TOGETHER BETTER 2020 - Little Tokyo Service Center

Page created by Ray Conner
TOGETHER BETTER 2020 - Little Tokyo Service Center

TOGETHER BETTER 2020 - Little Tokyo Service Center
                               COMMUNITIES                                                                                      WELCOME
CONTENTS                                                                                                                        In 2020, Little Tokyo Service Center faced down the COVID-19 pandemic.

02   Statement of Activities
                                                                                                                                When the world went into lockdown, fear and
02   By The Numbers
03   Highlights
                                                                                                                                uncertainty took hold. Grocery store shelves emptied,
04   Covid-19 Pivot                                                                                                             unemployment skyrocketed and morale plummeted.
                                       Strengthening Little Tokyo                          Nurturing Families
06   Finally, A Home                                                                                                            With the health and wellbeing of the community at
                                   LTSC provides vital community services              LTSC keeps families strong by
     Court For All
                                     that preserve Little Tokyo’s cultural             offering childcare, youth and            risk, LTSC sprung into action.                                                    Erich Nakano
08   Fostering Resilience            roots and build a more sustainable                       other programs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Executive Director
     Through Mental                 neighborhood for future generations.                                                        Our social workers conducted wellness calls to our clients and residents
     Health Support                                                                                                             to assess their needs. Then LTSC quickly pivoted to create solutions to urgent
                                                                                                                                needs like food security, financial stability, social connection and mental
10   Caring For Clients
     With Inclusive Services                                                                                                    health support.

12   Empowering                                                                                                                 Food security programs were established on the fly. LTSC made weekly deliveries
     Residents to Become                                                                                                        of fresh produce from our food pantry and delivered 3,126 bags of groceries
     Community Leaders
                                                                                                                                to 76 households. We created the Little Tokyo Eats program (partnering with
14   Celebrating 40 Years                                                                                                       Little Tokyo Community Council and Keiro) to deliver hot meals to vulnerable
                                              Helping Seniors                        Building Affordable Housing
16   Supporters                                                                                                                 seniors while supporting 14 legacy restaurants. This program provided 11,000+
                                     LTSC offers an array of services to           Facing LA’s housing crisis, LTSC builds
     Board of Directors                                                                                                         subsidized meals, bringing in $113,000 in revenue for local small businesses.
                                  promote mental health and wellness for          and acquires property for rehabilitation                                                                                        Dick Kaku
32   Ways to Give                   seniors in Little Tokyo and beyond.           to put affordable housing within reach                                                                                          President, Board of Directors
                                                                                                                                We pushed forward in our efforts to build desperately needed affordable
                                                                                               for Angelenos.
                                                                                                                                housing, hitting milestones for all of our projects in progress: Santa Monica/
                                                                                                                                Vermont Apartments, Crocker Apartments and the Go For Broke project on
                                                                                                                                First Street North. These projects will provide 600+ affordable apartments to
                                                                                                                                low-income families, veterans and formerly homeless people.

                                                                                                                                After decades in the making, 2020 saw the completion of Terasaki Budokan,
                                                                                                                                a community recreational facility. Budokan will nurture children and youth
                                                                                                                                residents from our affordable housing and Downtown neighborhoods, connect
                                        Assisting People in Need                     Supporting Small Businesses                visitors to the Little Tokyo neighborhood, and lay roots for future generations
                                       LTSC is a one-stop service center            Along with key partners, LTSC helps         of the Japanese American community.
                                        with multilingual assistance for         provide assistance to small businesses and
                                                 those in need.                  aspiring entrepreneurs in Little Tokyo and     As we reflect on 2020, we’re filled with gratitude for our supporters. YOU are
                                                                                      throughout Los Angeles County.            why we’re able to pursue our mission, and your support means everything to us.

                                                                                                                                Thank you for your interest in our work. We hope that you enjoy highlights and
                                                                                                                                stories from the past year.
                               Little Tokyo Service Center is a social service and community development organization
                               that improves the lives of individuals and families and promotes the rich heritage of Southern
                               California’s ethnic communities.

                               Featured story photography by Jesse Koester

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       LTSC 2020 Annual Report   01
TOGETHER BETTER 2020 - Little Tokyo Service Center
STATEMENT OF                             BY THE                                                                             2020
ACTIVITIES                               NUMBERS                                                                            HIGHLIGHTS
                                                    Childcare and Early Education                                                                   Daimaru Hotel was             Changing Tides held
                                                                                                                                                    converted into apartments     virtual CT Cafes on
                                                                                                                                                    and preserved 41 units        Saturday mornings over
                                               198                           150                          17                                        of affordable housing         the summer for people
                                             Children served             Children served            infant/toddler care                             on Little Tokyo’s Historic    to connect and discuss
                                            through Angelina               have limited           providers – 4 languages                           First Street.                 mental health topics.
                                           Preschool & home-            English proficiency           (English, Spanish,
                                           based care network                                        Japanese, Korean)

                                                    Affordable Housing                                                       300 community members                                                    Asian for Miracle Marrow
                                                                                                                             received translation and                                                 Matches (A3M) registered

                                              600+                          997                         250                  education about the Census
                                                                                                                             website so they could
                                                                                                                                                                                                      6,500 new donors. 44
                                                                                                                                                                                                      transplants were made
                                           Units of affordable          Affordable housing         Million + invested in     complete their online                                                    possible by marrow and
 Grants                    $13,240,083       and permanent                 units to date          housing over the years
 Contributions              $3,117,628
                                                                                                                             questionnaire.                                                           stem cells from A3M donors.
                                           supportive housing
 Fees for Service           $1,800,420     in predevelopment
 Real Estate Income          $582,423
 Special Events              $441,607
 Gain on Investments         $363,850               Social Services                                                                                 Volunteer Income              70 volunteers joined the
 In-kind Contributions        $97,759
 Other Revenue                $10,229
                                                                                                                                                    Tax Assistance (VITA)         Small Biz Hype Squad and

                                           26,238                         7,318                      2,590                                          program at two sites
                                                                                                                                                    helped taxpayers file
                                                                                                                                                                                  assisted small businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                  with translation, website
                                           Instances of senior        Hours of mental health           Participants in
                                                                                                                                                    320 returns and receive       design, photography,
                                             client support          service, care management     mental health outreach
                                                                        support to children,       events and parenting                             $446,656 in refunds.          and social media.
                                                                      adults, families, seniors       support groups

                                                    Senior Activities
               Expenses                                                                                                      Social Services received a                                                Little Tokyo, Chinatown
                                                                                                                             3-year federal grant to                                                   and Skid Row residents
                                                 18                       4,181                       1,132                  provide education and
                                                                                                                             services in Japanese and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       participated in the City’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                       planning process that will
                                            different bilingual             participant                  volunteer
                                           classes offered at 6           hours in senior            instruction hours
                                                                                                                             Korean for Alzheimer’s Disease                                            impact their neighborhoods
                                         locations in Little Tokyo        activity classes                                   and Related Dementias.                                                    for years to come.
                                            and the South Bay
 Program Services          $10,176,264
 General and Administrative $1,301,570
 Fundraising                 $745,633               Youth and Resident Programs
                                                                                                                                                    4 zines of resident art and   With a $1M grant from
                                                                                                                                                    essays were published in      HHH, Kosumosu began
                                               430                          695                           43                                        Spanish, Japanese, Korean
                                                                                                                                                    and Chinese to bring
                                                                                                                                                                                  renovations to improve
                                                                                                                                                                                  its housing for women
                                             Hours of virtual         Art kits to accompany          Students enrolled
                                              one-on-one                online workshops               in after-school
                                                                                                                                                    residents together while      and children who have
                                                tutoring               (in partnership with        virtual and/or hybrid                            staying apart.                survived domestic violence.
                                                                     Sustainable Little Tokyo)          programming

                                                                                                                                                                                                                LTSC 2020 Annual Report   02 | 03
TOGETHER BETTER 2020 - Little Tokyo Service Center
PIVOTING TO PROVIDE RELIEF DURING                                                                                                                                                                       “I would say that right now LTSC is
                                                                                                                                                                                                        single-handedly keeping Little Tokyo

COVID-19                                                                                                                “The truth is that the senior activity class not only lifts                     alive, kind of like a support system.
                                                                                                                        my body but my spirit as well. I’m looking forward to                           We have seriously considered closing,
                                                                                                                        this class every time it comes around.”                                         but with their help, we are able to
                                                                                                                                                                                                        stay open.”
                                                                                                                        — Toshiko Muto, LTSC client, resident at Little Tokyo Towers
At the start of the pandemic, our social workers made over 3,000 wellness                                                                                                                               — Kenji Suzuki, Owner of Suehiro Cafe

calls in 5 languages to our clients and residents to assess their needs. Then LTSC
quickly pivoted to create solutions to urgent needs like food security, financial
stability and mental health support.

                                 WELLNESS                                      FOOD SECURITY                            SMALL BUSINESS                                FINANCIAL SUPPORT                        YOUTH SUPPORT
                                 Facilitated 18 bilingual senior               Provided 3,163 fresh produce and                                                       Distributed $75,549 in emergency         Angelina Preschool offered free
                                 activities in six locations in Little Tokyo   food pantry bags to residents in need.   Provided $113,000 in revenue to               cash assistance to 75 households to      childcare for essential workers and
                                 and the South Bay, including arts and                                                  local restaurants.                            address financial instability.           provided academic support kits for
                                 crafts, gardening, and chair exercise.        Distributed $10,325 in grocery gift                                                                                             students learning from home.
                                                                               cards to residents in need.              Assisted 135 small businesses across          Successfully filed 320 tax returns
                                 Hosted virtual dementia care                                                           LA County (60 in Little Tokyo) in             for a total refund amount of             Hosted 46 youth workshops
“I look forward to every meal.   support groups and Changing Tides             Delivered over 11,000 subsidized         securing over $5M in loans, grants,           $446,656, and provided tax services      addressing mental health through
I am extremely grateful.         Cafes and workshops to provide                meals to Japanese, Korean, and           and relief payments.                          to help low-income families qualify      education, peer support and
Please convey my appreciation    support and discuss mental health.            Spanish-speaking seniors living in six                                                 for stimulus payments.                   creative expression.
to everyone.”                                                                  affordable housing buildings.            Matched over 40 volunteers with
                                 Launched 4 zines showcasing resident                                                   small businesses to assist them with                                                   Launched the Mi CASA youth program
— Senior Resident,
  Little Tokyo Towers            artwork to uplift and support isolated        Distributed 224 grab-and-go meals        online marketing and e-commerce.                                                       in May 2020 with 25 youth enrolled
                                 community members.                            to Angelina Preschool students.                                                                                                 in hybrid learning. The program will
                                                                                                                                                                                                               return in-person at Terasaki Budokan
                                                                                                                                                                                                               in 2021.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              LTSC 2020 Annual Report   04 | 05
TOGETHER BETTER 2020 - Little Tokyo Service Center
                                                                                                 HOME COURT
                                                                                                 FOR ALL
                                                                                                 25 years in the making, with over             and Downtown community to cast
                                                                                                 $34.6 million raised through the              their votes. Later in the pandemic,
                                                                                                 generosity of donors like you, Terasaki       Budokan hosted a mobile COVID-19
                                                                                                 Budokan was gearing up for youth              vaccination clinic, ensuring the health
                                                                                                 basketball tournaments, Olympics              and safety of Little Tokyo’s seniors who
                                                                                                 watch parties, and other exciting             faced hurdles in accessing the vaccine.
                                                                                                 events – only to have the COVID-19            A diverse community has diverse
                                                                                                 pandemic cancel all plans.                    needs, and Budokan was able to pivot
                                                                                                                                               to provide a safe gathering space.
                                                                                                 Despite the setback, the open
                                                                                                 schedule pushed the staff to get              As the staff prepare for COVID-19
                                                                                                 creative and think of new ways the            restrictions to be lifted, they’re excited
                                                                                                 space could serve the community.              for the gym to come to life. “We
                                                                                                 “In a weird way, the pandemic has             definitely can’t wait to hear kids’ shoes
                                                                                                 really helped us explore those other          squeaking on the floors and see the
                                                                                                 uses because we couldn’t have the             whole facility in use. We built this
                                                                                                 activities that we normally would,”           facility for youth, families and seniors
                                                                                                 explained Ryan Lee, Director of               in the Little Tokyo and downtown
                                                                                                 Terasaki Budokan.                             community, and we’re excited to get
                                                                                                                                               our programs up and running. After
                                                                                                 Though recreational activities were           25 years in the making, overcoming
                                                                                                 greatly missed at Budokan, the space          many obstacles along the way, we’ll
                                                                                                 served as the perfect location to host        make it through this pandemic too.
                                                                                                 socially distanced events. The venue          Terasaki Budokan is finally here and
                                                                                                 was transformed into a voting center          we can’t wait to share it with you!”
                                                                                                 for the 2020 presidential election,           said Lee.
                                                                                                 creating access for the Little Tokyo

