TPI State of Transition Report 2020 - Simon Dietz, Rhoda Byrne, Dan Gardiner, Glen Gostlow, Valentin Jahn, Michal Nachmany, Jolien Noels and Rory ...

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TPI State of Transition Report 2020 - Simon Dietz, Rhoda Byrne, Dan Gardiner, Glen Gostlow, Valentin Jahn, Michal Nachmany, Jolien Noels and Rory ...
TPI State of Transition
Report 2020

Simon Dietz, Rhoda Byrne, Dan Gardiner,
Glen Gostlow, Valentin Jahn, Michal
Nachmany, Jolien Noels and Rory Sullivan
TPI State of Transition Report 2020 - Simon Dietz, Rhoda Byrne, Dan Gardiner, Glen Gostlow, Valentin Jahn, Michal Nachmany, Jolien Noels and Rory ...
The Transition
Pathway Initiative
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) is a                Disclaimer
global initiative led by asset owners and supported
                                                            1. All information contained in this report and on the TPI
by asset managers, established in January 2017.             website is derived from publicly available sources and is
                                                            for general information use only. Information can change
Aimed at investors, it assesses companies’ progress         without notice and The Transition Pathway Initiative does
on the transition to a low-carbon economy,                  not guarantee the accuracy of information on the website,
supporting efforts to address climate change. Over          including information provided by third parties, at any
                                                            particular time.
67 investors globally have already pledged support
                                                            2. Neither this report nor the TPI website provides investment
for the TPI; jointly they represent nearly US$19 trillion   advice and nothing in the report or on the site should be
combined Assets Under Management and Advice.                construed as being personalised investment advice for your
Using companies’ publicly disclosed data, TPI:              particular circumstances. Neither this report nor the website
                                                            takes account of individual investment objectives or the
•   Assesses the quality of companies’                      financial position or specific needs of individual users. You must
                                                            not rely on this report or the website to make a financial or
    management of their carbon emissions                    investment decision. Before making any financial or investment
    and of risks and opportunities related to               decisions, we recommend you consult a financial planner
    the low-carbon transition, in line with the             to take into account your personal investment objectives,
                                                            financial situation and individual needs.
    recommendations of the Task Force on
                                                            3. This report and the TPI website contain information
    Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).           derived from publicly available third party websites. It is the
                                                            responsibility of these respective third parties to ensure this
•   Assesses how companies’ planned or                      information is reliable and accurate. The Transition Pathway
    expected future Carbon Performance                      Initiative does not warrant or represent that the data or other
    compares with international targets and                 information provided in this report or on the TPI website is
                                                            accurate, complete or up-to-date, and make no warranties
    national pledges made as part of the 2015
                                                            or representations as to the quality or availability of this data
    Paris Agreement on climate change.                      or other information.

•   Publishes the results via an open-access online         4. The Transition Pathway Initiative is not obliged to update or
                                                            keep up-to-date the information that is made available in this
    tool:              report or on the TPI website.

TPI strategic relationships                                 5. If you are a company referenced in this report or on the
                                                            TPI website and would like further information about the
The Grantham Research Institute on Climate                  methodology used in our publications, or have any concerns
                                                            about published information, then please contact us. An
Change and the Environment at the London School             overview of the methodology used is available on the TPI
of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is TPI’s           website.
academic partner. It has developed the assessment           6. Please read the Terms and Conditions which apply to use
framework, provides company assessments, and                of the TPI website.
hosts the online tool. FTSE Russell is TPI’s data           For the avoidance of doubt, clause 3.3 of the LSE Terms and
                                                            Conditions shall be varied and replaced by the following clause:
partner. FTSE Russell is a leading global provider
                                                            3.3. You may download information from the Website for
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The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)             redistribution or publication of copyright material, no changes
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                                                            or copyright notice shall be made. You acknowledge that
network of investors implementing the six Principles        you do not acquire any ownership rights by downloading
for Responsible Investment.                                 copyright material.

Research funding partners

We would like to thank our research funding partners for their ongoing support to TPI and for enabling
the research behind this report and its publication.
This report was first published in March 2020. Published under a Creative Commons CC BY licence.
The authors thank Alexa Beaucamp and Saskia Straub for their research assistance.
Editing, design and production management by Georgina Kyriacou. Additional design by RF Design.
TPI State of Transition Report 2020 - Simon Dietz, Rhoda Byrne, Dan Gardiner, Glen Gostlow, Valentin Jahn, Michal Nachmany, Jolien Noels and Rory ...
Foreword                                                           Contents
                                                                   Summary                          3

                                                                   1. Introduction                 6

                                                                   2. State of transition 2020     9

                                                                   Management Quality level        10

                                                                   Management Quality:             12
Adam C.T. Matthews and Faith Ward, Co-chairs,                      indicator by indicator
Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI)
                                                                   Trends in Management Quality 14

Heart-breaking scenes of devastation caused by the heatwave
                                                                   Carbon Performance:             16
and fires that swept through Australia in December 2019 ended      alignment with the Paris
what had already been a year during which many lives were          Agreement benchmarks
lost, biodiversity destroyed and billions of dollars of damage
incurred. The physical impacts of climate change were felt on
                                                                   Management Quality              18
every continent in every economy. 2019 was also the year that      and Carbon Performance
saw millions of people across the world take to the streets and    by geography
protest at the lack of action on climate change.
The clock is ticking – according to the Intergovernmental Panel    Corporate emissions             20
on Climate Change’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5        reduction targets
Degrees, we have now entered the final decade in which to take
action to avoid catastrophic climate change.                       3. Sector focus: Shipping       22
We established the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) in 2017
with the aim of defining what the transition to a low-carbon       4. Emerging issues:             24
economy looks like for companies in high-impact sectors such       corporate net zero
                                                                   targets and offsetting
as oil and gas, mining, and electricity generation. Our mission
was to enable asset owners and other stakeholders to make
informed judgements about how companies with the biggest           5. Key sectoral opportunities 26
impact on climate change are adapting their business models        for improvement
to prepare for the transition to a low-carbon economy. This
would then enable asset owners to include this information         6. Implications for investors   27
in their investment decision-making, to support their funds’
alignment with the goals of the Paris Agreement and to inform      References                      31
their engagement with companies.
Use of TPI data has continued to grow considerably with            Appendix 1: TPI Management      32
67 funds representing nearly US$19 trillion in Assets Under        Quality, indicators
Management now using TPI’s insights. The period 2017 to 2020
was very much about proof of concept, demonstrating that it        Appendix 2: Heat map            36
was feasible to objectively and robustly assess these companies’   of Management Quality
quality of management and current and future carbon                indicator by indicator
                                                                   at the sector level
performance in a readily accessible way to influence investment
decision-making and corporate behaviour. TPI has created a
common assessment framework that supports a new form
of robust, outcome-oriented engagement. We were delighted
that TPI was selected to provide the assessment framework for

TPI State of Transition Report 2020 - Simon Dietz, Rhoda Byrne, Dan Gardiner, Glen Gostlow, Valentin Jahn, Michal Nachmany, Jolien Noels and Rory ...

