Page created by Patrick Thompson
Balanced Breeding for                                                           Contents
    robust and strong pigs
    Societal demands for pig farming with a low environmental impact and a high
    level of animal welfare are continually developing and increasing. Combining
    these two in one economically feasible production system requires genetic
    material of the highest standard.
    In order to thrive in modern systems, pigs need to be robust and strong.
    This is important not only for efficiency, but perhaps even more for other
    aspects, including welfare and food safety: robust pigs are healthy pigs           4-5 | A good start with strong genes       Also in this magazine:
    that do not need antibiotics to cope with their surroundings.

    Topigs Norsvin aims at balanced breeding. In our dictionary this                                                              02 | B
                                                                                                                                         alanced Breeding for robust and
    means that every piglet is raised by its own mother. It also means                                                                   strong pigs
    that pigs are capable of healthy and efficient high-level production
    under a wide range of farm conditions.                                                                                        06-07 | P
                                                                                                                                           recision phenotyping

    For Topigs Norsvin, Total Feed Efficiency (TFE) under all circum-                                                             12-13 | B
                                                                                                                                           razilian cooperative goes for
    stances is one of the answers. TFE is an index reflecting the                                                                             sustainable production
    amount of feed to produce 1 kilo of pork. Not just in the finishing
    pen, but throughout the system, from the rearing of gilts and the                                                             16 |  Topigs Norsvin news
    production of piglets up to the finishing stage.                                    8-11 | Robust sows good mothers
    TFE is a crucial factor in reducing the environmental impact of                                                               17 |  The Norwegian approach
    pig production. At Topigs Norsvin we are constantly working on
    further improving the TFE of our genetic lines, making use of                                                                 20 |  Total feed efficiency
    modern production systems and standards. We want our pigs to
    perform well under all circumstances and push down mortality.                                                                 21 |  Follow up of the welfare index
    Developments such as group housing, loose farrowing systems and
    larger farms imply new demands on pig performance and robustness.                                                             22-23 |  Production with entire tails

    The industry is changing, but our genetic lines are constantly in development
    as well. New techniques offer endless possibilities. Video imaging-based
    precision phenotyping is an example of such a new technique.                                                                  The data (hereinafter: Information) that Topigs Norsvin makes available
    We use these new techniques to improve our genetic lines and to develop         14-15 | Power piglets sustainable survivors   or supplies to you is for informa­tional purposes only. The Information
    new ones. The TN70 sow is a good example of a sustainable pig that excels                                                     has been drawn up by Topigs Norsvin with care but without warranty
    in robustness and balance.                                                                                                    as to its correctness, its completeness, its suitability or the outcome of
                                                                                                                                  its use. Nor does Topigs Norsvin warrant that intellectual property rights
    In this magazine we want to show how Balanced Breeding enables                                                                of third parties are not infringed by publication of the Information.
    us to respond to societal trends and developments in the industry.                                                            The Information is not intended to be a personal advice to you. The
    I am proud to be part of Topigs Norsvin, which enables me to make                                                             Information is based on general circumstances and not based on your
    a contribution to this next step forward in pig farming.                                                                      personal circumstances. It is your own responsibility to check whether
                                                                                                                                  the Information is suitable for your activities. Use of the Information
                                                                                                                                  by you is entirely your own responsibility. The outcome of that use will
    Hans Olijslagers
                                                                                                                                  depend on your personal circumstances. To the fullest extent permitted
    Chief Technology Officer Topigs Norsvin
                                                                                                                                  by applicable law Topigs Norsvin rejects any liability to you for losses of
                                                                                                                                  any kind (including direct, indirect, consequential, special and punitive
                                                                                           18-19 | True robust finishers          damages) resulting from you using the Information or from relying on
                                                                                                                                  the correctness, the completeness or the suitability of the Information.

02 | CSR Magazine  Topigs Norsvin                                                                                                                        CSR Magazine  Topigs Norsvin | 03
A good start
                   The moment of inseminating a sow     A focal point on the male side of fertility is to produce   NEW POSSIBILITIES
                                                        more doses of semen per ejaculate. This allows for          Senior researcher Louisa Zak also foresees rapid
                   marks the start of the production    faster and broader dissemination of genetic progress.       development of female reproduction technologies.
                   of pork. However, the actual         "We used to produce about 20 doses from one ejacu-          Researchers can introduce a novel genetic variation
                                                        late in the past, but now we can go up to 60 or even        into the DNA of pigs by using gene editing and by             From left to right: Marleen Broekhuijse,
                   production of pork starts earlier;   more. I expect this will even substantially increase        means of invitro embryo technology superior genetics                 Barbara Harlizius and Louisa Zak

