Trading Post January 6, 2023

Page created by Dale Clark
Trading Post January 6, 2023
Trading Post                                                                               January 6, 2023    |        1

        Trading Post
                                               January 6, 2023

   Digital Production Ink—11161 Anderson St. Suite 105     Website:      Phone (909) 558-4526

       PETS                 FREEBIES               EVENTS              fellowship lunch               MUSIC
                           YARD SALE                                   and an intercesso-        END OF YEAR
FEMALE                                         LOOKING FOR A
                                                                       ry prayer meeting         CLEARANCE
                          APPLIANCE                                    that will make you        SALE, Shull Piano,
DOG puppies
                                                                       feel like family!         Quality Upright
available. AKC           LIKE NEW              SABBATH KEEP-
                                                                       Contact us at (909)       and Grand Pianos,
registered, choco-       TOSHIBA 55” Fire      ING CHURCH?
                                                                       370-1311. Sabbath         financing available
late brindle in color.   TV for sale, does     Seventh-day Sab-
                                                                       School starts at 9:30     for local communi-
Twelve weeks old         not come with a re-   bath Church is the
                                                                       a.m. Divine Service       ty. Piano Tuning
call or text for more    mote. Model num-      place! A multi-cul-
                                                                       at 10:30 a.m. Loca-       Service, Repair and
information. (909)       ber 55LF711U20.       tural church with
                                                                       tion: 850 Via Lata,       Restoration. Wel-
913-1754. Jan13          $180.00 or best       Bible and SOP
                                                                       Suite 109, Colton,        come to visit our
    LOST and             offer. Text Sophie    spirit-filled messag-
                                                                       CA 92324. Dec30           store Monday-Fri-
     FOUND               (760) 885-6886.       es, reverent music
                                                                                                 day, Weekends
                         Jan13                 and songs, a vegan
Trading Post January 6, 2023
2        |       January 6, 2023                                                                                                      Trading Post

