Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework - WHITE PAPER AUGUST 2021 -

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Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework - WHITE PAPER AUGUST 2021 -
Towards a Data Economy:
An enabling framework
Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework - WHITE PAPER AUGUST 2021 -
Cover: Gettyimages/monsitj

     Inside: Gettyimages/shulz; Gettyimages/Amiak; Gettyimages/koto_feja; Gettyimages/blackred;
     Gettyimages/Urupong; Gettyimages/Cemile Bingol; Gettyimages/DKosig

3    A Note from the Data for Common Purpose Initiative

4    Foreword

5    Preface

6    Executive summary

8    1 The Data Economy: An imperative
9       1.1 Data economy
11      1.2 Barriers to realizing a data economy
11      1.3 Data exchanges to enable a data economy
13      1.4 Industry shifts powered by a data economy

14   2 Functional Architecture of a Data Exchange
15      2.1 Principles for data exchange
15      2.2 Capabilities and functionalities of DEx ecosystem layers
16      2.3 Reference model of a DEx
17      2.4 Distinctive characteristics of a DEx

19   3 Governance of a Data Exchange
20      3.1 Data governance
22      3.2 DEx stakeholders
23      3.3 3P approach to a governance framework for a data-exchange ecosystem

25   4 Incentivizing Data Sharing
26       4.1 Determining the value of data
27       4.2 Incentivizing the sharing of data

30   5 Enablers for a Data-Exchange Ecosystem
31      5.1 Availability of data
31      5.2 Usability of data
33      5.3 Building trust
34      5.4 Multistakeholder approach

35   6 Looking Ahead

37   Contributors

39   Endnotes

     © 2021 World Economic Forum. All rights       This white paper is published by the World Economic Forum as a contribution
     reserved. No part of this publication may     to a project, insight area or interaction. The findings, interpretations and
     be reproduced or transmitted in any form      conclusions expressed herein are a result of a collaborative process
     or by any means, including photocopying       facilitated and endorsed by the World Economic Forum but whose results do
     and recording, or by any information          not necessarily represent the views of the World Economic Forum, nor the
     storage and retrieval system.                 entirety of its Members, Partners or other stakeholders.

                                                                       Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework         2
Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework - WHITE PAPER AUGUST 2021 -
August 2021   Towards a Data Economy:
              An enabling framework

              A Note from the Data for
              Common Purpose Initiative
                                        Nadia Hewett
                                                                                                 Satyanarayana Jeedigunta
                                        Project Lead, Data for
                                                                                                 Chief Adviser, Centre for the
                                        Common Purpose Initiative,
                                                                                                 Fourth Industrial Revolution
                                        Data Policy and Blockchain,
                                        World Economic Forum LLC

              Data impacts everyone, regardless of industry,          risks to all. Much needs to be considered in any
              geography or type of entity. Accelerating the           discussion on data exchanges and marketplaces
              responsible exchange and use of data can                including cultural beliefs, philosophies and industry
              solve critical challenges and fuel innovation for       nuance. For this reason, the focus in DCPI remains
              society. Whether the purpose is to provide better       on global approaches, to realize the potential of
              outcomes in agriculture, health, mobility or other      these interoperable systems, while respecting
              sectors, organizations and governments can              individualized and localized notions. This global
              sponsor changes to enable data economies and            initiative also serves as a space for further
              leverage data.                                          discussion on efforts to source greater trust and
                                                                      transparency for economic benefit. The Centre
              This publication, led by the Centre for the Fourth      for the Fourth Industrial Revolution India, among
              Industrial Revolution India, is part of the World       others in the Network, is a major contributor to
              Economic Forum Data for Common Purpose                  this initiative.
              Initiative (DCPI). A global initiative, DCPI explores
              data exchanges and marketplaces as means to             An introduction to the potential of data exchanges,
              exchange data assets for the common good and to         Data-driven Economies: Foundations for Our
              promote the transition to a data-driven economy.        Common Future, was published in April 2021.
              A global multistakeholder community of more             This idea has gone from being a concept to active
              than 50 global partners in 20 countries, inlcuding      development, though it is in its early adolescence.
              seven countries, DCPI focuses on exploring data         The Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
              governance models that allow data from personal,        India is sharing its vision in this white paper and a
              commercial and/or government sources to be              starting point for a potential data exchange. These
              combined, while still respecting rights.                white papers and frameworks are the first of many
                                                                      deliverables of this multi-year initiative to explore
              Presented here is a critical enabling framework to      policy, technical and commercial enablers for a
              allow stakeholders across the data ecosystem to         flexible data governance framework for a data
              take data exchanges from concept to reality. It lays    exchange. Collectively and individually, they offer
              the groundwork in India and elsewhere for those         insights into and thorough examinations of, specific
              poised to explore, develop and realize the benefits     considerations for decision-makers.
              of a data exchange to accelerate a transition to a
              data-driven economy.                                    In developing governance for data exchanges,
                                                                      collaboration as well as a systematic and inclusive
              Exploration of the topics in this paper resulted from   approach are critical. With thanks to the Centre for
              collaboration with the DCPI community and the           the Fourth Industrial Revolution India for sharing
              wider Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution       their insights, now published for the first time, we
              Global Network (C4IR Network). This is to ensure        hope that those interested in building a robust data
              a broad and global view providing the greatest          ecosystem find the framework useful and look
              opportunity to ensure the rights of stakeholders        forward to incorporating feedback and continuing
              and the equitable allocation of benefits and            the dialogue on this important topic.

                                                                          Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework          3
Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework - WHITE PAPER AUGUST 2021 -
                           Amitabh Kant
                                                                                     Anna Roy
                           Chief Executive Officer,
                                                                                     Adviser, NITI Aayog
                           NITI Aayog

