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TREBALL FINAL DE GRAU TÍTOL DEL TFG: Air taxi transportation infrastructures in Barcelona TITULACIÓ: Grau en Enginyeria d’Aeronavegació AUTOR: Alexandru Nicorici Ionut DIRECTOR: José Antonio Castán Ponz DATA: 19 de juny del 2020
Títol: Air taxi transportation infrastructures in Barcelona Autor: Alexandru Nicorici Ionut Director: José Antonio Castán Ponz Data: 19 de juny del 2020 Resum El següent projecte parteix de la visió d’un futur on la mobilitat urbana es reparteix també al medi aèri. A partir d’aquesta premissa, s’escull el dron de passatgers com a mitjà de transport i es busca adaptar tot un sistema infrastructural per al vehicle autònom dins el perímetre d’una ciutat, Barcelona. En un inici, la primera pregunta a respondre és: permet la normativa actual l’ús de drons de passatgers autònoms en zones urbanes? Tant les regulacions europees com les nacionals espanyoles han estat estudiades i resumides per determinar que sí es permeten operacions amb aquest tipus de vehicles i es preveu la seva integració dintre de l’aviació civil. Seguidament, un estudi de mercat de taxi drons és realitzat amb l’objectiu d’esbrinar si la tecnologia d’avui dia permet operar a paràmetres òptims i oferir el servei de taxi d’una manera completament segura i satisfactòria per al client. Prototips en fase de test i actualment funcionals han estat analitzats; per finalment, elegir un d’aquest últims com a candidat apte per al transport de persones dins la capital catalana. Un cop es té el vehicle de transport, cal mirar si la pròpia ciutat ofereix garanties d’èxit per aquest servei de transport aeri. Un anàlisi estadístic del turisme com a demanda del servei; un estudi de la sectorització aèria i una recerca de zones restringides al sobrevol determinen que sí: Barcelona és una ciutat apta per a una reforma en la mobilitat urbana a nivell aeri. Diferents mapes amb una xarxa de rutes aèries optimitzades complementen aquest apartat. Finalment, un disseny modular d’un dron-port, anomenat sky port, és realitzat amb ajuda del programa SolidWorks. La idea és integrar aquest edifici que connecta a terra el complex sistema de transport aeri amb el paisatge arquitectònic de la ciutat; una ubicació idònia la ofereixen els terrats d’hotels prèviament escollits com a nodes en la xarxa de vies aèries. La simplicitat geomètrica i la estandardització del model són prioritat. Aquest últim capítol pretén enriquir el treball amb una aportació personal per part de l’estudiant.
Title: Air taxi transportation infrastructures in Barcelona Author: Alexandru Nicorici Ionut Director: José Antonio Castán Ponz Date: 19 de juny del 2020 Resum The next project is based on the vision of a future where urban mobility is also distributed in the air. Based on this premise, the passenger drone is chosen as the means of transport and the aim is to adapt an entire infrastructure system for the autonomous vehicle within the perimeter of a city, Barcelona. Initially, the first question to answer is: do current regulations allow the use of autonomous passenger drones in urban areas? Both European and Spanish national regulations have been studied and summarized to determine whether operations with this type of vehicle are allowed and their integration into civil aviation is envisaged. Next, a drone taxi market study is conducted with the aim of finding out if today’s technology allows to operate at optimal parameters and offer the taxi service in a completely safe and satisfactory way for the customer. Prototypes in the test phase and currently functional have been analyzed in order to choose one of the latter as a suitable candidate for the transport of people within the Catalan capital. Once had the transport vehicle, there is need to see if the city itself offers guarantees of success for this air transport service. A statistical analysis of tourism as a demand for the service; a study of the air sectorization and a search for areas restricted to overflight determine that yes: Barcelona is a city suitable for a reform of urban mobility at the air level. Different maps with an optimized network of air routes complement this section. Finally, a modular design of a drone port, called a sky port, is made with the help of the SolidWorks program. The idea is to integrate this building that connects the complex air transport system to the ground with the architectural landscape of the city; an ideal location is offered by the roofs of hotels previously chosen as nodes in the airway network. Geometric simplicity and model standardization are to be a priority. This last chapter aims to enrich the work with a personal contribution from the student.
Acknowledgments To the director of this thesis, Jose Antonio Castán Ponz, for guiding me through the whole project and granting the SW software. Also, to my dear family, friends and girlfriend.
