TRS Plan 3 Handbook - WASHINGTON STATE Department of Retirement Systems - Washington State Teachers' Retirement ...

Page created by Ethel Rogers
TRS Plan 3
Te a c h e r s ’ R e t i r e m e n t S y s t e m

   November 2020

Department of Retirement Systems
Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) — Plan 3
                       2   TRS Plan 3 summary
Welcome to TRS         3   How to contact the Department of Retirement Systems
                       3   Privacy of your information
                       4   How your plan works
                       7   Planning for retirement

                       8   Becoming vested
Milestones/            8   Leaving public service
life changes           9   Returning to public service
                       9   Marriage or divorce
                      10   If the unexpected happens

                      11   Retirement planning checkup
Approaching           11   Service retirement
retirement            13   Early retirement
                      14   Retiring as a dual member
                      14   Estimating your benefit
                      14   Annuity options

                      15   Applying for retirement
Ready to retire       15   Your defined benefit options
                      15   Health insurance coverage
                      16   Federal benefit limit
                      16   Federal tax on your monthly benefit
                      16   Legal actions
                      16   When and how your benefit will be paid

                      17   Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
Once you retire       17   Working after retirement
                      17   Benefit overpayments or underpayments
                      17   Changing a benefit option or survivor after you retire

                      18   Glossary of terms
                      19   Index
Welcome to the Teachers’ Retirement System
                 TRS Plan 3 summary
       TRS Plan 3 has two parts — a defined                    Once vested, you are eligible to retire with
       benefit part and a defined contribution                 a full benefit at age 65.
       part.                                                   Retirement before 65 is considered an
       Your employer contributes to your defined               early retirement. If you have at least 10
       benefit part. You contribute to the defined             years of service credit and are 55 or older,
       contribution part.                                      you can choose to retire early, but your
                                                               benefit might be reduced. There is less of
       When you meet plan requirements and                     a reduction if you have 30 or more years of
       retire, you are guaranteed a monthly                    service credit.
       benefit for the rest of your life from the
       defined benefit part.                                   If the unexpected happens — disability or
                                                               death before retirement — a benefit might
       Your monthly benefit will be based on your              be available.
       earned service credit and compensation                  If you become totally incapacitated and
       while a member of TRS Plan 3.                           leave your job as a result, you might be
       This formula will be used to calculate your             eligible for a disability retirement benefit.
       monthly benefit:
            1% x service credit years x Average                If you die before you retire, your spouse,
            Final Compensation = monthly benefit               registered domestic partner or minor child,
                                                               if applicable, could be eligible to receive
       The value of your defined contribution part             a benefit based on your years of service
       will consist of your contributions and their            credit.
       investment returns.
                                                               Log in to or sign up for online access to
       Your employer contributes a percentage                  your retirement account.
       based on your salary or wages to help fund              Track your contributions and service credit.
       the defined benefit part of TRS Plan 3.                 Read the latest newsletter. Update your
       The Pension Funding Council adopts                      beneficiary information or email address.
       contribution rates and periodically adjusts             Use your individual data to estimate your
       them to reflect the overall cost of the plan.           monthly benefit. And when you’re ready,
       The Legislature has the final decision on               apply for retirement. You can get started at
       contribution rates.                           

       You are vested in the plan when you meet
       one of the following service requirements:
             •   10 service credit years
             •   Five years of service credit with at
                 least 12 of those months being
                 earned after age 44
             •   Five service credit years earned in TRS
                 Plan 2 before June 1, 2003                                                 2
How to contact the Department of Retirement Systems
The Washington State Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) administers the Teachers’ Retirement
System and the Deferred Compensation Program (DCP). DRS maintains your defined benefit
component (the part your employer contributes to). The DRS Plan 3 record keeper maintains the
investment account you contribute to.

To contact DRS

Plan 3 investment account record keeper

    Privacy of your information                                                                      Glossary
    We are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal account information, including
    your Social Security number, which we use to track your account and submit required reports
    to the IRS. We will not disclose your information to anyone unless we are required to do so by
                                                                                                     in bold
    law. If you have insurance coverage through the Washington State Health Care Authority (PEBB
                                                                                                     print appear
    or SEBB for example), we could share your information with HCA to better serve you.
                                                                                                     in the
    Handbook summary                                                                                 glossary of
    This handbook is not a complete description of your retirement benefit. State retirement laws    terms on
    govern your benefit. If any conflicts exist between the information shown in this handbook and   page 18.
    what is contained in current law, the law governs.

How your plan works                                      If you are a substitute teacher, your
                                                             membership in TRS is optional. Find out more
                                                             in the TRS Plans 2 & 3 Substitute’s Guide.
    TRS Plan 3 is a 401(a) defined benefit plan
    with a defined contribution component.
                                                             Previous membership in another Washington
    When you retire, you will receive a monthly
                                                             state public service retirement system
    benefit for the rest of your life that is based on
                                                             Membership in another of Washington’s public
    your earned service credit and your Average
                                                             service retirement systems (including the
    Final Compensation (AFC). Even though the
                                                             city retirement systems of Seattle, Tacoma or
    contributions your employer makes help to
                                                             Spokane) can affect your:
    fund the plan overall, they don’t factor into the
    monthly defined benefit you will receive.                  • Eligibility for TRS Plan 3 membership
                                                               • Eligibility to retire
    For your defined contribution portion, you                 • Benefit calculation
    choose how your contributions will be invested.
    The Washington State Investment Board                    If you have ever been a member in another
    provides a range of options. The amount of               of Washington’s public service plans, it is
    your defined contribution account depends on             important that you contact us to confirm
    how much you contribute and the performance              your eligibility and discuss your retirement
    of your investments.                                     options.