       Climate Action 100+, the US$40 trillion-backed      •   Extending the TPI assessment framework
       global engagement initiative. In January 2020           to include sovereign bonds.
       we also saw the launch of the FTSE TPI Climate
                                                           •   Extending the TPI framework to analyse
       Transition Index series, which provides the first
                                                               the role investors and finance can play
       passive product imbedding forward-looking
                                                               in supporting net zero pathways for key
       climate data and enables passive investing
                                                               sectors and subsectors such as aviation,
       to support the low-carbon transition.
                                                               automotives, shipping, road freight, steel
       Priorities for 2020 and beyond                          and cement. Through adding a sector-wide
                                                               lens to TPI’s company-specific framework,
       In 2019 we reviewed TPI’s progress from when            we can better understand how investors
       it was first established. While there was much          can finance the low-carbon transition.
       to be proud of, we recognised that we needed
                                                           •   Building analytical tools that enable asset
       to scale up and accelerate our efforts in
                                                               owners and asset managers to assess
       response to investor demand for independent,
                                                               whether their investment portfolios are
       academically robust and non-commercial tools
                                                               aligned with a 2°C or 1.5°C temperature
       to support the transition. Our workplan for the
                                                               rise, and that enable stakeholders to assess
       period 2020 and beyond reflects that urgency.
                                                               the credibility of net zero commitments.
       We will be developing and implementing our
       priorities in partnership with TPI supporters,      •   Building a framework that enables investors
       and alongside our partners in research (the             to assess if corporate lobbying is aligned
       London School of Economics’ Grantham                    with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
       Research Institute on Climate Change and
                                                           We are immensely grateful to all the
       the Environment), data (FTSE Russell) and
                                                           organisations that have worked with us over
       administration (Principles for Responsible
                                                           the first three years of TPI. Based on all that
       Investment [PRI]). Those priorities include:
                                                           has been achieved in that time we have a high
       •   Extending the coverage of our listed equity     ambition agenda and look forward to working
           universe to encompass approximately             with all partners and supporters to enable us,
           800 listed companies. In total, these           the investment community, to take action that
           companies account for around 80 per             seeks to protect the investments of our clients
           cent of the greenhouse gas emissions            and beneficiaries and to protect the world into
           associated with listed markets.                 which they and their families will live.
       •   Extending the TPI assessment framework
           to include corporate fixed income.              March 2020

“TPI has created a common assessment
 framework that supports a new form of
 robust, outcome-oriented engagement”

TPI State of Transition Report 2020 - Simon Dietz, Rhoda Byrne, Dan Gardiner, Glen Gostlow, Valentin Jahn, Michal Nachmany, Jolien Noels and Rory ...
State of Transition 2020: Summary

This 2020 State of Transition Report from the                          companies are on Levels 0–2, meaning they
Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) is the latest                      are demonstrably unprepared for the transition
in a series of annual stocktakes of the progress                       (Figure S1).
being made by the world’s biggest and most
                                                                       The average Management Quality level
emissions-intensive public companies on the
                                                                       of all companies in the TPI database is now
transition to a low-carbon economy.
                                                                       2.7, more than halfway between ‘building
We have assessed 332 companies on their                                capacity on climate change’ (Level 2) and
‘Management Quality’ and 238 of these on their                         ‘integrating climate change into operational
‘Carbon Performance’. Management Quality                               decision-making’ (Level 3). In summer 2019
tracks companies’ management/governance                                the average company score was 2.5, so we
of greenhouse gas emissions and the risks and                          can see modest progress.
opportunities arising for those companies from
                                                                       Ten out of the 332 companies assessed
the low-carbon transition. Carbon Performance
                                                                       (3 per cent) are on Level 0: still unaware
measures companies’ emissions intensity and
                                                                       of or not acknowledging climate change
benchmarks the extent to which the companies
                                                                       as a business issue. This is the same share
are, or will be, aligned with the global
                                                                       as in summer 2019. 128 companies (38 per
temperature goals set out in the 2015 UN Paris
                                                                       cent) are on Levels 0–2. These companies are
Agreement on climate change. Together, these
                                                                       yet to implement at least one of the following
assessments provide a holistic, backward- and
                                                                       four basic carbon management practices:
forward-looking view of companies’ progress,
                                                                       explicitly recognising climate change as a
in terms of both inputs and outputs, in line
                                                                       relevant business risk/opportunity; having a
with the recommendations of the Task Force
                                                                       policy commitment to act on climate change;
on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
                                                                       disclosing operational emissions (Scope 1 and
On Management Quality, nearly                                          2); setting a target to reduce emissions (even
40 per cent of companies are                                           a qualitative target). Ninety-two companies
demonstrably unprepared for                                            are now on Level 3 and 112 are on Level 4,
the transition                                                         a total of 62 per cent across these two levels,
                                                                       up from 54 per cent a year ago. The share
Management Quality continues to improve,                               of Level 4 companies has increased from
but only slowly. Nearly 40 per cent of                                 28 to 34 per cent.

 Figure S1. Management Quality level of all TPI companies

 Level 0                      Level 1                       Level 2                        Level 3                        Level 4
 Unaware                      Awareness                     Building capacity              Integrated into                Strategic assessment
                                                                                           decision-making                112 companies: 34%
                                                                                           92 companies: 28%               18   Transport
                                                                                                                           38   Industrials /materials
                                                                                            15   Transport
                                                                                                                           45   Energy
                                                                                            34   Industrials /materials
                                                            54 companies: 16%                                              11   Consumer goods
                                                                                            40   Energy
                                                                                                                                and services
                                                             8    Transport                 3    Consumer goods
                              64 companies: 19%                                                  and services
                                                             19   Industrials /materials
                               14   Transport                27
 10 companies: 3%                                                 Energy
                               25   Industrials/materials    0    Consumer goods
  2   Transport                25   Energy                        and services
  3   Industrials/materials    0    Consumer goods
  4   Energy                        and services
  1   Consumer goods
      and services

TPI State of Transition Report 2020 - Simon Dietz, Rhoda Byrne, Dan Gardiner, Glen Gostlow, Valentin Jahn, Michal Nachmany, Jolien Noels and Rory ...

