized that several people with whom she traveled to the north of the state of Kerala, also had typhoid fever. c d DISCUSSION Endoscopic demonstration of colonic and terminal ileum lesions of typhoid by colonoscopy is scarcely reported in medical literature, as these examinations are only advised when the etiological diagnosis is not yet established. Ul- e f cerations generally occur in the terminal ileum, cecum Figura 2a - Colonoscopy: multiple ulcers in the proximal third of and ascending colon, and rarely in the left side of the the ascendant colon. colon (9). Ulcer margins are edematous and raised, so that Figura 2b - Colonoscopy: “punched-out” ulcers with furry aspect the ulcers are elevated above the normal-appearing sur- in the same area. Figura 2c - Colonoscopy: several ulcers in the transverse colon, rounding mucosa, presenting as umbilicated, ulcerated running parallel to the long axis of the colon. mounds, the so-called “punched-out” ulcers (13). Some of Figura 2d and 2e - Colonoscopy: two ulcers surrounded by he- the ulcers are discrete, white, with furry appearance. Se- morrhagic mucosa located to the splenic angle of the colon and in veral oedematous hyperaemic mucosal patches with hae- the descendant colon. Figura 2f - Colonoscopy: giant ulcer of the mucosa of the terminal morrhagic spots or shallow erosions can be seen (14). The ileum with furry aspect, and with intense hyperemia and edema of typical ulcers are round or oval, oriented along the long the adjacent mucosa. axis of the bowel (15,16). Some ulcers are arranged in an ir-
Março/Abril 2008 TYPHOID FEVER – CLINICAL AND ENDOSCOPIC ASPECTS 79 a b c Figura 3a - Histopathology (HE - 100x): Mucosal fragment of terminal ileum, with atrophy of villi (1), a voluminous lymphoid follicle (2), and dense infiltration of mixed inflammatory cells in lamina propria. Figura 3b - Histopathology (HE – 50x): Mucosal fragment of distal intestine, with crypt atrophy (black arrow), an ulceration area (blue arrow), and a dense infiltration of mixed inflammatory cells in lamina propria. Figura 3c - Histopathology – (HE 100x): Intense inflammatory reaction, with abscess of the mucosal crypts (inserts 1- HE 400x; 2-HE 400x). regular fashion (17). The ulcers are not undermined as the perforations per patient, and more involvement of the ulcers of amoebiasis, nor linear in shape, which is typi- colon (11,23). cally observed in Crohn´s disease. In tuberculosis ileoco- The proposed pathogenesis is the unique relationship litis transverse and linear ulcers can present along with between S. typhi and macrophages in the liver, spleen, nodules, strictures and polypoid lesisons. intestinal lymphoid follicles, and mesenteric lymph no- The distribution of ulcers corresponds to the presence of des. Macrophages cells synthesize functionally active cy- lymphoid aggregates in the intestine, therefore most ca- tokines (TNF-¬, IL-1, interferon-¬ and ß), and are an im- ses of hemorrhage and perforation occur in the vicinity of portant source of arachidonate metabolites and reactive the terminal ileum (18,19). These colonoscopy findings can oxygen intermediates. These products can lead to cellular be explained on the basis of the route of infection and the necrosis, recruitment of other inflammatory cells, stimu- structure of the lymphatic ducts in the ileocecal region, lation of the immune system, vascular instability, to ini- since lymphatic ducts are associated with either the main tiation of the clotting mechanism, bone marrow depres- or the marginal arteries (8,13). Due to its abundant lympha- sion, fever and other abnormalities associated with ty- tic tissue, Salmonella typhi in the ileocecal region spread phoid fever (24). proximally and ran along the marginal arteries, which ex- After an incubation period of generally 10 to 12 days, plain its distribution in other segments of the colon. with variations from 5 to 25 days, clinical illness begins Differential etiological diagnosis of ulcers with a discrete usually insidiously. Clinical manifestations of infection or punched out appearance include ulcers due to Yersinia in travelers to endemic areas of typhoid are usually diffe- enterocolitis, Mycobacteria tuberculosis, Entamoeba his- rent from local resident cases. Despite unvaccinated tra- tolytica, Campylobacter, other Salmonella, Aeromonas velers have no pre-existing immunity, usually their clini- hydrophilia, Histoplasma capsulatum, Cytomegalovirus cal manifestations are not as serious as in patients of en- in AIDS patients, and also Behcet’s disease, vasculitis, demic areas, probably because they have in general more Crohn’s disease, and NSAIDs use (9,20,21). rapid