THIS ISSUE 3 - The MIHS Islander

Page created by Max Mccarthy
THIS ISSUE 3 - The MIHS Islander
                    Mercer Island High School            PAID
                    9100 SE 42nd St.                   3HUPLW
                    Mercer Island, WA 98040
                                                MERCER IS SCHOOL DIST 400

                                                      Erica Hill
                                                 3    Returns to MIHS
                                                      as Associate

                                                 8    Advice for

                                                      Flag Dudes’
                                                      Gear & Bringing
                                                      Spirit Back

                                                 12      Letter from
                                                         the ASB

 September 10, 2021
Graphics by Lena Hardisty
THIS ISSUE 3 - The MIHS Islander
2 INSiDE                                                                                                                                                                         THE MIHS ISLANDER
                                                                                                                                                                                               SEPT. 2021

                                                                                                    The MIHS Islander acknowledges that MIHS
                                ABOUT                                                               is on the traditional land of the first people
                     The MIHS Islander                                                               of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and
                         9100 SE 42nd St.
                      Mercer Island, WA 98040                                                        present and honor with gratitude the land
                                                                             itself and the Duwamish Tribe.
                        EDITORS IN CHIEF
                   Lena Hardisty and Alex Levin                                                                          Letter from the Editors
                                                                                                     Hey Islanders!
                 Managing Editor | Honor Warburg
                  Writing Lead | Morgan Dawson                                                       After a sluggish year and a half of Zoom meetings and socially-distanced events, ZHDUH
THIS ISSUE 3 - The MIHS Islander
THE MIHS ISLANDER                                                                                   FEATURES 3
      SEPT. 2021
 Longtime Teacher and Coach Erica Hill Returns to MIHS in
 Administrative Role “I think that [MIHS] is a very unique place think about how I can help students work
 Alex Levin                                              in the sense         that students put a lot of   through some of these challenges.”
 Editor in Chief
                                                         pressure on                                                                               Along with Hill’s
                                                         themselves,”                                                                          rich understanding
                                                                                                                      Photo by Alex Levin
    After spending four years at Inglemoor High          Hill     said.                                                                       of MIHS students
School, longtime English teacher and cross               “My hope is                                                                          over the years, her
country coach Erica Hill has returned to Mercer          to really                                                                            outgoing personality
Island High School as an associate principal.            take                                                                                 is sure to help her
    Hill began her tenure at Mercer                      m y                                                                                  along the way.
Island as an assistant cross country                                                                                                              “[Hill is] one of
coach in 1996. She then taught as                                                                                                            my favorite people
a parapro, a student teacher, and                                                                                                            in the world,” history
an English teacher after getting her                                                                                                         teacher Dino Annest
master’s degree in teaching.                                                                                                                 said. “She’s not just
    While at MIHS, Hill proceeded                                                                                                           the happiest, but she
to receive a certificate in                                                                                                                 spreads      happiness,
administration, and interned under                                                                                                          and you can’t help but
former principal Vicky Puckett                                                                                                              smile when she comes
before taking an administrative                                                                                                             into the room.”
job at Inglemoor in 2017.                                                                                                                         While Hill will
    “I really feel like Mercer                                                                                                              not resume coaching
Island is where my educational                                                                                                             cross country, she
roots were planted as a teacher and                                                                                                        guarantees to remain a
a coach,” Hill said. “With all of the                                                                                                      strong supporter of the
connections and relationships [I’ve]                                                                                                       team.
built with staff, students and family                                                                                                            “Running       has
over the years, I know what a special                                                                                                     always been a huge
place Mercer Island is.”                                                                                                                  part of me and will
    Hill did not initially plan on                                                                                                        continue to be, and I
leaving MIHS, but a lack of vacant                                   Hardisty                                                             feel so lucky that I have
                                                    p h ic s by Lena
                                               G ra                                                                                       had the opportunity to
administrative positions prompted her
to take a position at Inglemoor School                                                                                                    coach,” Hill said. “I
District. However, her four-year hiatus from                                                                                      know that the team has been
Mercer Island has put her in an excellent position                                                                              under great leadership and
to succeed as a principal.                                                                                                    I’ll always be a huge fan of
    “In hindsight, I think it was really good that                                                                           everything MIXC.”
I had the opportunity to go to a different district                                                                                 Even though her role at the
and… have four years of experience as an                                                                                  school has changed, Hill will
administrator before coming back to [MIHS],”                                                                             continue to build relationships
Hill said.                                                                                                              with students and spread her
    In her new role as an associate principal, Hill                                                                    positivity throughout the MIHS
plans to put an emphasis on making sure every                                                                         community.
student has an equitable high school experience. u n d e r s t a n d i n g ,
To do so, Hill will rely on her previous teaching having worked in the school
experiences on Mercer Island.                                   and the district for so many years, and
THIS ISSUE 3 - The MIHS Islander
