Thomas Telford Multi Academy Trust - Development Plan 2021-22
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Thomas Telford Multi Academy Trust Development Plan 2021-22
Key Strategic Targets Growth Action Timescale Responsibility To develop plans in preparation for a Discussion with LA and Throughout KJS/SST/CW new free primary school in Priorslee RSC regarding building the year and admissions To liaise with the DfE and Building Fully engage in client Throughout SST/SCT/RJH Contractors to ensure that plans for based meetings on a the year with the building extension at TTUTC regular basis. building provide first rate accommodation to programme educate additional students up to Plan for potential to be SST/ASG/SCT 1050. disruption that may be completed by caused by building August 2022 programme. Liaise with Wolverhampton LA SST/ASG/KJS and the University of Wolverhampton Standards To provide support, guidance and advice in helping the five academies achieve their strategic priorities, namely; Deployment of additional staff Identify areas of Throughout Heads/SST across schools to ensure staffing that are the year specialist subject staff are vulnerable always available and to support improvements in Support TTUTC with SST/ASG specific subjects staffing diseconomies by deploying staff from TTS where needed Ensure communication SST/FS across the schools is effective Encourage additional SST/FS recruitment strategies to enable effective staff sharing Provide monitoring and External support to Termly SLR/SST support at Walsall to address continue for English Ofsted action points department with observations shared. Conduct an external review focussing on Sept/Oct SST/SSP/FS progress in addressing Ofsted action points To monitor and advise on key A series of informal Throughout KJS/SST/FS issues identified by Head’s and and supportive visits the year external reports 1
to discuss issues and observe daily practices Develop collaborative Disseminate best Discussions Heads/SST strategies to tackle the practice from Walsall with each of disadvantaged and gender to help close the gap the schools divide between boys and girls to develop a at Madeley, TTS and programme Sandwell and for each collective thinking on school. supporting disadvantaged students Provide opportunities for Disseminate best Collaborative Heads/SST collaboration on strategies for practice amongst key session in improving literacy levels, personnel across each Summer especially utilising Redhill Academy term and Primary expertise earlier if requested Achieve an upward trend in Each individual Throughout Heads Eng/Ma 4/9 and 5/9, with a Academy to monitor the year particular focus at Sandwell progress during the and Walsall. year Continue to provide Booster and master Throughout CW/SST opportunities for Redhill classes in numeracy the year Primary students to benefit and literacy. Music and from the facilities and staff dance classes and expertise within TTMAT support with MFL. secondary Academy’s Swimming and sporting facilities available for PE sessions and fixtures Safeguarding To conduct an annual safeguarding Draw up programme Spring 2022 CHJ/SST audit and visit for each academy, of visits, carry out the including a mental health and well- visits and prepare being template, providing additional reports for LGB’s and support, guidance and challenge as TTMAT Board necessary To provide the TTMAT Board with To present reports at TTMAT Board SST/KJS regular reports in relation to TTMAT Board meetings safeguarding matters meetings Finance To exploit potential economies of Draw up collective Throughout SCT scale across the academies to ensure contracts where the year best value is achieved with the cost of appropriate services and products 2
To make use of funds for TTMAT board Prioritise projects and Throughout KJS/SCT use eg Capital funds to support allocate funds the year priority projects accordingly ICT To develop the common management Further discussions January 2021 Directors of information system to provide timely needed to explore a ICT/SST and consistent performance data for solution LGB’s and the TTMAT board to assess performance To further explore a common All schools regularly Continuous Heads/Directors strategies for the deployment of ICT meet to discuss of ICT/KJS/SST systems and equipment to keep opportunities and TTMAT schools at the cutting edge of future strategy educational technology whilst ensuring best value for money Human Resources To further develop a clear strategy for Senior staff and Spring 2021 Heads/KJS/SST succession management at leadership developing middle level leaders to be identified and suitable training and opportunities to be arranged as appropriate To support LGB’s with maintaining a Annual GB skills audits Throughout MMD/KJS/LGB’s balanced and well trained team with to be organised the year relevant Governor training Additional Governor opportunities provided where expertise identified necessary Appropriate training provided as needed Public Relations To ensure TTMAT is familiar to key Ensure the TTMAT Throughout SST/Heads stakeholders across all academies via a website is current and the year dedicated website presence and compliant effective communication Communicate benefit of TTMAT to relevant stakeholders via Heads Consider opportunities to engage with staff across all the schools What follows are the key priorities for each of the TTMAT schools. 3