                   with the production of semen at      in the future." Marleen Broekhuijse, reproduction           can be rapidly disseminated. Embryo Transfer (ET) is an
                                                        researcher explains: "Due to improved semen processing      essential step in making these technologies successful.
                   the AI station. Developments in      and insemination technology as well as continuous           At this moment, the use of ET is limited. "However, it
                   technologies to improve genetic      monitoring of boar fertility we can go down to even         is expected that problems that now prevent large-scale
                                                        less than one billion cells per dose. This leads to         use, like collection of embryos and their being highly
                   gain and dissemination of superior   broader genetic dissemination and more sows being           perishable, will be solved in the next few years", Louisa
                   genetics are going fast, but         inseminated with semen from top boars."                     Zak explains. "ET has many benefits over transport
                                                                                                                    of live animals, including a reduced risk of pathogen
                   acceptance for some technologies     ELIMINATE DEFECTS                                           transfer. It also facilitates the introduction of new
                   is required.                         Production of more doses per ejaculate means that           genetics without disturbing the health balance of the
                                                        fewer boars are used. Checking boars to make sure           livestock. Embryos minimize the carbon footprint, as a
                                                        they do not have a random genetic defect is essential.      single flask of embryos can contain all the new stock
                                                        Boars with deleterious variants like reciprocal trans-      that a farmer needs. Finally, ET also contributes to
                                                        location are to be eliminated. This is where the            faster dissemination of the newest genetics, enabling
                                                        expertise of Barbara Harlizius, senior researcher in        producers to work with the best genetics and so most
                                                        genomics, comes in. She searches for defects in the         efficiently produce robust animals."
                                                        genome causing problems such as infertility, embryo
                                                        death, mummification and small litters. "Due to             BIG STEPS BUT ACCEPTANCE REQUIRED
                                                        abnormalities in the DNA of the semen, sows produce         These technologies offer enormous opportunities to
                                                        no or smaller litters. New techniques at both DNA level     improve genetic progress and dissemination of the best
                                                        and chromosome level enable us to monitor negative          genetics in the near future. They will make it possible
                                                        variants in much more detail. These help us to develop      to accelerate genetic gain, create new genetic variation
                                                        new tools to lower the risk of smaller litters and lower    and disseminate those genetics more efficiently than
                                                        fertilization rates."                                       ever before. However, most techniques may give rise
                                                        Another aspect of the work of Barbara Harlizius is the       to discussions in society. It is clear to Topigs Norsvin
                                                        possibility to select pigs carrying genes that contribute   that ethical discussions on what is possible with new
                                                        to vitality and robustness in a broader sense. This         techniques is required. We also realize that at this
                                                        means that animals are able to cope with challenging        moment the general public is unaware of the present
                                                        aspects such as diseases. Once identified, these pigs       and future possibilities and what impact they may
                                                        can be used in breeding programs and contribute to          have. Acceptance of these technologies by society is
                                                        a robust and sustainable production.                        required before they will be applied in the production
                                                                                                                    of pork for consumption. 

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Precision phenotyping                                                                                 CT scanner

                                                                                                                CT scan technology opens even more doors, because it
                                                                                                                offers the possibility to look inside a live pig.
New techniques offer new possibilities for precision phenotyping. This makes it possible to                     This has ethical advantages over dissection and it allows for much
 select based on traits that are invisible for the human eye. These traits may raise the level                  faster definition of breeding values, as we do not have to produce
                                                                                                                offspring in order to find out the hereditary characteristics of an
of animal welfare or contribute to a higher feed efficiency and higher quality of the carcass                   animal. The CT scanner can, for example, easily determine the
           and meat. In short, traits invaluable for more sustainable pig farming.                              number of vertebrae, which is correlated to the number of
                                                                                                                teats and, consequently, to the
                                                                                                                number of piglets a sow can
                                                                                                                raise by herself. Additionally,
                                                                                                                the CT scanner is better at
Camera                                                                                                          diagnosing osteochondrosis
                                                                                                                than the vet and it can also
One of the most important instruments for precision                                                             measure the size and form of
phenotyping at Topigs Norsvin is a camera.                                                                      organs. This gives information
                                                                                                                about longevity and disease
With video imaging-based precision phenotyping the camera                                                       resilience traits.
replaces the human eye in monitoring, registering and
interpreting characteristics or behavior. Video cameras are
much better at daily estimating the weight of an animal or
registering deviations in its movement. These are important
characteristics for total feed efficiency and longevity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Pig atlas
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Topigs Norsvin collects the actual and historical
                                                                                                                                                                                                          CT scan data in the Pig Atlas, which currently
                                                                                                                                                                                                          includes data from over 25,000 pigs of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Norsvin Duroc and Norsvin Landrace. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Atlas will also be available to other Topigs
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Norsvin lines next year. The Pig Atlas is an
                                                                  Game Camera                                                                                                                             important tool for accurately predicting the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          carcass conformation of pigs, wich may help
                                                                  Game cameras offer an extra asset:                                                                                                      making pig farming more sustainable and
                                                                  they are unsurpassed in registering                                                                                                     produce pork more tailor made to the
                                                                  movement and interpreting behavior.                                                                                                     consumers demands.

                                                                  For example, game cameras can even
                                                                  recognize fighting in the pen. The next
                                                                  challenge we are now working on is to
                                                                  link the images obtained to individual        MACHINE LEARNING                                                       amount of data it is possible to predict what will happen next.
                                                                  animals, so we know which pig is              The described techniques produce a huge amount of data. The            Based on a large amount of images, researchers can develop
                                                                  responsible for the turmoil. This infor-      next step is to convert this into usable and valuable management       formulas to help the computer interpret the images. This is a
                                                                  mation is important for selection based       information. The possibilities are nearly endless: a higher level of   laborintensive process, but the computer will eventually be able
                                                                  on social characteristics. These traits are   animal welfare, increased food safety, more efficiency and less        to collect and interpret data independently and translate this
                                                                  getting increasingly important not in the     environmental issues, just to name a few. Video imaging is step        into accurate predictions, for instance: there will be tail biting
                                                                  least with respect to animal welfare.         1 of precision phenotyping and interpretation is step 2. It is         tomorrow. Precision phenotyping registers a large amount of data
                                                                                                                machine learning: the calculation tools learn to determine which       in a short time, puts it in a perspective and uses the appropriate
                                                                                                                data is important. This is a matter of numbers: with a large           tools to very accurately predict the characteristics of pigs. 