Appts available.                         Redlands Blvd.          Arthur’s Bible sto-        VACATION                            SERVICES
Please call (909)                        California Street.      ry 10-volume set.          RENTALS/                            OFFERED
553-7055, Ad-                            Dec30                   $250.00. Good con-           SALES
                                                                                                                           A1 ROOFING
dress 610 Amigos                                                 dition. Publication     BRIAN HEAD,
                                         YANG’S PIANO                                                                      AND HANDY-
Dr, B, Redlands,                                                 date: 1957. (909)       UT Penthouse
                                         SERVICE. Piano                                                                    MAN! Roofing
CA92373, behind                                                  327-579. Jan6*          luxury Ski condo.
                                         Tuning, Repair.                                                                   repair; Tree trim-
Panda Express on                                                                         3,200 square feet,
                                         Over 40 years’ ex-      MEDICAL                                                   ming, removal;
                                                                                         five-bedroom, amaz-
                                         perience. Excellent     EQUIPMENT                                                 Plumbing; Drywall;
 SUBMISSION — Ads may be:                                                                ing view of resort.
 - submitted and paid for online at
 .              service. Well edu-      FOR SALE. Qua-                                            Fencing; Welding;
 Digital Production Ink                                                                  Search White Bear
 11161 Anderson St. Suite 105,
                                         cated in music field.   tum J6VA elec-                                            Windows; Concrete
 Loma Linda, CA 92354.
 Office hours:
                                                                                         Penthouse on AirB-
   Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.          Licensed YAMA-          trical wheel chair                                        Work; Tile install
   Fri: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.                                                                  NB. (909) 709-
 DEADLINE for all ads —                  HA Technician.          $2,000.00, invacare                                       Flooring; Painting
 Wednesdays 2:00 p.m.                                                                    6111. Feb10
 Upcoming Holiday deadlines:
                                         (213) 321-2710.         manual wheelchair                                         and much more!
 RATES — per week, per ad:
 Classified Ads:                                                                         CAMERAS, TV,                      Free estimates!
                                         Resides in Loma         $340.00, gogo elite
    $8 ad up to 25 words
    $12 ad up to 50 words                                                                COMPUTERS,
    $16 ad up to 100 words               Linda. Jan6*            traveler scooter                                          (909) 213-2203.
 Lost and Found classified ads are                                                       ELECTRONICS
 free for one week.
                                                                 $1,500.00. Dolo-                                          Mar24
 Display ads:
 $6 per column inch for black-&-
                                         SCHIMMEL UP-                                      BOATS FOR
 white ads                                                       mite max walker             SALE                          LOMA LINDA
 $10 per column inch ads in color
                                         RIGHT PIANO
                                                                 $250.00, drive                                            MINI MAIDS II.
 *Column inch = 2”wide x 1” high
 *Ads to be submitted cam-
                                         with bench. Wal-                                RVs FOR SALE
 era-ready in PDF / JPG format.                                  upright walker                                            We clean weekly,
 The Trading Post does not accept        nut finish. Good                                     MOTOR
 responsibility for ads having poor
 resolution. Ads will appear space                               $250.00, drive large                                      biweekly, monthly,
 permitting and will be sized to         condition. $550.00                                  VEHICLE
 the nearest column inch. There is                               walker $50.00,              FOR SALE                      and one-time clean-
 no space selection. No free display     or best offer. Call
                                                                 drive small walk-       SELLING 2018                      ing. We also do
 PAYMENT— Credit cards or
 checks made payable to Digital
                                         (909) 731-2855.
 Production Ink. No refunds for                                  er $40.00. Show-        Toyota Rav4 XLE.                  move in and move
 cancelled ads.                          Jan6
 OTHER INFORMATION                                               er chair $75.00,        33k miles. Excel-                 out cleaning. Senior
 - Any changes or edits to exist-
 ing ads must be in writing and          STEINWAY PI-            shower bench
 emailed to                                                          lent condition,                   discounts, $20.00
 - It is against policy for LLUH
 work phone numbers to be includ-
                                         ANO, all notes are      $35.00, potty chair
 ed in personal ads. If no telephone                                                     well maintained.                  dollars off your
 area code is included with the ad       tuned. It has dis-      $75.00, carex toilet
 “(909)” will be added. For ads                                                          Silver color. Clean               third clean. Free
 submitted online, if no contact
 information is included within          tinctive beautiful      seat $45.00, cane
 the ad, management reserves the                                                         interior, sunroof,                estimates. Call us
 right to include the phone number       sounds. It’s in Loma    $20.00, shower
 submitted under “Personal Infor-
 mation”.                                                                                two keys. No acci-                at (909) 796-9355
 -NCFNS: No calls Friday night or        Linda. Bought from      head $25.00, adjust-
 Saturday                                                                                dent or damages.                  or (909) 792-5942.
 -“< >” will be placed before and
 after e-mails and websites.
                                         Palm Springs art-       able bed rail $90.00
 -New and renewed classified ads                                                         $24,000.00. Ron:                  Feb24*
 will be placed at the end of each       ist. Cheapest price.    (951) 267-1030.
 section.                                                                                (408) 348-3212.
 -The Trading Post is not respon-
 sible for phone or webpage down-
                                         (909) 246-0603.         Jan13
 time.                                                                                   Jan6
 -Freebie and Lost and Found classi-     Jan6
 fied ads are free for one week only.
 -It is prohibited to advertise Pets
 using the freebie Category, these
 ads are not allowed are are subject        MISCELLA-            RETURNED                UNIVERSITY OPTICAL
 to rejection.
 ERRORS: In case of an error on
 the part of the Trading Post, the
                                             NEOUS               self-supporting              Mt View Plaza
 ad will be extended for one issue          FOR SALE             overseas missionar-              11175 Mt. View, Suite F
 if notification of error is made
 during the first week ad runs. The                                                               Loma Linda, Ca 92354
                                         UNCLE AR-               ies. Looking for one
 Trading Post does not accept re-
 sponsibility for errors due to illeg-                                                       Phone: (909) 796-8000
 ible handwriting.
                                         THUR’S bedtime          to two bedroom or              We are Open and ready to serve you.
 Advertising accepted for publi-                                                              New hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
 cation is intended to be a service
                                                                 studio apartment.                          9 am—6 pm
 to students, staff, employees, and      stories 20-volume                                      Many budget and designer frames including:
 faculty of Loma Linda University
                                                                                                     Gwen Stefani, Guess, Kate Spade
 Health. The management, at its
 sole discretion, reserves the right
                                         set. $1,350.00.         No debts but no                 Men's - Ted Baker, Penguin, Flexon, etc.
 to refuse, without explanation, any                                                            Use your Optical benefits and Flex Spending
 advertisement, as well as make any      Good condition.         credit history due to                 before end of calendar year.
 edits or deletions to the submitted
                                         Publication dates:      mission work. Text         Serving the Loma Linda Area for over 40 years
 The acceptance of advertising in
                                                                                         Risk Management billed. For eye exam call:
 no way represents endorsement or
 guarantee of any kind by LLUH.          1964-1968. Uncle        (909) 472-2894.         Dr. Bill Kiernan or Dr. Rosalynn Nguyen
                                                                                         (909) 558-2154 (FMO)
Trading Post January 6, 2023
Trading Post                                                                                  January 6, 2023    |        3