Rapid digitalization has not only helped                 The Data Empowerment and Protection
India achieve inclusive growth with improved             Architecture (DEPA) released by NITI Aayog in
governance but also poised it globally as a data-        collaboration with iSPIRT is truly futuristic, providing
rich country. As per a McKinsey report1, Digital         data empowerment to the common citizen in the
India: Technology to transform a connected nation,       most comprehensive and transparent manner. A
increased digitalization in sectors like agriculture,    similar approach for developing data platforms
education, energy, financial services, healthcare,       through unique public-private partnership that
logistics, retail, as well as government services        moves data out of siloes would help in data-driven
and labour markets, could each create $10 billion        decision-making for organizations and data-driven
to $150 billion of incremental economic value            policy-making for the government.
by 2025. This impact would be a direct result of
increased digital applications that would help raise     NITI Aayog has collaborated with the World
output, save costs and time, reduce fraud and            Economic Forum to prepare this paper on data
improve the matching of demand and supply.               exchange (DEx), technical and commercial enablers
                                                         for a flexible data governance framework. A data
As India moves from being data-rich to data-             exchange allows data to be leveraged for broader
intelligent, it will use machine learning and            sets of social outcomes and can play a pivotal role in
artificial intelligence to find solutions for a vast     unlocking the potential of a data economy.
number of the challenges faced by our country.
Access to high-quality, reliable data along with         This paper is a critical step towards a data-driven
appropriate mark-ups would be a primary driver           economy and invites a dialogue on exploring
for developing artificial intelligence. Appropriate      government-led data exchanges for citizen services.
handling of data, ensuring privacy and security
are of equal importance. The seminal work done           For a data exchange to be effective, sector-specific
by the Justice Srikrishna Committee on data              models and use cases need to be designed and
protection law lays the groundwork for a robust          developed. NITI Aayog and the World Economic
and responsible data-usage framework. The seven          Forum endeavour to release a second part of this
core principles of data protection and privacy –         paper with a focus on the approach for developing
informed consent, technology agnosticism, data           Logistics Data Exchange (LDEx), a framework for
controller accountability, data minimization, holistic   data exchange of public- and private-sector data in
application, deterrent penalties and structured          the logistics sector.
enforcement – will provide a strong privacy
protection regime in the country once enacted.           We acknowledge the World Economic Forum team
                                                         and NITI Aayog collaborators for their initiative and
The National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence        effort in preparing this white paper.
released by NITI Aayog in 2018 proposes the
development of a data marketplace to enable
easy access to quality data, provide a more level
playing field, equitable access to new data sources
and frameworks to incentivize data sharing in a
responsible manner.

                                                             Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework        4
Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework - WHITE PAPER AUGUST 2021 -
The intersection of technology and data
presents a huge opportunity to address various
social, environmental and economic issues

                                                                                   Sheila Waren
                                                                                   Deputy Head, Centre for the
                           Jeremy Jurgens                                          Fourth Industrial Revolution;
                           Managing Director, World                                Head of Data, Blockchain and
                           Economic Forum                                          Digital Assets; Member of the
                                                                                   Executive Committee, World
                                                                                   Economic Forum LLC

The rapid advancement of technologies is                 Any such framework will have to establish an
resulting in the collection, processing and analysis     environment of trust in the governance of data
of huge volumes of data. This data can be                ecosystems and embed security and privacy in
harnessed for the benefit of the society. However,       its design. For a data exchange to be effective,
access, availability and enabling discovery of           it would have to assure the quality of datasets
data remain key challenges. Data remains siloed,         provided, conform to open, interoperable
fragmented across the public and private sectors,        standards and support the data needs of
inhibiting the transition to a data-driven economy       emerging technologies. While many issues
where the rights of all stakeholders are respected       surrounding data and data sharing remain open,
in a trusted environment.                                this paper presents various approaches that
                                                         could be valuable in addressing such concerns.
The intersection of technology and data presents         Given the nascent stage of the concept of data
a huge opportunity to address various social,            economy, this paper recommends following the
environmental and economic issues. Efforts are           principle – “Think big, Start small, Scale fast.”.
ongoing to leverage use of data for the well-            We hope it generates thought and action in our
being of the society in various domains, such as         journey towards a data economy.
agriculture, financial services, logistics, health and
mobility, among others

This white paper, a result of multistakeholder
consultation between the public and private
sectors in India and globally, sheds light on
data exchanges as a data-sharing mechanism
applicable to both the public and private sectors.
It harmonizes various perspectives – economic,
technical, on innovation and regulatory – to
accelerate the move to a data economy.

                                                             Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework     5
Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework - WHITE PAPER AUGUST 2021 -
Executive summary

           Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework   6
Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework - WHITE PAPER AUGUST 2021 -
Data economy – the unrealized potential

In India, value from integrated data use is estimated   mechanism for incentivizing data sharing. Data
at about $500 billion.2 To realize this potential       exchange can play a pivotal role in the growth
and the benefits of data, certain building blocks       of a data economy when facilitated for common
of a data economy need to be put in place in the        purposes among various stakeholders and
form of functional technology systems, robust           participants.
governance frameworks and a self-sustainable

Functional architecture of data exchange

This paper proposes a five-layer data-exchange          set of technological and governance principles
ecosystem, comprising data, consent, data               and facilitates exchange of data between data
provisioning, exchange and consumption layers.          providers and consumers in a trusted, legally
The core layer - data exchange is based on a            compliant environment.

Governance of data exchange

Building upon current governance frameworks,            data rights management, prevention of anti-
a 3P-approach – Protect, Prevent, Promote – is          competitive practices and misuse of data and
recommended to help define the governance that          promotion of innovation and development of
can accelerate the evolution of a data economy          standards and protocols. The 3P framework
in India. The core aims of such a framework are         is adduced more as a necessity of the data
protection of personal data, privacy-by-design,         ecosystem, than as an “imposition”.

Incentivizing data sharing

Data, being a unique asset, presents unique             that may be deployed to encourage stakeholders
challenges in determining its value. This paper         to exchange data for common purposes through a
explores various factors that impact the value of       data-exchange ecosystem.
data and the various incentivization mechanisms

Enablers of data exchange

Due to the nascent stage of development of data         Above all, the paper recommends adoption of
exchanges, five enablers are proposed, namely –         a calibrated approach to establishing the data
availability of datasets in the ecosystem, usability    exchanges that balances the needs of innovation
of the datasets, an environment of trust, effective     and protection and follows the principle – “Think
governance and a multistakeholder approach              big, Start small, Scale fast.”.
that will accelerate the growth of data exchanges
and help realize the untapped potential.

