Transforming Lives Giving Sight - LRBF Canada

Page created by Ben Gilbert
Transforming Lives Giving Sight - LRBF Canada
Giving Sight


October - December 2020 I Newsletter No.: 142

Transforming Lives Giving Sight - LRBF Canada
                  - almost lost her sight and livelihood
                     LRBT has treated over 45 million patients and has
                     impacted the lives of millions more by enabling the
                     treated to go back to leading fulfilling lives.

                  Sabra, a school teacher wakes up every day       hope shining out brightly from her eyes. For
                  with a twinkle in her eyes ready to tackle       the first time in her life she was treated as an
                  head on the million questions related to         equal at LRBT where quality care was given
                  studies and otherwise her inquisitive pupils     to her with respect and dignity, irrespective
                  regale her with everyday. She uses colorful      of her gender. At her follow-up visit she
                  chalks to channel and focus their attention to   confided, “I have always been a
                  the board. To her, focus is everything yet she   hardworking, independent person, I used to
                  started losing hers when she was unable to       support my aging parents by teaching and
                  read the board from even a few feet away.        supplementing the household income. I
                                                                   continued with my profession even after
                                                                   marriage and two children, it helps my
                                                                   children study for free while I get to do a job
                                                                   I love. My ideal life would have been
                                                                   shattered had I not been able to get my eye
                                                                   treated. LRBT helped me in keeping my
                                                                   dreams alive.”

                  Belonging to a small town where a females
                  role is defined to the kitchen, she was
                  already challenging the norms. It was when
                  she feared for her sight that her
                  perseverance and courage was put to the
                  test. The local doctor gave her eye drops
LRBT Newsletter

                  and told her if her condition did not improve    Today she is once again surrounded by her
                  then she would have to stay at home where        beloved students and tells them stories of
                  she belongs. Heartbroken but determined to       hope and perseverance and how these two
                  keep on pursuing her passion for teaching,       together can overcome insurmountable
                  she set out to find a cure for her eye ailment.   obstacles.
                                                                   Help us change the lives of millions more like

                  One of her colleagues advised her to go to
                  LRBT. She came with diminished vision but        Sabra. Help us give them a bright future full of
                                                                   love, hope and cheer.
Transforming Lives Giving Sight - LRBF Canada
Coping with the ever-growing
patient volume
LRBT started off as a small mobile                   efficient services, provide a comfortable
                                                     environment to the visitors and sufficient space
unit in Tando Bago over 35 years                     to house various sub specialty clinics. The
ago. Over the years, it has spread                   groundbreaking ceremony of the project took
throughout the country with 19                       place on 22nd December 2020 in a simple
Hospitals and 57 Primary Eye Care                    manner with the employees of the hospital
                                                     participating in it. The expected completion
Clinics. The journey of growth and                   date of this project is August 2022.
expansion continues.
LRBT offers services of administering A-VEGF
injections for patients suffering from diabetic
retinopathy and age related macular
degeneration. The number of patients reporting
for treatment has been on the increase,
necessitating the need of a dedicated space
for this purpose so that the major operation
theatres could continue to be used for major
surgeries without interruption. A theatre for this
purpose has been made by renovating an               We are grateful to our long standing and loyal
available room. Civil work began on 10th             donor who is providing full financial support in
August 2020 and was completed on schedule            the construction of this building. In the past, he
on 9th November 2020.                                had sponsored major renovation and
                                                     expansion at Khanewal and Gambat Hospitals.
Odigram and Kalakalay                                Later, a new surgical complex and OPD were
There was need to separate the instrument            also constructed through his support.
washing areas within the operation theatre,
provide protection for extreme cold ambient
area temperatures on the exterior walls of the
operation theatres and also paint work that was
                                                      LRBT Corneal Bank
essentially required in different locations of the    During 4th quarter, 10 corneal grafts were carried
                                                      out at LRBT Hospitals.
hospitals. This work was carried out by the
maintenance teams in the same period as both          LRBT Free Tertiary Eye Hospital Korangi Karachi
                                                      performed 5 surgeries. We are grateful to APPNA
the hospitals are at a distance of 40 kms from        (Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of
each other. This work had begun on 1st                North America) who donated 2 corneas from Dr.
October and was completed within a month.             Naseem Shekhani and 3 corneas from Dr. Atif
Mandra                                                Organ donation as a whole is still a challenge in
                                                                                                           LRBT Newsletter

