TOBACCO, VAPING & CANNABIS - Alberta Health Services

Page created by Darrell Wolf
TOBACCO, VAPING & CANNABIS - Alberta Health Services
                                     INFORMATION SERIES

                                                    citing “relaxation after a stressful day at
Waterpipes                                          school” (Cloud 9 Hookah Lounge & Bar,
                                                    Calgary) or hosting themed nights with onsite
Background                                          DJs and karaoke. Such promotion of
Waterpipes, also called hookah or narghile,         waterpipe establishments demonstrate the
involves smoking products known as “shisha”.        increasing commercialization of shisha in
It dates back several centuries with its origin     Alberta over the past two decades, with both
traced to India and also to South Africa, Persia    tobacco and purported non-tobacco-
and Ethiopia.1 Traditional tobacco shisha is a      containing products readily available.
mixture of tobacco and water, and sometimes
                                                    In fact, an increase in prevalence and spread
mixed with glycerin and/or honey. Tobacco-
                                                    of use of waterpipes has been observed
containing shisha is sometimes marketed as
                                                    globally. The World Health Organization
“washed” or “unwashed.” Washing tobacco
                                                    (WHO) reports that contributing factors to this
does not affect nicotine levels and tobacco still
                                                    increase include: the introduction of flavoured
contains dangerous chemicals after being
                                                    tobacco, social acceptability, developments in
                                                    mass communications and social media, and
Shisha is also available without tobacco and        a lack of waterpipe-specific policy and
such products are often described as “herbal.”      regulations.3
Flavouring has been added to most products
to make them more appealing including many
non-traditional flavours (such as those             In 2017, past-30-day use of a waterpipe to
inspired by cocktails and energy drinks).           smoke tobacco was reported by 1% (208,000)
Overtly flavoured shisha is not traditional, nor    of Canadians aged 15 years and older.4 A
are venues that have recently opened in             closer look at age groups demonstrated the
Alberta.2                                           past 30-day prevalence among youth aged 15
Venues offering public waterpipe use promote        to 19 was one percent (1% or 30,000) and
                                                    among young adults aged 20 to 24, the rate
a range of casual to luxury atmospheres,
                                                    increased to 3% (75,000).5

Tobacco, Vaping and Cannabis Program/June 2021

The 2018-19 Canadian Student Tobacco,            Alberta Health Services (AHS) supports these
Alcohol and Drug Survey (CSTADS) reported        recommendations and continues to advocate
6.9% of Grade 7-12 students had ever tried       for clean air legislation to protect against
waterpipe, down from 8.6% in 2016-2017.6         exposure to waterpipe smoke.
An aspect of concern surrounding the spread      Indoor public use of waterpipes in Alberta
of waterpipe use is the potential for it to      exposes Albertans to carcinogens and other
impede quit attempts by those who smoke          contaminants in public venues. This
cigarettes or serve as a bridge to cigarette     undermines the fundamental objective of
smoking among young people.7 This worry          provincial legislation which is to protect
has been echoed in a recent systematic           Albertans from exposure to carcinogens and
review which concluded that waterpipe            other contaminants in public venues.
tobacco smoking is associated with more than
                                                 Cities/municipalities in Alberta including Red
doubling of the odds of later initiation of
                                                 Deer, Cold Lake and Spruce Grove have
cigarette smoking.8
                                                 made strides by enacting bylaws to prevent
In order to maintain a downward trend in         indoor waterpipe use. On July 1st, 2020 a ban
prevalence rates, prevention and policy          on all waterpipe smoking in public places
measures for waterpipe must remain a             comes into effect in the city of Edmonton.
                                                 As public waterpipe venues do not require a
The trend of banning public waterpipe            unique business license, accurate information
use                                              on the number of venues in Alberta is not
                                                 readily available. A scan of waterpipe lounges
Over the last decade, public waterpipe use       in Alberta indicates at least 30 in operation in
was banned in Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and        cities/towns where bylaws do not exist.
Jordan.9,10,11,12 As of March 31, 2018 New
Brunswick, Newfoundland/Labrador, Nova           Despite a ban on other flavored tobacco
Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Quebec          products since 2015, a subsequent review of
have all banned waterpipe in public spaces.13    the Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Act in
A growing number of cities and communities       2019 and the introduction of Bill 19 - The
in British Columbia and Ontario have also        Tobacco, Smoking and Vaping Amendment
implemented waterpipe bans.14 Alberta’s          Act in June 2020, flavoured waterpipe and
Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Act                vaping products continue to be available in
continues to provide an exemption that           Alberta.
permits the use of waterpipes in public          Tobacco product labelling
                                                 In the past, testing conducted by public health
Alberta Health’s Office of the Chief Medical     officials in Ottawa, Toronto and New York City
Officer of Health recommended in 2012 that       has determined that tobacco was present
waterpipe use should be prohibited in            within products sold at lounges, although
enclosed public places and work-places, and      customers were told that the items were
within five metres of entrances, windows and     tobacco free.16 Testing is logistically difficult
air intakes in public venues and workplaces.15