    Membership in TRS Plan 3                                 Your employer’s contributions to the plan
    In general, you are automatically a member of            Contributions your employer makes fund your
    TRS if you are hired into an eligible teaching           future defined benefit. They are based on a
    position. A TRS-eligible teaching position is            percentage of your salary or wages. They aren’t
    normally compensated for at least 70 hours               matching funds, and you cannot withdraw
    of work per month for at least five months               them if you leave public service.
    between September and August.
                                                             Your contributions to the plan
    A teacher is anyone who is certified to teach            Your contributions and their investment
    and is employed by a public school as an                 earnings fund your defined contribution
    instructor, administrator or supervisor. This            benefit. You are required to contribute a
    includes:                                                percentage of your salary or wages to your
                                                             retirement plan.
       • State, educational service district and
         school district superintendents and their
                                                             When you retire, your benefit could be limited
                                                             if it exceeds the federally allowed amount. It
       • School district and educational service
                                                                                                     see the
                                                             can be adjusted annually for inflation (see
         district employees who the Washington
                                                             current IRS limits).
                                                                          limits Members hired before Jan.
         Superintendent of Public Instruction
                                                             1, 1990, have different limits. When we process
                                                             your benefit estimate, we will notify you if your
       • Any full-time school doctor a public
                                                             benefit exceeds the limit.
         school employs to provide instructional
         or educational services
                                                             Few retirement system members should be
                                                             impacted by this limit. If you think it could
    Enrollment in your specific TRS plan (Plan 2
                                                             impact you, please call us for additional
    or Plan 3) depends on additional conditions,
                                                             information.You choose how much you
    including your hire date and the plan you
                                                             contribute from six rate options.
    chose at the time you first went to work for a
    DRS-covered employer.
                                                             You choose how much you contribute from six
                                                             rate options.                                               4
Member contribution rate options                   How it works: One-Step Investing
Option A      5% all ages
                                                          1993 (birth year) + 65 (retirement age) =
Option B      5% up to age 35                             2058 (target date)
              6% ages 35 through 44
              7.5% ages 45 and older                      Once you have a target date, pick the fund
                                                          with the year closest to your target. In this
Option C      6% up to age 35
                                                          example, the selection would be the 2060
              7.5% ages 35 through 44
                                                          Retirement Strategy Fund.
              8.5% ages 45 and older
Option D      7% all ages
                                                        With Build and Monitor, you choose your own
Option E      10% all ages
                                                        mix of individual funds and decide how much
Option F      15% all ages                              to invest in each one. You choose from a menu
                                                        of professionally managed funds and are
                                                        responsible for monitoring your investments
If you don’t choose a contribution rate, your
                                                        and making changes.
withholding will default to Option A.
                                                                   Build and Monitor funds
Once your rate is set, you can change it only
when you change TRS-covered employers.                  Emerging Market Equity Index
Changing means working for a different
                                                        U.S. Small Cap Value Equity Index
employer, not another division or department
within your current workplace.                          Global Equity Index
                                                        U.S. Large Cap Equity Index
Your investment options
You have two investment program options:                Socially Responsible Balanced
the Self-Directed Investment Program and the
                                                        Washington State Bond Fund
Washington State Investment Program.
                                                        Short-Term Investment Fund
If you choose the Self-Directed Investment
Program, you can pick from two approaches:
One-Step Investing and Build and Monitor.               If you choose the Washington State Investment
                                                        Program, the Washington State Investment
The One-Step Investing approach consists of             Board (WSIB) will invest your contributions in
a series of Retirement Strategy Funds (RSFs),           its Total Allocation Portfolio (TAP). A monthly
also known as “target date” funds. Each RSF             valued fund, TAP is a diversified portfolio of
offers a diversified asset mix that automatically       U.S. and international stocks, bonds, private
rebalances over time, adjusting as you                  equity and real estate investments.
move toward a target date for retirement or
withdrawal of funds.                                    If you don’t choose an investment program,
                                                        your contributions will default into the Self-
The Retirement Strategy Funds are identified            Directed Investment Program. They will be
by a target retirement year, spaced in five-year        invested in the Retirement Strategy Fund that
increments. (See the full list under Retirement         assumes you’ll retire at age 65.
Strategy Funds on Plan 3 Investments.)
                            Investments To
select the fund that’s right for you, take the          To find out more about your investment
year you were born and add it to the age you            options, visit the Plan 3 Investments webpage.
expect to retire or withdraw your funds. The
sum is your target date..

Earning service credit                                                     » If you begin working in September
    Service credit is based on the number of                                     in an eligible position and earn
    hours you work, which your employer reports                                  compensation during at least nine
    to DRS. When you retire, your service credit is a                            months of the school year, you can
    part of your monthly benefit calculation.                                    receive 12 service credit months
                                                                                 for the school year if you are
    No more than one month of service credit can                                 compensated for at least 810 hours
    be earned each calendar month, even if more                                  of employment. Six service credit
    than one employer is reporting hours you                                     months can be awarded if you start
    work.                                                                        in September and are compensated
                                                                                 for at least 630 hours but fewer
    Review the chart at the bottom of the page to                                than 810 hours during the school
    determine how much service credit you earn. A                                year.
    school year spans Sept. 1 through Aug. 31.                                 » If you earn compensation in fewer
                                                                                 than nine months of the school
    If one or both of the following apply to                                     year, you will receive service credit
    you, you need to know additional service                                     based on the number of hours you
    credit information:                                                          are compensated for each month.
       • You’re an employee who has previous
          membership in another Washington state                     Claiming credit for substitute teaching
          public retirement system:                                  If you work as a substitute teacher, your
             » If you have earned service credit                     employer reports your hours and earnings to
                in another of the state’s public                     DRS. However, contributions aren’t deducted
                retirement systems, you might                        from your paycheck. If you meet eligibility
                be able to combine your TRS                          requirements and would like to receive credit
                service credit with credit you                       for your service, you must enroll with DRS
                earned in the other system(s) to                     after Aug. 31 of each school year and pay the
                become eligible for retirement. For                  appropriate contributions.
                more information, read the Dual
                Membership webpage.                                  Find out more in the TRS Plans 2 & 3
       • You’re an employee of the Washington                        Substitute’s Guide.
          State School for the Blind, the Center for
          Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss, or
          an institution of higher learning:

                                                    Earning service credit
                                                            You work
     810 hours or         Between 630 and      At least 630                             In all other instances
     more, begin          809 hours, begin     hours during at
                                                                   90 or more hours      At least 70 hours       Between one and
     working in           working in           least five months
                                                                   in a month            but fewer than 90       70 hours
     September and        September, and       within a six-
     work during at       work during at       month period
     least nine months    least nine months    during the school
     of the school year   of the school year   year

                                                            You earn
     12 service credit    Six service credit   Beginning in the    One service credit    Half a service          One-quarter
     months per           months (half a       2008-09 school      month per month       credit month per        service credit
     school year          service credit for   year, six service                         month                   month for each
                          each month) per      credit months per                                                 month
                          school year          school year                                                    6
Designating your beneficiary                              When you will be eligible to retire
The beneficiary information you give DRS                  You are eligible to retire at age 65 if you are
tells us the person(s) you want to receive your           vested. Options to retire earlier are available
remaining benefit, if any, after your death.              (see “Early retirement” on page 13), but your
You can submit or update your beneficiary                 benefit could be reduced to reflect that you
information at any time before retirement in              will be receiving it over a longer period of time.
your online retirement account.
                         account Sign up for or
log in to your account. Then select My Account            To retire early, you must be at least age 55
> View/Edit (beside Beneficiary). You have                and have 10 or more years of service credit.
the option of submitting a paper Beneficiary              Your early retirement benefit reduction will be
Designation form instead, if you prefer.                  smaller if you have 30 or more years of service
If you don’t submit this information, any
benefits due will be paid to your surviving               Two parts to your benefit
spouse or minor child. If you don’t have a                Your benefit has two parts — a defined
surviving spouse or minor child, we will pay              benefit part and a defined contribution part.
your estate.                                              Your employer contributes to your defined
                                                          benefit part. You contribute to the defined
Be sure to review your beneficiary designation            contribution part.
periodically and update it in your online
retirement account if you need to make a                  How your defined benefit will be calculated
change. If you marry, divorce or have another             Your defined benefit is determined by your
significant change in your life, be sure to               service credit years and compensation. No limit
update your beneficiary designation because               applies to the number of service credit years
these life events might invalidate your previous          that can be included in your benefit calculation.
choices.                                                  When you retire, this formula will be used to
                                                          calculate your benefit:
State-registered domestic partners, according                  1% x service credit years x AFC =
to RCW 26.60.010, have the same survivor and                   monthly benefit
death benefits as married spouses. Contact the
Secretary of State’s Office if you have questions         Average Final Compensation (AFC) is the
about domestic partnerships.                              average of your 60 consecutive highest paid
                                                          service credit months. Any severance pay or
When you will be vested                                   lump sum payment for unused sick leave or
You are vested in the plan when you have:                 vacation/annual leave isn’t included.
  • 10 service credit years
  • Five years of service credit with at least
     12 of those months being earned after                  Example
     age 44                                                 Using the formula
  • Five service credit years earned before
     July 1, 1996                                           If you retire at age 65 with 32 years of
                                                            service credit and a monthly Average Final
If you leave TRS employment before                          Compensation of $5,000, your monthly
you’re eligible to retire, you can leave your               benefit is $1,600, calculated as follows:
contributions in the plan. If you leave money                    1% x 32 x $5,000 = $1,600
in your defined contribution account, it will still
be able to grow (subject to market conditions)
while you retain control of your investment
choices. If you decide to withdraw your
contributions, you could reduce an important
source of your retirement income.
Planning for retirement                                    • The Deferred Compensation Program
                                                                 (DCP) is a special type of savings program
    Even though retirement might seem far away,
                                                                 that helps you invest for the retirement
    planning for it now is one of the best things
                                                                 lifestyle you want to achieve. Unlike
    you can do for yourself and your family. Your
                                                                 traditional savings accounts, DCP is
    monthly benefit will be an important part
                                                                 tax-deferred. That means it lowers your
    of your income in retirement, but it is just a
                                                                 taxable income while you are working
    portion of what you will need.
                                                                 and it delays payments of income on
                                                                 your investments until you withdraw your
    How do you begin developing your personal
                                                                 funds. Contributions are automatically
    plan for retirement? First, estimate how much
                                                                 deducted from your paycheck, so saving is
    money you will need. That can vary based on
                                                                 easy. You can start with as little as $30 per
    factors that include:
                                                                 month. You can also let your contributions
       • The lifestyle you’ll want to lead when you
                                                                 grow with percentage deductions.
       • Your health
                                                             Be sure to revisit your plan periodically and
       • Whether you’ll carry any debt into
                                                             adjust for any changes in your professional and
                                                             personal life.
       • Your life expectancy

