The use of social media in volcano science communication: challenges and opportunities - Volcanica journal
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VO VO EDITORIAL VOL NI The use of social media in volcano science communication: challenges and opportunities “Do you understand how cool it is that Twitter an increasing interest in the natural world. At the turn has given everyone who wants it direct access to of the 20th century, the eruptions of Mt Soufrière, St a scientist? Like, no matter who you are, if you Vincent and Mt Pelée, Martinique both saw significant have a question about something, you can now literally just go to any scientist and ask them. global news coverage. They also drew the attention of That is the coolest fucking thing ever.” volcanologists, such as Dr Edmund Otis Hovey (Ameri- can Museum of Natural History), Sir John S. Flett (Uni- – Erin Biba @erinbiba versity of Edinburgh and Geological Survey of Britain) and Dr Tempest Anderson (Royal Society Commission and the Yorkshire Philosophical Society), who visited in the aftermath of the catastrophic eruptions in 1902, Introduction publishing on their findings. They also returned with some of the first photos of various volcanic phenom- Volcanoes have always captured people’s imagination, ena including pyroclastic density currents (nuées ar- featuring in our religions, oral and written traditions, dentes) which delighted the attendees to their many art and news. The earliest depiction of a volcano is subsequent public lectures. Anderson was particularly thought to be the 36,000 year old spray-shape signs known for his public talks using ‘magic lantern slides’ in the Chauvet-Pont d’Arc Cave in Ardèche, France giving Victorian Society an incredible opportunity to [Nomade et al. 2016] or the mural excavated at the see images of volcanic eruptions, landscapes and the Neolithic Çatalhöyük site (Central Anatolia, Turkey) people impacted by them [York Museums and Gallery dated to 6600 BCE [Schmitt et al. 2014]. Both are co- Trust 2017]. incident with local volcanic activity and so are thought Today, this fascination with volcanology continues. to record those eruptions. Volcanoes feature in myths, Newspaper column inches continue to carry news of legends and oral histories [Cashman and Cronin 2008]. eruptions around the world and to report on new re- For example, in Northern Tonga the legends describ- search on volcanoes. Volcanology features in films, doc- ing the exploits of Sekatoa may record 3000 years of umentaries and TV news programmes. Volcanologists volcanic activity [Taylor 1995] and Hawaiian oral tra- continue to give talks and interactive events to public dition records 400 years of eruptions at Kı̄lauea [Swan- son 2008]. The Greek and Roman literature have writ- ten records of Mediterranean volcanic activity dating back to 700 B.C. The eruptive history of Etna between 696 and 425 B.C. can be interpreted from Thucydides’ explicit testimony [Stothers and Rampino 1983] and Pliny’s letters to Tacitus in A.D. 106 are some of the most famous written descriptions of historic volcan- ism, detailing the A.D. 79 eruption of Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii [Sullivan 1968]. The German manuscript of The Voyage of Saint Brendan contains the earliest known sketch of a volcano, and dates to the 15th Century. Volcanoes have been a fascination for landscape artists in the Western World since the 16th Century. Vesuvius became a focus for writers and sci- entists in the long 19th century, its sublime power ap- pealing to the romantic movement [Pyle 2017]. It was the 1883 eruption of Krakatau, Indonesia, which first received the attention of the global mass me- dia. Thanks to the newly laid telegraphic lines, news- papers were able to report on this catastrophic erup- tion only a day after it occurred [Dörries 2003]. The telegraph reports of Krakatau heralded a new era in in- terest in global catastrophic events and coincided with
Editorial: Social media in volcanology Williams & Krippner, 2019 audiences at universities, museums and science festi- correct information to be spread just as rapidly. vals. Most recently, social media gives members of the This new instantaneous, global interaction between public unprecedented access to volcanologists, volcano the media, public, volcanologists and Disaster Risk Re- observatories and institutions and amateur volcanolo- duction (DRR) agencies is a growing field for research. gists. Social media are interactive websites and applica- Here we discuss this growing field, some challenges tions where users generate and share content for social that research needs to address and the role Volcanica networking. Content can be text, photographs, videos, can take in disseminating this work. links to other websites or data. Users can be anonymous or not, can be individuals or organisations, can create content or just follow others who do, can share origi- Communication during a volcanic crisis nal content or reshare content generated by others, and can ‘like’ or boost content shared by other users. There During a volcanic crisis, effective communication