ThePINECONE - Kirby Pines Retirement Community
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PINECONE the The Magazine of Kirby Pines LifeCare Community • April 2022 | V. 40 | I.4 SALLY COOK tries her hand at Cornhole for our upcoming tournament! See page 8 for details. Working Out Through Pain | Occupational Therapy | Kiss An Artist Today | Resident Spotlight: Joe & Geneva Jackson
Easter Traditions Are Back Kirby Pines Retirement LifeCare is managed by: Peter Cottontail will certainly be busy around at Kirby Pines Kirby Pines once again. The early timing of Easter this year will not stop him from special Kirby Pines truly is to everyone. ensuring that spring flowers are in bloom throughout the community. April brings to us not only the rebirth BOARD OF DIRECTORS of Christ, but also the opportunity to Dr. James Latimer, Chairman Our “Annual” Easter Egg Hunt is back! After remind ourselves how fortunate we Mr. Rudy Herzke, President a two-year rest this year’s egg hunt should are, as we read and learn of so many Mr. Berry Terry, Secretary/Treasurer be filled with the laughter and excitement countries struggling at this time. So Mr. Larry Braughton Mr. Jim Ethridge of grandchildren, great grandchildren and invite your families and friends to come Ms. Linda Harrington Ms. Mary Ann Hodges even a few great, great grandchildren as they visit and see for themselves why Kirby Mr. Rusty Linkous Mr. Boyd Rhodes, Jr. collect the hidden treasures Peter has left for Pines is such a beautiful place to live. them. Hopefully, you have helped him along RCA STAFF Happy Easter! Charlie Trammell the way by dyeing a few Easter eggs yourself. President, RCA Not to be out done by the Easter Bunny, our Michael Michélle Vincent culinary team is planning a wonderful Easter Executive Vice President, RCA Escamilla, Brunch. Of course, your family and friends Tim Cox Executive are welcomed to join you. Simply call Skye Senior Vice President of Finance, RCA Director, Sanders to make a reservation. I am sure Laura Cornwell they’ll enjoy the food and company. Who Kirby Pines Vice President of Finance, RCA knows, Peter Cottontail may even leave a Stephanie Barrow hidden surprise to remind your guests of how Director of Sales & Marketing ON THE PINECONE COVER KIRBY PINES STAFF Michael Escamilla Spring Is In Full Swing at Kirby Pines! Executive Director, Kirby Pines Annette Marlar April is here and there is a lot going on at For our back cover, we asked residents Director of Medical Services Kirby Pines this month, so let's get right to it. to color sunflowers, the national flow- Mike Abutineh, M.D. er of Ukraine, to show our support for Medical Director On the 1st we have our popular Art Wall their people. Everyone did such an amazing job. If you have not seen them, Anna Bradford Reception, featuring resident artwork of all they are posted in the windows of the Nursing Home/Assisted Living Administrator kinds. The 6th, the Travelers head to Calvary Episcopal for Lenten Lunch. The 7th is our Library and are on our Facebook page. Trudy Schenkenberger Annual Spring Rummage Sale, so clean out Director of Human Resources those closets. We take a couple trips to The Enjoy the beauty of spring! Linda Huston Orpheum to see The Band's Visit on the 14th Director of Accounting and Mean Girls on the 28th. The 16th we are Jada Mullins having our Annual Easter Egg Hunt, so make Director of Environmental Services sure you invite the grandkids. The 20th, the Chuck Neeley Travelers head to The Planetarium. On Earth Director of Maintenance Day, the 22nd, we are having a Cornhole Tournament (see page 8). Lunch Bunch hits Allison Nolan Coastal Fish Company on the 26th and the Resident Programs Director Poetry Group has a program on the 29th. If Mike Rayder that isn't enough for you, there are several Director of Grounds & Landscaping musicians and dances as well. Spring Fever Mark Simpson is here. Director of Culinary Services Calvin Sims Our front cover features Sally Cook, test- Director of Security ing out her cornhole skills for our upcoming tournament. Cornhole is similar to horse- This magazine is produced by RCA shoes, but with beanbags and boards. It is a 6465 N. Quail Hollow Rd., Suite 400 Memphis, TN 38120, 901-794-2598 lot of fun and a great way to get outside and get competitive. A Kirby Pines Cornhole Board Electronic version of The Pinecone is available at •2• The Pinecone | April 2022
Get to know Kirby Pines' NEW RESIDENTS Linda Case Freda & Phil Clements Carol Scarberry We are elated to welcome Linda Case to Married for 67 years, Phil and Freda have Carol Scarberry is one of our newest Kirby Pines Retirement Community. This moved to Kirby Pines from their home in residents at Kirby Pines, moving from friendly and outgoing lady is looking for- Rossville. Tennessee. They are the proud Snow Lake Shores, Mississippi. She and ward to making new friends and getting parents of 7 children, grandparents to 26 Floyd, her late husband of 38 years, had involved in our lifestyle here at Kirby. grandchildren and soon to be 27 great- a son, John. grands. Linda moved to Kirby from her previous After attending the University of Mem- home in the Cordova area of Memphis. Phil went to Trinity College and John phis and majoring in business and ac- She is the proud mother of 2 children and Brown University. He earned his degree counting, Carol went into the hair styling the grandmother to her granddaughter in Christian Education and pastored sev- business. She owned and operated Caro- Grace. eral churches for over 40 years. Most re- lyn’s Hairstyling for 30 years. Later she cently, he was associate pastor of Central was a stylist at Gould’s Styling and Spa After attending college for 2 years, Lin- Church in Memphis for 22 years. Freda for 10 years. She also served on the Ten- da became a mortgage specialist with received her degree in Biblical Education nessee Hair Fashion Committee. Evolve Bank and Trust. While working in from Trinity College and was a Pastor’s banking she honed her customer service wife and homemaker. Carol and Floyd enjoyed traveling and people skills. throughout most of the United States in- Their visit to Israel is their favorite desti- cluding Hawaii. They took a cruise to the It was only natural for Linda to become a nation. Their traveling has also included traveler. Her father was with Boeing Air- Caribbean Islands. trips to Guatemala, Kenya, Alaska, Ha- craft and he took his family on semi-an- waii, Canada, Egypt, England, France, Carol should find new friends here at Kir- nual trips throughout the United States. A Germany and Egypt. They have many ex- by who share similar interests. She en- memorable trip for Linda is the one she periences to share about these trips. joys reading and studying about history. took to Hawaii for her high school re- To stay active, she walks. Like so many union. She also has fond memories of vis- Kentucky Colonel and Man of the Year of our residents she will enjoy walking iting her grandparents In Murphy, North are 2 titles bestowed on Phil while living our beautiful campus this spring. Staying Carolina. in Kentucky. Freda won a senior citizen involved with her church activities will spelling award and she placed in the Mid- Linda’s varied interests include: collect- keep Carol busy. south Talent competition. To