       More advanced carbon management                     Performance in nine sectors: airlines; aluminium;
       practices are needed                                autos; cement; electricity; oil and gas; paper;
                                                           shipping; and steel. That is 78 more than in the
       The vast majority of companies have basic
                                                           summer 2019 assessment.
       climate governance, emissions metrics and
       targets in place. Ninety-seven per cent of          Figure S2 shows the results of our assessment.
       companies acknowledge climate change                Only 31 per cent of the 238 companies are,
       as a significant issue for the business and         or will be, aligned with the Paris /International
       95 per cent have a policy commitment to             Pledges benchmark in 2030/50 – the benchmark
       act on climate change. Seventy-six per cent         that reflects the emissions reductions pledged
       of companies disclose their Scope 1 and             in the Nationally Determined Contributions
       2 emissions and 70 per cent have set an             (NDCs) offered by countries as part of the Paris
       emissions reduction target.                         Agreement (and also country commitments
                                                           made through other international forums, such
       However, fewer companies are implementing
                                                           as the International Maritime Organization).
       more strategic and long-term carbon
                                                           The NDC commitments will be insufficient
       management practices. For example, only
                                                           to limit global warming to 2°C or below and
       41 per cent of companies have incorporated
                                                           will have to be upgraded in 2020 as part of
       climate change performance in executive
                                                           the Paris Agreement process. Just 18 per cent
       remuneration; only 40 per cent have
                                                           of companies will be aligned with the 2°C
       incorporated climate change risks and
                                                           benchmark in 2030/50 and just 13 per cent will
       opportunities in their strategy. Investors
                                                           be aligned with our most ambitious benchmark,
       should engage companies to take a more
                                                           ‘Below 2 Degrees’. These shares are very similar
       strategic approach to climate change.
                                                           to a year ago.
       Lack of consistency between company
                                                           New net zero announcements imply the
       and trade association positions
                                                           use of offsetting, which presents risks
       A slight majority of companies disclose their
                                                           Over the past year, the race to reach net zero
       involvement in trade associations’ lobbying on
                                                           emissions has been heating up, with many
       climate change but barely any have measures
                                                           countries setting net zero targets and worried
       to ensure consistency between company and
                                                           investors engaging with companies to do the
       trade association positions.
                                                           same. As a result, companies are beginning to
       Corporate climate lobbying is increasingly          act. Twenty-one of the 132 TPI-assessed energy
       a focus of investor attention, partly because       companies have now set a net zero target,
       of a fear that companies may be directly or         although the scope of emissions covered
       indirectly engaged in activities that run counter   varies and is usually much less than 100 per
       to their publicly stated positions on climate       cent of lifecycle emissions (Scope 1 to 3).
       action. Therefore, in this assessment cycle         Outside the energy sector, companies including
       we introduced two new Management Quality            EasyJet, HeidelbergCement and ThyssenKrupp
       indicators. First, we asked if companies disclose   have also announced net zero targets.
       their membership and involvement in trade
                                                           With net zero targets often comes a reliance,
       associations engaged in climate issues; 54 per
                                                           to a greater or lesser extent, on offsetting:
       cent of companies do so. Second, we asked if
                                                           that is, purchasing emissions reductions from
       companies ensure consistency between their
                                                           beyond companies’ boundaries. Investors
       own climate change policies and the positions
                                                           should ask what the costs and risks of offsets
       taken by trade associations of which they are
                                                           are compared with companies’ own emissions
       members; only 6 per cent of companies do so.
                                                           reductions, and whether or not they will help
       On Carbon Performance, more than                    in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement.
       80 per cent of companies remain off                 Offset prices vary hugely, but the average price
       track for a 2°C world                               is currently very low, well under what has been
                                                           recommended in order to deliver the Paris goals.
       Carbon Performance assessment involves              Part of the discrepancy reflects the fact that
       quantitative benchmarking of companies’             the market is still small; as demand grows, we
       emissions pathways against the international        would expect prices to do the same. However,
       targets and national pledges made as part           the price difference may also partly reflect
       of the Paris Agreement on climate change.           concerns about the reliability of very cheap
       We now assess 238 companies on Carbon               offsets in the voluntary market at present.

TPI State of Transition Report 2020 - Simon Dietz, Rhoda Byrne, Dan Gardiner, Glen Gostlow, Valentin Jahn, Michal Nachmany, Jolien Noels and Rory ...
State of Transition 2020: Summary

 Figure S2. Carbon Performance alignment with the Paris Agreement benchmarks
 (number and percentage of companies)

                       13%           37
                                                             No disclosure

                                                             Not aligned

              13%                                            Paris Pledges

                                                             2 Degrees
                                                             Below 2 Degrees

“Investors should ask what the costs
 and risks of offsets are compared
 with companies’ own emissions
 reductions, and whether or not they
 will help in achieving the goals of the
 Paris Agreement”

TPI State of Transition Report 2020 - Simon Dietz, Rhoda Byrne, Dan Gardiner, Glen Gostlow, Valentin Jahn, Michal Nachmany, Jolien Noels and Rory ...

1 Introduction
       This is the 2020 State of Transition Report, the                   making on climate change. Established in
       latest in a series of annual stocktakes of the                     January 2017, TPI is now supported by 67
       progress being made by the world’s largest,                        investors globally with nearly US$19 trillion
       most emissions-intensive public companies                          in Assets under Management and Advice
       in the transition to a low-carbon economy.                         (as of February 2020).
       The analysis draws on the entire database                          The TPI database now covers 332 corporations
       maintained by the Transition Pathway Initiative                    worldwide (up from 268 in 2019) in 16 business
       (TPI), a global initiative, led by asset owners                    sectors assessed on Management Quality, 238
       and supported by asset managers, which                             of them also assessed on Carbon Performance
       assesses the progress large corporations are                       (up from 160 in 2019) (Table 1.1).

       Table 1.1. TPI sectoral coverage and Carbon Performance measures

       Sector                         No. of companies                  No. of companies      Carbon
                                      currently assessed on             currently assessed on Performance
                                      Management Quality                Carbon Performance measure
       Oil and gas                                  50                               50                  Carbon intensity of
                                                                                                         primary energy supply
       Electricity utilities                        62                                59                 Carbon intensity of
                                                                                                         electricity generation
       Coal mining*                                 23                                 –                 –
       Automobiles                                  22                                22                 New vehicle carbon
                                                                                                         emissions per kilometre
       Airlines                                     22                                22                 Carbon emissions per
                                                                                                         revenue tonne kilometre
       Shipping                                     13                                13                 Carbon emissions per
                                                                                                         tonne kilometre
       Cement                                       22                                22                 Carbon intensity of
                                                                                                         cementitious product
       Steel                                        24                                24                 Carbon intensity of
                                                                                                         crude steel production
       Aluminium                                    15                                8                  Carbon intensity of
                                                                                                         aluminium production
       Paper                                        18                                18                 Carbon intensity of pulp,
                                                                                                         paper and paperboard
       Chemicals                                    21                                 –                 –
       Oil and gas                                   6                                 –                 –
       Services                                      6                                 –                 –
       Consumer goods                                9                                 –                 –
       Other basic materials                         5                                 –                 –
       Other industrials                            18                                 –                 –
       Total**                                     332                               238

       Notes: *TPI will shortly be publishing a discussion paper on the Carbon Performance of diversified mining companies.1
       **Companies assessed in more than one sector are counted once.

TPI State of Transition Report 2020 - Simon Dietz, Rhoda Byrne, Dan Gardiner, Glen Gostlow, Valentin Jahn, Michal Nachmany, Jolien Noels and Rory ...
State of Transition 2020: Introduction

In each sector, TPI selects the largest                                   provide a holistic view of companies’ progress,
public companies globally, based on market                                both backward- and forward-looking.
capitalisation. These companies usually
constitute the largest holdings in investor                               Management Quality
portfolios, as well as usually being the highest
                                                                          TPI’s Management Quality framework is
emitters of greenhouse gases. We also cover
                                                                          currently based on 19 indicators (up from 17
a number of additional companies that are
                                                                          in the previous iteration), each of which tests
being engaged by the Climate Action 100+
                                                                          if a company has implemented a particular
investor initiative. These additional companies
                                                                          carbon management practice (Yes /No), such
are large within their sector, often regional if
                                                                          as formalising a policy commitment to action
not global, and have high lifecycle greenhouse
                                                                          on climate change, disclosing its emissions, or
gas emissions or are highly dependent on high
                                                                          setting emissions targets. These 19 indicators
emitting companies.
                                                                          (described in detail in Appendix 1) are then used
The data presented in this report were originally                         to map companies on to five levels, shown in Box
published in the TPI database on its website                              1.1. Companies need to be assessed as ‘Yes’ on
(‘the TPI tool’) between mid-2019 and early                               all of the questions pertaining to a level before
2020. The next annual update of the entire TPI                            they can advance to the next, with the exception
database will be carried out in stages over the                           of Level 0. Companies that have been assessed
remainder of 2020.                                                        as ‘Yes’ on all Level 4 questions (and thus all
                                                                          questions in the framework) are described as 4*
Overview of methodologya                                                  companies. The data underpinning the indicators
                                                                          are provided by FTSE Russell on the basis of
Using public disclosures, TPI assesses companies
                                                                          companies’ public disclosures.
on their Management Quality and Carbon
Performance, two quite different elements
                                                                          Carbon Performance
of how companies are approaching the low-
carbon transition. The former focuses on                                  TPI’s Carbon Performance assessment
inputs and processes, the latter on outcomes.                             translates emissions targets made at the
Together, these assessments are intended to                               international level under the 2015 UN Paris

