Trading Hours Extension - Extended Hours Extended Opportunities October 2020 - Deutsche Börse Cash Market

Page created by Denise Salazar
Trading Hours Extension - Extended Hours Extended Opportunities October 2020 - Deutsche Börse Cash Market
Trading Hours
Extended Hours
Extended Opportunities

October 2020
Trading Hours Extension - Extended Hours Extended Opportunities October 2020 - Deutsche Börse Cash Market

1   Trading Hours Extension into the Asia   4   Orderbook Quality
    Pacific Time Zone

2   Trading Activity                        5   Appendix

3   Average Daily Volume Development

                                            2                       4 November 2020
Trading Hours Extension - Extended Hours Extended Opportunities October 2020 - Deutsche Börse Cash Market
1   Trading Hours
    Extension into the
    Asia Pacific Time Zone

                       3     4 November 2020
Key Facts

                                                        ▪ Eurex extended its trading hours on 10 th December 2018 to
                                                          provide coverage during the Asian time zone
                                                        ▪ Products in Scope: Selected benchmark futures and 136 MSCI
                                                          Index Futures
                                                        ▪ Market opening is at 8am SGT; End of trading & clearing day
                                                        ▪ TES entry service (Block-, EFP-, EFS trades) available from
                                                          08:15am SGT
                                                        ▪ Open GTC/GTD orders in THX relevant Futures can be executed
                                                          in Asian Hours

Extended trading hours always commence at 08:00 a.m.
Singapore, Hong Kong and China Standard Time: UTC +8h
                                                                  *Singapore time during Central European Summer Time. Time difference: SGT/CET + 7h; SGT/CEST: +6h
                                                            **To optimize overnight processing, as of 25 Feb 2019, the post-trading phase is reduced from 30 mins to 10 min
                                                                                                                                                    (22:00 CET to 22:10 CET).
                                                                                     The clearing services are not impacted and w ill continue to be available until 22:30 CET.

                                                        4                                                                                                 4 November 2020
2   Trading Activity

                       5   4 November 2020
Development of the Trading Hours (1/2)
Eurex Trading Hours Extension offers attractive spreads and liquidity in European Benchmark
products during Asian Hours.
Eurex offers attractive spreads during Asian Hours:   Product
                                                                                  2020 Asian
                                                                                                2020 Asian
                                                                                                              Volume in USD
                                                                                                                              % Off-      %      % Asian    2019 Asian
                                                                                                                                                                        2019 Asian
                                                                                                                                                                                    %YoY ADV
                                                                                                                              book      Agency    hours       Hours                  Growth
                                                                                 Hours Volume   Hours ADV        Millions                                               Hours ADV
                                                      EURO STOXX 50® Index            482,134        21,915          17,656     0.0%     32.1%      1.6%       315,690       14,350       53%
Product                    Asian Hours   Core Hours   DAX®                             36,992         1,681          13,421     0.0%      2.7%      1.8%         71,146       3,234      -48%

EURO STOXX 50 ®            1 tick        1 tick       Mini-DAX®
                                                      MSCI (Asian) Futures

DAX®                       3 ticks       2 ticks          MSCI EM Asia
                                                          MSCI Japan
                                                                                                                                                                                282    1919%
                                                                                                                                                                                  0 2238275%

Mini-DAX®                  5 ticks       2 ticks          MSCI China Free
                                                          MSCI Australia
                                                          Others                       22,190         1,009             783    98.3%     99.1%     14.1%            206           9   10672%
Euro-Bund                  1 tick        1 tick       MSCI (Non-Asian) Futures          8,904           405             459    81.0%     47.4%      0.6%          2,750         125     224%
                                                      Euro-Bund                       162,488         7,386          31,802     0.0%     11.9%      1.0%       181,956        8,271      -11%
Euro-Bobl                  1 tick        1 tick       Euro-Bobl                        63,360         2,880           9,585     0.0%      2.9%      0.6%         80,052       3,639      -21%
                                                      Euro-Schatz                      69,269         3,149           8,707     0.0%      7.0%      0.6%         52,078       2,367       33%
Euro-Schatz                1 tick        1 tick       Euro-Buxl®                        6,146           279           1,518     0.0%      0.3%      0.4%          7,032         320      -13%
Euro-Buxl®                 3 ticks       2 ticks      Grand Total                   1,111,798        50,536          99,634    22.7%     47.8%      1.4%       848,145       38,552       31%

                                                                                                                               Data from: 10th December 2018 – 30th September 2020

                                                      6                                                                                                                 4 November 2020
Development of the Trading Hours (2/2)
Eurex Trading Hours Extension offers attractive spreads and liquidity in European Benchmark
products during Asian Hours.