stay active ing and listening to old vinyl records (es- and avoid getting bored; Phil has collected When you meet Carol, give her a warm pecially country and John Denver), fol- coins, license plates, stamps and antiques Kirby welcome and invite her to partic- lowing NASCAR Racing (mainly Rusty while Freda collected postcards. With the ipate in our activities listed in The Pine- Wallace), watching Hallmark movies and move, collecting has slowed down and cone. We are so glad Carol chose Kirby cooking oysters (Rockefeller and Bien- they are enjoying Sudoku, Scrabble, and Pines for her new home. ville). crossword puzzles. Are you or a family member When you meet Linda, you’ll find her This is a couple you surely will want to ready to enjoy retirement living? friendly, fun loving and anxious to meet seek out and welcome. They are warm, new people. Extend to her a warm Kirby friendly, and will fascinate you with sto- Call a Kirby Pines welcome, she is a good fit for our com- ries of their life adventures. We are very LifeCare Advisor at 901.369.7340 munity. happy to have them as neighbors! and join our family today! New Resident Bios written by resident, Peggy Reynolds Gatlin The Pinecone | April 2022 •3•
WORKING OUT THROUGH PAIN. Learn when to keep moving through Advanced Water Aerobics Monday & Wednesday exercise pain and 8:30 am - 9:30 | Pool 9:30 am - 10:30 am | Pool when to stop. Resident Led Exercise in the PAC By Camille Noe Pagán Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:30am | PAC/Live TV Yoga Stretch Monday & Wednesday Exercise is crucial if you have arthritis. But knowing just how much activity to do when you’re 11:00 am | PAC/Live TV hurting can be tricky. Research shows that moderate activity can help prevent the progression of arthritis and improve overall function. But while mild muscle soreness after a workout is Men’s Water Aerobics normal, sharp pain during or immediately after can signal injury. And sometimes simply the Tuesday & Thursday fear of pain can keep you from wanting to do any kind of exercise. Here’s how to determine 8:30 am - 9:15 am | Pool when it’s OK to work through exercise pain – and when it’s not. Arthritis Foundation If you have mild to moderate pain in a specific joint area before you work Water Aerobics out: Some mild pain is typical when you first start to move, but after a few minutes you’ll Tuesday & Thursday usually start to feel better, says A. Lynn Millar, PhD, a professor of physical therapy at 9:30 am - 10:15 am | Pool Winston Salem State University. “Our joints and muscles get nutrition through movement,” she explains. “With some movement, you’ll improve the lubrication and circulation around Arthritis Foundation that joint.” Start with some gentle range of motion movements and if that feels OK, progress Sit/Stand Class to some low-impact activity like walking. Tuesday & Thursday 11:00 am - 11:45 am | PAC/Live TV If you have moderate to severe pain in a specific joint area before you work Resident Led Water Aerobics out: Focus on a different area for a day or two. If your knees hurt, decrease the intensity. If Friday the pain becomes worse, then stop the lower body moves and work your upper body instead. “Continuing to put pressure on a joint when it’s especially sore could contribute to joint 8:30 am - 9:30 | Pool damage, so it’s best to ease up for a while,” says physical therapist Richard Kassler, supervisor 9:30 am - 10:30 am | Pool at New York University Hospital for Joint Diseases. If you have moderate to severe joint pain during exercise: Stop immediately. “Most people with arthritis can work through mild pain safely. But if you’re experiencing a lot of pain while you exercise, even if you’re not doing a particularly joint-taxing workout, it may be a sign that you have inflammation in the joint, or even joint damage that requires treatment,” says Kassler. If you consistently have joint pain (not muscle pain) after exercise: Switch to a workout that puts less pressure on your joints. “If you need an elaborate brace or have to pop ibuprofen constantly, it’s a pretty good sign that your activity is too hard on your joints. Swimming, water aerobics and biking are all good options for people with joint pain. If you occasionally have moderate to severe joint pain the day after you work out: Cut back on the intensity of your workout. Take a day off, then doing a shorter, less strenuous workout. If your pain still doesn’t let up, switch to a less intense form of exercise, such as water aerobics. Mary Hand’s favorite quote, ”No Pain, No Gain. That’s Insane. Listen to your body.” Our Arthritis Foundation exercise classes in the pool and in the PAC are good for everyone whether they have arthritis or not. Please consider joining us. See the schedule for times and places. •4• The Pinecone | April 2022
What Exactly Is OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY? April is Occupational Therapy Month! But what IS Occupational Therapy (OT)? In simple terms, OT teaches you how to adapt. If your ability to perform your everyday responsibilities is ever impacted due to an illness or injury, occupational therapy can help. Those everyday responsibilities may have included going to work in earlier years, but now it may include attending exercise classes, venturing out on the walking trails, or participating in social events like the Lunch Bunch. OT is a branch of skilled therapy that helps people regain independence in all areas of their lives, and helps with barriers that impact a person’s emotional, social, and/or physical needs. So, even if you’re retired, occupational therapy can still be beneficial for you! OTs use their knowledge of the structure and function of the human body and the effects of illness and injury to increase your involvement in daily activities. OTs teach individuals how to manage stress and fatigue and prevent re-injury. They are also the experts in home safety and fall prevention and can advise on environmental modifications or improvements. During therapy sessions, OTs will also work with the wellness and activities department to determine the best programs after your therapy is completed. This may include specific exercise classes and events, personal training, home exercise programs, or a combination of these services. Therapy partners with other departments to ensure you are engaging in the most appropriate and effective exercises and programming possible. For example, if you were receiving occupational therapy for trouble with grip strength, after being discharged, your therapist may recommend you start attending Pinecone Painters or Hobby Pines Group to continue to challenge and focus on exercising your hand and grip strength. Brittany Austin, National Director of Health and Wellness Functional Pathways Eric Walker is the Director of Rehab for Functional Pathways, and he is also an Occupational Eric Walker, Therapist. He was asked why he chose this field. “When thinking about what attracted me Rehab to the field of occupational therapy, I must relate it to my values and my Christianity. I Director believe we are called to make this world a better place every day with our actions and our attitudes. Three ways that we accomplish this is through love, empathy, and quality. Being an occupational therapist, I have the privilege of displaying all three of these traits daily. It begins with creating an atmosphere of love for every individual that I encounter and every individual that I have the privilege to lead. It continues with showing every client/patient empathy for their situations as if they were my own family. It is finalized with displaying the highest quality possible with my interventions and care. When I learned that I would be able to exhibit these traits daily, I knew this was a career that I wanted to be in for a while. To sum up my feelings for occupational therapy and with healthcare in general, I’m reminded of this quote. ‘People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’ I hope to embody that quote every single day.” - Eric Walker, OTR/L, Director of Rehab, Functional Pathways For more information on occupational therapy and how it can benefit you, please contact the Functional Pathways Therapy Team. The Pinecone | April 2022 •5•