                                                            Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework   7
Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework - WHITE PAPER AUGUST 2021 -
1   The Data Economy:
    An imperative

               Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework   8
Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework - WHITE PAPER AUGUST 2021 -
India has an opportunity to create a trillion-dollar digital economy by 2025, benefiting all
   sectors and people. For this, both data and technology will be key enablers. Steps we take
   today will determine the trajectory of the data economy. This paper is a multi-stakeholder
   effort that explores the concept of data exchanges to harness the potential of data.” .
   Ajay Prakash Sawhney, Secretary, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, India
   Data is a valuable resource. Just as traditional           the evolution of a data economy, while rooted in
   economies are based on the production and                  ethical and responsible frameworks:
   consumption of goods and services, the data
   economy will be based on generation and use,               –   A reference model that lays down the functional
   re-use of data. Data has the power to solve                    capabilities of a DEx
   some of the most pressing challenges facing
   governments, societies, businesses and science.            –   Requirements of data governance that balance
   The World Economic Forum’s Data-driven                         the need for innovation with regulation
   Economies: Foundation for Our Common Future3,
   developed in collaboration with a global community         –   Methods to incentivize data sharing to ensure it
   and published in April 2021, presents multiple                 is a self-sustainable model
   use cases that illustrate how accelerating the
   responsible exchange and use of data can solve             –   Five enablers, imperative for DExs, to be
   critical challenges and fuel innovation for society.           enabled and promoted
   Leveraging emerging technologies to derive value
   from the relevant data in a responsible manner will        This paper is intended for policy-makers, industry
   form the bedrock of a data economy.                        leaders, start-ups and academic/research
                                                              institutions to kindle the idea of data exchanges
   This white paper is a part of the World Economic           that can make data easily available for common
   Forum Data for Common Purposes Initiative                  purposes. The proposed frameworks presented
   (DCPI), to which the Centre for the Fourth                 will help organizations and policy-makers steer
   Industrial Revolution India is a major contributor.        forward-looking, interoperable and innovative
   It aims to facilitate understanding of how data            approaches to allow use of data from personal,
   exchanges (DExs) as a data-sharing mechanism               commercial and/or government sources, while
   can responsibly play a pivotal role in unlocking the       respecting rights. It aims to accelerate the
   potential of a data economy.                               responsible use of data, including recognizing
                                                              and apportioning rights, risks and rewards in an
   The Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution            equitable manner. While numerous examples
   India, in collaboration with the Ministry of               and illustrations cited in this paper are specific to
   Agriculture, NITI Aayog, the Ministry of Electronics       India, the various ideas, insights and suggestions
   and Information Technology and the Government              may be applied by other organizations and
   of Telangana’s Centre for Responsible                      governments globally as well.
   Deployment of Emerging Technologies, in August
   2020, launched the Artificial Intelligence for             Data sharing is subject to multiple views and
   Agriculture Innovation initiative, examining how           assumptions that stem from the relative infancy
   emerging technology solutions can be scaled                of the concept. Quite often the uncertainty arises
   and adopted across agriculture systems.4 A core            from the fact that even the terms “data exchange”
   pillar of this initiative is the role of data exchanges/   and/or “data marketplace” mean different things
   marketplaces in the agricultural sector. Through           to different people. Much needs to be considered
   a multistakeholder consultative process that               in any discussion on “exchanging data”, “data
   included government departments, academia,                 exchanges” and “data interoperability”, including
   industry stakeholders, start-up communities and            cultural beliefs, philosophies, industry-specific
   experts in the domain of data and technology,              needs and other nuances, which, it is important to
   the concepts and frameworks explored in                    acknowledge, differ among people, organizations
   this white paper on data economy have been                 and geographies. This paper acknowledges
   shaped to enable and accelerate the growth of              these nuances and the importance of respecting
   a data economy in India. To this end, this paper,          the individualized and localized notions of the
   while still at early stages of the data economy            concepts presented.
   journey, delves into various themes relevant to

1.1 Data economy

   A National Association of Software and Service             of India to be in the order of $500 billion, which
   Companies (NASSCOM) report5 assessed the                   constitutes about 10% of India’s aspirations to
   value of integrated data use in the major sectors          become a $5 trillion economy by 2025.

                                                                  Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework    9
Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework - WHITE PAPER AUGUST 2021 -
FIGURE 1.1          Potential of a data economy by sector in India by 2025 (in $ billion)


                               Public sector                              30
                                                                                                                 Consumer goods
                                                                    30                     95                    and Retail

                                                                         $500 billion                  65         Agriculture
                               Transport and         55

                                                               55                             65                 Banking and
Source: NASSCOM,                                                               55
Unlocking Value from                                                                                             Telecom, media
Data and AI: The India                                                                                           and IT
Opportunity, August 2020

                           Data economy assumes a special significance              technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine
                           in the context of emerging technologies, also            learning (ML), distributed ledger technologies (DLT)
                           referred to as Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)        and precision medicine consume huge volumes of
                           technologies. This is because they produce and           data to produce reliable and meaningful results.
                           consume big data – in terms of volume, velocity,
                           variety and veracity. IoT devices, sensors, drones       Figure 1.2 illustrates how a data economy can be
                           and biotechnologies generate huge volumes                envisaged as comprising several digital ecosystems,
                           of data at an unprecedented velocity, while              which in turn consist of many data ecosystems.

       FIGURE 1.2          Data economy, digital ecosystems and data ecosystems

                                                                                          - Governance models
                                                               Data economy               - Regulatory frameworks
                                                                                          - Stakeholders

                                                                                          - Applications
                                                               Digital ecosystems         - Infrastructure
                                                                                          - Services

                                                                                          - Data exchanges
                                                               Data ecosystems            - Datasets
                                                                                          - Standards and protocols

Source: World Economic

                           Digital ecosystems - In India, digital ecosystems        A National Digital Health Mission (NDHM) has been
                           are emerging based on the National Open Digital          formulated by the Ministry of Health and Family
                           Ecosystems (NODEs) 6 and India Enterprise                Welfare with the aim to create a national digital
                           Architecture (IndEA)7, both initiatives promoted         health ecosystem8. Similar efforts are in the offing in
                           by the Ministry of Electronics and Information           areas like agriculture (IDEA – India Digital Ecosystem
                           Technology, Government of India (GoI).                   of Agriculture9), finance (UPI - Unified Payments

                                                                                        Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework    10
Interface), education (NDEAR - National Digital          the standards for the creation and interoperability
    Education Architecture10) and smart cities (Smart        of datasets, applications, services and payment
    Cities Mission11). The evolution of digital ecosystems   mechanisms, besides the protocols for interacting
    is one of the key requisites for the systematic and      with other digital ecosystems. Such data
    organic growth of the data economy.                      ecosystems, which span across public and private
                                                             sectors and encompass end-to-end view of data
    Data ecosystems - Data ecosystems are                    value chains, are expected to play a pivotal role in
    sub-elements of more comprehensive digital               the speedy evolution of a data economy in India.
    ecosystems, comprising not only data, but also