                                                                                                 It’s my hope and dream that the Budokan will be one of the
                                                                                                 most important institutions here in Little Tokyo because it’s
                                                                                                 not just for this generation, but the next generation.
                                                                                                 — Bill Watanabe, LTSC Founding Executive Director

Terasaki Budokan staff (left to right): Curtis Takimoto, Ryan Lee, Kim Kawasaki, Michelle Chan

                                                                                                                                                                  LTSC 2020 Annual Report   06 | 07
TOGETHER BETTER 2020 - Little Tokyo Service Center
The COVID-19 pandemic not only
impacted physical health, but took a
unique toll on mental health. When
schools closed, LTSC staff knew that
the youth living in our affordable
housing would need support. Within
a month, the Resident Services team
developed weekly virtual workshops
to address mental health topics
through art and activities centered             Artwork by Patricia
around creative expression.
                                                guide me through the tough times,”
Patricia, a 14-year old resident at             explained Patricia. “I’ve seen a major
Angelina Apartments and a member                change in my confidence.”
of LTSC’s youth programming, found
solace in these workshops after losing          With a strong support system in place,
family members to COVID-19 and                  Patricia stepped out of her comfort
struggling with depression. They also           zone and took a leadership position
provided a respite from her stressful           as the president of her school’s Black
days of attending online school and             Lives Matter club. She enjoys digital
taking care of her 4-year old sister            art and fashion design, and has her
while her mother and grandmother,               sights set on a career in the medical
both nurses, worked on the front                field. “I’d like to thank [LTSC] for
lines. “I personally don’t like talking         helping me and my family...and being
about my feelings and I used to be              there for us at all times. I look forward
a closed off person. But ever since I           to these workshops every week, and
started doing the workshops, I’ve been          I feel very proud of myself and the
feeling more open and happier, and              people around me for being able to
[my classmates] are able to listen and          get through all of this together.”

It’s important for the kids to have a chance to be kids.
They see the stress their families are under, so having a
safe space to process everything is important.
— Nancy Alcaraz, LTSC’s Director of Resident Services

08 | 09   LTSC 2020 Annual Report
TOGETHER BETTER 2020 - Little Tokyo Service Center
Kelly has overcome big challenges             Kelly’s call – eliminating the language
in her life - enduring a physical             barrier Kelly feared. Hi-Woo secured
disability, emotional abuse, domestic         safe temporary housing for Kelly,
violence, poverty, homelessness, and          helped her apply for permanent
cancer treatment, to name a few. As           housing, secured rent debt relief and
a Korean immigrant, Kelly struggled           provided mental health therapy. “I’m
with language barriers that prevented         really truly thankful for Hi-Woo –
her from getting the help she needed,         she cares about me like family. I’m
often having her needs misinterpreted         finally getting over my long-time
or ignored. Despite these challenges,         depression,” Kelly remarked. “I finally
Kelly stood strong - but COVID-19             feel heard.”
was too much to bear on her own.
                                              Five months later, Kelly is finding joy
The pandemic escalated her situation
                                              again. “I have confidence again. LTSC
and she found herself houseless and
                                              gave me courage to enjoy life and
in debt. “I’ve lived through tough
                                              discover my purpose,” Kelly shared.
times, but this was a new low point,”
                                              She started making crafts that she
said Kelly. “I didn’t know what I was
                                              hopes to sell, and started singing
going to do.”
                                              again. She recently entered a local
Luckily, Kelly heard a segment on a           singing competition for seniors and
local Korean radio station about LTSC’s       sang for the first time in fourteen
social services. “I lost my trust in social   years. She won second place.
workers from my previous negative
                                              “I want people to hear my story and
experiences, but when I heard [LTSC
                                              be inspired to ask for help. It’s difficult
social workers] speaking in Korean, I
                                              to be vulnerable, but there is hope.
thought I’d reach out for help just one
                                              Don’t give up! I used to be isolated
more time,” said Kelly.
                                              and afraid, but after finding LTSC my
Hi-Woo, one of LTSC’s Korean-                 life has changed for the better.”
speaking social workers, answered

We try to know every resource that’s available so we can
meet all of our clients’ needs, from housing to mental
health services and everything in between. LTSC is very
unique that way.
— Hi-Woo Lee, LTSC Social Worker

< Kelly Pictured with Social worker, Hi-Woo

                                                                 LTSC 2020 Annual Report   10 | 11
TOGETHER BETTER 2020 - Little Tokyo Service Center
For Andrew Hernandez, a lifelong                grandma, Nancy [LTSC Director of
resident of Casa Heiwa, LTSC is like            Resident Services] signed us up to
family. His grandmother and mother              receive hot meals. That really helped
moved into Casa Heiwa in 2002,                  because my sister and I were doing all
and all three generations of their              the cooking. Receiving prepared meals
family have been active participants            just helped us so much.”
in LTSC’s resident programming.
                                                Growing up seeing the impact LTSC’s
Andrew and his two siblings received
                                                programs had on his family and
academic and developmental
                                                neighbors, Andrew was determined
support in our after school and
                                                to give back. He mentored younger
mentorship programs. His mother
                                                students in the after school program
benefits from LTSC’s volunteer
                                                and continues to help at resident
income tax preparation services and
                                                events whenever he can. Andrew also
financial literacy workshops, and
                                                stepped into a leadership position as
his grandmother stays engaged and
                                                a Casa Heiwa representative for the
socially connected through the senior
                                                Community Action Team, a stakeholder
activity programs. “In the beginning, it
                                                group of residents from LTSC buildings
felt like we were just living here – just
                                                voicing concerns and sharing ideas
a place we stayed at. But once we got
                                                for community improvements. “Being
to know everyone and be a part of the
                                                on the other side, it’s heartwarming to
programs, it helped us be more open
                                                know that I’m making a difference and
and empowered us to handle life’s
                                                making my community a better place.
challenges.” said Andrew.
                                                I just wish I could have been part of
“LTSC is always there for us. They’re           this sooner.”
like that family member that always
                                                Andrew is now a freshman at Mount
checks in on you,” Andrew reflects.
                                                Saint Mary’s University, furthering his
“When we had COVID, which was
                                                passion for helping others by pursuing
really bad for my mom and my
                                                a degree in nursing.

Seeing Andrew mature from a child in our youth programs
to a teenage mentor to a young adult neighborhood leader
is truly rewarding. This is why we love our work – we give
tools to our residents to help them thrive.
— Nancy Alcaraz, LTSC’s Director of Resident Services
                                                            Andrew Hernandez pictured with   >
                                                               his mother and grandmother

12 | 13   LTSC 2020 Annual Report
TOGETHER BETTER 2020 - Little Tokyo Service Center
POSITIVE CHANGE FOR                 CELEBRATING                                                                                           2014
                                                                                                                                          Far East Lounge, a new gathering

                                    40 YEARS
PEOPLE AND PLACES                                                                                                                         place for seniors, opens. Over
                                                                                                                                          3,000 people attend classes.
LTSC receives a JACS grant                                                                                                                2015
of $8,700 to hire Bill Watanabe     In 2020, LTSC celebrated our 40th Anniversary with a                                                  Satellite office in the South Bay
as Executive Director. Soon                                                                                                               opens to serve Nikkei in Gardena
after, Yasuko Sakamoto and
                                    virtual online gala. Watch our gala celebration video                                                 and Torrance.
Evelyn Yoshimura begin              on our YouTube channel.                                                   1994
providing services to seniors                                                                                                             2018
in the community.
                                                                                                                                          “341 FSN” opens and converts a
                                                                                                                                          storefront into an experimental
1994                                                                                                                                      space to advance neighborhood
LTSC begins building affordable                                                                                                           and community engagement.
housing throughout Los Angeles’
low-income neighborhoods.                                                                                                                 2019
                                                                                                                                          10 youth living in LTSC’s
1996                                                                                                                                      housing graduate high school
LTSC moves to Casa Heiwa after                                                      1980                                                  and are the first in their family
16 years at JACCC.                                                                                     2007                               to attend college.

2000                                                                                                                                      2020
Over 500 community                                                                                                                        After decades in the making,
members attend a rally in                                                                                                                 Terasaki Budokan (a community
Little Tokyo in support of the                                                                                                            recreational facility) is completed.
Recreation Center project.

                                    2014                          2015
Renovations of the historic
Far East Building are completed,
and 16 formerly homeless                                                                                                                  LTSC’s 40th Anniversary
residents move in.                                                                                                                        Gala honored Supervisor
                                                                                                                                          Hilda Solis and Alan Nishio.

2007                                                                                                                               2000   “My involvement with
L.A Tofu Festival is held for                                                                                                             LTSC has come to define
the 12th and final time.
                                                                                                                                          my understanding of
                                                                                                                                          community and serving
Bill Watanabe, LTSC’s                                           2012                                                                      those in need and for
founding executive director,                                                                                                              that I am forever grateful.”
retires after thirty-three years.
                                                                                                                                          — Alan Nishio, 36-year member
Dean Matsubayashi is named
                                                                                                                                          of the LTSC Board of Directors
as his successor.