EXQUISITE CUISINE Thursday, April 28, 2022 TOMAHAWK PORK CHOP Starting with a massive Pork Chop, we season and cook it to perfection. We then pair it with Saffron Risotto and Multi-colored Carrots MOREL FLANK STEAK CHOCOLATE BISQUE ROULADE OVERLOAD Starting the meal off with a Rolled and tied, stuffed with Arugula, Chocolate creamy and velvety smooth bisque Cherry Tomatoes and Seasonings, on Chocolate made from freshly gathered cooked beautifully and finished with on Chocolate. Morel Mushrooms and finished with a drizzle of Aged Balsamic Vinegar Complete decadence. a dollop of seasoned Sour Cream. and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. CALL FOR RESERVATIONS | SPACE IS LIMITED | 901.369.7314 •6• The Pinecone | April 2022
Resident Spotlight: JOE & GENEVA JACKSON requirements for a high school diploma. Returning to Memphis in 1957, Geneva worked as a nursing assistant in the OB-GYN area of Baptist Hospital. She completed a laboratory course and was employed in an OB/GYN physician’s office for six years. When their first son Tim was born, Geneva became a stay-at-home mom welcoming son Robin five years later. Joe was first employed by Purity Products, a candy wholesale company. He completed a William R. Moore and Dale Carnegie course, then decided to start his own business, Jackson Vending Company. Geneva managed the office and counted what she called “dirty money” in the literal sense! After ten years, the business was sold and Joe bought a Western Auto store in Trenton, Tennessee. During the six years there, the area suffered a tremendous flood when several area dams broke. According to Geneva, “It was an A LIFE FULL OF LOVE awful time as property and lives were lost. Business and interest rates were bad, and we decided to move back to Memphis.” A beautiful fourteen-year-old girl with brown hair and lovely blue Returning to Memphis, Joe again began a vending company, eyes enrolls in high school and meets a seventeen year old handsome Spartain Automatic, which he managed for twelve years before young man who is President of the junior high school class. They fall selling. Joe’s last job was in Public Relations for Car Wash USA, a in love and elope as soon as he graduates, and she has completed her business started by their son Tim. sophomore year in high school. Following retirement, the Jackson’s took two cruises and enjoyed Today, that couple, Geneva and Joe Jackson are still deeply in love and their family life. Both played golf and were active in church. Joe will celebrate their sixty-seventh wedding anniversary in May. When also played baseball while Geneva loved singing in groups, cooking, asked what attracted them to each other, Geneva said, “I just liked the and antiquing. way he looked.” Joe said, “It was her beautiful eyes.” This is their story: According to Geneva, “In 2009, Joe Geneva Gilliland and Joe Jackson were both born to farming families and I started looking for a place that and lived in neighboring counties of West Tennessee. Geneva was born was like home. We looked at three other in 1939 in a community called “Frog Jump” in Crockett County, the places and didn’t like any of them” last of five girls. “I was supposed to be a boy and I had already been Laughingly, she adds, “We had known named ‘John Wayne’. I think my father was so disappointed he wanted Nancy Pence a long time, even before to pinch my head off,” says Geneva. Geneva laughs when she says this she wed George! Knowing Nancy and and relates that she had a very happy childhood and a loving family. others who lived here and working with She was given the opportunity to study piano, played piano at church Pat Mills in Marketing—this was our and for a quartet that sang every Saturday morning on WTRV in Ripley, ticket to buy in.” Tennessee. Joe 1957 In 2016, Joe was diagnosed with prostate cancer. After eight weeks Joe was born in 1936 in the “Nankipoo” community, Lauderdale County, of radiation, he was cured. However, the need to make a change completing a family of four boys and one girl. They would later move resulted in the decision to move to Kirby Pines in July, 2017. to Halls, Tennessee when Joe’s father bought a combined grocery store and service station. Geneva and Joe’s families were members of the Geneva assists with the memorials held at Kirby Pines, cares for Methodist Church. It was at a church gathering that they actually first Joe and plans to sing with the Entertainers Chorus. When asked saw each other. Both would attend high school in Halls, Tennessee; Joe what she likes best about Kirby Pines, Geneva responded, “I like became President of his senior class and everything (except COVID)! I especially like being near all of our their romance blossomed. church friends from Christ United Methodist Church who live here. I love the atmosphere and the fact that we are all brothers and sisters It was 1955, at the end of the school year, in our Lord.” Their two sons live close by, and the four grandchildren when Geneva and Joe decided to elope. and seven great grandchildren make for frequent happy family time. With two friends accompanying them, they traveled to Holly Springs, Mississippi and Joe and Geneva Jackson are a unique couple. To know them is to were married in the study of a Methodist love them and they seem to love everyone. Geneva has an infectious minister. The next day, they traveled by laugh which is easily identifiable. Joe entertains us by mimicking train to Flint, Michigan. Joe’s parents had Chinese and telling tall tales. Both Geneva and Joe hope they will moved there previously, and Geneva and be together for a long time, in love, even into eternity. Joe made their home with them for one year. During that time, Geneva completed Written by Joan Dodson, Kirby Pines Resident Geneva 1957 The Pinecone | April 2022 •7•