1.2 Barriers to realizing a data economy

    Volume, velocity, variety and veracity are the           3. Lack of interoperability of datasets –
    attributes of data in the new age. However, the             Where data from different sources is required
    potential of a data economy remains locked due to           to be shared/analysed/integrated, lack of
    several existing challenges, not limited to:                uniform standards and protocols is a barrier
                                                                in making sense out of data. For example, in
    1. Unavailability of data – The potential of a              healthcare, the fact that different health service
       data economy can be realized only if the data            providers may be recording health records
       is available. Data is a ubiquitous resource. Its         of a patient in different formats, makes data
       availability and accessibility remain a challenge.       portability arduous.
       Aside from the government, much of the data
       being generated today remains with the private        4. Regulatory uncertainty with respect to data
       sector, siloed and unavailable for use for               protection and privacy – Laws pertaining to
       common purposes.                                         data privacy are evolving. Issues relating to data
                                                                ownership and ease of compliance with data
    2. Low quality of available data – Even                     protection laws hinders effective data sharing.
       where datasets may be available, if they are
       incomplete, mislabelled or in an unstructured         As such, there is a need for data-sharing
       format (such as portable document format              mechanisms that can unlock the potential of data
       (PDF)/paper records, etc.), significant effort        for common purposes, bringing public and private
       is required to clean, scrub or digitize data to       stakeholders together to share their data, in a
       derive potential or intended value.                   trusted environment in which rights are respected.

1.3 Data exchanges to enable a data economy

    A data exchange (DEx) is one such mechanism                  of discovery and negotiation in bilateral deals
    where seamless exchange of data for value                    may be too high and inefficient.
    can operate. Within an exchange, businesses,
    governments and citizens/residents will have the         –   Unlock the combinatorial power of data:
    opportunity to access data for specified purposes.           Timely and effortless access to the right datasets
    While doing so, however, it is imperative to ensure          would create the ability to provide value-added,
    that the rights of all stakeholders and participants         integrated and end-to-end services to the
    are recognized and protected. Data should be                 beneficiaries, using the combinatorial power of
    exchanged in a trusted, secure and efficient                 different datasets obtained from multiple sources.
    manner and should not be misused.
                                                             –   Data availability: Creating demand for good-
    A DEx offers the following benefits in unlocking             quality datasets from trusted sources will lead
    data for common purposes:                                    to an increase in equivalent supply from data
                                                                 providers, thus creating a virtuous cycle of data
    –   Data discoverability: A DEx platform facilitates         availability and use.
        discoverability of data. On a single platform,
        mechanisms to access datasets may be made            –   Data discipline: The rigorous quality
        available by multiple data providers to be               requirements imposed by the market dynamics
        shared with multiple data users to identify and          will inculcate data discipline among various
        operationalize mutually beneficial data-sharing          stakeholders in their effort to participate actively
        deals. Without this kind of a platform, the cost         and derive benefits in a DEx ecosystem.

                                                                 Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework     11
–   Transparency: Enhanced transparency would                    –   Accelerates research: Research would be
                                  be established in public and private sector                      accelerated in areas of public interest like
                                  through analysis of data and deriving insights                   health, education, agriculture and environment.
                                  into the functioning and performance of
                                  various entities.

  BOX 1         Shaping the future of agriculture and food: An agriculture data exchange
The case for an agriculture data exchange is based on its                    While bilateral commercial deals on data sharing already occur,
potential to create social and economic value for the various                to obtain the true benefit of data in this ecosystem what is
stakeholders of an ecosystem including farmers, farmer                       required is the ability of multiple data holders to interact with
cooperatives, government, start-up ecosystems, agricultural                  multiple data users to identify and operationalize mutually
input and output industries, logistics, the banking and insurance            profitable data-sharing deals. This requires a platform. Without
sector and consumers/society. Such value can materialize in                  one, the cost of discovery and negotiation in bilateral deals
multiple forms: economic, social and environmental.                          would be too high to allow the market to develop efficiently.

According to research conducted by NASSCOM, an Indian                        A recent project report13 released by the World Economic
non-profit organization, there is a $65 billion opportunity in               Forum identified 30 use cases leveraging emerging
India alone to be realized through unlocking 15 critical datasets            technologies through an extensive engagement with over 70
in agriculture.12 The critical datasets identified were: soil health,        agri-tech organizations. These use cases can be delivered by
satellite imagery, real-time data on agricultural markets, crop              start-ups and industry stakeholders using an agri-data stack as
yields, production and consumption data, weather data,                       a key enabler. The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare,
irrigation maps, storage network details, warehouse details,                 Government of India, has also released a proposal IDEA (India
commodity profile data, digital land records registry, defect and            Digital Ecosystem of Agriculture)14 for public consultation which
pest images, network import-export volume details, historical                will unlock this huge opportunity by enabling an agri-data stack
purchase prices for crops. These datasets were analysed on                   for innovation.
parameters of availability, quality and data usability across
multiple technology innovation-led use cases.

       Data providers                                 Agriculture data exchange                                         Data consumers

                                                                                                                    -    Agri-tech startups
                                                                                                                    -    Cloud service
                                                Begin with 15 critical datasets that                                     providers
                                                can unlock $65 billion* in value in                                 -    Agri-input
                                                agriculture sector in India                                              companies
                                                                                                                    -    Agri-processing
                                                                                                                         and market
 -   Open data                                                                                                      -    Banking
                                  APIs                                                                   APIs
 -   Commercial data                                                                                                     and insurance
                                                                                                                    -    Technology
                                                -   Soil health          -   Production and
                                                                                                                    -    System integrators
                                                -   Satellite imagery        consumption
                                                                                                                         and data
                                                -   Real-time            -   Historic
                                                    mandi data               purchase prices
                                                                                                                    -    Research
                                                -   Crop yields          -   Weather data

Source: World Economic Forum
*NASSCOM, Unlocking Value from Data and AI: The India Opportunity, August 2020

For example, access to institutional credit for farmers remains                  technological, regulatory and commercial environment in an
a challenge. One of the reasons is unavailability of information                 integrated manner for making available the requisite data.
which can help a non-banking financial company (NBFC) to
manage its risk in providing appropriate financing. However,                     Availability of and accessibility to critical datasets can also benefit
NBFCs can procure datasets relating to soil health, historical                   in the following ways:
crop yield in a specific geographic area, historical and forecasted
                                                                                 1. In the preparation stage, accurate predictions about the
weather data, high-resolution satellite images and real-time data
                                                                                    weather and future commodity prices could allow better
of energy consumption and agriculture inputs (seeds, fertilizer,
                                                                                    coordination and planning among farmers.
pesticides) and combine with output measurement mechanisms
like electronic warehousing receipts (eWHR) to determine a                       2. In the sowing and production stage, information on soil
risk matrix and provide credit on custom terms and conditions                       quality, weather, and other factors could enable the farmer to
through fintech companies/start-ups. Affordable and easy                            optimally apply various inputs into the production process.
availability of multiple datasets – both historic and near-real-time             3. Accurate information about current prices available for their
– is critical to determining risk management for NBFCs. Herein                      produce in various agriculture markets, can allow the farmer
lies the value of a data exchange, which creates the conducive                      to realize the best possible returns for their yield.
1.4 Industry shifts powered by a data economy