Mandra Hospital is a pivotal unit in the network      Pakistan as many falter for various reasons;
as in addition to receiving patients from its         Endorsements on approval of organ donation in
                                                      light of Islam from national and international
surrounding areas it serves many patients             Islamic scholars and councils can be found on:
referred from our Northern hospitals where  
some diagnostic tools and treatment are not           uran-sunnah/
available for certain eye ailments. Over the          If you are residing in Karachi, Lahore or Quetta        3
years and with the increase in the number of          and would like to become a donor, please visit:

patients, there was dire need to construct a
purpose built hospital which would offer              18/05/CorneaDonation.pdf
Transforming Lives Giving Sight - LRBF Canada
Seeing is Believing
                  Visits to LRBT
                  Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan, visited     examine my eyesight. The staff and doctors are
                  LRBT Secondary Eye Hospital, CHINIOT on           very friendly, professional, and dedicated. Their
                  17th November 2020. His reviews, “President       level of dealing and handling is at par. I pray for
                  admired LRBT set-up and said that he is           their future and success.”
                  already aware about the standard of LRBT and
                  its services.”

                                                                    Ms. Salina Zaheen, Graham Layton Trust,
                                                                    UK, visited LRBT Secondary Eye Hospital,
                                                                    Mandra Rawalpindi on 28th November 2020.
                                                                    She commented, “Thank you for wonderful hour
                                                                    of the hospital. It is a pleasure to be here and
                                                                    see the work that goes on the ground. I look
                                                                    forward to sharing feedback with our colleague
                                                                    and donors back in UK. Thank you again!”

                  Mukhtiar Ahmad, (AD-CS/NGO) Pakistan
                  Bait-ul-Mal (Balochistan), visited LRBT Free
                  Secondary Eye Hospital Quetta on 5th October
                  2020. He commented, “The arrangement of the
                  hospital is very good and skillfully done. I am
                  very much satisfied.”

                                                                    Syed Mazhar Ali Nasir, CEO SWAT
                                                                    CERAMICS, SHAIDU, NOWSHERA, visited
LRBT Newsletter

                                                                    LRBT Secondary Eye Hospital Akora Khattak
                                                                    on 18th November 2020. He commented, “I am
                                                                    impressed by the quality being maintained in
                                                                    the hospital which is away from the main cities.
                                                                    It will be an honor to support this institution by
                                                                    my family as was being done by my father,
   4              Mr. Jamil Akhter, Superintendent of Police        Syed Munazir Ali Shah. Indeed a great
                  HQRS Mansehra, visited LRBT Free Eye              experience to see the wonderful work being

                  Hospital, Mansehra on 14th November 2020.         done and service to humanity.”
                  He commented, “Today I had paid a visit to
Transforming Lives Giving Sight - LRBF Canada
Mr. Fayaz Ahmed, Lecturer Mathematics,
Mehran University of Engineering & Science
(SZAB) Campus Khairpur (Mir’s), visited LRBT
Secondary Eye Hospital Gambat on 29th
December 2020. He commented, “LRBT
provides good environment to patients and its
results for patients are excellent, it works very
well for poor and needy people of remote

Partnership Agreements
LRBT gives credit to its partners for its success and
is proud to work with them in ongoing projects:
Government of Sindh                                 alleviating curable blindness in the Country.
A fresh grant of Rs.70 million was
graciously awarded to LRBT for                      Brien Holden Vision Institute
the fiscal year 2020-21. Under
the plan, we are required to
perform 15,152 sight restoring
cataract surgeries at all five of
our Sindh Hospitals over a period of 12
months. Despite the restrictions and                “Our Children’s Vision” campaign” is being
constraints caused by the prevailing                carried out in collaboration with BHVI as part
pandemic, we have not only achieved but have        of a global effort emphasizing the need to
surpassed our target set for the second quarter     increase children’s access to eye health and
by performing 7770 cataract surgeries.              continues to provide eye wear to children
                                                    through this program. For ease and
This project was especially designed to carry       convenience of children and their parents,
out sight restoring cataract surgeries on the       these spectacles are now being made
poor, needy and disadvantaged people in the         available at the hospitals. In the Odigram and
Province. We are thankful to the Sindh              Mansehra Hospitals, this would be
Government for their continuous support.            implemented from January onwards.
Sightsavers                                         During this quarter this year, we conducted
                                                    OPD of 53,469 children of which 689 were
                                                    refracted and 302 glasses are being
                                                    provided to them.

