TREASURY - Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru

Page created by Allen Alexander
TREASURY - Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru
MAY 2021


 Golftyn’s 100 leads the                                                                                      Revd W I Cynwil

 way back to church
                                                                                                              BA, BD., Cardiff

                                                                                                             It is with sadness that we
                                                                                                             record the death of Revd
       Mrs Phyllis Lewis (third from left) with Revd Jonathan Hodgins and some of the congregation.          Cynwil Williams in Rhyl on 1st
                                                                                                             May. Aged 84, he was a native
 100 year old Mrs Phyllis Lewis       they are outside face coverings     simple black cross for Good        of Cwrt y Cadno, and held
 was in the forefront in              will be worn, and those             Friday to remember the             pastorates at Heol Dŵr
 supporting her minister, Revd        attending are invited to bring      crucifixion and some brightly      Carmarthen, Capel Mawr,
 Jonathan Hodgins in restarting       folding chairs (some spares         flowered crosses for the           Denbigh and Crwys Road,
 services once again in Golftyn.      will be available). Revd Paul       Resurrection and new hope on       Cardiff where he is
 The congregation had not met         Kirby, the minister advices that    Easter Day. At present the         remembered as a
 for over a year when the group       people wrap up and perhaps          Tyddyn Street church’s plan is     conscientious pastor. He was
 of regulars returned for an          bring a hot drink in a flask to     to return to services in the       ordained in 1962 and served as
 evening service on 2nd May. All      keep warm!                          building at Whitsun, but with      Moderator of the General
 present, apart from the minister     Visitors are welcome.               the services available on zoom     Assembly in 1998. It was during
 and his three sons, have             Contact Dr Paul Kirby               as well, making provision for as   his tenure at Crwys Road that
 received both doses of the           Tel/Text: 07552 230672              many as possible.                  the chapel moved to its present
 Covid vaccine, and there was         Email:                                          location in Richmond Road.
 much delight in meeting for live
                                                                          Mount Pleasant,                        Affectionate and erudite,
 worship and hearing Brian            Tyddyn Street United                Ebbw Vale                          Cynwil was a popular preacher
 Cotgreave playing the pipe
 organ once again.                    Church, Mold                        The Church was reopened on
                                                                                                             throughout Wales. An avid
                                                                                                             reader of all types of literature,
                                      Easter Services this year at        4th April. It was so good to see   he frequently went about with a
 Bethesda, Burry Green                Tyddyn Street Church,Mold           the doors opened wide, with        book in his pocket or in the
 From Sunday 9th May                  were again held on zoom. For        Graham Hendy on the steps          small Gladstone-style bag he
 children’s activities will resume    Easter Day celebration there        welcoming everyone and             carried with him to meetings.
 during the services following        was a special morning service       reminding them to comply with      Amongst his better known
 the lifting of Covid restrictions.   led by the Minister, Revd Dr        the covid regulations. Sadly his   writings in Welsh are his
 All other regulations will be        Kathryn Price, with communion       companion on the door, Peter       biography of the former
 maintained, including the            shared on zoom in the homes         Watkins, was unable to be          Archbishop of Wales and later
 wearing of face coverings,           of members and friends; and,        present that morning. We have      of Canterbury, The Right Revd
 social distancing, good air flow     on Good Friday, the Minister        been blessed with fine weather     Dr Rowan Williams (2006) and
 and a one-way system.                led with a series of meditations.   every week since the Church        his memoir of the Welsh poet
    Also, from this date and if          At and around the church         has reopened, and we have          and editor, Gwilym R Jones
 weather permits, the church          building, the Spring Garden is      been delighted at the level of     (2001). In 1992 Gwasg
 plans to hold services outdoors      in flower and some related          attendance, whilst for those       Pantycelyn published his 222
 to provide greater protection        Easter decoration of the            unable to be present the           page Welsh language
 from the virus. The Chapel App       standing arches in the garden       services have been broadcast       commentary on Ezekiel.
 will be used to inform attendees     was provided by a group of          on Zoom. Hopes are that as the         He is survived by his wife,
 in advance if the service is to      church members, including           situation continues to improve     Carol and three daughters to
 be indoors or outside                Helen Bravey, Jill Denholm and      the fellowship will be able to     whom we extend our sympathy.
 depending on the weather. If         Frida Jones. They were the          meet more freely.
TREASURY - Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru

    HRH Prince Philip
                                                                                                                    He once said “If you can get
                                                                                                                 young people to succeed in any
                                                                                                                 area of activity that sensation of
                                                                                                                 success will spread over into a

