THE TISSUE ISSUE Roll up for the Consumer Choice survey of household paper products

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THE TISSUE ISSUE Roll up for the Consumer Choice survey of household paper products

                        THE TISSUE ISSUE

                                 Roll up for the Consumer Choice
                              survey of household paper products

                MONEY              LIFESTYLE                  PRODUCT TESTS

THE TISSUE ISSUE Roll up for the Consumer Choice survey of household paper products

                            November 2017
Association of
                            Dear Member,
The Council is the
policy-making body          We had outlined to you some of the detail of our campaign to be          In tandem with this initiative we are rebooting our call – which we
of CAI. Members are         launched mid-November with the banner of Credit Where It’s Due.          have been requesting for many years – for Ireland to introduce
elected from within         What we are trying to do is raise awareness of the poor level of         a system for Collective Redress with the recognition that the
the CAI's membership        consumer consideration from large businesses that issue credit           Consumers’ Association of Ireland (CAI) would be the appropriate
at the Annual General       notes and vouchers with, in most cases, a lifespan of a mere 12          body to initiate such actions on behalf of our citizens.
Meeting.                    months.
                                                                                                     So, you will see that we are not easing ourselves in to 2018 but,
Council                     We have written to the main retail representative bodies outlining       rather, focussing on much-needed change for the Irish consumer.
Members                     our call for a 6-year term to be introduced voluntarily and in the
                            run-up to the new year. We have had no official responses to our
Chairperson                 letters. This is not of immediate concern to us as our suggestion that
Raymond O'Rourke            the change be ‘voluntarily’ adopted must make allowances for this to
Vice-Chairperson            be seen as a ‘new approach’ from the sector.
Michael Kilcoyne
Hon Secretary
                            What we will be doing, however, is issuing press releases requesting
Elaine Bolger
Hon Treasurer               that consumers tell us of their experiences and, hopefully, of their
Richard Donohue             custom being rewarded with recognition that credit – as with
Council Members             any legal tender document – hold its value for a reasonable and
Steen Bruun-Nielsen         significantly more appropriate term.
James Wims

         Our Reports                                           Consumer Choice                                         Published Material
         Reports in Consumer Choice are based on               Consumer Choice is published by                         No part of this publication may be reproduced,
         market research, laboratory tests or user             the Consumers' Association of Ireland                   stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
         surveys, all of which are independently and           (CAI) Limited, a wholly independent, non-               form without obtaining prior permission from the
         scientifically conducted. Free goods are              government, non-profit making body. CAI                 Council by contacting the Consumer Choice office.
         never accepted for testing – all samples              was founded in 1966 to protect and promote              It may not be used for any form of advertising, sales
         are purchased. Occasionally items may be              the interests of the consumers of goods and             promotion or publicity.
         borrowed for review purposes only.                    services, and to enhance the quality of life for        © Consumers’ Association of Ireland 2017
              The reports are produced in the main             consumers. CAI is registered with charitable            ISSN 0790-486X
         by our own Editorial staff. Some material             status: CHY 8559.
         is occasionally drawn from other foreign                   Advertising is not accepted for publication.
         independent consumer magazines.                       Consumer Choice is available on a subscription          Staff
              Because Consumer Choice carries no               basis only. To facilitate banking requirements          Policy and Council Advisor
         commercial advertising it is not swayed by            all cancellations must be advised, by letter or         Dermott Jewell
         bias or influence and can point out advantages        email only, a full 30 days in advance. Where a
         and flaws in goods and services that other            bank applies a €24 chargeback fee for a Member/         Design/Typeset
                                                               customer advised cancellation we will deduct            Denzil Lacey (Zava Media)
         magazines may not be able to do.
                                                               same from any refund requests. To subscribe
              Reports on any article relate only to the
                                                               please write to:
         articles or goods mentioned, and not to any                                                                   Managing Editor
         other article of the same or similar description.                                                             Clodagh O'Donoghue
                                                               Consumer Choice,
         We do not necessarily price or report on all
                                                               120/121 Baggot Street Lower,
         brands or models within the class, and the
                                                               Dublin 2                                                Researchers
         exclusion of any brand or model should not be                                                                 Róisín Moloney Weekes
         taken as a reflection on it.                                                                                  Shannon James
                                                               Tel (01) 659 9430
                                                               Email                                     Atousa Motameni
         Social Media:

         1                                                                                                                            November 2017
THE TISSUE ISSUE Roll up for the Consumer Choice survey of household paper products


6                                       10
                         15 12               LIFESTYLE                                   PRODUCT TESTS
6 Money News                            10 The Dos and Don’ts of                    18 Smartphones
     The latest developments and           Posting Packages                           When it comes to buying a new
     advice in money matters,              Sending a present in the post this         smartphone, which models are
     including the new local property      Christmas? Here’s what you will            a good call? To find out, 24 new
     tax clearance guidelines and how      need to know before you start your         smartphones have been sent to
     to make an insurance claim for        gift shopping.                             our independent labs, with 13
     storm damage.                                                                    models getting the Choice Buy
                                                                                      seal of approval.
                                        12 The Tissue Issue
                                           Whether you opt for the cheapest,
15 Tax Guide 2018                          the strongest, or the softest, compar-
     Consumer Choice considers the         ing the quality and value of toilet
     main tax changes introduced in        and kitchen paper offerings is more
     Budget 2018.                          difficult than ever. Roll up for the
                                           Consumer Choice survey of house-
                                           hold paper products.

 2                                                                                      November 2017
THE TISSUE ISSUE Roll up for the Consumer Choice survey of household paper products
News Briefs by Dermott Jewell                                                                              NEWS BRIEFS