                                                 WORKS. We can
                                                 fix fences, make
                                                 custom fences and
                                                 doors any kind of
                                                 welding call or text
                                                 (840) 600-2063.

                                                 I CAN PICK UP
DARWIN’S               bathroom led lights       your student from
DRIVE 4-U.             remolding. Ruben          elementary, high, or
Airports: LAX          (909) 363-6061.           academy in Loma
$125.00, Ontario       May26                     Linda Redlands area
$50.00, plus $10.00                              returning to your
                       PEREZ LAWN
for additional per-                              home. NCFNS Text        ing, plumbing,            hol, drugs, over-
                       and landscaping.
son. No Sabbath                                  Rem (909) 253-          electrical, drywall,      night guests, pets.
                       Weekly service,
services. Also, we                               5020. Jan6              flooring, tree trim       For pictures please
                       cleanups, tree trim-
can drive your ve-                                                       removal pressure          text Daniela (909)
                       ming, weed abate-         A COMPANION
hicle anywhere,                                                          washing, general          360-3050. Jan13*
                       ments, hillsides,         CAREGIVER
anytime. Call (909)                                                      repairs. Hablamos
                       slopes, sprinkler         AVAILABLE for a                                   ROOM FOR
796-8886. Mar31                                                          Espanol. Senior dis-
                       repair, sod and seed      lady who needs light                              RENT, very great
                                                                         counts. Free esti-
HANDYMAN.              installation, rototill-   assistance with care,                             location of Grand
                                                                         mates. Call or text
It’s time to March     ing, planting, junk       doctor, dental, hair,                             Terrace near the
                                                                         (951) 266-9003.
towards conquer-       removal, new fences,      appointments, or                                  Hills. For females
ing your challenges    concrete, artificial      restaurant outings.                               only, with own
around your home       grass and more. Call      Text Remy (909)              ROOMS                bathroom. $800.00
big or small we can    anytime. Adolfo           253-5020. Jan6                                    monthly, $500.00
                                                                            FOR RENT
do it all. The best    Perez (909) 528-                                                            deposit and shared
                                                 WASH UP PRES-           TWO LOMA LIN-
way to get things      0831. Mar24*                                                                utilities. Please no
                                                 SURE WASHING!           DA ROOMS FOR
done is to simply                                                                                  pets, no overnight
                       JOIN THE UNI-             Begin the new year      RENT shared bath-
begin. SOS Handi-                                                                                  guest, and no drugs.
                       VERSITY RE-               with a clean home       room, very clean
work by Matt (916)                                                                                 Plenty of parking
                       ALTY TEAM!                and pristine start!     and quiet, close to
708-8103 text or                                                                                   space. Please text or
                       Brand-new agent or        Offering home exte-     LLU and hospitals.
call. At your ser-                                                                                 call Tad (909) 253-
                       professional, consid-     rior wash, driveway     Female preferred,
vice 24/7. I hope to                                                                               5276 or Dee (909)
                       er an independent         and deck wash and       student, RNS,
hear from you soon.                                                                                213-5299. Jan6
                       brokerage. We train       so much more! Call      medical working
                       new agents in-house       or text Bryan at        professionals wel-        MOVE IN READY
NEED AN ELEC-          with a custom pro-        (840) 888-9657 for      come. Rent $700.00        Loma Linda Mother
TRICIAN. Service       gram. If you’re           a free estimate. God    month plus $500.00        in Law casita. Nurs-
and repair, 120        interested in learn-      bless. Jan13            security deposit.         ing Professional
and 240 voltage.       ing more, call Brad                               Wi-Fi, washer-dry-        student preferred
                                                 ALL IN ONE
New wiring plugs,      at (909) 705-6797.                                er, utilities included.   own privacy park
switches, and break-   Dec30                                             No smoking, alco-         on street no smok-
                                                 SERVICES. Paint-
ers. Kitchen and                                                                                   ing or drinking 1.5
Trading Post January 6, 2023
4    |    January 6, 2023                                                                              Trading Post