    Duke of Edinburgh
                                                                                                                 lot of others”.
                                                                                                                    Prince Philip also took a keen
                                                                                                                 interest in industry, visiting
                                                                                                                 factories and becoming patron
                                                                                                                 of the Industrial Society, now
                                                                                                                 known as the Work Foundation.
                                                                                                                 I once witnessed him visiting a
                                                                                                                 factory where in typical form he
by Revd Marcus Robinson              illusion that the ships had been       paid this tribute to the longest-    wandered off the red carpet and
                                     hit. The ruse worked and a             serving royal consort in British     went to chat to some of the
                                     senior officer described him as        history – “He is someone who         workers hiding round the back
At the end of a long life it is      ‘courageous and resourceful, a         doesn’t take easily to               of the machinery. He was
always good to look back to the      man who thought quickly.’              compliments, but he has quite        genuinely interested in people
beginning. Prince Philip of          The wartime years had given            simply been my strength and          and wanted the best for them.
Greece was born on the 10th of       Prince Philip immense maritime         stay all these years. And I, and     The same behaviour was often
June 1921 on the island of           experience and an enjoyment of         his whole family, and this and       exhibited during his military
Corfu. His father was Prince         service with the Royal Navy. In        many other countries, owe him        visits. He served as Captain
Andrew of Greece and his             1946 the Prince proposed to the        a debt greater than he would         General of the Royal Marines
mother was Princess Alice, the       20year old Princess Elizabeth          ever claim or we shall ever          for many years and often
eldest child of Prince Louis of      and they were eventually               know.”                               insisted on visiting the troops for
Battenberg and sister of Earl        married in Westminster Abbey in            A remarkable tribute, and as     a chat rather than attending the
Mountbatten of Burma. After a        November 1947. He was                  we consider their 73 years of        formal occasions.
coup d’etat in 1922, his father      created Duke of Edinburgh by           married life we also reflect on         Here in Wales he had
was banished from Greece and         King George VI and here in             the Queen’s personal grief and       contributed to the community by
the baby Philip’s first voyage on    Wales he also became the Earl          pray that our Lord grants her        several spontaneous visits, such
a Royal Navy vessel was in a         of Meirioneth.                         strength and comfort at this         as in the aftermath of Aberfan,
crib made from an orange box             By 1950                            time.                                when he joined with our nation
as the family were assisted to       the Prince                                 Her Majesty always knew how      in marking our losses. He had
safety in Italy. Eventually he       had attained                           saddened Prince Philip had           also served as Chancellor of the
came to live with his                the rank of                            been to leave his naval career       University of Wales across four
Mountbatten relatives in             Lieutenant                             to be her faithful consort and on    decades.
England before being sent in         Commander                              the occasion of his 90th birthday       These reflections are but a
1933 to a school in southern         and was                                granted him the most senior          flavour of his vast contribution
Germany run by educational           given his                              rank in the Royal Navy – usually     and as we remember this
pioneer Kurt Hahn, who due to        own                                    reserved for the sovereign – the     remarkable man we give thanks
the Nazi threat moved the            command                                title of ‘Lord High Admiral’.        for all he achieved and pray for
school to Gordonstoun in             based in                               The Duke of Edinburgh’s life         strength and vision to continue
Scotland.                            Malta where                            offers a remarkable example of       his spirit of service to all in our
                                     he and               Marcus Robinson   steadfast Christian service. A
   Prince Philip’s early life also                                                                               community.
saw many challenges befall his       Princess                               very private person in many
family and he developed a very       Elizabeth could lead the life of a     ways, he was known for being         “Rest eternal grant unto him O
self-reliant spirit that gave him    service family far from the            extremely forthright. He once        Lord, and may light perpetual
great resilience for his future      requirements of royal duty.            said in an interview “I’ve just      shine upon him”.
life.                                    Due to the King’s ill health the   done what I think was my best.
   At a time when war was            royal couple were recalled and         I can’t suddenly change my           The above is an extract from
looming, Prince Philip decided       sent on a royal tour on his            whole way of doing things, I         some of the reflections prepared
on a military career that would      behalf. When sadly in February         can’t change my interests or the     by the Reverend Marcus Wyn
set the tone for a life dedicated    1952 King George VI died their         way I react to things. That’s just   Robinson, Moderator of the
to the service of his country.       lives were instantly transformed       my style.”                           General Assembly and Chaplain
Due to the family’s seafaring        as the Princess became Queen               With that in mind I must try     Royal Navy for a ‘Celebration’
tradition he became a cadet at       and Prince Philip, the Prince          not to eulogise for too long         service broadcast on Radio
the Britannia Royal Naval            Consort.                               because Prince Philip was            Wales on Sunday 11th April
College in Dartmouth, where he           It is difficult to imagine the     notoriously intolerant of long       2021.
graduated top of his year. It was    impact of this great change on         sermons. He reportedly once
during a royal visit to Dartmouth    the young couple’s life. At first it   said, ‘the mind cannot absorb             THE NAVAL PRAYER
that the young Princess              seems that Prince Philip was           what the backside cannot             ‘O eternal Lord God, who alone
Elizabeth first cast eyes on him,    not sure what was expected of          endure’!                             spreadest out the heavens and
and the seeds of what became         him as Prince Consort but he               In deference to his point of     rulest the raging of the sea; who
a long and happy marriage were       soon developed the role in a           view I will seek to summarise        hast compassed the waters with
sown.                                way that served our nation and         his immense contribution to          bounds until day and night
   He went on to distinguish         the wider world with distinction.      public life. He had completed        come to an end: be pleased to
himself in action, becoming the      Most of all the Duke of                over 22,000 solo engagements         receive into thy almighty and
Navy’s youngest First                Edinburgh knew that his priority       and delivered over 5,000             most gracious protection the
Lieutenant. During the Sicily        was to be a constant and               speeches. One of Prince              persons of us thy servants and
landings whilst coming under         dependable support for the             Philip’s main concerns was the       the Fleet in which we serve.
attack from planes Prince Philip     Queen throughout the long              welfare of young people, and in      Preserve us from the dangers of
devised a plan to put them off       years of her reign. During the         1956 that interest sparked the       the sea and of the air and from
target by creating a wooden raft     celebration of their golden            launch of his phenomenally           the violence of the enemy; that
with explosives on creating the      wedding anniversary the Queen          successful Duke of Edinburgh’s
                                                                                                                          continued on next page