Don't Miss Our First Kirby Pines Cornhole Tournament! Cornhole (also known regionally as bags, sack toss, or bean bag toss) In order to score, the bags must either be tossed into the hole or land is a lawn game in which players take turns throwing 16 ounce fabric on the board. A bag that falls through the hole is worth three points. bean bags at a raised platform (board) with a hole in the far end. A bag The bag can be tossed directly into the hole, slide into the hole, or be in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the board scores 1 point. Play knocked into the hole by another bag. A bag that lands on the board continues until a team or player reaches or exceeds the score of 21. and is still on the board at the end of the inning is worth one point. If a bag touches the ground and comes to rest on the board, it is removed Cornhole matches are broken down into innings, or frames of play. from the board prior to continuation of play and not worth any points During each frame, every player throws four bags, alternating teams (commonly referred to as a "dirt bag"). Scoring is done by cancellation between each throw. A player must deliver the bag from either the left (e.g., if Team A scores 12 or right pitcher's box, and remain in that designated pitchers box for 3 points in the frame and Team the duration of the game. 1 points B scores 10 points in the point frame, Team A is awarded 2 27 FEET points). Play continues until THROWER'S THROWER'S THROWER'S a player or team reaches or BOX LANE 1 BOX exceeds 21 points. FOUL LINE FOUL LINE 8 FEET BOARD 1 BOARD 2 THROWER'S THROWER'S THROWER'S A cornhole match is played 3 FT BOX LANE 2 BOX until the first player or team 4 FT 0 reaches 21 points at the 40 FEET points completion of an inning. The winning team does not need Cornhole can be played as singles or doubles. In doubles play, four to win by two or more points. players split into two teams. One member from each team pitches from CORNHOLE TOURNAMENT one board and the other members pitch from the other. The first side of players alternate pitching bags until both players have thrown all four of their bags, then the players pitching from the opposing cornhole Friday, April 22 | 2:00 pm | Grounds board continue to alternate in the same manner until all four of their bags are delivered and the inning or frame is completed. In singles You may sign up in the Resident Program's Department. play, two players play against each other. Delivery is handled in the Sign up in teams of two, or someone can be paired with you. same manner as doubles play. Both contestants pitch from the same We plan to have a few practice / training sessions before the cornhole board and alternate their pitches until all of their bags have tournament, so look for details to come and try something new! been pitched, completing the inning or frame. If you don't want to participate, at least come cheer on your friends! Congratulations to our EMPLOYEE of the Month Floor Tech RUDY SELMON Describe Your Family: Loving and caring. Describe yourself in five words: Loving, caring, respectful, honest and helpful. What is something you are proud of: Being part of the Kirby Pines Environmental Services Team. What do you do for fun: Perform on stage with my band. What are your hobbies or interests: Playing guitar. What is your favorite thing about your job: I get along with everybody. What is your favorite food: Chicken. What is your favorite song: The Thrill Is Gone by B.B. King. What would you like people to know about you: That I am very kind and easy to get along with. Rudy exemplifies the values that Kirby stands for integrity, patience, kindness and community. He is never self-serving and can always be counted on to go above and beyond to provide the best care for our residents. He treats everyone like family and has never meet a stranger. My department and Kirby are proud to have Rudy on our team. - Jada Mullins, Director of Environmental Services •8• The Pinecone | April 2022
Reflections By Maxie Dunnam KISS AN ARTIST TODAY I’m intrigued by bumper stickers. of their residence. The other knelt I sometimes get dangerously close at the side of his old friend, gently to a car in order to see what is being cradled the brother’s head on his proclaimed on the bumper sticker. arm, and before all the people who had gathered blurted out, “Don’t A recent sticker got my immediate die! You can’t die! I never told you attention, “Kiss an artist today.” I loved you.” That’s easy for me. My wife and my daughter are artists. It could happen to any one of us, but it need not. Before this day But the thought is expansive. I ends, do two things. One, even if began to reflect. I remembered a you have to call them on the phone story John Powell told about two or write them a note, tell a person priests who experienced a rich and you have not told recently that you rewarding friendship. They struggled together through the love them. Two, for a person you are always telling you love, wilderness of long seminary training and worked together in do something that will validate your words. a community ministry. Drive carefully, but pay attention to those bumper stickers. Then one of the two friends was hit by a car and killed in front Just today I read this one: Don’t believe everything you think. April Vesper Services | 6:30pm | Performing Arts Center April 7 April 14 April 21 April 28 Rev Dan Johnson Maundy Thursday Ernie Seiger Matthew Mitchell Associate Minister Resident's Lay Teacher Family Minister, Woodland Second Baptist Church Service Second Presbyterian Church Hills Church of Christ The Pinecone | April 2022 •9•
BLUE MIRACLE (2021) up on the other side of the Emerald Isle with handsome, but surly, Declan -- an Irishman who may just lead Anna down the road to true love. Saturday, April 2 | 10:00 am & 2:00 pm Cast: Dennis Quaid, Jimmy Gonzalez, HOME AGAIN (2017) Fernanda Urrejola, Anthony Gonzalez To save their cash-strapped orphanage, a guardian and his kids partner with a washed-up boat captain for a chance to Sunday, April 10 | 1:30 pm & 4:00 pm win a lucrative fishing competition. Cast: Reese Witherspoon, Candice Bergen, Pico Alexander, Nat Wolff MY SALINGER YEAR (2020) Recently separated from her husband, Alice Kinney decides to start over by moving back to Los Angeles with her two daughters. While celebrating her 40th birthday, Alice meets Sunday, April 3 | 1:30 pm & 4:00 pm Harry, George and Teddy, three young filmmakers who need a Cast: Margaret Qualley, Douglas Booth, place to live. Complications soon arise when she agrees to let Sigourney Weaver, Theodore Pellerin the men stay in her guesthouse temporarily. As Alice devel- While working for literary agent Phyllis Westberg, aspiring ops a budding romance with Harry, her newfound happiness writer Joanna Rakoff receives personal advice from reclusive comes crashing down when her ex shows up with a suitcase author J.D. Salinger. in his hand. SINGING IN THE RAIN (1952) JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR (1973) Friday, April 1 | 1:30 pm Friday, April 8 | 1:30 pm Saturday, April 2 | 6:00 pm Saturday, April 9 | 6:00 pm Sunday, April 3 | 6:30 pm Sunday, April 10 | 6:30 pm Cast: Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Cast: Ted Neeley, Carl Anderson, Donald O'Connor, Jean Hagen Yvonne Elliman, Barry Dennen When the transition is being made from silent films to `talkies', Adapted from Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice's Broad- everyone has trouble adapting. Don and Lina have been cast way rock opera, "Jesus Christ Superstar" recounts the last repeatedly as a romantic couple, but when their latest film is days of Jesus Christ from the perspective of Judas Iscariot, his remade into a musical, only Don has the voice for the new betrayer. As Jesus' following increases, Judas begins to worry singing part. After a lot of practise with a diction coach, Lina that Jesus is falling for his own hype, forgetting the principles still sounds terrible, and Kathy, a bright young aspiring ac- of his teachings and growing too close to the prostitute Mary tress, is hired to record over her voice. Magdalene. After Jesus has an outburst in a temple, Judas turns on him. LEAP YEAR (2010) SENIOR MOMENT (2021) Saturday, April 9 | 10:00 am & 2:00 pm Cast: Amy Adams, Matthew Goode, Saturday, April 16 | 10:00 am & 2:00 pm Adam Scott, John Lithgow Cast: William Shatner, Jean Smart, When yet another anniversary passes without a marriage pro- Christopher Lloyd, Joe Estevez posal from her boyfriend, Anna decides to take action. Aware After drag racing his vintage convertible around Palm Springs, of a Celtic tradition that allows women to pop the question on Calif., a retired NASA test pilot loses his license. Forced to Feb. 29, she plans to follow her lover to Dublin and ask him take public transportation, he meets Caroline and learns to to marry her. Fate has other plans, however, and Anna winds navigate love and life again. 