Camel Lot Discovered
Professor David Kennedy of the University of Western                     It’s Not Us ...............
Australia has been using Google Earth in a, relatively, new              We read how insurers in Ireland are investing in
manner. In doing so he has discovered that it is a powerful              analytical tools to combat insurance fraud and many
                                                                         have increased their efforts to combat fraud over
tool that has allowed him to discover ancient structures that
                                                                         the past 12 months. A study has been carried out by
cannot be seen by the naked eye. In a paper published in                 the umbrella body for insurers in Ireland - Insurance
Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy he outlines how he has                 Ireland – together with services provider, Accenture
now identified over 400 previously undiscovered stone struc-             and results released suggest that the rate of identifica-
tures in the deserts of Saudi Arabia. These structures have              tion of potentially fraudulent claims has increased. Of
                                                                         course, this is not a new finding and so it was no sur-
only now appeared following 40 years of research in which
                                                                         prise to note that 82% of those who responded to the
no trace appeared or was found and it had been considered                survey pointed to an increased use of analytical tools
that nothing had ever previously existed there.                          and with 74% placing a greater focus on investiga-
		                  It is now considered that the region may             tions. Again, unsurprisingly, fraud experts have seen
have been home to a significant number of populations.                   an increase in organised fraud, notably through fraud
                                                                         rings. While it is heartening to see this level of invest-
The intention now is to change focus and engage in further
                                                                         ment and the engagement with Government and the
detailed exploration, recording and mapping of the areas.                Garda Siochána, it remains the reality that it is the con-
The structures found, while their purpose is a mystery, have             sumer who is paying – both for the studies into and
been labelled ‘gates’ and it is considered that they would have          the cost of the fraudulent activity. Deterrent, through
been built between 2,000 and 9,000 years ago, possibly by the            effective legislation, efficient and well-resourced en-
                                                                         forcement complemented by severe judicial penalties
ancestors of the Bedouin in the area.
                                                                         are the answer. State investment, clearly, is required
                                                                         – not increased premiums!

                                                        Life Is a Journey

                                                                  New security measures have now become effective for all flights travel-
                                                                  ling to the US. Irish travellers may not be too taken aback as some of
                                                                  the checks had already been in place at check-in on certain US airlines
                                                                  where staff carried out a short interview by ticket agents. In addition, we
                                                                  have the pre-clearance facility which Irish consumers are now used to
                                                                  when departing. What will be important is to ensure you arrive in plenty
                                                                  of time in the knowledge that, as all passengers will be engaged in this
                                                                  casual conversation, then there will be some delays.
                                                                  		                     There has been criticism that this is a form of profil-
                                                                  ing of passengers but there is an insistence that this is focussed on be-
                                                                  havioural analysis as, otherwise, the questions could have been posed in
                                                                  a straightforward computerised questionnaire. Anyway, the important
                                                                  thing is to relax, don’t panic, don’t get stressed or uneasy, don’t laugh for
                                                                  no good reason, don’t fidget or appear concerned, don’t keep rubbing
                                                                  your sweating palms on your clothing, don’t keep brushing back your
                                                                  hair or biting your nails – just be yourself!
        2017                                                                                                       3
                                                                                                                               November 2017
THE TISSUE ISSUE Roll up for the Consumer Choice survey of household paper products
A Prescriptive Remedy
A Private Members Bill has been proposed           in place. It was outlined by the Minister for       to ensuring that no unnecessary burden
– and it is reported that the Government           Health that the Bill, to be effective, must be      was placed on the Medical Council and how
is to support it - that will require medical       clear in its definitions, in terms of what is       Government had to explore if data protection
practitioners to declare any income or gift        included, along with the logistics and costs. As    restrictions could be overcome. We would
received, over the value of €600, from medical     other countries have initiated such a register      see these as negligible and how the focus –
suppliers or pharmaceutical companies to the       then the legislation in those other jurisdictions   especially from this profession - must be on
Medical Council. This will replace the voluntary   should be examined. It was interesting to note      transparency at the highest level of what is
guidelines and codes of practice currently         the Minister of State’s cautioning with regard      best practice and good governance..

Oh, Oh, Oh.
                                                                             In the US, not for the first time, there is advance warning
                                                                             that pre-cut Christmas trees will be more expensive. This
                                                                             is mainly due to shortages from the two main growing
                                                                             and producing areas of Oregon and North Carolina, where
                                                                             rising labour and overall costs have been increasing for
                                                                             some years. However, it is not all doom and gloom because
                                                                             another side to the story is the growth (sorry!) in coast-
                                                                             to-coast demand as well as increasing orders now coming
                                                                             from abroad. Here at home it was not trees but advice, in
                                                                             August, from the Danish dairy co-operative Arla Foods, that
                                                                             an EU-wide shortage of milk posed a potential shortage of
                                                                             fat, cream and butter by Christmas. Now, while that might
                                                                             seem far-fetched for us here in Ireland (and it is!) it serves
                                                                             only to highlight how there will be a myriad of excuses,
                                                                             warnings, cautions, offers, unbelievable offers and never-
                                                                             to-be-repeated offers coming your way in the coming days
                                                                             and weeks – all with the intention to have you rush out and
                                                                             spend, spend, spend. Ahh, Christmas!

                                             Welcome - When Are You Going Back?

                                                                      Céad Míle Fáilte is not the greeting of an increasingly, worrying number of
                                                                      countries’ regions to its tourists. An anti-tourism sentiment is reported across
                                                                      a number of well-known and loved areas within Europe. The affordability of
                                                                      travel, especially by air, to the masses has created something of a frustration
                                                                      amongst the inhabitants of certain, now often overcrowded, towns and cities.
                                                                      Life for its citizens is disrupted and with increasing regularity. Of course, it is
                                                                      good for business but it has come to the point where the mayor of Dubrovnik
                                                                      will introduce restrictions on the number of tourists permitted to enter the
                                                                      old town there. In the north of Spain, in San Sebastian, graffiti requesting that
                                                                      ‘tourists go home’ now reflects a concern and in Venice there have been pro-
                                                                      tests at the increasing level of daily visitors to this small city – estimated to be
                                                                      at over 60,000 every day. It is an interesting reflection of a changed Europe
                                                                      and including Dublin where, for example, Temple Bar can quickly become a
                                                                      gridlocked area – well, the pubs certainly can!
        2017                                                                                                                                       4
                                                                                                                                         November 2017
THE TISSUE ISSUE Roll up for the Consumer Choice survey of household paper products
FOOD & HEALTH/News                                           by Clodagh O’Donoghue