                                                                                                                                                    LTSC 2020 Annual Report   14 | 15
TOGETHER BETTER 2020 - Little Tokyo Service Center
                                                                                         A very special thanks to LTSC’s supporters                Gene and Vickie Kanamori
                                                                                                                                                                                       Kiyohara & Takahashi, CPAs      Joseph Biderman and              Bruce Iwasaki and Evelyn
                                                                                                                                                                                       Neil and JoAnn Komai               Richard Holbrook                 Yoshimura
                                                                                         for grants and donations received between                 Kinecta Federal Credit Union
                                                                                                                                                                                       Ralph Komai                     Elizabeth Burton                 Gary T. Izumi
                                                                                                                                                   Carolyn Komai
                                                                                         January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020.                                                        Roy and Aileen Kozaki           Shirley Chami and Daniel         Japanese American Bar
                                                                                                                                                   Steve and Patty Nagano
                                                                                                                                                                                       Jenni Kuida and Tony Osumi         Kerson                           Association
                                                                                                                                                   Bradley and Deanne Nii
                                                                                                                                                                                       Leland Lau                      Chiyo and Manny Chidhalay        Japanese Women’s Society of
                                                                                                                                                   Jeffrey and Linda Niizawa
Honor Grove: Members of LTSC’s Honor Grove have pledged to make an annual donation in support of LTSC’s Social Services programs.                                                      Richard Lee and Carole          Combined Federal Campaign           Southern California
                                                                                                                                                   Gilbert Nishimura
                                                                                                                                                                                          Watanabe-Lee                 Kira Teshima Conlon              Miyako Kadogawa
   Bonsai Level: 26+ Years of Giving |    Bamboo Level: 16-25 Years of Giving |      Pine Level: 11-15 Years of Giving                             Alan and Yvonne Nishio
                                                                                                                                                                                       Low Income Investment Fund      CT Realty                        Masamitsu and Noriko
                                                                                                                                                   Estate of Mary T. Oi
   Maple Level: 6-10 Years of Giving |    Cherry Level: 1-5 Years of Giving                                                                                                            Manufacturers Bank              Diamond Realty Management           Kamimoto
                                                                                                                                                   Heizaburo and Jeanie Okawa
                                                                                                                                                                                       Karen Margolis                     America Inc.                  Gary Kanemoto
                                                                                                                                                   Ryan and Denise Onishi
                                                                                                                                                                                       Rev. George and Kay             Diamond Realty Management Inc.   Kang Dream Foundation
                                                                                                                                                   Open Bank
   Terasaki Budokan: Supporters who contributed to the Terasaki Budokan in 2020 |       A3M: Supporters who contributed to A3M in 2020                                                    Matsubayashi                 Ben and Toshiko Ebihara          Cain Kataoka and Denise
                                                                                                                                                   Lee and Lorraine Ouye
   Changing Tides: Supporters who contributed to Changing Tides in 2020                                                                                                                Janet and Henry Minami, Jr.     Eugene and Teresa Eng               Okimoto
                                                                                                                                                   Pasadena Bruins
                                                                                                                                                                                       Dave and Terri Mitani and       Michael Enomoto                  Larry Katata
                                                                                                                                                   POM Wonderful, Inc
                                                                                                                                                                                          Family                       Minako and Robert Ferrante       Jim Kato
                                                                                                                                                   Randall and Sylvia Quan
                                                                                                                                                                                       Christopher Mori                FIA Insurance Services, Inc.     Jean and Karl Kawakami
$500,000 and up                      $50,000-$99,999                      The Capital Group Companies            Shirakiku Foundation              Kitty Sankey
                                                                                                                                                                                       Mike Murase and June Hibino     Hiroshi and Misako Fujisaki      Aiko Kawaratani
Aratani Foundation                   Anonymous                              Charitable Foundation                SoCalGas                          Scott and Shelley Shinmoto
                                                                                                                                                                                       The Kenichi and Takayo Nakase   Jan Fukuhara Dyck                Tayoko Kawato
California Department                Bank of America Charitable           Capital One                            The Albertsons Companies          Shotokan Karate
                                                                                                                                                                                          Family Foundation            Alex H. Fukui                    Glen and Carol Kazahaya
   of Education                         Foundation                        Cathay Bank Foundation                   Foundation                      Skanska
                                                                                                                                                                                       Nikkei Senior Gardens           Leslie Furukawa and John         Hal and Barbara Keimi
Keith and Cecilia Terasaki           California Humanities                City National Bank                     Ray and Estela Uchima             Douglas and Isabelle Sugimoto
                                                                                                                                                                                       Nikkei Women Legacy                 Hayashi                      Kenedix Westwood, LLC
U.S. Small Business Administration   Cathay Bank                          Comerica Bank                          Walton Construction Inc.          Julie Sunabe
                                                                                                                                                                                          Association                  Gallagher Insurance Brokers      Chester and Eileen Kido
The Umami Fund/Daniel Blinkoff       City of Los Angeles Department       Diamond Realty Investments, Inc.       Community Power Fund of the       Ron Takasugi
                                                                                                                                                                                       Dr. and Mrs. Sam Masami         Myron Gee and Ann Ogawa          Don and Cheryl Kikkawa
   and Tamlyn Tomita                    of Aging                          Eagle, Globerman and Kodama              Women’s Foundation California   Verizon Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                          Otsuji                           Gee                          Ken and Karen Kikkawa
                                     Citi Community Development              Foundation                          Kathleen R. Yamamoto              Tad Yoshimura
                                                                                                                                                                                       Bradley and Allyson Sakai       Lilly Hamasu                     Steffeni and Kelly Kikuta
$100,000-$499,999                    County of Los Angeles Department     The Eisner Foundation                  Kazuto Yamamoto Fund
                                                                                                                                                                                       Roy Sakamoto                    Tammy Hannan                     Christine and Brian Kimura
Anonymous                               of Public Social Services         Federal Home Loan Bank of              Qris Yamashita/Chris Komai        $2,500-$4,999
                                                                                                                                                                                       Sansei Legacy                   Mabel Fujita Harman              Sadao and Faye Kimura
California Community                 County of Los Angeles Department        San Francisco                                                         Aihara & Associates Insurance
                                                                                                                                                                                       Tom Scott                       Kimberly Hayashi                 Noel Kinoshita
  Foundation                            of Workforce Development,         Fujishige Farms                        $5,000-$9,999                        Services Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Cooke and Elaine Sunoo          Phyllis Hayashibara              Iku Kiriyama
Enterprise Community Partners           Aging and Community Services      Helen Funai Erickson                   Chris and Doug Aihara             Anonymous
                                                                                                                                                                                       Tanaka Farms                    Health Net, Inc.                 Yuji Kitagawa
JPMorgan Chase Foundation            The Fund for An Inclusive            Hayashi Family                         Anonymous                         Anonymous
                                                                                                                                                                                       Glenn Tokushige                 Hiroko Higuchi and Al            Colleen and Edward Kobayashi
Keiro                                   California of the Common             -Alan and Kimberly Hayashi          Anonymous                         Anonymous
                                                                                                                                                                                       Toyota Motor Sales,                 Muratsuchi                   Jean and David Kodama
Local Initiatives Support               Counsel Foundation                   -Edwin and Janet Hayashi            Anonymous (2)                     Boston Private
                                                                                                                                                                                          USA, Inc                     Himawari Karaoke Doko-Kai        Ken and Christine Kohler
  Corporation                        Consulate General of Japan              -Howard and Stephanie Hayashi       American Business Bank            California Bank & Trust
                                                                                                                                                                                       Dahni Tsuboi and Pete Manzo     Alan Hino                        Michael Komai
Los Angeles County Department        Corporation for Supportive              -John and Leslie Hayashi            Akemi Arakaki and                 Judie Chang
                                                                                                                                                                                       Stuart Tsujimoto                Ernest Hiroshige                 Glen and Joyce Komatsu
  of Mental Health                      Housing                           The Paul S. Honda Foundation              Takao Suzuki                   Change in the Community
                                                                                                                                                                                       Andrew and Chantel Uchida       Historic Cultural Neighborhood   Alan and Ruth Kondo
Los Angeles Housing Services         Kaiser Foundation Hospitals,         Hoops for Friends                      Be The Match Foundation           Children’s Advocacy Centers
                                                                                                                                                                                       Drs. David and Donna Uyehara        Council                      Koning Eizenberg Architecture, Inc.
  Authority                             Los Angeles                       Hisako (Betty) Imamura                 The Boeing Company                   of California
                                                                                                                                                                                       Carlos Vasquez                  Kelley and Cliff Ikeda           Korean American Music
NeighborWorks                        Los Angeles County Department of     Gonsaku and Mine Ito Family            Deborah Ching and                 Cisco
                                                                                                                                                                                       Bill and Ruth Watanabe          Chris Inouye                        Academy
Santa Monica Nikkei Hall Fund           Children and Family Services      JA Community Foundation                   Mark Mayeda                    FSY Architects
                                                                                                                                                                                       Westmont Corporation            Art Ishii                        Debbie Kotani
                                     MUFG Union Bank                      Kambara Family Fund                    CTBC Bank                         Genesis LA
                                                                                                                                                                                       Jerry and France Wong           Matsuko Isozaki                  Aimee Kuan
Sugimoto Family Foundation:          National Council on Aging            Gary and Suzette Kawaguchi             Ernest and Kiyo Doizaki           Lloyd Inui
                                                                                                                                                                                       Yamasa Kamaboko Ent. /          Paul and Judy Isozaki            Nora Kubota
  George, Ruri, Lisa, Nathan         National Institute of Health         Kim Kawaratani, Emma Matsub-           Edison International              Barbara Ito
                                                                                                                                                                                          Frank Kawana                 Seiji and Nell Itahara           Kubota Mortuary
Mucci Taylor                         Rose Hills Foundation                   ayashi, and Sei Matsubayashi        Firecracker Fund                  Japanese American Cultural &
                                                                                                                                                                                       Frank and Gail Yanai            David Iwamiya                    Milnes and Nori Kurashige
US Department of Health and          U.S. Bank                            Sharon and Allen Lee                   Jerry Fukui                          Community Center
  Human Services Administration      W.M. Keck Foundation                 Los Angeles County Arts Commis-        Viki Goto                         Japanese American National
                                                                             sion                                                                                                      $1,000-$2,499
  for Community Living                                                                                           Gruen Associates                     Museum
                                                                          Meals on Wheels                                                                                              Yaeko Aihara
US Department of Housing and         $10,000-$49,999                                                             Frank and Betty Hiji              Lloyd Kajikawa and Silvina Rubin-
                                                                                                                                                                                       Don and Lynn Akamine            Donor Quote
  Urban Development                  Anonymous                            Walter and Carrie Morita               Dale M. Inouye Foundation            stein
                                                                                                                                                                                       Anonymous (7)
George and Yuko Uyesugi              Anonymous                            National Coalition for Asian Pacific
                                                                             American Community Devel-
                                                                                                                 Tayeko Iwanaga                    June Kaneko
                                                                                                                                                                                       Anonymous (4)                   Thank you for supporting small
  Family                             Annenberg Foundation                                                        JANM Volunteers                   Kansha Fund
Weingart Foundation                  Asian Pacific Policy & Planning         opment                              JACom Credit Union                Jane and Harry Kawahara
                                                                                                                                                                                       Anonymous                       businesses AND making sure the
                                                                          National Endowment for the Arts                                                                              Anonymous
Wells Fargo Foundation                  Council
                                     Barker Management                    Orange Coast Optimist Club
                                                                                                                 Japanese American Optimist
                                                                                                                                                   Sheldon and Naomi Kawahara
                                                                                                                                                                                       Apple Inc.                      Little Tokyo elder community is
                                     California Arts Council              Pacific Western Bank                   Dick and Pauline Kaku             Khazani Foundation Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Lori and Bruce Arikawa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       fed during very uncertain times!
                                     The California Wellness Foundation   Pfaffinger Foundation                  Atsuko Kanai                      Keith Kishiyama
                                                                                                                                                                                       Aki Azuma