4 FEATURES                                                                                                                                         THE MIHS ISLANDER
                                                                                                                                                               SEPT. 2021
MIHS Teachers on the Return to In-Person Learning
Sandra Pedersen                                                 “It sounds silly in some ways, but hammering in             with students to understand where they stand with the
Infographics Lead                                             skills like note-taking, written argument, analyzing          material.
                                                              GRFXPHQWV DQG WDNLQJ WHVWV DIWHU VXFK D PRGLÀHG          “I make sure to meet my students where they’re
    As MIHS enters fully in-person learning over a year classroom experience is a priority.” Puchalla said.                 at rather than where I’d hope or expect them to be,”
after the pandemic upended every aspect of school life,         Despite the more sequential nature of stem classes,         English and psychology teacher Jeff Randolph said.
many students fear that potential gaps in their learning the conclusion is all the same;                                       While teachers are expecting to be accommodating,
from online and hybrid schooling will negatively affect         “Last year really made teachers assess what was             the consensus is that the best remedy for student learning
their performance this year.                                  important for students to learn and most of them              gaps will come from just being in class.
    In effect, a priority for MIHS teachers is taking the concluded that beyond a couple of big concepts, it’s                 “I don’t want to assume anything so we just need to
LPSDFWRIODVW\HDU·VPRGLÀHGFXUULFXOXPLQWRPLQG           not the content that is essential, but actually those         work with them to see where we need to go slower and
been in full, in-person school in a long time,” history Bencivengo said.                                                       +RZHYHU EH\RQG DFDGHPLFV ÀQDOO\ UHWXUQLQJ WR
teacher Ed Puchalla said. “It’s going to take some care                                                                                               the routine of a normal school
to make sure the climate students                                                                                              Photo by Honor Warburg
                                                                                                                                                      setting will provide the best source
are in is one that encourages                                                                                                                         of support for both students and
students to take risks and feel                                                                                                                       teachers.
comfortable with where they are                                                                                                                           “My bet is that most students
academically.”                                                                                                                                        will have forgotten how anxious
    Students              —especially                                                                                                                 they were about being behind or
underclassmen— have little to no                                                                                                                      having missed out, people just
experience in a real, high school                                                                                                                     need a moment to reacquaint
setting.         Which for many, is a                                                                                                                 themselves with the skills we need
substantial adjustment from the                                                                                                                       to do schoolwork,” Puchalla said.
social setting of online class.                                                                                                                          For most teachers, the primary
    Teachers are aware that students                                                                                                                  way students can prepare for the
are readjusting both a new social                                                                                                                     school year is to have an open mind
climate in addition to heavier                                                                                                                        and remind ourselves that this is
workloads, and it is something                                                                                                                        something we’ve done before and
many will be taking into account                                                                                                                      can do again.
going into the year.                                                                                                                                    “If we allow ourselves to
     “I want to give my students The lettering on the sign outside of MIHS ushers in a new school year.                                               ruminate on the stress of this
grace and create a space where students can go at their             Depending on the class, teachers plan to emphasize      upcoming year then we will attribute those typical
own academic pace,” Anders said. “In mixed classes, fundamental skills like sentence structure, grammar,                    struggles to a perceived uptick in workload when really
there are sophomores who haven’t been in high school writing on demand, lab skills and note taking, rather                  expectations will be similar to how they were before
and freshmen who didn’t have a complete middle school than changing the actual content being taught.                        Covid,” Randolph said.
experience. Many people are at different levels and we          Though for a handful of teachers, their approach to            It is apparent that this year will require a collective
need to honor that before diving into academics.”             teaching has been changed by the circumstances of the         understanding that these circumstances are
    MIHS educators share a belief that successfully previous year.                                                          unprecedented, but the learning process of this year will
moving through the year will require recovering from.           “The most noticeable change for this year is my             be new for both teachers and students, and there is some
“I really want to get to know my students— especially philosophy of teaching,” Anders said. “I want to allow                comfort in this uncertain experience being a collective
since it helps students feel like they can be more candid for more experimentation, collaboration, and creative             one.
about their aphrensions going into the year.” math problem solving as opposed to more linear lessons. It’s                     “The one unifying thing about last year is that it has
teacher Connor Coombs said.                                   PRUHRIDPLQGVHWWKDW·VLQÁXHQFLQJP\FODVVURRPWKLV        been a universal one— so I think it’s important to ask
    In an academic sense —across departments— many year than any setbacks from last year.                                   what we have learned about ourselves or the world, and
teachers believe that students will most likely need to         When it comes to handling any content setbacks or           how we can take that learning forward as students, staff,
revise academic behaviors and habits that might’ve anxieties, the common approach is going to be by being                   and as a community in general,” Anders said.
been forgotten during remote learning.                        ÁH[LEOH DQG FUHDWLQJ D VWURQJ OLQH RI FRPPXQLFDWLRQ
THIS ISSUE 3 - The MIHS Islander
THE MIHS ISLANDER                                                                                      SPORTS 5
    SEPT. 2021
  After an abbreviated, five-week season last        summer months we actually competed a little,      handful of players may not approach this
year, the MIHS football team is ready to be back     so we were able to see kinda how we compared      season with           enthusiasm, students
on the field and foster energy and school spirit.    to other schools, and surprisingly, we actually   a n d                   fans should bring
               The Islanders only won two of         performed better than I expected on both sides                              the fervor and
                                their four games     of the ball.”                                                                intensity that last
                                                       Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic                                       season lacked.
    MiHS F                                                          has taken its toll on some                                      “I expect it
                        OOTBA                                                          of    the                                  to be pretty
                                   LL iS B                                                                                           electric,”

