Today Current Affairs for Competitive Exams - Current Affairs 2021-2022 Online -

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Today Current Affairs for Competitive
         Exams - Current Affairs 2021-2022
Amazon integrates pantry service with Fresh                Ajay Mathur, who heads the Energy and Research
                                                            Institute, is set to become the next Director
 Amazon India will be integrating its pantry service
                                                            General (DG) of the International Solar Alliance
  with instant grocery service Fresh across cities it
  operates in a bid to reduce the delivery time to
                                                           ISA, co-founded by India and France, is the first
  consumers to 2-hour slots.
                                                            treaty-based international government
 This service will be rolled out to customers in
                                                            organization to be based in India.
  Bengaluru, New Delhi, Ahmedabad and Mysore
                                                           Mathur is also a member of the PM's Council on
  over the next two weeks and to all customers in
                                                            Climate Change and was earlier the DG of the
  cities where Fresh is serving, in the upcoming
                                                            Bureau of Energy Efficiency.
                                                          Govt procuring Covishield for only ₹210
Centre orders 41mn doses of Covid vaccines
                                                           The government is procuring each dose of
 The central government has placed supply orders
                                                            Covishield vaccine for only ₹210 per from Serum
  amounting to a total of 41 million doses of both
                                                            Institute of India.
  covid-19 vaccines- Covishield manufactured by
  Serum Institute of India and Covaxin by Bharat           The price of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine across
  Biotech International Limited.                            the world is in the range of between $ 4 and
 These supply orders also include 10 million doses
  received from Gavi support through Covax facility.       Meanwhile, for COVAX AMC facility that supplies
                                                            191 participating countries, including European
 This was informed by Union Health Minister Harsh
                                                            Union nations, the price is $3 per dose to $3.15
  Vardhan on 12 Feb 2021.
                                                            per dose.
Anil Agarwal joins hands with Centricus
                                                          Akanksha announces candidacy for Sec. General
 Anil Agarwal has announced teaming up with
                                                           An Indian-origin employee at the UN Akanksha
  London-based firm Centricus to create a $10-
                                                            Arora has announced her candidacy to be its next
  billion fund that will invest in stake sale of public
  sector undertakings.
                                                           Antonio Guterres is the current UN Secretary
 Centricus is a global investment firm.
 Agarwal is the executive chairman of Vedanta
                                                           Guterres's first term ends on December 31,
                                                            2021,and the term of the next Secretary-General
 Vedanta Resources Ltd is a globally diversified
                                                            will begin on January 1, 2022.
  natural resources company.
                                                           Akanksha is working as an audit coordinator for
Ajay Mathur to take over as ISA chief                       the United Nations Development Programme

Indian film 'Bittu' shortlisted for Oscars               The Uttar Pradesh govt is all set for paperless
                                                          proceedings of the state legislature and to
 Indian short film Bittu has been shortlisted in top
                                                          present paperless budget during the upcoming
  10 films under Live Action Short film category for
                                                          session of the state legislature from 18 Feb 2021.
  the 93rd Oscar Awards.
                                                         The legislature administration has started 3-day
 Indian filmmakers Shreya and Karishma dev Dube
                                                          training of members for paperless proceedings of
  are producer and directors of this film.
                                                          the house.
 For the short film category, it had received 174
                                                         The initial knowledge of the iPad is also being
  films out of which 10 films were shortlisted
                                                          given to all the members for paperless work.
  including Bittu.
                                                        Puligoru Venkata: CJ of Manipur High Court
Assam's interim budget presented
                                                         President Ram Nath Kovind has appointed Justice
 In Assam, Finance Minister Dr Himanta Biswa
                                                          Puligoru Venkata Sanjay Kumar as the Chief
  Sarma presented the interim budget in the
                                                          Justice of the Manipur High Court.
  assembly on 12 Feb 2021.