Food & Health
Food safety advice for emergency situations from safefood
The widespread disruption caused by Storm       the power cut lasts more than two hours,        prepare food. You will need to use cooled
Ophelia in the middle of October left many      the food in your fridge will need to be         boiled water or bottled water for brushing
thousands of people without electricity         thrown away.                                    teeth, washing food, cooking and making
and water for extended periods of time          		        If the power cut lasts less than      ice. More stringent precautions naturally
and, unfortunately, there may be more           24 hours, you should leave the food in          apply when preparing formula feed for
severe weather events ahead as the winter       your freezer and avoid the temptation to        babies.
takes hold. Flooding, interruption of water     open the door to check as this will raise
supply, lack of electricity and frozen pipes    the temperature. If the power cut lasts         Flooding
all clearly cause massive inconvenience,        longer than 24 hours, you will need to          Those who are unlucky enough to
not to mention the financial implications       inspect the food in the freezer individually    experience flooding in their homes
of these events, but they can also generate     as some things thaw more quickly than           will need to take some precautions to
possible risks to health if proper hygiene      others. Cooked foods and shellfish should       avoid becoming ill as flood water can be
practices are not followed. As a result, all-   be thrown out if they are showing signs of      contaminated with sewage, animal waste
island organisation safefood is highlighting    thawing or have been in a temperature of        or overflow from drains and so can be full
its food safety advice for emergency            more than 5°C for more than three hours.        of harmful bacteria. If the inside of fridges
situations such as these to help avoid any      Raw meat and poultry may be refrozen if         or food cupboards have come into contact
nasty bouts of food-related illness making      they contain ice crystals, and the same goes    with flood water, these will need to be
an already unfortunate occurrence even          for vegetables. Fruit is fine to refreeze but   cleaned and disinfected before use, as will
worse.                                          baked items with cream frosting or filling,     all work surfaces, utensils, and crockery.
                                                along with puddings and ice cream, will         Any food that has been touched by flood
Power cuts                                      need to be discarded. As ever, the golden       water should be thrown out immediately.
When power cuts occur, timing is all            rule is: When in doubt, throw it out.           		        More advice and details may be
important. If the power is restored within                                                      found at
two hours, you need not worry and the           Water supply                                    Safety-Advice-in-Emergency-Situations.
food in your fridge and freezer will be still   When it comes to your drinking water            aspx.
safe to eat. While the power is off, keeping    supply, if this has been interrupted or
the fridge and freezer doors closed helps       if there are concerns that it may be
to prevent the cold air from escaping and       contaminated, you will need to boil and
ensures that food stays cold for longer. If     cool tap water before drinking or using to

Linking our genes to fitness and health
A new large-scale Irish study is under way      how much of a contribution these factors        administrative staff, and residents from
to examine the relationship between fitness     makes to our health and disease risk, so        the local community who visit the Belfield
and genetics. The GenoFit study will be         the GenoFit study is aimed at gaining a         campus for various sports and recreational
conducted by Irish life-sciences company        more detailed understanding of individual       activities.
Genomics Medicine Ireland (GMI) in              risk factors and how much of a role they        		          Volunteers who agree to take part
partnership with the Institute for Sport and    play to help “develop and deliver more          will receive the full results of a mini-health
Health at University College Dublin (UCD).      personalised health management”.                check, including a DEXA scan - which
		         According to Dr Sean Ennis, GMI’s    		         The research will bring advanced     evaluates bone and muscle health – and
co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer and     scientific technology in genomics - the         blood pressure and blood sugar readings.
Director of UCD’s Academic Centre on Rare       study of all of a person’s genes - together     Participation in the study will take around
Diseases, although it is well accepted that     with detailed lifestyle information to          an hour, during which time volunteers will
our health is influenced by wide-ranging        generate a comprehensive view of the            be asked to provide a blood sample, take a
factors such as age, nutrition, and fitness     potential genetic factors contributing to       short fitness test and complete a lifestyle
as well as psychological and environmental      fitness and health. Participants must be        questionnaire.
factors, our genetics also influence our        18 years or older and are sought from the       		          Those interested and eligible
health, fitness and likelihood of developing    broader UCD Belfield campus community,          looking to obtain more information or book
certain diseases. However, as Dr Ennis          which includes undergraduate and                an appointment should visit
notes, we do not currently fully understand     postgraduate students, academic and

  5                                                                                                         November 2017
THE TISSUE ISSUE Roll up for the Consumer Choice survey of household paper products

Money News                                                                                 Money News by Róisín Moloney Weekes

Recovery                                                  “After the recent Storm Ophelia, many

After the                                                consumers find themselves for the
                                                         first time making a claim from their
Storm                                                    insurance.”