                                                7                                      4 November 2020
Distribution of Activities
Accumulated Hourly Traded Volumes show a healthy distribution of activity
during the Asian time zone.

Total volume during Asian     18,941,043 contracts since
trading hours                 launch
(Single counted)
Trading participation-        17.4% on M-accounts
Account Roles 20 YTM          (Market Making Account)

                              36.7% on A-accounts

                              45.9% on P-accounts (Principal)

Total number of active        250 (accumulated)
Eurex members 2020

Over 250 direct members have contributed to the liquidity
during Asian hours with 36% flow from end clients
(Agency-Account) in 2020
                                                                       Monthly Data from: 1st September 2020 – 30th September 2020

                                                                8                                             4 November 2020
3   Average Daily Volume

                      9    4 November 2020
Benchmark Equity Index Futures
Average Daily Volume (ADV) development shows opportunities during the Asian time zone.

                   34,242 contracts on EURO STOXX 50® Index     DAX® Index Futures
   Average daily   Futures
      volume       3,562 contracts on DAX® Index Futures
    (2020 YTM)
                   1,338 contracts on Mini-DAX® Index Futures

 Good improvements shown in monthly ADV of Equity Index
 Futures during THX since launch

EURO STOXX 50 ® Index Futures                                   Mini-DAX® Index Futures

                                                                                          All data from: 10th December 2018 – 30th September 2020

                                                                10                                                           4 November 2020
Benchmark Interest Rate Futures (1/2)
Average Daily Volume (ADV) development shows opportunities during the Asian time zone.

                  9,265 contracts on Euro-Bund Futures     Euro-Bund Futures
  Average daily   3,602 contracts on Euro-Bobl Futures      25,000                                                                                                      2.50%
     volume                                                                                    1.9%
                                                            20,000                                                              1.9%                                    2.00%
   (2020 YTM)     3,100 contracts on Euro-Schatz Futures    15,000                                        1.2%        1.2%                                            1.50%
                                                                                                                           1.5%                              1.0%
                                                                                        0.9%          0.9%         0.9%                                          1.0% 1.00%
                  426 contracts on Euro-Buxl® Futures       10,000               0.7%
                                                                        0.5%                          0.8%                                  0.8%
                                                                5,000                                                                                                   0.50%
Good improvements shown in monthly ADV of Interest Rate             0                                                                                                   0.00%
Futures during THX since launch                                         Dec-18     Mar-19        Jun-19      Sep-19     Dec-19         Mar-20       Jun-20     Sep-20

                                                           Euro-Bobl Futures
                                                            10,000                                                                                                      2.00%
                                                                8,000                                                                                                   1.50%
                                                                4,000                                     0.5%
                                                                                                  0.7%           0.7% 0.5%                                   0.5%0.6%
                                                                                        0.4%                                                              0.6%        0.50%
                                                                2,000       0.3%                                                                   0.4%
                                                                   0                                                                                                    0.00%
                                                                        Dec-18     Mar-19        Jun-19      Sep-19     Dec-19         Mar-20       Jun-20     Sep-20

                                                                                                                       All data from: 10th December 2018 – 30th September 2020

                                                           11                                                                                                4 November 2020
Benchmark Interest Rate Futures (2/2)
Average Daily Volume (ADV) development shows opportunities during the Asian time zone.

                  9,265 contracts on Euro-Bund Futures     Euro-Schatz Futures
                                                           8,000                                                                                                      2.00%
  Average daily   3,602 contracts on Euro-Bobl Futures                                                                  1.7%
     volume                                                6,000                                      1.5%                                                            1.50%