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION…………………………………………...………………………….1 CHAPTER 1. NORMATIVE……………………………………………………….….2 1.1. European directives………………………………………………….2 1.2. Spanish regulation…………………………………………………...3 CHAPTER 2. MARKET STUDY OF DRONE TAXIS……………………………….5 2.1. Methodological approach…………………………………………...5 2.2. Types of drone taxis………………………………………………….5 2.2.1. Non-functional prototypes……………………………………...5 2.2.2. Functional prototypes…………………………………………12 2.3. Direct comparison between functional prototypes……………23 2.4. Final decision for operating as a drone taxi in Barcelona…….25 CHAPTER 3. AERIAL TAXI SERVICE ASSESSMENT IN BARCELONA…….28 3.1. Barcelona Tech and Touristic City……………………………….29 3.2. Hot spots mapping………………………………………………….32 3.3. Airway networking…………………………………………………..36 3.3.1. Restricted areas and other routing barriers…………………39 3.3.2. Optimal intertwine…………………………………………….42 3.3.3. Satellite view…………………………………………………..45 3.4. Time derived from operating the final system………………….47 3.5. Closure………………………………………………………………..49 CHAPTER 4. SKYPORT DESIGN………………………………………………….50 4.1. Sky port models……………………………………………………..50 4.2. Infrastructure provided…………………………………………….52 4.3. SolidWorks modelling……………………………………………...54 4.3.1. Dimensioning according to material properties……………58
4.3.2. Hotel hub perspective………………………………………...61 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS……………………………………………………...62 BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………………..64 ANNEX………………………………………………………………………………..69
LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 1. NORMATIVE…………………………………………………………..2 1.1 Latest communitarian normative endorsement……………………………..2 1.2 Schematics of a SORA safety risk management……………………………3 CHAPTER 2. MARKET STUDY OF DRONE TAXIS……………………………….5 Non-Functional prototypes 2.1 S-A1 drone taxi model…………………………………………………………6 2.2 Nexus 4EX model………………………………………………………………7 2.3 Boeing Aurora Pegasus model……………………….……………………….8 2.4 Lilium Jet prototype…………………………………………………………….9 2.5 The A3 on Alpha One stage…………………………………………………..11 Functional prototypes 2.6 EHang 216 model…………………………………………………………….12 2.7 Carbon composite materials and aerial aluminum alloy………………….13 2.8 Inside view of the cabin………………………………………………………14 2.9 Agreement between LLíria’s council, Valencia, and EHang……….……..14 2.10 NMC lithium Battery pack for the EHang 216 model………………………15 2.11 Depiction of the 3-generation motors……………………………………….16 2.12 Depiction of the 3-generation propellers……………………………………16 2.13 EHang 216 graph……………………………………………………………..17 2.14 EHang command centre……………………………………………………..18 2.15 Volocopter VC2X functional multicopter……………………………………19 2.16 VC2X’s cockpit and its 200-5W rotor……………………………………….20 2.17 Inside view of the cabin………………………………………………………20 2.18 The battery swapping technique…………………………………………….21 2.19 Exploded perspective on a PMSM motor…………………………………..22 2.20 VC2X propeller………………………………………………………………..22 2.21 Rotor-propeller positioning and parachute compartment…………………23 Comparison 2.22 VC2X dimensions scheme…………………………………………………..24 2.23 EHang 216 dimensions scheme…………………………………………….24 2.24 Timeline to production scale for all models…………………………………27 CHAPTER 3. AERIAL TAXI SERVICE ASSESSMENT IN BARCELONA……28 3.1 Barcelona Smart City logotype………………….…………………………..29 3.2 Graphic of tourist evolution in Barcelona…………………………………...30 3.3 Tabulated numbers by year………………………………………………….30 3.4 Seasonality of overnights in hotels………………………………………….31 3.5 Tourists in hotels by category in 2019……………………………………...31
3.6 Seasonality of passengers in Barcelona’s airport in millions………..……32 Maps 3.7 Hot spots mapped on districted Barcelona…………………………………34 3.8 Population density by district………………….……………………………..38 3.9 3 km radial coverage from hub………………………………………………39 3.10 Radial hub coverage delimitations………………………………………….40 3.11 Population density vs green spots per district……………………………..41 3.12 Sky ports distribution within 10 districts, coastal orientation……………..43 3.13 Complete routing network……………………………………………………43 3.14 Final routing network in clear 10-district map………………………………44 3.15 Satellite view…………………………………………………………………..46 CHAPTER 4. SKYPORT DESIGN…………………………………………………50 4.1 Uber Air sky port prototype………………………………………………….50 4.2 Voloport prototype……………………………………………………………51 4.3 E-port maquette disposal at Sevilla’s fair………………………………….52 4.4 Hotel Sofia, Les Corts District………………………………………………53 4.5 Hotel Sofia to Camp Nou perspective……………………………………..54 SolidWorks 4.6 Sky port sketch on plan view………………………………………………..55 4.7 Extruded sketch, no ceiling, isometric…………………………………......56 4.8 Sky port assembly with clients and drones to scale……………………...57 4.9 One module concept…………………………………………………………58 4.10 Material simulated sky port, diedric………………………………….……..60 4.11 Hotel hub perspective………………………………………………………..61
LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER 1. NORMATIVE…………………………………………………………..2 None CHAPTER 2. MARKET STUDY OF DRONE TAXIS……………………………….5 2.1. Specs comparison……………………………………………………………25 CHAPTER 3. AERIAL TAXI SERVICE ASSESSMENT IN BARCELONA…....28 3.1. Most visited landmarks in Barcelona………………………………………..33 3.2. Main touristic attraction by district…………………………………………..34 3.3. Hotels to provide for the hub by district…………………………………….36 3.4. Travel time per airway………………………………………………………..47 3.5. Aerial mobility vs. subway system time comparison………………………48 CHAPTER 4. SKYPORT DESIGN…………………………………………………50 4.1 Load capacities of simply supported concrete slabs………………………59 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS……………………………………………………...62 None
ACRONYMS and ABBREVIATIONS Acronym Meaning AAV Autonomous Aerial Vehicle AENA Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea/Spanish Airports and Aerial Navigation AESA Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea/National Agency for Aerial Safety AGL Above Ground Level AI Artificial Intelligence AMSL Above Mean Sea Level ATCo Air Traffic Controller ATM Air Traffic Management ATZ Aerodrome Traffic Zone AVE Alta Velocidad Española/Spanish High Speed (Renfe, railway lines) AWY Airway CES Consumer Electronic Show CTR Controlled Traffic Region DEP Distributed Electric Propulsion Drone taxi Unmanned aerial vehicle capable of giving taxi service EASA European Aviation Safety Agency ENAIRE air navigation manager in Spain and Western Sahara, certified for the provision of enroute, approach and aerodrome control services ESA European Space Agency EVTOL Electrical Vertical Take Off and Landing vehicle type GPS Global Positioning System ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization IFR Instrumental Flight Rules MTOW Maximum Take Off Weight RD 1036/2017 Spanish Royal Decree concerning drone operations within the territory PAV Personal Air Vehicle SC-VTOL Special Condition – Vertical Take Off and Landing SID Standard Instrument Departure Sky port/Hub Docking site for drones, resembling a small heliport/air to ground base.
Smart City Urban area that uses different types of electronic Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to collect data. Overall, a technology advanced city SORE Specific Operations Risk Assessment STAR Standard Instrumental Arrival Startup Emerging company founded on a technological base in this case TMA Terminal Manoeuvring Area TMB Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona TWR Tower Control UAM Urban Air Mobility UAS Unmanned Aerial Systems = dron UE 219/245 Delegated regulation ensuring drone operations safety within the European Union VFR Visual Flight Rules
Introduction 1 Introduction The present project aims at optimizing the near future urban air mobility (UAM) transportation system by implementing a fully scaled air route network modelling in the city of Barcelona. 5 different chapters compose the thesis: each one containing essential information for the whole integrity of the envision that gave birth to the project in the first place. The first chapter is merely informative about the normative regarding UAS operations in urban territory; while the true content of the paper is held within chapters 2, 3 and 4, this last one consisting in a summary of what has been done with SolidWorks software, snapchats included. The final chapter is for the conclusions. Therefore, chapter 2, consisting in a market study of drone taxis, aims at selecting the most suitable AAV type vehicle for the taxi service implementation in Barcelona. The focus is put on the functional prototypes, giving extent details about their specifications and a definitive comparison between them in order to better understand the reasoning behind the final decision; one which is based at all time on the technical specs and their correlation with the demands of the city. Chapter 3 is a compilation of advantages for which the Catalan metropolis promises to compete against cities such as Dubai and Los Angeles in the reform of the UAM program. It is 2020 and experimental flights can already be seen across the globe with drone type vehicles. The most important contribution from chapter 3 to this thesis is to be found with the pile of maps that depict an optimal airway network to be overflown by autonomous taxi drones. These airways will be connected to specially designed heliports ubicated in predefined areas meticulously thought as being hot spots that enclose top priority landmarks. As a reminder, the air route network will have to obey the restrictions imposed by the Spanish government regarding the use of drones in urban areas; thus, we will carefully treat the upcoming normative [please refer to Section 1.1.]. Statement: we are only 5 years apart from the first commercially used urban air mobility routes. Chapter 4 is the hands-on activity attached to the previous more research focused sections of this paper. Based on existing sky port prototypes from companies that manufacture drone taxis; all mentioned in the second chapter, another similar sky port model is created with SW and it is explained why its characteristics should totally adapt to Barcelona’s skyline and the chosen aerial vehicle specifications. A final assembly drawing plan constitutes the final annex.