Weather events are becoming a far           required to complete a report form and      excess and this amount will be outlined
more frequent occurrence in Ireland         supply them with evidence of damage         in your policy. This sum is usually in
and, as our environment changes,            that you have. Your insurer will inform     the hundreds and a claim for less than
we must adapt. After the recent             you of what options are available to        the excess will not be covered by your
Storm Ophelia, many consumers find          you. Insurers may cover the cost of a       policy. This amount to be paid by
themselves for the first time making a      replacement car or emergency repairs        the consumer, coupled with fact that
claim from their insurance. Whether it      to your home but ask that they confirm      making a claim will lead to an increase
is house or car damage, you must first      in writing what they are willing to cover   in your premium on renewal, may deter
establish what you are covered for and      before engaging services. Remember          consumers from making smaller claims.
your full insurance policy will hold the    to keep all related correspondence and      Again, you will have to check your
answers. Policies differ so you will have   receipts.                                   policy for your no-claims bonus and
to read the detail to see exactly what                                                  ascertain if you have insured against
you are and are not covered for. You                                                    losing your no-claims bonus or if losing
may find a particular paragraph dealing                                                 it would have a very significant effect on
with storm cover and this may specify                                                   your premium.
whether garden furniture, landscaping,                                                  		        The Central Bank offers
fixtures and so on are included but                                                     consumers some protection in the form
policies differ greatly and so you may or                                               of the Consumer Protection Code by
may not be covered for storm-related                                                    directing that insurance companies
damage.                                                                                 must have a written procedure in
                                                                                        place for dealing with claims and they
                                                                                        must help consumers with their claim
                                                                                        when required. Insurance companies
                                                                                        must inform consumers of any new
                                                                                        developments that affect their claim
                                                                                        within ten business days of knowing
                                                                                        about them. Insurance companies must
                                                                                        also inform consumers of their decision
                                                                                        on a claim within ten business days of
                                                                                        making the decision. When a claim is
                                                                                        not settled in the consumer’s favour, the
                                                                                        insurer should explain the reasons why
                                                                                        in writing and provide details of how to
                                                                                        appeal the decision.
                                                                                        		        Consumers must remember
                                            		        Consumers also have the           that they do not have to simply accept
                                            option of engaging their own assessor.      what they are offered in terms of a
		        Recording details at the time     This will be at your own cost but for       settlement of a claim. Consumers can
of damage or as soon after the fact         substantial claims it may be worth          negotiate and, in certain circumstances,
is important. With the popularity of        having an expert in your corner who         it may be worthwhile engaging
smartphones, photos are a valuable and      can negotiate on your behalf.               a solicitor to act on your behalf,
accessible method of recording damage       		        When deciding to make a           particularly in claims of significant
done. Reporting any damage to your          claim through your insurance policy,        value.
insurer is also important - you will be     remember you will have to pay an                                                                                                November 2017
THE TISSUE ISSUE Roll up for the Consumer Choice survey of household paper products
Local Property Tax
As of the 1st September 2017, the Revenue         general clearance applies. If the property          of the specified margin plus the enhancement
Commissioners have revised local property         sells for €351,000, written clearance may be        expenditure. The specified margin set out in
tax (LPT) clearance guidelines. The general       required.                                           condition 2 is 80% in the case of properties
clearance thresholds for LPT are to increase      		          The second condition gives              with a chargeable value exceeding €350,000
once more - the last time this was done was       allowable valuation margins - meaning an            situated in Dublin city and county and 50%
in November 2015, which was documented in         allowable margin by which the sales price           for all other properties. For the condition
the February 2016 issue of Consumer Choice.       of a property exceeds the valuation band/           to apply, the vendor must be able to make
This becomes relevant for homeowners              chargeable value that was declared for              available (if requested by Revenue) receipts
wishing to sell their property. In the event      the property in relation to the 1st May 2013        confirming the type of work undertaken and
of a sale, Revenue must give LPT clearance        valuation date. Different allowable margins         the cost of the work done.
in order for the sale of property to close/       apply in relation to properties located in          		          Finally, you can argue that you
finalise. If the sale price is in excess of the   Dublin city and county and those in the rest of     based the original valuation on sales of
valuation band declared in 2013, when this        Ireland. The sales price must not exceed the        comparable properties. You must be able to
self-assessed tax was introduced, you may         upper limit of the valuation band/chargeable        show that you based the declared chargeable
need to get a further written clearance from      value or, when it does, any such excess must        value on the valuation date on known
Revenue. This can easily arise given the          be within the allowable margin. The allowable       and verifiable sale prices of comparable
particular circumstances and changes in the       margins are where the sales price is not more       properties in the area.
housing market over the last number of years.     than 50% higher than the upper limit of the         		          You will need to get written
When the LPT came into force in 2013, it was      band declared in cases up to €1 million. In the     clearance from Revenue if none of the
introduced as an annual self-assessed tax         case of properties with a declared chargeable       above conditions are met and your declared
charged on the market value of residential        value of more than €1 million, the allowable        valuation was made in good faith and in
properties in the state. Each property owner      margin is where the sales price is not more         line with Revenue guidelines. You apply
was tasked with choosing a bracket in which       than 50% higher than the chargeable value.          for written clearance by completing Form
to place their home based on its market           This is up from 25%, as of 1st September 2017.      LPT5 and including relevant supporting
value. The options included €0 to €100,000,       		          This allowable margin was               documentation. Revenue will review the basis
€100,001 to €150,000, rising in increments        increased from 15% to 25% in October 2014           for your declared valuation and determine
of €50,000 to €1 million and each value had a     and from 25% to 50% in November 2015                whether clearance should issue. Also you will
corresponding tax attached for homeowners         and to a further 80% in September 2017 for          note that if any of the above apply to you and
to pay. How home owners valued their              properties in Dublin.                               you deliberately undervalued your property
property at that time may not reflect the         		          If a property situated in Dublin that   for the purposes of paying a smaller LPT, you
current value.                                    was valued in the €550,001 to €600,000              could say you’ve gotten off scot free. If, for
		           If now selling your property, you    band sells for up to €1,080,000, then general       example, you valued your house at the lowest
may be seeking a price that is in excess of the   clearance applies. If the property sells for        valuation available and you have now sold
valuation for LPT you gave your property on       €1,100,000, written clearance is required. If a     that property for under €350,000, there is no
1st May 2013. You may wonder if you are liable    property situated in Dublin that was valued in      consequence or penalty. The thresholds have
to pay the outstanding LPT if you sell for the    the €950,001 to €1,000,000 band sells for up        been increased in recognition of the increase
asking price or more. When you are selling        to €1,800,000, general clearance is sufficient.     in property prices.
your house, your solicitor can use the LPT        If the property sells for €1,950,000, written
online system to get clearance from Revenue       clearance is required. If a property situated
to prove that there are no outstanding LPT        in Dublin that was valued at €1,200,000 sells
issues with your property. This is known as       for up to €2,160,000, then general clearance
general clearance. However, if the expected       applies. If the property sells for €2,165,000,
or agreed sales price is greater than the         written clearance is required.
valuation band or valuation declared on the       		          General clearance given under
2013 Return, you may need to get written          condition 3 involves expenditure on
clearance from Revenue in addition to general     enhancements to a property. The condition
clearance. There are, however, a number           relates to whether or not a vendor has
of situations when you will be exempt from        enhanced the value of his or her property
getting written clearance.                        since the 1st May 2013 valuation date by
		           The first of these conditions        carrying out construction or refurbishment
includes the sale of any property where the       work. Where the sales price exceeds the
purchase price does not exceed €350,000 -         valuation band/chargeable value declared,
this is up from €300,000 as of 1st September      any such excess must be within the specified
2017. The chargeable value that was declared      margins set out in condition 2, adjusted by
for the property is not taken into account.       the amount of any verifiable expenditure
This is a condition that was inserted into        on refurbishment or improvement incurred
this guidance note in November 2015. If a         since 1st May 2013, i.e. the amount by which
property that was valued in the €100,001          the sales price exceeds the valuation band/
to €150,000 band sells for €349,000, the          chargeable value must be less than the total

THE TISSUE ISSUE Roll up for the Consumer Choice survey of household paper products

