Avendus Wealth Management's CEO on - Refining and Enhancing the Private Banking Model - Hubbis

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Avendus Wealth Management's CEO on - Refining and Enhancing the Private Banking Model - Hubbis
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Avendus Wealth
Management’s CEO on
Refining and Enhancing the
Private Banking Model
Nitin Singh, Managing Director & CEO of India’s Avendus Wealth
Management, took the reins of the business in February 2020, just
before the world went into Covid-19 meltdown. Clearly, that was not
the easiest time to become the CEO of any business, big or small,
but he reports that his teams have pulled together admirably to help
keep driving the business forward, maintaining and enhancing their
focus on client-centricity, and further refining and building out the
proposition. Avendus is today a prominent and diversified financial
services group in India; founded more than two decades ago, and since
2015 invested in by US-based private equity giant KKR and another
private equity firm. It has since then powered into being amongst the
top five wealth management firms in India for its preferred HNW and
UHNW clientele, and Nitin has his sight set on being amongst the top
three in those segments. We ‘met’ again with Nitin earlier this year
to hear his updates on how the group is forging its private banking
model centred on the upper tier of HNW and UHNW investors and how
he and colleagues are increasingly leveraging the firm’s extensive
investment banking, lending and asset management capabilities to
expand relationships and boost revenues through cross-fertilisation.
On a personal level, he acknowledges that since he took the reins at
the firm, the phase has been both an immensely challenging and also
hugely rewarding in his career and his personal life, a phase that he
says has inspired him as to the fortitude of the human spirit.

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Avendus Wealth Management's CEO on - Refining and Enhancing the Private Banking Model - Hubbis

Avendus Wealth                        intently on clients who have at least    well as a strong asset management
Management (AWM) - the                USD5 to USD10 million to invest,         operation and a significant lender,
private banking arm of the larger     right up to UHNWIs with USD30            providing clients with loans centred
Avendus Group, currently under        million investible wealth, and then      on structured credit, buyout
Nitin’s leadership, was launched      all the way up. We also cater to         finance, and Lombard lending for
in 2010, roughly a decade after       family offices with upwards of           the wealth segment.
the first business of the firm,       USD100 million to invest.” In fact, he
                                                                               “All these elements give us great
investment banking, was founded.      reports that AWM has built a client
                                                                               access to numerous business
AWM, in its first 10 years, reached   base of ~ 1500 UHNW and UUHNW
                                                                               owners and entrepreneurs across
critical mass and especially in the   individuals, half of whom have more
                                                                               India, especially in new industries
last two years has become the         than USD100 million to invest.
                                                                               where so much wealth creation
second largest business in the
                                      He explains that the wealth              has been happening,” he reports.
wider Avendus Group. And Nitin
                                      management business is already           “The IB focus is very much on
reports that the mission is now
                                      comfortably within the top five          growth segments such as digital
to scale up the client offering and
                                      in India and that the mission is         technology, consumer, healthcare,
further boost brand prominence
                                                                               electric vehicles, warehousing and
to be amongst the Top 3 players in    to become one of the top three
                                                                               other new business spaces. In
their target segment.                 trusted advisors within the
                                                                               asset management, we are also
                                                                               one of the pioneers of the hedge
“In asset management, we are also one of                                       fund business in India, and we
the pioneers of the hedge fund business in                                     run the largest hedge fund in the

India, and we run the largest hedge fund in                                    country today, as well as being

the country today, as well as being a major
                                                                               a major player in the late-stage
                                                                               private equity as well as structured
player in the late-stage private equity as well                                finance where we run dedicated
as structured finance where we run dedicated                                   funds leveraging on Avendus’
funds leveraging on Avendus’ in-house                                          in-house expertise and access to

expertise and access to exciting deals.”                                       exciting deals.”