Sightsavers required us to perform 4550             CBM International
cataract surgeries during the quarter
October-December 2020 under the UKAM                CBM is supporting 22
                                                    students initially for a
                                                                                                      LRBT Newsletter

project. These surgeries were carried out as
planned, despite the second wave of COVID           two-year Ophthalmic
which necessitated stringent measures to            Assistant Diploma. This
ensure safety of both health care professionals     project is coming to a
and patients.                                       close in December 2020.
                                                    We are hopeful that CBM continues to support
LRBT was also assigned to conduct 3000              this venture through which quality eye care can
cataract surgeries during the period under          be offered and the deficiency of mid-level eye
review, which was successfully achieved.            care professionals in the Country can be

LRBT and Sightsavers have been partners for         reduced.
35 years, working together for the cause of
Transforming Lives Giving Sight - LRBF Canada
In another development, CBM and LRBT are at                  target given for this quarter was 200. This
                  an advanced stage of finalizing their BMZ                     project is progressing according to schedule.
                  project for strengthening health systems in
                  District Sadiqabad. Over the period of this                  WHO Eye Camp Project
                  project, it is expected that it will create
                  awareness amongst the poor and
                  disadvantaged people of the region in addition
                  to providing eye care close to their abodes.
                                                                               LRBT was requested by WHO to conduct eye
                  FHF cataract surgeries                                       screening camps in selected Afghan refugee
                               The Fred Hollows                                villages in Baluchistan and Khyber
                                                                               Pakhtunkhwa Provinces under a project,
                                                                               "Protecting rights of older refugee people with
                  LRBT was required to conduct 3041 cataract                   disabilities." This was a challenging task as it
                  surgeries during November and December at                    required us to organize seven camps in
                  three designated hospitals that have been                    locations that we were unfamiliar with and in a
                  accomplished on schedule.                                    period of little over a month. Three of these
                                                                               camps were held in KP Province while the
                  In addition, 700 sight restoring cataract                    other four took place in Balochistan. A total of
                  surgeries from FHF referred surgery patients,                3524 patients were examined. Of these many
                  which comprise poor females employed in                      received medication while spectacles were
                  Agriculture and Cottage Industries in District               provided to those having refractive errors. 330
                  Khanewal and Chiniot have been assigned to                   sight restoring cataract surgeries were carried
                  LRBT. During the period under review a total of              out after transporting the patients to our
                  229 surgeries have been accomplished. The                    hospitals at Akora Khattak and Quetta.

                   Congratulations on completing                                LRBT strongly believes in training its
                                                                                doctors and paramedics so as to give
                   eye care training programs                                   the best quality care to our patients.
                  At present, 47 FCPS and 3 MCPS trainees are undergoing postgraduate training.

                  a. DOCTORS QUALIFICATIONS
                  1.   Dr. Hunain Razzak Ghoghari                    - Korangi Hospital                            FCPS
                  2.   Dr. Rizwan Rasheed                            - Korangi Hospital                            FCPS
                  3.   Dr. Umair Abdullah                            - Khanewal Hospital                           FCPS
                  4.   Dr. Mansoor Ali                               - Lahore (Township) Hospital                  FCPS
                  5.   Dr. Malik Arsalan Shahid                      - Lahore (Township) Hospital                  FCPS
                  6.   Dr. Saad M. Iqbal                             - Lahore (Township) Hospital                  FCPS
                  7.   Dr. Mashal Tayyab                             - Lahore (Township) Hospital                  FCPS

                  17 of our doctors at the Tertiary Hospital, Korangi are presently undergoing various types of procedural training.