    Box 1.1. TPI levels of Management Quality
    •     Level 0 – Unaware of (or not acknowledging) climate change as a business issue.
    •     Level 1 – Acknowledging climate change as a business issue: The company
          acknowledges that climate change presents business risks and/or opportunities,
          and that the company has a responsibility to manage its greenhouse gas emissions.
          This is the point at which companies adopt a climate change policy.
    •     Level 2 – Building capacity: The company develops its basic capacity, its management
          systems and its processes, and starts to report on practice and performance.
    •     Level 3 – Integrating into operational decision-making: The company improves its
          operational practices, assigns senior management or board responsibility for climate
          change and provides comprehensive disclosures on its carbon practices
          and performance.
    •     Level 4 – Strategic assessment: The company develops a more strategic and holistic
          understanding of risks and opportunities related to the low-carbon transition and
          integrates this into its business strategy decisions.

a. Further details of our methodology can be found on the TPI website at and
in Carbon Performance methodology notes for each sector, available from the Publications menu on the website. The Sectoral Decarbonization
Approach (SDA) was created by CDP, WWF and WRI in 2015 (see


             Agreement on climate change (and through                                        •   Paris Pledges, consistent with the emissions
             other international forums) into benchmarks                                         reductions pledged by countries as part of
             against which the performance of individual                                         the Paris Agreement in the form of the first
             companies can be compared. We take                                                  set of Nationally Determined Contributions
             a sector-by-sector approach, recognising                                            (NDCs).b These are insufficient to limit
             that different sectors of the economy face                                          global warming to 2°C or below.
             different challenges arising from the low-
                                                                                             •   2 Degrees, consistent with the overall
             carbon transition, including where emissions
                                                                                                 aim of the Paris Agreement to hold
             are concentrated in the value chain and how
                                                                                                 “the increase in the global average
             costly it is to reduce emissions. Table 1.1 lists
                                                                                                 temperature to well below 2°C above
             the Carbon Performance measures used in each
                                                                                                 pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts
             sector we cover. These measures are intended
                                                                                                 to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C
             to cover the majority of lifecycle emissions, while
                                                                                                 above pre-industrial levels”, albeit at
             taking into account issues of data availability.
                                                                                                 the low end of the range of ambition.
             We benchmark emissions in most sectors
                                                                                             •   Below 2 Degrees, consistent with a
             against three scenarios, derived from
                                                                                                 more ambitious interpretation of the
             modelling by the International Energy
                                                                                                 Paris Agreement’s overall aim.
             Agency (IEA):

b. Note that in 2020, all signatories to the Paris Agreement will have to submit new NDCs.

2 State of Transition 2020
  In this section we summarise TPI’s latest findings on Management Quality and
  Carbon Performance, and compare them with our findings from previous years.
  As well as our familiar methods of analysing companies, we focus this year on
  regional differences, and on companies’ emissions reduction targets, i.e. looking
  at how prevalent quantitative targets are, how forward-looking they are, and
  if companies are on track to meet their targets.

Management Quality level
             Figure 2.1 shows the number of companies on                                    relevant business risk or opportunity; having
             each of the five TPI Management Quality levels,                                a policy commitment to act on climate
             both overall and broken down into four clusters                                change; disclosing operational greenhouse gas
             of sectors: energy (comprising coal mining,                                    emissions (Scope 1 and 2c); setting a target to
             electricity, and oil and gas production and                                    reduce emissions (even a qualitative target).
             distribution), transport (airlines, automobile
                                                                                            Ninety-two companies are now on Level 3
             manufacturing and shipping), industrials/
                                                                                            and 112 are on Level 4, a total of 62 per cent
             materials (including aluminium, cement,
                                                                                            across these two levels, up from 54 per cent
             chemicals, paper and steel), and consumer
                                                                                            a year ago. Reaching Level 3 requires both
                                                                                            disclosure of Scope 1 and 2 emissions and
             The average Management Quality level                                           setting emissions reduction targets, which
             of all companies in the TPI database is now                                    can be quantitative or qualitative. The share
             2.7, more than halfway between ‘building                                       of Level 4 companies has increased from 28
             capacity on climate change’ (Level 2) and                                      to 34 per cent. Reaching Level 4 requires the
             ‘integrating climate change into operational                                   implementation of a wider variety of carbon
             decision-making’ (Level 3). A year ago, the                                    management practices, including, among
             average company scored 2.5, so we can see                                      others, assigning board responsibility for
             modest progress.                                                               climate change, disclosing Scope 3 emissions,
                                                                                            supporting domestic and international climate
             Ten out of the 332 companies assessed (3 per
                                                                                            policy, and setting quantified emissions
             cent) are on Level 0, still unaware of or not
                                                                                            reduction targets.
             acknowledging climate change as a business
             issue. This is the same share as a year ago.                                   Of the core, high-emitting TPI sectors,
             While some companies moved off Level 0                                         automobile manufacturers, electricity utilities
             over the past year, new companies have been                                    and chemical companies lead the way on
             added to the database that start on Level 0.                                   Management Quality, all averaging a score
                                                                                            of 3.0 (Figure 2.2). Shipping and coal mining
             No fewer than 128 companies (38 per cent)
                                                                                            are currently the worst performing sectors.
             are on Levels 0–2. These companies are yet
                                                                                            The average score in these two sectors is
             to implement at least one of the following
                                                                                            fractionally below 2, making them the only
             four basic carbon management practices:
                                                                                            sectors to fall below this mark.
             explicitly recognising climate change as a

Figure 2.1. Management Quality level of all TPI companies
Level 0                          Level 1                          Level 2                          Level 3                          Level 4
Unaware                          Awareness                        Building capacity                Integrated into                  Strategic assessment
                                                                                                                                    112 companies: 34%
                                                                                                   92 companies: 28%                  18   Transport
                                                                                                     15   Transport                   38   Industrials/materials
                                                                  54 companies: 16%                  34   Industrials/materials       45   Energy
                                 64 companies: 19%                                                   40   Energy                      11   Consumer goods
                                                                    8    Transport
                                                                                                     3    Consumer goods                   and services
                                                                    19   Industrials/materials
 10 companies: 3%                 14   Transport                                                          and services
                                                                    27   Energy
                                  25   Industrials/materials
 2   Transport                                                      0    Consumer goods
                                  25   Energy                            and services
 3   Industrials /materials
                                  0    Consumer goods
 4   Energy
                                       and services
 1   Consumer goods
     and services

c. Under the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, “Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources. Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from
the generation of purchased energy. Scope 3 emissions are all indirect emissions (not included in scope 2) that occur in the value chain of the reporting company,
including both upstream and downstream emissions.” See