2   the TREASURY – MAY 2021
TREASURY - Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru
Open Letter from Christian Leaders
 to the Prime Minister concerning
Vaccine Passport Proposals
To:                                 potential introduction into our       create a surveillance state in        and dangerous plan, not now
The Prime Minister                  society of so-called “vaccine         which the government uses             and not ever.
                                    passports” which have also            technology to control certain
Boris Johnson
                                    been referred to as “COVID-           aspects of citizens’ lives. As        Yours sincerely,
                                    status certificates” and “freedom     such, this constitutes one of the
April 2021                                                                                                      • Rev Dr Jamie Franklin,
                                    passes”. We are wholly                most dangerous policy
                                    opposed to this suggestion and        proposals ever to be made in            Curate, St George in the
Dear Prime Minister:
                                    wish to make three points about       the history of British politics.        Meadows, Nottingham,
  As Christian leaders across a
                                    the potential consideration of           Finally, as Christian leaders        England
range of denominations, we
continue to pray at this time for
                                    any scheme of this type.              we wish to state that we              • Rev David Johnston, Minister
                                       Firstly, to make vaccination       envisage no circumstances in            Emeritus, Presbyterian
your government “and all in high
                                    the basis of whether someone is       which we could close our doors          Church in Ireland, Ireland
positions, so that we may lead a
                                    allowed entry to a venue, or          to those who do not have a            • Rev Dr William JU Philip,
quiet and peaceable life in all
                                    participation in an activity,         vaccine passport, negative test
godliness and dignity”                                                                                            Minister, The Tron Church
                                    makes no logical sense in terms       certificate, or any other “proof of
(1 Timothy 2:2).
                                    of protecting others. If the          health”. For the Church of Jesus
                                                                                                                  Glasgow, Scotland
  However, we write to you                                                                                      • And 1530 others
                                    vaccines are highly effective in      Christ to shut out those deemed
concerning an area of the most
                                    preventing significant disease,       by the state to be social
serious concern, namely the                                                                                     (This letter is now closed for
                                    as seems to be the evidence           undesirables would be
                                    from trial results to date, then      anathema to us and a denial of        signatures and the final of list of
                                    those who have been                   the truth of the Gospel. The          signatories is available at
 continued from page 2                                                                                             vaccinepassportletter.word
                                    vaccinated have already               message we preach is given by
 we may be a safeguard into                                                                                       
                                    received protection; there is no      God for all people and consists
 our most gracious Sovereign                                                                                    If you would like to pursue this
                                    benefit to them of other people       in nothing other than the free
 Lady, Queen Elizabeth, and                                                                                     matter, please consider writing
                                    being vaccinated. Further, since      gift of grace offered in Christ
 her dominions, and a security                                                                                  to your MP to give your view on
                                    vaccines do not prevent               Jesus, with the universal call to
 for such as pass on the seas                                                                                   vaccine passports, particularly
                                    infection per se even a               repentance and faith in him. To
 upon their lawful occasions;                                                                                   with reference to their usage in
                                    vaccinated person could in            deny people entry to hear this
 that the inhabitants of our                                                                                    churches and Christian
                                    theory carry and potentially pass     life-giving message and to
 Island and Commonwealth                                                                                        organisations.
                                    on the virus, so to decide            receive this life-giving ministry
 may in peace and quietness
                                    someone’s “safe non-spreader”         would be a fundamental
 serve thee our God; and that
                                    status on the basis of proof of       betrayal of Christ and the
 we may return in safety to                                                                                          THE PRESBYTERIAN
                                    their immunity to disease is          Gospel. Sincere Christian
 enjoy the blessings of the land                                                                                          CHURCH
                                    spurious.                             churches and organisations
 with the fruits of our labours
                                       Secondly, the introduction of      could not do this, and as
 and with a thankful
                                    vaccine passports would               Christian leaders we would be
                                                                                                                    People come from
 remembrance of thy mercies
                                    constitute an unethical form of       compelled to resist any such Act            near and far
 to praise and glorify thy holy
                                    coercion and violation of the         of Parliament vigorously.              Ready to worship God, a star
 Name; through Jesus Christ
                                    principle of informed consent.        We draw your attention to the          Every waking day is precious
 our Lord. Amen’
                                    People may have various               recent Judicial Review                 Sunday especially, more
 The Last Verse of the hymn         reasons for being unable or           overturning the Scottish                    religious
 “Eternal Father, strong to         unwilling to receive vaccines         Government’s ban on public             Best of all we meet a friend
 save…” is always traditionally     currently available including, for    worship, which demonstrates            Young and old they all attend
 sung at the end of every           some Christians, serious issues       that such disproportionate             Time to bend a knee and pray
 service conducted at sea.          of conscience related to the          prevention of the right to             Every pew is used today
                                    ethics of vaccine manufacture or      worship is a clear infringement        Rejoicing at this time of year
 “O Trinity of love and power,      testing. We risk creating a two-      under Article 9 of the European
 Our brethren shield in                                                                                          It’s time to celebrate and
                                    tier society, a medical apartheid     Convention of Human Rights.                 cheer
 danger’s hour;                     in which an underclass of             We cannot see how any attempt
 From rock and tempest, fire                                                                                     Not think of “bunnies”
                                    people who decline vaccination        to prevent people gathering for             everywhere.
 and foe,                           are excluded from significant         worship on the basis of either
 Protect them wheresoe’er           areas of public life. There is also   testing or non-vaccination would
 they go:                                                                                                        Comfort comes within the
                                    a legitimate fear that this           not similarly be ruled to be a            walls
 Thus evermore shall rise to        scheme would be the thin end          breach. We agree with those
 Thee                                                                                                            His voice is clear as he calls
                                    of the wedge leading to a             members of Parliament who              Unknown to some he is
 Glad hymns of praise from          permanent state of affairs in         have already voiced opposition
 land and sea.”                                                                                                     everywhere
                                    which COVID vaccine status            to this proposal: that it would be     Religion is there to help us
 Extracted from an address          could be expanded to                  divisive, discriminatory and              prepare
 delivered on Radio Wales by        encompass other forms of              destructive to introduce any           Comfort comes to one and all
 Revd Marcus Wyn Robinson,          medical treatment and perhaps         such mandatory health                  Hymns and prayers and love
 RN on Sunday 11th April two        even other criteria beyond that.      certification into British society.       to all.
 days after the death of Prince     This scheme has the potential to      We call on the government to
 Philip.                            bring about the end of liberal        assert strongly and clearly that it    Delma Thomas, Llanidloes
                                    democracy as we know it and to        will not contemplate this illiberal