                  2. TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT                                    Session 2021: Advertisement for
                                                                               Admissions published in the local newspaper.
                  LRBT School of                                               Collection of applications and selection
LRBT Newsletter

                  Ophthalmic Paramedicine                                      process for Ophthalmic Assistant, Ophthalmic
                                                                               Technician, Ophthalmic Operation Theatre
                  LRBT recognizes that eye care                                (OT) Technician and Refractionist Course have
                  for our patients begins in the                               also been completed. Classes will be
                  homes, streets and clinics of                                commenced in January 2021.
                  our communities. Eye health
                                                                               Session 2020: Students from Sindh
   6              paramedics are there to provide care to
                                                                               completed their academic session in December
                  patients without the need to go to hospitals. We
                                                                               2020. Their final exams are awaited.

                  believe that good patient care can only come
                                                                               Students other than Sindh completed their
                  with improving the skill of our workforce.
                                                                               academic session, appeared in their final
Transforming Lives Giving Sight - LRBF Canada
examination at Jinnah Medical College Hospital       conducted at each location on once a week
(JMCH) and their results are awaited.                basis
Session 2019: Students from Sindh                 3. APPOINTMENTS
completed their academic session in
                                                  • Dr. Syed Fawad Rizvi from our Korangi
December 2019. Their final examinations are
                                                    Hospital was appointed as:
expected soon.
                                                  – External Examiner for 4th MBBS
Students other than Sindh completed their
                                                    Examination from 19th December 2020 at
academic session, appeared in their final
                                                    Jinnah Medical & Dental College, Karachi
examination at Jinnah Medical College Hospital
                                                  – Paper Setter for FCPS-II Vitreo Retinal
(JMCH) and all stand qualified except one.
                                                    (Ophthalmology) Paper Setting (Session
REFRESHER COURSES                                   Oct-20) on 12th October 2020 at CPSP
• 10 Paramedic Staff attended 2 weeks               Karachi
  Online Refresher Training from 09th to 23rd     4. WORKSHOPS
  December 2020
                                                  • Dr. S. Fawad Rizvi attended workshop on
OTHER TRAINING PROGRAMS                             Educational Planning on 9th October 2020
• Dr. Arshad Mehmood from our Gambat                at Jinnah Medical & Dental College
  Hospital attended Argon Laser Training at       • Drs. Muhammad Hasnain, Jibran Khalil and
  our Korangi Hospital from 28th December           Musawer Javaid attended skills
  2020 to 09th January 2021                         development workshops at CPSP
• Mr. Junaid Iqbal, OT Technician from our        5. RESEARCH WORK
  Akora Khattak Hospital attended VR
                                                  • LRBT Lahore (Township) Hospital in
  Equipment (Usage/Sterilization) training at
                                                    collaboration with Allama Iqbal Medical
  our Lahore Multan Road Hospital from 21st
                                                    College & Research Centre and Centre of
  December 2020 to 01st January 2021
                                                    Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB)
• Ms. Fauzia Aziz, Manager Resource                 has started a study on “Stem Cells”. The
  Development from our Central Office                Titles of the Project are as under:
  attended online short course on “Civil            a. Corneal Endothelial Dysfunction in
  Society Women in Executive Leadership”                  Human Subjects
  sponsored by Brien Holden Vision Institute        b. Retinitis Pigmentosa
  (BHVI) under Australian Awards in
                                                  6. RECOGNITION
  December 2020
                                                  • LRBT Tertiary Teaching Eye Hospital,
• Online Sign Language Training of Staff
                                                    Lahore (Multan Road) has been issued
  organized by Sightsavers under its UKAM
                                                    License by the Punjab Healthcare
  Project for our Quetta, Akora Khattak,
                                                    Commission. Previously, our Arifwala and
  Shahpur and Mandra Hospital from
                                                    Lar Multan Hospitals were given this license
  Aug-Nov 2020. Total 12 classes were

In order to recognize employees for their best performance for FY 2019-20, Awards have
been distributed to the following employees:
                                                                                                   LRBT Newsletter


    Mr. Junaid Baig           Mr. Abid Ali       Mr. Akhlaq Ahmed        Mr. Iqbal Ahmed