2 Air Taxi Transportation Infrastructures in Barcelona CHAPTER 1. NORMATIVE In this passage, a brief presentation of all laws and regulations the normative regarding drone usage within metropolitan areas has will be analysed in order to enclose the goal of the entire project in a legal framework and to guarantee safety at all cost. The focus will be on European directives and especially the Spanish regulation since they cover the area of study and it is mandatory to proceed according to their statements, even tough the envision of this work may not become reality until 5 years from now; therefore, flexibility is vital in this law field. 1.1. European directives Seeking for the latest approved directives it was found that Spain belongs to the communitarian normative involving UAS operations which goes from 2019 to 2022. *Please refer to [1] in bibliography for further information. This directive, alongside previous ones which will be mentioned in the next subsection [1.1.2.], refer to all kinds of unmanned and autonomous or remotely controlled drones (UAS) excepting military, police, research or salvage activity wise destined aircrafts. Since this work seeks to model a suitable transportation system above the streets of Barcelona, meaning it responds also to leisure activities, it is mandatory to answer to its call. Figure. 1.1 Latest communitarian normative endorsement. [1]. Now, taking a deeper look at the normative concept itself, there are 3 main categories in which we can split the drones: - Open category low risk Plug and Play - Specific category medium risk Predefined Risk Assessment EASA - Certified category high risk Delegated Regulation UE 2019/245
Normative 3 These categories separate UAS according to their intended operations and surroundings. For the purpose of this work, all type of drones analysed here will be classified within the certified category because it implies: - People transport - Flying over high concentrations of people - Large drones, the 3 m barrier is surpassed in some dimension. Therefore, it is mandatory to comply with all articles mentioned in the delegated regulation UE 2019/245. It is worth mentioning the SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment) aeronautical study: a way to ensure safety for each operation carried out in aircrafts belonging to the specific category or to higher risk ones. Figure. 1.2 Schematic of a SORA safety risk management. [2]. 1.2. Spanish regulation All Spanish regulations pay special attention to commercial aviation and discriminates large and heavy drone operations within metropolitan areas. For this reason, civil drone usage regulation inside Spanish territory will be closely discussed as it precedes the European directive mentioned in [section 1.1.], a communitarian regulation that allows for large drone services since they are treated as special passenger transportation systems: an integration alongside commercial aviation (small aircrafts, helicopters) which allows for this project to proceed with its idea of conquering city skies via drone taxis. To see the evolution from this territorial regulation to the UE 2019/245, a closer look into the first one’s most important statements, the Royal Decree RD 1036/2017, will come in handy
4 Air Taxi Transportation Infrastructures in Barcelona 1. It is mandatory to own an AESA (Spanish agency ensuring aviation safety) certificate in order to operate a drone taxi type, whether the subject is an individual or a company, and a valid medical certificate. 2. All drones must carry a plate containing the manufacturer, the model and the operator’s name, the serial number and the contact information. 3. Inside a controlled airspace it is required for the aerial taxi to have a mode S transponder1 and not to go beyond 120 m of height. 4. For nocturnal flights, the operator needs to present a safety study to AESA in order to obtain authorization. 5. Minimal distancing from airports have to be of 8 km for VFR and of 15 km for IFR, rules applied at Barcelona’s airport El Prat. 6. In order to fly over crowded cities, the drone must not surpass 10 kg of empty weight, operate always within the sight of the pilot and maintain at least 50 m of horizontal distance between buildings. *Please refer to [4] in bibliography for the complete RD1036/2017 pdf. For further information about AESA certificates and authorizations refer to article 42. It is clear that from statement 3 beyond there would be no point in continuing the search for developing such an infrastructure in Barcelona since all drones capable of offering a taxi service surpass these limitations or do not work properly. A perfect example of why the UE2019/245 regulation is essential. 1Mode S transponder: advanced radio transmitter that provides ATCos with a squawk code for emergency, tail number and altitude.
Market Study of Drone Taxis 5 CHAPTER 2. MARKET STUDY OF DRONE TAXIS Aiming for a realistic new method of transportation in the Catalan capital, it is essential to first examine the current market of drones so that all infrastructures may be modelled accordingly to a preselected type of aircraft; which in turn will determine the flexibility of the airways network plus hubs system whether the chosen model matches with other options or future replacements. Consequently, the search for the optimal aerial vehicle will also consider modern prototypes to enable flexibility in the system; but ultimately will select from a narrow range of current working UAS. 2.1. Methodological approach There are many drone taxis from which to choose since all major aircraft manufacturers and taxi transportation companies wish to be at the forefront of the upcoming urban air mobility. In the upcoming sections, a listing of all major prototypes will be done in order to select the optimal model for air taxi transportation in the city of Barcelona. To do this selection, mechanical and electrical specifications such as batteries autonomy for the range and safety features; design features that involves the number of passenger seats and economical aspects like availability in the European market and pricing will be strongly analysed. 2.2. Types of drone taxis Two main categories of drone taxis will compose this market study: the non- functional prototypes to this day and the functional ones. Since this project foresees global UAM for the major cities in the next 5 years, the functional prototypes will be preferred; even so, it is essential to get to know the market of top listed still in development aerial taxis as they can be inspiring models for current generation of transportation drones. 2.2.1. Non-functional prototypes Hyundai S-A1 Hyundai Motor Company in collaboration with Uber, the world-famous multinational ride-hailing company, announced on January 6, 2020 during the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas their new electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft.