State of Transition 2020: Management Quality level

Figure 2.2. Management Quality by company and sector

   Key: Market capitalisation           Small      Medium         Large

                                   Level 0          Level 1               Level 2            Level 3              Level 4
                                   Unaware          Awareness             Building           Integrating into     Strategic
                                                                          capacity           operational          assessment
                                                                                             decision making






                 Coal mining

           Consumer goods

          Electricity utilities

                 Oil and gas

   Oil and gas distribution

     Other basic materials

           Other industrials





Note: Companies appear in each sector they are assessed in, even if the same company is assessed in multiple sectors


Management Quality:
indicator by indicator
        Most companies implement basic                                            per cent of companies disclose an internal price
        carbon management practices                                               of carbon (Q18) and only 26 per cent undertake
                                                                                  and disclose climate scenario planning (Q17).
        Showing little change from a year ago, 97
                                                                                  However, these shares are significantly up on
        per cent of companies acknowledge climate
                                                                                  our last assessment.
        change as a significant issue for the business
        (Question 1d), 79 per cent recognise climate                              New indicators on corporate climate
        change as a business risk/opportunity (Q2)                                lobbying
        and 95 per cent have a policy (or equivalent)
        commitment to action on climate change                                    Corporate climate lobbying is increasingly
        (Q3). As such, the vast majority of companies                             a focus of investor attention, partly because
        have basic climate governance measures in                                 of a fear that companies may be directly or
        place (Figure 2.3).                                                       indirectly engaged in activities that run
                                                                                  counter to their publicly stated positions on
        Basic emissions metrics and targets are
                                                                                  climate action. Therefore, for this assessment
        disclosed more, and more widely, than a
                                                                                  cycle we introduced two new Management
        year ago. Seventy-six per cent of companies
                                                                                  Quality indicators:
        disclose Scope 1 and 2 emissions (Q5). Seventy
        per cent of companies have set some form                                  •    Q11. Does the company disclose its
        of emissions reduction target (qualitative or                                  membership and involvement in trade
        quantitative; Q4), an improvement of almost                                    associations engaged in climate issues?
        10 percentage points compared with a year                                      Fifty-four per cent of companies do so.
        ago. Sixty-eight per cent of companies have
                                                                                  •    Q19. Does the company ensure
        set a quantitative emissions target, compared
                                                                                       consistency between its climate change
        with less than 60 per cent of companies a year
                                                                                       policy and the positions taken by trade
        ago (Q7). Fifty-seven per cent of companies
                                                                                       associations of which it is a member?
        have now set a long-term quantified target to
                                                                                       Only 6 per cent of companies do so.
        reduce emissions (i.e. of more than five years in
        duration; Q14), up from 45 per cent a year ago.                           Aggregates hide some large
                                                                                  differences between sectors
        Fewer companies disclose
        the more advanced carbon                                                  While on aggregate TPI-assessed companies
        management practices                                                      perform well on the basic indicators, some
                                                                                  sectors that are key to the transition do not
        Fewer companies are implementing more
                                                                                  (see Appendix 2). In particular, within the coal
        strategic and long-term carbon management
                                                                                  mining sector only 39 per cent of companies
        practices. Although 62 per cent of companies
                                                                                  have explicitly recognised climate change
        have nominated a board member/committee
                                                                                  as a relevant business risk/opportunity,
        with explicit responsibility for oversight of
                                                                                  and only 35 per cent have set some form of
        their climate change policy (Q6), only 41
                                                                                  emissions reduction target, lagging far behind
        per cent have incorporated climate change
                                                                                  other sectors. In shipping, only 15 per cent of
        performance in executive remuneration (Q15).
                                                                                  companies have nominated a board member/
        Fifty-six per cent of companies now                                       committee with explicit responsibility for
        demonstrate support for domestic and                                      oversight of their climate change policy, in
        international efforts to mitigate climate                                 contrast to electricity utilities where 76 per
        change, such as the Paris Agreement (Q10).                                cent of companies have done so. More analysis
        Despite that, only 40 per cent of companies                               of how individual sectors vary from the TPI
        have incorporated climate change risks and                                average on an indicator-by-indicator basis
        opportunities in their strategy (Q16), only 31                            can be found in our sector reports.

        d. These numbers correspond to the questions used to assess companies on the TPI Management Quality indicators – see Appendix 1.

State of Transition 2020: Management Quality – indicator by indicator

Figure 2.3. Management Quality, indicator by indicator, mapped against TCFD themes
(% of companies assessed)
                                                                                                     Key:   Yes     No
level theme                                                               0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

 0            1. Acknowledge?                                               97%                                          3%

 1            2. Recognises as risk/opportunity?                            79%                                   21%

 1            3. Policy commitment to act?                                  95%                                          5%

 2            4. Emissions targets?                                         70%                                   30%

 2            5. Disclosed Scope 1 & 2 emissions?                           76%                                   24%

 3            6. Board responsibility?                                      62%                                   38%

 3            7. Quantitative emissions targets?                            68%                                   32%

 3            8. Disclosed Scope 3 emissions?                               61%                                   39%

 3            9. Had operational emissions verified?                        60%                                   40%

 3            10. Support domestic and intl. mitigation?                    56%                                   44%

 3            11. Disclosed trade association involvement?                  54%                                   46%

 3            12. Process to manage climate risks?                          66%                                   34%

 3            13. Disclosed use of product emissions?                       45%                                   55%

 4            14. Long-term emissions targets?                              57%                                   43%

 4            15. Incorporated climate change in to exec. renumeration?     41%                                   59%

 4            16. Climate risks/opportunities in strategy?                  40%                                   60%

 4            17. Undertakes climate scenario planning?                     26%                                   74%

 4            18. Discloses an internal price of carbon?                    31%                                   69%

 4            19. Consistency between company and trade assocs.?            6%                                    94%

TCFD themes
     Governance              Strategy               Risk management            Metrics and targets


