The year of Charlotte Mannya Maxeke: Growing youth employment for an inclusive and transformed society - Mpumalanga ...

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The year of Charlotte Mannya Maxeke: Growing youth employment for an inclusive and transformed society - Mpumalanga ...
WHEN THE SUN RISES WE WORK HARD TO DELIVER                                                                            Issue 1 Vol 2021/22

                                                                                                          Mpumalanga Provincial Governemt      MpumalangaGov

The year of Charlotte Mannya Maxeke: Growing youth
employment for an inclusive and transformed society
This year marks 45 years since the June 16          and transformed society”.                             people in the country with a significant majority
1976 uprising in which many children lost their     Premier Mtshweni – Tsipane said that                  of these people being the youth. The scourge
lives while standing up against a system that       the current generation of young people is             of unemployment is exacerbated by the advent
sought to strip them of their identity, and break   confronted by new challenges that are complex         of the Covid-19 crisis which has deepened
their spirit.                                       in nature and they include poverty, inequality        the hardship experienced by the youth in our
Thousands of people traditionally flock to Youth    unacceptably high levels of unemployment all          Province,” she said.
Day commemorations around the country on            in the midst of a complicated pandemic era.           The Mpumalanga Premier said that the
June 16 to honor the youth of 1976 who stood        According to her, the recent quarterly labour         empirical data and lessons learnt from the
up against the apartheid government and laid        force survey for the first quarter of 2021            2008 global financial crisis and the recent
down their lives fighting for freedom and the       released by Statistics South Africa paints a          report of the International Monetary Fund on
right to equal education.                           gloomy picture.                                       economic prospects of South Africa indicate
This year, because of the ongoing global            “It reflects an unemployment rate of roughly          that young people are more vulnerable to the
COVID-19 pandemic, the Mpumalanga Premier           63,3% amongst young people between the                decreasing demand for labour.
Ms. Refilwe Mtshweni-Tsipane delivered her          ages of 15-24 and an unemployment rate of             Whilst temporary initiatives such as the
keynote address virtually on June 16, she said      41,3% amongst young people between the                R350 Covid-19 relief grant played some role
that the theme for this year’s commemoration        ages of 25-34.                                        in shielding young people from some of the
is: “The year of Charlotte Mannya Maxeke:           “In practical terms, the report reflects that there   devastating impact of the pandemic, Premier
Growing youth employment for an inclusive           are approximately 7 242 000 unemployed                Mtshweni-Tsipane said that the measure is
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not a sustainable long term solution to the              the private sector to establish the Provincial        training programmes.
challenges faced by young people.                        Youth Development Coordinating Forum             “We are hoping to see more proposals that
                                                         (PYDCF). The PYDCF is a multi-sector             embraces new technologies and promotes
Mpumalanga driven initiatives                            platform made up of the private sector,          artificial intelligence,” she said.
Premier Mtshweni-Tsipane mentioned that                  public sector and civil society stakeholders
the challenges faced by the youth and the                tasked with dealing with the overall youth       Fight against COVID-19
productive employment and decent work for                development agenda in the province.              The impact of Covid-19 has been much more
young people cannot be achieved through              •   The PYCDF has been established to                catastrophic on the youth in the country. It has
fragmented and isolated interventions.                   expedite the inclusion of young people           not only disrupted the flow of economic activity
Rather, she said that there must be sustained,           across the Province in the mainstream            and their sources of livelihood, but disturbed
determined, and concerted action by a wide               economy. The PYCDF is established in             their confidence and hope for upward social
range of actors. Thus, the consensus is that             recognition of the fact that there is no-one-    mobility.
youth employment is a cross-cutting and high-            size-fits-all solution to addressing the youth   As the country navigated the third wave of this
priority issue that needs to be addressed within         problem in Mpumalanga. All stakeholders          global pandemic, Premier Mtshweni-Tsipane
the framework of an interdisciplinary, multi-            need to come on board and work together          urged the youth of Mpumalanga to remain
sectoral, and multi-stakeholder approach.                to tackle the youth unemployment in the          central to government’s initiatives to contain
“We must take cognisance of our shared                   Province.                                        this pandemic.
responsibility, as government, business, labour      •   We have put in place strategies and              “I call upon the youth of Mpumalanga to
and civil society, to develop pathways for young         policies that encourages and bring youth         exercise maximum caution in light of increasing
people towards sustainable work streams. It              into agricultural sector and also create         infection rates. I urge you all to discourage
is this responsibility that must direct all our          champions for the improvement of other           recreational social gatherings,” she said.
efforts and all our energies,” she said.                 young people.
She said that South Africa has a youthful            •   As part of advancing our support to young        Legacy of uMama Charlotte Maxeke
population made up of enthusiastic and                   people and through the Mpumalanga                As the country celebrates the Youth Month in
energetic young people who could drive the               Youth Development Fund (MYDF), the               a year where the 150th commemoration of
social and economic prosperity of the country.           Provincial Government shall provide a            the birth of uMama Charlotte Maxeke is also
Premier Mtshweni-Tsipane said that the                   wide range of financial and non-financial        celebrated, Premier Mtshweni-Tsipane urged
Mpumalanga Provincial Government took the                support services to Mpumalanga youth             the youth to embrace collective and inclusive
following coordinating efforts to tackle youth           owned businesses.            The Fund will,      prosperity that puts young people at the
unemployment in the province:                            amongst other things, prioritize SMMEs           forefront of economic development.
• The Mpumalanga Office of the Premier will              owned by historically marginalised groups        “We must not stand idle during the persecution
     continue to engage youth organisations              of young people including, young women,          of others. We must never rest while millions go
     such as the National Youth Development              young persons with disabilities and above        to bed without a meal, while others do not have
     Agency (NYDA) and the South African                 all, youth residing in rural areas.              a roof over their heads and others do not have
     Youth Council (SAYC) in order to steer policy   •   An amount of 90 million rand will be invested    work,” she said.
     development and planning towards the                in this programme in the current financial       “The spirit of uMama Maxeke must never
     promotion of young people’s involvement             year. Additional support will be provided to     leave us. It must be central to our decision
     in material economic activity across the            young people without the requisite skills to     making process. Her values must inform the
     Province.                                           develop bankable business plans but keen         Mpumalanga we build or else we would have
• We have roped in a number of stakeholders              to establish businesses, to be capacitated       failed her gigantic legacy,” she concluded.
     from different spheres of government and            through targeted mentoring, coaching and