                        Data disrupts the industry structure, enables                      as a care provider; competitors could become
                        new opportunities for existing and new players                     collaborators to solve a bigger problem).
                        and allows companies to transcend industry
                        boundaries. While there are innumerable                        –   New industries: Digital products, data-driven
                        possibilities, few patterns that may be visible                    products and services (for example, patient
                        pertain to:                                                        health management using digital watches)
                                                                                           and growing data ecosystems will likely
                        –    Existing industries: There may be opportunities               attract new entrants that provide customized
                             for existing products/services to shift to smart              services for collecting, owning, processing
                             products/solutions. Data may also be used                     and/or distributing data. This would enable
                             within the same industry to extend its position               propagation of data across industries making
                             or transcend industry borders (for example, a                 it easier for existing and new players to disrupt
                             medical devices company may position itself                   their industries and innovate.

     FIGURE 1.3         Cross-industry value proposition for a data economy

                                                Data economy – benefits to industry

 Existing industries              Retail                   Manufacturing                     Healthcare               Financial services

                                                                                                                   – Personal investment
                                                                                      – Personalized diagnosis
                                                      – Connected products /                                         democratization
                                                                                        and health planning
                        – Instant product and           services                                                   – Personalized wealth
  Smarter products                                                                    – Blockchain-based
                          package customization       – Smart components and                                         management
                                                                                        electronic health record
                                                        spares                                                     – Social banking and
                                                                                        EHR storage and access

                                                      – Product traceability and
Extending positioning   – Boundaryless retail                                         – Micro health hub           – Data powered micro and
                                                      – Connected contract
   within industry        network                                                       management network           startup accelerator hub
                                                        factories and quick
                                                        service stations

                        – Connected store
                                                      – Digital manufacturing                                      – Connected health
 Transcend industry       powered by 5G data                                          – Connected medicare
                                                        from design to delivery                                      and wealth estate
      borders           – hyper home , health and                                       and insurance network
                                                      – Drop shipping                                                management
                          media hub

   New industries           FoodTech/ AgriTech                 FinTech                       HealthTech                 LogisticsTech

                                                                                      – Personalized health
                                                      – Behaviour-drive
                        – Digital diet and meal                                         assistant
                          planning                                                    – Digital nurse /            – Digital mobility pass
  Digital products                                    – Micro subscription-
                        – Digital pet care                                              nutritionist               – Digital truck
                                                        based loan
                        – Digital pulse /diary farm                                   – Digital disease &
                                                      – Digital growth bank
                                                                                        medicine simulator

                                                      – Digital BNPL (personal
                        – Preventive crop care and
                                                        lending on digital and
   New data-driven        cultivation                                                 – Personalized drug          – Connected logistic
                                                        purchase behavior)
products and services   – Produce F2M (farm to                                          formulation                  network
                                                      – Digital currency products
                          market) network
                                                        and exchange

                                                      – Micro risk and
                        – Micro agri net to drive       investment district (e.g.,
 Transcend industry
                          local community market        people who transact           – Health plan & benefits     – Logistics index exchange
                          and finance                   with credit cards likely to
                                                        default on home loans)

Governance controls     Privacy and regulation | data governance framework | application layer governance and data level governance

Role in the economy     Operate the economy | participate in the economy | monetize data in the economy

                                                                                           Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework     13
2   Functional
    Architecture of a
    Data Exchange

                 Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework   14
2.1 Principles for data exchange

                         For a forward-looking data economy and data                              commercially viable DExs are a key requisite.
                         ecosystems to flourish, functionally efficient,                          Figure 2.1 illustrates the principles which should
                         technologically robust, legally compliant and                            be considered in the design of a DEx.

       FIGURE 2.1        Technology and governance principles for DEx design

                                                     - Orthogonality of foundational                                       - Trust among the stakeholders,
                                                       capabilities and core components,                                     systems and transactions in a data
                                                       meaning they can evolve                                               exchange

                                                                                                Governance Principles
                             Technology Principles

                                                                                                                           - Equal and non-discriminatory
                                                     - Extensibility of technologies used,                                   access to a data exchange to
                                                       enabling evolution without sacrificing                                ensure democratization of access
                                                       interoperability                                                      to data

                                                     - Open standards and open                                             - Equitable distribution of risks and
                                                       application programming interface                                     rewards among data exchange
                                                       (API)-based ecosystem as the                                          stakeholders
                                                       basis of an exchange to enable ease
                                                       of data exchange                                                    - Transparency in data exchange
                                                     - Interoperability to allow frictionless
                                                       flow of data                                                        - Privacy- and security-by-design
                                                                                                                             to ensure a protected and secure
                                                     - Federated architecture to ensure                                      data exchange
                                                       autonomy and decentralized
                                                       operation of a DEx                                                  - Accountability and governance
                                                                                                                             mechanisms to provide appropriate
                                                     - Data agnosticism to maintain the                                      redress to stakeholders
                                                       neutrality of a data exchange
Source: World Economic

                  2.2 Capabilities and functionalities of DEx ecosystem

                         A DEx ecosystem is conceptualized to consist                                              techno-legal solutions to validate the same
                         of five layers: Data, Consent, Data Provisioning,
                         Exchange and Consumption. The capabilities and                           –                Provisioning layer enriches the
                         functionalities particular to each layer are listed                                       data by various methods such as
                         in Figure 2.2. Each layer is envisaged such that it                                        aggregation, annotation, metadata creation,
                         can evolve independently, as per the technology                                           tagging, cataloguing and anonymization,
                         principles in Figure 2.1.                                                                 where necessary

                         In Figure 2.2:                                                           –                Exchange layer is presented in detail in
                         – Data layer refers to data held by data owners/                                          Section 2.3
                                                                                                  –                Consumption layer refers to the point where
                         –           Consent layer enables consent management,                                     data is used by data consumers and economic
                                     adherence to purpose of sharing as specified                                  value from data is realized for common
                                     by the data provider/owner and appropriate                                    purpose.