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             LTSC 2020 Annual Report   16 | 17
Donor Quote                                                          Mariko Shimozu                        $500-$999                             Paul Inafuku                      Dan Nakagiri
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Troy Takaki
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Seema Agnani
                                                                     Alan and Jean Shinseki                Ronald Amate                          Robert and Amanda Iritani         Lily Nakao and Tad Nakase                                        Toshie and Syed Ahmed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Norman and Suzanne Takeda
I hope what I can afford can                                         Pauline Shirasu Griffith
                                                                     Kayoshi Shoda
                                                                                                           Amazon Smile
                                                                                                           Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                 Patricia K. Ishida
                                                                                                                                                 Josh Ishimatsu and Jolynn Asato
                                                                                                                                                                                   Susan Nakaoka
                                                                                                                                                                                   Margaret Narumi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Yohko Takehara
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Blair Aihara
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ted Akahori
help the community support                                           Sierra Madre Issei Memorial           Anonymous (2)                         Karen L. Ishizuka and Robert A.   Vy Nguyen and Cameron Levin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Margaret and Dick Takimoto
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Christine Tanaka
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ruth Akahoshi

those who are vulnerable during                                         Foundation
                                                                     Office of Supervisor Hilda L. Solis
                                                                                                           Anonymous (2)
                                                                                                           Mika Aoki
                                                                                                                                                 Dr. Michael S. Ito
                                                                                                                                                                                   Nisei Week Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                   Steve and Karen Nishimori
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   George Tanaka
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Shige Akamatsu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jeanne Akashi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Linda Tanamachi
this crisis and beyond. Thank                                        Joe Soong                             Dennis Arguelles                      Noriaki and Janet Ito             Jean and Richard Nishimoto
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Andrew Tani
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dean Akiyama
                                                                     Starbucks                             Masae Arima                           Scott Ito and Nan Lee             Akiko Nishino                                                    Natsuko Akiyama
you for all that you do. This is                                     State Bank of India (California)      Armanino LLP                          Mike Iwanaga                      Elaine Nishizu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Kelly Tani
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Julie Tatsugawa and John Okura
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Alamo Manhattan

the kind of community support                                        Lisa Sugino and Jay Rosenthal
                                                                     Grant Sunoo and Emily
                                                                                                           Asian American Drug Abuse
                                                                                                              Program, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                 Diane and Larry Jung
                                                                                                                                                 Kelly Kadomatsu
                                                                                                                                                                                   David and Mary Noguchi
                                                                                                                                                                                   Miguel Nunez
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   James Toma
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Nancy Alcaraz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Eiko and Young Amano
we all need to have.                                                    Mayeda                             Kathryn A. Bannai                     Jennie Kageyama                   Craig and Cindy Ogawa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Christine Tung
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mikako and Ali Amini
                                                                     Michael and Diane Suzuki              Carolyn Carrera                       Carole Kakita                     Karen Ogawa-Jung                                                 Hyunmi An
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Lisa Ueda
                                                                     Martin and Karen Tachiki              Joyce Chan                            Peggy Kamon-Mato                  Gregg and Sandra Okada                                           Satoko Coco Anderson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Yuri Uehara and Steven Jabami
                                    Rod Nakamoto                     Sumiko Takahashi and                  Christine Chang                       Sallie Kane                       Sean Okamoto                                                     Anonymous (8)
Eric Kurimura                                                                                                                                                                                                      UHG
                                    Kraig Nakano                        Yildirim Arkun                     Jessica Chang                         Rick Katsuki                      Mickie Okamoto and Geoffrey                                      Anonymous
Takeshi and Ritsuko Kuroki                                                                                                                                                                                         Karen Umemoto and Brian Niiya
                                    Paul Nakasuji                    Kelly and Rintaro Takasu              Bernice Chu                           Jihan Katuli                         Tsudama                                                       Anonymous (107)
Masao and Peggy Kushigemachi                                                                                                                                                                                       Scott Umemoto
                                    Debra Nakatomi and Bob           George Takei                          Community of Korean Women             Janice Kawagoye                   Christina Okawa                                                  Yasunori Arakaki
Vien Le                                                                                                                                                                                                            The Unka Solanki Foundation
                                      Miyamoto                       Cathy and Masaru Tanaka                  Mizville, Inc.                     Kimberly Kawasaki                 Jeremy Okawa                                                     Karen and Warren Arata
Rick and Lonin Lew                                                                                                                                                                                                 Scott T. Watanabe
                                    Nanka Ehime Kenjinkai            Catherine and Gary Tani               Samantha de Castro                    Stefanie Kawasaki                 Tsuyoshi Okawa                                                   Barbara Arita
Little Tokyo Kinyokai                                                                                                                                                                                              Candace and Kenneth Watase
                                    Nanka Kenjinkai Kyogikai         Carol Tanita                          Rémy De La Peza                       Trisha Kawasaki                   John Okita and Michiko                                           Kazumi Arita
Little Tokyo Towers                                                                                                                                                                                                Emily and Dan Weaver
                                    Ryan Narasaki                    TCR/CHI                               Jeffrey and Lorraine Dohzen           Sidney Kikkawa                       Yamamoto                                                      Horacio Arroyo
Norman and Mardy Maehara                                                                                                                                                                                           Stacie Williams
                                    Allen and Sara Niimi             Richard Terasaki                      Dianne and Bill Doi                   Jessie Kikuchi and Brent Mori     Okta                                                             Lynn Arthurs, LFA Insurance
Susan Maki                                                                                                                                                                                                         Gayle and Craig Wong
                                    Sharon Nishi                     Tides Center                          Mark and Tracey Doi                   Marlene Kikuchi                   Roger Omae                                                          Services, Inc.
Marsh & McLennan Companies                                                                                                                                                                                         George Wu
                                    Amy Niwa                         Sally Kim and Jimmy Tokeshi           Terrie Doizaki                        Richard Kikuchi                   Susan Osa                                                        William Asato
Kimi Maru                                                                                                                                                                                                          Frank and Joyce Yada
                                    Milton Noji                      Ronald and Yuriko Toma                John Eddow                            Dennis Kobata and Jan             Ronald Osborne                                                   Atsushi Ashizawa
Kathy and Mark Masaoka                                                                                                                                                                                             Yamagata Foundation
                                    Kay and Nancy Oda                Steven Toyama                         Miwa and Gordon Emi                      Tokumaru                       John and Irene Ota                                               Asian American Donor Program
Chikako, Don, Kiyoko,                                                                                                                                                                                              Makoto Yamaguchi
                                    Todd Odagawa                     Stacy Toyota                          Thomas Espineda                       Keith and Robin Kobata            William Ota
   Ben Matsubayashi                                                                                                                                                                                                Kevin Yamanaka
                                    Michael and Margie Odanaka       Kevin and Sandy Tsujihara             Hope Fang                             Thomas Koga                       Diane and James Otsuka                                           Melia Asucan
Craig and Raquel Matsubayashi                                                                                                                                                                                      Carol Yamane
                                    Dolly Ito Oishi and Rick Oishi   Lily Tsurumaki                        Alfred Fraijo Jr.                     Darrin Komae                      Kevin Rodin                                                      Tiana Austel
Erik and Cindy Matsubayashi                                                                                                                                                                                        Mark Yanai
                                    Patrice Okabe                    Ritchie and Keri Tuazon               Raymond Fujii                         Julie Koning                      Ray Sakai                                                        Dolores Avila
Terry and Jane Matsumoto                                                                                                                                                                                           Valerie and Rodney Yee
                                    Tadao Okui                       Dr. Grant and Debbie Uba              Loreen Fujinami                       Mamie Kosaka                      Phyllis Sakamoto                                                 Jim and Elena Azama
Janice and Dean Matsunaga                                                                                                                                                                                          Yogi-Carroll Fund of Horizons
                                    Richard and Kazuyo Onaha         Bruce Umemoto                         Google                                Justin and Sharon Kurashima       San Gabriel Nursery & Florist                                    Azay Restaurant
Robert and Teresa Matsushima                                                                                                                                                                                          Foundation
                                    Don and Jeanette Onishi          Mark and Vivien Usui                  Lance Hardenburg                      Emily Kuwahara                    Traci and Traci Sasaki                                           Ron Baca
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Margaret Lynn Yonekura, MD
                                    Glenn and Lillian Osajima        Cherry Uyeda                          Janet Hasegawa-Chu and                Liferay Foundation                Carol Sato                                                       Karoline Bain
Diana and Yoshi Matsushima                                                                                                                                                                                         Jeffry and Ellen Yonemura
                                    Janice Osumi                     Atsuko and Stephen Wada                  Cliff Chu                          Jennifer Matsuura                 Jennifer Sato                                                    Cynthia Bartok
Chris and Lisa Mayeda                                                                                                                                                                                              Brett and Susan Yoshimura
                                    Kaz Ota                          Tina and Howard Wada                  Lisa Hasegawa                         Judy Matsuzaki                    Leeanne Sera                                                     Marjorie Berkel
Radha Mistry                                                                                                                                                                                                       Jayne and Gideon Young
                                    Davis Park and Allison Yoh       Byron Watanabe                        Maya Hayashi and Michael              John McDonnell                    Doris Shimabukuro                                                Marlene Berry
Mitsubishi Corporation (Americas)                                                                                                                                                                                     Family
                                    PayPal Giving Fund               Marsha and Gary                          Taila                              Tyler McFadden                    Taryn Shimizu                                                    Sandra Berry
Carol Miyahira                                                                                                                                                                                                     Carole Zaima
                                    Amy Phillips Kushigemachi and       Watanabe                           Emily Hertzberg                       Akiko and Michael Lazare          Stanley and Jane Shimotsu                                        Elizabeth Bigelow
Lynn Miyamoto and Kevin
                                       Scott Kushigemachi            Robert and Carol Watanabe             Stephanie and Kevin Higa              Amy Ming                          Shimura                                                          Sonya Bishop
   Kroeker                                                                                                                                                                                                         Up to $499
                                    Pledgeling Foundation            Wood Partners                         Tracy Higuchi                         Michael Mio                       Jedsen Shiraki                                                   Danny Blackburn
Gail and Thomas Miyasaki                                                                                                                                                                                           George and Helen Abe
                                    Rafu Kokusei Kai                 Harry Yamada                          Marsha Hirano-Nakanishi               Mitsubishi Corporation            Lance and Mimi Shoho                                             John Blackman
Daren Mooko                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hirotake Abe
                                    Rotary Club of Little Tokyo      Carole Yamakoshi                      Allison Hirata                        Mica Miyamoto                     Strategic Actions for a Just                                     Laura Blosser and Chris Argyros
Emi and Myles Morimoto                                                                                                                                                                                             Paul and Ann Abe
                                    Bruce Saito                      Michael and Lilly Yanagita            Duane and Joy Hirayama                Mike and Wendy Miyashima             Economy                                                       Blue Shield of California
Linda and Richard Morioka                                                                                                                                                                                          Cynthia Abrams
                                    Ryan Sakamoto                    Donald Yee                            Melvin Honda                          Sandie and Dean Mochinaga         Shino Sugawara                                                      Foundation
Wilson and Mayumi Morishita                                                                                                                                                                                        Jennifer Adachi
                                    San Fernando Valley JACC         Yellow Brotherhood                    Patricia Horikawa                     Scott and Wendy Momii             Raymond and Sharon                                               Suzanne and Henry Borenstein
Hidemi and Mohsen Mousavi                                                                                                                                                                                          ADS Consulting Group
                                    Glenn and Donna Sanada           Yonsei 24 & 26 Families               Thomas Hoshiyama                      William Montelongo                   Sugiyama                                                         Family
Nancy and Mark Munekata                                                                                                                                                                                            Daniel Agena
                                    Alex and Dalina Sasayama         Steve Yee and Silvia                  Peter Huang                           Michelle T. Morimoto              Nikki Kealalio Sutton                                            Mark Borenstein
Yooko Munekata
                                    Christine Sato                      Yoshimizu-Yee                      Kelsey Iino                           Janet and Mark Morishita          Nina Suzuki
Lyle and Sally Murakami
                                    Jeff and Reina Schaffer          Leonard and Marsha Young              Roy Iketani                           Brandon Morita                    Kathy and Russell Tagawa
Trisha Murakawa and Warren
                                    Gail Sharp                                                             Edward Imwinkelried and               Keiko Moriyama                    Tomoko Tagawa
                                    James and Martha Sherod                                                   Cynthia Clark                      Mariko Motoyama                   Esther Taira                    Donor Quote
Wayne Nagao
                                                                                                                                                 Paul Murata                       Kihachiro Tajima
Yoko Naka
                                    Margaret and Ken Shimada
                                                                                                                                                 In Memory of Tetsuo Murata        Harumi Takahama                 Keep up all the amazing work!
                                                                                                                                                 Greg Nakabayashi                  Edwin Takahashi