    Next, estimate how much money you will
    receive from all sources, such as your defined
    contribution, Social Security, personal savings
    and other employer pension plans. When you
    compare this number with what you think you
    will need, you can adjust your savings plan
                                                            Milestones/life changes
                                                             Becoming vested
    Many tools can help you plan. Here are some              You have earned a right to a defined benefit
    on the DRS website:
                 website                                     when you have:
      • Live webinars are available to attend                  • 10 service credit years
         online. Topics include Plan 2, Plan 3,                • Five years of service credit with at least 12
         plan choice, the Deferred Compensation                   of those months being earned after age
         Program (DCP), distributions from Plan                   44
         3, investment basics and Social Security              • Five service credit years earned in TRS
         basics.                                                  Plan 2 before July 1, 1996
      • Retirement seminars are available to
         attend in person. You can also watch                This is called being vested. It’s a significant
         seminars when it’s convenient for you on            milestone in your public service career.
         the DRS Retirement Seminars webpage.
         Topics include Plan 1, Plan 2, Plan 3, DCP,
         Social Security and health care options,
         and the Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary            Leaving public service
         Association (VEBA).
                                                             The defined benefit part of your plan is
      • The benefit estimator within your online
                                                             designed to provide you with a source of
         account can calculate your monthly
                                                             income throughout your retirement. You can’t
         benefit based on a variety of scenarios
                                                             withdraw the contributions your employer
         (for example, different retirement dates)
                                                             makes to this part of your plan.
         using your actual account data. If you
         haven’t already registered for this service,
                                                             If you have at least 20 years of service credit
         it takes just a few minutes to do so.
                                                             when you leave employment, your defined                                              8
benefit will increase by about 3% for each year        To explore financial projections and
you delay receiving it, up to age 65.                  comparisons of your estimated retirement
                                                       benefits, try using the Plan Choice Calculator.
As a Plan 3 member, you can withdraw your              See more in Plan 3 Recovery of Withdrawn or
contributions and investment earnings from             Optional Service Credit. You might find helpful
your defined contribution account at any               information in Dual Membership as well.
time after you leave TRS-covered employment.
However, if you do, you could reduce an
important source of your retirement income.
                                                       Marriage or divorce
Withdrawing your contributions doesn’t affect
                                                       Marrying, divorcing or separating can affect
the amount of service credit you’ve earned.
                                                       your monthly benefit.
That means that if you are vested in TRS Plan 3,
you will still receive a monthly defined benefit
                                                       Court-ordered property division
once you retire.
                                                       A court-ordered property division could affect
                                                       your benefit. As long as the order complies
There are tax implications to withdrawing
                                                       with applicable laws, we will pay a monthly
your contributions, so you might want to
                                                       benefit to your ex-spouse according to
contact the IRS or a tax advisor before making
                                                       the division. The DRS publication How Can
a decision. The Plan 3 Withdrawals webpage
                                                       a Property Division Affect My Retirement
offers more detailed information. The IRS
                                                       Account? contains detailed information.
requires that you begin taking payment of your
monthly benefit no later than age 72, unless
                                                       Updating your beneficiary
you are still employed.
                                                       The beneficiary information you give DRS
                                                       tells us the person(s) you want to receive your
Be sure to keep us up to date on any changes
                                                       remaining benefit, if any, after your death.
to your name, address or beneficiary. It’s
                                                       You can submit or update your beneficiary
important that you keep your beneficiary
                                                       information at any time before retirement in
choice current, because a divorce, marriage or
                                                       your online retirement account.
other circumstance might invalidate it.
                                                       Sign up for or log in to your account. Then
                                                       select My Account > View/Edit (beside
                                                       Beneficiary). You have the option of submitting
Returning to public service                            a paper Beneficiary Designation form instead, if
If you leave your position, withdraw your              you prefer.
contributions and later return to TRS work, you
can restore your Plan 3 contributions at any           If you marry or divorce before you retire, you
time unless you waived your defined benefit.           need to update your beneficiary information,
                                                       even if your beneficiary remains the same.
A dual member, or someone who belongs                  It’s important that you keep your beneficiary
to more than one retirement system, might              designation up to date.
be able to restore service credit earned in a
retirement system other than TRS. Each time
you become a dual member, you’ll have 24
months to restore service credit earned in a
previous retirement system. It might still be
possible to purchase service credit after the
deadline has passed. However, the cost in that
case is considerably higher.