last season, but                          ACK:                                                                                         Slezinger
                                                                                                                                          said. “I
this year’s team has had more time
to practice and work together in person, which
                                                     younger       players’

should help players succeed during competitions.

                                                                                                                                               to C
  “I think we are going to do pretty well,” head     attitudes, since many of their

coach Ed Slezinger said. “We’ve got a good           first experiences of MIHS

group of kids at the varsity level and at the JV     football came through a

                                                                                                                                                      Eli Fah
level, so I feel like we are gonna be in really      computer screen.

good shape.”                                           “Zoom          definitely
  While the Islanders’ offense struggled at          affected     the    young
times, the MIHS defense held opponents to            guys,” quarterback Eli
fewer than 21 points, not including Bellevue’s       Fahey said. “They didn’t
48-point outlier performance. However, the           get to experience what
team has worked to improve both their offense        [a season] is actually
and their defense, which may lead to a better,       like; all they know is
more balanced game plan.                             Zoom, so I think that has
        “I think we are gonna be pretty balanced,”   definitely contributed a lot
                         Slezinger said. “In the     to how they see the season
                                                     this year.”
 A SEAS                                                         Although          a

        O N PR
                    — Alex
MIHS 2021                  Levin an
                                    d Asha W
HOME GAME SCHEDULE:                         oerner
 Friday, Sept. 3 vs Auburn Riveside High School                                                        have a feeling
                                                                                                       the first time that these guys [will]
                                                                                                       hear a stand full of fans and kind of feed off

 Friday, Sept. 17 vs Hazen High School                                                                 that energy.”
                                                                                                       The Islanders first home game was Friday,
                                                                                                       Sept.3 against Auburn Riverside High School.
 Friday, Oct. 15 vs Juanita High School
 Friday, Oct. 29 vs Newport High School
THIS ISSUE 3 - The MIHS Islander
Data Courtesy Spotify
                                                                                                                                            HƉNjhƌǍgƈǘsǟǓfǟǘhƅǠSƕǑmƅǖ                                                                                                                                        Lena Hardisty The Islander ushers in the new school season by taking

                                                                                                                        Olivia Rodrigo                                                                                                                                                                              Editor in Chief

1             Good 4 U     Olivia Rodrigo                                                                          has undeniably
                                                                                                                exploded in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sam Pelter         one last look at summer. With it coming to a close, it’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Social Media Team

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Solar Power
2            Kiss Me More (feat. SZA)            Doja Cat
                                                                                                              popularity this
                                                                                                             summer, with
                                                                                                             hits from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Kat Marsh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Social Media Team
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    past three months.