 Product/Tech News
                                                                                                 Tunnel vision to speed up
Getting to the heart of ID systems                                                               airport security
As a way of unlocking your technological device, the                                           Talking of airport identification systems…
password may be well and truly on the way out, with the latest                                 Dubai International Airport is looking to replace
development involving taking a look into your heart to see if                                  security checkpoints with tunnels in order to
you should be given access. In our smartphones test in our                                     speed things up for travellers. Rigorous security
current issue we note that rather than demanding a passcode                                    in airports around the world is a necessary but
sequence of digits that need to be remembered and could                                        frustrating fact of life, often involving long
relatively easily be compromised, growing numbers of high-                                     queues and lengthy waits. The solution being
end devices are enabling fast and secure access through means                                  developed by Dubai International seeks to avoid
of ever-improving fingerprint scanners. But other alternatives                                 having passengers waiting in line and instead
are increasingly emerging, with facial recognition becoming                                    allows them to walk through a tunnel in which
more commonplace and iris or retina scanning making an                                         80 cameras have been installed to capture their
appearance. These newest high-tech options have yet to iron                                    faces. To get a full-face view, the sides of the
out a few wrinkles, with some facial recognition features capable                              tunnel incorporate a virtual aquarium to attract
of being fooled with a photo and iris scanning features often                                  passengers’ attention and cause them to look
encountering difficulties in strong sunlight. Future iterations                                around, enabling the system to build up a better
will, no doubt, resolve these issues. In the meantime, work is                                 picture of the whole face.
being done on the use of other unique biometric markers as a                                   		         By the time the traveller reaches the
means of identification – with vein scanning, ‘brain prints’ and                               end of the tunnel the system will have its verdict
even body-odour based systems under examination.                                               and the individual will be given a green light to
		          One option that has made headway recently is to                                    go ahead or else a red light, in which case they
turn heart biometrics into a personalised passcode. Taking                                     will be met with a member of staff to resolve the
advantage of the fact that no two people have identical hearts,                                issue.
researchers at the University of Buffalo in the US have developed                              		         For the system to work, travellers
a low-level Doppler radar to identify the unique shape, size                                   need to have registered their face and associated
and movement of an individual’s heart. It works by bouncing                                    details with the airport at kiosks provided for
a microwave signal off the heart and, currently, the system                                    the purpose. Though there are some issues
takes eight seconds to record the organ’s unique contours                                      of privacy to be considered, frequent flyers
and rhythm and then it can continuously monitor the person’s                                   journeying through the airport may well find
presence with no kind of body contact required. To onlookers,                                  the convenience and time-saving aspects of the
the phone or laptop or PC will seem to unlock without the                                      system to be worth the trade-off.
user doing anything - and because every heart is different                                     		         The current plan is to have the first
and unique, only the rightful owner will be able to access the                                 ‘virtual border’ face-scanning tunnel installed
device. Moreover, the continuous authentication makes the                                      and fully operational in Terminal 3 of Dubai
system much less vulnerable to being compromised. Because                                      International by summer 2018 and by 2020 all
the system constantly monitors the user, if they walk away                                     the airport’s terminals should have the system
from the device, the device will lock. For those concerned, the                                in place. If it proves successful, it could well
researchers are keen to point out that the radar system poses no                               become a familiar feature in airports around
health risks as it uses very little power and has a signal strength                            the world, particularly given the twin benefits
far lower than regular wi-fi.                                                                  of greater convenience for passengers and
		          The next step for researchers is to reduce the size of                             the need for fewer security staff. Funding the
the current system so that it will fit into computer keyboards or                              tunnels may not be a problem with the myriad
smartphones. It would be ideal if the creators can also reduce                                 opportunities for selling advertising along the
the eight-second authentication time. As it stands, the system                                 sides to target a captive audience.
allows for monitoring an individual for up to a distance of 30
metres, and so the research team has suggested that the
technology could play a role in airport identification systems.
                                                                                                Product News by Clodagh O'Donoghue

                                        The products featured on these pages have not been tested by the Consumers’ Association
                                                   of Ireland and their inclusion here is not, in any way, an endorsement of them.

   8                                                                                                   November 2017
THE TISSUE ISSUE Roll up for the Consumer Choice survey of household paper products
Power play
                                                         Thinking ahead to the festive season and purchasing presents for the youngsters in
                                                         our lives, a toy that will foster skills in construction and technology combined with an
                                                         appreciation of alternative energy sources seems like a worthwhile gift idea.
                                                         		               Construction toys always make for satisfying gifts, both for the giver and
                                                         receiver, with fun aspects combined with educational elements. A childhood playing
                                                         with Lego, Kinex or Meccano, involving many hours sitting on the floor following model
                                                         plans and instructions, lays a pretty good foundation for an adulthood spent putting
                                                         together flat-pack furniture with often sparse or frustratingly impenetrable guidelines.
                                                         And construction toys that take this one step further, adding electrical engineering or
                                                         computer programming elements to build a moving racecar or robot, for example,
                                                         are ideal for fostering an interest in future fruitful career pathways. POWERplus eco
                                                         energy toys, from a company based in the Netherlands, adds to these aspects by also
                                                         showing how alternative energy sources can be created and utilised.
                                                         		               For around €12, the Bob Cat Salt Water Powered Car is a buggy car kit that,
                                                         once assembled, will move rapidly across the floor without the aid of batteries. Instead,
                                                         a fuel cell is inserted, a few drops of salt water are added, and this powers the car. Those
                                                         eight years and older might like to try out the POWERplus Roadrunner, a solar toy car
                                                         kit retailing for around €17. Once the components are fitted together, you simply place
 the Roadrunner in the sun or daylight and the solar cell generates sufficient energy to make the car move. A pricier option at €55 and aimed at
 older children of ten years plus, the POWERplus Octopus is a do-it-yourself kit that allows you to create a robot arm that runs on water hydraulic
 power. These products appear to be only available online currently so those interested will need to make sure they leave plenty of time for
 delivery if they want them to arrive ahead of Christmas Eve.

 Writing your life story
 Everyone has a story… but not everyone           with the subject, guiding
 gets around to putting pen to paper to           them through their life
 ensure that story gets told. It may be a         story, and then will use
 question of time, or motivation, or focus, or    this material to construct
 a simple lack of confidence in your writing      the written memoir. The
 ability. Whatever the reason, a new service      subject will receive a
 is here to help – providing the structure and    draft of the memoir for
 skill to ensure that your precious memories      editing, at which point
 are recorded in written form for posterity.      they can check that
 		         My Irish Memoir is a new memoir       all names and details
 writing service that promises to tailor          are correct and ensure
 the experience to each individual and            that they are pleased
 enshrine their story in a hardback book          with the overall result.
 to be treasured by current and future            Photos can be included
 generations. An account of a life full of rich   in the end product and
 experiences, charting changing times amid        five hardback copies
 the memories of every-day events, makes          of the book are provided, with the option        		         More details can be found on
 for fascinating reading, especially if well      of adding more if needed. An e-copy of , including pricing and
 told, and the creators of My Irish Memoir        the document is also supplied that can be        writing samples, and enquiries can be sent
 will provide their considerable writing          emailed or saved on a computer. Those            to It may not
 experience to help shape and refine your         interested can choose between a mid-             be possible to complete a memoir in time
 story but in a way that remains true to your     length (around 10,000 words) or a full-          for this Christmas, but a voucher for a loved
 voice and personality.                           length (around 20,000 words) memoir and          one to spur them on to recording their past
 		         The process involves a series of      the whole process can take between one           could make a great gift or it may be that your
 face-to-face meetings during which the           and four months, depending on the scale of       New Year resolution is to have a memoir
 writer will conduct recorded interviews          the memoir and the interview schedule.           ready to hand around next Christmas.