                                                                                                                    the TREASURY – MAY 2021       3
TREASURY - Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru
PART TWO                                                                                                work. Fanny Jones possessed
                                                                                                                   plenty of will-power in
In the meantime, before John
Jones messenger came to
Fanny, any word or glance,
                                       A love story                                                                undertaking the task, and also
                                                                                                                   plenty of ability for it to work out
                                                                                                                   successfully. She feared in case
every movement of his would
have a deep impression on
Fanny, and caused a turbulence
                                          with a                                                                   earthly circumstances should
                                                                                                                   have an effect on John Jones’s
                                                                                                                   spirituality, since she was totally
in her heart; it was not
surprising then, when the
message came from him, that
she received it with a ready
                                        difference                                                                 convinced that he was specially
                                                                                                                   set apart for the work. As
                                                                                                                   Welsh people we are under a
                                                                                                                   great debt to this woman, and
acceptance. Some sweet power                Celebrating a wonderful Welsh woman                                    we can never put a price on her
had made her tender to the
situation – some power or                      – wife of a Prince of Preachers                                     service nor measure the work
                                                                                                                   she did in being an instrument
influence she couldn’t explain.                                                                                    to give ‘the People’s Preacher’
Having consented to the                    FANNY JONES TALSARN (1805-77)                                           to the people ... In her self
proposal in this way, they spoke                                                                                   denial, Wales heard a message
in a friendly way for a while, and              Virtuous Wife of Valiant Preacher                                  from Heaven - her efforts
having the consent of her father,                                                                                  facilitated the way for Wales to
they agreed to marry, and the              Extracts from Cofiant Mrs Fanny Jones, Gweddw y Diweddar                be drenched by the irresistible
agreement was sealed in an                   Barch. J. Jones, Talysarn by O. Llew. Owain of Talysarn.              eloquence of the ‘hero from
afternoon in April between 4 and                  Translated by Marian G. Clifford (née Edwards)                   Talysarn’.
5 o’clock.                                                                                                            Her endeavour was a means
   The custom at that time was                                                                                     for John Jones to have leisure
very different from the situation     wedding arrangements -                 others said it was her father who     to produce his great thoughts;
today. After completing the           everything was done openly             did it, but whoever is correct - it   her efforts allowed him to travel
agreement mentioned, John             with nothing stealthy in the           doesn’t make much difference          throughout Wales to declare the
Jones went, exactly as the            preparations.                          which - the work was done.            message with such strength. He
custom was then, to the                                                         Her life began with great          acknowledged this often while
fellowship to announce his            Wife & Mother                          responsibility - we connect           on his journeys, and he spoke
purpose (even though the girl                                                Fanny Jones with these                of how much of a comfort Fanny
                                      Now we see Fanny Jones
he loved was present) and                                                    revolutionary things, since she       was to him, and how she was
                                      starting on the most important
asked for the prayers of their                                               was the direct cause of them -        such a blessing to him in his
                                      part of her life - a period when
fellow Christians for them. He                                               the responsibility of building a      inner being. “Fanny,” he said, “is
                                      she had to put into it much
believed that the situation was                                              house and a shop. She built           a great help to me in going on
                                      wisdom, foresight, diligence,
too important to embark on                                                   them near to the Talysarn             through the journey of my life.”
                                      effort and thrift; and her life, her
without Divine strength and                                                  quarries and by the chapel.           He was altogether wholly to
                                      connexions, etc, asked for an
guidance, and he implored them                                                  For a year after the wedding,      thank his wife for this quietness
                                      abundant degree of the features
earnestly, as members of the                                                 John Jones still went to the          from earthly care. She accepted
                                      named. She wasn’t yet fully
Church of God, to take their                                                 quarry, and he preached on            the pains and burdens of life so
                                      eighteen, but she undertook the
cause often to the ‘throne of                                                work-nights and on the                that he could enjoy ‘the
                                      responsibility, and the success
God’.                                                                        Sabbaths, and his wife didn’t         quietness of the mountain of the
                                      of her life depended on her
   The Saturday following this                                               complain at being alone, but          Lord’; and, to draw from the
                                      strength with the help of the
announcement in the Seiat,                                                   took care to let him spend his        Divine thoughts, his soul drank
                                      virtues noted. She understood
John Jones went to Caernarfon                                                time reading and studying.            from the great inexhaustible
                                      her husband’s position and also
to buy a license; but to his great                                           Having begun their lives              fountain which is everlasting in
                                      her obligations in the
shock he couldn’t get it, since                                              together, Fanny Jones                 its springing and its continuing.
                                      circumstances. She believed,
his intended wife was too                                                    persuaded her husband to give         O glorious wife!
                                      like one of the English authors
young – she hadn’t yet reached                                               up his work at the quarry, not           Although John Jones became
                                      that true love is ‘having self-
her eighteenth birthday. He was                                              only because of the dangers,          very popular, his earnings were
                                      sacrifice for another object’
thrown into a bit of a quandary,                                             but so that he would be enabled       very small, and although his
                                      (Theodore Watts-Dunton). ...
as he was en route to Ynys Môn                                               to spend all his time preparing       labour was endless and his calls
                                      She must have pondered
(Anglesey), but he suddenly                                                  for the Ministry in seeking to        were frequent and many, he
                                      greatly on the cost before
thought of a plan to get himself                                             save sinners. She succeeded in        was not much ‘nearer the shore’
                                      coming to the decision since it
out of the difficulty, and that was                                          getting him out of the quarry         in a financial sense, since his
                                      was such an important step, and
to write a note to the Parish                                                and committing all his time to        income was shamefully weak.
                                      that she had a great part in
Clerk to announce the banns                                                  the Ministry, and this was a          Since they had increasing family
                                      making John Jones the
the following Sunday, and he                                                 cause of rejoicing for her            pressures, ... it was necessary
                                      ‘Preacher of the People’ in
persuaded a friend from                                                      throughout all her life. She had      for [Fanny] to double her efforts,
                                      Wales. She drew on all her
Llanllyfni to take the note to the                                           been an instrument for her            and she did that rather than
                                      resources to put her
Clerk. The banns were                                                        husband to consecrate his             hinder, nor at all prevent, her
                                      understanding into action.
announced the following                                                      whole life to the cause of his        husband going on. She thought
                                         One of the first things she felt
Sunday, and that unknown to                                                  Saviour.                              highly of him, and that his
                                      was that John Jones wouldn’t
Fanny Edwards. She came to                                                      By her endeavour with the          success and his service to his
                                      have peace and quiet to study
know of it through some friends                                              shop, and it was a very great         country and the Lord depended
                                      and compose while continuing
who happened to be in church                                                 effort, she succeeded in              much on her effort. Also, she
                                      to work in the quarry, and she
at the time. According to the                                                supporting John Jones and the         possessed very high views of
                                      resolved to get him from there
Parish register, they were                                                   family, and she gave him every        the talent of her husband - she
                                      quickly. She proceeded after
married on Wednesday, 14 May                                                 opportunity to prepare for his        believed that he was a special
                                      marrying to build a shop in
1823, not in 1824, as it seems                                               great mission. She took all the       gift from above and that her
                                      Talysarn, in a place convenient
that some have said. The Clerk                                               responsibility for the business,      responsibility was to ease the
                                      to the quarry. Some at that time
noticed that there was sincerity                                             so that John Jones didn’t have        way so that his talent had every
                                      said that the owner of the quarry
and honesty to be seen in the                                                to worry or bother at all with the
                                      built the shop for them, while                                                         continued on next page