                                                 RENT ROOM               Please text (662)     University of Red-
                                                 $600.00. Shared         694-1765 if inter-    lands. Central heat
                                                 bathroom with two       ested. Jan13*         and air and fenced
                                                 people. Internet,                             backyard. Room
                                                                         ROOM WITH
                                                 washer, dryer and                             has a bed, closet,
                                                                         OWN BATH-
                                                 parking available.                            microwave, refrig-
                                                                         ROOM for rent in
                                                 Christian family.                             erator, 50-inch TV,
                                                                         quiet three-bed-
                                                 Deposit $300.00,                              cabinet and closet.
                                                                         room, three-bed-
                                                 available now. (909)                          Laundry and kitch-
                                                                         room townhouse,
                                                 587-8972. Jan6*                               en privileges. Rent
                                                                         available now. Fe-
                                                                                               $750.00 monthly,
                                                 ROOM FOR                males only. Walking
                                                                                               plus $400.00 depos-
                                                 RENT, shared            distance to LLUMC
miles to Loma Linda     $1,500.00, plus                                                        it, (909) 272-2276.
                                                 bathroom, in            east campus, VA,
Hospital freeways.      security $500.00,                                                      Jan6*
                                                 four-bedroom,           and markets.
Street parking, free    clean $100.00, total     three-bathroom,         five-minute drive     WALK TO LLU
Wi-Fi, and utilities    $1,600.00. (623)         fully furnished         to LLUMC main         one bedroom one
full size room with     206-0733. Jan6*          house. Common           campus. Perfect for   bath. Very good lo-
twin bed, two pil-                               areas include TV,       students or anyone    cation refrigerator,
                        MASTER ROOM
lows, microwave,                                 nice backyard patio,    who wants privacy     stove, microwave,
                        available January
refrigerator, private                            and workout room.       and quiet space.      one story parking
                        first. Big room,
bathroom cabinet                                 Located in Mission      $750.00 month not     space. All utilities
                        furniture, utilities,
area in bathroom.                                Creek neighbor-         include utilities.    paid. $1,650.00
                        internet, fridge, dry-
Five windows, a                                  hood, Loma Linda.       Text (951) 427-       (909) 809-9525.
                        er, and washer, has
full closet, full AC.                            Five to seven-min-      0921. Jan13*          Jan6*
                        kitchen and good
No laundry facility,                             ute drive to campus,
                        parking. Christian                               HOUSE IN              TWO-BED-
plenty of lighting,                              beautiful, quiet,
                        family quiet, no                                 SOUTH RED-            ROOMS for rent,
available now and                                safe neighborhood,
                        drugs, no smoking,                               LANDS, nice           as one-unit, single
excepting appli-                                 walking paths, bas-
                        no dogs, no pets.                                neighborhood.         occupant, in Red-
cations please be                                ketball courts, ten-
                        $1,100.00monthly,                                Private bedroom       lands. 10 minutes
ready to show your                               nis courts, and pool.
                        $600.00 deposit.                                 and shared bath.      from LLU. Utilities,
Covid verification.                              Appliances includ-
                        (909) 587-8972.                                  Near Redlands         included. Private
Monthly Rent                                     ed, such as in-house
                        Jan6*                                            Hospital, LLU and     bathroom with
due on 1st. Rent                                 washer and dryer,
                                                 full kitchen, toast-
                                                 er, blender, juicer.
                                                 Available January
                                                 1st. Preferably
                                                 looking for LLU
                                                 student Coed house.
                                                 Current residents
                                                 are a PhD student,
                                                 one medical resi-
                                                 dent, and one dental
                                                 student. $850.00
                                                 month plus utilities.
Trading Post January 6, 2023
Trading Post                                                                                   January 6, 2023     |       5

shared shower. Fe-       view. Information        et and safe area.
male, no pets. (909)     call (760) 590-4646.     Furnished, clean.                              Just Reduced $729,000