06 | CSR Magazine  Topigs Norsvin                                                                                                                                                                                  CSR Magazine  Topigs Norsvin | 07
Robust sows that are
    good mothers for strong piglets
  Topigs Norsvin breeds sows that produce strong and robust piglets. They also produce
    many big litters, as they are robust and strong themselves. All this is the result of the
 balanced breeding program of Topigs Norsvin, which combines all aspects of mothering                                                         2                A strong mother that produces for a long time
 abilities, piglet vitality, health and robustness of both sows and piglets. This enables us to
follow our credo: every extra piglet born should be nursed and weaned by its own mother.                                                  A good sow not only produces at a high level, she also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Farms with high sow replacement rates have to replace too many sows in their first farrowing
                                                                                                                                          produces many litters. Sow longevity is a complex mat-
                                  Five aspects of balanced breeding.                                                                      ter. Longevity is influenced by many traits such as leg                                     25%
                                                                                                                                          quality, fertility, condition and so on. As many factors
                                                                                                                                          play a role in longevity, this trait is addressed in our

1            Search for pigs with healthy and efficiently working intestines                                                              breeding goal in several ways.                                                              15%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Replacement %
                                                                                                                                          Research has shown that the rearing and the first litter                                    10%
                                                                                                                                          of the sow are important. Farms with high sow replace-
Our researchers and breeding                                                                                                              ment rates see that they have to replace too many
                                                                  Sufficient body reserves
specialists are real experts when it                                                                                                      sows in their first farrowing. If the sow cannot cope                                       0%
comes to understanding the factors                                                                                                        with big litters and high milk production, she will get                                             0     1     2    3     4      5     6     7      8     9    10    11     12   13
influencing the piglet production                                                                                                         in trouble and will not be able to produce a new litter.                                          Parity at moment of culling
and their underlying genetic                                                                                                              Another aspect of longevity is sows dying during their
mechanisms. They discovered that                                                                                                          productive lives. This is highly undesired from animal
litter weight is an important factor                             Good milk production                                                     welfare and economical perspectives. We have recog-                                                       Low replacement rate
in breeding heavier and stronger                                                                                                          nized this and included six traits in our breeding goal.
piglets and longevity of the sows,                                                                                      Good feed         This shows at farm level. Our genetics is well-known
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    High replacement rate
as it is a determining factor for the                                                                                   intake capacity   for its high longevity and low mortality. >>
milk production of the sow. A sow
that receives too little feed during
gestation eats more during lacta-                                                                                                         Topigs Norsvin pays a lot of attention to the exterior of the sow. Animals are scored on several traits who are used in the breeding values
                                                                                                             Lots of heavy piglets
tion in order to produce sufficient                                                                          stimulate milk production
milk for her piglets. However, this
                                                                                                                                                                               Motorics waddling hind
mechanism has its limits. When the                                                                                                                                                                                                            Osteochondrosis in the joints by CT scan
sow has to produce too much milk,                                                                                                                                              For flexible moving and healthy sows
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              For animal welfare and high lifetime sow production with minimum antibiotic use
she needs to metabolize too much
body fat and even muscle mass.                                                                                                                       Standing under
This has negative consequences
                                                                                                            Aim: lots and heavy piglets              For sows which are standing                                                                                                   Sow longevity
for the sow, which leads to fertility
                                                                                                            with good finisher perfor-               stable on their hind legs
problems and a shorter life.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       For high lifetime sow production performance
                                                                                                            mance characteristics
In other words, there is a relation-
ship between milk production,
fertility and longevity. We identified
the genetic background of this           We take this into account in our                                                                 Hind leg pasterns                                                                                                                                 Motorics front
natural mechanism and implemen-          breeding program. This leads to
                                                                                     • a balanced breeding objective can increase the    For optimal leg position for sow longevity                                                                                                        For flexible moving and healthy sows
ted this in our breeding program.        stronger piglets and a lower                   milk production capacity
It is possible to increase the milk      mortality rate. Strong piglets will         • it is possible to breed for both a good milk
production capacity while limiting       be high-quality finishers, experience          production of the sow as well as a good                       Hind leg inner toe
the consequences for the sow             improved animal welfare and                                                                                                                                                                                                      Front leg pasterns
                                                                                        performance of the finisher
by selecting for longevity and a         require less looking after. They will                                                                        For equal claws which can carry the weight                                                                          For optimal leg position for sow longevity
                                                                                                                                                      of a pregnant sow with large litters                        Leg approval rate
constant interval between weaning        also convert feed to meat more
and insemination.                        efficiently. >>                                                                                                                                                          For high selection rates in rearing gilts

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4            Strong piglets in every aspect

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      When a piglet with a low birth weight has a high breeding value for vitality, it has a better chance of survival




            Mothering abilities help the piglet for life

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Piglet survival in %
                                                                                                                                                                                          High breeding value                                    20

                                                                   Piglet activity related to the breeding value for mothering abilities                                                  Low breeding value                                      0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                0,4          0,6           0,8          1,0             1,2        1,4          1,6            1,8          2,0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Birth rate in kg

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Organ development
                                                                                                                                                                                   Strong and robust piglets are an                              piglet vitality have higher cortisol                           High vitality: survival +5%
                                                              75                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Low vitality: survival -5%
                                                                                                                                                                                   important trait in the breeding                               levels in their blood just before
                                                                                                                                                                                   program for our female and sire                               birth, which stimulates the organ
                                                                                                                                                                                   lines. This is why we started to                              development before birth. They
                                                                                                                                                                                   implement our piglet weighing                                 also have longer and better
                                                              50                                                                                                                   and vitality protocol 15 years ago.                           developed intestines as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                   Every born piglet is weighed.                                 more energy reserves at birth,                                 Liver                         +7.1%
                                                                                                                                                                                   Nowadays we weigh about                                       e.g. in the form of fat reserves and
       Low breeding value                                                                                                                                                          750,000 piglets per year. This pays                           higher glycogen levels in blood
       mothering abilities                                                                                                                                                         off tremendously. For example,                                and liver. Stronger and better                                 Small                         +5.4%
                                       Minutes after birth