6 Air Taxi Transportation Infrastructures in Barcelona Fig. 2.1 S-A1 drone taxi model. [3]. This prototype was designed for Uber Elevate2, aiming to transform the world through aerial ridesharing at scale. 3 main systems for a complete UAM ecosystem according to Hyundai: - S-A1 eVOTL PAV (Personal Air Vehicle). - Purpose Built Ground Vehicle. - S-Hub and S-Hub Skyport. Out of these 3 systems, this project focuses on the first and third ones to develop a fully interconnected aerial network able to deliver to the clients an alternative more efficient way of transportation across a crowded city. Specifications • Aircraft type: eVTOL. • Piloting: 1 pilot, will be initially piloted and will transition into an autonomous aircraft. • Capacity: 4 seats, without middle seat, with enough space for baggage • Cruising speed: Up to 290 km/h. • Range: 97 km. • Cruising altitude: 1,000-2,000 feet (305-610 m). • Recharging time: 5-7 minutes. • Propellers: 4 tiltrotor propellers (with 5 blades each) for forward and vertical lift and 4 sets of stacked co-rotating propellers (each propeller with 2 blades) used only for vertical flight. • Forward flight: Uses 4 propellers. • VTOL flight: Uses all its propellers. • Electric motors: 8. • Batteries: 7 high density batteries with quick recharge capabilities. • Fuselage and wing construction: carbon composite material. 2 Uber Elevate: Uber’s network for fleets of small electric VTOL (Vertical TakeOff and Landing) aircraft planned for the year 2023.
Market Study of Drone Taxis 7 • Safety features: Distributed electric propulsion, DEP, powering multiple rotors and propellers around the airframe to increase safety by decreasing any single point of failure. An emergency parachute will also be a standard feature in case a catastrophic would occur. Bell Nexus 4EX This is a model designed by Bell Helicopter, the American helicopter construction specialist, in partnership with Uber. It was announced at CES 2019 as a revolutionary transportation system in cities. It is expected to dominate the marketplace by 2050, according to Mitch Snyder, Bell president and CEO. Fig. 2.2 Nexus 4EX model. [4]. Bell Nexus program has safety, accessibility and sustainability as its 3 main goals. All of these goals go alongside the vision of this task: the making of a secure and optimal aerial airways network within Barcelona, a metropolis aiming to become one of the firsts smart cities in Europe. Specifications • Aircraft type: eVTOL or hybrid-electric VTOL. • Piloting: Piloted until autonomous flying is available. • Capacity: 4 passengers with luggage and 1 pilot; when autonomous flight is available, will hold 5 passengers. • Cruising speed: 241 km/h. • Range: 97 km. • Hybrid-electric range: More than 241 km. • Weight of aircraft: 3175 kg. • Propellers: 4 ducted propellers. • Propulsion: 4 electric motors. • Power source: Batteries or another source, depending upon customer requirements. • Dimensions: 40 X 40 feet (12.2 X 12.2 meters).
8 Air Taxi Transportation Infrastructures in Barcelona • Fuselage: Composite. • Wing type: One rear high wing. • Tail: Vertical rudder, no horizontal flaps. • Landing gear: Tricycle landing gear. • Safety features: Distributed Electric Propulsion (DEP), means having multiple propellers and motors on the aircraft which provides safety through redundancy for its passengers. Boeing Aurora Pegasus The next prototype is the envision of Boeing subsidiary Aurora Flight Sciences for autonomous aircrafts. It consists of a Passenger Air Vehicle (PAV) that managed to take off, hover and land successfully during its first flight last year 2019 in January. Fig. 2.3 Boeing Aurora Pegasus model. [5]. Same as the previous S-A1 and 4EX models, the Boeing Aurora Pegasus is one of Uber Elevate’s vehicle partner. The aircraft stands as an Air Taxi designed to operate within a metropolis with easy access to Uber’s Skyports3. Yet again, the UAM market is enriched, now with a proposal coming from Boeing. Specifications • Aircraft type: eVTOL PAV. • Piloting: Piloted until autonomous flying is available. • Capacity: 2 passengers. 3Uber Skyports: A network of distributed skyports is being planned to enable Uber Air operations. The aim is to engineer infrastructures capable of handling up to 1000 landings per hour in areas no bigger than 8000 m2.