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        LTSC 2020 Annual Report   18 | 19
Olivia Broslawsky                  Johann Diel
                                                                     Donor Quote                                                   Bette Hiramatsu                Emily Ihara                       Paul H. Iwahashi                Traci Kato-Kiriyama
Tori Bruno-Arimura                 Anna Divina                                                                                     Michelle Yamashiro             Kristine Ihori                    Suzanne Iwami                   Suzy Katsuda
Rebecca Bryant
Maria Cabildo
                                   Sharon Donuji
                                   Liz Doomey
                                                                     My heart breaks for the Asian                                 Kristen Hiraoka
                                                                                                                                   Joyce and Dale Hirayama
                                                                                                                                                                  Susan Iida
                                                                                                                                                                  Masaki Ikebe
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Marc Iwamoto
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Carl Iwanaga
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Alan Kawa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jennifer Kawaguchi
Annette Cai                        Jeffrey Ebihara                   community and everything                                      Kat Hirayanagi                 Brian Ikeda                       Ryan Iwasaka                    Marcia Kawahara
Caroline Calderon
Marisa Calice
                                   Wataru Ebihara
                                   Adele Elliott
                                                                     you’re being forced to endure                                 Akira and Jo Ann Hirose
                                                                                                                                   Michelle Hirose
                                                                                                                                                                  David and Kathy Ikeda
                                                                                                                                                                  Naoko Ikeda
                                                                                                                                                                                                    David Iwasaki
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Lori and Pat Kesslak
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Glenn Kawahata
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Rosalyn Kawahira
Diana Cardenas and Ben Segura      David and Debbie Endo             on TOP of everything else. Just                               Janet Hiroshima                Shaunie and Randy Ikeda           Hisamori Iwashita               Dr. and Mrs. Iwao G. Kawakami
Denise Carroll                     Everett and Gladys Endow                                                                        Bruce Hirsch                   Terry Ikeda                       Yumiko Iwashita                 Karl and Jean Kawakami
Tomoko and Ty Carter               Kevin Endow                       wanted to say I see you, I hear                               Jon and Jodi Hisamoto          Douglas Ikemi                     Ellyn Iwata                     Corey Kawamoto
Laura Casanova
Cyndee Cazares
                                   Tatsuko Enomoto
                                   John Esaki
                                                                     you and I appreciate everything                               Grace S. Hiura
                                                                                                                                   Sandee Hiyake
                                                                                                                                                                  Stephen and Katherine Ikkanda
                                                                                                                                                                  The Illumina Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Harold and Carol Iwata
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Lauren Iwata
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Raymond Kawamoto
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Naomi Kawamura
Irma Chacon                        Esperanza Community Housing       you’re doing to help support                                  Cindy Ho                       Sharon Im-Lee                     Nancy Iwata and George          Jeffrey and Jill Kawana
Henry Chai
Audrey Chan
                                   Gary Eto
                                                                     this important and impactful                                  Steve Hoang
                                                                                                                                   JD Hokoyama
                                                                                                                                                                  Ronald and Sharon Imada
                                                                                                                                                                  Ryan Imagiire
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ed James
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Richard and Misa Kawano
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Yukio and Lilian Kawaratani
Shou Chang                         Juan Fajardo                      community. I hope this monthly                                Leslie and Travis Honda        Keith Inatomi                     Japan Business Association of   Shin Kawasaki
Wen Chang                          Robert Fields                                                                                   Stacey Honda                   Inclusive Action for the City        Southern California          Adam Kawasawa
Marty Chao                         Michele Fincher                   donation helps in some way.                                   Ashley Mieko Honma             Brian Ingkom and Kyoko            Sarah Jin                       Gail Kawato
Yolanda Chavez                     Sarah and Stephen Fleischer-Ihn                                                                 Janet Hori                        Bristow-Ingkom                 Minori Nakamura Jinno           Bruce Kawazoye
Jennifer Chen                      Sumi and John Foley                                                                             Jun Hori                       David Inoue                       Molly Johnson                   Yutaka and Sherri Kawazoye
Judy Chen                          Cindy Fong                        Jil Galloway                    Chris and Ken Hankawa         Tomoko Horie                   Brenton Inouye                    Johnson & Johnson               D.K. Kazahaya
Stephanie Chen                     Kaz and Chris Fong                Elaine and Danny Ganiko         Shashi Hanuman                Megumi and Jarett Horinouchi   Yoneo and Yuriko Inouye           Heidie Joo Burwell              KDDI America Inc.
Stephen Chen                       Hanako Footman                    Gardena Valley Japanese         Mark Hara                     Edna Ikeda Horiuchi            May Iosotaluno                    Susan Josue                     Sandra Kealalio
Wendy Chen                         Grace and Ken Frantz                  Cultural Institute          Peggy Hara                    Joe Horiye                     Dr. Kenji Irie                    Carol and Kevin Jue             Theodore Kee
Yi Bing Chen and Ming Shan Liang   Tawney Freeman                    Anne Gardner                    Teryn Hara                    Miwako Hoshi                   Gayle Isa                         Betty Jung                      Daniel Kelley
Joy and Cary Cheng                 Yuki and Jason Friedrich          Janet and Keith Gillespie       Elaine Harada                 Noko Hosokawa                  Minako and Gerald Iseda           Caroline Jung                   Robert Kikkawa
Debra Cherry                       Caroline Froehlich                Faye Gloriani                   Heather Harada                Lynn Hosozawa and Wing Fung    Kristin Iseri                     Gerald Kado                     Kelleen Kikuchi
Masatoshi Chiba                    Akemi Fujimoto                    Nahan Gluck                     Scott and Carol Harada        Timothy Howe                   David and Susie Ishibashi         Paul and Ruth Kadota            Alex Kim
Ben Chida                          Akira and Atsuko Fujimoto         Junko Goda                      Sharon Harada                 Cynthia Hozaki and Ron Okuda   Alice Ishigame-Tao and Alan Tao   Russell and Susan Kadota        Anna Kim
Kristy Chin                        Carla Fujimoto                    Yas and Nancy Gohata            Danny Haramoto                Yoko Hozumi                    Norma Ishigo                      Hideo Kagawa                    Bang Soon Kim
Christina Chiu                     Cindy and Glenn Fujimoto          Michael Golamco                 Mieko Harrington              Suzie Hsi                      Debby Ishihara                    Mirei and Takumi Kagawa         Barbara Kim and Derek Li
James Choi                         Gary Fujimoto’s Birthday          Goldman Sachs                   Mark Hashima                  Erin Hsu                       Yoshihiro Ishihara                Naomi and Ronald Kageyama       Helen Kim
Pauline Choi                          Fundraiser                     Frank and Sachi Gonzales        Emily and Dean Hashimoto      Irene Hsu                      Craig Iishi                       Max Kaito                       Hongsun Kim
Christopher Chow                   Fred Fujioka                      Sharon Goto                     Izumi Hashimoto               Jenny Hu                       Erica Ishijima                    Michelle Kaito                  Joanne Kim
Calvin Chu                         Susan Fujisaki                    Isela Gracian                   Jerry and Kinuko Hashimoto    Liem Hua                       Sabrina and Darin Ishimatsu       Noriko Kajiwara and Mark        Leonard Kim
Christopher Chu                    Kimiko Fujita and Kihei Otani     Amanda Grimaldi                 Sande Hashimoto               Christine and Denny Huang      Christy Ishimine                     Montoya                      Minsun Kim
Eric Chu                           Pamel Fujita Quan                 Kirsten Grimm                   Tiffany Hashimoto             Christopher Huang              Denise Ishitani                   Alice Kaku                      Bomee Kim Fain
Karen Chu                          Rey Fukuda Salinas                Ana Guevara                     Sam and Donna Hashizu         Lance Huang                    Ash Ishiwata                      Joanne Kakuda                   Yuka Kimbell
Catherine and Stuart Chuck         June Fukuhara                     Rubén Funkahuatl Guevara        Mark Hausknecht               Jacqueline Huey                LiAnn Ishizuka                    Judy Kam                        Andie Kimura
T.C. and Elaine Chung              Masami Fukuhara                   John Gunawan                    Cory Hayashi                  Eleanor Huntington             Rebecca Isomoto                   Gregory Kame                    Christine Kimura
Angie Cimarusti                    Dennis, Jill, Tyler and Travis    Brent Gutierrez                 Dee A. Hayashi                Joy and Ralph Hutter           Julie Itahara and Mauricio        Minao Kamegai                   Dennis and Lorraine Kimura
Gabrielle Civil                       Fukumoto                       Mikiko Haga                     Ken and Colleen Hayashi       Jenny Huynh                       Gutierrez                      Sharon Kamegai Cocita           Gregory Kimura
Robert and LaVerne Cohen           Jennifer Fukunaga                 Yas Hagihara                    Steven Hayashi                Tony Huynh                     Gary Itano                        Toshio Kamei                    Elaine Kinoshita
Annmarie Cong                      Linda Fukunaga                    Los Angeles County Supervisor   Tomoka Hayashi                Nancy Halpern Ibrahim          Whitney Itano                     Yoko Kamiguchi                  Kris, Nick, Brent Kishi Federisy
The Core5 Family                   Steffi Fukunaga                      Janice Hahn 4th District     HD Youth Sports Association   Bruce Ibusuki                  Arlene Ito                        Ronald Kamiya                   Dawn and Alan Kita
Courthouse News Service            Alison Fukushima                  Jeffrey Hamamoto                Ava Herbrick                  Daniel Ichinose                Beverly Ito                       Ed Kamiyama                     Brandon Kitagawa
Carolina Covarrubias               Erin Fukushima                    Marsha Hamamoto                 Sam Hernandez                 Ida Family                     Kisa Ito                          Kimberly Kandel                 Gary and Barbara Kitagawa
Francis Cullado                    John Fukushima                    Alan and Barbara Hamane         Shirley Hibino                Takahiro Ide                   Leslie Ito and Steve Wong         Yumi Kanegawa                   Fumiko Kitamura
Phyllis D’Ambra                    Karen Fukushima                   Geraldine Hamane                Kerin Higa                    Fred and Tina Ige              Noelle Ito                        Tae Kang                        Claire Kitayama
Yukie Daigo                        Micki Fukushima                   Jo Ann Hamasaki and             Michiko Higa                                                                                    Adam Kaokept                   Glen and Chiae Kitayama
Susan DeGracia                     Patti Fukushima                      Brian Hamasaki               Don B. Higashi                                                                                  Hideo Karatsu                  Toni and Gary Kitazawa
Midori Dekura                      Paul Jay Fukushima                Susan Hamasaki                  Karen Higashi                                                                                   Lynn Katano                    Steve and Akemi Kayleng
Kristine Dennehy                   Regina Furumoto
                                                                                                                                   Donor Quote                                                       Kazuo Pete Kataoka                Knight
                                                                     Masami and Shinko Hanabusa      Robert and Harriet Hiji
Chantal Denny
Asian American Bone Marrow
                                   Sandee Furuta
                                   Joey and Jenny Furutani
                                                                     Michelle Hanabusa
                                                                     Clement Hanami and Christina
                                                                                                     Alison Hino
                                                                                                     Bryan Hino
                                                                                                                                   LTSC was there for me when                                        Mizue Katayama
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Cindy and Henry Kato
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Karen and Frank Kobashi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jon Kobashigawa and Carol Kawata
   Foundation                      The Furuya Foundation                Tatsugawa                    Mark and Sharlene Hirai       I needed them. Thank you!                                         Jean Kato                      Carolyn Kobayashi
Saeko Dickinson                    Maggie Galle                      Masako Hane                     Steve Hirai                                                                                     Stacia Kato                    Eric and Chris Kodama