                                                              25                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                intestine
                                                                                                                                                                                   research has shown that piglets                               developed piglets at birth results
       Average breeding value
                                                                                                                                                                                   with a high breeding value for                                in a higher survival rate. >>
       mothering abilities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Adrenal                       +21.7%
       High breeding value
       mothering abilities
                                                                            Stand up                     At the udder                  Teat found      Start of colostrum intake

A good mother is more than an
effective milk producer. From
                                                              this, for example, with her voice,
                                                              her behavior, the way she lies and
                                                                                                                   from a sow with a low breeding
                                                                                                                   value this took over 90 minutes.
                                                                                                                                                                                        5            A healthy pig: no defects

research we know that a good                                  the shape of her teats.                              See the graph.                                                                                                                                          Topigs Norsvin pays a lot of attention to congenital defects. Even though
mother has a higher glucose level                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          these defects are rarely seen in our pigs, we want to minimize these.
in the blood before farrowing so as                           A sow's character is heritable. We                   Piglets that get colostrum quickly                                                                                                                      Piglets born with these defects are less productive and require more labor.
to provide nutrients to the unborn                            found genetic variations and breed                   and in sufficient amounts have a                                                                                                                        The most important thing is, however, that they damage animal welfare,
piglets. Her behavior also signifi-                           on these. There is a clear differen-                 flying start, as they get a health                                                                                                                      the health and the performance of the pig. We found genetic regions
cantly contributes to the survival                            ce in the time that piglets need to                  boost and enough energy to                                                                                                                              explaining phenotypic variation for many of these defects and are using
of her offspring. A calm mother                               start drinking colostrum. Without                    develop fast. This perfect start pays                                                                                                                   this information in our breeding program to reduce the prevalence of these
prevents crushing her piglets, gives                          interventions by the caretaker, pig-                 off. These pigs have higher survival                                                                                                                    unwanted defects. We also breed healthy pigs at another level. New traits
them time to drink colostrum and                              lets of sows with a high breeding                    rates and perform better compared                                                                                                                       that we are busy implementing in our breeding goals are disease resilience
stimulates her piglets to come to                             value for mothering abilities started                with pigs that had a start with                                                                                                                         in general and some specific pathogens. This increases the resistance to pa-
the udder by her behavior. Our                                drinking colostrum about 45 mi-                      less or later colostrum even in the                                                                                                                     thogens in the pigs and when they get sick anyway, they are better capable
researchers found that she does                               nutes after birth. With piglets born                 finishing stage. >>                                                                                                                                     to cope with the disease and recover faster. 

10 | CSR Magazine  Topigs Norsvin                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CSR Magazine  Topigs Norsvin | 11
Less boar taint
                           with breeding
                           Boar taint can be reduced in many ways. One of them is by breeding. Topigs Norsvin
                           has achieved significant results in this area. In all of our sire and dam lines, boar taint
                           has been reduced with the use of outstanding selection methods, smelling sessions,
                           the use of genomic selection and the application of the latest statistical models.
                           Thanks to these techniques, it is possible to reduce the inheritance of boar taint
                           without a loss in the reproduction characteristics of sows.

                           From 2006 to 2017 boar taint was reduced with 35% to 57%. This means that now
                           only 2 to 3.5% of the progeny of Topigs Norsvin terminal boars cause boar taint.

                           Genetic trend for the percentage of progeny with boar taint for the sire lines


                                                                                 Talent        Tempo           Top P1



  % tainted progency


                                  2008      2009      2010      2011      2012        2013    2014      2015    2016    2017

                           With the introduction of Nador boars more than five years ago, Topigs Norsvin created
                           the possibility to realise even lower boar taint scores still. Nador boars are selected
                           terminal boars that have an extra low heritability for boar taint. As a result of this,
                           progeny have a 40% lower chance of boar taint compared to non-Nador boars.

                           Topigs Norsvin continues to breed for the reduction of boar taint and over the coming
                           years major steps will be taken to reduce boar taint even further. 

12 | CSR Magazine  Topigs Norsvin                                                                                             CSR Magazine  Topigs Norsvin | 13
Power Piglets:
                                                                                                                    Different climatic conditions
                                                                                                                    As Topigs Norsvin piglets are born at farms all over          they have to develop healthy intestines with a good mi-
                                                                                                                    the world, they are to thrive in different climates.          crobial population. By testing for intestinal microbes we
                                                                                                                    Moreover, some countries show strongly varying                can tell if a piglet will be able to digest many different

sustainable survivors
                                                                                                                    climatic conditions between seasons. In Canada, for           feeds after weaning.
                                                                                                                    example, the temperature varies between 30 degrees
                                                                                                                    in summer and minus 30 degrees in winter. Some                Fend for themselves
                                                                                                                    countries have high seasonal variations in day length.        Another challenge for piglets is the tendency of pig
                                                                                                                    Sow and piglets must be able to cope with this. We            farms getting larger. This makes 'low-maintenance'
                                                                                                                    believe that truly robust piglets can cope with these         piglets highly desirable. Like with climatic resistance,
Good health and high survival rates are desirable                                                                   diverse climatic conditions. Climatic stress is therefore     robustness plays an important role here as well.
qualities for piglets in terms of efficiency as well                                                                a good test for the robustness of our piglets, which          True Power Piglets do not need much looking after.
                                                                                                                    they prove to withstand with great success.                   Consequently, piglets do not only need to be active
as sustainability. From this point of view, a pig-                                                                                                                                and grow well, they also have to be social as social
                                                                                                                    Good digestion of various feeds                               piglets are more likely to allow each other enough time
let's ability to adapt well to different conditions is                                                              Good feed efficiency is undoubtedly one of the most           to suckle or, in a later stage, feed and do not bother
of great importance, particularly because Topigs                                                                    important traits of a pig. Not only in the finishing          each other as much. This leads to fewer injuries and
                                                                                                                    phase, but in every stage of the pig’s life, including        better growth across the entire barn.
Norsvin breeds piglets for the global market.                                                                       the weaner phase. However, this efficiency not only
Sustainable piglets are survivor piglets.                                                                           depends on the piglet, but also on the composition of         Knowing how piglets cope under different challenges
                                                                                                                    its feed. Some feeds contain more fiber and are harder        enables Topigs Norsvin to continuously select even
                                                                                                                    to digest. Topigs Norsvin breeds for pigs with a high         more robust piglets and do research into their specific
                                                                                                                    feed efficiency for a broad range of feeds, including         traits. Additionally, monitoring piglet performance
                                                                                                                    those with a high fiber content. This is more sustaina-       under stressful conditions provides good proof of the
                                                                                                                    ble as it enables pigs to digest different kinds of locally   robustness of a specific generation of piglets. Only
                                                                                                                    produced feeds or feeds that are by-products from             piglets that keep up their performance in spite of
                                                                                                                    other industries. For piglets this specifically means that    challenges deserve to be called Power Piglets. 