602-9879 Rent            Preferred female         Wi-Fi, and washer
$600.00. Jan13*          applicant. Jan13*        dryer are provided.
                                                  Private Entrance,
ATTENTION                ROOM FOR
                                                  kitchen and bath-
MEDICAL STU-             RENT. Fur-
                                                  room. Excellent for
DENTS! Two un-           nished bedroom,
                                                  a single professional
furnished bedrooms       three-bedroom
                                                  or hospital worker
are available for rent   house. Shared
                                                  $800.00 per month
in a female only,        bathroom. Female
                                                  included utilities.                   Susan G Rosenblum
shared, four-bed-        professional or                                                      909-214-5371
                                                  Available Mid-Jan-
room house in            student preferred.
                                                  uary 2023 for more
Loma Linda. One          Full house privileg-
                                                  information, please
bedroom with a           es, washer, dryer,
                                                  call or text (909)      three-bathroom             deposit. Rooms
shared bathroom          internet, air condi-
                                                  800-5038. Jan13*        house with female          available January
for $750.00 and one      tioning. No drugs
bedroom with a pri-      or pets. 1.8 miles       RENT FUR-               tenants. Full house        1st. Please call or

vate bathroom for        from LLUMC.              NISHED ROOM.            privileges, two miles      text for more details

$850.00 are avail-       Quiet neighborhood       Private bath and full   from LLUMC, quiet          (909) 800-0206.

able. The kitchen,       near Starbucks and       kitchen privileges.     cul-de-sac. Near-          Jan6

living room, laundry     shopping avail-          All utilities paid      by park, shopping,
room is furnished        able immediately         including Wi-Fi.        freeway. No pets,
                                                                                                     ROOM FOR
and shared. Please       $650.00 monthly          No pets. Prefers        smoking, drugs.
                                                                                                     RENT, Wi-Fi,
call: (909) 253-         and $500.00 depos-       male renter. Swim-      Ideal for student
                                                                                                     Bathroom, laun-
3889. Jan6*              it. Utilities included   ming pool available     or healthcare pro-
                                                                                                     dry, swimming pool
                         contact Anthony          $700.00 a month.        fessional. $700.00
ROOM FOR                                                                                             included. $885.00
                         (323) 423-9627.          Do not text only call   monthly rent,
RENT with en-                                                                                        with utilities. Newly
                         Jan6*                    (909) 222-4348.         $700.00 deposit,
suite bathroom near                                                                                  remodeled kitchen.
                                                  Jan6                    shared utilities. Call
LLU. Available           STUDIO for rent                                                             Less than a mile
                                                                          or text Ray at (909)
now. Quiet area          in Loma Linda            TWO ROOMS                                          away from LLUMC.
                                                                          353-4228. Jan6
with beautiful valley    located in a qui-        FOR RENT in a                                      Available January

                                                  new home, upstairs      QUIET NEIGH-               1st. Text or call.

                                                  $850.00, downstairs     BORHOOD IN                 (269) 999-6367.

                                                  $950.00, prefer fe-     HIGHLAND, two              Jan6

                                                  male student or pro-    furnished rooms
                                                                                                     ROOM FOR
                                                  fessional, no pets,     for rent, one per-
                                                                                                     RENT in Reche
                                                  alcohol, smoking,       son per room. All
                                                                                                     Canyon, minutes
                                                  drugs, text (909)       utilities included,
                                                                                                     away from LLU.
                                                  677-7850. Jan27         kitchen access,
                                                                                                     Indian Pakistani Fe-
                                                                          washer dryer, Wi-
                                                  UNFURNISHED                                        male to live with In-
                                                                          Fi, share bath room.
                                                  BEDROOM                                            dian aunty. Comes
                                                                          No drugs, smoking,
                                                  AVAILABLE for                                      with Indian meals
                                                                          pets. Rent $750.00
                                                  female renter to                                   from time to time.
                                                                          to $800.00 per
                                                  share four-bedroom,                                Bedroom furnished
                                                                          month and $500
Trading Post January 6, 2023
6    |    January 6, 2023                                                                               Trading Post