   (2020 YTM)     3,100 contracts on Euro-Schatz Futures                                                                       1.3%       1.1%
                                                           4,000                    0.9%                                                                              1.00%
                                                                                       0.6%                                                            0.8% 0.6%
                  426 contracts on Euro-Buxl® Futures                 0.6%                                     0.5%                                      0.5%
                                                           2,000          0.3%                   0.6%                                                                 0.50%
                                                                                    0.4%                       0.4%                      0.3%
Good improvements shown in monthly ADV of Interest Rate          0                                                                                                    0.00%
                                                                     Dec-18      Mar-19      Jun-19      Sep-19        Dec-19         Mar-20     Jun-20      Sep-20
Futures during THX since launch
                                                           Euro-Buxl® Futures

                                                            1,200                                                                                                   1.40%
                                                            1,000                                                                      1.2%                         1.20%
                                                                800                       0.9%                                                                      1.00%
                                                                600                                                   0.6%
                                                                                                        0.5%                                    0.5%        0.6% 0.60%
                                                                400                                                      0.4%
                                                                                  0.4%                                                                         0.4%0.40%
                                                                                                  0.4%         0.4%                       0.4%
                                                                200 0.3%              0.3%                                                                          0.20%
                                                                 0                                                                                                  0.00%
                                                                      Dec-18     Mar-19      Jun-19      Sep-19         Dec-19        Mar-20     Jun-20      Sep-20

                                                                                                                       All data from: 10th December 2018 – 30th September 2020

                                                           12                                                                                             4 November 2020
4   Orderbook Quality

                        13   4 November 2020
Orderbook Liquidity of EURO STOXX 50 ® Futures

Orderbook Liquidity Analysis EURO STOXX 50 Futures (FESX)

                                                                 *Data from 1st November 2020 – 29th February 2020

                                                            14                                  4 November 2020
Orderbook Liquidity for DAX and Mini-Dax Futures

Orderbook Liquidity Analysis DAX Futures (FDAX)

Orderbook Liquidity Analysis Mini-DAX Futures (FDXM)

                                                            *Data from 1st November 2020 – 29th February 2020

                                                       15                                4 November 2020
Orderbook Liquidity for Euro-Bund and Euro-Bobl Futures

Orderbook Liquidity Analysis Euro-Bund Futures (FGBL)

Orderbook Liquidity Analysis Euro-Bobl Futures (FGBM)

                                                             *Data from 1st November 2020 – 29th February 2020

                                                        16                                4 November 2020
Orderbook Liquidity for Euro-Schatz and Euro-Buxl Futures

Orderbook Liquidity Analysis Euro-Schatz Futures (FGBS)

Orderbook Liquidity Analysis Euro-Buxl Futures (FGBX)

                                                               *Data from 1st November 2020 – 29th February 2020

                                                          17                                4 November 2020
5   Appendix

               18   4 November 2020
Major Design Elements – Trading

                 ▪ Liquid Benchmark Futures
                     ▪ FESX (EURO STOXX 50 ® Index Futures)
 Equity Index        ▪ FDAX (DAX® Index Futures)
                     ▪ FDXM (Mini DAX ® Index Futures)
                 ▪ 136 Eurex MSCI Index Futures

                 ▪ Liquid Benchmark Futures
                     ▪ FGBL (Euro-Bund Futures)
 Interest Rate       ▪ FGBM (Euro-Bobl Futures)
                     ▪ FGBS (Euro Schatz Futures)
                     ▪ FGBX (Euro Buxl Futures)

                                                              19   4 November 2020
Product Scope for Eurex Asian Trading Hours

              ▪ All trading functionalities available including T7 Trade Entry Service (TES)
  General     ▪ Full re-use of existing Eurex membership, technical infrastructure, login data and trader IDs

              ▪ Risk Protection for Liquidity Providers (LP): the Eurex system provides LPs with various features for system -based
                risk protection which can help LPs can significantly constrain operational and market risks, preventing too many
                simultaneous trade executions on quotes provided by any LP
              ▪ Volatility Interruption: the risk that markets decline in large price drops is not only a result of market orders but also
                limit orders. To guard against that, in its benchmark products, the Eurex system validates every single trade against
                price bands within given time frames. If the system concludes that price determination lies outside the price bands,
                it automatically stops regular order book trading
              ▪ Market Supervision: on-going level of support during trading hours, using various parameters and triggers to monitor
                abnormalities in the order book activity and ensure there is a fair and orderly market

              ▪ Liquidity Provision programs available for the Asian time zone, combined with attractive incentive schemes for
 Liquidity      qualifying Liquidity Providers (more information on LP schemes upon request)
 Provision    ▪ Continuous quotes during Asian trading hours will be provided by our partnering Liquidity Providers