       Accountant             OT Technician         Refractionist        Computer Operator
    LRBT Central Office        LRBT Korangi        LRBT Tando Bago        LRBT Rashidabad
Transforming Lives Giving Sight - LRBF Canada
Mr. Hassam Khattak              Mr. Ali Hussain            Mr. Saeed Akram           Mr. Muhammad Ali
                       Counselor                     Dispenser              Hospital Administrator     Hospital Administrator
                   LRBT Akora Khattak              LRBT Gambat                 LRBT Mandra                LRBT Odigram

                  Mr. Muhammad Safdar Mr. Muhammad Younus                 Ms. Sidra Aslam Awan Mr. Muhammad Javed Iqbal
                   Hospital Administrator       Hospital Administrator           Optometrist            Data Entry Operator
                     LRBT Lar Multan               LRBT Quetta                  LRBT Shahpur             LRBT Khanewal

                  Mr. Tariq Mehmood             Mr. Noman Ahmed            Mr. Ibad-Ur-Rehman        Mr. Muhammad Haneef
                      OT Technician             Hospital Administrator       Registration Clerk          Assistant Lecturer
                     LRBT Mansehra                 LRBT Arifwala           LRBT Lahore (M. Road)        LRBT SOP, Korangi
LRBT Newsletter

                                 Mr. Asif Ali           Mr. Manzoor Ahmed Javed                  Mr. Liaqat Ali

                                 Dispenser                      Registration Clerk           Hospital Administrator
                              LRBT North Karachi                  LRBT Chiniot                 LRBT Kalakalay
Transforming Lives Giving Sight - LRBF Canada
Highlights from LRBT PAKISTAN
Optic Disc Pits Surgery                            LRBT Sightsaviour Wristbands
Optic Disc Pits is a rare disorder occurring in    As part of the World Sight Day campaign, EFU
approximately 1 out of 10,000 eyes. Both           purchased Sightsaviour wristbands for its
genders are affected equally, 10-15% are           employees to create awareness and support
bilateral and a few cases are autosomal            for the cause of eradicating curable blindness
dominant. Reportedly this is the first operation    in Pakistan.
of its kind in Pakistan and was performed at our
LRBT Korangi Hospital on 29th December             IBA Students also supported LRBT by making
2020. A research study of this novel technique     a video to create awareness for the plight of
for the treatment of Optic Pit Maculopathy,        the visually impaired and support their
"Micro-incision Vitrectomy and Plugging of         surgeries by purchasing the wristbands.
Optic Pit with Amniotic Membrane" is also          Breast Cancer Awareness Session
underway.                                          October is the month of awareness of two of
World Sight Day 2020                               most important health issues faced by Pakistan:
World Sight Day, held on the second Thursday       sight and breast cancer. LRBT joined the Breast
of October every year, aims to focus global        Cancer Awareness Campaign, an initiative taken
attention on vision impairment and blindness.      by Begum Samina Alvi to create awareness for
This year’s awareness campaign was aired on        employees, students and community in general.
TV, print and social media. Awareness              LRBT held a session on ''Blessing called Sight''
sessions to educate our patients about the         and ''Breast Cancer Awareness'' for its Karachi
importance of eye health were held at LRBT         Hospitals' female staff.
LRBT Quetta arranged a walk to mark World
Sight Day and arranged a poster competition
on ''World as I See'' among school students
and distributed prizes to the top 3 winners.
LRBT North Karachi Hospital held awareness
session on World Sight Day and briefed the
patients on importance of cleanliness and eye
care. Awareness banners were also displayed
on World Sight Day at various LRBT Hospitals.

