Tourism heroes rise after unrest - Isibindi Foundation supports anti-poaching - Reignite Tourism

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Tourism heroes rise after unrest - Isibindi Foundation supports anti-poaching - Reignite Tourism

Reignite Tourism

Tourism heroes rise
after unrest
                                    The Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park K-9 unit

Isibindi Foundation supports
                                    Photo: Casey Pratt

Tourism heroes rise after unrest - Isibindi Foundation supports anti-poaching - Reignite Tourism
Reignite Tourism

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes during a week of violent protests last month, South Africans
rallied to assist vulnerable communities and help towns, cities and businesses rebuild.

Heroes rise amid protests
   Adele Mackenzie                     insurance advisers to construction        were under threat, has highlighted    and bottled water to the police,
                                       workers, farmers and bakers – to          the huge role community members       community protection forums

           HILE calm has been          help meet the needs of those who          played during this time of crisis.    and community members and
           restored in the provinces   lost everything.                          “While malls and shopping centres     cleaned up and replenished coffee
           of KwaZulu Natal               Logistics service providers offered were the primary targets during          stations throughout the night. We
and Gauteng, President Cyril           their vehicles free to get emergency      these riots, many other businesses    also offered complimentary venue
Ramaphosa has maintained a             supplies, including food, to the          were also affected, and we had to     hire for meetings with the Hilton/
military and police presence in        affected areas. And others stepped        band together to protect buildings    Sweetwater leaders, while some of
potential hotspots and has issued      up to help                                                      from being      our staff members assisted with
assurances that law and order will     co-ordinate the                                                 destroyed in    patrols in the area.”
be maintained.                         deliveries.           When South Africans come together, the process,”             Armour added: “It was really
   Investigations continue and a          One such                 we are a force of nature.           said ANEW       heart-warming to see local
large number of suspects have          example was                                                     CEO, Clinton    communities taking a stand to
already been arrested.                 Evi Moller,
                                                                        Clinton Armour                 Armour.         look after one another and protect
   But the protests are not what       from Journeys                                                      Sadira       local businesses amid this type
defined South Africa. It was           with Evi, who worked with Chad            Nayager, General Manager of           of crisis. This proves that when
strength, resilience, courage and      Botha and many others in the              ANEW Hotel Hluhluwe, said the         South Africans come together, we
determination that once again          tourism sector who put out a              property managed to make it           are a force of nature and able to
defined the nation as her people       plea through another Facebook             through untouched, largely due to     strengthen communities.”
defied the looters and rioters.        group, We Support – established to        the community standing together          The South African National Taxi
   Some formed human, or               support the tourism and hospitality       day and night, ensuring businesses    Council (Santaco) together with
automotive, chains of protection       industries – for volunteers and           and residents were protected.         local airline, Airlink, supermarket
around the shopping malls and          businesses to help fill an eight-           “We would like to thank Alpha       chain Shoprite and global law
vaccination sites and hospitals.       tonne truck, supplied by Inspire          Security, SAPS, Hluhluwe farmers      firm, Herbert Smith Freehills (HSF)
A Facebook group, ReBuildSA,           Furniture Rentals, with food.             and the local community members       joined forces to provide vital relief,
garnered support (in just two             In the end, two trucks were            for their efforts in protecting our   supplies and support in cleaning up
weeks) from just under 60 000          needed and 16 tonnes of much-             hotel.”                               Pietermaritzburg in KZN.
volunteers offering to help clean      needed food, nappies, toiletries,           General Manager of ANEW                Together, the companies
up streets, buildings, warehouses      baby formula, vegetables and              Hilton, Anthony Moskovitch, said      provided, and safely transported,
and businesses that had been           pet food were delivered to those          his hotel had assisted with tables    over 2 000 food packages and
destroyed.                             needing help in KwaZulu Natal.            and chairs to man vehicle check-      provisions to people who were
   Others were offering their time        ANEW Hotels & Resorts, which           points in the area. “We provided      without any food after shops in the
and or services – from legal and       has properties in KwaZulu Natal that bottomless coffee, sandwiches,             city and surrounds were pillaged.

                                       Tourism SME Digital Transformation Programme
                                        Propelling Africa’s tourism and hospitality SMEs.
                                         The Tourism SME Digital Transformation Programme seeks to
                                         enhance the domestic and international competitiveness of tourism
                                         SMEs and to grow their market share through digital enablement.