4   the TREASURY – MAY 2021
TREASURY - Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru
News                                                                    PRAY FOR
                                                                      supposed to be home for half
                                                                      term but we have requested
                                                                      the school to make

                                                                      arrangements for her to stay

                                                                      there during half term because
                                                                      if she comes home she will
                                                                      have to spend all her time in
                                                                      quarantine and we won’t be
                                                                                                           Three Quarters of an Hour
                                                                      able to see much of her. We
                                                                                                           Dick Eastman, through his book
                                                                      are waiting for a response from
                                                                                                           The Hour that Changes the
                                                                      the school.
The following message was          accommodation I have been                                               World has helped many people
                                                                         There have been new cases
received by Mount Pleasant         entrusted with supervising the                                          to deepen their devotional life by
                                                                      of covid in different parts of
church a few days before           work and I haven’t had much                                             outlining a pattern for prayer and
                                                                      India. In Tamil Nadu where
Easter. Sadly events in India      time to be by myself. We have                                           intercession (by dividing an hour
                                                                      Sang Sang is, schools have
have worsened, but those who       decided to send Kima to a new                                           into 12 x 5 minute periods of
                                                                      been shut again, but as exams
remember John Colney’s             school in Aizawl which is run                                           prayer, praise, thanksgiving and
                                                                      are getting near only students
ministry in Ebbw Vale will         by the Mizoram Synod. The                                               intercession.)
                                                                      taking exams will continue to
appreciate this news of him        entrance test will take place on                                           During the past few months,
                                                                      have classes.
and his family.                    Saturday, so I took Hmingtei                                            we’ve been given two
                                                                         Please uphold Sang Sang in
   ‘Thank you for your thoughts    and our children to Aizawl                                              opportunities to make a
                                                                      your prayers.
and prayers. God has been          yesterday evening. I have                                               difference in the life of Wales’
                                                                         Our Government has
good to us and we are thankful     returned to Bilkhawthlir by                                             schools and pupils by joining in
                                                                      permitted churches to have
for His presence. Since            myself today as I have a                                                prayer, not for an hour, but for
                                                                      two evening services a week,
returning back to our pastorate    wedding to take tomorrow. I                                             three quarters of an hour as part
                                                                      plus morning and afternoon
after my mother’s funeral,         will be joining them in Aizawl                                          of the Prayers for Schools
                                                                      services. We aren’t allowed to
which took place on 7th. March,    after the service. Please pray                                          movement
                                                                      sing in services yet. Although
the day after she passed away,     for Kima.                                                     
                                                                      the restrictions in Mizoram are
we have been busy in our              Sang Sang is in Hebron                                               As schools open their doors with
                                                                      relaxed a bit, we are
ministry. As we are also           school in Ooty as their exams                                           pupils, teachers and staff
                                                                      concerned about the safety of
constructing our                   are getting near. She is                                                returning after lockdown, the
                                                                      the members of our Church.
                                                                                                           need for every school to be a
                                                                                                           prayed for school has become
continued from page 4              most commonly the Psalms.          and assistance of his faithful       more evident.
facility to be revealed. She         Her exceptional acumen and       wife – one who rejoiced in his          The three quarters of an hour
admired his honesty and            keenness of mind - and here        success, one who had                 prayer group is held over Zoom,
conscientiousness, and his         was one of the strongest           confidence concerning his            with people who carry out
pure and unsullied character;      features of her character – was    future, one who did everything       Christian work in schools, and
and since her belief in her        an advantage to her, in view of    possible for him toward his          those who wish to support
husband was so deep, she           her unselfish nature, and were     lifting of fallen humanity, and of   schools, joining together in
gave him her sympathy in the       the basis of her right and pure    gathering the lost sheep of          prayer. A Welsh language break-
hardships of life, and she         purposes. If it had happened       Christ. If it hadn’t been for the    out room is available for those
assisted him in chasing away       that her husband had failed on     effort of Fanny Jones,               wishing to pray in Welsh. In our
every weariness by reminding       the national stage, he would       doubtless John Jones would           last meeting on April 14 prayer
him of parts of the Scriptures –   have gone against the wishes       have failed, since he could          topics were suggested by a
                                                                      never have provided for his          North Wales secondary school
                                                                      family with the small earnings       head teacher, a person very
                                                                      he had from preaching, and           aware of the worries and
                                                                      Wales would have lost the            difficulties being faced after
                                                                      most important message in the        lockdown. We were able to pray
                                                                      world. They had twelve               for the mental health of pupils
                                                                      children and his earnings were       and teachers, for the
                                                                      too little to be able to keep the    assessment system that will
                                                                      family but for the industry and      replace GCSE and A level
                                                                      thrift of Fanny Jones. If it had     exams, for the new Wales
                                                                      happened that she had been           curriculum, the Senedd elections
                                                                      different from what she was –        and the appointment of a new
                                                                      wasteful, thoughtless and lazy,      Education Minister. We also
                                                                      John Jones would have had to         prayed for pupils and staff to be
                                                                      set apart his time for temporal      given a new energy in the task of
                                                                      needs; but she was otherwise,        learning and teaching.
                                                                      and Wales should – not only          The next three quarters of an
                                                                      Dyffryn Nantlle – raise her up       hour of prayer for our schools will
                                                                      as a woman worthy to be              be held on June 23rd, 12.30 –
                                                                      remembered.                          1.15p.m. If you would like to
                                                                                                           take part, go to
                                                                            (to be concluded)    
                                                                      Extracts from Cofiant Mrs            ay-for-schools-wales-prayer-
                                                                      Fanny Jones, Gweddw y                zoom-tickets-150917758077
                                                                      Diweddar Barch. J. Jones,            Let’s make every one of our local
                                                                      Talysarn by O. Llew. Owain           primary and secondary schools,
                                                                      of Talysarn. Translated by           a prayed for school!
                                                                      Marian G. Clifford (née              Catrin Roberts