be- are over 3 billion internet users using social media sites, tween the institution responsible for monitoring the and these numbers are expected to grow [Kemp 2018]. volcano, local government, civil defense authorities, the The most famous social media site, Facebook, has 2234 media and ultimately the public is essential to ensuring million users [Statista 2018]. YouTube, WhatsApp, safe management of the crisis. A breakdown in commu- Facebook Messenger, WeChat and Instagram all have nication between these groups of people can lead to un- over a billion users each. Social media can be a pow- safe behaviours during a volcanic eruption (e.g. return- erful tool for volcanologists to communicate their sci- ing to an evacuation zone), mistrust in authorities (e.g. ence, particularly during a volcanic crisis. The rapidity during and after the 1999 forced evacuation at Tun- with which news can be posted and then disseminated gurahua; Stone et al. [2014] and Tobin and Whiteford through social media can allow for quickly disseminat- [2002]), widespread anxiety (e.g. Guadeloupe; Fiske ing information, sharing official sources of information, [1984]) and devastation to the local economy even when seeing rumours forming in real time and addressing there is no volcanic threat (e.g. early 1980s at Mam- them, and having a two-way conversation (answering moth Mountain; Blakeslee [2011] and Hill et al. [2017]). questions) with the public. But it can also allow for in- At its very worst, it can lead to a volcanic disaster. In Presses universitaires de �rasbourg Page ii
Volcanica 1(2): i – viii. doi: 10.30909/vol.01.02.i-viii 1985 at Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia authorities delayed checklist for volcanologists to consider before acting in action on warnings and an issued alert, and local popu- a volcanic crisis. Whilst providing excellent guidance lations underestimated the risk despite local education both of these documents were written before the recent programmes resulting in the deaths of 23,000 people dramatic rise in social media and online news, both [Hall 1990; Voight 1990]. At best, effective communica- of which present new opportunities and challenges to tion can lead to a variety of successful outcomes such as managing a volcanic crisis. successful evacuation and minimum fatalities as seen during eruptions such as Mt Pinatubo in 1991 [Newhall and Solidum 2017], Mt St Helens in 1980 [Tilling 2000], Social media during a crisis and Volcán Tungurahua in 2006 [Mothes et al. 2015]. In 2008, a review of the (effective) crisis response by In response to several volcanic crises in the the United States Geological Survey (USGS) team at Mt Caribbean an operations manual for the Caribbean, St Helens during its 2004–06 reawakening noted that Communication During Volcanic Emergencies [Solano “In particular, today’s widespread use of the Internet 2003], was published by a DFID (UK’s Department and the around-the-clock news cycle required a fast, for International Development) funded consortium sustained pace of information delivery that frequently [McGuire et al. 2009]. Aimed at stakeholders, the man- pushed the limits of staffing and internal communica- ual details effective strategies for the management of tions” [Driedger et al. 2008]. And this at a time when a volcanic crisis at all levels. Of particular interest to the popularity of online news and social media was practising volcanologists is the section on ‘Scientists’ only just beginning to grow. This pressure is now many and its examples of both effective and bad practice in- times greater and there are examples of where social cluding issuing forecasts, talking to the media, reduc- media has been used both effectively and poorly during ing opportunities for dissemination of misinterpreta- a crisis. tion, the interaction between scientists and the role of In Indonesia, the National Disaster Management visiting scientists. In 1999, Newhall and the Subcom- Agency (BNPB) uses Twitter to disseminate updates on mittee for Crises Protocols published Professional con- ongoing disasters, such as the Mt Sinabung eruption in duct of scientists during volcanic crises – a publication 2014, reaching local communities and providing infor- from the International Association of Volcanology and mation for the media. These tweets tend to follow a Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI). In it, they traditional top-down communication model [Chatfield discuss the issues and challenges that have arisen in et al. 2014]. However, the strength of social media can past volcanic crises such as poor communication and often be in the more community-led interactions. Com- teamwork among scientists, leadership problems, is- munity groups, such as on Facebook, can be effective sues for visiting scientists (invited and uninvited), un- at disseminating official information posted by the au- wise and unwelcome warnings, poor communication thorities and generating a local support network (e.g. between scientists and public officials, and finally inef- during the 2010/11 Queensland and Victoria Floods; fective relations with news media [Newhall et al. 1999]. Bird et al. [2012]). Authorities can harness this net- They offer suggestions for best practice and a personal work to help improve their disaster response. During Presses universitaires de �rasbourg Page iii