                                                   The session was opened by Ms. Shabana
                                                   Shahzad, Head of Resource Development,
                                                   followed by key note on LRBT from Dr.
                                                   Mahwash Khan, Head of Community. The
                                                   speakers included a panel from first lady Mrs.
                                                   Samina Alvi's BCA task force Dr. Samiya Asif
                                                   and Sadia Siddiqui (motivational speaker and
                                                   cancer survivor) along with Dr. Nuzhat I. Malik,
                                                   Radiologist, Indus Hospital.
                                                                                                      LRBT Newsletter


                                                                     …Continued on Page 12
Transforming Lives Giving Sight - LRBF Canada
Performance Data                                                                       Cumulative Summary of total OPDs
                  OPD VISITS                                                                             and Surgeries Since Inception to 31st
                  1,800,000                                                                              December 2020
                  1,400,000                                                                              Hospital                Commencement     Total OPD     Total       Total
                                                                                                                                     Date          Patients   Surgeries
                                                                                                         KORANGI                 26th Oct 1986    8,063,602    838,382     8,901,984
                                                                                                         LAHORE (KOT LAKHPAT) 14th May 1987       8,015,339    777,593     8,792,932
                    600,000                                                                              AKORA KHATTAK           20th Oct 1990    2,551,689    268,756     2,820,445

                    400,000                                                                              ARIFWALA                15th Dec 2008    1,187,286    110,646     1,297,932
                    200,000                                                                              ODIGRAM                 26th Sep 2013    2,019,059    253,606     2,272,665
                            -                                                                            GAMBAT                  20th Mar 1988    2,408,856    358,120     2,766,976
                                 Jul to Sep 20 Oct to Dec 20 Jan to Mar 21 April to Jun 21     YTD
                  Last Year    761,909          858,052                                      1,691,961
                  Current Year 542,101          770,185                                      1,312,286
                                                                                                         KHANEWAL                2nd Jan 2006     1,211,162    129,558     1,340,720

                                                                                                         LAR                     15th Feb 1999    2,608,503    301,334     2,909,837
                  MINOR SURGERIES                                                                        MANDRA                  15th Mar 2005    1,409,557    198,254     1,607,811
                                                                                                         MANSEHRA                8th Nov 2005     1,064,055    100,093     1,164,148

                   30,000                                                                                PASRUR                  17th Mar 2008     940,298     115,939     1,056237

                                                                                                         QUETTA                  23rd Oct 2000    1,616,958    125,926     1,742,884
                                                                                                         RASHIDABAD(TANDO ADAM 2nd June 2008      2,219,889    280,272     2,500,161
                                                                                                         01/02/87 to 01/06/08)
                                                                                                         SHAHPUR SADDAR 4th Nov 2004              1,544,552    219,377     1,763,929

                            -                                                                            TANDO BAGO              15th Nov 1985    2,275,869    227,103     2,502,972
                                 Jul to Sep 20 Oct to Dec 20 Jan to Mar 21 April to Jun 21     YTD
                  Last Year    14,003            17,438                                       31,441     NORTH KARACHI           2nd Jan 2012      855,915      71,253      927,168
                  Current Year 10,906            15,851                                       26,757
                                                                                                         SIBI                    1st Jul 2015      188,459      12,826      201,285
                  MAJOR SURGERIES                                                                        KALAKALAY               1st Jul 2015      407,860      27,136      434,996
                                                                                                         CHINIOT                 1st Jan 2015      232,291      21,628      253,919
                                                                                                         LAHORE (MULTAN ROAD) Aug 2015             478,222      37,006      515,228
                                                                                                         TURBAT (MALC)           15th Nov 1985       29,110      2,682       31,792
                    40,000                                                                               GAWADAR (MALC) 15th Nov 1985                41,576      4,300       45,876

                    20,000                                                                               KHEWRA (ICI)            May 1991          168,515      18,686      187,201

                      5,000                                                                              ENT SURGERIES                                                          356
                            -                                                                            TOTAL                                   41,538,622   4,500,476   46,039,454
                                 Jul to Sep 20 Oct to Dec 20 Jan to Mar 21 April to Jun 21     YTD
                  Last Year       47,438         67,772                                      115,210
                  Current Year    41,855         67,379                                      100,234