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 Premier Refilwe Mtshweni-Tsipane raising her clenched fist during the Freedom Day celebration at Balfor, Dipaleseng Municipality.

Mpumalanga celebrates 27th anniversary of freedom
Premier Refilwe Mtshweni-Tsipane delivered         men and women in South Africa when it was         opened the Balfour Public Library, which she
her keynote address during the Freedom             not easy to do so.                                named after Charlotte Maxeke. The Charlotte
Day Celebrations at Balfour, Dipaleseng            “She overcame the impossible odds,” said          Maxeke Library is a project of the provincial
Municipality, Gert Sibande District.               Premier Mtshweni-Tsipane.                         Department of Culture, Sport and Recreation
Freedom Day commemorates the first                 Premier        Mtshweni-Tsipane      encouraged   in partnership with the national Department of
democratic elections of 1994 in which all          women to continue leading the struggle            Sports Arts and Culture.
South Africans aged 18 years and older,            against Gender-Based Violence (GBV), and          She condemned the acts of destroying schools
regardless of race, could vote. This year was      urged men to join in dismantling the systems      and libraries by learners and the members of
celebrated under the theme ‘The year of            that undermined and denied women the abilty       the communities. She said that the acts were
Charlotte Maxeke: The meaning of freedom           to fully utilize their basic human rights.        promoting vandalism and depriving other
under COVID-19’.                                   “It is upon uss to fight gender based violence    children and generations to come who need
Speaking during the commemoration, Premier         in our communities. There are men who are         to utilise the resources for their personal
Mtshweni-Tsipane said people of South Africa       progressive, prepared to lead and champion        development.
need to be free to celebrate the democracy         the fight against GBV,” she said.                 “These are precious resources in our
they fought for, and urged them to remember        In assisting in the development of sports in      communities. No matter how angry you are,
an internationally renowned stalwart, Mama         the district municipality, Premier Mtshweni-      do not destroy the library, if you destroy the
Charlotte Maxeke.                                  Tsipane handed over sports equipment to           ibrary you will be destroying Charlotte Maxeke
She said Mama Charlotte Maxeke made a very         local sports clubs.                               and the future of the generations to come,” she
significant contribution to free disenfranchised   Premier Mtshweni-Tsipane also officially          concluded.