12 the pinecone • 10 • The Pinecone | April 2022
Happy Birthday to You! April 2022 held on Mondays & Wednesdays at 8:30 & 9:30 spots are limited sign up in the Apr 5: Air Force One EVENTS After making a speech in Moscow vow- Independent Living Kirby Pines Residents Oasis... And Basic and Beginning Water Aerobics is on Tuesdays & Thursdays at ing to never negotiate with terrorists, President Marshall boards Air Force Dan Moffett 02 Dick Bevier 25 9:30 am. Men’s Water Aerobics are held One with his family and advisers. When on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 8:30 am. a group of terrorists lead by Ivan Kor- Mary Ann Thurmond 02 Barbara Lipsey 25 Apr 1: Group Exercise Arthritis Sit/Stand classes are on Tues- shunov hijacks the flight, the President’s Join us for Group Exercise every Mon- days & Thursdays at 11:00 am in the Keith Weathers 02 Phyllis Petersen 25 principles are put to the test.Showing at day, Wednesday & Friday. We will be in PAC. 1:30 pm and 6:30 pm in the theatre. Gail Waldrop 06 Martha Walker 26 the PAC at 9:30 am. Apr 4: Poetry Group Joan Dodson 09 Susan Flake 27 Apr 1: Art with Helen All poetry lovers! We will continue to Diane Talarico 09 Dr. Peter Jones 27 Whether you are already an artist or meet the first Monday of the month in would like to learn, join teacher Helen the Chapel. Please bring something to THE KINDNESS OF STRANGERS (2019) THE KARATE KID (1984) Marilyn Crosby 11 Christine Martin 29 Gaines on Fridays at 10:00 am in the read and discuss. We will be practicing Arts & Crafts Room. social distancing. Join us in the Chapel Patrick Martin 11 John Davis 30 @ 10:00 am. Sunday, April 17 | 1:30 pm & 4:00 pm Friday, April 22 | 1:30 pm Cast: Zoe Kazan, Andrea Riseborough, Saturday, April 23 | 6:00 pm Donn Schroeder 11 Fireside Villa, Job’s Way Apr 1: Art Wall Reception Come out to our next art wall! We will Apr 4: Hobby Pines Group Bill Nighy, Tahar Rahim Sunday, April 24 | 6:30 pm Kay Sears 12 & Gallery Manor hear from our many artist here at Kirby Enjoy wood working? Join the Hobby Ordinary, disparate strangers living in New York City go Cast: Ralph Macchio, William Zabka, Pines group. We meet every Monday at about their business. Clara runs away from her violent hus- Pat Morita, Elisabeth Shue Pat Cavender 13 William Barron 01 as well as enjoy a wine and cheese recep- Apr 5 & 18: Tech Time tion. It all starts at 2:00 pm in the PAC. 10:00 am in the Hobby Shop. band with her two boys and meets four people who are also Daniel moves to Southern California with his mother, Lucille, Bring your phones, tablets, laptop whatev- Gay Ramia 14 Margaret Heffner 04 going through difficult times. Alice, a nurse on the verge of but quickly finds himself the target of a group of bullies who Apr 1 : Music with Just Friends Apr 4: Yoga Stretch er issue you have they will be glad to help. cracking, Mark, accused of a crime he did not commit, John study karate at the Cobra Kai dojo. Fortunately, Daniel be- Joan Weaver 14 Roy Laughlin 07 Yoga is known to have a wide range of Margie will be coming the 1st Tuesday of Peter, his lawyer, and Jeff, an unambitious man, find they are friends Mr. Miyagi, an unassuming repairman who just hap- Just Friends Band members Larry Tyler, the month at 5:30 pm and Cathy will be benefits. This is not advanced so don’t all connected as their paths intertwine. pens to be a martial arts master himself. Miyagi takes Daniel Helen Edwards 16 Arcola Dickerson 12 Kelley Walker and Wes Walker will de- worry about getting on the floor and not coming every 3rd Monday at 10:30 am in light audiences with skilled renditions under his wing, training him in a more compassionate form of Ken Thomason 17 being able to get up. You will be sitting the Sunroom. Dr. Don Duke 13 of pop, jazz standards, rock, country, EASTER PARADE (1948) karate and preparing him to compete against the brutal Cobra in a chair or standing. Class is every Kai. Carol Ballard 20 Bob Field 21 and gospel. A long with their large vo- Monday & Wednesday at 11:00 am in Apr 6: Catholic Services cal range and talent they all each excel The Church of the Holy Spirit will be Kay Daniel 21 the PAC & live TV. Friday, April 15 | 1:30 pm MAID IN MANHATTAN (2002) Frank Gammill 25 at a wide range of instrument from key- holding Catholic services in the chapel Saturday, April 16 | 6:00 pm board, to strings, to woodwinds. Come Apr 4: Bingo Irene Baker 22 Doris Bentley 29 every Wednesday at 10:00 am. The sec- Sunday, April 17 | 6:30 pm out to the PAC at 6:00 pm and enjoy! ond Wednesday of each month is mass Bingo is back! Come join us in the PAC Cast: Fred Astaire, Judy Garland, Saturday, April 30 | 1:30 pm & 4:00 pm Berry Terry 24 every Monday night at 6:00 pm. Cards and communion and the Rosary will be Cast: Jennifer Lopez, Ralph Fiennes, Apr 2: Men’s Christian are $1 to play, limit 2 cards per person. offered all other weeks. Ann Miller, Peter Lawford Fellowship A nightclub performer hires a naive chorus girl to become his Natasha Richardson, Tyler Posey new dance partner to make his former partner jealous and to A Senatorial candidate falls for Marisa, a hotel maid, think- The Men’s Christian Fellowship meets Apr 5: Medical Director Apr 6: Pinecone Painters ing she is a socialite, when he sees her trying on a wealthy every Saturday morning at 8:00 am. Enjoy art? Like doing acrylic, water- prove he can make any partner a star. Dr. Mike Abutineh MD woman’s dress. Fate steps in and throws the pair together for Come enjoy coffee and fellowship with color, oil, or fabric? Come join the Will be in the Wellness Clinic Tuesdays a magical night of romance. When Marisa’s true identity is us each week. There is a rotating list of 9:00 am -12:00 pm and Thursdays 1:00- Pinecone Painters. They will meet each WALK. RIDE. RODEO. (2019) resident speakers who give a devotion at revealed, the two find that they are worlds apart. 