                                                                                                                the TREASURY – MAY 2021          5
TREASURY - Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru
                                                                          WILMER ROAD                         PRESBYTERY
                                                                          When I was fourteen, our family     Soon after receiving this call to
                                                                          moved to Birkenhead because         the ministry, I shared the fact
                                                                          my father had gained                with the Church Secretary, Tom
                                                                          promotion. Wilmer Road              Gordon, a gracious, kind man
    “it’s oft perplexing ways are ordered right”                          Presbyterian Church, was only a     who was thrilled with my news,
                                                                          five-minute walk away and my        and promised to encourage me.
                         – (David Charles)                                parents became church               The news was shared with the
                                                                          members there, and at sixteen I,    church who supported my
                                                                          along with my brother, were         candidature, then this was
                                     friendly minister. After his wife    baptised by sprinkling. It was      relayed to the Lancashire and
                                     died, he married a member,           providential that the Interim       Cheshire Presbytery. Events
                                     Miss Rees who related                Moderator of our church was the     moved surprisingly quickly. I
                                     interesting stories to us in our     Revd David Edwards, Liverpool       was impressed by the care and
                                     small week-night children’s          from the Foreign Missions           arrangements made for my call
                                     meetings. I was impressed            office. His missionary              to be tested. Presbytery
                                     when she read weekly a chapter       experience in India, warm           expected me to preach first in
                                     describing Mary Jones and her        personality and interesting         my home church, then in
                                     obtaining a Bible from Thomas        preaching attracted me as no        weeknight services in six other
                                     Charles, Bala. The Sunday            other preacher had done. He         churches within the Presbytery
                                     School Superintendent was Mr         was different. His faith was        when a minister would be
                                     Harris but usually teachers          infectious and his passion for      present. I remember vividly
                                     talked about everything in class,    the Gospel impressive. Later he     preaching to a large Wednesday
                                     except the Bible. Sport was our      lay dying in a Liverpool hospital   evening congregation on Amos
       by D Eryl Davies              favourite subject as boys! As a      and asked for the Hallelujah        in Hoylake when the Revd
                                     twelve-year-old, I played the        Chorus and Worthy is the Lamb       Percy Payne was the minister.
                                     organ when no one else was           to be played. That impressed        He and the congregation
The word ‘providence’ is             available but I was never            us; he was not a mere               encouraged me greatly as did
theologically rich and biblical in   impressed by the preaching.          ‘professional’ but a genuine        other churches like Moreton and
its teaching though the word is      One member was a farmer and          lover of the Lord Jesus. Both       others in Liverpool such as St
rarely used today. People refer                                                                               Columba’s and Garston.
instead to ‘chance’,                                                                                             I learned a great deal from the
‘coincidence’ and ‘fate’; some                                                                                responses of ministers and
superstitiously touching wood or                                                                              members in those churches.
even engaging in fortune telling.                                                                             Receiving these church reports
All our lives, including                                                                                      on my preaching, Presbytery
international affairs, are                                                                                    agreed I should proceed to the
governed not by impersonal fate                                                                               Candidates Board in
but by our Creator God who                                                                                    Shrewsbury to be recognised
sustains and directs all that                                                                                 formally as a ministerial
happens. In his wise control of                                                                               candidate. Presbytery wisely
all things, God respects our free                                                                             recognised my lack of Bible
agency and never encourages                                                                                   knowledge and arranged for a
sin.                                  The former Sandycroft Presbyterian Church, Flintshire                   local Welsh minister (Revd
   In these articles, I reflect on                                                                            Aneurin Edwards) to coach me
my life in the light of the Lord’s   Cambridge graduate, Mr               John and I knew we were not         in Bible knowledge. Presbytery’s
gracious providence in relation      Llewelyn, who preached at            yet Christians though searching.    provision was providential and a
to the Presbyterian Church of        regular intervals. A charming        God was at work in his              major help to me.
Wales, a denomination which          man, he was a notoriously long       providence.
has influenced my life and           and boring preacher. There              Within months, unexpectedly I    Revd Dr Eryl Davies lives in
ministry.                            were happy moments like              felt a strange and direct call to   retirement in Cardiff after a
                                     parties or a visit by the Sunday     the Christian ministry. It was an   lifetime of Christian ministry
SANDYCROFT                           School to a Liverpool                overwhelming conviction I could     pastoring churches in Maesteg
My brother John and I                Pantomime!                           not ignore. Working in industry,    and Bangor, serving after that
experienced a happy home life;          As children, we regarded          my plan had been to return to       as Principal of ETCW,
our parents were poor but they       school days as an interruption!      the police and play soccer.         Bridgend.
loved us dearly. My father           There were more exciting things
worked on the Railway so we          to do like accompanying our
lived in Sandycroft, near            father on his train journeys,
Queensferry, which was within        waving a flag on the platforms
cycling distance of Chester          or helping the milk man with his
Station where he was based. In       horse and cart in delivering milk.
the village there was a parish       My favourite days were
church, a church school, then        delivering bread and cakes with
the small Presbyterian and           my Uncle in his Co-op van then
Methodist chapels. Before            driving the van, too, from the
marrying, my parents were            age of nine in quiet streets as
Welsh Baptist and                    he collected payment from
Congregationalist but they sent      customers. I enjoyed spreading
us to the Presbyterian Sunday        jam and cream on the huge
School and the main services,        swiss rolls in the Co-op bakery
despite a small Welsh Baptist        near Mancot then trimming the
cause nearby in Mancot.              edges before eating the scraps!
   The Rev J. W. Phillips was a      Life was exciting!