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TAC member holding a placard demanding for TB to be treated as a health emergency.

Testing for TB: A Race against time
This year the South African Government             world leaders reaffirming their commitment to              and
commemorated the International TB day at           end TB by the year 2030.                              • Reaching all key and vulnerable
Ehlanzeni District Municipality. Each year,        Despite significant progress over the last                 populations with customised and targeted
World TB Day is commemorated on March 24           decades, TB continues to be the top infectious             interventions across the Province.
to raise public awareness about the devastating    killer worldwide, claiming over 1,4 million per       • The use of Digital Chest X-ray machines in
health, social and economic impact of              year. Drug-resistant TB (DR- TB) poses a major             diagnosing TB.
tuberculosis (TB) and urge acceleration of         health threat and could put at risk gains made        • Procuring 22 double cab vehicles for TB
efforts to end the global TB epidemic.             in efforts to end TB.                                      management services and finding the
This year, the national theme for the              Mpumalanga Premier Ms Refilwe Mtshweni-                    missing TB clients at municipality level.
commemoration of World TB Day 2021 is              Tsipane said that the Ehlanzeni District is           • Implementing the 90-90-90 strategy for
‘The Clock is Ticking: Let’s Find, Treat and End   one of the high TB burdened Districts in the               TB. This is done by Screening 90% of our
TB Now!’ the tagline is ‘Unite to end TB in our    Country.                                                   population for TB symptoms. Finding
Communities’. This is an earnest call to all       “Following Ehlanzeni with TB burden in the                 90% of all TB clients and placing them on
South Africans to rally behind national efforts    province is Nkangala District with Gert Sibande            appropriate TB treatment and successfully
to end TB.                                         being the less burdened of our 3 Districts,” she           treating at least 90% of those diagnosed
There is an urgent need to find, initiate and      said.                                                      with TB.
retain TB clients on treatment, as well as to      “In Mpumalanga alone, we have reported 12             • Integrating TB screening during household
regain those who have been lost-to-follow-         933 positive cases of tuberculosis with 1 106              visits for Covid-19 contacts screening.
up. Since every individual has a role to play in   fatalities since 2018. This upward trend and          • Conducting TB management trainings
eliminating TB, the theme aims to promote          increase in infections is a sobering reminder              for Health care professionals, Traditional
mutual accountability between leaders and          that we are gathered in a part of the world                Health practitioners and Community
ordinary South Africans.                           that is being ravaged by tuberculosis . This               Health workers.
The country is not on track to meet its TB         scourge has robbed families of loved ones,            • Procuring TB medication to successfully
targets as outlined in the National Strategic      communities of its leaders and the Province of             treat children and adults diagnosed with
Plan for HIV, TB and STIs for the period 2017-     its future,” she commented.                                TB. And;
2022. The advent of COVID-19 disrupted TB          In response to this crisis, Premier Mtshweni-         • Working collaboratively with District
services and derailed TB programmes. The           Tsipane said that the Mpumalanga Province                  developmental partners, Private health
gains made in response to TB have been             has developed a result orientated strategy                 care providers, National Health Laboratory
adversely compromised.                             premised upon the following:                               services, NGOs and the mining sector.
The local theme is aligned to the global           • Accelerating the reduction of TB infections         “This strategy is in line with the National
theme, ‘The Clock is Ticking’, which conveys a          through TB education and screening               Strategic Plan (NSP) as developed by SANAC
message that the world is running out of time           facilitated via the Cheka Impilo Wellness        to reduce the overall TB infection rate across
on the commitments made by world leaders                Campaign;                                        the country. It is this NSP that will afford us
to end TB. South Africa participated in the UN     • Reducing morbidity and mortality by                 as Provinces, a platform through which we
High-Level Meeting on TB (UN-HLM-TB) where              providing treatment and post treatment           shall chart our collective response to this silent
a Political Declaration on TB was made by               care at all Provincial health care facilities;   killer,” she commented.