                                                         The health and welfare of a piglet, both in the
                                                         farrowing pen and in the weaner pen, are challenged
                                                         by many factors from four main categories, being
                                                         diseases, climate, feed and labor. Topigs Norsvin
                                                         'Power Piglets' are bred to cope well with challenges
                                                         from all these categories.

                                                         Low susceptibility to diseases
                                                         Although methods to further raise the hygiene level are
    Immunity continues to be crucial.                    continually improved, it will never be possible to keep
    Good innate immunity can actually                    all pathogens out of the farrowing and weaner pens.
         be bred into the piglet.                        Therefore, immunity continues to be crucial. Good
                                                         innate immunity can actually be bred into the piglet.
                                                         At Topigs Norsvin this is done mainly by selecting those
                                                         piglets that survive challenge best. What causes some
                                                         piglets to be more resistant to diseases than others?
                                                         Our researchers identify those traits at the genetic
                                                         level, so these can be used to breed piglets with a
                                                         higher immunity level. Higher in general, but also with
                                                         respect to specific pathogens and their corresponding
                                                         health problems, such as respiratory diseases. This also
                                                         leads to less need for treatments and antibiotics. Best
                                                         performance even in times of disease outbreaks is an
                                                         important characteristic of Power Piglets.

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Partner in Breed4Food
                                                               Topigs Norsvin is one of the partners of the
                                                               Breed4Food research consortium, a world-leading
                                                               center for research and innovation in livestock genetics.
                                                               Breeding of animals requires high investments in
                                                               R&D and long-term commitment to meet changing
                                                               consumer demands in order to increase the efficiency
                                                               within the food chain, reduce the ecological footprint,
                                                                                                                                        The Norwegian approach
                                                               minimize the use of antibiotics and contribute to                               Pioneer in sustainability driven by political choices
                                                               food safety, better health and welfare of livestock.
Search for pigs with                                           By combining forces, four Dutch breeding companies
healthy and efficiently                                        create more possibilities for developing new tools
                                                               with respect to this. Read more about Breed4Food
                                                                                                                             Across the world, Norway’s approach towards pig breeding is seen as promising. The emphasis is on
working intestines                                             at www.breed4food.com. 
                                                                                                                             strong pigs for sustainable farming, backed by explicit political choices. This delivers valuable insights
                                                                                                                                      also for other markets where consumers demand animal welfare and sustainability.
Together with Wageningen University, Topigs
Norsvin is investigating the possibilities of using
organoid technology. With this project more in-depth                                                                       “We experience a rapid growth of             HEALTH                                       “In our breeding program, now part of
research is done in order to find the effect and                                                                           international interest in our approach”,     Another important element is animal          the Topigs Norsvin program, the emphasis
influence of intestines on feed efficiency and health/                                                                     says Olav Eik-Nes, Director of Norsvin,      health. The Norwegian pig population         is more than usual on traits essential
robustness of pigs. In this project intestinal organoids                                                                   the Norwegian partner in Topigs Norsvin.     has been free from 'serious contagious       for sustainability”, Eik-Nes comments.
of breeding boars with high and low breeding value                                                                         Especially for markets with a growing        diseases' for decades. Besides, prevention   Examples are the high weight and the
for feed efficiency are gene-sequenced and tested on                                                                       demand for pork produced in a sustaina-      of immunity to bacteria such as MRSA         rapid growth of piglets born from the
feed efficiency and health. Aim is to find ways to use                                                                     ble way this approach offers interesting     is high on the agenda. When the MRSA         Norsvin Landrace sow and their ability
organoid technology as a predictor of feed efficiency                                                                      perspectives.                                bacteria is found on a farm, the entire      to thrive in loose housing conditions.
of the animal.                                                                                                                                                         stock is eliminated immediately.             “Of course this is not only a matter of
                                                                                                                           POLITICAL CHOICES                            Antibiotics and hormones in feed are         genetics, the management by the farmer
                                                                                                                           The driving force behind the Norwegi-        forbidden in Norwegian pig farming.          plays an important role as well”, adds
                                                               Ethical sessions                                            an approach lies, according to Eik-Nes,                                                   Eik-Nes.
                                                               at Topigs Norsvin                                           in the political choices the country has
                                                                                                                           made with respect to agriculture. Norway
                                                                                                                                                                        SMALL FARMS
                                                                                                                                                                        The size of farms is also regulated. At      ISLAND
We comply with Code-EFABAR                                                                                                 wants to produce its own food in its own     present, the maximum number of animals       The first impression of the Norwegian
                                                               New technologies are developing fast and facilitate         way. Keeping the farmers on the land         at one farm is 105 sows or 2100 finishers.   approach to pig farming may be that of
As a breeding company we are at the beginning of the           making big steps in breeding. Topigs Norsvin uses           and spreading economic activity over the     In total, the 2300 pig herds in Norway       an island: produce pork in a specific way
food supply chain. This means that just like all other chain   these new technologies to substantially contribute to       country are important objectives as well.    count 1.6 million finishers, producing       only for the Norwegian consumers.
partners we are responsible for supplying safe, healthy        innovation and making genetic progress. An important        This leads to very specific conditions for   136,000 tons of pork annually. “Due to       When taking a closer look, it becomes
and responsible food in a sustainable manner. We take          condition for the application of these new possibilities    pig farmers.                                 the high costs our meat is much more         clear that this situation has produced
this responsibility seriously and this is why we comply with   is acceptance of them by producers, pork buyers and                                                      expensive in comparison with other           very interesting genetic opportunities,
Code-EFABAR.                                                   society. One of the things we do is organize group          ANIMAL WELFARE                               European countries”, says Eik-Nes.           which the world is now discovering.
                                                               discussions to find out what the opinions about these       First there is a broad set of rules          The Norwegian average price for pork         The merger of Norsvin and Topigs is a
Code-EFABAR, the commitment to responsible breeding,           new technologies are. In 2017, we organized a few           on animal welfare. To name a few:            is about 25 Krone (€2.68 or US$ 3.15),       very good example of this. Eik-Nes:
is a voluntary Code of Good Practice for and by the animal     meetings with our producers in the Member Council           - tail docking is prohibited;                twice as high as in Denmark. The             “We are happy to experience that the
breeding sector. By adhering to this code, we at Topigs        and our employees. Attendants discussed and rated           - loose housing, including                  Norwegian consumer is willing to pay         results of our breeding activities now
Norsvin demonstrate our commitment to sustainability.          new technologies on a scale ranging from 'don't'               farrowing, has been mandatory since       for the Norwegian type of pig farming.       play a role in making pig farming more
                                                               to 'do'. All this resulted in an overview of feelings,         the year 2000;                            Needless to say there is practically zero    sustainable, also outside our country.
For more information, please visit                             thoughts and arguments that will be topics for further      - it is not allowed to wean piglets         export of Norwegian pork.                    We sometimes seem to be an island,
www.responsiblebreeding.eu.                                   discussion and evaluation.                                    younger than 28 days;                                                                  but as you know, Norway can be reached
                                                                                                                           - pigs must have a minimum amount           BREEDING                                     over land.” 
                                                                                                                              of space, hay as additional feed and      The political choices have had a major
                                                                                                                              playing materials.                        impact on pig breeding in Norway.