                                                                                                                        Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework   15
FIGURE 2.2        A DEx ecosystem

                                                                     Privacy, Security, Interoperability,
                                                                     Regulation                             Functionalities of the layers

                                                                                                              - End user management (research, innovation)
                                                                                                              - Payments, taxation interface
                                                                                                              - Data rights management
                          5-layer model of data exchange ecosystem

                                                                                                              - Registration of actors in data ecosystem
                                                                                                              - Data discovery, price discovery
                                                                                                              - API & e-payment gateway
                                                                                                              - Auditability, grievance management

                                                                                                              - Extract, transform, load (ETL), aggregation,
                                                                                Provisioning                    annotation, anonymization
                                                                                                              - Metadata creation, tagging, cataloguing
                                                                                                              - Data Commerce

                                                                                                              - Purpose of sharing, consent management
                                                                                                              - Visibility into data consumption
                                                                                                              - Transaction history, compliance

                                                                                                              - Creation, storage, maintenance
                                                                                                              - Quality, availability, security, privacy
                                                                                                              - Identification, immutability
Source: World Economic

                  2.3 Reference model of a DEx
                         Central to a DEx ecosystem is the “exchange”                                        2. Dataset discovery and quality management:
                         layer. Figure 2.3 provides a DEx reference                                             A DEx does not store data but facilitates
                         model. The layers are conceptualized using the                                         peer to peer exchange of data between
                         technology and governance principles highlighted                                       data providers and data consumers. Various
                         in this Section. The six functionalities represent                                     datasets should be organized in a logical
                         capabilities in the areas of technology, regulation                                    structure or taxonomy to help data consumers
                         and management.                                                                        search the exchange easily and find what they
                                                                                                                are looking for. Sample datasets may also
                         Major functionalities of a DEx                                                         provide live testing capabilities in a controlled
                                                                                                                environment. Solutions may be built on top of
                         1. Identity management: A DEx enables                                                  open source as well as proprietary software.
                            identification, authentication and authorization
                            of the providers and consumers of data                                           3. DEx gateway: A DEx gateway facilitates secure
                            intending to transact on the platform. Trust in a                                   exchange of datasets between data providers
                            platform is linked to the rigour with which these                                   and consumers. This layer provides opportunities
                            three functions (identification, authentication                                     for service providers in the space of integration
                            and authorization) are performed by a DEx.                                          platform as a service and API management.

                                                                                                                  Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework   16
FIGURE 2.3           A DEx reference model

          Data providers                             DEx governance structure                                       Data consumers

                                                            Data exchange
                                                          User management
                                                 Identity | Registration | Exit | Messaging

                                          Dataset discovery and quality management
                                          Metadata | Catalogues | Provenance | Sample datasets
      - Open data                                             DEx gateway                                          - Digital service
                                             API gateway | Tokenization | Fulfilment monitoring                     providers
      - Commercial data
                                  APIs                                                                  APIs       - Startups
                                                      Transaction management
                                                Price discovery | Smart contracts | Metering                       - Data provisioners*
      - Public sector                                      Invoicing | Settlements
                                                                                                                   - Researchers
      - Private sector                                    Trust management                                         - Civil society
      - Non-profit sector                    Data rights management | Audit trail | Intellectual
                                                 property rights | Consent management
                                                            Ratings | Reviews

                                               Infrastructure and support services
                                                      DEx cloud | Security | Privacy
                                                  Analytics | Complaints | Administration

Source: World Economic
                            4. Transaction management: The transaction-                       (DLT) could be a viable option. A ratings
                               management system should be simple, with                       and reviews mechanism helps attract more
*Data provisioners             least number of steps, intuitive and frictionless.             consumers to use the exchange and identify
enrich data and make it
                               The processes should be secure and fool-proof                  the most popular and trustworthy datasets.
marketable in compliance
with data regulations.         to prevent fraudulent transactions.
                                                                                        6. Infrastructure and support services: Various
They act as a bridge
                            5. Trust management: Among other features,                     infrastructure and support services including,
between data providers
                               immutable audit trail and authentication of                 but not limited to, an effective grievance
and data consumers.
                               data origin will add to the trust in the platform.          redressal system would enhance user
                               Deployment of distributed ledger technologies               confidence and increase transparency.

                   2.4 Distinctive characteristics of a DEx

                            There are multiple frameworks, technologies                       are designed for use cases where the nature and
                            and tools for exchanging data, each driven                        format of data and the purpose and process for
                            by a different aim and focus. DEx is one such                     its sharing are deterministic. In respect of a DEx,
                            mechanism with a focus on unlocking data to                       on the other hand, 1. the architecture needs to be
                            create economic value in a rights-respecting and                  optimized for a wide range of use cases where
                            trusted environment. The distinctive characteristics              the data is yet to be discovered, 2. the manner of
                            of a DEx are described below:                                     its use is dependent on the nature of innovation,
                                                                                              and 3. the terms of data exchange need to be
                            1. DEx is more than data-sharing: A DEx platform                  agreed upon between multiple parties.
                               offers a wide range of services that precede
                               and succeed the actual data-sharing. While               2. Minimum viable product (MVP) of a DEx:
                               frameworks, technologies and tools used for                 It may be impractical to design and develop
                               data sharing can be leveraged by a DEx, several             the entire range of features and services of a
                               services specific to a DEx may have to be                   DEx upfront. A DEx should evolve with time. It
                               provided for in a DEx platform itself. For instance,        is therefore appropriate that the core features
                               while leading API gateways provide functionalities          of the platform are built as an MVP. These
                               relating to user management, API management,                features should be such as to enable exchange
                               authentication, authorization and metrics, they             of data relating to a specific sector and for
                               may not sufficiently address issues relating                purposes of innovation in identified segments
                               to data exploration and discovery or consent                of the related value chains, in compliance with
                               management. Likewise, some of the frameworks                applicable regulations.