TTMAT Key Strategic Priorities 2021-2022 Madeley Academy Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) Standards and Testing on entry for Year 7 Reading and Numeracy progress for outcomes Reading and Numeracy Age testing for Year students below functional reading age Identifying and 8 Reduction in students on the Wave providing for those Star group in Year 7 and 8 intervention process students in need of Wave intervention process to identify Progress data on track catch up concerns Mock exam programme Session 3 catch up sessions Intervention sessions such as Maths Summer school, reading mentoring scheme and Year 11 Maths Most-Able Programme, Key Stage 3 Reading Mentor Closing the Identification of PP students in assessment Outcomes 2022 Attainment GAP reduced disadvantage gap packs and subject tracking Outcomes 2022 Progress GAP reduced Star group in Year 7 and 8 In year attainment GAP reduced In-Reach Project Employ a range of Year 11 Catch-Up strategies including identifying catch up students through regular assessments, mock exams and target intervention Online briefing evening for parents Utilise Academic Coaches/Reading Mentor with specific groups of students Subject standards meetings by SLT to be held with all departments Increased staffing deployed to reduce group sizes in Year 11 4
Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) To ensure that the Employ a range of Year 11 Catch-Up Mock Exam results on target number of students strategies including identifying catch up Combined 4+ English Maths at or above achieving grades 4+ students through regular assessments, National Average in Maths and English mock exams and target intervention Improved Combined 5+ English/ Maths is at least in line Development of online revision resources outcomes with National data and run parent information events remotely Online briefing evening for parents Utilise Academic Coaches with specific groups of students Subject standards meetings by SLT to be held with all departments Increased staffing deployed to reduce group sizes in Year 11 Personal Introducing horizontal tutor groups and a Students feel supported by regular access to Development regular tutor period to support the their tutor Supporting students’ Wellbeing of students Wellbeing tasks completed by students and staff’s Weekly student Wellbeing tasks to be Wellbeing tasks accessed and completed by emotional Wellbeing completed in dedicated lesson time staff Weekly staff Wellbeing tasks and support Mental Health and Wellbeing team supports materials a large number of students and data shows Mental Health and Wellbeing team to the interventions have had a positive support students directly and refer complex impact cases to specialist services 5
Sandwell Academy Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) Personal Increasing pastoral support for all students Students are fully prepared for lessons, Development by introducing a morning PT session at the leading to improved self-reliance and time start of the day. keeping, and a reduction in anxiety and Support the mental health and Increasing the ways students can engage non-attendance. wellbeing of with the Academy by introducing: Full engagement by students in the o a student council opportunities to be a greater part of students and staff. o year house captains Academy life. o outstanding achievement and Positive feedback from student and parent STEM awards voice in relation to pastoral support. Extending the trial of horizontal tutor Positive feedback from students in relation groups and developing the role of the PT to resilience and confidence. and PT sessions Conversion of persistent absentees to Re-establishing the full suite of counselling good attenders through the deployment of and mentoring services, including successful intervention strategies. Place2Be, Place2 Talk, and social skills Engagement by staff in wellbeing support mentoring. strategies leading to positive staff voice Counselling services for staff feedback and a reduction in staff absences. Expanding the curriculum’s enrichment The enhanced personal tutor programme opportunities through the diversification of study, address the emerging needs of of Session 3 students, and helps them to develop the Development of a strategy that promotes Sandwell Academy Student Characteristics. the mental health and wellbeing of staff by looking at staff recognition, education/training, physical activity, and social connection. 6
Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) Curriculum Baseline assessments to determine the Through suitable assessment, support Identify and address extent of knowledge degradation and strategies are honed to ensure students gaps in learning to shortfall. effectively address their gaps in learning. develop an effective Departmental catch-up curriculum Session 3 intervention is more tailored to recovery curriculum development, focusing on foundation the needs of specific students, is more for all students knowledge retention and tailored responsive and reactive, and, as a result, intervention. has greater impact. Focused and rapid Session 3 intervention Students develop supportive learning tuition sessions, with efficacy quality habits that aid them in recovering from assessment. potential learning setbacks. CPD focused on developing and The curriculum as a whole is effective in embedding effective assessment practices supporting students recover from their across the Academy in all subjects. experiences during the pandemic Developing and embedding students’ use of personal learning checklists, reflective target setting and metacognition. Standards and Launch Target 9 groups aimed and Outcomes for high ability students are in outcomes enriching high ability students’ aspirations line with Academy targets, demonstrating Secure strong and outcomes. the efficacy of strategies. progress for high Parent/Student Study Skills evening event Successful practices are identified and ability learners Close tracking of high ability students at deployed with a view to embedding data capture points practice. Use coached examinations to add to students’ exam resilience and techniques. Use of Horsforth analysis to strategically deploy intervention and resources. Progression discussions - student, parent and Senior Leader meetings. 7
Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) Enhance teaching Embed the new Sandwell 6 – Excellence QA data and student outcomes support the and learning to in Teaching across the Academy. conclusion that teaching and learning at support student's Introduce four strand approach to staff the Academy on a continuing improvement knowledge development, encompassing planned CPD cycle, which effectively identifies, areas for retention and weeks during the year and structured improvement, and addresses these. outcomes. support programmes for staff identified Teaching and learning in enhanced through QA system. through a research–based approach to External consultant working with Senior staff development, which is evident Leaders in core subjects to refine through staff and students’ feedback. departmental practices and leadership approach. Enhancing internal QA system closely geared towards Ofsted aims. 8
Thomas Telford UTC Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) Support the PSHE planned topics for first term to focus High attendance across all year groups emotional well- on friendships (Yr7), mental health (Yr10) indicating students are confident about being of students and stress management (Yr11). returning to school. and respond to Assemblies for all year groups to signpost Staff are aware of Vulnerable students additional safeguarding and welfare support. within the UTC. safeguarding DSL to provide a ‘Student Vulnerable List’ Staff will be utilising CPOMS effectively for responsibilities. reporting safeguarding concerns to DSL. populated with safeguarding and welfare (CGI) Students supported when they require it concerns to share (in secure electronic and in a timely manner. site) with PTs and wider school staff. All known safeguarding information about Vulnerable students tracked to ensure new students to be uploaded to CPOMS. engagement in education and wellbeing. Students are referred for counselling as DSL to meet with school counsellor to necessary. discuss students who need support from School nurse service to provide additional September. health and sexual health advice support on Ensure school nurse service is resumed. weekly basis. Ensure safeguarding training is carried out Safeguarding updates and training with all staff around KCSiE and vulnerable provided to all staff. Regular staff students. safeguarding briefing implemented. Safeguarding Policy to be updated around Enhanced training to new staff. new education and wellbeing. Safeguarding Policy to be updated whenever necessary and changes disseminated to staff. Identifying and Subject teams to review curriculum providing for those coverage and forward planning documents students in need of for Y11/13 to adapt programmes as catch-up. needed and in light of DfE decisions around adaptations for 2022. (SMA) 9
Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) Robust assessment data collected at each Assessment Point and used to plan targeted short and sharp Session 3 Expected progress made by students and Interventions for small groups. reported on the module report to parents. Session 3 programme to be utilised to targeted at those subjects and students in Student data demonstrates the need of additional support. The initial focus effectiveness of interventions in helping will be on those students in year 11 and 13. children regain any ground lost. Where Use of Holiday/Weekend sessions where interventions are evaluated as not requested by teams to consolidate and effective, alternative approaches identified. improve outcomes. Continuation of the HPA Ambassador role Holiday and Weekend classes organised to work with Middle Leaders to ensure and led where requested and needed. appropriate