16 | CSR Magazine  Topigs Norsvin                                                                                                                                                                                        CSR Magazine  Topigs Norsvin | 17
True Robust Finishers
                           are social and never
                           smell like a boar
                                       Robust Finishers are the crown on the breeding work of Topigs                             SELECTING CIVILIZED PIGS                                      boar taint is not bred into the animals. However,
                                     Norsvin. Robustness is actually our main breeding goal, but what                            Van der Zande adds that whereas selecting for good            boar taint properties can also come from the mother
                                                                                                                                 social behavior is important, it is certainly not easy.       animal. Therefore, we also breed sows that are
                                      makes a Robust Finisher? There’s more to this than just excellent                          “The animals most easy to spot are the victims, the           unlikely to carry genetic properties for boar taint”,
                                     feed efficiency and good health. Also good social behavior and a                            ones that are harmed or that do not grow really well,         Mathur explains. Topigs Norsvin implemented
                                                                                                                                 because they are not given sufficient space at the            boar taint reduction in all lines in 2015.
                                       negligible chance of boar taint are important traits for finishers.                       feeding station. The aggressors are often much less
                                                                                                                                 visible. We can see that a tail has been injured, but it is   SMELL AS INDICATOR
                                                                                                                                 not always easy to identify the pig that is responsible       “We actually have a smelling score”, Van der Zande
                                                                  Pramod Mathur and Lisette van der Zande are working            for this.” Moreover, Mathur adds that selecting the           adds. “We have experts smelling samples of
                                                                  on different aspects of pig breeding at the research           ‘best behaving’ pigs does not mean selecting the most         cooked meat for boar taint. We do this because
                                                                  center in Beuningen, the Netherlands. One of their             docile pigs. “Some pigs are very passive. That is not a       smell turns out to be a more important indicator
                                                                  tasks is to develop criteria for selecting Robust Finishers.   desirable quality, because passive pigs just lie around       for boar taint than the concentration of smell-
                                                                  An important element in this is immunity of finishers          and do not go to the feeding station often enough.            producing compounds. It is simply the best proof
                                                                  and piglets. Best performance even in times of disease         Therefore we also have to look for a good balance in          of boar taint being present. This technology of
                                                                  outbreaks is an important characteristic of robust             social behavior. We do not want aggressors in the pen,        using the human nose as a research instrument
                                                                  finishers. Higher immunity levels prevent the animal           but we also want pigs that are motivated to take in           was developed by Topigs Norsvin.” Mathur:
                                                                  getting sick and needs treatments and antibiotics.             enough feed. That is the kind of finisher we want to          “We do all we can to breed the most robust
                                                                  However, other aspects such as behaviour and meat              select.”                                                      finishers in terms of feeding efficiency as well
                                                                  quality also play a role. Mathur and Van der Zande                                                                           as social behavior and boar taint. Even if we
                                                                  run specific studies on social behaviour as well as on         NO MORE BOAR TAINT                                            have to stick our own noses into it.” 
                                                                  controlling boar taint.                                        Another important quality of a Robust Finisher is the
                                                                                                                                 absence of boar taint, especially as castration of pigs
                                                                  SOCIAL PIGS PROMOTE GOOD GROWTH                                is a major welfare issue in European society. Mathur:
                                                                  Proper social behavior is a relatively new breeding            “Did you know that less than five percent of the boars
                                                                  goal. Mathur explains why it is actually crucial for good      are carriers of boar taint? And that only one in five
                                                                  growth and health: “There are certain behaviors that           people is able to actually smell this on cooked meat?
                                                                  we classify as being undesirable. Those are behaviors          This means that this actually is a minor problem,
                                                                  of pigs harming each other or causing arousal. Such            looking at the figures. Still, we want to get rid of
                                                                  stressors have a negative effect on the growth of pen          boar taint as soon as possible. It might involve a small
                                                                  mates and, of course, behaviors such as tail biting            number, but bad consumer experiences have a great
                                                                  cause injuries that may lead to infection. When a group        negative impact on the image of pork.” Nador is a
                                                                  of pigs behaves better, all pigs in the pen grow better        special program of Topigs Norsvin focusing on selecting
                                                                  and this improves the overall end result and raises the        boars with a low chance of boar taint. “When using
                                                                  animal welfare level.”                                         sperm from a Nador boar, there is a good chance that