                                                                                              Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework    17
3. Interoperability of DEx with external                  this in mind, the technology architecture of a
                platforms: A DEx is conceptualized as a                DEx needs to be designed in a modular and
                multi-layer system with the capabilities of            interoperable manner, using open standards
                each layer well-defined. The functionalities           and open-source products and components.
                of some of the layers have already been                This will allow external platforms to plug into
                built by commercial platforms in different             a DEx platform with relatively less effort and
                scenarios like e-commerce and open data                carry the footprint of their existing users to a
                initiatives. Such platforms can deliver part of        DEx environment.
                the functionality envisaged by a DEx. With

TA B L E 2   A sampling of data exchange technologies and/or platforms includes:

                                                Data exchanges (non-exhaustive)

             1. Dawex15 – a data exchange and data marketplace technology company

             2. DATA for GOOD Foundation16 – enables consensual sharing of GDPR regulated data

             3. Indian Urban Data Exchange17 – open-source software platform for data exchange in smart cities

             4. Elastos18 – a platform that enables data ownership, decentralized data exchanges and data
                monetization by offering an array of open-source developer services

             5. Databroker19 – a blockchain-supported exchange for data

             6. One Creation20 – a platform providing a decentralized digital rights exchange fabric (DDREF) with
                tools to control, enforce and monetize data digital rights

                                                                       Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework   18
3   Governance of a
    Data Exchange

                Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework   19
Both the public and private sectors hold large          security, protection of commercially sensitive/
                        amounts of data, which remain siloed and                confidential/legally protected data, trust and
                        inaccessible to be used for common purposes.            compliance requirements in cross-border data
                        Even where such datasets are made available             flows. While these issues and risks are common
                        (open data, etc.), data governance models do            to organizations and governments around the
                        not allow data from personal, commercial and/or         globe, development of an appropriate governance
                        government sources to be combined. If effectively       framework remains specific to each industry and
                        leveraged, both public- and private-sector data         jurisdiction. A balanced approach that recognizes
                        have the potential to solve complex challenges,         the trade-off between opportunity and challenges
                        while still respecting rights.                          needs to be adopted by the various stakeholders.
                                                                                This section surveys the governance landscape
                        Data sharing comes with its own set of challenges,      and identifies the requirements that can facilitate
                        however. These include issues relating to privacy,      the evolution of data economy in India.

               3.1 Data governance

                        Data governance frameworks, including but               and regulations (current and proposed), bearing
                        not limited to policies, regulations, formal and        upon the exchange of data in India are listed in
                        informal standards and rules, are rooted in and         Table 3.1. Exchange of data in other jurisdictions
                        arise out of privacy concerns and the need              will have their specific data regulations to consider
                        to protect personal information of individuals          and comply with. The need and extent of
                        from unauthorized access or use. In India, data         regulation of data exchanges remains debatable,
                        ecosystems are regulated by a set of regulations,       with various views across the spectrum.
                        general and specific to data protection. The laws

       TA B L E 3 . 1   The existing (and proposed) data governance frameworks in India

Regulation              Description

Information             The IT Act of India was enacted as an enabler of e-commerce. It provides legal recognition of
Technology (IT) Act     electronic records, authentication of electronic records by public key infrastructure (PKI)-based digital
2000 and IT             signatures, delivery of electronic services and notably, execution of contracts electronically. Electronic
(Reasonable             contract can be considered a distant forerunner of smart contract, which is essential for the evolution
security practices      of a data economy. The Rules notified in 2011 under the IT Act provide for protection of sensitive
and procedures and      personal information.
sensitive personal
data or information)
Rules, 2011

National Data           NDSAP is applicable to all non-sensitive shareable data available in digital/analog form but generated
Sharing and             using public funds by various ministries/ departments/ agencies/organizations of the Government of
Accessibility Policy    India. It called upon the government to proactively share open data and was followed by the launch of
(NDSAP), 2012           the open data government portal (

Law on copyright        In India, the Copyright Act 1957 provides copyright protection to “original literary works”21, among
and trade secrets       other classes of works. “Literary works”22 include compilations of data and the Indian courts have
                        viewed “originality” as requiring a “minimum level of creativity”.23 As such, data in raw form may not be
                        copyrighted. However, if some level of skill and creativity has been exercised in compilation of a datasets/
                        database to make it usable, it may be protected under Indian law.

                        There is no statutory protection afforded to trade secrets in India. However, trade secrets are recognized
                        and protected by way of judicial rulings and contractual arrangements. Secret information has a
                        commercial value and steps taken to keep it secret usually fall within the ambit of a trade secret.
                        Contracts with confidentiality obligations can be entered into between parties to protect disclosure of
                        data (including trade secrets).

                                                                                     Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework   20
Regulation             Description

The Competition        Data is a substantial intangible asset used for value creation, comparable to copyright, patents,
Act, 2002              intellectual capital, or goodwill. This is leading to a situation where a few large platforms have become
                       the new gatekeepers to the internet. In this context, it is essential that a regulatory framework for
                       DExs should not only support innovation, but also provide effective safeguards from potential harm to
                       competition and consumer welfare.

                       The Competition Act 2002 provides some safeguards to mitigate risks associated with data-driven
                       economies. Amendments may be required, however, to strengthen the existing provisions to deal with
                       likely infringement of competition laws specifically in the context of data economy, to curb restrictive and
                       unfair practices such as abuse of dominant position, online vertical restraints, anti-competitive licensing
                       agreements, commercial arrangements, mergers and acquisitions.24

The Personal Data      At the time of writing this paper, the PDP Bill is under consideration in the Indian Parliament. It seeks to
Protection Bill (PDP   lay down a comprehensive framework for personal data protection. The Bill provides for 1. obligations
Bill), 2019            of data fiduciaries that determine the purpose and means of processing personal data; 2. rights of data
                       principals (natural persons to whom the personal data relates); 3. establishment of a Data Protection
                       Authority in India; and 4. penalties and compensation for contravention of certain provisions of the law.
                       The Bill balances the needs of data economy with the responsibility of data protection with respect to
                       personal data.

Report of Committee    The report of the Expert Committee constituted by the Government of India has proposed a framework
of Experts on          for use of non-personal data (NPD), which includes the salient features below:
Data Governance        1. Recommends establishing a legal basis for asserting the rights of India and its citizens over
Framework 25              non-personal data
                       2. Outlines a framework for generating economic benefits from non-personal data for India and its
                       3. Provides an illustrative architecture of NPD exchange
                       4. Defines and identifies certain categories of data as High-Value Datasets (HVDs), to be used for public
                       5. Provides recommendations on data sharing in the context of public good purposes

Data Empowerment       The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog, the national body responsible for planning
and Protection         national development designed the DEPA framework to catalyse activities in the data economy. DEPA
Architecture           introduces the concept of a consent manager which would enable individuals to control their data and to
(DEPA)26               consent to share it with third party institutions.

                       In the financial sector, DEPA has been formalized through the Account Aggregator27 framework, for which
                       directions were notified by the Reserve Bank of India. Under this framework, a new class of non-banking
                       financial companies are being licensed to allow data owners to share their financial data, which may be
                       siloed in banks with third party applications.

                       DEPA is a powerful instrument that builds on the time-tested architecture/principles of Unified Payments
                       Interface (UPI) in India. It provides guidance in the design of some of the core components of a DEx.