challenge and expectation from teachers, parents and the students HPA programme completed with regular themselves. input to Middle Leader Meetings to Full programme of Enrichment for Y7/8 spotlight progress of this key group. established including sporting activities, interest clubs and Literacy/Numeracy and Homework clubs. Ensure the Monitor Online Curriculum progress and All Year 9 content to be completed and completion, coordinate development with department quality assured by end of spring term. implementation and leads. positive impact of a Partner with staff at TTS as appropriate to Year 10 & 11 curriculum mapping and any full Year 9 GCSE ensure effective ongoing collaboration. subsequent amendments to content to be curriculum for the All subjects to have completed all Year 9 completed and quality assured by the end new KS4 cohort. GCSE content by end of Easter 2022. of the academic year 2020/21. Development of Year 10 & 11 curriculum (TCL) mapping during academic year 2021-22. KS3 online curriculum to be successfully utilised throughout year for isolating students and/or during a lockdown situation. 10
Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) Work with the DfE & Timely completion of adaptations to All snagging to be listed and followed up MAT to ensure the current building ready for the for adaptations to current building new building and September 2021 academic year. facilities are Engage, alongside the TTMAT and DFE, For the building to offer us rooming that delivered by July allows our planned curriculum to be taught in monthly progress meetings with 2022. to 1050 students and adequate outdoor Morgan Sindall (MS) to ensure our space to offer space for both PE lessons (AGI) voice is heard in creating a building and social play. which can match the needs of the curriculum. The building completion date to remain on Work positively alongside the DFE and track for handover in July 2022. contractor and seek further support from the TTMAT to help ensure that All snagging to be listed and followed up the project remains on track and all for new build inc sports block and outside milestones are met. space To engage, alongside the Director of IT Engage in all IT contract related workshops for the TTMAT, on RM6103 framework and ensure our voice is heard so they alongside the DFE to ensure we have a understand precisely what is required suitable IT contractor in place. Work alongside the IT contractor to deliver our IT requirements by July 2022 11
Walsall Academy Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) Supporting the Pre-identification of students of Successful attendance of school of students emotional well- concern. Support families and student with emotional difficulties. being of students on prior to return including ongoing return to school and mentoring and counselling support with responding to close links with families and external additional agencies. Fewer safeguarding concerns for mental safeguarding health requiring external referrals. responsibilities to Mental health lead appointed in 2021 support all students. who is working closely with the safeguarding team and staff team to support mental health. Fewer referrals into the safeguarding team for mental health. Access to Zumos for all year groups and staff. Information to PTs that helps to identify and support children with grief. All safeguarding issues identified quickly and referred by staff within 30 minutes. Additional member of team appointed in summer 2021. Examination targets Improvement in Basics % at grade 5 and Basics at 43% grade 5. for 2022, including grade 4 to national average by close Basics at 65% grade 4. the continuation of monitoring of cross-over between Progress 8 score > +0.00. the improvement to English and Maths by the KS4 team. the attainment and progress of Using the intelligence gained from the Full evaluation of strategy used and report on disadvantaged ‘Boys Intervention Project’ to create sustainable approaches. students, and whole school sustainable intervention maintaining the with a focus on groups who have had improved progress higher impact due to lockdown. of boys. 12
Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) Expansion of the Expeditionary Students to achieve a higher than average Learning inspired project to include progress score > +0.00. girls & boys who are not meeting their target benchmark grades (especially disadvantaged students) To develop Installation of solar panels to reduce Reduction in CO2 emissions. strategies to carbon footprint of the Academy. become carbon zero by 2030. Education of all Academy community on sustainability. Development of habitats for wildlife on site Establishment of Eco club and strategic Education of students making their steps plan for the development of students towards carbon zero with positive actions. understanding of environmental issues. To rebuild the Effective use of baseline testing by Actions to meet the student’s personal needs Academy “even subject areas. Raising awareness with with a clear sequence of learning which the better” than before departments to ensure identification of students understand and utilise students through QLA for each assessment to highlight gaps in knowledge. A well planned and focused set of drop-down The development of dropdown days to days for all students during the year meet PSHE/RSE and developmental needs of the students. The effective use of session 3 to support Development of session 3 activities and students learning to and close gaps in identify students for additional tuition attainments. A broad range of activities on funding. offer to engage all students Recruitment with sufficient numbers for T Level courses to start in Sept 2022. 13
Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) Effective development of T Level Grant award from DfE. curricula and subsequent marketing and recruitment for T Levels courses. T Levels capital grant bid to be approved by the DfE for a building project. 14
Thomas Telford School Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) Personal Returning to vertical tutor groups Development giving PT’s regular contact with all Supporting the students and targeted support to those Good attendance of students with emotional well- students with known additional emotional difficulties. being of students on emotional needs. Referrals to the return to School nurture team where necessary. Reduce safeguarding concerns for mental health requiring external referrals. Support families and students including ongoing mentoring and Students return in good time to mainstream counselling support with close links teaching with new strategies to support with families and external agencies. them in this environment. Develop strategies for developing resilience and breaking student dependency. Responding to Additions to safeguarding policies in Policies up to date and shared in a timely additional place and understood by staff. fashion. safeguarding responsibilities to Additional counselling /mentoring time support all students allocated to students who are Students supported when they require it identified as a cause for concern. and in a timely manner. Vulnerable students tracked to ensure engagement in education and wellbeing. 15
Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) Curriculum Recovery Curriculum Ensure that the Analyse extent to which curriculum is curriculum planning has been suitably ambitious adapted to recover lost for all learners learning – medium term irrespective of planning adaptions. starting points Covid contingency planning – Blended Learning to comprise of high-quality remote learning Curriculum meets the needs of all learners and supports students fully following the QA impact of interventions and pandemic period. plans. Curriculum Opportunities A fully inclusive curriculum which has been Cross-curricular planning to enhanced and updated in light of lessons ensure sequencing supports learned during the pandemic and embraces skill building eg QA carried out issues bought to the fore in society. by senior staff in RSE, PSHE, numeracy, literacy. Harnessing Technology – develop EduTech group to share best practice and consider how advancement during pandemic can be captured. Standards and Each department to assess the outcomes progress of students during the Expected progress made by students and Identifying and pandemic and establish any students in reported on the module report to parents. providing for those need of intervention at the earliest students in need of opportunity. Student data demonstrates the catch up effectiveness of interventions in helping Session 3 programme to be utilised to children regain any ground lost. targeted at those subjects and students in need of additional support. 16
The initial focus will be on those students in year 11 and 13. 17
Redhill Primary Academy Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) Personal After school clubs for PP children to be In Pupil voice – children are able to discuss Development funded by the academy. the opportunities available to them outside of academia. The Academy’s As many children as possible will be excellent curriculum given the opportunity to represent the The Academy consistently promotes the extends beyond the academy in sport. extensive personal development of pupils. academic, providing for pupils’ broader Re-build links with the community post Opportunities in place for pupils to develop development, along covid in order to promote the their talents and interests are of exceptional with opportunities children’s wider development. quality. to enhance pupils’ spiritual, moral, Promote uptake of musical instrument There is strong take-up by pupils of the social and cultural lessons in the academy through an opportunities provided by the academy. The development – the assembly and a letter home. most disadvantaged pupils consistently most disadvantaged benefit from this provision. pupils consistently Ensure school trips resume and are to benefit from this a wide variety of settings including There is a coherent provision, within the work. theatres, art galleries and religious curriculum and through extra-curricular buildings. activities, that strengthens the academy’s offer. The Academy‘s offer develops pupils’ character. 18
Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) Quality of Education All stakeholders to review the vision All stakeholders able to articulate the Continue to plan, for the academy and next steps to be academy’s vision and aims for the next five review and taken in curriculum over the next five years. sequence an years. ambitious and Children will have a greater appreciation for progressive Ensure diversity, international links, diversity across the world, and themes of curriculum in some ensure Fairtrade links, ensure sustainability and Fairtrade. The outdoor subject areas, sustainability and use of outdoor classroom will be used for learning more designed to give all classroom within the curriculum. frequently, giving all children the learners sufficient opportunity to experience the outdoors. powerful All subject leaders to be able to knowledge, skills articulate the aims for their subject All stakeholders able to explain the and cultural capital area, so that all stakeholders knowledge and skills children will learn in that can be built on understand intentions around learning each subject area. in future learning in that subject. and employment. Children will be able to articulate that they Continue to use pupil voice to confirm know more and remember more of our the level of challenge and new learning curriculum. in lessons. All subject overviews to clearly set out the Continue to ensure that there is an key knowledge and skills to be covered in incremental build-up of knowledge and each unit of work in every year group. skills across units of work. Review in light of the new EYFS framework. Children will be able to strengthen their schemata by returning to knowledge in Transferrable knowledge – subject other contexts. leaders look at cross-curricular links and continue to review these Children will remember powerful knowledge throughout the year. in each subject area, not being overwhelmed by unnecessary knowledge. Unit overviews to be reviewed by subject leaders – identify powerful knowledge. What is the balance of 19
Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) substantive and disciplinary knowledge? Quality of Education Half termly staff meetings for team Teachers will be confident when talking Improve outcomes leaders to support writing progress - about the next steps for all groups of for writing in all year working towards/ARE/ARE+. learners. groups, particularly Discussion of next steps with further in Years 2 & 3, to review of progress at end of half term. There will be evidence of accurate target ensure attainment is Teachers to tab progress prior to setting and confidence with assessing back in line with meetings with team leader. writing by all teachers. pre-Covid high standards. Pupil progress meeting focussed on Coaching sessions will be documented, and writing. teachers will be able to articulate the progress made as a result. CPD sessions -coaching, guided writing, planning support. There will be evidence of peer and self- assessment in books. Embedding SPaG. Drops ins and pupil voice will show the Continue to embed peer and self- development of oracy skills and the resulting assessment within literacy and across progress in written outcomes. other curriculum areas. Develop oracy through all year groups- active listening, debate, vocabulary, presentations, narratives, role play. 20
Key Strategic Strategies/Actions Success Criteria Review of Progress Priorities (IMPLEMENTATION) (IMPACT) (Jan/March/August) (INTENT) Leadership & Identify key staff to manage the role. Standards in phonic attainment remains Management high and above national average. Enhance the support Provide training from literacy and monitoring role consultant and school improvement Validated SSP embedded through the of Early advisor. academy. Reading/Phonic Specialist working Validated SSP purchased. Training for All staff are consistent in their approach to alongside the all staff with delivery, use of resources, the teaching of phonics through the English Leader to allocation of reading books, guided academy. embed revisions to reading sessions. Coaching model for the phonic/early teachers and teaching assistants with reading offer. new SSP with a particular urgency for those new to year group or school. Fully decodable books purchased and used effectively to support reading The academy has clear expectations of progress, as well as the purchase of pupils' phonics progress term-by-term, from new class-based resources. Reception to Year 2. The Year 1 phonic screen test result is above national in 2022. Ensure that on transition to new SSP all staff are aware of new half termly Reading books are well-matched to expectations for phonic progress so children’s phonetic knowledge. that those in danger of falling behind are quickly identified and supported. Update paperwork to ensure that evidence base for phonic and early Targeted intervention for those children reading intent is in one place. identified as at risk of falling behind results in rapid progress. Supporting parents to help their children learn to read. 21
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