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        LTSC 2020 Annual Report   20 | 21
Jesse Koester                     Don Kuroyama                    Sharon Lopez                          Kenyon and I-Wen Mayeda        Donor Quote                                                         Kay Ochi                            Ann Otoide
Ryoko Koga                        Dean Kurushima                  Kelley Lou                            Lisa Mayeda                                                                                        Cindy and Kenji Oda                 Yoshio Otsu
Masa and Hiroko Kojima            Mitsuo and Keiko Kushigemachi   Tim Lounibos                          Toshiko McCallum               May this new gym serve                                              Takashi and Suzuko Oda              Yosuke Ouchi
Sakura Kokumai                    Alison Kusumoto                 Gina Loyonnet                         Neil McGuffin                                                                                      Dianne and Richard Odagawa          Mark M. Oune
Kent Komae                        Mandy Kusumoto                  James Lui                             Oli Mejia                      as a center of activity in                                           Steven and Shirley Ogata           Kevin Oyama
Donald Komai
Lillian Komata
                                  Darleen and Tod Kuwahara
                                  Delcene Kuwata
                                                                  Matthew Lum
                                                                  Megan Lum
                                                                                                        Sandra Mendoza
                                                                                                        MIC Business Solutions, Inc.
                                                                                                                                       our great community for                                              Jerry Ogawa
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Robyn Ogawa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Michelle Ozaki
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Susan J. Ozawa
Shirley Komoto                    Mark Kuwata                     Yukhong Lum                           Microsoft                      generations to come.                                                 Cindy Ohara                        Alan Pabalan
Kumiko Kondo                      Dan K. Kwong                    Adelle Lutz                           Paul and Joy Middo                                                                                  Lily Ohara                         Pacific Charter School
Reiko Kondo                       Michelle Kwong and Jason Nawa   Duane Luu                             Nichole Mihara and Gregory                                                                          Daniel, Iris, James Ohnoki            Development
Kondo Wealth Advisors             Sharon Lau                      Mai Tram Ly                              Harrison                                                                                         Reiko Ohshima                      Pacific Life
                                                                                                                                       Gwen Muranaka                   Cathie Nakasone
Raymond and Noriko Kong           Stefanie Lau                    Solyna Ly                             Lorene and Mark Miller                                                                             Susan Oka                           Brian Pagano
                                                                                                                                       Victor and Lois Muraoka         David and Lily Nakatani
Koreatown Immigrant Workers       Alyce LaViolette                Michael Lynch                         Tatsuo Minamoto                                                                                    Barbara and Bob Okada               Danny Pampel
                                                                                                                                       Tak and Grace Murase            Dennis Nakatani
    Alliance                      Victor Lazo                     May Ma and Patrick Ross               Art and Margie Mio                                                                                 Emily Okada                         Pasadena Japanese Cultural
                                                                                                                                       Jan and Dennis Murata           Dan and Carol Nakauchi
Alan and Sandra Kosaka            Quinn Le                        Carolyn Macaranas                     Derek Miranda                                                                                      Sharon Okada                           Institute
                                                                                                                                       Marcia Murota                   Takeshi and Patricia Nakayama
Akiko Kotani                      Ed Lee                          Carolyn Machida                       Katie Mitani                                                                                       Victor Okada and Candace Lao        Michael Patterson
                                                                                                                                       Nicole Murph                    Sharon and Robin Nakazaki
Atsuko and Tadashi Kowta          EunSook Lee                     Donna Maeda                           Akeime Mitterlehner                                                                                Okaeri                              Robia Pautler
                                                                                                                                       Eiko Muto                       Daryl Narimatsu
Yoko Koyama                       Hollie Lee                      Laura-Ashley Maeda                    Joyce Miyabe                                                                                       Wendy Okafuji                       Alecsis Pesantez
                                                                                                                                       Damon Nagami                    Kazuhito Naruse
Karen Koyano                      Jeffrey and Julie Lee           Lisa and Craig Maeda                  Hiroko Miyagishima                                                                                 Etsuko Okamoto                      Kyoko Peters
                                                                                                                                       Thomas Nagano                   Yoshi Naruse
Thomas Kracauer                   Kelvin Lee                      Lori Magallanes                       Amy Miyakawa                                                                                       Jeri Okamoto                        Kathy Pham
                                                                                                                                       Kei Nagao                       Marla Navarro
Victoria E. Kraus                 Laura Shiozaki Lee              Japanese Speaking Parents             Mitsugi Miyakawa                                                                                   Lisa Okamoto                        Miyako Phillips
                                                                                                                                       Jeffrey Nagasaki                Eileen Nawa
Beth Kronbeck and Brian Sieroty   Atsuko Lee                          Association of Children with      Veronica Miyakawa                                                                                  Mike and Kay Okamoto                PlayStation Cares
                                                                                                                                       Megan Nagasaki                  Netflix
Gregory Kubo and Alyson           Myung Wan Lee                       Challenges ( JSPACC)              Mitsuko Miyamoto                                                                                   Linda Okamura                       Alex, Marius and Vida Pudzemis
                                                                                                                                       Tatsuo Nagashima                Network for Good
   Mizuno-Kubo                    Noriko Lee                      Meredith Maimoni                      Jed Miyashiro                                                                                      Mike Okamura                        Andrea Quaid
                                                                                                                                       Ayumi Nagata                    Carol and Henry Ng
Keiko Kubo                        Oliver Lee                      Elaine L. Maki                        Marivic A. Miyashita                                                                               Shirley Okayama                     Quality Insurance Services, Inc.
                                                                                                                                       Jonathan Nagayama               Cindy Ng
Debra and Alan Kubota             Phillip Lee                     Kaz Maniwa                            Robert Miyatake                                                                                    Hiroko Okazaki                      Justen Quan
                                                                                                                                       Nancy Nagayama                  Perry Ng
Kathleen Kubota                   Ryan Lee                        Susheel Mantha                        Emiko Miyoshi                                                                                      James Okazaki                       Linda Quan
                                                                                                                                       Alexander Nakagawa              Christine Nguyen
Kathy Kumagai                     Seol Lee                        Susan R. Manzo                        Barbara and Allan Mizuhara                                                                         Yumiko Okazaki                      Enrique Quintero
                                                                                                                                       Irene and Shinji Nakagawa       Ngoc Nguyen
Zoe Kumagai                       Vivienne Lee                    Nobuko Marcial                        Kyle Mizumoto                                                                                      Craig Okihara                       Merilynne Quon
                                                                                                                                       Tommy Nakagiri                  Van Nguyen
Dennis and Cindy Kunisaki         Gregory Legorreta               Kim Marin                             Grace Mizushima                                                                                    Brandon Okita and Erin              Jason Radspinner
                                                                                                                                       Roy and Setsuko Nakahara        Nichi Bei Fujin Kai
Charles and Jean Kuniyoshi        Michi Lew                       Caroline Maruya                       Kristine Mizutani                                                                                     Matsushita                       Ralphs
                                                                                                                                       Toyoko and Yoshito Nakahara     Patricia Nicholson
Lee Kuo                           Jennifer “Mido” Watanabe Lieu   Ayako Masada                          Kathryn Kimura Mlsna                                                                               Nancy Okubo                         Dino Ramos
                                                                                                                                       Ann Nakahira                    Chikashi and Sayoko Niizawa
Moet Kurakata                     Linda Lightfoot                 Gary and June Masada                  Ameer Mody                                                                                         Ronald Okubo                        Jeanne Raya and Humberto Flores
                                                                                                                                       Ayaka Nakaji                    Nikkei for Civil Rights & Redress
Toshi Kuramatsu                   John Lin                        Randy Masada                          Terrie Monaghan and Brian                                                                          Stacey Okutake                      Agnes Regeczkey
                                                                                                                                       John and Shirley Nakaki         Nikkei Progressives
Kristine Kuramitsu and Brian      Myrna Ling                      Mayumi Masaoka                           Coleman                                                                                         Muneaki Okuyama                     Caroline Riskey
                                                                                                                                       Katsumi Nakamoto                Jean and Kenneth Nishihara
   Nichols                        LinkedIn                        Rick Matsumoto Family                 Josefina and Michael Monahan                                                                       Polly Olguin                        Mari Robinson
                                                                                                                                       Teresa Nakamoto-Hayman          Lillian Nishihara
Ford and Frances Kuramoto         Jane and Howard Liu             Jaime Masuda                          Garry and Joy Monji                                                                                Ali and Erik Olsgaard               Irene and Ed Rowe
                                                                                                                                       Cindy Nakamura                  Jan Nishikawa and Gary Nishi
Janet Kurihara                    Jeff Liu and Phuong Tang        Kevin Masuda                          Ellen Morgan                                                                                       Shotaro Omori                       Sahara Buying Club
                                                                                                                                       Coleen Nakamura                 Barbara Nishimoto
Kyle Kurihara                     Natasha and Chris Liu           Asao and Kim Masumiya                 Adina MoriHolt and Whitman                                                                         Sue Oda Omori                       Peggy Saika and Arthur Chen
                                                                                                                                       Eric Nakamura                   Melissa Nishimoto
Nancy Kurihara-Johnson            Paige Lizardo                   Morley and Sue Matsuda                   Holt                                                                                            Shoichi and Ayumi Omoto             Thomas E. Saito
                                                                                                                                       James Nakamura                  Aileen Nishimura
Leland Kurisu                     Mia and Greg Lockwood           Aya Matsudaira                        Melanie Morimoto                                                                                   Kazushi Omura                       Sharon Saka
                                                                                                                                       Janis Nakamura                  Melissa Nishimura
Chiharu Kurosawa                  Karen Loong                     Carol Matsui                          Fred and Anne Morisaki                                                                             Tomoko Omura                        Vance Sakado
                                                                                                                                       Joanne and Mark Nakamura        Gail and Robert Nishinaka
                                                                   Victor Matsui Family                 Mayumi and Wilson Morishita                                                                        Fred and Yumiko Ong                 Wesley Sakaguchi
                                                                                                                                       John and Arlene Nakamura        Stephanie Nitahara
                                                                   Bruce Matsui’s Birthday Fundraiser   Katsuko Morita                                                                                     Paul Ong                            Daniel Sakai
                                                                                                                                       Reine Nakamura                  Lauren Nitta
                                                                   Don Matsumoto                        Yuki Morita and Family                                                                             Tom and Carol Ono                   Carol Sakamoto
                                                                                                                                       Tad Nakamura                    Brian Noguchi
Donor Quote                                                        Emily Matsumura                      Ashley Morris
                                                                                                                                       Wayne S. Nakamura               Rick Noguchi
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Christopher Ono                     Christy Sakamoto
                                                                   Gail Matsumura                       Masaharu Motoyama                                                                                  Yoshi Ono                           David Sakamoto
Thank you for this important                                       Carol Matsunaga and Steve            Patti and Scott Motoyasu
                                                                                                                                       Alina Nakano
                                                                                                                                       Elizabeth Nakano
                                                                                                                                                                       Val and Henry Noguchi
                                                                                                                                                                       Sara Noji
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Shirley D. Onodera                  Nagako Sakamoto

program and providing the                                             Ogasa
                                                                   Dr. Jon and Stephanie
                                                                                                        Mountain Mist, LLC
                                                                                                        Margaret Moy
                                                                                                                                       Erich Nakano and Sandra Viera   Shizue Nomiya
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Oomasa Restaurant
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Orange County Japanese American
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Yoshiko Sakamoto
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Michiko Sakimoto
                                                                                                                                       Judy Nakano                     Hideko Noriyuki
space for individuals and                                             Matsunaga                         Ken and Priscilla Mui
                                                                                                                                       Kiyomi Nakano                   Northrop Grumman
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Association                      Grace Sakioka
                                                                   Judd and Leslie Matsunaga            Joanne Mukai                                                                                       Kathy and Kirk Oshinomi             Christopher and Jeanne Au
families to find community,                                        Michiko Matsunami                    Kris Mukai
                                                                                                                                       Laurie Nakano                       Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bob and Deena Ota                      Sakuma
                                                                                                                                       Mari Nakano                     Sumie Numaguchi
to help heal, and be stronger                                      Jim and Patsy Matsushita             Roy Mukogawa
                                                                                                                                       Anne Nakao                      Suzanne O’Bannon
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Helen Ota and Michael Palma         Tadashi and Geri Sakuma
                                                                   Yuhi Matsushita                      Grace Murakami                                                                                     Koyu Ota                            Michael Salazar
with each other!                                                   Jaclyn Matsuura                      Michiko Murakami
                                                                                                                                       Kayoko Nakao
                                                                                                                                       Donna Nakashima
                                                                                                                                                                       Kimi and Kazuo Obana
                                                                                                                                                                       Michael and Junie Obi
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Veronica Ota                        Robert Salinas
                                                                   Laraine Matsuyama                    Yukio Murakawa                                                                                     Christine Otani and Ted Mayeshiba   Jason and Rachelle Samson
                                                                                                                                       Joyce Nakashima                 Jen Ocampo