4:30 pm. Appointments required. Wednesday at 10:00 am in the Arts and each meeting. All men are welcome and Crafts room. Saturday, April 23 | 10:00 am & 2:00 pm CAMELOT (1967) encouraged to attend. Apr 5 & 19: Afternoon Bridge Cast: Spencer Locke, Missi Pyle, Bridge will begin at 1:00 pm on Tues- Apr 6: Travelers: Calvary Apr 2: Game Play Group day afternoons. If you would like to join Episcopal Bailey Chase, Max Ehrich Friday, April 29 | 1:30 pm Like to play games? Bring your own to Join your neighbors who will be eating Nationally ranked barrel racer Amberley Snyder barely sur- Saturday, April 30 | 6:00 pm come out to the Ante Room. share or join in with someone already vives an automobile accident. Now paralyzed from the waist at the Waffle Shop at Calvary Episco- Sunday, May 1 | 6:30 pm there! Meets in the LCR every Monday, Apr 5: BUNKO pal Church on Wednesday, April 6. We down, she fights to earn back her place in the sport she loves. Cast: Richard Harris, Vanessa Redgrave, Wednesday and Saturday at 1:30 pm. Join this fun group of folks every Tues- will meet in the lobby at 10:15 am. Af- Franco Nero, Lionel Jeffries day at 1:30 pm in the SCR for the great ter lunch we will listen in the setting of THE LAST LETTER FROM YOUR LOVER (2021) The story of the marriage of England’s King Arthur to Guine- game of BUNKO. the beautiful Calvary Episcopal Church vere. The plot of illegitimate Mordred to gain the throne and Sanctuary to Rabbi Micah Greenstein Sunday, April 24 | 1:30 pm & 4:00 pm Guinevere’s growing attachment to Sir Lancelot, threaten to Apr 5: Line Dancing and Rev. Sam Teitel (Church of the topple Arthur and destroy his “round table” of knights. Line Dancing will be held every Tues- Cast: Shailene Woodley, Callum Turner, River--Unitarian), participants in the day and Thursday in the PAC. Begin- Lenten Preaching Series. Sign-up at the Joe Alwyn, Felicity Jones KIRBY PINES MOVIE RATING SYSTEM ner’s class is at 1:30 pm and advanced After finding a trove of love letters from the 1960s, a journal- Resident Programs Office and contrib- Apr 4: Get Fit with Oasis is at 2:15 pm. Come join for some fun ute $3 for the cost of the transportation. ist sets out to solve the mystery of a secret affair. = AVERAGE = GOOD Coordinator Mary Hand exercise and a great way to make new The cut-off date for sign ups is April 4 Advanced Water Aerobics classes will be friends. Everyone is welcome. at noon. = GREAT = PERFECT The Pinecone | April 2022 • 14 • The Pinecone | April 2022 The Pinecone | April 2022 • 11 •
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 April 8:30 am • Water Aerobics (Pool) 8:00 am • Men’s Christian Fellowship (LCR) Abbreviations Key 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 9:30 am • Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:00 am • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 10:00 am • WalMart, Aldi & Banks (Trans) 2:00 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) • Thtr - Theater • HS - Hobby Shop 10:00 am • Art with Helen (A&C) 6:00 pm • Classic Movie (Thtr) 2022 • FDR - Formal Dining Room • SCR - Small Card Room 1:00 pm • Superlo & Bank (Trans) 2:30 pm • Art Wall Reception (PAC) • PAC - Performing Arts Center • A&C - Arts & Crafts Room 6:00 pm • Music with Just Friends (PAC) • BR - Billiard Room • LCR - Large Card Room • Trans - Transportation • WC - Wellness Clinic 8:00 am • Church of Christ Service (Chapel) 3 8:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 4 8:30 am • Men’s Water Aerobics (Pool) 5 8:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 6 8:30 am • Men’s Water Aerobics (Pool) 9:30 am • Basic Water Aerobics (Pool) 7 8:30 am • Water Aerobics (Pool) 8 8:00 am • Men’s Christian Fellowship (LCR) 9 10:00 am • Worship Service (PAC) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 9:00 am • Dr. Mike Abutineh (WC) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 10:00 am • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 9:30 am • Basic Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:00 am • Catholic Services (Chapel) 10:00 am • Kroger & Banks (Trans) 1:30 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 10:00 am • First Monday Poetry Group (Chapel) 10:00 am • Pinecone Painters (A&C) 9:30 am • Water Aerobics (Pool) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 10:15 am • Travelers: Lenten Lecture Series (Trans) 11:00 am • Arthritis Sit/Stand Class (PAC/Live TV) 11:00 am • Arthritis Sit/Stand Class (PAC) 10:00 am Bible Study with Dave Phillips (PAC) 4:00 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 10:00 am • Hobby Pines Group (Hobby Shop) 10:00 am • WalMart, Aldi & Banks (Trans) 2:00 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Classic Movie (Thtr) 11:00 am • Arthritis Yoga Stretch (Live TV) 1:15 pm • Tuesday Bridge Group (Ante) 11:00 am • Arthritis Yoga Stretch (Live TV) • 10:00 am • Art with Helen (A&C) 6:00 pm • Classic Movie (Thtr) 1:30 pm • Bunko (SCR) 1:00 pm • Dr. Mike Abutineh (WC) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 1:00 pm • Needle Arts Group (Sunroom) 1:00 pm • Superlo & Bank (Trans) 6:15 pm • Saturday Night Trivia (LCR) 1:15 pm • Beginner’s Mahjong (LCR) 1:00 pm • WalMart, Costco & Banks (Trans) 1:30 pm • Beginners Line Dancing (PAC) 6:30 pm • Bingo (PAC) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 1:30 pm • Beginners Line Dancing (PAC) 1:30 pm • Weekend Movie Classic (Thtr) 1:30 pm • Movie: Air Force One (Thtr) 2:30 pm • Advanced Line Dancing (PAC) 1:30 pm • Movie: Did You Hear About The Morgans? (Thtr) 1:30 pm • Mini Series: Yellowstone (Thtr) 6:00 pm • Music with Shannon Johnston (PAC) 2:00 pm • Ballroom Dancing (PAC) 1:30 pm • Spring Rummage Sale (PAC) 5:30 pm • Tech Time (Sunroom) 6:15 pm • Bridge Group (LCR) 2:30 pm • Advanced Line Dancing (PAC) 6:30 pm • Movie: Air Force One (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Movie: Did You Hear About The Morgans? (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Vespers (PAC) 8:00 am • Church of Christ Service (Chapel) 10 8:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 11 8:30 am • Men’s Water Aerobics (Pool) 12 8:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 13 8:30 am • Men’s Water Aerobics (Pool) 9:30 am • Basic Water Aerobics (Pool) 14 8:30 am • Water Aerobics (Pool) 15 8:00 am • Men’s Christian Fellowship (LCR) 16 10:00 am • Worship Service (PAC) 9:30 am • Alterations (A&C) 9:00 am • Dr. Mike Abutineh (WC) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 10:00 am • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 10:00 am • Catholic Services (Chapel) 10:00 am • Kroger & Banks (Trans) 1:30 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 9:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 9:30 am • Basic Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:00 am • Pinecone Painters (A&C) 10:00 am • Bible Study with Dave Phillips (PAC) 9:30 am • Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:00 am • Easter Egg Hunt (Grounds) 4:00 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 11:00 am • Arthritis Sit/Stand Class (PAC) 10:30 pm • KP Garden Gro’ers (Greenhouse) 11:00 am • Arthritis Sit/Stand Class (PAC/Live TV) 10:00 am • WalMart, Aldi & Banks (Trans) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 6:30 pm • Classic Movie (Thtr) 10:00 am • Hobby Pines Group (Hobby Shop) 1:30 pm • Bunko (SCR) 11:00 am • Arthritis Yoga Stretch (Live TV) 1:00 pm • Dr. Mike Abutineh (WC) 10:00 am • Art with Helen (A&C) 2:00 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 11:00 am • Arthritis Yoga Stretch (Live TV) 1:30 pm • Beginners Line Dancing (PAC) 1:00 pm • Needle Arts Group (Sunroom) 1:00 pm • WalMart, Costco & Banks (Trans) 1:00 pm • Superlo & Bank (Trans) 6:00 pm • Classic Movie (Thtr) 1:15 pm • Beginner’s Mahjong (LCR) 1:30 pm • Beginners Line Dancing (PAC) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 1:30 pm • Movie: A League of Their Own (Thtr) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 1:30 pm • Mini Series: Yellowstone (Thtr) 1:30 pm • Weekend Movie Classic (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Bingo (PAC) 1:30 pm • Advanced Line Dancing (PAC) 1:30 pm • Movie: The Notebook (Thtr) 2:30 pm • Advanced Line Dancing (PAC) 6:00 pm • Music with Johnson & Johnson (PAC) 6:30 pm • Birthday Night with 2:00 pm • Ballroom Dancing (PAC) 3:00 pm • Photo Club (LCR) Hank & Nora (PAC) 6:15 pm • Bridge Group (LCR) 6:00 pm • Orpheum: The Band’s Visit (Trans) 6:30 pm • Movie: The Notebook (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Vespers (PAC) 8:00 am • Church of Christ Service (Chapel) 17 8:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 18 8:30 am • Men’s Water Aerobics (Pool) 19 8:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 20 8:30 am • Men’s Water Aerobics (Pool) 21 8:30 am • Water Aerobics (Pool) 22 8:00 am • Men’s Christian Fellowship (LCR) 23 10:00 am • Worship Service (PAC) 9:00 am • Jewelry Repair (SCR) 9:00 am • Dr. Mike Abutineh (WC) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 9:30 am • Basic Water Aerobics (Pool) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 10:00 am • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 10:00 am • Caregiver Support Group (SCR) 1:30 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 9:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 9:30 am • Basic Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:00 am • Catholic Services (Chapel) 10:00 am • Kroger & Banks (Trans) 9:30 am • Water Aerobics (Pool) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 4:00 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 11:00 am • Arthritis Sit/Stand Class (PAC) 10:00 am • Pinecone Painters (A&C) 10:00 am • Bible Study with Dave Phillips (PAC) 10:00 am • WalMart, Aldi & Banks (Trans) 2:00 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Classic Movie (Thtr) 10:00 am • Hobby Pines Group (Hobby Shop) 1:15 pm • Tuesday Bridge Group (Ante) 10:00 am • Travelers: MOSH Planetarium (Trans) 11:00 am • Arthritis Sit/Stand Class (PAC/Live TV) 10:00 am Art with Helen (A&C) 1:30 pm • Bunko (SCR) 11:00 am • Arthritis Yoga Stretch (Live TV) 1:00 pm • Dr. Mike Abutineh (WC) • 6:00 pm • Classic Movie (Thtr) 10:30 am • Tech Time (Sunroom) 1:00 pm • Needle Arts Group (Sunroom) 1:00 pm • Superlo & Bank (Trans) 6:15 pm • Saturday Night Trivia (LCR) 1:30 pm • Beginners Line Dancing (PAC) 1:15 pm • Beginner’s Mahjong (LCR) 1:00 pm • WalMart, Costco & Banks (Trans) 11:00 am • Arthritis Yoga Stretch (Live TV) 1:30 pm • Weekend Movie Classic (Thtr) 1:30 pm • Movie: Wild Oats (Thtr) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 1:30 pm • Beginners Line Dancing (PAC) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 1:30 pm • Movie: The Sandlot (Thtr) 2:00 pm • Cornhole Tournament (Grounds) 2:30 pm • Advanced Line Dancing (PAC) 1:30 pm • Mini Series: Yellowstone (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Bingo (PAC) 2:00 pm • Ballroom Dancing (PAC) 2:30 pm • Advanced Line Dancing (PAC) 6:00 pm • Music with the 6:30 pm • Spring Dance with 6:15 pm • Bridge Group (LCR) Jeremy Schrader Trio (PAC) The Jim Mahannah Band (PAC) 6:30 pm • Movie: The Sandlot (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Vespers (PAC) 8:00 am • Church of Christ Service (Chapel) 24 8:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 25 8:30 am • Men’s Water Aerobics (Pool) 26 8:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 27 8:30 am • Men’s Water Aerobics (Pool) 28 8:30 am • Water Aerobics (Pool) 29 8:00 am • Men’s Christian Fellowship (LCR) 30 10:00 am • Worship Service (PAC) 9:30 am • Alterations (A&C) 9:00 am • Dr. Mike Abutineh (WC) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 9:30 am • Basic Water Aerobics (Pool) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 10:00 am • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 1:30 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 9:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 9:30 am • The Book Baggers (PAC) 10:00 am • Catholic Services (Chapel) 10:00 am • Kroger & Banks (Trans) 9:30 am • Water Aerobics (Pool) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 9:30 am • Basic Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:00 am • Pinecone Painters (A&C) 10:00 am • Bible Study with Dave Phillips (PAC) 4:00 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 10:00 am • WalMart, Aldi & Banks (Trans) 2:00 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 11:00 am • Arthritis Sit/Stand Class (PAC) 11:00 am • Arthritis Yoga Stretch (Live TV) 11:00 am • Arthritis Sit/Stand Class (PAC/Live TV) 6:30 pm • Classic Movie (Thtr) 10:00 am • Hobby Pines Group (Hobby Shop) 1:00 pm • Needle Arts Group (Sunroom) 1:00 pm • Dr. Mike Abutineh (WC) 10:00 am • Art with Helen (A&C) 6:00 pm • Classic Movie (Thtr) 11:00 am • Arthritis Yoga Stretch (Live TV) 11:00 am • Lunch Bunch: Coastal Fish Co. (Trans) 1:15 pm • Beginner’s Mahjong (LCR) 1:00 pm • WalMart, Costco & Banks (Trans) 1:00 pm • Superlo & Bank (Trans) 1:30 pm • Bunko (SCR) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 1:30 pm • Beginners Line Dancing (PAC) 1:30 pm • Weekend Movie Classic (Thtr) 1:30 pm • Beginners Line Dancing (PAC) 1:30 pm • Movie: St. Vincent (Thtr) 1:30 pm • Mini Series: Yellowstone (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Bingo (PAC) 6:30 pm • KP Poetry Group Presents: 1:30 pm • Movie: The Replacements (Thtr) 2:00 pm • Ballroom Dancing (PAC) 2:30 pm • Advanced Line Dancing (PAC) 2:30 pm • Advanced Line Dancing (PAC) Love Isn’t in the Dictionary (PAC) 6:15 pm • Bridge Group (LCR) 6:00 pm • Orpheum: Mean Girls (Trans) 6:30 pm • Movie: The Replacements (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Movie: St. Vincent (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Vespers (PAC) The Pinecone | April 2022 Calendar The Pinecone | April 2022 Calendar
Happy Birthday to You! April 2022 held on Mondays & Wednesdays at 8:30 & 9:30 spots are limited sign up in the Apr 5: Air Force One EVENTS After making a speech in Moscow vow- Independent Living Kirby Pines Residents Oasis... And Basic and Beginning Water Aerobics is on Tuesdays & Thursdays at ing to never negotiate with terrorists, President Marshall boards Air Force Dan Moffett 02 Dick Bevier 25 9:30 am. Men’s Water Aerobics are held One with his family and advisers. When on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 8:30 am. a group of terrorists lead by Ivan Kor- Mary Ann Thurmond 02 Barbara Lipsey 25 Apr 1: Group Exercise Arthritis Sit/Stand classes are on Tues- shunov hijacks the flight, the President’s Join us for Group Exercise every Mon- days & Thursdays at 11:00 am in the Keith Weathers 02 Phyllis Petersen 25 principles are put to the test.Showing at day, Wednesday & Friday. We will be in PAC. 1:30 pm and 6:30 pm in the theatre. Gail Waldrop 06 Martha Walker 26 the PAC at 9:30 am. Apr 4: Poetry Group Joan Dodson 09 Susan Flake 27 Apr 1: Art with Helen All poetry lovers! We