                                                                  20                                                          4 November 2020
Major Design Elements – Clearing & Risk

             ▪   Clearing and risk functionalities available during Asian trading hours
             ▪   Full re-use of existing Eurex Clearing membership, technical infrastructure, login data and Member ID
             ▪   Intraday Risk Management; Intra-night Margin calls to be fulfilled during Asian trading hours
  General    ▪   Staff must be reachable during Asian trading hours
             ▪   Post-trade functionalities expected to be available for select benchmark products during Asian hours

             ▪ Risk functionalities (portfolio-based margining methodology) to be applied during the Asian trading and clearing
               hours for active products
             ▪ Advanced Risk Protection handling (level 1: alert, level 2: slow down, level 3: halt) based on PRISMA calculations
               available during Asian trading and clearing hours
   Risk      ▪ No changes to default management process
Management   ▪ Same Intraday risk reports as of today (e.g. CI042, CI050, CI060) offered during the Asian hours to members on
               Common Report Engine (CRE)
             ▪ Real time risk monitoring and consistent margin call procedures during Asian trading hours
             ▪ Margin calls to be fulfilled in AUD or via existing USD payment infrastructure during Asian hours

                                                                21                                                       4 November 2020
Major Design Elements – Clearing & Risk

               ▪ Existing margin call procedures for activities during the standard trading session will remain unchanged
               ▪ Overnight margin calls are auto debited the following morning by 8am CET (EUR) / 9am CET (CHF/GBP)
               ▪ Regular intraday margin calls may be issued between 8am CET and 10pm CET (today’s practice)
               ▪ New: Margin calls during Asian trading hours shall only be issued in the case of position changes (i.e. no intra-night
Margin Calls
 during the      margin call solely based on market movements)*
Asian Hours    ▪ Calculated overnight shortfalls are “set to zero”, i.e. Eurex Clearing will consider overnight margin calls as fulfilled by
                 the start of Asian hours, even though the call will only be debited by 8am CET (EUR) / 9am CET (CHF/GBP). Eurex
                 Clearing will treat all collateral pools flat or over-collateralized for the start of the Asian trading hours*
               ▪ Eurex Clearing will only issue a margin call during Asian hours, if the intraday margin limit has been exceeded (in
                 general 10% of the Clearing Member’s overnight margin requirement per pool)*

                                                                    22                                                          4 November 2020
Major Design Elements – Clearing & Risk

                ▪ Clearing Members can pledge additional cash / non-cash collateral with Eurex (i.e. over-collateralization) during
                  regular hours on the preceding business day to avoid margin calls during Asian hours
Margin Calls:   ▪ Clearing Members can define a Permanent Cash Balance (PCB) to establish a cash buffer which is automatically
 Mitigating       restored on a daily basis
 Measures       ▪ Clearing Members may actively manage their total margin requirement by entering risk reducing trades
                ▪ Clearing Members have the possibility to delete their own open orders from the order book prior to Asian hours
                  market opening to avoid position changes and hence margin calls during the extended session

                ▪ Available correspondent banks for USD include Citibank N.A., Deutsche Bank Trust, Bank of New York Mellon,
Correspondent     JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., London, and Bank of America
    Banks       ▪ Available correspondent banks for AUD: ANZ Banking Group Limited and Westpac Banking Corporation