Trends in Management Quality
        By the end of the last assessment cycle in         up is because they have nominated a board
        early 2019, we had researched 272 companies        member/committee with explicit responsibility
        in 14 different sectors. Since then, we have       for oversight of the company’s climate change
        reassessed 268 of these companies and have         policy for the first time, moving climate change
        assessed 64 new companies, including 35 in         into the C-suite. Four of the 30 have moved
        two new sectors (international shipping, and       up because they have had their Scope 1 and 2
        chemicals), delivering a total of 332 companies    emissions verified for the first time.
        in the database as of February 2020. Four
                                                           On the other hand, 13 companies (5 per cent)
        companies assessed in the last cycle cannot
                                                           have moved down from Level 4 to 3. This is
        be reassessed, due to corporate restructuring.
                                                           partly due to these companies disclosing less.
        Out of the 268 companies for which we have         Three of these 13 have stopped disclosing
        trend data, 165 (62 per cent) have stayed          support for domestic and international efforts
        on the same level as their last assessment,        to mitigate climate change. Two have stopped
        79 (29 per cent) have moved up at least one        disclosing Scope 3 emissions from use of sold
        level, and 24 (9 per cent) have moved down         products (applicable to selected companies
        at least one level (Figure 2.4). Therefore, we     with large downstream emissions only). For
        can see that progress is being made by some        some companies, similarly to the loss of 4*
        companies but the majority are standing still,     status described above, the move from Level
        and progress is being partly offset by other       4 to 3 is due to our introduction of Q13 on the
        companies moving backwards.                        disclosure of membership and involvement in
                                                           trade associations engaged in climate issues:
        Only two of the 68 companies that stood
                                                           four companies have moved down on account
        on Level 4 in their previous assessment have
                                                           of failing to satisfy this new indicator.
        since attained a 4* rating (E.On and Unilever).
        Of the eight companies that achieved a             Movement at the bottom
        4* rating a year ago, six have lost it, due        of the staircase
        mainly to our newly introduced assessment
        of consistency between company climate             Forty-nine companies (18 per cent) have
        change policies and the positions taken by         moved up from Levels 0, 1 or 2 since our last
        trade associations of which companies are a        assessment. Thirteen of the 22 companies
        member (Q19). The two companies to hold on         to have moved beyond Level 2 are in the
        to their 4* rating are BHP Billiton and Equinor.   energy sector, and eight of these are in
                                                           the oil and gas sector. To move to Level 3
        Movement at the top of the                         or beyond, a company must set emissions
        Management Quality staircase                       reduction targets, which 21 companies did
                                                           for the first time in the last assessment cycle,
        Thirty companies (11 per cent) have moved
                                                           as well as publish information on their Scope 1
        up from Level 3 in their last assessment to
                                                           and 2 emissions.
        Level 4. For 12 of these companies, the move

     “Progress is being made by some
      companies but the majority are
      standing still, and progress is being
      partly offset by other companies
      moving backwards.”
State of Transition 2020: Trends in Management Quality

Figure 2.4. Trends in Management Quality between the previous and current assessments

 Not                                                             165
                          2.7   Current average MQ level               Companies stayed at the same level

 64                         4   Companies no longer researched    24   Companies moved down at least 1 level
                          64    Newly researched companies        79   Companies moved up at least 1 level

                                                                                        Not researched 4

                                                                                         Level 4:
 Level 4:
 Strategic                                                                               112

 Level 3:                                                                                Level 3:
 Integrating                                                                             Integrating
 into operational                                                                        into operational
 decision making                                                                         decision making
 71                                                                                      92

 Level 2:
 Building                                                                                Level 2:
 capacity                                                                                Building
 57                                                                                      capacity

                                                                                         Level 1:
 Level 1:                                                                                Building
 Building                                                                                capacity

Level 0: Unaware 9                                                                      Level 0: Unaware 10

       2018                                                                                     2019

Carbon Performance:
alignment with the Paris
Agreement benchmarks
        TPI’s assessment of companies on their                                       Carbon Performance assessments in the
        Carbon Performance consists of a quantitative                                oil and gas sector and have performed our
        benchmarking of companies’ emissions                                         first ever Carbon Performance assessment
        pathways against the international targets                                   of the shipping sector. We now assess 238
        and national pledges made as part of the                                     companies on Carbon Performance in nine
        Paris Agreement on climate change. The key                                   sectors: airlines; aluminium; autos; cement;
        question the Carbon Performance assessment                                   electricity; oil and gas; paper; shipping; and
        seeks to answer is: are companies aligned with                               steel. This is up from 160 companies in eight
        the Paris Agreement goals, and, if not, will they                            sectors in July 2019. We will also be publishing
        be in the future?                                                            a discussion paper1 on how to assess Carbon
                                                                                     Performance in the diversified mining sector
        Figures 2.5 and 2.6 summarise the TPI Carbon
                                                                                     later in 2020.
        Performance data across all sectors, classifying
        whether a company is aligned with the Paris                                  Our latest assessment shows that in 2030/50:
        Pledges/NDCs benchmark, with a pathway
                                                                                     •     73 companies (31 per cent) are aligned
        to limit global warming to 2°C, or with a more
                                                                                           with the least ambitious Paris /International
        ambitious pathway to limit global warming to
                                                                                           Pledges benchmark. This means they have
        below 2°C.
                                                                                           either already achieved their 2030/50
        To summarise these data, we compare a                                              Paris/International Pledges benchmark
        company’s emissions intensity in the last year                                     emissions intensity, or they will do so
        for which we have data with the benchmarks                                         by 2030/50 based on targets they have
        in 2030 (2050 in the oil and gas sector only).                                     set. (Recall that the Paris Pledges/
        The group of companies considered to be                                            NDCs benchmark are insufficient to
        aligned by 2030/50 comprises:                                                      limit global warming to 2°C or below.)
        a. Those with explicit 2030/50 emissions                                     •     43 companies (18 per cent) are
           reduction targets that are below the                                            aligned with the 2°C benchmark.e
           relevant benchmark in 2030/50
                                                                                     •     30 companies (13 per cent) are aligned with
        b. Those with explicit targets expiring                                            the most ambitious Below 2°C benchmark.f
           before 2030/50, but which would bring
                                                                                     •     128 companies (54 per cent) are not
           them below the 2030/50 benchmark
                                                                                           aligned with any of the benchmarks.
        c. Those whose current performance is
                                                                                     •     37 companies (15 per cent) do not
           already below the 2030/50 benchmark
                                                                                           provide sufficient disclosure for TPI to
        In cases (b) and (c), we therefore assume                                          calculate their Carbon Performance.
        companies’ emissions intensity does not increase
                                                                                     The share of companies aligned with each
        after the last year for which we have data.
                                                                                     of the benchmarks is very similar to a year
        Across the database we find that companies’                                  ago, when 12 per cent were assessed as
        emissions intensity is almost always on a                                    being aligned with the most ambitious Below
        declining trend.                                                             2 Degrees benchmark, 16 per cent were
                                                                                     assessed as being aligned with the 2 Degrees
        Since our last State of Transition Report
                                                                                     benchmark, and 30 per cent were assessed
        (published July 2019), we have added 40

        e. In the airline and auto sectors, this benchmark corresponds with ‘2 Degrees (Shift-Improve)’. This assumes that transportation will be decarbonised
        through a combination of shifting passengers to lower-carbon modes of transport alongside increased fuel efficient and low-carbon technology.
        f. In the airline and auto sectors, this benchmark corresponds with ‘2 Degrees (High Efficiency)’. This assumes there is no shift in passengers to
        lower-carbon modes of transport; instead all emissions reductions are delivered through increased fuel efficiency and low-carbon technology.