                    Pramod Mathur                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lisette van der Zande

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Find new ways to improve                                                                       Index for robustness,
                    the feed efficiency
                    Topigs Norsvin is involved in a three-year research
                                                                                                                a new tool for pig farmers
                    project that will provide us with new insights, which
                    will help us improve the feed efficiency of finishers.                                        The Topigs Norsvin Robustness Index is a new tool to help farmers select
                    In this project the focus is not just on the individual
                    pigs, but also on the group of pigs in a pen. Even
                                                                                                                    the best genetic material. Working with strong animals is part of the
                    the micro­biome (the microorganisms living in the                                                          company’s philosophy on 'balanced breeding'.
                    pig's intestinal canal) will be taken in account.

                    By taking a broader look at feed efficiency, we might
                    find new selection traits that will substantially increase                      BALANCED BREEDING                       to be able to (sometimes literally)
                    the feed efficiency.                                                            “We are increasingly moving             stand their ground is essential as     THE INDEX FOR ROBUSTNESS IS BASED ON
                                                                                                    towards balanced breeding”,             well. Besides, the situation in the    SIX CHARACTERISTICS, WHICH ARE PARTLY
                    During the project data will be gathered from over                              says Toon Weerts, breeding pro-         pen or the care provided by the pig    GENETICALLY DETERMINED:
                    3000 finishers. Apart from genotyping and performance,                          gram manager at Topigs Norsvin          farmer, and a strong and robust
                    the microbiome will be determined as well. Blood                                and responsible for the breeding        physique of a healthy animal are       1. L
                                                                                                                                                                                       EG QUALITY
                    samples will be taken to gain insight into the meta-                            program of the company in North-        preconditions for good welfare.           Strong, well-shaped and well-placed legs make
                    bolite and hormone levels. Fecal samples will be used                           West and Central Europe. He has                                                   a pig move easily and literally stand 'firmly on
                    to determine the microbiome of the pigs and their                               been involved in pig breeding for       FIFTH COMPONENT                           its feet'. It also ensures less leg problems and
                    efficiency of digestion. Feeding stations will record                           38 years. “The demand for robust        The Robustness Index will be              damage, which is economically favorable;
                    individual feed intakes and cameras attached to the                             pigs is globally growing.               integrated into the existing
                    stations will record the weights of the animals. Another                        External parties insist on lower        Topigs Production Index (TPI),         2. P
                                                                                                                                                                                       IGLET DEFECTS
                    set of cameras hanging over the pen will record the                             piglet mortality, to give an example.   the compass used by pig farmers           This includes congenital defects, such as
                    behavior of the pigs in the group.                                              This can better be achieved with        to select the best genetic material.      umbilical hernia;
                                                                                                    robust animals than with animals        In addition to the existing four
                    By collecting, combining and processing all this data,                          bred only for maximum litter size.      scores for growth, feed conversion,    3. S
                                                                                                                                                                                       LAUGHTER ABNORMALITIES
                    the possibility is created to develop and select new                            Therefore we take a wide range of       bacon thickness and muscle                Abnormalities that are found in the slaughter-
                    traits that are difficult to breed for, such as animal                          breeding values into consideration,     thickness, the TPI contains a fifth       house, such as pneumonia, other lung pro-
                    behavior and resilience.                                                       all of which contribute to breeding     component. “Pig farmers can               blems, liver disorders or bone defects, can be
                                                                                                    a more robust pig.”                     choose for more robustness in             linked to genetics. These can best be identified
                                                                                                                                            the genetic material they use for         when automatic individual registration takes
                                                                                                    WELFARE                                 their business as of the autumn           place at the slaughter line;
                                                                                                    Pig farmers want animals that           of 2017," says Weerts. The first
                                                                                                    are both strong and yield a high        introduction is in Germany, because    4. VITALITY
Over 4400 hectares less per year                                                                    production. These two qualities         this country is at the forefront in        How many of the live-born piglets actually stay
                                                                                                    sometimes compete for priority          automatic animal recognition at            alive?
Topigs Norsvin breeds with Total Feed Efficiency in mind, a concept that reduces the costs for      in genetic predisposition.              the slaughter line. Topigs Norsvin
feed not only in the finisher stage, but through the entire production chain. In recent decades,    Stakeholders such as NGOs,              applies the Robustness Index also      5. RESISTANCE
Topigs Norsvin genetics have been bred to reduce all forms of leakage in production systems         governments and citizens demand         in the so-called Topigs Selection           Specific attention is paid to resistance against
and to produce the highest level of pork per weight unit per unit of feed. Furthermore, the fo-     more attention for animal welfare.      Index (TSI). The company makes              the PRRS virus;
cus is on highly producing and easy to handle sows as well as on efficient and robust finishers.    One of the ways to address this         use of the index for the breeding
                                                                                                    issue is to work with strong            programs at its nucleus and            6. W
                                                                                                                                                                                       EAN2FINISHER MORTALITY
We see the results. For example, we know from a benchmark survey including over 600 farms           animals.                                multiplier locations. “In this way        Topigs Norsvin has developed a special protocol
that the total feed efficiency improves by an average of 0.8% per year in the Netherlands. This     These are the main reasons why          we keep distinguishing ourselves          for objectively determining the drop-out
is 13 grams less feed per produced kilo pork per year. This may sound trivial, but when calcula-    Topigs Norsvin gives robustness a       in the market with stock material         between weaning and slaughtering.
ting this effect for the entire Dutch pig industry in which about 16 million pigs are slaughtered   central place in its breeding goal      for robust pigs. The market for
on an annual basis, our genetic improvement reduces the need of land to produce the feed (in        for pigs. Not only growth, produc-      this is growing and we have faith
this case wheat) by over 4400 hectares per year.                                                   tion and efficiency are important,      in this direction for the global pig
                                                                                                    the genetic predisposition of pigs      farming business." 