Market Study of Drone Taxis 9 • Cruising speed: 180 km/h. • Range: 80 km. • Weight of aircraft: 565 kg, empty weight. • Max gross take off weight: 800 kg. • Useful load: 225 kg. • Propellers: 8 VTOL propellers. • Propulsion: 8 electric motors. • Power source: 8 batteries of 75 kW each. • Dimensions: 9,14 x 8,53 [m] as (L x W). • Fuselage: Composite. • Wing type: Fixed wings with canards. • Landing gear: telescopic feet. • Safety features: DEP redundancy technology. Lilium Jet Next, it is shown the most far-fetched prototype; coming from Lilium GmbH, a Germany based start-up co-founded in 2015 by 4 aerospace engineers and product designers from the Technical University of Munich. On May 16, 2019, Lilium revealed they had announced its first flight of an untethered and unmanned 5-seater Lilium Jet. What differentiates Lilium jet from the previous models is its propulsion system: the full-scale prototype is powered by 36 all-electric ducted fans which allows for a vertical take-off and landing with an efficient horizontal flight. Fig. 2.4 Lilium Jet prototype. [6]. In the quest for manufacturing an affordable, reliable, eco-friendly and overall a feasible drone taxi in the short run; simplicity is key and that is the reason why
10 Air Taxi Transportation Infrastructures in Barcelona Lilium jet is mentioned here: it gets rid of folding propellers or wings, the tail, the rudder, gearboxes, the water-cooling system, use of liquids (fuel/oil) and single points of failure4. Moreover, Lilium GmbH implements smart manufacturing facilities5 and seeks to make affordable, electric, on-demand air taxis a reality by 2025, a similar time table to Bell Nexus’ schedule with the 4EX model. Specifications • Aircraft type: eVTOL Jet. • Piloting: Piloted until autonomous flying is available. • Capacity: 5 passengers. • Cruising speed: 300 km/h. • Range: 300 km. • Max flight time: 60 min. • Propulsion: 36 electric ducted fans and 36 electric motors. The electric ducted fans are located in pairs of 3 in the wings for a total of 12 fan units or flaps. There are 2 flaps on each forward wing and 4 flaps on each rear wing. Each flap can tilt independently of one another and operate at different speeds of each other. • Power source: Batteries. • Fuselage: Composite. • Wing type: Fixed wings with canard configuration. • Landing gear: Tricycle landing gear with wheels. • Safety features: DEP redundancy technology and whole aircraft parachute. Airbus Vahana A3 Pronounced A-cubed, this full-scale prototype coming from the gigantic Airbus company is self-piloted and intended for a single passenger or cargo. As of February 2019, the model has gained more than 50 hours of flight due to its first unmanned demonstrator, the Alpha One, and now a second one is being tested, named Alpha Two. 4 Single point of failure: A plane with a single engine is predisposed to failure, a single point of failure. 5 Smart factory: future factories are expected to implement the use of artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, analysis, big data and the internet of things in their manufacturing processes.
Market Study of Drone Taxis 11 Fig. 2.5 The A3 on Alpha One stage. [7]. The A3 Vahana’s main objective is to be implemented as a single or double seated air taxi serving the necessities for urban mobility. It is a great example for what this project stands for: autonomous flight that follows only predetermined routes while adjusting for minor deviations in case of obstacle detection. Specifications (Alpha One) • Aircraft type: eVTOL PAV. • Piloting: autonomous flying. • Capacity: 1 to 2 passengers (Alpha Two) or intended for cargo. • Cruising speed: 200 km/h. • Range: 60 km, with reserves. • Weight of aircraft: 475 kg, empty weight. • Max gross take off weight: 815 kg. • Useful load: 90 kg. • Altitude: 1524 m at 35 ºC. • Propellers: 8 propellers mounted on tilted wings. • Propulsion: 8 electric motors. • Power source: 8 batteries of 45 kW each. • Dimensions: 5,7 x 6,25 x 2,81 [m] as (L x W x H). • Fuselage: Composite. • Wing type: Tilted wings. • Landing gear: Tricycle landing gear. • Safety features: Also equipped with DEP technology and an emergency parachute deployment system functional even at low altitudes
12 Air Taxi Transportation Infrastructures in Barcelona *Note on specs: some characteristics are yet to be determined in certain prototypes although the current work shows mainly the same attributes for each one of them in order to ease a direct comparison. 2.2.2. Functional prototypes Since there is a narrow marketplace for already fully operative drone taxis, this project seeks to detail the specs of a couple of the most promising candidates, make a direct comparison between them and finally argument the decision as why the winner suits Barcelona’s skies better. EHang 216 Born as the evolution of the EHang 184, which had only 4 arms instead of 8 and a capacity for only 1 person instead of 2, this fully operational model is a dominant player in the quadcopter drone market. This AAV (Autonomous Aerial Vehicle) is a product of the Chinese autonomous aircraft developer EHang, which entered a partnership with Austria-based aeronautical systems manufacturer FACC in November 2018 for the serial production of the aircraft. In April 2019, during the 4Gamechangers Festival held in Vienna, the vehicle was introduced to the general public. The Ehang 216 AAV is powered by 16 electric motors, which are connected to 16 propeller blades in coaxial double-bladed design. The electric engine on board the aircraft enables a cruise speed of 130 km/h. The minimum flight duration of the aircraft is 30 minutes, while the maximum flight range is 35km. Fig. 2.6 EHang 216 model. [8]. In addition to the brief mentioning of basic characteristics done earlier, in this subsection, a detailed information is meant to exploit the resources of each model for integrating it into the subject city. This information is split into 3 main categories, looking to distinguish better both functional prototypes: - Ergonomics: materials, user accommodation, docking to hub facilities, urban aesthetics, noise factors and general public recognition. This category is the insight of a business plan intended to a large scale.