                                                                  23                                                       4 November 2020

Mezhgan Qabool                     Markus Georgi                        Jan Thorwirth                     Stefan Morgenstern
Head of Market Development APAC    Head of Fixed Income Derivatives,    Vice President,                   Vice President, Sales Asia
Head of Equity and Index APAC      Funding & Financing APAC             Sales & Market Development APAC
                                   Eurex Frankfurt AG                   Eurex Frankfurt AG                Eurex Frankfurt AG
Eurex Frankfurt AG                 Hong Kong Representative Office      Hong Kong Representative Office   Hong Kong Representative Office
Singapore Branch                   2904-7, 29/F, Man Yee Building       2904-7, 29/F, Man Yee Building    2904-7, 29/F, Man Yee Building
9 Raffles Place                    68 Des Voeux Road, Central           68 Des Voeux Road, Central        68 Des Voeux Road, Central
#56–01 Republic Plaza              Hong Kong                            Hong Kong                         Hong Kong
Singapore 048619                   Tel: +852 2530 7820                  Tel: +852 2530 7810               Tel: +852 2530 7808
Tel: +65 6597 3062                 Fax: +852 2530 7821                  Fax: +852 2530 7880               Fax: +852 2530 7888
Fax: +65 6597 3080            
Yap Hui Sze                        Mathieu Fuhrmann                     Sung Min Lim                      Feng Chih-Chao
Vice President, Sakes & Business   Vice President, Sales Asia           Vice President, Sales Asia        Vice President, Sales Asia
Development APAC & UAE
Eurex Frankfurt AG                 Eurex Frankfurt AG                   Eurex Frankfurt AG                Eurex Frankfurt AG
Singapore Branch                   27F, Marunouchi Kitaguchi Building   Hong Kong Representative 0ffice   Hong Kong Representative Office
9 Raffles Place                    1-6-5, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku        2904-7, 29/F, Man Yee Building    2904-7, 29/F, Man Yee Building
#56–01 Republic Plaza              Tokyo 100-0005                       68 Des Voeux Road, Central        68 Des Voeux Road, Central
Singapore 048619                   Japan                                Hong Kong                         Hong Kong
Tel: +65 6597 3061                 Tel: +81 (0)3-4578-6622              Tel: +852 2530 7807               Tel: +852 2530 7802
Fax: +65 6597 3080                 Fax: +81 (0)3-4578-6621              Fax: +852 2530 7880               Fax: +852 2530 7880     ​   

                                                                        24                                                         4 November 2020

Sonia Hung                        Ernest Kong                       Sandie Staimesse                    Liz Yeo
Vice President,                   Vice President,                   Vice President, India & UAE Sales   Vice President, Marketing Manager
Sales Lead Greater China          Fixed Income Sales Asia
Eurex Frankfurt AG                Eurex Frankfurt AG                Eurex Frankfurt AG                  Eurex Frankfurt AG
Hong Kong Representative 0ffice   Hong Kong Representative Office   Singapore Branch                    Singapore Branch
2904-7, 29/F, Man Yee Building    2904-7, 29/F, Man Yee Building    9 Raffles Place                     9 Raffles Place
68 Des Voeux Road, Central        68 Des Voeux Road, Central        #56–01 Republic Plaza               #56–01 Republic Plaza
Hong Kong                         Hong Kong                         Singapore 048619                    Singapore 048619
Tel: +852 2530 7801               Tel: +852 2530 7804               Tel: +971 555 0863 92               Tel: +65 6597 3058
Fax: +852 2530 7880               Fax: +852 2530 7880               Fax: +65 6597 3080                  Fax: +65 6597 3080       

                                                                    25                                                          4 November 2020
Thank you!   426
                 November 2020

© Eurex Frankfurt AG 2020                                                                                                      July 1, 2013 Class No-Action Relief. A complete, up-to-date list of Eurex options that are eligible under the SEC
                                                                                                                               Class No-Action Relief is available at: https://w
Deutsche Börse AG (“DBAG”), Clearstream Banking AG (“Clearstream”), Eurex Frankfurt AG (“Eurex”), Eurex
                                                                                                                               the-us-for-eligible-customers. Lastly, U.S. QIBs and broker-dealers trading on behalf of QIBs may trade certain
Clearing AG (“Eurex Clearing”), Eurex Securities Transactions Services GmbH (“Eurex STS”) and Eurex Repo
GmbH (“Eurex Repo”) are corporate entities and are registered under German law . Eurex Global Derivatives AG is a              single-security futures and narrow -based security index futures subject to terms and conditions of the SEC’s
                                                                                                                               Exchange Act Release No. 60,194 (June 30, 2009), 74 Fed. Reg. 32,200 (July 7, 2009) and the CFTC’s Division of
corporate entity and is registered under Sw iss law . Clearstream Banking S.A. is a corporate entity and is registered
                                                                                                                               Clearing and Intermediary Oversight Advisory Concerning the Offer and Sale of Foreign Security Futures Products to
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Eurex Deutschland is in the follow ing referred to as the “Eurex Exchange”.                                                    Customers Located in the United States (June 8, 2010).

All intellectual property, proprietary and other rights and interests in this publication and the subject matter hereof        Tradem arks and Service Marks
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                                                                                                                              27                                                                                                 4 November 2020
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