                                                         Justice Puligoru Venkata Sanjay Kumar is
 The Minister informed that the annual growth
                                                          presently Judge of the Punjab and Haryana High
  rate at 7.71% was higher against the national
  annual growth rate of 6.11% during the period
                                                         The President has also appointed Pushpa Virendra
  2016-17 to 2019-20.
                                                          Ganediwala as an Additional Judge of the Bombay
 General Budget will be placed before September
                                                          High Court.
  30, 2021.
                                                        Swami Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti: 12 Feb
J&K joins hands with UK Space Agency
                                                         12 Feb marks the birth anniversary of Swami
 Jammu and Kashmir has joined hands with the UK
                                                          Dayanand Saraswati, the founder of Arya Samaj.
  Space Agency's programme for collaborative
                                                         Swami Dayanand Saraswati denounced the caste
  projects on Impact Based Flood Forecasting using
                                                          system and encouraged education and equal
  Earth Observation (EO) based Information.
                                                          rights of men and women.
 The National Space Innovation Programme (NSIP)
                                                         He was a renowned scholar who promoted the
  is a new programme established by the UK Space
                                                          Vedic philosophy and principles of karma and
  Agency which supports collaborative projects
  between UK organisations and international
  partners.                                              His mission in life was universal brotherhood and
                                                          for this, he founded the Arya Samaj.
Goa CM flags off campaign on COVID vaccination
                                                        Upper ceiling for family pension raised
 A campaign on COVID Vaccination and Atma
  Nirbhar Bharat by Field Outreach Bureau, Goa,          The upper ceiling for family pension has been
                                                          raised from Rs 45,000 to Rs 1,25,000 per month.
  was flagged off by CM Dr. Pramod Sawant in
  Panaji on 12 Feb 2021.                                 The move will bring Ease of Living for the family
                                                          members of the deceased employees and would
 Atma Nirbhar Bharat, Swayampurna Goa
  campaign will help to make Goa self-reliant by 19       provide adequate financial security to them.
  December 2021.                                         The highest pay has also been revised to Rs
                                                          2,50,000 per month after the implementation of
 The campaign will be done through Mobile
  Exhibition vans which will ply through North and        7th Central Pay Commission recommendations.
  South Goa.                                            PM Modi to to inaugurate projects in Kerala
Training for paperless Assembly Session in UP            Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Tamil
                                                          Nadu and Kerala on 14 February 2021.

 He will inaugurate and lay the foundation stones       The book is written by RP Gupta.
  for several key projects and hand over the Arjun       It provides viable options to revive the Indian
  Main Battle Tank (MK-1A) to the Army, at                economy to create new jobs, increase public
  Chennai.                                                revenues and structural reforms to overcome the
 This Battle Tank has been indigenously designed,        economic crisis due to pandemic.
  developed, and manufactured by DRDO along
                                                        Mastercard launched Priceless India
  with 15 academic institutions, 8 labs, and several
  MSMEs.                                                 Mastercard launches Priceless India to showcase
                                                          rich heritage to domestic, global travelers.
Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Bill
                                                         The program will roll out in 2 phases.
 Lok Sabha has given its nod to Arbitration and         In 1st phase, It will launch 16 short films that will
  Conciliation (Amendment) Bill 2021.                     introduce several unique aspects of India's most
 The bill contains provisions to deal with domestic      iconic cities destinations for tourists.
  and international arbitration.                         In 2nd phase, cardholders will get a chance to
 It defines the law for conducting conciliation          partake in these experiences in real-time through
  proceedings.                                            curated packages.
 It replaces an Ordinance with the same provisions
                                                        Meghalaya Police sign MoU with SBI
  promulgated on 4th November 2020.
                                                         Meghalaya Police sign MoU with SBI for
Second dose of COVID vaccine administered
                                                          implementation of the e-Challan within the
 The second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is being        jurisdiction of the Shillong Traffic Police(STP).
  administered to the healthcare workers from 13         The e-challan system will provide a digital traffic
  February 2021.                                          enforcement solution whereby imposing penalties
 It will be given to those beneficiaries who have        on violators of traffic rule by generating challan.
  taken the first dose on the 16th of January 2021,      The System has been integrated with VAHAN &
  the day when the world's biggest immunization           SARATHI applications to fetch the details of traffic
  drive was launched.                                     violators.