                                                                                                                   Eye Screening Camps
LRBT Newsletter

                  MAJOR SURGERIES
                  October 2020 to December 2020                                                           12 Eye Screening Camps were conducted at
                                                                 Cataract Phaco with IOL 34,822 51.68%
                                                                                                          Akora Khatak, Korangi, Quetta, and Shahpur in
                                                                 SICS with IOL 19,579 26.06%              collaboration with Sight Savers International,
                                                                 Secondary IOL 179 0.27%                  K-Electric and WHO. A total of 4,130 patients
10                                                               Other Major 8,874 13.17%                 were examined, out of which 2,722 were
                                                                 Other Cataract without IOL 786 1.17%     medicated, 1,930 refracted and 621 were referred

                                                                 ECCE with IOL 2,976 4.42%                to LRBT Hospitals for detailed examination and
                                                                 Cataract Phaco without IOL 163 0.24%     surgery.
                  Total Major Surgeries 67,379
                  Total Cataract Surgeries 58,505 (85% of Total Major Surgeries)
                  Cataract Surgeries with IOLs 57,556 (98% of Total Cataract Surgeries)
Our big-hearted supporters                                              Donation
On behalf of LRBT and the needy patients with impaired vision,          For m
we are deeply thankful to all our generous donors for their support
in our fight against curable blindness. The donors who donated         Name
Rs. 0.5 million and above during the third quarter are:               Profession
Name of Donor                                               Amount
Health Department, Government Of Sindh                35,000,000.00   Address

Sight Savers International                            31,643,700.00   Telephone
Graham Layton Trust                                   23,454,812.95
ANONYMOUS DONORS – KARACHI                            18,620,465.44
The Fred Hollows Foundation                            9,276,000.00   Email
OBAT Canada                                            6,749,647.13
                                                                      Amount Donated
Pakistan Petroleum Limited                             4,333,000.00
CBM International                                      3,630,050.00   Zakat/Fitrah/Sadqah etc.
Mr. Mohammed Amin Nathani                              3,000,000.00
Global Giving                                          2,642,206.56    L R B T W O R L DW I D E
Hamid D. Habib Memorial Trust                          2,500,000.00   Pakistan
Dawood Habib Memorial Trust                            2,500,000.00   The Layton Rahmatulla Benevolent
                                                                      Trust (LRBT)
Maqbool Engineers                                      2,000,000.00   37-C, Sunset Lane No. 4, Phase II
Babar Ali Foundation                                   2,000,000.00   Extension, DHA, Karachi-75500
                                                                      Tel.: 021-35396600-5(6 lines) and
Ms. Sahia Ahmad                                        1,800,000.00   0800-44441
Subhan Food Industries                                 1,614,284.00   Email:
Ismail Industries Limited                              1,500,000.00   Website:
                                                                      Fb: Lrbt.Pakistan
Lucky Paragon Readymix Ltd                             1,500,000.00   (Exempt under Section 61 of IT
Mrs. Farzana Firoz                                     1,500,000.00   Ordinance 2001)
Haji Muhammad Siddique                                 1,300,000.00
                                                                      United Kingdom
Uch Power (Private) Limited                            1,200,000.00
                                                                      Graham Layton Trust (GLT) - a sister
Mr. Zain Mehmood Randhawa                              1,057,000.00   charity to Layton Rahmatulla
PAK-ARAB REFINERY LTD                                  1,000,000.00   Benevolent Trust (LRBT)
                                                                      Tel.: 44 (0) 203 397 1433
SICPA Inks Pakistan (Pvt) Limited                      1,000,000.00   Email:
Orix Modaraba                                          1,000,000.00   Website:
Mr. Nasir                                              1,000,000.00   HSBC Bank: Graham Layton Trust
                                                                      Sort Code: 40-05-18
Siddique Corporation                                   1,000,000.00   Account Number: 72684977
Mr. Waseem ullah Anjum                                 1,000,000.00   Foundation (Account LRBT)
Mr. Nisar ullah (Late)                                 1,000,000.00   Send cheque to: GLT, 24 Bedford Row,
                                                                      London WC1R, 4TQ
Hamza Foundation                                         975,000.00   (GLT - UK registered charity no. 290464)
The I-Care Foundation                                    806,150.00
Mr. Shahid F. Usmani MD                                  791,447.25   Canada
Punjab Welfare Trust For The Disabled                    702,000.00   Online Donation:
                                                                      In the memo on the cheque mention "for
LRBT Shahpur                                             690,000.00   LRBT."
Ms. Hamida Arif Chara                                    630,090.42   Cheques in favour of “Human Concern
Mr. M. J. Chaudhry                                       600,000.00   International” and mailed to:
                                                                      Mr. Ashfaque Azad
Health Department, Govt. of the Punjab                   540,000.00   1 Bloor Street East
Orix Leasing Pakistan Limited                            500,000.00   Unit 304
Mrs. Musharraf Qasim                                     500,000.00   Toronto, ON M4W 0A8
                                                                                                                 LRBT Newsletter