                                                                               Avendus pulls together
A full-service wealth                 country in the HNWI and UHNWI
                                                                               He also clarifies that Avendus
platform                              segments. He further notes
                                                                               pulls all its businesses together in
“We are a full-service wealth         that 2020 was a challenging yet
                                                                               the “One Avendus” proposition
management platform, with             rewarding year for the business.
                                                                               to better serve its clients. “Across
products and advisory services        “The last year was a reboot year
                                                                               all our businesses, our key effort
across all asset classes, family      for us and we used this time
                                                                               is really to focus intently on
office services, and lending          team to dig deeper into our              entrepreneurs and take care of
capabilities; in short, we offer      capabilities, assess gaps, and reset     their entire lifecycle needs,” he ex-
everything that you expect out        our business, keeping in mind            plains. “It became really important
of a private bank,” Nitin reports.    the evolving needs and future            to us to look at a customer as one
He adds that AWM is part of the       expectations of our clients.”            franchise, to help deliver leads
Avendus Group that has enjoyed
                                                                               internally from one business to
a major rise in prominence in
                                      Leveraging the                           another. We have roughly deliv-
the last two decades, and that
                                      powerful IB platform                     ered about 50 introductions to
is genuinely international in
                                      He adds that aside from the private      the investment banking business
perspective, with global private
                                      banking operation, the Avendus           over the course of the past year,
equity giant KKR as majority
                                      Group has a major investment             and a similar number of referrals
shareholder since 2015.
                                      banking presence - in fact, Nitin        were received from them. As a
“We do not compete in the mass        reports the firm is today the            result, clients increasingly see us
affluent segment, instead focusing    market leaders in IB in India – as       in a whole new light.”

Avendus Wealth Management's CEO on - Refining and Enhancing the Private Banking Model - Hubbis

                                       markets in the past several years      across those areas. “We have
                                       and last year our market leading       really made progress in these
                                       alternatives portfolio continued to    segments and are witnessing
                                       scale new heights. In line with our    increased customer engagement
                                       goal to continue to be the leader      around these offerings.”
                                       in the alternatives space, we
                                       extensively curated and brought        AWM also launched their new
                                       to the market several high quality     growth lever of the wealth lending
                                       and innovative deals in the private    business which has produced
                                       space, leading to the team raising     vigorous growth. “Our new
                                       somewhere near USD500 million,         Lending proposition has seen
                                       despite the pandemic and far           an immediate uptake by clients
                                       more than in the five previous         as we help them meet their
                                       years. We have a healthy pipeline
                                                                              liquidity needs by crafting unique
NITIN SINGH                            and are well on our way to meet
                                                                              customised solutions, given our
Avendus                                the USD1 billion number.”
                                                                              deep understanding in the listed
                                       Another area where AWM has             and unlisted space. In a short span,
AWM – punching its full                expanded its prominence is the         we have already disbursed several
weight                                 firm’s investment solutions and        loans to our key wealth customers.”
Nitin expands on the efforts he and
his colleagues have made since he      “The clients want and demand value from
arrived. “We knew from the outset      us; they expect good advice, they might be
that although wealth management
                                       entrepreneurs who have cashed out tens of
was more than 10 years old at
Avendus, it had not really punched
                                       millions from their start-ups, and they expect
its full weight,” he explains. “It     insights, a highly sophisticated approach,
was still a niche business and had     and they need to see that we offer genuine
clearly not utilised the strength of   value-add.”
brand Avendus or of KKR. I came in
to power up the business, and the      advisory. Advisory in India has        Nitin also notes that in a business
mission was to forge ever-closer       only been around for the last two      that is often relationship driven,
and stronger ties as a trusted         years and is rapidly evolving amid     Covid-19 largely put a halt to in
advisor for the upper HNW and          changing regulations and customer      person meetings. “Despite the
UHNW segments, really focusing         preferences. “We managed to fully      challenging times and near zero
on delivering curated and quality      revamp & clean up our advisory         face to face time with our clients,
solutions for them.”                   offering during the year as we         we were able to add 450 families
                                       moved to the Non-Discretionary         as our clients since 2020, while
He reports that the team has           Portfolio management solutions         our existing families also saw their
focused on several growth              (NDPMS) model. We have 45% of          portfolios grow with us.”
levers over the last year to lay a     our AUM in this model, growing
strong foundation for the times                                               He shares how client engagement
                                       at about 150% Y-o-Y. We also
ahead. “When I arrived, the first                                             has been at the heart of their
                                       reoriented our public market
mission really was to clean up                                                endeavours, especially during
                                       offering, focussing on best in class
shop, seeing the crisis as an                                                 Covid -19. “Effective, consistent
                                       differentiated products and high-
opportunity to really look at our                                             communication is the bedrock of
                                       quality managers. We are seeing
value proposition, what were we                                               the advisor client relationship and
                                       good initial traction.”
delivering, and what changes we                                               with this strong belief we handheld
had to make,” he elaborates.           Another sphere of development          every client through the volatility
                                       was to scale up the family office,     of last year. We also organised
“We have built a deep expertise        and the direct equity capabilities,    various knowledge webinars
in private assets and private          with senior-level appointments         on relevant topics with leading