    9                                                                                                              November 2017
LIFESTYLE / Posting packages

The Dos and Don’ts of Posting
Sending a present in the post this Christmas? Here’s what you will need to know
before you start your gift shopping.
At a glance                                        by law, items that could be harmful to           would need to be removed before posting
• Sending gifts in the post                        employees or members of the public and           the gift off.
• Prohibited items                                 flammable, toxic or poisonous liquids. And       		          The restrictions on items that
• Advice for consumers                             indeed, few of us would be intending to          can be sent through the mail arise from
                                                   wrap up objects that fit those descriptions      international aviation security regulations
        Report by Clodagh O’Donoghue               and send them off to our nearest and             and individual (i.e. country-by-country)
                                                   dearest.                                         customs rules and regulations. An Post must
Christmas is only around the corner for us all     		         However, there are some other         abide by these restrictions and prohibit all
but for those with relatives or friends living     items on the prohibited list that consumers      items deemed to be a security risk or that
abroad who will need to send presents by           should be aware of before they hit the shops     are not permitted for legal reasons. These
post, gift buying is likely to be well under way   in search of the perfect present. When           prohibitions have to do with outbound
already. As consumers start parcelling up          stuck for a gift idea, a bottle of perfume or    mail but other countries will have similar
their presents, Consumer Choice looks at           cologne is often an ideal solution – but not     restrictions under the same international
what they need to remember and what they           if you are posting your present. Liquids         rules and there may be further limitations
can – or, more importantly, what they cannot –     are banned from postal packages, and             imposed by the destination to which you
send in the post.                                  this includes aftershaves and perfumes. It       are sending the parcel. For example, those
                                                   also extends to alcohol as well as to gels       posting a package to Australia will need
Prohibited items                                   and creams of all sorts – so body lotions,       to ensure it does not contain such items as
An Post provides a list of items that it is        moisturisers and other such reliable gift        potpourri, pine cones, toys that incorporate
prohibited to pop in the post and this             stand-bys will need to be crossed off your       seeds or sand, or products made from or
applies not only at Christmas time but all         shopping list for posting purposes.              containing bark or straw.
year round. This list is wide ranging and          		         Or what about a fun toy for           		          So what happens if you do send
not surprisingly includes such dangerous           younger folk – a remote control car, say, or     prohibited items in the post? An Post
items as firearms, explosives like fireworks       an all-walking, all-talking doll or a seasonal   notes that in such situations, the parcel
or ammunition, flammable substances                singing snowman? You will just need to           will be returned to the sender if there is
like matches and lighters and infectious           make sure that batteries are not included        an identifiable return address and if the
materials like biological or medical samples.      in your gift or you will run into posting        items are capable of being sent in the post.
None of these items may come to mind               difficulties. This is likely to also encompass   Otherwise, the parcel will be disposed of
when you are doing a spot of present               technological devices like smartphones or        or, in the case of illegal items found, the
buying and so do not constitute a problem          laptops for those splashing out on pricier       relevant authorities will be contacted. An
when wondering what you can send off in            gifts for special friends and relations. All     Post states that it will not accept liability for
your Christmas parcel. As An Post notes,           battery types are included in the ban and        any losses incurred or due to the seizure of
it cannot deliver items that are prohibited        if the item does incorporate a battery, this     items by customs authorities abroad should

   10                                                                                                               November 2017
any of the listed prohibited items be posted        • Use an outer carton suitable for the weight    • Strong tape should be used along the
through its service, whether inadvertently or       of the contents.                                 length of all openings and edges to increase
otherwise. A full list of prohibited items may                                                       the resilience of the package.
be found here.                                      • All items inside the parcel will need to be
		          Having spent time, effort and           secured within the package so that they do       • The destination address should be clearly
money on choosing gifts to send off in the          not tumble around. Fill all spaces so that the   legible and placed in the centre on the top
post, registering your parcel may provide           contents of the package don’t move.              side of the parcel.
added peace of mind. You will pay an extra
charge for registration, and this fee will          • Use plenty of protective packing material      • You should also include a clear return
increase with the size of the parcel and the        such as bubble wrap or crushed paper to          address on the top left-hand corner so that
distance it is travelling, but in return you will   protect the items as they make their journey.    the package can be sent back if difficulties
receive a track-and-trace service. You will                                                          are encountered.
be able to track the progress of your parcel        • Whenever possible, it is best to use the
online using the unique identification code         original packaging the goods came in when        Finally, if sending off packages to arrive
provided, though An Post points out that,           purchased.                                       by Christmas Eve, you will need to post in
once the parcel leaves Ireland, the quality of                                                       plenty of time to be sure they reach their
the tracking capability and the amount of           • To minimise damage, arrange fragile items      destination before the big day. The latest
information provided will be dependent on           so that they do not touch each other or the      posting dates to ensure delivery before
what is available in the destination country.       sides of the package.                            Christmas 2017 are outlined in the table
If a registered package does go missing,                                                             below.
compensation may be available to replace            • ‘Fragile’ and/or ‘Do Not Bend’ stickers may
                                                                                                                                                   LAST POSTING
the declared value of contents subject to the       be used where appropriate but you should                      REGION                               DATE
relevant terms and conditions.                      not rely on them to safeguard contents that
                                                                                                      Republic of Ireland
		          When inspiration fails, cash can        have been inadequately packed.
represent a very acceptable and often                                                                 Standard Post letters and parcels         December 20, 2017
highly popular gift. An Post, however,
                                                                                                      Registered Post                           December 20, 2017
strongly discourages sending money in
the post as cash and coin are not insurable                                                           Express Post                              December 21, 2017
to any destination. There are a number
of alternatives to popping a note in an                                                               Northern Ireland
envelope, however, for those who want
                                                                                                      Standard Post letters and parcels         December 19, 2017
to gift cash, including money transfer via
Western Union.                                                                                        Registered Post                           December 19, 2017