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Genetics is one of
     the cornerstones for
 production with entire tails                                                                   Walking about on the farm of Friedrich Wilhelm
                                                                                                Temme we see pigs with uncut tails. The tails of all the
                                                                                                animals are intact. Most of them have a nice curl and
                                                                                                                                                              NO COMPLAINTS
                                                                                                                                                              The customers of Temme get TN70s with long tails.
                                                                                                                                                              Temme has never had complaints about this. The long
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Friedrich Wilhelm Temme
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The farm in Borgholzhausen
                                                                                                some are hanging straight down. The farmer clearly            tails do not cause any problems. Everyone is surprised
                                                                                                enjoys the view of the pigs with their tails when he          and also glad that working with uncut tails appears
    Friedrich Wilhelm Temme decided to stop cutting tails five years ago. The first questions   shows us his animals. "It gives me joy and satisfaction       to be possible. "The TN70 sow has a friendly
  that comes up when we hear about the decision of this German Topigs Norsvin multiplier        to see my pigs like this."                                    character", Temme states. "The genetic backgrounds
                                                                                                                                                              of the characters of the Z-line and the Norsvin Landrace
   from Borgholzhausen near Osnabruck is: Why? Temme answers this question with other           ROPE                                                          line come together in the TN70 and this makes the sow
                                                                                                Another thing that is not seen in every farm is pieces        suitable for production with entire tails."
    questions: "Why not? Why should we cut the tail of a pig?" Read the story of a breeder      of rope hanging down in the pens for the youngest
                        who wants to be prepared for the customer demands of the future.        rearing groups. This rope is a kind of alternative for the    FARMER AND ENVIRONMENT
                                                                                                tail. We see pigs constantly playing with the rope and        One of the traits included in the breeding goals of
                                                                                                biting it. Temme: "I experimented with the rope to find       Topigs Norsvin is behavior of the sow and the balanced
                                                                                                out the best way of using it. I discovered that at least      breeding approach seems to work for breeder Temme
                                                                                                one rope has to lay on the ground and the hanging             and his customers.
                                                                                                ropes have to hang freely in the pen." Older rearing
                                                                                                gilts are given a small amount of straw. This also helps
                                                                                                to prevent the pigs from biting each other's tails.
                                                                                                                                                                      Everyone is surprised and also
                                                                                                THINKING AHEAD
                                                                                                Temme is convinced that producing pigs with intact
                                                                                                                                                                    glad that working with uncut tails
                                                                                                tails will be a fact of life for EU pig farmers in the near               appears to be possible.
                                                                                                future. "EU legislation already forbids cutting tails, but
                                                                                                everyone makes use of the exception to the rule that
                                                                                                cutting tails is allowed when it is better for the pig's
                                                                                                health. It depends on the politicians when this option        However, Temme does not regard genetics as the only
                                                                                                will be abolished. I want to contribute a bit to the          cornerstone that allows for production with entire tails.
                                                                                                solution and as a breeder I have to think five to seven       It also depends on the farmer or the management.
                                                                                                years ahead."                                                 The farmer must have the right attitude for it and has
                                                                                                                                                              to see the fun and satisfaction in it. Temme: "Indeed,
                                                                                                TRUST IN GENETICS                                             the way I work takes extra time, perhaps one hour per
                                                                                                Temme breeds TN70 sows. He has a Z-line and he has            day. This is not wasted time, though. While I give the
                                                                                                not cut the tails of his pure lines for over five years       pigs straw, I do an extra check on them and for me it
                                                                                                now. "My sows and I trust in my genetics having the           is a joy to walk about in a shed were the pigs are
                                                                                                right character for production with whole tails."             producing well in good health and with intact tails."
                                                                                                In 2014, when the Norsvin Landrace became available           The third cornerstone is the environment. Here the
                                                                                                in Germany as a result of the merger of Topigs and            above-mentioned ropes and straw come in as well as
                                                                                                Norsvin, he also stopped cutting the tails of the F1s.        a bit more space for the animals and the right climate
                                                                                                Temme learned that in Norway tails are not cut, so the        in the shed. Temme concludes: "Genetics are perhaps
                                                                                                Norsvin Landrace was bred for a production system in          most important here. I would not be able to work this
                                                                                                which uncut tails were the standard for many years.           way if the pigs hadn't the right character." 

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CSR MAGAZINE 2018/19 is a Topigs Norsvin publication
Concept and realisation by JEEN | Photography by Henk Riswick, iStock, Snuitgeverij and Topigs Norsvin | Printed by Graphic Support
                         For more information peter.loenen@topigsnorsvin.com | www.topigsnorsvin.com
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