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Deputy President of South Africa and Chairperson of the South African AIDS Council (SANAC) adressing TAC members during TB Day
Meanwhile Deputy President of South Africa According to Deputy President Mabuza, the importance and urgency of the need to
and chairperson of the South African National data from the recent TB Prevalence Survey, work with communities and all social partners
AIDS Council (SANAC), Mr David Mabuza, indicates that 390 000 people became in this District to ensure that we eliminate
said that the commemoration of World TB infected with the virus in 2018, just a year the spread of TB and save lives,” he added.
Day is like no other in the recent past. He said after the launch of this National Strategic Plan. According to Deputy President Mabuza, the
that globally, almost all nations of the world He reported that out of the estimated 390 000 results of the latest TB prevalence survey
are engulfed by the anguish and hardship of people infected with TB, only 60% of them were report, TB prevalance is 1.6 times higher in
Covid-19 which continues to obliterate lives diagnosed. He believes that there is a large men compared to women. He called upon on
and livelihoods on an unprecedented scale.              number of people who are walking around with all men across the country to be counted in the
“The whole world is grappling to adapt to the the infection but are not on treatment.                nation’s efforts to end TB.
ravaging impact of the Covid-19 pandemic “That is dangerous considering that one “Unless men heed this call, the well-being of
to ensure that we contain the spread of the person infected with TB could potentially South Africans will forever lie in the balance.
disease and rebuild economies decimated by infect a further 15 people,” he commented. Men must be encouraged to test for TB so
the disruption of trade and global supply chains. Deputy President Mabuza said through the that they get treated early before they spread
Over the past year, governments have had ‘Cheka Impilo’ campaign in the province, the disease within their families and the entire
to respond to the overwhelming demands government will ensure that everyone has the community,” he said.
of Covid-19 on national health systems. opportunity to regularly screen and test for TB On World TB Day, the Treatment Action
The capacity, efficiency, and effectiveness at the nearest clinic so that they are initiated on Campaign also handed a memorandum
of national health systems continue treatment when they test positive.                               to Deputy President Mabuza, calling on
to be strained by waves of infections, “We are employing digital tools and platforms government to declare the disease a
hospitalisations, and deaths,” he said. to raise community awareness and integrate national health emergency. They called upon
He outlined that the national lockdown and TB and Covid-19 screening services”, he said. government to give TB the same priority as
restrictions of movement contributed to the He explained that a TB HealthCheck mobile COVID-19.
disruption of access to health services and application that allows individuals to screen Deputy President Mabuza promised the TAC to
the reduction in the number of TB detections for TB risk and symptoms in order to reduce come back to the province and work together
as patient contact and tracing services transmissions, has been recently launched.                   with the Department of Health to ensure that
became difficult during lockdown periods. “This mobile application is designed to make patients who visit the clinics are screened
According to Deputy President Mabuza, self-screening easy and efficient, while and tested for TB so that they are initiated on
the World Health Organisation’s 2020 also identifying individuals who need to get treatment when they test positive.
Global TB Report outlines that the number tested. It refers those who require a test The Deputy President was joined by the
of people treated for TB has grown since to public health facilities for a free TB test. Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize, Premier of
the 2018. He reported that the number The system is integrated into HealthCheck, Mpumalanga Province, Ms Refilwe Mtshweni-
of people provided with TB preventive which is the Department of Health’s Covid-19 Tsipane
treatment has quadrupled since 2015, from digital self-assessment tool,” he said. Deputy Ministers, Mayors, Deputy Chairperson
1 million in 2015 to over 4 million in 2019. “More importantly, our TB response also of SANAC, Ms Steve Letsike,
Deputy President Mabuza called upon all prioritises communities in Districts with the high CEO of the SANAC Trust, Dr Thembisile
South Africans to rally behind national efforts TB burden to ensure that we contain the spread Xulu, Representative of the World Health
to end TB and scale up the national response of infections and turn the situation around. For Organisation, Dr Owen Kaluwa, Representative
through urgently finding, initiating and retaining instance, Ehlanzeni District, our host for this of the US Mission to South Africa, Mr Todd
TB clients in treatment and care.                       year’s commemoration, is among the Districts Haskell, Representatives from business,
“We should also work hard to regain those who with the high TB burden in South Africa and labour, and broader civil society, Co-
have fallen by the wayside. Each and every one of has been one of the hardest hit areas by the Programme Directors, MEC for Health Ms
us has a role to play in the fight to end TB,” he said. disease. We are all here today to underscore Sasekani Manzini.