                                                                                                                                                      Photo Courtesy Esquir
                                                                                                             her album
             Stay (with Justin Bieber)            The Kid Laroi
                                                                                                                topping                                                                                                                                                                                    7KH ORQJ DZDLWHG 0DUYHO ƓOP ŏ%ODFN
4             Deja Vu    Olivia Rodrigo                                                                            the


                                                                                                                                                                               Photo Courtesy Spotify
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Widow” was released on July 9th after

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           being postponed twice previously. The
5            Traitor     Olivia Rodrigo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ƓOPLVDQRULJLQVWRU\RI$YHQJHU1DWDVKD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Romanoff. The viewer learns about her life
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           story leading up to “Avengers: Endgame”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Photo Courtesy Marvel Studios
              Rapstar     Polo G                                                                                             Lorde’s third studio album,                                                                                                                                                   ZKLFK KDG WKH KLJKHVW ER[ RIƓFH JURVV                               The MIHS Islander’s featured and
                                                                                                                             titled “Solar Power,” was
7            Levitating (feat. Dababy)           Dua Lipa
                                                                                                                             released on August 20, 2021. The album was written by Lorde and
                                                                                                                             produced by Lorde along with Jack Antonoff. When the title track was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           of 2019. The story of Romanoff reuniting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           with her family contradicts her “loner”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       recommended movies from this summer.

                                                                                                                             ƓUVW UHOHDVHG WKH VXQQ\ DQG EUHH]\ WRQH VKRFNHG IDQV +HU SDVW DOEXPV                                                                                            SHUVRQDOLW\WKDWZDVSURWUD\HGLQWKHƓUVW
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ħ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           three phases of the Marvel Cinematic                                             Luca
             Montero (Call Me By Your Name)                     Lil Nas X                                                    had much darker, more melancholy themes than this latest endeavour. It
                                                                                                                             recieved mixed reception on it’s release, explored below by Max Hense                                                                                                         8QLYHUVH                                                               18
 9           Heat Waves       Glass Animals
                                                                                                                             (Yes) and Lena Hardisty (No).
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Lorde’s album was both a surprise
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and a disappointment. It came off
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2        The Summer of Soul

10                Favorite Crime   Olivia Rodrigo
                                                                                                                        After a four year hiatus, Lorde’s new
                                                                                                                        sound was a surprise to more than a
                                                                                                                                                                                                               as out of touch, pretentious, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               the very thing she claimed to be                                          Nia DaCosta’s “Candyman” smashed                                                 %ƁǒFƙǑCƎ ,ƕǐ[ The Green Knight
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         WKH ER[ RIƓFH ZLWK DQ DVWRQLVKLQJ 
                                                                                                                        few of her fans, but not necessarily an                                                criticizing (consumerist spirituality
                                                                                                                        unwelcome one. Though her newest                                                       culture). The sound of the album                                          million dollar opening weekend. A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,ƕǐ[ Cusp
                                                                                                                                                                                                               was mellow, but without uniqueness                                        retelling of the classic 1992 horror
                                                                                                                        cool toned, ‘sad party girl’ anthems of                                                between tracks. Many fans defend                                          ƓOP RI WKH VDPH QDPH ŏ&DQG\PDQŐ