                                                                                                                        CONTACT US
                                         A uniquely multi-partner initiative by:                                        Telephone: +27 11 024 4730

1 August 2021                                                                                                                  TOURISM UPDATE REIGNITE TOURISM
Tourism heroes rise after unrest - Isibindi Foundation supports anti-poaching - Reignite Tourism
Spotlight on SMEs

Q&A: Helping SMEs
embrace digitalisation
Seeza Tourism Growth Network – a national collaborative network of tourism small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) – has launched its Tourism SME Digital Transformation Programme in conjunction
with local and global partners. Tourism Update chatted to Seeza Director, Septi Bukula, to find out more.
    Adele Mackenzie                         Business and Visa – have shown            development and optimisation            South Africa, and one abroad.
                                            that unless SMEs in general               and technology upgrades. So in          Since the launch of the TKZN
     TELL us about Seeza Tourism            embrace digitalisation, they will         these two areas there’s a clear         programme, we have added
     Growth Network, its goals and          increasingly be marginalised in           mismatch between support                four more partners to our
     objectives.                            future.                                   required and support provided.          network, two in South Africa
     It was established in 2017             The Vodafone study                    Q   How can this be addressed and           and two abroad.
     with the aim of facilitating           unequivocally states: “SMEs               by whom?                            Q   What has the feedback been
     domestic and international             that lack agility and willingness     A   We believe future government            in terms of the benefits of this
     market access for tourism              to invest into digitalisation are         support programmes must                 programme?
     SMEs, mainly by linking them to        likely to fade away.”                     make digital transformation         A   Feedback we are receiving
     inbound business events and          Q Is it true that, despite the              a key component. Tourism                from SMEs participating in
     taking a collective approach           importance                                KwaZulu-Natal (TKZN) is leading         the programme is that it has
     to promotions abroad. The              of embracing                              the way by implementing                 fundamentally shifted their
     founding philosophy of the             digitalisation,                           the Tourism SME Digital                 thinking about the importance
     network is rooted in the theory        very few SMEs                             Transformation Programme in             of going digital as a way of
     and practice of inter-firm             actually do so?                           partnership with Seeza. That’s a        enhancing their domestic and
     collaboration, which is practised      And why is that?                          positive start.                         international competitiveness
     in many parts of the world as an     A We certainly                                 Q How is Seeza Tourism               and market visibility.
     approach to SME development.           believe so.                                        Growth Network                 Also, our digital readiness
Q    Who are your members?                  The reasons                                        addressing the                 diagnostic assessment helps
A    Because Seeza is not an                are many and                                        challenge through its         them see where their current
     association but a network, we          varied.                                             Digital Transformation        strengths and weaknesses
     refer to the SMEs we work with         In South Africa,                                    Programme?                    lie. Based on the result of this
     as partners, not members.              we believe that                                       We believe that             assessment, the programme
     There is no membership fee             one of the                 Septi Bukula               there is no one             organises specific sessions for
     payable to be part of Seeza, but       key reasons                               entity that can comprehensively         SMEs, such as webinars, to
     our SME partners contribute            is that government tourism                drive the digital transformation        address specific identified gaps.
     financially to the network             SME support programmes have               of SMEs, especially in tourism      Q   Who can, and should,
     based on the actual business           not focused on encouraging                where, of necessity, digital            participate in this programme?
     we facilitate for them. Our            and enabling SMEs to make the             transformation has so many          A   We believe any SME that desires
     partners are mostly, though            transition to digital.                    facets. So, our Tourism                 to enhance its competitiveness
     not exclusively, tour operators        For instance, in Seeza’s 2020             SME Digital Transformation              and market visibility both now
     across the country. There are          SME Tour Operator Insights                Programme delivery model is             and in future should embark
     currently about 100 partners           Survey, 39.73% of SMEs                    unique in that we have various          on the digital transformation
     who form part of the Seeza             identified branding (which                partners, based both locally            journey. Because there is a cost
     network.                               included website development              and internationally, that bring         associated with the programme,
Q    Why is it important for tourism        and optimisation), and 36.99%             unique specialisations that             only those SMEs that are
     and hospitality SMEs to                identified technology upgrades            address a specific aspect of the        currently sponsored by Tourism
     embrace technology to help             as among the key support                  SME’s digital transformation            KwaZulu-Natal are participating.
     their businesses grow?                 services they needed.                     journey. We call it a multi-            We hope SMEs outside KZN can
A    In recent years, and especially        Yet, of the 46.58% respondents            partner delivery approach.              similarly be assisted in future.
     following the advent of COVID-         that had participated in past         Q   Who are those partners?                 There have been expressions
     19, numerous studies by several        support programmes, only              A   For the current TKZN                    of interest from SMEs in other
     leading international institutions     19% and 2.38%, respectively,              programme we are                        provinces but we unfortunately
     – including the World Economic         reported that the support they            collaborating with four partners,       cannot assist them at this stage
     Forum, OECD, Vodafone                  had received included website             three of whom are based in              without them being sponsored.