State of Transition 2020: Carbon Performance – alignment with the Paris Agreement benchmarks

Figure 2.5. Carbon Performance alignment with the Paris Agreement benchmarks
(number and percentage of companies)

                                     13%           37
                                                  15%                                No disclosure
                                                                                     Not aligned
                             13%                                                     Paris Pledges

                                                 128                                 2 Degrees
                                                                                     Below 2 Degrees

Figure 2.6. Carbon Performance alignment with the Paris Agreement benchmarks by sector
and cluster (number and percentage of companies)
                         2                                                    2              1             1
                                      1               3                                      1             1
                                                                5             3
80%                                                   2
                                                                              1                            7
60%        11                                                   5
                         39           5               9
                                                                              13             19
           25                                                   5                                         12
                                      2                                       5                                         3
                         9                                      3
            5                                                                                1             1
       Electricity   Oil & gas     Aluminium     Cement       Paper          Steel         Airlines      Autos       Shipping
                Energy                        Industrials and materials                                Transport

             Below 2 Degrees              2 Degrees          Paris Pledges               Not aligned             No disclosure

as being aligned with the least ambitious                 3, our sector focus on shipping for more
Paris/International Pledges benchmark.                    details). Such companies are unlikely to be
                                                          representative of the wider sector, however.
When disaggregating our results by sector,
we see alignment with the Paris goals most                In electricity, 49 per cent of utilities assessed
frequently in the shipping sector, followed in            are aligned with the Paris Pledges benchmark,
order by paper, electricity utilities and autos           just under half of which are aligned with the
(Figure 2.6).                                             Below 2 Degrees benchmark. This partly reflects
                                                          benchmarking of European electricity utilities,
The shipping sector stands out from its peers.
                                                          which typically have a low emissions intensity
Its high rate of alignment can be attributed
                                                          and ambitious targets under the EU’s regulatory
to the fact that the largest publicly owned
                                                          regime, with global goals. Outside the EU, the
shipping companies operate relatively young
                                                          picture in the electricity sector is less positive.
fleets of large, fuel-efficient vessels (see Section

Management Quality and Carbon
Performance by geography
        European companies lead the way on                 European companies also lead the
        Management Quality while Chinese                   way on Carbon Performance, driven
        companies lag behind                               in part by a tough regulatory regime
        The bar charts in Figure 2.7 give a breakdown      The share of companies aligned with the Paris
        of Management Quality score by region using        Agreement benchmarks is higher in Europe
        individual country data (that is, from the         than it is in other geographies (see the pie
        country in which the company is listed).           charts in Figure 2.7). Fifty-eight per cent of
                                                           European companies are aligned with the Paris
        The average Management Quality score of
                                                           Pledges /NDCs and 36 per cent are aligned
        European companies across all assessed sectors
                                                           with 2 Degrees or Below 2 Degrees. This relatively
        is 3.4 and 63 per cent of European companies
                                                           large share of companies in alignment with
        are on Level 4. There are no Level 0 companies
                                                           the benchmarks is partly due to the relatively
        listed in Europe. The average Australian
                                                           tough regulatory regime for carbon emissions
        company posts a Management Quality score
                                                           in Europe compared with other regions; this
        of 3.0, while North American companies lag
                                                           has driven emissions intensity improvements
        slightly behind, averaging 2.9. While the share
                                                           in electricity and autos, for instance. Forty per
        of companies on Level 1 is similar in Europe
                                                           cent of Japanese companies are aligned with the
        and North America, Europe has a significantly
                                                           Paris Pledges/NDCs benchmark, although only
        larger share of Level 3 and 4 companies.
                                                           10 per cent are aligned with 2 Degrees or Below
        The average Chinese company across all             2 Degrees. Twenty-six per cent of companies
        assessed sectors has a Management Quality          in North America are aligned with the Paris
        score of just 1.1. A particularly large share of   Pledges /NDCs benchmark and 16 per cent
        Chinese companies sits on Level 1, just at the     are aligned with 2 Degrees or Below 2 Degrees.
        point of acknowledging climate change as a         Disclosure of emissions is particularly lacking
        business issue for the first time.                 in China and ‘Other Asia’, which includes India.

State of Transition 2020: Management Quality and Carbon Performance by geography

Figure 2.7. Carbon Performance alignment with the Paris Agreement benchmarks and Management
Quality by geography

                                                                                                                 1                        1     1        China
  North America                                                                                                14%                       5%
                                                                                                    6                                                                  19
                          34 34                                 Europe                             86%
                                                                                                                    4                                7
                     24                         44
                                               63%                                                                                                  33%
                                                                      20                                       3
                                                                     36%                                                                       12
             8                                             1                                                                                                       3        3 2
                                   8                                                                                                          57%
                                                          5%                             49                                                                                         0
     2                            11%                                         12
                                          7          7                       22%                                        1
                                        10%        10%          15
                                                               27%                                         0                0                                  Japan
                                                                           9%      17                                              2
                                               4                                                                                                                3
                                              6%                                                                                  6%                                4
                                                                            7 5                                                                                10% 13%
                                                                       0                          Other Asia                 4
                                                                                                                            12%          10               9
                                                                                                                                        29%              30%
                                                                                                      16       16                                                       14
                                    Latin America                    Africa                                8
                                                                                                                                   18                                                    12
                                                                                                                    6                                                       9
                      3 3                             1                                           4
                                         25%                                                                                                                                    3
                                                                                              3                                                                        0
                 1            1                                                                                                          Australia and
                                                    5                   2                                                                New Zealand
         0                                         63%                100%
                                                                                     1   1
                                                                             0 0
                                                                                                                                   1                 7
                                                                                                                                  9%                64%
                                                                                                                                                     1    1

Carbon Performance (No. and % of companies)
  No disclosure   Not aligned     Paris Pledges                                    2 Degrees                   Below 2 Degrees

Management Quality (No. of companies)
  Level 0  Level 1    Level 2   Level 3                                    Level 4

Note: We have clustered the companies according to the following breakdown: North America (102 companies); Europe (78); Russia (8);
Japan (38); China (27); Other Asia (50); Latin America (8); Australia and New Zealand (16); Africa (5).


Corporate emissions
reduction targets
        A key ingredient in TPI’s Carbon Performance                                has advanced for all sectors except airlines.
        assessment is companies’ quantified emissions                               We see a particularly large jump in steel, where
        reduction targets. This section focuses on these                            the average target year has recently moved
        targets in more detail.                                                     out from 2018 to 2026, reflecting a number of
                                                                                    leading steel makers setting long-term targets
        How many companies have set                                                 for the first time.
        quantitative targets?
                                                                                    Are companies on track to hit
        Using our Management Quality data, we                                       their targets?
        find that 67 per cent of the 238 companies
        we assess on Carbon Performance have set a                                  To help answer this question, we compare
        quantitative emissions reduction target, while                              company targets with recent trends in
        55 per cent have set a long-term quantitative                               their historical emissions. We do this in Figure
        target (of more than five years in duration).                               2.9 for all companies assessed on Carbon
                                                                                    Performance that have also set a long-term
        How far forward-looking                                                     target extending to at least 2025. To make
        are company targets?                                                        the comparison, we first measure by how
                                                                                    much these companies reduced their emissions
        To help answer this question, we calculate
                                                                                    intensity between 2014 and 2018. We then
        the average target year for all TPI-assessed
                                                                                    calculate how much further they must reduce
        companies for which we could calculate
                                                                                    their emissions intensity to hit their targets.
        Carbon Performance (Figure 2.8). In 2019,
        the average target year across all companies                                The average annual reduction rate for all
        was 2027. At the sector level, electricity                                  companies with a 2025 target was 2.23
        utilities are the most forward-looking, with                                per cent between 2014 and 2018, while
        an average target year of 2033, while airlines                              the reduction rate for all companies with
        are the least forward-looking, with an average                              historical data was 1.91 per cent, meaning
        target year of 2020.g Among the cluster of                                  that companies with targets have reduced
        industrial/materials sectors, the average target                            emissions relatively more than companies
        year ranges from 2024 (in the aluminium                                     without targets. Compared with other sectors,
        sector) to 2026 (steel). Among the cluster of                               paper producers and electricity utilities reduced
        transport sectors there is more variance, with                              their emissions intensity the most between
        the average target year ranging from 2020                                   2014 and 2018. In both of these sectors,
        in airlines to 2030 in shipping. Despite the                                continuing on the same pathway would more
        significance of emissions from the oil and gas                              than deliver companies’ 2025 targets. In autos
        industry to climate change and the need to set                              and shipping, on average companies reduced
        out a long-term pathway to decarbonisation,                                 their emissions intensity between 2014 and
        the average target year in oil and gas is 2023.                             2018, but delivering on long-term targets
                                                                                    will require an increase in the annual rate
        Figure 2.8 also shows trends over the last three
                                                                                    of reduction. Steel, cement and oil and gas
        TPI assessment cycles in the average target
                                                                                    producers did not reduce their emissions
        year. We would expect the average target year
                                                                                    intensity between 2014 and 2018. Steel and
        to advance from one assessment cycle to the
                                                                                    cement producers’ intensity marginally
        next as a matter of course. In that sense the
                                                                                    increased, in fact. Hitting long-term targets
        ‘run rate’ is a one-year increase in the average
                                                                                    will require these sectors to significantly step
        target year, each year we reassess a sector.
                                                                                    up their efforts.
        At the sector levelh the average target year