Market Study of Drone Taxis 13 - Performance: type of power, sustainability, range, maintenance, propulsion and power supply. This category represents the engineering challenges for the selection of the optimal vehicle. - Safety: mechanical and electrical safety implementations, flexibility with the hub systems and accommodation to urban safety demands. This category stands for the social factors. Basically, the intention with this 3-part categorization system is to answer in order the following questions: Would you climb on it? Would you arrive on time at destination and at a convenient price? Would it be a safe ride with minimal incidences? And thus, the 3 questions from above should respond to the ultimate one: Is this the most indicated aerial machine for this project goal and its chosen city? Ergonomics The EHang 216 aircraft is made using carbon composite material, which constitutes the majority of its structural integrity, including the skeleton chasis; alongside metals, mostly for the key components such as the electric motors. This balance allows for achieving the required strength to weight ratio. Fig. 2.7 Carbon composite materials shown by layers inside the door (left). Aerial aluminum alloy composing the electric motor that joints the set of blades (right). [9]. Regarding the user accommodation, the Chinese drone features a small aero- cab structure, which can accommodate up to two passengers with sufficient leg room and baggage space. The cabin is air conditioned, internet enabled and features well-furnished interiors
14 Air Taxi Transportation Infrastructures in Barcelona Fig. 2.8 Inside view of the cabin. The aircraft features a dual touch screen as command and control platform which runs at 5G. [10]. Regarding EHang’s recognition as a brand in the aeronautical industry, it is worth mentioning that beginning with March 2020, two European countries, Norway and Spain, already authorized the EHang 216 model for flight testing. Fig. 2.9 Signing agreement between Llíria’s council (Valencia, Spain) and EHang. Hu Huazhi as founder, president and CEO of EHang appears on the bottom right corner of the photo. [11]. Clarifying on figure [11], EHang arrived at the same agreement with the city of Seville too, accounting for the total of 2 major cities in Spain that already allows minor taxi drone operations.
Market Study of Drone Taxis 15 Performance The AAV operates based on electrical power, which is supplied by a set of NMC lithium batteries6 disposed under the cockpit. The theoretical energy storage is about 220 Wh/kg7 which is reduced to a 140 Wh/kg due to weight addition for the cooling system. Globally seen, there it is a 17 kilowatt battery that can charge in 4 hours from a 50 amperes socket. According to the official white paper, batteries are the largest cost items that accounts for over 60 % of total operating costs for this particular model which runs on a 500-charge life cycle. Also, the study shows that a 1 % increase in battery life would increase operating profit by 2 %. As batteries make up for 1/3 of total empty weight of the AAV, the flight duration time is cut to a maximum of 30 minutes. Respecting the charging time, 1 hour is needed. Both numbers are sufficient enough for what this thesis aims at. Fig. 2.10 NMC lithium battery pack for the EHang 216 model. [12]. Overall energy conversion efficiency between battery and airstream is composed of battery efficiency ηb, motor efficiency ηm, and propeller efficiency ηp. η = ηb · ηm · ηp = 0.93 · 0.95 · 0.85 = 0.75 (2.1) *Note: The previous formula applies for wingless flying cars, which makes for both functional prototypes that will be shown in this subsection. 6 NMC lithium battery: lithium blended with nickel manganese cobalt oxide battery to improve the specific energy and prolong the lifespan. 7 Wh/kg: 1 Watt hour per kilogram = 3600 m 2/s2.
16 Air Taxi Transportation Infrastructures in Barcelona The EHang 216 electric motors, 16 rotors in total distributed across the eight arms, depicted in grey on the right side of figure [9] in this same subsection, enable a cruise speed of 130 km/h. Fig. 2.11 Depiction of the 3-generation motors. [13]. In the figure 2.11 up above, from left to right, there are represented the magnetic cylinder motors 13830, 12845 and the 18030 as the latest generation motor which has promoted power up to 27 kW and a maximum drag limit of 100 kg at propeller level. *Note: The electric motor efficiency for both the winged and wingless air taxis can approach 95% if the motor is designed specifically for the cruising flight conditions. Now, considering the propeller configuration, 16 rotors organized as 8 dual rotors are encharged with providing the lifting task via the 16-set propellers of dual blades, mounted in dual composition as they go above and below the rotos. They can be mounted and dismounted with ease. Fig. 2.12 Depiction of the 3-generation propellers. [14].
Market Study of Drone Taxis 17 These are the same blades mounted on the 184 model, the ancestor of the 216. The third-generation propeller design not only improved the aerodynamic efficiency by 10%-15%, but also reduced the noise generated by rotation. *Note: The lift/thrust propellers are operating in crossflow and the efficiency is likely to be close to 85%. Yet again, same number can be applied to the last model presented in this chapter. Safety To mention a few mechanical features, the aero-cab fuselage is supported by rigid skid-type landing gear, which ensures sufficient clearance between the ground and the rotors. The V-shaped struts, that can be seen in the figure below, also help to enlarge the space for entry and exit of the client by being spread equidistantly. As an electrical safety feature, a computer visual system is installed in the aircraft to ensure accurate vertical take-off and landing. The aircraft follows an inverted U-flight path, which reduces the need for excess manoeuvres. And, as seen in [subsection 2.2.1.] with every non-functional prototype, DEP technology is present, having multiple propellers and motors provides safety through redundancy for its passengers. EHang Command Control Centres also increase the safety of the aircraft. Fig. 2.13 EHang 216 graph. [15].