                                                                                                                        her past, Solar Power’s high rising chords                                             this album by claiming critics                                            delves into themes of racial trauma,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         JHQWULƓFDWLRQ DQG WKH PHDQLQJ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  #ƕNj The Suicide Squad
                                                                                                                        and bright eyed lyrics make it a summer                                                “hate Lorde’s happiness”, but that
                                                                                                                        album to remember. Artists are people,                                                 defense shouldn’t be needed if the                                        of boogeymen. Accompanied by
                                                                                                                        just like us, and they go through as many
                                                                                                                        phases and shifts in style as anyone else.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               album spoke for itself. Frankly, it’s a
                                                                                                                                                                                                               forgettable and shallow experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         thrilling sound design and masterful
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         cinematography, it’s no surprise to see
          Long awaited and postponed , the 2020 Tokyo
                                                                                                                        Her lyrics hit just as hard, and this new                                              as a whole.                                                               WKH ƓOPōV WUDMHFWRU\ WRZDUGV WKH WRS
         1N[ORKEUYGTGCPGZVTGOGN[KPʳWGPVKCNRCTVQHVJG                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -XVWGRQōWVD\KLVQDPHƓYHWLPHV
                                                                                                                        style seems to lets her explore a side of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 WƓǘ13 CODA
                                                                                                                        herself we haven’t seen before.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 #ƕNj Respect
                                     Data Courtesy The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Photo Courtesy Universal Pictures
              Gold                         Silver                                                Br
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 WƓǘ 13

       ť                                                                                    33
                                                                                                                                                                                                At the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, 19-year-old Roosevelt High School graduate Nevin

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  5ƅǔ Shang-Chi and the Legend of
                                                                                                                                         113                                                    She grew up in Seattle and trained with the Gig Harbor Canoe and Kayak Racing Team.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Harrison was the only American to medal at the last world championships in 2019 for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  VƅǑ3 the Ten Rings
THIS ISSUE 3 - The MIHS Islander
8 OPiNiONS                                                                                                                        THE MIHS ISLANDER
                                                                                                                                              SEPT. 2021
                                                                                        #3: Do not be afraid to ask an

Advice                                                                                  upperclassman. I promise we are not as scary as we
                                                                                        seem and almost any of us would be happy to help you find a class or
                                                                                        give advice on which courses to take. We have been there and done that

                                                                                        with pretty much everything at MIHS.
                                                                                        #4: Memorize the hallways. Learning
                                               t                                        your way around the school can take some time, especially considering
                            y   Len                                                     that all the halls look exactly the same. Though it may seem like an
                       ic b

                 Gra                                                                    endless labyrinth at first, believe it or not, there is actually an order to
                                                                                        it all. Check online for a map of the school, and consider setting your
                                                                                shm     lock screen to a screenshot of your classes for the first couple of weeks.
                                                                                        It takes time, but you will get the hang of it.

                                                                                   en   #5: Pasta Mondays. If you have not yet heard,
                                                                                        every Monday at school is “Pasta Monday,” a joyous day on which the
                                                                  Conte awson
                                                       t o r of
                                                                       nt                   lunch ladies serve us with warm, steamy pasta and an assortment
                                                                                                   of sauces (plus breadsticks!!) I would definitely recommend
                                                                                                      getting in line early because it will be LONG.
                                                                                                          #6: Download Facebook.
                                                                                                          You probably thought you would never need to use
Welcome freshmen, and congratulations on *finally* setting foot in
                                                                                        Facebook because it is widely considered a “mom app”, but as you will
the revered halls of Mercer Island High School. Now, with months of
                                                                                        find in high school, it is required for a surprising amount of things. Most
online middle school, combined with the inherent uncertainty of being
                                                                                        clubs will have a Facebook group to provide updates about meetings, or
a freshman, I’m sure you are probably pretty confused on how to be a
                                                                                        your class leadership will use it to post about upcoming spirit events.
high schooler. As someone who has made it to their senior year, I am
                                                                                        If you want to make sure you are in the loop, you may want to set up a
here to offer you some of my seasoned wisdom and advice:
                                    #7: Be open-minded. Freshman year is supposed
#1: Get yourself some spirit wear!! to be a fun adjustment period, so focus on getting into the groove of
Every Friday is a maroon and white spirit day– and yes, people actually
                                                                                        things. Try out different classes and you will quickly discover the things
dress up. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to obtain Islander spirit,
                                                                                        that interest you– and also the things that don’t!
including buying gear at the MIHS student store, stealing older siblings’
hand-me-downs, and the tried-and-true practice of DIY-ing. If you are                   #8: Go to everything!!                          Whether it’s football
looking for some spirit inspo, go checkout page 12. I promise you, spirit               games, the school play, or even homecoming, you will almost never
is cool.                                                                                regret partaking in school events. These are all what make up your
                                                                                        high school experience, and it’s up to you how much you want to take
#2: Try to get involved in the school                                                   advantage of. Go support your peers at their sports meet/game/show
community! There are over fifty clubs at the high school, not                            and decide which traditions you want to make your own.
to mention countless sports teams and electives. Try out a recreational
sport (badminton is a fun choice), or join a club like cooking club or                  Take this advice with a grain of salt, because everyone’s high school
journalism club (shameless plug)! If you love art, try ceramics; or if you              experience is different. Yes, high school is a lot more work, but it comes
love the art of talking, join our school’s award winning radio station.                 with a lot more freedom– and freedom to try new things. Best of luck
Yes, MIHS definitely seems huge at first, but there are so many ways to                   to all you new Islanders, it will certainly be a memorable four years
find your people and feel a part of the school.                                          and I encourage you all to start thinking about what legacy you want to
                                                                                        create for the Class of 2025.
THIS ISSUE 3 - The MIHS Islander
THE MIHS ISLANDER                                                                                                                          A&E 9
      SEPT. 2021