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LTSC 2020 Annual Report   22 | 23
Robert and Jamie Sanderson   Joan Stonehouse                Setsuko Tanaka                      Carolyn Tokunaga                    Janet and Richard Uyeno       Gary and Sandra Yamamoto           Donor Quote
Sarah Sasaki                 Andrew Stranahan               Stacey Tanaka                       Tony Tolbert                        Loana Valencia                Geoffrey and Denise
Debbie Sato                  David Stranahan                Wes Tanaka                          Peggy Tom                           Robin Vanneman                   Yamamoto                        Thank you to LTSC for
Gisuke Sato                  Evan Su                        Gordon and Joan Tani                Masao Tomita                        Fabiana Velo                  Gordon and Massumi
Glen Sato                    William and Ida Sugahiro       Jeffrey Tani                        Jeannie and Ron Toshima             ViacomCBS                        Yamamoto                        being a visionary leader in
Jennifer Sato-Veloz
Jennifer Scully
                             Ken and Lily Sugino
                             Lester Sugino
                                                            Stacie Taniguchi
                                                            Wesley Tanijiri
                                                                                                David Toyota
                                                                                                Nancy Toyota
                                                                                                                                    Bryon Wada
                                                                                                                                    Ken Wada
                                                                                                                                                                  Hiroaki and Julia Yamamoto
                                                                                                                                                                  Jennifer Yamamoto
                                                                                                                                                                                                     LA for 40 years!
Bill Seki                    Lillian Sugita                 David and Joyce Tanimoto            Benjamin Tran                       Louise Wada                   Joy Yamamoto
Pamela Sekiguchi             Wayne Sugita                   Michi Tanioka                       Jenny Tran                          Mariko Wada                   Karen H. Yamamoto
Betty Seko                   Walter Sumi                    Ty Tanioka                          Loan Thi Tran and Ngoc Vuong        Robert Wada                   Karen S. Yamamoto                  Leo Young                            Christopher and Jeanne Au
Emiko Selapack               John and Helen Sun             Janice Tarumoto                     Jacqueline Trejo                    Karen Wade                    Koji Yamamoto                      Nolan Young                             Sakuma
Senshin Buddhist Women’s     Chiyoko Sunabe                 Taryn Tatara                        Sissy Trinh                         Marsha and Alvin Wakasa       Yukiko Yamamoto                    Young Japanese Breast Cancer         Bill Seki
   Association               Sushi Gen                      Jessica Kanai Tateishi and Collin   Anna Truong                         Raymond and Janice Waldorf    Emily Yamane                          Network                           Ken Tokiyama
Denise Senzaki               Hidetoshi Suzuki                  Tateishi                         Carole and Howard Tsujimura         Maki and Richard Wallace      Bob Yamano                         Janice Yu                            Dahni Tsuboi and Pete Manzo
Marissa Senzaki              Marcia Suzuki                  Clint Taura                         Irene Tsukada Simonian              Momoyo Walters                Patty and Fred Yamano              Krista Marie Yu                      Stuart Tsujimoto
Mary Senzaki                 Natasha Suzuki                 Samuel Teets                        Daniel Tung                         Albert Wang                   Gillian Yamasaki                   Betty Yumori                         Craig Uyeda
Nan Senzaki                  Richard and Noriko Suzuki      Erika Tejero                        Harry Tung                          Alice Wang                    Laura Yamashiro                    Forrest Yumori                       Rose Wong
Sharon Senzaki               Stacey Suzuki                  Kei and Laurie Teramoto             Maya Tuttle                         Kevin Wang                    Andrew Yamashita                   Jennifer Yun                         Teri and Mako Yoshitake
Tenaya Senzaki               Stephen Suzuki                 Thai Community Development          Catherine Uchida                    Susie Wang                    Richard and Joyce Yamashita        Scott Yun and Evelyn Mar             Tim Yoshitake
Michael and Jill Setsuda     The Swinerton Foundation          Corporation                      Grennie Uchida                      Mia Wassink                   Sachiko Yamashita                  Travis Zane                          Daniel Zeidler
Julia Shannon                Scarlet Sy and Eric Olson      Kimianne and Virgil Thomas          Robert and Mae Uchida               Amy Watanabe                  Sally Yamashita                    Daniel Zeidler
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Jo-Dell Arao
David Shen                   Vivian Szeto                   Mayumi Thrasher                     Setsumi and Tadao Uehara            Janet and Michael Watanabe    Patti Yamate and Bill Daly         Neil Zhao
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mariko Motoyama, Yoko,
Raymond and Sharon Shibata   Sara Tabita                    Kathleen Thurn                      Chiaki Ueki                         Karen Watanabe                Linda and Gary Yamauchi            Diana Zheng
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Matsumoto and Kenji Machida
Janice Shigaki               Gavin Tachibana                Jonathan Tiongco                    Kaz and Cynthia Uemura              Ruth Watanabe                 Clement and Angie Yang             Carol Zou
Stacey Shigaya               Izumi Tachiki and Mark Jones   Estrella To                         Spencer Uemura                      Angie Wei                     Derek Yang                                                              Mieko Chin
Diane Shigekawa              Kimberlee Tachiki              Shari and Steven Tochihara          Linda Ukita                         Sandra and Leon Weiss         Gary and Akemi Yano                Memorial Gifts: Donations made       Kristy Chin
Haruko Shimabukuro           Chris and Janet Taga           Glenn Togawa                        Marie Umeda                         Wells Fargo Foundation        Cliff Bender, Lorran Yano          to honor the memory of loved ones.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Nicholas Colaneri, Jr.
Courtlyn Shimada             Dan Taguchi                    Edward and Karen Toguchi            Keith Umemoto                          Educational Matching          and Family                      In Memory of (In bold)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Yasuko Sakamoto
Ellen and Alan Shimamoto     Jillianne Tahara               Staci Toji                          Gary Umetsu                            Gifts Program              Leslie Yap                         Brandon Abo
Bruce and Diane Shimano      Linda Taing                    Carol Tokeshi                       Chuong Ung                          Allison Welsh                 Michael Yap and Susan                                                   Luna R. Diel
David Shimasaki              Aaron Takahashi                David Tokeshi                       United Way of Greater Los Angeles   Lynn Whitcher                    Moon Fund                                                            Johann Diel
Susan Shimazu                Joyce and Randy Takahashi      Donald Tokeshi                      Douglas Urata                       Rachel Michiko Whitney        Sabrina Yap                        Dr. Yoshio Akiyama
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Shiro Ebihara
Glenn and Mildred Shimizu    Irene Takaki                   John Tokeshi                        Jennifer Usyak                      John Wie                      Allison Yasukawa                   Natsuko Akiyama
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Jeffrey Ebihara
Spencer Shimizu              Emi Takashima                  Matthew Tokeshi                     Craig Uyeda                         Nicole Willms                 Carolyn Yatomi                     May Masako Arakaki
Wayne and Pauline Shimizu    Kacey Takashima-Ahn            Patrick Tokeshi                     Midori Uyeda                        Allyne Winderman and Glenn    Gerald and Anne Yee                                                     Aaron Einzig
Richard Shindo               Eddie and Karen Takata         Richard Tokeshi                     Naomi Uyeda                            Wasserman                  Catherine Yen                                                           Mayumi Thrasher
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Akemi Arakaki and Takao Suzuki
Kathryn Shinto               Stephanie and Earl Takata      Tai Tokeshi                         Gary Uyekawa                        Gordon Wong                   Janice Harumi and Chao M. Yen      Dolores Avila                        Susie Emi
Lori Shiotani                Akiko Takeda                   Ken and Yoshie Tokiyama             Amy Uyematsu and Raul Contreras     Jackson Wong                  Steven and Candice Yokomizo        Joyce Chan                           Anonymous
Tomoko Shiotsu               Mary Ann Takemoto              Gary Tokumori                       Alden and Teruko Uyemura            Judith Wong                   Stacy Yokota-Sholmire              Catherine and Stuart Chuck
Mami Shirai                  Roy and Judy Takemura                                                                                  Kan Wong and Evelyn Hori      Gregg Yokoyama                     The High Rollers: Cyndee Kouchi,     Toshio Fujimoto
Tory Shiroma                 Noboru Takeuchi                                                                                        Lesley and Russell Wong       Linda Yokoyama                        Lucie Kouchi, Marcia Murota,      Gary Fujimoto’s Birthday
Barbara Shirota              Yuka Takeuchi                                                                                          Logan Wong                    Atsuko Yomogida                       Suzie Iwami, Debbie Young,          Fundraiser
Brianne Shishido             Allison Takido                 Donor Quote                                                             Rose Wong                     Julie and Terry Yoneda                Vickie Sil-Ohashi, Cindy Kura-    Mineko Hashimoto
Paul and Kay Shishima        Ricky Takizawa                                                                                         Stacy Wong                    Alayne Yonemoto
Beverly T. Shu               Diane Tan and King Cheung      Thank you LTSC for exemplifying                                         Kelly Woo                     Lynne Yonemura
                                                                                                                                                                                                        nushi., Sheri Nakano, Phyllis
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Sakamoto, Erin Sugita, Jenny
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Janice Harumi and Chao M. Yen

Shumei America
Donna Sill
                             Marie Tan and Gregory Tan,
                                  in memory of
                                                            love, service and neighborliness                                        Mecca Woods
                                                                                                                                    John Wright
                                                                                                                                                                  David Yoo
                                                                                                                                                                  Robbie Yoshikawa
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tanaka, Courteney Nojiri, Fran    Ike T. Hatchimonji
                                                                                                                                                                                                        & Joe Matsuda, Laurel Hirouji     Anonymous
Amber Skoien                      Chor Chai Tan             in the face of the pandemic!                                            Pat Wyatt                     Betty Yoshimura                       and Carol Jue
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Emiko Hirano
Jane Smith
Melodee Smith
                             Richard and Cathie Tanabe
                             Arlene Tanaka
                                                            You are a glimmer of light in                                           Megan Yabumoto
                                                                                                                                    Daniel Yaguchi
                                                                                                                                                                  Eileen and Dan Yoshimura
                                                                                                                                                                  Myrtle Yoshino and Kevin Yoshino
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Duane and Joy Hirayama
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Judy Chen
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Shaunie and Randy Ikeda
Helen Sogi                   Bessie Tanaka                  this otherwise dark time. May                                           June Yakura                   Shinichi Yoshino                   Paul Inafuku                         Lance Kazuto Horibe
Kayko Sonoda                 David Tanaka                                                                                           Yoshiyuki and Juriko Yamada   Cheryl Yoshioka                                                         Anonymous
Vince Soo                    Erin Tanaka                    you be safe, well and uplifted                                          Kiku Yamada                   Teri and Mako Yoshitake
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sallie Kane
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Elaine Kinoshita
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kotaro Robert Hoshizaki
Southland Credit Union
Andrea Spolidoro and John
                             Gail Tanaka
                             James and Lilian Tanaka
                                                            through this sacred work in the                                         Eri Yamagata
                                                                                                                                    Joy Yamaguchi
                                                                                                                                                                  Tim Yoshitake
                                                                                                                                                                  Richard and Lynn Yoshizumi
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Susan R. Manzo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cindy and Glenn Fujimoto
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Caroline Maruya
   Marshall                  Jennifer Tanaka                community.                                                              Willard Yamaguchi             Debbie Young                       Wayne S. Nakamura                    Hisashi and Fudeko Ikeda
Kaylyn Stewart               Mike Tanaka and Jill Ishida                                                                            Brian Yamamoto                Kaori Young                                                             Dahni Tsuboi and Pete Manzo