Editorial: Social media in volcanology Williams & Krippner, 2019 the 2011 Spring Storm Season the American Red Cross • Instant feedback when information is misunder- used social media such as Facebook and Twitter to con- stood by public or media; nect to people affected by the storms and understand their needs [American Red Cross 2011]. In 2012, the • Ability to share and amplify good volcanology re- National Coordinating Commission for Disaster Reduc- search during quiescence to increase general un- tion (CONRED) used social media to map the effects of derstanding and trust in volcano-science; the eruption of Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala, to in- • Datamine reactions and public comments for situ- form their relief response [Carranza-Tresoldi 2013]. ational awareness during a crisis. However, there have been issues with amateur, or even fake, volcanologists doing their own interpreta- Challenges include: tion of the data and spreading misinformation during a volcanic crisis. The Albay Disaster Risk Reduction and • Misinformation can spread rapidly; Management Council have battled against inaccurate advisories and analyses at Mayon Volcano, which have • Non-local scientists or amateurs posting their own not been issued by Philippine Institute of Volcanol- interpretations and conflicting information can ogy and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) but have neverthe- cause confusion during a volcanic crisis. How can less gained traction on social media and then have been we best support official agencies during a crisis? picked up by news outlets [Recuenco 2018]. “Click- bait” headlines about impending volcanic doom are • Speculation and scientists publicly questioning of- common in the online tabloid media and have the po- ficial decisions and statements can mix the mes- tential to spread anxiety and deflect attention from the sage from observatories and DRR agencies; real volcanic news. Looking at false news and how • Flooding the hashtag with general interest posts it spreads via Twitter, Vosoughi et al. [2018] showed can obscure and bury information which could be how much further and faster lies travel compared to the used by authorities to inform relief efforts or pre- truth on social media. Conflicting or incorrect informa- vent the public accessing relevant information; tion spread in this way, even by professional volcanol- ogists speculating on images or data during a volcanic • “Disaster porn” and the ethics of sharing distress- crisis, has the potential to be very disruptive towards ing images; crisis management, such as either causing unnecessary concern, or mistrust in the official authorities. • Does the use of technical language by volcanolo- gists clarify or obfuscate the message? Opportunities and challenges of social me- • Do click-bait stories of volcanic doom create a dia to the volcano-community “cried wolf” culture? We summarise the opportunities and challenges that a • Explaining uncertainty while building trust in volcano-community presence on social media brings to forecasts and recommendations; crisis management based on our experiences, discus- • Working within existing agency guidelines and sions with colleagues and observations during recent with inter-agency agreements; events. Opportunities include: • The resources (e.g. staff time) needed to effectively utilize social media for crisis communication will • Rapid, global dissemination of data, information often be beyond the capacity of local agencies. and advice during a volcanic crisis; • Use of a hashtag can enable public to access a vari- ety of sources of data and information quickly; Further research required: a call • Public has direct access to scientists and author- Late 2017 through 2018 has seen several volcanic crises ities to ask questions, clarify and understand that have extensively used social media as part of the decision-making; crisis communication with international interest (for example, the 2017 Mt Agung eruption, Indonesia; the • Network of varied expertise across the globe; 2018 Volcán de Fuego eruption, Guatemala; the 2018 • Ability for volcanologists with a social media pres- Lower East Rift Zone (LERZ) eruption on Kı̄lauea, ence to amplify and lead people to the official USA). Following this, the first “social media in vol- sources; canology” conference workshop (Social Media Utility in Volcano and Hazard Communication – Panel Discussion) • Volcanologists and institutions/authorities can see and session (Leveraging the Power and Speed of Social Me- rumours starting in real time and act to quash dia to Expand Volcano Communication) were held at the them; 2018 Cities on Volcanoes 10 meeting in Naples. At the Presses universitaires de �rasbourg Page iv