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Premier Refilwe Mtshweni-Tsipane delivering a keynote address during the launch of the Oncology treatment centre in Witbank Tertiary

Oncology treatment centre launched
at the Witbank Tertiary Hospital
The Mpumalanga Premier Ms Refilwe                    “This is but one of the avenues through which we    in the Public sector and promised that
Mtshweni-Tsipane together with the MEC for           shall prioritise the treatment of cancer patients   government shall continue to provide bursaries
Health Ms Sasekani Manzini, officially launched      during the tenure of this Administration,” she      to medical students who are in the process of
the Oncology treatment centre at the Witbank         added.                                              acquiring the necessary expertise in Russia
Tertiary Hospital.                                   Premier Mtshweni-Tsipane also mentioned             and Cuba.
The oncology treatment centre shall play a           that the health of people, especially in light      “Most of these students will ultimately
pivotal role in the early identification of cancer   of the devastating impact of the Covid-19           specialize in oncology and shall be deployed to
and end the long distance travelling of more         pandemic, is crucial for the socio-economic         our oncology treatment centres.
than 500 cancer patients to other provinces.         development of the Province.                        This shall be supplemented by an aggressive
During her keynote address at the Witbank            She further mentioned that the opening of the       drive to attract oncology specialists from the
Tertiary Hospital, Premier Mtshweni-Tsipane          oncology centre at the Rob Ferreira hospital        Private Sector,” she said.
stated that the prevalence of cancer within          in 2019 has lightened the load, although the        She thanked the progressive role played by
the Province and the lack of fit for purpose         Province still refers a disproportional amount      academia, the private sector and NGOs.
treatment facilities in the Province has been a      of patients to either the Steve Biko Academic       She outlined that the expertise shared by the
cause for concern for some time.                     hospital or the Kalafong Hospital in Pretoria.      team from the University of the Witwatersrand’s
According to her, the World Health Organisation      “This paints a very negative image about the        school of medicine, as well as the technical
(WHO) has, in its global cancer observatory          quality of healthcare in our Province and places    knowledge shared by the Cancer Association
report, identified low and middle income             an unacceptably onerous obligation to travel        of South Africa (CANSA) and other NGOs is
households in sub-Saharan Africa as reporting        on the patients.                                    evidence of the fact that the advancement of
the highest rate of cancer diagnoses since           This reality has heightened the need to             people can only be achieved through the multi-
2018.                                                establish an additional oncology unit within the    sectoral collaboration by the Public and Private
“Unless we develop strategies for effective          Province,” she said.                                Sector.
treatment, cancer will progress to be a              Premier Mtshweni-Tsipane also highlighted           “We will continue to collaborate with the
significant cause of morbidity and mortality         that Emalahleni has reported a total of 572         Private sector and academia to ensure that we
in in our country and in our Province,” she          oncology patients since the beginning of the        strengthen the provision of oncology services
commented.                                           2020/21 Financial Year. She said that this          across the Province,” she said.
According to Premier Mtshweni-Tsipane,               high number of patients necessitated the            Premier Mtshweni-Tsipane said that the launch
statistics have revealed that one-third of cancer    commissioning of an oncology unit within            of the Oncology treatment centre is a major
diagnoses can be effectively managed and             the Witbank tertiary hospital as a matter of        development for the Witbank Tertiary Hospital
ultimately negated through early identification      urgency.                                            and will see it become a centre of excellence
as this results in shorter treatment time and        “In instances wherein the cancer is identified      for the provision of oncology treatment in the
improved prognosis.                                  at an advanced stage, this facility shall provide   Province.
“In instances wherein the cancer is identified       chemotherapy treatment with a facility that         “This oncology treatment centre will ensure
at an advanced stage, this facility shall provide    can accommodate up to 10 patients for               that patients diagnosed with cancer are
chemotherapy treatment with a facility that          chemotherapy only besides those that will be        attended to quicker. This will lead to a reduction
can accommodate up to 10 patients for                coming for pain management,” she said.              in the average length of stay, quicker prognosis
chemotherapy only besides those that will be         She also stated that government is also             and eventually a decrease in morbidity and
coming for pain management,” she said.               cognisant of the lack of oncology specialists       mortality attributable to cancer,” she concluded.