and readily available access to medical care, and Microscopic examination of biopsies of these ulcers re- they might consume smaller amount of contaminated veals acute colitis with ulceration, a polymorphic inflam- food due to hygienic precautions (25). matory infiltrate with predominance of swollen histio- The clinical presentation of typhoid fever is variable and cytes and polimorphonuclear leukocytes. Plasma cells is determined by the strain of Salmonella typhi, the num- and eosinophilia can also be seen. Sometimes Gram stain ber of ingested microorganisms, general and nutritional reveals the presence of typical Gram-negative bacillus (7). condition and immunologic status of the patient, and, pos- Ulcer bleeding can be either severe or slow oozing. The sibly, the genetic makeup of the host (6). Hospital-based incidence of hemorrhage was about 20% before the intro- physicians will see typhoid patients who are much sicker, duction of the antibiotics, but it has declined since then. have a greater range of symptoms, signs, and complica- However in a few symptomatic cases it may be the initial tions, with a case fatality rate from 1% to 30% (7). Howe- manifestation (13,14). The more frequent localization of bo- ver, many outpatients in clinics in endemic areas of de- wel perforation is on the anti-mesenteric side of the intes- veloping world are only moderately ill, with fewer than tine at approximately 80 cm from the ileocecal valve (22). 10% requiring hospitalization and a case-fatality rate of It is disturbing that several authors are seeing now more less than 1% (7).
80 A. MURINELLO ET AL GE Vol. 15 Most descriptions on text books are related to serious di- of apyrexia, and may supervene even in patients in whom sease in endemic countries, and manifestations are divi- correct antibiotic treatment was performed. Chronic car- ded in four periods, each of approximately one week’s rier states occur mostly in patients with previous gallsto- duration (1-3,7,26,27). The disease begins insidiously, with ma- nes (2-5% of cases), even after correct treatment (7,8). Bi- laise, chills, weakness, anorexia, headache, epistaxis, non- liary carriage is defined as a continuous shedding of the productive cough, and abdominal pain. Constipation is microorganism for more than a year (25). more common then diarrhea. Temperature raises steadily Diagnosis depends on the demonstration of positive cul- reaching 40º C around the 4th or 5th day. Pulse may be tures of Salmonella typhi in blood, and in the urine or dicrotic in some patients or slow, related to body tempe- stools. When patients have already initiated antibiotics, rature. During the first week blood cultures are normally bone marrow cultures provide a better chance of recove- positive. At the end of the first week, hepatomegaly, sple- ry the microorganism, with a success rate of up to 80% nomegaly and roseola typhica may appear. With increa- (10 bacteria/ml bone marrow versus 1/ml peripheral blo- sing severity of symptoms and signs by the second week, od) (25). “pea soup” stool diarrhea can occur, and the abdomen is High agglutinin titters in the Widal test of the order of distended and very tender; mental state deteriorates pro- 1:320 during the second week of the disease, in an ade- gressively from a period of defective memory to com- quate epidemiologic context of probable typhoid infec- plete confusion, torpor and stupor. The patient’s face is tion, favor the diagnosis of typhoid fever (25). Meanwhile pale but with a malar “flush”, expression is dull, pupils in regions with limited resources, rapid and simple tests are dilated, lips are dry and the tongue is furred. Tem- to detect anti-Salmonell typhi antibody against lipopoly- perature reaches its maximum, remaining at a plateau. saccharide or outer membrane protein may replace the Serious complications, hemorrhages and perforations of less accurate Widal test (28). DNA probes and PCR for the ulcers can occur at the end of the second week and detection of Salmonella typhi in blood appear to be more during the third, after which, improvement begins at the rapid and sensitive than standard culture, but are not yet end of the third week or at the fourth week of the disease commercially available and have a prohibitive cost in course (8). Rare complications can occur such as lung many areas where typhoid is endemic (29). abscesses, thrombosis (femoral), cholecystitis, bone le- Leucopenia and thrombocytopenia are common and liver sions (abscesses, periostitis), myositis, vulvitis, orchitis, enzymes can be moderately elevated. Barium meal and mastitis, meningitis, peripheral neuritis, eyelid and orbi- enema