Volcanica 1(2): i – viii. doi: 10.30909/vol.01.02.i-viii American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in Decem- demonstrating the need and scope for research on this ber 2018, the session The Hazards of Hazard Communi- topic. cation: Importance, Rewards, and Challenges of Science in the Public Sphere featured talks discussing social media, There is a wide variety of potential research on the use of social media in science communication, with par- Presses universitaires de �rasbourg Page v
Editorial: Social media in volcanology Williams & Krippner, 2019 ticular reference to volcanic crises. For example, anec- and folks who attended the recent meet-up at AGU. dotal research by those involved in communication dur- Thank you to Jamie Farquharson for the infographics ing a volcanic crisis can give important insights allow- and to Jamie and Fabian Wadsworth for comments on ing others to learn from the experience. In the pref- drafts of this piece. ace to the new book Observing the Volcano World: Vol- cano Crisis Communication, Fearnley makes the case for the importance of capturing this experience as pub- Affiliations lished works [Fearnley et al. 2018]. We argue here that Rebecca Williams: this should now include the experiences of those work- Department of Geography, Geology & Environment; ing in and around social media and working with so- University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, UK cial scientists to understand how to best utilise these tools. Analysis is required of who is using social me- Janine Krippner: dia for information during a volcano crisis, whether Department of Physical Sciences, Concord University, the information is reaching local communities as in- 1000 Vermillion St. Athens, West Virginia 24712-1000, tended, and whether it is in a form that is useful to USA them. How disruptive are alarmist media reports and conflicting interpretations by outside (or amateur) vol- canologists? To what extent does terminology in a so- Copyright notice cial media context matter during a crisis? How can the broader volcano community help and support local au- © The Author(s) 2019. This article is distributed un- thorities during a volcanic eruption? der the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 At Volcanica we welcome a wide variety of research International License, which permits unrestricted use, articles in this field. Firstly, from volcanologists distribution, and reproduction in any medium, pro- working in and around science communication, crisis vided you give appropriate credit to the original au- management or with expertise or experience in social thor(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative media. But also, from other disciplines such as those Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. working in other hazards fields (e.g. meteorology), emergency managers and those working in disaster risk reduction who can contribute to the discussion in References the volcano-community. This research should provide the evidence-base required to update the Professional American Red Cross (2011). Press Release: More Ameri- conduct of scientists during volcanic crises for a social cans Using Social Media and Technology in Emergencies: media context and ultimately improve communication New American Red Cross Survey Finds High Expecta- during a crisis with the aim of reducing the impacts of tions on Response Organizations. url: http://www. volcanic eruptions. redcross . org / portal / site / en / %20menuitem . 94aae335470e233f6cf911df43181aa0 / Yours volcanically, ?vgnextoid=7 (visited on 12/18/2018). Bird, D., M. Ling, and K. Haynes (2012). “Flood- – Rebecca Williams and Janine Krippner ing Facebook - the use of social media during the Queensland and Victorian floods.” Australian Jour- nal of Emergency Management 27.1, pp. 27–33. “What is interesting is the power and impact of Blakeslee, S. (2011). Wrong Once, Experts Keep Quiet social media ... So we must try to use social On Volcanic Activity in California. url: https://www. media in a good way.” once- – Malala Yousafzai expert- keep- quiet- on- volcanic- activity- in- california.html. Carranza-Tresoldi, J. A. (2013). Social Media Maps a Volcano’s Aftermath: Tracking the Consequences of the Acknowledgements Guatemalan Eruption. url: esri - news / arcnews / spring13articles / social - We are indebted to the incredible community of sci- media - maps - a - volcanos - aftermath (visited on entists and practitioners on social media, particularly 12/18/2018). on Twitter. Our thanks go to the many colleagues Cashman, K. V. and S. J. Cronin (2008). “Welcom- who have spent countless hours sharing their knowl- ing a monster to the world: Myths, oral tradition, edge and engaging in discussion with how best we as a and modern societal response to volcanic disasters”. community can interact on social media. We hope that Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 176.3, we’ve best represented these discussions but any inac- pp. 407–418. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.01. curacies or omissions are our own. In particular, thanks 040. to those involved in the Voices of Volcanology Project Presses universitaires de �rasbourg Page vi
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