        g. We deem a number of company targets in the airline sector ineligible for Carbon Performance assessment because they target net emissions
        reductions and are insufficiently clear on how much the airlines in question will reduce their own, gross, emissions. See Dietz et al. (2019).2

        h. Comparing how the average target year changes across all sectors is not meaningful here as we assess more sectors in 2019 than in 2017 and 2018.

State of Transition 2020: Corporate emissions reduction targets

Figure 2.8. Average year of company targets by sector over the last three TPI assessment cycles

                                            Average target year                          Assessment
                                 2020              2025             2030
           Oil & gas
Electricity utilities                                                                      2019
                                                                                         Note: The oil and gas and shipping
            Cement                                                                       sectors have been assessed once
                                                                                         by TPI, airlines and aluminium
               Paper                                                                     assessed twice, and electricity
                Steel                                                                    utilities, autos, cement, paper
                                                                                         and steel three times.

Figure 2.9. Historical rates of reduction of emissions intensity (‘actual reduction’) compared with
required rates of reduction to meet companies’ own emission reduction commitments extending
to 2025 (‘committed reduction’)

   Actual reduction in emissions intensity, 2014–18
   Committed reduction in emissions intensity, 2018–25


Electricity utilities


                                                                                             Note: For some companies
         Oil & gas                                                                           the 2025 target is an
                                                                                             interpolation between their
                                                                                             current emissions intensity
          Cement                                                                             and their longer-term target
                                                                                             (e.g. 2030 target). Airlines
                                                                                             and aluminium are excluded
             Steel                                                                           because there are too few
                                                                                             data points by 2025.
                        -4            -3          -2           -1          0         1
                             Annual average rate of emissions reduction (%)

Are company targets aligned with                          Paris Agreement goals. This is the purpose
the Paris Agreement goals?                                of our Carbon Performance assessment.
Comparing companies’ own targeted                         Of the 89 assessed companies with a target
reduction rates with the rates they                       extending to 2025 or beyond, 51 (57 per cent)
accomplished historically tells us something              are projected to be aligned with the Paris
about companies’ ambitions but it does                    Pledges. Only 33 companies (37 per cent) will
not tell us whether or not the targets will               be aligned with 2 Degrees and only 28 (31 per
bring companies into alignment with the                   cent) will be aligned with Below 2 Degrees.

3 Sector focus: Shipping
        In terms of carbon emissions intensity, the                                   Carbon Performance
        largest publicly owned international shipping
                                                                                      In contrast to Management Quality, the
        companies have surprisingly clean operations.
                                                                                      Carbon Performance of the largest publicly
        Sixty-one per cent are already aligned with the
                                                                                      owned companies in international shipping
        Below 2 Degrees benchmark. However, these
                                                                                      is relatively good, with the majority already
        companies are unlikely to be representative
                                                                                      aligned with our most ambitious Below 2
        of the sector as a whole.
                                                                                      Degrees benchmark for 2030 (Figure 3.2).
        TPI published its first assessment of                                         In fact, five of the 13 companies have set long-
        international shipping in December 2019,                                      term targets stretching to 2050, most of which
        showing that the sector makes a significant                                   are aligned with – or are more ambitious than
        and growing contribution to climate change                                    – the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
        – currently accounting for over 2 per cent of                                 industry target for that date. In addition, one
        global CO2 emissions.3 Like aviation, shipping                                company, A.P. Moller-Maersk, has set a net zero
        is considered to be one of the sectors in which                               CO2 emissions target for 2050.i
        emissions abatement is harder to achieve than
                                                                                      The level of alignment with the TPI benchmarks
        in others, mainly due to the high cost of and
                                                                                      is significantly higher in shipping than in
        lack of availability of low-carbon technologies,
                                                                                      any other TPI sector. It is important to note,
        but also due to the fragmented structure
                                                                                      however, that this strong Carbon Performance
        of the industry.4
                                                                                      is unlikely to be representative of the shipping
        We assessed the Management Quality and                                        sector as a whole, for two reasons:
        Carbon Performance of the international
                                                                                      1. Company size – Our research focuses on
        freight shipping sector’s 13 largest publicly
                                                                                         the largest publicly owned companies
        owned companies, selected on the basis
                                                                                         engaged in international freight shipping.
        of market capitalisation.
                                                                                         Large companies tend to operate
        Management Quality                                                               newer, larger vessels, which have lower
                                                                                         emissions intensities than smaller vessels.
        Overall, the international shipping sector                                       This is particularly true of container
        performs poorly on Management Quality                                            shipping: the emissions intensity of the
        (Figure 3.1). The average Management                                             largest containerships is less than half
        Quality score of the companies assessed                                          that of the smallest containerships.5
        is 1.9, putting the average company just
                                                                                      2. Fleet composition – The emissions intensity
        below Level 2, building capacity. This is lower
                                                                                         of a shipping company is determined
        than TPI’s other transport sectors: autos
                                                                                         not only by its emission mitigation efforts,
        and airlines have average scores of 3 and 2.6
                                                                                         but also by the composition of its fleet.
        respectively. In fact, international shipping,
                                                                                         For example, this is because emissions
        along with coal mining, is the joint-worst
                                                                                         intensity varies widely by vessel type.
        performing sector on Management Quality
        in the TPI database at present.                                               A final point to note is that there are well
                                                                                      recognised data quality issues in the shipping
        Nearly half of the shipping companies
                                                                                      sector, at both an industry and a company
        we assessed fail to explicitly recognise the
                                                                                      level. We would expect the quality and
        business risks and opportunities presented
                                                                                      consistency of emissions data to improve in the
        by climate change, and almost 40 per cent
                                                                                      future, particularly with the introduction of the
        fail to disclose their Scope 1 and 2 emissions.
                                                                                      IMO’s new mandatory Data Collection System
        Only 15 per cent of companies have allocated
                                                                                      and the expected publication of the Fourth IMO
        board responsibility for climate change.
                                                                                      Greenhouse Gas Study later in 2020.

        i. The company states that its aim is to achieve net zero emissions from its own operations, through the use of alternative fuels, rather than
        by purchasing carbon offsets from other sectors. This contrasts with the net zero targets set by several airlines, which are expected to be met
        in part through carbon offsetting.

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