 The Legacy of Flag Dude Fashion
 Max Hense and Sandra Pedersen
 A&E Editor and Graphic Lead                                   “My favorites are the skirts and gymnast leotards               [since] you have to give the spirit life and give fellow
  Spirit wear is a time-honored tradition at MIHS. It’s      cause they’re hilarious,” Flag Dude Luke Harp said.               spirit members CPR when they’re down,” Mark said.
easily customizable, accessible to almost every student,     ³, WKLQN LW¶V FRRO KRZ ÀDJ GXGHV MXVW JHW WR H[SUHVV   “We have to revive it every year, and in the past two
and every piece is unique - if not in design then in         themselves however [they] want. There’s no gender                 years it’s really died down.”
personal history.                                            QRUPVRUVSHFL¿FV\RXUHDOO\MXVWZHDUZKDW\RXZDQW´             The Dudes want to inspire spirit beyond maroon and
  Mercer Island spirit wear allows students to take the        “I’d say some special mentions are the singlet, maroon          white Fridays. This includes spirit drives, assemblies,
front seat in representing their school
spirit, and the possibilities to show
pride for attending MIHS are endless.
Some students add personal touches
to provided school swag, including
their names, special catchphrases, and
designs. Others take it in an entirely
different direction.
spirit for many incoming freshmen and
new students during back-to-school
season. They set the bar high for

                                                                                                                                                   and sports games, with a
                                                                                                                                                   focus on students who have
                                                                                                                                                   QHYHU H[SHULHQFHG 0HUFHU
                                                                                                                                                   Island school spirit before.
                                                                                                                                                   spirit is gonna be getting the
                                                                                                                                                   freshmen and sophomores
                                                                                                                                                   interested, since they’ve
                                                                                                                                                   scope of MIHS spirit,” Harp
Photos by Sandra Pedersen and Kenny Mark                                                                                                           said.
school pride and provide an easily spotted role model        YHOYHW GUHVV FKHHU XQLIRUP SDGGOH ÀDJ DFFHVVRU\   %XW WKH 'XGHV DUH FRQ¿GHQW LW¶V VRPHWKLQJ WKDW
for underclassmen.                                           WKHÀDJGXGHMDFNHWDQGGH¿QLWHO\P\PDURRQIDQQ\ students can do together, because for many MIHS
  Featuring pieces from as far back as the ‘60s, all the     pack,” Mark continued.                                    VWXGHQWVVSLULWJRHVEH\RQGMXVWJHDU
way up to 2021, the Flag Dudes’ collection is nearly           Mark and Harp want Islanders to be comfortable            “Each Dude’s musk, blood, sweat, tears and B.O. is
unbeatable.                                                  H[SUHVVLQJWKHLUVSLULWLQZKLFKHYHUZD\WKH\ZDQWWR   in some of these pieces, and we wear that with pride,”
  “A lot of this stuff has been passed down for like 30        “It doesn’t matter what colors you wear,” Harp said. Harp said. “Some of this stuff has never been washed,
years,” Flag Dude Kenny Mark said. “The oldest piece         “I mean a bit of maroon and white wouldn’t hurt, but as EXW , WKLQN LW MXVW DGGV WR WKH WUDGLWLRQ OR\DOW\ DQG
of gear we have is from the ‘60s, most of the older          long as it’s not navy and yellow.”                        hype.”
stuff is from the ‘70s and ‘80s though, and you can tell       Over the past year, especially with students rarely in    From the spirit store to spirit drives, MI students
because they’re all beat up and in style for those times.”   person, spirit has undeniably been at a low. However, are showing up to keep spirit alive this year, in any
  Within their collection, the Flag Dudes have pieces        the Flag Dudes this year hope to revive it in a way the way they can. With the support of the Dudes, this
they can’t put down.                                         school hasn’t seen since the pandemic began.              upcoming year is seeming to be a very spirited one.
                                                               “Spirit for a Flag Dude requires carrying the spirit,
10 COLUMNS & CARTOONS                                                                                                               THE MIHS ISLANDER
                                                                                                                                            SEPT. 2021