If the unexpected happens                                Find out more by reading Plan 3 Recovery of
                                                             Withdrawn or Optional Service Credit.
    Temporary leave from your job
    You might need to take a temporary leave
                                                             Disability before retirement
    from your job because of:
                                                             In some cases, you can obtain service credit
       • Military service
                                                             for work time missed while you were on leave
       • An authorized leave of absence
                                                             for a temporary disability.
       • A temporary disability
                                                             If you become totally incapacitated and leave
    If so, you might be able to obtain service credit
                                                             your job as a result, you might be eligible for
    for work time missed while you were on leave.
                                                             a disability retirement benefit. To find out
                                                             more, read Disability Benefits or call us for
    Service credit for military service
    If you left your position for uniformed military
    service, you might be eligible to receive service
                                                             Death before retirement
    credit for that period of military service.
                                                             If you are vested and die before you retire,
                                                             your surviving spouse or registered domestic
    To qualify, you must:
                                                             partner (or the guardian of your minor
      • Apply for a position with the same TRS
                                                             children), will receive a defined benefit
         employer within 90 days of receiving an
                                                             payment calculated as if you had chosen a
         honorable discharge
                                                             100% survivor benefit (see Option 2 on page
      • Pay the contributions within five years
                                                             15 in the “Ready to retire” section of this
         of returning to employment or before
                                                             handbook) and retired the first of the month
         you retire, whichever comes first;
                                                             following the date of your death. The benefit
         contributions might not be required if
                                                             will be reduced based on life expectancy
         your military service occurred during
                                                             factors for each year between the date of your
         certain periods of war
                                                             death and the date you would have turned age
    If you become totally incapacitated as a result
    of serving in the United States military, you (or
                                                             If your surviving spouse or partner dies while
    your surviving spouse or children, in the case
                                                             receiving the benefit, your minor children will
    of your death) can apply for military service
                                                             receive the benefit that was being paid to your
    credit without your return to employment.
                                                             survivor. The benefit will be divided equally
    Read Plans 2 and 3 Military Service Credit for
                                                             among the children, and each will receive their
    more information.
                                                             portion until reaching age 18.
    Service credit for an unpaid, authorized
                                                             Regarding your defined contribution portion
    leave of absence
                                                             of your benefit, your beneficiary will have the
    You could be able to earn up to two years of
                                                             right to choose one of the following options:
    service credit for an unpaid leave of absence
                                                                • Take payment in a lump sum cash
    that your employer authorized.
    To do so, you must:
                                                                • Set up a scheduled payment plan.
       • Return to work in a TRS-covered position
                                                                • Roll over your defined contribution
       • Pay your contributions with interest as
                                                                   account into an eligible retirement
          well as your employer’s contributions with
          interest for the period of time you were
          on leave
                                                             Death after retirement
                                                             If you die after you begin a service or disability
    You must complete payment within five years
                                                             retirement, your survivor could be eligible to
    of returning to employment or before you
                                                             receive a defined benefit, depending on the
    retire, whichever comes first.
                                                             retirement option you chose.                                              10
If your defined contribution account has a                • Sign up for DCP or another similar
 balance in it, your beneficiary should contact              savings vehicle. (It’s never too late to
 DRS to find out more about their options.                   get started.) If you’re already saving with
 If you purchased an annuity, the payments                   DCP or another plan, consider increasing
 continue or stop based on the terms of the                  your contribution amount. Making even a
 annuity.                                                    small increase can make a big difference
                                                             over the long run. Use the calculator
 Death as a result of an injury or occupational              on the DCP website to see the impact
 disease sustained during employment                         different contribution amounts could
 If the Department of Labor & Industries                     have. Here’s an important tip: If you’re
 determines that your death was the result                   age 50 or older, the IRS allows a higher
 of injuries sustained during the course of                  contribution limit, which enables you to
 employment or an occupational disease or                    save even more in your DCP account if
 infection that arose from your employment,                  you choose.
 your beneficiary will be entitled to a one-time,
 duty-related death benefit.                             These questions are key as you approach
                                                            • How much income will you need in
                                                            • What will your monthly benefit be?
                                                            • How will your benefit change if you work
Approaching retirement                                         past age 65 or you decide to retire early?
                                                            • Will you want to increase your benefit by
                                                               purchasing additional service credit?
 Retirement planning checkup                                • What other income will you have
                                                               available to you in retirement?
 Consider taking time to check in on your
 retirement planning. Have you analyzed how              This section can help you find the answers.
 much you will need and how much you will                If you haven’t already signed up for an
 have in retirement? Has anything in your plan           online account,
                                                                account consider doing so. With this
 changed? Have you joined the state’s Deferred           account, you can calculate your benefit using
 Compensation Program (DCP) or another                   different scenarios and your individual account
 supplemental savings program?                           information.

 Things to consider:
   • Identify your retirement lifestyle goals.
      Will you want to travel the world or stay          Service retirement
      close to home? Different lifestyle choices
                                                         Plan 3 has two parts: a defined benefit and a
      can mean different financial goals.
                                                         defined contribution. During retirement, you
   • Take care of your health. The cost of
                                                         could receive two checks — one from each
      medical care can be one of the largest
                                                         part. The defined benefit (pension) guarantees
      expenses you incur in retirement. Getting
                                                         payments for life. The defined contribution
      regular checkups now and maintaining
                                                         (investments) payments are made until the
      a healthy lifestyle can have an impact on
                                                         account balance is exhausted; unless the
      what those costs will be when you retire.
                                                         annuity option is chosen and in that case,
   • Pay down debt. Debt lessens the money
                                                         payments can be guaranteed for life.
      you have available to save. Paying off
      debt while you’re still generating a
      paycheck will affect how much you have
      to save and give you greater flexibility in
If you are vested, you are eligible to retire           Purchasing public education experience to
    when you turn age 65. This formula will be              meet retirement requirements
    used to calculate your monthly defined benefit:         If you’re an active member with at least two
         1% x service credit years x AFC =                  years of TRS service credit, you may buy up
         monthly benefit                                    to seven years of public education experience
                                                            earned as a teacher in another U.S. state or
    AFC is the average of your 60 consecutive               with the U.S. federal government to qualify for
    highest paid service credit months. Any                 retirement. This service credit is used in the
    severance pay or lump sum payment for                   calculation of your benefit.
    unused sick leave or vacation/annual leave is
    not included.                                           Using out-of-state service credit to qualify for
                                                            early or normal retirement
                                                            If you’re a vested member who earned service
      Example                                               credit in an out-of-state retirement system
      Defined benefit service retirement                    that covers teachers, you may use that credit
                                                            to qualify for early retirement. No cost and no
      If you retire at age 65 with 20 years of              limit apply to how much out-of-state service
      service credit and a monthly Average Final            credit you may use. Your retirement benefit
      Compensation of $3,700, your monthly                  will be based only on your Washington state
      defined benefit is $740 each month,                   service credit; out-of-state service credit isn’t
      calculated as:                                        used in the calculation of your benefit.
           1% x 20 x $3,700 = $740
                                                            For more information, read Using Service
    If your monthly benefit is less than $203.28            Credit Earned Outside the Washington State
    (as of January 2020), you can choose to take            Teachers’ Retirement System.
    a lump sum retirement benefit. (It’s likely that
    only a member who retires early on disability           Using sick leave to qualify for retirement
    or as a dual member would receive this                  You may use up to 45 days of unused sick
    type of payment.) If you receive a lump sum             leave to help you qualify for retirement. Sick
    payment, you are considered retired from TRS.           leave not cashed out by your employer may be
                                                            converted into a maximum of two months of
    You will also receive your defined contribution.        service credit. However, this service credit isn’t
    It consists of your contributions and their             used in the calculation of your benefit. It can
    earnings. Your payment will be based on your            only be used to qualify for retirement.
    account balance and the payment option
    you select. Those options include lump-sum,
    rollover, installments and/or annuity.