6   the TREASURY – MAY 2021
TREASURY - Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru
                                      having the minister for lunch this meant the end of the the                five wonderful words ‘let the

                                      week?’ was a common question opportunity to train little people            children go first’).
                                      in our church. (A question            in the art of service. A family         ‘But hold on’ you say, ‘I
                                      commonly followed by some             with children has plenty of          remember some ministers, and
                                      wag replying ‘not us, we’re           chances to talk about serving,       they were real rotters’. True.
                                      having beef!’). Quite often our       but maybe not many chances to Some were terrible house

                                      family would be the ones              actually serve. Hosting the          guests. One came late to our
                                      offering hospitality which was        minister means tidying up for        house and laughed when my
                                      good news for me because it           visitors; waiting your turn to       mother declared that the meat
                                      meant there would be pudding.         share your story, and in so          was burnt; another stayed for
                                      Nowadays, it                                                               the weekend and left his
                                      seems, a rare                                                              underpants on the bedpost.
                                      occurrence! So what                                                        Some were dreadful at making
        by Reverend                   killed off the visiting                                                    conversation, others talked the
                                      minster saying for                                                         hind legs of the proverbial
      Jonathan Hodgins                lunch?                                                                     donkey. I remember one
                                         I suppose the                                                           minister coming back for supper
Clergymen in fiction tend to be
                                      chief culprit is the                                                       with his wife and not leaving till
blundering buffoons. For
                                      end of the evening                                                         midnight. But even these -
example, Wodehouse’s Revd
                                      service. No Sunday                                                         especially these, taught
Stinker Pinker ‘constitutionally
                                      night service means                                                        valuable lessons. We learnt
incapable of walking through the
                                      there’s no reason                                                          patience. We learnt to love the
great Gobi desert without
                                      for the minister to                                                        unlovely. We learnt to put up
knocking something over’, or
                                      stay on for a long                                                         with those who were difficult.
grotesque characters like
                                      after the                                                                  Aside from anything else we
Blackadder’s Bishop of Bath
                                      Benediction. A                                                             learnt that even the worst, most
and Wells who drowns babies in
                                      coffee and biscuit in                                                      tedious things in life eventually
the christening font and then
                                      the vestry and a                                                           come to an end; that even the
eats them later in the vestry,
                                      discrete cheque                                                            most tiresome afternoon would
and the downright dodgy Father
                                      from the treasurer is                                                      eventually end with those sweet
Ted Crilly, who swore blind that
                                      all that’s required.                                                       words, ‘well it’s been a lovely
the collection was ‘just resting in
                                         Even in churches                                                        afternoon, but we’d better get
his account’!
                                      where there is an                                                          ready for evening service.’
   In this respect the Bishop of
                                      evening service, most A page of Mrs Keefe's Visitors Book at Yew              So hospitality can be a chore
Digne is the rarest of fictional                                          Tree Cottage, Old Walls.
                                      minister’s will choose                                                     but as churches stop offering to
characters, a priest who actually
                                      to go home for the                                                         host the visiting minister, maybe
lives up to his calling. You will
                                      afternoon and come back in the        doing learning to listen to          we have lost an opportunity to
know him from Les Miserables.
                                      evening. It’s possible also, that     someone else. It means               prove week by week that in
Woken in the middle of the night
                                      those most acquainted with the        squashing in around the table to showing hospitality to strangers
by the police at the door, he is
                                      idea of offering hospitality are      make room for a guest. And           some people have entertained
informed that Jean Valjean, a
                                      those who are oldest in the           (when I was a child) it meant        angels without knowing it!
recently paroled criminal, has
                                      congregation and therefore            living with that heart stopping
stolen the church silver from the
                                      perhaps incapable of doing            moment when seconds were             Revd Jonathan Hodgins lives in
Bishop’s house. Rather than say
                                      what they once did.                   offered to the visitor first. (I     Mancot. He cares for four
‘J’accuse’, the Bishop rebukes
                                         So what have we lost?              judged many a minister by            churches in Flintshire and
                                         Well, we no longer need to         whether or not he said those         Chester.
                                      worry about uncomfortable
But my friend, you left so early
                                                                                     DEC Coronavirus Appeal extended to
                                      afternoons struggling to make
Surely something slipped your         conversation with an odd-bod,
mind.                                 lay or ecclesiastical. Ministers                   include India is endorsed by the
[at which point the bishop gives
Valjean two candlesticks.]
                                      don’t have to worry about eating
                                      food they don’t like (I once left
                                                                                          Presbyterian Church of Wales
You forgot I gave these also.         broccoli on the side of my plate                           Life & Witness Board
Would you leave the best              and my host said she would wait
behind?                               until I had finished it!). Children     In India, a second wave of coronavirus is having a devastating
                                      of those offering hospitality need      impact. India’s health system is struggling to cope, hospitals are
Once the police have gone he          not worry about ‘being on their         overrun and oxygen supplies are falling short of demand.
urges Valjean to make the most        best behaviour’ and church                 You can make a difference today by donating to the Disasters
of his gift of grace urging him to    secretaries have one less rota          Emergency    Committee’s Coronavirus Appeal.
become an honest man. It is           service to worry about.                    DEC charities will help by supporting India’s health system by
deeply moving and used                   But there is undoubtedly a           setting up temporary Covid hospitals, providing ambulance and
memorably and to great effect in      loss.                                   medical   supplies; putting measures in place to slow the spread of
the evangelism tool, Christianity        The end of offering hospitality      Covid   19 e.g by providing masks, water, soap and hand sanitiser;
Explored.                             to the visiting minister means          and they will ensure that the most fragile families have enough
    But the Bishop of Digne is        we have lost the opportunity to         food and clean water so that children don’t become
unusual for another reason; he        exercise the gift of hospitality. A     malnourished.
is a clergyman who offers             good visiting minister will be, by         If you can make a donation, please visit or call
hospitality rather than receiving     definition, easily pleased. If he       0370 60 60 900. Each and every single donation will make a
it. A conversation after church       is worth his salt he will be            difference, and will be greatly appreciated.
recently reminded me of the one       friendly and thankful, an ideal
time commonplace offer of             person on whom to practice              Thank you, Casia Wiliam
hospitality to the visiting           hospitality.                            External Relations Manager for the DEC in Wales
minister.                                The end of offering hospitality      07973612966
    When I was a child ‘Who’s         to the visiting minister has also

                                                                                                                     the TREASURY – MAY 2021      7
TREASURY - Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru
suffered in any way through the                       Once there, the fun continued

       FROM                                                                                                Coronavirus. Some have come
                                                                                                           specially; some have seen the
                                                                                                           prayer net in passing and
                                                                                                           stopped to participate - precious
                                                                                                                                                              as Mr Morgan took a class of
                                                                                                                                                              older boys, including at that
                                                                                                                                                              time, Donald Lewis and Gethin
                                                                                                                                                              John, while Audrey Williams