will continue to Diane Talarico 09 Dr. Peter Jones 27 Whether you are already an artist or meet the first Monday of the month in would like to learn, join teacher Helen the Chapel. Please bring something to THE KINDNESS OF STRANGERS (2019) THE KARATE KID (1984) Marilyn Crosby 11 Christine Martin 29 Gaines on Fridays at 10:00 am in the read and discuss. We will be practicing Arts & Crafts Room. social distancing. Join us in the Chapel Patrick Martin 11 John Davis 30 @ 10:00 am. Sunday, April 17 | 1:30 pm & 4:00 pm Friday, April 22 | 1:30 pm Cast: Zoe Kazan, Andrea Riseborough, Saturday, April 23 | 6:00 pm Donn Schroeder 11 Fireside Villa, Job’s Way Apr 1: Art Wall Reception Come out to our next art wall! We will Apr 4: Hobby Pines Group Bill Nighy, Tahar Rahim Sunday, April 24 | 6:30 pm Kay Sears 12 & Gallery Manor hear from our many artist here at Kirby Enjoy wood working? Join the Hobby Ordinary, disparate strangers living in New York City go Cast: Ralph Macchio, William Zabka, Pines group. We meet every Monday at about their business. Clara runs away from her violent hus- Pat Morita, Elisabeth Shue Pat Cavender 13 William Barron 01 as well as enjoy a wine and cheese recep- Apr 5 & 18: Tech Time tion. It all starts at 2:00 pm in the PAC. 10:00 am in the Hobby Shop. band with her two boys and meets four people who are also Daniel moves to Southern California with his mother, Lucille, Bring your phones, tablets, laptop whatev- Gay Ramia 14 Margaret Heffner 04 going through difficult times. Alice, a nurse on the verge of but quickly finds himself the target of a group of bullies who Apr 1 : Music with Just Friends Apr 4: Yoga Stretch er issue you have they will be glad to help. cracking, Mark, accused of a crime he did not commit, John study karate at the Cobra Kai dojo. Fortunately, Daniel be- Joan Weaver 14 Roy Laughlin 07 Yoga is known to have a wide range of Margie will be coming the 1st Tuesday of Peter, his lawyer, and Jeff, an unambitious man, find they are friends Mr. Miyagi, an unassuming repairman who just hap- Just Friends Band members Larry Tyler, the month at 5:30 pm and Cathy will be benefits. This is not advanced so don’t all connected as their paths intertwine. pens to be a martial arts master himself. Miyagi takes Daniel Helen Edwards 16 Arcola Dickerson 12 Kelley Walker and Wes Walker will de- worry about getting on the floor and not coming every 3rd Monday at 10:30 am in light audiences with skilled renditions under his wing, training him in a more compassionate form of Ken Thomason 17 being able to get up. You will be sitting the Sunroom. Dr. Don Duke 13 of pop, jazz standards, rock, country, EASTER PARADE (1948) karate and preparing him to compete against the brutal Cobra in a chair or standing. Class is every Kai. Carol Ballard 20 Bob Field 21 and gospel. A long with their large vo- Monday & Wednesday at 11:00 am in Apr 6: Catholic Services cal range and talent they all each excel The Church of the Holy Spirit will be Kay Daniel 21 the PAC & live TV. Friday, April 15 | 1:30 pm MAID IN MANHATTAN (2002) Frank Gammill 25 at a wide range of instrument from key- holding Catholic services in the chapel Saturday, April 16 | 6:00 pm board, to strings, to woodwinds. Come Apr 4: Bingo Irene Baker 22 Doris Bentley 29 every Wednesday at 10:00 am. The sec- Sunday, April 17 | 6:30 pm out to the PAC at 6:00 pm and enjoy! ond Wednesday of each month is mass Bingo is back! Come join us in the PAC Cast: Fred Astaire, Judy Garland, Saturday, April 30 | 1:30 pm & 4:00 pm Berry Terry 24 every Monday night at 6:00 pm. Cards and communion and the Rosary will be Cast: Jennifer Lopez, Ralph Fiennes, Apr 2: Men’s Christian are $1 to play, limit 2 cards per person. offered all other weeks. Ann Miller, Peter Lawford Fellowship A nightclub performer hires a naive chorus girl to become his Natasha Richardson, Tyler Posey new dance partner to make his former partner jealous and to A Senatorial candidate falls for Marisa, a hotel maid, think- The Men’s Christian Fellowship meets Apr 5: Medical Director Apr 6: Pinecone Painters ing she is a socialite, when he sees her trying on a wealthy every Saturday morning at 8:00 am. Enjoy art? Like doing acrylic, water- prove he can make any partner a star. Dr. Mike Abutineh MD woman’s dress. Fate steps in and throws the pair together for Come enjoy coffee and fellowship with color, oil, or fabric? Come join the Will be in the Wellness Clinic Tuesdays a magical night of romance. When Marisa’s true identity is us each week. There is a rotating list of 9:00 am -12:00 pm and Thursdays 1:00- Pinecone Painters. They will meet each WALK. RIDE. RODEO. (2019) resident speakers who give a devotion at revealed, the two find that they are worlds apart. 4:30 pm. Appointments required. Wednesday at 10:00 am in the Arts and each meeting. All men are welcome and Crafts room. Saturday, April 23 | 10:00 am & 2:00 pm CAMELOT (1967) encouraged to attend. Apr 5 & 19: Afternoon Bridge Cast: Spencer Locke, Missi Pyle, Bridge will begin at 1:00 pm on Tues- Apr 6: Travelers: Calvary Apr 2: Game Play Group day afternoons. If you would like to join Episcopal Bailey Chase, Max Ehrich Friday, April 29 | 1:30 pm Like to play games? Bring your own to Join your neighbors who will be eating Nationally ranked barrel racer Amberley Snyder barely sur- Saturday, April 30 | 6:00 pm come out to the Ante Room. share or join in with someone already vives an automobile accident. Now paralyzed from the waist at the Waffle Shop at Calvary Episco- Sunday, May 1 | 6:30 pm there! Meets in the LCR every Monday, Apr 5: BUNKO pal Church on Wednesday, April 6. We down, she fights to earn back her place in the sport she loves. Cast: Richard Harris, Vanessa Redgrave, Wednesday and Saturday at 1:30 pm. Join this fun group of folks every Tues- will meet in the lobby at 10:15 am. Af- Franco Nero, Lionel Jeffries day at 1:30 pm in the SCR for the great ter lunch we will listen in the setting of THE LAST LETTER FROM YOUR LOVER (2021) The story of the marriage of England’s King Arthur to Guine- game of BUNKO. the beautiful Calvary Episcopal Church vere. The plot of illegitimate Mordred to gain the throne and Sanctuary to Rabbi Micah Greenstein Sunday, April 24 | 1:30 pm & 4:00 pm Guinevere’s growing attachment to Sir Lancelot, threaten to Apr 5: Line Dancing and Rev. Sam Teitel (Church of the topple Arthur and destroy his “round table” of knights. Line Dancing will be held every Tues- Cast: Shailene Woodley, Callum Turner, River--Unitarian), participants in the day and Thursday in the PAC. Begin- Lenten Preaching Series. Sign-up at the Joe Alwyn, Felicity Jones KIRBY PINES MOVIE RATING SYSTEM ner’s class is at 1:30 pm and advanced After finding a trove of love letters from the 1960s, a journal- Resident Programs Office and contrib- Apr 4: Get Fit with Oasis is at 2:15 pm. Come join for some fun ute $3 for the cost of the transportation. ist sets out to solve the mystery of a secret affair. = AVERAGE = GOOD Coordinator Mary Hand exercise and a great way to make new The cut-off date for sign ups is April 4 Advanced Water Aerobics classes will be friends. Everyone is welcome. at noon. = GREAT = PERFECT The Pinecone | April 2022 • 14 • The Pinecone | April 2022 The Pinecone | April 2022 • 11 •
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