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Mkhombo Dam is one of the biggest water infrastructure facilities at Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality.

Mashilo calls for preservation of water resources
Human Settlements MEC in Mpumalanga,               of water catchment and harvesting Mkhombo               ensure preservation of water. One community
Mr Speedy Mashilo has urged municipalities         Dam must be pursued to prevent loss of water.           representative from ward 10, Mr Peter
to use their water resources optimally and         In dealing with vandalism the MEC has labelled          Shile urged that constant communication
give sense of collaborative responsibility         these heinous incidents acts of sabotage and            and awareness should be at the centre of
with communities. Mashilo was giving a             that the matter will be elevated to the level of        dealing with vandalism and water deliveries.
keynote address at the recently held Dr JS         the Provincial Commissioner.                            “Communication and community awareness
Moroka Water Summit attended by various            These challenges in water engulf the                    are of critical importance if we were to deal
stakeholders ranging from government, private      municipality at these desperate times of                with these challenges, delivery of water must
sector, farming, traditional to community          COVID-19 pandemic, thus undermine the                   be reliable, timeous and well communicated”,
representatives. The municipality is one of the    efforts to combat the spread of the virus. This         charge Shile.
severely draught stricken and water scarce         was well noted in the address by the Executive          The summit recommended that all resolutions
localities in the province. Adding to the woes,    Mayor of Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality,               must not remain a token of lip service but be
the municipality has had incidents of theft and    Cllr. Roda Sazi Mathabe who also bemoaned               implemented. In view of illegal connections,
vandalism of water infrastructure in the recent    vandalism and invited communities to jealousy           management must devise a strategy of
past.                                              protect their infrastructure. “Vandalism of water       combating this trend as it burdens the
“The municipality has over 200 boreholes and       infrastructure is rife in this locality, we therefore   municipality. Both the informal and formal
30 operational water tankers to the service all    call upon communities to be responsible and             businesses must be engaged further on water
affected villages, the question is how do we use   protect their infrastructure”, she said.                usage and preservation in their respective
and allocate these resources, we must therefore    During the discussions, it transpired that              businesses. The summit also reflected on
use these resources optimal”, charged Mashilo.     community responsibility and collaboration as           progress made since the last engagements of
He added an earnest consideration for creation     well communication must be strengthened to              Water Indaba held in 2019.

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Executive Mayor of Emakhazeni Local Municipality, Cllr Thomas Ngwenya and Culture, Sport and Recreation MEC Thandi Shongwe cut the
ribbon at the opening of the refurbished Siyathuthuka Stadium.

(L) A community member works out at the outdoor gym. (R) Napoli FC and Young Madrid FC christen the artificial turf in an exhibition match.

Siyathuthuka scores refurbished stadium
An Artificial turf, an outdoor gym, a tennis court,   Emakhazeni - formerly Belfast – it provides          especially tennis, netball and basketball. It
multi-purpose courts (netball and basketball)         an ideal training ground for athletes. Over the      means the days of local of local kids walking
and spruced up dressing rooms.                        years, it has attracted all kinds of athletes such   long distances to hone their sporting skills are
These are the new features of the refurbished         as runners, cyclists and rugby players from          over,” says MEC Shongwe. Speaking at the
Siyathuthuka Stadium in Emakhazeni Local              the world over to prepare for major sporting         opening ceremony of the stadium, the MEC
Municipality, which was recently opened by            events. The Siyathuthuka community now has           urged the community to protect and guard the
Culture, Sport and Recreation MEC, Thandi             facilities and nature on its side, which bodes       facility jealousy against vandalism to ensure
Shongwe.                                              well for the place to produce future stars, who      that it stays in pristine condition.
According to local sport authorities, the             will go on to fly the Mpumalanga flag high at        Government, added the MEC, is using the
opening of the stadium is a catalyst for              national and international stages.                   outdoor gym to encourage a healthy lifestyle
sport development in Siyathuthuka and                 “Emakhazeni is a special place. Athletes             by keeping the community of Siyathuthuka
surrounding areas as it means locals now have         from all over the world use it as a training         active.
a quality facility right at their doorstep, which     base when preparing for big tournaments.             The facility can be booked on 013 253 7600.
augurs well for the area to churn out top athletes    The refurbished stadium is a shot in the arm
in the coming years. At 2 100m above sea level,       for sport development and transformation,