THE CHURCHES                                                                                               prayers said for those we have
                                                                                                              We hope others will take time
                                                                                                           to add many more ribbons to
                                                                                                                                                              (celebrating 60 years as an
                                                                                                                                                              elder), now grown up, led the
                                                                                                                                                              older girls. Averil Grove had a
                                                                                                                                                              class of little ones and the
                                                                                                           the memorial over the next                         ladies were taught by whichever
                                                                                                           couple of weeks.                                   minister had come for the day to
                                                                                                              Easter reminded us of how                       take the morning and evening
                                                                                                           good can come out of disaster.                     services. As a teenager Eileen
                                                                                                           As Marjorie Corbett said, “There                   remembers being enthralled by
                                                                                                           has already been goodness                          the Bible teaching of Revd
                                                                                                           shown in the way people have                       Professor Rheinallt Nantlais
                                                                                                           shared with others and cared                       Williams from Aberystwyth—she
                                                                                                           for others during this pandemic.                   wished he could have come
                                                                                                           We pray that even more of that                     every week and remembers
                                                                                                           will happen throughout the                         with some surprise, that she
                                                                                                           world and people will be able to                   told him so!
                                                                                                           put real values to the top of their
                                                                                                           list: care, love and compassion.”
                                                                                                                                                                  THE PRESBYTERIAN
                                                                                                           OLD WALLS, GOWER                                       CHURCH OF WALES
TRINITY, LLANIDLOES                                  experienced in this last year                                                                                 Glamorgan/London
                                                     and said a prayer for all who                         One of the elders and chapel                               Presbytery
Ribbons of Remembrance                               had suffered. She emphasised                          magazine editor, Eileen Hutin
                                                                                                                                                                Ministerial Assistant
March 23rd 2021 saw the first                        that it was important not only to                     was asked recently about her
anniversary of the first lockdown                    remember those who had died,                          memories of Sunday School in
for Covid-19. But how to mark                        but also the much wider group                         the 1930’s.
this significant and sombre                                                                                                                                     We invite anyone interested
                                                     of people who have been
milestone in a meaningful way a                      affected by loss as a result of                                                                            in supporting Christian and
year on when in many ways it                         this pandemic: loss of loved                                                                               Church work to apply for the
seems like a lifetime ago? So                        ones, loss of jobs, loss of                                                                               post of Ministerial Assistant to
much has changed in our daily                        status, and so much more. She                                                                                 serve the Presbyterian
routines and way of living.                          reminded us that it was also                                                                                Churches within London.
   The local Cŷtun here in                           important that we remember                                                                                      To start: 1 Sept 2021
Llanidloes and the nearby area                       those who have died in the                                                                                  Hours: 35 hours per week
thought it would be a good idea                      front-line care of others.                                                                                  Term: 2 years, with the first
if we could have some way of                         After a moment of silence and                                                                             6 months being a probationary
remembering all those who                            then a prayer, the Mayor of                                                                                            period.
have died as each of us in the                       Llanidloes, Mrs Janet Crisp,                                                                                 Salary: PCW Scale 23-27
town will have been aware of                         was asked to tie the first ribbon.                                                                        £23,950 - £26,056 pro rata with
someone who had died or been                         The first few ribbons placed                                                                              an opportunity to join the PCW
affected by Covid. As a way of                       there included a prayer from the                                                                                  pension scheme.
being able to personally recall,                     Llanidloes Quaker Meeting                                                                                      Additional offer: A flat
recollect and honour those                           which holds its services in                                                                                    provided, and a travel
people, it was decided we                            Trinity:                                                 ‘Did your father take you?’,                        allowance within London.
should have ribbons that we                                                                                she was asked. ‘Oh yes!’ replied
                                                     We “hold in the light” all those                                                                          Candidates should be proficient
could tie to a special                                                                                     Eileen. And it seems that along
                                                     who have died during the                                                                                     in Welsh, or committed to
commemorative “prayer net”                                                                                 with Eileen, her Dad, Will
                                                     pandemic and all their families                                                                           learning the language (spoken
situated on the rails of the                                                                               Morgan took almost everyone
                                                     who have been bereaved. We                                                                                          and written).
Eglwys Bresbyteraidd in China                                                                              else as well! The late Muriel
St. Bilingual posters with                           also pray for everyone else who                                                                             This Post is subject to an
                                                     have been affected in any way                         Crocker (who later taught at
reflections are part of the net.                                                                           Tasker’s School in                                  enhanced DBS check and two
A select, but ecumenically                            during this difficult time,                                                                                 satisfactory references.
                                                     including those who continue to                       Haverfordwest and attended
representative group, gathered                                                                             Ebenezer in the time of Revd
together at 11am on the 23rd -                       suffer from long-covid.                                                                                     For further details, please
                                                                                                           Arwyn Thomas), was heard to
face masks donned and                                Even within a couple of days,                         say that judging by the number                      contact Hedd Morgan, Cardiff
keeping the obligatory social                        those first ribbons have been                         of children on board, his car                         Office, on 029 2062 7465
distance - to inaugurate this                        joined by many more added by                          must have had expanding                               E:
“memorial” for want of a better                      people of all ages, taking the                        sides. Eileen says there was no
word.                                                opportunity to pause and reflect                      health and safety involved, but                       Closing Date: 4.00pm on
   Miss Marjorie Corbett, the                        and remember a family member                          a great deal of fun was had on                          Friday 7th June 2021
Chair of CYTUN, spoke of the                         or friend or one of the                               the way!
losses so many had                                   thousands worldwide who have

THE TREASURY incorporating Glad Tidings • English publication of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. Published monthly – Price 50p.                                            Vol. XLVII No. 5
Editor: Revd IAIN B HODGINS, 1a CHESTNUT GROVE, HAWARDEN CH5 3HD                                                                                                               MAY 2021
e-mail:                                                                                                                                          IS S N 1476-4695
Unless otherwise stated the views expressed are those of the individual contributor and are not necessarily the view of the General Assembly or the Editor.
Enquiries about orders and subscriptions should be addressed to
Tel: 01286 672018 •

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