with own bath-           microwave, refrig-     ROOM FOR
room and access to       erator, 50-inch TV.    RENT, furnished,
backyard patio. No       Laundry and kitch-     all utilities and Wi-
smoking, drinking,       en privileges. Rent    Fi included. Kitchen
drugs, and over-         $750.00 monthly,       and laundry privi-
night guest. $600.00     plus $400.00 depos-    leges, walking dis-
monthly. $750.00         it, (909) 272-2276.    tance to LLU half a     BEAUTIFUL QUI-          es include kitchen,
deposit. Call (951)      Jan27                  mile to VA hospital.    ET SAFE walk zone       living room, dining
452-4148. Feb3                                  Female student or       LLUMC campus.           room and patio.
                         ROOM FOR
                                                working profession-     One bedroom two         Utilities included.
TWO ROOMS                RENT one person,
                                                al, shared bathroom     window, large mir-      Washer and dry-
FOR FEMALE               female preferred.
                                                with female student.    ror double closet       er included. Wi-
LLU students             No pets $650.00 a
                                                No pets, smoking        desk-built ins. Ideal   Fi internet. ADT
$725.00 to $825.00       month, Wi-Fi in-
                                                or vaping. $725.00      medical, nursing,       security system.
a month, quiet and       cluded and private
                                                monthly $400.00         dental, pharmacy        Room furnished
clean, shared Wi-Fi,     bathroom. No alco-
                                                deposit. Text or call   intern or resident.     with king size bed,
washer, dryer, TV        hol, no drugs and no
                                                (951) 204-4284.         Large kitchen,          tv stand, big screen
and utilities text or    smoking. Call (909)
                                                Feb3                    washer, dryer, cen-     tv, and night stands.
call Beverly (323)       831-9478. Jan20
459-9610. Jan20                                 REDLANDS ONE            tral HVAC, full tub     Pictures upon re-
                         WALK TO LLU.
                                                BEDROOM up-             and shower bath.        quest. No smoking,
HOUSE IN                 Private room car-
                                                stairs south of Olive   All utilities includ-   overnight guests or
SOUTH RED-               peted. Shared en-
                                                Ave. Shared deck        ed cable tv, Wi-Fi      pets. Residents or
LANDS, nice neigh-       trance, kitchen,
                                                and laundry, park       internet. No lease      medical students
borhood. Private         bath with one male.
                                                off street. $1,200.00   required. House         only. $1,200.00 per
bedroom and shared       Utilities, Wi-Fi
                                                (909) 793-8537          broken small me-        month. $600.00
bath. Near Red-          included. Student
                                                leave verbal message    dium dog allowed.       deposit. Available
lands Hospital and       preferred. $575.00
                                                (name and phone         Love where you live,    January 1st, 2023.
LLU. Central heat        monthly plus depos-
                                                number) with Mike.      feel safe $1,200.00     Large medical com-
and air and fenced       it. Leave message
                                                Jan13                   (909) 747-7751 or       munity inside our
backyard. Room has       (909) 796-8475.
                                                                        (951) 675-5219.         complex. Call (909)
a bed, closet, cabinet   Jan13
                                                                        Jan13                   565-7715. Jan6

                                                                        MASTER BED-                 HOUSES
                                                                        ROOM private               FOR RENT
                                                                        bathroom, Redlands      LOMA LINDA
                                                                        off of Alabama and      PROPERTY
                                                                        Barton, walk-in         MANAGEMENT
                                                                        closet, blackout cur-   Please visit our
                                                                        tains, outside park-    website at  to view our
                                                                        plex. Professional      current list of rent-
                                                                        Gym and Pilates         als and find your
                                                                        equipment access.       next home! Loma
                                                                        Pool and spa access.    Linda Proper-
                                                                        Tennis court access.    ty Management
                                                                        Shared living spac-
Trading Post January 6, 2023
Trading Post                                                                                 January 6, 2023     |      7