 The second dose is being given after an interval of
                                                        SIDBI, COWE launched "Swavalamban sashakt"
  28 days of the first dose.
                                                         Small Industries Development Bank of India
Tejas AC sleeper coaches to be introduced
                                                          (SIDBI), along with the Confederation of Women
 The Ministry of Railways has decided to replace         Entrepreneurs of India (COWE), has launched a
  the rake of Agartala - Anand Vihar Terminal             campaign Swavalamban sashakt.
  Special Rajdhani Express with Tejas Sleeper            The campaign is a 20 webinar series aimed at
  coaches with upgraded facilities.                       creating awareness and promoting the
 It will offer better connectivity with the National     government's Stand Up India scheme.
  Capital.                                               SUI scheme aimed to facilitate bank loans
 Agartala Rajdhani Special train will run with           between Rs 10L and Rs 1cr. to at least one SC or
  special Tejas type Sleeper coaches from 15 Feb          ST borrower.
                                                        Yuva Vigyan Puraskar
Jual Oram launched book on economic awareness
                                                         As many as 46 students were awarded the Yuva
 Chairman of the Standing Committee on Defense           Vigyan Puraskar during a function organized by
  and MP Jual Oram has launched "Turn Around              the Himachal Pradesh Science, Technology
  India: 2020- Surmounting Past Legacy", a book on        Environment Council.
  creating economic awareness among masses.

 This scheme was started in 2018 to encourage          The event is scheduled to be held from 23 July to
  students to take up science subject, thereby           8 August 2021 in Tokyo, Japan.
  motivating them to do research.                       It was originally scheduled from 24 July to 9
 Under this programme first 10 positions in XII         August 2020 but was postponed in March 2020 as
  Faculty of Science in School Education Board           a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  examinations were awarded.
                                                       CAPF battalion to be named after Narayani Sena
Mallikarjun Kharge: Next Leader of Opposition
                                                        Union Home Minister Amit Shah has announced a
 The Congress has nominated Mallikarjun Kharge          new CAPF battalion that will be named after
  as the new Leader of Opposition (LoP) in the Rajya     Narayani Sena, the warriors of the erstwhile
  Sabha.                                                 princely state of Cooch Behar.
 Incumbent Ghulam Nabi Azad's term end on              The name of CAPF training centre for the eastern
  February 15, 2021.                                     zone will be linked with Chila Roy, who was the
 Congress President Sonia Gandhi informed Upper         younger brother of King Nara Narayan of the Koch
  House Chairman Venkaiah Naidu about Mr. Azad's         Dynasty.
  replacement.                                          A memorial at the birthplace of Panchanan
                                                         Thakur will also be built.
Marc Llistosella, new CEO & MD of Tata Motors
                                                       Flipkart signs MoU with Maharashtra govt
 Tata Motors Ltd, India's largest vehicle maker
  appoints Marc Llistosella as the Managing             Flipkart has entered into an MoU with
  Director and Chief Executive Officer (MD and           Maharashtra Small Scale Industries Development
  CEO) of its India business.                            Corporation (MSSIDC) and Maharashtra State
 He will take a charge from July 1, 2021.               Khadi and Village Industries Board (MSKVIB).
 Previously he was serving as President and CEO of     The MoU will onboard local artisans and entities
  Fuso Truck Bus Corporation and Head of Daimler         on the company's flagship initiative Flipkart
  Trucks in Asia.                                        Samarth.
 He will replace Guenter Butschek, who will work       The partnership will enable Maharashtra's local
  with Tata Motors till June                             artisans, weavers, and craftsmen to showcase
                                                         their hallmark products.