                                                                                     Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework    21
3.2 DEx stakeholders

                        There are several stakeholders in a DEx                         commercial models evolve. They are likely to be
                        ecosystem. Table 3.2 lists the roles of various                 explored and tested, set within parameters for
                        stakeholders. These might be further reimagined                 responsible, fair and ethical use of data.
                        and redefined as technology, regulation and

       TA B L E 3 . 2   Table 3.2 – DEx stakeholders

Stakeholder             Role

Government              1.   Amend and/or enact legislation, regulations, policies to facilitate development of DExs
                        2. Promote use of data for common purposes to create value by the public and private sectors
                        3. Establish new regulatory authorities or extend authority of existing regulatory authorities for redress of grievances
                           and effective enforcement of laws relating to data ecosystems

Regulators              1.   Protect interests of DEx participants and stakeholders
                        2. Promote development and adoption of technology standards, specifications and best practices in DExs
                        3. Establish infrastructure like regulatory sandboxes to accelerate and promote innovation

DEx platform            1.   Connect data providers and consumers in a trusted environment in compliance with applicable regulations
                        2. Register, identify and authtenticate DEx users
                        3. Specify the rules of engagement for DEx users
                        4. Enable discovery of datasets
                        5. Establish secure systems that ensure security, privacy and consent management

Data provisioners28     1.   Enhance value of raw data by adding value to it, providing a range of data-processing services to ensure that the
                             data is usable, interoperable and transformed into a format required by the data provider/consumer
                        2. Establish a trust mechanism between data providers and consumers with respect to data quality
                        3. Provide consent management and contract management services, if needed

Data providers          1.   Data providers are public- or private-sector entities (government, business, non-profit organizations or individuals)
                             that create, provide, update, secure and maintain data (both personal and non-personal)
                        2. Exercise effective control over their data and provide consent in accordance with applicable regulations, which is
                           critical for building a trusted environment
                        3. Proactively assert their rights where needed, especially in areas relating to personal data protection and equitable
                           distribution of value, aiming for the long-term stability and sustainability of data ecosystems

Business enterprises    1.   In addition to being data providers, businesses should adopt best practices in data governance to ensure
                             availability and management of real-time, high-quality secure datasets
                        2. Fund research in applied data science and application of emerging technologies within the enterprise and beyond
                        3. Leverage the network effects fairly and equitably using the combinatorial power of multiple datasets and diverse
                           technologies by working with other data ecosystem stakeholders

Innovators              1.   Innovators include the start-up community and the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) segment
                             exploring opportunities to solve real-life challenges using data and conventional/emerging technologies
                        2. Discover new ways of leveraging data for scalable solutions
                        3. Participate actively in the sandbox(es) created by various authorities to experiment with new ideas by accessing
                           data in a controlled environment

Researchers             1.   Develop standards and protocols to enable DExs, particularly irreversible methods of anonymization, federated
                             databases, owner-centric data management, lightweight consent management frameworks, privacy-preserving
                             technologies and intellectual property rights (IPR) preserving technologies
                        2. Develop data-governance frameworks adapted to a DEx
                        3. Conduct applied research on innovative use of datasets

Civil society           1.   Explore vulnerabilities in a DEx ecosystem, specifically in domains of data security and privacy
                        2. Observe the operations of a DEx and identify any restrictive practices
                        3. Advocate policy with the objective of enhancing protection of stakeholder interests equitably and inclusively

                                                                                             Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework       22
Building on the work undertaken by the Centre for           explore the roles and responsibilities of DEx service
             the Fourth Industrial Revolution India and presented        providers. Deliverables aim to provide jurisdiction-
             in this paper, the Data for Common Purpose                  and industry-agnostic tools, while ensuring
             Initiative (DCPI) will facilitate further collaboration     adaptability as per local context and requirement29.
             between public- and private-sector partners to

      3.3 3P approach to a governance framework for a
          data-exchange ecosystem
             Data has unique characteristics, the most                   existing (and proposed) governance frameworks
             noteworthy being its volume, velocity, variety and          in India (Table 3.1) and the various stakeholders
             veracity, in addition to its non-rivalrous nature and       (Table 3.2), any framework should aim to balance
             above all the immense scope for innovation that             enabling innovation with governance requirements
             access to data provides. The combination of the             to accelerate the evolution of data economy in India.
             above characteristics makes it difficult to design a        The following principles are proposed to guide the
             governance framework, whether government-led                formulation of such a framework in a 3P approach,
             or self-regulatory. Taking into consideration the           namely, Protect-Prevent-Promote (Figure 3.2)

FIGURE 3.1   3P framework

                           PROTECT                             PREVENT                               PROMOTE

                       - Personal data                      - Unauthorized use                  - Dynamic,
                                                             and misuse of data                   competitive, trusted
                       - Embed data rights
                                                                                                  DEx ecosystem
                        management                          - Anti-competitive
                                                             practices                          - Development of
                       - Effective grievance
                                                                                                  standards and
                        redress mechanism                   - Harm to
                                                                                                - Open innovation

             Protect                                                     3. Effective grievance redress mechanism
                                                                            – The interests of all stakeholders of data
             1. Personal and non-personal data                                  should be protected through appropriate
                – Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of                  grievance-redress mechanisms.
                   natural persons should be protected across
                   the data value chain by all stakeholders              Prevent
                   involved in the ecosystem. The principle
                   of privacy-by-design should be observed               1. Unauthorized use and misuse of data
                   in the design and implementation of all                  – The purpose of data sharing may be
                   digital and data ecosystems, specifically                   identified and agreed upon to prevent
                   those dealing with personal data. These                     possible misuse of data. Broad categories
                   include but are not limited to notice, choice,              of data processing purposes may be
                   consent, purpose limitation, collection                     defined through appropriate standards and
                   limitation, disclosure limitation, right of                 guidelines applicable in general for all DExs
                   the data owner to access and correction,                    or specifically to each domain or sector of
                   security, accountability and transparency.                  the economy. One such example is the set
                                                                               of standards developed by the International
             2. Embed data rights management                                   Organization for Standardization (ISO),
                – Differential authorization of data use may be                14265-1130, on “classification of purposes”
                  adopted to allow the data owners/providers                   of using health data. The framework should
                  to specify for which purpose(s) their data                   be designed so as not to discourage
                  can be used, for what duration and whether                   innovation and preferably in the form of
                  the data should be monetized. To realize                     self-regulation in respect of processing of
                  this requirement, a data-rights management                   non-personal data.
                  framework may be developed, akin to
                  digital rights management in the media and
                  entertainment sector.

                                                                             Towards a Data Economy: An enabling framework   23
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