    For more information, visit Plan 3 Withdrawals.
                                       Withdrawals                                             12
Early retirement                                                   If you have 30 or more years of service credit,
                                                                   there’s still a reduction to your benefit, but it
Any retirement before age 65 is an early
                                                                   will be less. You can retire at or after age 55
retirement. If you retire early, your benefit will
                                                                   under one of two provisions:
be reduced to reflect that you will be receiving
                                                                       • You can choose to have your benefit
it over a longer period of time. Your benefit
                                                                         reduced by 3% for each year (prorated
depends on how much service credit you have
                                                                         monthly) before age 65.
earned, your age and the Early Retirement
                                                                       • Using the 2008 ERFs, you can choose a
Factor (ERF) applied.
                                                                         smaller (or no) reduction to your benefit,
                                                                         but you accept stricter rules on returning
              Early Retirement Factors                                   to work in Washington state public
                                 30 years or more                        service. If you accept this ERF option, your
             At least             of service credit
                                (prorated monthly)                       pension will be stopped if you return to
            10 years
Retirement of service            3%        2008      5%                  public service. It won’t restart again until
       age    credit*           ERFs       ERFs     ERFs                 you leave employment or reach age 65.
         55        0.386        0.70        0.80       0.50
         56        0.423        0.73        0.83       0.55
                                                                   The early retirement rules are different for
                                                                   members who are first hired into eligible
         57        0.463        0.76        0.86       0.60
                                                                   positions on or after May 1, 2013. At age 55
         58        0.507        0.79        0.89       0.65
                                                                   with 30 years of service credit, your benefit
         59        0.556        0.82        0.92       0.70        will be reduced by 5% for each year (prorated
         60        0.611        0.85        0.95       0.75        monthly) before age 65. Thinking About
         61        0.672        0.88        0.98       0.80        Retiring Early? offers in-depth information on
         62        0.741        0.91        1.00       0.85        what you’ll need to know if you are thinking
         63        0.817        0.94        1.00       0.90        about retiring early.
         64        0.903        0.97        1.00       0.95

* The 10-year ERFs are subject to change based on State
Actuary figures. To review the factors in detail, visit the
complete table online.

If you have at least 10 service credit years, you
can retire at or after age 55 with a reduced

Retiring as a dual member                               Estimating your benefit
    If you are a member of more than one                    If you are within five years of retirement, we
    Washington state retirement system, you are             encourage you to review your online account
    a dual member. You can combine service                  and use the online benefit estimator to
    credit earned in all dual member systems to             determine how much your benefit might be.
    become eligible for retirement. However, your           You can use this estimator at any point in your
    retirement benefit will be calculated using only        career.
    the service credit earned in each system.
                                                            If you expect to retire within the next year,
    In most cases, your monthly benefit will be             contact us through your online account or call
    based on the highest base salary you earned,            to request a written estimate of your benefit.
    regardless of which system you earned it in.
    Base salary includes your wages and overtime
    and can include other cash payments if those
    payments are included as base salary in all the         .Annuity options
    retirement systems you are retiring from.
                                                            An annuity is a guaranteed income plan you
                                                            purchase. When retiring, TRS Plan 3 members
      Example                                               have three available annuities.
      Dual member
                                                            TAP Annuity: The Total Allocation Portfolio
      If you retire at age 65 with three years of
                                                            or TAP annuity is exclusively available to
      service credit from TRS Plan 3 and four
                                                            Plan 3 members. You can use your Plan 3
      from the Public Employees’ Retirement
                                                            contributions to purchase this annuity.
      System (PERS) Plan 3, you are a dual
      member. Without dual membership,
                                                            TRS Plan annuity: With this annuity, the
      your service wouldn’t be eligible for a
                                                            retirement benefit increase you receive is
      monthly benefit from either system.
                                                            based on the dollar amount you choose to
      With dual membership, your service
                                                            purchase. There are no minimum or maximum
      credit is combined, giving you enough
                                                            purchase amounts. Estimate the monthly
      to retire. Your benefit from each system
                                                            retirement income increase through the
      is calculated with service from that
                                                            “Purchase an Annuity” calculator in your online
      system alone. This is how your benefit is
           1% x 3 (TRS service credit years) x
                                                            Service credit annuity: This annuity allows
           Average Final Compensation (AFC) =
                                                            you to add up to 60 months to your service in
           TRS benefit
                                                            the final pension calculation. Purchased service
                                                            credit does not actually increase the number
             1% x 4 (PERS service credit years)
                                                            of years you’ve worked and won’t help you
             x AFC = PERS benefit
                                                            qualify for retirement, but it can make a big
                                                            impact when it comes to your pension benefit!
             TRS benefit + PERS benefit = total
                                                            Estimate the monthly retirement income
             monthly benefit
                                                            increase as well as the annuity cost through the
                                                            “Purchasing Service” calculator in your online
    For more information, read the Dual
                                                            account. So how do you fund this annuity?
    Membership webpage.
                                                            Many members use their DCP savings account.

                                                            For more information about these annuities,
                                                            see DRS annuities.
                                                                    annuities                                             14
Ready to retire                                           Option 2: Joint and 100% survivor
                                                          Your monthly benefit under this option is less
                                                          than the Single Life Option. But after your
 Applying for retirement online                           death, your survivor will receive the same
                                                          benefit you were receiving for their lifetime.
 To apply online, go to your online account and
 either sign up for or log in to your account.            Option 3: Joint and 50% survivor
                                                          This option applies a smaller reduction to your
 The online retirement application will be                monthly benefit than Option 2. After your
 available for you once your formal estimate              death, your survivor will receive half the benefit
 has been completed. It will display only what            you were receiving for their lifetime.
 you need based on your retirement system,
 plan and retirement eligibility rules. Follow the        Option 4: Joint and 66.67% survivor
 step-by-step instructions and electronically             This option applies a smaller reduction to your
 submit the application to us when you’re                 benefit than Option 2 and a larger reduction
 ready, including any forms or documents the              than Option 3. After your death, your survivor
 Retirement Tracker requires.                             will receive 66.67% (or roughly two-thirds) of
                                                          the benefit you were receiving for their lifetime.