NDB commits $100 mn to NIIF Fund of Funds
                                                       Aditya Mittal appointed ArcelorMittal CEO
 New Development Bank (NDB), the multilateral
  development bank established by the BRICS             ArcelorMittal, one of the world's biggest steel
  states, has announced a commitment of $100             producers, has announced that Aditya Mittal
  million into the NIIF Fund of Funds (FoF).             would take over as the Chief Executive Officer
 With NDB's investment, the FoF has secured $800        from his father, Lakshmi Mittal.
  million in commitments and joins the                  Lakshmi Mittal who would take on the mantle of
  Government of India (GoI), Asian Infrastructure        Executive Chairman.
  Investment Bank (AIIB) and Asian Development          Aditya Mittal was previously the President and
  Bank (ADB) as an investor in the FoF.                  Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the company, and
                                                         CEO of its European arm.
Tokyo Olympics Chief resigns
                                                       40th INCA Congress concludes in Kolkata
 The President of the Tokyo Olympics Yoshiro Mori
  resigned on 12 Feb 2021.                              The 40th International Congress of the Indian
 He was the President of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic         National Cartographic Association (INCA)
  Games organising committee.                            concluded at Kolkata on 12 February 2021.
                                                        It was held from 10-12 Feb 2021.

 The three-day meet organised by the National         Odisha Cabinet gives nod to REWARD project
  Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation
                                                        The Odisha Cabinet has approved a proposal to
  (NATMO), of the Union Ministry of Science and
                                                         implement ‘Rejuvenating Watersheds for
  Technology, had the focal theme of `Digital
                                                         Agricultural Resilience through Innovative
  Mapping Innovations in Make India Initiatives’.
                                                         Development (REWARD)’ project.
Government allocates for Rs. 500 cr for NBHM            REWARD envisages an expenditure of Rs 500
                                                         crore on science-based watershed management
 The government has approved the allocation for
                                                         for a period of six years starting from April 2021.
  Rs. 500 crores for National Beekeeping and Honey
                                                        Out of this, the World Bank will provide loan
  Mission (NBHM) for three years (2020-21 to 2022-
                                                         assistance amounting Rs 350 crore.
 NBHM aims for the overall promotion                  Bodo film “Sijou” bags four awards
  and development of scientific beekeeping in the
                                                        A Bodo film, “Sijou” has bagged four awards at
  country to achieve the goal of ‘Sweet Revolution’
                                                         the Golden Sparrow International Film Festival
  which is being implemented through the National
                                                         2021 in Tamil Nadu.
  Bee Board (NBB).
                                                        It is written and directed by Vishal P. Chaliha, and
Priyanka Chopra's new book                               produced by national award-winning
                                                         filmmakers Preeyam Kherkatary Chaliha and
 Priyanka Chopra Jonas has come up with her
                                                         Omprakash Kherkatary.
  autobiography, title 'Unfinished: A Memoir'.
                                                        It won “Best Director”, “Best Debut Filmmaker”,
 It was officially published on February 9, 2021.
                                                         “Best Screenplay Writer”, and “Special Jury
 The book chronicles all the important moments of
  her life from winning the title of “Miss World” to
  her break in Bollywood, from the death of her        World Radio Day: 13 February
  father to her marriage to Nick Jonas.
                                                        World Radio Day is celebrated all over the world
 The book was released by Penguin Random
                                                         on February 13.
                                                        The day aims at promoting the medium and
Financial Literacy Week concludes                        encouraging people to use it.
                                                        The World Radio Day 2021 theme is “New World,
 The RBI had launched the Financial Literacy Week
                                                         New Radio”.
  on the theme of 'Credit Discipline and Credit from
  Formal Institutions'.                                 The day was adopted by the United Nations
                                                         General Assembly in 2012 as an International
 It was observed from Feb 8-12, 2021.
 The 5-day event was launched by Ajay Kumar,
                                                        It was proclaimed by UNESCO in 2011.
  Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, New
 The RBI has been conducting it every year since
  2016 to propagate financial education messages
  on a particular theme across the country.

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