18 Air Taxi Transportation Infrastructures in Barcelona Fig. 2.14 EHang command centre. [16]. *Note: a request was sent to the company for me, the author of this thesis, to be able to visit the experimental centres near Llíria (Valencia) and further document the behaviour of the drone within a confined space. Although the HR department from EHang did respond, the covid19 global emergency forced them to close doors and so every bit of information presented here is extracted from official whitepapers instead. *Please refer to [25] in bibliography for the local news. Volocopter VC2X Volocopter GmbH was founded in 2011 and the company is now based in Bruchsal, Germany. Alexander Zosel and Stephen Wolf envisioned an eVTOL type multicopter aircraft for fast and efficient urban travel. To better understand the philosophy of the company and why its multirotor helicopter proposal suits perfectly as candidate for the purposes of this project, here it is referenced its slogan: “Pioneering the urban air taxi revolution”. The Volocopter VC200, with 18 non-tilting propellers, accomplished its first unmanned flight in November 2013. The first manned flight was done on March 30, 2016 and Volocopter claimed his product as the world’s first 2-seat electric VTOL aircraft.
Market Study of Drone Taxis 19 Fig. 2.15 Volocopter VC2X functional multicopter. [17]. In order to coordinate the specs and features with the EHang 216; the speed, the flight duration and the range, respectively, are quantified next: 100 km/h at cruise ; 27 minutes ; 27 km At fist glance, the numbers seem to close on the Chinese model ones even though they are of a slightly lower value. Nevertheless, the selection between the two aircrafts has to be made in accordance with the 3-categorization information system defined at the beginning of [Subsection 2.2.2.]. Therefore, for the German candidate there are highlighted the following features: Ergonomics As it is usual with aerial vehicles and especially those designed to offer a taxi service, the Volocopter is made out of a light weight, fiber composite material. Yet again, the components that constitute the electrical motors are made out of metallic alloys to allow for the required drive torque input.
20 Air Taxi Transportation Infrastructures in Barcelona Fig. 2.16 VC2X’s cockpit manufactured with composite materials, courtesy of alamy production hall in Bruchsal (left). The 200-5W rotor manufactured by Hacker Motor GmbH (right). [18]. Considering now the user accommodation, the German model seeks for practicality in their design as the goal is to produce a common everyday mode of transport. Consequently, embarking and disembarking is improved here by mounting the rotors overhead; an integrated luggage compartment is also available; air conditioning system is integrated into the design and the Volocopter noise signature is intrinsically low: 65 dB(A) at 75 m of altitude, around 10 decibels quieter than its Chinese competitor. There are 2 seats at clients disposal in a well-furnished ambient and the dual control panels do not lack any feature with respect to the EHang’s product; just to mention a few: ATM options, GPS point tracking and UAV technology available for integration at any time. Fig. 2.17 Inside of the cabin while in flight (left) and on parking mode (right). [19]. *Note: please remark the joystick on the [figure 2.17] just above, this is a clear indicator that this drone taxi will not fly autonomously, which represents a major drawback compared to the EHang 216 model.
Market Study of Drone Taxis 21 As far as the general public recognition goes, Volocopter is a well-known European company aspiring to bring urban air mobility to life via eVOTLs multicopter aircrafts. Among its many recognitions, it is worth mentioning that the company is the first Air Taxi developer to be awarded SC-VTOL Design Organisation Approval by EASA; it also challenges its Chinese counterpart by lifting the standards of package transport to the heavy-lift cargo drone category with the VoloDrone; and lastly but not least important, it keeps the tracking with the sky ports networking system by displaying the Voloport prototype (please refer to [Chapter 4]). All this accomplished in the year 2019. Performance The eVTOL multicopter operates based on electrical power, which in turn is supplied by lithium-ion batteries. There are 9 independent battery systems with quick release. 9 batteries supply 2 motors each. Those batteries can be charged in less than 120 minutes as the maximum time of charging goes, but also in no longer than 40 minutes if the fast charging option is chosen. The multicopter disposes of a quick-change battery system, denominated as a plug-in system and an active air-cooling system. The Volocopter can fly a complete mission with less than 50 kWh of energy. The battery package delivers up to 25 kWh and its cost is managed by maximizing useful battery life and, differing from the EHang model, the German concept should run on 600 to 800-charge battery life cycles. A direct consequence is that Volocopter does not apply fast-charging to its batteries. Instead, it swaps the batteries after every flight as it is depicted in the following image: Fig. 2.18 The battery swapping technique is used to maximize battery lifetime and minimize turnaround time. [20].
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