                                                          You must get consent in certain circumstances
 Applying for retirement on paper                         If you are married, legally separated or a
 Request a formal estimate. Once the                      registered domestic partner and do not leave
 estimate is finished, DRS will send you a                a survivor option for your spouse/partner,
 retirement application. Submit the completed             the law requires their consent to your choice.
 application with all required signatures and             If their notarized consent is not provided on
 documentation, including proof of age for your           your retirement application, your benefit will
 survivor if you choose a Survivor Option (see            be calculated at Option 3 and they will be the
 Options 2, 3 and 4).                                     designated survivor.

 If you’re purchasing service credit, complete
 and turn in your Request to Purchase
 Retirement Service Credit form with your                 Health insurance coverage
                                                          Ask your employer if you will be eligible for
                                                          health insurance coverage through the Public
 If you’re purchasing an annuity, complete and
                                                          Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) once you
 turn in a Request to Purchase an Annuity form.
                                                          retire. You can also contact the Health Care
                                                          Authority at 800-200-1004 or

                                                          If you receive PEBB coverage, you can delay
 Your defined benefit options                             receiving your retirement benefit and still be
 When you apply for retirement, you will choose           eligible for coverage.
 one of four benefit options. Once you retire,
 you can change your option in only limited,              If you qualify for continuing coverage, you
 specific circumstances, so choose carefully.             must meet strict timelines to apply or request
                                                          a deferral. If you are not entitled to PEBB
 Option 1: Single Life                                    coverage, you might be eligible for health
 This option pays the highest monthly amount              insurance your employer provides. For more
 of the four choices, but it is for your lifetime         information, contact your employer or HCA.
 only. No one will receive an ongoing benefit
 after you die.
Federal benefit limit                                      Legal actions
    When you retire, your benefit could be limited             In general, your monthly benefit isn’t subject
    if it exceeds the federally allowed amount. It             to assignment or attachment. However, it
    can be adjusted annually for inflation (see the            could be subject to court and administrative
    current IRS limits).
                 limits Members hired before Jan.              orders issued under federal law or for spousal
    1, 1990, have different limits. When we process            maintenance and child support.
    your benefit estimate, we will notify you if your
    benefit exceeds the limit.                                 You can find more information in Can Legal
                                                               Action Affect My Retirement Account?
    Few retirement system members should be
    impacted by this limit. If you think it could
    impact you, please call us for more information.
                                                               When and how your benefit will
                                                               be paid
    Federal tax on your monthly benefit                        After you retire, your retirement benefit will
                                                               be paid at the end of each month and directly
    Most, if not all, of your benefit will be subject
                                                               deposited in your financial institution account.
    to federal income tax. The only exception will
                                                               You must enter your banking information in
    be any portion that was taxed before it was
                                                               your online retirement account or complete
    contributed. When you retire, we will let you
                                                               the Direct Deposit Authorization form as part
    know if any portion of your contributions has
                                                               of your paper retirement application.
    already been taxed.
                                                               If you need to change your financial institution
    Since most public employers deduct
                                                               once you’ve started your retirement, just
    contributions before taxes, it’s likely your entire
                                                               update your information in your online account
    retirement benefit will be taxable.
                                                               or send us a new authorization form.
    At retirement, you must complete and
                                                               In rare cases, if you are unable to receive
    submit a federal W-4P form to let us
                                                               payment by direct deposit, payment will be
    know how much of your benefit should be
                                                               mailed at the end of each month.
    withheld for taxes. If you don’t, IRS rules
    require withholding as if you are married and
    claiming three exemptions. You can adjust
    your withholding amount at any time during
    retirement by completing a new W-4P form
    or by logging in to your online retirement

    For each tax year you receive a retirement
    benefit, we will provide you with a 1099-R form
    to use in preparing your tax return (see the
    1099-R guide).
            guide These forms are usually mailed
    at the end of January for the previous year.

    The information is also available through your
    online account.
           account It is your responsibility to
    declare the proper amount of taxable income
    on your income tax return.                                                16
Once you retire                                            Changing a benefit option or
                                                           survivor after you retire
 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)                          Once you retire, you may change your
                                                           benefit option or survivor in the following
 On July 1 of every year following your first full
                                                           circumstances only:
 year of retirement, your monthly benefit will
                                                              • If you name someone other than
 be adjusted to a maximum of 3% per year, as
                                                                your spouse to receive your survivor
 determined by the Consumer Price Index.
                                                                benefit, you can change to an Option
                                                                1 (no survivor) benefit at any time after
                                                              • If you choose a Survivor Option (Option
 Working after retirement                                       2, 3 or 4) and your named survivor dies
 If you return to public service in Washington                  before you do, your monthly benefit
 state after you retire, your benefit could be                  can be adjusted to the higher Option 1
 affected, depending on the position and                        payment level. Be sure to notify us to
 number of hours you work.                                      begin this change.
                                                              • If you marry or remarry after retirement
 In certain circumstances, you might be required                and remain married for at least one
 to become a member of, and pay contributions                   year, you might be able to change your
 to, another retirement system. You might be                    benefit option and provide a survivor
 able to work limited hours with no impact to                   benefit for your new spouse. To qualify
 your benefit. If you retire early under provisions             for this opportunity, you must request
 put in place in 2008 (see “Early retirement” on                the change during your second year of
 page 13), your benefit could be stopped if                     marriage. Contact us for estimates on
 you return to public service.                                  how this will affect your monthly benefit.
                                                                Also, be aware that this opportunity
 If you think you might be returning to work                    might not be available if a court-ordered
 after retirement, call us to see if your benefit               property division has impacted your
 will be affected. Consider reviewing Thinking                  benefit.
 About Working After Retirement?                              • If you re-enter TRS membership and
                                                                earn 24 months of uninterrupted service
                                                                credit, you can choose a different
                                                                Survivor Option when you retire again.
 Benefit overpayments or
 If you ever receive an overpayment of your
 monthly benefit, you are required to repay it. If
 we discover your benefit has been underpaid,
 we will correct the error and award you a
 retroactive payment, if applicable.