Sam Pelter
                                                                                              with M&M
Social Media Team
                                                                                                  Max Hense
                                                                                                                                    Item: Sundress
                       Monet at Étretat                                                           A&E Editor
                                                                           Hi Islanders! With summer coming to a
                                                                         quick close, I’m trying to get all the use
                                                                         I can out of my lighter clothing pieces
    This July the Seattle                                                before fall’s back again - and my all time
  Art Museum (SAM)                                                       favorite of Summer 2021 is this sundress
  opened a new Monet                                                     (pictured above).
  H[KLELWLRQ 0RQHW DW                                                  Dresses easily top the charts in terms
  Étretat, that will be open                                             of ‘most worn’ for me, and this one is
   through October 17th.                                                 GHÀQLWHO\ QR H[FHSWLRQ ,W·V RQH RI WKH
                                                                         most versatile pieces I own, but not in the
                                                                         way you’re probably thinking. I’ve stuck
                                                                         pretty close to wearing it as designed -
Photos by Sam Pelter                       Étretat, 1891                 just a dress, with a couple basic pieces of
                                       7KH H[KLELW VKRZFDVHV WHQ     jewelry that I make sure don’t pull away
                                     works by Claude Monet and           from the pattern or length (personally, I
                                     twelve paintings by other artists   think you can’t beat small hoops and a
                                     of his era. It is based around      chain).
                                     Monet’s permanent work at the         But the best part about this dress is that
                                     SAM, Fishing Boats at Étretat.      it works for everything. I’ve worn this
                                     The collection is meant to          dress to pretty much every occasion I can
                                     show a bigger picture of Monet      think of, and it’s worked for all of them,
                                     and his peers’ work during his      seamlessly. A cover up at the beach,
                                             artistic career.            dinner at the hotel restaurant, a day trip
                                                                         to Pike Place - it never looks too casual
        Falaises A Étretat, 1885                                         or too dressy.
                                                                           I know it can seem like this piece is
   The town of Étretat is a
 small seaside village outside of
                                                                         any long sundress with a looser silhouette
 Normandy, it is known for its                                                                                          Graphic by Lena Hardisty and Sandra Pedersen
                                                                         can serve the same purpose, and there’s
 breathtaking chalk cliffs. Monet
                                                                         lots of room to customize (my favorite way has been two safety
                                                                         SLQVGRZQWKHEDFNIRUDWLJKWHUÀW ,SUHIHUIXQSULQWVDQGDVOLW
 would visit the town alone and
 paint. There are upwards of 80
 of his works that were created
                                                                         length you desire.
 in Étretat, the majority of which
                                                                           Lastly, keep an open mind with your style. The great thing about
 are of the arches and cliffs
                                                                         items of clothing like this is that almost anyone, with any aesthetic,
       surrounding the town.
                                         Manne-Porte, 1885
                                                                         fashion sense.
THE MIHS ISLANDER                      COLUMNS & CARTOONS 11
      SEPT. 2021