are not usually done for the diagnosis of typhoid tal abscesses, orbital thrombosis, etc (8). ileocolitis, but they can show the typical typhoid ulcera- Acording to several series in endemic areas of develo- tions. CT scan can reveal inflammatory thickening of the ping world, patients admitted to hospital usually present wall and ulcerations of the intestine, together with adeni- with: fever and weakness 99%, anorexia and headache tis of the mesenteric root. 85%, dizziness 80%, abdominal pain 50%, nausea 50%, Referring to different and more serious manifestations in chills 50%, diarrhea 45%, constipation 40%, cough or typhoid ileocolitis in cases occurring in a particular area, chest discomfort and vomiting 35%, and myalgia/arthral- Adeniran (23) in Nigeria raised several questions: is the pa- gia in 35%, confusion 25%, sore throat 20%, hearing loss thology of typhoid changing due to different pathogenic 15%, blood in stool or melena 12%,epistaxis 10%, dy- Salmonella typhi? Are the patients getting less immune? suria 2%, and seizures 2%. Physical signs frequency: Is the environment changing? Is malnutrition or HIV fever 98%, coated tongue 95%, apathy 70%, hepatome- complicating the problems? Are there inappropriate use galy 50%, abdominal pain 45%, rose spots 0-50%, toxi- of antibiotics and undue delays from the referring hospi- city 45% (severe 10%), splenomegaly 35-50%, disorien- tals? Is the resistance to antibiotics requiring new drugs? tation 25%, relative bradycardia 15%, rales or ronchi Are there some yet unidentified associated microorgan- 15%, delirium 15%, decreased hearing 10%, stiff neck isms causing the colonic perforations? Is it man or the 10%, stupor 2%, focal neurological findings 1% (7). microorganisms or the environment changing the goal Extreme weakness, heart failure due to myocarditis, pneu- posts? monia, and intestinal hemorrhage and perforation are It is worth to mention that sometimes an uncommon form usually causes of death (8). The average case fatality rate of evolution can occur, the so-called prolonged salmonel- is less than 1 per cent, but the rate varies considerably losis, because of previous hepatosplenic or hepatointesti- among different regions of the world. Mortality is much nal forms of schistosomiasis. In these patients, Salmonel- more frequent in children under one year of age and la typhi multiplies inside the Schistosoma and possibly among elderly people. However the most important cau- on the reticuloendothelial system, causing frequent bac- se of poor outcome is a delay in instituting effective anti- teraemias, perpetuating the disease with a possible evolu- biotic treatment. Relapses can occur after a week or two tion of several months to one or two years duration (26).
Março/Abril 2008 TYPHOID FEVER – CLINICAL AND ENDOSCOPIC ASPECTS 81 Therapy of typhoid fever is becoming more difficult to- When intestinal perforation occurs surgery is indicated. day, because of the increasing number of areas with oc- Double-layer closure, ileal resection, right hemicolecto- currence of cases of multi-drug resistant strains to seve- my, and temporary ileostomy and colostomy, are surgical ral antibiotics previously utilized in typhoid fever – chlo- methods with specific indications, depending on the se- ramphenicol, ampicillin or co-trimoxazole (30,31). Multi- verity of perforations. It is good practice to associate an- drug-resistant strains require extensive therapies that are tibiotics for gram-negative and anaerobic microorga- less effective and result in higher stool carriage rates with nisms together with peritoneal lavage (11,23). a greater transmission potential (25). The complete genome To our knowledge the case of our patient is the first to be sequence was already determined for a multi-drug resis- reported in Portugal, with demonstration of the typical tant strain of Salmonella enterica serotype typhi (CT18) (32). endoscopic aspects of the ileal and colonic ulcers of ty- These microorganisms have several large insertions in its phoid ileocolitis, together with imagiologic views reveal- genome, termed Salmonella pathogenicity islands, which ing aspects compatible with acute inflammatory colitis encode genes important for survival in the host, with and mesenteric adenitis. importance to its pathogenicity (32). The introduction of fluoroquinolones was a major advan- ce, but unfortunately there is an increasing number of BIBLIOGRAPHY fluoroquinolone-resistant strains (33-35). Although many la- boratories use disk diffusion for sensitivity evaluation, 1. Richens J, Parry C. Typhoid and paratyphoid fever. 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