Wrapping up                                                                                           Express Post                              December 20, 2017

For consumers who are confused or                                                                     Great Britain
concerned about what they can send in
the post and how to go about it, An Post                                                              Standard Post letters and parcels         December 18, 2017
suggests that the best thing to do is to pop                                                          Registered Post                           December 18, 2017
into their local post office or go to the public
counter at the GPO and to have a chat with                                                            Express Post                              December 21, 2017

a staff member, stipulating what they want                                                            Europe
to send and where it will be going. An
Post staff will then be able to recommend                                                             Standard Post letters                     December 18, 2017
the best way to go about posting the item
                                                                                                      Standard Post parcels                     December 13, 2017
and to offer advice on how to wrap the
parcel safely and securely, no matter what                                                            Registered Post                           December 18, 2017
awkward shapes or sizes are involved.
		         People put a great deal of thought                                                         Express Post                              December 20, 2017

into their presents, going to considerable
                                                        Letters to Santa
                                                                                                      United States
effort and expense to purchase them but,
                                                        For those writing a letter to Santa
all too often, not quite enough thought                                                               Standard Post letters                     December 12, 2017
                                                        Claus this year and hoping for a
goes into how they are going to package
                                                        reply, An Post’s advice is to send            Standard Post parcels                     December 7, 2017
the items for posting. The parcel may
                                                        the letter early and to include your
be travelling through many countries                                                                  Registered Post                           December 7, 2017
                                                        name and address. Letters should
and several continents and needs to be
                                                        be sent to Santa Claus, North Pole,
sufficiently robust to make the journey,                                                              Express Post                              December 20, 2017
                                                        with a €1 stamp and Santa’s helpers
with the items inside packaged carefully
                                                        in An Post will make sure that the            Rest of the World
to protect them as much as possible.
                                                        sender receives a personal reply from
The following are some general tips for                                                               Standard Post letters and parcels         December 7, 2017
                                                        the great man himself in time for
wrapping and packing:                                                                                 Registered Post                           December 7, 2017
                                                                                                      Express Post                              December 18, 2017
• Use padded envelopes for items that are
awkwardly shaped - for example, a set of                                                                            An Post notes that international mail delivery times are
keys.                                                                                                             estimates and are subject to local postal operator delays.

   11                                                                                                                               November 2017
LIFESTYLE / Household paper products

                                                   The Tissue Issue
                                                                        When it comes to household essentials like toilet
                                                                        rolls and kitchen rolls - whether you opt for the
                                                                        cheapest, the strongest, or the softest - comparing
                                                                        the quality and value of paper products is more
                                                                        difficult than ever.

                                                   comparisons tricky - whereas many products       occurred in relation to Andrex’s standard roll
       REPORT by Shannon James                     clearly indicate on the packaging the            offerings. The Andrex White from 2010 had
                                                   number of sheets per roll, this information      the same price of €2.79 as today’s Andrex
At a glance                                        can be hard to find on other products. The       Classic Clean. But, with 200 sheets per roll,
• Survey findings                                  varying number of rolls per package also         Andrex Classic Clean has 41 less sheets
• Environmental issues                             makes pricing difficult to accurately assess,    per roll than its 2010 counterpart. Similar
                                                   with the required mental calculations            findings were made in a recent study done
As there is no industry standard that              involving dividing the total price by the        by our UK colleagues at Which?, which
requires all paper products to have the            number of rolls per package by the number        compared their 2006 and 2008 archives
same amount of sheets per roll, or ply per         of sheets per roll – and not all sheets have     with their 2016 research and again found
sheet, calculating the best-value household        the same dimensions, further complicating        drops in sheet numbers for some Andrex
paper products is a daunting task. And             the issue. Buying in bulk usually decreases      toilet roll products. However, although
then there are products that promise               the cost per roll spent and, of course, other    there had been a significant reduction
greater softness, superior strength, or more       considerations come into play, including         in the sheets per roll, the price of £2 had
environmentally friendly credentials, further      the number of ply in the product, texture,       remained consistent for a standard four-roll
complicating the purchasing decision. To           durability, colour and so on.                    pack. In response to the finding, Andrex
provide some insight into the tissue market,       		 Consumer Choice last considered               commented to Which? that the company
Consumer Choice compared 20 toilet                 the household paper topic in 2010 and there      had “... invested significantly in improving
rolls and 15 kitchen rolls on supermarket          are some instances in which the products         our product strength and softness.
shelves and examines recent trends and key         surveyed then can be directly compared           Reducing the roll by a very small number
considerations.                                    with products in our current research.           of sheets (this equates to five to six wiping
                                                   Although it must be noted that product           occasions) has helped make this multi-
Survey findings                                    formulations may well have altered in the        million pound investment possible.”
In our survey, we priced a number of popular       intervening years, which may account for         		          While we accept that formulation
toilet roll and kitchen roll brands both online    any differences in pricing or quantity, there    improvements may indeed have taken
and in-store, recording the number of rolls        are some comparisons that may be made            place in this product category, the general
per package, sheets per roll, and price per        regarding toilet roll products between our       practice of retaining the price charged
100 sheets. We took the lowest price we            current survey findings and those from our       while reducing the size of the product
could find and disregarded any temporary           2010 archive.                                    makes it extremely difficult for consumers
discounts or promotions. We noted wide             		         For example, the Tesco Value toilet   to gauge the value of their purchase
variations in price among the different            tissue product increased from €0.79 to €1.15     over time and may be viewed as a price
products in both the toilet roll and kitchen       between 2010 and 2017 for a four-roll pack       increase by stealth. It must be noted that
roll categories. With the toilet rolls surveyed,   but there was also an increase of 20 sheets      the household paper category is by no
unsurprisingly, the ‘luxury’, ‘quilted’ or         per roll, going a fair way toward offsetting     means alone in showing evidence of such
‘supersoft’ offerings came at a premium,           the price differential. In contrast, Tesco’s     product shrinkage.
ranging from almost double to more than            Luxury Soft decreased significantly in price
three times the cost of more basic offerings.      from €2.75 to €2.00 and although it also         Environmental issues
With kitchen rolls, strength, size and claimed     decreased in size by 21 sheets per roll, this    The concern for environmental preservation
absorbency were the key factors pushing            does not eliminate the overall price saving.     and regulation has become more prevalent
up price, with, again, a big differential found    Encouragingly, Regina Chamomile toilet           in recent years, leading more individuals to
between the cheapest and dearest options.          roll decreased €0.11 in price and Cushelle a     opt for environmentally-friendly options
For details, see our table below.                  significant €0.47 per four-roll pack with no     when doing the weekly shop. According
		          The chief issue we noted for           change in the number of sheets per roll.         to Nielsen’s Global Corporate Sustainability
consumers was a difficulty in gauging value.       		         A comparison of our two studies       Report, Millennials, in particular, have
Products may be labelled differently, making       also revealed some changes that had              continuously increased their support for