Tobacco, Vaping and Cannabis Program/June 2021

and capacity to comprehensively test shisha      than that of tobacco products.20 The same
products for tobacco content is insufficient.    research study also found toxic trace metals
Some waterpipe venues in Alberta prepare         and carcinogens – at levels equal to or
their own “mixes” of shisha, using Red Bull or   greater than those in cigarettes – in three raw
Monster Juice, which adds to the complexity      herbal shisha products tested.21
of monitoring these products. However, it
                                                 Air quality in shisha venues affects not only
does not change the health risks associated
                                                 owners/operators of waterpipe venues, but
with the products.
                                                 also employees. If the waterpipe venue is part
In order to increase awareness of health risks   of a multi-unit building, people in adjacent
and effects associated with tobacco use,         units may also be adversely affected.
Health Canada has proposed to make               Ventilation is not an option because a
changes to health-related labelling of tobacco   ventilation system with the technology to
products.17 The Forward Regulatory Plan          eliminate the carcinogens in tobacco smoke
2019-2021: Tobacco Products Labelling            does not exist.22
Regulations also proposes new requirements
                                                 The recent outbreak of the 2019 novel
for labelling on products such as waterpipe
                                                 coronavirus (a.k.a. COVID-19), has prompted
tobacco, which are not currently subject to
                                                 considerations of public health policies and
any labelling requirements.
                                                 the risks of smoking and vaping in the
Waterpipe smoking and disease                    transmission, trajectory and outcomes of
                                                 infectious diseases. Studies of infectious
Tobacco smoke from waterpipes has been           viruses, including the novel coronavirus,
linked to diseases also known to be              indicate they can remain viable and infectious
associated with cigarette use. Such diseases     in aerosols and on surfaces, for long periods
include malignancies, cardiovascular disease,    of time.23,24 The risk of disease transmission
lung diseases, pregnancy complications, oral     through frequent hand to mouth contact is
or dental complications, hematologic             well-established. Waterpipes are also said to
disturbances and genetic abnormalities.18        increase a person’s exposure to harmful
The charcoal used to heat waterpipes adds        microorganisms due to moisture conditions
additional health risks as it produces high      that encourage their development and device
levels of CO, metals and cancer-causing          structures that make proper cleaning and
chemicals.19                                     sanitization difficult.25

Alberta's own research has found that even       The communal nature of waterpipe smoking
the non-tobacco, or “herbal” shisha products     within social settings includes using a single
used in waterpipes produce toxic air             mouthpiece and hose, shared between users,
pollutants – including carbon monoxide,          often in restaurant and/or lounge settings.26,27
volatile aldehydes and polyaromatic              Waterpipe users are therefore also at an
hydrocarbons. In fact, both the main-stream      increased risk of communicable diseases like
and second-hand smoke produced by herbal         herpes and meningococcal disease that are
shisha contained these known cancer-             transmitted through sharing waterpipe
causing agents at levels equal to or greater     mouthpieces.28

Tobacco, Vaping and Cannabis Program/June 2021

With regard to tobacco and nicotine                                       The findings of the review amidst public
dependence, a review examining whether                                    health concerns regarding the growing
waterpipe smoking supports dependence in                                  popularity of waterpipe smoking demonstrates
its users is aptly summarized by the                                      the importance of public health action on
following:29                                                              waterpipe use. Informing the public of the
                                                                          risks of waterpipe use (including nicotine
     •    waterpipe smoking delivers active
                                                                          dependence) and ensuring waterpipe
          doses of dependence-producing
                                                                          smoking is included in the same public health
                                                                          policies as cigarette smoking is a vital
     •    waterpipe tobacco smokers may
                                                                          component of current tobacco control
          engage in waterpipe use on a daily
     •    waterpipe tobacco smokers do                                    For more information, please contact Alberta
          experience withdrawal, alter their                              Health Services Tobacco, Vaping and
          behaviours to access waterpipes, and                            Cannabis Program at
          have difficulty quitting.                             


  Knishkowy, B., & Amitai, Y. (2005). Water-pipe (narghinarghile)          Survey (GATS). International Journal of Environmental Research
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  e119. Retreived June 5, 2013, from                                       doi:10.3390/ijerph121215004
                                                                         12                               The National World. (2014)Tougher enforcement of Jordan
  Hammal, F., Wild, T. C., Nykiforuk, C., Abdullahi, K., Mussie, D., &     shisha ban sparks public outcry.
  Finegan, B. a. (2015). Waterpipe (Hookah) Smoking Among Youth   tougher-enforcement-of-
  and Women in Canada is New, not Traditional. Nicotine &                  jordan-shisha-ban-sparks-public-outcry
  Tobacco Research, July (17), 152. doi:10.1093/ntr/ntv152                  Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. (2019, May). Commercial
  WHO Study Group on Tobacco Product Regulation (TobReg).                  Tobacco Policy Pack. Retrieved from:
  (2015). Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking: health effects, research    
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  from:                                                                     Smoking & Health Action Foundation. (2016, March). Waterpipe        Update: Legislation & Bylaws. Retrieved from: https://nsra-
  Statistics Canada. (2017). Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol & Dugs              content/uploads/2016/08/2016_Waterpipe_Bylaws_Update-
  Survey. Retrieved from:                 FINAL.pdf
  canada/services/canadian-tobacco-alcohol-drugs-survey/2017-               Government of Alberta. (2012, February). Waterpipe Smoking in
  summary.html                                                             Alberta, A Report by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of
  Ibid                                                                     Health. Retrieved from:
  Statistics Canada. (2019). Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol & 
  Drugs Survey. Retrieved from:            Peterborough City-County Staff Report Tobacco, second-hand
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  Al Oweini, D., Jawad, M., & Akl, E.A. (2019). The association of          Government of Canada. (2020, March). Forward Regulatory Plan
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Tobacco, Vaping and Cannabis Program - June 2021

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                                                                           P. Koul, M. Hajni, M. Sheikh, U. Khan, A. Shah, Y. Khan, A.
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