Glossary of terms
    Average Final Compensation (AFC): The                    Plan 1 of the Law Enforcement Officers’ and
    monthly average of your 60 consecutive                   Fire Fighters’ Retirement System.
    highest paid service credit months. Your
    Average Final Compensation is used in                    Early retirement: Retiring before age 65.
    determining your monthly benefit.
                                                             Membership status: The status of your
    Beneficiary: The person(s), estate, organization         retirement membership. This can be:
    or trust you have designated to receive                    • Active, which means you are currently
    any benefit payable upon your death.                           employed in a position covered by one of
    Your beneficiary must have a federal tax                       the state retirement systems
    identification number or a Social Security                 • Inactive, which means you no longer are
    number.                                                        actively contributing to the state
                                                                   retirement system and have not
    Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA): On July                      withdrawn your contributions after
    1 of every year following your first full year                 leaving employment (which might leave
    of retirement, your monthly benefit will be                    you eligible to receive a benefit once you
    adjusted to reflect the percentage change in                   reach retirement age)
    the Consumer Price Index — to a maximum of                 • Withdrawn, which means you were
    3% per year.                                                   employed in a position covered by one
                                                                   of the state retirement systems and you
    Defined benefit: A retirement plan in which                    withdrew your contributions after leaving
    your benefit is based on a formula rather than                 employment
    an account balance. The formula provides a
    monthly benefit based on your years of service           Reduced benefit: A benefit that has been
    and your Average Final Compensation.                     decreased by a factor provided by the Office of
                                                             the State Actuary. A benefit is reduced in two
    Defined contribution: A benefit that consists            situations: when you retire early or you retire
    solely of the money you contribute and any               and select a Survivor Option (which pays a
    investment gains, losses or expenses applied to          benefit to your survivor after your death).
    your account.
                                                             Service credit: The credit you receive each
    Domestic partner: In a registered domestic               month for working in a position covered by
    partnership, both individuals have met the               one of the state retirement systems. Service
    state’s legal requirements and registered their          credit is used to determine your eligibility for
    partnership with the Secretary of State’s Office         retirement and your benefit amount.
    or another jurisdiction. Contact the Secretary of
    State’s Office if you have questions about the           Survivor: The individual you choose — when
    requirements. Registered domestic partners               picking Option 2, 3 or 4 at retirement — to
    have the same survivor and death benefits as             receive benefit payments after your death.
    married spouses. However, differences could
    occur in how taxes are handled at the federal            System/plan: The retirement system and plan
    level.                                                   in which you are a member.

    Dual member: You are a dual member if you                Vested: You have earned the right to receive a
    have established membership in more than                 retirement benefit once you reach an eligible
    one Washington state retirement system,                  age.
    including First Class City retirement systems for
    Seattle, Spokane and Tacoma, but excluding                                              18
A                                    F                                 R
Applying for retirement, 15          Federal benefit limit, 16         Ready to retire, 15
Approaching retirement, 11           Federal tax, 16, 18               Retirement planning
Authorized leave of                  Formula, 2, 7, 12, 18              checkup, 11
 absence, 10                                                           Retiring as a dual member, 14
Average Final                        G                                 Returning to public service, 9
 Compensation, 2, 4, 7, 12, 14       Glossary of terms, 18
B                                    H                                 Seminar, 8, 14
Becoming vested, 8                   Health insurance coverage, 15     Service credit, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
Beneficiary, 2, 7, 9, 10, 18         How to contact DRS, 3               11, 13, 15, 17, 18
Benefit calculation, 2, 4, 7         How your plan works, 4            Service retirement, 4, 11
Benefit options, 15, 17                                                Survivor, 7, 10, 15, 17, 18
C                                    If the unexpected happens, 10     T
Changing a benefit option or                                           Temporary disability, 10
 survivor after you retire, 17       L
Compensation, 2, 4, 7, 12, 14        Leaving public service, 8         U
Contribution rate, 2, 5              Legal actions, 16                 Underpayment, 17
Contributions, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 17,   Life changes, 8                   Updating your plan for
 18                                                                     retirement, 14
Cost-of-Living Adjustment            M
 (COLA), 17, 18                      Marriage, 9, 17                   V
                                     Milestone, 8                      Vested, 2, 7, 8, 10, 12, 18
D                                    Military service, 10
Death, 2, 10, 15, 18                                                   W
Deferred Compensation                O                                 When and how your benefit will
 Program (DCP), 3, 8, 11             Once you retire, 9, 15             be paid, 16
Defined benefit, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9,      Online account, 8, 11,            Withdraw, 4, 7, 8
 10, 11, 15, 18                       14, 16                           Working after retirement, 17
Defined contribution, 2, 4, 7,       Overpayment, 17
 10, 11, 12, 18
Designating your beneficiary, 7      P
Disability, 2, 10, 12                Plan summary, 2
Divorce, 7, 9                        Planning for retirement, 7
Domestic partner, 2, 7, 10, 18       Privacy of your information, 3
Dual member, 9, 12, 14, 18           Property division, 9, 17
                                     Public Employees Benefits Board
E                                      (PEBB), 3, 15
Early retirement, 2, 7, 13, 17, 18   Purchasing additional service
Earning service credit, 6              credit, 11, 14
Eligible to retire, 2, 7, 12         Purchasing an annuity, 14
Estimating your benefit, 14

TRS3HB 11/20                                         19
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