Lev on Eleven: Three Fall Sports You Can’t
                                                                                    3. Cross Country
Miss This Season                                                                              2ND\ ÀQH FDOO PH ELDVHG EXW WKH  0,;& WHDP LV IDVWHU DQG
Alex Levin
Editor in Chief                                                                               deeper than in recent years. With a strong upperclassmen core, the
As a former sports editor, I have attended my fair share of MIHS                              boys team has the potential to make a deep postseason run, while the
Football and Girls Soccer games in the fall. However, while both of these           girls team, led by sophomore standout Sophia Fan, should also put on a very
teams are always exciting to watch, there are a variety of other fall sports that   strong showing. Both teams will also look to defeat Interlake, their rival, for
are just as entertaining, but typically garner fewer spectators. Here are a few     the second consecutive season. Cross country is perfect for those who don’t
fall sports that I think deserve some attention this season:                        OLNHRUXQGHUVWDQGVSRUWVDVWKHVSRUWLVHDV\WRIROORZLW·VDUDFHDQGWKHÀUVW
1. Boys Water Polo
                                                                                    First home meet: Sept. 29 @ Luther Burbank Park
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Boys Water Polo was the only fall sport               In all seriousness, having spectators at events can mean a lot to teams,
unable to practice or compete during last year’s “fall” season in early March.      especially ones who usually have lower fan attendance. So I encourage you
The team ultimately shared a season with the Girls team in June,                     to put down your math homework, call up your friends and go cheer on your
but players were unable to enjoy their usual team traditions, such                     classmates at a few games this fall.
as their annual swim across Lake Washington or their highly-
anticipated “Storm the Pool” senior night event. Go support this                                                            Cartoon by Lena Hardisty
team and show your MIHS pride at a water polo game this season.

First home game: Sept. 9 @ Mercer Island Country Club

2. Boys Golf
and it will surely be a season to watch. Evans, who         will continue to
play golf at Duke University next year, has led the       Islanders to KingCo,
District and State championships since his               freshman year, and will
aim to do so again this season. Also, when’s the        last time you watched a
high school golf tournament? Yeah, I didn’t           think so.

First home match: Sept. 8 @ Snoqualmie              Falls Golf Course
12 BACK                                                                                                           THE MIHS ISLANDER
                                                                                                                          SEPT. 2021

A Message from Your New ASB President:

                          Hey Islanders!
   For those who I have not had the pleasure of meeting, my       in-person learning.
 name is Conor Mulligan and I will be your ASB president            For the better part of the last two years, students have found
 throughout the 2021-2022 school year.                                it challenging to communicate with teachers and receive
   On most days when I find myself with free time,                             the support of their fellow students. As your ASB
 I will be enjoying activities with friends and                                     president I will prioritize communication as the
 family in the outdoors. I love hiking,                                                foundation of my platform, ensuring that we
 backpacking, camping, fishing, and                                                       address the issues facing MIHS students
 mountaineering, and enjoy any                                                              in an efficient and timely manner.
 opportunity to see the beauty                                                                   During the 2021-2022 school year, I
 of the American wilderness,                                                                    have a number of goals that we will
 especially our national parks.                                                                  pursue on our mission to improve
   To date I’ve visited over                                                                      communication       between     the
 ten national parks, including                                                                    administration, leadership class,
 the likes of Denali in Alaska,                                                                    and student body. One of those is
 Zion in Utah, and Mt. Rainer                                                                      to attend as many club and student
 here in Washington. If you                                                                        representation group meetings as
 have any recommendations                                                                          possible.
 for any local hikes or outdoor                                                                     I want to bring issues facing
 activities, make sure to let me                                                                 different students across the school
 know!                                                                                          to the administration and leadership
   Many students heading into the                                                             class. In doing so, I hope to support
 2021-2022 school year have yet                                                              our student body while getting to know
 to spend a complete school year in                                                       some of the diverse groups across the
 the halls of Mercer Island High School.                                                school.
 It is unfortunate that we will most likely                                            As your ASB president I will do everything I
 not be able to enjoy this year under normal                                    can to ease our transition back to an in-person, and
 circumstances, but the MIHS leadership class will do                    eventually post COVID-19, environment. I look forward to
 all they can to support you and your education as we return to   getting to meet you all over the coming year!

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