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Government on course to revitalise mining towns
Government is putting more focus in the
development of communities in and around
mining towns in Mpumalanga. Mining towns
continue to attract employment hopefuls, thus
critical to address surging needs of houses and
the delivery of integrated human settlements.
This is the position of Department of Human
Settlements as articulated by MEC, Mr Speedy
Mashilo during his recent visit to Govan Mbeki
Local Municipality to assess progress on
human settlements delivery in order to enjoin
all role players to find lasting solutions to
challenges gnawing the municipality.
The municipality is one of localities bedeviled
by challenges of sewer spillage due to
insufficient or depilating bulk infrastructure.
Notwithstanding that fact, MEC Mashilo
noted the work that the Department has done
in addressing sewer spillages in the various
areas. “We have completed our sewer spillage        Subsidised house beneficiary, Ms Mzizi Getrude Tabhile receiving her title deed from MEC
                                                    Speedy Mashilo (R) and Executive Mayor, Cllr Nhlakanipho Zuma (L).
projects in both Leandra and Embalenhle,
whilst at that we have already started with        would work with the Department to quantify        homeowners, our lives will surely change for
upgrading of Embalenhle Pump Station and           the number of incomplete houses.                  the better”.
the construction of bulk sewer outfall line in     Both principals also visited ongoing projects     The Department has allocated over R651
Kinross Extension 30”, noted the MEC.              and handed over 891 title deeds to government     million since 2014/15 to 2021/22 financial
Whilst Local Executive Mayor Cllr. Nhlakanipho     subsidised houses beneficiaries from various      years to deliver 2207 low cost housing units,
Zuma pleaded for more projects, he welcomed        parts of the municipality. Title deeds restore    servicing 3069 sites and the construction of
the intervention by the department and projects    dignity, bestows security of tenure and sense     4558 informal settlements in various areas of
that are completed and currently underway.         of ownership, which also enables access           Govan Mbeki as well as infrastructure projects.
“We have a momentous task of addressing            to finance and overall socio-economic             The MEC will continue with his road-show
our infrastructure challenges. We are in need      development of households. Among those who        visiting municipalities across the province. The
of more from the Department, we must               received title deeds are Sikhunana Ngodlwana      Department’s new approach is to focus more
however welcome the recent developments in         (79) from Lebohang. To her delight, she           on rapid release of land by servicing sites to
addressing the spillages in our township”, said    quipped, “We are happy to have finally became     enable people to buy and build for themselves.
Zuma. He also added that the municipality