PAPCO                                                    500,000.00   Tel: 1-289-217-1186
Colgate-Palmolive (Pakistan) Ltd                         500,000.00   Mobile: 416-939-0426
Mr. Shahzad Aziz                                         500,000.00   E-mail:
Century Paper & Board Mills Limited                      500,000.00
Century Insurance Company Limited                        500,000.00   USA
Mr. Kamran Siddiqui                                      500,000.00   USA:
Atlas Honda Limited                                      500,000.00   LRBT USA                                   11
Mr. Riaz Abid                                            500,000.00

                                                                      Routing: 021000021
Mr. Muhammad Aurangzeb                                   500,000.00   Account: 196066705
Total                                                177,055,853.75   1815 State St
                                                                      Watertown, NY 13601
                                                                      Tel.: 315-221-4440
…Continued from Page 09

                     Help us help them                             Highlights from LRBT PAKISTAN
                     become productive
                     members of society                            IAPB PHOTO COMPETITION
                                                                   LRBT was crowned winners in
                   Cost                   Treatment
                                                                   the ‘Amateur Category’ of the
                  Rs. 4,343         The cost of Sight              VISION 2020/IAPB World Sight
                                    Restoration Cataract
                                    Surgery with an
                                                                   Day "Hope in Sight" photo
                                    Intra-Ocular Lens              competition. The World Sight
                                    Implant                        Day photo competition held
                                                                   annually is a great opportunity
                  Rs. 35,440        The cost of Adult
                                    Retinal Detachment             to highlight eye health
                                    Surgery                        successes from across the
                                                                   world. It is a great
                  Rs. 8,880         The cost of Child              achievement indeed and we
                                    Sight Restoration              are proud to have won this prestigious photo competition out
                                                                   of hundreds of entries.
                  LRBT Pakistan Bank Details:
                  Please deposit your Zakat at any
                  of the following banks:
                  Account Title
                  The Layton Rahmatulla
                                                                   Highlights from GLT
                  Benevolent Trust                                 WORLD SIGHT DAY
                                                                   GLT marked World Sight Day on 8th October 2020 by
                  Faysal Bank
                                                                   campaigning for children's eye care. With the help of
                  Account No.
                  0330000131981129                                 supporters, over £55k was raised, which will treat 1,050
                                                                   children for cataract surgery. Volunteers took part in
                  Branch Code
                  0330                                             personal challenges of running, swimming, hiking and biking
                                                                   to help raise funds. Britain's Got Talent semi finalist Sirine
                  IBAN No.
                                                                   Jahangir, who lost her sight at a young age, sang live on the
                                                                   GLT YouTube page in support of the campaign. Her
                  Swift Code
                  FAYSPKKA                                         self-written song 'Breathe' was dedicated to LRBT's patients.
                                                                   Special thanks to Lady Fatemah Trust for matching all
                  Standard Chartered Bank Limited
                  Account No.                                      donations.
                  Branch Code
                  IBAN No.
                  Swift Code
                  United Bank Limited (UBL)
                  Account No.                                      GIVING TUESDAY AND CHRISTMAS
LRBT Newsletter

                  010-4241-4                                       CAMPAIGN
                  Branch Code                                      Over the festive season, GLT continued
                  0949 – online                                    to raise funds for children's eye care. A
                  IBAN No.                                         message from Patron Lord Michael
                  PK84UNIL0112094901042414                         Dobbs conveyed the need to continue
                  Zakat Online:                                    supporting those who are facing
                    blindness. Available to view on GLT's

                                                                   social media channels.

                  (Exempt under Section 61 of IT Ordinance 2001)
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