  12                                                                                                             November 2017
sustainable products and companies,                our US colleagues at Consumer Reports              so that one roll would last 1,700 uses - and
with findings showing that 72% of this             tested four flushable wipes common to              that they are machine washable. The other
population group are willing to pay more for       the US market and came back with results           company, Bambooee sells its introductory
sustainability.                                    indicating that it is best to dispose of these     pack, which contains three rolls, for $10 plus
		         According to the Sustainable            wet wipes in the waste basket rather than          $25 for shipping (approximately €32). Again,
Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), “Every         the toilet regardless of whether they are          this is a significant premium over the cost of
home in Ireland produces about a ton of            advertised as flushable. It would appear           paper rolls, although Bambooee claims that
waste a year. Over 70% of this domestic            that the majority of wipes on the market           each sheet can be washed 100 times and
waste comes from packaging.” Toilet and            do not biodegrade quickly enough to                the three-roll pack is equivalent to 42 paper
kitchen rolls have a degree of packaging that      avoid clogging sewage pipes and causing            towel rolls.
is recyclable but often gets thrown away           plumbing issues, and the problem is a              		          An added benefit is that once the
and contributes to the immense amount of           growing one for local water authorities and        bamboo roll has been used to the maximum
packaging in our landfill. Household paper         sewer systems around the world. Adding             amount, you can throw it in the compost
also contributes to a large amount of waste        to the problem is the tendency of wipes to         since bamboo is biodegradable.
by being a single-use product, meaning             mix with fats and oil that have also been
the product can only be used once before           improperly disposed of and that inevitably
being disposed of. Considering the amount          solidify in cold water while clumping to
of resources that go into producing a toilet       the wipes, creating what is known as a
roll and getting the product into your home,       ‘fatberg’. This fatberg further clogs pipes
we as consumers can do more by ensuring            on a personal and municipal level and
to always recycle the inner cardboard              the clean-up is immensely costly. There
tube and, when possible, the plastic outer         are environmental as well as financial
packaging and by choosing a toilet roll that       implications, as the wipes are often washed
is environmentally friendly. Luckily, it is        into the sea or end up on our beaches,
extremely common for household paper               causing oceans and wildlife to suffer.
products on sale in Ireland to boast green
certifications. In response to consumer            Toss in the towel
demand, companies have been broadening             Some sturdy kitchen paper is often the
their products to contain recycled material        answer when faced with the endless                 		        Another option could be to revert
and/or be recyclable. The best way to              variety of spills and cleaning tasks that are      back to older ways of cleaning around the
find environmentally friendly options is to        an inevitable part of life. Similar to toilet      kitchen. Using a cloth to scrub up messes
look on the package for the Mobius Loop,           rolls, kitchen rolls are single-use products       is easy and environmentally friendly but
RecycleNow, or the Forest Stewardship              that are common staples in many people's           a downside is the additional laundry that
Council symbols. (See our box below on             homes. However, unlike their toilet paper          comes with the change. A hygiene issue
Green Certification Programmes.)                   counterpart, kitchen towels do not have to         is also worth noting given that a recent
                                                   be disposable and if you are someone who           study conducted by the Global Hygiene
To flush or not to flush                           is looking to do their bit for the planet, there   Council in the UK indicated that nine out of
Not all purchasing decisions focus on              are numerous options on the market.                every ten dishcloths in UK households were
identifying the cheapest option and in the         		          For those who are not willing to       heavily contaminated with bacteria. A way
toilet paper category, softness and strength       give up on paper towels completely, there          to avoid harbouring so many germs in your
can be key deciders. However, often, the           are kitchen rolls that are made of recycled        dishcloth is to wash it after every use in 60°C
higher luxury toilet paper products tend to        materials. This will help lower your carbon        water. Also when handling messes made
cause more plumbing problems than the              footprint while still having the convenience       from animal products, it may be best to opt
standard toilet roll. The extra layers of the      and ease of paper towels.                          for a paper towel since the main source of
product add to its strength and mean that          		          However, another option is to          bacteria in the study was caused by meat.
it does not break down as easily but this can      reach for a reusable towel when a paper
have a downside for your sewage system             towel is not necessary. A new era of               Paper summary
if they clog the pipes and cause plumbing          reusable kitchen rolls, sometimes referred         Thus, when it comes to choosing household
issues, potentially resulting in a big financial   to as ‘unpaper towels’, have entered the           paper products, consumers may be faced
outlay to sort the problem.                        market. Similar to a cloth towel, reusable         with complex decisions involving hard-to-
		         Flushable wipes represent an even       kitchen rolls require a wash so that is            gauge value combined with whether to opt
greater cause of sewer blockages. Many             something to think about when considering          for environmentally friendly or recyclable
people have more recently gravitated               this option. Although many of the reusable         variants, to indulge in luxury products,
toward flushable wipes as an option not            kitchen rolls are not available in Irish           or to eschew single-use for multiple-use
only for babies but often for themselves.          shops quite yet, there are a couple of             offerings where possible. Undoubtedly,
However, an increased amount of sewer              options available for purchase online. For         this is a category where bulk buying pays
blockages has been the result and marine           example, companies known as Eco Egg and            off as a way of reducing unit price. With
life has suffered in consequence. There are        Bambooee produce reusable kitchen rolls            toilet rolls, it is hard to cut down usage but
two types of wet wipes commonly used,              made from bamboo. Eco Egg sells one roll           it may be worth remembering that softer
ones that are intended to be biodegradable         of its product, which contains 20 sheets, for      and stronger is not always the best option
and ones that are meant to be thrown away          £9.99 (approximately €12) plus shipping.           for your budget, plumbing system, or the
with solid waste, but there can be confusion       Although this is quite a bit pricier than paper    earth! With kitchen rolls, there is the option
in consumers’ minds about which product            towel rolls, Eco Egg claims that each sheet        of reusable cloths, which though they are a
types they are using. Moreover, in 2013,           can be washed and reused up to 85 times -          bigger hassle, are kinder to the environment.

  13                                                                                                                 November 2017
You can also read