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               LTSC 2020 Annual Report   24 | 25
Donor Quote                                                          Diana Cardenas and Ben Segura     Dirck Morgan                     Glen Nakamura                  Fuji, Mas and Sally Okabe         Fudge Sato                      Paul Ichiro Terasaki
                                                                     Joy and Cary Cheng                Ellen Morgan                     Joyce and Randy Takahashi      The Okabe Family                  Jennifer Sato-Veloz             Richard Terasaki
In memory of                                                         James Choi
                                                                                                       Torao Mori                       Eileen Nakano                  Masahito Okada                    Tad and Fran Sekiguchi          Ed & Yone Tokeshi
                                                                     Francis Cullado
Dean Matsubayashi, a                                                 Perla Eston
                                                                                                       Aimee Kuan
                                                                                                       Christopher Mori
                                                                                                                                        Elizabeth Nakano               Emily Okada                       Pamela Sekiguchi                Carol Tokeshi

great leader and friend.                                             Sarah and Stephen Fleischer-Ihn
                                                                     Reina Fukuda
                                                                                                       Christina Okawa
                                                                                                                                        Lillian Nakano
                                                                                                                                        Kay Ochi
                                                                                                                                                                       Henry and Kazie Okamura
                                                                                                                                                                       Linda Okamura
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mary and Tak Senzaki
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Denise Senzaki
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Gloria Uchida
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Andrew Uchida
                                                                                                       Heizaburo and Jeanie Okawa
                                                                     Jan Fukuhara Dyck
                                                                                                       jeremy Okawa                     S. Stephen & Sally Nakashima   Joan Fusako Onodera               Linda Seu                       Yoshiko Uemura
                                                                     Junko Goda
Klete Ikemoto                        Aki Komai                                                         Tsuyoshi Okawa                   Anonymous                      Patricia Nicholson                Janice Harumi and Chao M. Yen   Spencer Uemura
                                                                     Clement Hanami
Yonsei 24 & 26 Families              Masae Arima
                                                                    Michelle Hirose                    Takako Yoshimoto Morita          George Nakasone                Megumi Osa                        Jin-Lan Shen                    Hank “Nisei Hiker” Umemoto
                                     Carl Iwanaga
Nancee Iketani                                                      Minako and Gerald Iseda            Alison Fukushima                 Cathie Nakasone                Susan Osa                         Christine Lee and Denny Huang   Bruce, Rahmah, Firas, Saif and
                                     Tayeko Iwanaga
Yas and Nancy Gohata                                                Barbara Ito                        John Fukushima                                                                                                                      Adam Umemoto
                                     Caroline Jung                                                                                      Yukiko Negoro                  Mr. and Mrs. Hiroshi and Hideko   Sechiko Shinmoto
Roy Iketani                                                         Noelle Ito                         Micki Fukushima & Families
                                     Hideo Kagawa                                                                                       Noel Kinoshita                 Ota                               Barbara and Bob Okada           Joe Yamagawa
                                                                    Heidie Joo Burwell                 Stephen and Katherine Ikkanda
Kikue Imamura                        Hideo Karatsu                                                                                                                     Anonymous                                                         Taryn Tatara
                                                                    Mizue Katayama                     Beverly Ito                      Carl Shoji Niizawa                                               Spud and Trea Shiraki
Hanako Footman                       Kazuo Pete Kataoka
                                                                    Karl and Jean Kawakami             Suzy Katsuda                     Jeffrey and Linda Niizawa      Judy Nishimoto Ota                Jedsen Shiraki                  Mrs. Mitsuko Yamamoto
                                     Barbara R. Keimi
Sid and Mari Inouye                                                 Kim Kawaratani                     Bruce Kawazoye                                                  Kathy and Mark Masaoka                                            Cliff Bender, Lorran Yano and
                                     Robert Kikkawa                                                                                     Clarence S. Niizawa                                              Jon Shirota
Anonymous                                                           Qris Yamashita/Chris Komai         Yutaka and Sherri Kawazoye                                      Barbara Nishimoto                                                    Family
                                     Colleen and Edward Kobayashi                                                                       Jeffrey and Linda Niizawa                                        Minako and Gerald Iseda
                                                                    Yasuko Sakamoto                    Glen and Chiae Kitayama                                         Kaz Ota
Dale Makoto Inouye                   Carolyn Komai                                                                                                                                                                                       Bennie Yamane
                                                                    Milnes Kurashige                   Dennis Kobata and Jan Tokumaru   Evan Yoshio Niizawa            Yohko Takehara                    Kayoko Shoda-Ishida and
Dale M. Inouye Foundation            Chris Komai                                                                                                                                                                                         Carol Yamane
                                                                    Michi Lew                          Delcene Kuwata                   Jeffrey and Linda Niizawa      Bill and Ruth Watanabe            Frank Shoda
                                     Michael Komai
Hiroshi Isago                                                       Jeff Liu                           Kimi Maru                                                                                         Patricia Ishida                 Masao and Shizue Yamashiro
                                     Donald Komai                                                                                       Mitsue Nishio                  Itsuko Ota
Chris and Janet Taga                                                Chikako, Don, Kiyoko,              Yuki Morita and Family                                                                                                            Kitty Sankey
                                     Neil Komai                                                                                         Suzy Katsuda                   Stacy Toyota                      John Sogi
                                                                       Ben Matsubayashi                Toyoko and Yoshito Nakahara
Toshiko Ishijima                     Ralph Komai                                                                                        Kay Ochi                                                         Anonymous                       Steve Yano
                                                                    Chiyo and Manny Chidhalay          Donna Nakashima                                                 Harry and Mary Oune
Erica Ishijima                       Karen Margolis                                                                                     Jacqueline Trejo                                                 Helen Sogi                      Zoe Kumagai
                                                                    Craig and Raquel Matsubayashi      Sharon and Robin Nakazaki                                       Mark M. Oune
                                     Tatsuo Minamoto
                                                                    Erik and Cindy Matsubayashi        Hideko Noriyuki
Lillian Ito                          Mitsugi Miyakawa                                                                                   Miwako & Henry Nishizu                                           Louise and Jim SooHoo           Tadashi “Tad” Yoshimura
                                                                    Rev. George and Kay Matsubayashi   Tom and Carol Ono                                               Monica Quan
Alan and Barbara Hamane              Gail and Thomas Miyasaki                                                                           Anonymous                                                        Paul Ong                        Hirotake Abe
                                                                    Tina and Howard Wada               Janice Osumi                                                    Madison Quan
                                     Barbara and Allan Mizuhara                                                                                                                                                                          Shige Akamatsu
Philip N. Ito                                                       Emi and Myles Morimoto             Peggy Saika and Arthur Chen      John and Trudy Nishizu         Randall and Sylvia Quan           DJ Hideo Sugano
                                     Dennis Nakatani                                                                                                                                                                                     Alamo Manhattan
Michelle Hirose                                                     Nancy and Mark Munekata            Martin and Karen Tachiki         Westmont Corporation                                             Lance and Mimi Shoho
                                     Kay and Nancy Oda                                                                                                                 Hiro and Fumi Saito                                               Anonymous
Barbara Ito                                                         Yooko Munekata                     Grennie Uchida
                                     Richard Shindo                                                                                     Hitoshi Ohara                  Bruce Saito                       Denny Sunabe                    Armanino LLP
                                                                    Gwen Muranaka                      Karen Watanabe
The Chotaro Ito Family               Lester Sugino                                                                                      Akira and Jo Ann Hirose                                          Raymond Fujii                   Danny Blackburn
                                                                    Ayumi Nagata                       Robert Watanabe                                                 Jeannette Kyoko Sanderson
Eric and Chris Kodama                Noboru Takeuchi                                                                                    Grace Sakioka                                                                                    The Core5 Family
                                                                    Stephanie Nitahara                 Gayle and Craig Wong                                            Emily and Dan Weaver              Miyoko Takagishi
                                     Carole and Howard Tsujimura                                                                        Kayoshi Shoda                                                                                    CT Realty
Harumi Kajiyama                                                     Kimi and Kazuo Obana               Karen Yamamoto                                                                                    Irene Rowe
                                     Hiroaki and Julia Yamamoto                                                                                                        Edwing Sankey                                                     Diamond Realty Investments, Inc.
Kristine Mizutani                                                   Todd Odagawa                                                        Mary Tachiko Oi
                                     Frank Yanai                                                       Tetsuo Murata                                                   Kitty Sankey                      Sachiye Takamoto                Diamond Realty Management
                                                                    Daniel, Iris, James Ohnoki                                          Bruce Hirsch
Masashi and Mitsuko Kawaguchi        Lynne Yonemura                                                    Brandon Kitagawa                                                                                  Stephanie and Kevin Higa            America Inc.
                                                                    James Okazaki                                                       The Machida Sisters: Sharon,   George Kiyoshi and Anita
Wilson and Mayumi Morishita                                                                            Cooke and Elaine Sunoo                                                                                                            Diamond Realty Management Inc.
                                     Thelma Kono                    Shoichi and Ayumi Omoto                                                Kiyo, Debra and Linda       Mitsuko Sankey                    Jiro Takata                     Eugene and Teresa Eng
Tedd Kawata                          Anonymous                      Kevin Rodin                        Masao Murayama                   Victor Matsui Family           Kitty Sankey                      Eddie and Karen Takata          Jil Galloway
Oli Mejia                                                           Carol Sakamoto                     Kimberly Kandel
                                     Frank and Sumi Kozawa                                                                                                                                               Eddie & Katie Tanijiri          Tammy Hannan
                                                                    Christy Sakamoto
Alice Kikkawa                        Lily Tsurumaki                                                    Momo Nagano Kwong                                                                                 Wesley Tanijiri                 Lance Hardenburg
                                                                    Pauline Shirasu Griffith
Linda Quan                                                                                             Dan K. Kwong                                                                                                                      Tomoka Hayashi
                                     George Kurisu                  Irene Tsukada Simonian                                                                                                               Dorothy Tanioka
Bryon Wada                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Mitsubishi Corporation
                                                                    Vivian Szeto                       Shiro Nakagawa                                                                                    Stacie Taniguchi
                                     Leland Kurisu
                                                                    Cindy and Kenji Oda
                                                                                                                                        Donor Quote                                                                                      Tomoko Horie
Nancy Kikuchi                                                                                          Alexander Nakagawa                                                                                                                Noko Hosokawa
                                     Dean Mastubayashi              Bill Watanabe
Nanka Ehime Kenjinkai
                                     Asao and Kim Masumiya          Angie Wei                          Lucille Nakahara                 I’ve always noticed that your                                                                    Yoshihiro Ishihara
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ash Ishiwata
Hideo Bill Kikuchi
“Tennis Connection”
                                     Paul and Ann Abe
                                     Doug Aihara
                                                                    Natasha and Chris Liu              Janice Harumi and Chao M. Yen
                                                                                                                                        organization continues to do                                                                     Molly Johnson

John Kiyoshi and Mitsuko
                                     Jeanne Akashi                  Sam Shigeru Miyamoto               Sada and Hiroshi Nakamura
                                                                                                                                        excellent work with those who                                                                    Jihan Katuli
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         KDDI America Inc.
                                     Anonymous                      Julie Sunabe
                                     Kathryn A. Bannai                                                 Grace Shinoda Nakamura
                                                                                                                                        need the help. I commend you                                                                     Kenedix Westwood, LLC
Elaine, Frank, Jason, Kristen &                                     David Y. Miyashita                                                                                                                                                   Masa and Hiroko Kojima
   Mark, Arlene, John, Lora & Evan
                                     Maria Cabildo                  Marivic A. Miyashita               Joanne and Mark Nakamura         for your efforts! Thank you.                                                                     MIC Business Solutions, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dave and Terri Mitani and Family

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             LTSC 2020 Annual Report     26 | 27
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