Avendus Wealth Management's CEO on - Refining and Enhancing the Private Banking Model - Hubbis

industry and our in-house subject        The result, he reports, is that the
matter experts.”                         RMs and advisors really need to up
                                         their game. “The firm and our RMs
Powering through the                     together need to deliver the best
gears                                    ideas, concepts, superior products,
Nitin reports that the wealth            approaches and outcomes,” he
management industry is one of the        reports. “The RMs need to be multi-
few industries which had not only        dimensional in approach across
emerged through the pandemic             asset classes and across public
relatively unscathed, but that           and private markets. They need
has also seized the opportunity          to be imaginative and innovative.
to grow, and in the case of AWM,         In short, they need genuine talent
exponentially, he says.                  and expertise to succeed with our
                                         increasingly sophisticated and
“We are seeing several trends            discerning clientele.”
emerge,” Nitin explains. “One
is the rapid financialisation of
                                         Elevating the offering
savings, and another is the massive
                                         And as a result, Nitin has since
adoption of digital. At the same
                                         arrival been helping drive the
time, there has been a dramatic
                                         Avendus Wealth Management
increase in interest, amongst our
                                         proposition to a different level,
clients, in private assets, especially
                                         nurturing team members and
digital assets. Moreover, risk
                                         refining the product and advisory
capacity has risen markedly since
                                         suite to suit the market’s evolution
the worst moments of 2020 and
                                         and stay ahead of the pack.
continues to rise, including a shift
within fixed income to higher            “The smaller, niche or boutique
yield assets, and from debt to           category of players are falling by
equity, and within equity to greater     the wayside, as clients are drawn
diversification of holdings. It all      to providers that can offer the
comes together as part of the drive      combination of the best product,
to enhance asset allocation and          platform, processes and details,”
thereby returns for investors and        he reports. “To offer those
activity levels for AWM.”                qualities and services at optimal
                                         levels, you need to be a significant
Clients – increasingly                   and multi-faceted player across
demanding, and rightly                   multiple disciplines. And that is
so                                       what Avendus is all about.”
Another fascinating development
has been the rapid rise in both the      Working ever closer
sophistication and expectation of        with the bespoke client
the client base, from their wealth       base
management providers. “The               Nitin reports that the firm’s wealth
clients want and demand value            management client base today
from us; they expect good advice,        comprises of ~ 1500 families, with
they might be entrepreneurs              roughly half of those controlling
who have cashed out tens of              wealth of more than USD100
millions from their start-ups, and       million each. “UHNI/HNI families
they expect insights, a highly           all have different needs and
sophisticated approach, and they         circumstances and both family
need to see that we offer genuine        aspirations, as well as business
value-add.”                              goals need to be taken care of

Avendus Wealth Management's CEO on - Refining and Enhancing the Private Banking Model - Hubbis

while advising them”. “Amongst          He notes that as a whole array of
these clients, we have seen that        business and operational costs
people have been increasingly           had been pared back in many of
focusing on the quality of life over    these companies since Covid-19
the course of the last six to 12        impacted the planet, they have
months, because the affluent elite      been generating surplus cash,
have ambitions that are not limited     which is now going into both this
by geography, so we have also           expansionary, forward-focused
seen a significant rise in demand       auto self-disruption, and also
for alternative residency options,”     in the form of remuneration to
he reports. “Secondly, people have      owners that is often then recycled
focused on how they can manage          into market investments across a
their international businesses          wide array of assets.
from different locations. And
at the same time, and linked to         Applying both expertise
these two trends, a third trend has     and experience
been towards greater offshore           Nitin joined Avendus in February,
asset diversification, which is a       shortly before the world was
good move for them given the            turned upside down by the
performance of global markets           pandemic. He had enjoyed a 20-
in the past year-plus since the         year career beforehand in wealth
unfavourable conditions of 2020.”       management, many of those
                                        years with Standard Chartered
Auto self-disruption – a                and HSBC Private Bank in London
fascinating trend                       and in India. His last role before
The fourth key trend, he reports,       taking the helm at Avendus was
is the self-induced disruption by       as Managing Director & Head of
businesses in traditional segments      the India Wealth Management
of the economy in order to protect      business at Standard Chartered
their business models.                  Bank. Prior to that, he was global
                                        head of fund selection for HSBC
“We hear more and more from
                                        Private Bank, based in historic St.
traditional industries and owners
                                        James, London, during which time
that want to invest in enterprises
                                        he was almost weekly travelling to
that tie in with their core business,
                                        Switzerland as part of the job.
thereby creating an ecosystem
that effectively disrupts them          He reports that he had enjoyed
before other upstart disruptors         both a challenging but also a
do that from outside. This is           fascinating and rewarding time
done both through investing in          since joining Avendus. “It has
funds that focus on consumer            been inspiring in many ways,
sectors and by making strategic         leveraging my experience and
investments/co-investments in           skills in this new role, rising to the
select firm,” he says. “It is a smart   challenges with my team, driving
self-protection mechanism that          through changes that have helped
we are seeing play out, and I can       us really reap the fruits of these
confirm this phenomenon of              efforts,” he says. “It has been far
embracing imaginative new ways          from easy, but the results are
to ensure growth and potential of       really showing through.”
existing, traditional enterprises,
for example, from many                  He shares proudly that the efforts
discussions with such owners.”          put in by the team received