                                               from LLU. Newly          pus studying, ideal       567-1169. Jan13
                                               renovated kitchen        for the graduate stu-
                                                                                                  LOMA LINDA
                                               cabinets, dishwash-      dent. One-year lease
                                                                                                  $2,850.00 month-
                                               er, quartz counter-      required. $3,500.00
                                                                                                  ly. Immaculate
                                               tops, flooring, paint,   month. Shown
                                               bathroom vanities        on Zillow. Con-
                                                                                                  two bath, single
                                               and tile. Includes       tact: Mike Malik,
                                                                                                  story. Tenant pays
                                               efficient minisplit       for ap-
                                                                                                  included. Available
                                               place, washer and        plication and sched-
                                                                                                  soon. Contact email
                                               dryer, two-car ga-       ule a tour. Jan27
                                               nity pool. Available
                                                                        ROOMS, two-bath-          Alan Forbes Re-
                        time. Customized       January 31st, possi-
                                                                        rooms Southside           Max Advantage
                        window shadings to     bly earlier. No pets.
                                                                        Barton, Close to          DRE#00912862.
                        keep your privacy.     $2,800.00 monthly,
                                                                        LLUMC and VA,             Jan13
                        Attached garage        plus security depos-
                                                                        three-car garage,
                        makes convenient       it. Text (909) 528-                                Loma Linda. Two
                                                                        central A/C and
                        for your shopping      0520. Jan13                                        bedrooms, one bath
                                                                        heat. Available Feb.
                        trips. Don’t forget                                                       house. Has washer
                                               LOMA LINDA               $2,600.00 monthly
                        to check out the                                                          dryer hookup and
                                               house for rent close     plus $500.00 se-
                        best high school in                                                       covered back porch.
                                               to LLUMC and             curity deposit re-
                        the area Redlands                                                         Includes water,
                                               VA South Barton          fundable. Call (909)
                        High School 8/10.                                                         trash, gas, elec-
                                               four-bedrooms            267-8149 for infor-
                        $2,900.00 monthly                                                         tric and yard care.
DRE#2000211                                    two-and-half bath-       mation. Jan13
                        rent. Contact Fely                                                        256xx Van Leuven
(909) 815-8123.                                rooms 2,200 square
                        (626) 503-3364                                  ROOMS FOR                 $2,000.00 monthly,
Dec30                                          feet. Two-car ga-
                         Jan13*                               Redlands by Cit-          Two parking space.
detached home close                            Washer, dryer, re-
                                                                        rus High School.          Quiet area, great
to VA ambulatory        HOUSE FOR              frigerator included.
                                                                        Master bedroom            for students. Five
Care Center, LLU,       RENT near              Nice neighborhood,
                                                                        with bathroom for         to 10 minutes from
shopping, dining        LLUMC four bed-        no pets. $2,895.00
                                                                        $1,500.00 monthly.        LLUMC, close to
and I-10FWY.            rooms, three bath,     a month, Call (909)
                                                                        Two med size bed-         essential shopping.
Open concept floor      2,186 square feet.     708-6077. Jan13
                                                                        rooms for $900.00         Text (972) 898-
plan with all living    Two car garage,
                                               RANCH HOUSE,             each monthly and          1384. Available
areas are on the        laundry room up-
                                               five-bedroom,            smaller bedroom           now. Jan13
same floor with a       stairs with washer
                                               four-bathroom,           for $800.00 month-
balcony, powered        and dryer. Spacious.                                                       APARTMENT /
                                               indoor and outdoor       ly. Close to area
                        (909) 795-4085.                                                              CONDO
by solar. Comfort-                             fireplaces. 15 min-      hospitals, Univer-          FOR RENT
ably sized living       Jan6*
                                               utes from campus in      sities, ESRI, shop-
and dining areas are                                                                              TOWNHOME
                        THREE-BED-             Calimesa, quiet and      ping. three, six- or
perfect for enter-                                                                                FOR RENT Grand
                        ROOM, 2.5-bath-        safe neighborhood,       12-month terms.
taining, while bal-                                                                               Terrace. Large
                        room Brittany Place    great restaurants.       Close to freeway
cony offers a perfect                                                                             two-bedroom, two
                        Condo 1.5 miles        Perfect for off cam-     access. Call (951)
reading or chilling                                                                               bath, 1,065 square
Trading Post January 6, 2023
8    |    January 6, 2023                                                                                 Trading Post