Improving legislation to advance the rental sector
Property owners and landlords have                                                                  ranging from their fidelity funds certificates
expressed high level of optimism about                                                              and improving relations tenants.
improving business in the rental sector. This                                                       “We are grateful with the support we get from
sense of buoyancy emanated from a two-                                                              the Rental Tribunal making sure that both
day roadshow held in the City of Mbombela                                                           parties get the best solution. We encourage
and eMalahleni Local Municipalities recently                                                        landlords and tenants in the Province to
as the National and Provincial Departments                                                          make use of these services provided by the
of Human Settlements are soliciting inputs                                                          department to be able to foster their relations
to improve the Rental Housing Regulations                                                           without mistakes,” said Ms Sunday. The
with stakeholders. The public information                                                           tribunal provides its services freely and caters
sessions were organized with the view to           Deputy Director for Rental Housing Tribunal      for Mpumalanga tenants and landlords.
make amendments to properly regulate the           from the National Department, Mr Ronald          Mukhombo urged that stakeholders must
relationship between tenants and landlords         Mukhombo engaging stakeholders on the            attend these information sessions so that
by ensuring that there is an amicable dispute                                                       they can be well versed with all they need
resolution mechanism in the rental sector.         key in the space.                                to know in the rental sector. “We are still in
The Amended Act emphasises that the landlord       “I am pleased that we are addressing the         consultation with other provinces for their
must make sure that his or her property has        Rental Housing Tribunal champion province        inputs and the public so that we can firm up
the basic services water, electricity and proper   in the country which makes our work much         all inputs to come up with something suitable
sanitation. It also states that landlords and      easier and the massive attendance and            for all parties.” The existence of the Rental
tenants must be educated with regards to           participation from the stakeholders”. One        Housing Act 50 of 1999 is an answer to all the
their rights and obligations. Deputy Director      of the agent from LA GRACE Properties, Ms        challenges faced by both landlord and tenant.
Rental Housing Tribunal from the National          Blessing Sunday welcomed the opportunity         This legislation was passed by Parliament for
Department, Mr Ronald Mukhombo, said that          to discuss rental tribunal issues which the      landlords and tenants in terms of residential
the Rental Tribunal must host roadshows to         Department. She mentioned that this will         dwellings in each province. Similar roadshows
create more awareness on the programme             be beneficial to many as compared to the         are being carried in other provinces throughout
and involve local municipalities since they are    problems they have encountered in the past       the country.

The year of Charlotte Mannya Maxeke: Growing youth employment for an inclusive and transformed society - Mpumalanga ...
10 INHLABAMKHOSI                                                          Issue 1 Vol 2021/22

SHEP to improve service delivery to farmers
Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and
Environmental Affairs MEC Mr Mandla Msibi
has reiterated the importance of agriculture
in every individual’s life, as he appreciated
the national Department of Agriculture, Land
Reform and Rural Development’s decision
to prioritize Mpumalanga for the launch of
the Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment
and Promotion (SHEP) programme. MEC
Msibi said SHEP will help mitigate challenges
associated with farmers complaining about
their produce that goes to waste due to
market-related issues.
A Webinar held on April 12th, was addressed
by Minister Thoko Didiza, who said other
provinces will follow. According to the Minister,
the SHEP programme is aimed at assisting
smallholder producers to increase their income
through improving their understanding of their
market, and the demand for their produce.
“Extension Officers and Agric Advisors should
start doing their work differently, and start
providing market information and commodity
demands to farmers, so that our farmers
know what to produce, and who to produce it
for”, said Minister Didiza.

Young learners encouraged to look after their pets
                                                    Clinical Services officials from the Department
                                                    of Agricuture, Rural Development, Land and
                                                    Environmental Affairs in the Nkangala District
                                                    spent their Monday, May 17th with Grade
                                                    4 learners in Tweefontein, teaching them
                                                    about taking care of pets like cats and dogs.
                                                    The Phuthumani Primary School learners
                                                    in Thembisile Hani Local Municipality were
                                                    given tips on how best to play a part in looking
                                                    after their pets, including taking them for
                                                    Dr Prudence Monareng, Dr Elisna Bosch from
                                                    the Veterinary Services Chief Directorate were
                                                    in the company of Vet student Henrikus Smit
                                                    when they interacted with the learners during a
                                                    Q&A session after an informative presentation
                                                    on Five Animal Freedoms, which include:
                                                    • Freedom from Hunger & Thirst (don’t feed
                                                        pap & bones to dogs)
                                                    • Freedom to express normal behavior (give
                                                        them freedom of movement)
                                                    • Freedom from Fear and Distress (show
                                                        love and compassion)
                                                    • Freedom from pain, injury and disease
                                                        (give medical attention when they are sick)
                                                    • Freedom from discomfort due to the
                                                        environment (ensure they have proper
                                                    The learners, who were encouraged to
                                                    consider Veterinary Services as a career, were
                                                    also encouraged to report any sign of animal
                                                    abuse they notice in their neighborhoods.

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