    A new voice for SMEs                                                         behalf of small businesses.
                                                                                    “The association’s mission is
                                                                                                                          understand and manage their
                                                                                                                          compliance needs and engage
    THE newly launched Small Tourism       receiving financial relief and the    to stimulate inclusive economic          on relevant issues facing small
    Enterprise Association (STEA)          Unemployment Insurance Fund           growth within the sector by              businesses.
    aims to give a voice to over 60% of    Temporary Employee Relief             giving a voice to small tourism             STEA focuses on small
    businesses in the tourism sector in    Scheme.                               businesses while facilitating            businesses with, amongst others,
    South Africa – small and medium          “While many associations have       equitable access to opportunities
                                                                                                                          accommodation, tour operator,
    enterprises (SMEs) who “for far too    been advocating on behalf of          in a sustainable way,” he said.
                                                                                                                          and activity space, and is aligning
    long” have not been heard.             the various tourism sub-sectors,         To reinforce these objectives,
                                                                                 STEA has embarked on the                 itself with the Tourism Business
      This according to the Chairman       the concerns of small tourism
    of STEA, Jabu Matsilele, who           businesses have largely been put      development of a digital platform        Council of South Africa (TBCSA).
    told Tourism Update the COVID-19       at the back of the queue,” said       that consolidates the needs of              Any tourism business with an
    pandemic had laid bare the plight      Matsilele, noting that the STEA had   small businesses.                        annual revenue of under R5 million
    of small businesses in various         positioned itself to answer this         This platform will offer              (€285 600) can register on the STEA
    forms, including challenges in         call and engage stakeholders on       members a free resource to better        website as a free member.

TOURISM UPDATE REIGNITE TOURISM                                                                                                                  August 2021 2
Tourism heroes rise after unrest - Isibindi Foundation supports anti-poaching - Reignite Tourism
Conservation Focus
                                                                      support those on the frontlines        The Isibindi Foundation –
                                                                      of the battle and are thrilled       alongside Rhino Ridge Safari
                                                                      to be involved in an initiative,     Lodge – hopes to add three more
                                                                      together with the Ezemvelo KZN       dogs and handlers to the K-9 unit
                                                                      Wildlife’s Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park    and build up sufficient funding
                                                                      and other partners in the area.”     to ensure the unit’s long-term
                                                                         The unit currently consists       sustainability.
                                                                      of two tracking dogs named             The Foundation will be
                                                                      Gecko and Ghost, who are a           working together with Wildlife
                                                                      cross between Bloodhound             ACT – a partner of Ezemvelo KZN
                                                                      and Doberman, alongside their        Wildlife – Fund Trust in ensuring
                                                                      handlers.                            the funds are implemented
                                                                         Martin said the pair had          effectively and for their intended
                                                                      been ‘on the job’ day and night      purpose.
                                                                      protecting the rhino and had
                                                                      already successfully tracked          Did you know?
                                                                      down a number of poachers,
                                                                      catching them before they were         Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park,
                                                                      able to poach. “Impressively, they     established in 1895, is the
Foundation gets behind K-9                                            are able to track a scent from up
                                                                      to eight hours after it has been
                                                                                                             oldest proclaimed game
                                                                                                             reserve in Africa, famously
anti-poaching initiative                                              placed in a particular area.
                                                                         “The project is excellent,
                                                                                                             known for saving the
                                                                                                             Southern White rhino, thanks
     Adele Mackenzie               initiative through fundraising     but it’s expensive to run and          to key conservationists
                                   with Manager, Luke Martin,         requires substantial funding           Dr Ian Player, Magqubu
THE Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park         pointing out: “We are witnessing   on an ongoing basis,” Martin           Ntombela and Nick Steele,
(HIP) K-9 unit has proved to be    the wholesale slaughter of         said. “The approximate cost of         who started Operation Rhino
an “extremely effective tool” in   these magnificent creatures,       a trained dog is in the region of      in the 1950s.
combating poaching of the park’s   threatening to wipe them off the   R90 000 (€5 000) and handler           Click HERE to watch a short
rhino population.                  planet forever. We cannot be the   is R39 000 (€2 000), making the        video showcasing the HIP
  The Isibindi Foundation has      generation that loses the rhino.   total combined cost for dog and        K-9 unit. ■
stepped in to support this           “We had to do something to       handler R129 000 (€7 000).”

                                                               Every guest staying at Isibindi Africa’s Rhino Ridge Safari
                                                                     Lodge is supporting the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi K9
                                                               Anti-poaching Unit through our Isibindi Foundation levy.

                                                               JOIN OUR FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN TO INCREASE THE
                                                                        SIZE OF THIS VERY EFFECTIVE UNIT

                                                               w w w. i s i b i n d i fo u n d a t i o n . o rg

                                                                                                           Home of
                                                                                                           the Rhino
                                                                                                              HLUHLUWE -
                                                                                                           I M F O LO Z I PA R K

           email: tel: +27(0) 35 474 1473 website:
T U 0007 7 S D

TOURISM UPDATE REIGNITE TOURISM                                                                                                 August 2021 3
Tourism heroes rise after unrest - Isibindi Foundation supports anti-poaching - Reignite Tourism Tourism heroes rise after unrest - Isibindi Foundation supports anti-poaching - Reignite Tourism Tourism heroes rise after unrest - Isibindi Foundation supports anti-poaching - Reignite Tourism
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