feet. Two story with    GORGEOUS                 ROOMS, 1.5               LLUMC. Excellent        LLU, LLUH, VA
bedroom on each         DOWNSTAIRS               bathrooms. Walk-         credit required. No     and most major
level with bath-        CONDO complete-          ing distance to          smoking or vaping.      freeways. Five bed-
room. Washer dryer      ly remodeled and         LLUMC, VA, Loma          Sorry, no pets. Rent    rooms, four bath-
connections, fire-      modern. $2,000.00.       Linda market, and        $1,750.00. Deposit      rooms, 4,181 square
place, patio, walk-in   Close to Loma Lin-       Drayson Center.          $1,750.00. Tenant       feet, on 17,824
closet, double at-      da University, Esri,     Indoor laundry           pays for electricity    square ft lot. Come
tached, direct access   VA Hospital. Large       facilities. big living   and gas. Minimum        and see! 1504 Cin-
garage with private     715 square feet,         room. Central air        one-year commit-        dee Ln, Colton. Call
driveway. Close to      one bedroom, one         condition and heat.      ment. Please call       Thomas Jackson at
supermarket, and        bathroom. Down-          Available February,      or text Dominique       (951) 232-9704 or
Loma Linda uni-         stairs unit, walk-in     $2,200.00 monthly,       at (301) 787-7407.      Tom Osterberg at
versity. No pets.       closet, private patio,   plus $500.00 securi-     Jan6                    (909) 528-4500.
$2,300.00 call (949)    two parking spaces,      ty refundable when                               Jan6
                                                                          TWO BED-
254-5354. Jan13*        appliances, refriger-    the premises are left                                   MOBILE
                                                                          ROOMS, 1.5 bath-
                        ator. Tennis courts,     in satisfactory con-
                                                                          rooms, two-floor
                        pool, Jacuzzi, laun-     dition. Call (909)
MENT with pri-                                                            townhouse, one-car      RESTAURANTS
                        dry! Rent includes       267-8149 for more
vate entrance and                                                         garage. Located           / STORES
                        water, trash. Avail-     information. Jan13
balcony attached to                                                       in Indian Knolls
                        able now. (858)
a residential home                               NEWLY CON-               community, corner
                        997-5903. Jan20
in Mission Creek                                 STRUCTED                 of Mohave Drive
community of Loma       $1,795.00 GOOD           one-bedroom              and E. Washington
Linda. 1.5 miles        SIZE ONE-BED-            apartment near           Street, Colton. Pri-
to LLU LLUMC.           ROOM with washer         downtown Red-            vate patio, indoor
Bathroom, kitchen       and dryer, internet      lands available now!     laundry, balcony off
stovetop, oven-mi-      and utilities includ-    Upstairs unit in a       master! Nice com-
crowave, and wash-      ed. Walking dis-         duplex just built        munity pool and
er, dryer built in.     tance to LLUMC.          in 2021. Perfect if      spa. Close to Hospi-
Access to communi-      Great for students       you’re looking for       tals. Trash included.
ty tennis courts. No    and professionals.       peace and quiet, you     Rent $1,750.00,
pets and no smok-       Available now. Pe-       won’t share walls        deposit $1,500.00.
ing. Some utilities     ter (909) 913-3847.      with anyone! Unit        No pets. Call or
included. $1,350.00     Jan13                    includes central         text Francisco (909)
monthly. Text (909)                              heating and air and      498-6019. Jan6
936-1782. Apr21*                                 brand-new washer         COMMERCIAL
                        ROOM, one bath,
LARGE SINGLE            well-maintained
                                                 and dryer. Kitchen       REAL ESTATE
                                                 includes brand-new
STUDIO no pets.         lower unit apart-                                  REAL ESTATE
                                                 refrigerator, stove,
Good for one or         ment available late                                 FOR SALE
                                                 granite countertops,
two persons. All        January, 2023.                                    EXECUTIVE
                                                 and island. Large
utilities paid. Text    Near VA and LLU.                                  HOME, heart
                                                 bathroom includes
only Agnes (909)        $1,850.00 monthly.                                dropping sunsets
                                                 granite countertops
705-9328. Monthly       Call Audra (909)                                  and sunrises, qui-
                                                 and dual sinks. Bed-
rent $1,250.00 plus     456-0672. Jan13                                   et neighborhood!
                                                 room has walk-in
deposit. Jan6*                                                            Five minutes from
                        THREE-BED-               closet. Six miles to
Trading Post January 6, 2023 Trading Post January 6, 2023
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