Avendus Wealth Management's CEO on - Refining and Enhancing the Private Banking Model - Hubbis

validation from the industry and       technology, which he observes is
the peers; the firm was adjudged       central to the future proposition,
the Best Independent Wealth            and to the firm’s own auto-
Manager – India Domestic 2020          disruption to protect against
by Asian Private Banker and            future competition.
was also ranked amongst the
                                       “Technology is definitely set to
Top 2 in most categories in the
                                       be the next big disruption in this
Euromoney Private Banking
                                       industry, with more and more
Survey 2021. Most recently it was
                                       tech driven processes & outputs
Highly Commended as the Best
                                       coming into play. In the coming
Private Bank for UHNWIs at The
                                       months, we launch a cutting-edge
Asset Triple A Private Capital
                                       technology and operations stack
Awards 2021. “These accolades
                                       that will really elevate the client
reflect our commitment, focus and
                                       experience, make user journeys
perseverance over the years to
                                       seamless and truly improve our
build a strong wealth platform for
                                       RM’s ability to serve clients,” he
delivering superior outcomes.”
                                       reports, enthusiastically.

Boosting the talent pool,              “This will cover everything from
driving AUM growth                     back-office operations to digital
Nitin reports that the last piece      onboarding, performance and
of the jigsaw has been to boost        portfolio analytics, to how we
the talent pool, organically and       look at the client interface, how
through new hires. “Upskilling         we warehouse our data, build
my sales, advisory and product         management dashboards, and
talent has resulted in delivery        create a digital interface to external
of sustainable AU and better           stakeholders during the year. In
revenue, which then translates to      short, we are ourselves disrupting,
more money for our teams and           boosting capabilities and enhancing
greater satisfaction and longevity,”   expertise from a digital perspective
he says. “Since 2020, our team         to really take both customer
of 40 seasoned RMs is delivering       experience as well as sales
best in class market productivity in   productivity to a different level.”
terms of AUM and revenue.
                                       He further reports, “We now also
The result, he reports, is that        work with the UK based firm
he believes AWM is the fastest         Bridgeweave, which is helping
growing wealth management              us use artificial intelligence and
firm in India, with AUM surging        machine learning to boost our
more than 60% in the year to the       investment knowledge and curate
equivalent of more than USD5           opportunities with Big Data, turbo-
billion, and revenues leaping up       charging our expertise.”
2.5 times. Nitin continues to be on
                                       In an expansionary move, Nitin
the lookout for high quality and
                                       has his eyes set on the offshore
experienced talent to scale the
                                       markets as well. “We are building
platform and make it India’s best.
                                       an offshore platform to work with
                                       family offices, UHNWIS, multi-
Challenging the status                 family offices in the US, Asia and
quo from within                        Middle East,” he reports. “We will
He draws the conversation              be delivering digital access to
towards a close by focusing on         private equity funds and deals


in India. It is very exciting. And   of the Avendus franchise. It’s going   level, it has been a blessing to
alongside that effort, we will be    to be only upwards and onwards         spend more time with the family
offering more new fund solutions     from here.”                            since lockdown. My son is almost
in the next six months. We will                                             nine, and although maybe he sees
also use this platform to give our   The spirit to endure                   it differently, from my perspective,
Indian customers international                                              it has been incredibly rewarding to
                                     His parting comment is somewhat
diversification, which is in great                                          spend so much time with him. And
                                     more personal. “This has been
demand right now.”                                                          from a broader family and social
                                     an immensely challenging time
                                                                            perspective, we have all faced
Lastly, he shares “The Wealth        for the world, for India and for       and overcome our own struggles
Management space in India is at      people everywhere,” he says. “For      – including sudden deaths in the
the cusp of change and as a firm     me, it has also come at a time of      family - and our collective strength
we have put in all the ingredients   great challenge and excitement         and mutual support have inspired
of change together – product,        in my career, taking the reins of      me as to the true resilience of the
people, technology and the might     Avendus Wealth. On a personal          human spirit.”

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